I want to be a catechumen, the nearest Orthodox Church is an hour away from me. My current Roman Catholic Church is literally next door. It feels worth the drive just to get to the fullness of the truth. I’m currently starving spiritually 😢
I was a catechumen for 3 years and will always be grateful my spiritual father made me follow the old way. I couldnt even stay and had to depart for communion
Fr Josiah, of all those you speak of who have broken their vows at Holy Baptism (I was baptised Orthodox at age 18, from Protestantism), I must be the worst. I have addictions to passions that persist to this day. I fear that it would not be impossible to turn me from God, and, thus, I have much to pray about. I have no repentance, I can sin and forget about it within an hour or two, I have no fear of offending God, no love for Him. And, yet, all these nearly 20 years in Orthodoxy, even when I stopped going to Church and taking Holy Communion (which has left a deep imprint on my soul), God has never stopped calling me back. These days I stumble along like a prodigal son worn out by his evil deeds, helped immensely by God, but still ready to betray Him at every turn. I wish with all of my heart that I wouldn't, and this state of worthlessness compels me to pray to the only God Who is merciful. Thank God for Holy Orthodoxy, that He hasn't left us, the unworthy, without the Truth and, thus, without hope. What you once said, that resistance is never futile, lit a fire under lazy old me. I am not a soldier, I haven't the heart of a soldier, but in God is a beauty worth fighting with the law of lawlessness to keep some sight of. I wasted the grace bestowed upon me at Holy Baptism and made myself a stinking, passionate mess. God be praised that, with the examples of Saints like St Mary of Egypt and Abba Moses the Ethiopian there is hope even for wretched slaves of passions like me. God be with you, Fr Josiah s/G Alexei
Women? There is a remedy...... MARRIAGE with a devout Orthodox Christian woman. Prepare for this and then BE NOT AFRAID to devote yourself to another human being and become a SERVANT. Now if you are advanced in years, then attach yourself to a trusted spiritual father, which you should do ANYWAY, and accept their guidance. May the Lord have mercy!
@@ortho-g9826 I'm already married, brother. She ain't devout, but I'm not exactly a box of chocolates myself. We struggle along. Passions aren't respecters of God's order, the battles continue. A spiritual father would be very good, I suppose, but they are extremely hard to find. As is the case for most of us, my beloved parish priest takes this place for me. His guidance is indispensible. Yes, indeed, Lord have mercy! Thank you, brother!
I’m so glad you brought this up. When I was Protestant I benefitted so much from Edwards Resolutions… I still keep a copy printed out with me, even since becoming Orthodox.
The main thing is to go to the end. Now we are mobilized soldiers in Jesus Christ's army. This army cannot be defeated as a whole. Jesus is always a winner. But each soldier must be attentive so as not to be killed by enemies.
This was excellent and very practical advice. We will never get to the point to where we will not need to renew our faith sometimes-just like with any relationship. Thank you for sharing and Happy New Year!
Hello and thank you Father, I am a Protestant, who has been watching your content for the past year, it is absolutely life changing and eye opening (Rock & Sand is amazing) I have a thought to consider, If you have the time and resources, I would love to see a comparison video between the holy orthodox church and mormonism. Since mormonism seems to claim a lot of the same things that the orthodox church does, Even making Theosis Look heretical with their version of it. Most Americans have experience with mormons, but not the orthodox church. So when they get their those teachings from mormons. First they're much less likely to give the orthodox church a chance.
I'm a pentecostal but I have this strong draw toward the orthodox church. Have a lot of anxiety about whether to pursue. Has anyone with this experience pray for me and possibly give advice.
