Why we love Moon Knight | DID in Media

  • Опубліковано 5 лип 2024
  • We are so excited to finally share on thoughts on this amazing show. We never dreamed we'd get DID representation this good.
    / theentropysystem
    / theentropysystem
    #mentalhealth #dissociativeidentitydisorder
    0:00 Intro
    1:39 Episode 1
    8:08 Episode 2
    16:04 Episode 3
    21:24 Episode 4
    25:32 Episode 5
    33:32 Steven is a fictive
    40:25 Why the scales balanced
    42:14 Episode 6
    48:38 Final Thoughts
    51:06 Outro


  • @melissabeingmelissa
    @melissabeingmelissa 2 місяці тому +142

    Hey Wyn, I’m watching and I just want to share that there’s some moments that you say are “over the top/ exaggerated, theatrical, overdone, but, in my experiences behind closed doors, sometimes it is like that. It feels and can look cartoony and animated and poorly acted out. It can be very strange to witness and experience. But it’s me and it’s my brain and maybe I’m not the only one who agrees there. I wish I could show you my moments where it looks like those moments in the show, the ones that make you go “that’s not really what DID is like.” But watching it I’m like “I remember an exact time like that! including my arm moving on its own and my eyes popping out like what’s going on?! I can’t control my arm ahh. And punching my self in the face even or communicating a strong message in some attention grabbing way (on the outside) but on the inside it just feels natural. It doesn’t feel overdone or disbelievable. It feels authentic. I don’t want someone to watch and think “oh, that parts not like DID then” and then go find a system close to that and thinking the same thing.

    • @melissabeingmelissa
      @melissabeingmelissa 2 місяці тому +31

      Though of course when I originally watched it I also had moments where i was like “that was a bit much” (like the chaining to the bed and double locking the doors). Almost feeling embarrassed for other people to see that and know I have the same thing. I relate to that. It’s just some moments you said were like that and I was like awwww what if it’s like that for meeeee
      (I can look like a Tv show/my symptoms can be TV show-like but it’s my realityyy).

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  2 місяці тому +94

      It makes me love the show even more knowing that even if there are parts that we don’t experience, it reflects other systems lived experiences. Thank you for educating us -Wyn

    • @dead1097
      @dead1097 2 місяці тому +13

      I agree, the thing that made us start to realize we were a system was when one alter was controlling the body moving the arms and the other was stuck watching in (at the time) horror. Though, I will say it's very common for us to do things together "like that"; one alter for writing, the other listening, the other for "looking in the brain" for how to spell something while we take notes as an example.

    • @alittleguy1001
      @alittleguy1001 2 місяці тому +5

      I've also experienced non-fronting or co-conscious alters moving our body without being able to do anything about it, and tbh, it's not always as confusing, jarring or uncomfortable for us(anymore) as the shows premise needs this phenomenon to be. for eg, one of my child alters used to take control of my hand and wave at my partner while I was fronting just to because she got a kick out of how silly she thought we found it and reveled in the (fond) embarrassment I felt as my partner encouraged her with goofy waves of their own.

    • @Adlerjunges83
      @Adlerjunges83 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@TheEntropySystem such a cool and informative video! Happy seeing you all again! ❤❤❤

  • @KnucklesAndBig
    @KnucklesAndBig 2 місяці тому +78

    Semi Spoiler Alert for Jake's personality from the comics:
    Comics Jake Lockley is meant to be an informant, and is a very "street smart" guy. He usually gathers info about people the MK system is looking for/hunting by driving around in a taxi and social engineering people that he drives around. And if the show is going the route of "roles" then I think Jake could possibly be a Persecutor Protector, where he uses the knowledge he's gained to protect the system in ways the others aren't willing to. So not necessarily a "violent alter" trope, but still the one that would take the hard decision to fully diffuse the situation by getting rid of it

    • @whimsylore
      @whimsylore 2 місяці тому +2

      Thanks for this! We've been wanting to try reading the comics, too....

  • @charlottefitton6626
    @charlottefitton6626 2 місяці тому +60

    One thing I will say about Marc developing DID at nine is that we don’t know what trauma he may have suffered before his brother drowned so for all we know he was already plural at that point. we don’t see any memories before that time so for all we know the third alter may hold those
    I also love how Steven ‘emerges’ from behind/out of Marc when the memory of the switch happens. Such good cinematography. I personally don’t think it was the first switch because Marc seemed aware that it happened, so I think by that point it’s something that’s happened a few times now

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  2 місяці тому +30

      This is a good point! It seems unlikely that a mother like that was perfect and kind before the incident. -Wyn

    • @charlottefitton6626
      @charlottefitton6626 2 місяці тому +15

      @@TheEntropySystem yeah exactly, maybe it wasn’t physical before then, but considering that Oscar Isaac played the characters as if they’re autistic, they probably struggled a lot and that could have contributed to some of their trauma and given the decade he would have been a kid and the way autistic people were treated then (and still sometimes are) I can totally see him internalising it a lot and blocking out those memories so that for Marc, his brothers death was the catalyst instead of something added on top

  • @raspyraccoon6530
    @raspyraccoon6530 2 місяці тому +84

    Yeah, our system is fictive heavy. We were so happy when we found out MCU Steven was a fictive. 😁

    • @raspyraccoon6530
      @raspyraccoon6530 2 місяці тому +20

      So much better than Split. That film was offensively bad.

