Alex Rawlings i had a friend move from Germany to Budapest in the nineties and he speaks pretty good hungarian for being their for 5 yrs, but you my friend seam to be on the same level as he was after 5 yrs, sok sok sikert kivanok neked.
I think it really has to do with how the language is learned. Most traditional, in-class methods of learning languages are horribly inefficient and most can't even fluidly speak, mostly maybe read a little by the end. Just like ANY skill you have to actively practice the actual skill. Most classes you are strictly discussing the language in English, not spesking the foreign tongue. Except lesrning individual wordz and grammar. But never having simulated conversations. It's sad because it turns the majority of people off of language learning. They think cause they spent 5 years in classes and can't speak that it must take 10 years to get good. I like Lydia's name for them she calls them "timekeepers" because they always mention how long they were in classes, and can never converse. Whereas a consistent routine of engaging in the language everyday you should be able to be high intermediate within 3 years for all but the hardest languages. I like the saying "Language learning is a marathon, not a sprint". Consistency is key not spurts of large volume.
@@Earbly igen. Igazi az van. És nem "depends" arról valakit evés van. Tanulni szót még nyelvtan mindig nagyon fontos van mert "otherwise" te csinál semmit. És, ha egy dolgok mondám, ahogy: tanul a fontos szó talán tanul a nem fontos. Jó napot meg jó tanulas!!!!!
@@Earbly you are so correct. So I'm an American, but I speak Italian fluently because my family speaks it at home. That's the most important part, is to ACTIVE in everyday conversations. Once you start speaking in sentences, the progress moves VERY QUICKLY
Each language has its own, unique beauty. People in general tend to favour their own Mother tongue, the one we learnt first. It is good to honour our first language ... at the same time remember to respect the first languages of others.
I keep coming back to this video cause you're such an inspiration, but I'm so glad to see that I can understand more and more each time 🥳 Dankie vir als wat jy gedoen het vir ons 1e generasie internet language mense. Hoop ons kan gou weer kuier!
Szia Lindie! What a coincidence that I see you here. I made a video today where I react to polyglots (Alex, Luca and yourself) speaking Hungarian. I used this video from Alex's channel and I saw that you also left a comment:) Keep up the good work! Sok sikert!
Being a Hungarian who is a part-time English teacher, I must say your Hungarian is impressive. You must be joking when you're saying you're at A2... definitely not. Based on this video, it's at least B1 or B2. You can hold a conversation by speaking fluently and naturally, that's awesome. What truly fascinated me is the fact that you never asked back, you understood everything 100%. It's a remarkable achievement after 9 months!!! Well done, Alex! Keep up the hard work! :)
Na azért azt vedd figyelembe hogy ez egy elkészült videóanyag, lehetnek benne vágások, újra felvételek, satöbbi.. De függetlenül attól hogy begyakorolt vagy sem, aránylag szépen ejti ki a szavakat
I watched it with Dutch subtitle (the translate to Dutch option) because I am advanced level in Dutch, and I could understand a few words in Hungarian that I already knew - I am also learning German and Hungarian, for the pretty words (they are pretty languages like Dutch) and I learned the word nyelvet a few days ago! By the way, Hungarian is a category 3 language, same as Irish and Scottish Gaelic - it’s not as hard as ppl make it out to be! It’s not as easy as Dutch / English / Norwegian (the easiest languages ever) etc, but it’s nowhere near as hard as Arabic languages / Korean / Chinese / Japanese / Thai / Vietnamese / Indian languages etc - I am intermediate level in Norwegian / German / Swedish etc and beginner level in Hungarian / Welsh / Irish / Scottish Gaelic / Breton / Manx / Cornish / French etc!
I just bumped into this video by accident, and it made me smile straight away. I'm also Hungarian and let me tell you, I was blown away by your Hungarian skills. This is incredible! Honestly! I've never seen any foreigner (especially English or American), who could speak this laguage like this. And your pronunciation... truly jawdropping! Well done, sir!
congratulations, you're making progress. In my experience hungarians are always happy to see when a foreigner reaches an intermediate level in Hungarian and that's very encouraging, so keep building vocabulary and you'll be fine. It's not an easy language, but it's not impossible to learn as many people think, in fact I'm struggling much more learning Russian hehe.
Nagyon jó beszélsz a magyard! I love that language. I am learning Hungarian 2 1/2 Years now, but my vocabulary isn't that big yet for a very long conversation. I'm just back from another trip to BP where I could practise loads. I find it funny to see reactions from Hungarians if you speak their language. It's great to see that there's a few people around here learning Hungarian aswell. :-) Boldog karácsony kivanok mindenkinek és boldog új évet.
i was born in hungary in 1988 i came to australia when i was 2 years old, i have a very very basic understanding of hungarian, only some words and how to say number 1-10 so i really want to learn the language, so i can speak with my relatives. great video
I'm a Hungarian Aussie too! I'm really lucky though, because my dad has always spoken it with me, my Hungarian is very good :) but seriously you're definitely on the right track for wanting to pick it up! I know it can be intimidating but if you get a chance I would recommend just immersing yourself entirely. Living there, even if it's only for a month or two will improve it immensely (especially if you're not in the middle of Budapest where lots of people speak English - if you're somewhere where your forced to learn and use it and can't back away from it it'll do you the world of good) :)
Man, I don't know a single word of Hungarian but it surely does not sound like you speak 'limited' Hungarian at all. Maybe you're being too humble in complimenting yourself :) Well done!
