♫ PRAJNA PARAMITA HRDAYA SUTRAM SANSKRIT ★ Imee Ooi ★ Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra Mantra with Lyrics

  • Опубліковано 7 чер 2018

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,7 тис.

  • @Joshua-yd9kp
    @Joshua-yd9kp Рік тому +71

    आर्यावलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो गंभीरायां प्रज्ञापारमितायां चर्यां चरमाणो व्यवलोकयति स्म । पंचस्कन्धाः । तांश्च स्वभावशून्यान्पश्यति स्म । इह शारिपुत्र रूपं शून्यता शून्यतैव रूपं रूपान्न पृथक्शून्यता शून्यताया न पृथग्रूपं यद्रूपं सा शून्यता या शून्यता तद्रूपं । एवमेव वेदनासंज्ञासंस्कारविज्ञानानि । इह शारिपुत्र सर्वधर्माः शून्यतालक्षणा अनुत्पन्ना अनिरुद्धा अमला न विमला नोना न परिपूर्णाः । तस्माच्छारिपुत्र शून्यतायां न रूपं न वेदना न संज्ञा न संस्कारा न विज्ञानानि । न चक्षुःश्रोत्रघ्राणजिह्वाकायमनांसी । न रूपशब्दगंधरसस्प्रष्टव्यधर्माः । न चक्षुर्धातुर्यावन्न मनोविज्ञानधातुः । न विद्या नाविद्या न विद्याक्षयो नाविद्याक्षयो यावन्न जरामरणं न जरामरणक्षयो न दुःखसमुदयनिरोधमार्गा न ज्ञानं न प्राप्तिः ॥ तस्मादप्राप्तित्वाद्बोधिसत्त्वाणां प्रज्ञापारमितामाश्रित्य विहरत्यचित्तावरणः । चित्तावरणनास्तित्वादत्रस्तो विपर्यासातिक्रान्तो निष्ठनिर्वाणः ।। त्र्यध्वव्यवस्थिताः सर्वबुद्धाः प्रज्ञापारमितामाश्रित्यानुत्तरां सम्यक्सम्बोधिमभिसंबुद्धाः ।। तस्माज्ज्ञातव्यं प्रज्ञापारमिता महामन्त्रो महाविद्यामन्त्रो ऽनुत्तरमन्त्रो ऽसमसममन्त्रः सर्वदुःखप्रशमनः । सत्यममिथ्यत्वात् । प्रज्ञपारमितायामुक्तो मन्त्रः । तद्यथा गते गते पारगते पारसंगते बोधि स्वाहा ।। इति प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदयं समाप्तम्
    Om Homage to the Perfection of Wisdom the Lovely, the Holy
    Avalokita, the Holy Lord and Bodhisattva, was moving in the deep course of the Wisdom which has gone beyond.
    He looked down from on high, He beheld but five heaps, and He saw that in their own-being they were empty.
    Here, O Sariputra,
    form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form ;
    emptiness does not differ from form, form does not differ from emptiness, whatever is emptiness, that is form,
    the same is true of feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness.
    Here, O Sariputra,
    all dharmas are marked with emptiness ;
    they are not produced or stopped, not defiled or immaculate, not deficient or complete.
    Therefore, O Sariputra,
    in emptiness there is no form nor feeling, nor perception, nor impulse, nor consciousness ;
    No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind ; No forms, sounds, smells, tastes, touchables or objects of mind ; No sight-organ element, and so forth, until we come to :
    No mind-consciousness element ; There is no ignorance, no extinction of ignorance, and so forth, until we come to : There is no decay and death, no extinction of decay and death. There is no suffering, no origination, no stopping, no path.
    There is no cognition, no attainment and no non-attainment.
    Therefore, O Sariputra,
    it is because of his non-attainmentness that a Bodhisattva, through having relied on the Perfection of Wisdom, dwells without thought-coverings. In the absence of thought-coverings he has not been made to tremble,
    he has overcome what can upset, and in the end he attains to Nirvana.
    All those who appear as Buddhas in the three periods of time fully awake to the utmost, right and perfect Enlightenment because they have relied on the Perfection of Wisdom.
    Therefore one should know the prajnaparamita as the great spell, the spell of great knowledge, the utmost spell, the unequalled spell, allayer of all suffering, in truth for what could go wrong By the prajnaparamita has this spell been delivered. It runs like this
    gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.
    Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond, O what an awakening, all-hail
    This completes the Heart of perfect Wisdom.
    觀自在菩薩,行深般若波羅蜜多時,照見五蘊皆空,度一切苦厄。舍利子,色不異空,空不異色;色即是空,空即是色。受、想、行、識,亦復如是。 舍利子,是諸法空相,不生不滅,不垢不淨,不增不減,是故空中無色,無受、想、行、識;無眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意;無色、聲、香、味、觸、法;無眼界,乃至無意識界;無無明,亦無無明盡;乃至無老死,亦無老死盡。無苦、集、滅、道,無智亦無得,以無所得故。菩提薩埵, 依般若波羅蜜多故,心無罣礙,無罣礙故,無有恐怖,遠離顛倒夢想,究竟涅槃。三世諸佛,依般若波羅蜜多故,得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。故知般若波羅蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是無上咒,是無等等咒,能除一切苦,真實不虛。故說般若波羅蜜多咒,即說咒曰:揭諦、揭諦,波羅揭諦,波羅僧揭諦,菩提薩婆訶。
    観自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時。照見五蘊 皆空。度一切苦厄。
    관자재보살 행심반야바라밀다시 조견오온개공
    도일체고액 사리자 색불이공 공불이색 색즉시공
    공즉시색 수상행식 역부여시 사리자 시제법공상
    불생불멸 불구불정 불증불감 시고공중무색
    무수상행식 무안이비설신의 무색성향미촉법
    무안계 내지무의식계 무무명 역무무명진
    내지무노사 역무노사진 무고집멸도 무지역무득
    이무소득고 보리살타 의반야바라밀다고
    심무가애 무가애고 무유공포 원리전도몽상
    구경열반 삼세제불 의반야바라밀다고
    득아뇩다라삼막삼보리 고지반야바라밀다 시대신주
    시대명주 시무상주 시무등등주 능제일체고 진실불허
    고설반야바라밀다주 즉설주왈 아제 아제 바라아제
    바라승아제 모지사바하 (세번)

  • @akitodaisuke6532
    @akitodaisuke6532 2 роки тому +247

    Buddha don't grant any wish nor he wished to get worshipped.
    He never speak ill of other
    He never speak any thing worthless
    He spread love, peace, non-violence at his time when crime was normal for human being.
    He converted wrathful murder named Angulimala to saint.
    Buddha forgive anyone for whichever crime has been committed. He gave shelter to many mens, womens in his sangha.
    He never discriminated with anyone.
    He shared his knowledge to each and everyone irrespective of gender, race, colour, sect.
    I really like Buddha's philosophy from my bottom of heart.

    • @shiulisen8734
      @shiulisen8734 2 роки тому +22

      He was paripurna(complete) . He was born in bharata(india) for bharata and for the world

    • @allcorevondoneghan
      @allcorevondoneghan 2 роки тому +8

      Mani Padme Hum. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu. Om

    • @hansanisewwandi7797
      @hansanisewwandi7797 2 роки тому +7

      respect for your words ❤️ Buddhist from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰

    • @monotheist..
      @monotheist.. 2 роки тому +1

      hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible, this is a friendly reminder
      the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
      first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical proof, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
      but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
      It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
      The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
      utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
      to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
      but the quran said its only small number
      and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
      the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
      and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said many of new tetsament is only in spelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament the nt scribes they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament, also the new testament that like kjv based on byzantine is not as accurate as earliest manuscript, the nestle aland also have differences with majority greek manuscript and contain eclectic reading unlike previously
      and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
      Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
      bible interpolation
      quranic preservation
      how can patriavh commit sin?
      www.jesus-resurrection.info/bible-prophets.html patraich commit sin?
      septuagint problem
      sites.google.com/site/errorsinthebible/dss-lxx-vs-mt bible error
      quran preservation
      byzantine text not accurate
      heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original , so bible is not always the same text throughout the ages without need to return to original , thank you friend i hope you see the proof and can reasonably decided what to do, peace and blessing

    • @samuraidayo126
      @samuraidayo126 2 роки тому +7

      @@shiulisen8734 Buddha was born in lumbini(Nepal) not india.dont comment nonsense without any information 🙏

  • @lukasandy7207
    @lukasandy7207 Рік тому +60

    Christian here.... sending love for Buddhist and for all..

  • @MoMo-di5vy
    @MoMo-di5vy Рік тому +98

    A-ri-a-wa-lo-ki-te-swa-ra Bo-di-sat-twa Gam-bi-ram Pra-nha-pa-ra-mi-ta Cha-ryam Cha-ra-ma-no
    Vy-a-wa-lo-ki-te sma Pan-cha Skan-dah Ah-sam-ts-cha Swa-ba-va-sun-ni-an Pa-sia-ti-sma
    I-ha sa-ri-pu-tra Ru-pam Sun-niat Sun-ny-a-ta-wa-ru-pam
    Ru-pan-na Pri-ta Sun-ny-a-ta Sun-nya-taya Na Pri-sha Ru-pam, Ya-ru-pam Sa Sun-nya-ta Ya Sun-nya-ta sa Ru-pam
    E-vam e-va ve-da-na Sam-ja Sam-ska-ra Vi-nha-nam
    I-ha Sa-ri-pu-tra Sa-va-dah-ma Sun-nya-ta-lak-cha-na, A-nu-pa-na, A-ni-ru-da, A-ma-la A-vi-ma-la, A-nun-na A-pa-ri-pu-na
    Tas-ma Cha-ri-pu-tra Sun-nya-tayam Na Ru-pam Na Ve-da-na Na Sam-jna Na Sam-ska-ra Na Vi-nha-nam. Na Cha-su So-tra Gra-na Ji-va Kaya Ma-nam-si Na Ru-pa Sab-da Gan-da Ra-sa Spra-sta-vy-a Da-mah
    Na Cha-su Da-tu Ya-van Na Ma-no-vi-nha-na Da-tu
    Na A-vi-dya Cha-yo Ya-van Na Ja-ra Ma-ra-nam Na Ja-ra Ma-ra-na Cha-yo
    Na Du-kha Sam-mu-da-ya Ni-ro-da Ma-ga
    Na jna-nam Na Pra-ti Na A-p-ra-ti
    Tas-ma Cha-ri-pu-tra A-pra-ti-va Bo-di-sat-twa-si-a Pras-nha-pa-ra-mi-ta A-sri-tya Vi-ha-ra-tya-si-ta-a-va-ra-na
    Si-ta-a-va-ra-na Na-sti-va A-tras-tro Vi-pa-ry-a-sa A-ti-kran-to Nis-sha Ni-va-na Pra-tah
    Try-a-dva-vi-ava-sti-ta Sa-va-bu-da Pra-nha-pa-ra-mi-ta As-ri-tia A-nu-ta-ram Sam-yak-sam-bo-di A-bi-sam-bo-dah
    Tas-ma Jna-ta-vy-am Pras-nha-pa-ra-mi-ta Ma-ha man-tra Ma-ha-vi-dya man-tra Nu-ta-ra-man-tra Sam-a-sa-ma-man-tra
    Sa-va Du-kha Pra-sam-ma-na Sa-tyam A-mi-tia-twa Pras-nha-pa-ra-mi-ta U-to man-tra
    Ta-dya-tha: Ga-te Ga-te Pa-ra-ga-te Pa-ra-sam-ga-te Bo-di-swa-ha

