@@SparkyJ-s4s distilled water. I’ve scrubbed PC components with distilled water. I let them dry to to the point when there’s no more moisture and as long as there wasn’t any electricity left in the component it will still work. Not like this video has a 50/50 chance of that PC being put in that dump by the creator and he just made it dirty himself. Should you clean PC components with water as a first choice. No
Зная сколько проблем бывает со схемотехникой компьютера, который просто стоит дома смешно смотреть как кто-то верит, что компьютер с помойки заведётся одной пропайкой чипа звуковой карты.
(just my theory) In my opinion maybe this is a setting, the PC can't just be thrown away, or maybe this PC belongs to him or belongs to another resident who was thrown away and, it's impossible for the internal components to just be washed, maybe this video also has some capital/someone replaced (this is basically a setting/fake) keep the spirit 😊
oh my god, who would believe that to be true?, everything is moldy and rusty, how can it work again?, moreover, he didn't clean it properly when washing it with water? , even installing the components shows that he has no skills, anyone paying attention can see that everything has been replaced and suddenly all the rust spots become shiny, haha fake
What an outstanding gentleman. Even the motherboard is getting an excellent bubble bath from him. I broke down as result of witnessing such nobility.😂😂😂
Не уж то люди верят что он правда нашел его и починил. Не первый ролик его смотрю. И вижу что этот чел рабочую испачканную технику отмоет подкрасит и все работает.
Чел, почти все понимают, что это фейк, а комп он сам выкинул и тут же достал. Однако, смысл этих видео в том, чтобы просто показать процесс реставрация, как вещь из грязной и поврежденной, возможно, искусственно состаренной превращается становится чистой, рабочей и как новой
Next up - Gaming PC restoration from the bottom of the ocean under 30 meters. Seaweed edition. Restoration VR: How fucked up do you want this PC to be? Viewers: Yes!
The question here (as there is always something to question about these magical restorations on channels like this) is who the hell would get a case like that and a high-end chipset (top of the range Ivy Bridge Z77) board for overclocking like that back on those years for using it with a cheap entry level pentium processor. It is like buying a 400-600 even more dollars board in current money for using it with the cheapest 100-150 dollars processor (it's like using a 600 dollar ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Hero with a 100 dollars intel i3 13100F, it doesn't make any sense). Also wondering how he realized failure was specifically in that asmedia ASM 1083 PCIe chip but couldn't revive the GPU he had also found, it would have been wonderful to see that restoration 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's like getting an X570 board and sticking an Athlon 200GE in it. It's not even going to be that good. and to not even repair the graphics card expecting the integrated graphics to be much better is not right. These fake restorations have to stop 🛑🛑🛑.
@@wsm6553 Yeah, a Crosshair VII Hero X470 with that APU or a ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme EATX X570 paired with a Ryzen 3 2200G.Motherboard in the video was the top notch back then, high end expensive boards looked like that, an enthusiast (original owner and no one on the world) would NEVER build that combo for this guy to find it 10 or so years later easily as finding a dime, it doesn't make sense, that combo was never ever built until this restoration guy did it, so what happens here is this guy build these PCs with old parts, he tests them to POST, then he throws them in the mud, he pisses on them, he shits on them... then he "luckily" finds them and "magically" restores them with water and detergent and couple of pokes with a digital tester and that's it! LOL They fooled me a bit at beginning, nowadays entering to watch them as mythbuster 😁🤣
После такого погодного воздействия на улице, типа продолжительное время, она взяла и завелась тупо после очистки и пропайки ножек микросхемы... А как же химичиские процессы? Я не верю, что вот так просто и всё завелось.
