NOBODY, he bought a perfectly working PS2, filmed the ¨restored¨ part beforehand and then he proceded to destroy and cover in dirt the poor thing just to make a ¨reverse¨ video about destruction HE made and call it a restoration, don't fall on their b_llsh1t, there are tons of videos debunking these guys but most people still fall for them.
@@CheezeBreaux There is no way that those circuit boards are still prestine out of that mud and all it needed was a bypass. There are no rusty parts as well
This reminds me first videos from PhilsComputerLab 😂 ...Same scam repair for new subscibers ,But now its important source about retrobright machines 👍 ;)
Let's see, the restoration itself is brilliant. The guy clearly knows what he's doing. However, it's all staged. He placed it there in working condition and then pretended to find and restore it. Why would someone throw it away otherwise? There are lot of details. It could be stated that it's a simulated restoration, and that's fine, but trying to deceive us...
Vejamos, a restauração em si é brilhante. O cara claramente sabe o que está fazendo. No entanto, está tudo encenado. Ele o colocou lá em condições de funcionamento e então fingiu encontrá-lo e restaurá-lo. Por que alguém jogaria fora de outra forma? Existem muitos detalhes. Poderíamos afirmar que se trata de uma restauração simulada, e tudo bem, mas tentando nos enganar...
@@realsergioct I think he consider the most comments are using Spanish, and he translate it for them, maybe? But, UA-cam on Android has built in translation feature. So, I don't know why. But, most of all, I'll push don't recommend channel for this video. Staged restoration is not good.
When I saw this video, I realized I went to the wrong university to become an electrical engineer. Clearly, I should have been scrubbing cars at a car wash or giving massages at a spa to master electronics! God bless you.
You did amazing Job fixing Playstation 2 Console and I remember I use to have Playstation 2 playing Lego Batman Game and my childhood Game on a memory and now I have New Xbox Series X new stuff is in modern.
Really love the technique here. I had a Panasonic 3DO which needed a recap job. I just took the main board off, passed it a couple of times under the faucet water, screwed it back in place and VOILA! Works like new.
Well done for the restoration, what is difficult to put back is especially the drawer to put the CD in. I have been trying for 2 days on my Japanese PlayStation 2 but it is impossible because I am afraid of breaking the plastic parts 😅
Ele desmontou totalmente o Play Station, se eu desmontasse nunca mais conseguiria montar de novo. Ele tem uma capacidade de memorização incrível. Abraço do Brasil 🇧🇷👍
This is like watching a human 300 years from now discovering ancient technology and bringing life back to it. Amazing work AND you used all original parts!
Beautiful video, the truth is, the restoration is excellent, the only thing that I would never have painted on the outside was the original dejava, it is tasteful, congratulations.
Disassemble a working item, then put back together and then reverse the selection of clips in a timeline. Finally, add mud and crap to the object and pretend you found it in a field.
The place is very beautiful. It is really unfortunate that there is a lot of waste. If I were close to there, I would certainly clean it. I think if you made a video clip on cleaning the place, you would get a lot of likes.
My first and last Playstation 2 Console of all time i bought it brand new in 2003 and i was so happy for it and i've never had PS1,PS3,PS4 and PS5. Good Job! brother i really like it even the lens still working.
Очень жаль людей которые в это верят. Вы видели хотя-бы как он лазер чистит? ЩЁТКОЙ!!! Кто нибудь сталкивался с лазером в консолях? Нет...? Если вы даже начнёте ваткой яростно тереть лизну, она покроется микро-царапинами и при попытке считать диск он просто не сможет сфокусировать лазер на диске. По его мастерскую пайку и методы диагностики я вообще молчу. Мусорные видео во всех смыслах, дизлайк!
Enjoyed the video, not sure if it’s totally legit but enjoyed nonetheless. This guy clearly knows what he’s doing. Are there any professional’s watching that can confirm if this is possible or not??? I don’t believe that they stumbled on the ps2 in the first place, that much is obvious. Regardless, it was still very interesting.
I don't know why everyone is saying this is faked, and it takes at least solid fundamental knowledge of PC's and restoration to be able to do this either way. I believe if he had to order or "replace" any parts for the PS2, he was capable of amazon'ing or ordering, and installing the parts just fine. I saw a thing the other day, it was even on an Alexa, "What is the attention span of a goldfish?" 8 or 9 seconds. "What is the attention span of a current human being?" LESS THAN THAT. While it may be exaggerated by a second or 2, it's still close. Look it up. Fuck these kids with phones in their faces that hate on true technical support or good work.
