How Humans Came to Pegasus. Theory

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @WeissTreufel
    @WeissTreufel 3 роки тому +1

    I would say that you are correct. According to ancient history, the Milky Way Galaxy was stripped of all life with the Ori plague. The original Alteran population basically all but died out. It left only a hand full compared to their original numbers. They used the so called Dakara super weapon to re-seed life throughout the MWG. It's not much of a stretch to think that the Ancients dialed Pegasus and did the same trick that was done to end the replicators. As you know, the Ancients left for Pegasus after doing this. It would even make sense that Ancients brought humanity with them to the new galaxy. It is also very possible that humans from Pegasus also returned with the ancients to the Milky Way, after the war with the Wraith was lost. That would explain why humanity in both galaxies looks like it is basically identical. The key to this theory is to push for the latest possible date that humanity was spread across the stars. As the later it is in time, the less difference there would naturally be within any given genetic comparison between any two given populations, in either galaxy. It would also explain why there seems to be a few sub-species of human in both galaxies. (The Enkarans, Aris Broch's people, Jonas Quinn's people...etc)

  • @elasmar1337
    @elasmar1337 5 років тому +3

    i think humans of some variety must have been around closer to what we are now, only because of the ancient that was left behind in episode "Frozen" seen the others leave and assuming humans remain, going from apes to virtually looking identical to her people would probably cause someone to be more surprised, she seemed fine by it all but rest of video was a fun watch :)

  • @redonslaught3019
    @redonslaught3019 3 роки тому +3

    So I agree the "Lanteans" could of hyper-evolved humans for Pegasus, but it's also possible they are decedents of the "Humans" Ancients saved from the Plague and transplanted in a new galaxy. Before they set off the Jaffa "Home-World" device that recreated life in the Milky Way. Meaning Humans could evolve again on Earth as the other "humans" lived on in the distant galaxy.
    The Ancient Gene, maybe artificially created by the Ancients as a way to lock their technology when in the Pegasus Galaxy. As we mostly don't see it on Milky Way tech.
    So only "humans" born from the Lanteans after this are the ones to have it. Mostly on Earth but a few Lanteans stayed on worlds in the Pegasus ("Tower").
    Satellite "Game" may not of been an Experiment, I mean they say they think it was. What if the Satellites and Console was the way Lanteans kept tabs on worlds...
    You know how you said the "Ancients are Idiots" for not watching over their humans, what if they did the whole time and we just misunderstood it...
    Like say at one time all human worlds of Pegasus had the same system, but later the Wraith destroyed it on any world they fed upon, so most worlds we see...
    When the Atlantis team found it they saw it as a game, mostly do to all the option then later assumes it to be an experiment using basically the same reasoning...
    But it could of been used to oversee the building on many worlds from one place. The Various "options" could of been to assign duties to the world and update say clothing options...
    Like they used it for intergalactic News and as a Shopping Catalogue. When Atlantis fell and many worlds just stopped without direction, believing the Ancestors would return...
    Over time the truth was lost to the people who saw the interface as a way to talk to their "god". Others carried on to expand in the way they thought they would of been told to...
    Look at worlds fed upon by Wraith they mostly believe the Ancestors will return to save and guide them, and some maintain a near single-minded goal like Genii and their military perhaps it was the last job given "Build us weapons to use against the Wraith", so they hold it like a Commandment. Hoffans' could of been similarly used but as a medical resource world so they continue to make just that.
    Granted a lot of holes can be poke in this but we didn't get to explore the "Game" much, but it makes more sense than Ancients ruling over all them like an all-seeing god...

    • @fjccommish
      @fjccommish 2 роки тому

      This makes sense. In the real world, humans were created by God. In the world of SG, humans were created by Ancients. It takes intelligence to make something as complex as life.

  • @mahatmarandy5977
    @mahatmarandy5977 5 років тому +4

    The impression I always got from the show was that the plague hit about 5 million years ago (Based on the girl SG1 found in the ice in Antarctica), and left not long thereafter. I was under the impression that the plague wiped out all life in the galaxy, and that the Dakara complex was used at some point after that to re-seed the galaxy with life, *including* stuff that they knew would eventually become human. They seemed excited at "The second evolution of our form" when they came into contact with us. So humans, go'a'uld all evolved within the last 3-4 million years.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому +2

      Well it didn't wipe out all forms of life. mainly the ancients. But yeah the timeline is a little umm foggy in places.

    • @mahatmarandy5977
      @mahatmarandy5977 5 років тому +1

      @@TheStargateGuy Interesting. Thank you. Do they actually say that the plague didn't wipe out *all* life in the galaxy? I'll bow to your superior knowledge, but I seem to vaguely remember them saying it did at one point. Or, you know, anything more evolved than plants anyway.

  • @RikkiCattermole
    @RikkiCattermole 5 років тому +14

    There is a few problems with this theory.
    1) We know for a fact that ancient human species on earth could interbreed.
    2) We know that Ancients could breed with Homosapiens.
    3) Humans in Milky Way galaxy did not spread throughout the stars, it was done by the Goa'uld. Meaning the Ancients did not do this.
    4) The humans in Pegasus were severely more advanced at the time before the Wraith hinting that they were in fact Ancients (did you see Taylor's ancestors city?). This also aligns with the belief that these humans were almost equals to the Ancients in their eyes.
    5) The Nox.
    All of these point to one underlying truth, the human form is a naturally occurring thing in the Stargate Multiverse. However I will guess that the Ancients placed a genetic "bomb" inside the Homo line of species which forced them to become compatible with the Ancients (Otherwise you'd get the Nakai for example).
    Final thought, why did the Ancients go back to the Milky Way galaxy given it was in quarantine? How did they know it was safe to return? No, I think they had been back a very long time ago monitoring it and when they saw Humans, they took them back to Pegasus. Taught them a bunch and effectively tried to assimilate them. One of those humans is probably what created the Wraith, not an Ancient.

    • @RikkiCattermole
      @RikkiCattermole 5 років тому +8

      There is more evidence towards this theory that the Ancients have been monitoring the Milky Way galaxy since they left.
      The Asgard have a history that spans around 100,000 years in total. With 30,000 of that going outside of their own galaxy.
      So how did they become members of the four great races in the Milky Way galaxy with the Ancients if they could not have meet during this time frame?