  • @thefreckledwonder1140
    @thefreckledwonder1140 2 місяці тому +57

    Hi, I'm the main host and also the alter that had 0 clue (on purpose) for most of our life that we are a system. So already, Steven was very relatable to me. Myself and our co-host/main protector had conflict very similarly to Marc and Steven, and it took us years, YEARS, to see eye to eye, get along and switch smoothly. We were watching moonknight with our mother and brother (who both know and support us) and when Steven and Marc switch smoothly for the first time, accepting that they can't do everything alone and work together? Seeing them switch like how we switch now after so much hard work, well we had to pause the episode while we cried our eyes out. We felt so incredibly seen by that one little scene, just that ALONE made me and our system moon knights biggest fan. Obviously it's not perfect and it's Hollywood'd up with Marvels signature bull in a china shop attitude. But it's also the first piece of media we've ever seen and been able to say "This is us"
    This comment got away from me slightly lol because it's so close to my heart, but when I saw your video come out I got SO EXCITED and all those feelings I felt when first watching moon knight came back, so thank you so much for reviewing moon knight and giving your honest thoughts and opinions

  • @psychokittypancake
    @psychokittypancake 2 місяці тому +58

    I'm so excited that this video is finally out! We knew nothing about the show and thought the DID-like things happening were just a coincidence at first and we were like "someone on the writing staff has to haved used DID as a reference. There's so many similarities. This is the best representation and it's an accident??" We were surprised and happy when it turned out he had it. It's not always perfect representation, but it's the best we've ever seen.
    It was actually Moon Knight and Doom Patrol that got our stepdad interested in our diagnosis (OSDD) and he started understanding more and asking us questions. So we have tv to thank for the acceptance and openness in our house.

  • @queenofmeme6068
    @queenofmeme6068 2 місяці тому +60

    literally the first time I saw moonknight, and seeing the interaction between Steven and Marc, and i was like "THATS EXACTLY HOW IT FEELS" I was so excited, cause after seeing movies like Split and even crazy Jane from the doom patrol... i was just... nonplussed.

    • @quillfell496
      @quillfell496 2 місяці тому +5

      We love Crazy Jane from doom patrol. At first we hated her name, but she actually got it from a poem she loved as a kid. So in a way she’s a fictive herself

  • @insertname1857
    @insertname1857 2 місяці тому +28

    while the arms control thing was definitely played up, we've actually experienced similar. someone will be fronting and try to say something, but another alter will take control of the mouth and prevent speaking. if someone was trying to hurt themselves, another alter sometimes shuts down the body and makes us unable to move

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  2 місяці тому +18

      Oh that’s actually a really good point! We’ve had the alter-stopping-speech thing happen tons of times but didn’t even think about how that’s similar to what happened in Moon Knight

    • @mutinoose
      @mutinoose 18 днів тому +3

      Also ​@@TheEntropySystem the situation was literally life or death, so granted extremes tend to happen there

  • @insertname1857
    @insertname1857 2 місяці тому +26

    i absolutely adore moon knight! it was our friends' introduction to DID and we were able to tell them "hey this is what i have. its not quite like the show but it also very much is" and they understood! moon knight is even top 5 favourite characters for our best friend (and us)
    edit: best part? our host is just like steven and we even have an indiana jones introject. this show was MADE for us LMAO

  • @Ace-qd8dv
    @Ace-qd8dv Місяць тому +11

    I have DID and my boyfriend watched this show a couple of weeks ago. He said that Leila is a great representation of people who deal with systems: the way she tries to addapt, can be flawed sometimes, but mostly, just loves the system as a consequence of loving the alter you are familiar with

  • @Forestcityflygirl
    @Forestcityflygirl 2 місяці тому +22

    our daughter watched this whole series and wanted us to watch it very badly. But, we just couldn't get through the violent scenes. so grateful that we could listen to this synopsis of the series and be able to enjoy all that she said we would love about it. thank you for making this video for those of us who can't get through the violent aspects.. greatly appreciated

  • @ConfusedSoup
    @ConfusedSoup 2 місяці тому +34

    we loved moonknight as well 💙
    edit: the moment they hugged had us in tears

  • @sofialaya596
    @sofialaya596 2 місяці тому +24

    I personally love the lunar symbolism asociated with did in this series and comic (i mean, the reason why konshu choose them), bcs the moon is such a changing, beautiful thing, nor good or bad, with phases, still a whole. In some beliefs its asociated with chaos, wild emotion and confusion, but also art, happiness under the stars and the serenity it brings. feels nuanced

  • @sygillegion
    @sygillegion 2 місяці тому +19

    We kinda assumed the office/asylum/liminal location was partially their inner world. Also this show is so well done with the alters learning to work together that i always happy cry if we try to watch it and apparently when we listen to people talk about it lol.

  • @partiallyaghostt
    @partiallyaghostt 2 місяці тому +32

    tbh I don’t think the arm jerking back scene in episode one is too unrealistic? like it’s definitely played up a little, but I’ve experienced similar with alters trying to keep another from hurting themself by jerking the body’s arms/hands away and just kinda holding them out like that

    • @billieconnolly2130
      @billieconnolly2130 2 місяці тому +17

      I've definitely had headmates just take the arms sometimes too. Especially during a panic attack, one will just *assume direct control of each limb* *one by one* until he has the whole body to calm it down.

