Love beyond borders 4/5 Anjali and Sufi - a love story

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • Born Free 21 October.
    Videopresentation of Sufi and Anjalis when they visited Født Fri / Born Free and shared why their lovestory got viral.
    (video with english subtitles)
    In this inspiring presentation you will get to know two young women present their thoughts on how they deal with the various reactions on their life choices.
    Født Fris Kjærlighet på tvers konferanse, 21 oktober, inviterte Anjali og Sufi for å fortelle om hvorfor de tror at kjærlighetshistorien deres på kort tid gikk verden rundt. Her er videopresentasjon av de unge kvinnenes reflekterte betraktninger om det å være sør-asiatisk lesbisk par i en internasjonal verden.
    Bildealbum fra kjærlighet på konferansen er delt her:
    Sufi og Anjali. Fra hvert sitt land og religion. Damene har skapt overskrifter gjennom sin kjærlighet til hverandre!
    Sufi is a poet, painter, and photographer floating in the South Asian diaspora. She incorporates her experiences of being a Queer woman of color into her art, by using her words and images to evoke emotions into the minds of others. Sufi is a New York native shaping her identity in different spaces; most recently in her new home in Oakland, CA.
    Anjali is an Oakland-based healthcare consultant by day, and event planner and content creator by night. Her work is informed by her interest in identity politics and outspoken advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community. In her spare time, she enjoys hunting for SF's best Banh Mi, visiting local farmers markets, and tending to her small army of houseplants.
    Metro UK interview: Hindu-Muslim lesbian Couple


  • @garakbashir1736
    @garakbashir1736 3 роки тому +57

    I started crying, because I'm a young (20) queer Indian woman and I nearly became one of the suicide statistics throughout my childhood and adolescence. I hope everyone will one day be accepting of who we queer people are.

    • @strongsignals5109
      @strongsignals5109 2 роки тому +3

      Ofcourse we will

    • @porschefoster999
      @porschefoster999 Рік тому +3

      I hope you're OK 🥺

    • @bhargs100
      @bhargs100 7 місяців тому +1

      you are accepted and respected for whatever identity is yours. wish you all happiness

  • @Tachouz
    @Tachouz 4 роки тому +377

    Anjali comforting Sufi who was obviously a lot more nervous, that was so sweet 😍

    • @Tachouz
      @Tachouz 4 роки тому

      @Aurangzeb Ali Dude, what the freakin' frack are you talking about? And how does that even relate to what I said?

    • @Tachouz
      @Tachouz 4 роки тому +5

      @Aurangzeb Ali First, you replied on MY comment. And it was totally irrelevant to what I said. So, if anyone has to "stfu and fuck off" because they don't like what was said, it's you big boy!
      Second, you seem to have anger issues and some trauma related to women. You need help with that, so I'd advise you to seek psychological help and sort it out.
      Third, there's nothing in what I said that implies that I'm trying to control anyone. I simply asked what you're talking about and how it's relevant to my comment. You, on the other hand, are trying to tell me what to do by telling me to shut up, fuck off and stay off youtube... so, who's trying to control who here???
      Take a chill pill, dude. And take your time to read the comments carefully before you answer because that's the 2md time you missed the point of a comment.

    • @kingtracyy7775
      @kingtracyy7775 4 роки тому +6

      theyre both so precious i cant-

  • @anweshapaul5856
    @anweshapaul5856 4 роки тому +59

    The way Sufi looks at Anjali is priceless 💖💖💖

    • @gkv9947
      @gkv9947 2 роки тому +1👈😥🙏

  • @A-Danz
    @A-Danz 4 роки тому +93

    The way Anjali looks and comforts Sufi 😧💖 so heartwarming ❤

  • @satyamsinha5135
    @satyamsinha5135 4 роки тому +231

    You girls are gems and an important inspiration for our society as we still feel like they are stuck in 19th century till now.
    A grand salute to both of you for connecting the hearts of two terribly disputed neighbors.

      @LKINTELLIGENCE 4 роки тому +4

      *May all your children live in your subjective modern 21st century and become gay/lesbian couples.*

    • @1sr0
      @1sr0 4 роки тому +11

      LK S your comment shows what kind of an absolute and ignorant moron you are! How embarrassing to be this dumb

    • @genten777
      @genten777 2 роки тому

      @@1sr0 Please forgive him .....he simply doesn't know any better!! Remember the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree!!