I had that experience, I went back and forth on whether I wanted to convert to Orthodoxy from protestantism. What finally convinced me was reading Fr. Josiah’s book, “Rock and Sand”. I was a catechumen for one year & baptized in April last year. May God guide you to the True Faith! 🤍
I saw a video of this brother josiah trying to refute Sola Scriptura, I was not going to respond but I have to say something especially since many say protestants have not done a good job backing up Sola Scriptura, another reason I am going to respond is because i can't help but notice a huge wave of protestant believers turn to orthodoxy and or catholicism. First let me begin by saying I consider myself someone humbly blessed with having a background in Theological studies and having read the Bible from start to beginning before, that doesn't make me better than anyone but i'd like to show myself approved and state why i feel qualified to respond, I too have my own Podcast on Facebook but am more centered on preaching Christ centered messages on there, strictly Gospel, however I have flirted with discussing such topics as these. I proceed with this debate regarding the Scriptures aka The Word of God being the supreme and final authority for the average Christian to go by, why? Well I do not believe it is that difficult to perceive, first and foremost because since the beginning of time we have read how God with HIS Word causes things to exist and Happen, in Genesis 1 God "SAID" let there be light and there was light, John 1:1 In the beginning was THE WORD, there is an importance in The term used WORD and Christ being The living WORD himself, now call it Sola Scriptura or whatever you want to call it The entire Jewish and Christian Bible where btw The first Bible was not the Canon made in the 3rd Century, It was actually The Jewish Tanakh compiled and made into a book in about 450 BCE which contains the entire Old Testament 5 books of Moses, The Historical Books, The Poetic writings, The Minor Prophets and the Major Prophets and years later the Septuagint which was the Greek copy of the Tanakh later added the Apocrypha books if you will i'll use that word so people know what i am referring to but those were also Jewish writings, so essentially no one can attribute to the first Bible being brought by the catholic church when in essence we really got everything from the Jews, now there is also history recording that when pope damasus asked Jerome for a canon later named the latin vulgate (Which he took from The Jewish Tanakh) there were already many copies of a bible elsewhere but not approved by the catholic church, just a little historic background, now In scripture we see a major emphasis on the importance of God's word over all else or mans opinions, in Exodus 32:32 It tells us of a Book in Heaven that God himself has in his possession, also in Psalm 119:89 The Holy Spirit reveals "Thy Word is forever settled in Heaven oh Lord" then in Mount Sinai We see how important it was for God to have his people keep his Word recorded in Writings, God himself wrote his commandments on Stone for His people to see and keep written down, another major example is Christ himself in Matthew 4 when he is in the desert He does all but respond to Satan by "It Is Written" also in John 5:39 he clearly says "Study The Scriptures" Also when Jesus went into the Synagogue to reveal himself He does what? He opens the scroll of Isaiah 61, again call it what you want but I see an emphasis on SCRIPTURE ALONE being the ultimate authority! Lets discuss the early church for a second, when The Holy Spirit comes upon the 120 in the upper room what is the first thing Peter starts to do? It clearly states he begins preaching the Gospel proclaiming Christ and revealing him fulfilled prophetically through the Scriptures, what scriptures was he citing? The OT of course, now lets talk about The Apostol Paul for abit, this man knew 14 Languages 7 of which he spoke fluently, he was a very studied Hebrew and knew The Tanakh, Torah thoroughly, i've heard bogus arguments from orthodox stating that it was absurd to think only because there are only two letters found written to the Thessalonians that you can take only those two letters and think that is the only thing Paul would intend to be used as the only measure of faith written for them doctrinally but what they have failed to understand is that Paul was actually a walking Tanakh, of course he preached Christ to them but what did he also tell the Church in 1 Corinthians 11:1? He said imitate me as I imitate Christ and Christ emphasized "It Is Written" How else can I challenge Scripture over mere traditions of men? Well it's quite simple, in Colossians 2:8 "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men," So what did the Apostles teach and emphasize to the early Church? Have you not read 1 Thessalonians 2:13 where it gives us the answer stating "And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe." THE WORD OF GOD! My main challenge to the orthodox and catholics is to ask them if then they attain to their so called "holy traditions" if they were truly of God and necessary why is it then that we do not see the early church in The book of Acts or The written in Pauls letters and the letters of the New Testament urging believers to practice many of those things they call traditions? were they not necessary? Another important thing to note is that many of the traditions practiced by 3rd century believers seem to have been passed down by a Roman Christianity, let's be honest the first christians were Jewish and did not have the same traditions as the gentiles with only the exception that they were now Jews who accepted Christ so that's my other observation regarding tradition essentially whos traditions and cultures are we referring to? I have so much more to say but I will semi end this time with this, Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Is The Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever More" Also in the Old Testament God in Malachi 3:6 6 "For I am the Lord, I change not;" "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Matthew 24:35, a side note by the way one of the issues I encountered and I have against orthodox is that they won't call protestants brothers unless you are chrismated and or baptized into one of their churches which is sad because I do not need to be chrismated by them to know I am a child of God, John 1:12 tells me "But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God." Though I am not ready to say all orthodox or catholics are condemned I can only say like Peter said in 2 Peter 1:5 "5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love." Also you must "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15, anyone open to discuss this with me I am more than happy to do so, my Facebook page is found by Searching "Tony Vasquez" or on Instagram as "tjlimt" or simply respond to me here, Peace and Blessings.
