What WORKS and what DOESN’T about Halo Infinite’s multiplayer

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @LateNightHalo
    @LateNightHalo  2 роки тому +72

    Click here for GMG's Black Friday special: gmg-performance.com/pages/late-night-gaming

    • @unknownwill4th549
      @unknownwill4th549 2 роки тому +1

      The halo infinite under cover of the night music in the bg 🤤

    • @jagergaming5172
      @jagergaming5172 2 роки тому

      I’d really like to know what you think about this. Honestly, how do you think Reach would’ve done if it had the same equipment system as infinite and sprint was a default ability but tuned down to around Infinites level. I think it would’ve been received a lot better. It makes me ponder the question of “what if?”.

    • @bjmajmtwentysixteen3806
      @bjmajmtwentysixteen3806 2 роки тому +2

      ● More Maps at Launch
      ● More Game types at launch
      - Invasion, Infection and Forge will keep everybody happy for at least a few months and until they get the rest of the game modes in
      ● Theatre mode is so important.
      Im scared !!! 😱
      We are so close to 343 producing arguably the greatest Halo of all time. And it could all come crashing down if they don't get the other half of the game right
      Such as what I mentioned above as well as what u mentioned in the video
      The armour customisation flexibility as u mentioned
      The battlepass
      Withholding game types for events. Im not sure what to think about this one. It could be cool. But could also be a disaster. I just dont know
      I mean 343 needs to make money
      They've given us a Free MP
      And could be such a thing of being overly spoilt with over saturation of content and becoming unappreciative
      But I agree I want it all day 1 and done right
      I just dont know
      Im so scared because Halo infinate has re sparked my love for Halo

    • @Sierra2S9
      @Sierra2S9 2 роки тому +2

      Okay I'm gonna forgive you this one time for not doing some research on your sponsorship but just so you're aware, the whole "Blue light bad." thing is an actual scam to get people to spend more on glasses. There have been a lot of actual studies debunking this years ago so please don't perpetuate it. I'd give a link to a source but my comments keep getting deleted so just freaking Google it.
      TLDNR: Eye strain from screens is just muscle strain from looking at one fixed thing for long periods of time, look around every hour or so and focus on things far away to prevent this.

    • @Silver_Sol
      @Silver_Sol 2 роки тому

      games out for 1 week and i have 86.9 hours in it. AR still needs a nerf, Commando is too weak, ravager is too weak, Pistol spam is an issue, Plasma pistol tracking needs to be buffed, vehicles still don't feel right, the ghost needs its lightning effects on the ground, motion tracker feels weird, noticing a lot of blank melees, battle pass is AWFUL, XP progression is AWFUL, the final weekly challenges really get on my nerves because of how specific they are "get 5 killstreaks in fiesta". Trust me.

  • @handsomekeyes5419
    @handsomekeyes5419 2 роки тому +778

    Feel free to disagree but i think armor coatings shouldve been more like patterns or textures so we could customize the patterns color

    • @jj-vd6ls
      @jj-vd6ls 2 роки тому +53

      i agree, it would actually look a lot nicer, instead of grinding for a solid colour that i could just equip in halo ce to 5 😔

    • @roar104
      @roar104 2 роки тому +21

      Honestly just rip off anthem for this. It's one of the only good things about that game.

    • @giibyeg6443
      @giibyeg6443 2 роки тому +11

      I agree, if you make a basic color system that applies, like the other halo games, then maybe a more advanced color wheel system.

    • @Cheesepuff8
      @Cheesepuff8 2 роки тому +4

      Yeah for sure, that’s how Borderlands 3 does it and it works great

    • @Therider7869
      @Therider7869 2 роки тому +3

      EXACTLY what i was thinking. Its more like an addition to the color system rather than a replacement

  • @therobogames4903
    @therobogames4903 2 роки тому +348

    I’m gonna say something that not a lot of people have been talking about: the fact that you can barely hear gunshots behind you.
    Let’s say someone in front of you is firing at you. You can clearly hear it. But because of 343’s new system to make “important” noises louder, it means that most things behind you is very quiet. Even if someone is shooting at you from the back, you can only hear the damage noises produced from the shields, not the actual bullets being fired.
    343 has to change this soon, since it puts all players at a serious audible disadvantage, no matter what headset you have. It may not seem like a big deal, but after it happens a lot, it can be very irritating.

    • @ThePTBRULES
      @ThePTBRULES 2 роки тому +32

      Is this why I keep getting killed from behind?

    • @223shockwave
      @223shockwave 2 роки тому +17

      This literally happened to me several times just today and I hadn’t seen anyone talking about it. I thought my audio was broken or something

    • @TheOnlyAzure
      @TheOnlyAzure 2 роки тому +2

      Isn’t there a setting to turn it off?

    • @kiovalorant5298
      @kiovalorant5298 2 роки тому +4

      I thought I was the only one with this "bug".

    • @infamcus
      @infamcus 2 роки тому +14

      Am I the only one that has issues with the radar? There’s been multiple times when an enemy is behind me or around me and they done appear on my radar until after they’re on top of me.

  • @buttthead
    @buttthead 2 роки тому +80

    Two things that really annoy me:
    1. Color doesn't apply to chest pieces, which make the ODST and Jorge chest pieces look pretty bad.
    2. You can't have more than one attachment on your helmet at a time. I like that they allow attachments on the reach helmets that you weren't able to have before. However you can't recreate some of the old helmet set ups with this new restriction, and you also aren't able to make cool new attachment combinations.

    • @jameslafountain
      @jameslafountain 2 роки тому +3

      Yep I feel like it wouldn’t be impossible to implement multiple attachments since they’ve got them modeled out and everything already

  • @soundlesspeal
    @soundlesspeal 2 роки тому +6

    i wish the grenades in the hud were shown like how they were in halo 3 where you could see how many of each type of grenade you had so you didnt hve to cycle through them to find out if you have brute nades or stickies after you throw your frags. also this is completely personal preference but i think it would be cool to see each bullet too like we did in the older halos, and a battery counter for the alien weapons that also shows when your gun is about to overheat

  • @enoopnr3817
    @enoopnr3817 2 роки тому +4

    I think Destiny's shader system is the best possible implementation of a pre-set colour palette system. Halo Infinite coatings would be tremendously better if applied like D2 shaders.

  • @MB0704
    @MB0704 2 роки тому +7

    Game is super balanced, but the banshee is just garbage. Not the same ship tbh

  • @stefans4562
    @stefans4562 2 роки тому +1

    Fiesta IS in custom games. When you turn on weapon spawns there will even be unique weapon variants not available in any other way.