Ramon nno Well what I mean by limited is that my base vocabulary is still very small. I'm sure any Hungarians listening will notice that I'm using some set phrases repeatedly to make my point, when there are probably better expressions. For example, I say "I see that..." when what I wanted to say is "I noticed that...". The meaning is 85% the same, which is why I get away with it, but I'm missing that degree of speaking that would allow me to feel freer expressing myself. But thanks for your vote of confidence! :)
Alex Rawlings Dear Alex, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with learning Hungarian. I am also learning that language and I find it very frustrated because it does not develop as fast as I thought it would be. I had troubles at beginning with simple word like goodbye, like you with camera. :) But, know you give me extra motivation to not give up on this beautiful and strange language.
Well the tricky thing about Hungarian is that we have so many different ways to express everything very specificly it's very easy to use a word which doesn't specificly mean what the speaker wants to say. For example we have about 50 different expressions to say something is moving in some way and yes they are somewhat interchangable but not really.
I am currently an exchange student here in Hungary. I am extremely dedicated to learning the Hungarian language (I study a lot during school, because there isn't a lot else to do there)...but yeah. It's so hard. I've been here 3 months, and can hold a conversation and I know quite a lot of words. But the word order and the grammar is so hard...I'm also having a lot of trouble with everyone just speaking English to me. I would love to practice my Hungarian more...this is such an inspiration. Thank you :)
Alex, you are to be commended and you are actually an inspiration to me. My best friend is Hungarian so I have spent some time in Hungary. I can only speak 5 words in Hungarian but I know how it should sound. And you are doing an excellent job! Currently, I am learning Spanish, German and Russian. Learning is the best part of my day and you both made a significant point: there IS a difference between learning and practicing. I try to say something in each language each day. Even though no one here at home can speak German or Russian, I just try to say something out loud to practice. Keep up the good work and have fun in Budapest! Check out the spas there...they're amazing!!
messze attól nyílván. De 9 hónapja élt itt amikor készült a videó. Én 6 éve kezdtem el japánul tanulni, először magamtól, jártam azóta egyetemre is, amit nem fejeztem be, de végigjártam több év nyelvtan és nyelvgyakorlat órát, és nem érzem úgy hogy annyira tudnék japánul, mint ő magyarul!
Ha neked majdnem tökéletes a fent elhangzott angol anyanyelvű magyar beszéde, akkor tudni se akarom hogy te hogyan beszéled a nyelvet, a hozzászólásod minderre tökéletes választ adott.
Well, in my country happens the same. And not in yours and mine , but in other places too. And there are hard languages everywhere. We need to stop bragging about our “super difficult mother languages” and be more humble.
@@dextreme1754 Not harder than Finnish, Estonian , Greek, Arabic , Georgian, euskera etc ... And as you can see, the guy on this video did it well. It is all about knowing how to study effectively.
@@fzpe856 lol you are facing in the wrong direction hungarian is harder than all the listed languages you just listed, the two real competitor are the finnic languages and maybe georgian this dude even tho he speaks the language he is horribly in pronouncing also he mixes up the words and the order is also wrong hungarian is very complex try to learn it than you will see even people who come to hungary in a young age with parents speaking a foreign language their child hungarian will never be perfect hungarians can easily hear out if someone is not a native speaker learn some stuff before commenting bs dude
@@dextreme1754 What's this silly pride in language? Language difficulty depends on what is the learner's native language. Many languages are difficult, but it is not possible to objectively tell what is the most difficult language to learn for everyone. What you said about learning Hungarian (how hard it is to reach perfection), can be applied to all languages. Maybe you think you speak English very well, but I can see Hungarian way of thinking poking through in your comment (e.g. missing the plural ending when you use the number in front of the noun: two real competitor (instead of two real competitorS), writing "hear out" (kihall) insteal of "hear", ...). The guy in the video speaks amazingly after 9 months of practice. Put it into context, hm?
ALEX U RE THE MAN! my name is danilo and i am from brazil...i´ve been learning hungarian for a couple os months here in brazil( by myself with colloquial hungarian as u suggested on a previus video)..and i love this language! please keep the good work with hungarian and keep doing this kind of conversations ...its great!
OMG this is so cool!! Im trying to learn Hungarian myself and I started back in 2014 and i still can't do it!! Well, I'm a slacker!! This is giving me back motivation to learn it again!!! Good job!
Kedves Alex! Gratulálok először is - kilenc hónap alatt ilyen folyékonyan megtanulni hatalmas eredmény! Az interjúban elmondtad hogy egyelőre a szókincsedet szeretnéd bővíteni. Azt javasolnám, hogy ha szereted a költészetet és a célod az, hogy több szót ismerj, próbálkozz meg a magyar költőkkel! József Attila, Tóth Árpád és Kosztolányi Dezső rengeteg szót használt, szerintem hatalmas segítséget jelentenének. További sok sikert, hamarosan teljesen folyékony lesz a magyarod! :)
+klyna18 na ezt mibol szurted le. ha erre a mondatra azt irod h ekezet hianyossaga miatt akkor elegge hulye vagy. mert nem jut eszedbe mas csak az hogy nem tudok irni helyesen eleg szomoru.. tudod letezik angol billentyuzet.
Nagyon érdekes volt a beszédet hallgatni. Köszönöm. Én is voltam Magyarországon, de csak egy honapig. Eszperatóul beszéltek a baraitammal, azért nem tanultam magzarul sokat.