  • @ryogto
    @ryogto 4 місяці тому +13

    To clarify: The Sanskrit roots of the word Mantra comes from manas (mind) or man- (to think) and -tra (instrument or tool), which could be translated as "instrument of thought" or "object of mind", for the purpose of meditation. And, in accordance with the Buddha's Sutras and teachings, when the Buddha Gautama used the word "mantra", he did not use it narrowly, in the sense of it being merely syllables or words to be recited (as it is commonly understood now), but rather as any object of meditation (samadhi, concentration) to be brought to the forefront of mind.
    In the case of this sutra, it is rather clearly talking about insight meditation (vipasyana/vipassana) as the mantra of prajna paramita (wisdom perfection); this is easily discernible due to the beginning of the sutra mentioning achieving the final goal of enlightenment by penetrating the truth of the 5 aggregates (matter/form, consciousness, feeling, perception, volitional formation) via direct wisdom (insight) and 'seeing' (pasyati) that they are all empty (anitya, anatman, duhkha- the three characteristics / trilakṣaṇa).
    Thus, the last lines of the sutra would be better understood as:
    "Therefore Prajna Paramita (the perfection of wisdom / Insight meditation) should be recognized as the great practice (meditative contemplation), the practice of great wisdom, the most sublime practice, the incomparable practice (meditative contemplation), and the alleviator of all suffering, It is Truth by virtue of its nonfalsehood. That is why the practice of insight was referred to as the going beyond, the great going beyond, to Enlightenment."

    • @SuryaKarigar
      @SuryaKarigar Місяць тому

      Finally a comment worth reading to the end ❤❤

  • @BuddhistMusic15
    @BuddhistMusic15 Рік тому +293

    阿弥陀佛!非常好听!已经是2023年了。有谁还在听的,麻烦你点个赞 。非常感恩你,在此祝福大家:身体健康,出入平安,事事顺利,福慧增长。感恩!

    • @MichaelJones-es6mp
      @MichaelJones-es6mp Рік тому +5

      Its the most beatiful sutra

    • @giminedisusanto8205
      @giminedisusanto8205 Рік тому +4

      Very beautiful voice, happyv Vesakh. May you be happy.

    • @AR-ki9kd
      @AR-ki9kd 10 місяців тому +1


    • @user-ge7pm7pv7h
      @user-ge7pm7pv7h 9 місяців тому +1


    • @lewisao7548
      @lewisao7548 9 місяців тому +2


  • @nathanwichman3289
    @nathanwichman3289 Рік тому +231

    Im from a Christian environment but this is so beautiful and when i looked up the meaning in English i was very moved. Mantras like this give me a deep respect for Buddhism

    • @brienmaybe.4415
      @brienmaybe.4415 Рік тому +13

      Be still and know. Om Shanti 🕉

    • @user-gr1gb7os2t
      @user-gr1gb7os2t Рік тому

      ​@@brienmaybe.4415 😂😂

    • @MichaelJones-es6mp
      @MichaelJones-es6mp Рік тому +4

      If I was doing PhD it would be on the great Spanish mystic and Doctor of the Church " St John of the Cross and the Heart Sutra "

    • @jantanlieng
      @jantanlieng 10 місяців тому +2

      Where do you look up on the meaning?

    • @MichaelJones-es6mp
      @MichaelJones-es6mp 10 місяців тому

      There are many translations. Try googe - "Heart Sutra: Philip Kapleau translation" Go well.🌄

  • @HappyKitchenCorner
    @HappyKitchenCorner 7 місяців тому +12

    Pray that everyone who watches this video will be able to open their compassion and unconditional love for all things, always be healthy, have enough material resources, not be sick, have a peaceful family, and be happy. recover from accidents, always be happy and lucky, have a harmonious family, and have intelligent and filial children.
    I wish everyone happiness and peace.

  • @CarlosRubianoGO
    @CarlosRubianoGO 2 роки тому +71

    Prajñāpāramitā caryāṃ
    Vyavalokayati sma:
    Panca-skandhās tāṃś ca
    Svābhava śūnyān paśyati sma
    Iha Śāriputra:
    Rūpaṃ śūnyatā śūnyataiva rūpaṃ
    Rūpān na pṛthak śūnyatā
    Śunyatāyā na pṛthag rūpaṃ
    Yad rūpaṃ sā śūnyatā
    Ya śūnyatā tad rūpaṃ
    Evam eva vedanā
    Saṃjñā saṃskāra vijñānaṃ
    Iha Śāriputra: Sarva-dharmāḥ
    Anutpannā aniruddhā
    Amalā avimalā
    Anūnā aparipūrṇāḥ
    Tasmāc chāriputra śūnyatayāṃ
    Na rūpaṃ na vedanā
    Na saṃjñā na saṃskārāḥ
    Na vijñānam
    Na cakṣuḥ-śrotra-ghrāna-jihvā-kāya-manāṃsi
    Na rūpa-śabda-gandha-rasa-spraṣṭavaya-dharmāh
    Na cakṣūr-dhātur. Yāvan na manovijñāna-dhātuḥ
    Na-avidyā na-avidyā-kṣayo
    Yāvan na jarā-maraṇam
    Na jarā-maraṇa-kṣayo
    Na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-margā
    Na jñānam
    Na prāptir
    Na aprāptiḥ
    Tasmāc chāriputra aprāptitvād
    Bodhisattvasya prajñāpāramitām āśritya viharaty
    Cittāvaraṇa-nāstitvād atrastro
    Niṣṭhā- nirvāṇa-prāptaḥ
    Tryadhva-vyavasthitāḥ sarva
    Buddhāḥ prajñāpāramitām
    Āśrityā-anuttarāṃ samyaksambodhim
    Tasmāj jñātavyam:
    Prajñāpāramitā mahā-mantro
    Mahā-vidyā mantro
    Sarva duḥkha praśamanaḥ
    Satyam amithyatāt
    Prajñāpāramitāyām ukto mantraḥ
    Gate, gate
    Bodhi svāhā

  • @mohammadrezwan1784
    @mohammadrezwan1784 Місяць тому +3

    Me a believer of Allah, finds feels heaven sings this song to me...

  • @playmobilegamescodm
    @playmobilegamescodm 3 місяці тому +13

    Once you realise nothing exists you realise only consciousness exists.
    Consciousness is emptiness like a sky in which forms appear.
    Thus Emptiness is form and form is emptiness.
    Form is Anattta. (Beliefs, opinions, identity to body, mind, nationality, etc).
    Consciousness is Atman. Atman is Nothingness.

  • @xanderp3325
    @xanderp3325 2 роки тому +59

    Prajñāpāramita-hṛdayam sūtra
    Oṃ namo bhagavatyai ārya prajñāpāramitāyai!
    ārya-avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo gambhīrāṃ prajñāpāramitā caryāṃ caramāṇo vyavalokayati sma:
    Panca-skandhās tāṃś ca svābhava śūnyān paśyati sma
    Iha śāriputra: rūpaṃ śūnyatā śūnyataiva rūpaṃ; rūpān na pṛthak śūnyatā śunyatāyā na pṛthag rūpaṃ; yad rūpaṃ sā śūnyatā; ya śūnyatā tad rūpaṃ. evam eva vedanā saṃjñā saṃskāra vijñānaṃ
    Iha śāriputra: sarva-dharmāḥ śūnyatā-lakṣaṇā, anutpannā aniruddhā, amalā avimalā, anūnā aparipūrṇāḥ
    Tasmāc chāriputra śūnyatayāṃ na rūpaṃ na vedanā na saṃjñā na saṃskārāḥ na vijñānam. na cakṣuḥ-śrotra-ghrāna-jihvā-kāya-manāṃsi. na rūpa-śabda-gandha-rasa-spraṣṭavaya-dharmāh. Na cakṣūr-dhātur. yāvan na manovijñāna-dhātuḥ. na-avidyā na-avidyā-kṣayo. yāvan na jarā-maraṇam na jarā-maraṇa-kṣayo. na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-margā. Na jñānam, na prāptir na-aprāptiḥ
    Tasmāc chāriputra aprāptitvād bodhisattvasya prajñāpāramitām āśritya viharatyacittāvaraṇaḥ. cittāvaraṇa-nāstitvād atrastro viparyāsa-atikrānto niṣṭhā-nirvāṇa-prāptaḥ
    Tryadhva-vyavasthitāḥ sarva-buddhāḥ prajñāpāramitām āśrityā-anuttarāṃ samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhāḥ
    Tasmāj jñātavyam: prajñāpāramitā mahā-mantro mahā-vidyā mantro 'nuttara-mantro samasama-mantraḥ, sarva duḥkha praśamanaḥ, satyam amithyatāt. prajñāpāramitāyām ukto mantraḥ
    Tadyathā: gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā
    Iti prajñāpāramitā-hṛdayam samāptam

