I gotta admit, I was a "sub to mr. E" hater. I just didn't see the value in it. But after getting pressured to try it out by all my friends, I have to say, it is game-changing. Bosses jump off cliffs, dogs fetch ammo for me, and the trapper spawn sound plays for me now. Earlier today, a mutant grabbed me, but instead of beating me down and throwing me away, he gave me a hug, told me I mattered, and that I'm going to make it and everything will be ok.
The dash from Ogryn is so damn good for teammates too. If they drop you can save them reliably, if there’s a charging monstrosity you can stagger them, same with a demonhost. Plus the movement speed boost for a time is handy to simply catch up. There’s good ways you can run it if you’re creative tbh
I gotta disagree a bit on highlighting enemies not being good enough. Getting the jump on your enemies is perhaps the biggest advantage you can get in this game. Still, shout is so freaking good I'd say your relative spots on the list seems right.
When i take bubble on psyker, more times than not, i will place it right on top of the enemies i want to kill, especially for melee or close range. I'm convinced this is the best way to use it.
sharpshooter is the only one of vet's ability that makes any kind of in game or in universe sense. At most, the command shout should just buff stats/toughness, no amount of NCO training is going to scare or startle literal daemons and worshippers of chaos, and if zealot saw how good a random nobody guardsman was able to go completely invisible without any equipment, they would either be branded a heretic or an imperial saint, no inbetween
Yeah i think there has to be some suspension of lore for the classes to work. Ogryns and psykers are way more threatening in lore, and zealots and veterans way less. Funny that the lorewise weaker two are so OP in game!
If you get the Psyker bubble up before a bomber or gas bomber throws their grenades at your party then the bombs bounce off the bubble. A Psyker that is quick on the bubble usage can basically make bomber threats obsolete. Stating that the bubble does not block the bombs is incorrect. If you got gassed in a bubble it's because the Psyker in your group wasn't quick enough casting it.
Always glad to see more of your uploads Mr. E, just got my girlfriend addicted to the game and I’m about to show her your “for beginners” series!! Thanks for all the hard work and awesome videos!
As the girlfriend in question (and a Psyker player who max levelled after a few days of play time) I must say that my telekine dome is my beloved. Beast of Nurgle puke can’t get to me or my comrades with that in the way 😌
31:40 "Would be more useful if it reloaded your current weapon" Didn't it used to do that early in DarkTides life? Could have sworn it did. And they took that away cause it was OP back in the day when the game talent wise was SOOO much different, and the meta was slow firing heavy damage lasguns But love the idea of making it work in conjunction with focus target to essentially just focus target everything, that right there would be an amazingly fun combo, and I would actually consider taking the node that lets other see my targets.
@@BUZZKILL109 one meta for vet back in the day was mk8 braced auto with exe stance, that would basically make you unkillable by constantly dumping toughness refreshes on elite and spec kills - one of those builds that only really came online in old histg games. You can still run it today, but its better with columnus and marksman focus, you can meatgrinder baddies into toughness regeneration machine
Bro, the bubble is underrated. With the build I use the bubble cool down is up before the first bubble is over. I keep them up all game. It's at least A.
Its good it’s just a little outmoded by the other options at the moment. Vent and gaze enable crazy damage and are a better match to how aggressive and fast top end players play right now
An idea for Smokes, have whatever enemies caught in it get some sort of debuff that changes their behavior (like having to stop ever other second to cough, stopping movement and attacks), like a diet stunstorm, while all enemies caught in the effect take some percentage, like 10% damage from all attacks from the vet and teammates. that would make smokes a lot more useful and gain something after the tradeoff of limiting visibility. its basically a tool to smoke the horde and carve it up while the shooters and gunners are firing wildly instead of accurately.
Infiltrate is one of the best ways to quickly shred bosses. The ability to keep agro off of yourself and get behind enemies combos super well with the blessing that gives you +40% damage on back hits. It also lets you do objectives far easier if you're unfortunate enough to be in an uncoordinated team.
I think wall shield is slept on a bit for Psyker. It doesn't have the bubble problem that you described of being stuck, while also allowing you to very effectively hold chokes, double charges means you can block off alternate routes from specials, and you can spam both shields instantly for double blitz buff if specced, which makes grain burst put out some nasty damage. Not sayings its S or anything, but it has its uses and can be good!
I already subbed today as you crossed 7k. Congratulations, I know you have a lot more subs coming soon as PS5 gets released! Your first node caught me off-guard in the middle of a mission. Nice.
I am currently making good use of empowered psyonics. My voidstrike staff will give me enough stacks especially on higher difficulties. Shoot into a horde with a 12.5 % to get a stack per kill and you should be good. In general you get the stacks regularly. Combine that with the head-pop ability and you have a fast, precise and reliable way to kill specials at range even at tier 5.
I made this build for the related penance and found it works well like this. especially since specials like bombers, snipers, trappers and gunners are what can end a run quickly
Thing is, the Martyrdom effect worked better in Vermintide 2 due to the nature of Temp HP compared to Toughness: THP cannot be pierced by any means short of getting one shot (even then, VT2 Zealot gets the death defiance passive for free as well as the lvl 25 talent that makes your ability ignore death) and you get plenty of means of increasing the amount of THP you generate (cause THP generation gets increased by healing increases), the only weakness being engaging hordes after some downtime due to its natural decay. But toughness only block most damage sources when it is full with plenty of exceptions
My favourite things about Loyal Protector is i can completely shutdown shotgunners and some specialists, is a reliable and direct counter to specialists, and force shooters to climb down from high grounds where they're at. I have much more fun with this AI manipulation than i could with stealth mechanics.
