For anyone that's still watching this video and wondering why there's some weird cuts, I had to get rid of some parts of the #5 segment cause of copyright as well as my #4 segment for the character ranking. (it was hank) I'll be uploading a video in a few weeks that ranks the whole breaking bad universe and it shouldn't have any of these issues, sorry for the inconvenience.
I absolutely loved Fly I watched it with my mom who thought it was just Tom and Jerry shenanigans, but there is so much depth and detail in every moment of the episode
The scene with Flynn getting drunk is bad but not because of your reasoning. It's bad because Walter shows how unhinged he is yet there are no consequences, and no one thinks less of him. The show usually does very well in paying off actions with consequences. Yet he is brushed off as being drunk or something.
I mean there are some minor ones, his house was full of guests that saw his drunken state and on his 51st birthday nobody besides Hank and Marrie showed up.
tbh I think thats just because skyler and walt changed so much in between those parties that they didn’t even think to have a big celebration and just invited hank and marie, you could be right though
You are totally wrong about the episode “Over”. It’s such an amazing turning point for Walt. In the last episode he makes 600,000 dollars worth of meth and learns he’s in remission. He no longer has any moral justification for cooking meth whatsoever, but this episode was the moment when he realizes that he can’t stop because he’s addicted to the feeling of power and recognition that being Heisenberg gives him. The scene where he makes Junior drink isn’t just about feeling “dominant” it’s the first time the Heisenberg persona fully manifests. In the previous scene Skylar thanked Gretchen and Eliot for paying for Walt’s treatment, once again giving them credit for Walt’s work, which was the first trigger. Then in the backyard Hank made Walt feel emasculated by telling Junior DEA stories, showing that junior has more respect and admiration for Hank than he does for Walt. That’s what made him finally snap and allow his dark side to take over. I’d argue that scene is one of the biggest turning points of the show.
Gotta disagree with you on the conflict in Hazard Pay, Walt and Jesse killed Gus, which led to the 9 guys being caught, like Mike said “you broke it you fix it”. You murdered their boss and got them busted, you should reimburse them, since they’re the ones facing the consequences of your actions. Plus, Mike was clear beforehand they had no say on the business end, and that was considered business.
Despite not agreeing with you on many things you’ve said in this video, I have to say that I loved it. Good to have my opinion challenged and you brought up things I had never thought about. Great video, great job man, probably my favourite ranking video on here. Gained a subscriber in me, I’m looking forward to more from you in the future.
@@djthegamer5 just got out of school too and vids like yours are inspiring me to make my own videos soon! very entertaining content, ill be sticking around!
@@jaspilled I wish you luck with your own channel, editing can definitely be draining at times but very rewarding in the end. And I appreciate you for sticking around, I finished recording the bcs video today and it’s gonna be way longer than this one actually, closer to 2 hours
I could never get tired of long ass breaking bad retrospectives/analysis/reviews, idk why, something about them just lure me like a moth, like bro you could redo this and I'd watch the entire thing even if only a few episodes got switched spots lol
The reason why Mike probably voted to keep toad is because he was technically right. He said before "there are those that get away and those that leaves witnesses" and the kid saw them and was a witness even if he's just a kid
I understand the pain of being beaten to the punch on videos, it's happened to me twice... just gotta make yours stand out by saying Fly is the 2nd best episode
thanks for the support, and the bcs ranking will come out in a few months. if you wanna know my quick thoughts, I don’t think its as good as breaking bad but the highs are just as high and I think its ultimately more consistent, and an incredible show in general.
@@djthegamer5 the more I rewatch both shows the more I realize how much I love them both and how hard it is to compare them. I think I have to say plan and execution is the best episode of the BB universe IMO.
I just watched the last 3 episodes of breaking bad a couple days ago and felina was the best thing I've ever witnessed on tv. Even better than avatars finale
I have some problems with the final episode. It's not very obvious about what hit Walter that caused his death. For being the sole cause of the end of his story, it doesn't receive much explanation. Maybe if there was a camera shot of the debris flying right into Walter's body, then it would make more seance because it was definitely not a bullet. Even then, it's still a contrived plot element. I guess the plan was that Jesse would have killed Walter and the only reason he would not have killed Walter was because of that wound, but that's hard to say for sure. I mean, the end shows them both nodding silently and moving on. I guess there is room for ambiguity here, but I am still not a fan. I also know Walter has been very emotionally distant, but I think leaving behind a note to Flynn and Holly would have been a nice way for him to say goodbye and clear things with them after death because he never talks with them. Skylar could have held on to it until they were ready for it. Walter gets a very tragic ending where no one in the universe loves him, at the very least, he could have written something to them to make them feel better about their father. I know he thinks he might not deserve forgiveness, but a final goodbye would probably give the kids some closure about their father.
I see where you're coming from but I think everything bad that happens to walt is to show that his actions have consequences. Especially his death, since him being the sole reason of it is the best way they could've done it in my opinion. Regarding his kids, I don't even know what Walt could've wrote about that Flynn or Skyler would've even believed, especially after Walt admitted that he did everything for himself.