If I were an American I would buy all the audio materials produced by father Josiah. The price is too low for America. But it is too high for the Ukraine which has become one of the poorest countries in the world since 2022. Nonetheless, I have bought some of them. And I plan to buy them all with the lapse of time. You are lucky Christians because you have the opportunity to listen to such wonderful lectures by father Josiah. This is a gift from God for you.
We don't live in each other's country, and we can only know our own circumstances. But, we can know that the devil is working hard in the whole world, as his time is nearing it's close in Eternity. All the nations are under his assault in ways he seems to hope will work to effect his agenda... Please, know that we may face different, specific kinds of challenge, but, in America, we, too, have our earthly liberty and substance curtailed and compromised in proportion to how much the tyrants who are in control want to use us, and our substance, to impose their tyranny upon Ukraine and the rest of the world... I am thankful that God blesses all of us who enjoy Fr. Josiah's teaching, and those who are able to support his work; I'm glad for those who are blessed to own any of his teachings! I pray I will be blessed to support his work and own his teachings, too... Please, may we pray for each other as God wills, through our Lord Jesus Christ in His Holy Spirit...
I am a regular parishioner of our Orthodox church for many years, and I read and listened to plenty of materials of our Russian and Ukrainian priests and scholars who are clever enough and know a lot, and these studies did me good. But I consider father Josiah's lectures the best ones in the world today. In Russia the similar level of knowledge, charisma and Orthodoxy demonstrated father Daniel Sysoev who had given hundreds of lectures in Russian online. Bu he was killed in 2009 by Muslims in his church near the altar.@@CunningOfReason
I wonder why this married couple left and how both decided they do not believe. At least one of them should be touched by God. Such a shame, what they think is going to happen for them on Judgement day
Thank you father. I suspect the couple that left church and no longer “felt” right was most likely led by the woman. It’s all feels for them. If the husband was in charge he should have done the right thing and saw that feeling as a temptation of the devil. I guess the soy in the food makes men even weaker. God bless you.
I am new to all of this. Am I allowed to attend liturgy without being a catechumen? Or is that essentially what catechism is? I plan on going to my first service this Sunday but I’m uncertain of the level of commitment I will be expected to honor in my attendance. I am stuck between the fears of 1) never taking this seriously and never showing up, and 2) underestimating just how serious it is for me to attend an orthodox service. Any help is appreciated.
It shows your humility to acknowledge your concerns. It is OK to have questions and doubts, I have worked through many of these - in particular wondering why I cant just love Jesus and worship in my own way avoiding these traditions and rituals - however I have found time and again that the Orthodox Church, truly blessed by the Holy Trinity and protected by the prayers of the saints and heavenly beings, offers us a life of more abundant joy than anything this world. Yes it is more work, it is a faith that makes you stare into the depths of your own heart and despise your own sinful nature. Alas I thank God for shining a light on these things in us, out of love and desire for us to be holy with Him. I pray for you in your journey, may God bless you and prepare your way.
Sorry pastor i heard orthodox cannot pray with non orthodox or even Catholics so please direct your prayers to only orthodox listeners, not "everyone".