  • @button4boy
    @button4boy 2 роки тому

    I agree with everything you say, so I won't bother repeating it, but a few things I've noticed too that I'd love changing:
    - The ability to rotate and move the camera around your body once you die! This has been a thing in EVERY game since Halo 3 and I don't know why it's been taken out. Such a simple thing... Sure, snap initially to the person who killed you, but allow me to look around and see where else the danger is/was or what's going on with the objective behind my corpse, etc.
    - Sometimes there's so many bullets and explosions happening that I can't hear when a grenade lands at my feet. There's so many grenades being thrown and equipment noises and spartan's shouting and bullets firing , and no grenade markers (didn't 4 and 5 have grenade markers?) that I just explode before I know there was a grenade at my feet!
    - Friendly fire and player collision please! These have always been staples of Halo and taking them out really change the way the game plays to be honest. Now players can spam grenades in areas with teammates without fear of getting a betrayal, or you can stick your teammate who runs into a group of enemies like a damn suicide grunt, but won't die. And no collision means melee battles are awkward with people phasing though each other and having to do 180s all the time, or a teammate phasing through you as you fire you damn rocket launched into their back (happened to me yesterday!)
    - Vehicle spawns in BTB are too limited or slow. After MANY MANY hours I BTB, I haven't seen a Wraith or Scorpion yet, have only flown a Banshee or Wasp a couple of times before getting obliterated (they're made of glass?) and the way they get dropped off is cool, but the fact that it happens once every few minutes or so and is announced to everyone means there's always a race to it, and it's often just a Ghost or a Gungoose or a Warthog. If they want to keep this structured way of dropping of better vehicles as the game advances (kinda like Invasion in Reach) then fine, but give us a Big Team Slayer playlist that includes heavies as well... Let us play with your toys!!
    - Height indicators on the radar... do these exist? I saw in a blog post that they do, but I have no idea at the moment if an enemy is about to smack me in the back or if they're above or below me... Halo Reach, 4 and 5 all had no problems communicating this! It either needs including, or making more obvious because it's too hard to tell at the moment!
    - The balancing of some guns feels off at the moment. The Hammer takes ages to swing, the Commando is almost useless and fires rubber bullets, the Stalker Rifle is too weak... I headshot someone 4 times yesterday with it and they still didn't die. The Sentinel Beam has too much recoil IMO and the Ravager is too weak now since its buff from the Tech Preview.
    - Bots that come in to replace left players need to be on a higher difficulty. I LOVE that they can now do this in Halo, as it was always one really annoying thing about players dropping out... but they need to be ODST or Spartan difficulty, because at the moment, they might as well not be there and are possibly more of a hindrance.

  • @Bandarr9000
    @Bandarr9000 2 роки тому

    I was a fan a long time ago (like 4 or 5 years ago) and it's good to be back, and to see you (afaik) doing a lot better.

  • @NonAndroz117
    @NonAndroz117 2 роки тому +1

    I know we're excited about the gameplay sandbox being all the way back but I feel like we've had the armor customization sandbox taken away which really sucks. We used to see so many cool armor and color combinations that I feel partially inspired futures designs for armor sets and now we've just been put in a box and told this is what we're allowed to make instead of the mentality of "show us what you got"

  • @whyiwakeup6460
    @whyiwakeup6460 2 роки тому +1

    I think that a few guns are missing. Not that the current guns aren’t really good, but I feel like there was supposed to be a electric power weapon, as that entire type only consists of 3 items, and it feels like a hole was left where that should have been, as there are only three power weapons. There are several other things that are like this that feel similar. I do like the current sandbox a lot, just I feel like there isn’t much to chose between, but I’m not just saying give more of the exact same weapons grenades, or equipment, just a little more sandbox addition that fills out some areas more. When social slayers eventually get added, I’d really like to see some of the fiesta weapon variants be put to more use.

  • @psychofroggy8062
    @psychofroggy8062 2 роки тому

    Add a lootcave that houses a radomized set of vehicles like Scorpion tanks, and banished tanks. This BTB evolving over time is a cool feature but it takes away other features as well. This lootcave update would allow you to seek out power vehicles in the early game.

  • @spellxthief
    @spellxthief 2 роки тому

    i'm hooked up to hopium but i really hope this early launch being a 'beta' is in regards to the lack of modes and playlists, because technically modes like swat, fiesta, and elimination are in the game (multiplayer content complete) but they just haven't activated the playlists for testing and getting data on these main modes. really good video LNG

  • @blingiman
    @blingiman 2 роки тому

    I'd love them to change the coating system so you can apply the colours of that coating to any Armour piece of your choice. For example with the noble commander coating, I would only be able to use blue and black, but if I wanted, I could have an entirely black arm with the rest of my Spartan being blue

  • @FiftyCharacters
    @FiftyCharacters 2 роки тому

    Dude, that was a smooth Segway into a sponsorship slot, it didn’t even show up on my motion tracker

  • @lilithofthevoid4922
    @lilithofthevoid4922 2 роки тому

    I agree with everything you said, and I have a few additions.
    Some weapon balancing needs to be tweaked. The hydra is ass in most situations. Melee needs to be fixed cuz it's inconsistent as hell and sometimes I'll lunge, sometimes I won't, and sometimes my hits just don't connect. Me personally, I wish you could just color each individual element that the coatings can. Like you can color inner suit, the main plate, the small vents/lights. I know that'll never happen, but it'd be cool

  • @cravensbergen94
    @cravensbergen94 2 роки тому

    I tend to get very very heated and obstinate about the changes and mistakes that 343 makes despite the clear signs of love in other areas of their work, but your channel has always been a calm source of the most balanced and understanding takes and I truly appreciate that, my guy.

  • @lucashogland8815
    @lucashogland8815 2 роки тому

    They should have swat and infection and that stuff as a separate playlist but I think they could create new experimental modes that can be rotated in and out to see how the community likes them

  • @Puppy_Puppington
    @Puppy_Puppington 2 роки тому

    The thruster. The repulsor. The grapple. Best of the best. The drop wall has saved my as s a few times too. None of those are “aggressive”. You can use them in any way you like. That’s the genius of them. Attacking or supporting or defending. Or etc.

    • @LateNightHalo
      @LateNightHalo  2 роки тому

      What I mean by “aggressive “ is the hook and Repulsor EXCLUSIVELY benefit the user. They’re meant for self-empowerment, not team-work

  • @SendarSlayer
    @SendarSlayer 2 роки тому +1

    Fiesta is in customs though.... You can launch it and activate weapon pads to get access to weapon variants not in the multiplayer. Although I agree customs need All the loved gamemodes, saying Fiesta isn't an option is just blatantly false.

  • @samback1456
    @samback1456 2 роки тому

    for me the most major nitpick not already mentioned is the weird balancing of some of the explosive weapons, the hydra, ravager, and needler, specifically, the ravager is almost useless right now with almost no splash damage. and the hydra is very weird, 4 rockets give or take to destroy a wasp but the same 4 rockets don't consistently kill just a spartan, and i feel the needler could use a slight reduction in number of needles needed to super combine?? i don't know the exact number but i find myself almost consistently using around 3 quarters of the magazine per super combine

  • @MapleSause_
    @MapleSause_ 2 роки тому

    I firmly believe radar needs to be adjusted. It’s not a be all end all, but the radius is SO small that when I’m say guarding the flag on Aquarius an enemy can walk up one of the side halls and if I’m not on that side of the platform I can’t even pick them up, it’s a bit ridiculous imo

  • @jimjoms
    @jimjoms 2 роки тому +1

    FoF system and the player collision are two big ones for me.
    Also bring sniper ricochet back!

