Don't forget to give BritBox a go!! An exclusive offer to our viewers in the US and Canada, head to and use the promo code JOELANDLIA at checkout for 50% your first month.
Most liquor stores do put your purchases in a paper bag, but I'm not aware of any law that require that. It varies by state, but most states require alcohol in your car to be in sealed containers. If it's been opened, you can't have it in the cab of your car.
You can legally carry a bottle that was unsealed if you put it in a paper bag that has been folded over and stapled shut. The stapled bag is considered a "seal". I live near several vineyards, and that's how they allow you to take home any bottles that you don't finish at the vineyard. Also, I don't know if it has to be paper. One of the vineyards will put the open wine bottle into a clear plastic bag that fits a single wine bottle perfectly, and they seal the top of the bag with heat, fusing the plastic together making a seal. Basically the definition of what a seal is is flexible.
Each state has different liquor laws. I was shocked that in Tennessee you can have open alcohol in the car if the driver is not consuming. In Illinois, that would be a major violation.
In California it can be anywhere in the vehicle, packaged however, but just not opened. Doesn't matter if you have passengers or not, no opened alcohol. If it's open, definitely in the trunk/boot.
I am the same as Lia; when I'm watching a show and it has an interesting location, I have to Google and see where it was filmed. I also get a little thrill when I recognise a location can say "hey I've been there !".
The alcohol laws will vary from state to state. In most states, you will be safe if the alcohol is in a sealed container that has never been opened. In restaurants where wine is sold by the bottle, if you have wine left when you leave many restaurants will vacuum seal the bottle into a bag to allow you to take it with you in your car. Otherwise, you should transport the alcohol in the trunk/boot.
I don't drink alcohol myself but here in Minnesota as long as your alcohol bottle or can hasn't been opened, you can have it in your car. I live near a liquor store, and people walk home with a case of beer all the time, no bag required.
If the monetary value of a gift matters in a negative way to the person receiving your gift you're with the wrong person. I brought an ex to tears because she'd randomly mentioned a candy she ate as a child but couldn't find for a decade. I got found them and got her just $5 worth (which was like 6 or 7 packs) and she cried when i gave them to her. She was moved that i was listening and cared. $5.
I fell inside of a restaurant when I was a teenager. My first thought was, This is embarrassing and OMG I am in pain. We didn't say anything to the employees that I slipped and hurt myself on their wet floor. In the med 90s my children and I were leaving a government building and my sandal decided it wanted to ski down the concrete steps outside on the main street in town. My other leg hit the steps and busted a hole in my leg. My kids were panicking trying to see if I was alright and trying to get me to sit down. Nope this is embarrassing let's get in the car and get out of there. A few years ago I was walking down the street by our condo and wasn't looking at the sidewalk and fell because of the poor condition of it. Again blood pouring down my leg and in a lot of pain I was just embarrassed. I never thought about suing the restaurant or either of the cities.
Here in North Carolina, you don't have to put alcohol in the trunk (boot) of your car and you can just carry it out of the store without a bag. You can never have an open container of alcohol in your car even if you haven't been drinking. Lia, you should ABSOLUTELY sue for compensation because you were physically hurt in both of those instances. They should be held accountable! I so wish I could go to Scotland with you! Love you guys! ❤
As with all things American it varies state by state, but for the vast majority of states it only has to be in the trunk it is has been opened. If the bottle is still sealed you can keep it in the cab.
I enjoyed this episode so much cause I felt like an adult. I haven't felt this way for so long. Thanks a lot my fave Brits. I watched while sipping My fave cocktail and thinking about how much we have in common no matter the country or social status. I can't thank You enough
I grew up in a middle American town where every third or fourth business on our main street was a bar, a liquor store or both. Literally: -car wash -heating & air conditioning place -BAR -accountant -funeral home -combination BAR/liquor store -counseling place -BAR -Scottish shop (bagpipes kilts etc) -laundry service -BAR -t.v. repair place -charity -hardware store -BAR -grocery store -laundromat -donut shop -barber shop -vacant storefront -BAR -restaurant -medical offices -BAR -library -law offices -restaurant -BAR/liquor store -department store -psychologist -wholesalers -BAR (with great pizza) ...and all within five short suburban blocks. So yeah Americans start drinking late, but MAAAAN do we make up for lost time!
There was a time when it was suggested to keep all purchased alcohol in the boot/trunk. My thought was that way if there was an accident your car didn’t smell like booze. But I generally keep it in the back seat. In Massachusetts if a bottle has been opened it does HAVE to be in the trunk (also could be a locked glove box) so really any alcohol Newly purchased is ok in the car.