The sad thing about smoke grenade is they already had a template for a working solution with Bardin's smoke from VT2, which blinds enemies but not you and can heal allies with the Exhilarating Vapors skill. Smoke doesn't even seem to affect ranged enemies so much, all the times I've seen gunners just fire right through it and melee enemies will still attack you inside it. Executioner's stance's big problem is that it gives you no breathing room to actually focus on the targets you highlight with it, if you're in the middle of a chaotic fight and need to take out a sniper while surrounded by poxwalkers and ragers, it's just useless to pop down. Whereas both infiltrate and shout will create you that opportunity. Not even giving you a reloaded weapon which Point blank barrage gives with Ogryn is just the cherry on top.
You went into node placement downgrading the viability of nodes for zealot's stun grenade, but you probably should have mentioned Assail locking you out of psykinetic's aura, which provides an amazing 5% CDR on elite or specialist kill to the entire team.
50:55 Brainburst psyker is the best argument for non-dome telekine shield. 2 charges lets you keep the casting speed bonus up at nearly 100% uptime (with the added benefit of protecting you while pick out some pesky gunner in the backlines). Combo with Empowered Psionics for meme speed. Is popping someone with scrier's gaze faster? Probably. But you can run this with a Purgatus/Infernus staff and be a horde-clear menace AND have really competitive special/elite sniping. Then fill in whatever you think the build is missing on the melee weapon.
Fury vs Shroudfield I used to play Shroudfield a lot but lately I've become a fan of Fury Yes Shroudfield cancels all aggro and gives one very powerful attack when leaving Stealth and has quite some non-combat functionality On the other hand Fury has 2 charges, the same cooldown, closes the distance, helps to rush out of sticky situations with barely a care for what is between you and wherever you are going, including flames, recovers Toughness, increases attack speed and damage for some time and with the crit and backstab cooldown reductions, it's available all the time to refill your Toughness bar and boost your attack speed
The case for Immolation Grenade: Anoint in Blood gives ranged damage reduction the further you are from the enemy Purge the Unclean is nice Restoring Faith can help with survival quite a bit I tend to get both this tree and then the crit tree so I can always choose knives or immolation grenade, the grenade also blocks mobs from taking that path, and it helps with my RSI that I don't need to kill the whole horde with my dagger
Brain burst has a place in two builds: 1) Empowered Psionics with Staff: Improved cast time and increased damage, also very easy to pop the free burst on specials in the area attack 2) Scier's Gaze with high fire rate weapons: You won't cast it, you just let it pop on hits for additional damage burst, it's unreliable but it basically pops every 15s
The Flame grenade D-tier grading I thought about this a lot since my experience isn't that enemies just step through the flames and I'd grade it higher. I tested this in Auric heresy, Damnation and Auric Damnation taking special note what happens when I use it. When I use it the flames I do kill most enemies, if not from flames alone then with melee as they burn. Even Crushers are weakened and tend to be defeated easily in in the flames. So here's what I figured out may differ as you don't see it doing this: Damage buff vs crit buff build. That's why. So I run a damage bonus build, not a crit build. I do have some crit nodes but I collect almost all regular damage nodes, I go the top middle path you don't like for instance. Which may not be an s-tier build, but it does get more utility out of the flames as it gets a fair bit of these buffs added to it and then reach break points you probably don't. I also tend to actively herd enemies into the flame area, even beasts of Nurgle. The flames usually take off 1/3 of their health as I keep them in the fryer actively meleeing them and making them slug around in it in circles. I also have a chainsword with bloodletter on it, and the scourge node as well. If I use fury of the fsithful to charge in and heavy attack ripsaw the beast of nurgle once and I've thrown a flame grenade at it, its' health ticks down and it dies over time even if it leaves the flames. Part of this is a massive damage from the attack, a lot of bleed stacks too but just maybe the super crit means the monstrosity also takes more fire damage? Because I don't get it to just tick down and die like this from one attack without the flames adding to it. To me a mainly damage buff build isn't bad, just a different way to play the game and then the flame grenade works the way it's supposed to? Yes, even at Damation, Auric Damnation and, well I'm not quite up to play Auric Damnation Maelstrom yet skillwise. Maybe for that I'd need to revert to a crit build and ditch the grenade for knives. ;)
Im discovered that u can use ur damage from shroudfield twice, if u charging ur heavy attack and using it in charge - it will not count as attack from stealth but will add u this huge damage, then u can use attack again so u get this damage up twice
Veteran shout is such an S+tier ability that the other 2 abilities automatically are way worse than on paper, simply because of the opportunity cost of shout xD
I'd put weapon specialist in S-tier. That guaranteed crit is insane on most of the best guns on Veteran. Add the reload and you always have that 1 shot kill in your pocket.
About Martyrdom. I agree with Mr E on this one (and everything else except those flame grenades lol) Martyrdom on higher difficulty is a risk you take not just with yourself but with the whole team. A glass cannon class made into even more of a glass cannon for nothing you can't get from the other keystones really. The buff isn't that much anyway, just pick more damage nodes all ove the tree and get one of the other keystones. If you want attack speed Momentum at full stacks (and you get that by just moving a bit) gives you plenty of it with no downside. The path down to martyrdom is fine though, just maybe you don't need 5 wounds anymore. Note that wounds don't add health just divide it up and give you more times you can be downed and not outright die from it.
