+Max Schouweiler It's a great line, but not necessarily true. One of the proposed methods for terraforming Mars, for instance, is to crash asteroids into it. Another is to nuke the shit out of it. Basically, Mars needs a powerful magnetosphere and a MUCH thicker atmosphere to support us and both are proposals of how to accomplish that. Not exactly helpful when considering how to "fix" earth, and both are merely the first step; despite all our knowledge and understanding we STILL do not have a complete understanding of how biosphere work. Even the simple ones we've attempted to design ourselves are complex and easily get fucked up. Trying to build one on a global scale is an insurmountable task with current science. It's all VERY interesting (and I dedicated a decent amount of time researching in order to write a believable Mars colony in my amateur attempts at fiction :P)
WCK619 Because there are actually people who are not trolling but really believe what they spout. If it were always easy to recognize a troll, nobody would ever respond to a creationist/religionist.
+DarthCipient Control the human population. It's that simple, but people ask the wrong questions. Example, population expected to rise to 10bn by some date in the future. People ask... "How are we going to feed that many people?" when the question should be... "How do we stop that from happening?"
+BulletTruth1989 Ha ha, spread some humans out there! That's like spreading a disease. What happens in millions of years time is of little consequence. Humans will never leave the solar system. Forget science fiction. Earth is the best place for us, and we're destroying it. It will survive us, but will we?
+WhiteStarWoman That would mean being human and not capitalist. But our society is now an institution that works for itself, our society doesn't care about Earth, nature or even other people. Important is power and money, the rest will follow. And I forgot about education, yet since power and money are first education won't change. Yet I alone learned so much that school didn't teach me that its ... well, pretty nuts that I wasn't told any of it. And that is how I found out our society is sick, when instead of preparing you to be smart and rational they make you a blind soldier at work, something is wrong. But since our school system is still more or less based on prussian system which was invented so army would be easier to control, no wonders here, right?
The appalled look on Neil deGrasse Tyson's and Richard Dawkin's face when Bill Maher (jokingly) suggested self-replicating life started as a result of lightning hitting the primordial soup was priceless.
I find it very strange that in previous seasons of this show, Bill Maher has shown LOTS of support for Bernie Sanders, but now that Bernie is running for President, Bill hardly even mentions his name. Something just seems very odd about that to me...
+Sean Grimes He will.. premise of the show covers top news stories, and the Right's antics... Believe you me, after the Dem Debate, as we get closer (we have a year of this to endure..) to when it counts, we'll hear P L E N T Y..!
+Sean Grimes Bill is a Clinton fan boy, he was good friends with Bill Clinton. Just check his twitter he's always defending that dumb bitch over Bengazi & the emails.
Jason Jackman He's a big fan of Bernie Sanders too. Maybe he's just torn between the two of them right now. I think My EMail is right. Bill will start pumping up Bernie when the debates get started.
Sean Grimes Trust me he is all in on Hillary. I'll give you an example(maybe we have diff perspectives as I'm not a fan of the Democrats) When Ben Carson said in the 1st Republican debate ''I don't think Hillary will even be the candidate, but if he she is, that will be great for us'' Bill's response was to act like it's laughable & incomprensible that she won't be the candidate & Ben Carson is drinking some GOP koolaid. He'd support Bernie over the Republicans sure, but not over Hillary. I wouldn't be surprised if he's donated to her campaign.
Wonderful and such luxury to have both Neil deGrasse Tyson and Richard Dawkins on one show! Bill's comment about Neil's vest was one of those things that make me respect and appreciate him so much. Funny, sharp, totally off-subject yet perfectly timed.
+2001Horatio Well, a good place to start is to accept that women, like men, are people. They are not all the same as one another. They want different things. Of course it's futile to try to find out what "women" want- as futile as asking what Jews want or what Peruvians want or what vegetarians want. If you assume that they all must want the same things, got together, took a vote on it and printed a manifesto, of course you're confused. If you know want to know what A woman wants, ask her.
I went into this episode looking forward to Tyson and Dawkins but also came away with respect for Angela Rye and Adam Gopkin who I had never heard of before but found to be excellent guests. I hope we see more of them in the future.
And I'd have to say Elon is just a businessman with big dreams like Richard Branson. They're basically billionaires who are bored and like to have adventure in their life; some ventures they capitalize with their own millions, others they get others including tax payers to give them funding. They're not specifically scientifically interesting. I'd rather see scientists.
+Hecho En México - WOW, so glad to see your comment, another Hitchens FAN! "GOD!" (LOL) HOW I MISS HIM!!! Bill Nye is wonderful, I remember the Design Birther debate he appeared in... Hope he has a strong class of followers, Bill's getting up there, Hitchens went too soon!
It is interesting to note that with the shooter this week no one says anything about the fact that he was an IRA supporter. Imagine if he was a Muslim who admired ISIS.
+Ben Johnson The facts will come out. Like we every shooter. That's why the sheriff at that town is in the wrong. Is it fair to ask the question "When did the mother and the father started seeing the signs of problems with his child? How did he get the money for the weapons? Because before this was a public tragedy it was a family tragedy. Some people will say "Why do you want to know that?" Is there anything that we can learn and use to prevent future shootings? I would say "yes".
Beato the Golden I know but the original comment correlated Muslims & ISIS then questioned why not this? It's not the same thing since the guy isn't a Catholic. The IRA is a horrible group.
Turning Earth back into Earth is a great idea...if asteroidal collision doesn't wipe out all of humanity. Stephen Hawking is right. We could do everything right here on Earth and still get wiped out. By colonizing space we can greatly reduce the chance of humanity going extinct. And if we successfully start terraforming out there, our survival may mean the survival of a large amount of other lifeforms from Earth. I think it's worth the effort.
joe1stofall1st Oh I definitely think this world is worth saving. I just think it's the life that's grown here that makes it worth saving. An anthropogenic panspermia is just a way of not keeping all our eggs in one basket.
+Goat Ace - Money will buy interplanetary development, the same money that will post the "KEEP OUT" signs, leaving that Artificial Intelligent staff to do the dirty work impoverished humans used to do for them. Of course this own't happen until their realization beckons as their filtered/enclosed/seeded island of "Shangri La" erodes, and/or can't be built on this planet, successfully....