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому +4

      So I'm gonna try to address these.
      1) Yes ancient humans on earth could interbreed. For example, in the video I mentioned Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens getting in on. I don't see how that is a problem with this theory given and people currently who have these genes are still the same (give or take) with the ones who do not.
      2) Yes they can interbreed with humans, or they can inject an ancient gene into humans which would allow them to use ancient technology. We do not know for sure which one happened. This most likely happened 10,000 years ago (give or take) since not a lot of people currently have this gene. If the ancients spread this gene 3 million years ago more people would have it.
      3)Yes the Goa'uld spread humans around the Milky Way galaxy, but that does not mean that the Ancients did not do this with the Pegasus galaxy. The one is not contingent upon the other.
      4) We know that humans and the Ancients lived on the same planets but we do not know about the same time. We do know that humans had different levels of technology than the ancients but are similar biologically speaking. We know that the Wraith developed when the Aratis bug mutated after eating human and/or ancients and kept eating them and developed into a civilization that pushed the ancients out of the galaxy. the hologram stated that too their negligence they helped to create the Wraith. Did they put humans on the planet with the bug on it? Probably.
      5) Yes, the Nox. As far as we know they developed in the Milky Way galaxy but are far different than humans biologically. They have nothing to do with this theory.

    • @catbert911
      @catbert911 4 роки тому +1

      i always kinda assumed the ancients did what the ghould did, bring humans along for the ride they just didnt enslave them...but i guess he's right the timelines dont match up so this kinda makes sense.

    • @gatedude07
      @gatedude07 4 роки тому +1

      The humans in Pegasus were not Ancients. As far as I know not a single Pegasus native human has the Ancient gene without being given it by the Tau'ri with ONE single planetary exception; the world that explicitly had an Ancient hiding out after the Wraith war. Which means that in Pegasus Ancient/human interbreeding was exceptionally rare.
      It is possible that at least some humans in the Milky Way were spread to planets by races other than the Goa'uld. Several human societies were encountered outside of the gates known to the Goa'uld. Indeed, Merlin explicitly set up several societies himself as well. When the Lanteans made it back to Earth some of them may have helped humanity spread out as well.

    • @tomcat124us
      @tomcat124us 4 роки тому

      @@gatedude07 I would say the only exception to that would be The Tower the sister ship to Atlantis that had royal family that had the gene and fired drones at the Wrath, Harmony another planet that had ancient mini drone project, the girl had neckles that was a key and gene to control the weapon. Travelers didn't have it. They needed Sheppard to create a workaround. They were one very few that had advanced tech the Wrath wasn't able to destroy.

  • @jamiemease2220
    @jamiemease2220 4 роки тому +3

    Humans everywhere, we know of three galaxies with humans. The Milky Way, Pegasus , and the Ori or place where the Atlantans came from. Only possible with my time traveling Destiny theory. The atlantans are our decedents

  • @aydenjacko5810
    @aydenjacko5810 5 років тому +7

    If i may in the first episode of Stargate Atlantis the hologram in Atlantis explain that they colonised the Pegasus galaxy and seeded life this would mean they did infarct create the humans in the Pegasus galaxy also the device on kara i think can't remember the planet name had a weapon that was used to defeat the replicators and wipe out planet population during the ori war the ancients could have used this technology and seeded life into this galaxy since that's what it was used for originally but could be programmed to do or not to do so i do not believe it is specified if this technology was created after or before the ancients/atlanteans left and like when they destroyed the replicators dialled every gate in the Pegasus galaxy hope you see this stargate guy

    • @PathsUnwritten
      @PathsUnwritten 5 років тому

      I've always hated that term "seeded" for scifi scenarios like this though.

    • @aydenjacko5810
      @aydenjacko5810 5 років тому

      @@PathsUnwritten why? so like the seed ships in stargate universe they seeded planets with stargates

    • @PathsUnwritten
      @PathsUnwritten 5 років тому

      @@aydenjacko5810 Because it's such a vague term that completely glosses over the natural processes of evolution or cultural adaptation and development. Seeding humans isn't the same thing as seeding plants.

    • @aydenjacko5810
      @aydenjacko5810 5 років тому

      @@PathsUnwritten oh okay well that's the term they used i believe from memory also i think you meant planets not plants

    • @dragonweyr44
      @dragonweyr44 5 років тому

      Dakara was the name of the planet

  • @TomBombadiloo
    @TomBombadiloo 5 років тому +1

    I thunk humans were trandplanted from milky way. They came back here in the end so it stands to reason that they came here also before (after plague) and saw humans and then took them them to pegasuss.

  • @axepagode33626
    @axepagode33626 4 роки тому +2

    The only way for humans to get the ancient gene was through copulation. When the Atlantians returned to Earth, there were humans there. There must have been some human/ancient hanky panky going on. They same can be said in the Pegasus galaxy. We know from the Tower that some humans had the ancient gene.

  • @charlesmcgehee3227
    @charlesmcgehee3227 4 роки тому

    There were gates everywhere. To put my comment simple, I don't think Stargate or all of the off shoot's really did explain or offer any real clue's as to how the Ancient's got to the Pegasus Galaxy. But we know the Goa'uld spread earthling's everywhere they could find gate's. And anyone that played with D.H.D. devices had the ability to travel far. It was commented in one season on SG-1 that all human's came from Earth originally. Certainly it is a topic to keep thinking about. How the ancient's came to exist. How they evolved. I don't think the information was made clear in the Stargate stories....yet. Nice little presentation. sir. Thank you.

  • @jaketheripper7385
    @jaketheripper7385 5 років тому

    Hey SG guy, I'm that Stargate SG1 Make-a-Wish kid, if you ever heard about that. Anyway, I was wondering if you were going to the 25th Anniversary Gateway Celebration in Chicago this year. It's the biggest US convention this year celebrating all things Stargate. They're starting to post more detailed event info now (it takes place in June) and the scheduled agenda looks like it's gonna be a ton of fun. All that stuff aside though, you should see the guest list this year! Amanda will be there, as will Michael and his wife. I don't think Rich can make it to this particular event and I'm not sure about Chris, although I'm REALLY hoping he will make it out. I haven't seen him in like 15 years and I was still just a little kid last time we met. At any rate, theres a ton of other awesome names coming out including Torri Higginson and Tony Amendola just to name a few. If you haven't got tickets yet, you probably should dude! Lol. But yeah I was hoping you were gonna make it out this year cuz I'd actually love to meet ya and talk turbo-nerd for a bit.