  • @hariigaire
    @hariigaire Рік тому +6

    आर्यावलोकितेश्र्वरो बोधिसत्व गम्भीरां प्रज्ञापरमिताचर्या चरमाणो व्यवलोकयति स्म
    पञ्चस्कन्धास्तांश्र्स्वरुपशुन्यान्पष्पति स्म।
    When the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara was coursing in the deep Prajna Paramita, he perceived that all five skandhas are empty. Thus, he overcame all ills and suffering.
    इह शारिपुत्र रूपं शून्यता शून्यतैव रूपम्।
    रूपन्नपृथक् शून्यता शून्यताया न प्रुथग्रुपम् ।
    यद्रूपं सा शून्यता या शून्यता तदेवरुपम ।
    एवमेव वेदनासंज्ञासंसकारविज्ञानम्
    O, Sariputra, form does not differ from voidness, and voidness does not differ from form. Form is voidness and the void is form; the same is true for feeling, conception, volition and consciousness."
    इह शारिपुत्र सर्वधर्माः शून्यतालक्षणा अनुत्पन्ना
    अनिरुद्धा अमला अविमला अनूना अपरिपूर्णाः ।
    तस्माच्छारिपूत्र शून्यतायां न रूपं न वेदना न संज्ञा न संस्कार न विज्ञानम् ।
    Sariputra, the characteristics of the voidness of all dharmas are non-arising, non-ceasing, non-defiled, non-pure, non-increasing, non-decreasing.
    Therefore, Sariputra in the void there is no form, feeling, conception, volition or consciousness. "
    न चक्षुः श्रोत्रघ्राणजिह्नाकायमनांसि।
    न रूपशब्दगन्धरसस्प्रष्टव्यधर्मा।
    न चक्षुर्घातुर्यावन्नमनोविज्ञानधातुः ।
    No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body or mind; no form, sound, smell, taste, touch, mind-object, or eye realm, until we come to no realm of consciousness.
    नाविद्य नाविद्यक्षयो यावन्नजरामरणं न जरामरणक्षयो न
    दुःखसमुदयनिरोधमार्गा न ज्ञानं न प्राप्तिर्नाप्राप्तिः।
    तस्माच्छारिपूत्राप्रप्तिवाद्धोधिसत्व प्रज्ञापारमितामाश्रित्व विहरत्यचित्तावरणः ।
    No ignorance and also no ending of ignorance, until we come to no old age and death and no ending of old age and death.
    Also, there is no truth of suffering, of the cause of suffering, of the cessation of suffering, or of the Path
    There is no wisdom, and there is no attainment whatsoever.
    Because there is nothing to be attained Sariputra, the Bodhisattva, relying on the Prajna Paramita, has no obstruction in his mind.
    चित्तावरणनास्तितत्वदत्रस्तो विपर्याप्तातिक्रान्तो
    निष्ठावानिर्वाणप्राप्तः ।
    त्र्यध्वव्यवस्थिताः सर्वबुद्धाः प्रज्ञापारमितामश्रित्यानुत्तरां
    सम्यक्संभोधिमभिसंबुद्धाः ।
    Because there is no obstruction, he has no fear and, thus, he passes far beyond confused imagination and reaches Ultimate Nirvana.
    The Buddhas of the past, present and future, also relying on the Prajna Paramita, have attained Supreme Enlightenment.
    तस्माज्ज्ञातव्यं प्रज्ञापारमितामहामंत्रो महाविधामंत्रो ङनुत्तरमंत्र समसममंत्रः सर्वदुःखप्रषमणः सत्यममिथ्यत्वात् ।
    Therefore, the Prajna Paramita is the great magic spell the great spell of illumination, the supreme spell, which can truly protect one from all suffering without fail
    प्रज्ञापारमितायामुक्तो मंत्रस्तधता
    गते गते पारगते पारसंगते बोधि स्वाहा ।।
    Hence, he uttered the spell of the Prajna Paramita, saying , “Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate. Bodhi, Svaha!”

    • @tharu2428
      @tharu2428 Рік тому

      Thank you so much!!❤

  • @MoonDevi963
    @MoonDevi963 2 роки тому +28

    Arya-avalokitesvaro bodhisattvo gambhiram prajnaparamitacaryam caramano
    Vyavalokayati sma: panca-skandhas tams ca svabhavasunyan pasyati sma
    Iha sariputra rupam sunyata sunyataiva rupam, rupan na prithak sunyata
    Sunyataya na prithag rupam, yad rupam sa sunyata ya sunyata tad rupam;
    Evam eva vedana-samjna-samskara-vijnanam.
    Iha sariputra sarva-dharmah sunyata-laksala, anutpanna aniruddha, amala
    Avimala, anuna aparipurnah.
    Tasmac Sariputra sunyatayam na rupam na vedana na samjna na samskarah
    Na vijnanam. na caksuh-srotra-ghrana-jihva-kaya-manamsi. na
    Rupa-sabda-gandha-rasa-sprastavya-dharmah. na caksur-dhatur yavan na
    Manovijnana-dhatuh. na-avidya na-avidya-ksayo yavan na jaramaranam na
    Jara-marana-ksayo. na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-marga. na jnanam, na
    Praptir na-apraptih.
    Tasmac Sariputra apraptitvad bodhisattvasya prajnaparamitam asritya
    Vibaraty acittavaranah. cittavarana-nastitvad atrasto
    Viparyasa-ati-kranto nistha-nirvana-praptah.
    Tryadhva-vyavasthitah sarva-buddhah prajnaparamitam asritya-anut-taram
    Samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhah.
    Tasmaj jnatavyam: prajnaparamita maha-mantro mahavidya-mantro
    'Nuttara-mantro samasama-mantrah, sarva-duhkha-prasamanah, satyam
    Amithyatvat. prajnaparamitayam ukto mantrah. tadyatha:
    Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

  • @user-ms6tv2ho5d
    @user-ms6tv2ho5d 23 дні тому +4

    2024년 아직도 들으시는분 계신가요?

  • @We.love.youall
    @We.love.youall 2 роки тому +15

    Arya valokiteshvaro bodhisattvo gambhiram
    Prajnaparamita charyam charamano
    Vyavalokayati sma pancha skandhas tamsh cha
    Svabhava shunyan pashyati sma
    Iha shariputra rupam shunyata shunyata eva rupam
    Rupan na prithak shunyata
    Shunyataya na prithak rupam
    Yad rupam sa shunyata
    Ya shunyata tad rupam
    Evam eva vedana samjna samskara vijnanam
    Iha shariputra sarva dharma shunyata lakshana
    Anutpanna aniruddha amala avimala anuna aparipurnah
    Tasmat shariputra shunyatayam na rupam
    Na vedana na samjna na samskara na vijnanam
    Na chakshu shrotra ghrana jihva kaya manamsi
    Na rupa shabda gandha rasa sprashtavya dharmah
    Na chakshur dhatur yavan na mano vijnanam dhatuh
    Na avidya na avidya kshayo yavan jara maranam
    Na jara marana kshayo na duhkha samudaya nirodha marga
    Na jnanam na praptir na bhismaya tasmai na apraptih
    Tasmat shariputra apraptivad bodhisattvo
    Prajnaparamitam ashritya
    Viharatya chitta varanah
    Chitta avarana nastitvad atrasto
    Viparyasa atikranto nishtha nirvana
    Tryadhva vyavasthitah sarva buddhah
    Prajnaparamitam ashritya anuttaram
    Samyak sambodhim abdhisambuddhah
    Tasmat jnatavyam prajnaparamita maha mantra
    Maha-vidya mantra a'nuttara mantra samasama mantrah
    Sarva duhkha prashamanah satyam amithyatvat
    Prajnaparamitayam ukto mantrah tadyatha
    Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

    • @anantagurung4869
      @anantagurung4869 2 роки тому +1

      Really enchanting and blissful music of prajna paramita sutra.feel like the sound from pure land of heaven.🙏🙏.though all the sentient being feel the wisdom of bodhisattva.

  • @agungdessy8449
    @agungdessy8449 2 роки тому +94

    oṃ namo bhagavatyai ārya prajñāpāramitāyai!
    ārya-avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo gambhīrāṃ prajñāpāramitā caryāṃ caramāṇo vyavalokayati sma:
    panca-skandhās tāṃś ca svābhava śūnyān paśyati sma.
    iha śāriputra: rūpaṃ śūnyatā śūnyataiva rūpaṃ; rūpān na pṛthak śūnyatā śunyatāyā na pṛthag rūpaṃ; yad rūpaṃ sā śūnyatā; ya śūnyatā tad rūpaṃ. evam eva vedanā saṃjñā saṃskāra vijñānaṃ.
    iha śāriputra: sarva-dharmāḥ śūnyatā-lakṣaṇā, anutpannā aniruddhā, amalā avimalā, anūnā aparipūrṇāḥ.
    tasmāc chāriputra śūnyatayāṃ na rūpaṃ na vedanā na saṃjñā na saṃskārāḥ na vijñānam. na cakṣuḥ-śrotra-ghrāna-jihvā-kāya-manāṃsi. na rūpa-śabda-gandha-rasa-spraṣṭavaya-dharmāh. Na cakṣūr-dhātur. yāvan na manovijñāna-dhātuḥ. na-avidyā na-avidyā-kṣayo. yāvan na jarā-maraṇam na jarā-maraṇa-kṣayo. na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-margā. Na jñānam, na prāptir na-aprāptiḥ.
    tasmāc chāriputra aprāptitvād bodhisattvasya prajñāpāramitām āśritya viharatyacittāvaraṇaḥ. cittāvaraṇa-nāstitvād atrastro viparyāsa-atikrānto niṣṭhā-nirvāṇa-prāptaḥ.
    tryadhva-vyavasthitāḥ sarva-buddhāḥ prajñāpāramitām āśrityā-anuttarāṃ samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhāḥ.
    tasmāj jñātavyam: prajñāpāramitā mahā-mantro mahā-vidyā mantro 'nuttara-mantro samasama-mantraḥ, sarva duḥkha praśamanaḥ, satyam amithyatāt. prajñāpāramitāyām ukto mantraḥ.
    tadyathā: gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā.
    iti prajñāpāramitā-hṛdayam samāptam.

    • @havefuntazarasu5367
      @havefuntazarasu5367 Рік тому +3

      is this a song? a mantra? a chant? or all of them?

    • @tyekiwi3330
      @tyekiwi3330 Рік тому +8

      @@havefuntazarasu5367 Mantra, teaching of Avalokiteshvara.Both chant and sing is OK.

    • @bennlee5369
      @bennlee5369 Рік тому +1


    • @tvc3mye
      @tvc3mye 3 місяці тому

      Only the stanza after "tadyatha" is the mantra, the rest are the contents of the sutra(discourse).

  • @chandrapiyushbajpai5300
    @chandrapiyushbajpai5300 2 роки тому +156

    Deep respect from a (Hindu-Shinto-Zen Buddhist )
    I think that we (The Dharmic stock) should spread Dharma far and wide
    Let it be the sermones of buddha, Teachings of Guru Nanak, The penance of Mahavir or The Vedanta of Adi Shankara
    Yes we do have the different ideas of the supreme reality but we know that we are just on different paths to a single destination.
    We don't say that we are born sinners and need to follow a certain Dharma to be free of those sins
    We are the seekers of Supreme Reality and yet respect others.

    • @mysticgardenstream
      @mysticgardenstream 2 роки тому +13

      Beautifully said, dharma warrior

    • @shiulisen8734
      @shiulisen8734 2 роки тому +15

      Unfortunately we have lost many traditions over time like meditation, chanting, martial arts etc

    • @monotheist..
      @monotheist.. 2 роки тому

      hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible, this is a friendly reminder
      the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
      first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical proof, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
      but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
      It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
      The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
      utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
      to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
      but the quran said its only small number
      and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
      the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
      and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said many of new tetsament is only in spelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament the nt scribes they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament, also the new testament that like kjv based on byzantine is not as accurate as earliest manuscript, the nestle aland also have differences with majority greek manuscript and contain eclectic reading unlike previously
      and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
      Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
      bible interpolation
      quranic preservation
      how can patriavh commit sin?
      www.jesus-resurrection.info/bible-prophets.html patraich commit sin?
      septuagint problem
      sites.google.com/site/errorsinthebible/dss-lxx-vs-mt bible error
      quran preservation
      byzantine text not accurate
      heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original , so bible is not always the same text throughout the ages without need to return to original , thank you friend i hope you see the proof and can reasonably decided what to do, peace and blessing

    • @TheGuiltsOfUs
      @TheGuiltsOfUs 2 роки тому

      The heart sutra is a fabricated text

    • @lll2282
      @lll2282 2 роки тому +14

      @@shiulisen8734 yes and its all because of abramic relgions and islamic attack

  • @jajananlulu2173
    @jajananlulu2173 Рік тому +12

    I'm a moslem javanesse. This mantra is so peacefull

  • @yuliang6899
    @yuliang6899 2 роки тому +51


    • @kellyleej
      @kellyleej 2 роки тому +3


    • @user-rn8ey5zc6e
      @user-rn8ey5zc6e 2 роки тому +3


    • @cris.9159
      @cris.9159 2 роки тому +1

      Lindo seu pensamento expresssado aqui!Namaste🙏♥️

    •  Рік тому +3

      "Deixe de lado o ego, deixe de lado a ignorância, perca a grande misericórdia, a grande compaixão do mesmo corpo, o mundo é pacífico, o coração humano é gentil, a luz do Buda brilha no mundo, sem desastres, sem doenças, sem fome , sem guerras, as cinco colheitas são colhidas, a terra é restaurada à saúde, os chefes de estado podem trabalhar juntos para coexistir pacificamente para toda a humanidade. O bem e o mal são um só coração, e o melhor é para o bem."