Hey Alex! Spanish language-lover here! I want to drop you a line because I watch this video a while ago, while learning the language... and now my Hungarian is better and I'm happy to say that I can understand you really well (which previously I couldn't) because my level is around yours. Also, as a foreigner, I can testify your pronunciation is really good and your sentences quite well formulated. I hope you read this!
you are a language genius, Alex :) sooooo impressive! such a great effort! keep up the good work! I've lived in Norway for 4 years and I did exactly the same as you did: I used only Norwegian and tried to learn something new every day. that's the way! here is one of my favourite poem-lines by János Arany for inspiration :) "Liliomról pergő harmat, hulló vizgyöngy hattyu tollán" (Ágnes asszony)
Wow man. I am very impressed that you have achieved all this within 9 months. Your pronunciation is perfectly understandable, beautiful. I am Hungarian living in the UK. I have an English boyfriend for 2.5 years now and his hungarian add up in about 5 words. Very well done mate and I wish you all the best in the future.
its crazy that most of the words you say, you pronounce like a native like genuinely if i close my eyes i wouldn't necessarily think you're not from hungary, or at least have lived in hungary for ten years. the pronunciation is so hard go grasp for most languages but you have a really clear, on point pronunciation im very impressed
Wow! Im Hungarian, but also Canadian and I must say your Hungarian is beautiful! Your pronunciations are nice and clear, your order of words and word endings are amazing. Hajra Alex! Csak igy tovabb :)
Ez igen! Gratulálok nagyon szép teljesítmény. Én Angliában élek 3 éve, jól beszélem az angolt viszont a páromnak problémát okoz a nyelv, megmutattam neki a videódat motivációként és ő is levolt nyűgözve. A kiejtésed is nagyon jó.
Eszméletlen jó a kiejtésed, Alex, le a kalappal! A szavak többségét tökéletesen ejted ki, pontosan úgy, mint egy anyanyelvi magyar; hangsúlyok, ritmus, gy-k, a-k, á-k, minden a helyén. Tényleg állati ügyes vagy, további sok sikert :)
Wow, very impressive. I've been studying Hungarian, on and off, for years and would never be able to converse. When I played you video I did not expect you to sound nearly fluent and with good pronunciation as you do. Well done!
Alex, I could understand what you say but I couldn't still understand the native speaker, I had to read the substitles instead. I hope to improve during the summer!
Dear, Alex. Thank you very much for your video about your practice in Hungarian. it will be great if for this video will be added subtitles in hungarian. it's great to check myself when hear studing language. Thank you very much!!!
What the heck! Impressive M8! I would not expect that You have learnt that much in 9 months... Now i am doing the same, but opposite. I am in UK, and trying to reach the native speaking level one day. Good lucke! Thanks for the video, enjoyed it!
As an American Hungarian this is really good. Don’t be discouraged even I trip up over my words and forget the correct Hungarian words sometimes, the more you practice everyday the more it will flow like the guy speaking on the left
I am always impressed if people actually get the pronouncination and accent right, but you Sir, you are on the very top! You could learn Hungarian so well in 9 months! Dayum!
I started learn hungarian about 8-9 months ago because I have a hungarian friend and was interested and honestly it has been fun. I know how to use and form most grammar structure but other than that I need to augment my vocabulary and fill in gaps of knowledge which may be necessary
OMG your pronunciation is like 9/10 im suprised and sometimes its for a kid even a 10 year old kid to say difficult words. And I saw a lot of american people speaking hungary and u are the best of them. :D
Gratulálok,nagyon büszke lehetsz magadra,remek a kiejtésed,magyar vagyok,öröm volt hallgatni! :) Másnak évek alatt nem sikerül ilyen szinten megtanulni a nyelvet,mint Neked 9 hónap után. Gratulálok! :D
Hűha, nagyon szépen beszélsz magyarul és a kiejtésed is fantasztikus! Megnéztem még korábban pár videódat, és mindig megdöbbentő, hogy hol angolul, hol németül beszélsz.... Tényleg csodálatos. Megkérdezhetem, hogy most milyen szinten beszélsz magyarul illetve, hogy tanulsz-e más új nyelvet? Ha igen, sok sikert hozzá! :)
As a Hungarian I am so utterly shocked by how good you are at talking in Hungarian. I find your pronunciation extremely impressive. You had a couple of mistakes but they are insignificant compared to how good you are talking. Keep up the good work and Congratulations! 😊👍
As a Hungarian born in Sweden I'm very impressed by your Hungarian, I have a lot of Hungarian friends who with Hungarian parents hardly know how to form proper sentences, hogy nagyon ügyes vagy hogy ilyen jól beszéled a magyart kilenc hónap után..
Excellent.....I wonder if it's possible to get that fluent without living in Hungary ? I visit occasionally, and would like to really learn conversational Hungarian here at home . Thank you, much enjoyed !!
It depends where you live, there might be quite a large Hungarian community where you are where you can definitely practice it :) otherwise I suppose studying it in the more traditional sense and reading/listening as much as possible
amazing job, I am also learning Hungarian. I am hoping to eventually be able to speak with my cousins in Hungary, who don't speak English. Our family never taught us growing up. It's difficult for a foreigner for sure but even being Hungarian doesn't really help. I am about 9 months in myself and i wish i was a fluent as you are. Keep up the hard work.