Joel, I don't drink, so I had to look it up. This is from the California driver's handbook online (we can't put links anymore....): "No matter what age you are, it is illegal to drive after: Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol in any form. This includes medications like cough syrup. Taking any drug that affects your ability to drive. This includes prescriptions or over-the-counter medications. Using any combination of alcohol or drugs that decreases your ability to drive safely. " and also: "Use or Possession of Alcohol or Cannabis Products in a Vehicle The law is very strict about carrying alcohol or cannabis products in your vehicle with you. It is illegal to drink any alcohol, to smoke or eat a cannabis product while you are driving or riding as a passenger in a vehicle. If you are carrying any alcohol, cannabis in your vehicle, the container must be sealed and unopened. If it is open, you must keep the container in the trunk or place where passengers do not sit. It is also illegal to keep an open container of alcohol in your glove box. This law does not apply if you are a passenger in a bus, taxi, camper, or motorhome." (recreational and medical marijuana is legal in the state of California.) So putting it in the trunk only applies if you have opened it. If it's still closed and sealed (like you bought it but hadn't started drinking it yet) you can have it inside the car. 🙂
Unopened alcohol can be stored anywhere in the car. I buy cases of beer and place the cases on the front seat all the time. The only time there will be a problem is if one of the bottles are open.
All of the liquor laws are state-by-state, there's are even states that someone can have an open container and drinking as long as it's not the driver. In my state is not required to be in a paper bag and it's not required to be in the boot. But, if it's in reach of the driver it could raise some questions and maybe a sobriety test if you get pulled over, but it's not technically illegal. To avoid issues it's always a good idea to just put the liquor in the to not throw up extra red flags for overzealous policemen.
Joel, if you are concerned about overspending, a simple conversation about max $ amount to spend on one another is the best way to figure out one another's expectations. You will save a lot of grief in your long-term relationship if money is openly discussed early and as needed now that you're living together
Love the tangents because I never know how for they will lead off the initial topic. Also, before suing anyone, check the statutes of limitations. For some actions you have to file within a certain period of time otherwise you forfeit your right to sue. As for the SCOTLAND trip it just wasn’t the right timing for me. I’ll be in London in July though for two weeks celebrating my b-day and my daughter’s b-day.
Great episode, Joel and Lia!!! I am like Joel with FOMO. If I was invited to something but couldn't go and saw pictures from the event, I would get fomo but not just seeing posts online when I haven't made plans.
Here in my state you canNOT have an open container in the car. You can't even transport alcohol unless someone over 21 is in the car. Even then, the alcohol has to be sealed, unopened and not in the passenger area (so, in the trunk). I'm a mom, and I drive a minivan, so there really is no trunk. I just put the alcohol in the backseat. I doubt any cop would harass me -- but they COULD, if they wanted.
I most states you can’t have open bottles of alcohol in the car. Unopened is fine. Open bottles can be in the trunk. Some states have old law that the unopened alcohol bottles or cans needs to be in a bag when carrying it in the street or public transport.
I never got in trouble when traveling with alcohol in New Hampshire in the car and honestly didn’t know the rules other than you can’t have an open container and or drink in the car. I looked it up and it said The container must stay in the trunk or an inaccessible area while the vehicle is on public roads or in any public parking lot. In addition, New Hampshire prohibits minors under the age of 21 from transporting alcohol in a vehicle, even if the containers are sealed. Also, hard liquor can only be purchased in a state liquor store and wine is sold there too but not beer. Beer and wine are sold in grocery stores, convenient stores and drug stores like CVS, Walgreens etc. in Massachusetts some grocery stores sell hard alcohol, so if you ever decide to do that Boston trip that’s a little tip 😉
My friend who works at grocery store. So he can put 2 wine bottles in a bag he uses the paper bag to protect the bottles from hitting each other in the bag.
In nearly every state, the rule is the same: you cannot have any open container of alcohol in the passenger area of the car. The passenger area is any part of the car where a passenger can legally ride-just because someone can ride in the trunk doesn’t mean it’s legal. An open container is any container of alcohol with the seal broken. It doesn’t actually have to be open. If the container has been opened at all, it’s considered an open container, even if the lid is on it. In most states, if the passenger has an open container, both the passenger and the driver can be charged with a crime. Merica'
Varies state by state for alcohol. I know in West Virginia the law is in a paper bag in the trunk. But in Maryland it’s just unopened bottle is fine in the car.
The brown paper bag thing is more a case of what you can prove. We have very strict search and seizure laws. So, if the alcohol is in an opaque bag, the officer has no right to search it unless there is probable cause (ie. obvious intoxication). To make this more clean-cut, some jurisdictions have made put the "opaque bag" or "must be in the trunk" into law. But, really, if a person is obviously drunk, the officer can do a non-invasive search of the bag or, if the person is driving, give the person a breath test or field sobriety test.
I love British TV! Definitely going to sign up with your link! We have the BBC Channel in the US and can watch via whatever our local cable provider is but since I cut my cable off and went with streaming services I've missed the BBC channel ❤
I've lived in Florida, New York, Texas and California. The only rule that I am aware of is that one is not allowed to be driving around with an open bottle of booze. Years ago I would drive all over Miami while swilling a cold Budweiser. Things are a lot more strict now.
Love Britbox. MI5, Line of Duty, Midsummer Murders, Endeavor, so much more. My brother is addicted Sherlock Holmes. Only subscription service we have besides Amazon Prime Video.