I would advise you to seek out why that is, instead of coming to such conclusions. The Word of God is for all (coming from a Protestant convert who is to be received into The Holy Orthodox Church in 15 days)
@@huntermunro5003 We all have the Word of God, we all believe in God - the Father, the Son the Holy Spirit. We all believe in the crucifixion and ressurection of of Lord Jesus Christ. We all believe we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. To somehow set yourselves above your brothers, to refuse to pray to the same God we profess, especially since you do not come from the apostolic successon of Peter, is pure pride based on human doctrines.
This the year I go through catechism and get baptism so it will be a very good year.☦
Best of luck. Don't let go.
Let us remember each other in prayer. My Baptism is this Saturday!
That's great news!Your a new brother.❤😊
Me too🛐☦️!
God bless you brother!
Im sorry father you seem like a great man of God. Blessings 🙏🏽
Just finished Rock and Sand. Sincerely it was a great read and the book itself was fine quality and enjoyed the book mark. God bless.
Yes, very high quality work all around for a great price as well.
Hello, Father. 🐑
I want to be a catechumen, the nearest Orthodox Church is an hour away from me. My current Roman Catholic Church is literally next door. It feels worth the drive just to get to the fullness of the truth. I’m currently starving spiritually 😢
I was a catechumen for 3 years and will always be grateful my spiritual father made me follow the old way. I couldnt even stay and had to depart for communion
Ya ivd been a catechumen for 5-6 years, not having money to afford to go to church or afford housing is the hardest thing for me
I became a catechumen a few weeks ago after a year and a half of inquiring! Looking forward to baptism this year Lord willing! Pray for me 🙏🏼☦️
Thank you Fr. Josiah for your service to the Lord. Feed my sheep ... we are being fed, edified ... Much Gratitude !
I get baptized in 9 days!
2024 A.D. , Praise chant Gregorian chants for A.I. , our digital stump and a footstooler for God's Kingdom, Praise Adonai!
Oh, God bless you, Father, for your words are such an encouragement. I never tire of listening to you! Happy and blessed New Year to you ✨️
Fr Josiah, of all those you speak of who have broken their vows at Holy Baptism (I was baptised Orthodox at age 18, from Protestantism), I must be the worst. I have addictions to passions that persist to this day. I fear that it would not be impossible to turn me from God, and, thus, I have much to pray about. I have no repentance, I can sin and forget about it within an hour or two, I have no fear of offending God, no love for Him. And, yet, all these nearly 20 years in Orthodoxy, even when I stopped going to Church and taking Holy Communion (which has left a deep imprint on my soul), God has never stopped calling me back. These days I stumble along like a prodigal son worn out by his evil deeds, helped immensely by God, but still ready to betray Him at every turn. I wish with all of my heart that I wouldn't, and this state of worthlessness compels me to pray to the only God Who is merciful. Thank God for Holy Orthodoxy, that He hasn't left us, the unworthy, without the Truth and, thus, without hope.
What you once said, that resistance is never futile, lit a fire under lazy old me. I am not a soldier, I haven't the heart of a soldier, but in God is a beauty worth fighting with the law of lawlessness to keep some sight of. I wasted the grace bestowed upon me at Holy Baptism and made myself a stinking, passionate mess. God be praised that, with the examples of Saints like St Mary of Egypt and Abba Moses the Ethiopian there is hope even for wretched slaves of passions like me.
God be with you, Fr Josiah
s/G Alexei
Women? There is a remedy...... MARRIAGE with a devout Orthodox Christian woman. Prepare for this and then BE NOT AFRAID to devote yourself to another human being and become a SERVANT.
Now if you are advanced in years, then attach yourself to a trusted spiritual father, which you should do ANYWAY, and accept their guidance. May the Lord have mercy!
@@ortho-g9826 I'm already married, brother. She ain't devout, but I'm not exactly a box of chocolates myself. We struggle along. Passions aren't respecters of God's order, the battles continue.