  • @buddhism_07
    @buddhism_07 Рік тому +54

    Buddhism is the world peacful religion 🙏🏼☸️🌏👏🏻 Proud to be buddhist

    • @jiro9956
      @jiro9956 2 місяці тому

      Proud to be a Buddhist as well ☸️🪷

    • @deepak4983
      @deepak4983 Місяць тому +2

      Hinduism is the father of Buddhism. As a father I am proud of my son

    • @SussyBaka-uq6nf
      @SussyBaka-uq6nf Місяць тому +1

      ​@@deepak4983 Vedic brahmanism is the father of Hinduism. As a father I'm not proud of my son

    • @deepak4983
      @deepak4983 Місяць тому

      @@SussyBaka-uq6nf It means you belongs to LGBTQ

    • @iglsubhankar6749
      @iglsubhankar6749 Місяць тому

      Thats why Buddha says bramhins is the most knowledgeable people and many good things about bramhins
      And another thing is I have proof but you won't 👍​@@SussyBaka-uq6nf

  • @ms-mv9zx
    @ms-mv9zx Рік тому +39


  • @TashiNanda
    @TashiNanda 2 роки тому +26

    Imey Oii ... She is Malaysia singer and especially singing Buddhist song's.. She is know Pali, Sanskrit, English and Mandarin. But the most important she is know Pali and Sanskrit

    • @baliunited_official6311
      @baliunited_official6311 Рік тому +1

      Come to Jogja and i give more before Pali is Tali language, Tali’s era before Pali after kadewatan. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @raniabigail7617
      @raniabigail7617 Рік тому

      @@baliunited_official6311 a

    • @TashiNanda
      @TashiNanda Рік тому

      @@baliunited_official6311 Sorry I don't need it. I just know Pali and Sanskrit language is very important for Buddhist.

  • @yousufshahkhan5135
    @yousufshahkhan5135 2 роки тому +542

    Wow this really is beautiful. Love from a Muslim and respects to Buddhists ☪️☸️❤️

    • @rafaelperez6612
      @rafaelperez6612 2 роки тому +76

      Do you know that the original manuscript of the Heart Sutra was burned by Muslims

    • @srmrs001
      @srmrs001 2 роки тому +45

      thanks a lot Yousuf, empty and clear consciousness is in every being regardless of their beliefs

    • @pengintai_target3955
      @pengintai_target3955 2 роки тому +35

      Yes, i'm muslim from Indonesia. I always respect all spiritual.

    • @ujjalburagohain8159
      @ujjalburagohain8159 2 роки тому +5


    • @deepbluesyntax
      @deepbluesyntax 2 роки тому +28

      @@rafaelperez6612 did you know that that was ages ago and isn't important

  • @mayq2020
    @mayq2020 Рік тому +57

    This is my favorite of all time. I'm Japanese, I love her voice and her frequency. I never forget when I found her first time on Y-tube. Her songs healed me many years ago. I feel like she is with me when I'm singing along. I appreciate to hear her voice again.  感謝 Thank you.

    • @user-yj7yb1gg8g
      @user-yj7yb1gg8g 13 днів тому

      저거 도교 유교랑 혼합된 중국불교잖아

  • @kugankathir4316
    @kugankathir4316 Рік тому +457

    I can sing the whole song... Been listening to it almost 20years

    • @earthisflat
      @earthisflat Рік тому +21

      Nice I'm getting close to being able to sing the whole song too myself

    • @kuroryudairyu4567
      @kuroryudairyu4567 Рік тому +7

      2000000000000 and beyond my friend

    • @thekarmafarmer608
      @thekarmafarmer608 Рік тому +13

      So wonderful that this message of wisdom you have been celebrating for so long, has manifest itself in you through such humility.

    • @ShreniPunekar
      @ShreniPunekar Рік тому +6

      Me too

    • @concreteclub
      @concreteclub Рік тому +5


  • @shivohamutsav8447
    @shivohamutsav8447 2 роки тому +317

    I am Hindu but I really love and respect Buddhists culture mantras tradition
    This mantra connects Directly to heaven 🙏😇😇

    • @monotheist..
      @monotheist.. 2 роки тому +7

      hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible, this is a friendly reminder
      the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
      first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical proof, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
      but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
      It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
      The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
      utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
      to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
      but the quran said its only small number
      and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
      the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
      and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said many of new tetsament is only in spelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament the nt scribes they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament, also the new testament that like kjv based on byzantine is not as accurate as earliest manuscript, the nestle aland also have differences with majority greek manuscript and contain eclectic reading unlike previously
      and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
      Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
      bible interpolation
      quranic preservation
      how can patriavh commit sin?
      www.jesus-resurrection.info/bible-prophets.html patraich commit sin?
      septuagint problem
      sites.google.com/site/errorsinthebible/dss-lxx-vs-mt bible error
      quran preservation
      byzantine text not accurate
      heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original , so bible is not always the same text throughout the ages without need to return to original , thank you friend i hope you see the proof and can reasonably decided what to do, peace and blessing

    • @soumyajitguhathakurta7878
      @soumyajitguhathakurta7878 2 роки тому +39

      Actually Buddhisim is hinduisim itself there many sects in hinduisim like shaktas,shaivas ,Vaishnavas,souryas,ganapatyas ,smartas,Buddhist ,Jain's,shikh ,Vedic,&tantrik all these sects together
      form hinduisim or sanatana Dharma

    • @shivohamutsav8447
      @shivohamutsav8447 2 роки тому +30

      @@soumyajitguhathakurta7878 yes I do agree with this 😊👍
      Buddha was/is/will always be pride of Indian peninsula 🙏

    • @beowulf555
      @beowulf555 2 роки тому +26

      What do you mean but?!! Hinduism and Buddhism are not different or exclusive. If you understand what Dharma is, you’ll see that all Dharmic teachings are a part of the Hindu philosophy schools.

    • @shivohamutsav8447
      @shivohamutsav8447 2 роки тому +16

      @@beowulf555 i know about it but some Buddhists (ambedkarite) sect consider it as offense and starts debating with you
      Personally I don't have any interest in debating whether buddhism is part of darmic tradition or not with any of them

  • @paramitawulandari2631
    @paramitawulandari2631 Місяць тому +3

    My name is Paramita. My father always calls me Prazna Paramita.

  • @smileplease3204
    @smileplease3204 3 місяці тому +13

    Thanks India for giving the world Buddha and Sanskrit and Pali mantra

  • @lll2282
    @lll2282 2 роки тому +9

    OMG her dress,textiles , bindi everything reminds me our ancient hindu-buddist gods of india ad our ancient dress,clothing style

  • @anangkarangayam5360
    @anangkarangayam5360 Рік тому +4

    dengan dengar mantra ini moga saya dapat kerjaan baru yg hasilnya melimpah untuk keluarga mohon doaanya

  • @Gyaltsn
    @Gyaltsn 2 місяці тому +3

    Reminder!!!! Buddhism is not a Religion, It's a philosophy that teaches us how to live in Harmony, The way of life and the Embodiment of peacefulness.

  • @manishkumarsingh129
    @manishkumarsingh129 Рік тому +4

    From today onwards which is my birthday, I will not use harsh language on internet

  • @dangkhoine5591
    @dangkhoine5591 2 роки тому +9

    nguyện cho mọi người được hữu duyên mà nghe được bài chú này

  • @tammyhuynh7896
    @tammyhuynh7896 2 роки тому +74

    -A Di Đà Phật.Xin cành tỉnh quý vị đồng tu tinh tấn dũng mãnh trì kinh,niệm chú,thiền.Đừng để ma quỷ có giây phút nào len lõi vào cuộc sống của chúng ta.Chúc sức khỏe quý vị đồng đạo.Amitabha Buddha. Please wake up fellow initiates diligently and courageously maintaining sutras, reciting mantras, and meditating. Don't let the devil have a moment to creep into our lives. Wishing you good health, fellow believers.

  • @omnamobhagvatevasudevaye
    @omnamobhagvatevasudevaye Рік тому +50

    Im a tamil Hindu living in singapore my chinese friend always listen this so I also decided to check out this mantra and the mantra is absolutely beautiful it reminded me that my ancestors followed Hinduism and also followed Buddhism and Im tamil Hindu but I also worships Buddhas,Bodhisattvas and arahats especially Guan yin and Amitabha Buddha Sarva Mangalam!

    • @ShivamRaina-dm9df
      @ShivamRaina-dm9df Рік тому +4

      Bro this is also Hindu goddess Parvati .Haven't you know story of taramati Avatar of goddess Parvati

    • @privilegedindiansrworsthum8408
      @privilegedindiansrworsthum8408 Рік тому

      @@ShivamRaina-dm9df bullshit

    • @TashiNanda
      @TashiNanda Рік тому +1

      ​@@ShivamRaina-dm9dfnever mind Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is Parvati avatar. I know Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva so much. She is actually is men and she is from India. Do you know why in Mahayana Buddhis Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is woman? This is about war in kingdom era in China.

    • @JuriBinturong
      @JuriBinturong Рік тому +2

      @@ShivamRaina-dm9df buddhism is older than hinduism

    • @ShivamRaina-dm9df
      @ShivamRaina-dm9df Рік тому

      @@JuriBinturong 😂😂😂this is literally written by a Hindu brahmin in Sanskrit language. Sanskrit is a Hindu Brahmins language

  • @sportslover9946
    @sportslover9946 7 місяців тому +19

    Everytime i listen to prajna paramita heart sutra,i always feels connected and always break down in
    tears,such a beautiful chanting❤❤❤

    • @yat3700
      @yat3700 4 місяці тому +1

      Same here 🙏❤️🪷

  • @Everything_12
    @Everything_12 2 роки тому +129

    Buddha was a great man in the Past and will be in future
    He always wanted to spread peace, happiness among the peoples
    He never discriminate between anyone

    • @ManojKumar-sy7bw
      @ManojKumar-sy7bw Рік тому

      ​@northeast 😑 Vishnu is copy cat of Buddha, that's why Hinduism never spread beyond India but Buddhism spread.