_Na desmontagem ele usa violência - Joga a placa de circuitos sobre as chapas de metal o que arrancará componentes eletrônicos da placa de circuitos com extrema facilidade - As Soldas que ele trabalhou são grotescas ferro de solda sem ponta e quer que acreditemos que ele ressuscitou o aparelho completamente em curto somente soldando um Mod Chip - Soldas completamente grotescas parece que foi uma Criança que as fez - Componentes como Transformadores Trafos e Unidades Óticas e Cabos Flats uma vez expostos a Agua e Lama corrosiva nunca podem ser reparados - Esse Filme e uma falta de respeito com os seguidores do Canal uma completa enganação pois tudo e feito de forma grotesca como se estivesse consertando um motor de um trator abandonado - Parabéns seu trabalho e excepcional para os que acreditam .. Muito obrigado pelo espaço concedido - 🎮♥🎮♥_
You know, the great inventors of past were burned at the stake because "people didn't know - therefore it can't be done or be real - because THEY don't know something"...🙄
Exacto no se puede meter al agua los mecanismos ya que los motores tienen pequeños agujeros en sus bases por donde se puede filtrar agua dentro eso haría oxidar el enbobinado de los motores y menos funcionaria en cuanto al lector no puedes tallar ni mojar el barril óptico ya que se opacaria pues el láser rebota en cristales y si se daña algún cristal ya no lee además ese lector ya se muy opaco dudo que jale
Il mio PS1,PS2 e PS3 sono stati alluvionati e pieni di argilla....pieno di fango peggio delle quella video .....dopo una bella pulizia funzionano benissimo .....non ti parlo di attrezzature di lavora......w la romagna
Only if PS2, GameCube, Gameboy Advance SP and Xbox days came back our life would be better! Sixth generation is the best generation of video games! Trust or not I still playing PS2 Games sometimes specially WWE Smackdown! Here Comes The Pain 💔😞
Water and detergent are enough to restore the PlayStation, no, this is almost impossible, for heavier and initial cleaning you can use it, but if you don't dip all the electronic parts in Isopropyl Alcohol and leave them soaked for some time, you are being lied to, even Using Isopropyl Alcohol, the pieces must be left to dry for at least 1 week and there is no guarantee that it will work.
I don't understand why people just throw away their game consoles even though they had so much fun with them. It makes me sad! Thanks for reviving the console!
for the video, u place the items somewhere also if u noticed lots of this video is something off but people will do it for the video to make it looks like real LOL.
после такого лежания в мокрой грязи там все платы бы сгнили, а тут даже пайка не окислилась, да и платы, как новые выглядят))). и чип нафига нужен в 23 году, когда все без него софтварно давно работает.
So you wanted him to bring back the old mother body that failed to work.... that's what you call restoration replacing stuff that don't work with ones that are working
@decampo1483 it's just apparent how staged all of it is really. There's a reason why half the comments call it out lol. It just makes for an interesting video.
@@alexandermedvedev1334 во первых, прозвонка на пробой делается до первого включения. Во вторых, минусовой щуп ставится на минус/0/gnd, а плюсовым проходят ключевые точки платы по питанию. Но никак не елозят обоими сразу по всей плате. А насчёт "костылей", расскажи любому мастеру что можно припаять какой-то чип не bga на место чипа bga, причём ещё не удаляя последний с платы... ну тогда ржать будут уже над тобой. А вообще если металлические детали корпуса пришлось чистить болгаркой от ржавчины, то все платы в этом корпусе выкидываются нахутор, ибо для их восстановления нужен не паяльник, а библейское чудо!