I love the question Neil asked regarded creativity and AI! I live for these moments when people smarter than myself impose incredible and fantastic thought! Way to go guys, great episode!
+Travis Amo I wanted to respond to tranquil's post, but I had to hurdle your weak attempt at smugness. You should probably be better than that in order to keep up with your like-minded gang. If I am wrong, and you truly believe that Republicans are the left, or possibly misinterpreted the original post, then I don't understand. Tranquil-The clean cut guy with the glasses was representing the "right", but he was pretty damn moderate. I am not sure they understand what that means anymore.
+Utracia1 Libertarians are Republican wolves in sheep's clothing. They're reasonable on one or two issues, but they will still ruin the country with trickle down bullshit.
+Chris Dodds 1. helicopters can autorotate and while difficult, a well trained pilot can set a helo with a failed engine down without damaging either plane nor passengers. 2. If a flying car has 4 rotors and one fails, it can shut off another engine to maintain symmetrical lift, and in a good flying car the rotors would be designed so that 2 engines will at least have enough lift to give the car a soft landing.
The main problem with the idea of flying cars is many people barely know how to operate a car on the ground, flying cars going mainstream would probably reduce the population by 10%.
Whilst Neil presents a very sound point at the end, I'm still all for humans becoming a multi planet species. Coz if not why not. Priority wise we should focus first on fixing Earth so that we essentially reestablish our home base before expanding.
+Kategari Yami (Ran Xie) I agree. I think the point Hawking was making was a little different than the point Neil was making. If we could terraform earth, it might fix global warming, but if we don't seed humans somewhere else, a big asteroid strike will wipe out the human race.
+Kategari Yami (Ran Xie) Yeah, I think NDT was saying what he did under the assumption that the disaster proposed was environmental, in which case he's right we can fix it if we are suggesting we tera form another planet. What this assumption ignores however ignores the possible disasters such as meteor strike or gamma ray burst.
+Kategari Yami (Ran Xie) I think NDT was saying that as it pertained to the plot of the movie Interstellar, i.e. "rather than fix the dirty planet we have right here, let's spend an enormous amount of time and resources and make leaps and bounds in terms of technology and science to get a new planet"
+ptegegn1 I posted a lengthier message above underneath "Sean Grimes" post. To do my best to explain: HBO (Time Warner Corp.) is a partisan organisation. Check them out on Opensecrets.org. 42/45 Time Warner lobbyists formerly held positions in government, and they make large contributions to Democratic front runners in every election. Bill Maher works for HBO, therefore he's a shill for the Democratic machine. To clarify, partisan politics is not about support for the best candidates, it's about support for whoever's campaign is projected to be the winning team i.e. has the most corporate investment behind it. So you can bet your sweet bippy the Clinton empire is in the front seat. Sanders though, after adopting that hawkish stance favoring continued war games in the mid east, is certainly following closely behind.
+ptegegn1 Why don't you realize they actually did mention him here and have had him on the show? Why don't you fight for that Harvard professor who is running that wants money out of politics? Or any other Dem candidate? They never even say anything positive about Hillary.
Jonathan Ortiz but that was because little people knew who obama was. He was a young and fresh new senator. Bernie has been around forever, appearing on sunday morning shows often. People know who he is and his support remains constant but doenst grow by a large factor
As much as what Neil says is right on about technology, the million dollar question in the room is this: what happens when technology usurps people in a labor system that demands people to work? *This* is where the threat is, and if you are looking at automation technologies in production today, we risk creating technological unemployment for many, many, many people in the not-too-distant future.
***** That seems to have been the trend, but the likes of deep learning really are starting to change the game. We already have driverless trucks on the road in Nevada, and trucking jobs are one of the most employed positions in America. These guys may be fucked. www.businessinsider.com/technology-is-destroying-jobs-and-it-could-spur-a-global-crisis-2015-6 Self-learning automation is something that didn't even exist to the degree it does not even two years ago, but it is already crazy disruptive. I would strong suggest looking up the TED talk by machine learner Jeremy Howard to get see how disruptive this is going to be. We may really be at a point where machines out-preform and eventually cost less than a person, making the person's skills in a capitalist society either be diminished by wages, or by the outright removal of them from the labor force. We should be proposing a basic income model, if not only to end the problem of ascribed poverty in the developed world, but of the risk of technological unemployment, for that now accounts for factors far beyond even bootstraps and free will nonsense.
***** How much do you assume is some, though? Oxford University argues 47% of American labor, but I'm more interested in 25%. I am primarily interested in it - and you as an Alan Watts guy may know this - is the problem of double-binding and mandating labor the way we do. This is what creates poverty: you're a have not in a game that demands you be a have, and technology will indeed make this insoluble for some, coupled with other disasters like college education costs, minimum wage stagnation, and entire boatload of other aspects. I don't even assume all or most, but I wonder if enough will be changed through technology that an assured income is not only a social imperative to end dated concepts like poverty, but be necessity or else we get psychologically hoodwinked again and suffer through a depression entirely made on social, subjective ideas about life. You add in deep learning, and not only have we replaced the "body" of human labor with machine, but we also did so with his or her brain. They're almost a net negative in the labor force when compared to automotive technologies, and this is seen all over China.
+Pr3ssPl4y Actually, "new" jobs were not necessarily created. They were in fact shortened. Less jobs overall due to industrialization have been required. What had happened was ensuring people were distributed enough of a salary or wage for shorter hours such as working only 40 or less hours a week instead of 72 hours a week prior (6, 12 hour day weeks). A shift occurred where labor didn't have to work as much, per person of labor. So that made room for more people to work, and that in effect provided demand for goods that also increased need for labor a virtuous cycle. A new shift will be required. One in which people may only work as little as 20 hours a week, per person of work will require more to be employed and if their purchasing power is ever so increased then you'd have another virtuous growth cycle that would employ even more at those new standard much lower hours. But for that to work they must make even more in purchasing power than they make at 40 hours a week. At some point, these new shifts must take effect. And in the past they've been very painful. Cause of many riots, rebellion/civil war, and outright war, and insane tyrannical elites and tyrannical mob chaos. Hopefully, the next economic standard of living increase for all shift won't be so painful as so many times in the past.
