How to Change your Oil (VW GTI Mk6)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mecano11
    @mecano11 4 роки тому +3

    After all this year I still comeback and watch your video just to relax

    • @panofish
      @panofish  4 роки тому +2

      I should do relaxing videos... like cleaning the lawn mower and such

  • @pupulik2
    @pupulik2 11 років тому +42

    Hey just a recommendation, before draining oil from an oil pan, you should remove the oil cap from the engine and pull out the dip stick, so there is a better air ventilation inside of the engine when draining the oil.

  • @danieldejong86
    @danieldejong86 3 роки тому +1

    I felt like I was watching Bob Ross change the oil. Well done.

    • @panofish
      @panofish  3 роки тому +1

      I've heard that a lot... so I know it is true. Thanks for watching :)

  • @elizabethserrato3187
    @elizabethserrato3187 10 років тому +15

    This is THE most helpful oil change video I have seen. I am a total noob and very scared about changing my VW's oil, but with this video, I think I can do it! You're a doll, thank you so much :)

    • @youngrios
      @youngrios 7 років тому +1

      Elizabeth Serrato have u done it yet ?

  • @GlitchLXIV
    @GlitchLXIV 11 років тому +1

    I cannot tell you how happy I was to see it was a manual. Thank you for being a real driver and thanks for another good video.

  • @SwiftAutoLLCSWFL
    @SwiftAutoLLCSWFL 6 років тому +1

    I need the audiobook version of this video so I can listen before bed every night.

  • @BluefireRedlightning
    @BluefireRedlightning 11 років тому +1

    Wow this is a super good video verry professional! The audio is clear and the viewing angels are obviouse. You can perfectly see whats going on. Thanks a lot!

  • @oldSchooLson
    @oldSchooLson 7 років тому

    One of the best DIY videos I have ever seen. Super clear and informative. Thank you sir!

    • @WatchCatalog
      @WatchCatalog 7 років тому

      too kind... much appreciated and you inspire to do my best to mimic what I did well in this video in my future videos :)

  • @maximusonline9926
    @maximusonline9926 6 років тому

    One of the MOst Great and Clearly Explained about VWs Oil Change Video I´ve seen !!! AWESOME VIDEO Bro !! We Need more of these !!

    • @panofish
      @panofish  6 років тому +1

      Too kind, but much appreciated :)

  • @VWGTI2013
    @VWGTI2013 11 років тому +1

    Great video! Thank you! I have a 2013 GTI.....I was going to take it to the dealer for an oil change, but now with your video, I`ll will be doing them myself.

  • @AXO335
    @AXO335 11 років тому

    Excellent Instruction on how to change your oil on a MK6 GTI. I no longer have free service from VW, so I will be changing my oil next time around. Thanks for the Great DIY Video 👍😎

  • @MrSober88
    @MrSober88 9 років тому +16

    Love the tounge action at 4:02 haha

    • @youngrios
      @youngrios 7 років тому

      MrSober88 wtf lmao

  • @Karralie
    @Karralie 2 роки тому

    Thanks for teaching me how to change the oil on my car over 5 years ago! I've still got this car! It survived a misfiring issue, thankfully all it needed was a carbon cleaning. Here's to a few more years with my little VW hatchback! 🙂

    • @panofish
      @panofish  2 роки тому

      Thanks! GTIs are awesome and that means their owners are too.

    • @nigelboom3943
      @nigelboom3943 Рік тому

      Awesome bro I've had my mk6 gti for 8 months now I've done 5000 miles and I just got an oil change. Did you find the carbon cleaning helped and what are the benefits? I'm thinking of doing it too mine, I stay on top of maintenance, only 110,000 miles on her and it's a 2009

  • @YoungWise2011
    @YoungWise2011 6 років тому

    just picked up a 2013 gti. Awesome walk through. Way easier then my subie.

  • @Micknesss
    @Micknesss 10 років тому

    This is a top video mate! Absolutely brilliant and you cover all the bases too! I'm going to thumbs up this vid more than once if UA-cam will allow me.

  • @The8TrackChap
    @The8TrackChap 10 років тому +49

    Good video, Dad.

  • @VWGTI2013
    @VWGTI2013 9 років тому +6

    At the end the car should be leveled to check the oil.

  • @PsillyCube
    @PsillyCube 10 років тому +2

    I like to remove the oil cap and break the filter seal if possible before removing the drain plug just to create a vent for optimum drainage.