Фантазёр, ой и фантазёр... Типо нашёл комп, который валялся долгое время, что заржавел. Вот только неувязочка: WiFi модуль от этой материнки) Его не было, когда герой типо нашёл компьютер, однако потом - вуаля и появляется в кадре))) Этот модуль идёт конкретно в комплекте с этой материнкой)) Потом ещё мыть материнку и другие компоненты - ВОДОЙ!!! Еб*ть там окислов потом будет по всей материнке,( не говоря о том, что сам комп весь ржавый, а значит и мать должна быть ржавой), что через месяц - она отойдёт в мир иной. Потом ещё интересный момент - при первом запуске - типо не запускается))) И он нашёл причину где? Правильно в контроллере USB портов. Вопрос? Он тыкал по всей материнке мультиметром и попал в контроллер USB. Так, к теории там находится 5V, и если плата не запускалась, то эти 5V пришли в Чипсет, а это можно сказать - труп! Решение - замена чипсета, что не целесообразно с её стоимостью. Причём до танцев с мультиметром - на плате горят индикаторы, которые говорят о том, что основное питание на плате присутствует. Я не инженер, однако знаю такие мелочи, да и такая же материнка есть у самого))) Ах да, самое интересное - ЧЕЛ РЕШИЛ ПРОПАЯТЬ КОНТАКТЫ!!! Типо материнка не стартовала из за отпаяных контактов!))) Материнка стартанёт даже без пропаяных контактов, просто не будет инициализировать устройства, которые будут подключаться) После повторного включения на плашке оперативки + старом кулере - нет запуска))) Поменять кулер и Протереть контакты пальцами? Опять окислы на контактах оперативки) Стираются резинкой - ластиком, как бы) И да, на мёртвом кулере запуск так же будет, поэтому кулер не причина. Ага, и ожидание восстановление видеокарты Red Devil RX 580(по виду) - которая нифига не старая, как эта платформа, на минуточку) Поэтому её могли выкинуть только в 1 случае, когда она полный кирпич - сдохший GPU либо текстолит. Если сдохла память - то её продают на запчасти, или восстанавливают, а не выкидывают. АВТОР - ЛЖЕЦ!
At that point, there is no restoration. At best you could clean the parts. But the water damage has forever killed that computer. He made sure of that with the hose.
Não precisa fingir não! Já encontrei bem melhor que esse, e pra não dizer que tava completo, faltava o mouse e a tela, é um Intel i7, estava completo mas não estava dando boot, no mesmo dia coloquei para rodar. Tô com ele até hoje! Obs.ouve outros que achei e em bom estado tbm.
Acho que a única bola fora foi lavar a placa com a bateria da bios junto… porém não deu nada porque devia estar com zero volts. Parabéns pelo capricho. Eu ri com o susto 😂😂😂
هل أحد يصدق هذه الفيديوهات 😂 من الواضح انه قام بتبديل الوحة الام والمعالج فأنه من المستحيل ان يعمل بعد رشه بلماء ومواد التنضيف خاصة انه تم فرك الوحة الام بلفرشاة
It becomes evident that these things don't often survive after building up so much dirt and rust, but only the exterior tower part is far more likely to get another chance in life, even if its interior parts were caught in the corrosion and had to be replaced by fresh new modern components.
Could anyone tell me if this is really possible because he literally removes everything rusty and then washes and fixes everything properly and then takes it back to the bathroom, I was impressed because I never believed that any electronic component would actually work again after getting wet
Sí, lo hice con una muy viejita varias veces en diferentes placas desechables... Y si funcionaron, obviamente era verano y los coloqué al sol para un secado óptimo.
Amazing what hosing computer parts can apperently achieve. I'll have to try it instead of the successful way I've been doing computer repairs all these years.
@@rogerraven6976 No, I haven't been trying to do comp repairs. I've been doing it successfully for the past 30 years ! I've never tried hosing them with water though.
Incrível o que se consegue fazer com paciência e dedicação, um exemplo de como desperdiçamos nossos recursos limitados e como é possível prolongar a vida útil daquilo que muitos jogam fora...
Acho muito dificil encontrar um processador uma placa mãe funcionando perfeitamente, é mais pra gerar conteudo pro canal dele muito conto de fadas esse vídeo.
Tu sabes lo q es un computador por lo menos? Es obvio q eso no sirve ni de chiste, menos tirándole agua y jabón a la tarjeta madre y de video jajajaja, tuvo q hacer comprado otro pc para q funcionará al final
@@jesusvega8599 Sei não, comecei hoje na area de tecnologia. Um equipamento cheio de lama e pegando chuva por meses talvez anos sem oxidação. E a peça mais cara do computador funcinando perfeitamente.