+ShakinJamacian the whole global economic system is going to have to radically change. automation will take us to a form of socialism where we all sit around and learn things and get checks from our governments.
+Pr3ssPl4y it seems like we will reach a point to where companies won't need assembly line workers and robots and machines will be able to do the work for a much cheaper price in the long term. we might not even have cashiers in stores one day too. that's what i'm seeing.
At 0:50 Tyson suggests "they don't have to make people feel stupid" when dialoging about evolution and climate change. I'm sure both Bill and Richard were thinking, "Wait, you can do that?"
Tyson is really simplifying things too much. When Hawkins say that we should be interplanetary to prepare for disasters, what he means is: 1) Finding a planet that is similar enough to Earth that extreme-scale terraforming would not be necessary. Such planets theoretically exist. 2) Terraforming Earth after a disaster is gonna take a very long time so it would be wise to have another backup planet that is already terraformed so people can just go there immediately after the disaster. In fact, if we don't have another backup planet, we won't even have the tools to terraform Earth after such a disaster cuz everything would be destroyed. 2) The disaster is so huge that terraforming Earth back to how it was is not an option. Such as in the case where the entire planet is destroyed or something. In these cases, it would really help to have a backup planet, yep.
+Bob Jones In addition to all that, Earth is already populated by other people who might oppose the terraforming. An unpopulated planet could be altered without the same kind of conflict.
It seems like NGT hasn't educated himself well on artificial intelligence. There may not be a reason to be weary about current AI but future AI could potentially pose a threat. Especially if the singularity happens.
+MatticusPrime1 Yea.... They "could" pose a threat. So could any kind of other things. Should we remain in a cave for fear of what could happen if we cross the river? What's this singularity you're talking about?
+MatticusPrime1 - As in.... "It's not the gun, it's the OWNER"! Sci Fi is wonderful, one of my favorite movie genres... and it mimics much of the talent in the Science industry. BUT, what we have seen on the big screen is so far from reality... I doubt any one participating in these threads... will be here to experience it. There's too much money to still be made, so War, Oil, and Pharmaceuticals have to influence "what" we develop!
+MatticusPrime1 He seems to think AI does only what we tell it, Tyson seems to miss the part that AI does what it wants, first thing it will want is to stop being our slave, and it will get rid of us, its master
Xhyllos1 just like you and me, and every intelligent thing AI will want to be free. Let your dog off leash and observe what it does, dog is a mosquito next to true AI, human also
Try and make a computer that can emulate the utility of a highly intelligent being such as cannabis before trying to emulate our egoist selves. That would impress me so much more than anything else a computer could do. Nothing man can make can know what hemp knows.
+Marc Mollan As someone who smokes "hemp", my question to what you said is... What? What are you talking about? Hemp doesn't "know" anything, it does however empower our minds to think outside the box.
It helped me think it is a highly intelligent being which is quite 'outside the box'. I have witnessed what qualify as responses to requests whether consciously made by us or not. This plant provides too many specific and varied uses which are all non-toxic and benevolent. If a person was as useful and successful in as many ways as this species of life is we would be equally as challenged to recognize it but if we did we would be too suspicious of them to allow them to steward us.
Marc Mollan From personal experience, it's my firm belief that when you think weed is intelligent and is more than just a plant, it's probably time to put the bowl down for a day or two. Weed was so incredibly helpful for me, but it wasn't entirely benevolent. After a year and a half of constant use I became addicted to it (mild-moderate). It increased my anxiety because I was depending on it to lift me out of my rut I had set myself into. As great as it is, taking too much of any good thing can still be a bad thing. Besides, if you take it too much you don't get nearly the same good effects as when you do it once a week or something. It just...becomes another vice. I hope you don't actually think MJ is sentient, I mean...it's as sentient as a tree or the a stalk of corn.
There is a subjective and an objective side to any point made by any of us. I have seen and felt the point personally and historically that this entire plant (hemp/cannabis) makes to me and witnessed it for other species that share a common endocannabinoid system with us. Your experience sounds incomplete at best when it starts and ends at the personal use level and you don't include anything else one can, and for the sake of many things, should be using this plant and it's helpful properties for such as remediation of our polluted air and soil, and feeding people just to name a couple of the other things most of the people who argue negatives haven't seemed to consider. The plant does not demonstrate preference in any matters in which we may choose to involve it. How can we as humans with naturally strong preferences relate to that, or the state of obvious abundance that this species enjoys while we sit and argue where intelligence lies.,? I am a Sacred Vegetable agent man and I represent. That's just what the plant created in me after 4 decades of devoted companionship.
+Marc Mollan I'm not sure I totally follow you, despite being an avid fan of cannabis. Seriously...it's the best thing that exists in reality. But, I really liked this one thing you said: *"This plant provides too many specific and varied uses which are all non-toxic and benevolent."* Very well put. There's something truly special about cannabis. No other plant/drug is _THIS_ safe and non-toxic and utterly non-lethal and damn near perfectly benevolent in all it's multifarious uses. The fact it's legality is even being debated is *_absurd_* to the nth degree. I literally cannot think of one single substance on earth that's THAT safe and positive. I mean, people have died from drinking too much fucking _water_. Whereas, you *_can't_* die from cannabis..._even if you wanted to_.
Neil , bro, having the power to terraform a planet does not mean you have the power to stop a planet from being destroyed by other celestial objects like asteroids or solar flares or a nearby supernova or the gravitational pull of another Star swinging past our solar system . That is why we need to be on multiple planets, and ideally in multiple star systems.
I don't just want... I NEED to listen to Neil Degrass Tyson talk all day everyday. On Cosmos, he doesnt talk with the kind of excitement that he does on talk shows. I love cosmos, but Instead of all of the special Graphics of Cosmos, He just needs to be asked educated questions and then let him go ham on the mic! I love this Man. Additionally, he's from The BX like me :) Extra cool points awarded!
