great film absolutely, I just wished the lead actor (Owen Wilson ?) and the hilarious Michael Sheen had swapped roles. Owen, for me, didn't have enough comedic intensity, which Sheen has in abundance.
For me, Manhattan is his masterpiece, and I'll never forget the wonderful shock of seeing Jeff Daniels talk to Mia Farrow and then come down from the screen in The Purple Rose of Cairo. I was in a nearly empty cinema in Milan in 1985 when I watched it, and it was a real treat!
"it reminds me of that old joke - you know, a guy walks into a psychiatrist's office and says, hey doc, my brother's crazy! He thinks he's a chicken. Then the doc says, why don't you turn him in? Then the guy says, I would but I need the eggs. I guess that's how I feel about relationships. They're totally crazy, irrational, and absurd, but we keep going through it because we need the eggs." That sole qoute made Annie Hall for me, it summed up the entire movie, it was passionate, it made sense, and frankly I think without Woody Allen quoting old jokes it would not be the same movie. Manhattan was amazing as well but something about that qoute pushes me over the edge for Annie Hall, Maybe it's because I relate? or maybe I just think it's a good qoute, who knows though right?
Woody's voice is unique. I've loved him since I was a teenager. Who else makes the audience laugh and think simultaneously. For frivolous fun I loved Manhattan Murder Mystery which no one ever mentions. For craft, Hannah, Annie and Crimes. For romance, Midnight on Paris.
Lou Vegas damn I made this comment awhile ago! I loved Annie Hall a lot but I actually haven’t seen play it again Sam. I’ll need to check that one out my dude.
One of my favorite directors... My top 10 1-Purple Rose of Cairo 2-Annie Hall 3-Manhattan 4-Hannah and Her Sisters 5-Husbands and Wives 6-Midnight in Paris 7-Manhattan Murder Mystery 8-Stardust Memories 9-Zelig 10-Everyone Says I Love You HM:Love and Death, Match Point, Vicky Christina Barcelona, Blue Jasmine, Another Woman.
Interiors is one of my all-time favorites of his. Geraldine Page's performance as a meddling, passive-aggressive interior designer determined to throw her life away after her husband leaves her was a true thing of beauty.
It's the only Woody Allen movie I just can't stand, it's boring as hell, Woody wanting to be Begman when he's so much better being Woody. But it's good to see that some people actually like it. I'll take any other of his movies from the 70's to the 2000's, tons of masterpieces to enjoy.
so whats your top 10 I think they had all mine. Celebrity is not a masterpiece but its pretty damn good and much better than Vic Chris. I can´t watch Love and Marriage just for what he did to Mia Farrow. Completely out of order. I don´t believe the child molestation charge but everything he did with Sun Yi was despicable. 1. Love and Death 2. Zelig 3. Bullets Over Broadway 4: hannah and her sisters 5. Annie Hall 6. Deconstructing Harry The rest are very good but not masterpieces, 7. The Purple Rose Of cairo 8. Crimes AND Misdomenors 9. Blue Jasmin 10. Celebrity or Broadway danny Rose
@@TheNerdMan2 Ok, what the hell do you mean by "Love and Marriage"? That's not a title. At least get your title right. Also, Sun Yi was in her 20's at the time; He was cheating on Mia with Sun, so that was crummy, if that's what you mean. And I just posted my list on these comments, scroll around, I just posted it like 10 minutes ago. And Celebrity was ok, but Vicky was better, especially when you consider Vicky was original, while Celebrity was clearly a homage to La Dolce Vita (his second Fellini-inspired love letter after Stardust Memories, which was a send-up to 8 1/2).
Most critics and fans arrange Woody Allen's films (the ones that he directed) into categories of great, good, and minor. Woody's greatest films certainly include Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters, Manhattan, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Bullets Over Broadway, Zelig, The Purple Rose of Cairo, Radio Days, Stardust Memories, Sleeper, Love and Death, Blue Jasmine, Midnight in Paris, Vicky Christina Barcelona, Deconstructing Harry, Interiors, Husband and Wives, Broadway Danny Rose, Mighty Aphrodite, Bananas, and Oedipus Wrecks from New York Stories. Then there are such worthy films as Match Point, Scoop, Take the Money and Run, Alice, Everyone Says I Love You, Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex* (* But Were Afraid To Ask), Sweet and Lowdown, Small Time Crooks, Whatever Works, September, Manhattan Murder Mystery, Shadows and Fog, A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy, Another Woman, Celebrity, Hollywood Ending, To Rome with Love, Magic in the Moonlight, and Irrational Man. If you add films that Woody did not direct, Play It Again Sam, The Front, and Antz are very entertaining. Woody's minor films include You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, Melinda and Melinda, Cassandra's Dream, Anything Else, and The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (Woody's personal choice for his worst film). There are a few of Woody's films that I have yet to see, including Cafe Society. Yes, I am a huge Woodyphile!
What makes me happy in this cold, rainy and lonely Friday evening is that Woody Allen has so many films! Despite being his huge fan, I still have many films that I haven't watched yet!
EdgeOfNight His movies are good if only he didn't act. His acting is crap, just crap. Imagine some good actors in the role he played you will like his movies.
@@AnnPaul514 Seven years later, I don't even remember writing this. I'm not sure I still agree with myself. He plays his neurotic self good enough, and he doesn't act in all his movies.
Mr. Allen is a true American treasure. I have locked away my DVDs of all his films for my new born grandchild who will know me by some of them and I thank Mr. Allen with all my heart. My only dissension with the list is that I would put Crimes and Misdemeanors as number one and everything else would stay in the same order. Thank you for this wonderful link.
@@laadidaouiomar1078 I OOSITIVELY agree I would say they are his BEST two films....and the first half of " What's s up Tiger Lily? " was almost as good as those two....if you consider Tiger Lily a Woody Allen movie
Luisivan, I honorably mentioned it ;) , in my comment above, as a turning point in Allen's public persona as an artist and a brilliant way of dealing with his fall from grace. Brilliant both in terms of PR and in terms of genuine artistic engagement.
