It's embarassing that the kraken effects from Dead Man's Chest, a film from 2006, looks more realistic and terrifying than this Kraken almost 20 years later.
@@hongchaungocbaothe budget for meg2 and deadman’s chest isn’t that far from one another. They are both sequels to their original films although curse of the black pearl had a much closer budget I still think with today’s tech and all they should’ve been able to make a much better kraken even with millions less of a budget
You have to remember that Dead Man's Chest was nearly twenty years ago and mostly fantasy. It's pretty reasonable to say advancements in CGI have come a good way since.
A Megalodon fighting a kraken . Truly this was made by someone who loves kaiju and creatures ^^ Tho how they used the kraken was a little underwhelming it's still badass to see a Meg fight one .
That's not the Weirdest part of this movie, 30 minutes ago Jason hit the mercenary commander with everything from rocks to military grade laptops, and he didn't even stay knocked out for a substantial amount of time💀
And isn’t it kinda weird that the Meg and the Kraken jump out of the water and come back kinda a little longer cus i didn’t look like they jumped out of the water that high
@@HighTopModelosshe didn’t save him, she was just fighting the kraken for food cuz in the end haiqi comes to eat him but he uses that thing so she goes away
No, if you really look at it from a more physical point of view, the kraken's tentacles would be slippery compared to the hard skin of the megalodon, and it would be more right that in the end the meg ate the tentacle and the krarken lost control over the meg
@@Jack-gi5je I don't mean to be a dweeb but pound-for-pound cephalopods are one of the strongest organisms in the ocean. Octopi are capable of physically overpowering full grown men, with humboldt squid being known to attempt to drag scuba divers into deeper water. Once a shark gets its bite on a cephalopod it would win typically, yes. But when a cephalopod gets it's grip on nearly anything in the ocean, there is no reasonable escape.
I mean it obviously wasn't try to make meg stop breathing, it was trying to crush it. That being said you can absolutely suffocate a fish, in water, by covering their gills.
Well it actually did make the Meg stop breathing because large sharks like the Meg would have had to constantly swim to pass water over their gills. It made no sense for the Meg to just wake up and slip through the kraken’s arms, especially considering how strong each individual sucker is
@@Spider-r6d right? like the meg will definitely die if we're being realistic, those suckers are too strong and the octopus letting go just because it's one tentacle was bitten off doesn't make sense lmao
@@Spider-r6d technically though, Kraken should have been dead right after Haiqi bit it, because you know how strong Megalodon bite force is, but of course, it's a movie and they just want actions
This was by far the best megalodon vs. kraken fight ever. I've always wanted to see this type of fight occurred in a movie and I didn't expect it to be this on.
Can everybody just stop complaining about this movie because Statham, Chinese or any dumb excuse of reason ? This is not a movie made to win an oscar, it's just mindless fun.
Well giant octopus is seen to be discovered. This mtyh starter by boats being attack by giant octopus but no one believe them like isn't early 2000 some few was seen.
@@girl1213 an octopus doesn't give a fuck if one of its arms got torn off, they regrow them like nothing. Realistically the moment meg got pinned it was done for, because no way in hell can it overpower eight arms of pure muscle armed with hundreds of suction cups each with enormous grip while being suffocated because sharks need to keep moving to breathe. Go watch nat geo's video of what happens when a shark meets a similar sized octopus, hint it was an effortless kill for the octopus.
3:46 The kraken: I’ve caught you now and you’ve got nowhere to run Haiqi Haiqi the female Meg: (gasping for oxygen) SIEC!!! (Haiqi bites a tentacle off).
