When you powered out from under the bridge I think the Microcontroller browned out in the drone a little. Even slight power fluctuations can throw off CPU calculations wildly. I notice similar issues with underpowered Rpi and Arduino projects, where underpowering the processor causes Data corruption.
Hi, I have definitely seen other UA-camrs reporting that they lost control or the Neo acted erratic. In almost every case, I noticed that the satellites indicator was hovering +/- 12 sats. It also happened to me. It’s like the Neo panics when it’s 12 sats or lower. DJI may have used a lesser sat chip to keep the price of the Neo down. Thanks for sharing.
My Neo has thrown such "fits" on 3 occasions. Twice indoors and one outside. All three times got the GPS warning. I was hoping the last firmware update included a fix but I see your video was just posted yesterday. I use the goggles and motion control that came with my Avata 2. Did spend part of the fall flying in the trees. No issues. No issues buzzing around the open yard. No issues with it flying without any remote. Tends to drop connection using the phone as a remote. Thanks for making the video and best wishes.
Okay.. a couple of things. When you noticed that the drone was acting up, the first thing you do is LAND! You don't go up higher and see if it fixes itself and you sure don't go over water. For maiden voyages go somewhere in an open field or parking lot where you don't have to worry about that many trees or lakes. I still feel that drone is not meant for any of that. DJI is trying to get people hooked and then once you get in, then you're going to want a drone that can do more. If people want to fly fpv get an Avata 2 to start out. The Neo is made to put in your pocket and do some cool, basic moves. Not to go FPV with it. I feel it's just not made for that. Also, I would have hoped you paid for the refresh program to replace the drone for significantly less due to the type of issue you had. Sorry for the loss of the drone but... I bet you won't do that again if a drone starts acting up. Just land it and go from there. Good luck!
Hi big thanks for your rock solid advice, I should have landed ( my over enthusiasm) and absolutely no way near water …. My expectations were way too high and I agree with you about the drone not really being good for fpv. Maybe we should be a bit more cynical of all the marketing hype. Many thanks again
@@ChrisG9978 With the exception of wind really being your enemy with this little guy, i've had good results with the FPV3 controller. If you're not paying attention to wind and bank into it you're going to notice it very fast, you may even struggle to get it back home if you've gone too far downwind.
Not really helpful. Did you even understand the question? It was a hypothetical situation that arose from seeing other YT reviews. If you have not run into this scenario in person, then just say so it instead of trying to make me look bad, it only makes you look mean and stupid.
Not really helpful. Did you even understand the question? It was a hypothetical situation that arose from seeing other YT reviews. If you have not run into this scenario in person, then just say so it instead of trying to make me look bad, it only makes you look mean and stupid.
Thing is: don't fly a Neo under 12-15 satellites over water. And give her enough time before starting to find all satellites. May take up to a minute but is worth it.
I thought neo is a go fly drone no need to wait for satellite and set up. All u have to do is turn it on and let it fly from your palm and it will record your video
Hi Dave. Thanks for putting out this video. Sorry about your lost NEO. We had similar problem with our NEO, and it seems like the erratic acceleration and lack of control is very bad when flying with the Motion 3. We have made 3 videos about it in the last month or so, and DJI even replied. Other controllers, like the FPV RC 3, RC 2, and phone, seemed to lose GPS but simply drift gracefully. The Motion 3 kind of amplifies the throttle when it's freaking out. For us, the low light makes it lose GPS connection. If you have other controllers, we'd be curious to know if you experience the same thing as we do, where the NEO is still controllable, even though the GPS is red.
@@readysetdrone hiya, big thanks for your comments, that’s a real clue to hear that the motion controller is abit ‘freaky’ 🤭. I have had much more success with the fpv 3 controller. Much more predicable when the transmission drops below 15/10mps. Thanks again 👍
I have a Neo. No problems so far. I think in your case you may have damaged a prop having hit several branches. If that has happened your Neo would not fly as it should. I have been a private pilot for over 30 years and the best thing to do if things are not going to plan is land. Good luck with Neo number 2. Regards Paul.
Not really helpful. Did you even understand the question? It was a hypothetical situation that arose from seeing other YT reviews. If you have not run into this scenario in person, then just say so it instead of trying to make me look bad, it only makes you look mean and stupid.
Sorry to see your Neo fail like that. Bummer it was lost. Hopefully you did purchase the extended service contract? Mine quit behaving a few days after purchase and DJI replaced it in just a couple of days.
@@rcpilots1291 Yes, cannot fault their service. Was surprised by the $19 "handling fee" but figured that was way better than the $200 for a replacement. Hopefully they will make it right for you
Sorry to see your loss but it does clearly say "do not fly over water" in the instructions, the optical flow sensors do tend to go a bit crazy over water as it cant sense the ground. My Neo is behaving but my tello used to go mad when I flew over white background paper in my studio due to the optical flow sensors.
PS if you fly under a bridge, which will reduce the GPS quality the drone will resort to using the optical flow only and as I said the water isnt good for optical flow, hence it had a nervous breakdown.
There are known issues when flying Neo over the water without GPS. It uses underneath sensor for positioning and water surface is inappropriate for this.
I believe this Neo issue may be hardware related. As you mentioned, when you record on 4K for a little too long, it seems that the circuit board or chip in the Neo heats up too much and causes the Neo to freak out. I haven't experienced the issue myself, but maybe because I was flying in very cold weather. Dji should definitely be addressing this problem. Have you specified this issue to Dji?
Was the Neo Firmware up to date? I’ve had a Neo from day of release and when flying it with the RC2 it went all squirrely and crashed. A firmware update seems to have sorted it out and I’ve had no problems since. Yours looked very jittery / jumpy even before it went off. Mine is very smooth with the FPV setup. Maybe contact DJI to see if they will replace it?
Mine flew away today. Yes my satellites were in the red at beginning of flight, but it said fly with caution. I wasn't planning on flying more than a few feet away in my own backyard. The idea of letting go of the controls for it to stay in place did not work. It seemed to rise up and just totally drift away with no response from the controller. A pos. It now sits 30 feet up in my neighbors tree.
Ya, I’m getting alot of feedback here about this , your initial analysis still stands that the very small electronics package gets overloaded at times and just ‘craps out ‘ . flying over water also stressed it out - poor thing 🤭🤣
It's ironic I stumble across this video immediately after experiencing the same erratic behavior. I am a novice pilot so I stay in the neighborhood and within sight most of the time. After making a trip around the perimeter of the property I decided to see if the RTH button worked. It shot straight up near some oak limbs. I terminated the RTH function so I could manually fly it in. There was no wind but it started wandering side to side and didn't seem to want to respond to the down command. After just letting it hover then gently bringing it down it started functioning normally again. After landing I noticed there were 3 oak leaves that had gotten sucked down to the propeller guard on just one of the engines. I'm thinking maybe that was the problem. I won't fly it far again till I'm sure but it sounds a lot like what many on here are describing.
You can buy the drone only option for about 200 US dollars. And i just seen that Amazon sells floating water bumpers for 15.99 US dollars from a company called Startrc photo. Seeing your drone float down river might not be much better. I wonder how it would fly with the bumpers.
Well. I had a remarkably similar accident a few days ago. I suddenly got a No GPS warning midflight. I was flying back when through my goggles I saw and felt the NEO bank over at a very steep angle, then fly rapidly backwards into some trees on an island in a pond. I had flown FPV perfectly well around our top flat and noticed the poor reception of GPS (always red). Unlike my Mini 2 which connects right through our ceiling and roof, with no issue. Sadly my Neo is now marooned upsidedown on a thin layer of ice awaiting a thaw and its final tragic descent into the gloom. I'm not willing to buy another Neo so will look at the Flip with some interest...
