As a muslim who is learning about the Torah and the Bible, I can say that my biggest problem is the he died for our sins thing. It looks innocuous but from this belief you open the door to all kind of permissiveness and self indulgence. I think orthodox Judaism is closer to our tradition and I feel it is close to the truth imo. I also get annoyed when people focus too much on the man instead of the teachings. My discomfort is with the latter.
This is unbelivable as a Christian born into this religion for the last 10 years of my life I have prayed and had an intate love for the Jewish people which brought the Hebrew bible into my life to find the truth. Then in recent memory I found Rabbi Tovia and it has completed my journey toward Baruch Hashem. Thank you and may the Holy Hashem bless this channel and Rabbi Tovia. This is excatly what happened to me as a Christian.
Welcome back, my brother! Glad to see that you have returned to the ONLY UNDISPUTED LORD, G-D, SAVIOUR, REDEEMER, MASTER AND CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, HASHEM! Much love to you and may Hashem always bless you!
Hellow Tovia, I have listened to a couple of presentations and you seem to also read and understand the Christian Bible. What is your comment on Romans 11?
Rabbi, today it is our turn to bless you: May God be with you, May God bless you with health and strength, May God bless your efforts with success, May God shine on you and through you So that your teachings illuminate all those you touch
Search the archives. There are several videos on topics connected to this question. Between the, you can gauge what the Rabbi thinks. He believes that Jesus was a real person, primarily because of the bizarre retcons found in the latter two Gospels. The need to explain how he is from both Jerusalem and Bethlehem and the like. He may have been an unorthodox (pun!) rabbi who was preaching an uprising against the Roman’s. He may have claimed to be g-d as part of his cult of personality. He may have been crucified, but likely not nailed to the cross. And the woman who saw him rise from the grave... well, that Mary was also the woman from whom he exorcized demons. The rabbi contends that Christian interpretation of demons is a naive understanding of mental illness... take from that what you will. Put all of these ideas together (and add a few that I’m sure I’ve missed) and you begin to get a picture. Jesus was a person who may have been involved in some revolutionary thought or action who was then used by later proto-church leaders to build a new religion based largely on willful mistranslation of Torah texts.
No, this rabbi dodged the question. Also, all this talk about retcons in the New Testament - what about those in the Old Testament? Those are far more "bizarre" and extensive. The revision of the Old by authors J, E, P, D and many others is so much more propagandistic than anything in the New. And your quick assessment of who Jesus was is shallow. Jesus had no interest whatsoever in bringing down the Roman Empire. What matters is the really big stuff He said that makes Him impossible to dismiss, ie. the prophecy that "Jerusalem will be handed over to the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles is up" - and this happened in 1967. Jesus was greater than all the prophets in the Old Testament combined. He painted an accurate description of the end of the world and His return in the Olivet Discourse. Both you and this rabbi (who I admire and respect) are not even skimming the surface of who He was.
The Rabbi speaks with a lot of "controlled" passion and one can tell he deeply holds his beliefs as true. I understand how he would want to fight to preserve his religion against these aggressive Christian Evangelist's and I wish him success. I'm a 3X ex-Christian and I have used some of the rabbi's info from the videos in debates with Christians. It's amazing to me when Christians tell me I spend too much time studying the Old Test. and always wanted me to focus to the 4 gospels and the resurrection of Jesus. This particular video does a good job addressing the problem of prematurely accepting Jesus and risking idolatry. I'm an Atheist but find many Christians get wrapped up with cult type behaviors which is scary. Wrap up cult-Christianity with right-wing politics, sprinkle in some ignorance (okay, a lot) and you see what it fueled in Washington D.C. Just saying...out!
Wow ... I am motivated to go through my house, and every crucifix, picture, and image I see of Jesus and Mary, throw them away! They are idols! I serve a G-d who is everywhere and can never be compared to any "likeness of anything in heaven and in earth" (Exodus 20). Praise be to the Creator alone, blessed be "His" most excellent name.
MR. FITTA - Friend, if the pictures are used for idolatry, I'm afraid it does matter to Gd if you possess them. He declares, "In all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and MAKE NO MENTION of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth ... ... thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images" (Exodus 23:13, 24) *In other words, all these reminders of false gods (like jesus), which offends our Creator and only Gd ... What do you do with them? The Torah declares, get rid of them! Break them down from your walls, don't have them in their homes, in your car, on your phones, don't even mention them, or mention the name "jesus"! In other words, follow the example of Old Testament heroes by holding no memory of an idol whatsoever!
Jesus was not the Messiah either. The Christian Bibles have Old Testament passages translated in such a way to make it appear that the prophecies refer to Jesus. If you speak to a orthodox Rabbi or Jewish teachers on the original Hebrew of the prophecies, you will learn that Messiah ben David hasnt come yet, and he is not to call himself God, nor accept worship. He will be a faithful servant of the Most High, will have children, and will rebuild the Temple. He will cause world peace
That's because you including Fitta, were raised and taught from the Christian Bible's mistranslated Old Testament. That is why you would read Jesus in these passages. Moreover you follow the New Testament, which has been corrupted. Personally, I don't follow the Bible, but I give more credence to the original Jewish Bible confirmed by the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls. But again ... like I said, I don't blame you for being programmed in believing the Christian Bible is the inspired Word of God :))
Mwaterfall. This is why I said you do not know the Father, everything God does he knows already, eg psalm 139:16...."All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be"... David knew the Lord, and the Spirit of the Lord was upon him. Eph 1:4 "For he(God ) chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight..." the words in him are significant, because they show we(believers) are united with God through Christ, he lives inn us and his power to live according to his word is available to us. Those such as yourself I could even dare to call pagan or atheist, as you have an idol- a self created deity, or none as your god. Like you said( about fooling some people but not others), but I will use Gods word, do not be deceived God cannot be mocked , you will reap what you sow.
*M Calkins:* The "New Testament", is NOT scripture that was given by God, therefore, anything that comes out of it is false, and IRRELEVANT. The ONLY scripture that was given to man by God is the Torah/Tanach. Do some honest research on the origins of Christianity - I did - it's a REAL eye-opener!
Thank you Rabbi. It's not so difficult. After so many years of being raised a Catholic with my father, I began my journey back to Judaism. My Jewish mother was proud. My journey began when I looked up the meaning of Xmas (JC's supposed B-day). All I found was paganism in Xmas and Easter. While in the military, we visited the Vatican and witnessed numerous idols displaying sun worship. The Torah also says that Shabbat is the day of rest. Why then should the church make Sunday the day of rest? Just because supposedly, JC resurrected on it? Even as a child, I was made fun of and marked as "The JC killer" because I was Jewish. The Torah and the NT did not make sense as neither did the priest or any other pastors. How can JC do away with "The Old Covenant"? I surely remember seeing rainbows when it rained confirming the Covenant that Hashem made with Noah concerning to never destroying the earth again with rain. Hashem made other covenants with Yisrael but it NEVER meant that the prior covenants were to be abolished as X-tanity conveys. Here is my final thesis on the subject. Who was JC? This video puts it in complete detail, the lies and deception that has transpired through the ages. I'm thankful that my eyes have been clearly opened and I have returned to the G-D of my fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I follow HIS Torah and obey HIS Mitzvots. Not because I have to but because I chose to. I love Hashem and will seek Him and Him only forever. My life has never been so complete and I'm richly satisfied to have returned to Judaism.
Tovia jesus was born and died for you and for the whole world to save us. Stop harden your heart. Jesus is coming back and there is no second chance for salvation. Jesus the way the truth the life. The Bible says Philippians 2:10-11 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Thank you so much Rabbi, I just want to affirm what you said about blessing Israel. For years I was stuck in idolatry, AKA Christianity, but when I begin to ask God to bless Israel to bless his land and his people he began to open my eyes. Bless G-D and bless his people
I don't need to thank the Rabbi, but another Teacher (Dr. Richard Carrier) led me out of all of these old-time Religions. I now don't believe in any of it, and I have never been better.
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the names "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God. God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@Abraham Mani : NOWHERE did God ever mention the names "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God. God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the names "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God. God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
Don't say that're just at the doors of PARADISE ; JESUS IS TRUE GOD! REPENT for BLASPHEMY that Christianity is idolatry..And people like yu are deceived coz yu don't pray for understanding that CHRIST is GOD! ......PROVE Read book of NUMBERS 11: Verse 25.. And Compare same to book of Prophet DANIEL 7: Verse 13. I'm not a jew, I come from AFRICA but by powers in Heaven, TORAH is my soul food..
The Rabbi must have been reading my mail. My leaving the church happened exactly how he describes. HaShem in His mercy brought me to the Truth concerning Jesus.
@Jennifer ... You left the Church and turned to Judaisam. But, I left the Church and turned to non-belief. When you are outside of it, the Religious look crazy, just like teenagers arguing about what color is the best lightsaber for a Jedi.
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the name "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God. God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the name "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God. God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the name "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God. God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
I am from Pakistan. And once I met a young ex-Muslim boy who said to me that I did not become Christian because of Christians (sadly) but by experiencing Jesus in my life that He is the true Massiah. And a country like Pakistan, there is not only a few but many who accepted Him with no fear. They didn't come to Christianity after any girl or money but some miracles happened in their lives.
@Cousin It Amen. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ. These miracles in our lives proves that Jesus is the true Messiah and Saviour. God bless and best wishes to you my brother.💓
I'm born a Christian, but that doesn't mean anything unless I have experienced Christ in my life. And I believe that Jesus is my Messiah and Saviour who is sitting right to Father in Heaven.
Unfortunately those who oppose Jesus have never had an encounter with Him. How i wish they would because then they would not need anyone to introduce him to them. They would recognize him immediately because after all He is their creator. Oh Lord Jesus i pray that you reveal your self to all including Toviah singer.
(Acts 7:51-53) "¶ Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. {52} Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers: {53} Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it."
You want to believe in idolary, YOUR choice! No human can die for the sins of others, pure idolatry! 10 commandments, ONE GOD, do not add or take away! The messiah will come ONCE! Then there will be peace, God willing sooner rather then later! NT is misquoting of the bible mixed with Greek mythology! Wake up!
Daniel 9:25-26 THE MESSIAH HAD TO COME BEFORE THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE 25 “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,[a] the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing.[b] The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the name "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God. God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
Rabbi is so right. The letters and accounts in the new testament were originally written by the followers of Jesus, who were all Jews, strictly Orthodox. These writings were however collected, altered and compiled centuries later, not by Jews, but by antisemitic men. Men who hated Jews. We therefore are forbidden to accept their work as truth. They are considered false witnesses.
Simon Peter answered the question quickly. Matthew 16:15-16 (15) He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? (16) And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
@@07silvali forgiveness comes from G-d. I read the same Torah Jesus read, in Hebrew, as he did, so I’m good. There is much that non Hebrew speakers do not interpret correctly. Jesus, a Jew, would never place himself above G-d. Do you pray to statues and paintings? If so, you are an idol worshipper. Sorry to break the news. Think about it.
@@stephaniereif7790 You allways, confuse Christianity with Catholicism. Catholics worship statues, paints and even the Pope, among other heresies. So, no, I`m a Christian. I worship, ONLY, the God of the Bible, no artifacts, no images, no earthly man, not even a cross. And because, I follow the The Bible, THE TRUE WORD OF GOD, He tells us, to repent and put our trust in Jesus Christ, to follow Him as Lord. Repentance means a change of mind which means to turn from a life following sin to a life following Christ. Salvation is a free gift and it cannot be earned, no one can be perfectly moral on their own, it is impossible, this is the only way to be in the presence of God in heaven. If we reject God we will go to eternal suffering in the lake of fire. It is important to reiterate that we cannot save ourselves, it is the gift of God for one to be saved. Cry out to God to have mercy on you, plead with God to save you.
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the name "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God. God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@@janishart5128 ignorant one, God said in Isaiah 7: 14 that He will gave Isreal a sign, " the virgin will concieve and bear a son and shall call his name immanuel, fulfilled in Matt 1:23, and Isaiah 9:6 Unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given, His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Who is this talking about? Read John 14: 7:10, either Jesus Christ is God or He is a lunatic. You decide for yourself because he cannot be a good man and say such thing. Who really is Jesus. Your rabbi don't have the Spirit of God, all he have is scriptures that are selected to support his view. He cannot use the whole counsel of God, he must avoid some scriptures.
@@orringreene3410: No, that's NOT what that verse says! You are working from a twisted, mistranslated, taken out of context, bastardized VERSION of what God actually said to us (i.e. "OT"), since the "blind guides" you learn from REFUSED to learn the original Hebrew given to us by God, leaving them in profound darkness as to what God actually said to us. PLEASE buy yourself a Hebrew Bible (says "TANACH" on the cover), so you can see for yourself what God actually said to us at Mt. Sinai, and learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11.
the second commandment to the prophet moses was 2. You shall have no other gods beside Me. You shall not make for yourself any carved idol, or any likeness of any thing... you shall not bow down to them, nor serve them... does jesus have a likeness to man, and erected as an idol for worship? have christinaity not broken the second commandment of god?
You are 100% correct regarding the light shown to the people and the recognition of a disparity between conscious and fundamental teachings, such as Commandment 1, and the discrepancy between the Trinity and idolatry, regarding the exception rather than the rule, as well as the blessing of Israel
If you recall reading the 9th and 10th chapters of William James' "Varieties of Religious Experience", he mentions sudden and involuntary conversion experiences. Among those conversions was the one of the Jewish man Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne who became Christian missionary in Israel. I had one of those experiences. That is why I am a Christian. It is not because of a "I love Jesus" syndrome from having been indoctrinated with that attitude. At the time of my conversion, I was an agnostic and really had no religion.
Son of Man saved Daniel from the fire. Ezekiel speaks too of Son of Man. Christians do not love a dead person but a live being who lives in them. The woman at Jacob's well and Jesus speaks about the living water. This eternal spring overflows out of the heart, literally. As in Hebrews, where it says there is pressure on the heart and discipline by a loving Father, that is felt too. Jesus said, he "knocks...and He ad the Father will dine with (the repented faithful)." God let's His presence known. These truths are why Christians can say without a doubt that Jesus is the Messiah. Also, as stated in the bible there is a peace that passes understanding, Christians have this peace. Jesus is alive and at the right hand of God.
"I come in the name of the Father and you don't accept me yet one comes in his own name (Antichrist) and him you will follow...John 5:43 Enough said....
Isaac; Jesus himself did not claimed to be the Messiah/Christ, In the Gospel of Matthew 16:20, & Mark 8:30, He specifically commanded his disciples not to say this to anyone, his biological father was not Joseph, So he failed to fulfill the basic prophecy that the real Messiah must be from David's bloodline. How then, could he be The Jewish Messiah if Joseph was not his real father ?
@@Isaac5123 I believe that there are two Jesus's, The Jesus of Faith, and the Jesus of History, and the strange case Of Dr. Jesus and Mr Christ is even odder than that, since both are composed of still ever more variations of Themselves, The Jesus of Faith is an umbrella term for the enormous number of different saviours that inspire Christianity in all of it's diversity, The Catholic Jesus and the Orthodox Jesus, and those of all the Eastern sects in between, The Lutheran Jesus, The Anglican Jesus, The Presbyterian, The Baptist, Methodist, The Seventh Day Adventist Jesus, Not to mention The Muslim Jesus, Christian Apologists love to parrot the old lie that '' No serious historian rejects the historicity of Christ '' but they either fail to realise or deliberately neglect to mention, That the historical Jesus that all secular biblical historian do accept is at best no more than just one of many first-century wandering preacher and founder of a fringe cult That eventually became Christianity, in fact if you should read the four gospels and take note, They present four different Jesus's.
@abraham mani beware, very dangerous days are ahead dude. Repent and turn away from your man god who DIED. Study the Noahide laws and save yourself before it's too late. Stop prostelizing and go home and do more research on Judaism. Actually, Listen to the Rabbi's when you turn the video on! Pay attention to what they are saying and turn away from idolatry.
We are all agreed that he is not HaMashiach - not the rabbinic idea of Mashiach and not the true Mashiach. I think we need to suspend all speculation about who he was. Having seen how Gentiles, even those who don't mean to distort what I say with malice and prejudice, just don't get what I'm saying even with hearing it first hand and in their own language when I speak English for English-speaking audiences; I am absolutely sure that Christians have no idea what, if anything, Yeshu, if he was a real person and not a composite of various religious figures, said and intended. It is forbidden in Halakha to speak about someone who is not present. Even complimenting someone who is not present can lead to someone being tempted to say something bad. Let's don't do it. We will yet hear what he has to say from him. Until such time, I, for one, reserve all judgement of him. I don't trust the Christian bible and neither do I trust the version of the Talmud that we have.
Philip said to Jesus, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'? (John 14:8-9)
I came to know Jesus from a Hindu background .why i accept Jesus as my personal savior ?i was criminal minded did lots o wrong things. once my father had cancer later i came to know my family members many of them died with cancer . I have also got stomach Ulcer it was hopeless condition i spend lots of money in that and really cried and prayed if their is a true God revel to me then one night Jesus appeared and spoke and i received healing and peace from him .Jesus really ruling as a king in spiritual world he rules in people heart he continue to change people heart .