One could easily make a list of the Top 20 Woody Allen films. He has a knack for being intellectually funny. How many other directors or screenwriters can have great comedy and drama in the same film? Match Point is a great example.
1. Annie Hall 2. Manhattan 3. Hannah and Her Sisters 4. Broadway Danny rose 5. Radio days 6. Match Point 7. Play it again Sam 8. Mighty Aphrodite 9. Husbands and Wives 10. Fading Gigolo
Everything works so good with midnight in Paris; screenplay, Paris, characters, and Marion Cotillard. I can watch this movie over and over, it's so good.
Paul Anderson Yeah, definitely one of his best. They mentioned Crimes and Misdemeanors, but Match Point was the same theme, based off Crime and Punishment, and I think it is a much better movie
Wow! What a genius Allen really is. Look at that list - a great list by itself, the honorable mentions, and the omissions - like Another Woman, Interiors & Matchpoint, all terrific movies in their own right. The depth of creativity and intelligence in his vast body of work is truly unparalleled. A true movie icon.
Agreed. For me personally, I would leave out Stardust Memories and replace it with Radio Days. I would also add Love and Death to this list and probably leave out Sleeper. I like Stardust Memories and Sleeper, but I don't feel they are two of his best movies.
Another Woman is not mentioned and it never is. For me this film is so far in-front of all his others (and I love them all) that it is completely lonesome. The summery alone in this film always brings tears to my eyes. " I closed the book, and felt a strange mixture of wistfulness and hope. And I wondered if a memory is something you have or something You've lost."
When I saw it, audience was cheering and clapping enthusiastically after the film ended, as if it was at the theatre or something - I'm talking about a regular show, not a festival or special preview or anything. I' ll never forget that, it rearly happens. A really great movie, indeed!
Mighty Aphrodite is probably my favorite out of his entire filmography. It's so different from all of the movies he's directed in his career and it's just damn funny.
I think Mighty Aphrodite should be on the list. Good movie and Mira Sorvino won an oscar for her part. Also Match Point should be high on this list... What a great movie with an unexpected ending...
An interesting list, although he made many thought provoking and very funny films throughout his career,, but I think his best work was in the 70s and early 80s. For what its worth, my own top 10 would be 10. Deconstructing Harry 9. Mighty Aphrodite 8. Sleeper 7. Take the money and run 6. Everything you wanted to know about sex 5. Hannah and her sisters 4.Manhattan 3.Love and Death 2. Play it again Sam 1. Annie Hall
1. Hannah and Her Sisters 2. Annie Hall 3. Crimes & Misdemeanours 4. Manhattan 5. Midnight in Paris 6. Purple Rose of Cairo 7. Love & Death 8. Play It Again, Sam 9. Blue Jasmine 10. Match Point
As a kid.. I was always intrigued, and entertained by Allen. No matter what dirt has been kicked on him, he remains to be a complicated sophisticated comical genius, to say the least.
I'm going through a boxset of his movies now and from what I've seen so far I'd say 1) Crimes and Misdemeanors 2) Manhattan 3) Annie Hall 4) Zelig 5) Hannah and her Sisters 6) Radio Days 7) Bananas 8) Purple Rose of Cairo 9) Broadway Danny Rose 10) Midnight in Paris If you count Oedipus Wrecks from New York Stories I'd probably put it around 4 or 5 and Play it Again Sam would probably squeak into the top 10 too
Having toured through 10 south American countries in 1973, I just loved Bananas. I was there when the military over threw the government in Argentina. It was a trip.
What about "Take the Money and Run"? That mockumentary was hilarious. The scene where Virgil meets Louise in the park is classic. Virgil: "After fifteen minutes I want to marry her, and after a half-hour I completely gave up the idea of snatching her purse." ROFL
"I am a huge Woody Allen fan, although I've only seen "Antz." But I'll tell you something, what I respect about that man is that when he was going through all of that stuff that came out in the press, about how "Antz" was just a ripoff of "A Bug's Life," he stayed true to his films. Or at least the film that I saw, which, again, was "Antz." Thing is, I thought "A Bug's Life" was better, much better than "Antz." Point is, don't listen to your critics. Listen to your fans." - Michael Scott 17 February 2011
Great list. "Annie Hall" was the 1st Woody Allen film I saw. I was eleven yrs. old, my older sister took me. In the film I related to when he was a little kid, that was about it. The rest of the film was over my head except for a few others. I love the Gershwin "Rhapsody in Blue" along w/ the backdrop of NYC in "Manhattan". If I ever won big w/ the lotto, I would get a place in Manhattan. I love NYC!!!
Deconstructing Harry is a favorite. I've watched it a dozen times and could watch it a dozen more. So much humor. "My sister is the opposite of paranoid. She has the delusion that people actually like her."
Woody’s most recent movie was actually brilliant. Casting Wallace Shawn and Gena Gershwin in the title roles was smart. “Rifkin’s Festival” is worthy of Woody’s fans time. It’s really quite good. The European supporting actors were class A talents. Woody took to filming this one with other parties other than the traditional studios he works with in Europe and it worked out well.
'Hannah and her sisters' changed my life. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. It's one of the few movies that I gave 5 stars on Letterbox (sorry for my grammar, english is not my first language).
Whatever Works, and Match Point are my very favourite along with Crimes and Misdemeanors and Hannah, but there are so many more! (Deconstructing Harry, and Take the Money and Run also come to mind...) I tried to make a Top10 Woody list once, and ended up with more than 15.