Ah crikey, I feel so bad for you, what a crap outcome. The neo is a great package but maybe they’ve tried to pack too much into a small space and dropped quality in the process
Have you used a space weather app that tells you whether the current atmospheric conditions (the Earth's magnetic field changes, sometimes more, sometimes less...) are good? If there is a lot of WiFi and radio interference in your area (which is probably the case), this happens more often than in uninhabited areas without electricity and the Internet of Things... As beautiful as your garden is, it's probably not the right place to fly. Is there a way to make manual settings regarding the radio connection (channels or frequency range) and negotiate a more stable connection? I have a Neo, without the Googles, but I think, it's possible...
Thank you for sharing your experience and im sorry for your loss. If you sig up for mailing at argos u get a voucher for £10, bringing the proce down to £109. Thats how i vought mine. In case it helps.
I usually prefer 24 satellites for a good lock, also, if the gps signal is playing up, please keep in mind that the neo only has its bottom sensors for positional awareness, if you are flying over flowing water then the bottom sensors may pick that up as drift movement and the drone will fly in the opposite direction to the drift direction, causing it to do a fly away like this. Is it possible this is what happened?
I think that speculation is absolutely possible, just like video cameras overheating in 4k, but not 1080p. Recording resolutions can absolutely limit the capability of the device. Although that makes it pretty dangerous and sketchy to fly around as a FPV drone--constantly losing control mid flight.
Thank you for the video and sorry for your loss of the drone. Hope DJI will replace it. Where I live we have Satellite issues so I guess I will hold off on this bird for now.
i bought the fly more combo (with the normal rc-n3) for a total of 5hrs 30min and around 34km it flew perfectly but when I tried to get a shot of a building and I took off it said poor satellite connection. I waited for it to go away and went up, then when I tried to angle my drone, it flew itself into the building and fell onto the roof of a parking lot. The battery was working but the drone refused to take off. When I tried using one of the other 2 batteries, it flew fine, but the camera wasn't focusing, and there were 4 or 5 small black dots on the screen. Gonna get it repaired on Saturday, hopefully, it will get repaired for under 30 dollars (or 10kd).
Hi, thanks for getting in touch, i feel real bad for you because that is one of the most significant times when you are relying on electronics to do their job. you took a chance flying around a building and it let you down. Based on other peoples comments, this maybe a real problem - basically there are times when the cpu/motherboard/whatever thingey just gets overloaded and has a bit of a brain fart. The tiny package is a bit too tiny for all that dji is offering. This seems to be at its worst when recording at 4k, switching to 1080/30fps seems to cure the problem . I hope they come up with a fix. I understand that dji customer support seem pretty eager to help people.
@rcpilots1291 Oh, thanks a alot. I think i should just stick to flying in open areas next time and not get too close to any building. I really appreciate you taking out time to reply to all these comments ❤️
Yes, this drone doesn’t like to be over water and need a lot more gps signal to do it safely. (The manual indicates not to use it over water). And the captor doesn’t do miracles. (When it’s dark, the drone is not stable at all.) Furthermore, it’s a little 135g drone, it can’t fight wind or trees at all. And this controller is very weird, it works but you rely entirely on calculation and you don’t really master anything. You can’t ask too much to the little neo. However, it’s not the most expensive drone, it’s very resilient and easy to use, so it’s nice to learn with it. And pro pilots must adapt. Sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing. People need to see this too !
I heard it has problem over water in normal mode don't think it was the sats but thanks for the heads-up hell grab an avata 2 if going to replace it you have all the other kit I haven't had any problem with my neo
hiya, thanks for that solid advice, i reckon santa might have me on the naughty list rather than nice list, so i might have to wait a while before considering such a big purchase
flying over water when you're unfamiliar and flying with the wonky motion controller is risky to begin with...the entire flight looked edgy and out of control. sorry for you loss.
Unlike older drones that relied almost entirely on accelerometers, the Neo uses the down-facing cameras to get a reference, and assumes the ground is more or less static. That's one of the reasons why flying it over water can be risky (because the moving water can confuse it). Having said that, you seemed to have enough satellites for it to basically ignore the cameras and still get good positioning, so I wonder if the issue was a damaged propeller or defective motor, that it was trying (and eventually failed) to compensate for. BTW, I don't think that controller communicates directly with the drone (it goes through the goggles).
thats rock solid info. thanks your explanation about the water makes so much sense and ya i just learned that the controller communicates with the goggles, not the neo - thanks again
Hi, thanks so much for sharing your experience! It really is appreciated! I’m a newbie getting a fly more combo for my partner and this seems like a huge tip! RC flight @ 1080p x 60 to avoid this apparent conflict - I’m hoping the auto flight modes won’t demonstrate the problem as they don’t communicate to owt else and all recordings stay onboard til you view them post recovery! I’ll let you know if it turns out to be great surprise idea !
I got the neo just after release & checked the logs on airdata. It was repeatedly reporting poor gps fly with caution. Then after an update everything looked fine & no mention of poor gps. I'm wondering they just covered up the poor gps reception
That sounds like a good explanation, some people are also suggesting that different parts of the world are getting better signal than others. I’m in ireland and I know of similar problems in England.
I have the Neo and had it do some weird stuff with the motion controller. It would start sliding left for no reason. I'm going to get the regular controller to fly full manual so i don't need to worry about it doing weird things on it's own.
@rcpilots1291 Sketchy how? I haven't flown the Neo in full manual mode yet, just my DJI FPV. That does exactly what I want when I want and doesn't add any unwanted inputs. That controller doesn't work with the Neo though so I need to get the one that works in manual fpv mode.
Sorry for your Neo loss. First of all, the Neo is not an Avata. I have the Mini 4 Pro and the Avata 1. No problems with those two, always film in 4K. I bought the Neo, purely because I do a lot of e-mountain bike rides in the Netherlands and Croatia and that's what I use it for, what the Neo is so handy for, following or a quick circle flight, without a controller, just out of hand and that's what it's actually meant for. I have an RC2 controller, tested with the Neo, but it's way too sensitive in the wind, if I can grab the controller, I grab the Mini 4. The Neo is for simple out of hand flights, that's what it's meant for and that's what I use it for.
Heya, thanks for that breakdown, you make alot of sense using different drones for different purposes. I was naive to think this little machine could do everything properly. It’s still a great gadget just a bit limited
My Neo recently flew away in follow me mode while snowboarding, luckily it hit trees and came down, an easy find but two damaged props. Sorry I don’t have a link, but a fellow UA-camr posted a video comparing a Neo and a Mavic Air 3s. His aim was to show you not to expect the same transmission depth and reception from a smaller powered unit. Watch your telemetry, not the GPS but the connection speed in MPS. It displays 9 mps and falling fast, perhaps it was less but the display was lagging. He concluded not to underestimate the power of trees, branches, twigs and leaves to divert the signal. Made worse by smaller antennas and CE restrictions. Luckily a bare Neo replacement is a small cost compared to your investment.
hey buddy, that has to be the best advice ever, i never though to check transmission speed - that would have been a better indicator of trouble and yes i should not have expected a solid gps signal from such a small unit. big thanks
I'm thinking it's an internal interference problem blocking the GOS signal. If you can fish your drone just of the river,,, actually you need somebody capable of RF diagnostic examination
Got to love all the fan boys bashing you . When this is clearly starting to become a real problem with the neo . And definitely something to keep a close eye on thank you for putting this video out there
Hey James, thanks for the support 👍, I accept that I was expecting too much from this little drone but as you say way too many people are having this problem, dropping satellites in clear open areas should not be happening- simple as that
The optical sensors are not able to fly over water, that goes wrong en second, the Neo vision based system does really strange thing in low light with FPV goggles 3. These two factors combined it is horrible. Don't get me wrong I love the drone but this is something they need to address in the next iteration.