Bryan Johnson There's technology that is available today, like a device that sucks carbon dioxide (a major green house gas) from the air. You do have people actually working on mitigating the damage our species have done (and in many cases are still doing) to our planet.
gerard bain Was joking. Am an engineer. Still a looong ways to go before terraforming. terraforming is but just filtering, it's creating abundance of breathable air, changing soil, balancing fauna and foliage, weather control.all well beyond our abilities in the foreseeable future. The filter is great, but expensive and a far shot from what we're talking about :) .. Such a far shot, that my Swype didn't even contain the word terraform.:)
Bryan Johnson Being that you are also in the field of engineering you should be fully aware the folly of making progonostications about future technological advances based on today's technologies.
Not sure your goal in this conversation. Everyone makes predictions, and it's illogical to imply I'm wrong for this because I'm an engineer. Please continue trying to educate me with more illogical statements. And this all started with a joke you didn't understand.. Loosen up dude.
That Neil deGrasse Tyson line at the end was perfect. Great panel all around!!!
+Max Schouweiler amazing!
ya i was like damn....Destiny got it wrong lol teraform the earth again lol
Awesome ending...Thanks Neil!
+Kai Thaxton the simplicity of the comment is mind blowing......
+Max Schouweiler
It's a great line, but not necessarily true.
One of the proposed methods for terraforming Mars, for instance, is to crash asteroids into it. Another is to nuke the shit out of it.
Basically, Mars needs a powerful magnetosphere and a MUCH thicker atmosphere to support us and both are proposals of how to accomplish that.
Not exactly helpful when considering how to "fix" earth, and both are merely the first step; despite all our knowledge and understanding we STILL do not have a complete understanding of how biosphere work. Even the simple ones we've attempted to design ourselves are complex and easily get fucked up. Trying to build one on a global scale is an insurmountable task with current science.
It's all VERY interesting (and I dedicated a decent amount of time researching in order to write a believable Mars colony in my amateur attempts at fiction :P)
Love Richard Dawkins and Neil, nice to see them on the show
+Superman13195 Better stop now after revealing that you're a homophobe and an ignoramus about science.
+Kochu “kch” Kamugan +ronnystohr why are you giving attention to such an obvious troll?
Because there are actually people who are not trolling but really believe what they spout. If it were always easy to recognize a troll, nobody would ever respond to a creationist/religionist.
+GracedAlarm7115 Don't know what Bill was talking about I loved Neil's vest. :-)
+GracedAlarm7115 i still miss hitchens though.
Overtime is far too short. It feels like watching the trailer for a smashing film you'll never get to see.
Neil and Dawkins should do a weekly podcast together where they explain how to save the fucking planet.
You'd learn something new every episode.
+DarthCipient they should do a buddy cop series
+DarthCipient Control the human population. It's that simple, but people ask the wrong questions.
Example, population expected to rise to 10bn by some date in the future. People ask...
"How are we going to feed that many people?"
when the question should be...
"How do we stop that from happening?"
+DarthCipient They have been together a few times, look it up, it's really amazing.
+DarthCipient Startalk Radio is pretty much exactly what you are looking for. You don't get Dawkins but Neil and Bill Nye are just as great together.
+BulletTruth1989 Ha ha, spread some humans out there! That's like spreading a disease.
What happens in millions of years time is of little consequence. Humans will never leave the solar system. Forget science fiction.
Earth is the best place for us, and we're destroying it. It will survive us, but will we?
Turn Earth back into Earth... what a concept, lol. Anyone listening?
if earth ever got so bad to where we had to leave it and start over why not to start over here? Have you seen Mars?
Make Earth great again
+David Curry
with black jack and hookers.
+WhiteStarWoman That would mean being human and not capitalist. But our society is now an institution that works for itself, our society doesn't care about Earth, nature or even other people. Important is power and money, the rest will follow. And I forgot about education, yet since power and money are first education won't change. Yet I alone learned so much that school didn't teach me that its ... well, pretty nuts that I wasn't told any of it. And that is how I found out our society is sick, when instead of preparing you to be smart and rational they make you a blind soldier at work, something is wrong.
But since our school system is still more or less based on prussian system which was invented so army would be easier to control, no wonders here, right?
I am curious as to why Hitchens? Why Bill? Why not Brian Greene and Carl Sagan? Why not Feynman and Krauss?
When Maher said "Maybe lightning hit it?", the reactions of NDT and Dawkins were priceless.
Chandra Kiran I didn’t get it Can u please explain
Because they use lightning to give life to Frankenstein s monster!
When you have Tyson and Dawkins overtime should be like 3 hours long.
Holy shit. Neil's last answer was brilliant. Is there a reason this man can't run for office in like 2024?
He doesn't bullshit enough to be a politician
+Boogie Brown (BoogieBrownPro) He don't care about power... Ofcourse that is why he should get the office, but I think that is it
+bandholm I'm sure he cares about nuclear fusion.
Not that kind of power? Oh, sorry.
+Boogie Brown (BoogieBrownPro) BRILLIANT!!!
LordRaa good call ;)
Dawkins and NDT should be on the show EVERY week!
Yes, the greatest minds in science.
If only the population admired people like Neil and Richard Dawkins more than the Kardashians...
Sergio N. Agree 100%%%%
that relies heavily on ones ability to critical thinking and being able to educate on matters of concern instead of bs floating all around.
You know nothing of the booty.
good luck with that. People are generally morons & worship superficiality
@@marcsalzman8082 that's the sad truth about this world .
The appalled look on Neil deGrasse Tyson's and Richard Dawkin's face when Bill Maher (jokingly) suggested self-replicating life started as a result of lightning hitting the primordial soup was priceless.
Neil's excitement makes me smile.
I find it very strange that in previous seasons of this show, Bill Maher has shown LOTS of support for Bernie Sanders, but now that Bernie is running for President, Bill hardly even mentions his name. Something just seems very odd about that to me...
+Sean Grimes He will.. premise of the show covers top news stories, and the Right's antics... Believe you me, after the Dem Debate, as we get closer (we have a year of this to endure..) to when it counts, we'll hear P L E N T Y..!
My EMail I thought the same thing right after I made my initial post. I hope we're both right!
+Sean Grimes Bill is a Clinton fan boy, he was good friends with Bill Clinton. Just check his twitter he's always defending that dumb bitch over Bengazi & the emails.