если это старое железо то 9:33 где окисление которе появится за сутки нахождения во влажной среде.как для души видео прикольно снято можно просто лежать и пялится но если по факту это видео как фантастика ничего нет из реальной жизни потому что невзможно востанровить такой системник если он находился долго в открытой среде он бы сгнил за месяц так как в вашей стране муссоны и много влажности а он у вас на улице и весь такой ржавый очень смешно и забавно
I noticed the CMOS battery was still inserted on the motherboard. Would that have been problematic while sitting out in the dump then washed down after years? Seems that the battery would cause a short thus bricking the motherboard.
Ору с этого чебурека, сделал видос задом наперед, сначала сделал вид ремонта на рабочем пк, потом утопил в грязи. Но магия монтажа показывает как он героически спас пк. Браво, беллисимо🎉
a few months after I started using a computer for the first time, my keyboard was very dirty. i decided to wash my keyboard, i thought it would be fine, but after washing and drying it, of course it didn't work and i threw it away. do you expect us to believe that a computer covered in mud and rust works after washing it?
@@CarlosAugusto-tu8mf é bem provavel, as trilhas da placa mae já deveriam ter ido pro ralo naquele estado, só sendo engenheiro eletronico pra saber oq fazer, e eu acho q nem o encenheiro eletronico ia saber kkkkkk
@@smb2267 msm assim, joga no barro, depois agua a rodo..., sem dizer q o gabinete tava msm enferrujado... no minimo uma coisa alí n sai inteiro q nem saiu no video
I would love to go to their dump and just find some random unused computer mice. Some unwanted PC’s with high end motherboards, old 780 GPU’s just discarded on a dump site. Maybe some unwanted gold jewellery and some rubies in need of a wash. Maybe a pair of collectible Air Jordans that just needed a respray and a wash. It would be wonderful
Материнка не стартовала потому что не работала звуковуха... ой бред, да куча матерей работают с сгоревшими звуковухами и сетевухами. у меня старый комп ещё и с одним сожжённым слотом озу работал. наебалово чистой воды)
A lot of doubter here lol. This is what happens when 90% of gamer think they know how to build computer and have no clue that there are people that built the entire thing from scratch and stuck in consumer chain.
This is legitimate work. Nice job with the restoration and repair. Even if you purposely put a computer in the swamp you still demonstrated that it is possible to restore a system in such condition. Folks have to remember that as long as the computer wasn't on while it was submerged in water then it's definitely salvageable with the right skills.
Sim é real, inclusive faço bastante em um ambiente controlado é claro Porém o que me chamou um pouco a atenção são os parafusos da placa saírem de boas, os que eu pego aqui literalmente se esfarelam kkk sério é bem tenso porém dá para ser restaurado
@@dhyancarlos9677 Os parafusos do PC voce tem que litrealmente só encostar! nada mexe, nao vibra, nao tem perigo nenhum deles soltarem. Mas algumas pessoas apertam como se estivessem dando torque na roda do carro! aí quando enferruja, realmente nao sai mesmo.
Suddenly all new parts?
Prove it.
Because it was vowtabaji 🤣
Suddenly a different motherboard appears while washing it spot the difference
At least the processor and energy sources are missing un the destroyed PC.
Him: *washes the components*
Me:*starts dying internally*
you know washing pc parts with water won't break them if they are turned off and don't get turned back on until they are completely dry
@@cmartin68137 you dont know what you are talking about, you watched one video on that and now you think you're an expert you really arent
@@SparkyJ-s4s distilled water. I’ve scrubbed PC components with distilled water. I let them dry to to the point when there’s no more moisture and as long as there wasn’t any electricity left in the component it will still work. Not like this video has a 50/50 chance of that PC being put in that dump by the creator and he just made it dirty himself. Should you clean PC components with water as a first choice. No
So that’s my bad for not mentioning to use Distilled water
fr i was bouta crash out when i seen them putting watter on them
All the parts are working after heavy washing it's a miracle 😂😂😂😂😂
Esse fez um milagre, lavou e nem fez a secagem e já está funcionando.. Credo..
no es la misma tarjeta madre,
la cambio por una similar pero nueva.
solo les hizo creer.
magic :D
Bro was finding those pc parts like he was in pokemon...
hey shorty
motherboard he picked up is totally different than the motherboard he repaired..😂😂
that is the thing that every restoration video do.
is not man xD wt
looks same to me
sad part is they didnt remove the plastic from the vrm thermal pads so they wont do much of anything.