  • @josebrito9887
    @josebrito9887 11 років тому

    Love the simplicity of this video. Keep it up

  • @toutler
    @toutler 11 років тому

    This is great! Can you tell me what size copper gasket you bought and where you found it. Amazon doesn't seem to have anything that fits VW. Thanks!

  • @KingCease
    @KingCease 4 роки тому

    Aha! Ninja like reflexes.
    Awesome video brother.

  • @mikewilhelmson8413
    @mikewilhelmson8413 10 років тому +1

    great vid man, only thing I would've done differently is shown the application of a bit of oil to the rubber seal on the filter so people get the right idea.

  • @diverdan7350
    @diverdan7350 7 років тому

    Now I feel I can do it myself, thank you for a great tutorial.

  • @beecnul8r
    @beecnul8r 9 років тому +2

    I have read that experts pull the dip stick up before draining the engine oil. Helps to drain better.

  • @KyleAndersonSkates
    @KyleAndersonSkates 11 років тому +2

    Wow that seems easy enough. Looks like I'll be doing my oil change my self next time around instead of driving to the stealership. Busted my air suspension three weeks ago driving there for an oil change.. :/

  • @Nohandleselected
    @Nohandleselected 11 років тому

    Great informative video, whats the price on the oil?

  • @tommyjakks
    @tommyjakks 11 років тому

    about to get my GTI next week, So Excited.

  • @MrRoyle1
    @MrRoyle1 11 років тому +1

    You should always ewlease the filler cap to release any air preasure in the system to alow more oil to drain

  • @lemansteve
    @lemansteve 9 років тому

    Great video. FYI - VW has been using the horrible integrated drain plug washer since at least 2004. I don't know why they chose to design it that way. It is common practice to replace the washer on every other car I've worked on.

  • @Gypobt
    @Gypobt 6 років тому

    good video how many miles i need do oil change thanks

    • @panofish
      @panofish  6 років тому

      If I remember correctly the manual suggests you can wait to 10000 miles, but that is too long for me.... I usually change my oil around 7 to 8 thousand miles. Traditionally, you would change around 5000 or fewer, but with modern engineering and very thin synthetic oils... you can get 10k miles.

  • @drummer1672
    @drummer1672 10 років тому

    where did you get the little washers for the oil plug??

  • @carfreak5082
    @carfreak5082 10 років тому +1

    Great video. Will you do also DIY DSG transmission fluid change step by step video for VW 2012 GTI? I would really appreciate. Thanks again.

    • @panofish
      @panofish  10 років тому +1

      I'd love too... if I had a DSG transmission. Unfortunately, my cars transmission is manual.

  • @HeyImSkandelouz
    @HeyImSkandelouz 10 років тому

    Great video, however I was told newer cars have a sensor for when oil changes are due so does this mean the car automatically knows when you have done the actual change?

  • @baranUtube
    @baranUtube 5 років тому

    What about winter oil change? Like around this type of season? Whats a good oil, mobil 1. 0w-40?

    • @panofish
      @panofish  5 років тому

      I use the same oil all year round.

  • @bryanmilne
    @bryanmilne 10 років тому

    If you overfill the oil how do you drain it? Loosen drain plug a little bit, let a little leak out and then tighten it up?

    • @panofish
      @panofish  10 років тому

      pranafire yes, but I hate doing that ... so until I am certain of the amount to fill ... I prefer to add a little and keep checking the dipstick until it's good.

    • @Dantheman2010ish
      @Dantheman2010ish 10 років тому

      There's an old trick we used to use in the shop just in case the oil was over filled (which rarely happened.)This method takes two people. Take off the oil cap from the valve cover. Take a vacuum, any vacuum with a suction hose. Turn the vacuum on. Place a rag flat over the suction hose acting as a filter of sorts. Place the suction hose directly on the valve cover where the oil cap goes (with the vacuum on.) Hold the suction hose there while the other person releases the drain plug. You will hear a slurping sound as air is pulled through the oil drain pan, through the engine and into the vacuum. This suction prevents oil from draining from the oil oan. No oil will drain until the suction hose is removed from the valve cover oil fill. (Do this method with the engine off of course.) Count to five and then put the vacuum suction hose back on the valve cover oil fill. Put the oil plug back in. Check oil and repeat process if necessary.

  • @paranormalstoner9035
    @paranormalstoner9035 8 років тому

    Do you have a video for the transmission oil fluid change?

    • @panofish
      @panofish  8 років тому

      Sorry, I don't... Does the transmission fluid need to be changed? I thought it was lifetime?

