

  • @TammysAgelessBeauty
    @TammysAgelessBeauty 6 років тому +22

    I hope you know how many people you may have helped by sharing your journey...we are never alone with the things we suffer from. I wish you a life with more ups than downs...My mother suffered from depression...I wanted her to have such a joyful was not always in her control....Be well Nisha!

  • @Melissa55
    @Melissa55 6 років тому +11

    Depression can be so difficult to deal with it. It can feel like slipping into a black hole. I am so glad it is being talked about now. You are such a special woman. I send you so much love!!! Love, Melissa

  • @catmama54
    @catmama54 6 років тому +12

    So many people deal with depression and I wish there wasn't such a stigma with it and people would realize its a disease. I lost my nephew at the age of 28 to suicide,he didn't talk to anyone about his depression.Just left a note saying he couldn't take it anymore.I'm so glad people are bringing attention to this subject.

    • @samantarizzi248
      @samantarizzi248 6 років тому +2

      Omg, I'm so sorry for your loss! I was growing up in fear thinking I would lose my mum because of suicide too! Luckily that never happened. And I believe that's all thanks to her medications, to be quite honest.

    • @catmama54
      @catmama54 6 років тому +1

      Thank you so much.So horrible and one never gets over it.Glad your Mom got help.

  • @LeeloBush
    @LeeloBush 6 років тому +11

    There are different types of depression. To simplify this, there is situational depression and clinical/chemical depression where your feel-good hormones that are produced in your body are out of balance and not functioning properly. Most "depression" is situational. But like you said Nisha, when there is no obvious reason for the depression, a professional might suspect clinical depression.
    There are many modalities for treating depression including thought modification and drugs. There are also natural solutions for mood enhancement for those who do not want to take the pharmaceutical route for fear of side effects or perhaps they are on other medications where there might be a conflict / contraindication.
    I will leave the discussion of anti-depressants to those who prescribe them, however for the rest of us, it is important to be prepared with "happy thoughts" that we can deliberately choose to think, if we feel like we're getting depressed. Trying to come up with positive thoughts when we are already depressed is not usually productive. So when you are in a good place, that's the best time to plan your thought strategies.
    If anyone has any questions about this or wants to learn more, please contact me at I am a counselor educator. In other words, I create curriculum and train counselors, so my background is pretty solid on these types of topics.
    And Nisha, if you'd like a resource for future talks about natural mood enhancers or related topics such as stress or grief, please feel free to reach out to me.
    Most importantly everyone, please know there is help.
    Love to you, Nisha! and all your viewers.
    Leelo Bush, PhD

  • @denisethrondsen3399
    @denisethrondsen3399 6 років тому +5

    Everything you said, I agree with 100%. We ARE our thoughts, it’s just that simple!!! I’m so grateful they have meds! I take an anti anxiety pill, it makes all the difference. I am not ashamed, embarrassed, just grateful. Also, depression and anxiety are usually genetic. Wayne Dyer has written many books that are very helpful! Yes, staying grateful and positive in even the most stressful times can be hard, but so much better than having pity on ourselves. Us women, at least me, are ALWAYS overthinking everything!! We need to not be so hard on ourselves!🌺🌺🌺

    • @notsoscared4943
      @notsoscared4943 6 років тому

      Yes I agree. We have to show ourselves more compassion. Dr Kirsten Neff talks very wisely about self-compassion.

  • @susansvintagelifebeautyand5568
    @susansvintagelifebeautyand5568 6 років тому

    Hi Nisha, I am so glad you are feeling better. I am a retired behavioral health nurse practitioner and changing your thinking can make a world of difference and it also restores your control. One of the worst things about depression is feeling like you have no control over how you feel and the direction of your life at that time. Positive thinking gives you back control and it empowers you. Love and hugs, Susan

  • @Sweatpea12
    @Sweatpea12 6 років тому

    "A glass half full" rather than "glass half empty" is my motto. It's lovely that you share your feelings with us, everyday life is very challenging for some and you'll be helping so many people. Glad your feeling better xx

  • @FamilySmith
    @FamilySmith 6 років тому +22

    I need to disagree just a little here with your statement that "Negative thinking is the biggest cause of depression." I'm not a psychiatrist or licensed clinical social worker. I am, however, a Registered Nurse who has worked with Women's Health for a number of years. I think that active positive thinking, EMPHASIS on finding things to be GRATEFUL about...actively, every day, and thanking God, or the Universe, creates positive energy and even reflective hormones within us that help fight Depression. I don't think that negative thoughts CREATE can bring your focus into negativity but clinical depression is absolutely a chemical process brought on by hormonal changes either through pregnancy, whether you delivered a full term baby or not, aging, physical or emotional trauma, chronic nutritional and/or sleep/rest deficits. I caution anyone from internalizing the sense that THEY are the reason they are depressed b/c of their manner of thinking....the idea that it's their own fault....That is really dangerous...and for some, just another thing to feel badly about. So you're right, we can take an active part in managing depression but please don't think that we are the CAUSE of our own depression.

    • @jasminblum1861
      @jasminblum1861 6 років тому +3


    • @valerieloney5346
      @valerieloney5346 6 років тому +3

      Well said

    • @ruthtorphy2204
      @ruthtorphy2204 6 років тому +2

      Shelly,totally agree with you.

    • @miroslava_music
      @miroslava_music 6 років тому

      I totally agree! Dealing with it myself.

    • @miroslava_music
      @miroslava_music 6 років тому

      Hello lovely, watched a few of your videos, first of we both have birthdays on 30th October :), I also suffer from clinical depression, which part of it is hereditary and part is chemical imbalance. I can only have positive thoughts while I am on medication. I do cognitive therapy, I see my psychiatrist regularly and I can only “feel normal” while I am on meds. I take dopamine, serotonin, lamotrigine and for sleeping diazepam. I also have clonazepam for extra stressful moments to deal with. Once I have forgotten to take one of those pills for three days and even though I was taking the others, I was back in the black hole again. I have to take those pills to be able to live my life and take care of my children, husband and myself. My depression will always be there, I have come in terms with it, that there is nothing I can do about it. Psychotherapy helps me deal with my traumas and posible other causes of my depression, but it will not cure me, it just helps me to heal and move on, live in the moment and forget the past.
      I know everyone feels differently about it, has different symptoms but in my case it’s totally out my hands, I rely on meds so my brain is functioning properly and I can have positive outlook on life.
      I removed toxic people and situations out of my life, no stress, no mess, I try to surround myself with creative people and do what’s best for me first. Because if mommy isn’t well, nothing else at home is working. If it wasn’t for them, I don’t think I would be here right now writing this. Sending love and hugs to everyone who suffers and has to deal with depression or anxiety or bipolar disorder or any other mental illness. Do what’s feels best for you! When my depression hits me, I prefer to sleep it off then try to cope with it. Sleep and rest is ver very important. Well, I think I’ve said enough. Take care of yourself, spoil yourself and enjoy life as much as you can. Be grateful for what you have and stop comparing yourself to others. Xoxoxo

  • @LisaLisaD1
    @LisaLisaD1 6 років тому +10

    This video is so good, Nisha! Such good examples~ I have to use some of these at night when I go to sleep, I can obsess on things that worry me, I have to focus on the positive! Thank you! 💗 Lisa