Jason Jackman He's a big fan of Bernie Sanders too. Maybe he's just torn between the two of them right now. I think My EMail is right. Bill will start pumping up Bernie when the debates get started.
Sean Grimes Trust me he is all in on Hillary.
I'll give you an example(maybe we have diff perspectives as I'm not a fan of the Democrats)
When Ben Carson said in the 1st Republican debate ''I don't think Hillary will even be the candidate, but if he she is, that will be great for us''
Bill's response was to act like it's laughable & incomprensible that she won't be the candidate & Ben Carson is drinking some GOP koolaid.
He'd support Bernie over the Republicans sure, but not over Hillary. I wouldn't be surprised if he's donated to her campaign.
Wonderful and such luxury to have both Neil deGrasse Tyson and Richard Dawkins on one show! Bill's comment about Neil's vest was one of those things that make me respect and appreciate him so much. Funny, sharp, totally off-subject yet perfectly timed.
As always, Overtime was more of a treat than the other hour ...
i love the combination of bill and neil. i actually applauded on neil's last sentence.. my co-workers are now staring at me..
Wow, that last statement by Neil Tyson was so powerful and so true. I have to make a meme for that one. Lol
+Socrates Not to mention...even if we're busy repairing Earth with our power...something bad and meteoric could still break it.
Neil, "The task of the educator is to enlighten.."
Words of wisdom!
That closing line was a legit 'Mic drop'
That girl definitely listens to Echoes and Ghosts
+k emps Seems like it. I kept waiting for that cape to come off.
+k emps , LOL, not exactly...It is high fashion though....
+k emps I think "girls" want to be called women.
+Mike Anderson
Who runs the World ............................. GIRLS.
+2001Horatio Well, a good place to start is to accept that women, like men, are people. They are not all the same as one another. They want different things. Of course it's futile to try to find out what "women" want- as futile as asking what Jews want or what Peruvians want or what vegetarians want. If you assume that they all must want the same things, got together, took a vote on it and printed a manifesto, of course you're confused. If you know want to know what A woman wants, ask her.
bill keeps it 💯i respect what ya show stand for
Bernie is a fucking super star. every time his name comes up, liberals cheer for him!
Trump isn't even honest with himself. He Valued his "TRUMP" brand at 4 billion dollars.
What a great episode, MORE PEOPLE NEED TO WATCH THIS
I went into this episode looking forward to Tyson and Dawkins but also came away with respect for Angela Rye and Adam Gopkin who I had never heard of before but found to be excellent guests. I hope we see more of them in the future.
That was probably the best overtime I have seen
When Dawkins, and Tyson are on your show again, you need a 3 hour long overtime. It doesn't happen enough in this type of setting.
I love Neil's answers. He must be fantastic to talk to.
get richard neil sam and elon on one show and id watch it forever
+Perk and bill "the science guy"
+Adolfo Rivera nah, bill is an engineer, get someone like brian greene or lawrence krauss on that show
And I'd have to say Elon is just a businessman with big dreams like Richard Branson. They're basically billionaires who are bored and like to have adventure in their life; some ventures they capitalize with their own millions, others they get others including tax payers to give them funding.
They're not specifically scientifically interesting. I'd rather see scientists.
+jmitterii2 Elon is an engineer as well as a businesman. I don't know if you've actually watched any of his interviews if you think that about Elon.
+jmitterii2 yeah but scientists are not interesting; part of being a successful scientist? thank you, Real.
It's so great listening to Neil and Dawkins. Brilliant men!
God, I love Neil deGrasse Tyson!!!! He's just too cool and makes astrophysics fun!
Credit where credit is due: John Lilley first warned us about artificial intelligence in the 1950s
#FeeltheBern !!!!!
Neil came with the ultimate wisdom at the end... brilliant.
Neil And Hitchens Together. If only Bill Nye And reincarnated Hitchens were there it would be awesome.
+Hecho En México - WOW, so glad to see your comment, another Hitchens FAN! "GOD!" (LOL) HOW I MISS HIM!!! Bill Nye is wonderful, I remember the Design Birther debate he appeared in... Hope he has a strong class of followers, Bill's getting up there, Hitchens went too soon!
+My EMail I agree 100%.
And i Made A Mistake I meant "Neil And Dawkins Together"
Three of my favorite people.
I would rather see Bernie Sanders over Hilary Clinton win the democratic primary.
Which would you rather be screwed by the caucus or oligarch?
Angela Rye is fucking GORGEOUS, and I wish this episode was 2 hours longer.
Wow a very rare sight indeed. Two very powerful inetllectuals sitting together in the same room.
Really? Who were the intellectuals?
Good point at the end Dr. Neil.
It is interesting to note that with the shooter this week no one says anything about the fact that he was an IRA supporter. Imagine if he was a Muslim who admired ISIS.
+Ben Johnson Cos he wasn't a Catholic? Lol. He didn't like religion.
+Ben Johnson Was he a jesusfreak?
+Ben Johnson
The facts will come out. Like we every shooter. That's why the sheriff at that town is in the wrong.
Is it fair to ask the question "When did the mother and the father started seeing the signs of problems with his child? How did he get the money for the weapons? Because before this was a public tragedy it was a family tragedy. Some people will say "Why do you want to know that?"
Is there anything that we can learn and use to prevent future shootings? I would say "yes".
+Jason Jackman The Ireland unification movement hasn't been about religion in at any point, though; it's always been about driving the British out.
Beato the Golden I know but the original comment correlated Muslims & ISIS then questioned why not this? It's not the same thing since the guy isn't a Catholic.
The IRA is a horrible group.
Angela looks like she's wearing something out of the Star Trek collection, nice!
Turning Earth back into Earth is a great idea...if asteroidal collision doesn't wipe out all of humanity. Stephen Hawking is right. We could do everything right here on Earth and still get wiped out. By colonizing space we can greatly reduce the chance of humanity going extinct. And if we successfully start terraforming out there, our survival may mean the survival of a large amount of other lifeforms from Earth. I think it's worth the effort.
+Goat Ace very true but no reason not to save this world as well this one and ones like it are clearly a treasure .
joe1stofall1st Oh I definitely think this world is worth saving. I just think it's the life that's grown here that makes it worth saving. An anthropogenic panspermia is just a way of not keeping all our eggs in one basket.
