누군가 해석한 내용 : 여자애 가족이 보안사(기무사)에 잡혀감. 소식을 들으러 찾아가지만 아무것도 얻지 못한채 넘어지고 집으로 돌아감. 그 때 자신을 도와준 남자애를 만남. 이미 오랜시간이 지난 듯 여자애는 정신적으로 피폐해져 있음. 처음에 맨 발로 돌아다니는 장면이 있음, 종이 접기 줄을 내려주는 장면에서 다른 남자들이 여자애를 보고 도망가며 남자애도 끌고 가버림, 아이들은 학교에 가지만 여자애는 혼자 미친짓을 하며 돌아다님. 여자애는 이미 삶을 포기한 상태. 마지막으로 남자애에게 자신의 이야기를 들려주고 죽으려 함. (라디오로 그 때 시대상황을 들려줌) 등화관제가 있는 날, 완전한 어둠 속에서 마지막으로 남자애를 부르고 목 매달아 자살을 함. 처음에 아이유가 노랠 부를 때 앞의 의자가 목 매달 때의 일어나는 일처럼 넘어져 있음, 마지막에 남자애가 배를 움켜쥐고 놀라서 떨면서 뭐가 있는 지 알 수 없는 위쪽을 여러번 쳐다본 후 집에서 도망치듯 뛰어나옴 어느날 갑자기 눈물이 마르고 어린 마음도 마른다는 게 여자애의 정신 이상을 암시함. 노래를 부르는 아이유는 아직도 그 집에 남아 소등과 점등을 반복하며 떠나지 못하고 있는 집에서 죽은 지박령 같은 존재가 됨. 라디오에서는 아시안게임 및 서울올림픽 준비를 위한 녹화사업 이야기가 나옴. 그 시절에 많은 사람들이 녹화사업을 이유로 강제로 끌려가고 죽고 사라진 일이 많음. 등화관제 안내문에 적혀있는 1981년 9월 17일은 실제로 등화관제가 있었음. 남자애의 군복 같은 교복엔 일등병 마크 같은 한 줄이 있음. 그 시절 운동권 남자들이 강제 징집 후 의문사 했던 것을 암시하기 위한 것일지도 모름. 전체적으로 딱히 한가지 이야기를 나타내기 보단 그 시절에 있었던 슬픈 현실들을 뭉뚱그려서 몽환적으로 표현한 게 아닐까 생각됨. 그런 모든 것들이 눈이오고 덮혀져 잊혀짐..
This song is about 80's event in South Korea under the former president Jun, who was a military dictator, responsible for the death of thousands of Korean people. Between 1981 and 1984, Jun administration forcefully drafted about 1100 young college kids, and while doing so, 6 kids mysteriously died. The central intelligence command, similar to CIA of the U.S., was located in Sogyeokdong, which was why this specific era was referred to as Sogyeokdong Era in Korea. Many were kidnapped from their home, and many more were tortured to deaths.
펜트하우스 배로나가 여주였다는걸 이제야 인지했네요 어린 시절부터 이쁘다 생각했는데 떡잎부터 다르네요 몽환적인 첫 전주를 듣자마자 싸운드 하나는 잘뽑는 서태지 다웠구요 콘서트에서 아이유가 첫소절 부를때 열광하던 아재들의 환호가 들리는 듯해요 라이브 버전도 좋지만 고요한 느낌의 뮤비도 좋네요 꽤 오래된 노래지만 여전히 세련된 느낌 ㅎㅎ
the girl represents the ordinary people during the dictatorship era and the boy represents the intellectuals of that time. the now grown-up boy(Taiji) reminisces back in time, and regrets how he failed to protect the girl. and the people of today(IU) looks back in memorial of those souls who fought for freedom in exchange of their lives.
@@jeremyzafra7551 not a theory its obviously true as seo taiji wrote this piece with iu specifically on what happened in his old neighborhood, sogyeokdong (which the song is named) and a place where the dictatorship had made pro democracy activists disappeared, tortured, and murdered like IU's family
Some people may not think IU's voice suits with this type of genre but I think it does. Her voice is very diverse being able to fit in the charcterisitics of this type of song, music video and overall story line. Loved it to bits and it was a greatly crafted MV.
yeah this song really reminds me of tamed impala sounds (check them out if you guys never see them), with electronic heavy backsound and the echo'ey vocal that blend into the instrumental,,
i can't believe i discovered this song just now. the narrative of this video is amazing and i learned something about south korea's history. iu and seo taiji are great artists. this song is so bittersweet. my heart feels like it's being squeezed tightly.
Larizza L humm you should google this: Ask a Korean!: History Behind Seo Taiji's Sogyeokdong.... by the way You should look for the whole album it has beautiful songs
From all the chaos of K-Pop as of late, this feels really... healing? The MV is so sad. South Koreans suffered through a lot. They are a great nation of people.
***** you stupid comment without any common sense. surrounded by china? are u serious? China overtook Taiwan? pls ask your taiwanese friends and see what they say. Totally nonsense and bullshit!
This is the type of song that sticks and randomly pops out of my head whenever it's sunny... whenever it's raining... just whenever I'm feeling peaceful. And it makes me teary even though I don't understand the words, the musicality is beautiful that I feel I can resonate.
이 노래를 언제 들은 지 모르겠지만 도입부부터 압도....🥺💜 아주 늦은 밤 하얀 눈이 왔었죠 ••• 이 부분이 자주 생각나요 진짜 뭔가 추억과 향수에 잠기는 뮤비도 옛날 한국 풍경이라 좋아요 그리고 아이유 노래라 더 좋아😭💜💜 내 댓글도 나중에 보면 몇 년 전 댓글이 되겠지
이 노래가 14년도 10월에 나왔었는데 그때가 내 20살이었음. 대학교 1학년이었는데 학교 마치고 혼자 집가면서 실검에 아이유 소격동이 있길래 들었는데 너무 좋더이다.. 그때가 10월이어서 조금씩 차가워지는 공기 맞으면서 짧아진 해 노을 보면서 들었는데 너무 감성이 개쩔었던..ㅠㅠ 그때가 새록새록 떠오르네 ㅠㅠ
I think this is officially my ultimate favorite song. As someone who is really passionate about history, this song made me discover a part of history from a different part of the world that I would never have known about if it hasn't been for kpop. It brought so many emotions. Kpop can be more than just fangirling, it can be a discovery/journey to a whole new different world and can make you learn so many other things. Music can connect different worlds, it's powerful.