Great list. Here's my personal Top-10 of Woody Allen films (very difficult to trim to 10): 10) Vicky Christina Barcelona 9) Hannah and Her Sisters 8) Bananas 7) The Purple Rose of Cairo 6) Zelig 5) Midnight In Paris 4) Radio Days (Probably the most underrated Woody Allen film) 3) Annie Hall 2) Manhattan (Although Woody dislikes the film) 1) Sleeper
Johnny greenblack , if you don't agree with me , than I hope Stanley Kubrick can work for ya. And Chaplin remains the most magnificent comedy film director of all time , creator of Manhattan and Annie hall may get the second .
interesting comment ..I consider him MUCH more talented as a writer ,and writing is what he enjoys most ........and the Oscars consider him more talented as a writer
11:41 My favourite Annie Hall line Alvy: You're having an affair with your college professor, that jerk who teaches that incredible crap course contemporary-existential-crisis.... Annie: Existential Motives and Russian Literature! You're really close. Alvy: What's the difference? It's all mental masturbation. Annie: Oh, now we're getting to a subject your know something about!
It's hard to come up with a top 10 when there are so many contenders. "Take The Money & Run" and "Love And Death" would definitely be in my top 10. I also have a sweet spot for "Sweet & Lowdown." There's something about Samantha Morton's performance. "Mighty Aphrodite" and "Deconstructing Harry" were pretty good, too, so...yes, definitely a difficult task to have a top 10 list.
Zelig and Purple Rose were truly original ideas that he managed to pull off back before CGI, and show what a great film maker he really is. Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy is an under rated but beautiful movie that is funny but deals with the possibility that there is an "unseen world" that science can't quantify, but I think his masterpiece was Manhattan...a basic love story. His older. "funny" movies don't hold up as well.
Normally I rarely agree with the mainstream choice for various reasons, but after seeing every one of his films it's hard for me to say Annie Hall isn't his best. Just truly spectacular, inspired, and one of the greatest films ever made imo.
Woody Allen, he is one of the best directors in the history of film. "Crimes and Misdemeanours", one of the most important movies ever made. "Annie Hall", one of the greatest movie ever made.
It's really hard to believe you missed Play it Again was a play first and then a movie...with the same actors. How could you miss that one....
Woody Allen directed, co-wrote, and starred in Annie Hall, Woody Allen directed, co-wrote, and starred in Manhattan, Woody Allen wrote, directed, and starred in Hannah and her Sisters, and Woody Allen wrote and directed The Purple Rose of Cairo. Leonard Maltin gave Annie Hall four stars out of four and Roger Ebert gave Annie Hall three and a half stars out of four the first time Roger Ebert reviewed Annie Hall, the second time Roger Ebert reviewed Annie Hall, Roger Ebert gave Annie Hall four stars out of four. Annie Hall won four oscars. Leonard Maltin gave Manhattan three and a half stars out of four. Roger Ebert gave Manhattan three and a half stars out of four the first time Roger Ebert reviewed Manhattan, the second time Roger Ebert reviewed Manhattan, Roger Ebert gave Manhattan four stars out of four. Leonard Maltin gave Hannah and her Sisters three and a half stars out of four. Roger Ebert gave Hannah and her Sisters four stars out of four. Hannah and her Sisters won three oscars. Leonard Maltin gave The Purple Rose of Cairo three and a half stars out of four. Roger Ebert gave The Purple Rose of Cairo four stars out of four. Woody Allen has a lot more filmmaking talent than Woody Harrelson has acting talent, and Woody Allen has more self-conscious charisma in film acting than Woody Harrelson does in acting and can better portray likeable self-deprecation in film acting better than Woody Harrelson can.
1. Annie Hall 2. Manhattan 3. Crimes and Misdemeanors 4. Hannah and Her Sisters 5. The Purple Rose of Cairo 6. Zelig 7. Broadway Danny Rose 8. Radio Days 9. Match Point 10. Stardust Memories Honorable Mentions: Sleeper, Love and Death, Interiors, Husbands and Wives, Bullets Over Broadway, Deconstructing Harry, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Midnight in Paris, Blue Jasmine
Good list and analysis. I would however swap the last two. Annie Hall was my favorite Allen movie for the longest time, but Manhattan surpassed it for me after I watched it a few times. The story, the photography, the incredible music of Gershin, the amazing New York backdrop, and above all, the wonderful acting by all characters make it my all-time favorite film.
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Purple Rose of Cairo should have been top 3. It's one of my all time favorites. I'm glad Zelig made the list. Not his most well known but was brilliantly done. Also I would have had 'Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex' somewhere on the list. The final segment inside of a man's body is classic.
With all the people complaining below, the problem in making this list is that Woody has made a lot more than 10 great movies. He's cranked out so many overly nearly 50 years, mostly high quality writing and a very unique sensibility.
Interiors was not mentioned. This is one of my favorite (Ingmar Bergman vibe) movies that I love. Hannah and Her Sisters, Vicky, Christina Barcelona, Husbands and Wives, Blue Jasmine and Midnight in Paris are tops!!! Play it again Sam with Woody Allen as actor is also a top favorite.
+Philippe Sauvie ... Absolutely Annie Hall is #1. I love the movie. I find it so funny, so endearing, so mentally stimulating, so romantic, so sad, so touching. I like watching it but I even play it in the background like music. It does epitomize Woody Allen's personality and genius. I think it is appealing for nerds like me who spent years studying English literature and other humanities courses in post-secondary institutions. My #2 choice is Midnight in Paris, mainly for Owen's phenomenal Woody-Allen-like performance. My #3 choice is Manhattan, which had a similar effect on me as Annie Hall.
1. Whatever works. 2. Hannah and her sisters. 3. Radio days 4. Sweet and lowdown 5. Annie Hall 6. Manhattan 7. Zelig 8. Midnight in Paris 9. Interiors 10. Crimes and misdemeanors.
Sweet and Lowdown is not only one of the greatest Woody Allen Movies - it's also one of the best Sean Penn Performances and it's definitely the best Samantha Morton Performance.
Not even a mention of Radio Days, I am actually upset at this. Radio Days is easily Allen's most underrated work, it's incredibly touching. And no Play It again, Sam??? This list is awful!
+Sandra Curran One of my favourites too! Together with Husbands & Wives and Manhatten Murder Mystery underrated movies that deserve better! Vicky Christina Barcelona is highly overrated in my opinion.