A spiritual father would be very good, I suppose, but they are extremely hard to find. As is the case for most of us, my beloved parish priest takes this place for me. His guidance is indispensible.
Yes, indeed, Lord have mercy! Thank you, brother!
I struggle with the same issues. You are not alone. Just don't give up. May our Lord grant us strength.
@@ortho-g9826 Amen!
The road to Hell is paved with lives lived “authentically.” Keeping your vow is staying committed when you DON’T want to.
We are not alone, God is with us ☦️🙏💪❤️
❤🔥🔥❄😍🎉🥂🎆💥✌👩❤👨💪🕊🙏✝HAPPY NEW YEAR ☦️🙏💒🌟👨👩👧👦☃🫶🎄🎊🚨🙌💯❤
A.D. 2024 A.D. !!
This Protestant appreciates you greatly, Father.
Blessings to you Father ❤️🙏☦️
Father Josiah the legend ☦️❤️
I’m so glad you brought this up. When I was Protestant I benefitted so much from Edwards Resolutions… I still keep a copy printed out with me, even since becoming Orthodox.
The main thing is to go to the end. Now we are mobilized soldiers in Jesus Christ's army. This army cannot be defeated as a whole. Jesus is always a winner. But each soldier must be attentive so as not to be killed by enemies.
God bless you father
So beautiful father. Thank you for this strong reminder
This was excellent and very practical advice. We will never get to the point to where we will not need to renew our faith sometimes-just like with any relationship. Thank you for sharing and Happy New Year!
Thank you !
Super edifying for the Orthodox faithful!
Hello and thank you Father, I am a Protestant, who has been watching your content for the past year, it is absolutely life changing and eye opening (Rock & Sand is amazing)
I have a thought to consider,
If you have the time and resources, I would love to see a comparison video between the holy orthodox church and mormonism.
Since mormonism seems to claim a lot of the same things that the orthodox church does, Even making Theosis Look heretical with their version of it.
Most Americans have experience with mormons, but not the orthodox church. So when they get their those teachings from mormons. First they're much less likely to give the orthodox church a chance.
Novvy Godom otets, spacibo❤🙏
Glory to God in all things! A sobering and helpful Reflection, Fr. Josiah! Thank you
Thank you 🙏. This was very timely.
The same things happen in Catholicism. Although sometimes they come back, usually when there alternative system comes crashing down.
This is encouraging, thank you and God bless Father 🙏☦️
Father, bless! Thank you for this!
Glory to God 🙏.
I'm a pentecostal but I have this strong draw toward the orthodox church. Have a lot of anxiety about whether to pursue. Has anyone with this experience pray for me and possibly give advice.
I had that experience, I went back and forth on whether I wanted to convert to Orthodoxy from protestantism. What finally convinced me was reading Fr. Josiah’s book, “Rock and Sand”. I was a catechumen for one year & baptized in April last year. May God guide you to the True Faith! 🤍
Thank you Father 🙏
I saw a video of this brother josiah trying to refute Sola Scriptura, I was not going to respond but I have to say something especially since many say protestants have not done a good job backing up Sola Scriptura, another reason I am going to respond is because i can't help but notice a huge wave of protestant believers turn to orthodoxy and or catholicism. First let me begin by saying I consider myself someone humbly blessed with having a background in Theological studies and having read the Bible from start to beginning before, that doesn't make me better than anyone but i'd like to show myself approved and state why i feel qualified to respond, I too have my own Podcast on Facebook but am more centered on preaching Christ centered messages on there, strictly Gospel, however I have flirted with discussing such topics as these. I proceed with this debate regarding the Scriptures aka The Word of God being the supreme and final authority for the average Christian to go by, why? Well I do not believe it is that difficult to perceive, first and foremost because since the beginning of time we have read how God with HIS Word causes things to exist and Happen, in Genesis 1 God "SAID" let there be light and there was light, John 1:1 In the beginning was THE WORD, there is an importance in The term used WORD and Christ being The living WORD himself, now call it Sola Scriptura or whatever you want to call it The entire Jewish and Christian Bible where btw The first Bible was not the Canon made in the 3rd Century, It was actually The Jewish Tanakh compiled and made into a book in about 450 BCE which contains the entire Old Testament 5 books of Moses, The Historical Books, The Poetic writings, The Minor Prophets and the Major Prophets and years later the Septuagint which was the Greek copy of the Tanakh later added the Apocrypha books