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  2 місяці тому +20

      We’ve never experienced that so we had no idea. I’m happy knowing that the scene actually does reflect lived experiences of systems! -Wyn

    • @aderyn7600
      @aderyn7600 2 місяці тому +2

      @@TheEntropySystem it happens with us but specifically using our Tourette’s which we find super interesting.

  • @Roboboyjinx
    @Roboboyjinx 2 місяці тому +10

    This turned into a really long rambly comment, sorry about that 😭
    As a recently discovered system, I (Benny, Host) am realizing my boyfriend is our system’s Layla. One of their other partners, also a system, was what helped them and me both realize and they’ve just been so supportive and patient. They have said they emphasize with how scary it is and have told us they they’re here for us for the long run. I originally watched Moon knight pre discovery (though a bit questioning towards myself) but watching this again after realizing is just helping me a lot with how I’m feeling. It’s just nice to see media that’s reassuring and that shows I can still be loved.
    I’ve also been a long time follower of y’all’s channel and I was so happy when I say that you were uploading again! I’ve always loved your videos and was a huge watcher even when I thought that all I was was an ally. Rewatching some older videos has been really helpful as I’m discovering and learning more about both myself and my system. So thank you for all you’ve done with showing that DID/OSDD isn’t as scary as people try to say or show in media.

    • @mysticmystic325
      @mysticmystic325 Місяць тому

      I would like to hear more about this on your channel that I just subscribe to please

  • @nasinnarcotics
    @nasinnarcotics 2 місяці тому +12

    Something that really pissed us off when learning about the comics from secondhand sources was the DID being referred to as “schizophrenia” by a lot of those sources. Not sure if it’s referred to that way in the source material but good lord people do SOME research😭😭

    • @foxshadow1102
      @foxshadow1102 2 місяці тому +5

      Moon knight actually started his own series in the 80's, where they would call it schizophrenia in the comics. As time went on, they changed the language to DID

    • @evaahallows1102
      @evaahallows1102 2 місяці тому +8

      Oh yeah, the comics are something of a train wreck! In the early days, even the writers weren’t 100% clear on if it was multiple people or if Steven Grant was just pretending to be a different person. At one point they tried to retcon the DID entirely. It has been a long and chaotic road to get to this show. I’m really hoping the the research and quality and respect from the show pushes the current writers towards integrating more understanding into place.
      It is kind of interesting to examine the comics from the perspective of what having DID was like/how it was treated before we had the current understanding though.

    • @FoxKitty3D
      @FoxKitty3D 2 місяці тому

      Or calling him a psycho and insane

    • @viviannichols3582
      @viviannichols3582 Місяць тому +5

      A few decades ago, the language used to describe mental illness and/or trauma conditions was VERY different and wasn’t always as specific, especially to the layperson. A family member of mine was called “manic depressive” for most of her adult life. Most people tell me that means she must have had bipolar disorder, but I don’t even think I can be sure of that.

  • @cozydaz
    @cozydaz 2 місяці тому +6

    the way we had one episode left to watch, saw this notification pop up and immediately went to finish so we could come back!! its such a gooood series!

  • @sew_i_did5257
    @sew_i_did5257 2 місяці тому +5

    I don't know if my partial comment posted or not, so apologies for the double post if it did. I'm not familiar with Moon Knight but! My all time favorite series is The Wheel of Time, which does have major DID elements in it. It's a series on Amazon these days, but the books do a better explanation and a much deeper dive into worldbuilding. Essentially (spoiler free as much as possible), the world savior of a future Earth is a reincarnation of a major hero, but in many many ways the reincarnation acts and otherwise is almost exactly like an alter. You don't really catch the DID portrayal unless you know what it's like to live with it, and then it's pretty spot on. Which is surprising and refreshing!
    Another good series that portrays DID types is Legion, by Brandon Sanderson. It's very tongue in cheek with the first line being "My name is Stephen Leeds, and I am perfectly sane. My hallucinations, however, are all quite mad." He has clear alters he calls aspects that help him solve mysteries. Quite a fun read, actually!

    • @samthenotwinchester5518
      @samthenotwinchester5518 Місяць тому

      I love WoT but didn’t notice that it so closely resembles DID but it’s so obvious now that you mention it. Will definitely look for that in my next read

  • @olympicsys
    @olympicsys Місяць тому +3

    The majority of our system is fictives (at least 20 of around 30, but we don't have a full system count) and it has made being a part of DID spaces difficult because the belief that fictives are fake/bad/etc is so common. We've been grateful for your presence on UA-cam for a very long time because you make it known that everyone's brains are different so their systems are too. You've provided a safe place, and it's greatly appreciated

  • @Alice83ashla
    @Alice83ashla 2 місяці тому +13

    I haven’t watched the video yet but so excited! Moon Knight is how We discovered being Plural. I kinda vaguely remember watching the 1st time and being like humm can really relate to Steven because those things happen to me all the time except there’s less amnesia. Also for me the first Part I was able to see inside before knowing about being Plural he’s a Fictional Introject so for a while I thought I was acting and just though I might be acting to the point where I don’t even know that I’m acting. Your guys has really helped Me and My Parts accept and being seen especially for our fictives as our System is half fictive and half not. also Happy May the 4th and Happy 2 Year Anniversary of Moon Knight🌙 S1:E6 , always rewatching moon knight :)

    • @beesbrownies
      @beesbrownies 2 місяці тому +3

      I'm glad you were able to find more (peace?) from the show! Hope y'all are well!