소격동 인트로가 너무 좋아서 폰 생기면 벨소리로 써야겠다고 기억해 두던 곡 그때는 아이유하면 좋은날밖에 생각 안났고 솔직히 계속 가수활동 하는지도 몰랐었는데(연예인 쪽에 관심이 없었음;) 지금은 유애나에 고2네.. 참 들을때마다 몽환적이고 뭔가 손에 닿을듯 말듯한 묘한 느낌의 곡이다
coming back a year later makes me realize how underrated IU is in the kpop industry. it's sad because people these days do not seem like they could differentiate between poor and good quality music.
+Jeduthun Zang i don't know did you mean underated internationally or Korean. but in Korea IU is the most famous singer more than SNSD or Bigbang these days.
No one can beat how this song sways me to the past. IU's songs are so magical. There's always a sense of nostalgia I could never let go whenever I listen to this song and its so weird that I felt some familiarity with it even I know nothing about what the song is about. Its way too magical. It makes me want to travel in the past and just purely feel everything.
이 노래의 어느 부분이 "아이유의 명곡 1위"라는 건지 모르겠는데. 시대적 배경이나 소격동이라는 주제를 봤을 때 서태지만의 느낌이 너무 강하지 않나? 아이유는 군사정권 시절에 태어나지도 않았고 본인이 쓴 노래도 아니고 그냥 재능으로 소화해 낸거지. 대중적으로 사랑받은 곡보다 덜 사랑받은 곡을 들어야 참 리스너라고 생각하는 희안한 사고방식들이 있어서 그러는지, 아니면 서태지 팬이라 서태지 띄워주는건지. 라는 생각밖에 안드네. 아이유 본인의 이야기를 담은 최근 몇년간의 아이유 앨범들이 압도적으로 명곡이라고 봄.
The song is so refreshing and new. It's so so good to hear something other than hard Dubstep drops and/or unneeded breakdowns. The song shows such a simplistic, beautiful and mesmerizing melody. I've never seen such a perfect collaboration. IU's voice and style of music is so sweet and different from the mainstream k-pop sounds, and that's what makes her so special. The concept of this MV is sad/confusing, yet at points, were completely beautiful and artistic. The cinematography was beautiful as a lot of IU's work. What a perfect song and mv. I love it!
South korea 1980's was military coup government era. Ringing the alarm and lights off in order to control the people in the night Sogyeok-dong was the place DSC (Defense Security Command). DSC was Sent in the army to forced the students protest against the government. They turned out to late death was unknown. And a story that is sogyeok-dong mv.
this MV needs ur Korean 80's historical knowledge(i'll be wrong bcuz i'm not good at english) in 80's, Korea was strictly controlled by government. if someone criticize gov or demonstrate against, they consider that people as a communist. so many of young students r arrested, n they r tortured. n some of them coudn't be back(they r still in 'disapperance'). the title of this song, Sogyeok Dong is a part of Seoul, where the one of basement of that gov.department was. white leopard pants : 교련복(Kyoryeon bok) - Combat training suit for teenage student. (at that time, gov teached 'how to combat in war' in middle/high school.) pinwheel,paperbird : a symbol of democracy, freedom siren : Black out sign. (at that time, there was a 'black out training' to prevent to be exposed from North Korea) Radio Announcement : talking about 'Sogyeok-dong clean up public work'. it is a project to Pressgang(forced levy?) demonstrating students n 'clean up' their idea.(6 of those r died) message in the paper bird : front - 'let's participate in a black out' back - 'let's meet when every lights turned off' if u understand that historical background, u should understand this MV's story. if u can't understand my word, or not clear, plz reply. another 'good at english guy' will explain.
The synths and IUs voice are dreamy but its just the icing of the cake. The mv and the lyrics are so sad and bitter... Its so sad people in Korea of the 80s experienced that pain. I wish both the Korean nations reunite someday
This song dive deep into my souls.The combination between the story, the music and IU's voice is perfect. It also touch my feeling. I've done some research to know more about the story behind and the more i found the more sad that i felt. This makes me admire IU so much. Thanks to Seo Ta Ji for bringing me such a clear sight about South Korean in the 80's in the way that makes me emotional. I love this M/V ❤️❤️❤️
until late 1980s-early 1990s, South Korea was under authoritarian dictatorship. To be sure, the situation was better than North Korea's--but not by that much. In December 1979, General Chun Doo-hwan rolled tanks into Seoul, threatened the then-president Choi Gyu-ha at gunpoint, and later appointed himself to be the president. When the citizens of Gwangju protested the coup d'etat, Chun sent paratroopers to the city and murdered more than 600 people. During Chun's dictatorship, the democratically elected National Assembly was no more than a shill. The true, shadow government was located in Sogyeokdong, under the name of the Defense Security Command. Growing up in the neighborhood, Seo Taiji likely could not help but notice the swirl of chaos surrounding the area. Accordingly, in the music video for Sogyeokdong, one can see a number of historical tropes. The main boy character is wearing a military uniform, which is a standard issue in the 1980s. The dictatorship, in large part, justified its existence by playing up the threat of North Korean invasion. In order to instill constant fear, schoolchildren were required to take "military training" as a subject starting middle school. The boys would learn how to line up, march and handle a mock rifle, while the girls learned how to apply first aid. (Incredibly, "military training" remained as a high school subject until 2007.) Another scene of the music video shows the air raid drill: periodically, Koreans had to undergo the nighttime air raid drill, during which people were instructed to turn off all lights so that the incoming North Korean bombers could not see the targets below. (Or so the dictatorship told the people.) A modified version of this drill still goes on to this day in Korea, which tends to alarm tourists and foreign journalists into thinking that a war broke out between South and North Korea. The Sogyeokdong music video also makes one direct allusion to a historical event. When the boy and the girl sit together on the stairs, one can faintly hear the radio speaking about 학원 녹화사업, or "School Greening Project." 2:40 Like other dictatorial project names, the School Greening Project had little to do with planting trees around schools--instead, the "greening" was a code word for brainwashing. During the School Greening Project, college students who were involved in the democratization movement were forcibly drafted, i.e. randomly arrested and sent to military bases. There, the students were beaten and tortured until they agreed to serve as the government's spies within the democratization movement. It is believed that approximately 1,100 students were forcibly drafted during the School Greening Project; six were killed in the process. The music video is not clear on what exactly happened, but it appears clear enough that someone in the girl's family is being taken away. One can see soldiers rushing to the girl's house, and there is a struggle. The lyrics of the song also allude to the event, as they repeatedly sing about disappearance, full stream running dry, and being left without even a single photograph. Source: _Dramabeans_
솔직히 전두환 대통령때는 범죄자들 없어서 좋았고 서민들 살기 좋았다..순수하게 대모한 사람도 있겠지만...위로 올라가면 김일성 추종하는 임종석.임수경이 있다 유트브에도 나와있지...민주화 운동 과장된게 많이 있다...뒤엔 미국놈들이 있지 앵글로 섹슨족놈들 전형적이 국가 분열 조장이지....영국에 이어 미국놈들이 고대로 이어 받은 거지...양국놈들이야...인류를 학살과 노예로 삼은게 그예지...영국 신사 조까는 소리하네...미국놈들도 마찬가지..학살자놈들이지...동북아 지배 할려고 중국이나 미국이나 그밥에 그나물
iu deserves more. her songs actually talk about a lot of things. there's a story behind them. it's more sincere. and her songs actually revolve around something important. not like those songs today that just talks about boys and how they crush on them whatsoever.