@Ebb0Productions It gives you a second chance once every, what is it now 60 seconds? 120? But it doesn't make you immortal all the time. I take it of course for my Fury of the faithful/ Momentum build, but someone putting together a martyrdom build doesn't necessarily pick this. Can some players pull it off? Sure. Is it a good keystone? No, it just isn't. Martyrdom can give some more attack speed but you nerf your health to get it. But so does Momentum without any drawbacks. Just stack with some moving a bit and you activate by attacking an enemy. Please just try the left or right keystone and try these. They're both solid keystones.
I will disagree on Executioner Stance. This ability is the hallmark of the best anti shooter build in the game. On Damnation, the large numbers of chaff shooters and Gunner packs becomes maddening to keep under control for the other classes. But because you get a crit bonus while Executioner Stance is active, combining it with a Recon Lasgun completely negates that issue. It’s worthy of nothing less than low A.
@@swordsman1_messer however, in reality, gunners are one of the least threatening enemies in the game right now. All of their attacks can be slid under and they are easily scattered by closing the distance on them. Every class, including other veteran builds, has no problem dealing with them, and we dont need ex stance to help with that. All ex stance does is highlight enemies in yellow and grant you damage that is unnecessary for killing most any target- gunners and specials are made of tissue paper and already die in one shot. Darktide isnt a military shooter where enemies are camouflaged against the background, they stand out and even have lights on their armor to let you know where to aim. Ex stance is at best a meme pick that’s kinda fun, and at worst its passing over the best ultimate in the game for team play in favor of a little extra damage.
I've been playing Ogryn "Point Blank Barrage" a lot lately and it's a powerful ability as it is but I think it needs a rework. I've had matches with nearly a million damage with it as long as I can keep getting feed ammo. But then I've had matches where I run out of ammo and can't find an ammo box to save my life. You literally just feel like a level 1 character again. And that's it's biggest problem is having to be so ammo dependent. No other ultimate is so reliant on having access to a resource in order to provide any benefit. There are no ancillary effects that provide you with any benefits to boost your melee or to protect you or other players in any way. Another huge drawback is the cooldown time. It would be interesting if PBB had some kind of variable cooldown time that was related to the number of enemies you kill. Like if you just pop your ult and then kill a specialist in the corner or take down a crusher or two and then go back to melee you can then get a quick 15 second cooldown. But if you pop your ult and then empty your entire mag and wipe out an entire ambush or melt a monstrosity then you get a 45 second cooldown. That way you won't feel compelled to hold onto your ult for that perfect time to use it. And you also won't feel compelled to use all your ammo all at once. Also, it would be nice if there was a stagger mechanic to enemies that are around you like the veteran shout. Of it is boosted your attack speed in some way.
Another mark against Ex stance, it doesn't instantly reload, doesn't refill toughness anymore (Only Vet ability that doesn't, and it did before the talent rework), and the highlighting enemies aspect can be useful, kind of? But the ones you really care about are elites/specials... That you can just ping to tag anyways, to then have their outline if you have to aim through smoke/ventpurge/lightsout/etc.
Yeah, it's just... okay. The only thing that makes it worth running is the ability modifiers and even then it still gets put under a shadow @DeathEatsCurry
@@TaRAAASHBAGS His reasoning is pretty accurate tbh. Not every playstyle is equally strong, even if some are still fun. Doesn't mean you shouldn't use it, but acknowledging something isn't as good, doesn't make it less fun.
EPs only use case imo is with brain burst. 200%extra smite damage kinda doesn't matter and the bonus damage to assail is genuinely useless, but stacking EP with the charge speed bonus from using an ability lets you crunch your way through elite packs decently quick. It's still not better than either of the other keystones though.
In the bit about the Loner aura, you mention that the toughness regeneration only kicks in when you use infiltrates to distance yourself from enemies. Does that mean that coherency regeneration is disabled when you're surrounded by enemies, even if you are standing near allies?
Coherency Regeneration is cancelled when any enemy takes up a slot around your character, and they can fill them from 7 meters. This means that for coherency regeneration to start, you need no enemies within 8 meters at all
Hot Take: Distrupt Destiny is actually horrible, like straight C tier at least. It's hard to explain without writing a full comment essay on it, so I'll just say that DD is a *very* deceptive trap, and the one way you'd know that is if you actually used it over a long period of time. Also the nodes that lead to it are garbage, and there's a very real opportunity cost when it comes to choosing DD over Warp Charges.
I take "big-boom" grenade for ogryn 100%, it saves the day so often. I just don't see any point of using the rock. My weapon does more dmg than rock, I can use my weapon faster, it also does some cc. Plus, someone has to take grenade packs I think. In good team I always get all grenade packs, bc veteran replenishes those by himself, zealot has knives and psyker has smite or smth.
i wonder, how would marterdom stack up if wounds werent a main curio stat and instead a sub stat? or if wounds gave +2 instead of +1? obviously still not S or A tier, but it'd have to be better lmao
Do you think by chance youre being a little bit biased considering you are a zealot main? I think you rated executioners stance unfairly. It is a great ultimate when in the right hands.
Smokes not S? As it should be, although the sheer amount of animosity I got for mentioning that recently was unbelievable. Not sure why people are quite so invested in them.... Le Edit: There's a mod that shows you where the scanner icons are going to be? Holy Shitballs.