    • @roronoazoro3634
      @roronoazoro3634 Рік тому

      @@LKINTELLIGENCE that's not possible duh. Stop being rude

  • @PoojaPaul
    @PoojaPaul 4 роки тому +97

    When I seeing this whole videos, My fear increasing, that I can't explain. I don't know how to tell my parents. I'm just fearing about what their reaction will be when they know ?? At last moment, Anjali said that Coming out is not easy as Bollywood shows it, there are lots of emotional up downs, homeless. I really just felt that..
    Im so happy that You two are fighting for the truth. And that is all. ❤️

    • @shubhashreeswain8992
      @shubhashreeswain8992 4 роки тому +1

      Hey pooja

    • @nats20001
      @nats20001 3 роки тому +4

      Let the truth set you free. Don’t let fear keep you from living your truth.

    • @eshika8995
      @eshika8995 3 роки тому +11

      you don't have to come out right now you know? you can do it at your own time and i know it's never gonna be easy and comfortable but if you're independent first, then I think you can handle it better cuz then you'll have your space and not family all around you giving THEIR thoughts about YOUR sexuality

    • @sanyam1717
      @sanyam1717 3 роки тому

      Do u have someone u love?

    • @true5072
      @true5072 2 роки тому

      Must Read you will know best thing here ,
      if you ignore this message then you will think about it , what was written in that ↓↓↓whole message -- press->
      Before Your Death know your creator and follow the order of your creator
      = > You cant make creator but he created you
      = > No One created ALLAH/GOD , actually creator is
      beyond from our imagination ,
      beyond from our limits ,
      beyond from our thinking , ability etc etc
      = > we have limits on everything ,
      we can only see Signs of GOD in this world
      GENERALLY people do
      God Vs Science
      = > science is to know about things which is made by GOD and Human's science have limits to know things , even humans can't know fully about created things and matter properties , then how can they know about the creator ALLAH looks like ?
      Signs Of Allah/God/Creator
      == > As we know " Energy Can't Be Created Nor Be Destroyed But May Be Transfer From One Body To Another "
      who made this energy , from where it comes from . This is the ALLAH/CREATOR/GOD who made energy and everything , he made also that thing which can not be see by our eyes , listen by our ear, or we cant even think and imagine about them.
      there are so many things which are hidden bcz god knows everything and we can't even imagine that things.
      1 ) Allah made you from weak little disdained liquid from your (dad,mom) and that Turned into bones, continuesly pumping heart
      2 ) and creator created a clean body from that , and everything is in perfect place like , brain , tongue , heart , liver , and there size , ear , nose , mouth, two kidney and their size , your lungs ,your lungs size etc etc what a perfection , also this is the sign of creator Allah .
      3 ) Allah gives you a identity from that liquid drops , example
      -> your brain a complex part of body and made very small small nerves in it
      -> your face is different from whole world people, and give you eyes which sees and give you different fingerprint every finger have different fingerprint from your every finger and every finger have different fingerprint from whole world people fingerprints.
      4 ) suppose if GOD not gives you nose then when you eat food then you cant take breath , think how the perfection of our body is made by our creator ALLAH .
      5 ) SEE egg of hen it is dead but allah create and make in it leg ,eye , ear , heart etc and convert it in to a living creature , and that creature know how to eat , speak , drink , walk this is sign of that ALLAH the CREATOR of everything .
      6 ) ALLAH/GOD Made ant , how small it is and it have mind to think , small eyes to see who fit eye lens in it , and have more and more sense than humans , can identify easily where is the sweet and meat . ALLAH made more smaller things than ant , spider etc etc these are signs of Allah .
      7 ) think about hair cells , your hand hairs have limit of increasing , you eye hairs have limit of increasing , your head hairs have different limits so this shows that they are made up of same cells but controlling not by you and not by that cells but your creator Allah .
      8 ) we say speed light is fastest , ( after researching to a limit by scientists ) before research they were thinking about any other thing, may be Tomorrow they will think about any other thing.
      = > now we should think the creator ALLAH who made light and properties of every matter , how much ALLAH the creator is faster and powerful .
      is it a coincidence no bro no, try to understand.
      don't think this is a message only, take it serious.
      and so plz minimum one time read Quran it is a word of God, check my playlist ,
      = > Do You Think That you are controlling YOUR SELF ?
      1) Your heart is running can you stop it now ? NO
      can you live without oxygen ? NO
      can you live without food and water ? NO
      (bcz you are not controlling your self because it is controls by your creator ALLAH)
      2) You need to sleep to recover your self ,
      if you can control your self then stop this process you cant do it .
      Allah - Arabic Word ] Creator Name
      Iswar - Hindi Word. ] in Diff Lang
      God - English Word ]