Skyler’s *FEW* (as in maybe 3-4) cigarettes whilst pregnant never bothered me or made me feel or think any less of her. If you’d like to see a better example of this being something actually worthy of disdain, disapproval, and ire, I would recommend watching (or rewatching) “Mad Men,” paying attention to how, every single day, many of the pregnant characters chain smoke and as I recall, those characters also drank alcohol throughout their pregnancies. Granted, *Mad Men* is set in 1960s NYC, and it seems more people than not smoked. I was alive during a time when not only were there “smoking sections” in restaurants and on airplanes, they were also in fucking hospitals. I know- fucking batshit insane. Clearly, the horrific damage caused by cigarettes, via research and data, was not yet widely known and available, but let’s get real. How could or would ANYONE ignore how shitty smoking left them feeling, hacking and coughing, wheezing, breath smelling like a stank ass ashtray, blood pressure issues, sleep disturbances, etc, and *NOT* realize how it would not be a bad thing for a growing fetus? Some people tell themselves what they want to hear. My mother in law is a beautiful soul and a great mother. However, she is a retired Nurse and in the 70s, she was a pack a day smoker during the entirety of both of her pregnancies, and for the entirety of her son’s childhood well until they were grown and on their own. My father in law also smoked and he too was a healthcare professional. MIL tries to rationalize or make the excuse that, in that time, no one knew how bad cigarettes and smoking are, and how (allegedly), even the doctors never so much as suggested laying off smoking. I just do not believe that. I understand it was still socially acceptable and as I mentioned above, I was a kid, teenager, and into my very early 20s, when there were still smoking sections in most restaurants and in the 80s, right in the damn hospital or at the doctors office. But to play dumb that “no one knew it was bad” is bullshit. My MIL is an educated, bright woman. When she has brought it up, I always feel as though she’s just trying to soothe her own guilty conscience, as both of her sons (including my husband) were smoking cigarettes by about age 13-14, and one of them has smoked for over 30 years straight, at this point. I have to reckon that they were both predisposed, just as any other risk that comes with being born to an addict, and being raised in a home where both parents smoke. So, I understand if she feels badly about her choices. I think it’s sad, but in the grand scheme, if that’s the worst thing she’s ever done in her life, she’s a better human than most. All of this to reiterate- I just don’t judge Skyler for smoking a few cigarettes. I feel more annoyed that she lit up in her car, in the parking lot of the convenient store and her choice to flush down the toilet the remaining cancer sticks (where Walt discovers them, as it’s clogging the toilet). Why not smoke whilst driving or anywhere private? Why flush a nearly full pack? Those things irk me. Skyler acknowledges that she feels badly for smoking at all whilst pregnant, so she should be shown some grace. The woman was going through it, and she was struggling with the idea of her husband having terminal cancer and his constant lies, on top of being sexually assaulted, at that point, at least once by Walt (he raped her more times later, but that’s another issue). So, she smoked a few cigarettes. Her husband and the father of her children was cooking meth, selling it, going to die sooner than later, being a selfish prick, lying, and putting his entire family in harms way. I know which person I think is worse.
@@iamcasihart while I think she could’ve been more responsible I definitely see where you’re coming from, and I of course agree that walt is much worse than skyler, but thats what good writing does, it makes you root for psychopaths just because they’re well written protagonists. thanks for putting your time into commenting and your story
Wow.. the reason why you didn't like S2E4 that much was because "the purpose of this episode is to move the plot along". Not only is this nonsensical because well, what much else is there than to move the plot along? But also this type of episodes is why the show is such a masterpiece. It takes time to "move the plot along". I actually always found it very satisfying when Skylar would call out Walter's bullshit. But yes, I do admit that the episode dwelled too much on Jesse's misfortune. Maybe I was just too disgusted about him falling in the toilet.
Season 2 dragged a bit with more of character heavy episodes and seaming to build something greater to the mid 3rd season onward. I mean the episodes were slower but re-watching them, I get a better appreciation of the slow measured pace(no pun). You can soak it in compared to the later self aware ( of being a great series ) of the later seasons.
Your buddy that was narrating #35 has such a bad microphone and went on way too long trying to be funny I had to skip it… I’m sure he’s a cool guy and all but that was hard to watch and listen, also whatever gameplay he had in the background was a terrible choice for a breaking bad video. Other than that I am enjoying the video 👍🏻 I can tell it took a lot of work and preparation
@ I just don’t see it, I love the show but on a rewatch I always skip them, it completely deflates the tension. Two cartel guys wielding axes almost killing Hank, then two episodes of people dicking around in hospitals, another with them chasing a damn fly.