As a Hungarian, I am very much impressed! Hungarian is not an easy language by all means, and the fact that you can speak Hungarian that well just after 9 months is very impressive! Great job! :D
Szia Alex, wow! Gratulálok! Szérintem nagyon jól beszélsz magyarul, le a kalappal elötted!!! Én német vagyok és tanulok magyarul, mert dolgozok ott magyarországon. Tudom, hogy nagyon nehéz beszélgetni a magyarokkal magyar nyelvban! Sok, sok hibák csínálok minden napot, de én is megprobálom tovább. Mindegy, után megnéztem a filmet, én igazan azt gondolom te nem hencegő ;-) Üdv. Uwe @anyanyelvi személy: elnézést, én csak diák ;-)
Fantasztikus teljesítmény, gratulálok hozzá! 9 hónap alatt ilyen könnyedén eligazodni a magyar ragozásban, az nem semmi. A kiejtésről nem is beszélve. Szép munka!
Wow, I'm Hungarian but born and raised in Canada. I have been trying all my life to learn how to speak proper Hungarian. I know German, Czech and some Romanian but Hungarian is very hard. Congrats though, you have learned more than I did when I lived in Budapest.
I'm hungarian and I'm so happy to see that someone try to learn my language! I think it's one of the hardest languages and unfortunately I've got a grammar test tomorrow 🙁
as a Hungarian I have to say I am impressed by the way you talk and formulate your sentences, not to mention your pronunciation. well done Alex!!
Adam Cseresznye Thanks Adam, appreciate it! :)
Adam Cseresznye Mintha magyar volna :)
Alex Rawlings i had a friend move from Germany to Budapest in the nineties and he speaks pretty good hungarian for being their for 5 yrs, but you my friend seam to be on the same level as he was after 5 yrs, sok sok sikert kivanok neked.
zoles sitch egy kis táj szólással :)
+Krisz 23 Tekints el tőle :)
After 9 months, I just can't believe it!!! Most people couldn't achieve this level after 9 years...
I think it really has to do with how the language is learned. Most traditional, in-class methods of learning languages are horribly inefficient and most can't even fluidly speak, mostly maybe read a little by the end. Just like ANY skill you have to actively practice the actual skill. Most classes you are strictly discussing the language in English, not spesking the foreign tongue. Except lesrning individual wordz and grammar. But never having simulated conversations. It's sad because it turns the majority of people off of language learning. They think cause they spent 5 years in classes and can't speak that it must take 10 years to get good. I like Lydia's name for them she calls them "timekeepers" because they always mention how long they were in classes, and can never converse. Whereas a consistent routine of engaging in the language everyday you should be able to be high intermediate within 3 years for all but the hardest languages. I like the saying "Language learning is a marathon, not a sprint". Consistency is key not spurts of large volume.
@@Earbly igen. Igazi az van. És nem "depends" arról valakit evés van. Tanulni szót még nyelvtan mindig nagyon fontos van mert "otherwise" te csinál semmit. És, ha egy dolgok mondám, ahogy: tanul a fontos szó talán tanul a nem fontos. Jó napot meg jó tanulas!!!!!
@@Earbly you are so correct. So I'm an American, but I speak Italian fluently because my family speaks it at home. That's the most important part, is to ACTIVE in everyday conversations. Once you start speaking in sentences, the progress moves VERY QUICKLY
I'm Albanian and the hungarian language is beautiful and great.
Thank you! I think so too. It is my mother tongue.;-)
I think so. I'm proud that I'm Hungarian.. I really love this country and this language
kLoL Presents Of course, respect from Albania my hungarian brother
Each language has its own, unique beauty. People in general tend to favour their own Mother tongue, the one we learnt first. It is good to honour our first language ... at the same time remember to respect the first languages of others.
Zsolt Kárpáti You're welcome my friend.
I keep coming back to this video cause you're such an inspiration, but I'm so glad to see that I can understand more and more each time 🥳 Dankie vir als wat jy gedoen het vir ons 1e generasie internet language mense. Hoop ons kan gou weer kuier!
Szia Lindie! What a coincidence that I see you here. I made a video today where I react to polyglots (Alex, Luca and yourself) speaking Hungarian. I used this video from Alex's channel and I saw that you also left a comment:) Keep up the good work! Sok sikert!
Being a Hungarian who is a part-time English teacher, I must say your Hungarian is impressive. You must be joking when you're saying you're at A2... definitely not. Based on this video, it's at least B1 or B2. You can hold a conversation by speaking fluently and naturally, that's awesome. What truly fascinated me is the fact that you never asked back, you understood everything 100%. It's a remarkable achievement after 9 months!!! Well done, Alex! Keep up the hard work! :)
Na azért azt vedd figyelembe hogy ez egy elkészült videóanyag, lehetnek benne vágások, újra felvételek, satöbbi..
De függetlenül attól hogy begyakorolt vagy sem, aránylag szépen ejti ki a szavakat
Magyar nyelvet tanítottam külföldieknek évekig, hidd el, hogy ez sokkal jobb, mint A2 szint. Csak így tovább! Ügyes vagy! :)
I watched it with Dutch subtitle (the translate to Dutch option) because I am advanced level in Dutch, and I could understand a few words in Hungarian that I already knew - I am also learning German and Hungarian, for the pretty words (they are pretty languages like Dutch) and I learned the word nyelvet a few days ago! By the way, Hungarian is a category 3 language, same as Irish and Scottish Gaelic - it’s not as hard as ppl make it out to be! It’s not as easy as Dutch / English / Norwegian (the easiest languages ever) etc, but it’s nowhere near as hard as Arabic languages / Korean / Chinese / Japanese / Thai / Vietnamese / Indian languages etc - I am intermediate level in Norwegian / German / Swedish etc and beginner level in Hungarian / Welsh / Irish / Scottish Gaelic / Breton / Manx / Cornish / French etc!