나 그대와 둘이 걷던 그 좁은 골목계단을 홀로 걸어요 그 옛날의 짙은 향기가 내 옆을 스치죠 널 떠나는 날 사실 난.. 등 밑 처마 고드름과 참새소리 예쁜 이 마을에 살 거예요 소격동을 기억하나요 지금도 그대로 있죠 아주 늦은 밤 하얀 눈이 왔었죠 소복이 쌓이니 내 맘도 설렜죠 나는 그날 밤 단 한숨도 못 잤죠 잠들면 안돼요 눈을 뜨면 사라지죠 어느 날 갑자기 그 많던 냇물이 말라갔죠 내 어린 마음도 그 시냇물처럼 그렇게 말랐겠죠 너의 모든걸 두 눈에 담고 있었죠 소소한 하루가 넉넉했던 날 그러던 어느 날 세상이 뒤집혔죠 다들 꼭 잡아요 잠깐 사이에 사라지죠 잊고 싶진 않아요 하지만 나에겐 사진 한 장도 남아있지가 않죠 그저 되뇌면서 되뇌면서 나 그저 애를 쓸 뿐이죠 아주 늦은 밤 하얀 눈이 왔었죠 소복이 쌓이니 내 맘도 설렜죠 나는 그날 밤 단 한숨도 못 잤죠 잠들면 안돼요 눈을 뜨면 사라지죠
This song hurts my heart, with the history behind it. I love IU's version- but Seo Taiji is the first I heard perform this one. What an amazing song regardless.
this is IU's best song for me, a song from when I was in middle school so it has a lot of memories as well as sad or stressed times I would turn up and cry along with it. A favorite song, no other song can be better.
Gosh i was finding this song for 4 years, and all i can remember was just the chorus but can't say a word with it, im happy and grateful that i already found this again, love you iu
노래의 뜻대로 느낀겁니다. 서태지는 의도적으로 80년대의 신스팝 형식을 썼습니다. 가볍고 흥미로운 멜로디로 작곡 했습니다.하디만 노래의 제목 소격동에서는 80년대에 십대들에게 상당히 암울하고 비극적인 실제사건이 있었습니다.. 가사의 의미는 비극을 간접적으로 표현 했습니다.
Wow, to he honest, I never followed IU. But this song oozes reget, sadness, loss of innocence and sadness. Is it just me, but i feel equal parts, happiness, joy, hope, nostalgia and finally love. An instant masterpiece. Please forgive me, IU ah! I won't ignore you anymore.
IU is perfect idol. She can sing, rap, dance. Produce her own songs. Can act. She is also so good model. Natural pretty. Have kind and sweet personality. Strongest idol. How can people hate her? I love you IU, so much. You are best solist ever
Maybe it is the best MV I've seen, I do not want to exaggerate but I've waited so long for see a message like this song and MV. The theme is strong, and I think all people in their national history have experienced this, you know how hard of history and how amazing it is that is in the MV. Thanks to all who created this song and MV. Support from Chile!
서태지가 천재 맞네
난 계엄령 겪어보지 못해서 노래 분위기가 뒤숭숭,공포,우울해서
계엄령이 뭐라고 오바하나... 했는데
지금 대한민국 전체가 거대한 우울의 바다같다... 이노래는 너무 잘표현한 노래였음
응 표절곡~
@@kingpinoverwatch6935무슨 노래 표절이에요?
@@kingpinoverwatch6935How's your therapy session going so far?🤭
@@kingpinoverwatch6935병신같이 선동돼서는 같은 말만 내뱉는게 침팬치같네
표절 아니에요 걍 다 까는거임;;밝혀진지가 언젠데@@TV-vp6yb
진짜 이 노래는 시작전 간주 부분이 사람을 어디론가 빨려들어가게 만드는거 같음. 그리고 노래가 끝나고 나면 뭔가 어릴때 소독차 연기 사이 헤집고 따라가다가 연기가 사라지고 주변이 보일때쯤이면 나도 놀랄정도로 이만큼 왔나랑 비슷한 느낌이 듦
처치스 표절
@@LL-yo3ik 처치스가 워낙 신디사이저 사운드의 대가라서 그렇지 뭐 표절이라고 초칠거까지야 잇나
@@geuleongaboda 처치스 데뷔하자마자 몇년뒤에 이곡뜸
우리나라가 외국유행 늦게들어오는거 생각하면 빼박 바로 표절한 정황
개소리. 이미 서태지가 처치스보다 몇년 빠르게 8집에서 신디전자음 발매.
처치스보다 서태지가 선구자임.
@@juliet3881 ㅋㅋ요즘도 무슨 악성 서빠가 남아있네
2022년에도 보는사람??
2023년에도 보는사람??
IU is seriously on another level. If I was korean, she is the kind of artist I would buy all her albums.
desiderataification I'm not Korean and I have all of her albums. Cause she's one of a kind.
desiderataification m
music has no language, you could still buy her albums. it’s not restricted to just Koreans, but to everyone who enjoys her music.