Alcohol laws in the States vary from state to state, but most commonly, you can have alcohol in the passenger compartment if it hasn't been opened. If it's open, you can be cited for "open container." Arrested? I'm not sure. If it's open, in most states, it has to be in the trunk.
I tripped backwards and landed sitting directly on the corner and edge of a cement step. It hurt so badly I couldnt speak. my best friend, who I had been talking to and was standing right there, burst out laughing. she found it hilarious. I didnt, especially as it required a trip to the ER and many days of meds and no sitting down. I guess its kinda like why slapstick humour was so popular at one time.
I've heard you guys mention a couple of times that you can drive at 15 in the US. That's almost true. You can get a permit and start learning to drive at 15, but you can't get your license and drive yourself around until you are 16. In my state (Indiana) you have to be 16 and 3 months to get your license, and then you can't have anyone other than family ride with you for another six months after that. Having a 16 year old myself right now, all of these rules are very top of mind these days! 😄
In other states you can get a learner's permit as young as 14 and drive alone as long as you're going to school or a job as early as 15. It's quite a rite of passage where I live, and most kids have their licenses to drive alone by 16. But in reality most kids learn to drive even earlier than that either by being familiar with farm equipment or helping their father by driving a truck on a farm or just their parents teaching them to drive in an empty parking lot. I learned to drive when I was twelve but obviously was not driving alone or driving to the store. But I did drive to California with my dad when I was 13! But, I was an exceptionally mature and well-behaved child. Not so much in my later teen years though lol
@@Jack_Stafford Wow, that’s amazing!! I’m afraid my 16 year old falls into the ever growing majority of teens these days who don’t want to learn to drive. Goodness knows we’ve tried! I wasn’t terribly interested in driving either, but took driver’s ed at 15 and had my license by 16.
Alcohol laws vary by state. In most states you cannot have an OPEN container of alcohol in the passenger area. Closed is perfectly fine in every state i've lived but i haven't lived in every state. Open containers need to be in the trunk, the nonpassenger area. But in most states it's perfectly lawful to have a closed container of alcohol in the passenger area. I don't think you're required to have it in a bag in most places but being in a bag at least indicates you probably aren't drinking it.
I usually have to ask for a brown bag in my state however they did just recently pass an opened container law too so you can't pull up to the window and order a mix drink anymore unless it's got a lid on it and a piece of tape across the spot where the straw goes. So wierd.
We have drive-through daiquiri stores here in South East Louisiana. The law is that it has to have a lid on it and no straw. You are supposed to wait until you get where you are going and out of your car before drinking it.
It varies wildly by state and locality, but generally open containers are not permitted for alcohol. Some places do have drive through liquor stores that serve the drinks in disposable cups. They will often just place a piece of tape over the straw though.
Enjoyed this guys! I'm seriously thinking about Britbox. Thanks for the reminder. Would love to go on the Scotland trip, but not possible right now. too busy, but I know with you two it will be a blast!!!
Open container laws, yup. When I lived in Louisiana, there are certain counties that are called dry where they don’t sell any alcohol or liquor, not even wine at the grocery stores. I forget the name of a grocery store chain when I lived in Texas but if you don’t have a Texas ID and you’re from out of state, they will not sell you alcohol at this one particular grocery chain. Crazy right, sending love to you and yours from Orlando, Florida!
Part2 mansions in Roadisland and loads more in Connecticut Vermont and new Hampshire and leaf peeping during October as you travel through New ENGLAND ending with a new ENGLAND Thanksgiving dinner and try Boston cream pie and Boston baked beans and brown bread real clam chowder and a new ENGLAND boild dinner as well as lobster fried clams and also crab legs lots to do and see you'll need the time with proper planning it can be done so come to New ENGLAND and see us for lots of memories and good fun
Yep. Booze gotta be un the boot when you're in my state. Idk about other states. Bottle of prosecco as the passenger, nope. Oh, and we have to conceal our booze after purchase. No walking around, holding a bottle around the neck.
I was told at the Liquor store when I said I didn't need a bag for my Vodka that I have to carry it out in the bag then I can do what I want when I'm outside, I was told as long as my alcohol isn't opened, and me drinking it, iI can put it pretty much anywhere in the car to transport it
In Maine, you can't have alchohol within reach so the back seat is fine. I've been watching Britbox for years live Midsomer Murders the show you get at least three victims a show lol and Vera love she is your version of our Columbo. I have just started the series Silent Witness. I love the couch studio versus the desk it's more intimate 😁 like being invited into your living room
We do reverse, no gifts for xmas or valentines day. Bdays are personal so it's okay. I prefer an experience as a bday gift like a concert, cirque de soleil or a nice restaurant. No cards either, I read them and get rid of them a week later.
Because you can now get beer and wine in grocery stores, I don't think it has to be in a paper bag. It DOES have to be in one from a liquor store, however! Makes no sense to me either. 🤷♀️
Joel is right goes by state. In PA you can have it sitting next to if it's not open. Weirdly though I can get an adult slushy in a cup that they put tape on the straw hole and it's good to go.