All these non orgyn players. Burst limitter is just okay by itself. The supplement nodes make it great. You make it 12 percent thats always a crit. 12 percent crit on ogryn is huge. Add in the 200% cooldown for 2 sec. So now once you get out of point blank barrage youll be at around 30s on its cooldown maybe lower if you get the other cooldown node. Its a delete room/boss button with the twin stubber. It makes point blank barrage more impactful and on a shorter cooldown. Its funny you glossed over the supplement nodes to emphasize how the burst limiter override node by itself is meh. But with other classes you didnt do the same. If you get the regen nodes for heavy hits up top you still have good sustain and your melee weapons do comparable damage. Still one shot trash and crushers maybe take another hit. If you go branx now that overkill actually fills in for not having the other heavy increases and you can still one or two shot crushers. Love your content just wanted to point that out.
22:28 I disagree with psyker shield being B I think it deserves A, reasoning the other abilities Psyker has requires a front line, also at time of typing this, enemy guns hurt a lot. voice of command is better but just like voice helping your team from wiping wins more games. Also I just don't trust people, hoping one of the other 3 people have some utility in there build feels like a big ask for 3 randoms. P.S I best 5 bucks, less then 40% of people who play this game look up or even try to roll for a god roll for there weapons they use.
52:06 Psykers staves have a lot CC and stagger. Surge staff prolly has the least amount but it does hard CC 2 targets Also thank you for putting EP in D-Tier Good video dude, appreciate the adhd corner 🙌🏻
No way it deserves to be D but it's probably not better than most other grenades. I would have put in on the same level as stun storm just that they handle different situations with different degrees of success.
I completly disagree with this list, for exemple Frag > Krak grenade is a big no, even more that you put it in S tier... I would put Ogryn charge lower because is not so indomitable (charger, dog and trapper will laught at you). But I guess that my vision of the game.
can you send me your playlist? I watched your stream, calm music was playing and the girl was singing in a quiet and calm voice. Literally a meditative track. Sorry for the text, I don't speak English.
The biggest issue with Loner is that if you're good enough to be completely solo and not risk going down, you're probably also good enough that the extra disablers aren't the biggest deal, making Benediction the better aura for effective toughness. And if you're not good enough to do that, Loner isn't going to save you consistently enough.
yo i GOTCHU fellow adhd kids
adhd gang
The footage on the side is genius!
@@sabergoli3518 RISE UP
I feel personally attacked by this lmao, looking forward to listening to this while working tomorrow 😅
I gotta admit, I was a "sub to mr. E" hater. I just didn't see the value in it. But after getting pressured to try it out by all my friends, I have to say, it is game-changing.
Bosses jump off cliffs, dogs fetch ammo for me, and the trapper spawn sound plays for me now. Earlier today, a mutant grabbed me, but instead of beating me down and throwing me away, he gave me a hug, told me I mattered, and that I'm going to make it and everything will be ok.
and that mutant... was Mr. E
He makes really good content. Especially the Tanner collab made both of them better.
Great work Mister E. will be cross referencing this with Mister F's list.
Dont tell my older brother mister D i stole all his ideas
Time to open new accounts with letter names before they're all taken. ;)
I hate how the ADHD corner genuinely works
I know what my brain would want, and its to get sidetracked on another tab and pretend im listening to the thing in supposed to be watching
kinda wish vet infiltrate was like bardin ranger stealth where he stuns everything around him when he enters it
Subbing to Mister E has shifted placement further and further up as the meta shifts, happy to see it finally make it to S
The dash from Ogryn is so damn good for teammates too. If they drop you can save them reliably, if there’s a charging monstrosity you can stagger them, same with a demonhost. Plus the movement speed boost for a time is handy to simply catch up. There’s good ways you can run it if you’re creative tbh
Yeah i feel good about S tiering it
bro you're actually a hustler, respect on the uploads
I gotta disagree a bit on highlighting enemies not being good enough. Getting the jump on your enemies is perhaps the biggest advantage you can get in this game. Still, shout is so freaking good I'd say your relative spots on the list seems right.
Agreed Plasma Gunning Enemies through walls gets u those yellow numbers
Yeah, it's a bit like "If shout didn't exist, this would be much better"
When i take bubble on psyker, more times than not, i will place it right on top of the enemies i want to kill, especially for melee or close range. I'm convinced this is the best way to use it.
Scriers gaze was really fun to use but very rarely it bugs out and during its lingering effect you can still overload.
I thought I was tripping, that happened to me a couple of times too!
sharpshooter is the only one of vet's ability that makes any kind of in game or in universe sense. At most, the command shout should just buff stats/toughness, no amount of NCO training is going to scare or startle literal daemons and worshippers of chaos, and if zealot saw how good a random nobody guardsman was able to go completely invisible without any equipment, they would either be branded a heretic or an imperial saint, no inbetween
Yeah i think there has to be some suspension of lore for the classes to work. Ogryns and psykers are way more threatening in lore, and zealots and veterans way less. Funny that the lorewise weaker two are so OP in game!
If you get the Psyker bubble up before a bomber or gas bomber throws their grenades at your party then the bombs bounce off the bubble. A Psyker that is quick on the bubble usage can basically make bomber threats obsolete. Stating that the bubble does not block the bombs is incorrect. If you got gassed in a bubble it's because the Psyker in your group wasn't quick enough casting it.
it also blocks trappers traps, snipers, flames from flamethrowers, even the beast of nurggle spits, really this bubble is quiet neat.