@@djthegamer5 Kafkaesque has one moment where Saul is teaching Jesse about money laundering, that’s probably the only scene I remember from those three episodes.
abiquiu and kafkaesque definitely aren’t standout episodes but in the context of the show I think they work very well, fly is more of the opposite. It isn’t necessary but I find it very entertaining on its own
I like the style and format of this but theres too much plot summary instead of reviewing, like sometimes it feels like ur reciting the wikipedia plot summary instead of just talking about your opinion/ the reasoning behind your rating
My season rankings would go as follows: 1. Season 3 2. Season 5 3. Season 1 4. Season 4 5. Season 2 4 to me completely drags between Box Cutter and Salud which is about 50% of the season 3 is the most interesting to me because there are so many moving pieces unlike 4 and 5 which are more focused on singular conflicts (Walt v Gus in 4 and Walt's rise and fall in 5). We don't know what the deal is with Gus, Mike, and the Cartel in season 3 so each development feels bigger. Walt is also more interesting to watch as in Season 5 he's basically just a pure villain. Don't think I need to back up why it's better than 1 & 2 lol
@@domskillet5744 very interesting that you don’t like mid season 4, I think its great. season 3 being your favorite is understandable, I just think its not as consistent as the other seasons
I don’t think we can say Walt sexually assaulted the principal. For trying to kiss her? I get it that they were at work. But I don’t think it was assault. He didn’t force himself on her and didn’t really force anything to occur except for emotional discomfort. Learn how to say the Spanish titles. Learn how to pronounce everything in your script/video. At one point, you joke about not knowing Spanish so you can’t pronounce a title. Like thirty seconds later, you talk about how “no mas” reflects various aspects of that episode. Lastly, calling a scene “cringe” or saying you just don’t like it is not an argument in any way. Take your time and explain yourself.
@@andrewdorie 1. sorry for over exaggerating ig I didn’t think it was that deep but sure you’re right 2. no mas is pretty self explanatory to say so thats why I talked about that but again I didn’t think it mattered enough to learn how to say them for like 2 seconds of the video but I’ll try harder next time 3. the scene being cringe is literally just my opinion I could care less if it’s “not an argument” sorry thanks for the criticism I’ll try to improve it for the next one
@ you can care less if it’s not an argument? Then why even make a video? What is wrong with young people? Why can’t you guys let yourselves take anything seriously?
I put like 100 hours into this video and obviously it’s not going to be perfect but the whole video is me sharing my opinion on why I like and dislike certain parts of the show. I understand that every scene serves a purpose and that’s actually one of my favorite aspects of this show and why I respect the writers so much, but if I don’t enjoy watching a scene then I don’t enjoy watching a scene, end of story. That’s my argument. Maybe I could’ve analyzed it more, you’re right about that, but it doesn’t change my opinion of the scene, I’m sorry. I appreciate your criticism but its not going to change my opinions of certain scenes.
@@djthegamer5 lol nice, I’m gonna check that out. Anyway just a quick lil thing - I appreciated the detail you went into but you were hard to understand sometimes - things would run together and it seemed like there were a few genuinely nuanced points but it was so rushed the key sticking points got garbled up. I think if you work on pace and enunciation you’ll have an awesome channel. Good luck!
yeah I’ve been trying to improve my pronunciation every video I make, I was mostly trying to be less monotone here so I probably focused less on that. I have multiple hours of recordings for my better call saul video so hopefully I did it better, thank you for the feedback though.
Tapping out about mid-way, but I feel a lot of the early episodes you "didn't have much to say". May as well have just lumped them all together and said they were all tied lol. I also skipped the phoenix part maybe 30 seconds in. Not to be too mean, but it was a pretty drastic contrast to your style and tone. Just felt like a high person giving a plot summary. As a positive, when you actually mentioned more direct stuff you liked/didn't enjoy, it was a lot easier of a listen. Comparing that to just "this character is/was annoying".
I appreciate your feedback, I’ll try to apply it to the next ranking. also I was definitely aware of the phoenix part being too long but I wanted to try and keep my friends parts as is, but I definitely understand you skipping it.