It can fly even without sats. Indoor for instance provided very well lit... But over the water, you need more than 11 steady sats for sure. All these mess is due to its highly depends on ground facing sensor only when signals are poor... Sorry for your lost Sir 🙏
trees and bridges disrupt GPS signals. failover is visual positioning. visual positioning doesn't work well over water or in the dark. if both fail, the drone will go into attitude mode (blind toy drone mode). the trouble is that the gps on the Neo is not very strong and when the visual positioning fails the computer does not go into atti mode right away. With the tree branches obstructing the gps signals and simultaneous visual positioning failure - the drone might start flying in some random direction trying to compensate for the mismatch between its last known position and what the gps incorrectly sees. Once the computer deems the sensor data unreliable it will give up trying and switch into atti mode but before this happens you'll be struggling with the controls. Sometimes the computer can't decide for a while and continues to "trust" the error prone gps or sensor data which results in unpredictable behavior. Don't fly under bridges, don't fly under trees in low light or over water, don't fly over water at low altitude. Because the Neo is so small it makes it very tempting to fly in all kinds of risky places. It's fun but be ready to fight the controls and crash when the sensors and gps fail. I would avoid water at low altitude altogether - too risky unless you fly full manual using the dji fpv remote controller 3 and know exactly what you are doing.
The Neo doesn't fly over water. In the instructions it clearly says do not fly over water. The sensors can't pick up ground when the reflection of water is under it.
you make a good point, thanks. the problem seems to have more to do with the neo behaving erratically when it loses GPS Signal but i will be more careful - thanks again
Hello - Just subscribed to your channel! Not sure where you are flying but by the architecture I'd be guessing Europe - is it possible the drone is being limited by the Colonist Edition firmware? I'm in Canada and sure enough both the NEO and Avata 2 needed the HAM "patch" to fix this. Luckily for you the goggles are currently the only method of patching the NEO. Once both drones were patched I did notice an increase in range with both units BUT - the little NEO definitely does not find and hold the satellite signals like the Avata 2 does. The difference is drastic. usually around 15 channels and almost always going in the red for the NEO vs 29 satellites with consistent steady signal with no red for the Avata 2. Both are being controlled by the N3 goggles with the FPV 3 remote. This is out in the country with very little interference. I am really hoping that this is an issue that can be resolved with a future firmware update, because if its a hardware issue like a smaller antenna or less powerful transmitter we are stuck with it permanently. Thanks for the Video!
Heya, big thanks for all that info. That really makes me wonder about location problems. I’m in ireland and I know of similar problems for people next door in England but I suspect the miniature electronics may also be to blame
Just received my Neo. No drone experience yet. From my background, I would say that your cause guessing could very well be correct. Then DJI should change the software to give priority to deal with GNSS and other flight control over image quality always. I am taking you experience as a warning, thanks a lot!
I purchased the DJI FPV Remote Controller 3 after screwing with the DJI RC Motion 3 for a few days flying at crawl speed in an open field with zero trees and no water around. The bad news is, DJI Fly Away means Fly not float (they dedicated almost a full page talking about the evil of water) which means they won't replace it.. the good news is it is only $200 to replace the drone only, if they still sell just the drone which is how I purchased mine to be used in place of the Avata 2 while learning 'Manual' flight.
I just use the Neo as a fun drone with rc2 controller when out cycling. I don't consider it a replacement for my mini 4 pro which I fly with rc2 and goggles 3.
ua-cam.com/video/JkDs6yXH7Ew/v-deo.htmlsi=pMMXbAs7i320HOWW - see here FYI - it seems the ground sensors have a relationship to the GPS systems such that it can’t ever fly completely based on GPS? (so the water maybe?)
I lost my Neo Chepstow. It lost the satellite connection in open sky on top of the hill near the very top of trees. Normally I fly up to avoid everything. But it switched go ATTI mode i would not go over 100feet. Simply no way to clear the surrounding branches I dropped into. The drone landed on the very edge of the rock face. Too dangerous to get to.
I appreciate this is a little too late, but... everyone getting a Neo - especially a combo kit - should also immediately get the DJI Refresh Care plan with it. It's very inexpensive for the Neo - US$38 for two years -and you get four no-questions-asked replacements for damaged drones you can send back (shipping is free) for US$20 each and two of them can be no-questions-asked fly away events for around US$90 each. And of course, DJI will check your flight records and if it turns out that you weren't at fault, it's free. It also extends your warranty to two years.
Some people are saying that when the Neo has satellites and then intermittently loses the signal that the drone sort of malfunctions causing not just normal ‘non satellite’ behaviour but something far more unpredictable 🥴
Um bom drone, mas não estabiliza satelites e mantem eles, é um grande problema para esse drone. O meu Neo demora para localizar e manter satélites, e as vezes isso perturba e que acabamos perdendo a paciência e sentindo medo de voar com esse drone. Isso não é legal.
I fly mine fpv acro in 1080/60 using goggles N3 and remote 3. so far so good. Ive flown analogue for over 10 years and will never go back to it again.. Digital is insane
Too many obstacles and trees for a maiden flight on a new RC aircraft. I've flown RC heli's, planes, quads/drones (way before they had any sort of stabilization or GPS on them) for over 20 years and would never fly in an area like that until I know it well enough to get through a glitch or any erratic/squirrelly behavior it might have during flight. If the Neo fails to lock GPS and goes into "attitude" mode it can become very erratic...it won't brake or maintain hover well at all. Be prepared to fight it if that happens. First flights, always seek wide open space.
very wise words my friend, thanks - ive actually been using that 'circuit' for years with various drones , helis and planes but i was overly enthusiastic and paid the price, lol
I am a brand-new drone pilot and have only flown my Neo a few times. That said, it seems like you are expecting a lot from a $200.00 drone. Best of luck getting it replaced with the DJI program.
DJI replaced my neo free because it would randomly fly itself around without inputs. Happened to a friend of mine also but his went into a lake. DJI also replaced his free.
The satellites at the time had no relevance on how you were flying If you’re a new flyer or even experience flyer, you know should never fly in a congested area flying an open area
Sounds like a firmware glitch. Gps should have no effect on regular flight unless you failsafed your rc signal i do no after taking a small hit kind of makes dji drones freak out i can smack my 5 inch into a wall and come back like nothing happened
I do feel like you ignored all of the warnings, flying over water, near trees etc. The drone does not have obstacle avoidance and instructions specifically say not to fly over water. If you want to do those things, use a different drone.
First of all. The Neo can’t fly over water, it’s on the manual. I’ve seen a lot of videos and even with a remote controller it starts acting up. You flew a lot and close to the water so maybe that’s what made the Neo act weird.
The only option to buy is the drone only. This drone’s usage should not be to fly it around. Out, film an action, in and off. I use it for sport or for holiday souvenirs. If I want to take proper landscape shots, I have the mini 3.
You in a bad place for a first flight with a neo regardless of experience.Open space become toally used to the little neo and progress to more complex environements,but suggest no water more than a quick puddle Just my advice. Happy new neo coming for you i hope
Your satellite count was the culprit. 12 is the bare minimum. 20 or more to start with will alleviate the issue should you lose signal with a few satellites during flight.
Why do you think satellite reception has anything to do with radio control? It doesn’t. GPS just sends out a clock signal and the GPS satellites name. the receiving unit which would be the drone simply calculates the distance it has from those GPS satellites to determine its location then calculates its location to the RC unit. something is interfering with the signal between the RC and the drone has nothing to do with the number satellites you have you can actually have zero satellites and have perfect control over the drone. You don’t need a GPS to have perfect control or malfunctioning control so it has to do with the frequency of the RC and something affecting it, it could be somebody in the area on the same frequency messing with it. It could be a car going by. It could be somebody’s radio. It could be a toaster.
