I feel blessed and lucky to find refuge in Goddess White Tara. May her blessings overshadow the sufferings of the people during this unprecedented times due to Coronavirus pandemic.
Thank you white tara maa, you never fail to work your miracles, thank you for saving the life of my another family member yet again 🧿🙏🏼🍀 thank you thank you thank you 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
The Essence of swift Boldness clears away all Fear, Distress and Suffering The complete Victory of TRUTH over Negativity and our Ego, is the Merit of LIFE , where WISDOM can increase all Accomplishments.
It the greatest mantra sung by lord shiva his wife sheela and vijay and Tara joins to eleviate the sufferings of innocent chinese suppressed by own Reds long ago.Is is heart rendering.
Kate Thomas Kate Thomas 4 years ago (edited) Hi, Pedro: Here is the meaning of White Tara’s Long Life Mantra: OM TARE TUTTARE TURE MAMA AYUR JNANA PUNYE PUTING KURUYE SOHA (om tare tuttare ture = Tara) (mama = my) (ayur = life force and health) (jnana = knowledge-wisdom) (punye = merit ) (puting = increase and thrive) (kuruye soha = make it so)! “Tara, make my life force and health, knowledge-wisdom, and merit increase. Make it so!” Different schools of Tibetan Buddhism recite the mantra in different ways. Sometimes "JNANA" comes after "AYUR". In this case, "PUNYE" comes before "JNANA". Show less REPLY
White Tara maa please bless me and heal me from Osteoarthritis problem I am suffering since three years, can't stand up can't sit can't walk can't move ...pls.help me Tara maa...Om Tare Tuttare Tura Mama Ayur Gyana Punye Pushtim Kuru Svaha! 🙏🙏🙏
whenever we say OM we are calling Arya Tara. TARE means please release me from the prison of samsara. OM means “Oh Arya Tara,” calling, please liberate me and all beings from samsara’s prison. TUTTARE TURA means please protect us from the dangers of fire, water, elephants, lions, there are eight dangers listed. In reality fire is anger, water means attachment, elephants means ignorance, lion means pride. The list is of eight different types of delusions, we have fears of these delusions so we requesting. “TUTTARE TURA” means please liberate me from the eight fears. MAMA AYUR PUNAYA means bestow long life, good fortune and wisdom. The entire meaning of the mantra is “Oh Arya Tara please liberate myself and all beings from samsara’s prison. Please protect us from the eight fears or eight dangers or dangers of fire, water and so forth. Please bestow long life, good fortune and wisdom.
+Jo par So... it is a form of prayer like the Muslims n the Christians do when they pray to their GOD, asking/begging for deliverance, healing, protection, etc etc... Aren't the Buddhist warned that we should NOT ask for anything in front of the Buddhas/Bodhisattva? Self-Reliance is the key of the Buddhist Teaching, isn't it? This is the main reason why more n more people flock to the Churches and Mosques where they can just pray to their God for deliverance without doing their parts - purify their body, heart, n mind through self-contemplation, ritualistic worship, helping others, etc etc...
Well, mantra is translated as 'mind protection' so.... anyway...I agree in that the main training in the Buddhist path is working on your own faults and delusions BUT you can only really do that in-dependance upon blessings [from a spiritual guide/Buddha] and help from others who are also on the same path [sangha] It is very much a relationship. To rely on ones own 'self' will never ever get you anywhere...but I know what you mean !! - Actually, Buddhas will do anything they can in their power to help people - if it makes a disciple happy to get a new car and they have the karma to get one then, if it is in Buddha's power to help then of course they would. Buddhas will do anything to bring any happiness to people due to their profound love and compassion... A lollipop will not bring lasting happiness to your child but if they want one u buy it for them...because you love them :) Buddha may also create many blessings for you to help people through having a car though !! - Thats been my experience anyway. Buddhas will help in ANY way they can BUT they always help you make the most of what you have or do. They are very skillful! :) Not enough space here to even begin to do justice...
the simple answer is yes. Tara the Goddess, was incorporated into the Buddhist religion from Hinduism, but mostly in Tibet and Nepal, where she is both a deity and bodhisattva-one who helps you achieve enlightenment. The difference between Buddhist and Muslims, Jews, and Christians regarding Gods or Goddesses is that Buddhism does not accept the creator Gods, the creator of the universe, but these deities are responsive to prayer and can offer insight, protection, etc. mostly ignorant, but perhaps this helps. As my understanding is, self-reliance is not the key, but rather overcoming attachment to the self, losing attachment to the seeming pleasures of life, and finding happiness only in the happiness of others. It is thought useful, or even necessary by most Buddhist schools, that meditation helps in order to help calm the mind, and to focus on the impermanence of all things. Can safely tell you, that what is very important in Buddhism is found in other religions: Compassion for yourself and others. Compassion is very important. Best wishes, Taichilover doesbetter.