Diff liquor laws per state but the brown bag in car is a bit of false news. In NY you cant drink & drive or have open containers of alcohol in the car. You can carry a new unopened container where it fits not in the trunk. If your groceries are inside the seats the alcohol can be with them as long as its closed. No sippy along the way :) If transporting booze thats already partially consumed the trunk is best to avoid a ticket. Cases of beer do not go in a paper bag … you cant get to the handle that way. 😊 Some places have laws that you may not carry a visible open container outside so some people get around that by carrying the bottle in a paper bag if drinking in public in those places. This is mostly associated with hobos though.
I had FOMO a long time before it was a thing- if there was a concert or show, and nobody else wanted to go, I would just go by myself. It wasn’t as much fun, but at least I saw the show. But just make ur mind up either way, and stick with it. You’ll feel better, because otherwise you’ll just get that helpless feeling because you didn’t MAKE a decision, you let the situation happen TO you. Make sense? And btw, my generation could drink beer legally when we were 18. Wine and liquor were always 21. Ciao
Long-time BritBox subscriber. Great that you struck a sponsorship deal with them. British shows are so good but I'm often frustrated by how few episodes happen to be in a single season/series. Btw, no open containers of alcohol in side the car...never heard of a brown bag rule. (California)
Romana Black Sambuca is the absolute best. You can transport unopened bottles/cans in the car. No brown paper bag required! No open liquor allowed. There appears to be one exception, that being the state of Mississippi where open liquor is allowed with some provisions.
Great podcast guys, and again, loving the single camera shot! Just out of curiosity, is there any way to save $$$ by maybe getting rid of the 2 individual camera angles? Can you get BritBox in the US? Cause I do love a classic Agatha Christie like you Joel! And my love language is affirmations, it’s so nice to hear a good compliment! 🙂 Love you guys! ❤❤❤
My husband's birthday is on Valentines Day. That's a bit irritating. We exchange a small Valentine gift and I spend various amounts on his birthday gift. Depends on the bank account, I suppose.
Every state is different. In California, they want it in the back and out of reach. But I've bought a bottle of wine and had it in the passenger seat. If pulled over, your argument is that it's not open. In some states, you can drive through and get a margarita. 🤷♀️
Pretty sure alcohol rules are state to state. For Florida, as I understand it, unopened alcohol can be anywhere in the car. Opened cannot because drinking and driving is illegal if you have open alcohol in the car, “they” can claim you were drinking it. As far as the opaque packaging is concerned, I’m pretty sure that is true too. Guessing the idea is no one can see the alcohol and be influenced by it. I don’t drink alcohol so I guess I’m more sensitive to ridiculous restrictions.
Don't forget to give BritBox a go!! An exclusive offer to our viewers in the US and Canada, head to and use the promo code JOELANDLIA at checkout for 50% your first month.
Does it work for Australia BritBox?
Most liquor stores do put your purchases in a paper bag, but I'm not aware of any law that require that. It varies by state, but most states require alcohol in your car to be in sealed containers. If it's been opened, you can't have it in the cab of your car.
You can legally carry a bottle that was unsealed if you put it in a paper bag that has been folded over and stapled shut. The stapled bag is considered a "seal". I live near several vineyards, and that's how they allow you to take home any bottles that you don't finish at the vineyard.
Also, I don't know if it has to be paper. One of the vineyards will put the open wine bottle into a clear plastic bag that fits a single wine bottle perfectly, and they seal the top of the bag with heat, fusing the plastic together making a seal. Basically the definition of what a seal is is flexible.
Believe it or not, there are a few states where they allow open containers and people drinking as long as it's not the driver.
In some states you must be in the back seat to have an open container
Each state has different liquor laws. I was shocked that in Tennessee you can have open alcohol in the car if the driver is not consuming. In Illinois, that would be a major violation.
In California it can be anywhere in the vehicle, packaged however, but just not opened. Doesn't matter if you have passengers or not, no opened alcohol. If it's open, definitely in the trunk/boot.
I am the same as Lia; when I'm watching a show and it has an interesting location, I have to Google and see where it was filmed.
I also get a little thrill when I recognise a location can say "hey I've been there !".
Omg I love this chat! Also loved the chat about love languages! ❤️
My wife and I just love you two, you make us feel so good, thank you.
Cheers from the Pacific West Coast of Canada.
The alcohol laws will vary from state to state. In most states, you will be safe if the alcohol is in a sealed container that has never been opened. In restaurants where wine is sold by the bottle, if you have wine left when you leave many restaurants will vacuum seal the bottle into a bag to allow you to take it with you in your car.
Otherwise, you should transport the alcohol in the trunk/boot.
I love britbox….keeping up appearances and are you being served keep me warm and fuzzy
They'd know AYBS? as "Grace and Favour" in the UK.
