The Best Distilleries to visit in Kentucky. Best experiences, Great tours, Allocated bourbon

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @chadvargo1435
    @chadvargo1435 Рік тому +4

    We recently went on a trip, and spur of the moment booked a Peerless tour. We had no expectations and absolutely loved that tour.

    • @chadburton7167
      @chadburton7167 Рік тому +1

      That tour is very interesting. They have a cool history. Not too mention, the whiskey is has no peer.

  • @JohnDunbar-x6n
    @JohnDunbar-x6n Рік тому +1

    Castle & Key was a great tour. They are renovating the old Taylor distillery and the grounds are fantastic.

  • @tonystreetman8209
    @tonystreetman8209 10 місяців тому +1

    The old fashion at SW was soo freaking good!

  • @hollymair1832
    @hollymair1832 7 місяців тому +1

    All great visits but of all the big guys I’ve visited I loved little Glenn’s Creek. Very intimate tastings and awesome bourbons, especially the OCD#5.

  • @yelworb
    @yelworb Рік тому +3

    Makers Mark is one of my favorites

  • @tranmd80
    @tranmd80 Рік тому +1

    We are celebrating our 10yr anniversary in early December. Can't wait to be there. Just a Fri+Sun trip. Hopefully I will be able to see/grab couple of cool bottles.

  • @krischaney9034
    @krischaney9034 Рік тому +3

    Can't argue with this list. My one add would be Wilderness Trail. Beautiful campus, plus unique information on the tour due to their on-site lab for yeast development.

  • @jamesberlin8217
    @jamesberlin8217 2 місяці тому

    Last Feb. my took me to Old Forester tour. We were able to purchase Birthday Bourbon

  • @robertjennings9105
    @robertjennings9105 Рік тому +1

    I’ve only gone to the bourbon trail once and loved it. This sounds like a great list to check out. I’m going to have to make a point to go there with my son and have him experience a really unique trip. It’s a great area to go on a motorcycle trip too, and that’s how I experienced it last time with a bunch of friends. Thanks for some suggestions from two people who know these distilleries very well.

  • @johnwood1014
    @johnwood1014 Рік тому +2

    Two that I would add, Wilderness trail, for the science, Peerless for the history

  • @tabray9567
    @tabray9567 Рік тому +1

    Great video. Timing perfect, headed to KY this month. Thank you Gentlemen

  • @Misterh0430
    @Misterh0430 Рік тому +2

    Agree with the list. This is a great list to give to someone to ensure they won't leave unfulfilled. I'd add a smaller distillery to get some variety. The tour at Limestone Branch (Yellowstone) was incredible and there's a great chance you'll get to shoot the breeze with Steve Beam. They're yearly limited release is usually available in the gift shop as well, so you leave with an allocated bottle if you want too.

    • @bourbonkingdom
      @bourbonkingdom  Рік тому

      Limestone is a amazing place that we both love.

  • @robertsmithUH60driver
    @robertsmithUH60driver Рік тому +1

    Love to tour BT one day. 9ish hours away though.

  • @livingtheadventurouslife
    @livingtheadventurouslife Рік тому +2

    I went 2 weeks ago on a tour and mostly agree with your list. But...Evan Williams was unique and I got several bottles only available there. Bardstown was a very happy day too! That whiskey vault they have is amazing!!!

  • @williamhauser3686
    @williamhauser3686 9 місяців тому

    Thank you, very informative

  • @jmartinez4460
    @jmartinez4460 Рік тому +1

    I’m going later this year I can’t wait.

  • @WadeinWhiskey
    @WadeinWhiskey Рік тому

    Really enjoyed this as I live in NKY and I’m down there as often as I can be.

  • @jasonhunt2909
    @jasonhunt2909 Рік тому +1

    I loves Jim Beam & their tour 🥃

    • @usagipaige5377
      @usagipaige5377 Рік тому

      Do they make anything tough to find like Booker's or Baker's 13 for sale after a tour? Have a friend hitting up OF or Jim Beam soon and I want to tell him what to look for.

  • @MichaelSullivanCincinnatux
    @MichaelSullivanCincinnatux Рік тому +3

    I would put Maker's Mark on any such list, due to the beauty of the campus, the history of the brand, and their innovations with regard to sustainable practices. Otherwise, great list!

  • @mjhearns23
    @mjhearns23 Рік тому +1

    We went to all 6 of these, plus Willett, on our 4 day Kentucky trip in 2019. Willett was our favorite for the awesome experience, but Michters was a close second. The one thing I hated about Stitzel-Weller, was they charged about a 30% markup on their own products in the gift shop when compared to a liquor store. Every other distillery had everything at normal retail.

  • @jonhohgrefe1437
    @jonhohgrefe1437 Рік тому +1

    Two that we had great experiences at when we went last year was Angel's Envy (in Louisville) and James Pepper (in Lexington). We thought Four Roses was beautiful, but the flavor profile doesn't hit us. Next trip we are probably going to do a tour at Old Forester (we just went in and had flights).

  • @marklee9374
    @marklee9374 Рік тому

    I agree with your list. Unless you’re going to do a top 20, it’s hard to get them all. I understand the fees distilleries charge, but a big plus is Buffalo Trace tours are FREE! Even with a tasting session at the end. If you cover BT visits in future videos, worth mentioning IMO.

  • @Wrighcr20
    @Wrighcr20 Рік тому

    BiB Tour at Heaven Hill is fantastic. Plus you get to do the tasting while walking through the Rickhouses.