When I'm asked, I always say that my favourite Woody Allen film is the one I'm watching at the time. I would never even attempt to come up with a top 10, because it would mean leaving off so many that I love dearly. Woody Allen is one of the great cinematic geniuses.
My Top 10: 1. Annie Hall 2. Manhattan 3. Crimes and Misdemeanors 4. Another Woman 5. Husbands and Wives 6. Love and Death 7. Hannah and Her Sisters 8. Radio Days 9. Zelig 10. Deconstructing Harry Honorable Mentions: Midnight in Paris Sleeper Take the Money and Run
I am surprised that Woody Allen's first film, "Take the Money and Run," was not included in the list. Oh, well, then again, I enjoyed about most of his early comedy films.
Midnight in Paris is one of my favorite movies. It's so artsy, original, and inspiring. I'll never forget watching it for the first time.
Dylan417 exactly!
Dont say it's a movie it's a trip to paris
One of my fav of all time
great film absolutely, I just wished the lead actor (Owen Wilson ?) and the hilarious Michael Sheen had swapped roles. Owen, for me, didn't have enough comedic intensity, which Sheen has in abundance.
ysgol3 I agree he isn't as comedic but Wilson is more neurotic, confused and basically the kind of Romantic writer type as Woody Allen himself
10) "Crimes and misdemeanors" 0:45
9) "Sleeper" 1:50
8) "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" 2:32
7) "Zelig" 3:39
6) "The purple rose of Cairo" 4:51
5) "Mindnight in Paris" 6:00
4) "Stardust memories" 7:03
3) "Hannah and her sisters" 8:11
2) "Manhattan" 9:42
Honorable mentions (10:54):
- "Blue Jasmine"
- "Bananas"
- "Love and death"
- "Broadwayl Danny Rose"
- "Husbands and wives"
1) "Annie Hall" 11:31
Thank you
For me, Manhattan is his masterpiece, and I'll never forget the wonderful shock of seeing Jeff Daniels talk to Mia Farrow and then come down from the screen in The Purple Rose of Cairo. I was in a nearly empty cinema in Milan in 1985 when I watched it, and it was a real treat!
This doesn't work because Allen's good films are too numerous to squeeze into a top ten.
"it reminds me of that old joke - you know, a guy walks into a psychiatrist's office and says, hey doc, my brother's crazy! He thinks he's a chicken. Then the doc says, why don't you turn him in? Then the guy says, I would but I need the eggs. I guess that's how I feel about relationships. They're totally crazy, irrational, and absurd, but we keep going through it because we need the eggs." That sole qoute made Annie Hall for me, it summed up the entire movie, it was passionate, it made sense, and frankly I think without Woody Allen quoting old jokes it would not be the same movie. Manhattan was amazing as well but something about that qoute pushes me over the edge for Annie Hall, Maybe it's because I relate? or maybe I just think it's a good qoute, who knows though right?
Woody's voice is unique. I've loved him since I was a teenager. Who else makes the audience laugh and think simultaneously.
For frivolous fun I loved Manhattan Murder Mystery which no one ever mentions. For craft, Hannah, Annie and Crimes. For romance, Midnight on Paris.
@@susanschaffner4422 isn't Woody Allen the guy who married his own daughter?
No, He was never married to Mia Farrow, he didn't live with Mia either.
Annie Hall is one of the best movies of all time.
isaiah nguyen easily
Strange, I'm not that attached to it. Maybe I need to review.
The montage while she sings I remember as brilliant.
Yes I agree with Annie Hall #1. But Play it Again Sam not in the top 5? Makes me wonder if they watched all his movies.
Lou Vegas damn I made this comment awhile ago! I loved Annie Hall a lot but I actually haven’t seen play it again Sam. I’ll need to check that one out my dude.
And Manhattan.
One of my favorite directors...
My top 10
1-Purple Rose of Cairo
2-Annie Hall
4-Hannah and Her Sisters
5-Husbands and Wives
6-Midnight in Paris
7-Manhattan Murder Mystery
8-Stardust Memories
10-Everyone Says I Love You
HM:Love and Death, Match Point, Vicky Christina Barcelona, Blue Jasmine, Another Woman.
Interiors is one of my all-time favorites of his. Geraldine Page's performance as a meddling, passive-aggressive interior designer determined to throw her life away after her husband leaves her was a true thing of beauty.
Yeah, she’s amazing. The best thing about the film. That church scene wrecks me every time.
It's the only Woody Allen movie I just can't stand, it's boring as hell, Woody wanting to be Begman when he's so much better being Woody. But it's good to see that some people actually like it.
I'll take any other of his movies from the 70's to the 2000's, tons of masterpieces to enjoy.
It's so good and deserves more respect than at least 5 or 6 of these other woody movies, if not more.
Great film, indeed
I would remove 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona' and put 'Match point' instead. Also, I would've added 'Scoop' into the honorable mentions
I like Match Point a lot, probably more than Vicky Cristina Barcelona.
vicky cris should not be on this list.
the one with leo should be on here instead.
@@TheNerdMan2 No. And Celebrity is not his best.
so whats your top 10
I think they had all mine.
Celebrity is not a masterpiece but its pretty damn good and much better than Vic Chris.
I can´t watch Love and Marriage just for what he did to Mia Farrow. Completely out of order. I don´t believe the child molestation charge but everything he did with Sun Yi was despicable.
1. Love and Death
2. Zelig
3. Bullets Over Broadway
4: hannah and her sisters
5. Annie Hall
6. Deconstructing Harry
The rest are very good but not masterpieces,
7. The Purple Rose Of cairo
8. Crimes AND Misdomenors
9. Blue Jasmin
10. Celebrity or Broadway danny Rose
oops and Manhatten of course is top 5
@@TheNerdMan2 Ok, what the hell do you mean by "Love and Marriage"? That's not a title. At least get your title right. Also, Sun Yi was in her 20's at the time; He was cheating on Mia with Sun, so that was crummy, if that's what you mean. And I just posted my list on these comments, scroll around, I just posted it like 10 minutes ago. And Celebrity was ok, but Vicky was better, especially when you consider Vicky was original, while Celebrity was clearly a homage to La Dolce Vita (his second Fellini-inspired love letter after Stardust Memories, which was a send-up to 8 1/2).