I just bumped into this video by accident, and it made me smile straight away.
I'm also Hungarian and let me tell you, I was blown away by your Hungarian skills.
This is incredible! Honestly!
I've never seen any foreigner (especially English or American), who could speak this laguage like this.
And your pronunciation... truly jawdropping! Well done, sir!
Respect from Romania ! Hungary is one of the most beautiful country in Europe ! ♥
Thank you! :)
Respect from Hungary
wooow!! what a surprise to see this :) but a good surprise of course! thank you!
nah. in hungary its all about dem *F O O D*
Yeah, especially the parts that are in Romania. :)
I'm proud also to be half hungarian from my dad. ❤️
I'm from Romania also, Oradea city. ❤️
congratulations, you're making progress. In my experience hungarians are always happy to see when a foreigner reaches an intermediate level in Hungarian and that's very encouraging, so keep building vocabulary and you'll be fine. It's not an easy language, but it's not impossible to learn as many people think, in fact I'm struggling much more learning Russian hehe.
Nagyon jó beszélsz a magyard! I love that language. I am learning Hungarian 2 1/2 Years now, but my vocabulary isn't that big yet for a very long conversation. I'm just back from another trip to BP where I could practise loads. I find it funny to see reactions from Hungarians if you speak their language. It's great to see that there's a few people around here learning Hungarian aswell. :-) Boldog karácsony kivanok mindenkinek és boldog új évet.
+Danny30011980 You can practice with me. I am native Hungarian, former English teacher living in California right now. My skype is kramerkiraly1
Skype: kramerkiraly1 Send me a request and I will teach you Hungarian. ;)
+László Kremer Mért nem, de nem beszélek jól eddig. Szükségem sok gyakorlat és tanúlni sok új szavakát, azért, hogy tudom beszélni így több téma. :-)
What is your native language? How well do you speak English?
+László Kremer nemét vagyok, de elek írországban most 10 év. igy németül és angolúl beszélek. ☺
I'm learning polish and Hungarian right now and I hope to get as good as you
i can feel you. if you want any help in hungarian or just simply wanna practise hit me anytime:P
use :I know what you mean because i can feel you is not right in a situation like this:D
You learn both Polish and Hungarian at once? May I ask why? What is your mother tongue?
Two of the most complicated languages in the world... good luck lol
I can help you with Polish
Well done:) You speak better after 9 months, as my brother-in-law from the USA after living 15 years in Hungary :)
i was born in hungary in 1988 i came to australia when i was 2 years old, i have a very very basic understanding of hungarian, only some words and how to say number 1-10 so i really want to learn the language, so i can speak with my relatives. great video
Duolingo : English- Hungarian learning:) You try it.
I'm a Hungarian Aussie too! I'm really lucky though, because my dad has always spoken it with me, my Hungarian is very good :) but seriously you're definitely on the right track for wanting to pick it up! I know it can be intimidating but if you get a chance I would recommend just immersing yourself entirely. Living there, even if it's only for a month or two will improve it immensely (especially if you're not in the middle of Budapest where lots of people speak English - if you're somewhere where your forced to learn and use it and can't back away from it it'll do you the world of good) :)
Man, I don't know a single word of Hungarian but it surely does not sound like you speak 'limited' Hungarian at all. Maybe you're being too humble in complimenting yourself :) Well done!
Ramon nno Well what I mean by limited is that my base vocabulary is still very small. I'm sure any Hungarians listening will notice that I'm using some set phrases repeatedly to make my point, when there are probably better expressions. For example, I say "I see that..." when what I wanted to say is "I noticed that...". The meaning is 85% the same, which is why I get away with it, but I'm missing that degree of speaking that would allow me to feel freer expressing myself. But thanks for your vote of confidence! :)
Alex Rawlings Dear Alex, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with learning Hungarian. I am also learning that language and I find it very frustrated because it does not develop as fast as I thought it would be. I had troubles at beginning with simple word like goodbye, like you with camera. :) But, know you give me extra motivation to not give up on this beautiful and strange language.
Well the tricky thing about Hungarian is that we have so many different ways to express everything very specificly it's very easy to use a word which doesn't specificly mean what the speaker wants to say. For example we have about 50 different expressions to say something is moving in some way and yes they are somewhat interchangable but not really.
wow. 9 hónap alatt ez nagyon jó. 9 év alatt se várnék ennyit, ez valami csoda. nagyon jó nyelvérzéked lehet :D
I am currently an exchange student here in Hungary. I am extremely dedicated to learning the Hungarian language (I study a lot during school, because there isn't a lot else to do there)...but yeah. It's so hard. I've been here 3 months, and can hold a conversation and I know quite a lot of words. But the word order and the grammar is so hard...I'm also having a lot of trouble with everyone just speaking English to me.