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому

      @LisaLisaD1 It really helps Lisa, it is amazing how our mind works and what it can do. Thank you xoxo Nisha

  • @2lmdi
    @2lmdi 6 років тому +14

    I think there are various reasons for it. Certainly thinking affects depression that's already there. Oh, I'm not saying this well. Let me give my experience. I'm a generally upbeat person to the point where some friends nicknamed me "pollyanna." However one morning, with no changes or negative affects happening in my life, I awoke one morning in a deep, dark, pit and didn't recognize myself.. thought wise. Literally overnight, I became a different person. I didn't didn't know what made me feel so hopeless and beyond sad. I certainly didn't think myself there. My thoughts were not just negative but hopeless.. hopeless to find a glimmer of myself and my kind of thinking. I was not only hopeless but really, really, scared.. and, yes, ashamed of me... feelings ashamed and hopeless were two things I had never previously experienced but that state of being became who I was... I couldn't change back. I tried to find my old self trying to find some good in life and its situations which had always been my automatic way of thinking. But, I just couldn't find a way to believe that kind of thinking and all my thoughts were circular... seeing something as bad, thinking trying to pull out of it and coming right back to square one as the ugly, sad, hopeless "truth." I was truly clinically depressed. Overnight my chemistry changed. The chemistry happened first and the thinking followed. After a time, I could no longer bear the state of hopelessnes and wanted to just be free of it via suicide. But, I had children so went to a doctor. After meds, my own, historic, way of thinking returned to me and I was no longer a stranger living in a familiar body. I took meds for about two years and then was weaned off and have not experienced it since. I count myself as lucky there as so many, I understand, never do. I am, at times, terrified of waking to find myself in that shape again as I truly was not in control and that haunts me. Anyway, yes, I think there are those born thinking negatively as their particular personality or never recovering from a trauma that turns them that way but there's another kind and that's the kind I experienced. My thinking changed DUE to depression. My thoughts didn't CAUSE it. I wish you well and I hope this works for you. Hold on to hope and try everything you can. Life is to be enjoyed and not endured. Blessings. Edit: reading what I wrote, I didn't make it clear. I, that 20-something year old, woke that morning clinically depressed nearly 50 years ago and after the two years on meds I've not been depressed. I've experience loss of loved ones in that time and have been sad or grieved many kinds of losses but its entirely different to be depressed as I was. It has not returned but I still fear it ... its a traumatic experience... how you can change like that in almost a blink.. be such a stranger to yurself and can't get "you" back. I have great compassion for anyone who's had it happen or lives the way I felt. But, clinical type depression aside, most certainly, yes, I do think how one feels follows how they think. Clinical depression, however, is how one feels (hopeless) and the thoughts follow... not the other way around. I would never, for instance, tell any clinically depressed person to stop taking meds and just think their way out of it. That was my trouble. I simply couldn't do that even though that was the natural, well, me. I'm sorry for the length of this. I don't talk about it usually and am a bit surprised at myself for doing so now actually. I just see some kinds of depression as a medical issue and not a psychological or personality one. I would never stop taking my insulin because I don't like the idea of taking it for my medical condition though I do feel enslaved by it at times. Then I change my thinking to..."what a blessing to live in a time when its here. I would have died had I been born earlier before it was invented.".. LOL.. now that's the real me and I thank God for the Prozac that brought me back. I also feel blessed that I don't have a kind of OCD that makes me dwell on how I would rather things were instead of dealing with the way they are... like having to take insulin and not eating what I want. I have a friend with that kind of OCD and I feel so badly for her. Prozac didn't work to help her with that and they haven't found another one... YET... I have faith that they will.

    • @karent3004
      @karent3004 6 років тому +5

      Pat you put a very clear light on this and you have a very sweet and empathetic attitude toward those who suffer with this, whether on a small scale or large scale. Prozac worked for me also and I would take it again in a heartbeat. For a friend of mine it takes the Prozac plus one other. No matter, I feel like you do, that we live in a world where researchers work tirelessly every day to find drug combinations to help cancer patients, diabetes patients, heart patients and depressed patients. There's something to be grateful for..blessings to you honey. I think we are probably the same age. 🤗💕

    • @cindyp5132
      @cindyp5132 6 років тому +4

      Pat Kin ~ Wow that was an eye opener, very well said and intense. You made so many good points I've never thought of and definitely see the difference. Thank you so much for sharing, I can't tell you how glad I was to hear the meds worked. I didn't notice how long it was before you got on the meds? I wanted to ask; are you a Type I Diabetic? The reason I ask is that my son was diagnosed with Type I a few years ago in his late 20's, he almost died in DKA, it changed everything for him, now it's 5 shots a day constant up & down and seriously depressed... Again thanks for being so personal and helps us to see depression isn't always situational. It scares me just thinking about it. xo

    • @2lmdi
      @2lmdi 6 років тому

      Thank you Cindy. Its been so long ago I can't remember exactly... what a blessing actually... but it was more like weeks than months for sure. I'm really sorry to hear about your son. If he were seeing my doctor she would definitely have him on anti-depressants because I deal with chronic pain and know her stand on the depression that can accompany llife-changing chronic conditions. I've been T2 since my last child (two births by C-section 15 months apart with surgery in between) and I believe that physical stress is what caused it as no one in the family has it (but a note follows.) I'm now much older and T2 being progressive no matter how well sugars are controlled am now on insulin as I can't take T1 oral meds. My husband is T1 due to necrotizing pancreatitis so its easier for us than most as we just don't have no-no foods in the house. We both inject Lantus once a day and he does another type before meals and snacks so he injects 5 or 6 times a day. On a side note: Hubby and I are both USN Vietnam vets and am just saying because of known agent orange exposure and consequences. Its so hard when diabetes starts so young. I was 27 so know. I also know how hard it is on loved ones. Bless you Cindy and I hope your son begins to enjoy life in spite of the hand he's been dealt and have faith that will happen.

    • @patriotangel426
      @patriotangel426 5 років тому +1

      @@2lmdi how generous you sharing your experience. Thank you and your husband for your service! !! God bless!

  • @ElleIsForLiving
    @ElleIsForLiving 6 років тому +12

    I am so glad you are doing better. I am glad you have seen results with positive thinking. ♥ Elle

  • @DebbiAnn2
    @DebbiAnn2 6 років тому +1

    Thank you for so courageously shining a light on this ! It is so important to have our own set of coping mechanisms and ways to focus on the positive things during our darkest moments! Thank you again. You are beautiful!