Как человек который с электроникой "на ты" уже более 30 лет могу сказать что это видио снимали в альтернативной вселенной, где законы физики химии металлургии и прочих прикладных наук вроде медицины явно работают по другому принципу, они подстраиваются под желания человека. Я как тот кто овладел всеми тонкостями пайки настолько в совершенстве, что могу припаять спичку к листу бумаги А4, не говоря уже о пайке металлов, могу сказать, что такие понятия как смачиваемость припоя, флюс и поверхностная окисная плёнка этому горе починщику явно не известны, а перлы с включением БП после мойки сразу в сеть-это тот ещё абзац, типо перепаял кондёры и всё заработало... серьёзно? Интересно, слышал-ли чувак такую абревиатуру как ШИМ и обратноход, изучал ли он понятие межвитковая ёмкость, знает-ли о толщине диэлектрического слоя в керамических кондёрах и что при контакте с обычной водичкой 99,9% при подаче питания уходят в КЗ. Ремонтировал ноуты, залитые соком/пивасом, так вот там если АКК не выдернули с залитого ноута в течении первых 5 мин и не отрубили от сети, то вероятность восстановления уменьшается на 1% за каждую просроченную минуту но и после этого время тикает, если в течении максимум суток он не попал в руки умельца, то шансы его восстановить приближаются к нолю и чез 3 суток, как правило уже нет смысла с ним возится, так как встроенная батарейка, подающая 3 вольта, "дожирает" дороги под мультиком или югом. Про случаи заливки колой, там как в реанимации, счёт идёт на минуты. А тут грязь, море пены, кисточки и счётки.... Главное с баллончика краской пшикнуть и всё заработает. Болты-агонь, откручиваются влёхкую! Я знаю как было дело, чуваки взяли приставку, окунули в ведро с грязью и высушили, затем подкинули на мусорку, ну якобы морем вынесло и мы рукастые. Но походу приставки две, так как вымыть грязь из-под лазера, очистить оптику и коллекторник, это нужно иметь лабораторию с аннигиляторной пушкой и вакуумным напылением, но нифига не деревянный стол с поржавевшими гвоздями в рассохшихся досках под открытым небом. Мда, прикольный фейк, неприятно только то, что миллионы болванок, которые просмотрят его будут считать что вот именно так и ремонтируется техника.
Amazing restoration!! Didn’t think it was as salvageable in that condition!! Unbelievable. I’m absolutely blown away I am!!! Wow! I mean, WOW! Sorry, I just teared up with emotion at this persons skill level. Wow!
Impressionante!! Eu fico imaginando o cara ter todo esse trabalho e no final o console ñ ligar. É de cortar o coração. 😢 Parabéns pela dedicação. Incrível!!!
Why do you find a PlayStation 2 device here in this forest, farm, or among the trees? An unrealistic way to attract views !!!! An unrealistic way to attract views An unrealistic way to attract views An unrealistic way to attract views
I know finding the PlayStation was staged, but restoring it was real, which is mind blowing. I just goes to show that just about anything can be reused, restored, or recycled.
Pues claro que esto no es real el chip no soluciona la falla que trae el play es más habeses cuando el chip está mal hacia esa falla lo que se tenía que hacer para comprobar si era chip o corto en placa era quitar el chip
Your friend is great! He's always out filming you while you get fruits and vegetables - and so lucky to find consoles just littered everywhere in your country ❤
I didn't think you'd be able to get the PS2 back, but next time when painting it, use gold ribbon or the one for painting then the edge will be sharper and won't be so frayed
Looks like an old sunken pirate treasure 😂 Figures, tho ❤ I kinda think of carefully repainting the outer casing something like that weathered, "rusty", might look just RAD❤ ! (But the rotten inside here is revolting, somewhat, haha)
Если разбираться в устройстве консоли то можно увидеть что она была восстановленной! Блок питания паялся т.к. конденсаторы не на своём месте. После такого издевательства над дисковым приводом , ни один бы лазер не выжил. В начале видео видно что автору вообще без разницы как разбирать консоль, так жёстко отрывать присоединяемые к плате элементы это зверство. Тем более когда автор разобрал консоль он кинул плату на другие элементы консоли что способствовали бы сбитию маленьких СМД компонентов на плате ,а в итоге не запустившиеся консоль. Видео фейк , автор просто хочет побольше просмотров , типа волшебник по восстановлению консолей!
you could drive through neighborhoods here and get tv's, appliances, washers, dryers like new that just quit working and people put at the curb in like new condition is crazy to me.
Las farsas más grandes, 1. Que las latas después de estar expuestas a la tierra y el agua no se hayan roto con el óxido. 2. Que con continuidad haya echo mediciones de voltaje. 3. Que desarmara el lente montado en los rieles, y que lo limpiará hasta adentro y que leyera, tan solo con pasarle un hisopo. 4. Que sacará el corto circuito poniendo el modchip 5. La cagada de las cagadas, pintara el logo de ps2 en la tapa con esos colores que nada tienen que ver con esta consola, es como tirar un montón de caca, mejor la hubiera dejado ahí donde la encontró.
He Just simply and suddenly knows where exactly that ps 2 dropped.
Who will leave a PlayStation 2 in the desert you did a great job
With water running from it lol
NOBODY, he bought a perfectly working PS2, filmed the ¨restored¨ part beforehand and then he proceded to destroy and cover in dirt the poor thing just to make a ¨reverse¨ video about destruction HE made and call it a restoration, don't fall on their b_llsh1t, there are tons of videos debunking these guys but most people still fall for them.