  • @ambrusraul2297
    @ambrusraul2297 5 років тому +1

    The Stargate Guy , i am familiar with most of the Go a uld forbidden Magic . I know they use Gliders to intimidate or surround , trap someone . They can blast through staff cannons defenses . Au kesh are terrestrial bombardment ships that can cleanse a city or expose caves . Au kesh are also for ringing down up to 1000 Jaffa . There are HaTack s , the main Go auld invasion force equipped with Gliders and Au Kesh , but funny thing , Te alc said in season 1 and 2 finale and start that it s a Hatack Mother Ship . Yet we saw Anubus and evan Appohis have a black ship that is very large , the largest they have . What is that ship called ? The Fathership ? The Godship ?

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      I believe you messaged me on facebook about that. They were unique ships made by Sokar and Anubis to be their flagship. As far as we know the plans were never implemented by any other Goa'uld.

    • @ambrusraul2297
      @ambrusraul2297 5 років тому

      @@TheStargateGuy yes i got your response thank you , but when i asked this i didn t have your fb

    • @Croftice1
      @Croftice1 5 років тому

      @Ambrus Raul I know The Stargate Guy answered this already, but I still give my two cents. XD
      The Mothership is a standardized vessel, each system lord had basically a similar ship, that represented his army, his military force. But Anubis and Sokar made ships, that were still above an average mothership, mostly a prototype, or first of it's kind (basically the same), which served as his own flagship, showing, how powerful he was, even than most other system lords. Ra had also a standard mothership, eventhough it was wastly different from the other system lords ones, it wasn't a flagship though, the Ha'Tak is basically a ship hull around a pyramid in the middle, Ra's was only the pyramid, without the structure around it, but technically speaking even that was still a Ha'Tak, despite how powerful Ra was among the system lords.
      Btw the bomber is Al'Kesh, not Au kesh.

  • @javabeanz8549
    @javabeanz8549 5 років тому +5

    I would like to congratulate you on surviving all that Latin ;o)

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому +1

      Thanks! It took several years of collage.

  • @happybrainybren
    @happybrainybren 5 років тому +1

    hmm how did it happen maybe watch atlantis episode 1 season one where the holo woman says we came to the Pegasuses galaxy and seeded life maybe not in those exact words but its there im certain of it.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      Yeah they "seeded" life but how? That's what my theory addresses.

    • @happybrainybren
      @happybrainybren 5 років тому

      @@TheStargateGuy the same as the weapon of tcara forgive my spelling but i never watched sg 1 with subtitles, and the theory that all civilisations would grow differently or have different aspects is counteracted by the fact they had gate travel and could travel to other planets so that really throws a curve ball at darwin and his theory,

  • @phenomanon4028
    @phenomanon4028 3 роки тому

    It is obvious that the populations in the Pegasus Galaxy are descendants of the ancients just like we are, or neither would have the ancient Jean which some of the people in Pegasus do because the episode when they find a replica of Atlanta's on a planet some of them had the gene

  • @vegitagt
    @vegitagt 5 років тому +1

    I am pretty sure the Ancients used their own DNA to seed life in the Milky Way and Pegasus. We are the same species.

    • @PaladinPoppie
      @PaladinPoppie 5 років тому

      Exactly!!! The Ancients were basically super evolved humans. Compared to us simpletons.

  • @tompearce5418
    @tompearce5418 Рік тому

    The Ancients probably hoped to raise humanity the same way they had with the Asgard, Nox and Furlings.

  • @nicholasgiles500
    @nicholasgiles500 5 років тому +1

    'when they (humans) FIRST evolved in the Milky way'.....? Ah... Have you forgotten that the Ancients/Lantiens/Altarens originated from the 'Ori' galaxy...? that comment is completely wrong.

  • @anthonygagan7851
    @anthonygagan7851 5 років тому +2

    Great theory, and awesome video as always.

  • @jatticusfinch9015
    @jatticusfinch9015 5 років тому +1

    The Ancient genetic knowledge was vast. Using technology like the device on Dakara, or the Ascension machine on Atlantis, the ancients could manipulate DNA to an almost endless degree. But, let's not forget that humans are only one organism in a vast ecosystem. The Ancients must have not only manipulated the evolution of humans, but also of whole biospheres. It is my suspicion, that they created entire worlds full of life, adhering to strict genetic expressions. That's why we don't see any radically different genotypes of human populations in the Milky Way or Pegasus. This genetic standardisation, along with the Stargates that allowed sexual recombination across different planets (and galaxies), averaged out any extraneous gene expression.
    The more interesting question is: why do different species across galaxies share traits, just like convergent evolution on Earth?The Asgard, Acients, Reto, Unas, even the more ephemeral forms like the Giant Aliens made of mist, or the Alien from Fire and Water, all share distinct bauplans and anatomical traits.
    Could this hint at a Galactic Common Ancestor? A race predating even the ancients, that went on to inspire and evolve different species across multiple galaxies.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      Mmmm interesting thought. I haven't considered that before.

  • @Hennessey1979
    @Hennessey1979 5 років тому +2

    Thanks for another great video

  • @garyhenkels9029
    @garyhenkels9029 3 роки тому

    Perhaps because humans were on a similar path of evolution as the Ancients they saw the opportunity to continue research in curing the plague in their home Galaxy so they could return home, so they took humans wherever they were going in large enough numbers so each planet they left them on is an individual peatry dish to be continually tested for natural immunity.

  • @richardmh1987
    @richardmh1987 2 роки тому

    Given that Lanteans inhabited both Milky Way and Pegassus galaxies I find this plaussible. But then how do they explain the humans in the Ori galaxy if the Lanteans left way before there even were hominids or even primates in Earth? Besides didn´t Ancients hide the Milky Way from the Ori influence once they ascended? The chances of a similar hominid appearing and developing almost identical to homo sapiens in the Ori galaxy is pretty much zero. Even if they were created by the Ori themselves to have their followers it doesn´t makes sense that those created followers would be identical to homo sapiens.