🍖THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world" "The Incarnation". ... (God incarnate is called Christ, and so the Christ who can give truth to man is called God. Those Christs are called to themselves, but cannot do the work of God, are deceivers. Sooner or later, all those pretending to be Christ will fall, because although they claim to be Christ, they do not possess the essential part of Christ. In this way, if you truly desire to find the way of life, you must first recognize that God is doing the work of granting the way of life to man by coming to earth and you must recognize that in the last days He will come to earth to grant theway of life to man. If you do not seek the way of life given by Christ of the last days, then you will never, gain the approval of Jesus, and will never be worthy to enter the gate of the kingdom of heaven, because you are both blind follower and prisoner of history. If so, how can they observe God? The steps of God's work are vast and mighty, like rushing waves and rumbling thunders, yet you sit mutely awaiting destruction, clinging to your folly and doing nothing. In this way, how can you be considered a person who follows in the footsteps of the Lamb? How can you justify that the God you cling to is a God who is always new and never old? How can they lead you to find the steps of God's work? Without the coming of God, can you bring yourself to heaven to enjoy family happiness with God? Christ is man's entrance into the kingdom in the last days, and no one can pass through Him. No one can be perfected by God but through Christ alone. Because this Christ is the expression of God, the One entrusted by God to do His work on earth. That is why I say that if you do not accept all that Christ is doing in the last days then you are blaspheming the Holy Spirit. That's why I advise everyone not to bare your fangs in front of the truth, or make careless criticisms, because only the truth can bring you life, and nothing but the truth can allow you to be reborn and be seen again Theface of God.) Almighty God said GOD INCARNATE is CALLED CHRIST, and so CHRIST who can GIVE TRUTH to MAN is CALLED GOD. There is no exaggeration about this, because He has the SPIRIT of GOD, and has the DISPOSITION of GOD, and has a POWER in His WORK, which MAN CANNOT ACHIEVE. 🙏 Those who call themselves Christs, but cannot do God's work, are deceivers. ☀️ CHRIST is NOT ONLY the APPEARANCE of GOD on EARTH, BUT ALSO the PARTICULAR HUMAN BODY that GOD has as He does and FINISHES His WORK with HUMANS. The human body is irreplaceable and can handle God's work on earth, and express God's disposition, and represent God well, and give life to man. Sooner or later, all those pretending to be Christ will fall, because although they claim to be Christ, they do not possess the most important part of Christ. That is why I say that man cannot determine the authenticity of Christ, but God Himself answers and decides. In this way, if you truly desire to find the way of life, you must first recognize that God is performing the work of granting the way of life to man by coming to earth, and you MUST KNOW that in the LAST DAYS He WILL GO to LAND to PROVIDE the WAY of LIFE to MAN. 🙏 This is NOT the PAST; THIS is HAPPENING NOW. ☀️ CHRIST DELIVERS LIFE of the LAST DAYS, and DELIVERS an INFINITE and ETERNAL WAY of TRUTH. 🙏 This TRUTH is the WAY by which man CAN ACHIEVE LIFE, and it is the ONLY WAY by which man CAN KNOW GOD and SATISFY--GOD'S AGREEMENT. ☀️ If you DO NOT FIND the WAY of LIFE GIVEN by CHRIST of the LAST DAYS, THEN you will NEVER, EARN the APPROVAL of JESUS, and NEVER be WORTHY--to ENTER the DOORS of the KINGDOM of HEAVEN, because both you BLIND FOLLOWER and PRISONER ofHISTORY. ☀️🙏 Those who are CONTROLLED by the RULES, by the letters, and FINISHED by HISTORY will NEVER achieve LIFE, nor CAN they ACHIEVE the ETERNAL way of LIFE. This is because all they have is FLUID WATER that has been CAPTURED for THOUSAND--THOUSAND YEARS instead of the WATER of LIFE that FLOWS from the THRONE. Those who are NOT GIVEN the WATER of LIVING will REMAIN FOREVER CORPSES, TOY of SATAN, and children of HELL. ☀️ If so, how can they observe God? If you're just trying to hold on to the past, just trying to keep things as they are by not moving, and not trying to change the norm and discard history, then aren't you always against God? The STEPS of GOD'S work are WIDE and POWERFUL, LIKE RUSHING WAVES and ROUNDING THUNDERS----yet you SIT SILENT WAITING for DESTRUCTION, CLINGING to your STUPIDITY and DOING NOTHING. In this way, how can you be considered ONE who FOLLOWS in the FOOTSTEPS of the LAMB? 😪 HOW can you PROVIDE that the GOD you FOLLOW is a GOD who is always NEW and NEVER OLD? And HOW CAN the words in the BOOKS you read take you ACROSS the NEW AGE? How CAN they LEAD you to FIND the STEPS of GOD'S WORK? And how can they TAKE you UP to HEAVEN? 🛑 What you hold in your hands are the letters that will only give temporary comfort, not the truths that can give life. Your tongue is only enriched by the scriptures you read and not by the words of wisdom that can help you UNDERSTAND HUMAN LIFE, especially NOT on the PATH that CAN LEAD you to PERFECTION. 💐 Doesn't this difference make you think? Doesn't it make you aware of the mysteries within? Do you have the ABILITY to BRING YOURSELF to HEAVEN to MEET GOD ALONE? If there is no COMING of GOD, can you TAKE YOURSELF to HEAVEN to ENJOY the JOY of FAMILY WITH GOD? ☀️🙏 Are you still dreaming now? I suggest, then, that you stop dreaming and see WHO is DOING TODAY----LOOK to SEE who is NOW DOING the WORK of SAVING man in the LAST DAYS. IF you DON'T do it you will NEVER ACHIEVE TRUTH, and NEVER ACHIEVE LIFE. The most ridiculous people in the world are those who want to achieve life without relying on the truth that Christ said, and those who do not accept the way of life that Christ brought are wild in the imagination.