Save some money and buy it, im doing that and worths every penny
2024 비상계엄 사태에 다시 돌아온 사람 손! 시대유감이랑 같이 들으면 감회가 남다름!
2021년 출석 시작!
출석... 아 뮤비 ㄹㅇ 너무 넘사벽...
뮤비자체는 요새 뮤비들과 비교해ㅓ 굉장히 한국적인배경에 한국의 이야기를 담고있어서 좋네요..되려 더 신선한느낌.
누군가 해석한 내용 :
여자애 가족이 보안사(기무사)에 잡혀감.
소식을 들으러 찾아가지만 아무것도 얻지 못한채 넘어지고 집으로 돌아감. 그 때 자신을 도와준 남자애를 만남.
이미 오랜시간이 지난 듯 여자애는 정신적으로 피폐해져 있음.
처음에 맨 발로 돌아다니는 장면이 있음, 종이 접기 줄을 내려주는 장면에서 다른 남자들이 여자애를 보고 도망가며 남자애도 끌고 가버림, 아이들은 학교에 가지만 여자애는 혼자 미친짓을 하며 돌아다님. 여자애는 이미 삶을 포기한 상태.
마지막으로 남자애에게 자신의 이야기를 들려주고 죽으려 함.
(라디오로 그 때 시대상황을 들려줌)
등화관제가 있는 날, 완전한 어둠 속에서 마지막으로 남자애를 부르고 목 매달아 자살을 함.
처음에 아이유가 노랠 부를 때 앞의 의자가 목 매달 때의 일어나는 일처럼 넘어져 있음, 마지막에 남자애가 배를 움켜쥐고 놀라서 떨면서 뭐가 있는 지 알 수 없는 위쪽을 여러번 쳐다본 후 집에서 도망치듯 뛰어나옴
어느날 갑자기 눈물이 마르고 어린 마음도 마른다는 게 여자애의 정신 이상을 암시함.
노래를 부르는 아이유는 아직도 그 집에 남아 소등과 점등을 반복하며 떠나지 못하고 있는 집에서 죽은 지박령 같은 존재가 됨. 라디오에서는 아시안게임 및 서울올림픽 준비를 위한 녹화사업 이야기가 나옴.
그 시절에 많은 사람들이 녹화사업을 이유로 강제로 끌려가고 죽고 사라진 일이 많음.
등화관제 안내문에 적혀있는 1981년 9월 17일은 실제로 등화관제가 있었음.
남자애의 군복 같은 교복엔 일등병 마크 같은 한 줄이 있음.
그 시절 운동권 남자들이 강제 징집 후 의문사 했던 것을 암시하기 위한 것일지도 모름.
전체적으로 딱히 한가지 이야기를 나타내기 보단 그 시절에 있었던 슬픈 현실들을 뭉뚱그려서 몽환적으로 표현한 게 아닐까 생각됨. 그런 모든 것들이 눈이오고 덮혀져 잊혀짐..
Just found this on 2024. Thank you! I've just realized this setting is in dictatorship era.
아 그거였어요? 처음 알았어요
이 노랜 항상 전주 들을 때마다 기분이 묘해짐... 내가 저 시대 때 살았던 것도 아닌데 기억 조작되고 마음이 먹먹해진달까...?ㅠㅠ 멜로디가 슬픈건 아닌데... 몇십 년 뒤에도 가끔씩 찾아들을 노래...
2025년 1월 없겠지;;
@@플리드-s2x 당신은 2025년 2월입니다.
This song is about 80's event in South Korea under the former president Jun, who was a military dictator, responsible for the death of thousands of Korean people. Between 1981 and 1984, Jun administration forcefully drafted about 1100 young college kids, and while doing so, 6 kids mysteriously died. The central intelligence command, similar to CIA of the U.S., was located in Sogyeokdong, which was why this specific era was referred to as Sogyeokdong Era in Korea. Many were kidnapped from their home, and many more were tortured to deaths.
+Brian Lee thanks for the explanation, I was about to ask.
DB - 돈박의 취미 채널 thanks for the explanation, because i was so even after knowing what Happing but without knowing the story
The song also has an 80's vibe , thanks for the explanation !
but why exactly did he killed people, kidnapped kids, etc?
Dictators are fucked in the head
펜트하우스 배로나가 여주였다는걸 이제야 인지했네요 어린 시절부터 이쁘다 생각했는데 떡잎부터 다르네요 몽환적인 첫 전주를 듣자마자 싸운드 하나는 잘뽑는 서태지 다웠구요 콘서트에서 아이유가 첫소절 부를때 열광하던 아재들의 환호가 들리는 듯해요 라이브 버전도 좋지만 고요한 느낌의 뮤비도 좋네요 꽤 오래된 노래지만 여전히 세련된 느낌 ㅎㅎ
the girl represents the ordinary people during the dictatorship era and the boy represents the intellectuals of that time. the now grown-up boy(Taiji) reminisces back in time, and regrets how he failed to protect the girl. and the people of today(IU) looks back in memorial of those souls who fought for freedom in exchange of their lives.
An intellectual.
thanks for explaining..im new to iu..got to watch her this may 2021..i cant believe im reacting to this 5 year old mv🙂it breaks my 💔
@@jeremyzafra7551 not a theory its obviously true as seo taiji wrote this piece with iu specifically on what happened in his old neighborhood, sogyeokdong (which the song is named) and a place where the dictatorship had made pro democracy activists disappeared, tortured, and murdered like IU's family
처음 이 노랠 들었을 때의 감동이 잊혀지지가 않음. 때마침 소격동에 관한 이야기를 접했었고 그 당시 어떤 마음으로 어떤 감정으로 이야기를 받아들였는지가 여전히 생생함
진짜 시대를 앞서가는 곡이 맞구나... 예전엔 몰랐는데 지금 들으니까 전주부터 소름돋네
Some people may not think IU's voice suits with this type of genre but I think it does. Her voice is very diverse being able to fit in the charcterisitics of this type of song, music video and overall story line. Loved it to bits and it was a greatly crafted MV.