New York Stories and Manhattan Murder Mystery are both def worth a mention too
Most critics and fans arrange Woody Allen's films (the ones that he directed) into categories of great, good, and minor. Woody's greatest films certainly include Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters, Manhattan, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Bullets Over Broadway, Zelig, The Purple Rose of Cairo, Radio Days, Stardust Memories, Sleeper, Love and Death, Blue Jasmine, Midnight in Paris, Vicky Christina Barcelona, Deconstructing Harry, Interiors, Husband and Wives, Broadway Danny Rose, Mighty Aphrodite, Bananas, and Oedipus Wrecks from New York Stories. Then there are such worthy films as Match Point, Scoop, Take the Money and Run, Alice, Everyone Says I Love You, Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex* (* But Were Afraid To Ask), Sweet and Lowdown, Small Time Crooks, Whatever Works, September, Manhattan Murder Mystery, Shadows and Fog, A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy, Another Woman, Celebrity, Hollywood Ending, To Rome with Love, Magic in the Moonlight, and Irrational Man. If you add films that Woody did not direct, Play It Again Sam, The Front, and Antz are very entertaining. Woody's minor films include You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, Melinda and Melinda, Cassandra's Dream, Anything Else, and The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (Woody's personal choice for his worst film). There are a few of Woody's films that I have yet to see, including Cafe Society. Yes, I am a huge Woodyphile!
I think Another woman should be on the Great Films list. That apart, I agree with your list.
Oh boy....
....too bad about the....
What makes me happy in this cold, rainy and lonely Friday evening is that Woody Allen has so many films! Despite being his huge fan, I still have many films that I haven't watched yet!
I like how everyone is bashing him now that he`s all up in the news. How does his personal life change the fact that he did some pretty good movies?
he did good movies in your opinion :D i only liked midnight in paris the rest kinda sucked
Woody Allen is a film genius and nothing will ever change that. Only petty, judgmental people will say differently.
He is a GREAT Screenwriter!!! He is up there with His Favorite: Ingmar Bergman.
EdgeOfNight His movies are good if only he didn't act. His acting is crap, just crap. Imagine some good actors in the role he played you will like his movies.
@@AnnPaul514 Seven years later, I don't even remember writing this. I'm not sure I still agree with myself.
He plays his neurotic self good enough, and he doesn't act in all his movies.
annie hall is not only the best allen Movie, its also one of the greatest Movies ever made!
Mr. Allen is a true American treasure. I have locked away my DVDs of all his films for my new born grandchild who will know me by some of them and I thank Mr. Allen with all my heart.
My only dissension with the list is that I would put Crimes and Misdemeanors as number one and everything else would stay in the same order. Thank you for this wonderful link.
This didn't age well.
Take the Money and Run is one of the funniest movies ever made. Maybe not technically a very good film, but just hysterically funny.
I do agree, Bananas and Take the money and run are Woody's funniest films
I have a gub. Apt naturally.
@@laadidaouiomar1078 I OOSITIVELY agree I would say they are his BEST two films....and the first half of " What's s up Tiger Lily? " was almost as good as those two....if you consider Tiger Lily a Woody Allen movie
Goin down to Mississippi, goin down to see Miss Liza
Love and Death only gets an honorable mention? Travesty!
Funniest film ever.. "THIS LAND IS NOT FOR SALE!"
love and death is n1
Should’ve been #2 behind Annie Hall
It’s my favorite movie period.
Deconstructing Harry??? not even an honourable mention???
Luisivan, I honorably mentioned it ;) , in my comment above, as a turning point in Allen's public persona as an artist and a brilliant way of dealing with his fall from grace. Brilliant both in terms of PR and in terms of genuine artistic engagement.
Good movie. Very depressing though.
One could easily make a list of the Top 20 Woody Allen films. He has a knack for being intellectually funny. How many other directors or screenwriters can have great comedy and drama in the same film? Match Point is a great example.
1. Annie Hall
2. Manhattan
3. Hannah and Her Sisters
4. Broadway Danny rose
5. Radio days
6. Match Point
7. Play it again Sam
8. Mighty Aphrodite
9. Husbands and Wives
10. Fading Gigolo
Everything works so good with midnight in Paris; screenplay, Paris, characters, and Marion Cotillard. I can watch this movie over and over, it's so good.
Match Point not on this list is outrageous
Agree 100%
Radio Days should be on this list too.
They missed a bunch but that's what happens when they assign an intern to string these things together.
MichaelDiPrima i like it too
Paul Anderson Yeah, definitely one of his best. They mentioned Crimes and Misdemeanors, but Match Point was the same theme, based off Crime and Punishment, and I think it is a much better movie
"Take the Money and Run" was one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.
Wow! What a genius Allen really is. Look at that list - a great list by itself, the honorable mentions, and the omissions - like Another Woman, Interiors & Matchpoint, all terrific movies in their own right. The depth of creativity and intelligence in his vast body of work is truly unparalleled. A true movie icon.
Radio Days is easily one of his best. Top 5 for sure, let alone top 10. But hey, who am I to decide smh
Totally agree. For me it's Top 3. Also enjoy Another Woman from his lesser knowns.
Exactly. It's my favorite Woody Allen movie.
Match Point?
Agreed. For me personally, I would leave out Stardust Memories and replace it with Radio Days. I would also add Love and Death to this list and probably leave out Sleeper. I like Stardust Memories and Sleeper, but I don't feel they are two of his best movies.
Radio Days , Hannah and Her sisters, Broadway Danny Rose, Annie Hall and Play it Again Sam
How could Husbands & Wives (1992) not be on this list ?
Because lists like this are nonsense. They got Annie Hall right, but the rest should be in a top 25 list in no particular order.