Always glad to see more of your uploads Mr. E, just got my girlfriend addicted to the game and I’m about to show her your “for beginners” series!! Thanks for all the hard work and awesome videos!
As the girlfriend in question (and a Psyker player who max levelled after a few days of play time) I must say that my telekine dome is my beloved. Beast of Nurgle puke can’t get to me or my comrades with that in the way 😌
I cant believe i have a viewer who claims to have a gf and brought PROOF! Glad i could help you guys and that you enjoy the game together!
31:40 "Would be more useful if it reloaded your current weapon"
Didn't it used to do that early in DarkTides life? Could have sworn it did. And they took that away cause it was OP back in the day when the game talent wise was SOOO much different, and the meta was slow firing heavy damage lasguns
But love the idea of making it work in conjunction with focus target to essentially just focus target everything, that right there would be an amazingly fun combo, and I would actually consider taking the node that lets other see my targets.
Yup it used to be a choice on the last 3 nodes for your Ultimate.
Used to be meta for mag dumping with bolt gun.
It really should come back.
@@BUZZKILL109 one meta for vet back in the day was mk8 braced auto with exe stance, that would basically make you unkillable by constantly dumping toughness refreshes on elite and spec kills - one of those builds that only really came online in old histg games. You can still run it today, but its better with columnus and marksman focus, you can meatgrinder baddies into toughness regeneration machine
it's weird it doesn't when Ogryn's one does
Bro, the bubble is underrated. With the build I use the bubble cool down is up before the first bubble is over. I keep them up all game. It's at least A.
Its good it’s just a little outmoded by the other options at the moment. Vent and gaze enable crazy damage and are a better match to how aggressive and fast top end players play right now
@MisterEtide I'll take your word for it. I'm mid at best.
Thank you Mr E.
This especially helps me fine-tune my Ogryn build. :)
An idea for Smokes, have whatever enemies caught in it get some sort of debuff that changes their behavior (like having to stop ever other second to cough, stopping movement and attacks), like a diet stunstorm, while all enemies caught in the effect take some percentage, like 10% damage from all attacks from the vet and teammates. that would make smokes a lot more useful and gain something after the tradeoff of limiting visibility. its basically a tool to smoke the horde and carve it up while the shooters and gunners are firing wildly instead of accurately.
Personally that seems to be highly overlapping with stun storm, what I think would do well is to allow the ai to friendly fire in smoke.
Infiltrate is one of the best ways to quickly shred bosses.
The ability to keep agro off of yourself and get behind enemies combos super well with the blessing that gives you +40% damage on back hits.
It also lets you do objectives far easier if you're unfortunate enough to be in an uncoordinated team.
Which is most of the time in pubs. Trouble with it I that it puts aggro on team mates.
@@dbank6107 imo you don't want to be the focus of agro as Vet to begin with. The faster you can take down a special/boss, the better
@@Lolk266 True m8
I think wall shield is slept on a bit for Psyker. It doesn't have the bubble problem that you described of being stuck, while also allowing you to very effectively hold chokes, double charges means you can block off alternate routes from specials, and you can spam both shields instantly for double blitz buff if specced, which makes grain burst put out some nasty damage.
Not sayings its S or anything, but it has its uses and can be good!
I already subbed today as you crossed 7k. Congratulations, I know you have a lot more subs coming soon as PS5 gets released! Your first node caught me off-guard in the middle of a mission. Nice.
I am currently making good use of empowered psyonics. My voidstrike staff will give me enough stacks especially on higher difficulties. Shoot into a horde with a 12.5 % to get a stack per kill and you should be good. In general you get the stacks regularly. Combine that with the head-pop ability and you have a fast, precise and reliable way to kill specials at range even at tier 5.
I made this build for the related penance and found it works well like this. especially since specials like bombers, snipers, trappers and gunners are what can end a run quickly
Thing is, the Martyrdom effect worked better in Vermintide 2 due to the nature of Temp HP compared to Toughness: THP cannot be pierced by any means short of getting one shot (even then, VT2 Zealot gets the death defiance passive for free as well as the lvl 25 talent that makes your ability ignore death) and you get plenty of means of increasing the amount of THP you generate (cause THP generation gets increased by healing increases), the only weakness being engaging hordes after some downtime due to its natural decay. But toughness only block most damage sources when it is full with plenty of exceptions
Fun fact using the gun bash on the rumbler and kickback count as heavy attacks and give you heavy hitter charges,
The stardew valley BGM is so soothing, but then you watch what is happening in the ADHD corner…
My favourite things about Loyal Protector is i can completely shutdown shotgunners and some specialists, is a reliable and direct counter to specialists, and force shooters to climb down from high grounds where they're at. I have much more fun with this AI manipulation than i could with stealth mechanics.
that scroll down to reveal "Sub to Mister E" actually made me lol
The sad thing about smoke grenade is they already had a template for a working solution with Bardin's smoke from VT2, which blinds enemies but not you and can heal allies with the Exhilarating Vapors skill. Smoke doesn't even seem to affect ranged enemies so much, all the times I've seen gunners just fire right through it and melee enemies will still attack you inside it. Executioner's stance's big problem is that it gives you no breathing room to actually focus on the targets you highlight with it, if you're in the middle of a chaotic fight and need to take out a sniper while surrounded by poxwalkers and ragers, it's just useless to pop down. Whereas both infiltrate and shout will create you that opportunity. Not even giving you a reloaded weapon which Point blank barrage gives with Ogryn is just the cherry on top.