      = > THINK ABOUT when people start to imagine CREATOR ALLAH, they started to make their own GOD, Note - we can't imagine creator .
      for example
      = > they make pictures, sculpture etc and pray to that pictures
      can you make god ? no
      " you cant see God in this world , you can see God after this world if you obey God/ALLAH "
      is God a human being ? no
      = > About Some created God By Humans, some fake god require to eat food , some human worship stone and some worship real god but not follow his order .
      If God eat food then have call of nature means need toilet to poop and pee . IT IS NOT THE QUALITY OF GOD so remove these fake gods now .
      Allah send messages to their messenger ( Jesus , Mohammad , Adam , Moses , ABRAHAM etc ) so that , they tell that message to the people , bcz ALLAH/CREATOR wants to check people , who follow his order and who don't.
      we can't say these messengers are son of GOD.
      for example
      IN CHRISTIANITY, They Pray To Jesus as son of God.
      = > we cant pray to Messengers like Jesus , Mohammad , Adam , Moses , ABRAHAM etc
      but we should pray to the creator ALLAH/God in the way of his messenger, now last messenger is Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam .
      = > Even we cant worship muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. we can worship only one creator ALLAH .
      if we worship Muhammad then we will be in Hell .
      = > Keep in mind that Muhammad cannot make a single fly,
      = > we should follow last messenger Muhammad and should obey him.
      ( now last book is Quran in which ALLAH'S words are written) for guidance of people.
      JESUS is neither a god nor a son of God,
      before jesus birth , people follow whom ,
      before prophet jesus people follow prophet of that time like Adam , Moses , Noah , Abraham etc .
      These were the messenger of Allah at their time on earth now last messenger is Muhammad , you should follow Muhammad now.
      = > when people tryied to torture JESUS
      and want to beat him and kill him even they were thinking to hang on neils etc etc etc
      is it a quality of god that any one can beat him and to nail , jail and hang him , torture him.
      2) Jesus Eat Food When He Was Hungry
      is it a quality of god ? ( Hungry God ) if he eat food then also do toilet for pee and poop
      at that time no toilet seat was there so they used to do that in hidden in grass and back of some trees and stones etc
      is it a quality of God ? No
      = > why some people wants to kill Jesus and want to hang on neils ?
      because Jesus called people towards Allah/God the creator of everything . so the ruler of that time thinking that jesus will destroy our king rulings , bcz people wanted to follow of true path of the creator .
      = > Some people says JESUS DIE FOR OUR SINS
      This is totally wrong
      if someone rape your wife , sister , mother and murder your family .
      Then , will you say , he will be in heaven bcz Jesus died for his sins ?
      Jesus had ever say that "enjoy your life do whatever you want , kidnap a young girl and rape her and do robbery , do murder etc etc
      And I want to die for your sin then you will be in heaven , and hang me on Neil etc etc "
      NO don't make your on thoughts .
      this is your thought , and this thought is wrong
      = > COMMANDMENT Of Creator Is .
      1 ) Allah is only one god and prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam Allah's Last messenger
      2 ) Namaz/prayer according to prophet muhammad sallallahu alehi vasallam .
      if you ignore these 5 times prayer then you will be sinful ,
      if you do your own type prayers then this will be rejected bcz you have to follow messenger not created your own
      and obey Allah then you will be in paradise inshallah
      " REMEMBER you have to go back to that creator ALLAH who is the master of all "
      = > Islam is for everyone not only for Muslim bcz
      muslim means submit to one creator
      when you were child then you only submitted your self to your creator you were muslim .
      it doesn't not matter who are you now and from where you belong and what you followed in past ?
      DONT JUDGE MUSLIM to see islam,
      to see islam you should read QURAN and sunnah of prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam .
      in islam worship only creator one Allah in the way OF his messenger Muhammad
      = > YOU should follow ALLAH the creator and it will be true for you
      If You Follow It.
      if you do not follow then
      you reject it , you ignore it and you reject the creator .
      Allah says in Quran chapter 2 Ayatul kursi
      " Allah! There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him, the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining. Neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who could possibly intercede with Him without His permission? He ˹fully˺ knows what is ahead of them and what is behind them, but no one can grasp any of His knowledge-except what He wills ˹to reveal˺. His Seat encompasses the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of both does not tire Him. For He is the Most High, the Greatest.. "
      your whole life depend on what you choose bcz ALLAH the creator will ask you about this life after this life
      what will happen after death with you ?
      and so plz minimum one time read Quran it is a word of god , i promise you will know everything that you want.
      Search on UA-cam full Quran translation in your language
      And subscribe for more ......,...,,,,,l.... 5ygHH