Another Woman is not mentioned and it never is. For me this film is so far in-front of all his others (and I love them all) that it is completely lonesome. The summery alone in this film always brings tears to my eyes. " I closed the book, and felt a strange mixture of wistfulness and hope. And I wondered if a memory is something you have or something You've lost."
BEAUTIFUL film!! Gene Hackman and Sandy Dennis are amazing in it too.
When I saw it, audience was cheering and clapping enthusiastically after the film ended, as if it was at the theatre or something - I'm talking about a regular show, not a festival or special preview or anything. I' ll never forget that, it rearly happens. A really great movie, indeed!
For me, ANOTHER WOMAN is the greatest movie by Woody Allen.
Mighty Aphrodite is probably my favorite out of his entire filmography. It's so different from all of the movies he's directed in his career and it's just damn funny.
I think Mighty Aphrodite should be on the list. Good movie and Mira Sorvino won an oscar for her part. Also Match Point should be high on this list... What a great movie with an unexpected ending...
Great movie. I didnt know it was one of his.Match Point.
I would say Mira makes that film. Its good but she makes it better than it is
I've watched match point at least 30 times. I agree
I have to disagree. But I think that "Deconstructing Harry" was his best movie ever. I may be in the minority on that one.
Deconstructing harry is one of my favorite all time movies. The Judy Davis scene had me rolling!
An interesting list, although he made many thought provoking and very funny films throughout his career,, but I think his best work was in the 70s and early 80s.
For what its worth, my own top 10 would be
10. Deconstructing Harry
9. Mighty Aphrodite
8. Sleeper
7. Take the money and run
6. Everything you wanted to know about sex
5. Hannah and her sisters
3.Love and Death
2. Play it again Sam
1. Annie Hall
"It'll be a year come April 20th. I remember the date exactly, because it was Hitler's birthday." lol
1. Hannah and Her Sisters
2. Annie Hall
3. Crimes & Misdemeanours
4. Manhattan
5. Midnight in Paris
6. Purple Rose of Cairo
7. Love & Death
8. Play It Again, Sam
9. Blue Jasmine
10. Match Point
He didn't direct Play it Again, Sam. He stars, and wrote it based on his play, but didn't direct the movie.
Radio days
@@nl3064 I know. Just felt like because he did play that it is worth the cheat on this list
I like blue jasmine😊
@@nl3064it’s still nr 1
As a kid.. I was always intrigued, and entertained by Allen. No matter what dirt has been kicked on him, he remains to be a complicated sophisticated comical genius, to say the least.
I think "Deconstructing Harry" should have gotten an honorable mention. And "Take the Money and Run" should have been in the top 10 somewhere!
I agree!
How could they forget "Play It Again Sam"? One of my all-time favorite movies.
It's not directed by Woody Allen. Although it does seem it is.
I love Play it Again Sam!
1. Play It Again Sam
2. Annie Hall
3. Take the Money and Run
So many good movies in recent years -- for example, Vicky Cristina Barcelona.
Finally! You got it right!
I'm going through a boxset of his movies now and from what I've seen so far I'd say
1) Crimes and Misdemeanors
2) Manhattan
3) Annie Hall
4) Zelig
5) Hannah and her Sisters
6) Radio Days
7) Bananas
8) Purple Rose of Cairo
9) Broadway Danny Rose
10) Midnight in Paris
If you count Oedipus Wrecks from New York Stories I'd probably put it around 4 or 5 and Play it Again Sam would probably squeak into the top 10 too
+GiantSandles Great list, good choices. Crimes and misdemeanors is a true masterpiece.
Isn't Radio Days fabulous?
Having toured through 10 south American countries in 1973, I just loved Bananas. I was there when the military over threw the government in Argentina. It was a trip.
"Radio Days" is my favorite Woody Allen movie. Under rated.
And one of the best endings...
Manhattan murder mystery is my favourite
That one is my favorite too! It's hilarious, yet creepy at the same time.
Its a great mix of tension and comedy. My other favourites are Take the money and run, Play it again Sam, Deconstructing Harry and Mighty Aphrodite
+Thomas Williams I love that film because it unites Woody and Diane, and it also has a truly wonderful story of love and absurdity to it.
Such a watchable, breezy film! The story is actually interesting too.
The only thing that doesn't work for me in it is Alan Alda, who I find to be an extremely awkward screen presence.
AGREE, but I am surprised you did not include Match Point!
Yes. But I think "match point" was better, because it didn't have that distracting subplot about the Rabbi.
What about "Take the Money and Run"? That mockumentary was hilarious. The scene where Virgil meets Louise in the park is classic. Virgil: "After fifteen minutes I want to marry her, and after a half-hour I completely gave up the idea of snatching her purse." ROFL
How about when Virgil gets the escape night wrong and everybody in the jail is laughing.
I like the scene with 2 competing bank robber gangs.
"I am a huge Woody Allen fan, although I've only seen "Antz." But I'll tell you something, what I respect about that man is that when he was going through all of that stuff that came out in the press, about how "Antz" was just a ripoff of "A Bug's Life," he stayed true to his films. Or at least the film that I saw, which, again, was "Antz." Thing is, I thought "A Bug's Life" was better, much better than "Antz." Point is, don't listen to your critics. Listen to your fans."
- Michael Scott
17 February 2011
Allan Stewart Konigsberg has brought more joy and insight to me that is unmeasurable! I love you Woody!!!
unpopular opinon: i really liked Scoop
It's really great
ayyye me too
I think it's a charming film but it's not one of his 10 best. Not bad at all but it's more a comment on Allen's depth as a director.
That was a great one too. So was "Small Town Crooks".
The only Allen movie I haven't liked (that I've seen) is Cassandra's Dream.
I love "Hannah And Her Sisters",it's such a great example of a romantic comedy drama.