Sorry, but, respectfully > 'Tara the Goddess, was incorporated into the Buddhist religion from Hinduism' is completely wrong.< 'Tara' is a manifestation of the wind element of all the Buddhas.Every part of Buddha [Shakyamuni's] mind and body can and does appear in the aspect of other Buddhas, for example Buddhas compassion appears in the form of Avalokiteshvara, his wisdom in the form of Manjushri and so forth. The wind element, a subtle form energy in the body appears in the aspect of Tara. When our own body, mind and winds are fully purified and we ourselves become enlightened then we have the power to appear all aspects of our own body and mind in various forms to benefit all living beings :)
Namaste Forever! 4 The Great TARA of Phenomenal & Spiritual Magnificent Universe of Beloved Creator. Hosanna ! - to Her Eternal Spirit of DIVINE LOVE & to Her Sacred Body of limitless LOVE and Compassion.Namaste! 4 Beauty of LOVE & Enlightenment. Hosanna! to our DIVINE Darling Mother! Big Thanks-4 sharing!
Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật Con kính lạy tạ ơn tri ân đảnh lễ Đức Bổn Sư Vô Thượng Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật Chú Vãng Sanh Pureland Dharani Namo Ratna-trayāya, Namaḥ Āryāmitābhāyā, Tathāgatāyārhate Samyak-saṃbuddhāya, Tadyathā, Oṃ Amṛte Amṛtodbhave Amṛta-saṃbhave Amṛta-garbhe, Amṛta-siddhe Amṛta-teje Amṛta-vikrānte, Amṛta-vikrānta-gāmine Amṛta-gagana-kīrti-kare, Amṛta-dundubhi-svare Sarvārtha-sādhane, Sarva-karma-kleśa-kṣayaṃ-kare svāhā. [Kính lễ Tam Bảo, Kính lễ đấng cao quý Amitabha (Ánh Sáng Vô Biên), Kính lễ đấng Như Lai (Tathāgata), bậc A-la-hán (Arhat), người đã tỉnh thức hoàn toàn và hoàn hảo (samyaksambuddha). Như vầy: Oṃ Kính lễ sự bất tử (amrta), kính lễ đấng tạo ra sự bất tử! Kính lễ đấng sinh ra từ sự bất tử! Kính lễ bản chất/phôi tạng (garbha) của sự bất tử! Kính lễ đấng hoàn thiện sự bất tử! Kính lễ sự rực rỡ (teja) của sự bất tử! Kính lễ đấng vượt qua sự bất tử! Kính lễ đấng vượt qua sự bất tử và vinh quang của vị ấy vô biên như bầu trời (amṛtagaganakīrtikare) Kính lễ âm thanh của tiếng trống vang vọng đánh thức sự thấu hiểu sự bất tử (sadhane) vì lợi ích cho tất cả. [tiếng trống bất tử đem lại (sadhane) lợi ích cho tất cả.] Kính lễ đấng phá hủy (ksayam) mọi phiền não nghiệp chướng. Kính lễ! ] OM BHRUM HUM Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya (Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya x108x♾)
tengo una gorriona de mascota, la cual se domestico a si misma y por eso se quedo, cuando llego a mi era tan pequeña y delicada que no sabia si lo lograría porque yo no tenia experiencia alguna con gorriones, pero le puse el nombre de white tara con la esperanza de que ella pudiera recibir la energía buena de este mantra tan bello y cuando yo la alimentaba le ponía este canto
om tare tuttare ture - Oh Tara hasten to save me, mama ayur punye jnana pushtim kuru soha - increase my lifespan, virtue, knowledge and prosperity. (translation approximate)
A past failure regret trauma, angry, hatred, are too so painful hard trying vividly. Become the central nucleus core from 16 years old and solves all everything now. 過去の失敗後悔トラウマが怒り憎しみが鮮やかに辛過ぎる。今16歳から中心核になって何もかも全てを解決するんだ。
very beautiful..rejoice to all benefits ,,hope be benefit to all sentient beings.may all b eings be happy and free from suffering anumodana sadhu3 _/\_
The man lama saying different then the woman. .around the mama ayir punye...not critical but noticed..i learned at sakya monastery "om tara tu tara ture mama AYUR punye jhana puktrim soha.