it’s just a running joke in the video I don’t actually hate him, it started in my breaking bad tier list on my other channel the odyssey if you want the context
@@djthegamer5 I love breaking bad but I only give one or two episodes 10/10, Ozymandias and Felina, maybe face off too. Giving so many episodes 10/10 would devalue the rating a bit. But it's your own list and if you gonna pick any show to have so many 10/10s I get it being breaking bad. Even the only show I'd outright give a 10/10 for the entire series (the wire) I'm not sure has a 10/10 episode
62. Fly (3/10) 61. Cancer Man (4/10) 60. Bit By A Dead Bee (7/10) 59. No Más (7/10) 58. Negro y Azul (8/10) 57. Caballo sin Nombre (8/10) 56. Madrigal (8/10) 55. Open House (8/10) 54. Abiquiu (8/10) 53. Kafkaesque (8/10) 52. A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal (8/10) 51. I.F.T (8/10) 50. Green Light (8/10) 49. Over (8/10) 48. Gray Matter (9/10) 47. The Cat's In The Bag (9/10) 46. Problem Dog (9/10) 45. Fifty-One (9/10) 44. I See You (9/10) 43. Hazard Pay (9/10) 42. Mandala (9/10) 41. Buyout (9/10) 40. Más (9/10) 39. I See You (9/10) 38. Down (9/10) 37. Rabid Dog (9/10) 36. Bug (9/10) 35. Live Free Or Die (9/10) 34. Better Call Saul (9/10) 33. Breakage (10/10) 32. Half Measures (10/10) 31. Bullet Points (10/10) 30. Thirty-Eight Snub (10/10) 39. Sunset (10/10) 28. Blood Money (10/10) 27. Crazy Handful of Nothin' (10/10) 26. Four Days Out (10/10) 25. One Minute (10/10) 24. Cornered (10/10) 23. Shotgun (10/10) 22. ABQ (10/10) 21. Pheonix (10/10) 20. Peekaboo (10/10) 19. Seven Thirty-Seven (10/10) 18. Hermanos (10/10) 17. Dead Freight (10/10) 16. Pilot (10/10) 15. Confessions (10/10) 14. Gliding Over All (10/10) 13. Say My Name (10/10) 12. Full Measures (10/10) 11. Face Off (10/10) 10. End Times (10/10) 9. Crawl Space (10/10) 8. Felina (10/10) 7. Box Cutter (10/10) 6. Buried (10/10) 5. Ozymandias (10/10) 4. Grilled (10/10) 3. Granite State (10/10) 2. To'hajilee (10/10) 1. Salud (11/10)
that’s understandable that you dread fly it definitely takes away from the action a bit and I’m aware what negro y azul means but I didn’t know how to say it in spanish, thank you though
For anyone that's still watching this video and wondering why there's some weird cuts, I had to get rid of some parts of the #5 segment cause of copyright as well as my #4 segment for the character ranking. (it was hank) I'll be uploading a video in a few weeks that ranks the whole breaking bad universe and it shouldn't have any of these issues, sorry for the inconvenience.
Love this video, bro! I'm so surprised you don’t have more followers
@@Matsubusa69 thank you
I absolutely loved Fly
I watched it with my mom who thought it was just Tom and Jerry shenanigans, but there is so much depth and detail in every moment of the episode
The scene with Flynn getting drunk is bad but not because of your reasoning. It's bad because Walter shows how unhinged he is yet there are no consequences, and no one thinks less of him. The show usually does very well in paying off actions with consequences. Yet he is brushed off as being drunk or something.
I just don't like watching that scene
I mean there are some minor ones, his house was full of guests that saw his drunken state and on his 51st birthday nobody besides Hank and Marrie showed up.
tbh I think thats just because skyler and walt changed so much in between those parties that they didn’t even think to have a big celebration and just invited hank and marie, you could be right though
I'm surprised this isn't a bigger channel. Can't wait for the BCS video.
You are totally wrong about the episode “Over”. It’s such an amazing turning point for Walt. In the last episode he makes 600,000 dollars worth of meth and learns he’s in remission. He no longer has any moral justification for cooking meth whatsoever, but this episode was the moment when he realizes that he can’t stop because he’s addicted to the feeling of power and recognition that being Heisenberg gives him. The scene where he makes Junior drink isn’t just about feeling “dominant” it’s the first time the Heisenberg persona fully manifests. In the previous scene Skylar thanked Gretchen and Eliot for paying for Walt’s treatment, once again giving them credit for Walt’s work, which was the first trigger. Then in the backyard Hank made Walt feel emasculated by telling Junior DEA stories, showing that junior has more respect and admiration for Hank than he does for Walt. That’s what made him finally snap and allow his dark side to take over. I’d argue that scene is one of the biggest turning points of the show.
I see what you mean but I really just don’t like watching that scene ngl
all caps playing at 15:47 and all the other mf doom caught me off guard, great video man
@Burstroom thank you 🙏, doom is the goat
ami tripping or what? my guys only got 200 subs thats crazy
appreciate you
@@djthegamer5 201 now*
Why do people care about sub count so much?
@Guyvermectin cause it shows how big of a channel I am
Been falling to sleep to these rankings for the past week and now yours has been recommend, nice + it’s cool seeing how the opinions differ
Didnt make it past the part of Phoenix, holy shit is that guy annoying
Glad to see all the effort never paid back if you find your friend funny dude😊
@@kani030 this is like the 10th comment about him lol
sorry about that there’s timestamps if you wanna watch the rest
Absolute madlad
Gotta disagree with you on the conflict in Hazard Pay, Walt and Jesse killed Gus, which led to the 9 guys being caught, like Mike said “you broke it you fix it”. You murdered their boss and got them busted, you should reimburse them, since they’re the ones facing the consequences of your actions. Plus, Mike was clear beforehand they had no say on the business end, and that was considered business.
fair point
he’ll naw it was gus or him he had to do it
@@nathanhafer6924 he will?
Despite not agreeing with you on many things you’ve said in this video, I have to say that I loved it. Good to have my opinion challenged and you brought up things I had never thought about. Great video, great job man, probably my favourite ranking video on here. Gained a subscriber in me, I’m looking forward to more from you in the future.