@Abraham Mani First of all, read Isaiah 9:6 in the actual Hebrew. That text is about Hezekiah. Here is the correct translation of that text: “For a child has been born to us, a son given to us, and the authority is upon his shoulder, the wondrous adviser, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, called his name “the prince of peace.” This is said right after hezekiah went to the temple and prayed to the Most High to be saved from the Assyrian invasion. Soon after the angel of the Lord came down and slew 185,000 soldiers of Assyria which forced their king to go back to his land. Remember, every nation around Jerusalem was destroyed and only Jerusalem remained intact. Imagine 185,000 soldiers surrounding you, screaming and shouting all day. Despite all that, King Hezekiah told the people to remain faithful and at the end the Most High delivered. This is what the text was about. It wasn’t a prophecy. Please show me a prophecy about Jesus dying and resurrection and second coming in the Old Testament. Also, where is the peace and prosperity during the time of the messiah? Let us be real. The Old Testament doesn’t mention anything about Jesus. If it did, it wouldn’t be this hidden. Isaiah 53 isn’t about Jesus either. It is about Israel.
@JESUS CHRIST IS GOD: If you do some honest research on how Christianity started, you WILL discover that "Jesus" didn't say ONE word that is attributed to him in the false, pagan "NT", (that absolutely DID NOT come from God!) since he was already DEAD for at least 20 YEARS (some say a LOT longer!) before it was written. Yet they quote him word-for-word - impossible! Just try to remember what YOU said yesterday, word-for-word - again, impossible! PLEASE do the research and stop spewing your false, pagan lies in this comment section! You WON'T make even ONE convert here, since we already KNOW what God's Truth is. You need to go to a CHRISTIAN video, and try to convert some atheists! Either that, or BE QUIET and listen VERY CAREFULLY to what the rabbi is teaching us, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11.
This rabbi don't know who Jesus Christ is, and therefore cannot answer a question straightly. And Christian that have a relationship with Jesus Christ will experience him. Check these few scriptures: Genesis 3: 15 -- God said that " the seed of the woman will crush the head of the serpent " satan was using the serpent. Isaiah 7: 14 God said He will give Israel a sign, " the virgin will concieve and bear a son, and shall call his name immanuel " this was fulfilled in Matt 1:23, Isaiah 9: 6 tells about this child, " Unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulder, His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. The jewish people rejected their messiah and wree scattered for 1900 years but the rest of the world receive the grace of God through The Lord Jesus Christ. There is much more....
@@orringreene3410 God said to the woman and the serpent, I will put hatred between your seed ,and her seed/ they had offspring together. one of the seeds/children, will crush the other......this happened when cain killed abel. This is also why the woman is to only desire her husband......and why she has labour pains........ her punishments were pertaining to the ways of birth- because through her sin she produced offspring. she is called the mother of all the living - this includes the good seed, and The Bad Seed.
How come they don't ask about the buddha? Oh I don't know maybe the buddha wasn't a jew which triggered a giant religion claiming to be a continuation of the jewish story; once again a bit nonsensical here. If people said the buddha was the messiah I think you had better know why he wasn't and what he was instead. 11:34 "If he's not a god what difference does it make" well I don't know if Moses and Abraham aren't gods what difference does it make who they are. Do you ever listen to yourself with fresh ears?
I would have asked someone who claimed Christ then left the faith to proclaim another faith, "How can one have the Spirit of Christ in them and NOT know Jesus lives". You think Jesus doesn't answer back in regard to prayer? He does . We know who He is. We know He was sent by God. We know He Lives.
Sir, because this person did not have the true Spirit of Christ. I believe that if God gave you the true Spirit, He will not take it away but thats only as far as my limited knowledge goes.
I had to figure out the hard way. That actually hurt the most is how much Catholics and Christians and whatever else ripped apart are Bibles. And I had to find out from a UA-camr by actually pointing out the verses that they actually messed with
@@nomadicrecovery1586 nah man lol. They’re Christian’s, and they have the longest history too in Christianity. You just don’t like them lol. Orthodox, Catholics, and Protestants are all Christians. You can’t escape that. That’s like a Jew saying “nah ultra Orthodox aren’t real Jews” lol.
I really enjoy the way Rabbi Tovia puts things so we can relate. As an xtian I put the jesus file into Matthew 10. Namely starting down there around verse 32 and then carrying on. But just read the whole thing so that you can get the context. Matt 8:21,22 not nice either. You should be able to find out all about Jesus from what we can gather of what people have said that he said that he said that he said, is written in red in most NT greek script. That should give anyone wondering some kind of idea maybe if he was possibly if those words or even true. I put Jesus in the "Things I don't have to worry about anymore". Along with the "rapture, trib, second coming revelations stuff. All that automatically gets deleted after sufficient study of Torah and Judaism. The G-d file is still as it was only improved and moved to the only icon on the desktop now. I had to crop and edited the G-d file to remove the confusing trinitarian idolatry. That part goes to the trash bin and then empty trash... confirm.... yes... ok that part is good G-d is ONE. Not a man. Numbers 23:19. Thanks for more insight Rabbi Singer Noahide for non jew. Helping Christian non jews change.
@abraham mani after further studies. No one can prove that god, jesus, osiris, krishna, zues, apollos, peter, paul or any of those stories are real or true. They are all just stories handed down from old times. The kings and rulers of the world have used the superstition of the masses to control them with these stories. I don't believe in any of the religious stuff anymore. To many men put god and the Bible as a sole purpose for mass genocide and murder. Far to many wars and bloodshed have stemmed from religion and those archaic belief systems. We are smarter than that and smarter than the so called god. We have to do what is good and right for mankind not godkind. We get our moral compass from society not the bible. Why give god credit for efforts i have made and goals i have accomplished. I don't worry about the next life because there is no proof that it exists. Religions and churches Beware that you have been fooled and controlled by the cult. They want your money and control just like the govt because they are the secret tax and govt themselves. Full of corruption and greed.
Brilliant. At some point, if he or she is truly honest, they will cry out to G-d for truth, and He will open their hearts to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the G-d of Jesus, too, the G-d of all Jews, and He will show them that I alone am G-d, not Jesus, not any creature or other being. I am G-d. There is no other. This is the truth and finally at some point all will come to it.
Harold Goodman have you ever critically studied the four gospels? Not the epistles...but the gospels? Or are you regurgitating what you've heard from Rabbi Tovia?
+Harold Goodman I notice you write G-d a lot. Undoubtedly you feel you are being properly reverential and obeying the 3rd commandment. However, God is not the divine name, it's merely a title and regardless, if the Creator did not want people to use his name, he would not have told them what it was, commanded his people to use it and inspired it to be in the Hebrew Scriptures nearly 7,000 times. It is the Devil who does not want people to use God's name. (Jeremiah 23:27) They intend to make my people forget my name The 3rd Commandment says (Exodus 20:7) “You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way, Whether one uses YHWH (Hebrew) or Jehovah (English), this is the name referred to. The Encyclopaedia Judaica says that “the avoidance of pronouncing the name YHWH . . . was caused by a misunderstanding of the Third Commandment.” The religion of the Jews was hijacked and taken over by the Pharisees after the destruction of the Temple and the end of the Priesthood and sacrificial arrangement. Evidently, during the first and second centuries C.E., a prohibition regarding the use of God’s name took hold. The Mishnah (a collection of rabbinic commentaries that became the foundation of the Talmud) states that “one who pronounces the divine name as it is spelt” has no portion in the future earthly Paradise promised by God. What was the origin of such a prohibition? Some claim that the Jews considered the name of God too sacred for imperfect humans to pronounce. Eventually, there was a hesitancy even to write the name. Jewish prohibitions regarding God’s personal name still survive. Many continue to refer to the Tetragrammaton as the “Ineffable Name” and the “Unutterable Name.” Some even avoid writing out the term “God,” substituting a dash for one or more letters. For instance, when they wish to write the English word “God,” some actually write “G-d.” God is not the divine name however, YHWH is. "God" is a description, not a name, which is even used for false gods. This is going overboard and is not Biblical. Satan does not want people to use God's name and thus influenced the Jews and later Christian apostates to ban it's use due to misapplying the 3rd commandment. The Creator did not have to tell us his name, but he did and then inspired it to be used by Bible writers. Use of God's personal name was very common during Bible times as shown by YHWH being in the Hebrew scriptures nearly 7,000 times. It was even commonly used in everyday greetings. For example, notice Boaz, Ruth's future husband talking with his workers. (Ruth 2:4) Boʹaz arrived from Bethʹle·hem and said to the harvesters: “Jehovah be with you.” And they replied: “Jehovah bless you.” God commands us to use his name. (Psalms 105:1) Give thanks to Jehovah, call on his name (Psalms 83:18) May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth. Although God has many titles, he has given himself only one name. (Exodus 3:15) Then God said once more to Moses: “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Jehovah the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation. Jehovah translates as "He who causes to become" meaning he can cause his purposes to come true and can makes himself or his servants be whatever is necessary to accomplish his will. This is a wonderful name and understanding it's meaning helps us know him better. In fact knowing and using God's personal name is vital for salvation. (Romans 10:13)(Joel 2:32) For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” 14 However, how will they call on him if they have not put faith in him? How, in turn, will they put faith in him about whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? Here is a nice video and article discussing the importance of using God's name.
+castcreator A criticism without detail or explanation is useless. What argument are you making, that God's name is only his name in Hebrew, that it ceases to be his name when translated? Why? And yet, another fellow responding stuck a - dash into it (J-hovah) so apparently he felt that it was God's name to the extent he felt uncomfortable not modifying it. I am writing in English. Thus I write Jesus rather than Yeshua (or other forms in Hebrew (Yeshoshua, etc.) This does not cease to be his name simply because of being put into English letters. (The meaning remains the same "Jehovah is Salvation") Similarly, Jehovah has been the accepted version of YHWH in English for hundreds of years, from since there has been an English language. The meaning "I shall cause to be" or "He who causes to become" remains the same in any language. "lol" is a condescending insult. If you have legitimate criticism express it intelligently rather than be smug.
Poor Jews they don't believe in the massiah Jesus peace be upon him, so they are still waiting for the messiah not the appointed by God but according their desires. Therefore they will follow the antichrist thinking that he is the massiah. This what's going happen to them as punishment of God for their arrogance.
Christ prophesied The Kingdom of heaven, a spiritual Kingdom, was going to replace the physical Kingdom, And the sign that would be given that the Transition Had occurred Would be the desolation of the Jerusalem temple. Jesus said not one stone would be left upon another, it happened exactly as he Prophesied. Jesus prophesied the Jewish priesthood and sacrificial System would be destroyed by fire and judgment and come to an end within His generation. It happened exactly as he prophesied. Luke 19:41-44 (NKJV) 41 Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, 42 saying, "If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. 43 For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, 44 and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation." Isaiah 29:1-7 (NIV) 1 Woe to you, Ariel, Ariel, the city where David settled! Add year to year and let your cycle of festivals go on. 2 Yet I will besiege Ariel; she will mourn and lament, she will be to me like an altar hearth. 3 I will encamp against you all around; I will encircle you with towers and set up my siegeworks against you. 4 Brought low, you will speak from the ground; your speech will mumble out of the dust. Your voice will come ghostlike from the earth; out of the dust, your speech will whisper.
how come this guys knows so much ? i have seen him explaining Islam, Christinity, Judasim and so many historically events and he knows so much about Muslims as well.. how the heck does he even remembers all these stuff without even looking at it??
One problem I have observed with rabbis, when they don’t have a straight answer they digress into complex theoretical and philosophical spins which have no base in facts and they do this to a huge array of topics. It’s okay to say you have no idea instead of posting clickbaits and no answers.
Agreed. He didn't even try to address the question head on. He tried to play the psychological angle to answer it. Honest questions deserve honest answers. Not a bucketful of words.
The Rabbi speaks with a lot of "controlled" passion and one can tell he deeply holds his beliefs as true. I understand how he would want to fight to preserve his religion against these aggressive Christian Evangelist's and I wish him success. I'm a 3X ex-Christian and I have used some of the rabbi's info from the videos in debates with Christians. It's amazing to me when Christians tell me I spend too much time studying the Old Test. and always wanted me to focus to the 4 gospels and the resurrection of Jesus. This particular video does a good job addressing the problem of prematurely accepting Jesus and risking idolatry. I'm an Atheist but find many Christians get wrapped up with cult type behaviors which is scary. Wrap up cult-Christianity with right-wing politics, sprinkle in some ignorance (okay, a lot) and you see what it fueled in Washington D.C. Just saying...out!
You literally don’t understand what he’s doing. It’s part of a larger rhetorical tradition connected to Jewish cultural norms. It is not an accident and it is not - as you are none too subtly implying - disingenuous. It’s just that he’s speaking to the in-group and presuming that everyone already understands the basics of Jewish thought and Jewish teaching methods. Just like some cultures use the Socratic Method, Jewish culture uses _this_ method: Answering a question with a question; interrogating _why_ one would ask the question; considering if this is even the correct question to be asking; and then, finally, answering the question.
Exodus Chapter 23 שְׁמוֹת 13) And in all things that I have said unto you take ye heed; and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.
holy smokes!!! i thought he was talking about me!! I'm pushing 60yo and had been a christian all my life. but like many, slowly coming to grips that all from matthew to revelations is an epic fail. my family and i left christianity about 10 years ago and started keeping all the commandments in the Torah(ot), and the more you learn from the Torah, you slowly start to realize, that there was no need to append the NT to the Torah. the Torah got hijack by the catholics to help control the people, just as Tovia said, there is no historical proof of the greek jesus, but plenty of joseph smith, the red sea crossing, bricks made without straw, tombs and pillars, etc. lots of OT proofs, but none of the NT. why is that? question everything until you can prove it yourself. Shalom!!!
My story is very similar. I always had problems with the 'quantum leaps' I had to make to reconcile certain doctrines, I just blamed myself and thought that I did not have enough faith. I actually started resenting God, the mean God of the old testament who can't be approached unless you are seen through the blood of his son. Now that I only read Torah, I can see just what a plagerised religion Christianity really is. The NT is not necessary at all, Hashem is so wonderful that why would you even think that he is mean. And to add insult to injury, the idolatrous book is tacked on to the back of the Torah and then virtually never referred to except for cherry picked scriptures. They claim NT is 'scripture'. People have to start getting real.
MR. FITTA oooh, I am so scared. I mean, would God not want me to squirrel out the truth for myself? Or do I just need to be another doctrinated deluded christian thinking their 'faith' is going to please God. Let's see some action apart from applying the bandaid of the sickly false love that you apply to yourselves, it is actually quite disgusting to watch the prettiness, because we all know as soon as you leave the church on a Sunday, you go straight back into your sins. There is no power in the gospel, just an illusion of a free lunch. You are naked and you don't know how ashamed you will be soon.
MR. FITTA I have abandoned the idol. I am finding my way through reading the Torah, listening to the wisdom of the Rabbis and living with shame and repentance every day of my life for how I loved the idol and ruined my life. I am hoping that Hashem will cut his losses with me and just be done and end it all, but I am here, and I am seeking and I am fighting all those who propagate the lie. It is the least I can do to try to undo all the damage I have done by zealously 'witnessing' and depriving myself all my life. So, yeah, I don't have all the answers, but I can show a few pitfalls. Unfortunately, the attacks from the christians require me to always bring out the big guns. It is a comment section, there is free speech and I don't care if people reject what I say. I reject what they are saying, because I have reasoned it all out and found it to be false (christianity). Either I become a pagan, or else I seek the Ancient of Days and see what he says about finding the path to life.....I am please to inform you..... it can be found if you read the book from the start, like a book.
(By the way this is me, I am at College in a lecture, and you cannot have the GMAIL associated to your account connected to UA-cam while in lecture). So please know this is Angelo Manzi, and I will stay on here till my lecture ends (in 2 hours or so)
everything is at stake here, so no i'm not joking. i've done a lot of research, a ton of reading from the historians, archology, etc.. i can find quite a few evidences for the Tenak/OT, but non for the NT.i just went thru verifiying the messianic prophecies that are used as proofs for JC, and they all turn out with serious problems. so i don't want to live with a lie, so i've fallen back to the salvation found in the Torah, which was always there, just never taught by christian pastors.