  • @frogtoast9390
    @frogtoast9390 2 роки тому

    YOU !!!CAN!!! ACCESS FIESTA IN CUSTOMS! it even lets you try variants of the pre-existing weapons unique to fiesta's normally toggled weapon pads. Just open the customs menu, and scroll to the SECOND PAGE, of listed game modes.

  • @21stcenturystops59
    @21stcenturystops59 2 роки тому

    The UI should be modernized.
    The radar and shields should share the same spot on the screen like in halo 2. Also, the weapons UI needs to rest on top of top of the shields bar.
    That, way, you only need to look at one spot of the screen for everything.

  • @Varagon7403
    @Varagon7403 2 роки тому

    Something that 343 should improve apart from armor coating, armor attachment. The helmets in halo infinite look cool especially the halo reach redesign but you can only put one attachment on the helmet when they could have a lot. Having the option to have 1 or 2 more helmet attachments would be cool rather than just one.

  • @tex_lysium7912
    @tex_lysium7912 2 роки тому

    I honestly just want the hit Regs and energy sword/hammer to be fixed.. we still need player collision. There are so many ridiculous bugs. I really hope those get fixed.

  • @mernyr
    @mernyr 2 роки тому

    We need all the vehicles and weapons from all the past games brought back. They should stop worrying about sandbox overlap. There too few weapons and vehicles in the game. They also need to bring back a lot of the old maps. Including forge world. It would also be nice to have dominion back from halo 4, I like the ability to have auto turrets that can be activated for defense on modes like ctf.

  • @probablysanny9351
    @probablysanny9351 2 роки тому

    As a lore nerd i kind of like that the armor pieces are locked to specific cores. But the coatings definitely should not be.

  • @TheDxDKID
    @TheDxDKID 2 роки тому

    What I want more maps more modes being able to select your modes more for free progression options and for the battle pass to be easier to level up

  • @drteeth362
    @drteeth362 2 роки тому

    I miss the old shotgun, it was the hard counter to swords and now there isn’t really any guns to take that role

  • @tssilver10
    @tssilver10 2 роки тому

    I do think armors should stick to their specific cores. Why would anyone participate in the Tenrai event and get the Yoroi armor if you're just planning on putting ODST gear on it? What purpose does the entire Heroes of Reach season serve if you're just gonna cover up the Reach armor with Mark 7? I think the armor cores are a good system, limiting different generations and styles of armor to different cores makes sense to me. Mark V stays on Mark V, Mark VI stays on Mark VI, Mark VII stays on Mark VII.
    Everyone complained when Halo 4's gen 2 armor was added to Halo 3 because "it clashes with the preestablished artstyle and doesn't fit cohesively with the look of the game." Now suddenly everyone is saying "why can't i put the sleeker modern Mark VII onto my older bulkier Mark V??" artstyle be damned i guess?
    That said, the implementation ISN'T GOOD. I admit that. There's no reason colors are locked to cores, that's stupid. Jorge is a legendary spartan who wore the Mark V system, so locking the ability to "cosplay" to HIS armor is.... acceptable?? Maybe? HOWEVER if they then add the VERY SAME COLOR to the samurai armor, that is unacceptable. If you're gonna let us put the very same colors onto a different armor, we should NOT have to unlock it again!
    Locking old armor to old cores makes perfect sense to me, but the things that have no reason to be locked to cores obviously shouldnt be. A katana was on the Mark VI, putting a belt on and strapping a knife or sword to that belt is not something that "can't" happen just because your armor's firmware or software is from a different generation. Colors, accessories, BELTS; these things should not be limited by the core system.

  • @radman7681
    @radman7681 2 роки тому

    Keep in mind it took the same amount of time for infinite to relase since halo five as it did for the entire original trilogy to be released. Halos 1-3 were released in the same period of time as infinites development

  • @MoptopTofer
    @MoptopTofer 2 роки тому

    I think coatings should just be reworked. I never bought the whole "the color channels are locked and baked into the coating" bs that 343 was peddling when asked. I say make coatings a material finish that dictates what colors go where, but give us free reign over what colors we use. Anthem (for as horrible as that game was) can be used as a reference point. If you REALLY want to monetize colors that bad, simply put new color palettes with more exotic tones/shades/hues in the battle pass/store as well as include it in the permanent progression system they're working on. A good place to take inspiration from is Warframe when it comes to this.

  • @fatalfrog7018
    @fatalfrog7018 2 роки тому

    That sick intro alone got you a sub.

  • @winstonwithay1980
    @winstonwithay1980 2 роки тому

    They need to add a lowered crosshair. My aim with precision weapons is so terrible on PC with M&KB. I had a similar problem with Farcry 5 where the centred crosshair made aiming feel sluggish and imprecise. Definitely not as smooth as MCC either.

  • @Creed5.56
    @Creed5.56 2 роки тому

    As a full time college student, I knew I wouldn’t have the time to unlock all the event based items, but I had $20 to spend so I went ahead and bought the bundle. Well, APPARENTLY YOU CANT USE THE ARMOR YOU PAY FOR UNLESS YOU HAVE THE CORE… are you actually fucking kidding me.

  • @thedualitysystem
    @thedualitysystem 2 роки тому

    They absolutely need to overhaul the progression system. It's absolutely ridiculous that you basically can't unlock anything for free. It takes literal months of grinding to get a helmet and you only have one armor set unlocked by default unlike most Halo games that give you at least 2.
    It really sucks cause customizing my Spartan was the main thing I liked about the multiplayer and my motivation to do that by either grinding for months or spending hundreds of dollars is completely lost.

  • @Doomsgate
    @Doomsgate 2 роки тому +1

    Hydra needs a small damage buff

  • @makoUnderground
    @makoUnderground 2 роки тому

    Of course some modes will be held back for events. Had weekly challenges for energy sword kills and rocket kills. Tried in BTB/Quickplay and as expected, between getting killed, missing shots and whatnot, I got some kills. Did a two fiesta matches and got all the kills I needed for the challenges. Any "Get X kills with X weapon in PvP" challenges will be easy in events like this. Other modes would facilitate other challenges. Add all this to the fact that event challenges slot share the same pool as regular challenges and its pretty clear that 343 wants these modes held back alongside not letting players pick which gamemode they want to play. Slayer focused challenges can be completed easily with trial and error if you only play Slayer, but you can't, you have to get a bunch of CTF and Oddball in between. This frustrates and gives the impression the game has less content than it actually has, but players can't choose and thus get bored quickly for playing what they don't want.

  • @weedking1984
    @weedking1984 2 роки тому

    We also need to collect coins or points for unlocking stuff in the store is as it stands now there really no reason for me to buy stuff in the store especially when it cost me around 1,035 dollars

  • @nivalack9964
    @nivalack9964 2 роки тому +1

    I think there using an "anchoring" tactic whith the value of everything in the shop right now. It's like when selling a car or negotiating a salary, you ask higher than what you actually want. When things get lowered to the desired price, the hope is that cognitive bais takes over and causes everyone to see the desired price as more reasonable when compared to the initial ridiculously overvalued price.