  • @fluffinmcpuffin1879
    @fluffinmcpuffin1879 2 роки тому

    Does the planet of Novus or time travel in general have anything to do with the ancients and the english language.

  • @zoranznidaric4518
    @zoranznidaric4518 5 років тому +1

    According to rishies in India, humans are 18,5 million years old.

  • @PathsUnwritten
    @PathsUnwritten 5 років тому +3

    However, the Pegasus humans co-existed with the Lanteans during their prime in that Galaxy. That puts them millions of years ahead of Homo Sapiens. Technically, they are the true "second evolution" of the Ancients, not Milky Way humans.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you saying they evolved purly in Pegasus?

    • @PathsUnwritten
      @PathsUnwritten 5 років тому

      @@TheStargateGuy They leave it too vague to say, only that they "seeded humans" around the Pegasus Galaxy, whatever TF that means. But, those humans still predate Milky Way humans by many hundreds of thousands of years.

  • @fanOmry
    @fanOmry 5 років тому +1

    I thought they left for pegasus when thet restarted life in the milky way..
    Because of a plague.
    And we know humans are close enough for viable cross fertility.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      If they neutralized the plague before leaving for Pegasus why would they need to leave for Pegasus? I'm thinking that they went back to the Milky Way later after they developed the technology and created the Dekara Device to neutralize the plague so they could come back at some point.

    • @fanOmry
      @fanOmry 5 років тому

      Sounds plausible.
      But that happened *long* before they returned for keeps.
      Because dakara restarted life on those worlds..
      At the very least..
      It removed anything close enough to to them that could still carry it so it will have to die..
      Still doesn't make sense with the girl bring in Antarctica..
      But Hey, they have comicbook time line.
      The Retcon Is Strong With That One.
      When we first met Riack, him not getting the Simbiot was supposed to just leave him with human level Immune System. If a bit weaker.
      And he only got the primpta due to scarlett fever.
      Later.. it's a whole known thing that Tealc would think his son can avoid it had to be delusion..
      And was never addressed.
      Thus. Retcon.
      And that's just one thing.
      What about how they play with the official laws of physics..
      The Tolans who say Quantum Mechanics Us Wrong, to the Episode that used it..
      But the story is good, so I actually care. Thus. Forgive.

  • @just8310
    @just8310 3 роки тому

    Anubis said to Daniel That the device on decara Was used to Is recreate life in the milky way Galaxy after the plague The ancients created the 2nd evolution

  • @williamarends7138
    @williamarends7138 5 років тому

    The Ancients succeeded in seeding the Pegasus Galaxy with human beings as a food source for the Wraith. Still more strange would be fact that some of the humans brought to Pegasus would have come in contact with the Iratus bug thus becoming that great scourge of the ancients.

  • @JustinBruce-zy8xf
    @JustinBruce-zy8xf 4 місяці тому

    They said that in the series both SG-1 & Atlantis

  • @almightykue3914
    @almightykue3914 5 років тому +1

    Nothing is stopping the Ancients from simply going back to Earth after the plague had killed their counterparts there, and collecting genetic information, and then using that to seed Pegasus.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      That is true. They had the ability to dial back we don’t know if that was ever taken away.

  • @ivermectin1908
    @ivermectin1908 5 років тому

    Why would species on earth evolve into an almost exact copy of a species from a galaxy unknown though? If the Ancients seen the potential evolutionary value of earth and wanted to study it, they wouldn't manipulate the original group or their study would be irrelevant. The chances that 2 separate species, from 2 separate galaxies evolving to the same form are astronomical at best. There is the theory of parallel worlds that says an exact copy could exist in the same universe but being it would have to be a googolplex away it is unlikely that they just found it by chance.

  • @CalvinWilliamsCayon1
    @CalvinWilliamsCayon1 5 років тому

    Your theory is wrong because when dr weir went back in time and met the lanteans they didn't know there were beings like her on the planet and dr jackson said the ancients left for pagasus between 10 and 15 million years ago not 3 million years like you said

  • @Peter-T-0x47
    @Peter-T-0x47 4 роки тому

    I'm trying to figure out how this ties in with the people of the twelve colonies from Battlestar Galactica. Clearly though, the ancients came from the Star Wars universe which was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  4 роки тому

      I don't know but I would totally watch a mash up of that.

  • @satanlover134
    @satanlover134 5 років тому

    2:27 Dude it's clear as day, Destiny isn't pulling energy from the suns its using the suns to stabilize it pulling power directly from subspace. They all destinyed themselves back in time and they originally come from Earth! Also every galaxy the size of the Milkyway (There's a lot of those) has it's own group of Ascended beings. Naquadah is probably some material that pulls trace amounts of subspace energy over a long period and stores it, that's why naquadriah reactors are so unstable, it would explain why Goauld technology from the Ancients needs the material to function. The Goauld and the Wraith are bio-weapons the pattern in the noise is simply some sort of primordial computer, a trace technology made to let the oldest of the oldest civilizations before the big bang survive, the Ancients tap in to this Eather computer thing and that's how they gain great knowledge and over time they gain more and more access to it, the ghosts f Destiny were Ascended who were far less powerful, Ice lightning is going to be a popular game in the corporate world when things pick up a megagate project exists and there's gonna be mega-gates out there, the Furbies, the Focus, the Furlons FErlons? ... Are the gass peple from the Chrystal scull episode. The planet with the electric bits is a world full f artificial creatures who went A.I vengeance on their creators and the electric fireflies from that other episode are another species related to that. Yea I had other ideas but that's about it

  • @jacobkobald1753
    @jacobkobald1753 3 роки тому

    So is the idea that humans and ancients are different species?

  • @luisvasquez3047
    @luisvasquez3047 5 років тому

    Multiple times have stated that humans were descended from the ancients both in Atlantis and stargate have stated this fact over and over throughout the series lines

  • @jacobkobald1753
    @jacobkobald1753 3 роки тому

    I'll say this you made this theory more tangible but still impossible in the real I appreciate it

  • @mykola4
    @mykola4 5 років тому

    I think the more simple answer is the ancient returned to earth at some point through the gate to the outpost in Antarctica and collected samples of modern human DNA, some time prior to wraith evolution but post modern human evolution.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      Why would they risk being exposed to the plague though?