  • @preciousmakama9882
    @preciousmakama9882 4 роки тому +65

    they're so beautiful together

    • @gkv9947
      @gkv9947 2 роки тому +1👈😥🙏

  • @nightskystars0762
    @nightskystars0762 4 роки тому +17

    i love sufi's voice.she's so soft spoken and is just like a living angel .Love her!!! And anjali too. You both are too beautiful!!!

  • @andrewtang1055
    @andrewtang1055 4 роки тому +52

    You go girls !!! Follow your hearts and be truly who you are. Have a happy life together. It doesnt matter what others say. Just be yourselves. Thank you for being so beautiful in every way.

  • @adamtaylor9436
    @adamtaylor9436 3 роки тому +24

    I’m straight but I absolutely adore these two girls

  • @sumitajagtap4557
    @sumitajagtap4557 4 роки тому +90

    "This is True Love"! God bless both.

    • @gkv9947
      @gkv9947 2 роки тому +1👈😥🙏

  • @siobhanrachel2969
    @siobhanrachel2969 4 роки тому +81

    Anjali your voice is so consuming 😍 can't stop listening to you 🙈

  • @louisecrouch850
    @louisecrouch850 4 роки тому +48

    So beautiful . Wishing you both every happiness. Lou from England xx

  • @ishitarathod6908
    @ishitarathod6908 4 роки тому +34

    This was truly so beautiful and touching
    So much love and respect to you guys❤️

  • @noorifatma385
    @noorifatma385 4 роки тому +22

    Yeah.. Actually.. Now AM speechless... Just I want to say that me also a part of LGBTQ communities and I support both of you god bless you lots of love from my side❤

  • @prophetsj1180
    @prophetsj1180 4 роки тому +55

    Please don't say Queer community. You are not queer. Your sexuality is God's gift to you. !! God created you. BTW You two are a beautiful couple. Lot's of love and affection.

  • @manupaimanohara
    @manupaimanohara 4 роки тому +17

    Sufi dude...give a dam to ur friends back in pakistan whom u think wont talk to u....u rock fact u both rock dude...One think is those who really care and love your feelings and love you as u rather than keeping their expectations and trying to love u...u really don't have to care about them...Loads of love to both of u....

  • @tahatahir7880
    @tahatahir7880 4 роки тому +28

    Sufi is looking kinda nervous.. but anjali is supporting her so much.. true love

  • @vaishnavimishra8064
    @vaishnavimishra8064 4 роки тому +50

    Sufi literally used her instagram captions in the speech that was cool! 😂😍

  • @bobbyjett7047
    @bobbyjett7047 4 роки тому +6

    So amazing!!!! Thank you for sharing this incredibly beautiful story! May your life be filled with love!!

  • @kingtracyy7775
    @kingtracyy7775 4 роки тому +12

    there is no love that is more pure than theirs tbh

  • @farhazamanpopyzaman4775
    @farhazamanpopyzaman4775 4 роки тому +13

    love is love.Love has no boundaries. Stay happy.
    May Allah bless you.
    Love from Bangladesh.