    • @Alice83ashla
      @Alice83ashla 2 місяці тому +4

      @@beesbrownies Thank You yeah if we compare where we were a few years back it’s better mostly because now I know why certain things happen which makes me feel less stressed.

  • @practicepositiveprogress5396
    @practicepositiveprogress5396 Місяць тому +3

    Hey Wyn and Daniel, my partner and their system watched moon night and loved it. I'm really squeamish and so didn't watch it, but did sit nearby to help him/them stay grounded. The scene of young Mark and Steven in the bedroom was super triggering to my partner's system, but in a cathartic way. I love how y'all can appreciate the scenes dramatized for a visual medium. I the mirror scenes are much more engaging as tv than they might have been if shown more accurately. But it also didn't feel so egregious that it was bad representation. Love hearing y'all's take. Much love!

  • @izukubf
    @izukubf Місяць тому +2

    Gosh yeah !!! We were so so happy when we found out steven was a fictive LIKE WE HAD TO PAUSE AND SQUEAL CUZ WE WERE JUST SO ???? SHOCKED ??😭😭😭 like gosh. that episode hurted so bad BUT DAMN IS IT SOGOOD.

  • @charlottefitton6626
    @charlottefitton6626 Місяць тому +3

    Finally finished watching all your video so here are my final thoughts
    I agree that not killing harrow made little sense given everything that happened but Marc was probably tired of all the blood on his hands, I do love that Jake finished the job and in such a poetic way in his revenge. He shot two bullets just like Harrow did, one for Marc and one for Steven.
    I also think the psych ward is part of their inner world, but now that they are healing their inner world will change to reflect that. I’ve seen some theories online that the final apartment scene is actually Marc and Steven in the inner world and Jake has ‘trapped them’ there/is front stuck in a bid to protect them from Khonsu
    It’s also really funny to me how Jake is seen as ‘the violent one’ when in the comics that’s Marc and Jake is ‘one of the people’ and super chill and down to Earth

  • @izukubf
    @izukubf Місяць тому +2

    Moon knight gave us a whole life crisis😭😭😭😭 like right along with steven, we werent okay for like three weeks. GODDAMN IT I LOVE THIS SHOW

  • @charlottefitton6626
    @charlottefitton6626 Місяць тому +3

    What I love about the only superpower scene is that when they come back to life, they are sharing the same heart. And with the functional multiplicity part of me thinks the reason it is so seamless is because of the situation they are in but they still have a lot of work to go to be like that in every day life especially as I am sure there are more secrets and information that has been held back from Marc and from our precious boy Jake

  • @charlottefitton6626
    @charlottefitton6626 2 місяці тому +6

    I’ve seen another system talk about how they used to restrain themselves at night to stop them from sleepwalking so is that uncommon?

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  2 місяці тому +4

      That’s interesting! From what I’ve heard from discussions with other systems it doesn’t seem to be a common practice but it’s still cool to know that there may be systems that feel represented by that part of the show. -Wyn

    • @charlottefitton6626
      @charlottefitton6626 2 місяці тому

      I don’t know if they watched the show in full because they said seeing that triggered them too much :(

  • @RedWolf0407
    @RedWolf0407 2 місяці тому +5

    I have multiple identities and I must say this was amazing and weirdly familiar and I connected with moon Knight Mark and Stephen

  • @nonexistingvoid
    @nonexistingvoid 2 місяці тому +2

    I love this review of Moon Night.
    It's a show I really enjoyed watching as well, and seeing DID portrayed like this brought a smile to my face.
    It gets messy in a way that's realistic, while also being such a fantastical superhero story.
    The character growth makes a lot of sense for both Steven and Mark, and I love that they end up working together, instead of continuing to argue constantly.
    The seamless switching in the last episode was so cool to watch.
    It really made for a beautiful fight scene.
    It's so well made, from the acting and camera work, to the editing.
    Definitely deserves a second season!
    This does also make me wonder what your opinion is on the character Pun in The Gifted (a Thai drama series)
    It's just one of many main characters, as he's a student in the gifted class, which is a class exclusively for those gifted with special abilities.
    But Pun's special ability isn't DID.
    In fact, it's more likely that he splits as a side effect of his special ability, which he only starts developing in the gifted class.

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  2 місяці тому

      I have a list of DID characters I want to review, and I’m always open to suggestions. I’m definitely adding this one to the list -Wyn

  • @maxparks8611
    @maxparks8611 4 дні тому

    OMGGGGG IVE BEEN MISSING YOUR CONTENT SO MUCH this is the first video I’ve seen since you’ve returned I had no idea you came back to UA-cam and I’m so so happy to see you back and have one of my biggest comfort creators educating again!!

  • @KingDavid00
    @KingDavid00 29 днів тому +1

    As someone with DID I'm glad you liked it I love Oscar him and Pedro Pascal are my favorite actors working today I hope everyone can learn something from this I definitely did

  • @beesbrownies
    @beesbrownies 2 місяці тому +3

    Timing is great! I just started rewatching MK for the first time in a while :) ❤❤

  • @psychokittypancake
    @psychokittypancake 2 місяці тому +8

    Do any of your fictives have an opinion on how Steven's character was handled /created?