Great list. "Annie Hall" was the 1st Woody Allen film I saw. I was eleven yrs. old, my older sister took me. In the film I related to when he was a little kid, that was about it. The rest of the film was over my head except for a few others. I love the Gershwin "Rhapsody in Blue" along w/ the backdrop of NYC in "Manhattan". If I ever won big w/ the lotto, I would get a place in Manhattan. I love NYC!!!
So it would be great to have another top 10 list "Another Top 10 Woody Allen movies"
I don’t care about his personal life. He is a genius in the art form of movie. I feel nourished by his work
Deconstructing Harry is a favorite. I've watched it a dozen times and could watch it a dozen more. So much humor. "My sister is the opposite of paranoid. She has the delusion that people actually like her."
Woody’s most recent movie was actually brilliant. Casting Wallace Shawn and Gena Gershwin in the title roles was smart. “Rifkin’s Festival” is worthy of Woody’s fans time. It’s really quite good. The European supporting actors were class A talents. Woody took to filming this one with other parties other than the traditional studios he works with in Europe and it worked out well.
'Hannah and her sisters' changed my life. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. It's one of the few movies that I gave 5 stars on Letterbox (sorry for my grammar, english is not my first language).
"Midnight in Paris" is magical.
I also like: Play it again Sam (with Diane Keaton), Take the money and run, Match point, Magic in the moonlight
Whatever Works, and Match Point are my very favourite along with Crimes and Misdemeanors and Hannah, but there are so many more! (Deconstructing Harry, and Take the Money and Run also come to mind...)
I tried to make a Top10 Woody list once, and ended up with more than 15.
Diego de la Fuente I lover Whatever works but do understand why people think is a recycled idea.
Great list. Here's my personal Top-10 of Woody Allen films (very difficult to trim to 10):
10) Vicky Christina Barcelona
9) Hannah and Her Sisters
8) Bananas
7) The Purple Rose of Cairo
6) Zelig
5) Midnight In Paris
4) Radio Days (Probably the most underrated Woody Allen film)
3) Annie Hall
2) Manhattan (Although Woody dislikes the film)
1) Sleeper
Personal Top 5:- Manhattan- Annie Hall- Love and Death- Take the Money and Run- ZeligLease favorite: anything with Mia Farrow in it.
She’s a terrible parent and girlfriend but a brilliant actress
I've always had a soft spot for "Shadows and Fog". Pity, it didn't make it on the list
Woody Allen is the greatest living director and screenwriter. A true genius.
Totally agree!
JWIZZY4real He's great too.
MovieBuffGinna Bullshit! He doesn't even know all of NYC. Inclusive, he isn't.
Alfred Hitchcock , the greatest.
Johnny greenblack , if you don't agree with me , than I hope Stanley Kubrick can work for ya. And Chaplin remains the most magnificent comedy film director of all time , creator of Manhattan and Annie hall may get the second .
Woody Allen is one of my all time favorite directors. I want to write something like Annie Hall someday
interesting comment ..I consider him MUCH more talented as a writer ,and writing is what he enjoys most ........and the Oscars consider him more talented as a writer
Do it as fast as you can! No time like the present.
11:41 My favourite Annie Hall line
Alvy: You're having an affair with your college professor, that jerk who teaches that incredible crap course contemporary-existential-crisis....
Annie: Existential Motives and Russian Literature! You're really close.
Alvy: What's the difference? It's all mental masturbation.
Annie: Oh, now we're getting to a subject your know something about!
A top ten Woody Allen movie list without the fantastic Match Point on it is an incomplete list at best.
My favorite Woody Allen will always be Blue Jasmine. I've seen it 6 times.
Took me forever to watch “Whatever works” and it is by far one of the most interesting and entertaining movies of his😅
It's hard to come up with a top 10 when there are so many contenders. "Take The Money & Run" and "Love And Death" would definitely be in my top 10. I also have a sweet spot for "Sweet & Lowdown." There's something about Samantha Morton's performance. "Mighty Aphrodite" and "Deconstructing Harry" were pretty good, too, so...yes, definitely a difficult task to have a top 10 list.
I like the list but I think three movies could have easily been on the list.
Radio Days
Bullets over Broadway
I like Manhattan more than Annie Hall :(
SLowMercy annie hall is #1 and manhatten is #2 for me
"Match Point" was an absolutely brilliant film. How could this not make the Top 5? Not even the Top 10? Or an honorable mention? What an oversight.
Zelig and Purple Rose were truly original ideas that he managed to pull off back before
CGI, and show what a great film maker he really is. Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy is
an under rated but beautiful movie that is funny but deals with the possibility that there is an "unseen world" that science can't quantify, but I think his masterpiece was Manhattan...a basic love story. His older. "funny" movies don't hold up as well.
Normally I rarely agree with the mainstream choice for various reasons, but after seeing every one of his films it's hard for me to say Annie Hall isn't his best. Just truly spectacular, inspired, and one of the greatest films ever made imo.
Great list! 'Manhattan Murder Mystery' is a definite favorite, as well.
Happy 85th Birthday, Woody Allen! :-D
Woody Allen, he is one of the best directors in the history of film. "Crimes and Misdemeanours", one of the most important movies ever made. "Annie Hall", one of the greatest movie ever made.
It's really hard to believe you missed Play it Again was a play first and then a movie...with the same actors.
How could you miss that one....
Tell 'em, Ratboy. Terrible omission.
Woody Allen directed, co-wrote, and starred in Annie Hall, Woody Allen directed, co-wrote, and starred in Manhattan, Woody Allen wrote, directed, and starred in Hannah and her Sisters, and Woody Allen wrote and directed The Purple Rose of Cairo. Leonard Maltin gave Annie Hall four stars out of four and Roger Ebert gave Annie Hall three and a half stars out of four the first time Roger Ebert reviewed Annie Hall, the second time Roger Ebert reviewed Annie Hall, Roger Ebert gave Annie Hall four stars out of four. Annie Hall won four oscars. Leonard Maltin gave Manhattan three and a half stars out of four. Roger Ebert gave Manhattan three and a half stars out of four the first time Roger Ebert reviewed Manhattan, the second time Roger Ebert reviewed Manhattan, Roger Ebert gave Manhattan four stars out of four. Leonard Maltin gave Hannah and her Sisters three and a half stars out of four. Roger Ebert gave Hannah and her Sisters four stars out of four. Hannah and her Sisters won three oscars. Leonard Maltin gave The Purple Rose of Cairo three and a half stars out of four. Roger Ebert gave The Purple Rose of Cairo four stars out of four. Woody Allen has a lot more filmmaking talent than Woody Harrelson has acting talent, and Woody Allen has more self-conscious charisma in film acting than Woody Harrelson does in acting and can better portray likeable self-deprecation in film acting better than Woody Harrelson can.