  • @allyk1995
    @allyk1995 4 роки тому +37

    outstanding love story
    Hats off

  • @nwaowav
    @nwaowav 4 роки тому +38

    Love what Anjali said about how coming out isn't just one moment! And having films that explore MORE than just coming out.

  • @ashneeowthar410
    @ashneeowthar410 4 роки тому +9

    What saddens me is Sufi's parents won't accept Anjali and Anjali's parents r soo supportive of this relationship. We living in a different diaspora. ...we need to b open minded about these things. I really admire how these 2 lovely ladies opened up. The choices made between them concerning their sexuality is no more swept under the carpet. Relationships of these calibre is out in the open so y can't we give them the support they deserve. They talk of marriage one day. ....guys I hope u move forward and make it official. U deserve happiness...make a life together... and have ur four kids. Congrats with only happiest endings👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.

  • @sambrisam
    @sambrisam 4 роки тому +8

    God bless you two! Not only have you shown the world that being a part of the LGBTQ community is not something to be ashamed of but, also that no geographical border matter more than humanity.

  • @ceciliaquiban7983
    @ceciliaquiban7983 4 роки тому +7

    Hi I am from Manila, Philippines. Just to drop by a message. Each one of us has the capacity to love and be loved. Your way of loving is not strange to the one who is broadminded. Just go on with what you believe and show to the world how sweet you are as a couple.

  • @terryduran8783
    @terryduran8783 4 роки тому +18

    You both are just so precious ❤️❤️

  • @elma2645
    @elma2645 4 роки тому +6

    Congrats Sufi and Anjali and may you live a happy life together. Thanks for sharing, you have really inspired me.

  • @troods8110
    @troods8110 4 роки тому +3

    Beautiful ladies, thank you for sharing your story. I hope you two have a wonderful life of love and happiness. ❤❤

  • @msfh1991
    @msfh1991 3 роки тому +1

    It's beautiful that they're doing great work for humanity with their platform! Such amazing girls

  • @O_Ciel_Phant0mhive
    @O_Ciel_Phant0mhive 4 роки тому +15

    This whole talk was amazing and inspirational :') I loved how the audience voiced out their feelings as was really great to see!

  • @bilakichbegum1685
    @bilakichbegum1685 4 роки тому +51

    Damn....I want someone like Anjali😭😭😭

  • @sakvlogvasan4273
    @sakvlogvasan4273 3 роки тому +49

    i just came out to my parents and friends and one day i hope to have a girlfriend like sufi

    • @franklinjosue4919
      @franklinjosue4919 3 роки тому +1

      pro trick : you can watch movies at flixzone. Been using it for watching lots of of movies these days.

    • @devonkenneth7763
      @devonkenneth7763 3 роки тому

      @Franklin Josue Yup, I have been watching on flixzone} for months myself =)

    • @SK-mu2by
      @SK-mu2by 3 роки тому

      Shame on you...😨

    • @namjesus1998
      @namjesus1998 3 роки тому

      @UC3oijczvJOzIdx0ZvFAfVqA fck off

    • @sakvlogvasan4273
      @sakvlogvasan4273 3 роки тому

      @@SK-mu2by what do you mean

  • @siobhanrachel2969
    @siobhanrachel2969 4 роки тому +10

    Cultural diversity at its best 💖fromSeychelles

  • @Dan-xx5jq
    @Dan-xx5jq Рік тому

    Anjali's family are a beautiful Hindu family. India was always so tolerance that is why India had so much diversity, with so many different religions and languages and different physically looking people from the NE to the NW to the South.

  • @yoon-jikim128
    @yoon-jikim128 4 роки тому +6

    This is beautiful. Love wins ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

  • @priyankabiswas1838
    @priyankabiswas1838 4 роки тому +9

    Heart touching love story....I love for your story....

  • @robertcraig4704
    @robertcraig4704 4 роки тому +10


  • @Miss_lei
    @Miss_lei 3 роки тому +2

    Wawooo Anjali comforts Sufi in so many ways😍😍

  • @MightyMightyMyers
    @MightyMightyMyers 4 роки тому +7

    It’s going to be fine, Sufi. Don’t worry about your extended family. It showed that you were uncomfortable discussing it. Hopefully they will come to realize that it is the best for you and appreciate you for what you are. We definitely need more education and awareness on this issue in our countries. One love from India 🇮🇳 ✌🏾💕

  • @manasishrinta2882
    @manasishrinta2882 4 роки тому +29

    Eye contact.....😍😍😍😍😍💖💖💖💖

  • @kookisgirl4836
    @kookisgirl4836 4 роки тому +51

    💜SUFIANJALI💜god bless you both😇.!