@@dijax7863 wow, that’s really interesting information- sincere thanks for that. I think what maybe happening is when the drone loses signal it becomes disoriented, not just simply flying without gps but actually a type of malfunction . This is what I’m hearing in feed back from other work a similar experience but I appreciate you spending the time to explain this 👍
not quite!! It seems to be an internal design issue by lower quality board circuits too sensitive with interferences or harmonics, so doesn t matter huge frequency difference between tiny GPS signals and RC or WiFi (phone) controllers more than signals power in nearby circuits. So huge features density processes in so tiny size demands for NASA tech and materials hardly to provide for amateur price drones so I think Neo has been rather designed like toy with no serious expectations but only to initiate public larger market attraction to start consume ...drones so, then to buy more expensive ones each strictly dedicated for its limited use! Not to get one only for all!😵😵🤔😎
@@rcpilots1291 So I think, by my testing in my basement, where my Neo cant get a GPS signal, its a bit unstable. So I think DJI is using the GPS signals as a stabilization correction. I would never have even dreamed this. The reason is right here, its not a very good way to do it. GPS is very accurate when your data charts are accurate and your math processor is accounting for the inherent errors from the satellites for altitude within a foot or so, but stabilization!!! wow... simply crazy. I will admit it, I was wrong... the lack of GPS is the culprit here.
Scusami ma per fare una prima prova ...hai sicuramente scelto un luogo troppo pieno di ostacoli , ponti, canali e alberi. Certamente il numero dei satelliti molto basso è stato una delle problematiche ma se il sistema non ti avesse avvertito..allora avresti ragione di dare una colpa alla qualita' del NEO...ma a mio avviso non è così. Ho visto decine e decine di voli fpv con NEO (io ce l'ho ma non vado in FPV) e sono sempre stati ottimi ...ma in spazi molto piu' aperti. Ora comprati solo il NEO e continua... Ma attenzione...non essere troppo spavaldo.
interesting ive just got one for xmas, so i havent flown it yet, and im not going to fly fpv, just with the remote i will definately not be swooping under any bridges for shots
I’m sure you will be very happy, I just think that there might be a bit of a problem doing fast manoeuvres and shooting in 4k, the processor gets overloaded. As long as You only record in hd, it will be fine
The water maybe, getting closer to it under the bridge and confused it ? Ive seen video of a guy in Turkey loose one similarly after going over water, that took off very fast and high
Totally user error, the neo is in the “Whoop” class of drones, it’s not made for arco high speed high altitude flying, and it’s light weight makes it very susceptible to wind, even very gentle breezes can be too much for it to handle, does that make it a bad drone, of course not, not when it’s being used in a manner not intended, and that wonky thing they call a controller, ya good luck with that thing, any real FPV enthusiast knows what it’s like to fly any other whoop drone, they have terrible battery life, very limited distance, and the analog video is almost un-fly able, when compared to, the neo blows them all away,
Hiya, thanks for that solid comment, i know i was expecting abit too much, i think i got carried away with all the reviews on youtube.. it is a great little drone, giving a bit of something to everyone
Somebody never read the brief NEO DONT LIKE WATER Surely you have done some research about the water & the Neo Maybe your not used to the motion controller you seemed to be waving it around like swotting flys
I’ve been told that you shouldn’t fly the neo over water . Bottom line you wasn’t used to that drone a watching you flying it was only a matter of time that you was going to crash . Don’t think it was the drone
When you powered out from under the bridge I think the Microcontroller browned out in the drone a little. Even slight power fluctuations can throw off CPU calculations wildly. I notice similar issues with underpowered Rpi and Arduino projects, where underpowering the processor causes Data corruption.
That’s the most credible explanation to what happened, big thanks for that 👍
Hi, I have definitely seen other UA-camrs reporting that they lost control or the Neo acted erratic. In almost every case, I noticed that the satellites indicator was hovering +/- 12 sats. It also happened to me. It’s like the Neo panics when it’s 12 sats or lower. DJI may have used a lesser sat chip to keep the price of the Neo down. Thanks for sharing.
Crikey that’s reassuring to hear that I wasnt just imagining this - thanks 👍
My Neo has thrown such "fits" on 3 occasions. Twice indoors and one outside. All three times got the GPS warning. I was hoping the last firmware update included a fix but I see your video was just posted yesterday. I use the goggles and motion control that came with my Avata 2.
Did spend part of the fall flying in the trees. No issues. No issues buzzing around the open yard. No issues with it flying without any remote. Tends to drop connection using the phone as a remote.
Thanks for making the video and best wishes.
Hey buddy, thanks for your comments, I’m glad to hear that it goes good for you, it is a fun little package
Okay.. a couple of things. When you noticed that the drone was acting up, the first thing you do is LAND! You don't go up higher and see if it fixes itself and you sure don't go over water.
For maiden voyages go somewhere in an open field or parking lot where you don't have to worry about that many trees or lakes.
I still feel that drone is not meant for any of that. DJI is trying to get people hooked and then once you get in, then you're going to want a drone that can do more.
If people want to fly fpv get an Avata 2 to start out.
The Neo is made to put in your pocket and do some cool, basic moves. Not to go FPV with it. I feel it's just not made for that.
Also, I would have hoped you paid for the refresh program to replace the drone for significantly less due to the type of issue you had.
Sorry for the loss of the drone but... I bet you won't do that again if a drone starts acting up. Just land it and go from there.
Good luck!
Hi big thanks for your rock solid advice, I should have landed ( my over enthusiasm) and absolutely no way near water ….
My expectations were way too high and I agree with you about the drone not really being good for fpv. Maybe we should be a bit more cynical of all the marketing hype. Many thanks again
With the new firmware updates and using the FPV controller vs the stick remote, the Neo is a very capable FPV drone and does extremely well.
@@ChrisG9978 With the exception of wind really being your enemy with this little guy, i've had good results with the FPV3 controller.
If you're not paying attention to wind and bank into it you're going to notice it very fast, you may even struggle to get it back home if you've gone too far downwind.
Not really helpful. Did you even understand the question? It was a hypothetical situation that arose from seeing other YT reviews. If you have not run into this scenario in person, then just say so it instead of trying to make me look bad, it only makes you look mean and stupid.
i fly FPV with neo with no problem.What are you talking about?
Seems like all the warning signs were there but you ignored them and kept on flying
You are right 😢- a bit dumb on my part
Not really helpful. Did you even understand the question? It was a hypothetical situation that arose from seeing other YT reviews. If you have not run into this scenario in person, then just say so it instead of trying to make me look bad, it only makes you look mean and stupid.
Thing is: don't fly a Neo under 12-15 satellites over water. And give her enough time before starting to find all satellites. May take up to a minute but is worth it.
That makes alot of sense- thanks 👍
Yeah. In another video someone points out how "Don't Fly Over Water" is in the instructions.
I thought neo is a go fly drone no need to wait for satellite and set up. All u have to do is turn it on and let it fly from your palm and it will record your video
@@mocha_chuchay5945 Yes, but if you buy a controller or goggles you can then fly it like a regular drone. You can also do that with your phone.
@@mocha_chuchay5945 You thought. In fact flying it by controller (!) requires a bit of awareness. I wrote this as tip. You won't have to follow.
Hi Dave. Thanks for putting out this video. Sorry about your lost NEO.
We had similar problem with our NEO, and it seems like the erratic acceleration and lack of control is very bad when flying with the Motion 3.
We have made 3 videos about it in the last month or so, and DJI even replied.
Other controllers, like the FPV RC 3, RC 2, and phone, seemed to lose GPS but simply drift gracefully.
The Motion 3 kind of amplifies the throttle when it's freaking out. For us, the low light makes it lose GPS connection.
If you have other controllers, we'd be curious to know if you experience the same thing as we do, where the NEO is still controllable, even though the GPS is red.
@@readysetdrone hiya, big thanks for your comments, that’s a real clue to hear that the motion controller is abit ‘freaky’ 🤭. I have had much more success with the fpv 3 controller.
Much more predicable when the transmission drops below 15/10mps.
Thanks again 👍
I have a Neo. No problems so far. I think in your case you may have damaged a prop having hit several branches. If that has happened your Neo would not fly as it should. I have been a private pilot for over 30 years and the best thing to do if things are not going to plan is land.
Good luck with Neo number 2. Regards Paul.