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  2 місяці тому +22

      Ed and Oz are apathetic toward basically everything in the outside world, but Blitz likes Steven's character quite a bit. Blitz basically immediately got hate from the internet and stress from us because we were worried about a new fictive. Seeing someone as grounded as Steven gives Blitz a feeling of comfort.

    • @psychokittypancake
      @psychokittypancake 2 місяці тому +4

      @@TheEntropySystem I'm glad blitz can find comfort somewhere ❤️

  • @sweetlysuccinct
    @sweetlysuccinct 2 місяці тому +3

    I went on a whole spiel about The Entropy System and DID and Moon Knight with my bf during every single episode. I was explaining the protector roles and the time loss and everything I’ve learnt while he sat there like 👁️👄👁️

  • @melissabeingmelissa
    @melissabeingmelissa 2 місяці тому +2

    We’re so happy about this video 💖 and we look forward to sharing it once we are done watching. You’re saying great stuff and I love the way you express your thoughts and ideas. 💭
    I remember when you said you were going to do this one and I was excited then I forgot about it, then today I got the notification and it was a pleasant surprise. ☺️ I loved it when I watched it!! 📺 I didn’t know how it was going to be and like you , I didn’t think we’d get so lucky!! 🍀 but it made me feel good!!! I really liked it and was proud of it and I looked forward to good people being introduced to DID this way. 🎉 and Steven really was so wholesome and adorable and so brave. So much growth, tenderness.
    I’m really glad to be alive during a time with Moon Knight 🌙 I think how systems in generations before us never got anything like that but now generations after us will, plus with whatever else makes its way onto to screen that’s good representation, I am just looking forward to it.
    I really hope we don’t have anything awful come out again that sets us back. We cant let those kind of TV shows and movies win.

  • @sparklefairykitten
    @sparklefairykitten 2 місяці тому +1

    Daniel, I'm really happy to see you again after all this time 😊

  • @LilliBlackmore
    @LilliBlackmore 2 місяці тому

    Thank you so much for this video! I don't have DID, but I had the same response to the trailer. I also read an ambiguously worded summary that led me to believe Khonshu was an alter, which sounded even worse. I wasn't planning to watch it at all until I saw your update vid where you said you all loved it. So thanks for that, because that got me to give it a chance - and wow am I glad I did.
    I was going through a very difficult time regarding my own mental health when I fist watched the series, so seeing Marc tell the other gods that he was unwell and did need help resonated with me deeply. I also liked the use of the near-death experience giving Marc and Steven direct access to their unconscious/memories as a way to speed up what would otherwise take months or years of work. It was a strangely comforting fictionalized look at the arduous process of processing trauma (though again I'm not coming at it from a DID perspective).
    Loved hearing your thoughts on this, and I'm SO glad you got some good representation. I really hope other studio execs take note and start listening more to the people they're portraying in the art they fund.

  • @antiquatedgraves9426
    @antiquatedgraves9426 2 місяці тому +1

    Hey, I really appreciate you sharing this. This is exactly what I needed to see today. Got into a fight with one of my only current system friends, a long time friend. Amoung other things, we were very frustrated with how he's been dealing with his system members. Your video helped me not only feel more normal. That our way of trying to face system subjects has been the healing path. There's nothing wrong with alter teamwork, or caring for one another.

  • @raspyraccoon6530
    @raspyraccoon6530 2 місяці тому +4

    AHHH ME TOO. We have Steven and Marc* in our system. :)

  • @koibarnes6314
    @koibarnes6314 Місяць тому

    Thank you for sharing your perspective on Moon Knight. Loved hearing your thoughts about it.

  • @CuriosityRocks
    @CuriosityRocks 2 місяці тому +1

    Thank you for this, I absolutely love this show. I was so nervous waiting the week between episode 5 and 6, I was really fretting they were going to fuse so the speech in the sand and them hugging was euphoric 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @meli3
    @meli3 2 місяці тому

    ever since i watched the show i was hoping for your input!! ❤️❤️

  • @viy2959
    @viy2959 Місяць тому +1

    I read the arm thing as Konshu not one of the alters. (Debatable for sure but yeah.)
    I also love that you like moon night. My partner has DID and we both loved it so much and it helped me understand her a lot better. (I also have something going on but we aren't sure what and don't want to jump to conclusions.)
    Might have more thoughts but just wanted to just share what I was thinking before I forgot.
    Edit: watching it and discussing it helped, to be clear. Not just watching it.

  • @JeniJustJeni
    @JeniJustJeni 2 місяці тому +1

    I'm SO glad you are talking about this. I have been wishing your system would since I first saw it.

  • @izukubf
    @izukubf Місяць тому

    I thought about the harrow room was a easy way to represent an innerworld, or as you said dissociation!! and maybe harrow could be like hmm.. inner thoughts maybe ? like a way to talk and calm himself down, IVE ALWAYS BEEN INTERESTED ON HOW OTHERS PERCIEVE THAT SCENE!!! i think it was intersting :3

  • @lilianakuse6990
    @lilianakuse6990 2 місяці тому

    I remember watching this show and wishing you were on youtube to make a video about it i'm so excited

  • @bookl0ver
    @bookl0ver 2 місяці тому

    I've been subscribed to this channel for a long time, a good couple of years, and when I watched Moon Knight i was So excited to hear what opinions you guys held about it, because i Loved it. I'm so happy for this video, really enjoyed it!