You went into node placement downgrading the viability of nodes for zealot's stun grenade, but you probably should have mentioned Assail locking you out of psykinetic's aura, which provides an amazing 5% CDR on elite or specialist kill to the entire team.
Oh yeah, good point. I dont think assail deserves C just for that, but it certainly doesnt help its case
I really appreciate the adhd corner lol
1:14:00 god emperor wept, empowered psionics being D tier hurt. I thought smite or brain burst being empowered would shake things up, sad to be wrong.
Yeah its just not used these days what with staves and melee being so strong.
50:55 Brainburst psyker is the best argument for non-dome telekine shield. 2 charges lets you keep the casting speed bonus up at nearly 100% uptime (with the added benefit of protecting you while pick out some pesky gunner in the backlines). Combo with Empowered Psionics for meme speed.
Is popping someone with scrier's gaze faster? Probably. But you can run this with a Purgatus/Infernus staff and be a horde-clear menace AND have really competitive special/elite sniping. Then fill in whatever you think the build is missing on the melee weapon.
Very nice and educational video, thanks!
Whoa did anyone notice the gameplay had a whole tier list commentary?
I want a team build around giving the ogryn his Nuke back xF
Yeah demo team should really be un-nerfed to give the whole team grenades back but at a lower chance.
Fury vs Shroudfield
I used to play Shroudfield a lot but lately I've become a fan of Fury
Yes Shroudfield cancels all aggro and gives one very powerful attack when leaving Stealth and has quite some non-combat functionality
On the other hand Fury has 2 charges, the same cooldown, closes the distance, helps to rush out of sticky situations with barely a care for what is between you and wherever you are going, including flames, recovers Toughness, increases attack speed and damage for some time and with the crit and backstab cooldown reductions, it's available all the time to refill your Toughness bar and boost your attack speed
The case for Immolation Grenade:
Anoint in Blood gives ranged damage reduction the further you are from the enemy
Purge the Unclean is nice
Restoring Faith can help with survival quite a bit
I tend to get both this tree and then the crit tree so I can always choose knives or immolation grenade, the grenade also blocks mobs from taking that path, and it helps with my RSI that I don't need to kill the whole horde with my dagger
Brain burst has a place in two builds:
1) Empowered Psionics with Staff: Improved cast time and increased damage, also very easy to pop the free burst on specials in the area attack
2) Scier's Gaze with high fire rate weapons: You won't cast it, you just let it pop on hits for additional damage burst, it's unreliable but it basically pops every 15s
Was not expecting to hear Stardew Valley music in a Tier List for Warhammer 40k Darktide
The Flame grenade D-tier grading
I thought about this a lot since my experience isn't that enemies just step through the flames and I'd grade it higher.
I tested this in Auric heresy, Damnation and Auric Damnation taking special note what happens when I use it.
When I use it the flames I do kill most enemies, if not from flames alone then with melee as they burn. Even Crushers are weakened and tend to be defeated easily in in the flames.
So here's what I figured out may differ as you don't see it doing this:
Damage buff vs crit buff build. That's why.
So I run a damage bonus build, not a crit build.
I do have some crit nodes but I collect almost all regular damage nodes, I go the top middle path you don't like for instance. Which may not be an s-tier build, but it does get more utility out of the flames as it gets a fair bit of these buffs added to it and then reach break points you probably don't.
I also tend to actively herd enemies into the flame area, even beasts of Nurgle.
The flames usually take off 1/3 of their health as I keep them in the fryer actively meleeing them and making them slug around in it in circles.
I also have a chainsword with bloodletter on it, and the scourge node as well. If I use fury of the fsithful to charge in and heavy attack ripsaw the beast of nurgle once and I've thrown a flame grenade at it, its' health ticks down and it dies over time even if it leaves the flames.
Part of this is a massive damage from the attack, a lot of bleed stacks too but just maybe the super crit means the monstrosity also takes more fire damage?
Because I don't get it to just tick down and die like this from one attack without the flames adding to it.
To me a mainly damage buff build isn't bad, just a different way to play the game and then the flame grenade works the way it's supposed to?
Yes, even at Damation, Auric Damnation and, well I'm not quite up to play Auric Damnation Maelstrom yet skillwise.
Maybe for that I'd need to revert to a crit build and ditch the grenade for knives. ;)
Im discovered that u can use ur damage from shroudfield twice, if u charging ur heavy attack and using it in charge - it will not count as attack from stealth but will add u this huge damage, then u can use attack again so u get this damage up twice
Veteran shout is such an S+tier ability that the other 2 abilities automatically are way worse than on paper, simply because of the opportunity cost of shout xD
Mmm, yes, the inquisitorum is pleased with this vidius offering. 💀⚔️⚙️🔥
I'd put weapon specialist in S-tier. That guaranteed crit is insane on most of the best guns on Veteran. Add the reload and you always have that 1 shot kill in your pocket.
About Martyrdom.
I agree with Mr E on this one (and everything else except those flame grenades lol)
Martyrdom on higher difficulty is a risk you take not just with yourself but with the whole team. A glass cannon class made into even more of a glass cannon for nothing you can't get from the other keystones really.