I would love to practice my Hungarian more...this is such an inspiration. Thank you :)
Alex, you are to be commended and you are actually an inspiration to me. My best friend is Hungarian so I have spent some time in Hungary. I can only speak 5 words in Hungarian but I know how it should sound. And you are doing an excellent job! Currently, I am learning Spanish, German and Russian. Learning is the best part of my day and you both made a significant point: there IS a difference between learning and practicing. I try to say something in each language each day. Even though no one here at home can speak German or Russian, I just try to say something out loud to practice. Keep up the good work and have fun in Budapest! Check out the spas there...they're amazing!!
don't forget to practice English as well
Woow! :) i am hungarian and i am really impressed how nicely you talk in hungarian!! Well done! :)
I hope i meet u one day tho! :)
What do u mean...?
+Rüştük Şükür I'm Sorry
Ha jól beszél magyarul és le vagy nyűgözve, miért valaszolsz angolul? Azt hiszem, hogy csak akarsz hencegni...
Du Cjinadihjayak nem minden szót ismer.....azèrt
Alex, you are a super hero! Le a kalappal! :) Well done! :)
Wow congrats Buddy this is really impressive after 9 months. Keep up the good work! Much love & respect from Budapest :)
miert nem magyarul irsz neki?
Wow! Im Hungarian and I gotta say that you are really great in speaking Hungarian! I'm impressed!
Kim Taehyungie hopp egy kpopos^^
Magyar Army, Hi ~~
ARMY is everywhere 😂
congratulations from Hungary! you speaks almost perfectly. good job!
+Cordwainer Tomee azert messze attol!
Tamás Varga you're speaking
messze attól nyílván. De 9 hónapja élt itt amikor készült a videó. Én 6 éve kezdtem el japánul tanulni, először magamtól, jártam azóta egyetemre is, amit nem fejeztem be, de végigjártam több év nyelvtan és nyelvgyakorlat órát, és nem érzem úgy hogy annyira tudnék japánul, mint ő magyarul!
Ha neked majdnem tökéletes a fent elhangzott angol anyanyelvű magyar beszéde, akkor tudni se akarom hogy te hogyan beszéled a nyelvet, a hozzászólásod minderre tökéletes választ adott.
@@boenike you speak*
I'm a hungarian boy, but you are very good hungarian language speaker.
Well done Alex! Ügyes vagy nagyon!
Hungarian is actually so hard, even natives have to learn grammar for 8 years. And still lots of people use affixation wrong.
Well, in my country happens the same. And not in yours and mine , but in other places too. And there are hard languages everywhere. We need to stop bragging about our “super difficult mother languages” and be more humble.
@@fzpe856 Hungarian is very hard to learn
Not harder than Finnish, Estonian , Greek, Arabic , Georgian, euskera etc ...
And as you can see, the guy on this video did it well. It is all about knowing how to study effectively.
@@fzpe856 lol you are facing in the wrong direction hungarian is harder than all the listed languages you just listed, the two real competitor are the finnic languages and maybe georgian this dude even tho he speaks the language he is horribly in pronouncing also he mixes up the words and the order is also wrong hungarian is very complex try to learn it than you will see even people who come to hungary in a young age with parents speaking a foreign language their child hungarian will never be perfect hungarians can easily hear out if someone is not a native speaker learn some stuff before commenting bs dude
@@dextreme1754 What's this silly pride in language? Language difficulty depends on what is the learner's native language. Many languages are difficult, but it is not possible to objectively tell what is the most difficult language to learn for everyone. What you said about learning Hungarian (how hard it is to reach perfection), can be applied to all languages. Maybe you think you speak English very well, but I can see Hungarian way of thinking poking through in your comment (e.g. missing the plural ending when you use the number in front of the noun: two real competitor (instead of two real competitorS), writing "hear out" (kihall) insteal of "hear", ...).
The guy in the video speaks amazingly after 9 months of practice. Put it into context, hm?
Ez BRUTAL! Congratulation! You are awesome!
ALEX U RE THE MAN! my name is danilo and i am from brazil...i´ve been learning hungarian for a couple os months here in brazil( by myself with colloquial hungarian as u suggested on a previus video)..and i love this language!
please keep the good work with hungarian and keep doing this kind of conversations ...its great!
Congratulations after 9 months you speak very well You say a lot of words amazingly clear
That was sooo good, i really respect you for learning Hungarian, well done:)
What a smart guy! God Bless you! It was nice listening to your interview!
OMG this is so cool!! Im trying to learn Hungarian myself and I started back in 2014 and i still can't do it!! Well, I'm a slacker!! This is giving me back motivation to learn it again!!! Good job!
good luck :) you can learn it on duolingo soon, hopefully it will help you :D
Oh yea:) i learn in English on the Duolingo too day by day. I like the Duolingo's lessons. But i do not speak good in English.
Koszi szépen :)
Kedves Alex!
Gratulálok először is - kilenc hónap alatt ilyen folyékonyan megtanulni hatalmas eredmény!
Az interjúban elmondtad hogy egyelőre a szókincsedet szeretnéd bővíteni.
Azt javasolnám, hogy ha szereted a költészetet és a célod az, hogy több szót ismerj, próbálkozz meg a magyar költőkkel!
József Attila, Tóth Árpád és Kosztolányi Dezső rengeteg szót használt, szerintem hatalmas segítséget jelentenének.
További sok sikert, hamarosan teljesen folyékony lesz a magyarod! :)
Sirinwara Költészet nyelvtanuláshoz középhaladó szinten? Very useless advice. Luckily he knows what he's doing.