    • @mykola4
      @mykola4 5 років тому

      I'm sure they would have hazmat suits for limited exposure, I just doubt that the guided evolution of Australopithecus Africans by the ancients would be identical the the natural evolution back on earth, perhaps earth was being monitored by the ancients remotely from Pegasus e.g. Satellite or drones helping inspire their manipulation of Australopithecus africanus DNA. The Stargate Guy

  • @armedbobery4879
    @armedbobery4879 2 роки тому

    what about the Ori Galaxy? how did humans get there is that is where the Ancients came from originally. Assuming the theory of Ancients coming from Ori Galaxy to milky way then to Pegasus.

  • @darksol99darkwizard
    @darksol99darkwizard 3 роки тому

    Doesn’t that one episode with the Obelisk in Stargate Universe give the impression that something closer to creationism is a reasonable hypothesis though?

    • @Lordturisas1
      @Lordturisas1 Рік тому

      The God Code implicitly teased that theory. The background radiation of the Big Bang.

  • @KohuGaly
    @KohuGaly 5 років тому

    I think there are severe problems with this theory and with the Stargate time line in general. In particular, humans in the Ori galaxy pose a massive problem. It is statistically impossible for two separate species to evolve into breeding-compatible form. The way I see it, the presence of human ancestors on earth is more of a experiment than natural occurrence - an attempt to prove that humans can be made "the long way". On the other hand, Stargate universe is weird when it comes to humanoid races. Genetics and evolution seem to work very VERY differently than our reality.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      That is theoretically possible. They could have brought several ancestors of humans to earth from the Ori galaxy and they simply continued the experiment when they moved to Pegasus. That's just taking it a step back.

    • @KohuGaly
      @KohuGaly 5 років тому

      That would have been a plausible theory 20 years ago before the human genome project, which pretty conclusively demonstrates our relationship to other lifeforms.
      Given the timeline, that ancestor you speak of would be the common ancestor of all primates, lemurs and treeshrews. That is literally before our ancestors climbed up the tree, let alone climbed down from it.
      The only plausable explanation I can think of is massaging the evolution in very specific direction (down to antigens in the blood) for a very VERY long time and hiding the traces of doing so very VERY thoroughly.

  • @ambrusraul2297
    @ambrusraul2297 5 років тому +1

    What happened to The Tokra after the resolve of Stargate Continuum ? How many Tokra are left in our Galaxy ? The Go auld military has been decimated do to the replicator and the Ori wars , but i had the feeling The Tokra where way few then the System Lords

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      Well we don't know for sure. Odds are they mostly dispersed or changed their mission to targeting individual Goa'uld. There are lot's of Goa'uld out there even with the system lords being killed off.

    • @ambrusraul2297
      @ambrusraul2297 5 років тому +1

      @@TheStargateGuy well yes but we can assume the entire Goauld military which shouldn t be more now than 10% of what they had so far , are being controlled by the Free Jaffa and or the Tokra . This would be interesting for a renewal of the show : A war for the goauld military equipment between Jaffa and the Tokra . The Tokra wants the Jaffa to surriender goauld military armament so that they can free other planets by the remaining goauld on other planets while the Jaffa want to keep their equipment for self defense from other threats such as the Ori

  • @jacksonheathen2092
    @jacksonheathen2092 5 років тому +2

    I love Stargate. In fact I watch it almost everyday. But humans throughout the milky way (an other galaxies) all speaking modern American style English is a hard one to wrap your head around.
    Startrek made a feeble to justify this with the universal translator concept (but that seemed a bit far fetched). Farscape did an even better job with the translation virus idea (although I'm not a huge farscape fan).
    But I suppose this inexplicable phenomenon was just necessary for the viability of the show. 😆

    • @dragonweyr44
      @dragonweyr44 5 років тому +1

      Farscape used translation microbes to translate with. Not exactly a virus but maybe a kind of bacteria
      But what about the Douglas Adams' Hitchiker's guide to the Galaxy explanation of Babel fish?

    • @jacksonheathen2092
      @jacksonheathen2092 5 років тому

      @@dragonweyr44 Yes. Translation microbes. I hadn't watched Farscape in a long time. Although I loved Ben Browder & Claudia Black in Stargate. Unfortunately I think I only saw the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy once. So I don't really remember much about the babel fish.

    • @dragonweyr44
      @dragonweyr44 5 років тому +1

      @@jacksonheathen2092 In Hitchhiker's Guide, you stick a babel (babble?) fish in your ear and they feed on your brainwaves and in return, they could translate any language for you. But, I suppose that in order to carry out any conversation, both or all parties involved would have to have babel/babble fish in their ears.

    • @dragonweyr44
      @dragonweyr44 5 років тому +1

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому +2

      Well it's mostly just a story thing. If half of every episode is trying to figure out how to communicate it will be a really boring show.

  • @fjccommish
    @fjccommish 2 роки тому

    I say The Stargate Guy brought humans to Pegasus Galaxy.

  • @JJJJ-ou8be
    @JJJJ-ou8be 5 років тому

    there is no reason to think the ancients did not go back to the milky way galaxy on exploratory expiditions and to keep in contact with the koxx furlings and asgard so they may have brought humans back to the pegasus with them

  • @ambrusraul2297
    @ambrusraul2297 5 років тому

    Hey The Stargate Guy , afteer The Asgards where blown away , we did saw Asgards on Atlantis . In the adress Oneill dialed to find the Asgards , those asgards are dead as well ?

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      As far as we know the Asgard in Pegasus are still alive. They broke off from the main group a while ago and was forgotten about.

  • @suzettagibson6084
    @suzettagibson6084 5 років тому +1

    Hi there, as I'm rewatching SG1 I'm having trouble reconciling the timeline on Earth for all the excitement between the Ancients, Ra , and the Babylonians. Anyone willing and able to spell it out for the "Not so savvy" ?

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому +1

      I have that down as a potential video idea. But GateWorld does have a rough timeline on there site. Here:

  • @moviecritic1086
    @moviecritic1086 5 років тому

    In the Pegasus Galaxy A great war was being fought between the Ancients and the wraith who surprisingly enough seem to be a vampiric version of humans. The ancients lost the war with the wraith there numbers reduced to the point that all of Atlantis was abandoned so aside from the ones that ascended the humans in the Pegasus galaxy are remnants of what is left of them I mean not all of us are scholars and scientists. When staying alive this the basic need society can devolve look at the walking dead (different genre I know but still) not to mention the wraith use the humans like cattle. How smart do you want the cow your stake comes from to be ?