@@stefanhannesson1978 thanks man I appreciate your comment
only 300 subs is crazy, loved the video and absolutely cannot wait for bcs vid
thank you 🙏, bcs video is in the middle of being recorded, should hopefully be out in the next week since school is over for me
@@djthegamer5 just got out of school too and vids like yours are inspiring me to make my own videos soon! very entertaining content, ill be sticking around!
@@jaspilled I wish you luck with your own channel, editing can definitely be draining at times but very rewarding in the end. And I appreciate you for sticking around, I finished recording the bcs video today and it’s gonna be way longer than this one actually, closer to 2 hours
Don't ever let your friend narrate again, I couldn't cringe harder
😭damn ok
@@djthegamer5 I forgot to be positive. Great fucking video, stuff like this can make a channel big. Keep up the good work!
been doing youtube for a while so I really appreciate that, thank you
At first I thought it was a dumb pace breaker but then i got used to it and found it really funny and charming
first compliment he’s received 😭😭
MF DOOM songs 🔥
the goat
4:44 it's actually skyler who came up with the dirty water scam, not Saul.
yeah someone else pointed that out in the comments too, that's my bad
I could never get tired of long ass breaking bad retrospectives/analysis/reviews, idk why, something about them just lure me like a moth, like bro you could redo this and I'd watch the entire thing even if only a few episodes got switched spots lol
Thanks for not putting fly last 😭
nice video
The reason why Mike probably voted to keep toad is because he was technically right. He said before "there are those that get away and those that leaves witnesses" and the kid saw them and was a witness even if he's just a kid
I understand the pain of being beaten to the punch on videos, it's happened to me twice... just gotta make yours stand out by saying Fly is the 2nd best episode
lmao although I thought of the idea a while ago both your rankings were definitely big inspirations in the end so I appreciate your comment 🙏🙏
Omg hnfilms ilysm
7:29 kid named Brock:
"at least brock is an orphan now" - you're an animal sir
This video was awsome man I’d love to hear your thoughts on BCS
thanks for the support, and the bcs ranking will come out in a few months. if you wanna know my quick thoughts, I don’t think its as good as breaking bad but the highs are just as high and I think its ultimately more consistent, and an incredible show in general.
@@djthegamer5 the more I rewatch both shows the more I realize how much I love them both and how hard it is to compare them. I think I have to say plan and execution is the best episode of the BB universe IMO.
very fair take, it’ll definitely be high on my ranking
@@djthegamer5 at some point you should rank everything together if you have the time. I think it would be awsome.
maybe one day but I’d probably just combine the entries from both videos and put them as one cause I wouldn’t want to redo it all, good idea though
I assume Mandala is not a Top 10 episode is because of the whole “happy birthday Mr. President.”
it would probably be a little higher but not top 10
thought this man was for sure big…
@@tperm2121 if you’re referring to my sub count then I appreciate it
@@djthegamer5 yessir i was. you’ll for sure make it big. remember me bro❤️
much love ❤️
it takes a lot of effort to make a video like this. respect dude
thank you, I appreciate it
I'm subscriber 305, you definitely deserve 305k .. good video.. excited for future projects from you
thank you man 🙏, my better call saul video should be out soon
I just watched the last 3 episodes of breaking bad a couple days ago and felina was the best thing I've ever witnessed on tv. Even better than avatars finale
Phoenix in 35 is criminal. Its at least top 15
yeah I expected someone to be mad at this, amazing episode but not perfect, I think there’s much better
4:45 I'm pretty sure this was skylars idea
you might be right actually, thanks
W todd🔥🔥💯💯💯
Great video mate
Mad respect for this video, yo
Underrated as hell
W Todd
W Todd
don't forget me when your popular ,I'm your 233rd subscriber
I have some problems with the final episode. It's not very obvious about what hit Walter that caused his death. For being the sole cause of the end of his story, it doesn't receive much explanation. Maybe if there was a camera shot of the debris flying right into Walter's body, then it would make more seance because it was definitely not a bullet. Even then, it's still a contrived plot element. I guess the plan was that Jesse would have killed Walter and the only reason he would not have killed Walter was because of that wound, but that's hard to say for sure. I mean, the end shows them both nodding silently and moving on. I guess there is room for ambiguity here, but I am still not a fan.
I also know Walter has been very emotionally distant, but I think leaving behind a note to Flynn and Holly would have been a nice way for him to say goodbye and clear things with them after death because he never talks with them. Skylar could have held on to it until they were ready for it. Walter gets a very tragic ending where no one in the universe loves him, at the very least, he could have written something to them to make them feel better about their father. I know he thinks he might not deserve forgiveness, but a final goodbye would probably give the kids some closure about their father.
I see where you're coming from but I think everything bad that happens to walt is to show that his actions have consequences. Especially his death, since him being the sole reason of it is the best way they could've done it in my opinion. Regarding his kids, I don't even know what Walt could've wrote about that Flynn or Skyler would've even believed, especially after Walt admitted that he did everything for himself.