    • @user-gr1gb7os2t
      @user-gr1gb7os2t Рік тому +1

      ​@northeast 😑 Om is Allah, according to your ancestors book Allah-O-Upanishad.
      So you are actually a Muslim. Because when you say OM U say Allah.

    • @user-gr1gb7os2t
      @user-gr1gb7os2t Рік тому +1

      @northeast 😑 your ancestors have written that Allah is OM, so it means Allah is parbrahman. So whenever you say Allah it means om and when you say OM it means Allah .
      So ultimately since you take the name of Allah, you are a by default Muslim. Even when you say you are Hindu. That is your true identity: Muslim.

    • @user-fe7hb3hi5b
      @user-fe7hb3hi5b 11 місяців тому

      @@user-gr1gb7os2tThe only thing I know is you guys just like terriosts because you guys attack any religion or ways of life if you don’t like.

    • @Everything_12
      @Everything_12 11 місяців тому +3

      ​@@user-gr1gb7os2tAllah-o-upanishad is not under 108 main upanishads.
      This upanishad written between medieval era. So not a Hindu text.

  • @TenzinBodh-og7rp
    @TenzinBodh-og7rp 9 місяців тому +14

    Namo Buddha 🙏🏻 peace to all human beings.

  • @kindnessandpeaceful_love.9268
    @kindnessandpeaceful_love.9268 Рік тому +22

    Praise Gods. 🙏 🙏 Thanks for your contributions for humanity. 🙏 Praise Gods of the universe.. 💕 Thanks buddha. Thanks buddhists. 🙏 Hail buddha.

    • @heaven.123
      @heaven.123 Рік тому +2

      Buddha was not god she is bodhisattva of china not goddess.

    • @EzequielMartin55vf
      @EzequielMartin55vf Рік тому

      ​@Heaven No he's not a god we know that dumbass. Lord Buddha never claimed to be one like ur christ 😂 but he surely helped ppl who were suffering in depression pain etc. Like mother Tara her power is real she gave me what i lost before and she's always there when l need help. Bhuddism is a way of life It teachs a lot to those who understand and follow it from heart, the ignorants will never understand this.

    • @user-ks7cb7eh9p
      @user-ks7cb7eh9p 6 місяців тому

      The God is one - Mother and Father aspect. The Ascended Masters of Wisdom help God.

  • @sbv8105
    @sbv8105 11 місяців тому +17

    Sanskrit is mother of all languages. It's the first language of the world. Proud sanatani ❤from TN.

    • @sahilsingh6048
      @sahilsingh6048 11 місяців тому +1

      This is wrong

    • @shammyprabudoss9990
      @shammyprabudoss9990 10 місяців тому

      Arabic India roots in excavstes south India

    • @rajnikantgulati9709
      @rajnikantgulati9709 Місяць тому +1

      This is Pali language, Mother of all languages. Language of Ancient Buddhist Universites of India.

    • @sachitamarandi
      @sachitamarandi Місяць тому

      You hindus have stolen all culture from Buddhism and your religion is full of cast discrimination,( so cold hindu religion 🤡🤡💩💩)

  • @aTopazBlade39859
    @aTopazBlade39859 2 роки тому +121

    There is no language so beautiful and perfect as Sanskrit. Only people don’t know

  • @gocnhinphatphap
    @gocnhinphatphap Рік тому +13

    *Sống hiểu đời, hiểu đạo, tin sâu nhân quả, biết được nơi mình đến, mới là cuộc sống ý nghĩa* 🙏

    • @zhongHLTV
      @zhongHLTV Рік тому

      Gambhīrāṃ prajñāpāramitā
      Caryāṃ caramāṇo
      Vyavalokiti ( vyavalokayati ) sma:
      Panca-skandhās tāṃś ca
      Svābhava śūnyā paśyati sma
      Iha, Śāriputra: Rūpaṃ śūnya śūnyata iva rūpaṃ
      Rūpān na pṛthag śūnyatā
      Śunyatāyā na pṛthag sā rūpaṃ
      Yad rūpaṃ sā śūnyatā
      Yad śūnyatā sā rūpaṃ
      Evam eva vedanā
      Saṃjñā saṃskāra vijñānaṃ
      Iha Śāriputra: Sarva-dharmā śūnyatā-lakṣaṇā
      Anutpannā, aniruddhā
      Amalā avimalā, anūnā aparipūrṇāḥ
      Tasmāc Sāriputra śūnyatayāṃ
      Na rūpaṃ na vedanā
      Na saṃjñā na saṃskārāḥ
      Na vijñānam
      Na cakṣuḥ-śrotra-ghrāna-jihvā
      Na rūpa-śabda
      Gandha-rasa-spraṣṭa vya-dharmā
      Na cakṣūr-dhātur
      Yāvan na
      Manovijñā na-dhātur
      Na-avidyā na-avidyā-kṣayo
      Yāvan na jarā-maraṇam
      Na jarā-maraṇa-kṣayo
      Na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-margā
      Na jñānam, na prāptir na-abhi samaya
      Tasmāc aprāptitvād bodhisattvanam
      Prajñāpāramitām āśritya viharatya cittā avaraṇaḥ
      Cittā avaraṇa
      Nāstitvād atrastro
      Viparyāsa-atikrānta niṣṭhā-nirvāṇam
      Try-adhva-vyavasthitāḥ sarva-buddhāḥ prajñāpāramitām āśrityā-anuttarāṃ samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhāḥ
      Tasmāj jñātaviyam: prajñāpāramitā mahā-mantra
      Mahā-vidyā mantra
      Sarva dukkha praśamanaḥ
      Satyam amithyat-vāt
      Prajñāpāramitāyām ukto mantra
      Gate, gate
      Bodhi svāhā

  • @alidalavezzari4103
    @alidalavezzari4103 2 роки тому +143

    May all living beings obtain illumination

    • @wavehixeno4915
      @wavehixeno4915 2 роки тому +1

      What you mean bro

    • @guestkid9976
      @guestkid9976 2 роки тому +4

      Hopefully, my neighbors been cursing the eternal light and me and everything to do with me including innocent people and i don't have any spells to fight back, and they wish death for me, please pray for me or do a mantra or spell to protect me and end bad luck i would really appreciate it 🙏

    • @user-gx8fy8eb7i
      @user-gx8fy8eb7i 2 роки тому

      @@wavehixeno4915 心意

    • @user-gx8fy8eb7i
      @user-gx8fy8eb7i 2 роки тому

      @@guestkid9976 😭🤣👍

    • @swedensy
      @swedensy 2 роки тому

      Stop talking sheeet. You cause ao much harm. Just you alone.

  • @djhaijfl
    @djhaijfl 2 роки тому +166

    All living beings are united by dharma , which is universal and eternal.. love from India 🙏

    • @monotheist..
      @monotheist.. 2 роки тому +1

      hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible, this is a friendly reminder
      the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
      first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical proof, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
      but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
      It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
      The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
      utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
      to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
      but the quran said its only small number
      and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
      the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
      and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said many of new tetsament is only in spelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament the nt scribes they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament, also the new testament that like kjv based on byzantine is not as accurate as earliest manuscript, the nestle aland also have differences with majority greek manuscript and contain eclectic reading unlike previously
      and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
      Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
      bible interpolation
      quranic preservation
      how can patriavh commit sin?
      www.jesus-resurrection.info/bible-prophets.html patraich commit sin?
      septuagint problem
      sites.google.com/site/errorsinthebible/dss-lxx-vs-mt bible error
      quran preservation
      byzantine text not accurate
      heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original , so bible is not always the same text throughout the ages without need to return to original , thank you friend i hope you see the proof and can reasonably decided what to do, peace and blessing

    • @user-tc5fv4cg8i
      @user-tc5fv4cg8i Рік тому +1

      What’s dharma?

    • @djhaijfl
      @djhaijfl Рік тому

      @@user-tc5fv4cg8i ua-cam.com/video/yhAQ62GCMcM/v-deo.html

    • @user-kk5oi8uv6n
      @user-kk5oi8uv6n Рік тому +3

      @@user-tc5fv4cg8i duty

    • @czeroven
      @czeroven Рік тому

  • @meijiemeiji
    @meijiemeiji 2 роки тому +13

    Namo Amitabha
    Namo Buddha
    Om namo Tatagatha
    Namo ratna trayaya Avalokitesvara
    I'm always grateful for your wisdom my tathagathas.

    • @shripaljain7684
      @shripaljain7684 Рік тому

      Hridya Sutram really ❤️ touching Mantra Love 💕 regards from Bharat Aryavart

  • @TARO77733
    @TARO77733 8 місяців тому +18

    Eu estudo todos os dias antes de dormir por mais de 12 anos. ❤ Amo muito 💕

  • @victornilsson2816
    @victornilsson2816 2 роки тому +14

    May all beings be happy, may all beings be Free may all beings be peaceful..
    May my enemies be happy, may my enemies be peaceful may my enemies be Free..

  • @khushveercharan4545
    @khushveercharan4545 Рік тому +11

    Thats why sanskrit known as mother of languages it touches our soul,
    emotional connect like each mother has

  • @antihero69420
    @antihero69420 13 днів тому +1

    Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam and every other relegion are One. ☸️🗿🪷

    • @manishks.manishks
      @manishks.manishks 10 днів тому +2

      Hell no 😂😂, don't include Islam in the list!

    • @antihero69420
      @antihero69420 10 днів тому +1

      @@manishks.manishks You are not enlightened enough!

  • @gillaybhutia2727
    @gillaybhutia2727 2 роки тому +30

    May all sentient being find refuge in wonderful emptiness that is deep within all of us. May the veils of illusion lifted from us. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @htgraphics8479
    @htgraphics8479 Рік тому +17

    I am a theravada buddhist. But love mahayana sutras.❤️

    • @joleycrafter6525
      @joleycrafter6525 Рік тому +2

      Yes,me too. I am a theravada buddhist.

    • @dayanthahewawitharana1341
      @dayanthahewawitharana1341 Рік тому +2


    • @kakolichakraborty9152
      @kakolichakraborty9152 11 місяців тому

      @@joleycrafter6525 please explain to me, what is theravada buddhist?

    • @user-ub5nw4zc3q
      @user-ub5nw4zc3q 2 місяці тому

      ​​@@kakolichakraborty9152 in buddhism there have many branches ! So main two branches are mhayana and terevada ! So This song is mhayana Buddhist mantra !
      Tervadas also have sutta like thise ! We both of them worship lord Gautam buddha.!

    • @nganvo840
      @nganvo840 19 днів тому

      ​@@kakolichakraborty9152 theravaya buddhism follow the path of shakyamauni buddha
      Mahayana buddhism follow amitabha buddha but still follow shakyamauni buddha teaching
      Both are still buddha teaching
      Theravada= tree root
      Mahayana= tree trunk and it branches
      But mahayana and vajrayana are family too

  • @givepeaceachance940
    @givepeaceachance940 10 місяців тому +6

    There is no Buddha, no dharma, no consciousness, no eye, no suffering, no cause of suffering, no end to suffering…

  • @karenburrows9184
    @karenburrows9184 Рік тому +30

    From a follower of Dao, thank you for this beauty you have given to my soul. Love to all lives out there. Peace and enlightenment.