Hi Paul, those are very wise words thanks, I should have just landed when it all felt a bit wonky 👍
That's sad, I'm like a pinball machine with my Meteor 85s. Fly with very beaten up props. But it's not designed to loot ones wallet so.
Shouldn't Fly around trees and water 🌊
Not really helpful. Did you even understand the question? It was a hypothetical situation that arose from seeing other YT reviews. If you have not run into this scenario in person, then just say so it instead of trying to make me look bad, it only makes you look mean and stupid.
@@rickhaworth5808 karma bot? sick of kremlin hybrid warfare me
Sorry to see your Neo fail like that. Bummer it was lost. Hopefully you did purchase the extended service contract? Mine quit behaving a few days after purchase and DJI replaced it in just a couple of days.
Wow that’s reassuring to hear, they seem to have some understanding of the neos weaknesses
@@rcpilots1291 Yes, cannot fault their service. Was surprised by the $19 "handling fee" but figured that was way better than the $200 for a replacement. Hopefully they will make it right for you
You chose the worst possible place for a first flight.
I was expecting too much from this little drone, many other drones managed this without problems but clearly it’s not for the Neo 🥴
The guy is a very experienced flyer so why would he not try a place like that ? he bought it for places like that. Ray K UK YNWA.
Sorry to see your loss but it does clearly say "do not fly over water" in the instructions, the optical flow sensors do tend to go a bit crazy over water as it cant sense the ground. My Neo is behaving but my tello used to go mad when I flew over white background paper in my studio due to the optical flow sensors.
PS if you fly under a bridge, which will reduce the GPS quality the drone will resort to using the optical flow only and as I said the water isnt good for optical flow, hence it had a nervous breakdown.
Very wise words - thanks 👍
There are known issues when flying Neo over the water without GPS. It uses underneath sensor for positioning and water surface is inappropriate for this.
Thanks buddy , I’m beginning to understand how easily this little drone gets confused 🫤
I believe this Neo issue may be hardware related. As you mentioned, when you record on 4K for a little too long, it seems that the circuit board or chip in the Neo heats up too much and causes the Neo to freak out. I haven't experienced the issue myself, but maybe because I was flying in very cold weather. Dji should definitely be addressing this problem. Have you specified this issue to Dji?
Hiya, thanks for getting in touch I think your analysis is right, dji must surely be aware of this 🤨
Was the Neo Firmware up to date? I’ve had a Neo from day of release and when flying it with the RC2 it went all squirrely and crashed. A firmware update seems to have sorted it out and I’ve had no problems since. Yours looked very jittery / jumpy even before it went off. Mine is very smooth with the FPV setup. Maybe contact DJI to see if they will replace it?
That advice makes a lot of sense, n many thanks 🙏
I’ve read hundreds of Neo disasters. Thanks for the video. Will get Flip if I want a new drone and probably get Neo if it’s half off just for fun
@@rcinematic thanks for taking the time to comment, I agree the flip seems alot more capable , happy flying
Mine flew away today. Yes my satellites were in the red at beginning of flight, but it said fly with caution. I wasn't planning on flying more than a few feet away in my own backyard. The idea of letting go of the controls for it to stay in place did not work. It seemed to rise up and just totally drift away with no response from the controller. A pos. It now sits 30 feet up in my neighbors tree.
That must really hurt, To see it so close, aahhh 😥
Another erratic neo thanks for speaking up, I got a lot of heat for reporting this issue, seems like you've had a few too
Ya, I’m getting alot of feedback here about this , your initial analysis still stands that the very small electronics package gets overloaded at times and just ‘craps out ‘ . flying over water also stressed it out - poor thing 🤭🤣
It's ironic I stumble across this video immediately after experiencing the same erratic behavior. I am a novice pilot so I stay in the neighborhood and within sight most of the time. After making a trip around the perimeter of the property I decided to see if the RTH button worked. It shot straight up near some oak limbs. I terminated the RTH function so I could manually fly it in. There was no wind but it started wandering side to side and didn't seem to want to respond to the down command. After just letting it hover then gently bringing it down it started functioning normally again. After landing I noticed there were 3 oak leaves that had gotten sucked down to the propeller guard on just one of the engines. I'm thinking maybe that was the problem. I won't fly it far again till I'm sure but it sounds a lot like what many on here are describing.
@flnatv2410 that's an interesting development, I'm 99% sure I didn't have any ingress, but it's worth a strip down to check fully
You can buy the drone only option for about 200 US dollars. And i just seen that Amazon sells floating water bumpers for 15.99 US dollars from a company called Startrc photo.
Seeing your drone float down river might not be much better. I wonder how it would fly with the bumpers.
It might have something to do with where in the manual it says ‘Do Not Fly Over Water’. It’s sensors can’t deal with the reflective surfaces.
🤣🥴wise words 👍
Well. I had a remarkably similar accident a few days ago. I suddenly got a No GPS warning midflight. I was flying back when through my goggles I saw and felt the NEO bank over at a very steep angle, then fly rapidly backwards into some trees on an island in a pond. I had flown FPV perfectly well around our top flat and noticed the poor reception of GPS (always red). Unlike my Mini 2 which connects right through our ceiling and roof, with no issue. Sadly my Neo is now marooned upsidedown on a thin layer of ice awaiting a thaw and its final tragic descent into the gloom. I'm not willing to buy another Neo so will look at the Flip with some interest...
Ah crikey, I feel so bad for you, what a crap outcome. The neo is a great package but maybe they’ve tried to pack too much into a small space and dropped quality in the process
Have you used a space weather app that tells you whether the current atmospheric conditions (the Earth's magnetic field changes, sometimes more, sometimes less...) are good? If there is a lot of WiFi and radio interference in your area (which is probably the case), this happens more often than in uninhabited areas without electricity and the Internet of Things... As beautiful as your garden is, it's probably not the right place to fly. Is there a way to make manual settings regarding the radio connection (channels or frequency range) and negotiate a more stable connection? I have a Neo, without the Googles, but I think, it's possible...
Hiya, big thanks for all that advice, I never contemplated issues with geo interference- I’ll look into that…
Many thanks again
Thank you for sharing your experience and im sorry for your loss. If you sig up for mailing at argos u get a voucher for £10, bringing the proce down to £109. Thats how i vought mine. In case it helps.
I didn’t know that nugget of information, big thanks for sharing 👍
I usually prefer 24 satellites for a good lock, also, if the gps signal is playing up, please keep in mind that the neo only has its bottom sensors for positional awareness, if you are flying over flowing water then the bottom sensors may pick that up as drift movement and the drone will fly in the opposite direction to the drift direction, causing it to do a fly away like this. Is it possible this is what happened?
Hiya, I think you’re assessment is actually 100% correct, all that you say makes so much sense👍
I think that speculation is absolutely possible, just like video cameras overheating in 4k, but not 1080p. Recording resolutions can absolutely limit the capability of the device. Although that makes it pretty dangerous and sketchy to fly around as a FPV drone--constantly losing control mid flight.
That’s a sound opinion, food for thought, thanks
Thank you for the video and sorry for your loss of the drone. Hope DJI will replace it. Where I live we have Satellite issues so I guess I will hold off on this bird for now.
Maybe a good idea to look for something with stronger gps. Some people are saying that it has quite a weak receiver, maybe Mavic mini 👍
when i select a flight mode it promps me to connect the dji to fly aircraft...whats this mean
That’s seems strange, I’m sorry but I don’t have any ideas😢
i bought the fly more combo (with the normal rc-n3) for a total of 5hrs 30min and around 34km it flew perfectly but when I tried to get a shot of a building and I took off it said poor satellite connection. I waited for it to go away and went up, then when I tried to angle my drone, it flew itself into the building and fell onto the roof of a parking lot.
The battery was working but the drone refused to take off.
When I tried using one of the other 2 batteries, it flew fine, but the camera wasn't focusing, and there were 4 or 5 small black dots on the screen.