Are you high?
8:30 that child's laughter caught me off guard, lol. Nice jumpscare.
This is an easter egg about 1st april release of this video that says that it's totaly a joke
So fake it hurts.
@@Good-pw2cn Yes
@@emersonbiggens1502its real
@@emersonbiggens1502its real
@@emersonbiggens1502not fake xd
I always wash my computer with the hose when it gets dusty
3:45 hard disk color is blue and 17:55 hard disk color is green😭🤔
new part hardisk
Guys this is an April Fools joke build. How did some of you not see that?
Вечером окунул 775-ю видяху в святую воду и утром вытянул уже 3080 ))))
Зная сколько проблем бывает со схемотехникой компьютера, который просто стоит дома смешно смотреть как кто-то верит, что компьютер с помойки заведётся одной пропайкой чипа звуковой карты.
особенно с промывкой платы с батарейкой в тазу
это конроллер pci-e, но в целом суть не меняется, чел из видео пи*дит и не краснеет 😂
Да так и есть!!!
Ведь это бред сивой кобылы!😂
да тут все весело, он запускает mud ranner, на видеокарте со 128 mb памяти, просто ору!
@@user-lb6yc2vq9f я АРУ с начала видео)))
(just my theory) In my opinion maybe this is a setting, the PC can't just be thrown away, or maybe this PC belongs to him or belongs to another resident who was thrown away and, it's impossible for the internal components to just be washed, maybe this video also has some capital/someone replaced (this is basically a setting/fake) keep the spirit 😊
oh my god, who would believe that to be true?, everything is moldy and rusty, how can it work again?, moreover, he didn't clean it properly when washing it with water? , even installing the components shows that he has no skills, anyone paying attention can see that everything has been replaced and suddenly all the rust spots become shiny, haha fake
Ur telling me some dust broke my motherboard from being unused a while but dude can give his a bubble bath?😂
Who can throw a graphic card😂
you mean who can thow 2 graphic card
cuz i need 😃
Rtx 4090 💀
People like these can
"How fake do you want this to be?"
bro its april fools
This guy is washing the motherboard like it was clothes with processor already fitted in
What an outstanding gentleman. Even the motherboard is getting an excellent bubble bath from him. I broke down as result of witnessing such nobility.😂😂😂
Не уж то люди верят что он правда нашел его и починил. Не первый ролик его смотрю. И вижу что этот чел рабочую испачканную технику отмоет подкрасит и все работает.
Чел, почти все понимают, что это фейк, а комп он сам выкинул и тут же достал. Однако, смысл этих видео в том, чтобы просто показать процесс реставрация, как вещь из грязной и поврежденной, возможно, искусственно состаренной превращается становится чистой, рабочей и как новой
да это троль, все его видео такие), со шланга моет все подряд, лишь бы лайки получать)))
When you have 2 remaining brain cells and decided to restore a computer.
Чего только "случайно" не найдешь на свалке ради контента, лол. Особенно позабавила свежая термопаста на процессоре.
у меня паста в компе не высохла спустя 3 года
Тоже заметил😂
Ф это какая свалка? Тоже как-то сходить надо
Ты не шариш кто выкинул поменял термопасту потом выкинул😂😂😂😂
парни что там термопаста .пк без кмос работает вот это сила
Quem entende o mínimo de computação sabe que isso é FAKE, FALSO!
pse, pentium num gabinete desses.....
@@DingleEditzz - Verdade, porem o mais obvio e impressionante foi a placa mãe ter faltado na fila de receber ferrugem, o gabinete foi guloso.
mas grande parte dos vídeos de restauração são fakes, mas fala sério, é bom demais kkkkk
nao tem nada de fake nesse video rapaz reveja seu conceito sobre computação
Next up - Gaming PC restoration from the bottom of the ocean under 30 meters. Seaweed edition.
Restoration VR: How fucked up do you want this PC to be?
Viewers: Yes!