  • @asfullahypra3796
    @asfullahypra3796 2 роки тому +13

    I an muslim but i like prajma paramitha peace

    • @tenzinsangpo2221
      @tenzinsangpo2221 2 роки тому +7

      At last, peace is what all religions are locking for. Blesses, brother

  • @lisainthemetaverse
    @lisainthemetaverse 8 місяців тому +3


  • @radjasiddhi6276
    @radjasiddhi6276 Рік тому +34

    No meu funeral quero muito que recitem o pequeno Sutra do Coração da Perfeição da Sabedoria em português, não por mim, mas pelos que ficarão 😍😢❤

  • @heaven.123
    @heaven.123 Рік тому +6

    I'm Muslim respect to buddist brother.

    • @alvalvhjarta5466
      @alvalvhjarta5466 Рік тому

      I like Muslim faith, I am Buddhist, but i'am shy - you are great :)

    • @heaven.123
      @heaven.123 Рік тому +1

      Actually im from Pakistan in ancient time the first idiol of Buddha in ghandhara form was made in mardan Pakistan by king kanisha of kushan dynasty and then idol worshiping in buddisium started and Mahayana Buddhism spread from gandahara to all India

    • @ShivamRaina-dm9df
      @ShivamRaina-dm9df Рік тому +1

      @@heaven.123 actually this is goddess Parvati 's Avatar tara in Hinduism . Basically hinduism influence in Buddhism

    • @ManojKumar-sy7bw
      @ManojKumar-sy7bw Рік тому

      ​@@ShivamRaina-dm9df 😂😂😂 you got it reverse, Parvati is copied from Tara. No one know Parvati outside of India you fool. Only buddhism spread. 😂😂

    • @bittardaniel
      @bittardaniel 7 місяців тому +1

      If you understand the prajnaparamita, you will never say that one is Buddhist and another Hindu. There is no one! Only the empty consciousness full till the top

  • @wijaksarabookstore4426
    @wijaksarabookstore4426 Рік тому +25

    Its a beautifull chant.. deep respect to you all, from the land where shiva-buddha blend into one, in peace and harmony for thousnd of years,, BALI - Nusantara

  • @charliedeng5238
    @charliedeng5238 Рік тому +3

    Gate gate
    Bodhi svāhā

  • @aryasingh5446
    @aryasingh5446 Рік тому +51

    Beauty of Mother of all language ''Sanskrit''🙂

  • @rachitjoshi23
    @rachitjoshi23 3 місяці тому +3

    When I heard this for the firs time, I instantly feel calm, relaxed. I don't know what is being said but it works like a xanax for me lol

  • @mohdrana4325
    @mohdrana4325 2 роки тому +139

    Sanskrit has magic in it. It mesmerizes and every listener to some devine world

    • @vetiarvind
      @vetiarvind 2 роки тому +16

      It's not called "Deva bhasha" (language of the gods) for no reason ;-)

    • @aileenukara9192
      @aileenukara9192 2 роки тому

      @@vetiarvind p0p lol

    • @lll2282
      @lll2282 2 роки тому +11

      @@vetiarvind even the script is called "dev nagari" "gods city"

    • @dharmadefender3932
      @dharmadefender3932 Рік тому

      @Islam Virodhi It's still not magic.

    • @shyampandey6267
      @shyampandey6267 Рік тому


  • @djenimeri8556
    @djenimeri8556 7 місяців тому +6

    Alunannya membuat hati lebih tenang
    Semoga semua makhluk berbahagia

  • @EugeneTan233
    @EugeneTan233 2 роки тому +20

    all the best for buddhism!

    • @veenasinha8161
      @veenasinha8161 2 роки тому +1


    • @EugeneTan233
      @EugeneTan233 2 роки тому

      @@user-wr3xs9gt2h all of them

    • @Everything_12
      @Everything_12 Рік тому +1

      @@veenasinha8161 no
      Mahayana Buddhism Use Sanskrit

    • @user-gr1gb7os2t
      @user-gr1gb7os2t Рік тому

      ​@@veenasinha8161 it's Buddhist hybrid Sanskrit.

    • @gihan.u2001
      @gihan.u2001 9 місяців тому

      ​@@veenasinha8161Lol This is Buddhism Mantra

  • @natihitasiriwong3109
    @natihitasiriwong3109 Рік тому +1

    สาธุ สาธุ สาธุ พรทั้งปวงแห่งจักรวาลจงเป็นของข้า.นำทางข้าสำเร็จลุล่วงทั้งปวงด้วยเทอญ สาธุ

  • @ahkehuan7170
    @ahkehuan7170 2 роки тому +28

    the flute begins by 4:20, really make me peace

    • @lll2282
      @lll2282 2 роки тому +4

      indian flute

  • @AadhiraiSathyavathi
    @AadhiraiSathyavathi Рік тому +4

    The word "Shunya" and "Shunyam" in this context means "Being". The "Being" of "Visualisation", The "Being" of "Sight", The "Being" of "Sound", "The Beings' Sensations", so on & so forth.
    The same words has other meanings as well, such as "Empty", "Emptiness", "Nothing", "Nothingness", "Zero" or "Infinite", "Existence" or "Non-Existence", based on the context its meaning differs.

  • @zarkthegreat
    @zarkthegreat 14 годин тому

    Gate gate paragate parasaṃgate bodhi svaha. Cry over this one ;-;🙏

  • @user-nf7ib7hf7x
    @user-nf7ib7hf7x Рік тому +18


  • @AC-fh1bg
    @AC-fh1bg Рік тому +18

    This transcends all religion. It is sheer beauty, grace and calming equipoise...

  • @phxeko
    @phxeko 2 роки тому +79

    It's Mahayana teaching. I hope to visit the statue in Indonesia National Museum. Greeting from Indonesia.
    Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva,
    when pursuing the deep prajñaparamita,
    recognized the five skandhas as completely empty
    and passed beyond all vexations and distress.
    Shariputra, appearances are not different from emptiness,
    emptiness is not different to appearances.
    Appearances are emptiness,
    emptiness is an appearance.
    Impressions, thoughts, associations
    and knowing too, are also like this.
    Shariputra, all dharmas are empty of appearances,
    are not created, are not extinguished,
    are not defiled, are not pure;
    do not increase, do not decrease.
    For this reason, amidst emptiness there are no appearances,
    nor are there any impressions, thoughts, associations and knowing,
    There is no eye, ear, nose, tongue, touch, ideas.
    There are no colors, sounds, smells,
    tastes and touch dharmas.
    There is no eye-element up to no imagining nor knowledge element.
    Neither is any non-understanding,
    nor is there any end to non-understanding up to no old-age and death.
    Neither is there any end to old-age and death.
    There is no suffering, cause, extinction or path.
    There is no knowledge nor anything to find.
    Because there isn’t anything to find,
    the bodhisattva is free because of relying upon prajñaparamita:
    a heart without any obstruction.
    Because there are no obstructions, there is no fear.
    Abandoning, overturning dreams and concepts,
    finally reaches nirvana.
    Because all the Buddhas of the three times have relied upon prajñaparamita, they have found anuttarasamyaksambodhi.
    For this reason, know prajñaparamita is the great spiritual mantra.
    The great understanding mantra.
    The supreme mantra.
    The unequaled mantra, able to cut through all vexation
    because in reality there is no emptiness.
    Speak the prajñaparamita mantra, speak the mantra’s words:
    gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā.
    (Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone utterly beyond, Enlightenment, hail!)

    • @phxeko
      @phxeko 2 роки тому +2

      those are from the wildmind, i think the better translation is the plumvillage version.

    • @allcorevondoneghan
      @allcorevondoneghan 2 роки тому +1

      Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

    • @monotheist..
      @monotheist.. 2 роки тому +1

      hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible, this is a friendly reminder
      the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
      first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical proof, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
      but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
      It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
      The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
      utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
      to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
      but the quran said its only small number
      and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
      the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
      and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said many of new tetsament is only in spelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament the nt scribes they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament, also the new testament that like kjv based on byzantine is not as accurate as earliest manuscript, the nestle aland also have differences with majority greek manuscript and contain eclectic reading unlike previously
      and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
      Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
      bible interpolation
      quranic preservation
      how can patriavh commit sin?
      www.jesus-resurrection.info/bible-prophets.html patraich commit sin?
      septuagint problem
      sites.google.com/site/errorsinthebible/dss-lxx-vs-mt bible error
      quran preservation
      byzantine text not accurate
      heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original , so bible is not always the same text throughout the ages without need to return to original , thank you friend i hope you see the proof and can reasonably decided what to do, peace and blessing

    • @bluesideup007
      @bluesideup007 Рік тому +2

      Thank you for the text and links. Tashi delek!🙏

    • @phxeko
      @phxeko Рік тому +2

      @@bluesideup007 you're welcome 🙏

  • @paulcoverdale8312
    @paulcoverdale8312 Рік тому +10

    Listening to this for the first time as I drift off to sleep.
    Beautiful, just beautiful.
    Luv an light to all out there.
    Thanks for sharing guys
    Paul 02.39 gmt Uk cheers

  • @nagendranmajhi8878
    @nagendranmajhi8878 Рік тому +38

    This prayer rejunivate me every morning.

  • @pynkieeast8223
    @pynkieeast8223 2 роки тому +15

    A good friend send me this. I thought I’d try listening what it’s like.
    Ended up with tears from nowhere instead.

  • @sheetalsharma9503
    @sheetalsharma9503 17 днів тому

    Although I do not understand the Sanskrit.. However, after listening to this beautiful melody song and music, it appears that this mantra opens the heart chakra. I appreciate you sharing; I adore this song.🥰❤😊

  • @heshanshibry6575
    @heshanshibry6575 Рік тому +3

    Problem is when we read scripts, scrolls and properly we see that God is and has always been one. All mighty. 🙏🙏🙏 But people don't want to realise that. That's what's making it sad.❤❤❤❤

    • @tvc3mye
      @tvc3mye 3 місяці тому

      All beings, including gods, must go through the same cycle of life,that includes the almighty one.
      And since even gods cannot escape from the cycle repeatedly, then why do we still insist on worshipping it?
      Have faith in yourself, live your own life, work things out by yourself instead of relying on the supernatural powers of gods.

  • @godchild820
    @godchild820 Рік тому +21

    Seems like Heavenly angels singing.

  • @vanessamontes8951
    @vanessamontes8951 Рік тому +4

    Sanskrit feels like the original human language. Everyone can pronounce it.