Gonna get it repaired on Saturday, hopefully, it will get repaired for under 30 dollars (or 10kd).
Hi, thanks for getting in touch, i feel real bad for you because that is one of the most significant times when you are relying on electronics to do their job. you took a chance flying around a building and it let you down. Based on other peoples comments, this maybe a real problem - basically there are times when the cpu/motherboard/whatever thingey just gets overloaded and has a bit of a brain fart. The tiny package is a bit too tiny for all that dji is offering. This seems to be at its worst when recording at 4k, switching to 1080/30fps seems to cure the problem . I hope they come up with a fix. I understand that dji customer support seem pretty eager to help people.
@rcpilots1291 Oh, thanks a alot.
I think i should just stick to flying in open areas next time and not get too close to any building.
I really appreciate you taking out time to reply to all these comments ❤️
If you look at the manual, DJI recommends avoiding flying over water. I think water is especially important to avoid during the first flight
Wise words, thanks 👍
Yes, this drone doesn’t like to be over water and need a lot more gps signal to do it safely. (The manual indicates not to use it over water). And the captor doesn’t do miracles. (When it’s dark, the drone is not stable at all.) Furthermore, it’s a little 135g drone, it can’t fight wind or trees at all. And this controller is very weird, it works but you rely entirely on calculation and you don’t really master anything.
You can’t ask too much to the little neo. However, it’s not the most expensive drone, it’s very resilient and easy to use, so it’s nice to learn with it. And pro pilots must adapt.
Sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing. People need to see this too !
Thanks for your sound comments and advice , hopefully people will avoid making the mistakes that I made 👍
I heard it has problem over water in normal mode don't think it was the sats but thanks for the heads-up hell grab an avata 2 if going to replace it you have all the other kit I haven't had any problem with my neo
hiya, thanks for that solid advice, i reckon santa might have me on the naughty list rather than nice list, so i might have to wait a while before considering such a big purchase
flying over water when you're unfamiliar and flying with the wonky motion controller is risky to begin with...the entire flight looked edgy and out of control. sorry for you loss.
Thanks for taking the time to comment, you are 100% right that the whole flight was ‘wonky’ . My enthusiasm got in the way of common sense.😅
Unlike older drones that relied almost entirely on accelerometers, the Neo uses the down-facing cameras to get a reference, and assumes the ground is more or less static. That's one of the reasons why flying it over water can be risky (because the moving water can confuse it).
Having said that, you seemed to have enough satellites for it to basically ignore the cameras and still get good positioning, so I wonder if the issue was a damaged propeller or defective motor, that it was trying (and eventually failed) to compensate for.
BTW, I don't think that controller communicates directly with the drone (it goes through the goggles).
thats rock solid info. thanks your explanation about the water makes so much sense and ya i just learned that the controller communicates with the goggles, not the neo - thanks again
Hi, thanks so much for sharing your experience! It really is appreciated! I’m a newbie getting a fly more combo for my partner and this seems like a huge tip! RC flight @ 1080p x 60 to avoid this apparent conflict - I’m hoping the auto flight modes won’t demonstrate the problem as they don’t communicate to owt else and all recordings stay onboard til you view them post recovery! I’ll let you know if it turns out to be great surprise idea !
I’m sure you’ll do fine. As long as you’re more cautious than me 😅
One the bright side, I was flying my Neo and two of them came back home.. btw, that park looks familiar, I think I was there recently..
haha, that has to be the funniest comment - nice one.
I got the neo just after release & checked the logs on airdata. It was repeatedly reporting poor gps fly with caution. Then after an update everything looked fine & no mention of poor gps. I'm wondering they just covered up the poor gps reception
That sounds like a good explanation, some people are also suggesting that different parts of the world are getting better signal than others. I’m in ireland and I know of similar problems in England.
While flying with my phone I lose signal. Can I regain control of the drone by using my remote control while the drone is still flying?
Great question, I don’t think so 🥴
Did you enable RockSteady at this flight ?
Yes, rocksteady was set, thanks
I love my Neo, I’ve got the mini 3pro had the mavic zoom the inspire and phantom but I must admit the NEO is just pure fun.
It really is!👍
I have the Neo and had it do some weird stuff with the motion controller. It would start sliding left for no reason. I'm going to get the regular controller to fly full manual so i don't need to worry about it doing weird things on it's own.
Good idea but be pretty careful in full manual mode, that can be sketchy too 🤨
@rcpilots1291 Sketchy how? I haven't flown the Neo in full manual mode yet, just my DJI FPV. That does exactly what I want when I want and doesn't add any unwanted inputs. That controller doesn't work with the Neo though so I need to get the one that works in manual fpv mode.
Was it a promotional unit
No, I bought this at full retail price
Sorry for your Neo loss. First of all, the Neo is not an Avata. I have the Mini 4 Pro and the Avata 1. No problems with those two, always film in 4K. I bought the Neo, purely because I do a lot of e-mountain bike rides in the Netherlands and Croatia and that's what I use it for, what the Neo is so handy for, following or a quick circle flight, without a controller, just out of hand and that's what it's actually meant for. I have an RC2 controller, tested with the Neo, but it's way too sensitive in the wind, if I can grab the controller, I grab the Mini 4. The Neo is for simple out of hand flights, that's what it's meant for and that's what I use it for.
Heya, thanks for that breakdown, you make alot of sense using different drones for different purposes. I was naive to think this little machine could do everything properly. It’s still a great gadget just a bit limited
My Neo recently flew away in follow me mode while snowboarding, luckily it hit trees and came down, an easy find but two damaged props. Sorry I don’t have a link, but a fellow UA-camr posted a video comparing a Neo and a Mavic Air 3s. His aim was to show you not to expect the same transmission depth and reception from a smaller powered unit. Watch your telemetry, not the GPS but the connection speed in MPS. It displays 9 mps and falling fast, perhaps it was less but the display was lagging. He concluded not to underestimate the power of trees, branches, twigs and leaves to divert the signal. Made worse by smaller antennas and CE restrictions. Luckily a bare Neo replacement is a small cost compared to your investment.
hey buddy, that has to be the best advice ever, i never though to check transmission speed - that would have been a better indicator of trouble and yes i should not have expected a solid gps signal from such a small unit. big thanks
I'm thinking it's an internal interference problem blocking the GOS signal. If you can fish your drone just of the river,,, actually you need somebody capable of RF diagnostic examination
Hey thanks for that, I think what you say makes a lot of sense 👍
Got to love all the fan boys bashing you . When this is clearly starting to become a real problem with the neo . And definitely something to keep a close eye on thank you for putting this video out there
Hey James, thanks for the support 👍, I accept that I was expecting too much from this little drone but as you say way too many people are having this problem, dropping satellites in clear open areas should not be happening- simple as that
Many thanks for sharing your experience with us and it happens - great video and you have a new subscriber
Kind words, many thanks 👍
The optical sensors are not able to fly over water, that goes wrong en second, the Neo vision based system does really strange thing in low light with FPV goggles 3. These two factors combined it is horrible. Don't get me wrong I love the drone but this is something they need to address in the next iteration.
@@is-it-magic that makes alot of sense, I’ve found that it definitely behaves very erratically in low light conditions- thanks for posting
It can fly even without sats. Indoor for instance provided very well lit... But over the water, you need more than 11 steady sats for sure. All these mess is due to its highly depends on ground facing sensor only when signals are poor... Sorry for your lost Sir 🙏
@@slaveoptics that’s a great explanation, big thanks 👍
trees and bridges disrupt GPS signals. failover is visual positioning. visual positioning doesn't work well over water or in the dark. if both fail, the drone will go into attitude mode (blind toy drone mode).
the trouble is that the gps on the Neo is not very strong and when the visual positioning fails the computer does not go into atti mode right away. With the tree branches obstructing the gps signals and simultaneous visual positioning failure - the drone might start flying in some random direction trying to compensate for the mismatch between its last known position and what the gps incorrectly sees. Once the computer deems the sensor data unreliable it will give up trying and switch into atti mode but before this happens you'll be struggling with the controls. Sometimes the computer can't decide for a while and continues to "trust" the error prone gps or sensor data which results in unpredictable behavior.
