What is GDPR? - BBC Click

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @cerystaberner9004
    @cerystaberner9004 3 роки тому +3

    my IT teacher sent me this xo

  • @lancethrustworthy
    @lancethrustworthy 6 років тому +1

    I've come to expect good stuff, generally, from the Brits, so I wonder about the bad camerawork (beginning at 2:28) .
    Did somebody quit/get sacked?
    Why wasn't this shot cropped in editing?

  • @flyonthewalls
    @flyonthewalls 6 років тому +12

    After watching this, i still have no idea what is GDPR

    • @CesarDaSalad
      @CesarDaSalad 6 років тому +2

      That says more about you than it does the show.

    • @flyonthewalls
      @flyonthewalls 6 років тому +2

      So many choices in life.. Lets see, do we choose to help some one with the correct info or do we tear into his character?

    • @CesarDaSalad
      @CesarDaSalad 6 років тому +1

      The info is all there, well explained and simplified for anyone to understand. If you want more information you're welcome to google it.

    • @azazel166
      @azazel166 6 років тому

      Basically companies cannot collect and share your personal data without your consent

    • @flyonthewalls
      @flyonthewalls 6 років тому

      A Ghost Without a Past
      Thanks man, They have been doing it for years, not sure any law is going to stop them.

  • @PopShellzTV
    @PopShellzTV 5 років тому

    4:48 / 24:24 "may not be adequate"? don't you mean "may not be sufficient"

  • @grumpyhale821
    @grumpyhale821 6 років тому

    Get an encrypted password store will stop key logging, also you can use it so you don't need to use the auto type settings.

  • @PaulBrunt
    @PaulBrunt 6 років тому +5

    Mind blown by the completely idiotic reporting suggesting browser data comes under GDPR!!!!

  • @yank3656
    @yank3656 4 роки тому

    thanks for sharing BBC Click

  • @izimmt
    @izimmt 6 років тому +2

    Why is the Eu not going against the data stored at the government's departments and goes against the ones who don´t have the power of the military, police and agencies ?

    • @Temp0raryName
      @Temp0raryName 6 років тому +2

      Because there are already strong data protection laws which cover this. The UK implementation of the relevant law is the 'Data Protection Act'. Police do get prosecuted for abusing the law. I recall at least one case where an officer went to jail. But that act did not have enough teeth to deal with the innovations and abuses that the private sector can and have come up with.

  • @HezyTech
    @HezyTech 6 років тому

    I like how people are just chilling while he’s being filmed

  • @mjg239
    @mjg239 6 років тому

    So glad to see Dan Simmons back on Click and throughout most of the show. He is my fave presenter on Click and I watch the show mostly for him. Hope to see him more on future episodes :))

  • @lebogangnkhuna2592
    @lebogangnkhuna2592 6 років тому +2

    Thanks for this show. It keeps me updated. What's going on around the world about Technology.

    • @mhdalmurad8986
      @mhdalmurad8986 5 років тому

      dengan tekhnologi jaringan di seluruh dunia dapat di awasi oleh semua pihak semoga kedepannya menjadi lebih baik lagi

  • @MilivojSegedinac
    @MilivojSegedinac 6 років тому

    Estonia is good examle of how citizens are owners of their data and how sharing those data is handeled

  • @arjunchatterjee9362
    @arjunchatterjee9362 6 років тому +3

    This will give google and facebook a shot in the arm (not that it needed it) as well as decrease information sharing across europe.

    • @GeekBoy03
      @GeekBoy03 6 років тому

      Yes, a shot in the arm with Steroids. Only large companies will be able to afford compliance teams. Many small companies already shutting down due to this.