  • @MyMaria1224
    @MyMaria1224 6 років тому +1

    So happy your doing better! A few years I suffered from depression was on medication for a while and I went to a therapist. It was going to see one I learned the power of positive thinking, really does help! 🤗 hugs Nisha ❤️

  • @amorashby3116
    @amorashby3116 6 років тому

    Sending lots of warm African hugs your way. My daughter suffers from depression, and I TRY very hard to understand and be supportive, but some days I feel so helpless. So glad you make these videos xx

  • @GrannyZanna
    @GrannyZanna 6 років тому

    Nisha, I want to thank you for the link to the Depression Learning Path article. It's so well written in clear, understandable language and the content is remarkable, IMO. I agree that your honesty and openness will likely help many, many people. It has certainly helped me, no stranger to depression. I'm close to finishing a 2 year project to de-clutter and prep my home of 15 years for sale. I will soon be putting it on the market in order to move 1,000 miles away to be closer to my grandchildren. It has been an exhausting and emotional journey and there is still much to do. I'm also employed with a demanding and stressful full-time job. I have to keep my energy up and fight the "blues" every single day. Thank you for reinforcing and encouraging what I have already started doing - taking time to be thankful for the warm and beautiful memories and blessings as I close one chapter of my life, and then turning my thoughts to even more blessings and happiness ahead as I move on to the next chapter. All the best to you, my beautiful friend!

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому

      It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, I am sure it will all be worth it as you will be close to your grandchildren. I am glad you liked the article. Good luck with your move xoxo Nisha

  • @SueKF64
    @SueKF64 6 років тому

    Nisha you pick me up when I feel down. I don't think I have depression but when I feel like crap, I watch my favourite video's of yours, take some time for myself, "put my face on" pamper myself and it makes me feel better about myself xx

  • @marygreen1469
    @marygreen1469 6 років тому

    Nisha, your video is from the heart and will help so many people. I am fortunate, I have never suffered with depression but that does not mean that I cannot understand what it is and what you are experiencing. I think you are definitely on the right track to tackling this issue, the sub-conscious mind is so very powerful and this will control much of what you believe to be true, even though this is not the case. The conscious mind allows you to reason and make choices, the sub-conscious mind only does what you tell it to do, it cannot reason. So if every day you wake up and feel sad or down, then the sub-conscious mind thinks this is the instruction for the day and delivers, because that it the instruction it is receiving. The power of positive thinking is the way to tell the sub-conscious​ brain that you are fine, everything is good, but you have to keep telling it that this is the case, otherwise it will just go back to its old way of thinking. You are brilliant, a wonderful loving and giving person, just keep telling yourself that every day, you will win this battle. Lots of love xxxx

  • @lsager1970
    @lsager1970 6 років тому

    I think you explained it perfectly. I’ve had depression since I was a teenager which makes. 30 years for me. Thank you for sharing . You are helping so many people including me ❤️

  • @carolynhamilton3316
    @carolynhamilton3316 6 років тому

    I wake up sometimes , and before I get out of bed, I feel so sad and depressed. This has happened for several years. After I'm get up, and move around, the depression is gone. I read that this is a real thing, and I was so surprised and relieved that it wasn't just me being silly. I am not usually a depressed person, but I know so many friends and some family memberships that suffer from it. The small bout of depression I have felt , besides the obvious loss of friends and family, but the waking up depressed, have made me realize how terrible chronic depression, must be. Many blessings to you and hope you can get thru this and find relief. ......Just sharing your thoughts has probably helped so many.

  • @adrianadupus9894
    @adrianadupus9894 6 років тому

    Thank you for sharing this. I remember when I was really down and my therapist taught me 'thought stopping', to stop the negative thought and reason with myself by asking if the thought is true. If so, resolve the thought or problem; if it's not true, to imagine myself picking that thought from my mind and discarding it. It really helped me turn things around. Reminds me of a passage in the bible that says to "weigh every thought." Again, thank you so much for this little reminder. I had a bad day and needed this.

  • @MediaProDana
    @MediaProDana 6 років тому

    Wonderful and brave for sharing Nisha. I suffered on and off with depression and anxiety from my late teens through 40s. For the past two years I’ve worked to heal my gut I balance and the difference is really noticeable. All of my anxiety has faded. Amazing. I know everyone is different but I wanted to mention the connection to hormonal balance and gut health to depression and anxiety. Feel your strength. One day at a time. Xo

  • @samantarizzi248
    @samantarizzi248 6 років тому

    As someone that has a mum suffering from severe kind of depression and also bi-polar disorder, I thank you for this video! I think medications can be really great for someone like my mum, because some people just aren't so mentally strong themselves and it can result in suicide, which is horrible. If medications help, why not taking them? They help SO many people! I was never really depressed, but I was worrying too much about my mum, absent dad (who still doesn't know I even exist to this day), money, school, ... life in general and that's why I was diagnosed with anxiety and I was having panic attacks. I wasn't feeling down, but I was feeling afraid more than sad, if that makes any sense. Anyway, you are a ray of sunshine, Nisha, I love your accent and let me tell you that you look absolutely BEAUTIFUL in this video! I couldn't take my eyes off you! :) Much love from me to you! ♡

  • @eileendunn3470
    @eileendunn3470 6 років тому

    I just adore you, Nisha. You are such a genuine soul-a bright light in our days. You are soo easy to listen to, reasonable, helpful, caring, generous with yourself, without tears and drama, which get in the way of absorbing what someone is trying to share. (And your bedroom is lovely) XO

  • @JM-jo9dg
    @JM-jo9dg 6 років тому

    Hi Neisha, I was in the same boat you are in. I was pretty bad. Dr. pumping me with all kinds of crap, until I said to myself enough is enough. I will not be a victim any longer. I got off all the medication started to relying on myself for my attitude and mood. It's been over a decade and have NOT regressed. You don't need a pill for this or for that, TAKE CONTROL OF YOURSELF. You are fantastic and love your videos.

  • @fionafrazer8820
    @fionafrazer8820 6 років тому

    So totally understand what you are going through. So many people don't and think you are crazy, whiny, selfish and any number of other adjectives. You give some good advice here, the most important being to research for yourself, see a professional and know that you are not alone. Kudos to Paul for being, for the most part, sympathetic and understanding. Sending hugs xxx

  • @maryellenscholand1001
    @maryellenscholand1001 6 років тому

    Thx Nisha. I too suffer with periodic depression. I'm 66 now and have been in and out of these bouts from the time of 1st child. Alito is made of the post pregnancy depression and I understand that, however, my 1st child was adopted so not so much a physical hormone shift but maybe a psychological one. I have over the years experienced mild a few days to moderate a few weeks of feeling uninterested, unworthy, unnecessary. I am just now merging out of the latest bout and pray that I keep going up. My prayer is for anyone who suffers and suffering it is, finds some comfort knowing it is a temporary experience and will come to an end. Thx for talking about it. I have EVERYTHING to be grateful for. Its just not visible to me ALL the time. It does re-emerge tho. So tie a knot, fold your hands, bend your knees, and ride it thru best you can. Btw, I've been on antidepressants for these last 40 years. Its not hopeless. Life IS a beautiful place, MOST of the time.

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому

      Beautifully said, take care of yourself. Thank you xoxo Nisha

  • @marlenesingleton6447
    @marlenesingleton6447 6 років тому +5

    Nisha, your openness and honesty is so very refreshing and I thank you for it. This video was very timely for me. I have truly struggled for 5 years with depression. It started with watching my beloved father pass away from dementia followed by an onset of issues that just have not allowed me to catch my breath. My medical problems began in 2013 with diagnoses of endometrial cancer, a serious infection of my intestines, and finally heart disease. It was the heart disease that disabled me long before I was financially able to no longer work. I had owned my home without a single late payment for just over 15 years when all this hit. The mortgage company would not approve a modification agreement and wound up losing my home and being homeless for about 3 weeks. What hurt the most was the people, both family and friends, who offered no help or support. Then last year I lost my insurance and without my medications, wound up in the hospital again to be treated for heart failure and pneumonia. This resulted in more medical bills I cannot afford and increased my depression. I belong to a support group but they only meet once a month. Sorry to dump all of this out here but I don't have an outlet here. The loneliness, isolation and rejection I have experienced is and has taken a great toll on me. I am broken inside and don't think there is a healing for me.