Sirinwara look channel titled
my most beautiful pictures
Én Németországba költöztem, nem rég és köszönöm a tippeket a nyelvtanuláshoz! :) Megprobálom kinyitni a számat! 😄
Your pronounciation is excellent, without accent. Amazing.
You speak Hungarian almost perfectly, and your pronunciation is very good too! Well done 😮😊
I'm Hungarian and He speaks so well! Amazing job Alex!!
As a half Austrian, half Hungarian, I have to say that I am impressed, your pronounciation is really good! Well done!!!
Wow man, I'm super impressed! Nagyon szép munka!
De ügyes vagy :) Gyorsabban megtanultad a magyart, mint én az angolt. :D Pedig a magyarra azt mondják, hogy nagyon nehéz. :)
mert szar vagy
Úgy látom neked még a magyar sem megy :D
+klyna18 na ezt mibol szurted le. ha erre a mondatra azt irod h ekezet hianyossaga miatt akkor elegge hulye vagy. mert nem jut eszedbe mas csak az hogy nem tudok irni helyesen eleg szomoru.. tudod letezik angol billentyuzet.
szégyen haver szégyen
Uniteled - És az angol billentyűzeten is létezik shift ;)
Nagyon érdekes volt a beszédet hallgatni. Köszönöm. Én is voltam Magyarországon, de csak egy honapig. Eszperatóul beszéltek a baraitammal, azért nem tanultam magzarul sokat.
Hey Alex! Spanish language-lover here! I want to drop you a line because I watch this video a while ago, while learning the language... and now my Hungarian is better and I'm happy to say that I can understand you really well (which previously I couldn't) because my level is around yours. Also, as a foreigner, I can testify your pronunciation is really good and your sentences quite well formulated. I hope you read this!
you are a language genius, Alex :) sooooo impressive! such a great effort! keep up the good work! I've lived in Norway for 4 years and I did exactly the same as you did: I used only Norwegian and tried to learn something new every day. that's the way!
here is one of my favourite poem-lines by János Arany for inspiration :)
"Liliomról pergő harmat, hulló vizgyöngy hattyu tollán" (Ágnes asszony)
Wow man. I am very impressed that you have achieved all this within 9 months. Your pronunciation is perfectly understandable, beautiful. I am Hungarian living in the UK. I have an English boyfriend for 2.5 years now and his hungarian add up in about 5 words. Very well done mate and I wish you all the best in the future.
Alex: *opens his mouth*
Interviewer: aha
its crazy that most of the words you say, you pronounce like a native like genuinely if i close my eyes i wouldn't necessarily think you're not from hungary, or at least have lived in hungary for ten years. the pronunciation is so hard go grasp for most languages but you have a really clear, on point pronunciation im very impressed
This is so impressive! Great work, Alex!
All in all, you speak very well in Hungarian. And it's very nice & interesting what you think about learning languages. All the best to you! 🙌
Very impressed just after 9 months almosT as you speak like a real hun keep it up man glad to see it
As a hungarian, I love the way you speak in our language!! I'm totally in love with you after that video! :)
Wow! Im Hungarian, but also Canadian and I must say your Hungarian is beautiful! Your pronunciations are nice and clear, your order of words and word endings are amazing. Hajra Alex! Csak igy tovabb :)
Absolutely fantastic! Gratulálok
Ez igen! Gratulálok nagyon szép teljesítmény. Én Angliában élek 3 éve, jól beszélem az angolt viszont a páromnak problémát okoz a nyelv, megmutattam neki a videódat motivációként és ő is levolt nyűgözve. A kiejtésed is nagyon jó.
Eszméletlen jó a kiejtésed, Alex, le a kalappal! A szavak többségét tökéletesen ejted ki, pontosan úgy, mint egy anyanyelvi magyar; hangsúlyok, ritmus, gy-k, a-k, á-k, minden a helyén. Tényleg állati ügyes vagy, további sok sikert :)
Micsoda okos ember!
Μπράβο σου Αλέξη, είσαι άπαιχτος!
Wow, the intonation and emphasizing are the most impressive
Fantastic to see you in full flow Alex!
Wow Alex, I am impressed, your Hungarian is very-very good! Your pronunciation is excellent! Good work!
Azta, neked csak gratulálni tudok! :)
Sok sikert a továbbiakban!
Wow, very impressive. I've been studying Hungarian, on and off, for years and would never be able to converse. When I played you video I did not expect you to sound nearly fluent and with good pronunciation as you do. Well done!
Your pronounciation is like on point! You are truly talented :)
Alex, I could understand what you say but I couldn't still understand the native speaker, I had to read the substitles instead. I hope to improve during the summer!
Dear, Alex. Thank you very much for your video about your practice in Hungarian. it will be great if for this video will be added subtitles in hungarian. it's great to check myself when hear studing language. Thank you very much!!!
Azta! ez aztán nem semmi! Én német országban élek 3 éve, és azért nagyon csodálom hogy már ilyenkor igy tudtál beszélni! Gratulálok :))
Ez remek! Elimerésem! Excellen skills! Congratulaton! Your hungarian accent is brilliant!
What the heck! Impressive M8! I would not expect that You have learnt that much in 9 months...
Now i am doing the same, but opposite. I am in UK, and trying to reach the native speaking level one day.
Good lucke! Thanks for the video, enjoyed it!
As an American Hungarian this is really good. Don’t be discouraged even I trip up over my words and forget the correct Hungarian words sometimes, the more you practice everyday the more it will flow like the guy speaking on the left
I am always impressed if people actually get the pronouncination and accent right, but you Sir, you are on the very top! You could learn Hungarian so well in 9 months! Dayum!