☀️ That is why I say that God will forever hate those people who do not accept Christ in the last days. CHRIST is the MAN'S ENTRANCE to the KINGDOM in the LAST DAYS, and NO ONE can PASS through Him. GOD can MAKE NO ONE PERFECT BUT through CHRIST alone. 🙏 You BELIEVE in GOD, and therefore you must ACCEPT His WORDS and FOLLOW His WAY. You can't just think about getting blessings while you have no ability to receive the truth and no ability to receive the provision of life. CHRIST will COME in the LAST DAYS to GIVE LIFE to ALL those WHO TRULY BELIEVE in Him. 💐🙏 For the sake of the end of the OLD AGE and the ENTERING into the NEW is His WORK, and this is the PATH that ALL those who ENTER into the NEW AGE must TAKE. If you HAVE NO ABILITY to KNOW Him, and INSTEAD PUNISH, DESPISE, or PERSECUTES Him, THEN you are DESTINED to BURN FOREVER and NEVER ENTER the KINGDOM of GOD. 😪 Because this CHRIST is the VERY MANIFESTATION of the HOLY SPIRIT, the MANIFESTATION of GOD, the One whom GOD TRUSTS to do His WORK on EARTH. 🙏 That's why I say that if you don't ACCEPT EVERYTHING CHRIST does in the LAST DAYS, then you are DESPIRATING the HOLY SPIRIT. 😪 It is clear to all the reward that those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit will receive. I am also telling you that when you fight against the Christ of the last days, if you REJECT the CHRIST of the LAST DAYS with CONTEMPT, NO ONE WILL OVERCOME the CONSEQUENCES for you. MOREOVER, STARTING from this DAY and the NEXT DAY you will NOT have ANOTHER CHANCE to ACHIEVE GOD'S APPROVAL; EVEN if you TRY to REDEEM yourself, you CANNOT SEE GOD'S FACE again. Because you are NOT FIGHTING a MAN, NOT a WEAK CREATURE you REJECT with CONTEMPT, BUT CHRIST. ☀️🙏 Do you know the consequences of this? You are not making a small mistake, but a heinous--heinous crime. 😥 That's why I advise everyone not to bare your fangs in front of the truth, or make careless criticisms, because only the truth CAN BRING you LIFE, and NOTHING but the TRUTH CAN ALLOW you to be BORN AGAIN and BE SEEN AGAIN TheFACE OF GOD. 🙏 From "Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life". Fulfillment of "When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His garment was stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13). 📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Mat. 16:18'19). This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by satan so as to be perfect, having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. ✨
Only explanation is the suction cups on the tentacles is holding the helicopter down rather than wrapping it. (But we all know it’s just a cgi mistake)
That scream was mixed with a roar I’ve listened to this sad noise hundred times, and I know lots about octopus so this kraken here didn’t die immediately. It took haiqi to jump out the water and with high force come in and with that nother bite here 3:56 and that bite finished the kraken. The only reason it stopped moving it’s tentacles was because it tried the rest of its power to slimly slip out the Megs hundreds of thousands of teeth.
He made a mistake when he stuck his limb close to the mouth of the megalodon, the megalodon shattered and opened its jaw, bit off a tentacle, because of this the octopus was in pain, he weakened almost all the tentacles and lost
Yep. This films soulless goal of making as much overseas profit as possible is so obvious that I almost feel like I'm wasting my time pointing it out lol
Ok this movie is at the same time: 1. Jaws 2. Jurassic Park 3. Pirates of the Caribbean 2 AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. Maybe they'll add King Kong in the sequel. That would be brilliant.
Dog: lemme bite u>:( don’t hurt people 0:42 Kraken: STAPP😭😭😭 Helecopter: lemme cut cut 1:30 Kraken: OWW Man: TAKE THIS 2:11 Kraken: BRO STOP HITTING ME Man: *STABS* 2:49 Kraken: BRO OW *Grabs with other arm* Man: *stabs again but leaves the knife there* 3:02 Kraken: BRO I AM LIKE 1 HP RN Megladond: *Comes out of nowhere and bites kraken* 3:28 Kraken: BROO
I honestly get the feeling like this would be Is far better if we didn't have so much human interaction. A little bit is good but this seemed far too focused on The dad and daughter Compared to the issue between these 2 Predatory animals, which probably have been praying on each other in a Give or take System. In these movies the meg usually isn't that intelligent So if there is no reason why it would be actively trying to defend people, it's just actively seeking out its most biggest and viable food service. The crackin, on the other hand had An ability to allow its tentacles to yank people into the water to feed it. So it almost becomes a prescale system Humans feed the cracking the cracking feeds the meg. But for anybody who Understands how predation Works in addition to the concept of the gigantism of the sea. It only makes me ask. What feeds on the meg. And my brain can only come to the conclusion. That what prey upon the meg is Essentially, Godzilla creatures. Deep sea born Reptiles. Who can easily eat the cracken and do not see them as a viable food source compared to the megs. But see no need or desire to go to the surface. For there is no surface life that is large enough to be able to sustain their copious appetite.
You can say what you want, nothing ever beats the kraken scene in pirates of the caribbean.
fr, that scene was the goat
That scene is forever legendary
We need more stuff like that
Yes 100
Maybe, but this one was stilly really good.
It's embarassing that the kraken effects from Dead Man's Chest, a film from 2006, looks more realistic and terrifying than this Kraken almost 20 years later.