Loving the set up and didn’t realize how much I missed the J&L ❤
I don't drink alcohol myself but here in Minnesota as long as your alcohol bottle or can hasn't been opened, you can have it in your car. I live near a liquor store, and people walk home with a case of beer all the time, no bag required.
If the monetary value of a gift matters in a negative way to the person receiving your gift you're with the wrong person. I brought an ex to tears because she'd randomly mentioned a candy she ate as a child but couldn't find for a decade. I got found them and got her just $5 worth (which was like 6 or 7 packs) and she cried when i gave them to her. She was moved that i was listening and cared. $5.
I fell inside of a restaurant when I was a teenager. My first thought was, This is embarrassing and OMG I am in pain. We didn't say anything to the employees that I slipped and hurt myself on their wet floor. In the med 90s my children and I were leaving a government building and my sandal decided it wanted to ski down the concrete steps outside on the main street in town. My other leg hit the steps and busted a hole in my leg. My kids were panicking trying to see if I was alright and trying to get me to sit down. Nope this is embarrassing let's get in the car and get out of there. A few years ago I was walking down the street by our condo and wasn't looking at the sidewalk and fell because of the poor condition of it. Again blood pouring down my leg and in a lot of pain I was just embarrassed. I never thought about suing the restaurant or either of the cities.
You do seem either really unlucky or a bit of a klutz.
Here in North Carolina, you don't have to put alcohol in the trunk (boot) of your car and you can just carry it out of the store without a bag. You can never have an open container of alcohol in your car even if you haven't been drinking. Lia, you should ABSOLUTELY sue for compensation because you were physically hurt in both of those instances. They should be held accountable! I so wish I could go to Scotland with you! Love you guys! ❤
Americans always want to sue. Think twice.
As with all things American it varies state by state, but for the vast majority of states it only has to be in the trunk it is has been opened. If the bottle is still sealed you can keep it in the cab.
already have britbox. love eastenders, coronation street, emmerdale, keeping up appearances, man too many to name!
I enjoyed this episode so much cause I felt like an adult. I haven't felt this way for so long. Thanks a lot my fave Brits. I watched while sipping My fave cocktail and thinking about how much we have in common no matter the country or social status. I can't thank You enough
Thanks guys! Just got my first month of BritBox for $3.99! I love it 😍
Wooo! Hope you enjoy it as much as us!!
I grew up in a middle American town where every third or fourth business on our main street was a bar, a liquor store or both. Literally:
-car wash
-heating & air conditioning place
-funeral home
-combination BAR/liquor store
-counseling place
-Scottish shop (bagpipes kilts etc)
-laundry service
-t.v. repair place
-hardware store
-grocery store
-donut shop
-barber shop
-vacant storefront
-medical offices
-law offices
-BAR/liquor store
-department store
-BAR (with great pizza)
...and all within five short suburban blocks.
So yeah Americans start drinking late, but MAAAAN do we make up for lost time!
this is my midwest town lol
There was a time when it was suggested to keep all purchased alcohol in the boot/trunk. My thought was that way if there was an accident your car didn’t smell like booze. But I generally keep it in the back seat. In Massachusetts if a bottle has been opened it does HAVE to be in the trunk (also could be a locked glove box) so really any alcohol Newly purchased is ok in the car.
Joel, I don't drink, so I had to look it up. This is from the California driver's handbook online (we can't put links anymore....):
"No matter what age you are, it is illegal to drive after:
Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol in any form. This includes medications like cough syrup.
Taking any drug that affects your ability to drive. This includes prescriptions or over-the-counter medications.
Using any combination of alcohol or drugs that decreases your ability to drive safely.
and also:
"Use or Possession of Alcohol or Cannabis Products in a Vehicle
The law is very strict about carrying alcohol or cannabis products in your vehicle with you. It is illegal to drink any alcohol, to smoke or eat a cannabis product while you are driving or riding as a passenger in a vehicle. If you are carrying any alcohol, cannabis in your vehicle, the container must be sealed and unopened. If it is open, you must keep the container in the trunk or place where passengers do not sit. It is also illegal to keep an open container of alcohol in your glove box. This law does not apply if you are a passenger in a bus, taxi, camper, or motorhome."
(recreational and medical marijuana is legal in the state of California.)
So putting it in the trunk only applies if you have opened it. If it's still closed and sealed (like you bought it but hadn't started drinking it yet) you can have it inside the car. 🙂
I love Britbox! You brits have the best crime dramas! But has anyone watched Here We Go? It is absolutely hysterical!
the frozen daiquiri drive thrus give you a lid without a hole for a straw so it’s a “closed container” 😂
Unopened alcohol can be stored anywhere in the car. I buy cases of beer and place the cases on the front seat all the time. The only time there will be a problem is if one of the bottles are open.
All of the liquor laws are state-by-state, there's are even states that someone can have an open container and drinking as long as it's not the driver.
In my state is not required to be in a paper bag and it's not required to be in the boot.
But, if it's in reach of the driver it could raise some questions and maybe a sobriety test if you get pulled over, but it's not technically illegal.