  • @glenncucci3987
    @glenncucci3987 Рік тому +3

    Wow, great list, but how in the hell did you leave Maker's Mark off the list. I've been there many times and have never been disappointed, from the tours to dip your own bottle to the beautiful grounds and amazing gift shop. It's definitely on my list, for sure.

    • @JonBlankman
      @JonBlankman Рік тому +2

      True. It's a mandatory visit!

    • @johnwood1014
      @johnwood1014 Рік тому +3

      It does have the prettiest grounds, with Castle and Key slightly behind

    • @glenncucci3987
      @glenncucci3987 Рік тому +2

      @@johnwood1014 we always go in December when they have all the Christmas lights and decorations up. Absolutely beautiful.

    • @bourbonkingdom
      @bourbonkingdom  Рік тому

      MM is a beautiful place in the fall and a great place to visit we definitely had them just right outside of the list with Bardstown Bourbon Company

  • @edutz321321
    @edutz321321 10 місяців тому +1

    Are the bourbons at the distillery retail priced or are they marked up like your local liquor stores?

  • @chadburton7167
    @chadburton7167 Рік тому +2

    We were there recently and did 15 various tours. Standard tours got old, but we mixed up a bunch of different experiences. My favorite was Whiskey Thief. Very cool vibe. The tour is kind of an afterthought. You basically just stand around and drink from 5 different barrels. They are very generous with their pours and if you buy a bottle you get to fill it yourself using a thief. 100% recommended if you like barrel strength stuff.

    • @philstoys
      @philstoys 6 місяців тому

      This was my favorite place. excellent experience bottling my own. To pick the one I like the best I was able to sample more than once from a couple barrels. Then they helped with a small sample blind tasting.

  • @bobczarnecki3479
    @bobczarnecki3479 6 місяців тому

    Peerless has a fun tasting that gives you a free sampling glass.

  • @BourbonNRyeGuy
    @BourbonNRyeGuy Рік тому

    Give me a shout next time you come to A. Smith Bowman! I’ll be in y’all neck of the woods in a few weeks.

  • @thebigdubnetwork
    @thebigdubnetwork Рік тому

    Much needed straight from the locals lol

  • @johnwill7962
    @johnwill7962 Рік тому +1

    Lol at Brent saying “don’t y’all already know” that’s when you know you hang out at distilleries too much

  • @mattk7903
    @mattk7903 Рік тому +2

    You forgot to mention Buffalo Trace puts out online what they’re selling for the day 45-75 mins before they open

  • @andrewh8151
    @andrewh8151 Рік тому

    I’ll be hitting the trail again mid July, really appreciate you guys sharing knowledge. Can you tell me if Michters has a bottle limit for purchase? Is it one per day? One Per month like Old Forester?

  • @kruegs8026
    @kruegs8026 Рік тому +1

    when is the Derby week haul video coming out?!

    • @bourbonkingdom
      @bourbonkingdom  Рік тому +1

      My guy I am trying the problem is half the audio is bad but if we can save it we will!

    • @kruegs8026
      @kruegs8026 Рік тому

      @@bourbonkingdom man that would be a bummer! I was really looking forward to that one. I was actually down there from Friday to Sunday of Derby weekend. (my first trip from WI)

  • @Bourbon_Blue_Devil
    @Bourbon_Blue_Devil Рік тому

    Willett's distillery

  • @Jasonmounce
    @Jasonmounce Рік тому

    Finally getting to plan a trip up there for Labor Day weekend. What’s the best way to figure out the distillery releases? Is it mainly a luck-of-the-draw thing or do they post to social media? I definitely want to visit Michter’s and 4🌹

    • @bourbonkingdom
      @bourbonkingdom  Рік тому +1

      i would go to Michter's everyday you are here. Same with 4 roses. Chances are high you will land something from both of them.

  • @fce_1235
    @fce_1235 Рік тому +1

    How’s wild Turkey distillery ? Never been

    • @bourbonkingdom
      @bourbonkingdom  Рік тому

      It's ok the problem is you can't tour it anymore but the updated gift shop is cool

  • @petenoto419
    @petenoto419 Рік тому +1

    You mentioned a few months back Uber Alloated Drops. Is this a Facebook group or a separate url? Can you add to the comments?

    • @bourbonkingdom
      @bourbonkingdom  Рік тому

      I am a little confused by what you are asking sorry bud.

    • @petenoto419
      @petenoto419 Рік тому

      @@bourbonkingdomyou mentioned in another video friends coming in from MI cause they know when a distillery is releasing a new bourbon. And Dave mentioned Uber Allocated Drops around 14min. unless this was not a reference to anything 😢

  • @larryowens675
    @larryowens675 Рік тому +1

    OF has a nice tasting but the tour is meh
    I’m about done with HH, been there a few times and never seen a bottle I wanted
    I’m not the biggest Makers fan but their tasting after the tour is top notch
    Four Roses has a nice tasting after the tour
    BT had a fun tour but the tasting sucks
    Peerless is fun and has a good tasting

  • @Reamer
    @Reamer Рік тому

    Do you have to take a tour to get bottles?

    • @robertlee6781
      @robertlee6781 Рік тому +1

      Depends on the distillery. Like Zach said, you’re not guaranteed the cool bottles.

  • @mikesamolsky4719
    @mikesamolsky4719 8 місяців тому

    You missed Woodford Reserve

  • @maddkatter7948
    @maddkatter7948 Рік тому +1