Your friend was annoying but your parts were amazing
😭😭 thanks
Skyler’s *FEW* (as in maybe 3-4) cigarettes whilst pregnant never bothered me or made me feel or think any less of her. If you’d like to see a better example of this being something actually worthy of disdain, disapproval, and ire, I would recommend watching (or rewatching) “Mad Men,” paying attention to how, every single day, many of the pregnant characters chain smoke and as I recall, those characters also drank alcohol throughout their pregnancies.
Granted, *Mad Men* is set in 1960s NYC, and it seems more people than not smoked. I was alive during a time when not only were there “smoking sections” in restaurants and on airplanes, they were also in fucking hospitals. I know- fucking batshit insane. Clearly, the horrific damage caused by cigarettes, via research and data, was not yet widely known and available, but let’s get real. How could or would ANYONE ignore how shitty smoking left them feeling, hacking and coughing, wheezing, breath smelling like a stank ass ashtray, blood pressure issues, sleep disturbances, etc, and *NOT* realize how it would not be a bad thing for a growing fetus? Some people tell themselves what they want to hear. My mother in law is a beautiful soul and a great mother. However, she is a retired Nurse and in the 70s, she was a pack a day smoker during the entirety of both of her pregnancies, and for the entirety of her son’s childhood well until they were grown and on their own. My father in law also smoked and he too was a healthcare professional. MIL tries to rationalize or make the excuse that, in that time, no one knew how bad cigarettes and smoking are, and how (allegedly), even the doctors never so much as suggested laying off smoking. I just do not believe that. I understand it was still socially acceptable and as I mentioned above, I was a kid, teenager, and into my very early 20s, when there were still smoking sections in most restaurants and in the 80s, right in the damn hospital or at the doctors office. But to play dumb that “no one knew it was bad” is bullshit. My MIL is an educated, bright woman. When she has brought it up, I always feel as though she’s just trying to soothe her own guilty conscience, as both of her sons (including my husband) were smoking cigarettes by about age 13-14, and one of them has smoked for over 30 years straight, at this point. I have to reckon that they were both predisposed, just as any other risk that comes with being born to an addict, and being raised in a home where both parents smoke. So, I understand if she feels badly about her choices. I think it’s sad, but in the grand scheme, if that’s the worst thing she’s ever done in her life, she’s a better human than most.
All of this to reiterate- I just don’t judge Skyler for smoking a few cigarettes. I feel more annoyed that she lit up in her car, in the parking lot of the convenient store and her choice to flush down the toilet the remaining cancer sticks (where Walt discovers them, as it’s clogging the toilet). Why not smoke whilst driving or anywhere private? Why flush a nearly full pack? Those things irk me.
Skyler acknowledges that she feels badly for smoking at all whilst pregnant, so she should be shown some grace. The woman was going through it, and she was struggling with the idea of her husband having terminal cancer and his constant lies, on top of being sexually assaulted, at that point, at least once by Walt (he raped her more times later, but that’s another issue). So, she smoked a few cigarettes. Her husband and the father of her children was cooking meth, selling it, going to die sooner than later, being a selfish prick, lying, and putting his entire family in harms way. I know which person I think is worse.
@@iamcasihart while I think she could’ve been more responsible I definitely see where you’re coming from, and I of course agree that walt is much worse than skyler, but thats what good writing does, it makes you root for psychopaths just because they’re well written protagonists. thanks for putting your time into commenting and your story
@ thank YOU for the time and care you placed into your video! I appreciate your work and I enjoyed watching it.
Wow.. the reason why you didn't like S2E4 that much was because "the purpose of this episode is to move the plot along". Not only is this nonsensical because well, what much else is there than to move the plot along? But also this type of episodes is why the show is such a masterpiece. It takes time to "move the plot along". I actually always found it very satisfying when Skylar would call out Walter's bullshit. But yes, I do admit that the episode dwelled too much on Jesse's misfortune. Maybe I was just too disgusted about him falling in the toilet.
I agree that episodes like this are necessary, and it's still a good episode, but there's much better episodes
Season 2 dragged a bit with more of character heavy episodes and seaming to build something greater to the mid 3rd season onward. I mean the episodes were slower but re-watching them, I get a better appreciation of the slow measured pace(no pun). You can soak it in compared to the later self aware ( of being a great series ) of the later seasons.
Bro why is there so much Brock hate 😭😭😭 solid video though pretty much agree with your rankings
brocks the worst character known to mankind I had to put it out there 💀 appreciate you
Your buddy that was narrating #35 has such a bad microphone and went on way too long trying to be funny I had to skip it… I’m sure he’s a cool guy and all but that was hard to watch and listen, also whatever gameplay he had in the background was a terrible choice for a breaking bad video. Other than that I am enjoying the video 👍🏻 I can tell it took a lot of work and preparation
@@seventhfridge lol a lot of the comments agree with you, and thank you it definitely took a lot of work
you should make a Breaking Bad video ranking the seasons
I rank them in the interlude
he should make the superior show ranking better call saul
@@djthegamer5 even so. recap the ranking in its own video. Milk the views haha
I’ll do the bcs video sometime this year
Fly, Kafkaesque, and Albqiqu is probably the worst three episode run in television.