The buildup leading to the Kraken was legendary too
@@hongchaungocbaothe budget for meg2 and deadman’s chest isn’t that far from one another. They are both sequels to their original films although curse of the black pearl had a much closer budget I still think with today’s tech and all they should’ve been able to make a much better kraken even with millions less of a budget
You have to remember that Dead Man's Chest was nearly twenty years ago and mostly fantasy. It's pretty reasonable to say advancements in CGI have come a good way since.
Kraken He's funny.
He’s just like: “yo shut up”
@@godzillamanz8139 bhaahhahahahah fr😂😂😂😂
This scene has me Kracken Up 😂😂😂😂😂😂
What a brave dog.
Dog just want some sushi!
@@Necr0Mancer666 A very big one. 🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣
it remains me from sindad: legend of the seven seas
@@Necr0Mancer666or Takoyaki 😂
What a brave dog
0:13 That slap was personal 😂
But he’s actually Hero 🦸♂️ to save two girls he scarifice himself!
0..13 That slap was personal 😂
Everything is personal to you
Meg actually saved his life.
Its Haiqi
@@mariamarroquin1663 he probably didn’t know the name
@@mariamarroquin1663 he just called it or what it is
Megalodon: plays dead*
Edit: thx for getting me this many likes I’ve never had this much!
I said the same thing
I also did guess we all had the same thought
Can we talk about how cute haiqi looks in that scene
@@Byonoxy_bot7 she didn’t look cute
@@BloodWarden585 i find it cute
Bro pippin is a absolute legend, he suvived both a meg and kraken attack AND got a bite in on the kraken
Pippin's the main character.
Pippin remains me of my nan's dog Alfie who sadly died last year
@@Ck-jp4vuI’m so sorry for your loss man😞
Pippin is absolutely HIM.
Its plot armor
Whos glad that pippins still alive?
In the 3rd movie he'll take on a Kronosaurus.
@@SoldierOfFate facts
Only dog in the world that can out swim a Meg.
Where are the couple??
Survive twice
3:19 Kraken: "GET OVER HERE"
Classic scorpion
A Megalodon fighting a kraken . Truly this was made by someone who loves kaiju and creatures ^^
Tho how they used the kraken was a little underwhelming it's still badass to see a Meg fight one .
A Megalodon fighting a kraken. Truly this was made by someone who loves Kaiju and creatures
Are we not gonna talk about that his still ALIVE I mean he was under water for like almost an hour💀
It’s a megalodon fighting a kraken I don’t think they’re going for realism here 😂
Nah duh. Chinese people invented under water breathing so you know. SCIENCE!
That's not the Weirdest part of this movie, 30 minutes ago Jason hit the mercenary commander with everything from rocks to military grade laptops, and he didn't even stay knocked out for a substantial amount of time💀
@@TheRealErraticBruh 💀
And isn’t it kinda weird that the Meg and the Kraken jump out of the water and come back kinda a little longer cus i didn’t look like they jumped out of the water that high
3:28 Haiqi:Get away from my human friend!
More like: get away form my father
More like: Get away from my future food
I cried so hard because that was her father she saved him and it was a good battle
@@HighTopModelosshe didn’t save him, she was just fighting the kraken for food cuz in the end haiqi comes to eat him but he uses that thing so she goes away
@@kingcrocodilerex Haiqi is the girl!!
3:46 Deception is the Meg's only hope that could win over the Kraken. I didn't see that coming. 😲
Yea only way for the Meg to win against the kraken is to hope he gets a opening to his head
No, if you really look at it from a more physical point of view, the kraken's tentacles would be slippery compared to the hard skin of the megalodon, and it would be more right that in the end the meg ate the tentacle and the krarken lost control over the meg
@@Jack-gi5jetrue. Megs had a very, very bulky build
@@Jack-gi5je I don't mean to be a dweeb but pound-for-pound cephalopods are one of the strongest organisms in the ocean. Octopi are capable of physically overpowering full grown men, with humboldt squid being known to attempt to drag scuba divers into deeper water. Once a shark gets its bite on a cephalopod it would win typically, yes. But when a cephalopod gets it's grip on nearly anything in the ocean, there is no reasonable escape.
There is a famous video of a giant Pacific octopus killing a shark. The size difference was around the same. @@Jack-gi5je
I never think there was gonna be a Kraken
@@petergresh516 actually it’s the kraken and it’s big so the kraken is supposed to be big
@@brandonharris7516yeah but the true size of the kraken is 1,5 kilometer,but yeah that’s bigger then an octopus
@@jeanpaullecastor4877 yeah so it’s the Kraken
Well, in The book there's a fight beetween a Megalodon and a Mosassaurus
3:27 the Meg was like “GET OFF MY FRIEND!” And was the sharks name Taichi?
Apparently the Meg is a female and is named haiqi.
I will be honest. The camera play for the megalodon vs kraken was honestly better than the entire movie COMBINED.