  • @prasad435
    @prasad435 10 місяців тому +17

    Sanskrit is devine language ❤🙏💯🧡

    • @at12155
      @at12155 4 місяці тому

      Pali is a Middle Indo-Aryan liturgical language on the Indian subcontinent. It is widely studied because it is the language of the Buddhist Pāli Canon or Tipiṭaka as well as the sacred language of Theravāda Buddhism

    • @sachitamarandi
      @sachitamarandi Місяць тому +1

      You hindus have stolen all culture from Buddhism and your religion is full of cast discrimination,( so cold hindu religion 🤡🤡💩💩)

    • @sachitamarandi
      @sachitamarandi Місяць тому +1

      You hindus have stolen all culture from Buddhism and your religion is full of cast discrimination,( so cold hindu religion 🤡🤡💩💩)

    • @sachitamarandi
      @sachitamarandi Місяць тому +1

      You hindus have stolen all culture from Buddhism and your religion is full of cast discrimination,( so cold hindu religion 🤡🤡💩💩)

  • @yass-iz1wn
    @yass-iz1wn 3 місяці тому +1

    [Verse 1]
    Gambhīrāṃ prajñāpāramitā
    Caryāṃ caramāṇo
    Vyavalokayati sma:
    Panca-skandhās tāṃś ca
    Svābhava śūnyān paśyati sma
    Iha, Śāriputra: Rūpaṃ śūnyatā śūnyataiva rūpaṃ
    Rūpān na pṛthak śūnyatā
    Śunyatāyā na pṛthag rūpaṃ
    Yad rūpaṃ sā śūnyatā
    Ya śūnyatā tad rūpaṃ
    Evam eva vedanā
    Saṃjñā saṃskāra vijñānaṃ
    Iha Śāriputra: Sarva-dharmāḥ śūnyatā-lakṣaṇā
    Anutpannā, aniruddhā
    Amalā avimalā, anūnā aparipūrṇāḥ
    Tasmāc chāriputra śūnyatayāṃ
    Na rūpaṃ na vedanā
    Na saṃjñā na saṃskārāḥ
    Na vijñānam
    Na cakṣuḥ-śrotra-ghrāna-jihvā
    Na rūpa-śabda
    Na cakṣūr-dhātur
    Yāvan na
    Na-avidyā na-avidyā-kṣayo
    Yāvan na jarā-maraṇam
    Na jarā-maraṇa-kṣayo
    Na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-margā
    Na jñānam, na prāptir na-aprāptiḥ
    Tasmāc chāriputra aprāptitvād bodhisattvasya
    Prajñāpāramitām āśritya viharatya cittāvaraṇaḥ
    Nāstitvād atrastro
    Viparyāsa-atikrānto niṣṭhā-nirvāṇa-prāptaḥ
    Tryadhva-vyavasthitāḥ sarva-buddhāḥ prajñāpāramitām āśrityā-anuttarāṃ samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhāḥ
    Tasmāj jñātavyam: prajñāpāramitā mahā-mantra
    Mahā-vidyā mantra
    Sarva duḥkha praśamanaḥ
    Satyam amithyatāt
    Prajñāpāramitāyām ukto mantraḥ
    Gate, gate
    Bodhi svāhā

  • @ramrand9960
    @ramrand9960 2 роки тому +3

    Sutra that she is chanting / singing -
    Arya-avalokitesvaro bodhisattvo gambhiram prajnaparamitacaryam caramano
    Vyavalokayati sma: panca-skandhas tams ca svabhavasunyan pasyati sma
    Iha sariputra rupam sunyata sunyataiva rupam, rupan na prithak sunyata
    Sunyataya na prithag rupam, yad rupam sa sunyata ya sunyata tad rupam;
    Evam eva vedana-samjna-samskara-vijnanam.
    Iha sariputra sarva-dharmah sunyata-laksala, anutpanna aniruddha, amala
    Avimala, anuna aparipurnah.
    Tasmac Sariputra sunyatayam na rupam na vedana na samjna na samskarah
    Na vijnanam. na caksuh-srotra-ghrana-jihva-kaya-manamsi. na
    Rupa-sabda-gandha-rasa-sprastavya-dharmah. na caksur-dhatur yavan na
    Manovijnana-dhatuh. na-avidya na-avidya-ksayo yavan na jaramaranam na
    Jara-marana-ksayo. na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-marga. na jnanam, na
    Praptir na-apraptih.
    Tasmac Sariputra apraptitvad bodhisattvasya prajnaparamitam asritya
    Vibaraty acittavaranah. cittavarana-nastitvad atrasto
    Viparyasa-ati-kranto nistha-nirvana-praptah.
    Tryadhva-vyavasthitah sarva-buddhah prajnaparamitam asritya-anut-taram
    Samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhah.
    Tasmaj jnatavyam: prajnaparamita maha-mantro mahavidya-mantro
    'Nuttara-mantro samasama-mantrah, sarva-duhkha-prasamanah, satyam
    Amithyatvat. prajnaparamitayam ukto mantrah. tadyatha:
    Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha!

  • @Daedalus294
    @Daedalus294 2 роки тому +10

    this song made me cry. i don't know why. couldn't control my tears

    • @JungJiyeol
      @JungJiyeol 2 роки тому +2

      that means your prajna has been opened up a little...^^

    • @ronaldwong7969
      @ronaldwong7969 2 місяці тому +1

      Same here. Tears just flowing....

  • @choirulanam3682
    @choirulanam3682 Рік тому +7

    Tenang, damai, dekat dengan Tuhan.

  • @ShivamRaina-dm9df
    @ShivamRaina-dm9df Рік тому +5

    It is definitely written by some Brahmin and the goddess is actually known as Tara(goddess Parvati 's Avatar) in hinduism .
    As Buddhist scriptures are generally written in Pali not Sanskrit
    It's definitely Hindu influence in Buddhism
    Came from shakta sect of Hinduism

    • @abed5144
      @abed5144 Рік тому +3

      Language of Mahayana Buddhism is Sanskrit, Mahayana Buddhism is based on Teaching of Indians masters like Nagarjuna and has roots and later influence On Doctrine of Buddhism studied in Nalanda University of India

    • @ShivamRaina-dm9df
      @ShivamRaina-dm9df Рік тому +2

      @@abed5144 doesn't change the fact that he was brahmin . Buddhism is itself based on hindu Upanishads

    • @abed5144
      @abed5144 Рік тому +1

      He was born as bhramin who completely rejected Hinduism he was born into ,
      not just rejected but also criticized and refuted the School of Hinduism .
      Buddhism rejects pure concept of Upanishads like Bhraman as the supreme reality or There exists a God a universal soul who is source of every reality.
      Literal base of Buddhism Is rejection of rejection of advaitia vendenta let alone being based on it

    • @ShivamRaina-dm9df
      @ShivamRaina-dm9df Рік тому +1

      @@abed5144 he never rejected brahminhood .If you say buddhism is different religion then Brahminism is also a different religion .He never rejected Vedas idiot . Even Ashoka too respected Brahmins and Jain's also respected Brahmins too stop making conspiracy theories .That means you accept everything is stolen from hinduism.Whatever connected to brahmins is hinduism mindit

    • @ManojKumar-sy7bw
      @ManojKumar-sy7bw Рік тому

      ​@@abed5144 accha Gyan Diya Bhai usko. Wo pura pagal Hai. Par I think Nagarjuna koi Brahman BHI Nahi Tha. Halaki use Brahman baad mein bolna Jane Laga Kaise Ki Buddha ko Vishnu ka avatar bana Diya Gaya.

  • @shiulisen8734
    @shiulisen8734 2 роки тому +132

    The beauty of this song makes it clear why mantras were written in sanskrit

    • @kousikv2247
      @kousikv2247 2 роки тому +32

      These mantras were basically the sacred sounds of nature tailored into a form by the great yogis. That's why irrespective of caste creed or religion, it goes deep and reaches your soul. That's the coolness you feel. It's more subconscious. Your soul enjoys it. That's the power. It will make you a good being.

    • @AadhiraiSathyavathi
      @AadhiraiSathyavathi 2 роки тому +3

      It is important to note,
      The mantras were actually Translated to Sanskrit and the original language version scripts were destroyed by a Vested Interest Group in the Past.

    • @anushkagupta2138
      @anushkagupta2138 2 роки тому +2

      @@AadhiraiSathyavathi then what is the original language?

    • @AadhiraiSathyavathi
      @AadhiraiSathyavathi 2 роки тому +2

      @@anushkagupta2138 very good you are curious to know.
      Actually name is Arya Avalokitesvara, given to me by the Sangham.
      The Mother of All Languages & Literatures was|is|and will be Tamil (Ancient Language, known to the whole world #UNESCO) Scripts,
      You must also note, they were Scripted based on the Sounds of Nature, which is not Bound by one particular Shape, Sound, Form, Size nor Color,
      Thee One, who mastered | Master's the Language of Nature - Earth, Moon, The Sun- Cosmos & The Universe, is called, Arya (Noble) Avalokitesvara (Ultimate Truth & Reality).
      Given your name also signifies someone from Indian Origin, you must be well aware & Read about, RāmaYānā, Mahābhārata, Bhagavad-Gita, well, those books and many more, are my Autobiographies.
      Just that, Now, Version 2.0.

    • @anushkagupta2138
      @anushkagupta2138 2 роки тому +5

      @@AadhiraiSathyavathi thanks for this but sanskrit sounds so beautiful to me I like so much this language
      I like tamil too
      We should Respect indian language
      No north and south only India
      Jayatu Samskrutam
      Long live Tamil

  • @samshio3390
    @samshio3390 Рік тому +20

    It's my favourite song...Our scl plays it everyday for meditation...It really has a different power in it. 🤧

    • @zhongHLTV
      @zhongHLTV Рік тому

      Gambhīrāṃ prajñāpāramitā
      Caryāṃ caramāṇo
      Vyavalokiti ( vyavalokayati ) sma:
      Panca-skandhās tāṃś ca
      Svābhava śūnyā paśyati sma
      Iha, Śāriputra: Rūpaṃ śūnya śūnyata iva rūpaṃ
      Rūpān na pṛthag śūnyatā
      Śunyatāyā na pṛthag sā rūpaṃ
      Yad rūpaṃ sā śūnyatā
      Yad śūnyatā sā rūpaṃ
      Evam eva vedanā
      Saṃjñā saṃskāra vijñānaṃ
      Iha Śāriputra: Sarva-dharmā śūnyatā-lakṣaṇā
      Anutpannā, aniruddhā
      Amalā avimalā, anūnā aparipūrṇāḥ
      Tasmāc Sāriputra śūnyatayāṃ
      Na rūpaṃ na vedanā
      Na saṃjñā na saṃskārāḥ
      Na vijñānam
      Na cakṣuḥ-śrotra-ghrāna-jihvā
      Na rūpa-śabda
      Gandha-rasa-spraṣṭa vya-dharmā
      Na cakṣūr-dhātur
      Yāvan na
      Manovijñā na-dhātur
      Na-avidyā na-avidyā-kṣayo
      Yāvan na jarā-maraṇam
      Na jarā-maraṇa-kṣayo
      Na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-margā
      Na jñānam, na prāptir na-abhi samaya
      Tasmāc aprāptitvād bodhisattvanam
      Prajñāpāramitām āśritya viharatya cittā avaraṇaḥ
      Cittā avaraṇa
      Nāstitvād atrastro
      Viparyāsa-atikrānta niṣṭhā-nirvāṇam
      Try-adhva-vyavasthitāḥ sarva-buddhāḥ prajñāpāramitām āśrityā-anuttarāṃ samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhāḥ
      Tasmāj jñātaviyam: prajñāpāramitā mahā-mantra
      Mahā-vidyā mantra
      Sarva dukkha praśamanaḥ
      Satyam amithyat-vāt
      Prajñāpāramitāyām ukto mantra
      Gate, gate
      Bodhi svāhā