This video proves that most Jews, and Christians too, are both unaware that the Bible states who the Messiah is and when he will appear. It wasn't Jesus of Nazareth! So what are the Bible verses that identify, by name, the Messiah, and when he was to appear? The prophet Haggai, writing in the 2nd year of Darius the King of Persia (ruled 521-485 BC), stated that the Messiah was to be Zerub'babel, the grandson of Jehoiachin, a royal descendant of King David. Zerub'babel was the governor of Judaea under the Persians, and God declared that he will "make Zerub'babel like a signet ring, for I have chosen you" (Haggai 2.20-23). The prophet Zechariah identifies the Messiah in the 2nd year of the Persian King Darius. Zerub'babel is to rebuild Solomon's Temple and complete it (Zech 4.9). Zechariah has a crown made and set upon the head of Joshua, son of Jehozadak the high priest, saying the crowned one will rebuild god's temple and bear royal honor and shall sit and rule upon his throne and there shall be a priest by his throne (Zech 7.11-14). Apparently the crown of Joshua's head is symbolic of the crown to sit upon Zerub'babel's head as he is identified as the builder of God's temple (Zech 4.9). So, there you have it direct from God and the Holy Spirit via Haggai and Zechariah, The Post-Exilic Messiah ("annointed one") will be Zerub'babel, Persian governor of Judah! The problem? The event never happened! Yes, the Temple was built by 515 BC, but The Holy Spirit had said Zerub'babel would be crowned as Messiah AFTER THE OVERTHROW OF THE THRONE OF KINGDOMS (Haggai 2.22-23). At this time, King Darius was facing a series of revolts through out his kingdom, an attempt to overthrow him as king. He was successful in putting down all the revolts. So the prophets had erred, they apparently thought the revolts were God's doing and that with the Persian King removed from power, Judah could crown its Messiah (King or Annointed one) without interference from the Persians and all the world would assemble at Jerusalem, the throne of God (Jer 3:17). The great mystery here is why have Jew and Christian both turned a blind eye to Haggai and Zechariah and their identification of the Post-Exilic Messiah as being Zerub'babel?
There is an enigma about the person known as Jesus: he was a threat to the contemporary religious establishment of his time. That threat was so great that they had him crucified. So what was the real reason for wanting him to be murdered?
This rabbi speaks with the same fervor that burned in the hearts of the Pharisees when Jesus walked this earth. John 8:58, "Jesus said to them, 'Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.'" John 14:6, 'Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me." I believe who He said he is. For those who do not and reject him, you're not going be able to crucify him a second time. See you on Judgement Day.
Rabbi the woman asked you a question and you wasted the whole time not answering the question....Who is Yeshua of Nazareth if he's not the Messiah? What research have you done outside the bible to know of his existence.......?
Yeshua is Messiah. He fulfilled Torah. He showed us the way to the Father. He taught against arrogance and pride as did all the prophets. Beware of liars.
Why is it that when you speak, you say God but when you write, you do it as G-d? This is weird way to express yourself! It looks like somekind of religious sect trying to be different. And by the way, God did not say that you can’t say or use His Holy Name but not to use it in vain.
Jesus Christ is the one Deuteronomy 18:15 is talking about. Because the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy Revelation 19:10. So, Jesus Christ is also the prophet like Moses according to the book of Revelation. Because before God delivered his people, he caused Egypt to have all kinds of plague, and after dealing with Egyptian, he delivered his people. which is exactly what is going to happen with Jesus Christ, before he comes back to deliver his people, the world will have all kinds of plague. Then after God's people will be delivered.
Many people love jc, because without him they believe they are going to hell, it is one of the biggest marketing lies of all times. It is a form of blackmail.
This fellow is right in that we mostly don't leave christianity because we love Jesus. But we love him because he loved us first. Now, concerning the Scriptures, let's be honest, dear jews. There is way more historical evidence for the existence of Jesus than for the existence of Moses. It's true, the gospels were written within 30-60 years after the events according to scholars, but even that time frame allows for eyewitnesses to be alive at the time of their composition, at least for Mark, Luke and Matthew. And we have four accounts! In contrast, we only have one account of the patriarchs and Moses, and the controversy over the date and author of the Torah is greatly disputed, and even more disputed is whether the accounts of the Torah were real at all. When debating atheists, christians find it harder to defend the Torah than the gospels. We christians believe the Torah because Jesus affirmed it and taught it, and because we can see how he fulfills the Torah even to the smallest detail. Guess why we reject gnosticism? Because it teaches a worldview completely different to that of the Torah. Actually, the church fathers Mr. Singer is referencing defended christian orthodoxy against the gnostics who contradicted the Jewish scriptures (i.e., the Old Testament) and often wanted it out. I'll be honest: if I were ever to consider leaving my christian faith, I'd leave it from Bereshit to Revelation. Because if Jesus was not the fulfillment of the Torah and the Nevi'im, then no one will ever be. It's that simple.
Tovia .........u talked for 20 minutes but u never told who Jesus was u seemed to be against him though u always has his presence in ur Torrah .. what will u answer ro God, HeSham
So... To the question of who is Jesus, his answer is only people who used to be Christian ask that question. 🤔🤔🤔 Obviously,.... Makes complete sense to people who ignore Jesus...
Shalom Rabbi, great message and reply. All so true in my case as well. Been converted to Christianity after having found out about my Jewish roots, sad but true... After years of active evangelical life, a missionary active in assisting the return of Russian Jews told me about Sharansky. Shortening the story, I continued a very active missionary life and eventually went to seminary, graduated and took the facts to test. But as you said, an inner work begun within, turning my interests to the Torah, the Almighty and Haaretz. Eventually it was a deeper study of the whole book of Jeremiah against the so called fulfilled prophecies and the Pauline monstrosities which made me drop Christianity and deconvert. I can't believe I've spent two decades believing all that rubbish, abomination indeed. So here am I again, Jewish and proud in a rather confused British diaspora, too conservative for the reformed, but not enough orthodox for the Orthodox 😇 I'll keep in touch as much as I can.
Nephesh Yehudi. Big mistake, may God forgive you and call you to repentance. Because now you are in the perilous position of Ezekiel chapter 18, and whilst then they had the sacrificial system to validate repentance, you have nothing, and so will remain under the wrath of God. BTW some have fallen away from the faith becoming atheists, and will swear their lives are much better now. So don't think your feelings are a guide, you are deceived and need to wake up out of this malaise. Oh, also, nothing is stopping you from wearing your Jewish colors with pride, just not in the footsteps of the unbelieving Rabbi's who in actual fact are enemies of God, his Messiah and the gospel he has given us.
Well done bro! I'm not a Jew but a Noahide and Jew in heart. Christianity is a corrupt system. They have even corrupted your holy scriptures to point to a pagan deity. Peace :)
Ecclesiastes 4-9:12 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? (3) Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. The messiah and the high priest will stand together when Israel stands behind them because 3 cords are not so easily broken and what good is one each by themself ?
If we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins remains, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume all adversaries. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.…How much more severely do you think one deserves to be punished who has trampled on the Son of God, profaned the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and insulted the Spirit of grace? Hebrews 10-26-28 Old Testament
Paul isn't a real apostle is your first problem. There are 12 apostles not 13. Paul appointed himself an apostle. Paul never knew or walked with Christ which is mandatory for being an actual apostle. Christ said obey the commandments and follow the law and that not one word of the law would pass away until the end of the universe. Don't buy into that Roman perversion of Judaic spirituality.
Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children". Jesus, was, and still is, the Jewish Messiah. Repent now, your eternal destiny depends on it.
I'm an X Evangelical Christian... The TRUTH can be very offensive but we can't lie about the scriptures.... Worshipping Jesus is IDOLATRY...It's the same as worshipping Buddha or the Indian god Shiva.
find out about the kabala! jesus is going to be victorious. revelation 3:20 'behold, i stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, i will come in to him, i will sup with him, and he with me. to him that overcome, will i grant to sit with me in my throne, even as i also overcame, and am set down with my father in his throne. he that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit says unto the churches'.
A lot of it is very hidden, deep in the mind, and one is not aware of it. Habit brings it into speech, songs, especially worship songs. One can change the words but that probably won't erase the original feeling. But what Rabbi Singer exposes, the lies and mis-quoting of Scriptures, the Truth about it all in every aspect, after a while wears it down and you find your mind has been cleansed.
@Sneller Sam hI. No Josephus was not a christian! But he did talk about Yeshua. I amy have misunderstood the Rabbi, but he says that "we have nothing about Jesus that is non christian...."
Perhaps the historical man, Yeshu ben Yosef, just had a heartfelt desire to advance the Rulership of HaShem via a grassroots Repentance Movement among the non-observant and not-so-observant Jews. Maybe Yeshu just fell victim to the cult of personality, not unlike the Lubavitcher Rebbe in our own time.
Jesus is a MISREPRESENTED MAN and perhaps was a holy man who the New Testament writers has portrayed him contradicting the Old Testament, or the original Bible! The N.T. has been corrupted so much that the Muslims reject it as authentic, and the Jews found the N.T. Jesus to be a false prophet. It doesn't concern me who Jesus is ... for thats not even his real name! Just 2 things you need to know: Jesus is NOT G-d! To make him G-d would be idolatry. For G-d is beyond all thoughts and images. G-d is not a man (see Exodus 20:3-5). And secondly, Only the Creator G-d can save you! If you obey & trust G-d, the 7 Laws of Noah and the commandment to Love, you will be reward. If not, you will be punished. Thats the major things you really need to know. Give a good life! Peace :)
Mwaterfall. I know you sincerely believe Judaism is the way of God, many people in Religion think they are right, most of them good sincere people, however I must completely come against the man made doctrine that is Noahide, its the same as all religions including yours; an attempt to start running, blind, having not been introduced to God to know him personally first. As a case in point at Sinai, Israel saw something before God spoke to them, the whole nation was introduced to God, then they were gien commands-instructions. Its the same today, and while you will say the soul who sins dies, you don't understand, that,for that soul to be right with God must first know him. Each must have their own encounter with the Living God,its impossible to be in right relationship with him otherwise. No religion provides this opportunity- but his Son does.
MR. FITTA - I have more deistic views of G-d and life than being a Noahide. On the other hand, everything spoken about Jesus came not from him, but from the New Testament which is corrupted. If you really want to know and find G-d be humble enough to REJECT ALL of the N.T. corruptions of what is called Word of G-d. Until that time, you are following lies and being made to worship a god-man, which is pure idolatry :/
Mwaterfall. My experiences based on what I believe says different. I have a real, and fulfilling relationship with God. One which grows deeper and stronger the more I rely on him, connect with him through prayer, and walk in the power and enabling of his Spirit. I've seen the impossible happen when I have believed; I have felt the presence of God, a real discernable presence. I've even been able to speak words of relevance into peoples lives; not words of my own intelligence and mind , but words I have have heard coming from the depths of my spirit. I've heard my own subconscious speak words so that I can listen, and on checking I've found the words to be exact verses word for word. I mean, every alternative posed to me, falls short one way or another, and I especially reject a pathway to God that excludes his Son, its not possible to come to him any other way. All those claiming this is possible stumble, when it comes to the bible, claiming only half is relevant, misinterpreting the scriptures, falling when it comes to explaining some of the so called 'contradictions' but for me, most importantly, as soon as I bring up the question of sharing what God has done and how/when he 'spoke'into the heart, the other side/party goes either quiet, or start to throw verses and chapters, some even thinking the language they are spoken in makes a difference; and the nonsense about what is eaten making one more or less spiritual is quite amusing.
Behold your Messiah is about to come and His name is Jesus Christ... the One whom your forefathers have pierced as it says in your Torah...Zechariah 12:10 10 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a firstborn. Who else who was pierced but Jesus...exactly what it says in Isaiah it for yourselves.. Please Israel, hear this, you are Gods chosen people...and He's coming back very soon as your Messiah and Ruler over all the people and nations of the world. He's the One we are waiting for and He might be coming in few days..The one you are waiting for is not a Messiah but the beast, (not an animal) but a very cruel demonic human ruler...Christians call him, the antichrist. He will deceive everyone especially Israel. Then in the middle of his governing, (he's gonna rule for a period of about 7 years) he will show up as the beast, ruling violently among all nations down here on earth, and the all the believers of Christ by that time, Jews and Gentiles, will be in heaven ( taken up by what we call Rapture). Go on UA-cam and find out all the information about this beast. Don't be fooled. It's time to wake up and find more about the truth for your salvation. God loves you and that's why He's letting me warn you about what's going on. Don't ignore this message but humble yourself and accept Jesus Christ. He's the one you're waiting for. There's a lot truth to be revealed and you'll find more on UA-cam channels out there. Blessings
Yeshu has never been written in TORAH. You put his name there when you quoted this verses which makes it false. Your false messiah will never come back. The TRUE Authentic TORAH guarantee it.
@JESUS CHRIST IS GOD Idolatry is a big crime in the court of heaven. G-d already talked to us at Mt Sinai and warned us against another god like yours. We are awaiting for our true Messiah and he certainly is not yours which is a roman myth. Our true G-d revealed himself to more than 3 million people and his voice traveled the whole world that time and many of you just ignored it because you preferred a god made by gold and silver= meaning making up your god. The NT authors are heretics who made up your religion and has no relation with the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures. The "Messiah" is originally from Judaism and copied by your religion. We know when he comes and Israel will always prevail for following what our G-d said in his word.
@JESUS CHRIST IS GOD you laugh now but you will be shocked when you reach your end. The Chosen people are telling you who has the truth so stop shoving our throat your false god.
@JESUS CHRIST IS GOD Woe to you an idolater who refuses to accept the one true G-d of Israel. You believe in one of our bastards who caused millions of death to Jews and non-Jews over millenium. Wake up, man and search for the truth that is found only in our Hebrew Scriptures and not in your NT which was manufactured by heretics.
@JESUS CHRIST IS GOD BTW all our prophets never talked about the man that you believed. They wrote and transmitted to us that we must never join your religion for ours is the absolute TRUTH. You use our Tanakh to justify your lies which is stealing and misusing the word of G-d. That alone has long consequences and ramification in your next world. So Stop it. I am serious. Your false messiah will never come to Israel for he is wallowing in the 7th Gehinom for vilifying our sages as written in your gospel of Matthew.
Rabbi, I'm a former atheist and have studied Islam, Judaism and Christianity. I'd like to debate you. We can be friends don't be offended because I'm calling you out.
@@07silvali BTW do not mix NT with OT. Analyze the OT as jews have their entire lives and even understanding the Hebrew language it was written in and learning the oral teachings of it. You dont know anything about the OT if you are claiming Jesus as G-d. They are seperate entities and strangely enough the NT doesnt even seem to understand the basic principle that to be a descendent you must have that biological father, not a virgin birth. And again didnt even fulfill the prophecies. Jesus spoke aramaic and was born in israel, yet greeks wrote the NT or the people felt they had to suddenly write in Greek? Do you ever question in your life why arent christians taught biblical hebrew and koine greek so they can fully encompass and understand their entire history and bible? Because many christians who seem to finally do so or even just research find christianity to be massively flawed and almost built upon lies. Oddly the NT says they fulfill the messianic prophecy by having Jesus born in Bethlehem yet this was a massive misunderstanding on their part of the OT verse that it points to. The verse spoke of King David, not that the messiah will be born of Bethlehem but they he will descend from King David. Somehow the jews of this time didnt seem to understand their own religion or book well enough? Even if about Bethlehem, Mary had to move to bethlehem to fulfill it even. Thats insanely easy to fulfill a prophecy by doing it yourself. Issue is again, Jesus didnt fulfill any of the other prophecies and isnt even a descendent of David. At this point you have to ask if Jesus even existed or was somehow totally warped and unrelated to anything christianity makes it out to be, because the religion is insanely flawed.
I was born and raised a Catholic but after reading most of the bible and seeing all the contradictions figured that I could not as an intelligent person believe in any such god. I do however believe that there is some sort of creation force out there in the universe somewhere but I dont believe that any religion has ever gotten it right
The authenticity of Moses is based on the public revelation at Sinai: God revealed Himself to the entire nation of Israel, at least three million people, and proclaimed before them the Ten Commandments. The entire Jewish people personally experienced that revelation, each individual in effect becoming a prophet, and each one verifying the experience of the other. With their own eyes they saw, and with their own ears they heard, as the Divine voice spoke to them, and also they heard God saying, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following ..." They did not receive the occurrence of that event and accept it as some claim or tradition of an individual, but they experienced it themselves. That public revelation, therefore, authenticated the bona fide status of Moses as a prophet of God, and the Divine origin of the instructions he recorded in the Torah. That, and that alone, is the criterion for the belief in, and acceptance of, Moses and his teachings.
He is the Messiah the Son of God! And we will all see him sitting on the right hand of God the Father coming on the clouds of Heaven! Praise Jesus Kings of Kings and Lord of lords!
I’m did not become a Christian because I loved JESUS. I became a Christian because the HOLY SPIRIT convicted me of my sinful nature and showed me I could NEVER please GOD by adhering to The Law or ritualistic religions.Even Judaism is ritualistic. However in CHRIST we have total freedom without Catholic or any other cults rituals. The HOLY SPIRIT lead me to YESHUA, to freedom, to inner peace and eternal life. YESHUA followed the law perfectly because I never could and bore the punishment for my inability to adhere to the law. Here is the way to eternal life and pleasing GOD.......1)respond to the conviction of the HOLY SPIRIT, 2)repent of your sin, 3)believe that JESUS CHRIST is Lord and that GOD raised HIM from the dead.There that’s it .......a perfect trinity! With much love and peace, John.
Inspired by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Precisely! Psalm 110:1 “ The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool unto your feet.” Explanation, David is speaking from his perspective, The Lord(GOD THE FATHER) says to my Lord(YESHUA) sit at my right hand.......Praise be to GOD THE FATHER and the Lord YESHUA FOREVER, amen! With much love and peace, John.
