• @jmcasler1512
    @jmcasler1512 Рік тому +4

    So that's how it works? So useful!

  • @winmancaboose
    @winmancaboose 11 місяців тому +3

    I'm piggy backing on these to monitor a remote water tank quantity level using the serial output. Amazing modules, worked right out of the box.

  • @rcarter
    @rcarter Рік тому +2

    Excellent work on the video, Ben. Much appreciated!

  • @DanielHofer
    @DanielHofer Рік тому +4

    Thanks a lot! Can you please tell me where you got this lovely cover-print for the t-beam?

    • @Meshtastic
      @Meshtastic Рік тому +5

      Yukon from Canine Rocket Technologies, who is on our Discord, came up with that design. It's called the T-Urban:
      I'm just running it without a window.

  • @SJV82
    @SJV82 5 місяців тому

    Is there a way to turn the RAK wireless relay module on and off remotely ??? I want to have a mountaintop repeater but I want to put a strobe light on it I can turn on temporarily and see it 5 mi away ???

  • @maddogbailey
    @maddogbailey 12 днів тому

    NMEA ONLY outputs GPS data;
    TEXTMSG Only outputs incoming messages.
    Other settings output nothing.

  • @diegocampagnolo8392
    @diegocampagnolo8392 Рік тому

    Thanks for the clearness, is it possible to communicate like, an Arduino connected to T-Echo with i2c interface? because t-echo tx and rx are used by gps.
    Ps. maybe I correct myself, I can set rx and tx pin as written in the docs i think, any advice?

    • @Meshtastic
      @Meshtastic Рік тому +1

      I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, but there is the ability to use a secondary MCU to send information to your Meshtastic device via the serial module.

  • @ILoveMyBikes
    @ILoveMyBikes 5 місяців тому

    Hi Ben. Not sure the best place to ask for help but here goes. I am trying to use the simple mode as I think that suits what I need. Using 2 433MHz heltec v3. I am doing a live race display board for my Rc car club. The output from the pc is serial. I have this working over cable but want to make wireless. I am use raspberry pico and want to keep uart based. In Meshtastic I have allocated a channel called serial on one radio. I have a matching setup on other radio that isn’t set with name serial as trying for test to use Meshtastic app messages. Will it work this way for test or do I need both ends to be set with channel serial and send data across by another uart? Ultimately I need uart to uart but trying to get one end working first so testing with messages. But I’m not getting data either way. I have tried a number of gpio. The usb to ttl serial I have works with the debug port so that seems to be working.

    • @Meshtastic
      @Meshtastic 3 місяці тому

      Were you able to get this figured out? If not, I would suggest joining our discord and someone can likely get you the information you need.

  • @SgtMNM
    @SgtMNM Місяць тому

    I would like to control the Meshtastic radio board from the Meshtastic android app via a wired (USB) connection vs. Bluetooth. Is that possible? Basically want to same app features and controls but not over Bluetooth. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you!

    • @Meshtastic
      @Meshtastic Місяць тому +1

      Yes, the android app allows for a USB connection. You should see the device in the hardware list to select when you plug it in.

  • @YO3HJV
    @YO3HJV 4 місяці тому

    Well... I am trying this with a Heltec V3. If I select some GPIO, the board is going crazy! It get stuck in a permanent reboot loop (tried on pin 12 and 23). I cannot make it send a simple "Hellow World" via UART from a basic software serial on an Arduino board... I tried a lot of GPIO (last is on #2) but at no avail. I have the latest B firmware. Any suggestions please?

    • @Meshtastic
      @Meshtastic 4 місяці тому

      When you are configuring your pins are you using the physical PIN number or the GPIO number? You'll want to use the GPIO number. You can find those here:
      Two open pins you can use are 45/46.

  • @mitchman99275
    @mitchman99275 10 місяців тому

    Is there a way to receive messages over the serial connection? I would like to turn on the light at home :)

    • @mitchman99275
      @mitchman99275 9 місяців тому

      Now i can Control my Light, Code ist in German so licht = light :)
      const int ledPin = 12; // Pin für die LED
      char receivedText[30]; // Ein Puffer zum Speichern der empfangenen Nachricht
      int textIndex = 0; // Der aktuelle Index im Puffer
      bool ledStatus = LOW; // Der aktuelle Status der LED
      void setup() {
      pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(ledPin, ledStatus); // Setzen Sie den Anfangszustand der LED
      Serial.begin(9600); // Start der seriellen Kommunikation bei 9600 Baud
      void loop() {
      // Wenn Daten über die serielle Schnittstelle empfangen werden
      while (Serial.available() > 0) {
      char c =;