  • @dragonweyr44
    @dragonweyr44 5 років тому

    I don't know about that. Even though humans on Earth do HAVE the ancient gene, it's pretty rare, 1-100,000,000 or greater maybe, so it's possible that sometime BEFORE they left Atlantis for the last time, 10,000 years ago, they brought humans to the Pegasus galaxy. Also we know that Atlanteans settled on many worlds in Pegasus because the Iratus bugs feed on either humans or Atlanteans in order to evolve into Wraith (probably humans

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      Well with the ancient gene I theorize that it was not given to humans either by natural or artificial means until about 10,000 years ago because your right, it is not all that common and if it was given to humans 3 mya then most people would have it globally. I believe that wraith did develop from humans since the ancients spread humans around the galaxy but did not take into account the arratis bug and if ancients where the first ones that were changed to wraith I imagine that the ancients would be on it a little more rather than some humans. Just a thought.

    • @dragonweyr44
      @dragonweyr44 5 років тому

      @@TheStargateGuy But 3 mya humans weren't around (if you go by evolution that is) we were Australopithecus or some other form of early hominid but if, in the Stargate franchise, who knows, maybe there were Ancient born homo sapiens as well as Australopithecus at the same time.
      Could humans on Earth now be of two different species, one descended from the Australopithecus and other hominids who don't possess the Ancient gene and one either descended from Ancients on Earth, these being those being the people possessing the Ancient gene?

  • @hunding1978
    @hunding1978 5 років тому +24

    But the real question.... How did the human in the pegasus galaxy learn english..... natural selection I think not..... it must be GOD!!!! (sarcasm)

    • @aydenjacko5810
      @aydenjacko5810 5 років тому +1

      the ancients could speak english

    • @thoughtfortheday7811
      @thoughtfortheday7811 5 років тому +3

      Every planet SG1 visits has the same thing, they all speak English. And they don't have the benefit of a Star Trek Universal Translator.

    • @aydenjacko5810
      @aydenjacko5810 5 років тому +1

      @@thoughtfortheday7811 well if it were like star trek thank half the episode would be trying to understand them haha also star trek takes place in the distant future in their universe well for us anyway

    • @mahatmarandy5977
      @mahatmarandy5977 5 років тому

      @@aydenjacko5810 The producers have said that gave travel puts teeny translator microbes in your head so you can understand the local language around the gate. This is why we've seen them not really be able to read on english-speaking planets, just understand the lingo

    • @mrbojangles8133
      @mrbojangles8133 5 років тому

      amusing idea it's all because of SG1 time travel, this is how English became widely spoken as common speak, throughout the barbarian lands of the galaxy

  • @johnwang9914
    @johnwang9914 3 роки тому

    Same we as with Cylons, they just created the humans. Why else would we be so similar to the ancients.

  • @stargatefever
    @stargatefever 5 років тому

    I think there should have a few episodes explaining why the ancients seeded galaxies so they would evolve over and over. might have been a cool mysterious reason

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      I would love more canonized data on this. But for now, you know my thoughts from this video.

  • @damianallen8377
    @damianallen8377 5 років тому

    I'm pretty sure the Ancients did not leave 3 million years ago they left 5 to 10 million years ago or did you forget the Alteran they found Frozen in the ice in Antarctica and infected with the plague was there for at least five million years?
    And I believe Daniel said when he was talking about finding the Atlantis Stargate address that the Ancients left 5 to 10 million years ago and went to the Pegasus Galaxy.
    And there's really no reason for a theory about how humans are in the Pegasus Galaxy the freaking recording of the Alteran or Lantean I should say told them that they created humans in the Pegasus Galaxy when they came and seeded life and a thousand worlds had life evolve on it that looked physically like the Lanteans themselves.
    And then later on when the Lanteans started interacting with the humans some Lanteans eventually mated with some of them which is why some humans in the Pegasus Galaxy have the activation Gene not that they actually have any real Lantean blood left in them after all ten thousand years of mating with nothing but other humans as diluted that blood to nothing the only thing that survived apparently was the activation Gene. Obviously the very same thing happened on Earth when the Lantean survivors fled the Pegasus Galaxy and went back to the Avalon Galaxy some of the few that chose to stay on Earth mated with the Primitive humans.

  • @10HERBERT
    @10HERBERT 5 років тому

    what about the ancient gene that some humans have to let them use ancient tech, like jack Oneal has ?

  • @JustinBruce-zy8xf
    @JustinBruce-zy8xf 4 місяці тому

    The Ancients created the humans in both Galaxies

  • @michaeljohnson1117
    @michaeljohnson1117 4 роки тому

    Dude, ancients are humans just more highly evolved. When they came to this galaxy after escaping the ori one of there goals was to restart there civilization, literally. Not just to find a new home world and build cities and stuff for there own society but to begin a entirely new evolution of humanity that would be able to evolve on its own without it's path to ascension and free will being highjacked by Origin. They had began this on Earth before the plauge but had to restart. They only did it on one planet in this galaxy because, like the asended beings, they believe in free will and have a non interferance policy with less advanced beings, so they were wise enough to realize that doing it on more than one planet would, on a cosmic time scale, interfere with the natural development and free will of intelligent species that were already evolving in the milky way, or they'd have done it on more planets to better ensure the survival of the species.but then they found Pegasus, probably while looking for somewhere to hide from the plague, that had no sentient life to worry about interfering with. So the remaining ancients who weren't affected by the plague left us in the milky way to evolve on our own knowing we were hidden from the Ori,and went to Pegasus where they could start as many human worlds as they wanted without having to worry about interfering with other intelligent races. But left the repository in Antarctica for us to learn about our history once we had evolved to the pointwhere we had developed the gene that would activate it. When Jack first went to the Asgard planet they said they didn't think we had evolved far enough to access the ancient database. Why would they think that we would eventually evolve the same gene as the ancients that would allow us to use there technology unless we were the same species just in a slightly less evolved form. And when they find the ancient Frozen in 3million year old ice, they say something along the lines of we're not the first evolution of humanity. Plus there Ascension ritual is basically budahst so they probably know about reincarnation, so even if there society goes extinct, as long as there's humans out there somewhere having babys, they'll be able to reincarnate and continue on there path to ascension. Reincarnation is probably why they had to get so far away from the Ori galaxy, so they'd be less likely to reincarnate in a Ori family and become a spiritual slave without even knowing it.