If you want to really follow the the truth listen to this Rabbi. So so absolutely honest, we have been lie to for decades. If HaShem open your ears and you were a Christian Like me I cried for weeks for all the lies in the new testament
Are you even listening to this rabbi? He hasn’t even answered the question. He just talking nonsense just to say he doesn’t have an answer. The lady ask who was he then and did he do the things that they said he did. He’s not answering that question he’s just saying he’s not the messiah.
You may become a jew by following this rabbi but you will not be a child of God. That rabbi need to be born again and receive the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 7:14 God give Israel a sign, ' the virgin will concieve and bear a son, and shall call his name immanuel. ' that was fulfilled in Jesus birth, Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 9:6 Unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given, His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Your rabbi will not use those scriptures, so he selectively quote to deceive .
Jesus was a Prophet of God, and he was the Messiah, because he was not crucified. So he did not die the death of a blasphemer. Because the Torah says that the hanged man is cursed. But we as Muslims believe in Jesus as a Prophet, we accept ALL the prophets of God Almighty. Islam is the truth
Perry Crozier jokes on you because gd said pork was unclean. Christians sure like to preach out of our “Old Testament” yet refuse to abide by the laws unless it’s to skew an agenda to hate. Good for you. 👏🏼
A UA-cam video titled _Rabbi Tovia Singer Explains to Caller Why the Messiah Can’t be Anything Remotely Resembling Jesus_ explains that the prophet Ezekiel gave a detailed description of the Messiah's duties in the Messianic Age and these duties are in CONTRADICTION of Christian claims about Messiah Jesus. That is to say, the New Testament has Jesus being in place of the sacrificial lamb; according to the authors of the New Testament, Jesus' shed blood on the cross ends animal shed blood for the remission of sins as appears in the Laws of Moses in the Old Testament. Ezekiel says the Messiah will offer bulls to be slain by the priests, for the remission of the Messiah's sins and the sins of his people. This event cannot happen for Christians in the Messianic Age, for it would negate Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Ezekiel 45:1-25; 46:1-24. "the prince's duty...he shall provide the sin offerings, cereal offerings, burnt offerings and peace offerings, to make atonement for the house of shall take a young bull without blemish, and cleanse the sanctuary. The priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering and put it on the doorposts of the temple...On that day the prince shall provide for himself and all the people of the land a young bull for a sin offering..." Ergo, Rabbi Tova Singer is correct, Jesus cannot be the Messiah ( or "Prince," Jesus being called the "Prince of Peace") spoken of by the Holy Spirit to Ezekiel.
Tovia, was Moses rejected by Israel, and because of this rejection suffered a death to the life Moses knew in Egypt, only to be resurrected from the dead, EXILE, and return long after the Israelite's thought Moses dead, to Redeem Israel from slavery in Egypt FOREVER. Tovia, did Moses not prophecy that, ONE greater than him would come, a Redeemer like Moses who was to be as GOD, a Mashiach who is " GOD HERO, FATHER FOREVER, WONDER COUNSELOR, PRINCE of PEACE, UPON WHOSE SHOULDER DOMINION RESTS ", GOD'S first begotten son, ONE with the GOD of LIGHTS, the GOD of SPIRITS, the FATHER of all creation, " Let us create man IN OUR, OUR, OUR, IMAGE. A Mashiach begotten before the sun, " you are my SON before the Daystar I have BEGOTTEN YOU ", that is before all creation, which was created through HIM, and for HIM. Like Moses before him, Mashiach was rejected by Israel, though not all, and literally dying to the life Mashiach knew in Israel, conspired against by Caiaphas and his contemporaries unto death as revealed in the Prophets, " if MY Servant gives HIS life as an offering for sin, He shall see HIS descendants in a LONG life " obviously RISING FROM THE DEAD, and like Moses RETURNING to Jerusalem and Redeeming the whole world from slavery to death, FOREVER. Tovia you are kicking against the goad, Israel will mourn for the " ONE THRUST THROUGH " who like Joseph, and Moses, came to Israel two thousand years ago, all suffering eerily similar fates. Tovia, have you read " the LORD, said to my LORD, sit at my RIGHT HAND " written by David who calls Mashiach LORD, Mashiach is not a son of David, Mashiach is the SON of the LIVING GOD of Israel, that is who Jeshua is, one you reject as your ancestors, though not all, may you receive the TRUE LIGHT of Israel, as Saul of Tarsus did, who was unmatched in his zeal against the the WAY, and served Mashiach Jeshua with the same zeal. Shalom
@@chaimf1974 Cool answer, problem is the Torah had existed for 2000 years and the Gospels had been officially put together 300 years prior to Mohammad’s existence. So he had the Torah and the Godpels to go by. When Paul wrote his earliest letters and when Josephus wrote the “Testimonium Flavianum”, The Gospels had not yet been composed hence giving us evidence of Jesus outside of the Gospels. All we know of Moses is from the OT. This neither proves nor disproves but I’m merely making a point. I believe Moses existed because Christ referenced him.
@@liamkeogh5135 I wasn't sure what you were looking for. Are you merely looking for evidence of Moses' existence outside of Jewish sources, because finding such evidence would provide more legitimacy to Jewish claims? Or are you asking for such evidence because you believe the evidence for Jesus is greater, since he is mentioned outside of the Gospels? I'm genuinely unsure where to take this, but if the implication is, that someone should not deny the accuracy of the divinity of Jesus while believing that Moses existed, because there exists more diverse proofs for Jesus, I would respond in many ways. 1) No one denies that Jesus existed, to argue that Jesus is divine is another story. I, too, exist, and there are more proofs of my existence than anyone else that lived years prior to my birth. Does that make me God? I hope not. 2) You also mention that you believe Moses existed because Jesus said so. Do you realize that you also only believe in Jesus because Moses existed? Moses has to come first in the equation, as Xtianity relies on the Jewish Prophets and teachings (IMO, pervertedly). To say that you believe in Moses because Jesus said so is like saying you believe your grandparents once existed because your parents said they did, but only because your parents said they did. You rely on Moses for what Jesus says to matter to you. 3) Most importantly, Jews don't believe that Moses was more divine that another human being. What I mean is, all of his divinity was a reflection of the One God. He was as divine as that which he reflected, entirely reliant on the Almighty. Xtians believe _in_ Jesus which is something very different. While I believe that Moses was Hashem's greatest prophet, I don't pray to him. I don't _believe_ in *him*. I believe and pray to God, and sometimes, I may even pray that God answer my prayers in the merit of great people like Moses. But it is always, only, prayer to God as God is the only source of power. Lmk if I addressed your thoughts or if I was completely off target :)
@@chaimf1974 What I am saying is largely rhetorical. The Rabi likes to claim that only evidence for Jesus is the Gospels and that the Divinity of Christ increases as the Gospels go on. So basically he thinks that in Mark, Christ isn’t really divine but by the time you get to John, Jesus is God. I refute this claim. If you only had Mark to read then you would still have Jesus as the Divine Son of God. Rabi Tovia never actually states if he thinks Jesus is real or not. Watch him closely. He talks about the Gospels like they were made up by different individuals who partially copied each other but added to the story as the years went on. He never states who he thinks Jesus actually was. Inferring that Jesus may not have even existed. To disagree with you slightly, I actually do think many people believe he never existed. My point on Moses is I know he existed without the need for any other sources because Jesus of Nazareth (who there are plenty sources for) referenced Moses. Because Rabi Tovia doesn’t believe in Jesus and may even believe that he is a fictional character. Then Jesus’ reference of Moses is rendered useless. The Rabi hence has no other sources for his greatest prophet other than what is written in Jewish scripture. This renders his arguments against evidence for Jesus’ divinity or even existence useless. In a nutshell, as Christians we know of Moses’ existence because Jesus confirms it, we know of Jesus existence because of the many none Christian sources who reference him, namely Josephus. Tibia doesn’t believe in Jesus so he has no confirmation of Moses outside of Jewish scripture which makes his opinions on Jesus hypocritical.
Jewish people still reject Jesus Christ and they probably will until his 2nd coming Psalms 22:16-18 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me. They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture. Psalms 22:16-18 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. Zechariah 12:10 Jesus himself said in the book of John, He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, John 7:38 and that means the old Testament, I have no reason to dislike the Jewish people now it's the time for Gentiles like me to get saved I am thankful that GOD sent the savior like he he said he would.
'Jesus or Yeshua of Nazareth' would be considered a human sacrifice which is an abomination to the God of Israel. The Hebrew Bible also says that no human can pay for another human's sin, therefore, it's impossible for Jesus to have paid the price for the sins of the world. Yeshua of Nazareth can never be the Messiah because the God of Israel is avidly against human sacrifice and says each human must pay for his own sin. I was a very devout Christian for around thirty years, there are some good things in it; such as, love is patient, love is kind, love does no ill will against others, etc... I hope the Israeli Messiah is a real prophesied human who will cause complete peace on earth, end of wars, end of bullying, end of violence, and we can beat our weapons into farming tools. Listen to Mitisyahu's song "One Day", it's a really good song.
Rez Parviz The Bible never says Jesus is the Great I Am nor does the Bible ever once say Jesus is God. If you look up the oldest manuscripts of Greek scriptures, you'll also see, "I am the Alpha and the Omega...." isn't in the oldest manuscripts but was added later. God would never use Jesus as his name either. Yeshua, Yehoshua, Jesus is the same thing as YeH is salvation. YaH, YeH, YeHUaH, YaHUaH is God's Name and no human is named YeHUaH for it's name only God has. Jesus is supposedly the Son of God, not the Father God. Jesus said My Father is Greater Than (>) I. Jesus didn't say that My Father and I are Equal (=). Also, The Greek scripture says, have this mind (thought process) be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form (image) of God thought it not something to be grasped to be equal with God.... We are to also think being equal with God a thing to be grasped, for we are Less Than (
James O'Brien Jesus is the one and only special son of God. Yes your also a Son of God , but you could never do what Jesus did and I don't want to get into a discussion as to what is real name was. In Mexico your name would be different than in the USA.. Christ was born without sin , that means of a Virgin . He was the sprit of God , you and I are not directly from God . You are a result of mother and Father who had You. Mary was sinless which was the perfect vessel for Christ to come into the world . He was the Messiah, he was the final sin offering who died for our sins . There is no more animal sacrifices. He was the final sacrifice. I know you understand what I am saying , but being a Christian was too hard and so you choose to look elsewhere. Those that endure to the end will be saved brother . Finish the race . The Jews are wrong .. Dr Peter Stoner proved without a doubt that Christ fulfilled every OT prophesy over 300. Do you know what the odds are of that ? 8 prophesies fulfilled would be as if you took Texas and filled it 2 feet high full of silver dollars and marked one coin and threw it in the pile and then mixed up all the coins. Then I told you that you have 1 chance to pick the right coin . That's just 8 . Imagine 300. The number is so large that the Jews threw out there Torah and made a Talmud which they follow because they knew the prophecies of Isaiah and Daniel .. Come back home brother. Christ is the way the truth and the life and "Nobody comes to the Father except through me"!
Rez Parviz I will never come back to Christianity. The only faith I may go for is Judaism and I even question his goodness. I know God is not a Father, Abba, Dad because any dad would feed his starving children and really take care of their needs. When I was a Christian, I had an ailment and prayed 1,000 times for God to help me and heal me and after begging he did nothing for me. I didn't even have to ask my real dad to take care of me, he just did it because he loved me. God did not take care of me in my needs. I will never accept a human sacrifice to replace or fully fill animal sacrifices ever again. I like how the Jews would sacrifice animals, then eat them, and use their hides for good purposes. There is nothing wrong with animal sacrifices unless you are a vegan activist.
James O'Brien What would be the need of God healing you if your just going to get a new body in Heaven anyways ? I have so many ailments brother that I can't even count .. do you think that life is without suffering ..? Do you know why we suffer ? It's to be made into the image of Christ who suffered greatly .. The Bible says in order to share in Christ Glory , we must share in his suffering . This life is a test , a refiners fire . To burn off Your impurities so that you let go of the flesh and live in the sprit . Walking in the sprit , being a beacon a shining light of Christ so that others can see Christ in you . Do you know how many Godly men suffered . Read the history of the church fathers who suffered at the hands of the Romans . The other alternative is to live without faith and be hopeless .. Brother maybe God does not want to heal you now . None of us are guaranteed healing . If and when God heals , it's his will not ours . Jesus said your faith has healed you .. Do you believe he can heal you ? Let me give one bit of advice that helped me tremendously. Partake of the Holy Sacraments . Any Catholics or Orthodox Church.. Try the Orthodox as they still give you Sacraments even if your not a member . Try that and see how You feel . A lot of ailments come from a broken mind . There is mind body connection and if the mind is hurt then the body suffers . Read Carl Jung and his testimonies of the Holy Sacraments also known as The Eucharist.
1. Jesus and most of Jesus's early followers were Jews. After the "New Covenant" was opened by Jesus, the Jewish religion basically disbanded and Biblical Judaism does not exist today. 2. Most groups of people around the world who "claim" to be Jews are unlikely to have any link to the 12 Tribes or the Jews of Jesus's time. ....I hope this helps.
Indeed Rabbi, what you say is verity itself. I'm not Jewish or Christian, and I have to say, I'm very impressed by your scholarship. Shalom. Flaxen Saxon.
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the names "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God. God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@JESUS CHRIST IS GOD: Absolutely NOT TRUE!!! NOWHERE did God EVER mention the name "Jesus Christ" to us. That name is ONLY found in the "New Testament" that is NOT scriptures that was given to mankind by God, and it actually preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai. PLEASE do some honest research on how Christianity started, and you WILL discover, as thousands of us have, that it absolutely DID NOT come from God.
Rabbi Tovio was not at the time when Jesus was around, if he kept on saying that the Christian belief is false and New Testament is false, where do we go from here and what about the Old Testament and the Holy Bible.
As a muslim who is learning about the Torah and the Bible, I can say that my biggest problem is the he died for our sins thing. It looks innocuous but from this belief you open the door to all kind of permissiveness and self indulgence. I think orthodox Judaism is closer to our tradition and I feel it is close to the truth imo. I also get annoyed when people focus too much on the man instead of the teachings. My discomfort is with the latter.
This is unbelivable as a Christian born into this religion for the last 10 years of my life I have prayed and had an intate love for the Jewish people which brought the Hebrew bible into my life to find the truth. Then in recent memory I found Rabbi Tovia and it has completed my journey toward Baruch Hashem. Thank you and may the Holy Hashem bless this channel and Rabbi Tovia. This is excatly what happened to me as a Christian.
Welcome back, my brother! Glad to see that you have returned to the ONLY UNDISPUTED LORD, G-D, SAVIOUR, REDEEMER, MASTER AND CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, HASHEM! Much love to you and may Hashem always bless you!
Awesome! And congratulations, for not being spiritually blind.
Hellow Tovia, I have listened to a couple of presentations and you seem to also read and understand the Christian Bible.
What is your comment on Romans 11?
Rabbi, today it is our turn to bless you: May God be with you, May God bless you with health and strength, May God bless your efforts with success, May God shine on you and through you So that your teachings illuminate all those you touch
He probably does have his own personal opinion on who Jesus was. But It might be too offensive to utter on the radio.
Search the archives. There are several videos on topics connected to this question. Between the, you can gauge what the Rabbi thinks. He believes that Jesus was a real person, primarily because of the bizarre retcons found in the latter two Gospels. The need to explain how he is from both Jerusalem and Bethlehem and the like. He may have been an unorthodox (pun!) rabbi who was preaching an uprising against the Roman’s. He may have claimed to be g-d as part of his cult of personality. He may have been crucified, but likely not nailed to the cross. And the woman who saw him rise from the grave... well, that Mary was also the woman from whom he exorcized demons. The rabbi contends that Christian interpretation of demons is a naive understanding of mental illness... take from that what you will.
Put all of these ideas together (and add a few that I’m sure I’ve missed) and you begin to get a picture. Jesus was a person who may have been involved in some revolutionary thought or action who was then used by later proto-church leaders to build a new religion based largely on willful mistranslation of Torah texts.
this rabbi is not making sense .
I thought that the official version was “he was just a nazirite”
The Christian Jesus was the antichrist
No, this rabbi dodged the question. Also, all this talk about retcons in the New Testament - what about those in the Old Testament? Those are far more "bizarre" and extensive. The revision of the Old by authors J, E, P, D and many others is so much more propagandistic than anything in the New. And your quick assessment of who Jesus
was is shallow. Jesus had no interest whatsoever in bringing down the Roman Empire. What matters is the really big stuff He said that makes Him impossible to dismiss, ie.
the prophecy that "Jerusalem will be handed over to the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles is up" - and this happened in 1967. Jesus was greater than all the prophets in the Old Testament combined. He painted an accurate description of the end of the world and His return in the Olivet Discourse. Both you and this rabbi (who I admire and respect) are not even skimming the surface of who He was.
Why am I stuck watching these videos? I’m not religious.
I am gay. Most Jews are ok with that so nope.
How you doing these days?