To avoid issues it's always a good idea to just put the liquor in the to not throw up extra red flags for overzealous policemen.
Joel, if you are concerned about overspending, a simple conversation about max $ amount to spend on one another is the best way to figure out one another's expectations. You will save a lot of grief in your long-term relationship if money is openly discussed early and as needed now that you're living together
In Texas, you can have any UNOPENED alcoholic beverage in the cab of the car. We call it the Open Container Law.
Love the tangents because I never know how for they will lead off the initial topic. Also, before suing anyone, check the statutes of limitations. For some actions you have to file within a certain period of time otherwise you forfeit your right to sue. As for the SCOTLAND trip it just wasn’t the right timing for me. I’ll be in London in July though for two weeks celebrating my b-day and my daughter’s b-day.
My husband loves Porruoe. Please excuse the spelling. I don't watch it much but do love it when I do.
Great episode, Joel and Lia!!! I am like Joel with FOMO. If I was invited to something but couldn't go and saw pictures from the event, I would get fomo but not just seeing posts online when I haven't made plans.
I Google where shows are filmed. And I have already watched Joel's friend's show Karen Pirie, it was good.
Here in my state you canNOT have an open container in the car. You can't even transport alcohol unless someone over 21 is in the car. Even then, the alcohol has to be sealed, unopened and not in the passenger area (so, in the trunk). I'm a mom, and I drive a minivan, so there really is no trunk. I just put the alcohol in the backseat. I doubt any cop would harass me -- but they COULD, if they wanted.
Really enjoying the new set up. See ya soon
I most states you can’t have open bottles of alcohol in the car. Unopened is fine. Open bottles can be in the trunk. Some states have old law that the unopened alcohol bottles or cans needs to be in a bag when carrying it in the street or public transport.
I love when you two both laugh at something and then so this sigh at the same time 😂
I never got in trouble when traveling with alcohol in New Hampshire in the car and honestly didn’t know the rules other than you can’t have an open container and or drink in the car. I looked it up and it said The container must stay in the trunk or an inaccessible area while the vehicle is on public roads or in any public parking lot. In addition, New Hampshire prohibits minors under the age of 21 from transporting alcohol in a vehicle, even if the containers are sealed. Also, hard liquor can only be purchased in a state liquor store and wine is sold there too but not beer. Beer and wine are sold in grocery stores, convenient stores and drug stores like CVS, Walgreens etc. in Massachusetts some grocery stores sell hard alcohol, so if you ever decide to do that Boston trip that’s a little tip 😉
I love Those Two Brits in their socks!!!
My friend who works at grocery store. So he can put 2 wine bottles in a bag he uses the paper bag to protect the bottles from hitting each other in the bag.
Statute of limitations on lawsuits regarding personal injuries in Texas is 2 years from the time of injury.
Our grocery stores can not sell any alcohol. It's annoying. No alcohol can be mailed to Rhode Island. So no wine clubs, etc.
In nearly every state, the rule is the same: you cannot have any open container of alcohol in the passenger area of the car. The passenger area is any part of the car where a passenger can legally ride-just because someone can ride in the trunk doesn’t mean it’s legal. An open container is any container of alcohol with the seal broken. It doesn’t actually have to be open. If the container has been opened at all, it’s considered an open container, even if the lid is on it. In most states, if the passenger has an open container, both the passenger and the driver can be charged with a crime. Merica'
Varies state by state for alcohol. I know in West Virginia the law is in a paper bag in the trunk. But in Maryland it’s just unopened bottle is fine in the car.
I love Brit Box, I watch it in America. I ❤ Vera! I watched Shetland too!
The brown paper bag thing is more a case of what you can prove. We have very strict search and seizure laws. So, if the alcohol is in an opaque bag, the officer has no right to search it unless there is probable cause (ie. obvious intoxication). To make this more clean-cut, some jurisdictions have made put the "opaque bag" or "must be in the trunk" into law. But, really, if a person is obviously drunk, the officer can do a non-invasive search of the bag or, if the person is driving, give the person a breath test or field sobriety test.
I love British TV! Definitely going to sign up with your link! We have the BBC Channel in the US and can watch via whatever our local cable provider is but since I cut my cable off and went with streaming services I've missed the BBC channel ❤
Love my BritBox subscription!! The new death in paradise spin off is great too!
Karen Pirie. Is sensational. Cannot stop watching. Thanks for introducing your friend and her work!
I've lived in Florida, New York, Texas and California. The only rule that I am aware of is that one is not allowed to be driving around with an open bottle of booze. Years ago I would drive all over Miami while swilling a cold Budweiser. Things are a lot more strict now.
Love Britbox. MI5, Line of Duty, Midsummer Murders, Endeavor, so much more. My brother is addicted Sherlock Holmes. Only subscription service we have besides Amazon Prime Video.
Alcohol laws in the States vary from state to state, but most commonly, you can have alcohol in the passenger compartment if it hasn't been opened. If it's open, you can be cited for "open container." Arrested? I'm not sure. If it's open, in most states, it has to be in the trunk.