You are world first man that are start any brust PC only wash "water" wow.😅😅😅😅
New PSU, new HDD, New fans, New memory sticks... I believe it is also new Motherboard... 🤣🤣🤣
The question here (as there is always something to question about these magical restorations on channels like this) is who the hell would get a case like that and a high-end chipset (top of the range Ivy Bridge Z77) board for overclocking like that back on those years for using it with a cheap entry level pentium processor. It is like buying a 400-600 even more dollars board in current money for using it with the cheapest 100-150 dollars processor (it's like using a 600 dollar ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Hero with a 100 dollars intel i3 13100F, it doesn't make any sense). Also wondering how he realized failure was specifically in that asmedia ASM 1083 PCIe chip but couldn't revive the GPU he had also found, it would have been wonderful to see that restoration 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's like getting an X570 board and sticking an Athlon 200GE in it. It's not even going to be that good. and to not even repair the graphics card expecting the integrated graphics to be much better is not right. These fake restorations have to stop 🛑🛑🛑.
@@wsm6553 Yeah, a Crosshair VII Hero X470 with that APU or a ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme EATX X570 paired with a Ryzen 3 2200G.Motherboard in the video was the top notch back then, high end expensive boards looked like that, an enthusiast (original owner and no one on the world) would NEVER build that combo for this guy to find it 10 or so years later easily as finding a dime, it doesn't make sense, that combo was never ever built until this restoration guy did it, so what happens here is this guy build these PCs with old parts, he tests them to POST, then he throws them in the mud, he pisses on them, he shits on them... then he "luckily" finds them and "magically" restores them with water and detergent and couple of pokes with a digital tester and that's it! LOL They fooled me a bit at beginning, nowadays entering to watch them as mythbuster 😁🤣
@@CarlosAlfonsoSV 說實話~我並不想質疑些什麼~但這實在過於神奇~主板是多層結合的銅導體主板~在自然環境下....水應該自然滲透導致銅氧化而某些短路~以主機外殼的鏽蝕狀態來推斷~這塊主板被修復的機率幾乎為0
@@wsm6553you need to stop pay a attention it's not fake I found radios outside and they still work
Now i will bath my motherboard and sing same time.😂😂😂😂
you were very lucky to have the hard drive and ram still inside ,ive found computers outside
A good water washing is the perfect start to deal with accidentally found pc hardware.
теперь я понял как чистить пк от пыли с помощью шланга))
мне кажется, что где-то нас наё!.)
А чё так можно было???
>Old Computer
>very clearly one of the most popular cases out there right now
Okay, I believe you
После такого погодного воздействия на улице, типа продолжительное время, она взяла и завелась тупо после очистки и пропайки ножек микросхемы... А как же химичиские процессы? Я не верю, что вот так просто и всё завелось.
Да особенно корпус 2020 года примерно
И видюха из 2000 где-то, верим
ага, плюс еще и потыкал щупами мультиметра везде кроме дросселей цепей основных питаний 🤣🤣🤣
это уличная магия и Девид Блейн))
Факт втом что такие видюхи ставят и продают в готовых зборках на алишке и озон, помыл и все, главное что работает)))
Надо доктору Дью отправить
Him: *picks up cpu cooler*
Me: how tf is that thermal paste looking so fresh-
Фантазёр, ой и фантазёр... Типо нашёл комп, который валялся долгое время, что заржавел. Вот только неувязочка: WiFi модуль от этой материнки) Его не было, когда герой типо нашёл компьютер, однако потом - вуаля и появляется в кадре))) Этот модуль идёт конкретно в комплекте с этой материнкой)) Потом ещё мыть материнку и другие компоненты - ВОДОЙ!!! Еб*ть там окислов потом будет по всей материнке,( не говоря о том, что сам комп весь ржавый, а значит и мать должна быть ржавой), что через месяц - она отойдёт в мир иной. Потом ещё интересный момент - при первом запуске - типо не запускается))) И он нашёл причину где? Правильно в контроллере USB портов. Вопрос? Он тыкал по всей материнке мультиметром и попал в контроллер USB. Так, к теории там находится 5V, и если плата не запускалась, то эти 5V пришли в Чипсет, а это можно сказать - труп! Решение - замена чипсета, что не целесообразно с её стоимостью. Причём до танцев с мультиметром - на плате горят индикаторы, которые говорят о том, что основное питание на плате присутствует. Я не инженер, однако знаю такие мелочи, да и такая же материнка есть у самого))) Ах да, самое интересное - ЧЕЛ РЕШИЛ ПРОПАЯТЬ КОНТАКТЫ!!! Типо материнка не стартовала из за отпаяных контактов!))) Материнка стартанёт даже без пропаяных контактов, просто не будет инициализировать устройства, которые будут подключаться) После повторного включения на плашке оперативки + старом кулере - нет запуска))) Поменять кулер и Протереть контакты пальцами? Опять окислы на контактах оперативки) Стираются резинкой - ластиком, как бы) И да, на мёртвом кулере запуск так же будет, поэтому кулер не причина. Ага, и ожидание восстановление видеокарты Red Devil RX 580(по виду) - которая нифига не старая, как эта платформа, на минуточку) Поэтому её могли выкинуть только в 1 случае, когда она полный кирпич - сдохший GPU либо текстолит. Если сдохла память - то её продают на запчасти, или восстанавливают, а не выкидывают. АВТОР - ЛЖЕЦ!