ओम तारे तुतारे तुरे ममा आयुर पुष्य ज्ञाना पुस्टी कुरू स्वहा 108 l ओम तारे तुतारे तुरे स्वहा १०८ l ऊँ मणि पेमा हुँ ह्री 108 l भवन्तु सर्वा मङ्गलम l
One of my favourite mantras. There is something about the vibration of it. Makes me very emotional and nostalgic for some reason.
I feel blessed and lucky to find refuge in Goddess White Tara. May her blessings overshadow the sufferings of the people during this unprecedented times due to Coronavirus pandemic.
All the Best for You 🤍🙏
Thank you and all the best to you too
Thank you white tara maa, you never fail to work your miracles, thank you for saving the life of my another family member yet again 🧿🙏🏼🍀 thank you thank you thank you 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Hi listen every morning, night many years. Feeling like I stand on top of mountain and look out, flying through. Really peaceful!
Thank you so much for White Tara mantra the song and music is taking us to heaven miraculous music and song.
I am so happy to found my way to Tara 💝
Amazing how within 3 minutes this meditation activated my light body sending spiritual shivers down my spine. 🙏 💕 and light
Same here in 45 seconds!
I was affected same, magic !
The most beautiful version I've ever heard.
WHITE TARA MANTRA 🎶🎵 wonderful and so Emotionally 🔊⏩🙌🤗 SADDO SADDO SADDO 💅🙏🙏🙏💅🙏🙏🙏💅🙏🙏🙏
This is the most beautiful song I have heard so far, so pure.
Beautiful and enriching for my mind , healing
supreme and noble White Tara, protect us from all fears and suffering...i give you my sorrows, please ferry them away...)0(
And if she does, will you give something in return?
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Universe 🥰
Thank you White Tara Maa 🙏
White Tara Maa bless me with your devine blessing 🌹🙏🙏🌹 thank you ma thank you ma..so beautiful ❤️
Today's also world need this mantras to eradicate the deadly virus. May lord buddha bless the world 🌎🙏🙏🙏
great auratics and harmonized mantra, sound of rinpoche,and great mixing the music, touchtable...AUM NAMO BUDDHAYA, AUM NAMO SAI BHGAVAN AUM
This Mantras bless me and all people
❤❤❤❤❤Thank you Ma white Tara Ma❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks for uploading and helping all sentient beings from the samsara world. May Buddha bless you.
Beautiful. I just wish it was way longer.
Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Mama Ayuḥ Punya Jñānā Puṣtiṃ Kuru Svāhā
Tqq so much for mantra
The Essence of swift Boldness clears away all Fear, Distress and Suffering
The complete Victory of TRUTH over Negativity and our Ego,
is the Merit of LIFE , where WISDOM can increase all Accomplishments.
Beautiful Vibe
Praise TARA
Om Maa Tara thank for you for this mantra please help my sister cancer she is in the hospital please help for healing thank you Maa White Tara 🙏🙏🙏🌺🙏🌺🙏
Celestial 🎇
Paz y amor.. Tara 🙏 namaste
Tashi Delek 🙏🏼🌈🙏🏼💎🙏🏼💐🙏🏼🔱🙏🏼📿🙏🏼✨🙏🏼
It the greatest mantra sung by lord shiva his wife sheela and vijay and Tara joins to eleviate the sufferings of innocent chinese suppressed by own Reds long ago.Is is heart rendering.
Hope the creator can do a 108 chant extended version for this clip. 🙏
Kate Thomas
Kate Thomas
4 years ago (edited)
Hi, Pedro: Here is the meaning of White Tara’s Long Life Mantra:
(om tare tuttare ture = Tara) (mama = my) (ayur = life force and health) (jnana = knowledge-wisdom) (punye = merit ) (puting = increase and thrive) (kuruye soha = make it so)!
“Tara, make my life force and health, knowledge-wisdom, and merit increase. Make it so!”
Different schools of Tibetan Buddhism recite the mantra in different ways. Sometimes "JNANA" comes after "AYUR". In this case, "PUNYE" comes before "JNANA".
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Mantra de Tara Blanca
White Tara maa please bless me and heal me from Osteoarthritis problem I am suffering since three years, can't stand up can't sit can't walk can't move ...pls.help me Tara maa...Om Tare Tuttare Tura Mama Ayur Gyana Punye Pushtim Kuru Svaha! 🙏🙏🙏
Amazing。。。Awesome。。please heal all the human pain
Constantly chant :
Namo Amitabha Buddha.