@@CheezeBreaux There is no way that those circuit boards are still prestine out of that mud and all it needed was a bypass. There are no rusty parts as well
@@pand3mo1um Indeed, anyone who knows how water damage does look like on any PCB will know right away this is pure bullsh1t,
This reminds me first videos from PhilsComputerLab 😂 ...Same scam repair for new subscibers ,But now its important source about retrobright machines 👍 ;)
That plastic is rusted more than iron, amazing.
It's probably because the outer casings aren't pure plastic...🥱🤨🙄🤷
Depende do tempo que está lá, se for semanas ou poucos meses, não enferruja assim não...
No era oxido solo estabasucio.
Кто-то её закапывал
didn't you see he changed the capacitor?? . without washing it won't work, the mother board uses plastic and aluminum so it won't corrode.!!
Water and detergent is all it takes to restore back the playstation 👏👏👏
Vou já ali nos quintal dos vizinhos, vai que eu acho algum game . Parabéns ótimo vídeo 💪😎
Let's see, the restoration itself is brilliant. The guy clearly knows what he's doing. However, it's all staged. He placed it there in working condition and then pretended to find and restore it. Why would someone throw it away otherwise? There are lot of details. It could be stated that it's a simulated restoration, and that's fine, but trying to deceive us...
Vejamos, a restauração em si é brilhante. O cara claramente sabe o que está fazendo. No entanto, está tudo encenado. Ele o colocou lá em condições de funcionamento e então fingiu encontrá-lo e restaurá-lo. Por que alguém jogaria fora de outra forma? Existem muitos detalhes. Poderíamos afirmar que se trata de uma restauração simulada, e tudo bem, mas tentando nos enganar...
@@antoniojulyo581 I don't understand, are u a bot? Why you translated and pasted my own answer?
@@realsergioct I think he consider the most comments are using Spanish, and he translate it for them, maybe? But, UA-cam on Android has built in translation feature. So, I don't know why.
But, most of all, I'll push don't recommend channel for this video. Staged restoration is not good.
Я Бы сказал наебалово @@antoniojulyo581
@@Anuitu2u Its portuguese, not spanish............
When I saw this video, I realized I went to the wrong university to become an electrical engineer. Clearly, I should have been scrubbing cars at a car wash or giving massages at a spa to master electronics!
God bless you.
I just love how this channel gives ❤️ to comments that are ridiculing them.
Amazing video! I’ve always been curious about restoring old consoles, and your guide for the PS2 is the best I’ve seen. Fantastic job!
You did amazing Job fixing Playstation 2 Console and I remember I use to have Playstation 2 playing Lego Batman Game and my childhood Game on a memory and now I have New Xbox Series X new stuff is in modern.
Really love the technique here. I had a Panasonic 3DO which needed a recap job. I just took the main board off, passed it a couple of times under the faucet water, screwed it back in place and VOILA! Works like new.
Lemme steal some food while I try and remember where I left it. Never seen plastic rust before, must be REALLY humid there
it's a dirt.
Well done for the restoration, what is difficult to put back is especially the drawer to put the CD in. I have been trying for 2 days on my Japanese PlayStation 2 but it is impossible because I am afraid of breaking the plastic parts 😅
Ele desmontou totalmente o Play Station, se eu desmontasse nunca mais conseguiria montar de novo. Ele tem uma capacidade de memorização incrível. Abraço do Brasil 🇧🇷👍
Esse tipo de vídeo o cara mesmo pega o game e esconde , coloca até ferrugem em plástico, depois finge que arrumou
@@josimarpaixao563 pior que e vdd eu tbm nao acredito nisso nesse achado ai nao kkkkkkkkkkk
O cara pega o videogame funcionando e faz o vídeo de trás para frente
@@josimarpaixao563exactamente todo es un montaje te fijas la basura ahí se ve muy limpia.tu si sabes!
Tu é muito inocente em acreditar nesse tipo de vídeo
This is like watching a human 300 years from now discovering ancient technology and bringing life back to it. Amazing work AND you used all original parts!
Beautiful video, the truth is, the restoration is excellent, the only thing that I would never have painted on the outside was the original dejava, it is tasteful, congratulations.
You know it just a content bro,, but i appreciate their effort.
