Greg Boyd Tackles The Myth Of The Christian Religion

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2010
  • Produced By: Denise Lodde
    Greg Boyd is a pastor, theologian and popular author of books such as "The Myth of a Christian Nation". His latest book tackles "The Myth of a Christian Religion" tackles the religious obstacles that prevent people from knowing Jesus.
    Greg Boyd-Author, Pastor and Theologian, Christus Victor Ministries


  • @justinlang5481
    @justinlang5481 3 роки тому +5

    Love this !!!!! Greg Boyd is awesome !!!!

  • @yh10359
    @yh10359 3 роки тому +3

    I am totally with Jesus and Pastor Greg!!!

  • @bradyfortuin8886
    @bradyfortuin8886 7 років тому +15

    Keep beating at it Greg... World needs to see how love looks now more than ever...

    • @beaminup
      @beaminup 2 роки тому

      Your statement and what pastor Boyd preaches seems to be true now more than ever. Here I am watching this 11 Years after it was posted.

  • @rileytaylor1335
    @rileytaylor1335 11 років тому +2

    God gives us the strength and GRACE in the sanctification process so we can obey and be more like Him. We cannot be sanctified on our own and we can't boast in our good works. God gets all the credits. Faith without works is dead, but without faith it is impossible to please God.

  • @zaggy3110
    @zaggy3110 3 роки тому +8

    Furthermore: The american flag (or any other national flag for that matter) has no place in a church.

  • @DanCarollo
    @DanCarollo 10 років тому +9

    As a Catholic, I see it as BOTH/AND, not an either/or. It's BOTH relationship AND religion. What I mean by that: the "religion" part plays itself out in the real world through our worship, the liturgy, works of mercy, social justice. True Religion is the "fruit" of a real, living relationship or union with Christ.

    • @Rabbitburnx
      @Rabbitburnx 5 років тому +1

      Catholicism is of the devil.

    • @resumacast
      @resumacast 4 роки тому +1

      I came to more or less the same conclusions of this guy after many years of Bible studies and pray but I did not become anti-religious. The problem of this people is : political ideology mind frame.

    • @ANTYQUE
      @ANTYQUE 3 роки тому

      As SDA, this was well stated!! 💯

    • @DanCarollo
      @DanCarollo 3 роки тому

      @@Rabbitburnx Catholicism is the reason you have the Nicene Creed, and the New Testament canon of scripture. Neither would have happened under the framework of fractured, split denominationalism.

    • @cman101892
      @cman101892 9 місяців тому

      @@DanCarollo I think the denominations are silly and as someone who grew up devout Catholic I can tell you it is mostly silliness. No one knows the significance of the rituals until once a year when the father reminds you if you have a priest who can even tell a cohesive homily for 10 minutes out of a 60 minute routine. It's all human pride at the end of the day, there was nothing in the bible about Christ demanding the pope be entrusted as his vicker this is all made up. Christ said the most important commandments from God were to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and might, and treat your neighbor as you would treat yourself. Now none of us can fully fulfill those commandments due to our flesh, so you aim for those 2 things, you aim for Christ and you will know him and die to your "self". Serving others is to serve God, serving yourself is to serve Satan. That's it. Christ came so that we might have peace and rejoice in the good news. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. To believe in Christ is to believe his words and the ones I mentioned above. Anything else is a fart in the wind. Pre and post trib, baptism, orthodoxy, it's all humans bickering over human things. Religion is routine and discipline. People need that for sure. But it's not faith and it's not a relationship. It's doing the same thing over and over to make sure you're "covered" which you wouldn't need to do if you really believed.

  • @jessewallace12able
    @jessewallace12able 6 років тому +3

    Go Greg!!

  • @richhava
    @richhava 11 місяців тому

    His words were piercing the heart of the interviewer.
    This man has my attention.....
    His perspective has hit home with me and now I have a way to explain things.
    His definition of religion is dead on and I am guilty to an extent but no more.
    I need to know more about this man.
    Mega churches that I know of are evil but does not mean his is.....

  • @smackroscoe
    @smackroscoe 11 років тому +1

    While I am not opposed to the idea of a omnipotent being, I am bewildered by one that takes attendance.

  • @-linus1688
    @-linus1688 7 років тому +4

    "I want the presence of God Himself, or I don't want anything at all to do with religion... I want all that God has or I don't want any."
    -A.W. Tozer

    • @yukonfarnsworth1688
      @yukonfarnsworth1688 6 років тому

      - Linus Here's the thing the battle between god and Satan is already over god won.
      We just haven't experienced it yet because we experience time in an unfolding linear fashion. We haven't caught up to that yet.
      Satan has been changing human history since the beginning to fool humanity and bring us down with him. All the fables allegory religions and myths are Satan deceiving you wonderfully. As it says he does. I just don't trust Satan or man enough to believe the bible is a collection of other religious texts etc. Faith means a lot to god. Its IMO due to Satan betraying god it hurt god in whatever way omnipotence feels heartbreak. And feel free to bash me I don't care.