  • @scottishadonis
    @scottishadonis Рік тому

    The “Ancients” literally said that they seeded the human race in the milky way and pegasus galaxies in stargate sg1 and Atlantis! They referred to humans as the “the second generation of their kind.” I really do wonder where you pull your theories from!? You did watch SG1 and Atlantis? You can’t just throw out nonsensical theories and expect them to “pan out.” Especially when it’s explicitly explained in the shows!

  • @Shaden0040
    @Shaden0040 5 років тому

    Three way fork: Homo Sapiens, Homo Neanderthal and Homo Denisovan. All three species have successfully bred together with viable fertile offspring. Most humans outside of Africa have 2-5% Neanderthal genes. SE Asians and Australins (aboriginals) have 3-8% Denisovan genes along with Neanderthal genes in the same percentage as all other non-African homo sapiens.

    • @Shaden0040
      @Shaden0040 5 років тому

      Humans in Pegasus would be named Homo Pegasusensis

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      I thought the jury was still out on their taxonomy so I figured I would play it safe and only stick with the two for the video.

  • @ralphyfosterjr
    @ralphyfosterjr 5 років тому

    Thanks for another video, this was a very insightful episode with humanity.
    They might have cloned some and seeded them throughout the galaxy as an experiment.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      I'm glad you liked it, and that is an option.

  • @theterrorofdeath8907
    @theterrorofdeath8907 5 років тому

    I mean it does make sense the ancients did like to mess around with genetics As seen throughout the Stargate franchise Take your pick them tampering with their own genetics so they could ascend to a higher plain of existence or implanting their genes into the human of the milky way

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      Well I' m glad it made sense to someone! lol

  • @jasonoverton436
    @jasonoverton436 Рік тому

    And the humans in the ori galaxy?

  • @josephwhite4280
    @josephwhite4280 5 років тому

    God damn it I want Stargate back... :)

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому +1

      Same here man... same here. In the mean time we can make fun theories about stuff! :)

  • @davidd837
    @davidd837 3 роки тому

    Yup, how is it possible that we share the same dna with the ancients along with the engineers? Dakara devise

  • @charlesdog9795
    @charlesdog9795 4 роки тому

    OK, now how do you account for the different evolved earth races (white, black, asian) in the pegasus galaxy? If the Ancients started with afropithecus DNA they would have had no idea how the human species would have evolved under different climate situations. Assuming evolutionary theory is correct, the chances of having a mix of whites, black and asians independently developing on many different planets is near zero. Or is this question too politically uncorrect to ask?

  • @kostas6621
    @kostas6621 5 років тому

    Awesome theory!

  • @maxrander0101
    @maxrander0101 4 роки тому +1

    ok people on earth have the gene due to the return and the members of their race that mingled with ours after all even here the gene is rare its is stated at one point that less than 5% of people have it

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  4 роки тому

      Yeah that's one of the supportive pieces of evidence why I believe that the ancients introduced that gene relatively late in human evolution.

  • @moviecritic1086
    @moviecritic1086 5 років тому

    Also the great plague across the galaxies. Once the galaxy was cleansed of it the ancient still wanted life to continue also at the same time they most likely looking into ascension at this point so they may have just taken there genetic templates stored them and since they were moving on and were big believers in free will allowed these new races their children to simply live as they may being shaped by there surroundings and each other.

  • @IR240474
    @IR240474 5 років тому +5

    Sorry, but this is our creation story from the garden of eden, the person who did the DNA splicing was a deity called Enki in the Sumerian creation story. Both stories are the same. Stargate is a documentary and a history program.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому +3

      Well for a documentary and history program it has a lot of space battles and current events that never happened. :)

    • @IR240474
      @IR240474 5 років тому

      @@TheStargateGuy or did they? ;)

  • @shadowlink1279
    @shadowlink1279 5 років тому

    Star gate guy did you do a video on the gate rings work?

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому +1

      Not yet no thy are one the list. The difficulty is that you have to get into quantum entanglement and that’s a difficult subject. But it is on the list.

  • @johnnyscifi
    @johnnyscifi 3 роки тому

    I dunno...same way the Ancients did?...

  • @doppelhelixes
    @doppelhelixes 5 років тому

    i always asumed the ancient used australopiticus as sex slaves

  • @mightymartin4854
    @mightymartin4854 5 років тому

    The ancients remind me vaguely of the xel'naga and the humans also remind me again vaguely of the protos both are from the starcraft games. Edi: the xel'naga are a precursor race who uplifted the protos.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      I haven't played Starcraft so I'm just gonna say.... cool.

    • @mightymartin4854
      @mightymartin4854 5 років тому

      @@TheStargateGuy you should they are excellent games.

  • @josephwhite4280
    @josephwhite4280 5 років тому

    WOW, all this time I thought The Ancients were simply this first evolution of humans on earth!!!
    However after doing a little research. Wiki pidia has this to say.
    The Alterans are a fictional race in the Stargate universe that have been portrayed as the first evolution of the Human form, having later ascended into a state of pure energy. In the timeframe of the television shows, the Alterans are politically divided into two groups; one known primarily as the Ori, and the other known as the Ancients (Stargate SG-1), the Ancestors (Atlantis), and the Lanteans (Atlantis). The Alterans are one of the oldest sentient races known in the Stargate universe, and are also considered to be the most technically advanced race there is.
    Still not stating where there from...

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому +1

      Yeah we never got the name of the Galaxy that the ancients are from in film cannon. We just know they came from the same place as the Ori and came too the Milky Way.

    • @Croftice1
      @Croftice1 5 років тому +1

      @Joseph White Wikipedia is mostly a decent source, but it's still written by people, people like you and me, it's not written by the creators of the shows themselves, so can't rely on it being completely trustworthy. Eventhough they may not be completely wrong, there's still some freedom in "add things here, add stuff there", you know some small additions, that the author of said wikipedia article heard, or thinks might be true, but isn't really confirmed by the creators of the show themselves.