I've seen a couple of your restoration videos and I can't fathom how you do it. Big big props to you
Disassemble a working item, then put back together and then reverse the selection of clips in a timeline. Finally, add mud and crap to the object and pretend you found it in a field.
@@cartoonhead9222nailed it lmao
Do you use your head?
Lol it's just staged he's not even repairing he diassemble it first
A lot of these restoration videos are a lie/faked for profit.
The place is very beautiful. It is really unfortunate that there is a lot of waste. If I were close to there, I would certainly clean it. I think if you made a video clip on cleaning the place, you would get a lot of likes.
Jesus was this guy on the Playstation factory line when these things were being built! He's taking apart every last piece!
My first and last Playstation 2 Console of all time i bought it brand new in 2003 and i was so happy for it and i've never had PS1,PS3,PS4 and PS5.
Good Job! brother i really like it even the lens still working.
Очень жаль людей которые в это верят. Вы видели хотя-бы как он лазер чистит? ЩЁТКОЙ!!! Кто нибудь сталкивался с лазером в консолях? Нет...? Если вы даже начнёте ваткой яростно тереть лизну, она покроется микро-царапинами и при попытке считать диск он просто не сможет сфокусировать лазер на диске. По его мастерскую пайку и методы диагностики я вообще молчу. Мусорные видео во всех смыслах, дизлайк!
I respect people who value things like you.
His not respect 😅
@@私の主食は yes 😅 which one people drop ps in garbage
stop scamming bro
Like fr
You are also a human
what's your problem?
True he scaming us hhhh
Enjoyed the video, not sure if it’s totally legit but enjoyed nonetheless. This guy clearly knows what he’s doing.
Are there any professional’s watching that can confirm if this is possible or not???
I don’t believe that they stumbled on the ps2 in the first place, that much is obvious.
Regardless, it was still very interesting.
I don't know why everyone is saying this is faked, and it takes at least solid fundamental knowledge of PC's and restoration to be able to do this either way. I believe if he had to order or "replace" any parts for the PS2, he was capable of amazon'ing or ordering, and installing the parts just fine. I saw a thing the other day, it was even on an Alexa, "What is the attention span of a goldfish?" 8 or 9 seconds. "What is the attention span of a current human being?" LESS THAN THAT. While it may be exaggerated by a second or 2, it's still close. Look it up. Fuck these kids with phones in their faces that hate on true technical support or good work.
E as trilhas que foram corroídas ? Uma placa nesse estado estaria com bastante trilhas rompidas . O cara é um gênio 😂😂
@@wagnerqgoncalves Não e mano ?
Sou técnico de eletrônica a 15 anos e vou te falar em ....
Porra vídeo mentiroso do caralho chega da raiva .
rapaz só idiota acredita que esse video é real!
a oxidação, nesse caso, só iria ocorrer se ele ligasse o vídeo game úmido. Ele fez o correto de esperar secar pra depois ligar.
Gostei do vídeo! Na próxima, traz um PolyStation pra nós.
My favorite console of all time this was incredibly inspirational. Thank you😃
No mínimo é alguém que estava na linha de produção do ps2 fat pq eu não saberia montar apenas desmontar mesmo😂 mas o trabalho ficou sensacional
All those capacitors? Pssshhhhh perfectly fine! Just needs a little water!
Kerenn dan kreatif sekali kauu sobatt 😇🙏👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
_Na desmontagem ele usa violência - Joga a placa de circuitos sobre as chapas de metal o que arrancará componentes eletrônicos da placa de circuitos com extrema facilidade - As Soldas que ele trabalhou são grotescas ferro de solda sem ponta e quer que acreditemos que ele ressuscitou o aparelho completamente em curto somente soldando um Mod Chip - Soldas completamente grotescas parece que foi uma Criança que as fez - Componentes como Transformadores Trafos e Unidades Óticas e Cabos Flats uma vez expostos a Agua e Lama corrosiva nunca podem ser reparados - Esse Filme e uma falta de respeito com os seguidores do Canal uma completa enganação pois tudo e feito de forma grotesca como se estivesse consertando um motor de um trator abandonado - Parabéns seu trabalho e excepcional para os que acreditam .. Muito obrigado pelo espaço concedido - 🎮♥🎮♥_
Obrigado por avisar
Merasa kita yang di bodohi atas videonya haha
Eu nao sei como isso aparece pra mim mas nunca acredito 😂😂😂😂
You know, the great inventors of past were burned at the stake because "people didn't know - therefore it can't be done or be real - because THEY don't know something"...🙄
Exacto no se puede meter al agua los mecanismos ya que los motores tienen pequeños agujeros en sus bases por donde se puede filtrar agua dentro eso haría oxidar el enbobinado de los motores y menos funcionaria en cuanto al lector no puedes tallar ni mojar el barril óptico ya que se opacaria pues el láser rebota en cristales y si se daña algún cristal ya no lee además ese lector ya se muy opaco dudo que jale
I really enjoyed this! Do you have a way for people to donate?