  • @benmiddleton9984
    @benmiddleton9984 11 років тому +3

    Boyd is sadly right about one thing. Real christianity is crumbling and more and more people are settling for an untruthful "gospel." A "gospel" of Satan and not of God. The money "gospel", rather than the Gospel of repentance and redemption. Sad!

  • @dentonw123
    @dentonw123 12 років тому +2

    I lost count of the number of indicative statements Rev. Boyd made, but the point is that making indicative statements concerning what is true or not true is dogma, doctrine, the very things he declares cannot "get one to Jesus." So he is not the cure, but just as much a part of the problem as what he is against. His statements are as much myth as the myths he seeks to refute.

  • @benmiddleton9984
    @benmiddleton9984 11 років тому

    John 17 has the answer Mr. Boyd! 20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one- 23 I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me."

  • @fantasybouthour6679
    @fantasybouthour6679 Рік тому

    I love this guy

  • @caveatemp
    @caveatemp 11 років тому +1

    He speaks my language.

  • @kyleotero5787
    @kyleotero5787 6 років тому +1

    Sadly many people turned Christs message of loving God and one another into another religion on how man can appease God. At its roots it was supposed to be God reaching down to man and teaching us how to love and forgive everyone.

  • @benmiddleton9984
    @benmiddleton9984 11 років тому +1

    How do your people become more like Jesus Greg? Simple! Preach this to them. 1 Peter 1:14-16 "So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.”

    • @yukonfarnsworth1688
      @yukonfarnsworth1688 6 років тому

      Ben Middleton well we are supposed to represent god.
      Much like the soldiers represent their generals.
      If you pick your nose after you fall in you will be noticed.

  • @flashgm41
    @flashgm41 11 років тому +1

    Give yourselves more time. You might become wiser and understand what this man is saying. Skeptipicus, he is not trying to separate himself from religion....he is separating himself from lies told over the centuries

  • @RosannaMiller
    @RosannaMiller 11 років тому

    Why is there division? So that the works of God might be displayed in people.

  • @benmiddleton9984
    @benmiddleton9984 11 років тому +1

    Jesus said. `Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him....If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching (not a watered down teaching). My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.' John 14.21-23 P.S This is what today's church DOES NOT PRACTICE!!! That is why it is so successful.

  • @TorianTammas
    @TorianTammas 10 років тому

    Fascinating this is the 40.000 and one true version of christianity. It looks to me a bit overcrowded when one assumes that god wanted to tell the people what it is about.

  • @johnny40773
    @johnny40773 13 років тому +1

    Are you serious?? So you are basically saying that God is not Omniscient? Wow so you are ignoring every biblical teaching.... Ok tell me good friend what does your picture of God look like?

  • @gryte4
    @gryte4 11 років тому

    i love you frobsnifflerable...

  • @lanes58
    @lanes58 5 років тому +5

    He has his own definition of religion. He himself has flip flopped himself many times in his beliefs. I wonder what next year will bring.

    • @petesbees
      @petesbees 2 роки тому

      It is called cafeteria christianity

  • @optionsstrategies7511
    @optionsstrategies7511 4 роки тому +1

    It seems evident to me that NOT voting(as a matter of principle) would be most like Christ. Would Jesus vote for a political leader to forcefully rule over him and those he loved? Of course not.

  • @profskett
    @profskett 13 років тому

    No, he (Laws631) is not saying he actually thinks that. He is taking an idea that Greg Boyd espouses (namely Open Theism) and twisting it into something resembles neither the content nor the spirit of anything that Greg, or any other Open Theist that I know of, has written or intended to communicate. This is a straw-man argument, and best ignored.
    Good shout!

  • @xxDCshoOzexx
    @xxDCshoOzexx 12 років тому

    @xxDCshoOzexx Don't*

  • @cristopherfistunenko272
    @cristopherfistunenko272 5 років тому +1

    Jesus was incarnation of god. Actually. That was put in the bible until 325 ad. The nicene creed, and if your trying to persuade ppl to become Christian .as a christian shouldn't you be honest? And tell them this was highly debated and controversial. And Constantine formed a council OF'MEN',yes, men decided on the divinity of christ, not god, not scripture. Ultimately much of our beliefs today are man made

  • @xxDCshoOzexx
    @xxDCshoOzexx 12 років тому

    @aerycksmusic wait for sex until your married, don't masterbate, honor your parents, don't lie, etc. Live your own life and be brainwashed into thinking you can't.