The Rabbi speaks with a lot of "controlled" passion and one can tell he deeply holds his beliefs as true. I understand how he would want to fight to preserve his religion against these aggressive Christian Evangelist's and I wish him success. I'm a 3X ex-Christian and I have used some of the rabbi's info from the videos in debates with Christians. It's amazing to me when Christians tell me I spend too much time studying the Old Test. and always wanted me to focus to the 4 gospels and the resurrection of Jesus. This particular video does a good job addressing the problem of prematurely accepting Jesus and risking idolatry. I'm an Atheist but find many Christians get wrapped up with cult type behaviors which is scary. Wrap up cult-Christianity with right-wing politics, sprinkle in some ignorance (okay, a lot) and you see what it fueled in Washington D.C. Just saying...out!
@@kunedoman well said 👏
Wow ... I am motivated to go through my house, and every crucifix, picture, and image I see of Jesus and Mary, throw them away! They are idols! I serve a G-d who is everywhere and can never be compared to any "likeness of anything in heaven and in earth" (Exodus 20).
Praise be to the Creator alone, blessed be "His" most excellent name.
MR. FITTA - Friend, if the pictures are used for idolatry, I'm afraid it does matter to Gd if you possess them. He declares,
"In all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and MAKE NO MENTION of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth ...
... thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images" (Exodus 23:13, 24)
*In other words, all these reminders of false gods (like jesus), which offends our Creator and only Gd ... What do you do with them? The Torah declares, get rid of them! Break them down from your walls, don't have them in their homes, in your car, on your phones, don't even mention them, or mention the name "jesus"! In other words, follow the example of Old Testament heroes by holding no memory of an idol whatsoever!
Jesus was not the Messiah either. The Christian Bibles have Old Testament passages translated in such a way to make it appear that the prophecies refer to Jesus. If you speak to a orthodox Rabbi or Jewish teachers on the original Hebrew of the prophecies, you will learn that Messiah ben David hasnt come yet, and he is not to call himself God, nor accept worship. He will be a faithful servant of the Most High, will have children, and will rebuild the Temple. He will cause world peace
That's because you including Fitta, were raised and taught from the Christian Bible's mistranslated Old Testament. That is why you would read Jesus in these passages. Moreover you follow the New Testament, which has been corrupted.
Personally, I don't follow the Bible, but I give more credence to the original Jewish Bible confirmed by the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls.
But again ... like I said, I don't blame you for being programmed in believing the Christian Bible is the inspired Word of God :))
Mwaterfall. This is why I said you do not know the Father, everything God does he knows already, eg psalm 139:16...."All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be"...
David knew the Lord, and the Spirit of the Lord was upon him.
Eph 1:4 "For he(God ) chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight..."
the words in him are significant, because they show we(believers) are united with God through Christ,
he lives inn us and his power to live according to his word is available to us.
Those such as yourself I could even dare to call pagan or atheist, as you have an idol- a self created deity, or none as your god.
Like you said( about fooling some people but not others), but I will use Gods word, do not be deceived God cannot be mocked , you will reap what you sow.
*M Calkins:* The "New Testament", is NOT scripture that was given by God, therefore, anything that comes out of it is false, and IRRELEVANT. The ONLY scripture that was given to man by God is the Torah/Tanach. Do some honest research on the origins of Christianity - I did - it's a REAL eye-opener!
Thank you Rabbi. It's not so difficult. After so many years of being raised a Catholic with my father, I began my journey back to Judaism. My Jewish mother was proud. My journey began when I looked up the meaning of Xmas (JC's supposed B-day). All I found was paganism in Xmas and Easter. While in the military, we visited the Vatican and witnessed numerous idols displaying sun worship. The Torah also says that Shabbat is the day of rest. Why then should the church make Sunday the day of rest? Just because supposedly, JC resurrected on it? Even as a child, I was made fun of and marked as "The JC killer" because I was Jewish. The Torah and the NT did not make sense as neither did the priest or any other pastors. How can JC do away with "The Old Covenant"? I surely remember seeing rainbows when it rained confirming the Covenant that Hashem made with Noah concerning to never destroying the earth again with rain. Hashem made other covenants with Yisrael but it NEVER meant that the prior covenants were to be abolished as X-tanity conveys. Here is my final thesis on the subject. Who was JC? This video puts it in complete detail, the lies and deception that has transpired through the ages. I'm thankful that my eyes have been clearly opened and I have returned to the G-D of my fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I follow HIS Torah and obey HIS Mitzvots. Not because I have to but because I chose to. I love Hashem and will seek Him and Him only forever. My life has never been so complete and I'm richly satisfied to have returned to Judaism.
*Yaniv Eliav Hernandez:* Mazel tov, and may Hashem continue to bless you as you follow Him!!
Study about the ebionites
Yaniv Eliav Hernandez it’s way better than being an idolatrous equivalent of Paul’s Christianity
@@brianscott2160 he did answer, but he was trying to be sensitive about a very sensitive subject.
Tovia jesus was born and died for you and for the whole world to save us. Stop harden your heart. Jesus is coming back and there is no second chance for salvation.
Jesus the way the truth the life.
The Bible says Philippians 2:10-11
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Jesus is not coming back.
Carol Kempen that’s your believe. But Christians and Muslims believe Jesus is coming back.
Thank you so much Rabbi, I just want to affirm what you said about blessing Israel. For years I was stuck in idolatry, AKA Christianity, but when I begin to ask God to bless Israel to bless his land and his people he began to open my eyes. Bless G-D and bless his people
I don't need to thank the Rabbi, but another Teacher (Dr. Richard Carrier) led me out of all of these old-time Religions. I now don't believe in any of it, and I have never been better.
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the names "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God.
God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@Abraham Mani : NOWHERE did God ever mention the names "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God.
God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the names "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God.
God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
Don't say that're just at the doors of PARADISE ; JESUS IS TRUE GOD!
REPENT for BLASPHEMY that Christianity is idolatry..And people like yu are deceived coz yu don't pray for understanding that CHRIST is GOD!
Read book of NUMBERS 11: Verse 25..
And Compare same to book of Prophet DANIEL 7: Verse 13.
I'm not a jew, I come from AFRICA but by powers in Heaven, TORAH is my soul food..
The Rabbi must have been reading my mail. My leaving the church happened exactly how he describes. HaShem in His mercy brought me to the Truth concerning Jesus.
I mean obviously nobody should convert to Judaism now.
@Jennifer ... You left the Church and turned to Judaisam. But, I left the Church and turned to non-belief. When you are outside of it, the Religious look crazy, just like teenagers arguing about what color is the best lightsaber for a Jedi.
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the name "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God.
God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the name "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God.
God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the name "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God.
God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
I am from Pakistan. And once I met a young ex-Muslim boy who said to me that I did not become Christian because of Christians (sadly) but by experiencing Jesus in my life that He is the true Massiah. And a country like Pakistan, there is not only a few but many who accepted Him with no fear. They didn't come to Christianity after any girl or money but some miracles happened in their lives.
@Cousin It Amen. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ. These miracles in our lives proves that Jesus is the true Messiah and Saviour. God bless and best wishes to you my brother.💓
@Cousin It Amen
are you ex muslim or born as a christian?
I'm born a Christian, but that doesn't mean anything unless I have experienced Christ in my life. And I believe that Jesus is my Messiah and Saviour who is sitting right to Father in Heaven.
Unfortunately those who oppose Jesus have never had an encounter with Him. How i wish they would because then they would not need anyone to introduce him to them. They would recognize him immediately because after all He is their creator. Oh Lord Jesus i pray that you reveal your self to all including Toviah singer.
(Acts 7:51-53) "¶ Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. {52} Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers: {53} Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it."
@@sussiea9221 jesus is an man made idol! God and only God!
Why do I care what acts says
Why quote Christian scriptures to me to prove anything? It would be like me quoting Mormon scriptures to prove you are wrong…
@Sonia Ruth -quote- misquote
There I fixed it for you.
You want to believe in idolary, YOUR choice! No human can die for the sins of others, pure idolatry! 10 commandments, ONE GOD, do not add or take away! The messiah will come ONCE! Then there will be peace, God willing sooner rather then later! NT is misquoting of the bible mixed with Greek mythology! Wake up!
25 “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,[a] the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing.[b] The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.
Wonderfully laid out dear Rabbi!! That is what happened to me back in 2008, AND never looked back. B"H💓
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the name "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God.
God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@@07silvali irrefutable proof that you don't even listen to these videos and just copy paste wasting everyone time 😴
Thank you Rabbi
Rabbi is so right. The letters and accounts in the new testament were originally written by the followers of Jesus, who were all Jews, strictly Orthodox. These writings were however collected, altered and compiled centuries later, not by Jews, but by antisemitic men. Men who hated Jews. We therefore are forbidden to accept their work as truth. They are considered false witnesses.
Simon Peter answered the question quickly.
Matthew 16:15-16 (15) He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? (16) And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
We are ALL the sons and daughters of HaShem the Almighty.
@@07silvali so glad my G-d HaShem does not make such evil threats. I thought Jesus was about LOVE your brother.
@@07silvali forgiveness comes from G-d. I read the same Torah Jesus read, in Hebrew, as he did, so I’m good. There is much that non Hebrew speakers do not interpret correctly. Jesus, a Jew, would never place himself above G-d. Do you pray to statues and paintings? If so, you are an idol worshipper. Sorry to break the news. Think about it.
@@stephaniereif7790 You allways, confuse Christianity with Catholicism. Catholics worship statues, paints and even the Pope, among other heresies. So, no, I`m a Christian. I worship, ONLY, the God of the Bible, no artifacts, no images, no earthly man, not even a cross. And because, I follow the The Bible, THE TRUE WORD OF GOD, He tells us, to repent and put our trust in Jesus Christ, to follow Him as Lord. Repentance means a change of mind which means to turn from a life following sin to a life following Christ. Salvation is a free gift and it cannot be earned, no one can be perfectly moral on their own, it is impossible, this is the only way to be in the presence of God in heaven. If we reject God we will go to eternal suffering in the lake of fire. It is important to reiterate that we cannot save ourselves, it is the gift of God for one to be saved. Cry out to God to have mercy on you, plead with God to save you.
You are really helping me, Rabbi Singer
To all those who couldn’t watch the entire video he unequivocally says Jesus was no one.
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the name "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God.
God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@@janishart5128 ignorant one, God said in Isaiah 7: 14 that He will gave Isreal a sign, " the virgin will concieve and bear a son and shall call his name immanuel, fulfilled in Matt 1:23, and Isaiah 9:6 Unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given, His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Who is this talking about? Read John 14: 7:10, either Jesus Christ is God or He is a lunatic. You decide for yourself because he cannot be a good man and say such thing. Who really is Jesus. Your rabbi don't have the Spirit of God, all he have is scriptures that are selected to support his view. He cannot use the whole counsel of God, he must avoid some scriptures.
@@orringreene3410: No, that's NOT what that verse says! You are working from a twisted, mistranslated, taken out of context, bastardized VERSION of what God actually said to us (i.e. "OT"), since the "blind guides" you learn from REFUSED to learn the original Hebrew given to us by God, leaving them in profound darkness as to what God actually said to us. PLEASE buy yourself a Hebrew Bible (says "TANACH" on the cover), so you can see for yourself what God actually said to us at Mt. Sinai, and learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11.
Good to have someone like Rabbi Singer telling people the truth
If you do not believe the words of Jesus then every other way will not matter.
the second commandment to the prophet moses was
2. You shall have no other gods beside Me. You shall not make for yourself any carved idol, or any likeness of any thing... you shall not bow down to them, nor serve them...
does jesus have a likeness to man, and erected as an idol for worship? have christinaity not broken the second commandment of god?
You are 100% correct regarding the light shown to the people and the recognition of a disparity between conscious and fundamental teachings, such as Commandment 1, and the discrepancy between the Trinity and idolatry, regarding the exception rather than the rule, as well as the blessing of Israel
If you recall reading the 9th and 10th chapters of William James' "Varieties of Religious Experience", he mentions sudden and involuntary conversion experiences. Among those conversions was the one of the Jewish man Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne who became Christian missionary in Israel. I had one of those experiences. That is why I am a Christian. It is not because of a "I love Jesus" syndrome from having been indoctrinated with that attitude. At the time of my conversion, I was an agnostic and really had no religion.
Son of Man saved Daniel from the fire. Ezekiel speaks too of Son of Man. Christians do not love a dead person but a live being who lives in them. The woman at Jacob's well and Jesus speaks about the living water. This eternal spring overflows out of the heart, literally. As in Hebrews, where it says there is pressure on the heart and discipline by a loving Father, that is felt too. Jesus said, he "knocks...and He ad the Father will dine with (the repented faithful)." God let's His presence known. These truths are why Christians can say without a doubt that Jesus is the Messiah. Also, as stated in the bible there is a peace that passes understanding, Christians have this peace. Jesus is alive and at the right hand of God.
"I come in the name of the Father and you don't accept me yet one comes in his own name (Antichrist) and him you will follow...John 5:43
Enough said....
You must be ignorant to quote 1 verse in nt and say "enough said" .
Rabbi if Jesus was not the Messiah then who was he?
Isaac; Jesus himself did not claimed to be the Messiah/Christ, In the Gospel of Matthew 16:20, & Mark 8:30,
He specifically commanded his disciples not to say this to anyone, his biological father was not Joseph, So he
failed to fulfill the basic prophecy that the real Messiah must be from David's bloodline. How then, could he be
The Jewish Messiah if Joseph was not his real father ?
@@rtee4086 absolutely agree with you. But my question was who was Jesus then?
@@Isaac5123 I believe that there are two Jesus's, The Jesus of Faith, and the Jesus of History, and the strange case
Of Dr. Jesus and Mr Christ is even odder than that, since both are composed of still ever more variations of
Themselves, The Jesus of Faith is an umbrella term for the enormous number of different saviours that inspire
Christianity in all of it's diversity, The Catholic Jesus and the Orthodox Jesus, and those of all the Eastern sects
in between, The Lutheran Jesus, The Anglican Jesus, The Presbyterian, The Baptist, Methodist, The Seventh Day
Adventist Jesus, Not to mention The Muslim Jesus,
Christian Apologists love to parrot the old lie that '' No serious historian rejects the historicity of Christ '' but they
either fail to realise or deliberately neglect to mention, That the historical Jesus that all secular biblical historian
do accept is at best no more than just one of many first-century wandering preacher and founder of a fringe cult
That eventually became Christianity, in fact if you should read the four gospels and take note, They present four
different Jesus's.
5 minutes in and he has still not answered the question.
He said that if u still believe jesus, u are a catholic; Catholic is pagan sad to say
@Armenias Thunk sorry, but you are wrong. Study the Tanak.
Its a veeeeeeery delicate topic. I appreciate his exhaustive answer
@abraham mani beware, very dangerous days are ahead dude. Repent and turn away from your man god who DIED. Study the Noahide laws and save yourself before it's too late. Stop prostelizing and go home and do more research on Judaism. Actually, Listen to the Rabbi's when you turn the video on! Pay attention to what they are saying and turn away from idolatry.
He’s basically saying that Jesus was basically a normal citizen
We are all agreed that he is not HaMashiach - not the rabbinic idea of Mashiach and not the true Mashiach.
I think we need to suspend all speculation about who he was. Having seen how Gentiles, even those who don't mean to distort what I say with malice and prejudice, just don't get what I'm saying even with hearing it first hand and in their own language when I speak English for English-speaking audiences; I am absolutely sure that Christians have no idea what, if anything, Yeshu, if he was a real person and not a composite of various religious figures, said and intended.
It is forbidden in Halakha to speak about someone who is not present. Even complimenting someone who is not present can lead to someone being tempted to say something bad. Let's don't do it. We will yet hear what he has to say from him. Until such time, I, for one, reserve all judgement of him. I don't trust the Christian bible and neither do I trust the version of the Talmud that we have.
Philip said to Jesus, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?
(John 14:8-9)
I came to know Jesus from a Hindu background .why i accept Jesus as my personal savior ?i was criminal minded did lots o wrong things. once my father had cancer later i came to know my family members many of them died with cancer . I have also got stomach Ulcer it was hopeless condition i spend lots of money in that and really cried and prayed if their is a true God revel to me then one night Jesus appeared and spoke and i received healing and peace from him .Jesus really ruling as a king in spiritual world he rules in people heart he continue to change people heart .
@Abraham Mani
First of all, read Isaiah 9:6 in the actual Hebrew. That text is about Hezekiah.
Here is the correct translation of that text:
“For a child has been born to us, a son given to us, and the authority is upon his shoulder, the wondrous adviser, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, called his name “the prince of peace.”
This is said right after hezekiah went to the temple and prayed to the Most High to be saved from the Assyrian invasion. Soon after the angel of the Lord came down and slew 185,000 soldiers of Assyria which forced their king to go back to his land. Remember, every nation around Jerusalem was destroyed and only Jerusalem remained intact. Imagine 185,000 soldiers surrounding you, screaming and shouting all day. Despite all that, King Hezekiah told the people to remain faithful and at the end the Most High delivered. This is what the text was about. It wasn’t a prophecy.
Please show me a prophecy about Jesus dying and resurrection and second coming in the Old Testament. Also, where is the peace and prosperity during the time of the messiah?
Let us be real. The Old Testament doesn’t mention anything about Jesus. If it did, it wouldn’t be this hidden.
Isaiah 53 isn’t about Jesus either. It is about Israel.
What does Jesus look like?