  • @Brooke_Corbyn
    @Brooke_Corbyn 2 місяці тому

    Thanks so much for your review! Parts of moonknoght were rough for us but it was also the only good representation weve ever seen with room for nuance and discussion. And I think that's an incredible step forward. It makes me love it.

  • @autiejedi5857
    @autiejedi5857 2 місяці тому +1

    Love love LOVE Moon Knight! Glad you guys enjoyed it too! 💜

  • @foxdragoon9389
    @foxdragoon9389 Місяць тому

    I really enjoyed this type of video and I know you guys have talked about how horrible thr crowded room is for DID representation before it came out and about Billy Milligan. I honestly was wondering if you would consider releasing a reaction to it, now im not sure if you guys ended up watching it but I watched the whole thing and it actually is more loosley based off of billys story, and does a really good job showing trauma, denial, and struggles of DID, and i also think it ends up in the end not showing the main character or any of the alters as evil. I think it would be really interesting to see your perspective. Moon knight is definitely a better representation but the crowded room is a lot better than we thought it would be.

  • @Sophia-cd2ci
    @Sophia-cd2ci 2 місяці тому

    Much gratitude for the flashing lights warnings : )

  • @unluckyrabbitsfoot101
    @unluckyrabbitsfoot101 2 місяці тому +2

    Hey, if you liked Moon Knight just like we did, theres antiher show you could review with a DID system in it called the Doom Patrol, we havent watched all of it due to it triggering us with Religious Trauma which seems to be the systems main trauma, from what we can tell, but the representation that we've seen thus far only a few episodes in is intresting, it feels realistic to us, but i want to know your opinions on it, as its a system where they all have different powers and are still on the very disociated side of things, I'll update this comment if i ever finish it, by the way i live this show so much (Moon Knight), and would live to see more of it as well, thanks for the video, it was great, and made us feel seen!!

    • @unluckyrabbitsfoot101
      @unluckyrabbitsfoot101 2 місяці тому

      As Steven once said: fly like an eagel, sting like a Bee, my names Steven, with a V!!!

    • @unluckyrabbitsfoot101
      @unluckyrabbitsfoot101 2 місяці тому

      Also this video has made me deeply reconsider rewriting my own DID character so they have fictive and factives based on in universe media and people, so thank you!!! ❤

  • @j.gillette5411
    @j.gillette5411 2 місяці тому +4

    I personally don't like the psych ward twist because it doesn't have much of an impact on the characters or the plot. It's mostly a meta level twist to make the audience question things. It also feels like it's conflating DID with schizophrenia.

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  2 місяці тому +10

      I can see that. I definitely think there are ways they could have handled it better. Even a comment from Taweret like “you keep slipping back into that place when you fight reality” would tie it more to dissociation than some kind of delusion.

  • @kitdubhran2968
    @kitdubhran2968 2 місяці тому +1

    Hey, Daniel! Haven’t seen you in ages and I was like “I think I know that voice.” 😂 Okay. Now to actually watch the video.

  • @caiasmith1341
    @caiasmith1341 2 місяці тому

    We watched the first 2 episodes and wasn't feeling but came back later and watched it all and loved it!!

  • @izukubf
    @izukubf Місяць тому +1

    I’m so curious about peoples opinions for the last switch that Jake did, Like… did that mean back in the duat HOW DID JAKE COME BACK ???? tarawet didn’t weigh his heart, like where exactly was he the whole time? Like yes in the sarcophagus but like,, Did she not know he was there??? Like i have alot of questions i think😭

  • @beeztrapp1612
    @beeztrapp1612 Місяць тому

    I have been waiting to yalls reaction to Moon Knight since it came out. Thank you!!! I may have also commented this before, I forget. LOL!!

  • @izukubf
    @izukubf Місяць тому

    I really hope we (as a system) can get to the point of knowing not necessarily everything? But just not being left in the dark, like how marc and steven went through his memories. LIKE GOSH idk how explain!😭 it’s almost like envy?? I can’t wait till we get to that point i think. And hey, maybe i dont have to know everything, it probably could be batter that way BUT STILL!!! its stressful not knowing why this thing triggers me that much or why i reacted to that in that way, yk? ALSO MY APOLOGIES FOR RAMBLING IN YOUR COMMENTS😭😭🫶🏾🫶🏾

  • @izukubf
    @izukubf Місяць тому

    I thought the same thing with steven falling over the side of the boat, i was like WHAT???? WTF😭 but now that you said that i think because steven helped the scales were balanced! RIGHTTT LMAOOO we’ve rewatched it like 10 times hehehe ,, I agree!

  • @PanAceKitty10
    @PanAceKitty10 2 місяці тому

    Hey kitty system here love this show too also love the frankie Stein outfit in the back ( 46:07 we are functional and its interesting for our friends)

  • @jellii
    @jellii 2 місяці тому

    I’m so excited to watch this video! I absolutely love the MK show and comics, and I love hearing about what systems think about it :D

  • @KaitheKnightly
    @KaitheKnightly 2 місяці тому

    Glad to see another system love this series. :3

  • @raymondkelley3548
    @raymondkelley3548 2 місяці тому

    Well. Now I have to put Moon Knight at the top of my watch list. I’ve been a fan of the character and comic through a lot years and different iterations of the series. And I love Oscar Isaac. I think he’s one of the top 5 actors of his generation.