не лжец, а пиздабол обыкновенный
If washing any thing is restoration then the best restorer in the world is my mom😂❤
At that point, there is no restoration. At best you could clean the parts. But the water damage has forever killed that computer. He made sure of that with the hose.
Well done! Your hands are magic❤
After watching this video i washed my pc
and now i don't have any pc
You can wash your PC parts bro with water as long as they are thoroughly dried before you apply power
Video title should have been restoration & reuse of CPU cabinet, damn not even a single drop of liquid would be accepted by any motherboards 😂😂
Vou fingir que acredito que ele achou no lixo isso mesmo kkkk só pq é relaxante ver esse tipo de vídeo
Não precisa fingir não! Já encontrei bem melhor que esse, e pra não dizer que tava completo, faltava o mouse e a tela, é um Intel i7, estava completo mas não estava dando boot, no mesmo dia coloquei para rodar. Tô com ele até hoje! Obs.ouve outros que achei e em bom estado tbm.
Tem até as cenas cinematográficas no começo kkk
bende öyle. inanmak aptallık olurdu zaten
Se garante lavar a placa mãe do jeito que ele lavou kkk ?
всегда с удовольствием смотрю фантастические фильмы ... режиссёр и актеры прекрасно работают! Лайк
Его тоже русские смотрят?
Респект комментатору.
@@karpovvbobr ... иногда ... когда ютюб покажет в "рекомендациях" ... фантастика же - наше всё
Recommended by Doctor DIY@@karpovvbobr
I'm 10 years old and I know a lot about PCs and when he washed the PC with water I ran out of patience, I simply don't exist
Acho que a única bola fora foi lavar a placa com a bateria da bios junto… porém não deu nada porque devia estar com zero volts. Parabéns pelo capricho. Eu ri com o susto 😂😂😂
Restoration ❌
Интересно а как он справился с карозией на контактах там контакты сгнили от сырости тупо помыл и все работает ну и сказка
С первым апреля
I wonder too 🤔
هل أحد يصدق هذه الفيديوهات 😂
من الواضح انه قام بتبديل الوحة الام والمعالج فأنه من المستحيل ان يعمل بعد رشه بلماء ومواد التنضيف خاصة انه تم فرك الوحة الام بلفرشاة
نعم صح كلامك وهو اصلا الفديو كله عباره عن كذب حتا هو الي وصخ pc و القطع بالتحديد
That's my actual motherboard! Nice restoration!
It becomes evident that these things don't often survive after building up so much dirt and rust, but only the exterior tower part is far more likely to get another chance in life, even if its interior parts were caught in the corrosion and had to be replaced by fresh new modern components.
Just watched carefully : it's not the same motherboard
to call that thing an old computer is a compliment.
Could anyone tell me if this is really possible because he literally removes everything rusty and then washes and fixes everything properly and then takes it back to the bathroom, I was impressed because I never believed that any electronic component would actually work again after getting wet
Sí, lo hice con una muy viejita varias veces en diferentes placas desechables... Y si funcionaron, obviamente era verano y los coloqué al sol para un secado óptimo.