      // Überprüfen Sie, ob das empfangene Zeichen ein Zeilenumbruch ist
      if (c == '
      ') {
      // Null-Terminierung zum Puffer hinzufügen
      receivedText[textIndex] = '\0';

      // Überprüfen Sie, ob die empfangene Nachricht "licht" enthält
      if (strstr(receivedText, "licht") != NULL) {
      // Überprüfen Sie, ob sich der Status der LED ändert
      if (ledStatus == LOW) {
      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // LED einschalten
      ledStatus = HIGH;
      Serial.println("LED eingeschaltet");
      } else {
      // Überprüfen Sie, ob sich der Status der LED ändert
      if (ledStatus == HIGH) {
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // LED ausschalten
      ledStatus = LOW;
      Serial.println("LED ausgeschaltet");

      // Zurücksetzen des Puffers und Index
      memset(receivedText, 0, sizeof(receivedText));
      textIndex = 0;
      } else {
      // Zeichen zur empfangenen Nachricht hinzufügen
      if (textIndex < sizeof(receivedText) - 1) {
      receivedText[textIndex++] = c;

    • @mitchman99275
      @mitchman99275 9 місяців тому

      Code is for Arduino Uno

  • @iamsemjaza
    @iamsemjaza 4 місяці тому

    Could the "SIMPLE" mode be used to offer access to a serial-BBS?

    • @Meshtastic
      @Meshtastic 4 місяці тому +1

      It's possibile. We rely on a small delay to determine when a packet is complete. The output of a BBS is a bit stream. There may be a way to code in some sort of flow control, but then it wouldn't be "SIMPLE" anymore. All totally possible.

    • @iamsemjaza
      @iamsemjaza 4 місяці тому +1

      @@Meshtastic I was thinking of using tcpser to tie the serial port of a meshtastic device to a telent BBS.

  • @ASBO_Rob
    @ASBO_Rob 3 місяці тому

    I cant get this to work in SIMPLE mode.
    I can RX messages sent when in NMEA & CalTopo modes.
    I can RX & TX messages to LongFast in TextMSG mode (Even tho I can't see what im typing despite ECHO ON being enabled, It does send)
    But in SIMPLE mode I cant get anything sent from one node to the other, I do have a channel names "serial" and I can exchange messages in the serial chat room from one node to another but when I send serial data to the node it does not come out the other node.
    Any ideas?

    • @ASBO_Rob
      @ASBO_Rob 3 місяці тому

      I have solved this issue,
      When creating/copying the "serial" channels encryption key the Meshtastic app sometimes changes what you have inputted into the PSK text box,
      For example (and you wont need to save/send it): If you goto Radio configuration > Channels > Click the {+} > In the PSK textbox type (Without correcting it) "noediting" you will see "ngediting==" (Please note the first two letters).
      This is what caught me out, the "serial" channel had different encryption keys.
      The other thing is "Echo enabled" does not seem to work as expected:
      1) In Default/Simple mode it does nothing, No characters are echoed back to the screen.
      2) In TEXTMSG mode is also does not echo type characters back to the screen although it does send them.

    • @Meshtastic
      @Meshtastic 3 місяці тому

      Glad yo hear you figured this out. Can you open an issue in the appropriate client's GitHub repository so that can be tracked (assuming there isn't one already)? Thanks!

    • @ASBO_Rob
      @ASBO_Rob 3 місяці тому

      @@Meshtastic Thank you,
      Also I have just added an issue to the "Meshtastic-Android" github titled "Missbehaving text box for channels PSK"

    • @ASBO_Rob
      @ASBO_Rob 2 місяці тому

      Well I have just updated to version 2.3.6 and found a new problem with the PSK window.
      Both nodes now have v2.3.6 firmware, The T-Beam accepts the PSK code & The Heltec V3 rejects the same PSK code.
      Give it a try yourself, The code (That I'm no longer using) was orriginally auto generated in v2.3.2 for my admin channel.
      Sorry if you was expecting me to post in GitHub issues but as you havent addressed the provious issue I'd post where I'v had more corrispondance.

  • @sergiomatoz6371
    @sergiomatoz6371 Рік тому +2
    Example how to use Serial with Meshtastic

    • @Meshtastic
      @Meshtastic Рік тому +3

      Great work! That's exactly the kind of application we created it for.

  • @gunnaralv
    @gunnaralv 5 місяців тому

    Just one more GPIO detections pliiiiis😢? 😊

    • @Meshtastic
      @Meshtastic 5 місяців тому

      Please submit a feature request. Include as much information as you can:

  • @Francois_Dupont
    @Francois_Dupont 8 місяців тому

    sound way low.