I started a Morning Routine 2 weeks after I acknowledged that I probably have a touch of ADHD. It has changed my retired life.
I tripped backwards and landed sitting directly on the corner and edge of a cement step. It hurt so badly I couldnt speak. my best friend, who I had been talking to and was standing right there, burst out laughing. she found it hilarious. I didnt, especially as it required a trip to the ER and many days of meds and no sitting down. I guess its kinda like why slapstick humour was so popular at one time.
I LOVE BRITBOX!! I have had it for several years.
I've heard you guys mention a couple of times that you can drive at 15 in the US. That's almost true. You can get a permit and start learning to drive at 15, but you can't get your license and drive yourself around until you are 16. In my state (Indiana) you have to be 16 and 3 months to get your license, and then you can't have anyone other than family ride with you for another six months after that. Having a 16 year old myself right now, all of these rules are very top of mind these days! 😄
In other states you can get a learner's permit as young as 14 and drive alone as long as you're going to school or a job as early as 15.
It's quite a rite of passage where I live, and most kids have their licenses to drive alone by 16.
But in reality most kids learn to drive even earlier than that either by being familiar with farm equipment or helping their father by driving a truck on a farm or just their parents teaching them to drive in an empty parking lot.
I learned to drive when I was twelve but obviously was not driving alone or driving to the store.
But I did drive to California with my dad when I was 13!
But, I was an exceptionally mature and well-behaved child.
Not so much in my later teen years though lol
@@Jack_Stafford Wow, that’s amazing!! I’m afraid my 16 year old falls into the ever growing majority of teens these days who don’t want to learn to drive. Goodness knows we’ve tried! I wasn’t terribly interested in driving either, but took driver’s ed at 15 and had my license by 16.
Alcohol laws vary by state. In most states you cannot have an OPEN container of alcohol in the passenger area. Closed is perfectly fine in every state i've lived but i haven't lived in every state. Open containers need to be in the trunk, the nonpassenger area. But in most states it's perfectly lawful to have a closed container of alcohol in the passenger area. I don't think you're required to have it in a bag in most places but being in a bag at least indicates you probably aren't drinking it.
I usually have to ask for a brown bag in my state however they did just recently pass an opened container law too so you can't pull up to the window and order a mix drink anymore unless it's got a lid on it and a piece of tape across the spot where the straw goes. So wierd.
You can have a bottle in any part of your car, it just has to have never been opened before.
We have drive-through daiquiri stores here in South East Louisiana. The law is that it has to have a lid on it and no straw. You are supposed to wait until you get where you are going and out of your car before drinking it.
I’m watching line of duty and loved Shetland!! I am American but love British tv
Got my discount to britbox AND The Vicar of Dibley. Thanks Joel and Lia.
Those Two Brits is my comfort show 🤗
britbox is amazing if anyone is on the fence dont be!
It's brilliant isn't it!!
@@ThoseTwoBrits1 yes, i am an Agatha Christie fan so Poroit and Marple are my fav on there.
It varies wildly by state and locality, but generally open containers are not permitted for alcohol. Some places do have drive through liquor stores that serve the drinks in disposable cups. They will often just place a piece of tape over the straw though.
Enjoyed this guys! I'm seriously thinking about Britbox. Thanks for the reminder. Would love to go on the Scotland trip, but not possible right now. too busy, but I know with you two it will be a blast!!!
I LOVED Karen Pirie! Will there be a second season? I binge watched the first one. I'm a huge BritBox fan.
Apparently they recently announced that a second series has been commissioned.
Open container laws, yup. When I lived in Louisiana, there are certain counties that are called dry where they don’t sell any alcohol or liquor, not even wine at the grocery stores. I forget the name of a grocery store chain when I lived in Texas but if you don’t have a Texas ID and you’re from out of state, they will not sell you alcohol at this one particular grocery chain. Crazy right, sending love to you and yours from Orlando, Florida!
Love it!
Part2 mansions in Roadisland and loads more in Connecticut Vermont and new Hampshire and leaf peeping during October as you travel through New ENGLAND ending with a new ENGLAND Thanksgiving dinner and try Boston cream pie and Boston baked beans and brown bread real clam chowder and a new ENGLAND boild dinner as well as lobster fried clams and also crab legs lots to do and see you'll need the time with proper planning it can be done so come to New ENGLAND and see us for lots of memories and good fun
Yep. Booze gotta be un the boot when you're in my state. Idk about other states. Bottle of prosecco as the passenger, nope.
Oh, and we have to conceal our booze after purchase. No walking around, holding a bottle around the neck.
“A Wendy’s wedding.” I lost it. 🤣😂 I remember that video and recall thinking, they should sue.