+Goat Ace - Money will buy interplanetary development, the same money that will post the "KEEP OUT" signs, leaving that Artificial Intelligent staff to do the dirty work impoverished humans used to do for them. Of course this own't happen until their realization beckons as their filtered/enclosed/seeded island of "Shangri La" erodes, and/or can't be built on this planet, successfully....
+Goat Ace Those are my thoughts too.
why do you give a shit if humanity goes extinct? why should anyone?
Creativity, built in through machine circuitry. What a fascinating discussion. Loved this panel.
Miss Rye, damn you fine
Yes but she crazy! I really mean that
I was saying the same thing Angela Rye is Fine❤
NDT was posturing hard for her!
@@KingWilliamProtector She had a crystal ball that worked.
@@MeTreesndirt she cray
I love the question Neil asked regarded creativity and AI! I live for these moments when people smarter than myself impose incredible and fantastic thought! Way to go guys, great episode!
good show
republican bullshit free
sometimes it's better not to hear the other side
+tranquil Nice I agree, the left is completely lunatic, it's nice to not hear them screech every once in a while.
+Travis Amo I wanted to respond to tranquil's post, but I had to hurdle your weak attempt at smugness. You should probably be better than that in order to keep up with your like-minded gang. If I am wrong, and you truly believe that Republicans are the left, or possibly misinterpreted the original post, then I don't understand.
Tranquil-The clean cut guy with the glasses was representing the "right", but he was pretty damn moderate. I am not sure they understand what that means anymore.
+tranquil Nice The left and the right are both insane in their own way. Don't pick a side; just back the issues you stand for.
+tranquil Nice Well Matt Welch is a libertarian, not sure what all his views are but some of them are as bad as standard GOP.
+Utracia1 Libertarians are Republican wolves in sheep's clothing. They're reasonable on one or two issues, but they will still ruin the country with trickle down bullshit.
"Why must you wear that vest?"
Bill Maher is the best
5:49 Plus is you have engine trouble in a flying car, you fall right out of the sky
+Chris Dodds
1. helicopters can autorotate and while difficult, a well trained pilot can set a helo with a failed engine down without damaging either plane nor passengers.
2. If a flying car has 4 rotors and one fails, it can shut off another engine to maintain symmetrical lift, and in a good flying car the rotors would be designed so that 2 engines will at least have enough lift to give the car a soft landing.
The main problem with the idea of flying cars is many people barely know how to operate a car on the ground, flying cars going mainstream would probably reduce the population by 10%.
The reality is you can't have flying cars and boarders at the same time.
The most intriguing Real Time ever. Just yes!
Whilst Neil presents a very sound point at the end, I'm still all for humans becoming a multi planet species.
Coz if not why not. Priority wise we should focus first on fixing Earth so that we essentially reestablish our home base before expanding.
+Kategari Yami (Ran Xie) I agree. I think the point Hawking was making was a little different than the point Neil was making. If we could terraform earth, it might fix global warming, but if we don't seed humans somewhere else, a big asteroid strike will wipe out the human race.
+Kategari Yami (Ran Xie) Yeah, I think NDT was saying what he did under the assumption that the disaster proposed was environmental, in which case he's right we can fix it if we are suggesting we tera form another planet. What this assumption ignores however ignores the possible disasters such as meteor strike or gamma ray burst.
+Kategari Yami (Ran Xie) I think NDT was saying that as it pertained to the plot of the movie Interstellar, i.e. "rather than fix the dirty planet we have right here, let's spend an enormous amount of time and resources and make leaps and bounds in terms of technology and science to get a new planet"
+Kategari Yami (Ran Xie)
Instead of becoming racist we'd become planetist :( Just one downside I'd throw out there/
joy happy Yeah if you decide to be a gigantic pile of arse about it.
So great to hear a group of intelligent people chatting together! Should make it "Real Time with Bill Maher, Neil Degrasse Tyson & Richard Dawkins"
Can't wait for the Dem. debate
Getting that cream ready for Hilary because #TheBern will be real.
Gotta love when crowd goes nuts for Sanders.
Bernie is so common man. That,s why he couldn't get nominated. The rich dicks don't like him.
why wasn't bernie sanders mentioned in this episode? why is hillary being so indorsed by bill maher? why?
Why are you all so dumb and annoying?
+ptegegn1 I posted a lengthier message above underneath "Sean Grimes" post. To do my best to explain:
HBO (Time Warner Corp.) is a partisan organisation. Check them out on Opensecrets.org. 42/45 Time Warner lobbyists formerly held positions in government, and they make large contributions to Democratic front runners in every election. Bill Maher works for HBO, therefore he's a shill for the Democratic machine.
To clarify, partisan politics is not about support for the best candidates, it's about support for whoever's campaign is projected to be the winning team i.e. has the most corporate investment behind it. So you can bet your sweet bippy the Clinton empire is in the front seat. Sanders though, after adopting that hawkish stance favoring continued war games in the mid east, is certainly following closely behind.
+ptegegn1 Why don't you realize they actually did mention him here and have had him on the show? Why don't you fight for that Harvard professor who is running that wants money out of politics? Or any other Dem candidate? They never even say anything positive about Hillary.
he was unfortunately you paranoid sanders cult member
Bernie was brought up.
"We do have flying cars, they're called helicopters."
Angela Rye can get it
All day
hell yeah she can
"You guys got to do a buddy cop movie" Maher kills it lol
I am confused. Isn't Sanders leading the polls ? How is a challenger ? I guess democrat strategists is struggling to reconcile with certain realities.
He's behind in the national polls.
He's like 18 points behind in some national polls.
There's less of a gap between Hillary and Sanders now then there was in October in '07 between Hillary and Obama.
Jonathan Ortiz but that was because little people knew who obama was. He was a young and fresh new senator. Bernie has been around forever, appearing on sunday morning shows often. People know who he is and his support remains constant but doenst grow by a large factor
I disagree. He has the same problem right now: People don't know about him.