He never answered the question so then who is Jesus?
As always, Rabbi you make too much sense🙏🏾🧠👁
@JESUS CHRIST IS GOD: If you do some honest research on how Christianity started, you WILL discover that "Jesus" didn't say ONE word that is attributed to him in the false, pagan "NT", (that absolutely DID NOT come from God!) since he was already DEAD for at least 20 YEARS (some say a LOT longer!) before it was written. Yet they quote him word-for-word - impossible! Just try to remember what YOU said yesterday, word-for-word - again, impossible!
PLEASE do the research and stop spewing your false, pagan lies in this comment section! You WON'T make even ONE convert here, since we already KNOW what God's Truth is. You need to go to a CHRISTIAN video, and try to convert some atheists! Either that, or BE QUIET and listen VERY CAREFULLY to what the rabbi is teaching us, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11.
This rabbi don't know who Jesus Christ is, and therefore cannot answer a question straightly. And Christian that have a relationship with Jesus Christ will experience him. Check these few scriptures: Genesis 3: 15 -- God said that " the seed of the woman will crush the head of the serpent " satan was using the serpent. Isaiah 7: 14 God said He will give Israel a sign, " the virgin will concieve and bear a son, and shall call his name immanuel " this was fulfilled in Matt 1:23, Isaiah 9: 6 tells about this child, " Unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulder, His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. The jewish people rejected their messiah and wree scattered for 1900 years but the rest of the world receive the grace of God through The Lord Jesus Christ. There is much more....
All of that proves Jesus is not God
God said to the woman and the serpent, I will put hatred between your seed ,and her seed/ they had offspring together.
one of the seeds/children, will crush the other......this happened when cain killed abel.
This is also why the woman is to only desire her husband......and why she has labour pains........ her punishments were pertaining to the ways of birth- because through her sin she produced offspring.
she is called the mother of all the living - this includes the good seed, and The Bad Seed.
How come they don't ask about the buddha? Oh I don't know maybe the buddha wasn't a jew which triggered a giant religion claiming to be a continuation of the jewish story; once again a bit nonsensical here. If people said the buddha was the messiah I think you had better know why he wasn't and what he was instead.
11:34 "If he's not a god what difference does it make" well I don't know if Moses and Abraham aren't gods what difference does it make who they are. Do you ever listen to yourself with fresh ears?
He still doesn’t answer the question,who was Jesus .!?
"Most damaging false messiah ever" but he doesnt say this not to offend people.
I would have asked someone who claimed Christ then left the faith to proclaim another faith, "How can one have the Spirit of Christ in them and NOT know Jesus lives".
You think Jesus doesn't answer back in regard to prayer? He does . We know who He is. We know He was sent by God. We know He Lives.
Sir, because this person did not have the true Spirit of Christ. I believe that if God gave you the true Spirit, He will not take it away but thats only as far as my limited knowledge goes.
I had to figure out the hard way. That actually hurt the most is how much Catholics and Christians and whatever else ripped apart are Bibles. And I had to find out from a UA-camr by actually pointing out the verses that they actually messed with
Catholic is Christian
@@americaisajokenow1090 Catholics are FAR from Christian
@@nomadicrecovery1586 nah man lol. They’re Christian’s, and they have the longest history too in Christianity. You just don’t like them lol. Orthodox, Catholics, and Protestants are all Christians. You can’t escape that. That’s like a Jew saying “nah ultra Orthodox aren’t real Jews” lol.
@@theflipper404 no
They don’t teach Christian truth
They have added so much garbage. There isn’t much left
I really enjoy the way Rabbi Tovia puts things so we can relate. As an xtian I put the jesus file into Matthew 10. Namely starting down there around verse 32 and then carrying on. But just read the whole thing so that you can get the context. Matt 8:21,22 not nice either. You should be able to find out all about Jesus from what we can gather of what people have said that he said that he said that he said, is written in red in most NT greek script. That should give anyone wondering some kind of idea maybe if he was possibly if those words or even true. I put Jesus in the "Things I don't have to worry about anymore". Along with the "rapture, trib, second coming revelations stuff. All that automatically gets deleted after sufficient study of Torah and Judaism. The G-d file is still as it was only improved and moved to the only icon on the desktop now. I had to crop and edited the
G-d file to remove the confusing trinitarian idolatry. That part goes to the trash bin and then empty trash... confirm.... yes... ok that part is good G-d is ONE. Not a man. Numbers 23:19. Thanks for more insight Rabbi Singer
Noahide for non jew. Helping Christian non jews change.
@abraham mani after further studies. No one can prove that god, jesus, osiris, krishna, zues, apollos, peter, paul or any of those stories are real or true. They are all just stories handed down from old times. The kings and rulers of the world have used the superstition of the masses to control them with these stories. I don't believe in any of the religious stuff anymore. To many men put god and the Bible as a sole purpose for mass genocide and murder. Far to many wars and bloodshed have stemmed from religion and those archaic belief systems. We are smarter than that and smarter than the so called god. We have to do what is good and right for mankind not godkind. We get our moral compass from society not the bible. Why give god credit for efforts i have made and goals i have accomplished. I don't worry about the next life because there is no proof that it exists. Religions and churches Beware that you have been fooled and controlled by the cult. They want your money and control just like the govt because they are the secret tax and govt themselves. Full of corruption and greed.
Brilliant. At some point, if he or she is truly honest, they will cry out to G-d for truth, and He will open their hearts to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the G-d of Jesus, too, the G-d of all Jews, and He will show them that I alone am G-d, not Jesus, not any creature or other being. I am G-d. There is no other. This is the truth and finally at some point all will come to it.
Harold Goodman have you ever critically studied the four gospels? Not the epistles...but the gospels? Or are you regurgitating what you've heard from Rabbi Tovia?
I did this 6 months ago! You are right on point Mr. Goodman.
+Harold Goodman I notice you write G-d a lot. Undoubtedly you feel you are being properly reverential and obeying the 3rd commandment. However, God is not the divine name, it's merely a title and regardless, if the Creator did not want people to use his name, he would not have told them what it was, commanded his people to use it and inspired it to be in the Hebrew Scriptures nearly 7,000 times. It is the Devil who does not want people to use God's name.
(Jeremiah 23:27) They intend to make my people forget my name
The 3rd Commandment says (Exodus 20:7) “You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way, Whether one uses YHWH (Hebrew) or Jehovah (English), this is the name referred to. The Encyclopaedia Judaica says that “the avoidance of pronouncing the name YHWH . . . was caused by a misunderstanding of the Third Commandment.”
The religion of the Jews was hijacked and taken over by the Pharisees after the destruction of the Temple and the end of the Priesthood and sacrificial arrangement. Evidently, during the first and second centuries C.E., a prohibition regarding the use of God’s name took hold. The Mishnah (a collection of rabbinic commentaries that became the foundation of the Talmud) states that “one who pronounces the divine name as it is spelt” has no portion in the future earthly Paradise promised by God.
What was the origin of such a prohibition? Some claim that the Jews considered the name of God too sacred for imperfect humans to pronounce. Eventually, there was a hesitancy even to write the name. Jewish prohibitions regarding God’s personal name still survive. Many continue to refer to the Tetragrammaton as the “Ineffable Name” and the “Unutterable Name.” Some even avoid writing out the term “God,” substituting a dash for one or more letters. For instance, when they wish to write the English word “God,” some actually write “G-d.” God is not the divine name however, YHWH is. "God" is a description, not a name, which is even used for false gods. This is going overboard and is not Biblical. Satan does not want people to use God's name and thus influenced the Jews and later Christian apostates to ban it's use due to misapplying the 3rd commandment. The Creator did not have to tell us his name, but he did and then inspired it to be used by Bible writers.
Use of God's personal name was very common during Bible times as shown by YHWH being in the Hebrew scriptures nearly 7,000 times. It was even commonly used in everyday greetings. For example, notice Boaz, Ruth's future husband talking with his workers. (Ruth 2:4) Boʹaz arrived from Bethʹle·hem and said to the harvesters: “Jehovah be with you.” And they replied: “Jehovah bless you.” God commands us to use his name. (Psalms 105:1) Give thanks to Jehovah, call on his name
(Psalms 83:18) May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.
Although God has many titles, he has given himself only one name.
(Exodus 3:15) Then God said once more to Moses: “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Jehovah the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation.
Jehovah translates as "He who causes to become" meaning he can cause his purposes to come true and can makes himself or his servants be whatever is necessary to accomplish his will. This is a wonderful name and understanding it's meaning helps us know him better. In fact knowing and using God's personal name is vital for salvation.
(Romans 10:13)(Joel 2:32) For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” 14 However, how will they call on him if they have not put faith in him? How, in turn, will they put faith in him about whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach?
Here is a nice video and article discussing the importance of using God's name.
+castcreator A criticism without detail or explanation is useless.
What argument are you making, that God's name is only his name in Hebrew, that it ceases to be his name when translated? Why? And yet, another fellow responding stuck a - dash into it (J-hovah) so apparently he felt that it was God's name to the extent he felt uncomfortable not modifying it.
I am writing in English. Thus I write Jesus rather than Yeshua (or other forms in Hebrew (Yeshoshua, etc.)
This does not cease to be his name simply because of being put into English letters.
(The meaning remains the same "Jehovah is Salvation")
Similarly, Jehovah has been the accepted version of YHWH in English for hundreds of years, from since there has been an English language. The meaning "I shall cause to be" or "He who causes to become" remains the same in any language.
"lol" is a condescending insult.
If you have legitimate criticism express it intelligently rather than be smug.
@abraham mani no!
Poor Jews they don't believe in the massiah Jesus peace be upon him, so they are still waiting for the messiah not the appointed by God but according their desires. Therefore they will follow the antichrist thinking that he is the massiah. This what's going happen to them as punishment of God for their arrogance.
I'm in love with this information. Thank you, HaShem.
Christ prophesied The Kingdom of heaven, a spiritual Kingdom, was going to replace the physical Kingdom, And the sign that would be given that the Transition Had occurred Would be the desolation of the Jerusalem temple. Jesus said not one stone would be left upon another, it happened exactly as he Prophesied.
Jesus prophesied the Jewish priesthood and sacrificial System would be destroyed by fire and judgment and come to an end within His generation. It happened exactly as he prophesied.
Luke 19:41-44 (NKJV)
41 Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it,
42 saying, "If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.
43 For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side,
44 and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation."
Isaiah 29:1-7 (NIV)
1 Woe to you, Ariel, Ariel, the city where David settled! Add year to year and let your cycle of festivals go on.
2 Yet I will besiege Ariel; she will mourn and lament, she will be to me like an altar hearth.
3 I will encamp against you all around; I will encircle you with towers and set up my siegeworks against you.
4 Brought low, you will speak from the ground; your speech will mumble out of the dust. Your voice will come ghostlike from the earth; out of the dust, your speech will whisper.
best talk ever.... addressing the bad or misspoken question. :-)
how come this guys knows so much ? i have seen him explaining Islam, Christinity, Judasim and so many historically events and he knows so much about Muslims as well.. how the heck does he even remembers all these stuff without even looking at it??
Years of deep study
One problem I have observed with rabbis, when they don’t have a straight answer they digress into complex theoretical and philosophical spins which have no base in facts and they do this to a huge array of topics. It’s okay to say you have no idea instead of posting clickbaits and no answers.
Agreed. He didn't even try to address the question head on. He tried to play the psychological angle to answer it. Honest questions deserve honest answers. Not a bucketful of words.
Facts??? Don't be looking to the Bible for facts.
The Rabbi speaks with a lot of "controlled" passion and one can tell he deeply holds his beliefs as true. I understand how he would want to fight to preserve his religion against these aggressive Christian Evangelist's and I wish him success. I'm a 3X ex-Christian and I have used some of the rabbi's info from the videos in debates with Christians. It's amazing to me when Christians tell me I spend too much time studying the Old Test. and always wanted me to focus to the 4 gospels and the resurrection of Jesus. This particular video does a good job addressing the problem of prematurely accepting Jesus and risking idolatry. I'm an Atheist but find many Christians get wrapped up with cult type behaviors which is scary. Wrap up cult-Christianity with right-wing politics, sprinkle in some ignorance (okay, a lot) and you see what it fueled in Washington D.C. Just saying...out!
That's exactly how an Atheist feels talking to a Christian!
You literally don’t understand what he’s doing. It’s part of a larger rhetorical tradition connected to Jewish cultural norms. It is not an accident and it is not - as you are none too subtly implying - disingenuous. It’s just that he’s speaking to the in-group and presuming that everyone already understands the basics of Jewish thought and Jewish teaching methods.
Just like some cultures use the Socratic Method, Jewish culture uses _this_ method: Answering a question with a question; interrogating _why_ one would ask the question; considering if this is even the correct question to be asking; and then, finally, answering the question.
Exodus Chapter 23 שְׁמוֹת
13) And in all things that I have said unto you take ye heed; and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.
holy smokes!!! i thought he was talking about me!! I'm pushing 60yo and had been a christian all my life. but like many, slowly coming to grips that all from matthew to revelations is an epic fail. my family and i left christianity about 10 years ago and started keeping all the commandments in the Torah(ot), and the more you learn from the Torah, you slowly start to realize, that there was no need to append the NT to the Torah. the Torah got hijack by the catholics to help control the people, just as Tovia said, there is no historical proof of the greek jesus, but plenty of joseph smith, the red sea crossing, bricks made without straw, tombs and pillars, etc. lots of OT proofs, but none of the NT. why is that? question everything until you can prove it yourself. Shalom!!!
My story is very similar. I always had problems with the 'quantum leaps' I had to make to reconcile certain doctrines, I just blamed myself and thought that I did not have enough faith. I actually started resenting God, the mean God of the old testament who can't be approached unless you are seen through the blood of his son. Now that I only read Torah, I can see just what a plagerised religion Christianity really is. The NT is not necessary at all, Hashem is so wonderful that why would you even think that he is mean. And to add insult to injury, the idolatrous book is tacked on to the back of the Torah and then virtually never referred to except for cherry picked scriptures. They claim NT is 'scripture'. People have to start getting real.
MR. FITTA oooh, I am so scared. I mean, would God not want me to squirrel out the truth for myself? Or do I just need to be another doctrinated deluded christian thinking their 'faith' is going to please God. Let's see some action apart from applying the bandaid of the sickly false love that you apply to yourselves, it is actually quite disgusting to watch the prettiness, because we all know as soon as you leave the church on a Sunday, you go straight back into your sins. There is no power in the gospel, just an illusion of a free lunch. You are naked and you don't know how ashamed you will be soon.
MR. FITTA I have abandoned the idol. I am finding my way through reading the Torah, listening to the wisdom of the Rabbis and living with shame and repentance every day of my life for how I loved the idol and ruined my life. I am hoping that Hashem will cut his losses with me and just be done and end it all, but I am here, and I am seeking and I am fighting all those who propagate the lie. It is the least I can do to try to undo all the damage I have done by zealously 'witnessing' and depriving myself all my life. So, yeah, I don't have all the answers, but I can show a few pitfalls. Unfortunately, the attacks from the christians require me to always bring out the big guns. It is a comment section, there is free speech and I don't care if people reject what I say. I reject what they are saying, because I have reasoned it all out and found it to be false (christianity). Either I become a pagan, or else I seek the Ancient of Days and see what he says about finding the path to life.....I am please to inform you..... it can be found if you read the book from the start, like a book.
(By the way this is me, I am at College in a lecture, and you cannot have the GMAIL associated to your account connected to UA-cam while in lecture). So please know this is Angelo Manzi, and I will stay on here till my lecture ends (in 2 hours or so)
everything is at stake here, so no i'm not joking. i've done a lot of research, a ton of reading from the historians, archology, etc.. i can find quite a few evidences for the Tenak/OT, but non for the NT.i just went thru verifiying the messianic prophecies that are used as proofs for JC, and they all turn out with serious problems. so i don't want to live with a lie, so i've fallen back to the salvation found in the Torah, which was always there, just never taught by christian pastors.
This video proves that most Jews, and Christians too, are both unaware that the Bible states who the Messiah is and when he will appear. It wasn't Jesus of Nazareth! So what are the Bible verses that identify, by name, the Messiah, and when he was to appear? The prophet Haggai, writing in the 2nd year of Darius the King of Persia (ruled 521-485 BC), stated that the Messiah was to be Zerub'babel, the grandson of Jehoiachin, a royal descendant of King David. Zerub'babel was the governor of Judaea under the Persians, and God declared that he will "make Zerub'babel like a signet ring, for I have chosen you" (Haggai 2.20-23). The prophet Zechariah identifies the Messiah in the 2nd year of the Persian King Darius. Zerub'babel is to rebuild Solomon's Temple and complete it (Zech 4.9). Zechariah has a crown made and set upon the head of Joshua, son of Jehozadak the high priest, saying the crowned one will rebuild god's temple and bear royal honor and shall sit and rule upon his throne and there shall be a priest by his throne (Zech 7.11-14). Apparently the crown of Joshua's head is symbolic of the crown to sit upon Zerub'babel's head as he is identified as the builder of God's temple (Zech 4.9). So, there you have it direct from God and the Holy Spirit via Haggai and Zechariah, The Post-Exilic Messiah ("annointed one") will be Zerub'babel, Persian governor of Judah! The problem? The event never happened! Yes, the Temple was built by 515 BC, but The Holy Spirit had said Zerub'babel would be crowned as Messiah AFTER THE OVERTHROW OF THE THRONE OF KINGDOMS (Haggai 2.22-23). At this time, King Darius was facing a series of revolts through out his kingdom, an attempt to overthrow him as king. He was successful in putting down all the revolts. So the prophets had erred, they apparently thought the revolts were God's doing and that with the Persian King removed from power, Judah could crown its Messiah (King or Annointed one) without interference from the Persians and all the world would assemble at Jerusalem, the throne of God (Jer 3:17). The great mystery here is why have Jew and Christian both turned a blind eye to Haggai and Zechariah and their identification of the Post-Exilic Messiah as being Zerub'babel?