Same here ! As a Hungarian, I have to say your language skills are impressive! Well done mate!
I am really delighted with your pronuanciation... well done
I am also Hungarian and he speaks so well for only learning the language for 9 months!!
I started learn hungarian about 8-9 months ago because I have a hungarian friend and was interested and honestly it has been fun. I know how to use and form most grammar structure but other than that I need to augment my vocabulary and fill in gaps of knowledge which may be necessary
OMG your pronunciation is like 9/10 im suprised and sometimes its for a kid even a 10 year old kid to say difficult words.
And I saw a lot of american people speaking hungary and u are the best of them. :D
ő nem amerikai, hanem angol...
Gratulálok,nagyon büszke lehetsz magadra,remek a kiejtésed,magyar vagyok,öröm volt hallgatni! :) Másnak évek alatt nem sikerül ilyen szinten megtanulni a nyelvet,mint Neked 9 hónap után. Gratulálok! :D
Such an amazing results! WOW!
Hűha, nagyon szépen beszélsz magyarul és a kiejtésed is fantasztikus! Megnéztem még korábban pár videódat, és mindig megdöbbentő, hogy hol angolul, hol németül beszélsz.... Tényleg csodálatos. Megkérdezhetem, hogy most milyen szinten beszélsz magyarul illetve, hogy tanulsz-e más új nyelvet? Ha igen, sok sikert hozzá! :)
Great job Alex! you're giving me hope. I didn't expect Hungarian to be that hard when I started, sometimes I want to give up :)
As a Hungarian I am so utterly shocked by how good you are at talking in Hungarian. I find your pronunciation extremely impressive. You had a couple of mistakes but they are insignificant compared to how good you are talking. Keep up the good work and Congratulations! 😊👍
Wow. I have just started learning Hungarian.. NO WAY will I be at your level in 9months!!?! That is incredible.
As a Hungarian born in Sweden I'm very impressed by your Hungarian, I have a lot of Hungarian friends who with Hungarian parents hardly know how to form proper sentences, hogy nagyon ügyes vagy hogy ilyen jól beszéled a magyart kilenc hónap után..
Well done Alex! I don't speak Hungarian but as a polyglot I can appreciate the hard work, continúa así!!!!! Genial!
Your accent is impressive, it's so natural! Wow! And you speak really-really well, well done, Alex :)
MLG skills there Alex, amazing that you learned that in 9 months. Pronunciation is better than some of the folks' in my village.
Excellent.....I wonder if it's possible to get that fluent without living in Hungary ? I visit occasionally, and would like to really learn conversational Hungarian here at home . Thank you, much enjoyed !!
It depends where you live, there might be quite a large Hungarian community where you are where you can definitely practice it :) otherwise I suppose studying it in the more traditional sense and reading/listening as much as possible
Tbh... i dont think so. This language is way too complex.
Impressive, especially after 9 months!
amazing job, I am also learning Hungarian. I am hoping to eventually be able to speak with my cousins in Hungary, who don't speak English. Our family never taught us growing up. It's difficult for a foreigner for sure but even being Hungarian doesn't really help. I am about 9 months in myself and i wish i was a fluent as you are. Keep up the hard work.
Your pronunciation is awesome.
As a Hungarian, I am very much impressed! Hungarian is not an easy language by all means, and the fact that you can speak Hungarian that well just after 9 months is very impressive! Great job! :D
You speak wonderful - and can't believe it took you just 9 months to achieve this level! /Nagyon szép a kiejtésed, alig lehet érezni az akcentust!
Congratulations! You did a great job , during 9 months is amazing ! You speak so cute :)
Oh my God! Your hungarian is Amazing!!
This language is so hard and you just learned it so quickly!
I mean seriously!
for 9 months learning hungarian, it's very good. congratulations.
Szia Alex, wow! Gratulálok! Szérintem nagyon jól beszélsz magyarul, le a kalappal elötted!!!
Én német vagyok és tanulok magyarul, mert dolgozok ott magyarországon. Tudom, hogy nagyon nehéz beszélgetni a magyarokkal magyar nyelvban! Sok, sok hibák csínálok minden napot, de én is megprobálom tovább. Mindegy, után megnéztem a filmet, én igazan azt gondolom te nem hencegő ;-) Üdv. Uwe
@anyanyelvi személy: elnézést, én csak diák ;-)
I can tell you worked hard and tried your best!!
Fantasztikus teljesítmény, gratulálok hozzá! 9 hónap alatt ilyen könnyedén eligazodni a magyar ragozásban, az nem semmi. A kiejtésről nem is beszélve. Szép munka!
Well done Alex, you have done well. Be proud of what u achieved
Wow, I'm Hungarian but born and raised in Canada. I have been trying all my life to learn how to speak proper Hungarian. I know German, Czech and some Romanian but Hungarian is very hard. Congrats though, you have learned more than I did when I lived in Budapest.
I'm hungarian and I'm so happy to see that someone try to learn my language!
I think it's one of the hardest languages and unfortunately I've got a grammar test tomorrow 🙁
wow im from Hungary and your pronunciation is amazing! Hope you like this country as much as i do:)
As a hungarian i have to say you speech very good hungarian.Respect
Gratulálok! Nagyon jól megtanultad a nyelvülket csak így tovább! :)
Nagyon ügyes vagy!!! You are awesome!