  • @LeBurkaTron
    @LeBurkaTron 6 років тому +24

    thanks Europe

    • @GeekBoy03
      @GeekBoy03 6 років тому +1

      Yes, thanks for making Google and Facebook more powerful as small companies cannot afford a compliance team, causing them the shut their doors! #morons

    • @CesarDaSalad
      @CesarDaSalad 6 років тому +3

      GeekBoy03 Why would anyone want to support "small companies" that can't design or afford proper privacy policies? I'd rather enforce laws on companies that can actually harm people like Google and Facebook than help hypothetical small companies that have no bearing on people's lives. #stillsmarterthandoingnothing

    • @GeekBoy03
      @GeekBoy03 6 років тому +1

      Seriously???? If you are a one man team trying to make it into the field, how are you going to have time, money, or knowledge to make sure you are in compliance? #dumbass

    • @CesarDaSalad
      @CesarDaSalad 6 років тому +6

      GeekBoy03 By designing your platform so that it doesn't abuse your potential users' data to begin with? It's really not that hard to NOT exploit your users' privacy, and to keep them protected and informed by default. Then you have no need to do any damage control. #coolhashtagsbro

    • @GeekBoy03
      @GeekBoy03 6 років тому

      Oh yeah, to the point where you are spending most of the time just on trying to stay in compliance, rather than actually doing any work on the product. #doubledumbass

  • @TheRandomTecLad
    @TheRandomTecLad 6 років тому

    How can I work for BBC Click I Would Love to

  • @vibemunster
    @vibemunster 6 років тому

    Its a way that the EU government can get your personal information from private companies which already have it, meaning, your personal data has now been spread wider...

    • @vivthefree
      @vivthefree 6 років тому

      How? Where in the regulations does it say that?

  • @sypark1005
    @sypark1005 3 роки тому


  • @nigeljohnson9820
    @nigeljohnson9820 6 років тому +1

    If users protect all their data, the companies will start to charge for software and services that are currently free. They want to make a profit and if they can't sell our data they will introduce all sorts of charges. Protecting our data is going to cost the companies money. For the user who likes to have free software, it is better if the companies think they have access to the user data. The intelligent user lies as much as possible to make the user data useless.

    • @mhdalmurad8986
      @mhdalmurad8986 5 років тому

      sudah menjadi kewajiban sebuah perusahaan data data itu tidak bocor kemana mana terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada Anda yg sudah memberi tahu saya

  • @leydensjar
    @leydensjar 4 роки тому

    "That's a view of a skeptic ..."
    "Hey! I can hear you!"

  • @sypark1005
    @sypark1005 3 роки тому


  • @BlackTigerAP
    @BlackTigerAP 6 років тому

    What about rediculous british credit check which just says "No!" without any explanation?
    PS: Ah, I forgot. UK is not in Europe/EU anymore...

    • @Temp0raryName
      @Temp0raryName 6 років тому

      Lodge your complaint today, whilst it still is. Plus this law came into effect prior to the official exit date. So it remains part of UK law even after exiting the EU.

  • @vickymc9695
    @vickymc9695 6 років тому

    I love that this now means you can assess your medical notes, in a digital format for free.

  • @FolieBallon
    @FolieBallon 6 років тому +1

    I miss the 2000's

    • @mhdalmurad8986
      @mhdalmurad8986 5 років тому

      rasanya jika kita kembali ketahun 2000 an tak mungkin lagi kawan yg kita hadapi ketahun depan agar kita menjadi lebih baik dari segala hal baik tingkah laku perbuatan baik ber tutur kata yg sopan dan baik beradab sopan santun harapan saya kedepan nya agar kita di seluruh dunia menjadi saling mengawasi saling ber interaksi yg baik salam hormat saya kawan Mhd Elmurad for Indonesia

  • @KoshyGeorge
    @KoshyGeorge 6 років тому +4

    That cake looks delicious.

  • @OriginalPeterPan
    @OriginalPeterPan 6 років тому

    It's 2018. People should realise they require things like a VPN, add on's such as adblock plus, click and clean, Https everywhere, uBlock Origin, and random user agent. Why can't click inform people of the positives of using the above add-ons inside of panicking everyone with what hackers might do or what your browser stores. Make a positive section regarding how to stop your private details being sent online. It's not difficult - the tools are above.