The buff isn't that much anyway, just pick more damage nodes all ove the tree and get one of the other keystones. If you want attack speed Momentum at full stacks (and you get that by just moving a bit) gives you plenty of it with no downside.
The path down to martyrdom is fine though, just maybe you don't need 5 wounds anymore. Note that wounds don't add health just divide it up and give you more times you can be downed and not outright die from it.
Zealot glass cannon? Just take Until Death and Holy Revenant. You'll be immortal.
@Ebb0Productions It gives you a second chance once every, what is it now 60 seconds? 120? But it doesn't make you immortal all the time.
I take it of course for my Fury of the faithful/ Momentum build, but someone putting together a martyrdom build doesn't necessarily pick this.
Can some players pull it off? Sure. Is it a good keystone? No, it just isn't.
Martyrdom can give some more attack speed but you nerf your health to get it. But so does Momentum without any drawbacks. Just stack with some moving a bit and you activate by attacking an enemy.
Please just try the left or right keystone and try these. They're both solid keystones.
@thunder2434 no, this martyr glue smells too good on my eviscerater
I will disagree on Executioner Stance. This ability is the hallmark of the best anti shooter build in the game. On Damnation, the large numbers of chaff shooters and Gunner packs becomes maddening to keep under control for the other classes. But because you get a crit bonus while Executioner Stance is active, combining it with a Recon Lasgun completely negates that issue. It’s worthy of nothing less than low A.
@@swordsman1_messer however, in reality, gunners are one of the least threatening enemies in the game right now. All of their attacks can be slid under and they are easily scattered by closing the distance on them. Every class, including other veteran builds, has no problem dealing with them, and we dont need ex stance to help with that. All ex stance does is highlight enemies in yellow and grant you damage that is unnecessary for killing most any target- gunners and specials are made of tissue paper and already die in one shot. Darktide isnt a military shooter where enemies are camouflaged against the background, they stand out and even have lights on their armor to let you know where to aim. Ex stance is at best a meme pick that’s kinda fun, and at worst its passing over the best ultimate in the game for team play in favor of a little extra damage.
Achlys Gunlugger with Lucky Bullet is fucking amazing and shits on everything... as long as you have ammo.
That's what I run with, and I pretty much don't need to reload. Burst limited is still requires a pretty specific load out. Which is not optimal.
I've been playing Ogryn "Point Blank Barrage" a lot lately and it's a powerful ability as it is but I think it needs a rework. I've had matches with nearly a million damage with it as long as I can keep getting feed ammo. But then I've had matches where I run out of ammo and can't find an ammo box to save my life. You literally just feel like a level 1 character again. And that's it's biggest problem is having to be so ammo dependent. No other ultimate is so reliant on having access to a resource in order to provide any benefit. There are no ancillary effects that provide you with any benefits to boost your melee or to protect you or other players in any way. Another huge drawback is the cooldown time. It would be interesting if PBB had some kind of variable cooldown time that was related to the number of enemies you kill. Like if you just pop your ult and then kill a specialist in the corner or take down a crusher or two and then go back to melee you can then get a quick 15 second cooldown. But if you pop your ult and then empty your entire mag and wipe out an entire ambush or melt a monstrosity then you get a 45 second cooldown. That way you won't feel compelled to hold onto your ult for that perfect time to use it. And you also won't feel compelled to use all your ammo all at once. Also, it would be nice if there was a stagger mechanic to enemies that are around you like the veteran shout. Of it is boosted your attack speed in some way.
Another mark against Ex stance, it doesn't instantly reload, doesn't refill toughness anymore (Only Vet ability that doesn't, and it did before the talent rework), and the highlighting enemies aspect can be useful, kind of? But the ones you really care about are elites/specials... That you can just ping to tag anyways, to then have their outline if you have to aim through smoke/ventpurge/lightsout/etc.
B-Tier infiltrate?
Smh my head, guess I'm gonna have to keep at it until it's S-tier
Given that it's just a worse Shroudfield, that might take a hot minute.
Yeah, it's just... okay. The only thing that makes it worth running is the ability modifiers and even then it still gets put under a shadow @DeathEatsCurry
A at least. His reasoning is pretty pedantic and only based off a couple stringent loadouts/playstyles.
@@TaRAAASHBAGS His reasoning is pretty accurate tbh. Not every playstyle is equally strong, even if some are still fun. Doesn't mean you shouldn't use it, but acknowledging something isn't as good, doesn't make it less fun.
EPs only use case imo is with brain burst. 200%extra smite damage kinda doesn't matter and the bonus damage to assail is genuinely useless, but stacking EP with the charge speed bonus from using an ability lets you crunch your way through elite packs decently quick. It's still not better than either of the other keystones though.
"People mentioned: PSY" youtube, what are you smoking.
Ok Mr E, I'll use Survivalist more. :)
In the bit about the Loner aura, you mention that the toughness regeneration only kicks in when you use infiltrates to distance yourself from enemies. Does that mean that coherency regeneration is disabled when you're surrounded by enemies, even if you are standing near allies?
Coherency Regeneration is cancelled when any enemy takes up a slot around your character, and they can fill them from 7 meters. This means that for coherency regeneration to start, you need no enemies within 8 meters at all
Lol the ADHD corner got me good :D
Subbing to mister e is easily d tier, doesnt even increase my finesse damage
Putting it in D tier definitely decreases your likelihood of survival… 🔪
Hot Take: Distrupt Destiny is actually horrible, like straight C tier at least. It's hard to explain without writing a full comment essay on it, so I'll just say that DD is a *very* deceptive trap, and the one way you'd know that is if you actually used it over a long period of time.