    • @saltandpepper6265
      @saltandpepper6265 6 років тому +1

      marlene singleton; I'm so sorry for you. This is a lot to take in for one person. I wish you a lot of strength to overcome this. Just know that this anonymous person (me) is thinking about you. I sent you lots of love!

    • @graysonwalley318
      @graysonwalley318 6 років тому

      Marlene. I am so sorry for your struggles. I hope life will bring you some true friends who will be there to help you back into the light.

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому

      marlene singleton, I am so sorry, I don't know what to say, having a support group will help, but you need more than that. If you are in the US then I don't have any idea how things work there. Here our healthcare is free (well, almost free) I just hope you find your strength and help that you need and your situation improves. Sending hugs xoxo Nisha

  • @abbiekaric8949
    @abbiekaric8949 6 років тому

    I think it is wonderful that you made this video. I think it will be helpful to many people. You make some very good points and the fact that you, who are so respected is putting this information out will make it easier for so many who suffer from depression to seek more information and obtain help.

  • @donnakollar3157
    @donnakollar3157 6 років тому +7

    Hi Nisha Thank-you for your honesty its so welcoming. We’re all human and I’ve been dealing with it since a teenager. As an only child and having a mother who had severe depression. . . Of course I never knew what was going on. Then in 1985 we adopted a baby who in later years suffers from severe bipolar and on top of that diagnosis has intellectual disabilities on top of that. I finally excepted that I also have depression etc. so I appreciate your discussion. I have a script for a medication which I only take as needed. I was able to get off all of my other medication . Continue your quest for healing. 🌻Donna

    • @samantarizzi248
      @samantarizzi248 6 років тому

      I have a similar experience like you did! My mum also suffers from severe depression and she also has bi-polar disorder. Life wasn't exactly easy growing up. :( But you know what? It made us all so much stronger because of that, believe that! Much love to you, by the way. Never give up.

  • @cindy133
    @cindy133 6 років тому

    Your speech hit home NIsha. I myself suffer from ill thoughts about myself occasionally, and my 16 year old daughter has the same viewpoints on herself. Its tough, but you are handling it the best way you can, just as we are. Many good thoughts to you and prayers.

  • @deannelanoue6105
    @deannelanoue6105 6 років тому

    Thanks Nisha. I don’t have depression but I do have a nephew with it and I am his “person”. Sometimes I get discouraged because it’s difficult to help an obsessive negative thinker. But I know I am helping and he works extremely hard to stop the negative worrying. Thanks for the pep talk.

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому

      I know it can get frustrating but he is so lucky to have you, encourage him to read that article I left the link too, it might help. Thank you xoxo Nisha

  • @eileen945
    @eileen945 6 років тому +8

    These are actually very very good basic idea’s that WE. have to be proactive about in our management of emotional health issues. I have severe anxiety disorder since 20. I’m 65 today!
    I have a good idea by now about the “ why”s.. and the “ where’s “
    And you are RIGHT to say, it is a one man(girl) path to staying stable. Everything YOU HAVE JUST STATED is CORRECT!!
    And There’s NO beating around the bush that it affects everyone around you to frustration at times.
    But I also say that it takes a very brave and determined person to find a way...EVERY day to become inspired and positive. I have a big board of “ WORDS” that I love to look at. They are words to remind me of things. Words like;
    you get the picture. I go and touch those words so they enter my mind.
    My own Anxiety disorder can be debilitating and has many symptoms. It always helps to have one person say:
    It’s all ok.. you are ok. Nothing to be afraid of. I recently had another breakdown cycle🙁. So I’m now fighting my way back.... again.
    And yes it involved my living situation. I just keep learning, listing to the experts on calming the mind and soul.. I read my words , I kiss my dog.. I cry and talk to god.
    Isn’t it the most peaceful and marvelous feeling when there is
    “ nothing especially wrong” going on in our critical thinking days.
    I cherish those days. Talking and sharing is good therepy. For all those here in need of just a hand hold and hug... I send mine❤️

    • @sydneyknutsen2492
      @sydneyknutsen2492 6 років тому +1

      What an encourager you are!

    • @eileen945
      @eileen945 6 років тому +2

      Sydney Knutsen
      How nice of you Sydney..
      . I’m thankful to see your words for me. 💐

    • @sydneyknutsen2492
      @sydneyknutsen2492 6 років тому +1

      eileen corado Encouragement begats encouragement! Lifts you out of yourself, and that’s what your heartfelt words perhaps did for Nisha. Keep it up! Oh and you are so welcomed!

    • @karent3004
      @karent3004 6 років тому +1

      Eileen I always love seeing your comments. Your words are always so comforting. 🤗❤️

    • @eileen945
      @eileen945 6 років тому +1

      Karen T
      Oh Karen, how darling for you to say this.
      Theses tidbits of love I have received today here from you girls have been the best birthday gifts!
      Thank you all🙏

  • @ritastutler1470
    @ritastutler1470 6 років тому

    Hi Nisha I am so glad utubers are msking these videos. I have anxiety and it comes on for no reason . That can lead to depression. Thank you for the great video.
    You look beautiful and your bedroom is gorgeous.
    I lost my best friend two years ago and I have not been able to even concentrate to read a book so I started watching u tube. I feel like I have friends who help. Prayers for you and love going your way💕💕💕💕

  • @christineharward8300
    @christineharward8300 3 місяці тому

    Thank you so much for opening up about your experience with depression. It has really helped me and given me hope.

  • @chantale8319
    @chantale8319 6 років тому

    Hi Nisha! Thank you for that video! I also suffered from dépression after the birth of my first child caused by anxiety and fatigue but most part anxiety. I really think that if you don’t treat your anxiety by changing the way you think it can lead to depression. I went to therapy for help but what help me the most is my spirituality, gratitude and really learn who i am. I am still on antidepressants and I am
    Ok with that. I am in a happy place right now and looking forward! Big hug 🤗 Nisha! 😘😘

  • @tracyprice3314
    @tracyprice3314 6 років тому

    Thank you for this very heartfelt & helpful video, Nisha. I think you will help a lot of people and I know you have helped me to understand depression a little better. I have always been a negative person, but I want to start thinking positively. Thank you for your honesty - you are lovely!

  • @graysonwalley318
    @graysonwalley318 6 років тому

    Thanks for sharing yourself and your feelings with us Nisha. You feel like a friend although we’ve never met. I deal with depression too so you are not alone.

