Alexander the Great from the Secrets of the most extensive Republic - Alexander Grapheus Canebat

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • English translation of the latin poem "Alexandri graphei a Secretis amplissima Reipub. From the Book called: Civitates orbis terrarvm [Volume 1]. Printed at Cologne in 1572. Georg Braun / Peter von Brachel. The same year the poem was published, Alexander Grapheus abandoned his secretarial post, fled the Inquisition for Cologne. By, Alexander Grapeevs Canebat.
    Interlocutors: Thaumastes, and Panoptes. (literally, "he who wonders or marvels", and "he who sees everything")
    Panoptes: ("All-seeing Argos") is a many-eyed giant in Greek mythology).
    Left Pillar - Posteritat = Posterity
    Right Pillar - Consvltvm = Consultum
    It is called a city after Budaeus, from which the Colonies were brought out: In Latin, one could call it a matrix: the name [Non Latin] is a matrix, the metaphor seems to be taken from the fetus of cattle, so that just as the fetus is propagated from the womb of cattle, so the cities of the Metropolis are propagated.
    But this is only a rich culture
    Neighboring cities between the bright capital
    As much as the alder among the Corylos on the river banks,
    Or the fruit trees among the viburnums and tough cypress trees.
    The Argus to whom the Chronicle refers was surnamed Panoptes, "the all-seeing," because he had a hundred eyes. Hera appointed him guardian of her cow into which Io had been metamorphosed. But Hermes (Mercury) at the command of Zeus, put Argus to death, either by stoning him, or by cutting off his head, after sending him to sleep with sweet notes of his flute. Hera transplanted his eyes to the tail of the peacock, her favorite bird. [Nuremberg Chronicle translated in English. 1493.]
    The Poetics of Space - Chapter 7.
    French philosopher Gaston Bachelard.
    The World of Silence - Max Picard
    L'Antiquaire - Henri Bosco