    • @pacotaco1246
      @pacotaco1246 2 роки тому

      Or microsoft remains dumb and greedy. Gonna go with occams razor till i see evidence otherwise

  • @wasab1364
    @wasab1364 2 роки тому

    I think that control issues mixed with skill issues made me singlehandedly have my team go from leading 4 (was at 44 on fiesta), to losing the game. Aim assist is no where near as aggressive as the other games, for better or worse, but I’ve gotten a total of 3 kills with the S7 sniper. Also obligatory hate comment about the progression system. Oh my god I’ve gone on for too long.

  • @jouebien
    @jouebien 2 роки тому

    then BR starts basically threw out half the sandbox in the general ranked match making. BR starts need to live in their own ranked playlist because the unranked AR starts don't match you on skill so matches end up being too easy or too one-sided (Neither of which are fun). We also need a match browser and away to host our own dedicated servers - how I miss halo CE and 2V dedicated servers and match browser.

  • @hairlesschimp8913
    @hairlesschimp8913 2 роки тому

    It sucks how such a tightened gameplay experience is held back by almost every system around it. And it is painful how fudged the progression and customization is gimped. I have specific memories of being very young, like 7 or so, co-oping Reach with my older brother, and annoying him because I’d customize my spartan for too long in between missions. Earning a plethora of different cosmetics from only playing campaign, juxtaposed with the pocket lint worth of options 343 gives for free (on top of being roadblocked by slow progression), just pains me to see.

  • @juliand.breakdown463
    @juliand.breakdown463 2 роки тому

    biggest problems are
    aming down the sides, everyone is sniping with ars
    and tkk need to be longer

  • @ityyax2931
    @ityyax2931 2 роки тому

    dude the audio needs a lot of work, if I had a nickel for the amount of times I've gotten up snuck on by a energy sword user even if they're sprinting right at me I'd be a damn billionaire.
    And the coatings provided in the bpass should be bundles tbh.

  • @roberthesser6402
    @roberthesser6402 2 роки тому

    I agree with most of this video, but I seriously don’t understand how this game plays like any other modern shooter. That’s a common criticism leveled at a lot of the 343 industries era halo games, but I’ve never understood it. No other shooter out there has the feel halo has, and I haven’t yet played a halo game that doesn’t feel like a halo game. I can’t translate my skills from call of duty or battlefield or even split gate into any of the halo games, but when I pick up a controller and play halo 4, 5, and infinite, it feels like a halo game. The hip fire, strafing, TTK, the shield system, The balance between the golden triangle of guns, grenades and melee, it’s all halo and unique to halo.
    Sure, each game has its own mechanics that make it feel different from the last but that’s just the nature of sequels. I’m sure somebody could just as easily have said that halo two doesn’t feel like a halo game because it’s not floaty like halo CE-and in fact, they *did*. But all of the fundamentals have always been there, regardless of what they add. If I had to argue for any halo game that doesn’t feel like a halo game, it would probably be reach of all of them, because it’s the only game that fucked with the Golden triangle, by forcing gunplay into a restriction it didn’t need with reticule bloom. But even that can’t fundamentally change the core DNA of the game which is still quintessentially halo.

    • @LateNightHalo
      @LateNightHalo  2 роки тому

      I’m talking about the core gameplay. Sprint, clamber, slide and ADS fundamentally change how halo is played.
      It doesn’t flow like a classic halo game and that’s okay. My bread and butter is classic halo but I’m also ok with infinite playing more like a modern shooter since I think it does enough to retain classic halo sensibilities

  • @korven197
    @korven197 2 роки тому

    I love Infinite, but after they put the color blue for the Yoroi armor in the store. I sadly think my time with this game is over before it ever really began

  • @Ogreben
    @Ogreben 2 роки тому

    I thought you were going to do the skincare thing valkyrae had for bluelight lmao

  • @HFR_SpartanFred
    @HFR_SpartanFred 2 роки тому

    For me, 343 industrie$ just lied and betrayed us, the Battle pass, monetization and customisation système is really heartbreaking as a halo hardcore fan, so shameful beacause i love the game so much....

  • @Leg3nd-27
    @Leg3nd-27 2 роки тому

    I honestly didn't think they could do worse than Halo 5 and include less playlists. 343 keeps surprising me

  • @Yachts_N_Thots
    @Yachts_N_Thots 2 роки тому

    You’ve basically covered my issues but one.
    We were up 2-0 in BTB but it was even. We just had a couple of well funded team assaults (considering we had 10 people in a party communicating) and we’re holding the ground that we made until a scorpion tank spawned randomly directly in front of their base. This dude goes on a 15+ killing spree and we never got anything to counter it. Totally fine right?? We can take this out. One more vehicle would be dropped off. On their side. A wraith. We got rolled. Spawn trapped and they scored 3 captures so fast. Everything was just out of reach. They had complete map control.
    We had no idea why nothing spawned on our side and couldn’t get to power weapons due to the gatekeepers. It was wild.
    Oh well

  • @SneedRemembrancer
    @SneedRemembrancer 2 роки тому

    Unless this
    The big updates are only new seasons that are every 3 months and in season 2’s case 6 months
    We aren’t seeing infection for 6 months at the least. Unless 343 change their strategy for updates.

  • @Chef740
    @Chef740 2 роки тому

    The more I play Infinite it feels like the monitization end of the game was done by a completely different team separate from 343.

  • @jorb333
    @jorb333 2 роки тому +2

    Genuinely dont understand how people like a sandbox that is missing:
    - EMP Plasma Pistol
    - Classic shotgun
    - a plasma rifle... in a halo game
    - a fuel rod cannon... in a halo game
    - a high spread unsc weapon like an SMG
    - ANY covenant explosive weapon

    • @LateNightHalo
      @LateNightHalo  2 роки тому +2

      My thoughts on each of these:
      -The EMP missing from the plasma pistol sucks but I can see it working for the campaign’s sake
      -Yes, absolutely
      -Yeahhh though I do think the Pulse carbine serves its role well in the campaign
      -I don’t think the Banished “needed” a fuel rod gun. It was more or less just a rocket launcher
      -That’s what I would balance the assault rifle as but folks prefer it to be a precision weapon since it’s easier to get kills with
      -The covenant aren’t in the game, the Banished are and they use UNSC weapons so I don’t think it’s an issue

    • @jorb333
      @jorb333 2 роки тому

      @@LateNightHalo i do think the AR needs a massive accuracy nerf, in fiesta you have a zoom in on a players location but you're kicked out of zoom cause some guy is peppering you from across the map with an AR
      and tbh the plasma pistol needs a homing buff while the carbine can be the plasma rifle if it brings back the stun mechanic from CE