3:32 that was such a cold scene
3:28 Haiqi to the rescue
Haiqi:Get away from my human friend!
Thank you.
3:40 mega shark vs giant octpus
I'm shocked that the megalodon saved the man from the kraken
They have a bond
Apex predators will fight over their food,and will most likely assert Dominance
@@thermonuclear2444 more like the shark saw the octopus as a bigger meal
@@toniotrussardi8126 eh...that too
And now I'm hungry for calamari
I'm shocked they made a second film, dreadful
3:36 the fact kraken trying to make the meg stop breathing but dont know it dont have lungs
I mean it obviously wasn't try to make meg stop breathing, it was trying to crush it. That being said you can absolutely suffocate a fish, in water, by covering their gills.
Well it actually did make the Meg stop breathing because large sharks like the Meg would have had to constantly swim to pass water over their gills. It made no sense for the Meg to just wake up and slip through the kraken’s arms, especially considering how strong each individual sucker is
sharks breath when they move if they don't move they will literally suffocate
@@Spider-r6d right? like the meg will definitely die if we're being realistic, those suckers are too strong and the octopus letting go just because it's one tentacle was bitten off doesn't make sense lmao
@@Spider-r6d technically though, Kraken should have been dead right after Haiqi bit it, because you know how strong Megalodon bite force is, but of course, it's a movie and they just want actions
Shark vs Octopus done right
It's The Kraken
@@KingBowser77766 no it’s not, it’s an giant octopus from prehistoric times like mega shark vs giant octopus and warlords of Atlantis.
@@jillboler4500 no it’s the kraken
That not the kraken it’s a prehistoric octopus, the kraken is a mythical sea monster from 1800s.
1:01 now that's the most Giga-Chad "okay I pull up" thing I've seen in a minute.
This was by far the best megalodon vs. kraken fight ever. I've always wanted to see this type of fight occurred in a movie and I didn't expect it to be this on.
Now I just need to see a megalodon vs a livyatan
@@ziriebenton6659 that trilogy material right there
@@ziriebenton6659 Leviathan*
@@theofficialphoenixtv5765 Livyatan*. That’s the actual name of the animal, but the movie would probably call it Leviathan for monster purposes.
@@ziriebenton6659 heard that the leviathan was a predator of the Meg so the Meg is probably losing
Kraken: OWWWWWWW 3:49
Haiqi: get ready to die! 3:56
0:23 Dora the explorer seems a little bit weird
This scene is the literal definition of “Not all heroes wear capes”
0:43 Doge: “ooo ooo, gimme gimme”
He thought it was a chew toy
Can everybody just stop complaining about this movie because Statham, Chinese or any dumb excuse of reason ? This is not a movie made to win an oscar, it's just mindless fun.
Exactly. Sometimes we just want something dumb & fun. Not a statement about how screwed up our society is.
It was just mindless, just like the first one and nothing was fun about it
And I'm sick of hearing people saying that too I like the modern horror movies and movies too
@@tiffanyeyoung1800you must be fun at parties.
@@tiffanyeyoung1800 speak for yourself, I definitely thought it was fun
First Megalodon and now a Kraken
What's Next A T-Rex!?
@@yellybolos2049 It will be T-Rex.
And then a Mosasaurus
@@yellybolos2049t Rex just died
@@yellybolos2049my money’s on it being a giant water snake
That shark saved his life
Unintentionally, I think Meg was telling the kraken “get off my kool aid”
@@Fingerling2012 HA!
3:51 Haiqi is about to jump
I love how most of the humans got eaten but the little yorkshire terrier just came out alive
Think they know most of the audience would be annoyed if they killed a cute dog so they made him like a tiny wolverine with being able to survive 😄😄😄
@@oxfanblink4115 that is just cute. He also looks just like my dog. She’s a yorkie
The terrier is like the Stan Lee of The Meg movies lol
I love how it’s a bite of a battle between a mythical creature and a prehistoric creature
Well giant octopus is seen to be discovered. This mtyh starter by boats being attack by giant octopus but no one believe them like isn't early 2000 some few was seen.
Those means the prehistoric was the Meg and the mythical creature was the kraken
Kraken- no one can much my tentacles..
Megalodon - no one can much my bite force aaaaaracchchhhhh
Kraken -ehhhhhh ehhhhh ouchhhhhhhhhhhh ouchhhhhh
Cringiest comment ever
@@Alex-dr2lpExactly. 😂😂😂😂
You did it shark!
not just any shark that's Haiqi the Megalodon she's a hero
She doesn’t eat humans
@@mariamarroquin1663 That's a joke, right??
She is a harmless shark that doesn't eat humans
Haiqi is a pregnant shark
The plot armour of the meg is absolutely insane dude
Nah. She played dead, then struck
@@girl1213 an octopus doesn't give a fuck if one of its arms got torn off, they regrow them like nothing. Realistically the moment meg got pinned it was done for, because no way in hell can it overpower eight arms of pure muscle armed with hundreds of suction cups each with enormous grip while being suffocated because sharks need to keep moving to breathe. Go watch nat geo's video of what happens when a shark meets a similar sized octopus, hint it was an effortless kill for the octopus.