Don't fly under bridges, don't fly under trees in low light or over water, don't fly over water at low altitude.
Because the Neo is so small it makes it very tempting to fly in all kinds of risky places. It's fun but be ready to fight the controls and crash when the sensors and gps fail.
I would avoid water at low altitude altogether - too risky unless you fly full manual using the dji fpv remote controller 3 and know exactly what you are doing.
That’s the best and most comprehensive explanation ever- you make so much sense - massive thanks for taking the time to comment 👍
@rcpilots1291 No problem! I've flown my Neo a lot and I'm glad to share my experience.
The Neo doesn't fly over water. In the instructions it clearly says do not fly over water. The sensors can't pick up ground when the reflection of water is under it.
you make a good point, thanks. the problem seems to have more to do with the neo behaving erratically when it loses GPS Signal but i will be more careful - thanks again
Hello - Just subscribed to your channel! Not sure where you are flying but by the architecture I'd be guessing Europe - is it possible the drone is being limited by the Colonist Edition firmware? I'm in Canada and sure enough both the NEO and Avata 2 needed the HAM "patch" to fix this. Luckily for you the goggles are currently the only method of patching the NEO.
Once both drones were patched I did notice an increase in range with both units BUT - the little NEO definitely does not find and hold the satellite signals like the Avata 2 does. The difference is drastic. usually around 15 channels and almost always going in the red for the NEO vs 29 satellites with consistent steady signal with no red for the Avata 2. Both are being controlled by the N3 goggles with the FPV 3 remote. This is out in the country with very little interference.
I am really hoping that this is an issue that can be resolved with a future firmware update, because if its a hardware issue like a smaller antenna or less powerful transmitter we are stuck with it permanently.
Thanks for the Video!
Heya, big thanks for all that info. That really makes me wonder about location problems. I’m in ireland and I know of similar problems for people next door in England but I suspect the miniature electronics may also be to blame
Just received my Neo. No drone experience yet. From my background, I would say that your cause guessing could very well be correct. Then DJI should change the software to give priority to deal with GNSS and other flight control over image quality always. I am taking you experience as a warning, thanks a lot!
I’m glad to have been of some help 👍
The Neo hates shade or dark conditions. Every time mine has acted up is right after flying in a darker area!
I agree, it’s really in need of bright light 🥴
1:22 whoa! Going under that tunnel and over water was risky! 😮 I recently discovered this issue, but crashed.
Oops, I think I was just lucky 🍀
@rcpilots1291 Ha! 👍
I purchased the DJI FPV Remote Controller 3 after screwing with the DJI RC Motion 3 for a few days flying at crawl speed in an open field with zero trees and no water around. The bad news is, DJI Fly Away means Fly not float (they dedicated almost a full page talking about the evil of water) which means they won't replace it.. the good news is it is only $200 to replace the drone only, if they still sell just the drone which is how I purchased mine to be used in place of the Avata 2 while learning 'Manual' flight.
lol, I like your sense of honour, I should have bought an Rc 🚤, a lot less hassle. Best of luck with your endeavours 🤞👍
After similar thing happened to me, I bought immediately the RC controller, that new joystick did not make a good impression on me.
I’m the same as you, I’m not keen the motion controller
I just use the Neo as a fun drone with rc2 controller when out cycling. I don't consider it a replacement for my mini 4 pro which I fly with rc2 and goggles 3.
Fair point, I think I expected a bit too much from it
Same problem, on second flight. lost control, hit the ground, lost satellite.
im real sorry to hear that, its so heartbreaking - but i hear that DJI seem to sympathetic to this problem and may offer a replecement- best of luck
I didn't notice Home Point..
I think the problem was the unpredictable ‘dropping of gps’ signal, thanks for taking the time to comment 👍
ua-cam.com/video/JkDs6yXH7Ew/v-deo.htmlsi=pMMXbAs7i320HOWW - see here FYI - it seems the ground sensors have a relationship to the GPS systems such that it can’t ever fly completely based on GPS? (so the water maybe?)
I lost my Neo Chepstow. It lost the satellite connection in open sky on top of the hill near the very top of trees. Normally I fly up to avoid everything. But it switched go ATTI mode i would not go over 100feet. Simply no way to clear the surrounding branches I dropped into. The drone landed on the very edge of the rock face. Too dangerous to get to.
Ah jeez, that’s heart breaking, that happened me once when a glider plane landed on a cliff face, I could see it but I had to walk away 🥵
I appreciate this is a little too late, but... everyone getting a Neo - especially a combo kit - should also immediately get the DJI Refresh Care plan with it. It's very inexpensive for the Neo - US$38 for two years -and you get four no-questions-asked replacements for damaged drones you can send back (shipping is free) for US$20 each and two of them can be no-questions-asked fly away events for around US$90 each. And of course, DJI will check your flight records and if it turns out that you weren't at fault, it's free. It also extends your warranty to two years.
Rock solid advice - thanks 👍
Seems these little buggars have a mind of their own mate. Happened to my first 2. Onto my 4th now 😂
ah crikey, that must be so frustrating, silly question, but have you done a compass AND imu calibration?
@ I didn’t mate. It showed that it was normal.
I've lost/never had satellite connection when I fly neo in my house. I've never had a problem with not being able to fly it.
Some people are saying that when the Neo has satellites and then intermittently loses the signal that the drone sort of malfunctions causing not just normal ‘non satellite’ behaviour but something far more unpredictable 🥴
Um bom drone, mas não estabiliza satelites e mantem eles, é um grande problema para esse drone. O meu Neo demora para localizar e manter satélites, e as vezes isso perturba e que acabamos perdendo a paciência e sentindo medo de voar com esse drone. Isso não é legal.
I agree, is very slow to lock on and also data transfer rates are poor
I fly mine fpv acro in 1080/60 using goggles N3 and remote 3. so far so good. Ive flown analogue for over 10 years and will never go back to it again.. Digital is insane
I agree with you, digital is amazing. And I think 180/60 is the best setting, it can’t handle the processing load of 4k
Too many obstacles and trees for a maiden flight on a new RC aircraft. I've flown RC heli's, planes, quads/drones (way before they had any sort of stabilization or GPS on them) for over 20 years and would never fly in an area like that until I know it well enough to get through a glitch or any erratic/squirrelly behavior it might have during flight. If the Neo fails to lock GPS and goes into "attitude" mode it can become very erratic...it won't brake or maintain hover well at all. Be prepared to fight it if that happens. First flights, always seek wide open space.
very wise words my friend, thanks - ive actually been using that 'circuit' for years with various drones , helis and planes but i was overly enthusiastic and paid the price, lol
I am a brand-new drone pilot and have only flown my Neo a few times.
That said, it seems like you are expecting a lot from a $200.00 drone. Best of luck getting it replaced with the DJI program.
thanks for your comments, you are right, my expectations may have been a little too high, lesson learned - happy flying
DJI replaced my neo free because it would randomly fly itself around without inputs. Happened to a friend of mine also but his went into a lake. DJI also replaced his free.
i am impressed at their high level of customer service, at least they are showing some acknowledgement about this issue. better luck with neo no 2
uumm i say the water was the issue...had my neo from release..touch wood, no issues..i know use a dj rc2 controller and been rock solid..
thats good to know , thanks.it definitely gets a bit 'confused' over water
The satellites at the time had no relevance on how you were flying
If you’re a new flyer or even experience flyer, you know should never fly in a congested area flying an open area
Wise words my friend 👍
Ever since the Phamtom 1, they have all had GPS.