I also think so. The way song is being compose surely fits iu's voice. Iu's voice is so versatile
Yeah I would love to listen iu's voice in every kind of genre. Her voice matches with any kind of songs
to be honest i wouldve liked a stronger voice
yeah this song really reminds me of tamed impala sounds (check them out if you guys never see them), with electronic heavy backsound and the echo'ey vocal that blend into the instrumental,,
서태지의 곡은 들을수록 명곡이네....후배보는 눈도 탁월하고~~
어릴때 많이 들었었는데 몇달만인지 몇년만인지 너무 오랜만에 듣고 보는 노래랑 뮤비다
가사랑 아이유의 음색 노래의 멜로디 뮤비의 내용 그 어릴때의 기억처럼 전부 생생하다
어린날의 추억의 향수에 잠기게 해주는 노래중 하나
와 2년 전에 댓글 썼었네
오늘 갑자기 다시 생각나서 들립니다
오혁의 소녀 듣다가 넘어왔어요 ㅋㅋ 오랜만에 옛날에 쓰던 패드 충전하고 추억팔이좀 하려 하는 날입니다.
첫 하계 워크샵 화이팅 하자. 언젠가 다시 소격동 영상을 보게 될 나에게.
아이유목소리 듣고 힐링받아야대…
2024년에 이런일이 뭔 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
아니 뭐야 6년 전 노래인데 아이유 얼굴은 왜 6분 전 같지 진짜 하나도 안 늙고 예나 지금이나 너무 아름다우시네
댓글이 6개월전이넹
정말 아이유는 그대로예요...여전히 예뻐요!
보톡스 맞음
@@하이킥-t8j ㅋㅋ제발 좀
why isnt't this song more popular it's amazing
+Macaroni Hair It's such an amazing song. It should be one of the most popular from SouthKorea
ukhio agreed!
+ukhio same :/
also sunny hill pray its amazing!
Merwane Djidel dont u think that the video is kind disturbing?
mateokang I was talking about sunny hill pray
i can't believe i discovered this song just now. the narrative of this video is amazing and i learned something about south korea's history. iu and seo taiji are great artists. this song is so bittersweet. my heart feels like it's being squeezed tightly.
+bobby pin you lucky things at beginning are always the best
+bobby pin sorry can someone explain the meaning of the video =/
Larizza L humm you should google this: Ask a Korean!: History Behind Seo Taiji's Sogyeokdong.... by the way You should look for the whole album it has beautiful songs
처음 들은게 중학생때 학교 끝나고 집에가는 버스 안에서 자주 들었는데 지금은 대학생이 되었네... 앞에 전주는 들을때 마다 너무 좋다 뭔가 모르는 웅장함이 좋다
From all the chaos of K-Pop as of late, this feels really... healing? The MV is so sad. South Koreans suffered through a lot. They are a great nation of people.
I'm guessing tragedies like Sewol Ferry and Ladies Code's accident??
FabulousBeauty It's about the difference in awareness.
dikdut1 You're honestly stupid. Stupid and ignorant comment.
music heyyyy be nice. No need to call someone else stupid when you don't even know them personally
***** you stupid comment without any common sense. surrounded by china? are u serious? China overtook Taiwan? pls ask your taiwanese friends and see what they say. Totally nonsense and bullshit!
왜이렇게 이 노래만 들으면 소름이 돋지
ANONYMARY 어나니머리 저는 거기다가 슬퍼요,,,
전주가 미쳐서리 ㅎㅎㅎ
저도; 저 이거 오늘 처음 들었는데 그냥 듣자마자 소름이 계속 돋아서.. 긴장하면서 봤어요ㅕ..ㄷㄷ
쨔스 ㅋㅋㅋ
오늘따라 생각나서 들렀습니다
This is the type of song that sticks and randomly pops out of my head whenever it's sunny... whenever it's raining... just whenever I'm feeling peaceful. And it makes me teary even though I don't understand the words, the musicality is beautiful that I feel I can resonate.
전주부터 분위기가 진짜 무쳤음
사운드는 일렉인데 가사는 한국스러우니 그 사이에서 오는 오묘한 느낌이 장난아님
갑자기 또 문득 생각이 나서 들었는데.. 노래 가사랑 분위기가 압권이다 증말
Most of IU's MVs are mysterious, thought-provoking and artistic.
my favs are this one and my old story :)
It tend to show some Korean old culture so can be seen as mysterious way..
+Dy Kwon Which is nice actually. I hope to see more of that in the future. :)
+MsErikaOh but this one belongs to seo taiji
+ukhio Even the MV production and the MV itself?
아이유 노래중 최애곡이 공교롭게 서태지 곡. 정말 사운드를 만들줄 아는 서태지는 한국서는 역시나 유일무일한
처음 라디오 잡음이 세월이 흐를수록 점점더 고급스러워진다.
내 귀는 틀리지 않았다 6년 전 이 노래는 내가 언젠가는 커서 들었을 때도 찾아 들을 거라고 생각했는데 정말이었다... 이건 갓곡이다...
벌써 1년이 또 지나갔네요..ㅠㅜ
진짜 ㅇㅈ 뭔가..가을바람 불때 많이 들었던거같은데
I don't think IU knows how to age. 6 years later and she still looks just as youthful
Our bbibbi
이 노래를 언제 들은 지 모르겠지만
도입부부터 압도....🥺💜
아주 늦은 밤 하얀 눈이 왔었죠
••• 이 부분이 자주 생각나요
진짜 뭔가 추억과 향수에 잠기는
뮤비도 옛날 한국 풍경이라 좋아요
그리고 아이유 노래라 더 좋아😭💜💜
내 댓글도 나중에 보면 몇 년 전 댓글이 되겠지
내가 태어난 80년 민주화 운동 시절의 서태지 마음을 아이유 음성으로 들으니 새롭다. 새롭고 슬프다. 그렇지만 아이유가 사랑스럽다.
태지형 부탁해.. 지금 기대할 수 있는 사람이 당신밖에 없다…한번 더.. 시대유감을
이 노래가 14년도 10월에 나왔었는데 그때가 내 20살이었음. 대학교 1학년이었는데 학교 마치고 혼자 집가면서 실검에 아이유 소격동이 있길래 들었는데 너무 좋더이다.. 그때가 10월이어서 조금씩 차가워지는 공기 맞으면서 짧아진 해 노을 보면서 들었는데 너무 감성이 개쩔었던..ㅠㅠ 그때가 새록새록 떠오르네 ㅠㅠ
전 그때 결혼식을 올렸는데 어느덧 한 아이의 아빠가 되어 하루하루 살아가네요.. 시간은 참..