  • @annehelenegroven
    @annehelenegroven 5 років тому

    Hi Nisha😊. Thank you for beeing so open about your depression. I too suffer from some anxiety and some depression. My anxiety started when I was very young. But then I did not know what it was. I got my daughter when I was 39. And during my pregnancy I was so scared that something would be wrong with her. But she was perfect. I remember the first time she lifted her head, I got so happy. Then suddenly I just started to cry. Eventually I went to my doctor. I tried my best to explain. But she didn't understand what was wrong. So when I walked out of her office all she said was: be glad the sun is shining.. I just felt so lost. My then husband was shocked over what she had said. I didn't get any better. So about two weeks after I went back to the doctor and there was a different doc there because of summerholidays. He just said: what can I do for you today? I just burst out in tears and explained as best as I could. When I was finished he said: I can help you with two things. I can give you some tablets so that you can relax and then I can send a letter to some psyciatrists. I said thanks to both. So when my doc came back, she understood that things had happened. So then I got medicine for depression. I had to try different types. But the one I use now work really well. I am so glad that I met that one doc that actually understood me. So I did get help. It is so important for people to get help.
    So again, thank you for talking about it ❤❤❤❤

  • @yasminwebb8319
    @yasminwebb8319 6 років тому

    This was SO insightful and incredibly helpful. You have helped me more than you’ll ever know - I was feeling like completely giving up on life and somehow I found your video and feel hopeful for the first time in a very very long time . Thank you so much x

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому

      I am glad that I could help you in some little way, take care of yourself xoxo Nisha

  • @jedlinnen6528
    @jedlinnen6528 6 років тому

    Yes, the way to break the pattern, Nisha, is to pretend that you are happy. This will trigger better thoughts. Pretending is a good way of saying no time the deep thinking which really is a dark cloud. Sunny thoughts to go forward are the key. Good Luck. This works!

  • @mikkibubble4711
    @mikkibubble4711 3 роки тому

    I very much like the old i.e. younger you, 5 years ago, and the way you so openly talked about your depression. Thank you for sharing, Nisha. Btw, getting enough Vit D3 is very important, too in the battle against depression, so I experienced myself.

  • @donnadodd6141
    @donnadodd6141 6 років тому

    Omg Nisha... self sabotage is my greatest downfall as part of my depression. Thanks for your honesty, it’s so refreshing.
    I’m going to find this book & get to work on my self healing.
    My spiral downward is currently gathering momentum & I’ve accepted I may need my anti Ds again.. but until I get to see my GP, I’m going to work on being brave & being positive ❤️

  • @MonikaBeautyandLifestyle
    @MonikaBeautyandLifestyle 6 років тому +4

    Sending love and positive thoughts your way. Having a family member who suffers from depression, I can so relate to all you are saying. Hugs!

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому

      Thank you so much xoxo Nisha

    • @samantarizzi248
      @samantarizzi248 6 років тому

      Me too! My mum :( and growing up without my dad, mum being the single-parent, who never worked because of her illness... let me just tell you that it was hard. Now that I'm older I'm doing much better, but I was diagnosed wiith anxiety when I was 19 because I was worrying too much about my mum, money, dad,... everything. I was on meds 2 years, but eventually learned how to think differently and I'm off the meds for 3 years now. Sometimes I still get anxious, but it's not something I can't get over it myself. Listening to my favourite artist singer helps enormously. I'm talking about Ariana Grande, who also suffers from anxiety, by the way. It helps to have someone in life like that, even if it's someone you never met.

  • @pamelasmith4485
    @pamelasmith4485 6 років тому

    How very brave of you Nisha! While the stigma attached to mental health has lessened depression is still looked upon negatively. I was diagnosed bi polar type 2 12 years ago. OMG the pit I fell into, I had to go into the hospital. I'm still on my meds & couldn't imagine going off them. I still have occasions of minor depression that last for about 5 days. I usually talk myself out of it but sometimes it just takes time. I hope this positive thinking helps you to stop taking your meds.

    @TAZSWIGCLOSET 6 років тому +8

    Thank you for sharing my lovely friend. Your words will help many. I share some of the worry and stressful personality and I have to be careful not to get into negative thinking and perceiving as you mentioned. Thanks for the reminder Nisha. God bless you. I wish you power over your depression. Hormones are a big trigger for my short bouts of negative feelings...Perimenopausal women are at heightened risk for depression as well. Much love to you. XOXO TAZ

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому +1

      Thank you my darling friend. Yes, my depression got worse again when I have entered perimenopause, but as you know, I went on HRT and that definitely helped xoxo Nisha

  • @Beth_Agnes_Casey
    @Beth_Agnes_Casey 6 років тому

    My mother suffered all her life with depression. Although it is very hard on the family & my father never had sympathy nor understood the it. Awareness is key to stop ignorance with depression. Today, there’s better medicine for it & available help as well to coup with it. Kudos darling, for being brave to spreading the awareness - shows how strong you are to step out & explain to others how depression works

  • @ritzikas34
    @ritzikas34 6 років тому +2

    Nisha, you are so wonderful and when I listen to you I feel that you have been my friend for a long time ... Probably because you are so so open and sincere. I actually started to cure myself from depression with positive thinking when my husband got cancer ... I just felt that if he could be positive then how cannot I .... If he felt bad I had to be this positive person in the house for him, for myself, for the children ... I actually forced myself to be positive (music, good friends helped a lot), also let myself to cry, but only for a moment and then moved on :) He is all well now and our family haven't been stronger before. So it was a good reminder today that positive thoughts can make a great difference!

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому

      That is a wonderful story, I am so glad your husband is OK and you all are stronger for it. Thank you xoxo Nisha

  • @pambrunelle8772
    @pambrunelle8772 6 років тому +4

    Good Monday Nisha ! Good information on an important subject done tastefully and with sensitivity. xoxo

  • @Madelyn5454
    @Madelyn5454 6 років тому +1

    I am so sorry to see that you are still struggling with depression .. You are sunshine ☀️ and roses to me as I lie in bed in the early morning to view your videos ( 5 hours ahead ) . I appreciate your openness and honesty in discussing your personal battle . I do relate very much .. However , I find that critical thinkers i.e. people who are bottom line ( glass is half empty ) are highly intelligent and creative . I relate more to them than the more positive thinkers . If Simone didn’t call me back ~ I would think they didn’t want to speak with me . You are very courageous to share your story with us and I , for one am rooting for your continued recovery .

  • @Notperfecttonya
    @Notperfecttonya 6 років тому +2

    Nisha! So excited to see you talk about Mark Tyrell and Roger Elliott! 🤗 I have been followers of theirs for years. I am a licensed professional counselor in the US and I’ve taken all their courses. They have been so helpful in my profession AND personal lives. I highly recommend their hypnosis downloads, too. I ❤️ your channel and I’m so happy you’re talking about this very important issue.