  • @joelpayne1193
    @joelpayne1193 Рік тому

    Wow they are in love together and very brave for coming out and good luck in the future.

  • @jayantirai4048
    @jayantirai4048 4 роки тому +3

    beautiful birds.God bless both.

  • @urmilasingh1796
    @urmilasingh1796 4 роки тому +12

    Sufi you must watch short series like the other love story (aradhya and anchal) and another series called Maaya 2 (Ruhi &simmi)

  • @pavi4865
    @pavi4865 3 роки тому +3

    Very inspiring and a much needed awareness...You are doing a great job....Wayyyy to go girls🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️

  • @poonamdhonow6567
    @poonamdhonow6567 4 роки тому +2

    Last night I see your interview I really appreciate your love story u have pass in very difficult situations u make for other your and jori is made in heaven

  • @amycamila1918
    @amycamila1918 4 роки тому +111

    Omg I didn't know Sufi's surname is Malik! I've always see her as a girl version of Zayn Malik. What a coincidence

  • @sunluv6115
    @sunluv6115 4 роки тому +6

    They are both beautiful 😍😍

  • @canaabxusseen2159
    @canaabxusseen2159 4 роки тому +15

    This is amazing to see .am Muslim, love my religion ....and I wish I can come out one day and be my self . but I don't think I can do that as I fear my community . I am so happy for you girls . May Allah bless you

    • @boxiaolove3183
      @boxiaolove3183 4 роки тому +1

      Same here!! Stay safe :) you are always welcomed to be friends with us :)

    • @canaabxusseen2159
      @canaabxusseen2159 4 роки тому

      Thank you and same to you La La

  • @AvrilRose727
    @AvrilRose727 3 роки тому +1

    I love 💖 💕 both of you. Thank you for the beautiful moments

  • @timknguyen
    @timknguyen 4 роки тому +2

    Sufi and Anjali, I am a conservative man and while I am quite tolerant toward gay people, I am not always a big fan of the LGBTQ community. But after watching this video and seeing the absolute stunning display of true love between you 2 beautiful and articulate young ladies, I was quite moved. I have a lot of respect and admiration for you guys, what you are trying to do and where you guys are headed. May I wish you both lots of success and happiness in your life together. Love is indeed powerful!

  • @rachutandukar8062
    @rachutandukar8062 4 роки тому +11

    I just saw your video which makes me feel good and you guys are just awesome and fantastic keep it up and always smile👏👏👏👏👏👏💘💘💘💘💘😍😍😍😍💯💯💯

  • @mikeandretaylor
    @mikeandretaylor 2 роки тому +1

    This was so awesome. Peace and many blessings to both of you and your families. Would love to meet you both! Much love from a new fan!

  • @afrinansari8398
    @afrinansari8398 4 роки тому +2

    Wasss searching for this video's frm sooooo longg..finalyyy !!!!

  • @kumar7359
    @kumar7359 4 роки тому +2

    Wow. Anjali looks stunning. Sufi too is fabulous.

  • @goodyoyugi417
    @goodyoyugi417 4 роки тому +1

    This is very beautiful and to make it more beautiful there differences formed love. i wish you all the best and thank you for representing us.

  • @AA-ek5kz
    @AA-ek5kz 4 роки тому +3

    They are the best representation of their community.

  • @priyaprt
    @priyaprt 4 роки тому +8

    I jus love them...

  • @shreevithran5441
    @shreevithran5441 3 роки тому +1

    True love nvr been end. Sufi and anjali both of so cute and made for each other... Dont worry i m also support ur both

  • @shonad6377
    @shonad6377 3 роки тому

    Much love for both of you and everyone else who believes in loving another human being! 🥰

  • @luna-goddessofmoonlight3951
    @luna-goddessofmoonlight3951 4 роки тому +5

    Aww so cute and sweet. Beautiful couple😍💗

  • @ethylenramos7271
    @ethylenramos7271 4 роки тому +3

    Wow, brave women. Hello from California.

