My first mammogram 16 years ago led to 2 years of treatment, followed by 8 years of hormone meds. This year, my mammogram picked up early stage, had my second mastectomy, no treatment needed, ui decided flat the first time same this time, don't be afraid of mammograms. They will save mamy life's, for me no more mammograms,wemon need to take ip mammogram it's so important, and can save lives
My first mammogram 16 years ago led to 2 years of treatment, followed by 8 years of hormone meds. This year, my mammogram picked up early stage, had my second mastectomy, no treatment needed, ui decided flat the first time same this time, don't be afraid of mammograms. They will save mamy life's, for me no more mammograms,wemon need to take ip mammogram it's so important, and can save lives
Beautifully put! Thank you for sharing your story.