@@kush6846 they’re definitely not some of the best of the show but I strongly disagree, they’re all great episodes
@ I just don’t see it, I love the show but on a rewatch I always skip them, it completely deflates the tension. Two cartel guys wielding axes almost killing Hank, then two episodes of people dicking around in hospitals, another with them chasing a damn fly.
thats fair but fly is funny as hell to me I just watched it the other day, and the other 2 still have great writing
@@djthegamer5 Kafkaesque has one moment where Saul is teaching Jesse about money laundering, that’s probably the only scene I remember from those three episodes.
abiquiu and kafkaesque definitely aren’t standout episodes but in the context of the show I think they work very well, fly is more of the opposite. It isn’t necessary but I find it very entertaining on its own
W Todd !
I like the style and format of this but theres too much plot summary instead of reviewing, like sometimes it feels like ur reciting the wikipedia plot summary instead of just talking about your opinion/ the reasoning behind your rating
@@Sport87ywhvifcc11 thats mostly the point but I appreciate the criticism
this is a good video but the 35 segment was way too long for how unfunny it was
yeah I definitely thought it was long but I didn’t wanna make my friend redo it, I appreciate your feedback though
Pretty good video but I dont like how many scenes are dismissed as bad just because a character is doing something morally disagreeable
@@CentipedesAnimeStuff ngl its been a while since I made this so what scenes specifically? and thank you
My season rankings would go as follows:
1. Season 3
2. Season 5
3. Season 1
4. Season 4
5. Season 2
4 to me completely drags between Box Cutter and Salud which is about 50% of the season
3 is the most interesting to me because there are so many moving pieces unlike 4 and 5 which are more focused on singular conflicts (Walt v Gus in 4 and Walt's rise and fall in 5). We don't know what the deal is with Gus, Mike, and the Cartel in season 3 so each development feels bigger. Walt is also more interesting to watch as in Season 5 he's basically just a pure villain. Don't think I need to back up why it's better than 1 & 2 lol
@@domskillet5744 very interesting that you don’t like mid season 4, I think its great. season 3 being your favorite is understandable, I just think its not as consistent as the other seasons
I don’t think we can say Walt sexually assaulted the principal. For trying to kiss her? I get it that they were at work. But I don’t think it was assault. He didn’t force himself on her and didn’t really force anything to occur except for emotional discomfort.
Learn how to say the Spanish titles. Learn how to pronounce everything in your script/video. At one point, you joke about not knowing Spanish so you can’t pronounce a title. Like thirty seconds later, you talk about how “no mas” reflects various aspects of that episode.
Lastly, calling a scene “cringe” or saying you just don’t like it is not an argument in any way. Take your time and explain yourself.
@@andrewdorie 1. sorry for over exaggerating ig I didn’t think it was that deep but sure you’re right
2. no mas is pretty self explanatory to say so thats why I talked about that but again I didn’t think it mattered enough to learn how to say them for like 2 seconds of the video but I’ll try harder next time
3. the scene being cringe is literally just my opinion I could care less if it’s “not an argument” sorry
thanks for the criticism I’ll try to improve it for the next one
@ you can care less if it’s not an argument? Then why even make a video? What is wrong with young people? Why can’t you guys let yourselves take anything seriously?
I put like 100 hours into this video and obviously it’s not going to be perfect but the whole video is me sharing my opinion on why I like and dislike certain parts of the show. I understand that every scene serves a purpose and that’s actually one of my favorite aspects of this show and why I respect the writers so much, but if I don’t enjoy watching a scene then I don’t enjoy watching a scene, end of story. That’s my argument. Maybe I could’ve analyzed it more, you’re right about that, but it doesn’t change my opinion of the scene, I’m sorry. I appreciate your criticism but its not going to change my opinions of certain scenes.
@@andrewdorieworst ragebaiting I’ve ever seen
666 subscribers 😮😮😮😱
@@anjuscuccos woah
5:07 which parody was it?
it was like if breaking bad was an abc sitcom or something like that
@@djthegamer5 lol nice, I’m gonna check that out. Anyway just a quick lil thing - I appreciated the detail you went into but you were hard to understand sometimes - things would run together and it seemed like there were a few genuinely nuanced points but it was so rushed the key sticking points got garbled up. I think if you work on pace and enunciation you’ll have an awesome channel. Good luck!
yeah I’ve been trying to improve my pronunciation every video I make, I was mostly trying to be less monotone here so I probably focused less on that. I have multiple hours of recordings for my better call saul video so hopefully I did it better, thank you for the feedback though.
Tapping out about mid-way, but I feel a lot of the early episodes you "didn't have much to say". May as well have just lumped them all together and said they were all tied lol.