  • @Ogram1000
    @Ogram1000 12 років тому

    What was the prayer Jesus was say ....Thy Kingdom come... Thy will be done. When Jesus was talking to HIS followers they were Jewish more then not HE spoke Hebrew to them... The writings were in Greek but that doesn't mean HE spoke GREEK to his followers >>>not saying he didn't> JUST saying His followers were ALL Jewish>>>Jesus came to HIS own and His own rejected HIM>>>

    • @blambrax
      @blambrax 4 роки тому

      Christ was talking about the evil Pharisees-who were jews-and who killed him. So to be with,and love the Holy Jesus Christ it does not matter what ethnicity you are. The message of Christ is for all Humans. So every human on the planet can lay a claim to be of Christ's righteousness because they Love Christ and lives for him, because he first Loved us. We were forgiven for our sins before we were born.

  • @Ogram1000
    @Ogram1000 12 років тому

    Jesus fulfilled the Law...after all He is the Law. He kept the Law. He did not keep the RULES which is very different. I do not understand the Kingdom preaching. Those who Believe Jesus are joint heirs. We are HIS bride. A King has subjects...WHO would be the subjects IF we are HIS bride. WHO are the subjects IF we are HIS body? again who are HIS Subjects?

  • @shoptalkwithpastordave5556
    @shoptalkwithpastordave5556 6 років тому +3

    Jesus didn't come to start a revalution or movement. he came to seek and save that which is lost.

  • @vorticanian
    @vorticanian 12 років тому

    You DO realize that "Son of Man" is more of a divine claim then "son of God"? Sons of God, while that is true about Jesus isn't as blatant a declaration as "Son of Man" which is a part of Mark. To the Jewish audience, they would hear Daniel 7 ringing in their ears. All the talk of Son-of-God business is Jesus subverting the kingdoms of the world. Oh you thing Caesar's reign is good news? Wait till you see Jesus! That's true evangelion!

  • @nomadicrecovery1586
    @nomadicrecovery1586 Рік тому

    Interestingly, hes stating many of the things the Jehovahs Witnesses say. And, he also destroys their arrogance by stating what Christ did. The poor, healing, etc. As an ex jw, I know hes right about most Christians as he states here. And yet, even the most well intended zealot can miss the entire point. They become Pharisees, missing the point. Religious, arrogant

  • @richardsasso8043
    @richardsasso8043 2 роки тому

    Sigh. The Kingdom of God was the cornerstone of Jesus' teaching. Like. Every. Single. Parable.

  • @benmiddleton9984
    @benmiddleton9984 11 років тому +1

    LOL! Mr. Boyd. Why encourage your congregation to live in the question. Why not tell them to live in the ANSWER!? Here is the answer about the will of God for Gods people. I Thessalonians 4:3
    “For this is the will of God, your sanctification…:
    What is sanctification? How are we sanctified? (Read I Corinthians 1:30 and 6:11)

  • @stickman2012
    @stickman2012 12 років тому

    suit yourself.

  • @ldwalker1493
    @ldwalker1493 5 років тому

    punk rock preacher

    @TheDREAMSAUDI 12 років тому

    Demolition of the Christian religion in these themes
    Proven historically that Jesus eat foods
    How could he be the attributes of the Creator Jesus depends on something, a creature of food to stay alive
    And honest with himself and thinks now is the right and you will be the logical conclusion that Jesus and Mary, peace be upon them creatures humans was 100%
    Evidence of a Creator is one, but has no human qualities

  • @Ogram1000
    @Ogram1000 12 років тому

    heehaa haa

  • @drsamlyman
    @drsamlyman 5 років тому

    Honestly, how can you have a relationship with someone you cannot see? The whole concept is bogus. Jesus died 2,000 years ago and we have not seen him since (sorry Joseph Smith... you lied).

  • @jamesgoodrich8355
    @jamesgoodrich8355 6 років тому

    My spirit is raising all kinds of red flags here. Can’t quite put my finger on it but I’ll say this. There’s something wrong with insinuating that the “Christian religion” as a whole has it wrong. I don’t know. With book titles like “the myth of the Christian religion” and “the myth of a Christian Nation”. Very divisive, arrogant and prideful in my opinion. I think it’s time to quit getting your kicks out of being provocative Greg.

  • @benmiddleton9984
    @benmiddleton9984 11 років тому

    This guy Boyd is preaching a different Gospel. The bible is a double edged SWORD! Not a gentle comb. God is not a universalist. There is only ONE WAY TO GOD and that is through Jesus Christ. Preaching a watered down "gospel" to fill your churches so that you can make more money, isn't the answer. you're doing NO ONE any justice. If you love them. TELL THEM THE TRUTH IN LOVE!

  • @anatira
    @anatira 12 років тому

    A Deceiver!!!

  • @Laws631
    @Laws631 13 років тому

    Typical "new breed/emergent church/ecumenism" .. teaches thousands of people that "God does NOT know the future. Not even God can know the future. He can take incredibly wise guesses but He can be fooled, can make wrong choices, can give false guidance, can be mistaken, and can be resisted to the point of frustration. The open God is a God who not only lacks control, but also lacks knowledge of the future, for this is the only way that humans can be truly free moral creatures." Heretic.