Amazing restoration, but who in their right mind would think of painting a PS2 Fat white and blue and say it's a good idea?
La pulizia del videogioco è utile, non buttare via!👏👍
Vou contratar esse cara pra reformar minha vida. 😂
😮😮😮😮 Amazing restoration,wow
I can see one brand new mother board there
Restore often times replacing old stuff with new. Also known as Refurbishing or remanufactured
@@SupremeNerdwhere did he get a new ps2 board if they aren't manufactured anymore?
@@LumbyMcGumby had it custom made
@@LumbyMcGumby people make boards all the time
No way.. it's amazing, you are so clever
Salut dgan teknik tipuanya mas bro
Selamat berkonten❤
Great job. Congratulation 😊
There are so many things wrong with this restoration that only a very lay person doesn't notice the fraud
¿Cómo cuáles por ejemplo?
Ok, explain.
Il mio PS1,PS2 e PS3 sono stati alluvionati e pieni di argilla....pieno di fango peggio delle quella video .....dopo una bella pulizia funzionano benissimo .....non ti parlo di attrezzature di lavora......w la romagna
Cuz he staged it and placed it there
Only if PS2, GameCube, Gameboy Advance SP and Xbox days came back our life would be better! Sixth generation is the best generation of video games! Trust or not I still playing PS2 Games sometimes specially WWE Smackdown! Here Comes The Pain 💔😞
It can be done in one case, leaving only the outer cover and replacing the entire interior
Water and detergent are enough to restore the PlayStation, no, this is almost impossible, for heavier and initial cleaning you can use it, but if you don't dip all the electronic parts in Isopropyl Alcohol and leave them soaked for some time, you are being lied to, even Using Isopropyl Alcohol, the pieces must be left to dry for at least 1 week and there is no guarantee that it will work.
Wouldn't you need to replace the parts to restore it ??????
I don't understand why people just throw away their game consoles even though they had so much fun with them. It makes me sad! Thanks for reviving the console!
He did that for the video
for the video, u place the items somewhere also if u noticed lots of this video is something off but people will do it for the video to make it looks like real LOL.
Only 1D10T will believe that this is a legit restoration vid😂
But what we laugh at is ours.
Those are shit but relaxing lmao
It's amazing how easily soap and water can remove freshly applied dirt ^^
Salvando um.guerreiro da aposentadoria🤩
da aposentadoria? da inexistência 😅
после такого лежания в мокрой грязи там все платы бы сгнили, а тут даже пайка не окислилась, да и платы, как новые выглядят))). и чип нафига нужен в 23 году, когда все без него софтварно давно работает.
Dude, an't know way, you fix that,the rust and it's been sitting outside for days maybe months! You need a restoration shop,cause you are good!!!!🎉🎉🎉
Something is not right somewhere
So you wanted him to bring back the old mother body that failed to work.... that's what you call restoration replacing stuff that don't work with ones that are working
@decampo1483 it's just apparent how staged all of it is really. There's a reason why half the comments call it out lol. It just makes for an interesting video.
I respect you
😂 ржал в голос! Особенно понравился метод измерения тестером, а то что он понапаял - вообще шедевр!
он прозванивал на пробой, а на костыли припаял чип с алика.
@@alexandermedvedev1334 во первых, прозвонка на пробой делается до первого включения. Во вторых, минусовой щуп ставится на минус/0/gnd, а плюсовым проходят ключевые точки платы по питанию. Но никак не елозят обоими сразу по всей плате. А насчёт "костылей", расскажи любому мастеру что можно припаять какой-то чип не bga на место чипа bga, причём ещё не удаляя последний с платы... ну тогда ржать будут уже над тобой. А вообще если металлические детали корпуса пришлось чистить болгаркой от ржавчины, то все платы в этом корпусе выкидываются нахутор, ибо для их восстановления нужен не паяльник, а библейское чудо!
@@alexandermedvedev1334 l)llllpllpllppllpllppllplp%plll)lllpllplllplllllp%llplllllllll)ll
Как человек который с электроникой "на ты" уже более 30 лет могу сказать что это видио снимали в альтернативной вселенной, где законы физики химии металлургии и прочих прикладных наук вроде медицины явно работают по другому принципу, они подстраиваются под желания человека.