I was told at the Liquor store when I said I didn't need a bag for my Vodka that I have to carry it out in the bag then I can do what I want when I'm outside, I was told as long as my alcohol isn't opened, and me drinking it, iI can put it pretty much anywhere in the car to transport it
In Maine, you can't have alchohol within reach so the back seat is fine. I've been watching Britbox for years live Midsomer Murders the show you get at least three victims a show lol and Vera love she is your version of our Columbo. I have just started the series Silent Witness. I love the couch studio versus the desk it's more intimate 😁 like being invited into your living room
Birthday for partner $25 to $100, dinner and flowers is more than enough. I haven't gotten anything for my birthday in years. Not even a card.
We do reverse, no gifts for xmas or valentines day. Bdays are personal so it's okay. I prefer an experience as a bday gift like a concert, cirque de soleil or a nice restaurant. No cards either, I read them and get rid of them a week later.
Not Oregon. You can have an unopened bottle inside car. If it's open it needs to be in trunk. The bag thing is hilarious. No bag needed.
When is the SCOTLAND deadline?! I so badly want to go but won’t know until next week if I will be available. Gosh, it would be such an amazing trip!
In Louisiana, you can drink alcohol in the backseat of the car.
Because you can now get beer and wine in grocery stores, I don't think it has to be in a paper bag. It DOES have to be in one from a liquor store, however! Makes no sense to me either. 🤷♀️
Yes, in the US liquor must go into an opaque bag either paper or black plastic. If I walk to the store, I'm not cooking anyone.
Fav Britbox shows are too many to count. A couple are Miranda and Vera. Also, Shetland!
Joel is right goes by state. In PA you can have it sitting next to if it's not open. Weirdly though I can get an adult slushy in a cup that they put tape on the straw hole and it's good to go.
I’ve been watching Karen Pirie. It’s great!
Diff liquor laws per state but the brown bag in car is a bit of false news. In NY you cant drink & drive or have open containers of alcohol in the car. You can carry a new unopened container where it fits not in the trunk. If your groceries are inside the seats the alcohol can be with them as long as its closed. No sippy along the way :)
If transporting booze thats already partially consumed the trunk is best to avoid a ticket.
Cases of beer do not go in a paper bag … you cant get to the handle that way. 😊
Some places have laws that you may not carry a visible open container outside so some people get around that by carrying the bottle in a paper bag if drinking in public in those places. This is mostly associated with hobos though.
I had FOMO a long time before it was a thing- if there was a concert or show, and nobody else wanted to go, I would just go by myself. It wasn’t as much fun, but at least I saw the show. But just make ur mind up either way, and stick with it. You’ll feel better, because otherwise you’ll just get that helpless feeling because you didn’t MAKE a decision, you let the situation happen TO you. Make sense? And btw, my generation could drink beer legally when we were 18. Wine and liquor were always 21. Ciao
Long-time BritBox subscriber. Great that you struck a sponsorship deal with them. British shows are so good but I'm often frustrated by how few episodes happen to be in a single season/series.
Btw, no open containers of alcohol in side the car...never heard of a brown bag rule. (California)
Just had to Google OAP. 😂😂😂
Romana Black Sambuca is the absolute best. You can transport unopened bottles/cans in the car. No brown paper bag required! No open liquor allowed. There appears to be one exception, that being the state of Mississippi where open liquor is allowed with some provisions.
I love having Brit Box here in Minnesota.
I have Britbox and we love it!!
Most Canadian provinces follow the British rules about Liquor in your vehicle!
Self Care with Joel & Lia
Great podcast guys, and again, loving the single camera shot! Just out of curiosity, is there any way to save $$$ by maybe getting rid of the 2 individual camera angles? Can you get BritBox in the US? Cause I do love a classic Agatha Christie like you Joel! And my love language is affirmations, it’s so nice to hear a good compliment! 🙂 Love you guys! ❤❤❤
Yes you can get britbox in the US
Have been meaning to tell you that I love your new studio. Perfectly professional. Love!
There’s no federal law requiring liquor to be in a bag. It just can’t be an open bottle or Container
My husband's birthday is on Valentines Day. That's a bit irritating. We exchange a small Valentine gift and I spend various amounts on his birthday gift. Depends on the bank account, I suppose.
Lia is actually like the villain " Gold finger " the More Gold she gets the better she feels. 😁
I live in Kansas, and there’s a restaurant that sells alcoholic drinks through the drive through! I have NO idea how that’s allowed
Every state is different. In California, they want it in the back and out of reach. But I've bought a bottle of wine and had it in the passenger seat. If pulled over, your argument is that it's not open.
In some states, you can drive through and get a margarita. 🤷♀️
You can drive with alcohol in your car, it just can't be an opened container.
Pretty sure alcohol rules are state to state. For Florida, as I understand it, unopened alcohol can be anywhere in the car. Opened cannot because drinking and driving is illegal if you have open alcohol in the car, “they” can claim you were drinking it. As far as the opaque packaging is concerned, I’m pretty sure that is true too. Guessing the idea is no one can see the alcohol and be influenced by it. I don’t drink alcohol so I guess I’m more sensitive to ridiculous restrictions.
I love Line Of Duty. I have to pay for Season Five though, and I haven't done that yet. Also love Clarkson's Farm.