  • @spectacleguy
    @spectacleguy 5 років тому

    How did Jack have ancient dna then? he must not be all ape...

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      Some Ancients decided to ummmm mingle with humans after they came back from Atlantis. That's my theory anyway.

  • @PathsUnwritten
    @PathsUnwritten 5 років тому +1

    0:48 "us", shows Jonas...hmmm?

    • @jacksonheathen2092
      @jacksonheathen2092 5 років тому

      Jonas being human is relatively easy to weave into to storyline since the Goa'uld spread humans from earth around the milky way.

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому +1

      Yup. Jonas is human although he was born on another planet.

    • @jacksonheathen2092
      @jacksonheathen2092 5 років тому

      @@TheStargateGuy The idea that the Goa'uld were responsible for transplanting humans throughout the milky way seemed pretty well established from the first episode "Children of the Gods". But presence of human populations in the Pegasus & Ori galaxies takes a slightly deeper explanation.

  • @thoughtfortheday7811
    @thoughtfortheday7811 5 років тому

    Wasn't there an episode of SG, the one with O'Neil cloned and appears as a teenager, and the Aasgard announce that they once looked like humans? The implication surely was that in millions of years, we would look like them.

    • @RikkiCattermole
      @RikkiCattermole 5 років тому

      Asgard did not look like Humans. They always had a similar color skin for example. But all the major attributes of the species were similar.
      Of course the genetic manipulation really didn't help them...

    • @thoughtfortheday7811
      @thoughtfortheday7811 5 років тому

      @@RikkiCattermole Thanks. I'm going to check the script online, see where I'm getting this idea from.

    • @RikkiCattermole
      @RikkiCattermole 5 років тому

      @@thoughtfortheday7811 In a later episode we get to see what their pre-cloned and pre-manipulated bodies looked like. So while yes they made that statement, they did not mean it literally.

    • @thoughtfortheday7811
      @thoughtfortheday7811 5 років тому

      @@RikkiCattermole great! Can you recall the episode name or season/episode number? I'd like to see that, can't believe I missed it. Thanks.

    • @RikkiCattermole
      @RikkiCattermole 5 років тому

      @@thoughtfortheday7811 little earlier than I remember S05E22

  • @Scott079
    @Scott079 5 років тому

    That begs the question that how did some humans get the ancient Gene on earth if we were as under developed as we were when they were last on earth, because I’m pretty sure of the ancients and our ancestors weren’t bumping uglies

    • @DaoFAQ
      @DaoFAQ 5 років тому +2

      Scott P79 I believe that after the Lanteans fled the Wraith and went back to Earth, some did actually intermingle with the homegrown humans.

    • @PathsUnwritten
      @PathsUnwritten 5 років тому +2

      It's said in a couple instances that some Ancient did stay on Earth with the locals when they returned from Pegasus after fleeing the Wraith.

    • @luisr2280
      @luisr2280 5 років тому


    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      What Paths Unwritten said. I answered that question in one of the livestreams as part of the Q&A

  • @MrHusker1996
    @MrHusker1996 5 років тому

    So the ape human ancestors on earth evolved to look like the antients and have the antiens genes... I'd say there was some intense probing going on if you know what I mean

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      Given the amount of people with the ancient gene it is likely that it was not spread until after the ancients came back to the Milky Way.

  • @moviecritic1086
    @moviecritic1086 5 років тому

    Sorry don't mean to be a Jerk just a fan like you I know your were trying to keep it simple and I liked the video just writing some of my thoughts.

  • @williamgray8104
    @williamgray8104 3 роки тому

    There are 3 skeleton structures on this planet always has been we came from one but not all came from the same skeleton structure bones don't lie

  • @moviecritic1086
    @moviecritic1086 5 років тому

    Who is to stay there was genetic manipulation I mean the ancient civilization lived across thousands of planets in the galaxy now when you live in a certain place for some time I person begins to grow attached to it they start to see it as their home now even though we see Atlantis leave Earth It could be possible not all ancient left some simply choose to stay.

  • @RRW359
    @RRW359 5 років тому

    Small nitpick. I thought it was pronounced "*Aforensis", not "Africanus".

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      Go ahead and pick that nit. Biological Anthropology was not my specialty so you could defiantly be right.

  • @tommygraddy5490
    @tommygraddy5490 4 роки тому

    Yeah they took some DNA samples

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  4 роки тому +1

      "Yeah they took some DNA Samples"... if you know what I mean. lol

  • @christenorio9555
    @christenorio9555 5 років тому

    What did the aucients do after returning to earth!

  • @mrbojangles8133
    @mrbojangles8133 5 років тому

    actually I believe all of us have some Neanderthal DNA between 2 and 5 % of DNA of all humans is neanderthaler

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      I didn't know about everyone, but I just kept it with what I know for sure.

  • @stargatefever
    @stargatefever 5 років тому

    I thought your channel was beard vs geek?

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      It was, but I didn't really have the time to keep both channels running, but I'm focusing my efforts over here.

  • @luisr2280
    @luisr2280 5 років тому +1

    Look let's be honest and yes im going to be that guy. Ancients needed slaves. Much like the ori using humans to build their ships and structures and make their robes and foods. Same thing with ancients. Ppl don't realize that ancients are stuck up and rely on technology over manual labor. But they were never advance enough to not need physical labor or invent star trek replicators. That being said, many times through out the series's. We hear how ancients brought humans or how ancient felt a need to watch over or protect their humans. That being said. Farmers protect and provide for their animals. But also, u notice that ancients never sold or traded with humans. I mean we see ruins and humans being there. U would think if ancients traded technology or atleast trade a plasma TV for some food. There would be signs of technology trading or.... Atleast a light bulb so they can cook in a well lit room for crying out loud. Let's face it, ancients were slave masters. Imagine that episode of Rick and morty and the mini universes in a box. "Slavery, but with extra steps" lol. Prove me wrong. Prove that they bought food and cloths and other such things. Considering we never see ancient hoes and pick axes and rakes or heck.... I've never seen an ancient fork. Lol anyway. All signs point to them being slave masters .

    • @TheStargateGuy
      @TheStargateGuy  5 років тому

      I don't think they were slaves so much as experiments. When ancients interact with humans they may be a bit over confident but they never treated humans like property. I would agree that the ancients did not trade technology with the humans.