    • @raphiology
      @raphiology 8 років тому

      VW says their factory-fill MT fluid is lifetime but i doubt that. i think 50k - 60k is a good interval to change the oil. it will be great if you do a video of changing the TF oil

  • @niceshot4563
    @niceshot4563 8 років тому

    Quality video! Loved how it was quick and informative

  • @bryanmilne
    @bryanmilne 10 років тому

    How do you clean up your drain pan? Paper towels and then toss into garbage?

    • @panofish
      @panofish  10 років тому

      I just let the drain pan "drain" into my recycled oil can until the next oil change... by then there only a thin layer of oil in the pan and I don't mind that.

  • @refugee211
    @refugee211 11 років тому

    and what would happen if you didnt tighten the oil pan bolt to 22ft pounds? what if you tightened it more?

    • @4everlakers24
      @4everlakers24 11 років тому

      you might str ip the bolt....youd have to tighten it really fucking tight, but you could

  • @MrTestNTune
    @MrTestNTune 11 років тому

    Question ... Do you replace the washer on the drain plug ..? Any kind of washer will work?

  • @charlesdorsaint7109
    @charlesdorsaint7109 7 років тому +4

    Don't forget the wheel chocks

  • @gymkhana1128
    @gymkhana1128 9 років тому

    Very good and thorough video.. thanks!

  • @murkinthem305
    @murkinthem305 10 років тому

    What oil you use for the gti cause you didn't show the bottle

    • @panofish
      @panofish  10 років тому +1

      At 1:09 I show the oil name and type. I also use 8100 X-Cess Engine Oil (5w-40) from ecstuning. Price is about the same and it comes in a 5 quart bottle.

  • @trancethan
    @trancethan 10 років тому

    Great video. Thanks for making it. I wonder if Mobil 1 makes an oil that meets the requirements. Where did you purchase the mann filter?

    • @fartman10284
      @fartman10284 8 років тому

      they do. 0w40 European vehicle formula

  • @GlitchLXIV
    @GlitchLXIV 11 років тому

    Also, many such as myself have had great luck with Mobil 1 0w40 European formula in these VW's

  • @BobSmith-qc8iy
    @BobSmith-qc8iy 10 років тому

    What type of set up did you use to film this? The first person views are great.

    • @panofish
      @panofish  10 років тому

      first person views was with a gopro on a chesty harness. The other shots were with my canon 7d.

    • @BobSmith-qc8iy
      @BobSmith-qc8iy 10 років тому

      ***** Cool, thanks for the info!

    • @panofish
      @panofish  10 років тому +1

      Bob Smith No problem :)

    • @panofish
      @panofish  10 років тому

      Bob Smith Oh yeah.. I also used a gooseneck clamp mount for the shot underneath with a second gopro... Gooseneck GoPro Mount

    • @BobSmith-qc8iy
      @BobSmith-qc8iy 10 років тому

      Awesome, thanks! That was actually one of the particular shots I was wondering about. Love your videos, they're always presented very professionally.

  • @refugee211
    @refugee211 11 років тому

    where did you get your oil filter wrench? ive been looking everywhere and cant seem to find one.

  • @WatchDwight
    @WatchDwight 8 років тому

    What is the damage of it not meeting the specs of VW502? I bought Pennzoil Fully Synthetic 5w-40. I've used it on my older VW's. Will it harm my GTI?

    • @panofish
      @panofish  8 років тому

      +Dwight Junior Honestly, I have no idea. My guess is, short term may be ok, but I would be too worried to leave that oil in the engine... and I'd change to spec oil, but that's just me.

    • @WatchDwight
      @WatchDwight 8 років тому

      I'll def do that. I just had to make a drive today and I was nervous. Thanks man!

  • @goomoonryong7477
    @goomoonryong7477 4 роки тому

    can i put back the old screw ?

  • @safewaycart
    @safewaycart 11 років тому

    Hi, nice video. I feel sorry for the old ramps because you can’t use them again. You can try Ebay :-)

  • @brianweee
    @brianweee 7 років тому

    I really appreciated this video! Thanks for the upload!

    • @panofish
      @panofish  7 років тому

      It pleases me so much that others find this useful... glad to help :)

  • @TheSerenityhuck
    @TheSerenityhuck 10 років тому

    Do you thing 5W-40 would be alright for an Mk5 GTI?

    • @panofish
      @panofish  10 років тому

      Honestly don't know... I have only researched my own Mk6 vehicle. I would hate to give the wrong advice.