Такой мужик не пропадет ❤🎉👏👏👏👏👏🧚♀️
Чел это фейк, тут и дураку понятно
@@Duplexxxes честно в начале я тоже так подумал
@@spryt777 раз ты изначально видел, что это фейк, то зачем тогда хвалишь?
Ye dekh ke me bhi soch raha hu ki apn B760M mortar ko ek baar pani se wash kar du baad me sukha dunga dhup me 😂😂😂
I cleaned my Asus Prime z390-A just like that before. Let it air dried for 3 days and it still worked. Kind of crazy tbh.
Gopi Bahu pro Max Indians understand 😂😂😂
Play Reverse, You will see the Reality 😂😂
"Great! However, is it generally okay to splash water on a computer?"
Perfect match for gopi bahu
me:on my computer
mom:go play outside
me: 17:16
Amazing what hosing computer parts can apperently achieve. I'll have to try it instead of the successful way I've been doing computer repairs all these years.
You mean you have tried to do comp repairs
@@rogerraven6976 No, I haven't been trying to do comp repairs. I've been doing it successfully for the past 30 years ! I've never tried hosing them with water though.
Me gustan esos videos de restauración, donde hoy nos podemos encontrar un Core i9 en la basura de hace 20 años xD
bro is found an rx 570 graphic card in dump but he plugged a gigabyte 7300 gs in system and he reachs 5 fps in game, crazy clickbait video
The randomness that finds the items already betrays the fraud hahahaha
Incrível o que se consegue fazer com paciência e dedicação, um exemplo de como desperdiçamos nossos recursos limitados e como é possível prolongar a vida útil daquilo que muitos jogam fora...
Acho muito dificil encontrar um processador uma placa mãe funcionando perfeitamente, é mais pra gerar conteudo pro canal dele muito conto de fadas esse vídeo.
Tu sabes lo q es un computador por lo menos? Es obvio q eso no sirve ni de chiste, menos tirándole agua y jabón a la tarjeta madre y de video jajajaja, tuvo q hacer comprado otro pc para q funcionará al final
@@jesusvega8599 Sei não, comecei hoje na area de tecnologia. Um equipamento cheio de lama e pegando chuva por meses talvez anos sem oxidação. E a peça mais cara do computador funcinando perfeitamente.
@@miller4873 é impossivel um computador pegar naquele estado não funcionava nada ali.
Motherboard be like: Am i joke to you😂😂😂
It looks like an Indian series with a lot of fantasy elements.🤔
17:45 LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO NO WAY BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I play aoe 2 my whole life I was not expecting this test 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
если это старое железо то 9:33 где окисление которе появится за сутки нахождения во влажной среде.как для души видео прикольно снято можно просто лежать и пялится но если по факту это видео как фантастика ничего нет из реальной жизни потому что невзможно востанровить такой системник если он находился долго в открытой среде он бы сгнил за месяц так как в вашей стране муссоны и много влажности а он у вас на улице и весь такой ржавый очень смешно и забавно
Buying a pc ❌️ walk outside and find a pc ✅️
I noticed the CMOS battery was still inserted on the motherboard. Would that have been problematic while sitting out in the dump then washed down after years? Seems that the battery would cause a short thus bricking the motherboard.
No chance bro after a if you can't start it will be properly discharged 😅
Ору с этого чебурека, сделал видос задом наперед, сначала сделал вид ремонта на рабочем пк, потом утопил в грязи. Но магия монтажа показывает как он героически спас пк. Браво, беллисимо🎉
a few months after I started using a computer for the first time, my keyboard was very dirty. i decided to wash my keyboard, i thought it would be fine, but after washing and drying it, of course it didn't work and i threw it away. do you expect us to believe that a computer covered in mud and rust works after washing it?
Special soap
Waaooo the person who dump this , he also dump the hdd gpu cpu what a miracle 😂😂
Caramba ficou top, esse gabinete é top! Tenho um iguazinho preto!