It would be nice if you would answer the Question.!
That's the first thing he did: he implied it has no importance
There is an enigma about the person known as Jesus: he was a threat to the contemporary religious establishment of his time.
That threat was so great that they had him crucified. So what was the real reason for wanting him to be murdered?
This rabbi speaks with the same fervor that burned in the hearts of the Pharisees when Jesus walked this earth. John 8:58, "Jesus said to them, 'Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.'" John 14:6, 'Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me." I believe who He said he is. For those who do not and reject him, you're not going be able to crucify him a second time. See you on Judgement Day.
Rabbi the woman asked you a question and you wasted the whole time not answering the question....Who is Yeshua of Nazareth if he's not the Messiah? What research have you done outside the bible to know of his existence.......?
Yeshua is Messiah. He fulfilled Torah. He showed us the way to the Father. He taught against arrogance and pride as did all the prophets. Beware of liars.
Why is it that when you speak, you say God but when you write, you do it as G-d? This is weird way to express yourself! It looks like somekind of religious sect trying to be different. And by the way, God did not say that you can’t say or use His Holy Name but not to use it in vain.
Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the teacher, the prophet, the lamb of God, the savior, the Lord our righteousness and so on.
So you have'nt listen to Rabbi Tovia.
Jesus Christ is the one Deuteronomy 18:15 is talking about.
Because the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy Revelation 19:10.
So, Jesus Christ is also
the prophet like Moses according to the book of Revelation. Because before God delivered his people, he caused Egypt to have all kinds of plague, and after dealing with Egyptian,
he delivered his people.
which is exactly what is going to happen with Jesus Christ, before he comes back to deliver his people, the world will have all kinds of plague.
Then after God's people will be delivered.
Many people love jc, because without him they believe they are going to hell, it is one of the biggest marketing lies of all times. It is a form of blackmail.
This fellow is right in that we mostly don't leave christianity because we love Jesus. But we love him because he loved us first. Now, concerning the Scriptures, let's be honest, dear jews. There is way more historical evidence for the existence of Jesus than for the existence of Moses. It's true, the gospels were written within 30-60 years after the events according to scholars, but even that time frame allows for eyewitnesses to be alive at the time of their composition, at least for Mark, Luke and Matthew. And we have four accounts! In contrast, we only have one account of the patriarchs and Moses, and the controversy over the date and author of the Torah is greatly disputed, and even more disputed is whether the accounts of the Torah were real at all. When debating atheists, christians find it harder to defend the Torah than the gospels. We christians believe the Torah because Jesus affirmed it and taught it, and because we can see how he fulfills the Torah even to the smallest detail. Guess why we reject gnosticism? Because it teaches a worldview completely different to that of the Torah. Actually, the church fathers Mr. Singer is referencing defended christian orthodoxy against the gnostics who contradicted the Jewish scriptures (i.e., the Old Testament) and often wanted it out. I'll be honest: if I were ever to consider leaving my christian faith, I'd leave it from Bereshit to Revelation. Because if Jesus was not the fulfillment of the Torah and the Nevi'im, then no one will ever be. It's that simple.
I never get the answer
Tovia .........u talked for 20 minutes but u never told who Jesus was u seemed to be against him though u always has his presence in ur Torrah .. what will u answer ro God, HeSham
He clearly says that only people who used to be Christian ask this question!
So... To the question of who is Jesus, his answer is only people who used to be Christian ask that question. 🤔🤔🤔 Obviously,.... Makes complete sense to people who ignore Jesus...
Shalom Rabbi, great message and reply. All so true in my case as well. Been converted to Christianity after having found out about my Jewish roots, sad but true... After years of active evangelical life, a missionary active in assisting the return of Russian Jews told me about Sharansky. Shortening the story, I continued a very active missionary life and eventually went to seminary, graduated and took the facts to test. But as you said, an inner work begun within, turning my interests to the Torah, the Almighty and Haaretz. Eventually it was a deeper study of the whole book of Jeremiah against the so called fulfilled prophecies and the Pauline monstrosities which made me drop Christianity and deconvert. I can't believe I've spent two decades believing all that rubbish, abomination indeed. So here am I again, Jewish and proud in a rather confused British diaspora, too conservative for the reformed, but not enough orthodox for the Orthodox 😇 I'll keep in touch as much as I can.
Nephesh Yehudi. Big mistake, may God forgive you and call you to repentance.
Because now you are in the perilous position of Ezekiel chapter 18, and whilst then they had the sacrificial system to validate repentance,
you have nothing, and so will remain under the wrath of God.
BTW some have fallen away from the faith becoming atheists, and will swear their lives are much better now.
So don't think your feelings are a guide, you are deceived and need to wake up out of this malaise.
Oh, also, nothing is stopping you from wearing your Jewish colors with pride, just not in the footsteps of the unbelieving Rabbi's who in actual fact are enemies of God, his Messiah and the gospel he has given us.
Well done bro! I'm not a Jew but a Noahide and Jew in heart. Christianity is a corrupt system. They have even corrupted your holy scriptures to point to a pagan deity. Peace :)
Thank you Sir, wishing you all the best and a joyful Purim, should you wish to celebrate with us :-)
@@MRFITTA I’m a happy Atheist.
Ecclesiastes 4-9:12 Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their work
If one falls down, his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
(3) Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. The messiah and the high priest will stand together when Israel stands behind them because 3 cords are not so easily broken and what good is one each by themself ?
If we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins remains, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume all adversaries. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.…How much more severely do you think one deserves to be punished who has trampled on the Son of God, profaned the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and insulted the Spirit of grace? Hebrews 10-26-28 Old Testament
Paul isn't a real apostle is your first problem. There are 12 apostles not 13. Paul appointed himself an apostle. Paul never knew or walked with Christ which is mandatory for being an actual apostle. Christ said obey the commandments and follow the law and that not one word of the law would pass away until the end of the universe. Don't buy into that Roman perversion of Judaic spirituality.
Listening to this guy, made me lose interest in life. If Jesus was not Jesus then why should anyone care for the god of Israel.
-Jesus is King.
Hosea 4:6
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children". Jesus, was, and still is, the Jewish Messiah. Repent now, your eternal destiny depends on it.
have you read “the old testament” have you read about the roots of the new testament?
based on your statement, no. lol
I'm an X Evangelical Christian...
The TRUTH can be very offensive but we can't lie about the scriptures....
Worshipping Jesus is IDOLATRY...It's the same as worshipping Buddha or the Indian god Shiva.
Daniel 9:25-26 ?
The song you play at the end of your videos, could you please put a link or the Title of the song so I can download it please?. Thank you 💜
Adom Olam. Don't know who's singing that version.
Smart stuff.
@Abraham Mani I agree with Dr. Singer.
find out about the kabala! jesus is going to be victorious. revelation 3:20 'behold, i stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, i will come in to him, i will sup with him, and he with me. to him that overcome, will i grant to sit with me in my throne, even as i also overcame, and am set down with my father in his throne. he that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit says unto the churches'.
A lot of it is very hidden, deep in the mind, and one is not aware of it. Habit brings it into speech, songs, especially worship songs. One can change the words but that probably won't erase the original feeling. But what Rabbi Singer exposes, the lies and mis-quoting of Scriptures, the Truth about it all in every aspect, after a while wears it down and you find your mind has been cleansed.
14:05...? Josephus talks about him. he was not a christian. Am I mistaken?
@Sneller Sam hI. No Josephus was not a christian! But he did talk about Yeshua. I amy have misunderstood the Rabbi, but he says that "we have nothing about Jesus that is non christian...."
@Sneller Sam what do you mean a fake? many historians consider his writings to be reliable.
Sorry, but you still not give answer. who was JESUS?. perhaps you don't know!.
Perhaps the historical man, Yeshu ben Yosef, just had a heartfelt desire to advance the Rulership of HaShem via a grassroots Repentance Movement among the non-observant and not-so-observant Jews. Maybe Yeshu just fell victim to the cult of personality, not unlike the Lubavitcher Rebbe in our own time.
Jesus is a MISREPRESENTED MAN and perhaps was a holy man who the New Testament writers has portrayed him contradicting the Old Testament, or the original Bible!
The N.T. has been corrupted so much that the Muslims reject it as authentic, and the Jews found the N.T. Jesus to be a false prophet.
It doesn't concern me who Jesus is ... for thats not even his real name! Just 2 things you need to know: Jesus is NOT G-d! To make him G-d would be idolatry. For G-d is beyond all thoughts and images. G-d is not a man (see Exodus 20:3-5). And secondly, Only the Creator G-d can save you!
If you obey & trust G-d, the 7 Laws of Noah and the commandment to Love, you will be reward. If not, you will be punished. Thats the major things you really need to know. Give a good life!
Peace :)
Mwaterfall. I know you sincerely believe Judaism is the way of God, many people in Religion think they are right, most of them good sincere people,
however I must completely come against the man made doctrine that is Noahide,
its the same as all religions including yours; an attempt to start running, blind, having not been introduced to God to know him personally first.
As a case in point at Sinai, Israel saw something before God spoke to them, the whole nation was introduced to God, then they were gien commands-instructions.
Its the same today, and while you will say the soul who sins dies, you don't understand, that,for that soul to be right with God must first know him.
Each must have their own encounter with the Living God,its impossible to be in right relationship with him otherwise.
No religion provides this opportunity- but his Son does.
MR. FITTA - I have more deistic views of G-d and life than being a Noahide.
On the other hand, everything spoken about Jesus came not from him, but from the New Testament which is corrupted. If you really want to know and find G-d be humble enough to REJECT ALL of the N.T. corruptions of what is called Word of G-d. Until that time, you are following lies and being made to worship a god-man, which is pure idolatry :/
Mwaterfall. My experiences based on what I believe says different. I have a real, and fulfilling relationship with God.
One which grows deeper and stronger the more I rely on him, connect with him through prayer, and walk in the power and enabling of his Spirit.
I've seen the impossible happen when I have believed; I have felt the presence of God, a real discernable presence.
I've even been able to speak words of relevance into peoples lives; not words of my own intelligence and mind , but words I have have heard coming from the depths of my spirit. I've heard my own subconscious speak words so that I can listen, and on checking I've found the words to be exact verses word for word.
I mean, every alternative posed to me, falls short one way or another, and I especially reject a pathway to God that excludes his Son, its not possible to come to him any other way.
All those claiming this is possible stumble, when it comes to the bible, claiming only half is relevant, misinterpreting the scriptures, falling when it comes to explaining some of the so called 'contradictions' but for me,
most importantly, as soon as I bring up the question of sharing what God has done and how/when he 'spoke'into the heart, the other side/party goes either quiet, or start to throw verses and chapters, some even thinking the language they are spoken in makes a difference; and the nonsense about what is eaten making one more or less spiritual is quite amusing.
Behold your Messiah is about to come and His name is Jesus Christ... the One whom your forefathers have pierced as it says in your Torah...Zechariah 12:10
10 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a firstborn.
Who else who was pierced but Jesus...exactly what it says in Isaiah it for yourselves..
Please Israel, hear this, you are Gods chosen people...and He's coming back very soon as your Messiah and Ruler over all the people and nations of the world. He's the One we are waiting for and He might be coming in few days..The one you are waiting for is not a Messiah but the beast, (not an animal) but a very cruel demonic human ruler...Christians call him, the antichrist. He will deceive everyone especially Israel. Then in the middle of his governing, (he's gonna rule for a period of about 7 years) he will show up as the beast, ruling violently among all nations down here on earth, and the all the believers of Christ by that time, Jews and Gentiles, will be in heaven ( taken up by what we call Rapture). Go on UA-cam and find out all the information about this beast. Don't be fooled. It's time to wake up and find more about the truth for your salvation. God loves you and that's why He's letting me warn you about what's going on. Don't ignore this message but humble yourself and accept Jesus Christ. He's the one you're waiting for. There's a lot truth to be revealed and you'll find more on UA-cam channels out there. Blessings
Yeshu has never been written in TORAH. You put his name there when you quoted this verses which makes it false. Your false messiah will never come back. The TRUE Authentic TORAH guarantee it.
@JESUS CHRIST IS GOD Idolatry is a big crime in the court of heaven. G-d already talked to us at Mt Sinai and warned us against another god like yours.
We are awaiting for our true Messiah and he certainly is not yours which is a roman myth. Our true G-d revealed himself to more than 3 million people and his voice traveled the whole world that time and many of you just ignored it because you preferred a god made by gold and silver= meaning making up your god. The NT authors are heretics who made up your religion and has no relation with the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures.
The "Messiah" is originally from Judaism and copied by your religion. We know when he comes and Israel will always prevail for following what our G-d said in his word.
@JESUS CHRIST IS GOD you laugh now but you will be shocked when you reach your end. The Chosen people are telling you who has the truth so stop shoving our throat your false god.
@JESUS CHRIST IS GOD Woe to you an idolater who refuses to accept the one true G-d of Israel. You believe in one of our bastards who caused millions of death to Jews and non-Jews over millenium. Wake up, man and search for the truth that is found only in our Hebrew Scriptures and not in your NT which was manufactured by heretics.
@JESUS CHRIST IS GOD BTW all our prophets never talked about the man that you believed. They wrote and transmitted to us that we must never join your religion for ours is the absolute TRUTH.
You use our Tanakh to justify your lies which is stealing and misusing the word of G-d. That alone has long consequences and ramification in your next world. So Stop it. I am serious.
Your false messiah will never come to Israel for he is wallowing in the 7th Gehinom for vilifying our sages as written in your gospel of Matthew.
Legend has it he still never answered the question ..
Because he is no one to us. We know he isn't G-d or the son or messiah. Not even sure if he existed and we do not care anyway. Not even important
Rabbi, I'm a former atheist and have studied Islam, Judaism and Christianity. I'd like to debate you. We can be friends don't be offended because I'm calling you out.
I understand why you speak the way you speak. One day your eyes will open to fully know who Jesus Christ is.
I agree, Sir. Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to these pharisees in the future.
Read Zechariah 8:23
@@talishashaye5510 read Zechariah 8:23
This is called fanaticism.
Question, not a comment... Rabbi Singer, can you please tell me the name of the song is at the end of this video, and also who is singing it.
Tovia is so knowledgeable.
Jesus Christ is the only way to God, if you don't know him you don't know God
Thank you so much for the great teachings!!
Jesus is 100% the Jewish messiah
@@theguyver4934: ....and it says that WHERE in the Hebrew scriptures given to us by God at Mt. Sinai?!
@@janishart5128 - I'm a Muslim and like it or not but he is
All of that actually proves Jesus is not God
@@07silvali BTW do not mix NT with OT. Analyze the OT as jews have their entire lives and even understanding the Hebrew language it was written in and learning the oral teachings of it. You dont know anything about the OT if you are claiming Jesus as G-d. They are seperate entities and strangely enough the NT doesnt even seem to understand the basic principle that to be a descendent you must have that biological father, not a virgin birth. And again didnt even fulfill the prophecies. Jesus spoke aramaic and was born in israel, yet greeks wrote the NT or the people felt they had to suddenly write in Greek? Do you ever question in your life why arent christians taught biblical hebrew and koine greek so they can fully encompass and understand their entire history and bible? Because many christians who seem to finally do so or even just research find christianity to be massively flawed and almost built upon lies.
Oddly the NT says they fulfill the messianic prophecy by having Jesus born in Bethlehem yet this was a massive misunderstanding on their part of the OT verse that it points to. The verse spoke of King David, not that the messiah will be born of Bethlehem but they he will descend from King David. Somehow the jews of this time didnt seem to understand their own religion or book well enough? Even if about Bethlehem, Mary had to move to bethlehem to fulfill it even. Thats insanely easy to fulfill a prophecy by doing it yourself. Issue is again, Jesus didnt fulfill any of the other prophecies and isnt even a descendent of David. At this point you have to ask if Jesus even existed or was somehow totally warped and unrelated to anything christianity makes it out to be, because the religion is insanely flawed.