if you will i'll use that word so people know what i am referring to but those were also Jewish writings, so essentially no one can attribute to the first Bible being brought by the catholic church when in essence we really got everything from the Jews, now there is also history recording that when pope damasus asked Jerome for a canon later named the latin vulgate (Which he took from The Jewish Tanakh) there were already many copies of a bible elsewhere but not approved by the catholic church, just a little historic background, now In scripture we see a major emphasis on the importance of God's word over all else or mans opinions, in Exodus 32:32 It tells us of a Book in Heaven that God himself has in his possession, also in Psalm 119:89 The Holy Spirit reveals "Thy Word is forever settled in Heaven oh Lord" then in Mount Sinai We see how important it was for God to have his people keep his Word recorded in Writings, God himself wrote his commandments on Stone for His people to see and keep written down, another major example is Christ himself in Matthew 4 when he is in the desert He does all but respond to Satan by "It Is Written" also in John 5:39 he clearly says "Study The Scriptures" Also when Jesus went into the Synagogue to reveal himself He does what? He opens the scroll of Isaiah 61, again call it what you want but I see an emphasis on SCRIPTURE ALONE being the ultimate authority! Lets discuss the early church for a second, when The Holy Spirit comes upon the 120 in the upper room what is the first thing Peter starts to do? It clearly states he begins preaching the Gospel proclaiming Christ and revealing him fulfilled prophetically through the Scriptures, what scriptures was he citing? The OT of course, now lets talk about The Apostol Paul for abit, this man knew 14 Languages 7 of which he spoke fluently, he was a very studied Hebrew and knew The Tanakh, Torah thoroughly, i've heard bogus arguments from orthodox stating that it was absurd to think only because there are only two letters found written to the Thessalonians that you can take only those two letters and think that is the only thing Paul would intend to be used as the only measure of faith written for them doctrinally but what they have failed to understand is that Paul was actually a walking Tanakh, of course he preached Christ to them but what did he also tell the Church in 1 Corinthians 11:1? He said imitate me as I imitate Christ and Christ emphasized "It Is Written" How else can I challenge Scripture over mere traditions of men? Well it's quite simple, in Colossians 2:8 "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men," So what did the Apostles teach and emphasize to the early Church? Have you not read 1 Thessalonians 2:13 where it gives us the answer stating "And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe." THE WORD OF GOD! My main challenge to the orthodox and catholics is to ask them if then they attain to their so called "holy traditions" if they were truly of God and necessary why is it then that we do not see the early church in The book of Acts or The written in Pauls letters and the letters of the New Testament urging believers to practice many of those things they call traditions? were they not necessary? Another important thing to note is that many of the traditions practiced by 3rd century believers seem to have been passed down by a Roman Christianity, let's be honest the first christians were Jewish and did not have the same traditions as the gentiles with only the exception that they were now Jews who accepted Christ so that's my other observation regarding tradition essentially whos traditions and cultures are we referring to? I have so much more to say but I will semi end this time with this, Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Is The Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever More" Also in the Old Testament God in Malachi 3:6 6 "For I am the Lord, I change not;" "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Matthew 24:35, a side note by the way one of the issues I encountered and I have against orthodox is that they won't call protestants brothers unless you are chrismated and or baptized into one of their churches which is sad because I do not need to be chrismated by them to know I am a child of God, John 1:12 tells me "But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God." Though I am not ready to say all orthodox or catholics are condemned I can only say like Peter said in 2 Peter 1:5 "5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love." Also you must "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15, anyone open to discuss this with me I am more than happy to do so, my Facebook page is found by Searching "Tony Vasquez" or on Instagram as "tjlimt" or simply respond to me here, Peace and Blessings.