Я как тот кто овладел всеми тонкостями пайки настолько в совершенстве, что могу припаять спичку к листу бумаги А4, не говоря уже о пайке металлов, могу сказать, что такие понятия как смачиваемость припоя, флюс и поверхностная окисная плёнка этому горе починщику явно не известны, а перлы с включением БП после мойки сразу в сеть-это тот ещё абзац, типо перепаял кондёры и всё заработало... серьёзно? Интересно, слышал-ли чувак такую абревиатуру как ШИМ и обратноход, изучал ли он понятие межвитковая ёмкость, знает-ли о толщине диэлектрического слоя в керамических кондёрах и что при контакте с обычной водичкой 99,9% при подаче питания уходят в КЗ.
Ремонтировал ноуты, залитые соком/пивасом, так вот там если АКК не выдернули с залитого ноута в течении первых 5 мин и не отрубили от сети, то вероятность восстановления уменьшается на 1% за каждую просроченную минуту но и после этого время тикает, если в течении максимум суток он не попал в руки умельца, то шансы его восстановить приближаются к нолю и чез 3 суток, как правило уже нет смысла с ним возится, так как встроенная батарейка, подающая 3 вольта, "дожирает" дороги под мультиком или югом.
Про случаи заливки колой, там как в реанимации, счёт идёт на минуты.
А тут грязь, море пены, кисточки и счётки.... Главное с баллончика краской пшикнуть и всё заработает.
Болты-агонь, откручиваются влёхкую!
Я знаю как было дело, чуваки взяли приставку, окунули в ведро с грязью и высушили, затем подкинули на мусорку, ну якобы морем вынесло и мы рукастые.
Но походу приставки две, так как вымыть грязь из-под лазера, очистить оптику и коллекторник, это нужно иметь лабораторию с аннигиляторной пушкой и вакуумным напылением, но нифига не деревянный стол с поржавевшими гвоздями в рассохшихся досках под открытым небом.
Мда, прикольный фейк, неприятно только то, что миллионы болванок, которые просмотрят его будут считать что вот именно так и ремонтируется техника.
Amazing restoration!! Didn’t think it was as salvageable in that condition!! Unbelievable. I’m absolutely blown away I am!!! Wow! I mean, WOW!
Sorry, I just teared up with emotion at this persons skill level.
Washing the optical drive reader? Amazing
1st time in my life i see rusty plastic case :D a few sweeps with brush and console is rusty free ... you borowed brush from Harry potter ?? :D
Impressionante!! Eu fico imaginando o cara ter todo esse trabalho e no final o console ñ ligar. É de cortar o coração. 😢
Parabéns pela dedicação. Incrível!!!
Mais tbm ele molhou a placa toda
creative technology repair technology restore technology is amazing and cool
Why do you find a PlayStation 2 device here in this forest, farm, or among the trees?
An unrealistic way to attract views !!!!
An unrealistic way to attract views
An unrealistic way to attract views
An unrealistic way to attract views
I know finding the PlayStation was staged, but restoring it was real, which is mind blowing. I just goes to show that just about anything can be reused, restored, or recycled.
Nope. Doesn't work that way.
Que buena restauración. lo único malo es que lo hayas pintado. La PS2 fat es hermosa como es
Es verdad , hizo mal en pintarla
En todo caso, la hubiera pintado toda negra a su color original.
Estos vídeos son fakes r.r
@@RockAngelOfficialAsí es, cualquiera que sepa un poco de electrónica se daría cuenta luego luego
Pues claro que esto no es real el chip no soluciona la falla que trae el play es más habeses cuando el chip está mal hacia esa falla lo que se tenía que hacer para comprobar si era chip o corto en placa era quitar el chip
Fantastic repair Well done.
Damn.. Never knew plastic could rust like that....
Chinese plastic
Awesome restore. Now to play some GTA San Andreas.
Your friend is great! He's always out filming you while you get fruits and vegetables - and so lucky to find consoles just littered everywhere in your country ❤
Stop believing this, use your brain, it's staged...
Já deixei o meu like 👍 amigo Restoration VR do canal Restoration VR no UA-cam
thack you
vc acreditou nesse video?
i think that the right way of things in this video is the retrospective way.
I know this guy was the one that invented the PlayStation, he designed and built it himself…
I didn't think you'd be able to get the PS2 back, but next time when painting it, use gold ribbon or the one for painting then the edge will be sharper and won't be so frayed
Está genial este video ❤
Gracias, lo disfruté mucho.