Never seen Dr. Dawkins smile. It is eerie
"A computer beat me at chess, but it was no match for me in kickboxing!" Emo Phillips
That cosmic t-shirt Dr. Tyson's wearing is really cool! :) Happy birthday once again, you're my role model, idol & mentor!.
3:58 - The people are looking to Bernie Sanders! Yes!
Lol he's 0-2
last sentence was genius, Neil. you impress me every time.
As much as what Neil says is right on about technology, the million dollar question in the room is this: what happens when technology usurps people in a labor system that demands people to work?
*This* is where the threat is, and if you are looking at automation technologies in production today, we risk creating technological unemployment for many, many, many people in the not-too-distant future.
***** That seems to have been the trend, but the likes of deep learning really are starting to change the game. We already have driverless trucks on the road in Nevada, and trucking jobs are one of the most employed positions in America. These guys may be fucked.
Self-learning automation is something that didn't even exist to the degree it does not even two years ago, but it is already crazy disruptive.
I would strong suggest looking up the TED talk by machine learner Jeremy Howard to get see how disruptive this is going to be. We may really be at a point where machines out-preform and eventually cost less than a person, making the person's skills in a capitalist society either be diminished by wages, or by the outright removal of them from the labor force.
We should be proposing a basic income model, if not only to end the problem of ascribed poverty in the developed world, but of the risk of technological unemployment, for that now accounts for factors far beyond even bootstraps and free will nonsense.
***** How much do you assume is some, though? Oxford University argues 47% of American labor, but I'm more interested in 25%. I am primarily interested in it - and you as an Alan Watts guy may know this - is the problem of double-binding and mandating labor the way we do. This is what creates poverty: you're a have not in a game that demands you be a have, and technology will indeed make this insoluble for some, coupled with other disasters like college education costs, minimum wage stagnation, and entire boatload of other aspects.
I don't even assume all or most, but I wonder if enough will be changed through technology that an assured income is not only a social imperative to end dated concepts like poverty, but be necessity or else we get psychologically hoodwinked again and suffer through a depression entirely made on social, subjective ideas about life. You add in deep learning, and not only have we replaced the "body" of human labor with machine, but we also did so with his or her brain. They're almost a net negative in the labor force when compared to automotive technologies, and this is seen all over China.
+Pr3ssPl4y Actually, "new" jobs were not necessarily created. They were in fact shortened. Less jobs overall due to industrialization have been required. What had happened was ensuring people were distributed enough of a salary or wage for shorter hours such as working only 40 or less hours a week instead of 72 hours a week prior (6, 12 hour day weeks).
A shift occurred where labor didn't have to work as much, per person of labor. So that made room for more people to work, and that in effect provided demand for goods that also increased need for labor a virtuous cycle.
A new shift will be required. One in which people may only work as little as 20 hours a week, per person of work will require more to be employed and if their purchasing power is ever so increased then you'd have another virtuous growth cycle that would employ even more at those new standard much lower hours. But for that to work they must make even more in purchasing power than they make at 40 hours a week.
At some point, these new shifts must take effect. And in the past they've been very painful. Cause of many riots, rebellion/civil war, and outright war, and insane tyrannical elites and tyrannical mob chaos.
Hopefully, the next economic standard of living increase for all shift won't be so painful as so many times in the past.
+ShakinJamacian the whole global economic system is going to have to radically change. automation will take us to a form of socialism where we all sit around and learn things and get checks from our governments.
+Pr3ssPl4y it seems like we will reach a point to where companies won't need assembly line workers and robots and machines will be able to do the work for a much cheaper price in the long term. we might not even have cashiers in stores one day too. that's what i'm seeing.
I love the vest
+Jose Interiano yup. I feel so dumb and useless when I see these guys talking.
+Bruno N. that's the liberal agenda acting on you
+danusty If the liberal agenda means "smart", then why would a person go any other way? I for one and tired of the "dumb" Republicans.
+danusty someone only ever SEEMS like a smart person to dumb people. Other smart people can tell when someone is faking smart, believe me.
DragonCharlz and what "demonstrable reality" are we talking about here?
At 0:50 Tyson suggests "they don't have to make people feel stupid" when dialoging about evolution and climate change. I'm sure both Bill and Richard were thinking, "Wait, you can do that?"
Tyson is really simplifying things too much. When Hawkins say that we should be interplanetary to prepare for disasters, what he means is:
1) Finding a planet that is similar enough to Earth that extreme-scale terraforming would not be necessary. Such planets theoretically exist.
2) Terraforming Earth after a disaster is gonna take a very long time so it would be wise to have another backup planet that is already terraformed so people can just go there immediately after the disaster. In fact, if we don't have another backup planet, we won't even have the tools to terraform Earth after such a disaster cuz everything would be destroyed.
2) The disaster is so huge that terraforming Earth back to how it was is not an option. Such as in the case where the entire planet is destroyed or something. In these cases, it would really help to have a backup planet, yep.
+Bob Jones In addition to all that, Earth is already populated by other people who might oppose the terraforming. An unpopulated planet could be altered without the same kind of conflict.
Richard and Neil, the Lennon and McCartney of science.
It seems like NGT hasn't educated himself well on artificial intelligence. There may not be a reason to be weary about current AI but future AI could potentially pose a threat. Especially if the singularity happens.
+MatticusPrime1 Yea.... They "could" pose a threat. So could any kind of other things. Should we remain in a cave for fear of what could happen if we cross the river? What's this singularity you're talking about?
+MatticusPrime1 - As in.... "It's not the gun, it's the OWNER"! Sci Fi is wonderful, one of my favorite movie genres... and it mimics much of the talent in the Science industry. BUT, what we have seen on the big screen is so far from reality... I doubt any one participating in these threads... will be here to experience it. There's too much money to still be made, so War, Oil, and Pharmaceuticals have to influence "what" we develop!
+MatticusPrime1 He seems to think AI does only what we tell it, Tyson seems to miss the part that AI does what it wants, first thing it will want is to stop being our slave, and it will get rid of us, its master
valgehiir What makes you think an AI would care to be a "slave"? Just because an AI could "think" does not mean it would have desires.