  • @ydoron
    @ydoron 10 років тому

    Looks like a quest game :) great vid!

  • @foczen
    @foczen 5 років тому

    Greatly explained! Thanks a lot

  • @wesstaff4664
    @wesstaff4664 6 років тому

    Is this the same oil I use for 2011 gti with over 100k miles on it??

  • @KeokiDude
    @KeokiDude 10 років тому

    Great video, thanks! Have you had any issues yet with your GTI? Thanks, g-

  • @andresaldivar70
    @andresaldivar70 7 років тому

    I have 10w-40 vw 502 oil from Castrol, is that good too? I've heard both. For my 2013 vw gti dsg

  • @Boodieman72
    @Boodieman72 6 років тому

    Use better oil, extract from the top and use an engine flush. The extractor I like is the Topsider, available at Northern Tool among other places. You should also use wheel chocks. If the filter is on the top of the engine you don't even need to raise the car.

    • @panofish
      @panofish  6 років тому

      Thanks for the suggestions :)

  • @davevil7573
    @davevil7573 7 років тому

    Castrol oil works fine but liquid molly make the mk6 run so much better. I know from personal experience. Try that next oil change

  • @4everlakers24
    @4everlakers24 11 років тому +1

    hey panofish....the same ECStuning site sells liquidly oil....i recooment that way better then castrol, and its made in germany!!!

    • @fartman10284
      @fartman10284 8 років тому

      Castrol edge 0w40 is also made in Germany

  • @johndouglas4947
    @johndouglas4947 10 років тому +1

    Excellent video

  • @darkstar9008
    @darkstar9008 10 років тому +1

    Amazing video! You forgot to mention that when checking the dipstick to do it when the car is on level ground! I saw you backed off the ramps when you checked the dipstick.

    • @panofish
      @panofish  10 років тому +2

      Yeah, I should have mentioned that. Same as I should have made it clear that this engines configuration allows the oil to drain completely while on ramps just fine. :)

    • @darkstar9008
      @darkstar9008 10 років тому

      ***** really good to know :)

  • @bigmoook
    @bigmoook 11 років тому +1

    Much appreciated, great video!

  • @swoon13
    @swoon13 11 років тому

    Awesome job dude great DIY vid

  • @lilfleck87
    @lilfleck87 11 років тому

    Another trick for ramps is to jack up one side, place the ramp underneath. Boom.

  • @JacobFrey
    @JacobFrey 11 років тому

    I have the same shirt. Perhaps I will have the same car too - wow, that would be awesome.

  • @tommyjakks
    @tommyjakks 11 років тому

    This is also a great video, thanks for making this.

  • @axcentMan
    @axcentMan 9 років тому

    Great video

  • @Dantheman2010ish
    @Dantheman2010ish 10 років тому

    Actually its better in my opinion to change the oil after letting the vehicle sit over night so all the carbon saturated oil drains down to the pan. Plus oil filters come off a lot easier when cold. And changing oil from a hot engine means the oil and filter will also be hot. Oil drains almost as fast cold as it does hot.

    • @panofish
      @panofish  10 років тому +1

      There are a few oil change forums where the debate went for many pages on this topic. I couldn't find any scientific consensus. In my opinion there shoudn't be a significant difference between either method... especially if your changing your oil on a regular basis anyway.

  • @hectorsalcedo1851
    @hectorsalcedo1851 8 років тому


  • @bryanmilne
    @bryanmilne 10 років тому

    Nice video... props!

  • @Dantheman2010ish
    @Dantheman2010ish 10 років тому

    Your right its all about personal preference. I prefer to not burn my fingers with 187 degree oil, or have to twist off a hot filter ha ha :^) good video though!

  • @dhk620z
    @dhk620z 11 років тому

    Great video!!!

  • @oppenheim00
    @oppenheim00 10 років тому

    Probably best to block the back wheels too! Safety first... Great vid tho, thanks

  • @volvotango8363
    @volvotango8363 3 роки тому

    Thank you PanoFish!!!

    • @panofish
      @panofish  3 роки тому

      You are very welcome :)

  • @commonsense311
    @commonsense311 11 років тому

    Well done.

  • @axios76
    @axios76 8 років тому

    Thank you!

  • @Mudig
    @Mudig 8 років тому

    i have to buy all this just to change my oil? Couldn't you have done it in a more practical way?

    • @panofish
      @panofish  8 років тому

      +Mudig You might be able to cut corners, but if you plan on do all regular oil changes yourself, you'll need almost everything. The real cost is actually in the expensive german oil filter and expensive synthetic oil.