I was born and raised a Catholic but after reading most of the bible and seeing all the contradictions figured that I could not as an intelligent person believe in any such god. I do however believe that there is some sort of creation force out there in the universe somewhere but I dont believe that any religion has ever gotten it right
The authenticity of Moses is based on the public revelation at Sinai: God revealed Himself to the entire nation of Israel, at least three million people, and proclaimed before them the Ten Commandments. The entire Jewish people personally experienced that revelation, each individual in effect becoming a prophet, and each one verifying the experience of the other. With their own eyes they saw, and with their own ears they heard, as the Divine voice spoke to them, and also they heard God saying, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following ..." They did not receive the occurrence of that event and accept it as some claim or tradition of an individual, but they experienced it themselves. That public revelation, therefore, authenticated the bona fide status of Moses as a prophet of God, and the Divine origin of the instructions he recorded in the Torah. That, and that alone, is the criterion for the belief in, and acceptance of, Moses and his teachings.
He is the Messiah the Son of God! And we will all see him sitting on the right hand of God the Father coming on the clouds of Heaven! Praise Jesus Kings of Kings and Lord of lords!
do you know who sits at the right hand of God???? a Angel who is not god
I’m did not become a Christian because I loved JESUS. I became a Christian because the HOLY SPIRIT convicted me of my sinful nature and showed me I could NEVER please GOD by adhering to The Law or ritualistic religions.Even Judaism is ritualistic. However in CHRIST we have total freedom without Catholic or any other cults rituals. The HOLY SPIRIT lead me to YESHUA, to freedom, to inner peace and eternal life. YESHUA followed the law perfectly because I never could and bore the punishment for my inability to adhere to the law. Here is the way to eternal life and pleasing GOD.......1)respond to the conviction of the HOLY SPIRIT, 2)repent of your sin, 3)believe that JESUS CHRIST is Lord and that GOD raised HIM from the dead.There that’s it .......a perfect trinity! With much love and peace, John.
Inspired by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Precisely! Psalm 110:1 “ The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool unto your feet.” Explanation, David is speaking from his perspective, The Lord(GOD THE FATHER) says to my Lord(YESHUA) sit at my right hand.......Praise be to GOD THE FATHER and the Lord YESHUA FOREVER, amen! With much love and peace, John.
If you want to really follow the the truth listen to this Rabbi. So so absolutely honest, we have been lie to for decades. If HaShem open your ears and you were a Christian Like me I cried for weeks for all the lies in the new testament
Are you even listening to this rabbi? He hasn’t even answered the question. He just talking nonsense just to say he doesn’t have an answer. The lady ask who was he then and did he do the things that they said he did. He’s not answering that question he’s just saying he’s not the messiah.
You may become a jew by following this rabbi but you will not be a child of God. That rabbi need to be born again and receive the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 7:14 God give Israel a sign, ' the virgin will concieve and bear a son, and shall call his name immanuel. ' that was fulfilled in Jesus birth, Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 9:6 Unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given, His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Your rabbi will not use those scriptures, so he selectively quote to deceive .
Jesus was a Prophet of God, and he was the Messiah, because he was not crucified. So he did not die the death of a blasphemer. Because the Torah says that the hanged man is cursed. But we as Muslims believe in Jesus as a Prophet, we accept ALL the prophets of God Almighty. Islam is the truth
There are many prophecies in the Torah that Jesus is going to die for our sins
This explanation is perfect !!
Jesus is Lord and Savior. Pharisees will always deny Jesus.
@Inspired by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Even the devil knows scripture. Jesus is Lord and Savior. Eat some bacon. U will feel better.
@@perrycrozier8805 Nice antisemitism you got there. But your messiah was Jewish. Yet you're gonna talk like that to Jews?
@@KatRunion sounds like u need some bacon in your life.
Perry Crozier jokes on you because gd said pork was unclean. Christians sure like to preach out of our “Old Testament” yet refuse to abide by the laws unless it’s to skew an agenda to hate. Good for you. 👏🏼
@@KatRunion Read the New Testament.
Poor Rabbi Tovia, he’s wandering in darkness, he knows not The Way,(Jesus Christ).
Jesus led people astray. He is like the false prophet in Deuteronomy 13 who leads people to worship other gods. He is definitely not the way.
A UA-cam video titled _Rabbi Tovia Singer Explains to Caller Why the Messiah Can’t be Anything Remotely Resembling Jesus_ explains that the prophet Ezekiel gave a detailed description of the Messiah's duties in the Messianic Age and these duties are in CONTRADICTION of Christian claims about Messiah Jesus. That is to say, the New Testament has Jesus being in place of the sacrificial lamb; according to the authors of the New Testament, Jesus' shed blood on the cross ends animal shed blood for the remission of sins as appears in the Laws of Moses in the Old Testament. Ezekiel says the Messiah will offer bulls to be slain by the priests, for the remission of the Messiah's sins and the sins of his people. This event cannot happen for Christians in the Messianic Age, for it would negate Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Ezekiel 45:1-25; 46:1-24. "the prince's duty...he shall provide the sin offerings, cereal offerings, burnt offerings and peace offerings, to make atonement for the house of shall take a young bull without blemish, and cleanse the sanctuary. The priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering and put it on the doorposts of the temple...On that day the prince shall provide for himself and all the people of the land a young bull for a sin offering..." Ergo, Rabbi Tova Singer is correct, Jesus cannot be the Messiah ( or "Prince," Jesus being called the "Prince of Peace") spoken of by the Holy Spirit to Ezekiel.
Tovia, was Moses rejected by Israel, and because of this rejection suffered a death to the life Moses knew in Egypt, only to be resurrected from the dead, EXILE, and return long after the Israelite's thought Moses dead, to Redeem Israel from slavery in Egypt FOREVER. Tovia, did Moses not prophecy that, ONE greater than him would come, a Redeemer like Moses who was to be as GOD, a Mashiach who is " GOD HERO, FATHER FOREVER, WONDER COUNSELOR, PRINCE of PEACE, UPON WHOSE SHOULDER DOMINION RESTS ", GOD'S first begotten son, ONE with the GOD of LIGHTS, the GOD of SPIRITS, the FATHER of all creation, " Let us create man IN OUR, OUR, OUR, IMAGE. A Mashiach begotten before the sun, " you are my SON before the Daystar I have BEGOTTEN YOU ", that is before all creation, which was created through HIM, and for HIM. Like Moses before him, Mashiach was rejected by Israel, though not all, and literally dying to the life Mashiach knew in Israel, conspired against by Caiaphas and his contemporaries unto death as revealed in the Prophets, " if MY Servant gives HIS life as an offering for sin, He shall see HIS descendants in a LONG life " obviously RISING FROM THE DEAD, and like Moses RETURNING to Jerusalem and Redeeming the whole world from slavery to death, FOREVER. Tovia you are kicking against the goad, Israel will mourn for the " ONE THRUST THROUGH " who like Joseph, and Moses, came to Israel two thousand years ago, all suffering eerily similar fates. Tovia, have you read " the LORD, said to my LORD, sit at my RIGHT HAND " written by David who calls Mashiach LORD, Mashiach is not a son of David, Mashiach is the SON of the LIVING GOD of Israel, that is who Jeshua is, one you reject as your ancestors, though not all, may you receive the TRUE LIGHT of Israel, as Saul of Tarsus did, who was unmatched in his zeal against the the WAY, and served Mashiach Jeshua with the same zeal.
Rabbi, what non Jewish historical evidence is there for Moses??
Excellent question. It's been a year since you asked it I see. Let's hope he can give you an answer.
The Quran :)
@@chaimf1974 Cool answer, problem is the Torah had existed for 2000 years and the Gospels had been officially put together 300 years prior to Mohammad’s existence. So he had the Torah and the Godpels to go by. When Paul wrote his earliest letters and when Josephus wrote the “Testimonium Flavianum”, The Gospels had not yet been composed hence giving us evidence of Jesus outside of the Gospels. All we know of Moses is from the OT. This neither proves nor disproves but I’m merely making a point.
I believe Moses existed because Christ referenced him.
@@liamkeogh5135 I wasn't sure what you were looking for. Are you merely looking for evidence of Moses' existence outside of Jewish sources, because finding such evidence would provide more legitimacy to Jewish claims? Or are you asking for such evidence because you believe the evidence for Jesus is greater, since he is mentioned outside of the Gospels? I'm genuinely unsure where to take this, but if the implication is, that someone should not deny the accuracy of the divinity of Jesus while believing that Moses existed, because there exists more diverse proofs for Jesus, I would respond in many ways.
1) No one denies that Jesus existed, to argue that Jesus is divine is another story. I, too, exist, and there are more proofs of my existence than anyone else that lived years prior to my birth. Does that make me God? I hope not.
2) You also mention that you believe Moses existed because Jesus said so. Do you realize that you also only believe in Jesus because Moses existed? Moses has to come first in the equation, as Xtianity relies on the Jewish Prophets and teachings (IMO, pervertedly). To say that you believe in Moses because Jesus said so is like saying you believe your grandparents once existed because your parents said they did, but only because your parents said they did. You rely on Moses for what Jesus says to matter to you.
3) Most importantly, Jews don't believe that Moses was more divine that another human being. What I mean is, all of his divinity was a reflection of the One God. He was as divine as that which he reflected, entirely reliant on the Almighty.
Xtians believe _in_ Jesus which is something very different. While I believe that Moses was Hashem's greatest prophet, I don't pray to him. I don't _believe_ in *him*. I believe and pray to God, and sometimes, I may even pray that God answer my prayers in the merit of great people like Moses. But it is always, only, prayer to God as God is the only source of power.
Lmk if I addressed your thoughts or if I was completely off target :)
@@chaimf1974 What I am saying is largely rhetorical. The Rabi likes to claim that only evidence for Jesus is the Gospels and that the Divinity of Christ increases as the Gospels go on. So basically he thinks that in Mark, Christ isn’t really divine but by the time you get to John, Jesus is God.
I refute this claim. If you only had Mark to read then you would still have Jesus as the Divine Son of God.
Rabi Tovia never actually states if he thinks Jesus is real or not. Watch him closely. He talks about the Gospels like they were made up by different individuals who partially copied each other but added to the story as the years went on. He never states who he thinks Jesus actually was. Inferring that Jesus may not have even existed.
To disagree with you slightly, I actually do think many people believe he never existed.
My point on Moses is I know he existed without the need for any other sources because Jesus of Nazareth (who there are plenty sources for) referenced Moses.
Because Rabi Tovia doesn’t believe in Jesus and may even believe that he is a fictional character. Then Jesus’ reference of Moses is rendered useless.
The Rabi hence has no other sources for his greatest prophet other than what is written in Jewish scripture.
This renders his arguments against evidence for Jesus’ divinity or even existence useless.
In a nutshell, as Christians we know of Moses’ existence because Jesus confirms it, we know of Jesus existence because of the many none Christian sources who reference him, namely Josephus. Tibia doesn’t believe in Jesus so he has no confirmation of Moses outside of Jewish scripture which makes his opinions on Jesus hypocritical.
Jewish people still reject Jesus Christ and they probably will until his 2nd coming
Psalms 22:16-18
For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me. They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.
Psalms 22:16-18
And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
Zechariah 12:10
Jesus himself said in the book of John, He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
John 7:38 and that means the old Testament, I have no reason to dislike the Jewish people now it's the time for Gentiles like me to get saved I am thankful that GOD sent the savior like he he said he would.
I believe JESUS Christ
He is my LORD and my Salvation
So why are you here then
@@KatRunionhe is probably here not to listen, not to use his brain but to be agressive.
'Jesus or Yeshua of Nazareth' would be considered a human sacrifice which is an abomination to the God of Israel. The Hebrew Bible also says that no human can pay for another human's sin, therefore, it's impossible for Jesus to have paid the price for the sins of the world.
Yeshua of Nazareth can never be the Messiah because the God of Israel is avidly against human sacrifice and says each human must pay for his own sin.
I was a very devout Christian for around thirty years, there are some good things in it; such as, love is patient, love is kind, love does no ill will against others, etc...
I hope the Israeli Messiah is a real prophesied human who will cause complete peace on earth, end of wars, end of bullying, end of violence, and we can beat our weapons into farming tools.
Listen to Mitisyahu's song "One Day", it's a really good song.
James O'Brien Your right no man can pay for another mans sins .. Jesus was not a man but the great I Am as he says . God paid for your sins
Rez Parviz The Bible never says Jesus is the Great I Am nor does the Bible ever once say Jesus is God. If you look up the oldest manuscripts of Greek scriptures, you'll also see, "I am the Alpha and the Omega...." isn't in the oldest manuscripts but was added later.
God would never use Jesus as his name either. Yeshua, Yehoshua, Jesus is the same thing as YeH is salvation. YaH, YeH, YeHUaH, YaHUaH is God's Name and no human is named YeHUaH for it's name only God has.
Jesus is supposedly the Son of God, not the Father God. Jesus said My Father is Greater Than (>) I. Jesus didn't say that My Father and I are Equal (=). Also, The Greek scripture says, have this mind (thought process) be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form (image) of God thought it not something to be grasped to be equal with God.... We are to also think being equal with God a thing to be grasped, for we are Less Than (
James O'Brien Jesus is the one and only special son of God. Yes your also a Son of God , but you could never do what Jesus did and I don't want to get into a discussion as to what is real name was. In Mexico your name would be different than in the USA.. Christ was born without sin , that means of a Virgin . He was the sprit of God , you and I are not directly from God . You are a result of mother and Father who had You. Mary was sinless which was the perfect vessel for Christ to come into the world . He was the Messiah, he was the final sin offering who died for our sins . There is no more animal sacrifices. He was the final sacrifice. I know you understand what I am saying , but being a Christian was too hard and so you choose to look elsewhere. Those that endure to the end will be saved brother . Finish the race . The Jews are wrong .. Dr Peter Stoner proved without a doubt that Christ fulfilled every OT prophesy over 300. Do you know what the odds are of that ? 8 prophesies fulfilled would be as if you took Texas and filled it 2 feet high full of silver dollars and marked one coin and threw it in the pile and then mixed up all the coins. Then I told you that you have 1 chance to pick the right coin . That's just 8 . Imagine 300. The number is so large that the Jews threw out there Torah and made a Talmud which they follow because they knew the prophecies of Isaiah and Daniel .. Come back home brother.
Christ is the way the truth and the life and "Nobody comes to the Father except through me"!
Rez Parviz I will never come back to Christianity. The only faith I may go for is Judaism and I even question his goodness. I know God is not a Father, Abba, Dad because any dad would feed his starving children and really take care of their needs. When I was a Christian, I had an ailment and prayed 1,000 times for God to help me and heal me and after begging he did nothing for me. I didn't even have to ask my real dad to take care of me, he just did it because he loved me. God did not take care of me in my needs.
I will never accept a human sacrifice to replace or fully fill animal sacrifices ever again. I like how the Jews would sacrifice animals, then eat them, and use their hides for good purposes. There is nothing wrong with animal sacrifices unless you are a vegan activist.
James O'Brien What would be the need of God healing you if your just going to get a new body in Heaven anyways ? I have so many ailments brother that I can't even count .. do you think that life is without suffering ..? Do you know why we suffer ? It's to be made into the image of Christ who suffered greatly .. The Bible says in order to share in Christ Glory , we must share in his suffering . This life is a test , a refiners fire . To burn off
Your impurities so that you let go of the flesh and live in the sprit . Walking in the sprit , being a beacon a shining light of Christ so that others can see Christ in you . Do you know how many Godly men suffered . Read the history of the church fathers who suffered at the hands of the Romans . The other alternative is to live without faith and be hopeless .. Brother maybe God does not want to heal you now . None of us are guaranteed healing . If and when God heals , it's his will not ours . Jesus said your faith has healed you .. Do you believe he can heal you ? Let me give one bit of advice that helped me tremendously. Partake of the Holy Sacraments . Any Catholics or Orthodox Church.. Try the Orthodox as they still give you Sacraments even if your not a member . Try that and see how
You feel . A lot of ailments come from a broken mind . There is mind body connection and if the mind is hurt then the body suffers . Read Carl Jung and his testimonies of the Holy Sacraments also known as The Eucharist.
1. Jesus and most of Jesus's early followers were Jews. After the "New Covenant" was opened by Jesus, the Jewish religion basically disbanded and Biblical Judaism does not exist today.
2. Most groups of people around the world who "claim" to be Jews are unlikely to have any link to the 12 Tribes or the Jews of Jesus's time.
....I hope this helps.
Indeed Rabbi, what you say is verity itself. I'm not Jewish or Christian, and I have to say, I'm very impressed by your scholarship. Shalom. Flaxen Saxon.
“Who do you say that I am”
@Abraham Mani: NOWHERE did God ever mention the names "Jesus/Yeshua" to us. That name ONLY appears in the false, pagan "New Testament", that is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God.
God DOESN'T need help from YOU and your false, pagan teachings, that preach AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! Go preach to atheists in a CHRISTIAN comment section!
@JESUS CHRIST IS GOD: Absolutely NOT TRUE!!! NOWHERE did God EVER mention the name "Jesus Christ" to us. That name is ONLY found in the "New Testament" that is NOT scriptures that was given to mankind by God, and it actually preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai.
PLEASE do some honest research on how Christianity started, and you WILL discover, as thousands of us have, that it absolutely DID NOT come from God.
No one Tom. It isn't even translated as 'I am'.
Rabbi Tovio was not at the time when Jesus was around, if he kept on saying that the Christian belief is false and New Testament is false, where do we go from here and what about the Old Testament and the Holy Bible.