  • @furioustester4056
    @furioustester4056 2 роки тому

    To get fiesta in custom you need to go to the next page

  • @Andrew24427
    @Andrew24427 2 роки тому

    I feel that 343 needs to fix both the Pulse Carbine and the Ravager these two weapons feel so weak especially the Ravager. I just can't get a kill with it at all by itself even when I'm hitting an enemy player directly with full bursts consistently correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this thing supposed to be a power weapon? The only way I can get a kill with it is when the enemy's shields have already been knocked. For the pulse carbine I am just confused about why they completely changed the way that it works. In the 2020 demo this thing seemed to function pretty much the same as the battle rifle maybe minus the hit scan but still seemed to be a pretty viable weapon, now it just feels kind of useless in most fire fights. granted it can be pretty useful at specific ranges but once you stray too far or sometimes come in too close the slow moving projectiles that also do track once your reticle turns red will easily be out gunned by most if not all weapons in the sandbox. You could just say that I need to just "get good" with these weapons but I don't see many people picking these weapons up either. I'm always seeing both weapons just sitting on their weapon racks almost never being grabbed. For equipment the drop wall is pretty useless it's shields are taken down so quickly, it deploys very slowly, and it can be destroyed with just one shot at the mechanism that's projecting the shield. In my opinion there really isn't any point in using it. I am also just not a fan of the coating system, they just took away the simple feature of coloring your Spartan's armor [no matter what armor set they have] that has just been available to the player for 20 years and locked it behind a pay wall, I understand that with the multiplayer being free 343 has to make their money somehow but to me it just makes no sense when you take away features that players already had in previous titles or lock them behind paywalls. 343 also needs to let players pick what ever game mode they want to play. Just letting the game randomly select modes makes getting challenges done super frustrating when needing to win or just complete specific game modes, I find myself just leaving matches as soon as I see its not the mode that I need for a challenge because if I don't it will literally take a day or two to finish. Also has anyone else had any issues with this game crashing a lot? I've tried a few fixes one of which seems to be working for now but this was very frustrating when trying to get challenges done as well. sorry that this is really long it might not even be read but while Halo Infinite's multiplayer's core gameplay is pretty fun these are just a few of the issues this game has that need to be fixed.

  • @codylaurence3423
    @codylaurence3423 2 роки тому

    Bro, I can’t tell you how annoyed I was to see the colour blue for the samurai core in the store for 13.95 aussie dollars. My biggest fear of the armour coatings came true under the guise of “more player expression”
    The store and the lack of content are the only things holding this beautiful game back from true glory but I’m still optimistic because these things can be changed and aren’t baked into the infinite formula.

    • @ThePTBRULES
      @ThePTBRULES 2 роки тому

      Literally less player expression because you either have to pay for everything, and we lost ability to customize colors. Picking a pre made coat isn't customized

  • @wyattgale3077
    @wyattgale3077 2 роки тому

    This is the first time ive heard good things about Destiny 2's transmog

  • @TheBoomamatic
    @TheBoomamatic 2 роки тому

    My biggest issue personally, since I never really engage with battlepass or monetisation systems in any game (not to say it isn't egregiously greedy) is the complete lack of social elements.
    No persistent lobbies to socialize with other players, to build relationships and rivalries.
    The chat feature is next to useless since even if you use it, you have to manually open the windows to see responses, stopping gameplay completely. And it's functionality is weird since you have to manually exit from the tab instead of sending your message and it auto closing like every chat feature in the world.
    The voice chat feature seems to exist as I've encountered a couple people using it, but there is no feedback to tell you who is talking and whether or not you are being transmitted, so you have no idea who's interacting with who
    I understand that the intent is largely to brute force toxicity out of the game but for me all it does is make the game less human and disconnected. Disconnected, in a massively multiplayer game

    • @dawson8843
      @dawson8843 2 роки тому

      I agree with these points. It is not a social game, it is a modern game. Old multiplayer lobbies are what everyone loved about Halo and this reminds me of playing COD except it does everything from a business perspective much worse.

  • @trippymlgjunkrat5749
    @trippymlgjunkrat5749 2 роки тому

    Or just make a good choice instead of needing glasses my TV I only got for 90 and it's 40 inches and has a hundred different settings for the TV including blue light reduction

  • @seapanda-117
    @seapanda-117 2 роки тому

    Lol “People are going to get bored…”
    LateNight I got bored after about an hour and only picked it back up once when a buddy asked me to play with him before work.

  • @Madrok7
    @Madrok7 2 роки тому

    After spending some time with Infinite's multi-player (PC, GTX 3080, max setting at 4K), I'm even more underwhelmed with the graphics. It seriously looks like a last-gen game. There is a complete lack of attention to detail in the game. Bullets cases don't look real or stay on the ground. Dead bodies disappear even before the death animation is over. No blood. When moving, vehicle tires barely spin. No player collision (makes melee's feel off with no impact). Textures on most objects are low resolution. I really hope the campaign doesn't look or feel this bad.

  • @Kiviluvu
    @Kiviluvu 2 роки тому +1

    I don't understand the point of wanting to win a match. There's no reward

  • @toacrawler2663
    @toacrawler2663 2 роки тому

    Number 1 improvement in the gameplay should be the sound system.. No footstep from the ennemy..

  • @berrybbenson4634
    @berrybbenson4634 2 роки тому

    What doesn't work and needs to be reverted is shields regenerating while sprinting. This should not be a thing

  • @mayo7l784
    @mayo7l784 2 роки тому

    Would be better if fiesta had double xp as a limited game mode

  • @crunchybombed2614
    @crunchybombed2614 2 роки тому

    Can I wear those blue light glasses if my eyes are fine and don’t get prescribed glasses

  • @mitwhitgaming7722
    @mitwhitgaming7722 2 роки тому +376

    They should definitely fix what's wrong with the multiplayer and progression system...
    but after that I am still hoping for Firefight. I could watch those Grunt animations for hours.

    • @r.w.9631
      @r.w.9631 2 роки тому +10

      Firefight would be nice.

    • @TheDruidicThief
      @TheDruidicThief 2 роки тому +11

      Can they fix how the event as well? I completed the weekly challenges and then can’t progress through the free pass more. Plus it doesn’t even have the armor they originally advertised for the event.

    • @aarontomasini5194
      @aarontomasini5194 2 роки тому +10

      A banished firefight would be sick

    • @ThomasHendrickson
      @ThomasHendrickson 2 роки тому +1

      I’m shocked it isn’t here. Where’s my wave mode? And dear GOD don’t make it like halo 5.

    • @davemccombs
      @davemccombs 2 роки тому +2

      It's intentional. How do you guys not get this yet? ;'(

  • @jonathansullivan6706
    @jonathansullivan6706 2 роки тому +288

    Another nitpick about armor customization is that certain armor pieces are restricted to kits. I can't use Carter's left armor plate without using his whole kit as is. This also means that, because helmets can only have one attachment, the commando helmet in his kit doesn't get to use the bill over the visor that used to be default. That's just one example that really bugs me in particular. I ADORE the commando helmet, and I wanted to be able to replicate my Spartan from Reach, but I can't use the shoulder pad I used to without using Carter's kit, and that means using Infinite's absolutely HIDEOUS stock commando helmet. Seriously, without that bill hanging over the visor, it just looks wrong.

    • @VenomSnake00
      @VenomSnake00 2 роки тому +16

      It’s also ridiculous how we can’t use coatings on kits

    • @staryoshi06
      @staryoshi06 2 роки тому +8

      Yeah, this! Some of the esports armour kits have really nice looking blue visors, but they aren't available without the kit. And like, the MK VII armour has no good blue visors. All that are even vaguely blue have some kind of pattern.