Siempre consejos hermosos
Thank you for this channel, Father. God be praised in all things 🙏 🙌
this is such a good video. Needed!☦️💙
If I were an American I would buy all the audio materials produced by father Josiah. The price is too low for America. But it is too high for the Ukraine which has become one of the poorest countries in the world since 2022. Nonetheless, I have bought some of them. And I plan to buy them all with the lapse of time.
You are lucky Christians because you have the opportunity to listen to such wonderful lectures by father Josiah. This is a gift from God for you.
You are in a country where orthodoxy is supposed to be mainstream. You need to get involved with church locally. God bless.
We don't live in each other's country, and we can only know our own circumstances. But, we can know that the devil is working hard in the whole world, as his time is nearing it's close in Eternity. All the nations are under his assault in ways he seems to hope will work to effect his agenda... Please, know that we may face different, specific kinds of challenge, but, in America, we, too, have our earthly liberty and substance curtailed and compromised in proportion to how much the tyrants who are in control want to use us, and our substance, to impose their tyranny upon Ukraine and the rest of the world...
I am thankful that God blesses all of us who enjoy Fr. Josiah's teaching, and those who are able to support his work; I'm glad for those who are blessed to own any of his teachings! I pray I will be blessed to support his work and own his teachings, too... Please, may we pray for each other as God wills, through our Lord Jesus Christ in His Holy Spirit...
I am a regular parishioner of our Orthodox church for many years, and I read and listened to plenty of materials of our Russian and Ukrainian priests and scholars who are clever enough and know a lot, and these studies did me good. But I consider father Josiah's lectures the best ones in the world today. In Russia the similar level of knowledge, charisma and Orthodoxy demonstrated father Daniel Sysoev who had given hundreds of lectures in Russian online. Bu he was killed in 2009 by Muslims in his church near the altar.@@CunningOfReason
I wonder why this married couple left and how both decided they do not believe. At least one of them should be touched by God. Such a shame, what they think is going to happen for them on Judgement day
Is spitting to the west in reference to Rome as well as the devil?
Not Rome... the other reason you mentioned...
Thank you father. I suspect the couple that left church and no longer “felt” right was most likely led by the woman. It’s all feels for them. If the husband was in charge he should have done the right thing and saw that feeling as a temptation of the devil. I guess the soy in the food makes men even weaker. God bless you.
I am new to all of this. Am I allowed to attend liturgy without being a catechumen? Or is that essentially what catechism is? I plan on going to my first service this Sunday but I’m uncertain of the level of commitment I will be expected to honor in my attendance. I am stuck between the fears of 1) never taking this seriously and never showing up, and 2) underestimating just how serious it is for me to attend an orthodox service. Any help is appreciated.
yes you can attend liturgy without being a catechumen :) you can simply not commune. Speak to the priest ❤
It shows your humility to acknowledge your concerns. It is OK to have questions and doubts, I have worked through many of these - in particular wondering why I cant just love Jesus and worship in my own way avoiding these traditions and rituals - however I have found time and again that the Orthodox Church, truly blessed by the Holy Trinity and protected by the prayers of the saints and heavenly beings, offers us a life of more abundant joy than anything this world. Yes it is more work, it is a faith that makes you stare into the depths of your own heart and despise your own sinful nature. Alas I thank God for shining a light on these things in us, out of love and desire for us to be holy with Him. I pray for you in your journey, may God bless you and prepare your way.
Sorry pastor i heard orthodox cannot pray with non orthodox or even Catholics so please direct your prayers to only orthodox listeners, not "everyone".
I would advise you to seek out why that is, instead of coming to such conclusions. The Word of God is for all (coming from a Protestant convert who is to be received into The Holy Orthodox Church in 15 days)
@@huntermunro5003 We all have the Word of God, we all believe in God - the Father, the Son the Holy Spirit. We all believe in the crucifixion and ressurection of of Lord Jesus Christ. We all believe we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
To somehow set yourselves above your brothers, to refuse to pray to the same God we profess, especially since you do not come from the apostolic successon of Peter, is pure pride based on human doctrines.