  • @MDabida-y5c
    @MDabida-y5c 11 місяців тому +1


  • @andrewmoyap
    @andrewmoyap 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you, Sufi and Angalis for speaking out in favour of basic human rights for LGBTQ people, and basically for everyone who is different. In fact, in terms of nature, every person is different and in sexuality there is a great variety of ways of expressing it...Compulsory heterosexuality is against the great variety of nature. Thank you for your wonderful example speaking out for diversity. You are both a model of how diversity in cultures works. You are both an inspiration.

  • @skyview6056
    @skyview6056 4 роки тому +12

    pretty n brave couple ♥️❤️

  • @cafehoppers
    @cafehoppers 4 роки тому +8

    Both Anjali and Sufi looks so much identical... love from India to both of you

  • @avanitiwari2931
    @avanitiwari2931 4 роки тому +3

    Wow..❤️❤️❤️love from india

  • @trishlucifer2774
    @trishlucifer2774 4 роки тому +6

    That's amazing what you guys are doing. Can't wait to find this true kind of love you shear. Keep up the good work. I am also not accepted by my parents so as brave people like you two pave the way I hope that one day they too will realize that love is love no matter who it's with. P.s am also Hindu from south America Guyana.

  • @marymerry6936
    @marymerry6936 4 роки тому +3

    Hands off to you guys. Love is blind & so is Gender is blind. Remember that. Good luck to you both.

    • @shakthi5271
      @shakthi5271 4 роки тому


    • @marymerry6936
      @marymerry6936 4 роки тому +1

      Thanks. Once had relationships on both sides. But my 1st love is a woman but has passed away due to CA. Not wanting to have a relationship. Too painful. So please work on making sure your love grows stronger. Best wishes to you guys.

  • @glowingpanda5466
    @glowingpanda5466 4 роки тому +6

    I shock even I follow all tradition way n complete marriage, wit men but I like still nvr tat much freedom.. Wit my hubby in society, Indians, but I glad u guys hv guts, congrats ladies 😘😘

  • @hudibaahmad
    @hudibaahmad 3 роки тому

    I loved how raw and honest Anjali and sufi were.We live in a society that is blooming, but certain parts of our identity and cultures really do make our lives a bit harder.Whatever it is, we should respect people’s decision and pray that Gods guidance and love is with them.As a muslim and a pakistani I truly understand where sufi is coming from, how much she may love her family, the unfortunate suppression of our culture diminishes even the little pleasures of life.Like still maintaining a simple relationship with your loved ones.But yet we shouldn’t make that our weakness, we should look up high where the clouds lye happily in the blue sky.This simple ritual will take you so far into your life, that you won’t have to look back, because it shows that you’ve left all the negativity behind.Life won’t always be like roses, life won’t always be as sweet as honey.But we can make it rich and luxurious like a sweet desert after your meal by trusting yourself or whatever that motivates u to live your life.Lets just remember to be good citizens for this world by being open minded and respecting one another Insha’Allah.We all have our individual paths so lets focus on them and make them bright and beautiful ❤️💕☺️

  • @subham99vlog
    @subham99vlog 3 роки тому +1

    That was an excellent story and interview ...
    Hifi from India :))

  • @IRONMAN3000_
    @IRONMAN3000_ Місяць тому

    I am watching this video but after their break up an it's really heart breaking 💔 to watch this 😢

  • @skyview6056
    @skyview6056 4 роки тому +5

    may you live long gather in lots of blessing...amin

  • @sumitajagtap4557
    @sumitajagtap4557 4 роки тому +5

    'Sufi's'poem was heart touching.

  • @yolandatembo9972
    @yolandatembo9972 4 роки тому +3

    Am happy for u guys nd wish the love I have for my bestie can reach dis ,just DAT in Zambia its not regalised yes

  • @laurenedwards8785
    @laurenedwards8785 4 роки тому +11

    They're amazing i wish them the best ❤

  • @luckydogra72
    @luckydogra72 4 роки тому +11

    Now I'm going to find the UA-cam channel 😀

  • @kanna2870
    @kanna2870 4 роки тому +14


  • @ladonnadupras1580
    @ladonnadupras1580 3 роки тому +1

    You two are too cute
    I hope you have a wonderful lifetime.of happiness.l love to see how people can come together .I send you both the great life.