  • @kdeeuk
    @kdeeuk 6 років тому

    rule of the thumb here if people want security then encrypt your your data there is software to do it, clean your browser cookies every day or after each session you do, there is software to do that to, what cleans it, at the end of a day is everything ,.you lock your doors of a night to stop people getting in why on earth dont you do it with your pc, its not rocket science also my question is how does this affect, the governments snoop law, because cant the ip providers, refuse now because of data protection ?

  • @DeniseSkinner68DeniseSkinner68
    @DeniseSkinner68DeniseSkinner68 7 місяців тому

    Yearsof vandalizing my photoes and stealing my personal art and photoes i sent millions of feed back for several years and worst and why was facebook not deleted years ago yearsof abuse the more i reported the worse it got😢😢😢😢😢

  • @QALibrary
    @QALibrary 6 років тому

    when you say no to stuff and turn it off websites load 500% faster

  • @Temp0raryName
    @Temp0raryName 6 років тому +1

    When I first read this title my initial thought was "I really don't care", and moved on to the next item in my feed. But when I saw that XKCD referenced it too, in their mouse-over text, I realised this is something I need to know!

  • @Swedishiwa
    @Swedishiwa 6 років тому

    What about brexit though?

    • @vivthefree
      @vivthefree 6 років тому

      Regarding if this will affect Britain? I assume that, as this was decided upon before the Brexit vote, and given that Britain are (for now) still in the EU, that Britain will also follow though with this. One thing to keep in mind is that decisions like this are made by the representatives of all the member states, so it's not as though it's a rule forced upon Britain by a foreign power.
      Also, the EU is intent on defending the personal data of its citizens, so anyone dealing with the EU will need to comply, regardless of where they are.
      The final consideration is the fact that GDPR, while being a nuisance, is a good idea, and one worth supporting.

    • @heatherblowsbigones
      @heatherblowsbigones 6 років тому

      GDPR will still apply despite brexit. GDPR applies to any companies processing data for those within the EU Member States.
      The UK will be implementing a new regulation post-brexit that contains most of the GDPR articles.

  • @Awesomepedia
    @Awesomepedia 5 років тому

    This is a very strange video.

  • @DeniseSkinner68DeniseSkinner68
    @DeniseSkinner68DeniseSkinner68 7 місяців тому

    Union union union no to most permissions privacy act
    And who wen t into my google locked folder again and stole again 😢😢😢😢

  • @bratislavbojic
    @bratislavbojic 6 років тому

    EU - FINALLY realized that they should do something about the Data Protection. But still there are so many things to be done. I've found something that seemed interesting and like potential game-changer: suntoken.io

  • @MohamedEldakamawy
    @MohamedEldakamawy 6 років тому

    easy way don't save it browser

  • @glenngoodale1709
    @glenngoodale1709 6 років тому

    Now this is a good video 😂

  • @ThePyroRussian
    @ThePyroRussian 6 років тому

    TLDR all research into algorithms and AI are now going to be done in the USA 10/10 US approves.

  • @johannesdolch
    @johannesdolch 6 років тому

    lol @ smashed phone screen 0:47

  • @DeniseSkinner68DeniseSkinner68
    @DeniseSkinner68DeniseSkinner68 7 місяців тому

    I change settings someone changes them using my camerx taking photos of me blue tooth and i would need hours of to write or telll of the abuse including sextual abuse

  • @reber90tube
    @reber90tube 6 років тому

    man that thumbnail 🤦‍♂️😁

  • @beenn15
    @beenn15 6 років тому

    so....why does my phone record better videos than the BBC? those shots were awful

  • @vanhetgoor
    @vanhetgoor 6 років тому +1


  • @sandcastlejim
    @sandcastlejim 6 років тому +1


  • @davidw1576
    @davidw1576 6 років тому +1

    Thanks EU! Hope rest of the world is following GDPR soon!

    • @GeekBoy03
      @GeekBoy03 6 років тому

      Yes, thanks for giving Google, and Facebook more power!

    • @FolieBallon
      @FolieBallon 6 років тому

      EU sucks! plastic is awesome and I don't want the internet to be more controlled and ruined