Hilarious film and beautiful to look at too!
1. Annie Hall
2. Manhattan
3. Crimes and Misdemeanors
4. Hannah and Her Sisters
5. The Purple Rose of Cairo
6. Zelig
7. Broadway Danny Rose
8. Radio Days
9. Match Point
10. Stardust Memories
Honorable Mentions: Sleeper, Love and Death, Interiors, Husbands and Wives, Bullets Over Broadway, Deconstructing Harry, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Midnight in Paris, Blue Jasmine
Crime's and misdemeanor's absolute MASTERPIECE. Wow what a movie.
In my top 10.
"Take the money and run". First Woody Allen picture I saw. Love it.
He’s a pedo
@@rogeliolorenzana9941 so what?
I'm so glad Annie Hall is on the top! It's one of my all time favourites...
Zelig is an astounding piece of filmmaking.
Good list and analysis. I would however swap the last two. Annie Hall was my favorite Allen movie for the longest time, but Manhattan surpassed it for me after I watched it a few times. The story, the photography, the incredible music of Gershin, the amazing New York backdrop, and above all, the wonderful acting by all characters make it my all-time favorite film.
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Purple Rose of Cairo should have been top 3. It's one of my all time favorites. I'm glad Zelig made the list. Not his most well known but was brilliantly done. Also I would have had 'Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex' somewhere on the list. The final segment inside of a man's body is classic.
GasCityGuy I like the section with Gene Wilder and the sheep even better than that final segment, myself. Classic stuff!
Yes, so many brilliant moments including when the camera pans to very confused african american sperm - "what am I doing here"
With all the people complaining below, the problem in making this list is that Woody has made a lot more than 10 great movies. He's cranked out so many overly nearly 50 years, mostly high quality writing and a very unique sensibility.
Match Point and Radio Days should have been on the list. Glad that Midnight in Paris and Purple Rose got mentioned.
Interiors was not mentioned. This is one of my favorite (Ingmar Bergman vibe) movies that I love. Hannah and Her Sisters, Vicky, Christina Barcelona, Husbands and Wives, Blue Jasmine and Midnight in Paris are tops!!! Play it again Sam with Woody Allen as actor is also a top favorite.
Annie Hall...the most literate comedy of all time. Might be the the most critically acclaimed comedy of all time. 1977 was a very good year..
Philippe Sauvie It was a very good year for small town girls. And soft summer nights...
+Philippe Sauvie ... Absolutely Annie Hall is #1. I love the movie. I find it so funny, so endearing, so mentally stimulating, so romantic, so sad, so touching. I like watching it but I even play it in the background like music. It does epitomize Woody Allen's personality and genius. I think it is appealing for nerds like me who spent years studying English literature and other humanities courses in post-secondary institutions. My #2 choice is Midnight in Paris, mainly for Owen's phenomenal Woody-Allen-like performance. My #3 choice is Manhattan, which had a similar effect on me as Annie Hall.
@@ceekay9253- You’re so vain, you probably think this text is about you… coming around again
1. Whatever works.
2. Hannah and her sisters.
3. Radio days
4. Sweet and lowdown
5. Annie Hall
6. Manhattan
7. Zelig
8. Midnight in Paris
9. Interiors
10. Crimes and misdemeanors.
FINALLY! I was waiting for this countdown for 2 years!!!
Bullets over broadway! that's the genius one!
I am in love with Midnight in Paris and Magic in the moonlight! Seriously! I'v watched it about 10 times and still love it!
Sweet and Lowdown is not only one of the greatest Woody Allen Movies - it's also one of the best Sean Penn Performances and it's definitely the best Samantha Morton Performance.
Match Point is the best of them all!!!
22. I love 22 of his films. Can't think of another artist who has so many wonderful works.
I think Match Point should be mentioned.
Surprised to see no mention of Play It Again, Sam'
Not even a mention of Radio Days, I am actually upset at this. Radio Days is easily Allen's most underrated work, it's incredibly touching.
And no Play It again, Sam??? This list is awful!
***** You're right, he didn't direct it actually. I still would've thought it'd be mentioned though.
+Patrick Bateman waiting until his kids make out with MJs kids
+Sandra Curran One of my favourites too! Together with Husbands & Wives and Manhatten Murder Mystery underrated movies that deserve better! Vicky Christina Barcelona is highly overrated in my opinion.
Yeah it's beautiful
No mention of "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)" either.
Woody Allen's movies are the best. It's about real life with ups and downs it's about old good times.Hes very creative.
When I'm asked, I always say that my favourite Woody Allen film is the one I'm watching at the time. I would never even attempt to come up with a top 10, because it would mean leaving off so many that I love dearly. Woody Allen is one of the great cinematic geniuses.
My Top 10:
1. Annie Hall
2. Manhattan
3. Crimes and Misdemeanors
4. Another Woman
5. Husbands and Wives
6. Love and Death
7. Hannah and Her Sisters
8. Radio Days
9. Zelig
10. Deconstructing Harry
Honorable Mentions:
Midnight in Paris
Take the Money and Run
How did you miss Radio Days? That was a fantastic movie, but nothing can compete with Zelig, that's a real masterpiece.
I am surprised that Woody Allen's first film, "Take the Money and Run," was not included in the list. Oh, well, then again, I enjoyed about most of his early comedy films.