  • @ArkarSweoffical-kl9jr
    @ArkarSweoffical-kl9jr 7 місяців тому +1

    ဂတေ ဂတေ ပါရာဂတေ ပါရာသံဂတေ ဗောဓိသွာဟ
    မြန်မာပြည်အား အမြန်ငြိမ်းချမ်းအောင်ပြုတော်မူပါ

  • @kratip3090
    @kratip3090 Місяць тому

    Power of the Language Sanskrit 🙏🏻

  • @EricchoenLee
    @EricchoenLee 2 роки тому +10

    謝謝邵小姐. 真是悅耳的改版。好好聽哦

  • @1strights
    @1strights 8 місяців тому +4

    From here to eternity
    To infinity and beyond
    We’ll be Loving YOU always,
    And in ALL ways
    We didn’t deserve you,
    Didn’t mean to hurt you
    Forgive us
    We will never forget you
    We will always remember
    From here to eternity
    To infinity and beyond
    All the way, all the way, all the way
    To the other shore
    We’ll meet you there
    And Life will be good
    Until then we’ll be chopping wood,
    Carrying water, and Bowing deeply
    Bowing deeply,
    To the great shining Light of YOUR Star
    Bowing deeply
    To the greatest Love we ever knew
    Bowing deeply,
    In Gratitude
    That the power of death
    Could not hold you
    Bowing deeply, ever so deeply
    To YOU

  • @wusheng
    @wusheng Рік тому +1











  • @SrimanArcharyaJBC
    @SrimanArcharyaJBC 4 місяці тому +1

    PrajnaParamita = The Peoples Parameter. This is the Coronation Mantra and history of my ancestor Bhagwan Rudra Prajapati Chitroda Daksh 2nd century. It started the making of all the countries we have today. Hindu Buddhist Armies. Manly Chans, Khetris, Mewar, Bhanj, Rabbari, Prajapati, Tangs. 450,000 Military Soldiers. It was my Famous JanaSunG Government that converted into the Indian BJP party.
    Today even Pradhan Narendra Modi is still representing himself as part of the Indian Hindu Democratic continuation of ancient India Governance that all Indian Hindus from the BJP represent due to it vast global history and mainframe. The chakra never stops.

  • @laisimsg1235
    @laisimsg1235 2 роки тому +3

    Prajnaparamita in Yasodharapura of the ancient Khmer since Angkor Period (Cambodia)🇰🇭
    *(English below)
    🛐 ប្រាជ្ញាបារមីតហ្ឫទយសូត្រ ☸️
    អវលោកេស្វរពោធិសត្វ កាលប្រតិបត្តិដ៏ឧត្តុង្គឧត្តមនូវប្រាជ្ញាបារមី
    បានចាក់ធ្លុះនូវ​បញ្ចក្ខន្ធ​ទាំងឡាយថាជាសភាវសូន្យទទេ និង
    ឆ្លងផុតអន្លង់ទុក្ខ​ សោក រោគ ភ័យ និង អកុសលធម៌ទាំងឡាយ ។
    ម្នាលសារីបុត្រ រូបមិនខុសពីសុញ្ញតា, សុញ្ញតាមិនខុសពីរូប, រូបគឺជាសុញ្ញតា, សុញ្ញតាគឺជារូប
    វេទនា សញ្ញា សង្ខារ វិញ្ញាណក៏ដូច្នោះដែរ ។
    ម្នាលសារីបុត្រ ព្រះធម៌ទាំងឡាយមានលក្ខណៈ​សូន្យទទេ មិនកើត មិនស្លាប់
    មិនស្មោកគ្រោក មិនបរិសុទ្ធ មិនថយ មិន​កើន ។
    ដូច្នេះនៅក្នុងសុញ្ញតា មិនមានរូប វេទនា សញ្ញា សង្ខារ វិញ្ញាណ​ មិនមានចក្ខុ សោត ឃាន ជិវ្ហា កាយ ចិត្ត
    មិនមានរូប សម្លេង ក្លិន រស សម្ផស្ស ធម្ម
    មិនមានចក្ខុធាតុ … មិន​មាន​មនោវិញ្ញាណធាតុ
    មិន​មាន​អវិជ្ជា ក៏មិនមាន​ការ​រលត់​នៃ​​អវិជ្ជា …
    មិន​មាន​ជរា និង មរណៈ, មិនមាន​ការ​រលត់​ទៅ​នៃ​ជរា និង មរណៈ
    មិន​មាន​សមុទយសច្ច មិន​មាន​និរោធសច្ច និង មិន​មាន​មគ្គសច្ច,
    មិន​មាន​​បញ្ញា និង មិន​មាន​លាភ ។
    ដោយសារ​​​មិនមានឧបសគ្គរារាំង​ចិត្ត ពេល​នោះ​ក៏​មិន​មាន​ការភ័យខ្លាច​ដែរ ឃ្លាតចាកពី​ចិត្ត​វិបរិត និង សុបិនសញ្ញាទាំងឡាយ រហូតលុះក្នុងទីបំផុតគឺព្រះនិព្វាន ។
    ព្រះ​ពុទ្ធ​នៅ​អតីតកាល, បច្ចុប្បន្នកាល និង អនាគតកាល សុទ្ធតែ​អាស្រ័យ​ប្រាជ្ញាបារមី
    និង បាន​​ត្រាស់ដឹង​អនុត្តរសម្មាសម្ពោធិញាណ ។
    ដូច្នេះគប្បីដឹងថាប្រាជ្ញាបារមី គឺជាមហិទ្ធិកមន្ត មហាវិទ្យមន្ត្រ អនុត្តរមន្ត អសមមន្ត …
    អាច​កម្ចាត់បង់​ទុក្ខទាំងឡាយ នេះគឺជាសច្ចវាចា មិនមែនក្លែងក្លាយ ។
    ដូច្នេះទើបសម្តែងអំពីប្រាជ្ញាបារមីតមន្ត គឺសម្តែងនូវមន្តដូច្នេះថា ៖
    គតេ គតេ បារគតេ បារសង្គតេ
    ពោធិ ស្វាហា​
    (ទៅហើយ ទៅហើយ ជាអ្នកមានកិរិយា​ដល់​ត្រើយ ជាអ្នកឈ្នះ​អវិជ្ជា និង តណ្ហា​ និង បរិបូណ៌ដោយ​ពោធិញាណ) ។
    Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, doing deep prajna paramita,
    Clearly saw emptiness of all the five conditions,
    Thus completely relieving misfortune and pain,
    O Shariputra, form is no other than emptiness, emptiness no other than form;
    Form is exactly emptiness, emptiness exactly form;
    Sensation, conception, discrimination, awareness are likewise like this.
    O Shariputra, all dharmas are forms of emptiness, not born, not destroyed;
    Not stained, not pure, without loss, without gain;
    So in emptiness there is no form, no sensation, conception, discrimination, awareness; No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind;
    No color, sound, smell, taste, touch, phenomena;
    No realm of sight . . . no realm of consciousness;
    No ignorance and no end to ignorance . . .
    No old age and death, and no end to old age and death;
    No suffering, no cause of suffering, no extinguishing, no path;
    No wisdom and no gain. No gain and thus
    The bodhisattva lives prajna paramita
    With no hindrance in the mind, no hindrance, therefore no fear,
    Far beyond deluded thoughts, this is nirvana.
    All past, present, and future Buddhas live prajna paramita,
    And therefore attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    Therefore know, prajna paramita is
    The great mantra, the vivid mantra,
    The best mantra, the unsurpassable mantra;
    It completely clears all pain-this is the truth, not a lie.
    So set forth the Prajna Paramita Mantra,
    Set forth this mantra and say:
    Gate! Gate! Paragate! Parasamgate!
    Bodhi svaha. Prajna Heart Sutra.

    • @chlkhasaranov7722
      @chlkhasaranov7722 2 роки тому


  • @dawatsheringsherpa8610
    @dawatsheringsherpa8610 2 роки тому +7

    🙏🙏🙏💐👍❤️ Very good Mantra of Rhridaya Sutra of Goddess Arya Awaloketeswar. Thank you so much for the Karunamaee mantras.

  • @pei-tzuchen7847
    @pei-tzuchen7847 День тому

    Thank you very much. I love this song very much, too. ♥️💞

  • @winduritan9994
    @winduritan9994 Рік тому +1

    Aryavalokitesvara Bodhisattva gambhirayam prajnaparamitayam caryam caramano
    vyavalokayati sma panca-skandha
    Tams ca svabhava sunyam pasyati sma,
    Iha Sariputra, rupam sunyata, sunyata iva rupam
    rupa na prthak sunyata, sunyataya na prthak rupam
    yad rupam sa-sunyata ya sunyata tad-rupam
    Evam eva vedana samjna sam-skara vijnanani
    Iha Sariputra sarva dharma sunyata-laksana
    anutpanna aniruddha amala vimala, nona na-paripurna
    Tasmat Sariputra sunyatayam na rupam
    na vedana, na samjna
    na samskara, na vijnanani
    na caksuh srotra ghrana jihva kaya manamsi
    na rupam sabda gandha rasa sparastavya dharma
    na caksur-dhatu yavan na mano vijnana-dhatu
    na vidya, navidya-ksayo
    yavan na jara-maranam na jara-marana ksayo
    na dukkha, samudaya, nirodha, marga
    na jnanam, na praptir na abhisamaya
    Tasmac na apraptir tva Bodhisattvasya prajnaparamita
    asritya viharaty acittavaranah cittavarana nastitvad atrasto
    vi-paryasati-kranto nistha nirvanam
    Tri-adhva vyavasthita sarva buddha prajna-paramitam
    a-sirtya anuttara-samyak-sambodhim abhi-sambuddha
    Tasmat jnatavyam prajna-paramita maha mantro
    maha-vidya mantro, nuttara mantro
    sama-sama mantra
    Sarva dukkha pra-samana satyam amithyatva
    prajna-paramitayam ukho mantra tadyata
    gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
    iti prajnaparamita hrdayam samaptam.

  • @francotonini6446
    @francotonini6446 Рік тому +15

    Om Shanti Om 🎶🙏🎶

    • @shripaljain7684
      @shripaljain7684 Рік тому +5

      Om shanti Buddha Jain Hindu Sikh are real brothers

  • @zhuyu1620
    @zhuyu1620 9 місяців тому +7


  • @rainyrainy3975
    @rainyrainy3975 2 роки тому +2

    Gate Gate para gate para sam gate. Budhi Sawaha 😊♥️🌿. Thank you ,♥️