1:31 nice sushi
3:46 The kraken: I’ve caught you now and you’ve got nowhere to run Haiqi
Haiqi the female Meg: (gasping for oxygen) SIEC!!! (Haiqi bites a tentacle off).
the camera couldn't be seen above the water 💧?? 😒
This is my favourite scene right here 3:31 - 3:53
agreed. no one talks about it in the comments. Best scene than the movie
@@Frxstiezit’s surprisingly accurate, when the kraken attempts to hold the Meg in place, it takes a few seconds for it to kill it
@@Frxstiez also the way the Meg keeps shaking its head
Haiqi saved her human friend I like that scene 😊👍🏻
🍖THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world"
"The Incarnation". ... (God incarnate is called Christ, and so the Christ who can give truth to man is called God. Those Christs are called to themselves, but cannot do the work of God, are deceivers. Sooner or later, all those pretending to be Christ will fall, because although they claim to be Christ, they do not possess the essential part of Christ. In this way, if you truly desire to find the way of life, you must first recognize that God is doing the work of granting the way of life to man by coming to earth and you must recognize that in the last days He will come to earth to grant theway of life to man. If you do not seek the way of life given by Christ of the last days, then you will never, gain the approval of Jesus, and will never be worthy to enter the gate of the kingdom of heaven, because you are both blind follower and prisoner of history. If so, how can they observe God? The steps of God's work are vast and mighty, like rushing waves and rumbling thunders, yet you sit mutely awaiting destruction, clinging to your folly and doing nothing. In this way, how can you be considered a person who follows in the footsteps of the Lamb? How can you justify that the God you cling to is a God who is always new and never old? How can they lead you to find the steps of God's work? Without the coming of God, can you bring yourself to heaven to enjoy family happiness with God? Christ is man's entrance into the kingdom in the last days, and no one can pass through Him. No one can be perfected by God but through Christ alone. Because this Christ is the expression of God, the One entrusted by God to do His work on earth. That is why I say that if you do not accept all that Christ is doing in the last days then you are blaspheming the Holy Spirit. That's why I advise everyone not to bare your fangs in front of the truth, or make careless criticisms, because only the truth can bring you life, and nothing but the truth can allow you to be reborn and be seen again Theface of God.)
Almighty God said
GOD INCARNATE is CALLED CHRIST, and so CHRIST who can GIVE TRUTH to MAN is CALLED GOD. There is no exaggeration about this, because He has the SPIRIT of GOD, and has the DISPOSITION of GOD, and has a POWER in His WORK, which MAN CANNOT ACHIEVE. 🙏
Those who call themselves Christs, but cannot do God's work, are deceivers. ☀️
CHRIST is NOT ONLY the APPEARANCE of GOD on EARTH, BUT ALSO the PARTICULAR HUMAN BODY that GOD has as He does and FINISHES His WORK with HUMANS. The human body is irreplaceable and can handle God's work on earth, and express God's disposition, and represent God well, and give life to man. Sooner or later, all those pretending to be Christ will fall, because although they claim to be Christ, they do not possess the most important part of Christ. That is why I say that man cannot determine the authenticity of Christ, but God Himself answers and decides. In this way, if you truly desire to find the way of life, you must first recognize that God is performing the work of granting the way of life to man by coming to earth, and you MUST KNOW that in the LAST DAYS He WILL GO to LAND to PROVIDE the WAY of LIFE to MAN. 🙏
This TRUTH is the WAY by which man CAN ACHIEVE LIFE, and it is the ONLY WAY by which man CAN KNOW GOD and SATISFY--GOD'S AGREEMENT. ☀️
Those who are CONTROLLED by the RULES, by the letters, and FINISHED by HISTORY will NEVER achieve LIFE, nor CAN they ACHIEVE the ETERNAL way of LIFE. This is because all they have is FLUID WATER that has been CAPTURED for THOUSAND--THOUSAND YEARS instead of the WATER of LIFE that FLOWS from the THRONE. Those who are NOT GIVEN the WATER of LIVING will REMAIN FOREVER CORPSES, TOY of SATAN, and children of HELL. ☀️
If so, how can they observe God? If you're just trying to hold on to the past, just trying to keep things as they are by not moving, and not trying to change the norm and discard history, then aren't you always against God? The STEPS of GOD'S work are WIDE and POWERFUL, LIKE RUSHING WAVES and ROUNDING THUNDERS----yet you SIT SILENT WAITING for DESTRUCTION, CLINGING to your STUPIDITY and DOING NOTHING. In this way, how can you be considered ONE who FOLLOWS in the FOOTSTEPS of the LAMB? 😪
HOW can you PROVIDE that the GOD you FOLLOW is a GOD who is always NEW and NEVER OLD? And HOW CAN the words in the BOOKS you read take you ACROSS the NEW AGE? How CAN they LEAD you to FIND the STEPS of GOD'S WORK? And how can they TAKE you UP to HEAVEN? 🛑
What you hold in your hands are the letters that will only give temporary comfort, not the truths that can give life. Your tongue is only enriched by the scriptures you read and not by the words of wisdom that can help you UNDERSTAND HUMAN LIFE, especially NOT on the PATH that CAN LEAD you to PERFECTION. 💐
Doesn't this difference make you think? Doesn't it make you aware of the mysteries within?