It's beautiful. I only have to say that ♥
whenever we say OM we are calling Arya Tara.
TARE means please release me from the prison of samsara.
OM means “Oh Arya Tara,” calling, please liberate me and all beings from samsara’s prison. TUTTARE TURA means please protect us from the dangers of fire, water, elephants, lions, there are eight dangers listed. In reality fire is anger, water means attachment, elephants means ignorance, lion means pride. The list is of eight different types of delusions, we have fears of these delusions so we requesting.
“TUTTARE TURA” means please liberate me from the eight fears.
MAMA AYUR PUNAYA means bestow long life, good fortune and wisdom.
The entire meaning of the mantra is “Oh Arya Tara please liberate myself and all beings from samsara’s prison. Please protect us from the eight fears or eight dangers or dangers of fire, water and so forth. Please bestow long life, good fortune and wisdom.
+Jo par
So... it is a form of prayer like the Muslims n the Christians do when they pray to their GOD, asking/begging for deliverance, healing, protection, etc etc...
Aren't the Buddhist warned that we should NOT ask for anything in front of the Buddhas/Bodhisattva?
Self-Reliance is the key of the Buddhist Teaching, isn't it?
This is the main reason why more n more people flock to the Churches and Mosques where they can just pray to their God for deliverance without doing their parts - purify their body, heart, n mind through self-contemplation, ritualistic worship, helping others, etc etc...
Well, mantra is translated as 'mind protection' so....
anyway...I agree in that the main training in the Buddhist path is working on your own faults and delusions BUT you can only really do that in-dependance upon blessings [from a spiritual guide/Buddha] and help from others who are also on the same path [sangha] It is very much a relationship. To rely on ones own 'self' will never ever get you anywhere...but I know what you mean !! - Actually, Buddhas will do anything they can in their power to help people - if it makes a disciple happy to get a new car and they have the karma to get one then, if it is in Buddha's power to help then of course they would. Buddhas will do anything to bring any happiness to people due to their profound love and compassion... A lollipop will not bring lasting happiness to your child but if they want one u buy it for them...because you love them :) Buddha may also create many blessings for you to help people through having a car though !! - Thats been my experience anyway. Buddhas will help in ANY way they can BUT they always help you make the most of what you have or do. They are very skillful! :) Not enough space here to even begin to do justice...
the simple answer is yes. Tara the Goddess, was incorporated into the Buddhist religion from Hinduism, but mostly in Tibet and Nepal, where she is both a deity and bodhisattva-one who helps you achieve enlightenment. The difference between Buddhist and Muslims, Jews, and Christians regarding Gods or Goddesses is that Buddhism does not accept the creator Gods, the creator of the universe, but these deities are responsive to prayer and can offer insight, protection, etc. mostly ignorant, but perhaps this helps.
As my understanding is, self-reliance is not the key, but rather overcoming attachment to the self, losing attachment to the seeming pleasures of life, and finding happiness only in the happiness of others. It is thought useful, or even necessary by most Buddhist schools, that meditation helps in order to help calm the mind, and to focus on the impermanence of all things. Can safely tell you, that what is very important in Buddhism is found in other religions: Compassion for yourself and others. Compassion is very important. Best wishes, Taichilover doesbetter.
Sorry, but, respectfully > 'Tara the Goddess, was incorporated into the Buddhist religion from Hinduism' is completely wrong.<
'Tara' is a manifestation of the wind element of all the Buddhas.Every part of Buddha [Shakyamuni's] mind and body can and does appear in the aspect of other Buddhas, for example Buddhas compassion appears in the form of Avalokiteshvara, his wisdom in the form of Manjushri and so forth. The wind element, a subtle form energy in the body appears in the aspect of Tara. When our own body, mind and winds are fully purified and we ourselves become enlightened then we have the power to appear all aspects of our own body and mind in various forms to benefit all living beings :)
Jo Par
Namaste Forever! 4 The Great TARA of Phenomenal & Spiritual Magnificent Universe of Beloved Creator. Hosanna ! - to Her Eternal Spirit of DIVINE LOVE & to Her Sacred Body of limitless LOVE and Compassion.Namaste! 4 Beauty of LOVE & Enlightenment. Hosanna! to our DIVINE Darling Mother! Big Thanks-4 sharing!
Very Peaceful & relaxing
Two splendid voices here.