  • @Bulgdoom
    @Bulgdoom 10 років тому +4

    I watched this almost halfway until I realized that you're draining from bottom haha. Buy an oil extractor from Amazon for $50, no jacking, gets more oil out than gravity, gets in any nook and cranny, including oil filter housing. I end up putting half a qt. more oil after an oil change now as opposed to draining from bottom. No mess too, and just just takes a little wait while you listen to music. I have the metal extractor, the plastic lets you see level of oil.

    • @drgnzadiel101
      @drgnzadiel101 10 років тому

      thats pretty cool actually. never heard of one. but i, unfortunately, still have to go under the car to remove the housing and filter. damn MKV. if i had an mkvi id be all over an extractor. i mean yea, i could still get one just for ease of cleanup...but blah lol

    • @jctimmonsable
      @jctimmonsable 10 років тому

      Can you provide a link to the extractor? I see a lot of different ones and want to make sure I'm shopping for the right extractor.

    • @drgnzadiel101
      @drgnzadiel101 10 років тому

      ecstuning has one

    • @Bulgdoom
      @Bulgdoom 10 років тому +2

      jared timmons Go to, I have the metal one by Air Power America, Model 5060. Its well built, $50, but has no oil level window. The $50 Hydro-turf plastic extractor allows you to see through, but is cheaper made. Mityvac seems to have the best but they're $70-80, I might consider getting a pneumatic one to work with my air compressor instead of pumping by hand. Search UA-cam for oil extractor shootout between the Air Power America and Hydro-turf.

  • @namewithheld7835
    @namewithheld7835 6 років тому

    very odd.. My 2008 GTI has the exact same engine

  • @Johnnyknox1234
    @Johnnyknox1234 10 років тому +2

    You sound just like Ned Flanders, great vid diddly ideo though :)

  • @preuomo
    @preuomo 6 років тому

    Bob Ross changes his oil.

    • @panofish
      @panofish  6 років тому

      LOL... You're not the first to say this :)

  • @davidd6147
    @davidd6147 8 років тому +2

    wow - this is why I pay someone

  • @XBLCazuuaL
    @XBLCazuuaL 11 років тому

    pretty loud for a petrol, sounded like a diesel tbh

  • @4everlakers24
    @4everlakers24 11 років тому


  • @darrelmaraj6416
    @darrelmaraj6416 6 років тому

    You changing oil.. Or you making love..

    • @panofish
      @panofish  6 років тому

      LOL... oil, rubber gloves... hmmm.

  • @SuperKayno189
    @SuperKayno189 10 років тому

    Lets go empty my horizontal oil with my car on a 30 degree angle.....

    • @panofish
      @panofish  10 років тому +3

      I didn't mention it, but I have checked for any differences when draining my oil at level and on my ramps and there was no discernible difference. It depends on internal geometry and in the case of the Mk6 GTI... either way will give you the same amount of oil drained and replaced.

  • @romananthony3598
    @romananthony3598 6 років тому

    Nice video, but you lowkey sound creepy😂😂😂😂😂

  • @Killer96z
    @Killer96z 11 років тому

    Buy a creeper

  • @namewithheld7835
    @namewithheld7835 6 років тому

    Chock your back tires

  • @robertsabau8348
    @robertsabau8348 11 років тому

    You are a disgrace my friend ,go change your oil in a workshop and leave those cheap stuff for the old cars , not the 2011 VW GTI . My curiosity is how did you reset the car's computer . You didn't !!! ;)

    • @jettaaddiction
      @jettaaddiction 11 років тому +5

      you make it sound like a lambo, its just a golf

    • @MrIndianman95
      @MrIndianman95 11 років тому +5

      Go learn how to speak english.

    • @4everlakers24
      @4everlakers24 11 років тому

      the reset code..... hold the trip reset button (the 0.0 button) on the dash...whgile holding this button put the key in the ingnition. while still holding the reset button turn key to on position. after the key is turned and your still holding the reset button, now push the "m" button on the dash. the service light is now reset

    • @BalkanBoyBiH
      @BalkanBoyBiH 11 років тому

      jettaaddiction someon that cant appriciate a golf cant appriciate a lambo either :)

    • @VWGTI2013
      @VWGTI2013 10 років тому

      4everlakers24 Hey what M button are you talking about? Where is it at on the dash exactly? I have a 2013 GTI myself.

  • @bmrls9774
    @bmrls9774 9 років тому

    Great video!