I also skipped the phoenix part maybe 30 seconds in. Not to be too mean, but it was a pretty drastic contrast to your style and tone. Just felt like a high person giving a plot summary.
As a positive, when you actually mentioned more direct stuff you liked/didn't enjoy, it was a lot easier of a listen. Comparing that to just "this character is/was annoying".
I appreciate your feedback, I’ll try to apply it to the next ranking. also I was definitely aware of the phoenix part being too long but I wanted to try and keep my friends parts as is, but I definitely understand you skipping it.
@@djthegamer5 Yeah I didn't want to be too mean, cause it felt like more of a "chill" project, but I hope it helps.
pilot is #1 100%
face off 3rd ozymandias 2nd felina 1st icl
Why do you hate brock? I haven’t seen the whole video yet? I’m watching it as I’m typing lol.
it’s just a running joke in the video I don’t actually hate him, it started in my breaking bad tier list on my other channel the odyssey if you want the context
@@djthegamer5 ahh okay! Cool! Good video!
@@CarlTheCreative thanks
when will the bcs video be out
@@MrWhite69419 in like an hour lol
nvm I tried uploading it overnight and it failed, I'll drop it tomorrow 12pm
@@djthegamer5 what timezone
@MrWhite69419 est
You rate too many things 10/10, cool video though
fair but bb is just too good imo
@@djthegamer5 I love breaking bad but I only give one or two episodes 10/10, Ozymandias and Felina, maybe face off too. Giving so many episodes 10/10 would devalue the rating a bit. But it's your own list and if you gonna pick any show to have so many 10/10s I get it being breaking bad. Even the only show I'd outright give a 10/10 for the entire series (the wire) I'm not sure has a 10/10 episode
I definitely understand what you mean, I just personally give out 10/10’s more easily than some other people
Was exited when I saw a new braking bad commentary vidio only for this guy to have the worst most bat shit takes ever
I like Saul more than Walter….. yes Saul is a better character than Walter.
not ranking the fly episode that i skipped the first time watching and every time rewatching as the worst episode, makes this list irrelevant.
damn you’re missing out
fly is the best tv episode
Can you get through one sentence with out banging your mic? Very annoying
@@djthegamer5 Sorry mate was being a diva, enjoyed the video
@@AdamSmith-yz1dx you’re good, I appreciate it
ayy i was high watching this and now i wanna watch BB again
62. Fly (3/10)
61. Cancer Man (4/10)
60. Bit By A Dead Bee (7/10)
59. No Más (7/10)
58. Negro y Azul (8/10)
57. Caballo sin Nombre (8/10)
56. Madrigal (8/10)
55. Open House (8/10)
54. Abiquiu (8/10)
53. Kafkaesque (8/10)
52. A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal (8/10)
51. I.F.T (8/10)
50. Green Light (8/10)
49. Over (8/10)
48. Gray Matter (9/10)
47. The Cat's In The Bag (9/10)
46. Problem Dog (9/10)
45. Fifty-One (9/10)
44. I See You (9/10)
43. Hazard Pay (9/10)
42. Mandala (9/10)
41. Buyout (9/10)
40. Más (9/10)
39. I See You (9/10)
38. Down (9/10)
37. Rabid Dog (9/10)
36. Bug (9/10)
35. Live Free Or Die (9/10)
34. Better Call Saul (9/10)
33. Breakage (10/10)
32. Half Measures (10/10)
31. Bullet Points (10/10)
30. Thirty-Eight Snub (10/10)
39. Sunset (10/10)
28. Blood Money (10/10)
27. Crazy Handful of Nothin' (10/10)
26. Four Days Out (10/10)
25. One Minute (10/10)
24. Cornered (10/10)
23. Shotgun (10/10)
22. ABQ (10/10)
21. Pheonix (10/10)
20. Peekaboo (10/10)
19. Seven Thirty-Seven (10/10)
18. Hermanos (10/10)
17. Dead Freight (10/10)
16. Pilot (10/10)
15. Confessions (10/10)
14. Gliding Over All (10/10)
13. Say My Name (10/10)
12. Full Measures (10/10)
11. Face Off (10/10)
10. End Times (10/10)
9. Crawl Space (10/10)
8. Felina (10/10)
7. Box Cutter (10/10)
6. Buried (10/10)
5. Ozymandias (10/10)
4. Grilled (10/10)
3. Granite State (10/10)
2. To'hajilee (10/10)
1. Salud (11/10)
@@TheArchieTheory solid ranking, fly 3/10 though 💔
Say my name
Lalo or Gus?
if we’re talking about only better call saul then lalo, but if you combine breaking bad then gus
I think marie is worse than skyler
@@Cyraxx1989 me too
Brocking Bad
@@kingDowahs yes
god this is awful
ty 🙏🙏🙏🙏
how old are you lil bro
I always dread the fly episode lol
Btw negro y azul means black n blue
that’s understandable that you dread fly it definitely takes away from the action a bit
and I’m aware what negro y azul means but I didn’t know how to say it in spanish, thank you though