  • @shazfoster5116
    @shazfoster5116 6 років тому

    Well done on sharing your experiences Nisha your open honesty is inspiring and helpful. I am glad you are on the right path to beat this much misunderstood illness. I love watching your videos it's like sitting down with a friend and friends always help each other so let's hope all us sugar puffs help you feel supported 🤗 xx

  • @jasminblum1861
    @jasminblum1861 6 років тому

    Nisha, I hope thinking positive will work for you.
    As much as I try to believe that positive thinking will change depression, I can't see that. When I get depressed it is a dark space, without words or thoughts for me.
    It is an emotional pain, that has no pictures, phrases, words or thoughts.
    It is a feeling of being frozen, stuck, immobile, sadness that has no faces or characters.
    It is my soul, that is hurting, when I get overcome with depression. And my soul doesn't seem to understand words, not German, not English, not French...
    I have clinical depression since 35 years
    If positive thinking helps your depression, I am truly happy for you❤

  • @lindatimmons7162
    @lindatimmons7162 4 роки тому

    Nisha, thank you, thank you, I would never have thought you suffered from depression, but then there is no definite face to depression, I enjoyed this talk so much, it makes me think a little bit different. I too meet up with depression after my second child and that was 33 years ago. I am medicated and have good days and bad. More good than bad as I have the most loving, understanding hubby in the world. Thank you Nishe, thank you.

  • @52mitchell
    @52mitchell 6 років тому +1

    Thank you for doing this video. It is food for thought today - will read the articles linked, but everything you said makes perfect sense. We all need to focus on gratitude for what is good in our lives instead of what we think we are missing. Xx

  • @MrsLoretta
    @MrsLoretta 6 років тому

    Nisha it sounds like you are truly learing what you have to do..It is hard to always stay positive..I just tell myself it could be worse..Try to count all you blessing each day...What a beautiful bedroom..I showed it to my husband and he thought it was beautiful too...Big Hugs and love to you Loretta

  • @michellerobinson9144
    @michellerobinson9144 6 років тому

    Thanks Nisha. Once again so much good food for thought. Thanks for talking so openly about depression. You are right the more we talk about it and support each other the better we will be. XOXO.

  • @caterinaiona6397
    @caterinaiona6397 6 років тому +4

    Good morning Nisha. Thank you so much for sharing life experiences with us. I am a positive thinker but fall into depression from time to time. When I do, I try to see all the good things in life and that is being healthy and having healthy children. This is the most important thing in life in my opinion, like you said having both arms and both legs. However, there have been times especially when I am around people who always moan about economics and the crisis in Greece etc, or burglaries and all negative stuff, that I start falling myself. Unfortunately, most of my family is like that, mother, sister, aunt so I can do nothing but avoid being for long with them. I don't watch the news, of course I hear about things, but I don't watch the TV anymore, I avoid toxic people because all they do is give me worries, worries I don't need to have, or I can do nothing about. Who knows what the future will bring, so it is good to enjoy good life now that we have it. It is not that I don't have problems, but I try to solve them and even if I can't I think, well you have this you have that so be thankful and stop being sad about things that are not in your hands. Many people are in worse situations and they still go on in life with a smile.
    I will definitely watch the videos you linked, I am sure they are helpful and it is good to know how to cope when things start falling down.
    Once again thank you for this video. It is much appreciated by me and I am sure anyone who has watched it.
    Have a wonderful week dear, never lose that beautiful smile, and enjoy life to the fullest!

    • @notsoscared4943
      @notsoscared4943 6 років тому

      Please remember that telling a truly depressed person that they could be worse of is destructive to their very being. We all need to be very careful about what we say, and mindful of the audience we are talking to. Everybody is at a different stage in their lives and their recovery. It's sad and disheartening to see that for some people, although their intentions are good, life is very difficult for others, and we need to be supportive and understanding. Please remember that the situation and thinking you have is not always the same as someone else.

    • @caterinaiona6397
      @caterinaiona6397 6 років тому

      Notsoscared And yet Nisha loved my post. Maybe because she realized what I meant and howI meant it. Also I said when I feel depressed I think of people and guess I could be in worse situation. I was talking about me. I am not a professional and I don’t give professional advice. I just say my opinion in the hope it helps someone. And I think that is what Nisha and other youtubers do. So nobody corrects here. We just talk and whiever wants listens or not.

  • @karent3004
    @karent3004 6 років тому +4

    If the seratonin levels are low in our brains we can be depressed and if one anti depressant does not work then another one likely will. Finding the right doctor is so important. Being on medication is fine honey and if we had any other ailments we wouldn't think twice about taking medicine for them. I agree with you about the positive thinking Nisha. Also I'm walking outside because I know that getting the sunshine in our eyes makes a world of difference and will buy a lamp for this winter when we have less sun. The seasonal affective disorder I think can be a very large part of this. I'm going to immediately look into the positive thinking learning path too. Thank you so very much for this timely video Nisha. You are simply the best. Much love to you from the states. 🤗😘😎🙏💕💖💗💙

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому

      I have that lamp and do use it in the winter. Thank you xoxo Nisha

  • @cindyp5132
    @cindyp5132 6 років тому

    I've been doing the same, and I'm one step away from coming off my anti-depressant. I discovered it did start with how I thought, I was shocked at myself how negative & worrisome I was most of the time. The other thing I've learned about is "how I feel" it never occurred to me how I felt? When I watch something now or talk to someone I check how I feel after, do I feel better or worse? The biggest thing I'm still learning is to meditate, which simply means to quite your mind. I try it each day for 15 mins, I haven't found the perfect guided one for me yet but I do like a British lady Marisa Peer. I've only found one guided meditation of hers online so I'm searching for more, but I recommend her. Many swear meditation is key, Edgar Cayce explained it as "Prayer is you talking, meditation is you listening" I love that. Working at focusing on the present is something I try often. I just recently signed up on that site Gaia which has lots of mindful things. I'm learning & interested in so much just for me. It's interesting to me how much I love to be alone and enjoy my own company... I'm finally understanding what it means to be "centered" or "aligned" now that I have time to myself! Let's all of us keep talking about this I think it's important. xo

  • @marjan3010
    @marjan3010 6 років тому

    Thanks for sharing. I could not agree with you anymore about negative thoughts create negative feelings. In my case, my negative perceptions and thoughts bring me down tremendously. Your information was really helpful in using positive self-talk and taking gratitude for all the things I have not the things I don't have. More power to you for helping yourself by reading books, videos, etc.. Xoxo..

  • @nicchogirl
    @nicchogirl 6 років тому

    Love ya Nisha..... nice to know you're feeling better these days....I too have learned that I too am more negative about things and worry/stress a lot.....I try to be grateful for each day I'm alive..... thinking positive is hard for those of us so worry so much.... takes practice 💕💕💋

  • @martishavor2754
    @martishavor2754 6 років тому

    Thank you for being so transparent with your own situation. You are helping so many! Bless you. 💗

  • @lauravitt4315
    @lauravitt4315 Рік тому

    You are amazing! And right on about depression and positive thinking and doing, well done. Just found your channel, very comforting and educational, thank God for you! Much love

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  Рік тому

      Thank you so much and welcome to my channel, I hope you will enjoy all my videos x

  • @DeidresBudgetingJourney
    @DeidresBudgetingJourney 6 років тому

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I know myself dealing with some chronic conditions some people do not understand or just do not care, but I have learned have to do what is best for me. But information is key for most. ❤️ ❤️

  • @eleanorrodway263
    @eleanorrodway263 6 років тому

    You are on the right path for you Nisha-keep going! There may be twists and turns along the path but try to enjoy the view and you will be fine. Well done on a sensitively made video. I was admitted to hospital with clinical depression on 2 occasions but have been good for many years now. Wait til you feel strong and confident to reduce the meds. Big Hugs honey xxx

  • @kellygripper2541
    @kellygripper2541 6 років тому

    Thanks for sharing Nisha, I have practiced gratitude since my children where born, I would worry about things and be negative, and when I started practicing gratitude for me this was every day picking out the five good things that happened in a day, this trains your brain to focus on the positive not the negative, I also taught it to my children. This is certainly not the answer for everyone but for me it works really well.