    • @letsplaywithskill
      @letsplaywithskill 2 роки тому +9

      a note on that a 'leak' (not sure if its deffo 100% accurate) seemed to show that the emile and carter armour plates for shoulders were withheld to sell back to us in the store. As the leak showed upcoming store items and those shoulders were included among the images. Again take it with a pinch of salt as I'm not deffo sure on how reliable a leak it was. However, given the money grabbing nature so far it seems like that could be a reason.

    • @nolives
      @nolives 2 роки тому

      This. The free armor core has a helmet I cant get on the paid version. So i regret buying the battle pass whhich is mostly for the paid core.

  • @handsome6300
    @handsome6300 2 роки тому +395

    I think you should have included how there should be a way to earn in store currency through gameplay. Either through the battle pass, weekly challenges, or normal gameplay. Other games do this. It makes you interact with the store more, and makes you willing to pay real money when there is something you want, but would take too long to grind out. It should be a grind to earn currency for free (obviously, so they can make money), but there should be a way to earn things for free, without paying $1000+ for all the cosmetics

    • @MisterEnsayne
      @MisterEnsayne 2 роки тому +29

      Right? Pretty much every other game with a Battle Pass has at least some of their premium currency.

    • @Chris-cf1hs
      @Chris-cf1hs 2 роки тому +11

      it also allowed you to buy a battle pass for free once you earned enough of the currency

    • @Ezekiel_Allium
      @Ezekiel_Allium 2 роки тому +9

      Literal money milking gacha games, where the "game" is just there essentially as an ad for the shop are more generous than Halo infinite is right now, and that makes me sad

    • @wortwortwort117
      @wortwortwort117 2 роки тому +2

      Maybe just add credits as a reward for the final weekly challange

    • @kapthas59
      @kapthas59 2 роки тому +3

      My suggestion for progression and monetization
      Well first off, remove challenges and for xp, take the player score each player get after finishing matches and divide it by 5 and use it as xp. As for challenge swaps, convert them to credits with each one at least 25. If people bought the campaign, let them earn credits by again take the player score and divide it by 100.
      That's it.

  • @splat-a-tat6780
    @splat-a-tat6780 2 роки тому +48

    9:25 Sadly, you can see them doing this right now. They’re selling the free Mark V(B)/VII Cadet Blue for the Yoroi core under a different name for $10 right now in the shop.

  • @soktherat777
    @soktherat777 2 роки тому +120

    Something that came to me while playing Fiesta is how the sword and hammer are dominating the game mode. Good luck getting a bulltrue with the Bulldog. I'm really missing the pump shotgun given how the Bulldog doesn't counter those weapons. Yes you can still kill them if you use the repulsor and keep them at range. But the idea of Infection with the Bulldog instead of the pump shotgun makes me really worried for the mode given it's my favorite mode. Hopefully the pump shotgun arrives alongside Infection.

    • @sleepyguardian1962
      @sleepyguardian1962 2 роки тому +26

      we definitely need the classic shotgun back. imo the bulldog is terrible aesthetically, but the fact that its not focused as a oneshot kill close quarters weapon makes it kinda pointless. the shotgun has been a direct counter to the sword and hammer for a while now. I really dont like that it takes 2-3 shots at point blank range to kill with it.

    • @burnoutcollectivist4660
      @burnoutcollectivist4660 2 роки тому +18

      I think you're totally right about the Bulldog being weak when up against the Gravity Hammer and Energy Sword, but I don't think there would be any problems with it in an Infection game mode, if I'm not mistaken it's a one shot kill with shields down, and since Zombies don't have shields then that would mean a Sidekick/Bulldog combo would both be able to one-shot zombies like usual. In fact I think they would be even more deadly than your typical Magnum/Shotgun combo from like Halo 3/Reach because they have a much faster fire rate and better accuracy, but of course I'm not against a classic shotgun returning and being used for Infection.

    • @ChezzyKnytt
      @ChezzyKnytt 2 роки тому +2

      We're going to have weapon variants, people are already playing around with a crazy overpowered Sentinel Beam and other weapons which are probably from the campaign. I imagine for Infection mode we could get a more powerful shotgun. I agree about the aesthetics though, I miss the look of the pump shotgun.

    • @soktherat777
      @soktherat777 2 роки тому +10

      @@burnoutcollectivist4660 My concerns are about the Bulldog's faster fire rate for Infection. In Infection it runs the risk of being completely overpowered. What made the pump shotgun work in original infection is you have to wait between pumps which gives the zombies a chance to get in their sword lunge. The Bulldog's rate of fire is much higher than the classic shotguns and I feel that higher rate of fire will be a detriment to the zombies ability to kill the survivors. Especially since the final survivor usually has good amount of ammo from scavenging from dead teammates.

    • @burnoutcollectivist4660
      @burnoutcollectivist4660 2 роки тому

      @@soktherat777 I see where you're coming from, but I don't think they'd be overpowered in Infection. Firstly because Halo Infinite is a faster paced game in general due to the lower TTK and the inclusion of infinite sprint, slide, and clamber, which is probably closer to Halo 5 levels of movement than Halo 3, meaning that zombies (which come from all angles, as opposed to survivors which hole up in one spot) are very nimble and deadly with the extra movement mechanics, making fast firing weapons really useful in order to keep up and balance the firepower of the survivors with the speed and mobility of the zombies. Secondly I think classic infection had a problem where if you were the last man standing and too many zombies swarmed you at once you had like no chance to properly fight back, making it very anti-climactic. But with a fast firing weapon like the Bulldog it can actually make being the last person more viable, as long as your aim and reaction is on point of course. There's nothing I hate more than becoming last man standing and immediately dying from a swarm with no way to protect myself with the slow shotgun lol

  • @arbo_ii
    @arbo_ii 2 роки тому +96

    11:00pm est video? Definitely late night gaming haha

  • @Nikkerman
    @Nikkerman 2 роки тому +155

    The whole thing that was keeping together my argument that "forge not coming at launch isn't that big a deal" is BECAUSE I thought that with good custom game options the game would already have fantastic customs due to the sandbox, but it's super disappointing I can't just cue up a mode where everyone has Infinite grappling hooks in a 12 v 12 custom game.

    • @Volker_A4
      @Volker_A4 2 роки тому +11

      Kind of insane that they didn't include equipment options. It was like the third thing I wanted to change in customs.

    • @neomcdoom
      @neomcdoom 2 роки тому

      Yeah that’s unacceptable

  • @TomYourmombadil
    @TomYourmombadil 2 роки тому +633

    I feel like the “it’s just a beta” is moot as long as people are able to spend real life money on it

    • @Calvin_Coolage
      @Calvin_Coolage 2 роки тому +46

      I don't know why 343 didn't just admit this is an early release. I'm glad they did the release because they can take feedback super early, but call a spade a spade you know?

    • @BenDover_Jr
      @BenDover_Jr 2 роки тому +14

      Probably because there are still very glaring and obvious bugs that need to be fixed?
      As for the money, Microsoft.