저랑 동갑이신가봐요. 저는 딱 수능 한 달여 남았던 재수생이었는데 이 노래를 듣고 묘한 전율감을 느끼면서 마지막 정리를 했던 기억이 나네요 :)
I think this is officially my ultimate favorite song. As someone who is really passionate about history, this song made me discover a part of history from a different part of the world that I would never have known about if it hasn't been for kpop. It brought so many emotions. Kpop can be more than just fangirling, it can be a discovery/journey to a whole new different world and can make you learn so many other things. Music can connect different worlds, it's powerful.
nessygleblanc I LOVE HISTORY TOO!
this could also be my ultimate favorite kpop song. i can't even explain.
소격동 인트로가 너무 좋아서 폰 생기면 벨소리로 써야겠다고 기억해 두던 곡
그때는 아이유하면 좋은날밖에 생각 안났고 솔직히 계속 가수활동 하는지도 몰랐었는데(연예인 쪽에 관심이 없었음;) 지금은 유애나에 고2네.. 참 들을때마다 몽환적이고 뭔가 손에 닿을듯 말듯한 묘한 느낌의 곡이다
좋을수 밖에 없음 Chvrches- The mother we share. 랑 비슷함. 서태지 이새기 진짜 징글징글함.
이건 진짜 지금 들어도 갓곡이다
coming back a year later makes me realize how underrated IU is in the kpop industry. it's sad because people these days do not seem like they could differentiate between poor and good quality music.
She is so famous in korea but not global so much I'm sad about that too but thıs year she became more popular in asia
+Jeduthun Zang i don't know did you mean underated internationally or Korean. but in Korea IU is the most famous singer more than SNSD or Bigbang these days.
Charles Chai internationally of course
+Jeduthun Zang ah okay, she's trying to have more international concert soon after her album released
+Jeduthun Zang Sadly a lot of people like kpop more than korean ballad :/
2024년 모여라!
소격동. . 태지오빠 버젼과. . 아이유. .
둘다 넘 좋아요.. 같은 노래지만. . 느낌도 달 라요. .
역쉬 좋은노래. . 감사합니다
태지오빠를 좋아하는 이유~^^
No one can beat how this song sways me to the past. IU's songs are so magical. There's always a sense of nostalgia I could never let go whenever I listen to this song and its so weird that I felt some familiarity with it even I know nothing about what the song is about. Its way too magical. It makes me want to travel in the past and just purely feel everything.
새벽에 눈이 쌓이는걸 가만히 보고 있는데 이 노래가 갑자기 머릿속에서 재생이 되더라구요 그래서 들으러 왔어요
IU is such a jem. Im so proud of what she grown into. She's really left her mark on kpop
오래됐지만 아직도 즐겨듣는노래! 뮤직비디오를 봐서 그런지 들을때마다 아련함.. 전문가가 아니라 이 사운드 명칭은 몰라도 소격동만 낼 수 있는 옛날 분위기가 좋다
서태지가 이 곡을 괜히 아이유한테 준게 아니네 너무 완벽히 소화했다 아이유 노래가 대중적으로 사랑받은 많은곡이 있지만 명곡이라고 뽐낼수있는 곡은 이 노래가 단언 1등같네
이 노래의 어느 부분이 "아이유의 명곡 1위"라는 건지 모르겠는데. 시대적 배경이나 소격동이라는 주제를 봤을 때 서태지만의 느낌이 너무 강하지 않나? 아이유는 군사정권 시절에 태어나지도 않았고 본인이 쓴 노래도 아니고 그냥 재능으로 소화해 낸거지. 대중적으로 사랑받은 곡보다 덜 사랑받은 곡을 들어야 참 리스너라고 생각하는 희안한 사고방식들이 있어서 그러는지, 아니면 서태지 팬이라 서태지 띄워주는건지. 라는 생각밖에 안드네. 아이유 본인의 이야기를 담은 최근 몇년간의 아이유 앨범들이 압도적으로 명곡이라고 봄.
이노랜 그냥 아이유 혼자 캐리한 노래임 서태지가 부른버젼은 순위권에서 간당간당하던거 보면 답 나옴
@snsjjsj 그니까 아이유 아니었음 이노랜 아무것도 아님 남는게 없음 노래가 좋았다면 서태지가 부른것도 상위권에 있었어야지
@snsjjsj 그럼 서태지가 2억스트리밍 달성 한적 있습니까?
@snsjjsj 자기가 먼저 꺼냈으면서 뭔 갑자기 또 중점이 아니랰ㅋㅋ
The song is so refreshing and new. It's so so good to hear something other than hard Dubstep drops and/or unneeded breakdowns. The song shows such a simplistic, beautiful and mesmerizing melody. I've never seen such a perfect collaboration. IU's voice and style of music is so sweet and different from the mainstream k-pop sounds, and that's what makes her so special. The concept of this MV is sad/confusing, yet at points, were completely beautiful and artistic. The cinematography was beautiful as a lot of IU's work. What a perfect song and mv. I love it!
South korea 1980's was military coup government era.
Ringing the alarm and lights off in order to control the people in the night
Sogyeok-dong was the place DSC (Defense Security Command).
DSC was Sent in the army to forced the students protest against the government.
They turned out to late death was unknown.
And a story that is sogyeok-dong mv.
이노래는 눈오는 겨울밤에 들으면 지림
Little Kim hyunsoo so cuteee😍😍😍😍😍😍
진짜 이 노래가 아이유 노래중에서 제일 좋음ㅋㅋ(개취
this MV needs ur Korean 80's historical knowledge(i'll be wrong bcuz i'm not good at english)
in 80's, Korea was strictly controlled by government. if someone criticize gov or demonstrate
against, they consider that people as a communist. so many of young students r arrested, n they r tortured.
n some of them coudn't be back(they r still in 'disapperance').
the title of this song, Sogyeok Dong is a part of Seoul, where the one of basement of that gov.department was.
white leopard pants : 교련복(Kyoryeon bok) - Combat training suit for teenage student.
(at that time, gov teached 'how to combat in war' in middle/high school.)
pinwheel,paperbird : a symbol of democracy, freedom
siren : Black out sign. (at that time, there was a 'black out training' to prevent to be exposed from North Korea)
Radio Announcement : talking about 'Sogyeok-dong clean up public work'. it is a project to
Pressgang(forced levy?) demonstrating students n 'clean up' their idea.(6 of those r died)
message in the paper bird : front - 'let's participate in a black out'
back - 'let's meet when every lights turned off'
if u understand that historical background, u should understand this MV's story.
if u can't understand my word, or not clear, plz reply. another 'good at english guy' will explain.
funfun8609 you did well since I understand you. 😎
I understood everything you wrote. 😌 Lots of love.