  • @RialVestro
    @RialVestro 2 місяці тому +1

    I have researched the comics after watching this series. I've never actually read the comics but from what I read online about them I have no interest to.
    The comics often used the DID thing as more of a gimmick and some time he doesn't even have DID depending on who the writer is. The series had an actual DID consultant on set helping the writer make changes to make it a more realistically accurate portrayal than the comics ever had.
    In the comics Marc Specter is the "real one" and the alters are often just him taking on an alias and pretending to be someone else, it's not even DID. The DID was added to the comics later on but they still treated it like Marc Specter was the only real person.
    Marc Specter and Steven Grant having their own variants of the suit was also an invention of the series. In the comics the suit isn't magic, it's just a costume. Moon Knight and Mr. Knight are also treated in the comics as their own alters separate from Marc and Steven. The name is never mentioned in the series but Mr. Knight is the alias he goes by in the comics when he's wearing the suit that Steven Grant wears in the show. So they kind of condensed 4 different alters into 2.
    Konshu himself is also an alter in the comics and not an actual god. He doesn't have supernatural powers in the comics. He's basically Marvel ripping off Batman cause Marc Specter in the comics is essentially Bruce Wayne. Even Jake Lockley based on Stitches Malone which is an alias some times used by Bruce Wayne when he wants to go under cover as a criminal. Konshu seems to remain ambiguous as to if he actually exists or not and it can change depending on the writer of the comic at the time.
    So even the comics are never consistent with who is and alter and who isn't or if the character actually has DID or not. Though it is interesting that he does also have three factives based on Spider-man, Captain America, and Wolverine and it would be interesting to see how those alters would be adapted for the live action version. Would be cool if there were Egyptian variants of their costumes that he could change into instead how the comics did it trying to convince the reader that those heroes were actually there working along side Moon Knight before revealing they were all in his head. Especially considering he doesn't actually have their powers.

  • @HPFan731
    @HPFan731 3 дні тому

    Hi Entropy System, I am not a system myself, but I've become interested in the topic of DID and the people who live with it. I'm a screenwriter and an indie film producer. And I've thought a lot about writing a feature film about DID that doesn't sensationalize the disorder, but gives light to living with it normally. How the inner world is for someone with DID, and how they work to find their own path to multiple functionality and/or complete fusion. The thing that is most important to me is to make it as respectfully and as true to life as possible and to show that every system is different and valid. And I feel the best way to go about that is to get the feedback of systems who live it. My question is, would you be willing to read the script when I'm finished with it before I send it out to be made into a film?

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  15 годин тому

      I do offer sensitivity reading services! Feel free to reach out to me at theentropysystemdid@gmail.com and we can discuss timelines and rates.

  • @faeoori
    @faeoori 2 місяці тому +1

    As an ally to/ someone dating someone with did... losing contact with alters can be painful. The person in my life is pretty closeted. So, I've grieved the loss of alters with the awareness that I'm gonna be the only one to have even known these people.

  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 2 місяці тому

    24:23 this in the darkness 2 video game too.(ptsd warning thing=hes a mafia person,=the darkness=litterlly means a demon is in him.),its a comic book 1st too.

  • @argonanarchy3820
    @argonanarchy3820 2 місяці тому +1

    I do disagree on the mirror part. We met one of our littles that way. But it didn't last very long

  • @kosmaukaszczyk8401
    @kosmaukaszczyk8401 2 місяці тому +1

    in comics moonknight have 3/4??? alters being marc,steven,jake and while not being technicly an alter khonshu acts like one in some comics . also in ultimate version of moonkningt have also unname little as alter ( i would love to see how they would potrait little in superhero movie)

  • @Readera
    @Readera 2 місяці тому

    Im so glad to see this video! I loved this show and im glad the representation was liked. As a non did person, i dont think jake is the same violent killer as other did portrayals. He feels like the another alter who can be developed more. I would Love to see more of him in season2 if we get it.

  • @electricVGC
    @electricVGC 2 місяці тому

    I think the show is very entertaining and I'm very consistently glad with how well it handles DID, especially after... I mean you mentioned Legion in the comics, and that was a very weird representation.
    I'd be a bit interested to hear what you think about the Legion show?

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  2 місяці тому +1

      I haven’t seen Legion yet but it’s on my list of shows I’d like to review. So there will definitely be a video at some point! -Wyn

  • @lecciciapires2166
    @lecciciapires2166 2 місяці тому

    Moon Knight is so good, I love it so much! Really hope we have a season 2 no matter how long we have to wait

  • @WolfCharmer
    @WolfCharmer 2 місяці тому

    I love moonknight so much!! We were going through a rough time and brain snagged a few of the boys and god they were motivated

  • @izukubf
    @izukubf Місяць тому

    Ugh I love this video so much.

  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 2 місяці тому

    2:21 irony=i only sort of watched the 1st episode/distracted,so i didnt see everything/thought the steven person put glass in his shoes=i just remember random stuff sort of,but also the main stuff.
    Weird?...=i just noticed that for my memory too.
    i do know i have some stuff/cant check.