Thank you so much
Tashi Delek🙏🙏🙏
Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật
Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật
Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật
Con kính lạy tạ ơn tri ân đảnh lễ Đức Bổn Sư Vô Thượng Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật
Chú Vãng Sanh
Pureland Dharani
Namo Ratna-trayāya,
Namaḥ Āryāmitābhāyā,
Tathāgatāyārhate Samyak-saṃbuddhāya,
Oṃ Amṛte Amṛtodbhave Amṛta-saṃbhave Amṛta-garbhe,
Amṛta-siddhe Amṛta-teje Amṛta-vikrānte,
Amṛta-vikrānta-gāmine Amṛta-gagana-kīrti-kare,
Amṛta-dundubhi-svare Sarvārtha-sādhane,
Sarva-karma-kleśa-kṣayaṃ-kare svāhā.
[Kính lễ Tam Bảo,
Kính lễ đấng cao quý Amitabha (Ánh Sáng Vô Biên),
Kính lễ đấng Như Lai (Tathāgata), bậc A-la-hán (Arhat), người đã tỉnh thức hoàn toàn và hoàn hảo (samyaksambuddha).
Như vầy:
Oṃ Kính lễ sự bất tử (amrta), kính lễ đấng tạo ra sự bất tử! Kính lễ đấng sinh ra từ sự bất tử! Kính lễ bản chất/phôi tạng (garbha) của sự bất tử!
Kính lễ đấng hoàn thiện sự bất tử! Kính lễ sự rực rỡ (teja) của sự bất tử! Kính lễ đấng vượt qua sự bất tử!
Kính lễ đấng vượt qua sự bất tử và vinh quang của vị ấy vô biên như bầu trời (amṛtagaganakīrtikare)
Kính lễ âm thanh của tiếng trống vang vọng đánh thức sự thấu hiểu sự bất tử (sadhane) vì lợi ích cho tất cả.
[tiếng trống bất tử đem lại (sadhane) lợi ích cho tất cả.]
Kính lễ đấng phá hủy (ksayam) mọi phiền não nghiệp chướng.
Kính lễ! ]
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya
(Namo Amitābhāya Buddhāya x108x♾)
tengo una gorriona de mascota, la cual se domestico a si misma y por eso se quedo, cuando llego a mi era tan pequeña y delicada que no sabia si lo lograría porque yo no tenia experiencia alguna con gorriones, pero le puse el nombre de white tara con la esperanza de que ella pudiera recibir la energía buena de este mantra tan bello y cuando yo la alimentaba le ponía este canto
om tare tuttare ture - Oh Tara hasten to save me,
mama ayur punye jnana pushtim kuru soha - increase my lifespan, virtue, knowledge and prosperity. (translation approximate)
Andreas Wals
Jay ma tara 🙇🙇🙇
beautiful mantra
So very beautiful...and healing.
Om namah Shivaya
Beautyful music
Excellent 🙋👌📈💥😇☸☯🇧🇷
cool...greetings from 2 musicians (sitar &tanpura) from germany ........ (maria&harald,the nectar of the night)........
Thank you for the introduction - well written and educational.
A past failure regret trauma, angry, hatred, are too so painful hard trying vividly. Become the central nucleus core from 16 years old and solves all everything now.
Timeless... Awesome!
very beautiful..rejoice to all benefits ,,hope be benefit to all sentient beings.may all b eings be happy and free from suffering
sadhu3 _/\_
White tara.beautiful
So calming and beautiful 😍
thank you for healing me..
beautiful 💜
Thank you very much! I hear... my mind...
Very sweet and relaxing! Thanks!
thank you for this beauty
Lindo demais! Gostaria de saber qual é o rinpoche
very nice
Ama dolmo devi 🙏🙏🙏🍁🌹🌷💐🇳🇵🎉🎊
as far as i know, it is not restricted. at least to chant the mantra
Pray for me ..for my healthy and long life...for my family
melodias tan bellas
Do you have an extended version? I want to listen all day long to this.
The man lama saying different then the woman. .around the mama ayir punye...not critical but noticed..i learned at sakya monastery "om tara tu tara ture mama AYUR punye jhana puktrim soha.
So Beautiful~!
Please mere liye sb log pray kr do mere shadi mere pyar shivam dubey se ho aap sbhi logo ka bahot dhnyawad 🙏🙏🌷🌷🌷🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🏵🏵🌷🙏🙏🙏🙏
I believe kuru also means ,to do
This is awesome
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 LOVELY JUST LOVELY
I wish I could get this in a mp3 version :(
Thanks for sharing! :)
Third place into the interpretation White Tara
Love :)
can someone translate this mantra please?...i love it but i don t know the meaning. thanks
What is the artist and where can I buy this?