    • @Shotzzilla
      @Shotzzilla 2 роки тому +2

      Truest comment I’ve seen

    • @TyDieMusic
      @TyDieMusic 2 роки тому +1

      Cough cough *fortnite*

    • @thetruestar6348
      @thetruestar6348 2 роки тому +3

      people are just that dumb to believe that

  • @JTeam45
    @JTeam45 2 роки тому +31

    I think we all know what doesn't work. The game needs more freedom of choice in terms of playlists and the XP system needs an overhaul and that might just be an understatement.
    What works is the gameplay is so tight and the presentation, like you said, is Halo. It feels like a modern Halo which is what we all wanted from Infinite in the first place, it's a tight sandbox and the equipment is really fun. It's the way that we're forced to play like having to deal with whatever the game chooses for us to play and not getting rewarded for great performances that is holding the game back from it's full potential.

  • @boogie1434
    @boogie1434 2 роки тому +46

    What DOESN'T work:
    The devestating nerfs to the Ravager, Pulse Carbine and Commando--
    despite being the most common map pick ups they barely see any play because they lack the DPS to balance out their downsides. The commando has high recoil and low ammo but also low damage, the Ravager has low ammo, overheats quickly and requires an arc to aim but also low damage, the Pulse Carbine has low ammo, is only good at medium range but once again has low damage. When the weapon you spawn with is blatantly superior to the alternatives even in their best case scenario guess what? players don't trade for them!!
    343 you had it right in the flight, weapons that require big risks should come with big rewards.

    • @retroicdescent
      @retroicdescent 2 роки тому +3

      I totally agree. Unless I get a challenge to get kills for a specific gun, I'm mostly just using AR, Pistol and BR. Commando is okay at mid-longish but I've gotten out gunned by proficient pistol and AR users, so I usually pass on the Commando. Basically, I only ever find it worth it to swap out the default loadout for power weapons.

    • @coreyhall5065
      @coreyhall5065 2 роки тому

      Only one I'll sorta disagree with is the pulse carbine, it's damage is actually high and can 2 shot someone faster than the br can kill. But it's slow moving projectiles and difficulty to use makes it bad and not worth it

    • @Anonymys43
      @Anonymys43 2 роки тому

      @@coreyhall5065 2 burst* remember it's a burst gun, 2 fully connecting bursts puts a Spartan on a shirt

    • @Vasey105
      @Vasey105 2 роки тому

      I've not figured out the Ravager yet, but the Commando is a good gun. It generally beats AR and BR so it's a good pickup. Pulse Carbine is pointless there's no point in it, the pistol is more effective.

    • @boogie1434
      @boogie1434 2 роки тому

      @@Vasey105 you just have to arc your shots to get headshots

  • @Wheeljack-bv9wk
    @Wheeljack-bv9wk 2 роки тому +19

    I agree with everything you said. However, There are a few things I would add. I would say that player collision needs to be in the game. I have gotten into a lot of close quarters fights where the enemy would phase right through me and back smack me. I would also say that the radar should have a wider range. Something about it feels too small. Also, it might just be me, but the hit registration could use some work. Especially with the gravity hammer. I can be what I think is a safe distance away, but still get hammered, yet if I try to hit someone closer to me, I don't do any damage. I would also that the event passes should not be only completeble through challenges. I have been stuck on two challenges almost since the event started. Anyway, keep up the great work. Your content is part of what sucked me into the world of Halo.

  • @EmperorPretzel
    @EmperorPretzel 2 роки тому +14

    Honestly I like not having auto-matchmaking after games so it stops afk people from rolling into a new game they didn't mean to

    • @panzalinopanzultimate4796
      @panzalinopanzultimate4796 2 роки тому

      Something annoying I’ve seen hopefully it doesn’t catch on but since the progression (ignoring challenges) rewards the winning topfrag and the guy who lost after joining in the match with 45 seconds left gets the same xp I keep seeing afks or barely actives and it’s frustrating to know that since I didn’t finish a challenge they got just as much as me out of that match
      EDIT:actually hopefully it does catch on then maybe 343 would get their jobs done

    • @dawson8843
      @dawson8843 2 роки тому +2

      There are much better ways of doing that than what they have done here. Getting the same map 4 times in a row and having to get yourself through the clunky ass multiplayer menu is not worth it.

  • @sinisterisrandom8537
    @sinisterisrandom8537 2 роки тому +83

    I do think right now, vehicle spawns aka the Banshee's, scorpions, wraiths, and wasp need to spawn a bit earlier cause from what I've seen they seem to come too late into the match to make any difference, and usually by the time you even are able to drive it the match ends.
    I also hope the energy sword design gets a minor rework for both its animated texture and sound. Due to both melee options sharing the same sound and the texture feeling like there's a weird black outline around it, making it feel less of a sword and more of a 2d transparent png.

    • @Professional-Gamer
      @Professional-Gamer 2 роки тому +4

      Yeah that’s a thing also. As soon as I get into a scorpion I have 5 seconds use it.

    • @Kropolis
      @Kropolis 2 роки тому +2

      The energy sword didn't originally have that black outline around it in the flights. I'm not sure why they changed it.

    • @StormMatt448
      @StormMatt448 2 роки тому +2

      Yes! In Fiesta, they could spawn at the beginning of the match. But I’m BTB, they spawn in at like the last minute. I think some BTB maps should have a Banshee, Wraith, and/or Scorpion spawn at the beginning of the game in each base. With one of the maps, the Wasp spawns in a certain location at a certain time.

  • @FerretRay
    @FerretRay 2 роки тому +8

    Babe wake up LateNightGaming just posted

  • @seybsnilksz
    @seybsnilksz 2 роки тому +38

    What I miss the most is the map variety from something like Halo 3. Two of the Big Team maps in Infinite have the same essential environment and the smaller maps commonly have this semi-symmetrical design that feels almost claustrophobic at times. I want more maps that feature environments that we don't even get to visit in the campaign, and more variety overall. Hopefully they'll add more as time goes, but I'm almost tired of the current ones already.

    • @MrSchnitzengiggles
      @MrSchnitzengiggles 2 роки тому +6

      Honestly this has been such a trend due to esports and people not wanting to learn maps

    • @button4boy
      @button4boy 2 роки тому +2

      Yeah, agreed - heck, three of the BTB maps are in the same environment, one is just at night! Every other Halo game (even 4 and 5 were good at this) had multiple levels like snow maps, desert maps, Forerunner arena, Covenant/Banished settings, etc. I'm also a little worried that we're just going to get "Earth and Zeta Halo forests" and that's basically it.

  • @Fiishe
    @Fiishe 2 роки тому +13

    One of my favorite equipment pieces is definitely the repulsor simply because of the potential. At first I was on the fence because I thought it was simply "reflect rockets, grenades, and other small things" until I decided to risk it and activate it the moment I thought a scorpion would shoot at me and to my surprise and awe I reflected the tank shell and killed his teammate with it.

  • @mochafrapthunder
    @mochafrapthunder 2 роки тому +24

    I gave up on getting cool customization options as soon as I saw that the basic skins were $20 each.. Even 5$ would really be stretching it, but damn there is no hope. I think the battle pass is fine in its content, not its progression, but I also think that there ought to be some separate cosmetic rewards for reaching certain milestones like 1000 kills giving a battle-worn helmet, and some ultra unique stuff for players who've stuck around for a LONG time that can show their veterancy. Halo 3 was my first online experience with the game and seeing dudes with flaming helmets and also recognizing that those were the dudes kicking my ass meant something. Now you can literally just go buy that same thing and it means nothing.