  • @izukubf
    @izukubf Місяць тому

    HIIIII YOU SEEM REALLY COOL IM GONNA FOLLOW!!!! but ohmygosh!! We loved moon knightttt!! and another thing that made me so happy is that Oscar Isaac was like mhm mhm they are autistic too!!! AND I GOT SO SO HAPPY !!!! SO MUCH GOOD REP, i hope we get a seaosn two pretty soon aaaaa!!!!

  • @ThatSocialMoth
    @ThatSocialMoth 2 місяці тому

    I'm not a system but I feel the dissociation to the psych-ward reality in a really personal way. There's something so real about completely disconnecting from the world and subconsciously going "None of that's real, I'm just crazy, I'm just sick and making it all up and none of its real" that I think really captures how the brain can work sometimes and how my brain works at least

  • @slightlyinfernal3415
    @slightlyinfernal3415 Місяць тому

    wholehartedly agree

  • @elousie1187
    @elousie1187 2 місяці тому

    51 minutes 🤔 aight I'm gonna it bits by bits, also hello Daniel, long time no see!

  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 2 місяці тому

    10:26 that would be the perfect time to say="more then meets the eye.",
    alot of people said it recentlly/dont know why?...

  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 2 місяці тому

    41:46 the part for revilations in black ops is probbally intergration?...
    (and what hudson says after the name of the mission,right after it when hes standing at the computers.).

  • @izukubf
    @izukubf Місяць тому

    I think its so coolll that steven grant, who’s a fictive will literally become other systems fictives !!! its so silly to me,, (us with both steven and marc🤭)

  • @luciapitti1722
    @luciapitti1722 2 місяці тому

    Also, at 9 happened that episode, we don't know when his brother died and, we don't know when did the abuses started.

  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 2 місяці тому

    47:00="a mooore violent alter appears when things look reaaally baddd.",that sounds like when i just do perfect fighting for video games for 30 minutes/more energy.
    =i dont think/just do/know what to do,for what stuff,exactlly.
    is it adreniline or not?...
    its only for feel=30 minutes/maybe 1 or 2 hours/it feels short though.
    i just wanted to type how talk for fun/can.
    im bad for discricption for stories though.

  • @aderyn7600
    @aderyn7600 2 місяці тому

    We’ve really enjoyed the portrayal of DID in doom patrol…

    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  2 місяці тому

      That’s going to be the topic of our next video! We’re working on the script now -Wyn

  • @pinetreegreen3330
    @pinetreegreen3330 2 місяці тому

    Think id be cool if theres a plural main character whith like inside out but the other thingys in the brain direct impqct on the world

  • @madisongriffith3283
    @madisongriffith3283 2 місяці тому


  • @fenixmeaney6170
    @fenixmeaney6170 2 місяці тому

    We loved watching moon knight. But I still think sense8 is the best system representation.
    Our top 3 is these two and venom.

  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 2 місяці тому

    51:33 i heard its called d.i.d. when watching/after watching the show.
    i did search it 1 time/but didnt belive it was real/the person didnt show other people=they only talked about it=so didnt belive them.
    (i didnt think of black ops when thinking of it/i dont know why?...
    or heros?...
    or spider man=lots of 2 people=1 body for spider man theme thing.).
    =phycoligy shadow for me/for this?...

  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 2 місяці тому

    51:33 i heard mark is a anti hero/kills people/(i dont fully know/i just did some research.),
    so they changed it for the show maybe?...
    and the 3rd person is angry/kills?...

  • @beththebubbly69
    @beththebubbly69 2 місяці тому


  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 2 місяці тому

    21:11 problem in a video game solved?...
    it litterlly sounded like switching solved a trick type problem in a video game.

  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 2 місяці тому

    5:26 any alter just assumes the stuff was a dream/just forgot about it?...

  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 2 місяці тому

    51:33 so try to do what he said in the video?...

  • @Gabecooley1593
    @Gabecooley1593 2 місяці тому


    • @TheEntropySystem
      @TheEntropySystem  2 місяці тому +1

      It’s the afterlife. Taweret explains that when she meets dead souls, the afterlife takes a form comforting to the deceased. She’s surprised it’s a hospital

    • @Gabecooley1593
      @Gabecooley1593 2 місяці тому

      @@TheEntropySystem ohhhhh

  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 2 місяці тому

    14:59 the black ops game did this!!!!
    not bo3/the supernaturall reason for d.i.d./its only parts,bo3 mixes everything.
    If bo1 mixed=phycoligy,urban legends,conspercy theories and real life cia stuff.
    Bo3=5 tims for everything=its crazy/kuthulu type convaulted.
    =i only sort of/vague understand it.

  • @mzbeth8238
    @mzbeth8238 Місяць тому

    Maybe he developed DID before the age of 9 but only started showing signs by the age of 9.

  • @youtubeuniversity3638
    @youtubeuniversity3638 2 місяці тому

    Moon Knight=Moon Knight

  • @kosmaukaszczyk8401
    @kosmaukaszczyk8401 2 місяці тому

    if you know story of horrible man called billy milligan and if you believe that he had DID his trauma that cause him to develop DID also happened when he was around 8-10

  • @luminalichtenengel7601
    @luminalichtenengel7601 2 місяці тому

    Does anyone know any posts/ lists etc regarding episode (or timestamp) wise trigger warnings for Moon Knight?
    I really want to watch it but know I can't handle certain brutality. Thanks :)