Do not fly above the water when you have low then 20 satellites, this is the only problem, or do it fully in manual mode
Great advice, thanks for that - I’ll be more careful just didn’t think it would need 20+ satellites
@@rcpilots1291 for me it work normal with 16+ when it stable not lower then 16. If lower it can starts do strange things above the water :)
Sounds like a firmware glitch. Gps should have no effect on regular flight unless you failsafed your rc signal i do no after taking a small hit kind of makes dji drones freak out i can smack my 5 inch into a wall and come back like nothing happened
Haha, they are a bit temperamental 🥴
Have you replaced this now?
Yup, the care refresh program covered it - phew 😥
Great video thanks for the info
I’m glad it might be of some help, best of luck 🤞
omg thought i was the only one, I lost mine as well, it started spiraling out of control over the ocean :(
i should upload mine and compare it lol
I’m so sorry to hear that, really heartbreaking to see It going out of control 😢
@ i ordered rubber float prop guards for it, so i can retrieve it at least if it happens again!
I do feel like you ignored all of the warnings, flying over water, near trees etc. The drone does not have obstacle avoidance and instructions specifically say not to fly over water. If you want to do those things, use a different drone.
@@5tarman724 that is very good advice, thanks and happy flying 👍
It got dizzy.
Haha, a bit of a brain fart 🥴
First of all. The Neo can’t fly over water, it’s on the manual. I’ve seen a lot of videos and even with a remote controller it starts acting up. You flew a lot and close to the water so maybe that’s what made the Neo act weird.
I think you’re right, thanks 👍
The only option to buy is the drone only.
This drone’s usage should not be to fly it around.
Out, film an action, in and off. I use it for sport or for holiday souvenirs. If I want to take proper landscape shots, I have the mini 3.
That’s a rock solid way to go 👍
You in a bad place for a first flight with a neo regardless of experience.Open space become toally used to the little neo and progress to more complex environements,but suggest no water more than a quick puddle
Just my advice.
Happy new neo coming for you i hope
I can’t fault your very sensible advice- thanks for taking the time to comment 👍
By posting a video of yourself flying the drone over water you may find you've scuppered your chances of getting a replacement drone from DJI
Thanks for taking your time to comment 👍
Flying over water and around trees at the same time is asking for trouble.
Ya, I over estimated its abilities 🥴
ill buy the goggles and remote off you .....whats your price?
I’m hoping to get a replacement, thanks 🤨
Your satellite count was the culprit. 12 is the bare minimum. 20 or more to start with will alleviate the issue should you lose signal with a few satellites during flight.
That’s really sound advice, thanks 👍
I always have about 20-something satellites
Your location may be a factor - some places struggle to get more than 15/16
Why do you think satellite reception has anything to do with radio control? It doesn’t. GPS just sends out a clock signal and the GPS satellites name. the receiving unit which would be the drone simply calculates the distance it has from those GPS satellites to determine its location then calculates its location to the RC unit. something is interfering with the signal between the RC and the drone has nothing to do with the number satellites you have you can actually have zero satellites and have perfect control over the drone. You don’t need a GPS to have perfect control or malfunctioning control so it has to do with the frequency of the RC and something affecting it, it could be somebody in the area on the same frequency messing with it. It could be a car going by. It could be somebody’s radio. It could be a toaster.
@@dijax7863 wow, that’s really interesting information- sincere thanks for that. I think what maybe happening is when the drone loses signal it becomes disoriented, not just simply flying without gps but actually a type of malfunction . This is what I’m hearing in feed back from other work a similar experience but I appreciate you spending the time to explain this 👍
not quite!! It seems to be an internal design issue by lower quality board circuits too sensitive with interferences or harmonics, so doesn t matter huge frequency difference between tiny GPS signals and RC or WiFi (phone) controllers more than signals power in nearby circuits. So huge features density processes in so tiny size demands for NASA tech and materials hardly to provide for amateur price drones so I think Neo has been rather designed like toy with no serious expectations but only to initiate public larger market attraction to start consume ...drones so, then to buy more expensive ones each strictly dedicated for its limited use! Not to get one only for all!😵😵🤔😎
@@rcpilots1291 So I think, by my testing in my basement, where my Neo cant get a GPS signal, its a bit unstable. So I think DJI is using the GPS signals as a stabilization correction. I would never have even dreamed this. The reason is right here, its not a very good way to do it. GPS is very accurate when your data charts are accurate and your math processor is accounting for the inherent errors from the satellites for altitude within a foot or so, but stabilization!!! wow... simply crazy. I will admit it, I was wrong... the lack of GPS is the culprit here.
flew mine for the first time today, im avoiding water like the plague though
well you are a more sensible person than me, lol. best of luck and happy flying
Scusami ma per fare una prima prova ...hai sicuramente scelto un luogo troppo pieno di ostacoli , ponti, canali e alberi.
Certamente il numero dei satelliti molto basso è stato una delle problematiche ma se il sistema non ti avesse avvertito..allora avresti ragione di dare una colpa alla qualita' del NEO...ma a mio avviso non è così.
Ho visto decine e decine di voli fpv con NEO (io ce l'ho ma non vado in FPV) e sono sempre stati ottimi ...ma in spazi molto piu' aperti.
Ora comprati solo il NEO e continua...
Ma attenzione...non essere troppo spavaldo.
Hey buddy, big thanks for your comments, you are right i picked a bad place to start, guess my enthusiasm overtook me. Happy flying
ive just got one for xmas, so i havent flown it yet, and im not going to fly fpv, just with the remote
i will definately not be swooping under any bridges for shots
I’m sure you will be very happy, I just think that there might be a bit of a problem doing fast manoeuvres and shooting in 4k, the processor gets overloaded. As long as You only record in hd, it will be fine
I prefer not to fly like I stole it next to a lot of trees along a river bank. 😅
Guilty…🤭I maybe aging but I’m still a bit reckless 😂
The water maybe, getting closer to it under the bridge and confused it ? Ive seen video of a guy in Turkey loose one similarly after going over water, that took off very fast and high
Big thanks for that comment. What you say makes a lot of sense 👍
@rcpilots1291 ta, hope you have more luck with your next one 🤞
Totally user error, the neo is in the “Whoop” class of drones, it’s not made for arco high speed high altitude flying, and it’s light weight makes it very susceptible to wind, even very gentle breezes can be too much for it to handle, does that make it a bad drone, of course not, not when it’s being used in a manner not intended, and that wonky thing they call a controller, ya good luck with that thing, any real FPV enthusiast knows what it’s like to fly any other whoop drone, they have terrible battery life, very limited distance, and the analog video is almost un-fly able, when compared to, the neo blows them all away,
Hiya, thanks for that solid comment, i know i was expecting abit too much, i think i got carried away with all the reviews on youtube.. it is a great little drone, giving a bit of something to everyone
Somebody never read the brief NEO DONT LIKE WATER
Surely you have done some research about the water & the Neo
Maybe your not used to the motion controller you seemed to be waving it around like swotting flys
Haha, I think I’ll stick to using the fpv remote controller 👍
I’ve been told that you shouldn’t fly the neo over water .
Bottom line you wasn’t used to that drone a watching you flying it was only a matter of time that you was going to crash .
Don’t think it was the drone
Hiya, thanks for your reply, fair comment 👍
This drone is mind boggling but don`t expect it to do the things a £1000 plus drone does it isn`t happening.
you make a fair point, i think i was expecting too much from such a cheap little package
Don't use the VR controller. You should have used the controller 3 and nothing else 😊
yes i agree, that motion controller is fine and fun but not much good for precision flying
I wouldn’t blame the drone in this case … the motion controller is not reliable specially flying around so many obstacles like you did
Fair point, I think the fpv remote controller is a lot more precise 👍
PILOT ERROR, someone doesnt know what a 107 or trust is!
lol, funny comment - I guess I was expecting too much of this little package
@@rcpilots1291 Nothing funny about it. People like you are the reason their are so STRICT laws! NO common SENSE!
that's why i bought 3 neos
@@tommcgrt66 crikey, I guess that’s one way of dealing with it 🤭🤣