  • @gustavosimoes1995
    @gustavosimoes1995 2 роки тому +22

    I feel extremely hopeful about Halo Infinite's future if 343 and Microsoft get to address player's feedback but until then, a taste of "wasted potential" is left by a game that could have had one of the best releases of the last decade, and i also think that the game needs a base progression system besides the battle passes because having to pay, or wait until a weak long seasonal event to simply have the sense of achieving something on a F2P game feels cheap as hell, maybe adding weapon challenges that unlocks exclusive skins just like literally every other multiplayer shooter from the last decade could help

  • @demonjoe
    @demonjoe 2 роки тому +4

    *insert comment for the algorithm here*

  • @hummingbird71
    @hummingbird71 2 роки тому +11

    I'd really like the weekly challenges to be listed all at once like MCC does, instead of drip feeding it with the dailys, so I know what challenges I would want to swap out.
    And instead of challenge swap cards as a reward, I'd rather a weekly challenge swap limit.
    Special event challenges should also be in its own list imo.
    Also, don't lock a challenge slot behind the BP. If anything, lock it behind the campaign and save it for campaign specific challenges.
    For the customization options, they could have brought some ideas from Warframe in here.
    The armor hall should be slots for your custom armor, rather than armor cores.
    Base armor cores should be free to everyone as the first reward in the battle pass.
    Free-to-paid content ratio should be at least 60-40. Right now it looks like the opposite or even worse.
    They may very well just had them hidden in weekly challenges and would be free if you play it regularly, but it still doesn't look good when a single piece of armor costs a whopping 20 bucks.
    As a recent Reddit post on r/halo showed, they could allow custom color on the color wheel with base colors available for free, then sell special color pallets and textures in the shop or in BP.

      @UNSCPILOT 2 роки тому

      The Free/paid ratio from what I've seen is closer to 20/80 or even 10/90, it's not even remotely respectable

  • @ultimategrr4480
    @ultimategrr4480 2 роки тому +6

    My problem with the battlepass can be summed by the phrase "Kill Spartans with the Cindershot in PvP 0/10".
    I like the fact the BP encourages me to step away from the game and doing something else to keep the burn out at bay, but when progress is tied behind getting kills with a finicky power weapon (it's a fun and interesting gun, but there's definitely a fairly steep learning curve) that only spawns on select maps during certain modes is a problem when I'm at the mercy of 2 different RNG systems (map and mode)
    What I'd like to see in the future as far as play lists go is the ability to weigh a favored mode. If I have challenges related to CTF or Oddball, then let me weigh the matchmaker to put me in those game types more often. I disagree with letting players not play modes they're not as fond of because variety is the spice of life and there aren't really enough maps to keep things from getting stale in a hurry, but letting me hop in to BtB with a marked increase in how likely CTF will pop up for me helps me feel like I'm making progress in the BP.

  • @mrbwfiman2899
    @mrbwfiman2899 2 роки тому +5

    I feel like the smaller weapon sandbox doesn’t work as well in fiesta. It means that people are far more likely to get powerful weapons like the SPNKR or cindershot when there aren’t many weaker weapons. Ironically though, I also miss the hella op mythic weapons which would very occasionally show up in halo 5 fiesta because the scramble in each team to try and keep control of it was really fun.

  • @amvhate
    @amvhate 2 роки тому +4

    Vehicle and player collusion needs to be improved. I had a challenge were you had to get kills by running players over, but I keep hitting them and doing almost nothing to them. It was very inconsistent

    • @troopergames8173
      @troopergames8173 2 роки тому

      I’ve noticed this as well on Behemoth multiple times if someone is standing on the rocks by the spawns and you hit them you do no damage. And is it just me or do the Warthogs die super fast?

    • @amvhate
      @amvhate 2 роки тому +1

      @@troopergames8173 I think a a lot weapon do to much damage to vehicles. Rocket launcher and skewers only take 2 shot which is fine

    • @troopergames8173
      @troopergames8173 2 роки тому

      @@amvhate+ yeah I agree the commando and human weapons seem to do a lot of damage . Im guessing it’s related to the damage types implemented.
      As the Warthog surely is Health based, and explosives and kinetic/bullets are mainly what’s used unless your in fiesta event. Which omg if you have any power weapons they’re gone but it’s fun still I guess😅

  • @JCarrera27
    @JCarrera27 2 роки тому +8

    Just like same colors not unlocked throughout cores, the same emblem you need to unlock it for vehicles, for armor, for ID, for weapons, and shoulders are also unlocked separately left from right 🤷‍♂️🧐

  • @LordWoffingshire
    @LordWoffingshire 2 роки тому +13

    with your complaints about the business model to me there are 2 options. 1. the problems exist because its their first free to play game and they don't really know what they're doing. or 2. The problems exist because they're doing it deliberately to make more money. Either way, if they don't fix them then oh dear, they've created a great looking, great feeling game which their business practices are going to destroy

  • @canyoueventakeit2437
    @canyoueventakeit2437 2 роки тому +9

    Pretty Neat evaluation

  • @pacotaco1246
    @pacotaco1246 2 роки тому +4

    In game medals should give exp in increments of 1, 5, 15, 50, and 117 depending on rarity and skill required. Rn outside of ranked theres no feeling that a higher level player really earned that rank - it makes your level feel super pointless and doesnt motivate me to do challenges. I miss the feelings of getting placed with a level 35 in halo 2 or 3 and knowing they aint here to fumble

  • @KiraSepso
    @KiraSepso 2 роки тому +3

    Pro Tip: Head to game modes on the fiesta playlist and bookmark/save a copy of fiesta
    If it is a limited time mode, then it'll be of use

  • @Shuffledhearts
    @Shuffledhearts 2 роки тому +3

    I actually like how Infinite does not put you back into match-searching when you're done. I always need a minute to catch my breath, maybe go get a snack or use the washroom, or even just check the challenges or customize or whatever and then go back into pvp when I'm ready.
    When the game, like MCC, forces you into searching for the next match, it is like you are on a limited timer and have to hurry to do anything before the match starts. And if you want to end for the game-session, you gotta hurry up and quit.

    • @SendarSlayer
      @SendarSlayer 2 роки тому +1

      If I remember correctly cancelling the MCCs timer when you weren't party leader was a chore. Leader wants to requeue immediately but you need to go pee? Get stuffed because its not 1 button press to stop yourself getting into a game.

  • @thatoneguywhouploads
    @thatoneguywhouploads 2 роки тому +4

    Unpopular opinion: DOOM 2016 has had the most diverse and unique armor and weapon customization in years.

    • @jgooo101
      @jgooo101 2 роки тому +1

      I really enjoyed the doom multiplayer, i played a good chunk of it before eternal and was disappointed that it wasn't returning.

    • @thatoneguywhouploads
      @thatoneguywhouploads 2 роки тому

      @@jgooo101 same here