  • @mox7083
    @mox7083 6 років тому

    Nisha you are such a open person , you are a lovely person , do what works for you , I have been on citaplam for 15 years , take care Maureen xxxx

  • @laduke4324
    @laduke4324 6 років тому +1

    Hi Nisha, (from Tennessee) really appreciate your honesty and deep insight into depression which does touch us all or someone we love, thank you dear beautiful lady and glad you are feeling much better and stable, bless.x

  • @sydneyknutsen2492
    @sydneyknutsen2492 6 років тому +1

    Sharing your experiences with clinical depression is truly an invaluable service to the public. And you have the venue to reach thousands. Education dispels myth, so keep it up! Keep talking about it, because one gleans new material each time one listens. Reminder - Eleanor Roosevelt quote: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Tape it to your mirror; do this for yourself. It may make you lovelier on the inside about yourself, as you have made us lovelier on the outside. :)
    PS-Gratitude eventually takes your eyes off yourself and focuses them on others. Something to ponder.

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому +1

      Thank you, I love Roosevelt's quote, it is so true. xoxo Nisha

  • @juliecramer7768
    @juliecramer7768 6 років тому

    I have had clinical depression long ago. It was the worst time of my life. Antidepressants got me out of it. I’m sorry yours is ongoing.

  • @SuperMissylea
    @SuperMissylea 6 років тому +5

    Thank you. Needed to hear this right now ❤

  • @tracyschnepf2500
    @tracyschnepf2500 6 років тому

    Nisha what a powerful beautiful video. There is such power in positive thinking, that being said, there is no shame in taking medication for the rest of your life if needed.. Depression is such a terrible feeling.
    So glad your feeling better, you really help so many people., I am sure of it.
    Have a great day :)

  • @sharoncarroll8892
    @sharoncarroll8892 6 років тому

    I think that women see the truth where men don't see past there nose and what they want . I feel that we see the whole picture and the repercussions of people's actions . I have been on meds for years and I now have medical problems and resist changing meds due to my illness. I am hopeful that everyone feels better with help . You can not do it alone . I think it great that you speak of it on your channel . Love always !

  • @allyirvine7537
    @allyirvine7537 6 років тому

    Such a sensitive and worthwhile video Nisha. You are an absolute star for sharing your experiences. It will help so many of us...thank you. ❤️

  • @janettecarrell
    @janettecarrell 6 років тому

    I appreciated this video very much, Nisha! I have suffered from depression and anxiety all my life, and I have taken medication for as long as I can remember. I'm 75 years old, but only about 6 years ago did I finally find the right combination of medication (2) that works for me. I will be on it until the day I die. I love you for speaking so openly about depression. Thank you! ❤️💕

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому +1

      I am glad you found something that works for you and don't worry about being on them till you die, it is better to be on them and enjoy your life than feel the darkness. Thank you xoxo Nisha

  • @charbynovak4770
    @charbynovak4770 6 років тому

    Thank you Nisha for having the courage to put yourself out there and share about what a lot of people suffer with. Your words were an encouragement to me since I suffer at times with depression. I sometimes just make myself think positive thoughts since it seems easier to not when having that problem. I think maybe it's just a lifelong problem we will have to just take one day at a time and fight! I also had several other physical challenges you have such as teeth (which I had ALL of them replaced!!) and a hair challenge. I say, if you don't have it, buy it!!! 😁. I think that also applies to parts of your body that might need adding to (or taking away from!). Years ago I was in an abusive marriage and was brown haired, fat, and flat-chested. After 30 (yes) 30 years of this, I left it. I lost 50 pounds, went blonde, and bought BIG boobs!! I am now in a much better marriage and place in life. So, when I suffer a bout of my depression, I try and make myself remember how far I've come, and to think on the positive things in my life. 😊😊😊

  • @Violet-ws4eh
    @Violet-ws4eh 6 років тому

    Time well spent, Nisha! I have suffered with depression most of my adult life and visited the dark abyss so many times that it has almost become a place of retreat and comfort to me. Depression is not for the weak of heart or mind, for us and those around us. I wish you continued success in your battle. Hugs and love.

  • @mammybelle7302
    @mammybelle7302 6 років тому

    I'm 48. (just) And it's taken me many years to admit that medication is helping me, without it, I'm a wreck! Than you for sharing your story...I wished I had the balls to share mine!

  • @itsallanillusion4827
    @itsallanillusion4827 6 років тому

    I’ve been a subscriber for a while and I swear we are twins separated at birth! I can identify with you in so many ways and I too have suffered from depression (since college) and I am your age. I’ve been in an out of therapy and on every class of antidepressants. In the last 4 years I have have had MAJOR life challenges: job loss, death of my beloved dog, hysterectomy and then a then a brain tumor diagnosis. I am 6 months post op and dealing with complications and please know your beautiful smile brightens my mood. I found focusing on my blessings, being outside and eating well (vegan for 8+ years) and any physical activity help. I am not sure which medication you are on but I’ve tried them all and found that a new antidepressant called Viibryd works best for me. I’ve been on it for a few years. It has no side effects and helps me keep my head above water, the rest is up to me! Hugs to you and thanks for sharing. I appreciate YOU Nisha!

  • @danielles7476
    @danielles7476 6 років тому

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You did a great job explaining it. Perfect timing for this specific video for me. I appreciate you and know you are so amazing and kind.

  • @pianoapril346
    @pianoapril346 6 років тому

    Love you Chanel . I have been watching you for many years but never posted any comments. After watching this video I would like to recommend you practicing Mindfulness. Mindfulness is based on practicing to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what's going on around us. I suffer from anxiety and I found that mindfulness , meditation and yoga are the keys in helping to cope with everyday life in this modern society . Pozdrawiam Kasia

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому

      Thank you, I have tried it but find it very hard as my mind starts to wonder, I know it takes practice, I might try again xoxo Nisha

  • @1tribble
    @1tribble 6 років тому

    Thank you for sharing your story.... been on antidepressants for decades.... went off and on a few times.... would not be a good idea for me to be off it... what people who don’t suffer with it don’t understand is that it isn’t about them... they may trigger some things but it really is about what’s inside the person with depression...

  • @gehrig1100
    @gehrig1100 6 років тому

    Thank you for your honesty. Depression is a disease and should be viewed that way. You are beautiful, but more importantly you have a beautiful heart. I love listening to you

  • @sheilac1052
    @sheilac1052 6 років тому

    You are awesome for talking about depression. Such a serious condition and most people hide it and will not talk about it. I agree your thinking/reasoning process has a lot to do with it. I am considering talking with my Dr due to the major decline of quality at my work place along with illness in family, my youngest going to college and other life events. Thank you so much for telling all of us about your struggles. It truely helps people to be at ease knowing that such a loved and respected person has the same struggles. Wishing you all the strength in the word to end your struggle with this awful condition.