  • @LucyLeigut
    @LucyLeigut 3 роки тому +3

    Such a beautiful couple

  • @greco2897
    @greco2897 4 роки тому +7

    Anjali is Beautifull.

  • @kavithayelmakavithayelma4645
    @kavithayelmakavithayelma4645 4 роки тому +3

    Hi Sufi and Anjali fist of all I wold like to say u both are looking verypretty so cute and happy life to you both of you I am very proud of you both so be happy capuls god will always with you I am from India 🌹😘

  • @hiimain7932
    @hiimain7932 4 роки тому +1

    True love. Beautiful. This is so inspiring 🌈💞🤧

  • @manasishrinta2882
    @manasishrinta2882 4 роки тому +25

    What a couple!!!!!!!!!!

  • @avavalle8397
    @avavalle8397 4 роки тому +9

    You're both beautiful,I love your story,and the poem it's so meaningful, and the way Anjali comforting Sufi who was obviously a lot more nervous that's so sweet, and really inlove with each other..I love you guys, hope your relationship would be forever, GOD BLESS you!

  • @thebearrrrrrrr
    @thebearrrrrrrr 5 місяців тому +3

    It's so sad seeing this video after their breakup

  • @Darkfelix9676
    @Darkfelix9676 3 роки тому

    True love... God bless u..... Cute anjali and sufi.... Wowwwww

  • @hildaayoo6853
    @hildaayoo6853 4 роки тому +1

    The first video I watched of you two was when you talked about how you met. Since then I haven't seem any till today and I'm surprised 🤗 that you got married!!!
    Congratulations to you two. May you both be loving,respectful,forgiving and prayerful towards each other and for each other.
    I'm not married nor never been in relationship ,and it's my wish that I will someday. I'm now 34yrs and it's beautiful and gives hope that love wins.

    • @nasrins8608
      @nasrins8608 4 роки тому

      They aren't married 🙂 just to add , ur not alone there are many like u including me ,be happy and keep spreading love , someday love will win for all ♥️

    • @hildaayoo6853
      @hildaayoo6853 4 роки тому

      @@nasrins8608 thank you. True Love wins.

  • @lifewithpooja3817
    @lifewithpooja3817 2 роки тому

    Awesome love story. They both made for each other..

  • @sekarrachma514
    @sekarrachma514 4 роки тому +6

    where i can watch the full interview for sufi and anjali? please tell me, thanks

  • @RokitaKumam
    @RokitaKumam 4 роки тому +7

    Sufi & Anjali my favourite couple

  • @priyamondal6543
    @priyamondal6543 4 роки тому +5

    May be Anjali is Bengali in Hindus I guess 😉😄.......I'm an Indian..... I'm hoping for that day... When my country will give us our own pride 😒....that day my all LGBTQ +friends will scream with joy.... They can marry to whom they want 😍they can say easily that ''yes I'm gay ''....&the straight ppl will be happy to know that... I wish....... Finger crossed for hope.... Hope &only hope 😌.....

  • @kingtracyy7775
    @kingtracyy7775 4 роки тому +1

    one of the sweetest couples ever istg

  • @arabicenglishwithbritishnative
    @arabicenglishwithbritishnative 4 роки тому +2

    The world you create is the one that creates the world I love music, I love to read, I love to sing, I love animals, I love to ponder and refkect, I love what is beautiful, I love what is sweet, calm and I guess sometimes what is crazy, loud and fun I love alot of things but most importantly I love what makes the world beautiful, what makes the world a place of love ✌️

  • @nitusanasam4301
    @nitusanasam4301 4 роки тому +6

    We need more people like sufi and anjali.. love you both.❤️ coming out is not easy!

  • @fansforfans1900
    @fansforfans1900 4 роки тому +3

    This was amazing 💗

  • @shahinansari3943
    @shahinansari3943 2 роки тому +1

    Wow ❤️ i am Muslim but my family not know how i am. 🥺 I can't tell my papa and my mother and i love ilma so much love ilma i love u bby ❤️❤️

    • @darkekaa
      @darkekaa 2 роки тому

      Don't worry dear just stand on your feet and explore the world with your love. May God bless you.