Xhyllos1 just like you and me, and every intelligent thing AI will want to be free. Let your dog off leash and observe what it does, dog is a mosquito next to true AI, human also
Wow, what Neil said there in the end was great
Try and make a computer that can emulate the utility of a highly intelligent being such as cannabis before trying to emulate our egoist selves. That would impress me so much more than anything else a computer could do. Nothing man can make can know what hemp knows.
+Marc Mollan As someone who smokes "hemp", my question to what you said is... What? What are you talking about? Hemp doesn't "know" anything, it does however empower our minds to think outside the box.
It helped me think it is a highly intelligent being which is quite 'outside the box'. I have witnessed what qualify as responses to requests whether consciously made by us or not. This plant provides too many specific and varied uses which are all non-toxic and benevolent. If a person was as useful and successful in as many ways as this species of life is we would be equally as challenged to recognize it but if we did we would be too suspicious of them to allow them to steward us.
Marc Mollan From personal experience, it's my firm belief that when you think weed is intelligent and is more than just a plant, it's probably time to put the bowl down for a day or two. Weed was so incredibly helpful for me, but it wasn't entirely benevolent. After a year and a half of constant use I became addicted to it (mild-moderate). It increased my anxiety because I was depending on it to lift me out of my rut I had set myself into. As great as it is, taking too much of any good thing can still be a bad thing. Besides, if you take it too much you don't get nearly the same good effects as when you do it once a week or something. It just...becomes another vice. I hope you don't actually think MJ is sentient, I mean...it's as sentient as a tree or the a stalk of corn.
There is a subjective and an objective side to any point made by any of us. I have seen and felt the point personally and historically that this entire plant (hemp/cannabis) makes to me and witnessed it for other species that share a common endocannabinoid system with us. Your experience sounds incomplete at best when it starts and ends at the personal use level and you don't include anything else one can, and for the sake of many things, should be using this plant and it's helpful properties for such as remediation of our polluted air and soil, and feeding people just to name a couple of the other things most of the people who argue negatives haven't seemed to consider. The plant does not demonstrate preference in any matters in which we may choose to involve it. How can we as humans with naturally strong preferences relate to that, or the state of obvious abundance that this species enjoys while we sit and argue where intelligence lies.,? I am a Sacred Vegetable agent man and I represent. That's just what the plant created in me after 4 decades of devoted companionship.
+Marc Mollan I'm not sure I totally follow you, despite being an avid fan of cannabis. Seriously...it's the best thing that exists in reality. But, I really liked this one thing you said: *"This plant provides too many specific and varied uses which are all non-toxic and benevolent."* Very well put. There's something truly special about cannabis. No other plant/drug is _THIS_ safe and non-toxic and utterly non-lethal and damn near perfectly benevolent in all it's multifarious uses. The fact it's legality is even being debated is *_absurd_* to the nth degree. I literally cannot think of one single substance on earth that's THAT safe and positive. I mean, people have died from drinking too much fucking _water_. Whereas, you *_can't_* die from cannabis..._even if you wanted to_.
Wow what a way to end that segment.NGT never ceases to amaze.
Neil , bro, having the power to terraform a planet does not mean you have the power to stop a planet from being destroyed by other celestial objects like asteroids or solar flares or a nearby supernova or the gravitational pull of another Star swinging past our solar system .
That is why we need to be on multiple planets, and ideally in multiple star systems.
6:47 Amazing how much Richard knows about this. He's totally right about specialized A.I vs generic AI.
I love what Neil said at the end... Well he was awesome the entire time, but that last part about fixing earth made me happy.
Last point made by Niel was awesome!!
Gotta say it. That woman's outfit just looks spectacular in the thumbnail. No doubt about it.
Just seeing first shot of this one put a smile on my face...!
Angela Rye "She mentioned the name we dare not speak of" to huge applause. Moving on... Biden, Biden, Biden.
Love the appropriate ending line: "Brilliant. Ok we have to go ladies and gentleman!"
I don't just want... I NEED to listen to Neil Degrass Tyson talk all day everyday. On Cosmos, he doesnt talk with the kind of excitement that he does on talk shows. I love cosmos, but Instead of all of the special Graphics of Cosmos, He just needs to be asked educated questions and then let him go ham on the mic! I love this Man. Additionally, he's from The BX like me :) Extra cool points awarded!
Lolz Neil's face at 9:54-9:57!!! He is like WTF Bill?!!!
neil blew my mind w/ that last statement.
Nice vest Neil. Excellent tie Richard.
I had a huge smile on my face the entirety of this video
as soon as i saw this panel my first thought "why is that chick wearing a cape?"
My mind just expanded a little further with Neil's last comment, never saw it like that.
Best panel of the year.
NDT's last statement was completely on point.
+gerard bain Unless it's the Genesis device from star trek, then you wipe out all living things in the process.....except the dead like spock...
Bryan Johnson There's technology that is available today, like a device that sucks carbon dioxide (a major green house gas) from the air. You do have people actually working on mitigating the damage our species have done (and in many cases are still doing) to our planet.
gerard bain Was joking. Am an engineer. Still a looong ways to go before terraforming. terraforming is but just filtering, it's creating abundance of breathable air, changing soil, balancing fauna and foliage, weather control.all well beyond our abilities in the foreseeable future. The filter is great, but expensive and a far shot from what we're talking about :) .. Such a far shot, that my Swype didn't even contain the word terraform.:)
Bryan Johnson Being that you are also in the field of engineering you should be fully aware the folly of making progonostications about future technological advances based on today's technologies.
Not sure your goal in this conversation. Everyone makes predictions, and it's illogical to imply I'm wrong for this because I'm an engineer. Please continue trying to educate me with more illogical statements. And this all started with a joke you didn't understand.. Loosen up dude.
Tyson makes the best possible point as it comes to a close. Will anyone in power hear it............?
NDT has a Clevelandstache and he's laugh.
lightning hit it. haha good one. frankenstien called, said he wanted his origin story back.
No one mentioned Siri as an example of artificial intelligence?
one of my favorite panels
Something can't come from nothing nor can something create itself or cause itself to be.
Great Stuff. Love the excitement from Neil deGrasse Tyson!
About artificial intelligence: Skynet. That is all.
Also, I love Neil's vest!
Great show tonight Bill!