  • @helgavanduijn8289
    @helgavanduijn8289 6 років тому +5

    ty for talking about it,

  • @patsylynn2300
    @patsylynn2300 6 років тому

    Dearest Nisha, you will never know what this video means to me. Thank you so very much, I just love you. Helping so many others all the time. Love you. XO

  • @fluffycloudsandrainbows4389
    @fluffycloudsandrainbows4389 6 років тому

    Just to add to my previous comment. Not only did I have to keep on taking antidepressants for me but I also had to keep taking them for my family. My depressions were having a major affect on them. They encouraged me to keep on taking the medication when I would come off it because they could see the major difference in me being on them than not. I would try and hide the fact that I was in a deep depression and it was excruciating. My depressions were so, so dark mentally I can't adequately describe how dark they were. I just wanted to hibernate and not have to be around people. I was not one to wallow in self pity and that's why I had to make the commitment to stay mentally balanced as best I could. I had many Cognitive behaviour sessions and I still put what I had learned into practice. So with everything combined , medication, exercise, brain training I stay as steady as my brain allows. I could not cope if the medication was taken out of the loop because it is a major ingredient in keeping me well. They allow me to enjoy life They allow me to take part in family celebrations. To be mentally stable allows me to support other woman with depression. But Nisha how do I put this without sounding negative towards you which I I sincerely hope you don't take it that way because you are a wonderful woman. When you said that people can wallow in self pity the women I work with and myself have never wallowed in self pity. What they have is full blown depression not pity for themselves. So I didn't warm to those words. Stay mentally Nisha you deserve it.

  • @buttonsbebe
    @buttonsbebe 5 років тому

    Thank you for your openness, Nisha. I must say as a psychotherapist, if only clinically depressed patients could be cured with thought training.

  • @latherandlace
    @latherandlace 6 років тому

    Nisha - I'm very sorry you're going through an episode of depression. I have it myself and since my accident in 2014, it's been an even bigger problem since I was put on disability, had to close my business, and my income was reduced to half of what I used to earn. On top of that, my leg is permanently damaged. So, I do try my best to use positive thinking and much of the time it helps but there are times it's difficult to even get out of bed. Its hard when people say "all you have to do is think positively". It's challenging at times. I think you're right that worrying can come from just thinking too much. I hope you are able to apply this to your current episode and feel better soon. This book sounds very informative. I'm going to have a look. You look incredible even though you may not feel it. Hugs my dear. ~Lori

    • @SugarPuffAndFluff
      @SugarPuffAndFluff  6 років тому +1

      I am sorry Lori, I really understand how difficult it is and I am sorry that all this happened to you, I hope you find something that works for you, Thank you xoxo Nisha

    • @latherandlace
      @latherandlace 6 років тому

      @@SugarPuffAndFluff Hugs sweet lady!!

  • @meredithcoiner
    @meredithcoiner 6 років тому

    I just came out of a severe depression that lasted for many many months. I did keep spiraling down more and more and more. I finally got out of the "pit" about a month ago. I do take medication for it but I am also bipolar. Thank you for talking with us about this. I agree about positive thinking. Our minds can make us worse or better!
    Much Love....XOXO

  • @tdiekemper5668
    @tdiekemper5668 6 років тому

    I am glad that you are feeling better. You are a very smart woman. You feel deeply and that is both good and bad! ❤️

  • @lisajaynejones569
    @lisajaynejones569 6 років тому

    Wow Nisha😀so beautifully said
    On my heart recently has been 3 fold, mind, body, and soul
    I’ve suffered from depression since I was a kid, 57 now
    Totally believe what you said and agree
    For me the body and spirit big part of it
    3 fold
    Lots of love from USA Maryland 😘

  • @jeannettetaylor7322
    @jeannettetaylor7322 6 років тому

    Thank you for sharing my dear Nisha, glad you are doing better 🙏💕. We love you 🌹

  • @lisawakefield6994
    @lisawakefield6994 6 років тому

    Thank you for talking about depression, it is important that we discuss this in our society. I have had depression at times throughout my life and I understand the helplessness. I used to feel so guilty about feeling so low. Gratitude is important, as you say we all have things in our lives to be thankful for. We should also realise that some people are very good at putting on a brave face, but we never know what they are going through in their lives.
    Two people have killed themselves at a train station near to where I live, they were both men. I think it's worse for men, as they don't tend to express their feelings the way women do. I wonder if those men had someone they could have talked to or confided in, perhaps they would still be alive today.
    When I go to bed at night I always say thank you for five things. In the morning I always say thank you for surviving another day. Tonight, you will be one of the five things that I am grateful for.
    Have a great week Nisha xx

  • @1marianne
    @1marianne 6 років тому

    Thank you for this, Nisha. I also get caught up in negative thinking and it is a very tough habit to break. You've inspired me to work on it more everyday.

  • @85litsa18
    @85litsa18 6 років тому

    Beautifully said .... thank you sharing as it is a subject that affects many people. Have a wonderful week. 🌼🌸🌼🌸

  • @moonbeamer4468
    @moonbeamer4468 6 років тому +1

    Nisha, I know exactly what you have gone through. I feel antidepressants took me from a very, very, dark place full of panic attacks, fear and overwhelming anxiety and sadness. I worked in Psychiatry for years and knew all the signs yet I became helpless. I too tried to wean off the medication but could not. The medicine is a small price to pay for feeling good. I agree with positive thinking and exercise. I’m so glad you shared.....people who never went thru this cannot understand. Best wishes for you friend. 💕

  • @1958constance
    @1958constance 6 років тому

    Very informative. I agree with you 100% regarding people just don't understand depression. I am glad your feeling better. For me, praying to my Lord, and reading my daily scripture is what keeps me going. Your so brave to talk about what once was considered mental illness. Your right, we need to talk about it and a lot. I had a friend who couldn't understand why I just didn't shake off my depression and get out of bed. It just isn't that simple. But she didn't understand. Once again, thank you for being so brave and transparent. I love you sis. xxxx

  • @tracyramzinski3232
    @tracyramzinski3232 2 роки тому

    Hi Nisha, have you ever had to see someone for depression? Your so humble and kind. You know your body better than anyone else so you do what's best for you. I had to have a full hysterectomy in my late twenties for health reasons. It forced me into menopause right away. It's a horrible experience to go through. Luckily I had a wonderful Obgyn that balanced my hormones was I've aged.
    Thanks for sharing. God bless you and your family with prayers. 🙏🙏🙏💋💋💋💋💋

  • @amandahough6182
    @amandahough6182 6 років тому

    Thanks Nisha, my 19 year old son suffers depression and when he first told us, around 16, I didn’t understand, told him not to be silly, he had a great life and what was there to be sad about. I soon saw him become not the boy we knew which was and still is heartbreaking (gee I’m crying writing this), I am trying to educate myself about this and trying to help him, it has damaged our relationship (he’s very upset that I didn’t understand at first...he still very mad re this), but doing all I can for him I can. I will highly suggest to him to look at this link. He’s changed his attitude with exercise and diet and is now working which is huge for him. Hoping that one day I’ll get my guy back....our relationship back on track. Lots of love xx