I'd 100% delete the antenna from my next van build. I'd rather have some form of starlink mount and feed-through for the cable. That way I can stream whatever I want, whenever I want. I've been on the road for 9 months and can count on one hand how many times I've bother putting up the antenna.
We'll be buying our first caravan soon and I'll be putting a large usb drive behind the TV loaded with good old downloaded torrents, won't even bother looking at the antenna. I'm only watching this video just to learn, no intention of actually using it. I don't even have my home TV antenna connected! 😂
@@thfreakinacage I had my drive plugged in to my laptop to act as a plex server when we wanted to watch stuff. I would consider using a raspberry Pi of similar to set up a more permanent solution if I was living in it full time again. That coupled with an internet connection is all you need for tech/information connection these days. Way better than any trash on free-to-air TV.
Very informative video BUT the question that should be asked is why is a home antenna so much larger than these caravan fitments...Answer, so they can receive a strong enough signal when not located close to the transmitter, so these little van things have no hope unless you can throw a tennis ball and hit the transmitter mast. I installled antennas for many years and as I tell people that ask why they cant tune anything in their van when on the outer limits of a town in a free camp, move into the town or city because the fitted antenna on their van is extremely poor....
I have series 3 but suddenly I get nothing... not even one channel. Tried everything... all connections good. I am keen on the Van Tenna but you dont talk about it much apart from its roof space etc. Does it compare to the others for signal strength? Otherwise, good job presentation... I learn a lot. Thanks.
Excellent advice. Thanks.
That was great. Well done. I need to get the second antenna. I have the first one. Cheers
Thanks for that Jen, I have learnt from this video. Cheers man. Keep up the great work.
I'd 100% delete the antenna from my next van build. I'd rather have some form of starlink mount and feed-through for the cable. That way I can stream whatever I want, whenever I want. I've been on the road for 9 months and can count on one hand how many times I've bother putting up the antenna.
We'll be buying our first caravan soon and I'll be putting a large usb drive behind the TV loaded with good old downloaded torrents, won't even bother looking at the antenna. I'm only watching this video just to learn, no intention of actually using it. I don't even have my home TV antenna connected! 😂
@@thfreakinacage I had my drive plugged in to my laptop to act as a plex server when we wanted to watch stuff. I would consider using a raspberry Pi of similar to set up a more permanent solution if I was living in it full time again. That coupled with an internet connection is all you need for tech/information connection these days. Way better than any trash on free-to-air TV.
How much is Starlink though?
Great vid Jed, some useful info there. What happen to 'Tips with Steve', has he left you guys ?
Very informative. Thanks.
Very informative video BUT the question that should be asked is why is a home antenna so much larger than these caravan fitments...Answer, so they can receive a strong enough signal when not located close to the transmitter, so these little van things have no hope unless you can throw a tennis ball and hit the transmitter mast. I installled antennas for many years and as I tell people that ask why they cant tune anything in their van when on the outer limits of a town in a free camp, move into the town or city because the fitted antenna on their van is extremely poor....
I have series 3 but suddenly I get nothing... not even one channel. Tried everything... all connections good. I am keen on the Van Tenna but you dont talk about it much apart from its roof space etc. Does it compare to the others for signal strength?
Otherwise, good job presentation... I learn a lot. Thanks.
Good vid… don’t understand why the manufacturers would put the only horizontal receiver on any Van now.
Great info thanks but vid could have been a bit shorter by reducing repetitiveness
Marketing 101. This video is basically an advert with some information thrown in too.