~eu acho q esse video ai desses trem achado é fake vc nao acha nao ? kk
@@CarlosAugusto-tu8mf é bem provavel, as trilhas da placa mae já deveriam ter ido pro ralo naquele estado, só sendo engenheiro eletronico pra saber oq fazer, e eu acho q nem o encenheiro eletronico ia saber kkkkkk
@@WellingtonSantos-mb6qi nada ver aquilo e so barro na hora que ele lava sai tudo
@@smb2267 msm assim, joga no barro, depois agua a rodo..., sem dizer q o gabinete tava msm enferrujado... no minimo uma coisa alí n sai inteiro q nem saiu no video
@@WellingtonSantos-mb6qi agua nao estraga e so secar bem depois
I would love to go to their dump and just find some random unused computer mice. Some unwanted PC’s with high end motherboards, old 780 GPU’s just discarded on a dump site. Maybe some unwanted gold jewellery and some rubies in need of a wash. Maybe a pair of collectible Air Jordans that just needed a respray and a wash. It would be wonderful
Eu vendo isso e olhando para meu PC, e vejo que a placa mãe do vídeo é exatamente igual a do meu, EXATAMENTE MESMO!
Kkkk eu vendo isso enquanto meu Pc parou de dar vídeo atoa sem ter feito nada ...😂
Didn’t even peel the plastic off the thermal pad😂
Видно заменил больше половины деталей
I can't believe there are waterproof motherboards these days 😀😀🤣
Do nada um pc gamer no lixo, confia 👍
vi na pasta termica ksks, ainda nova ksks
e videos fake kkk cara muda a placa
excelente restauracion, quedo espectacular el pc
si pero hay un peo que ese procesador es miercoles si tuviera un intel core o intel celeron fino
es fake si fuera realmente asi , los metales de la pc estuvieran oxidados , mas por que el disipador es de aluminio.
@@ElardilloXD tienes toda la razón
So satisfaction in this video thanks for love
Bro how plastick parts get rusty 😂
somehow the pc out of nowhere better than mine 🗿
Parabéns 🎈👍🎮🇧🇷🎉🖥️...
У меня тоже по городу расбросаны комплектующие компьютера. Когда комп устаревает, я хожу и сибираю по дороге видеокарты и материнские платы 😂😂😂
Muito foda, ainda com esse final kkk sensacional
Nothing like walking around a third world country and there are computer parts laying all over
Бесит начало каждого видео, где он идёт и случайно что то находит) А так сам процесс чистки честный
Материнка не стартовала потому что не работала звуковуха... ой бред, да куча матерей работают с сгоревшими звуковухами и сетевухами. у меня старый комп ещё и с одним сожжённым слотом озу работал. наебалово чистой воды)
С первым апреля
A lot of doubter here lol. This is what happens when 90% of gamer think they know how to build computer and have no clue that there are people that built the entire thing from scratch and stuck in consumer chain.
Wtf where is the Nvidia GPU.
Everybody at work:
That guy: Huse
На всех свалках целые компы стоят??+ и видиокарта рядом лежит
Estava com saudade de seus videos
This is legitimate work. Nice job with the restoration and repair. Even if you purposely put a computer in the swamp you still demonstrated that it is possible to restore a system in such condition. Folks have to remember that as long as the computer wasn't on while it was submerged in water then it's definitely salvageable with the right skills.
Men, isso é verdade?! Só de ver esse video deu vontade de restaurar o meu PC ! 😀
Sim é real, inclusive faço bastante em um ambiente controlado é claro
Porém o que me chamou um pouco a atenção são os parafusos da placa saírem de boas, os que eu pego aqui literalmente se esfarelam kkk sério é bem tenso porém dá para ser restaurado
@@dhyancarlos9677 Os parafusos do PC voce tem que litrealmente só encostar! nada mexe, nao vibra, nao tem perigo nenhum deles soltarem.
Mas algumas pessoas apertam como se estivessem dando torque na roda do carro! aí quando enferruja, realmente nao sai mesmo.
@@alessandrosoares8086 exatamente e isso quando o cliente bota parafuso que não são adequados dá uma trabalheira em dobro
Esse vídeo é fake, porem restaurar computadores nesse estado de conservação é muito comum
The thumbnail showed a nice "Steam-Punk" themed PC.