Are you still dreaming now? I suggest, then, that you stop dreaming and see WHO is DOING TODAY----LOOK to SEE who is NOW DOING the WORK of SAVING man in the LAST DAYS.
IF you DON'T do it you will NEVER ACHIEVE TRUTH, and NEVER ACHIEVE LIFE. The most ridiculous people in the world are those who want to achieve life without relying on the truth that Christ said, and those who do not accept the way of life that Christ brought are wild in the imagination.☀️
That is why I say that God will forever hate those people who do not accept Christ in the last days.
CHRIST is the MAN'S ENTRANCE to the KINGDOM in the LAST DAYS, and NO ONE can PASS through Him. GOD can MAKE NO ONE PERFECT BUT through CHRIST alone. 🙏
You BELIEVE in GOD, and therefore you must ACCEPT His WORDS and FOLLOW His WAY. You can't just think about getting blessings while you have no ability to receive the truth and no ability to receive the provision of life. CHRIST will COME in the LAST DAYS to GIVE LIFE to ALL those WHO TRULY BELIEVE in Him. 💐🙏
For the sake of the end of the OLD AGE and the ENTERING into the NEW is His WORK, and this is the PATH that ALL those who ENTER into the NEW AGE must TAKE. If you HAVE NO ABILITY to KNOW Him, and INSTEAD PUNISH, DESPISE, or PERSECUTES Him, THEN you are DESTINED to BURN FOREVER and NEVER ENTER the KINGDOM of GOD. 😪
Because this CHRIST is the VERY MANIFESTATION of the HOLY SPIRIT, the MANIFESTATION of GOD, the One whom GOD TRUSTS to do His WORK on EARTH. 🙏
That's why I say that if you don't ACCEPT EVERYTHING CHRIST does in the LAST DAYS, then you are DESPIRATING the HOLY SPIRIT. 😪
It is clear to all the reward that those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit will receive. I am also telling you that when you fight against the Christ of the last days, if you REJECT the CHRIST of the LAST DAYS with CONTEMPT, NO ONE WILL OVERCOME the CONSEQUENCES for you. MOREOVER, STARTING from this DAY and the NEXT DAY you will NOT have ANOTHER CHANCE to ACHIEVE GOD'S APPROVAL; EVEN if you TRY to REDEEM yourself, you CANNOT SEE GOD'S FACE again. Because you are NOT FIGHTING a MAN, NOT a WEAK CREATURE you REJECT with CONTEMPT, BUT CHRIST. ☀️🙏
Do you know the consequences of this? You are not making a small mistake, but a heinous--heinous crime. 😥
That's why I advise everyone not to bare your fangs in front of the truth, or make careless criticisms, because only the truth CAN BRING you LIFE, and NOTHING but the TRUTH CAN ALLOW you to be BORN AGAIN and BE SEEN AGAIN TheFACE OF GOD. 🙏
From "Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life".
Fulfillment of "When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His garment was stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13).
📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Mat. 16:18'19).
This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by satan so as to be perfect,
having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. ✨
Just glad the dog survived 🙏
3:47 shark: there's no point shouting my octopus
This is like The Asylum movie but with more Budget...
0:11 SOLDIER!? IS THAT U??!?!
pippin is the only reason i watch these movies
0:44 Pippin was just biting the kraken’s tendril that brave dog
1:39 the tentacle seem to not be holding the helicopter its just like floating there
Only explanation is the suction cups on the tentacles is holding the helicopter down rather than wrapping it. (But we all know it’s just a cgi mistake)
The cgi is so trash it almost look like video game parody
0:13 the octopus was like "and thats for being a perv"
That still hurts.
That scream was mixed with a roar I’ve listened to this sad noise hundred times, and I know lots about octopus so this kraken here didn’t die immediately. It took haiqi to jump out the water and with high force come in and with that nother bite here 3:56 and that bite finished the kraken. The only reason it stopped moving it’s tentacles was because it tried the rest of its power to slimly slip out the Megs hundreds of thousands of teeth.
He made a mistake when he stuck his limb close to the mouth of the megalodon, the megalodon shattered and opened its jaw, bit off a tentacle, because of this the octopus was in pain, he weakened almost all the tentacles and lost
You know if it's a Chinese collaboration it's going directly to the trash bin......
Well said, Couldn’t agree more.