Saludos desde México. 🇲🇽
Será que é só eu quem acha que eles sujam só pra dizer que é restauração?
Me too 😂
Também acho, um eletrônico com aquela quantidade de umidade e sujeira teria muitos componentes estragados.
Me too
né kkkkkkkkkkkk, convenientemente o ps2 estava jogado ali esperando alguémpegar ele
Eles fazem justamente isso mano, mas tem que admitir o cara manja da limpeza e montagem 😎🍷
Looks like an old sunken pirate treasure 😂 Figures, tho ❤ I kinda think of carefully repainting the outer casing something like that weathered, "rusty", might look just RAD❤ ! (But the rotten inside here is revolting, somewhat, haha)
Nie ma to jak wymoczony puchniejący laminat paranoja 👍
Ты самый лучший мастер ❤
Если разбираться в устройстве консоли то можно увидеть что она была восстановленной! Блок питания паялся т.к. конденсаторы не на своём месте. После такого издевательства над дисковым приводом , ни один бы лазер не выжил. В начале видео видно что автору вообще без разницы как разбирать консоль, так жёстко отрывать присоединяемые к плате элементы это зверство. Тем более когда автор разобрал консоль он кинул плату на другие элементы консоли что способствовали бы сбитию маленьких СМД компонентов на плате ,а в итоге не запустившиеся консоль. Видео фейк , автор просто хочет побольше просмотров , типа волшебник по восстановлению консолей!
конечно фейк, а люди хвалебные комментарии строчат
В прошлом или позапрошлом году Док по этимдриставраторам прошелся. Там они в гермозоне харда глину щеткой отмывали с дисков XD
Как он щекй елозил по внутрянке лазерной головы - самого точного элемента, где отклонение в миллиметр уже фатально
Did you wash the TV out too and clean the circuit boards with soapy water before you could use that?
In this harsh climate plastic rusts but sensible electromechanical components just need a thorough wash to be like new 😆
I agree This damaged ps2 does not even have any green metal corrosion.
No se que sea más increíble, la reparación o que sepa bien donde encontrar las consolas abandonadas?
@@danielangulo3289 The knowing where to find them is a local shop before they destroy them for a video.
una puesta en escena muy chapucera,y plastico oxidado !!!INCREIBLE!!!
I play ps2 in 2024❤ here from europe
I don't care where and how he found PS2, but he's genuine.
Alors la bravo, je ne sais même pas comment tu as réussi à reconnaître une Ps2 dans se merdier.
You turn on the ps2 and no intro it just went straight to save game😂😂😂
Impressionante essa restauração do PS2 ficou perfeito isso que habilidade veia da lama e ficou no em folha meus parabéns 👏👏👏👏👏.
😂😂😂 une petite pensée pour ces qui croyaient vraiment a ce genre de vidéo LooooooL
you could drive through neighborhoods here and get tv's, appliances, washers, dryers like new that just quit working and people put at the curb in like new condition is crazy to me.
Sensacional! PS2 FAT é um clássico!
Restored it so well that it loads much faster than PS5 SSD! Amazing!
У этого парня золотые руки! Молодец!😊👍 из говна любую конфетку сделает!👍😉
... но со вкусом говна! :))))))))
@@НараянаНараяна 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍
of all the scam video...
이거사기영상이란말인가저는 ,,불어를못
@@2바이오это постановка, это не настоящее
It's okay, all this is just for entertainment 😊
How is this video in the united states..when it clearly isn't!!
@@2바이오that is english
Con questo si può dire che di certo nulla è irrecuperabile ottimo lavoro ❤
*Parabéns , gostei muito do vídeo 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙋🏻♂️🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷*
Las farsas más grandes,
1. Que las latas después de estar expuestas a la tierra y el agua no se hayan roto con el óxido.
2. Que con continuidad haya echo mediciones de voltaje.
3. Que desarmara el lente montado en los rieles, y que lo limpiará hasta adentro y que leyera, tan solo con pasarle un hisopo.
4. Que sacará el corto circuito poniendo el modchip
5. La cagada de las cagadas, pintara el logo de ps2 en la tapa con esos colores que nada tienen que ver con esta consola, es como tirar un montón de caca, mejor la hubiera dejado ahí donde la encontró.
hey bro,i just find your channel !
Adoro quem restaura coisas, tem q ser técnico eletronica senão na faz, tenho um play 2 e jogo o Black até hoje