Also the nodes that lead to it are garbage, and there's a very real opportunity cost when it comes to choosing DD over Warp Charges.
I take "big-boom" grenade for ogryn 100%, it saves the day so often. I just don't see any point of using the rock. My weapon does more dmg than rock, I can use my weapon faster, it also does some cc. Plus, someone has to take grenade packs I think. In good team I always get all grenade packs, bc veteran replenishes those by himself, zealot has knives and psyker has smite or smth.
bless you
i wonder, how would marterdom stack up if wounds werent a main curio stat and instead a sub stat? or if wounds gave +2 instead of +1? obviously still not S or A tier, but it'd have to be better lmao
Do you think by chance youre being a little bit biased considering you are a zealot main? I think you rated executioners stance unfairly. It is a great ultimate when in the right hands.
I like the ADHD Corner, so active and pretty.
I love you mister e ❤
But I have to use overdrive on Ogryn for the penance.....it's the slowest of his penances to get done 😢
Smokes not S?
As it should be, although the sheer amount of animosity I got for mentioning that recently was unbelievable. Not sure why people are quite so invested in them....
Le Edit: There's a mod that shows you where the scanner icons are going to be? Holy Shitballs.
Whats the name of that mod that adds number on ur cd? Been trying to find it.
What’s the mod you have that shows icons on pick ups?
Does Benediction stack if you have more than one Zealot running with it in a group?
no, no auras stack afaik. the effect would be too powerful (40% cdr w/ 4 psyker, 4% ammo per kill w/ 4 vets, etc)
You got Stardew valley music in the background?
can we have a director cut upload?(no adhd corner)
Sorry this video was huge so i cleared it off my drive immediately
All these non orgyn players. Burst limitter is just okay by itself. The supplement nodes make it great. You make it 12 percent thats always a crit. 12 percent crit on ogryn is huge. Add in the 200% cooldown for 2 sec. So now once you get out of point blank barrage youll be at around 30s on its cooldown maybe lower if you get the other cooldown node. Its a delete room/boss button with the twin stubber. It makes point blank barrage more impactful and on a shorter cooldown.
Its funny you glossed over the supplement nodes to emphasize how the burst limiter override node by itself is meh. But with other classes you didnt do the same.
If you get the regen nodes for heavy hits up top you still have good sustain and your melee weapons do comparable damage. Still one shot trash and crushers maybe take another hit. If you go branx now that overkill actually fills in for not having the other heavy increases and you can still one or two shot crushers.
Love your content just wanted to point that out.
22:28 I disagree with psyker shield being B I think it deserves A, reasoning the other abilities Psyker has requires a front line, also at time of typing this, enemy guns hurt a lot. voice of command is better but just like voice helping your team from wiping wins more games. Also I just don't trust people, hoping one of the other 3 people have some utility in there build feels like a big ask for 3 randoms.
P.S I best 5 bucks, less then 40% of people who play this game look up or even try to roll for a god roll for there weapons they use.
This was made pre-gunner buff and pre-havoc where bubble shield is practically essential
@ Man, interesting time to be a content creator in darktide, thinks are changing every week. keep up the good work.
P.S Bubble shield supremacy
There's no way Chorus and FotF belong to the same category.
52:06 Psykers staves have a lot CC and stagger. Surge staff prolly has the least amount but it does hard CC 2 targets
Also thank you for putting EP in D-Tier
Good video dude, appreciate the adhd corner 🙌🏻
i will only subscribe once you admit the devils claw is good
Its good, a tier maybe s in the right hands
and next time pls - builds TIER LIST)
Good morning? It’s 2 am
Through the magic of editing i started making this yesterday morning
Plesse do an update now that you're raving about chorus and bubble
Havoc is different than regular games, this is still correct for anything non havoc
@@MisterEtide Ah ok that makes sense. Thanks for the content. Much appreciated.
I hate that adhd corner
Baffled at how ogryns box and zealots stunstorm are higher than immolation grenade
No way it deserves to be D but it's probably not better than most other grenades. I would have put in on the same level as stun storm just that they handle different situations with different degrees of success.
I disagree with almost everything, but I keep listening because of the pleasant voice and narration.
fr delete the adhd corner sincerely adhd dude
Why do you sound like Rick Hunter? Especially at 8:49 wtf
I get that a full smite build can be boring but with a full setup it still mowes waves over?
Bruh you got walls for loot?
bubble B tier ? cmon
its different when havoc is concerned, but in normal games most teams roll over games without need for bubble
smite 4 life :))))
I completly disagree with this list, for exemple Frag > Krak grenade is a big no, even more that you put it in S tier... I would put Ogryn charge lower because is not so indomitable (charger, dog and trapper will laught at you).
But I guess that my vision of the game.
There is 1-2 adds every 2 min or so. Its unwatchable.
can you send me your playlist? I watched your stream, calm music was playing and the girl was singing in a quiet and calm voice. Literally a meditative track. Sorry for the text, I don't speak English.
Sorry i had a lot of music on the stream, i cant tell what the song might be from that description.
The biggest issue with Loner is that if you're good enough to be completely solo and not risk going down, you're probably also good enough that the extra disablers aren't the biggest deal, making Benediction the better aura for effective toughness. And if you're not good enough to do that, Loner isn't going to save you consistently enough.