Yep. This films soulless goal of making as much overseas profit as possible is so obvious that I almost feel like I'm wasting my time pointing it out lol
Ohh look! A hater is here
Well said, nothing beats the OG Kraken from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Ummmm, that's what they all do??
3:56 bro got banished to the shadow realm 💀💀💀
3:51 I wish we could’ve seen Haiqi jump out of the water on the air not underwater
3:28 Haiqi!!!!!😨😨🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️
I like the dog who was biting the kraken
That doge has balls 😂😂😂
The Meg is the new anti hero? Lol I was rooting for the Meg
The Meg 2 movie is that parody of Jaws on Family Guy where people ally themselves with Jaws because there is a bigger Jaws lmao
At least the dogo is fighting back good job dog
Okay that was probably the nastiest uno reverse cards that meg pullled on that kraken
The Kraken should have won tbh considering how smart octopi are
2:18 it won’t hold the tentacle 😂
This scene kinda reminds me more of that movie called "Mega Shark Vs Giant Octopus"
Meg: Why You Little? (Bites Kraken's Tentacle and Then Kills The Kraken)
Kraken: (Screams in Pain)
Meg: Get Ready for Pain!
The Kraken died of the bite💀? The Kraken screams in pain even if its dead💀? Get ready in pain while it is already in pain💀?
@@LameLime2True 😂😂😂
Thats funny how the kraken(octopus) messes with the pippin despite it knowing that it can easily over kill the pup
Ok this movie is at the same time:
1. Jaws
2. Jurassic Park
3. Pirates of the Caribbean 2
Maybe they'll add King Kong in the sequel. That would be brilliant.
Ótimo clip a cena que eu mais gostei do do Kraken o polvo gigante atacando o helicóptero
It was a giant octopus.
Pippin vs Kraken
Pippin Wins
No one has ever said bigger fax 😂😂😂
3:40 i thought the meg got crushed i was actually team Kraken lol 😂
1:45 happy wheels.
Dog: lemme bite u>:( don’t hurt people
Kraken: STAPP😭😭😭
Helecopter: lemme cut cut
Kraken: OWW
Man: *STABS*
Kraken: BRO OW *Grabs with other arm*
Man: *stabs again but leaves the knife there*
Megladond: *Comes out of nowhere and bites kraken*
Kraken: BROO
Gotta get out when sharks and octopus arrive!
This mega shark vs giant octopus remake is quite good😂
2:32 これでガンガン叩けわーー!!!
That's a kraken? 😂
MEG 3- The Final battle between these two!
Truly wish the scene would of been longer and with less human interaction
Yall see how fast the meg took the kraken down under water he fast ash🔥🔥🔥🔥bad ahh meg🤘🏾🤘🏾
I honestly get the feeling like this would be Is far better if we didn't have so much human interaction. A little bit is good but this seemed far too focused on The dad and daughter Compared to the issue between these 2 Predatory animals, which probably have been praying on each other in a Give or take System. In these movies the meg usually isn't that intelligent So if there is no reason why it would be actively trying to defend people, it's just actively seeking out its most biggest and viable food service. The crackin, on the other hand had An ability to allow its tentacles to yank people into the water to feed it. So it almost becomes a prescale system Humans feed the cracking the cracking feeds the meg. But for anybody who Understands how predation Works in addition to the concept of the gigantism of the sea. It only makes me ask. What feeds on the meg. And my brain can only come to the conclusion. That what prey upon the meg is Essentially, Godzilla creatures. Deep sea born Reptiles. Who can easily eat the cracken and do not see them as a viable food source compared to the megs. But see no need or desire to go to the surface. For there is no surface life that is large enough to be able to sustain their copious appetite.
3:48 yea that’s the only way for a Megaladon to beat a kraken
Wht the hell iss Wu Jing doing here??? 😂😂😂
It's the sequel to WW2..🤔
The only one i cared for in this entire movie is that dog
Bro 0:42 w puppy
Namor(Earth-135263):"Don't underestimate the giant sea creatures!"
Namor(Earth-199999):"Imperius Rex!"
Bro can breath in the water 🤯🤯
Wah... I ❤ Croctopus
Honestly i thought the Kraken in this movie was wasted potential. Bro literally got pancaked by a seemingly weaker Megalodon 💀
This scene is so cool to watch! I enjoyed it so much in the theater. Can't wait to get my DVD copy of MEG 2
I love how the shark, plays dead while the octopus wraps around him, and then what?
🦈: I Am Banger 😅😅😅
🐙: No you're just lucky
Meg was not bout to take that L
Kraken put up a good fight tho! God, I love love love octopuses ! 🐙
I'll watch this on TV in another 5 years when there is nothing else to wat h😂😂😂😂😂
Kraken.I just wanted to play with you guys 😭
What I like to know is, how could the Kraken grad people like that off the shore without looking at them lol
It's the Kraken, that's what it does. It's been doing that since Pirates of the Caribbean.
The smallest kraken ever😂
Meg>> Gian kraken
This remakes “Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus” but in Better Realistic CGI.