Thank you for explaining! Much appreciated. :-)
ᄃᄂᄃᄂ 설명해주셔서 감사합니다 :)
well done, and thank you
The synths and IUs voice are dreamy but its just the icing of the cake.
The mv and the lyrics are so sad and bitter...
Its so sad people in Korea of the 80s experienced that pain. I wish both the Korean nations reunite someday
This song dive deep into my souls.The combination between the story, the music and IU's voice is perfect. It also touch my feeling.
I've done some research to know more about the story behind and the more i found the more sad that i felt. This makes me admire IU so much.
Thanks to Seo Ta Ji for bringing me such a clear sight about South Korean in the 80's in the way that makes me emotional. I love this M/V ❤️❤️❤️
어김없이 겨울이면 생각나는 노래
8년전인데 어제같은 아이유...변함없이 이쁘다
아이유 3년만에 다시 찾게 되는 목소리 넘 좋아요 빠렛트도 감흥 돋고 너랑나 부터 좋아하는 50대 팬입니다
노래, 가사, 뮤비 다 완벽.. 10년이 지나고 20년이 지나도 계속 찾아올 것 같아요
시간이 지나도 변하지 않는 명곡의 아름다움
until late 1980s-early 1990s, South Korea was under authoritarian dictatorship. To be sure, the situation was better than North Korea's--but not by that much. In December 1979, General Chun Doo-hwan rolled tanks into Seoul, threatened the then-president Choi Gyu-ha at gunpoint, and later appointed himself to be the president. When the citizens of Gwangju protested the coup d'etat, Chun sent paratroopers to the city and murdered more than 600 people.
During Chun's dictatorship, the democratically elected National Assembly was no more than a shill. The true, shadow government was located in Sogyeokdong, under the name of the Defense Security Command. Growing up in the neighborhood, Seo Taiji likely could not help but notice the swirl of chaos surrounding the area.
Accordingly, in the music video for Sogyeokdong, one can see a number of historical tropes. The main boy character is wearing a military uniform, which is a standard issue in the 1980s. The dictatorship, in large part, justified its existence by playing up the threat of North Korean invasion. In order to instill constant fear, schoolchildren were required to take "military training" as a subject starting middle school. The boys would learn how to line up, march and handle a mock rifle, while the girls learned how to apply first aid. (Incredibly, "military training" remained as a high school subject until 2007.)
Another scene of the music video shows the air raid drill: periodically, Koreans had to undergo the nighttime air raid drill, during which people were instructed to turn off all lights so that the incoming North Korean bombers could not see the targets below. (Or so the dictatorship told the people.) A modified version of this drill still goes on to this day in Korea, which tends to alarm tourists and foreign journalists into thinking that a war broke out between South and North Korea.
The Sogyeokdong music video also makes one direct allusion to a historical event. When the boy and the girl sit together on the stairs, one can faintly hear the radio speaking about 학원 녹화사업, or "School Greening Project." 2:40 Like other dictatorial project names, the School Greening Project had little to do with planting trees around schools--instead, the "greening" was a code word for brainwashing.
During the School Greening Project, college students who were involved in the democratization movement were forcibly drafted, i.e. randomly arrested and sent to military bases. There, the students were beaten and tortured until they agreed to serve as the government's spies within the democratization movement. It is believed that approximately 1,100 students were forcibly drafted during the School Greening Project; six were killed in the process. The music video is not clear on what exactly happened, but it appears clear enough that someone in the girl's family is being taken away. One can see soldiers rushing to the girl's house, and there is a struggle. The lyrics of the song also allude to the event, as they repeatedly sing about disappearance, full stream running dry, and being left without even a single photograph.
Source: _Dramabeans_
Thanks for this!! 🤗
cant believe i learnt this on youtube, internet is wild.
솔직히 전두환 대통령때는 범죄자들 없어서 좋았고 서민들 살기 좋았다..순수하게 대모한 사람도 있겠지만...위로 올라가면 김일성 추종하는 임종석.임수경이 있다 유트브에도 나와있지...민주화 운동 과장된게 많이 있다...뒤엔 미국놈들이 있지 앵글로 섹슨족놈들 전형적이 국가 분열 조장이지....영국에 이어 미국놈들이 고대로 이어 받은 거지...양국놈들이야...인류를 학살과 노예로 삼은게 그예지...영국 신사 조까는 소리하네...미국놈들도 마찬가지..학살자놈들이지...동북아 지배 할려고 중국이나 미국이나 그밥에 그나물
계엄령 때문에 노래 들으러 왔어여
어떻게 하필 또 겨울에 이렇게 딱 ^^..
iu deserves more. her songs actually talk about a lot of things. there's a story behind them. it's more sincere. and her songs actually revolve around something important. not like those songs today that just talks about boys and how they crush on them whatsoever.
The young girl in this mv is Bae Rona 😍😍😍
어떻게 이런 노래가 있을 수 있지???
분명히 사운드는 밝고 경쾌한데
왜 마음이 아파와.....뭐지?
그 시대에 함께하지못한 마음의 부채때문이지 않을까여
초등학교 2학년땐가, 우연히 듣고 너무 좋았었는데..까먹고 있었다가 생각나서 왔어요!!
나 그대와 둘이 걷던..
잊지 않아.. 오래된 도시에 눈내린 날 들었던 소격동.
난 그날처럼 오늘도 이 노랠 듣는데.
같이 보는 사람이 있을까? 2021년까지도.
이지은 소격동 같이 들어.
와 오늘 처음알게되었는데 너무 좋네요...
she is a true artist
that's why koreans love her
her voice is angelic
she is unique
같은 내용이 서로 다른 시각으로 그려진 서로 다른 두 가수의 두 버전의 뮤비를 봐야한다는 것. 그 것 만으로도 충분히 가치 있는 음악이다.
I don't know how many times i listened to this..... for me, of all IU's songs, this is the best by far. everything is just so amazing.
Chipots Pots high five (:
this and L'amant
listen to seo taiji's version :)
listen to her song Secret and someday ...it will give you
한국사람이 아닌데도 노래에 담긴 감정을 느낀다는게 놀라워요. 음악은 역시 대단하네요.
This never fails to give me goosebumps
Scarlett Russell It's true! I feel the same...
+Scarlett Russell : you mean musically?
Los Lakers Jims Yes of course :)
and i cried again.
omg amazing!!! i cant wait for part 2
there's a part 2? YES
Steph Cehnz yep! they said part 2 will explain everything from part 1 ahhhh :D
Richard Hague yep~
***** oh wow this makes me so excited because this is legitimately one of my favorite mvs ever :D
There is part2?wow can't wait when will she release ?
아이유는 한 시대를 흔들었던 아티스트로 기억될 것.
나 그대와 둘이 걷던
그 좁은 골목계단을 홀로 걸어요
그 옛날의 짙은 향기가 내 옆을 스치죠
널 떠나는 날 사실 난..
등 밑 처마 고드름과
참새소리 예쁜 이 마을에 살 거예요
소격동을 기억하나요
지금도 그대로 있죠
아주 늦은 밤 하얀 눈이 왔었죠
소복이 쌓이니 내 맘도 설렜죠
나는 그날 밤 단 한숨도 못 잤죠
잠들면 안돼요
눈을 뜨면 사라지죠
어느 날 갑자기
그 많던 냇물이 말라갔죠
내 어린 마음도
그 시냇물처럼 그렇게 말랐겠죠
너의 모든걸 두 눈에 담고 있었죠
소소한 하루가 넉넉했던 날
그러던 어느 날 세상이 뒤집혔죠
다들 꼭 잡아요
잠깐 사이에 사라지죠
잊고 싶진 않아요 하지만 나에겐
사진 한 장도 남아있지가 않죠
그저 되뇌면서 되뇌면서
나 그저 애를 쓸 뿐이죠
아주 늦은 밤 하얀 눈이 왔었죠
소복이 쌓이니 내 맘도 설렜죠
나는 그날 밤 단 한숨도 못 잤죠
잠들면 안돼요
눈을 뜨면 사라지죠
뭔가 슬픈 가사..
누가 가사 고정 좀...
This song hurts my heart, with the history behind it. I love IU's version- but Seo Taiji is the first I heard perform this one.
What an amazing song regardless.
this is IU's best song for me, a song from when I was in middle school so it has a lot of memories as well as sad or stressed times I would turn up and cry along with it. A favorite song, no other song can be better.
이 뮤비 보면 다른 뮤비 볼 때와는 마음을 울리는 그런게 있는거 같다
진짜 영화 한편 본 것 같은 느낌
어쨌든 김현수 이쁘당
이세상 최고의 뮤지션 서태지옹!!!!! 참고로 시나위때부터 팬!!!!(90년대부터!!!) 최고!!!!!!!!!
아이유는 당년히 최고ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
IU’s best song, and probably one of the best songs ever made.
Well seo taiji made this song, so no doubt it was a good song.
Gosh i was finding this song for 4 years, and all i can remember was just the chorus but can't say a word with it, im happy and grateful that i already found this again, love you iu
12.3. 이후 문득 찾아보게 됐다.. 또 다시 이런 비극을 겪을 뻔.. 미친인간 하나 때문에...
Billboard led me here. This song was picked by the Billboard music editor as #2 best Kpop song of 2014, only next to Beast "Good Luck."
뒤늦게 빠짐 이노래 넘좋음....
+ㅇㅇ 33333
산유 넘넘넘넘넘넘넘넘넘 조타아ㅏㅏ!!!!~~~♥♥~~~
산유 이거 스토리가 넘 조아ㅏ♥
산유 아아아아
One of my fav song by IU, I keep coming back here...whenever I watched this mv, it brings me a strange feeling, a mix of emotions.
노래의 뜻대로 느낀겁니다. 서태지는 의도적으로 80년대의 신스팝 형식을 썼습니다. 가볍고 흥미로운 멜로디로 작곡 했습니다.하디만 노래의 제목 소격동에서는 80년대에 십대들에게 상당히 암울하고 비극적인 실제사건이 있었습니다.. 가사의 의미는 비극을 간접적으로 표현 했습니다.
Wow, to he honest, I never followed IU. But this song oozes reget, sadness, loss of innocence and sadness. Is it just me, but i feel equal parts, happiness, joy, hope, nostalgia and finally love. An instant masterpiece. Please forgive me, IU ah! I won't ignore you anymore.
계엄령때매 들렀다..
서태지...예전에도 대단했지만 앞으로가 더 기대되는 뮤지션!
IU is perfect idol. She can sing, rap, dance. Produce her own songs. Can act. She is also so good model. Natural pretty. Have kind and sweet personality. Strongest idol. How can people hate her? I love you IU, so much. You are best solist ever
와 저 감정이 어떻게 22살 나이에서 나올수 있지 아이유는 역시 독보적인 아티스트
Her voice is on another level
She and Seo Taiji both have this twang to their voices that make the song so cosmic and awesome. I love it.
뮤비한편으로 여러사람들이 추리해보고 생각하며 의견을 나눌수있는 게 얼마만인지 너무 반갑고 설레이네요. 이 자체만으로도 대단한듯.
역시 서태지!!!
악플도 많지만 그때나 지금이나 먼훗날에도 당신은 영원한 나의 가수랍니다~~^^ 오글오글ㅎ
네 저두요~^^
그래두 모두 행복했음 하네여
Whyy ...? Such a beautiful song?? Why ppl never see real beauty .. like even non-koreans here love this song :'( iu is so precious 💙💙
Maybe it is the best MV I've seen, I do not want to exaggerate but I've waited so long for see a message like this song and MV. The theme is strong, and I think all people in their national history have experienced this, you know how hard of history and how amazing it is that is in the MV. Thanks to all who created this song and MV.
Support from Chile!
아 5살때 이노래 좋아했는데 벌써 7년전..대박 2014년 노래인데 아이유는 몇년도여도 이쁘네
이노래 나올때가 5살이였다는게 더 신기하네요...
@@LUCY_0508 그쵸..제가 좀 잼민이ㅋㅋㅋㅋ그래도 옛날(?)노래는 많이 알아요..((물론 저노래는 전혀 옛날이 아닙니다ㅎ
thia era is so precious.... i love this song so much...
전자음 웅장해서 아이유 목소리 묻히는가 싶더니 들으면 들을수록 선명해진다.....미쳤네