You know, it's pretty sad that Groundskeeper Willie had better lines and dialogue in the Treehouse of horror segment that parodied Nightmare on Elm Street than the Freddie in the "official" remake of the original film.
Oh my god seeing those 25-years old in a high school classroom is so jarring. The original cast at least looked like a plausible group of high schoolers
The only one line I like from *this* Freddy was his knowledge of brain activity after death. "Did you know... that once the heart's stopped beating, the brain can keep functioning for over 7 minutes? 😈 We've got 6 more minutes to play!"
The new makeup design for Freddy's face does nothing for me. I know it is intended to be more realistic and it succeeds at that. The problem is, that kind of serious burn scars do not make a person look scary, but pitiable.
I admire the bold choice of the remake's lead actress to say all her lines while keeping her top and bottom lips as close together as possible for maximum mumbling. Seriously, give it a shot. It's exactly what she does.
I like the 4th one, too! It's actually my favourite of the sequels aside from New Nightmare. The concept is awesome, and Alice is kickass. I just think it was funny that out of all the Freddy one-liners they could've ripped off, they used that one.
The theme song! YESS! I love the fact that the singer (Tuesday Knight) finally released that as a single last year. I never actually thought of the humour like that before. I think that's the case more early on, rather than in for example Freddy's Dead where he transports the kid into a video game and says "HEYYY YOU FORGOT THE POWER GLOVE!". It started off kinda creepy, but then just became a joke by the time New Nightmare happened.
@@jessica23claire Let me make it even worse. In that movie it actually WAS a wet dream until Freddy corrupted it. So not only did they steal a joke; but they sawed off any setup that would have made it even remotely funny or Fred-like.
The remake /might/ have worked better if Freddy wasn't so damn serious the entire time; I get that they were going for 1984-Nightmare-esque Freddy, but even then the character had a certain joy in him. The original Freddy cackled when his victims were afraid, he grinned when he got the chance to chase them/show that their efforts to hurt him were futile by hurting himself. It was a big game to him then, and his enjoyment of the "game" showed how he was completely unable to be reasoned with. The remake Freddy was far more bitter, angry, and serious, and didn't show much enjoyment for what he was doing at all.
perhaps if the movie had gone with the 'he was innocent' plotpoint they seemed to be going for initially, the angry bitter Freddy could've worked a little better too.
Exactly. The more Serious Freddy still loved the shit out of what he did despite it not being very pleasant. This joyful relishing of the victims' misery would be emphasized in the sequels Freddy's Revenge and Dream Warriors, where by the time he successfully possess Jesse in the former, he's delivering witty snarks, causing mayhem, and basically being enjoying his reign of terror in the real world. Freddy Krueger is the kind of man who knows he's the best at being a serial killer, and enjoys his work and his reputation. Remake Freddy is just bitter and emo.
The whole point of Freddy's makeup is that he died mid-burn. He never healed at all. So, when the special effects guy bases the makeup off real burn victims, it kinda misses the entire point and honestly makes it seem like you're calling real injuries monstrous.
+slayertakim1 Exactly! Hell, after that line about "did you ever find the cave?", you'd almost think that was _exactly what they were going for_, right?!
That would make more sense. I would explain the screaming, and then also encompass the whole going after the kids thing....kind of like that short "There's a Man in the Woods"
Two things: "Why are you screamin'? I ain't even cut ya yet." is a really good line. And I think this movie would have been stronger if it turned out that Teddy was innocent.
It would've made more sense. As it is Teddy has no plausible "revenge" scenario. It still wouldn't explain the glove though. Teddy wasn't a killer so there's no reason for it to exist.
@@zmbdog mistaken identity. The glove belonged to a different killer and when he ran to the building, he found it and the parents thought he was the killer as well
Also made getting Freddy claws for Halloween a lot easier because the old ones were more expensive. I actually got 2, one plastic and one made with real metal.
This is why I prefer the 2009 remake of Friday the 13th over the 2010 remake of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" Because it actually felt like it was trying to be its' own thing without having to draw comparisons to the original movies. Plus, ot was quite refreshing to see a totally different version of Jason Vorhees where he was already back from the dead and actually witnessed his mother being killed. Where as this remake was just trying to make a mockery of the original Nightmare on Elm Street movies.
The way they summarized the original first film within a couple of minutes was pretty cheap imo. And he wasn't actually undead in the remake, the synopsis explains that a "young" Jason witnessed his mothers beheading by the last surviving camp councilor. Although i don't know how that works since the entire reason for his Mothers vengeance was because he'd drowned, i mean i can sort of understand that from his point of view his Mother was murdered in cold blood but it still seems silly considering it's a supposed re-imagining of the first four movies and that's the best they could come up with. They apparently wanted to create a version of Jason who you could sympathize with, but i didn't get that sense at all. And worse still, it was an r rating yet lacked any real gore or violence, which is what the Nmos remake had at least so i'll give it that. I think it's when you go mainstream with horror, is when the censor boards tend to really piss all over it.
I really have a serious love/hate relationship with modern horror movies from big studios. I've found that indie horrors and original shorts #CryptTV4TheWin are the best.
When I heard that theme I thought of Freddy trying to teach his little brother Teddy how to be scary but he ends up failing. One day he will be good at it.
The whole "did you even find the cave?" moment seems to be implying that maybe Freddy was innocent of the original crime, which also provides some context for the earlier scene where the still-alive Freddy seemed so panicked and confused when the angry mob comes to kill him. So kind of a shame the idea immediately gets thrown out the window when they find the room the next scene. It's not even long enough for it to serve as a proper misdirection. Almost makes me wonder if they were originally going with the idea and the script got partially rewritten at some point.
Maybe for fear of the possibly outrage due to portraying the idea of child molestation being "kids lying" or "kids misremembering or making out things"... if there was another character being the REAL molester, could maybe work.
julioagua they could’ve made the principal the molestor. As for why Teddy didn’t dispose of the Principal we could say even Teddy didn’t know who the guilty party was
@@julioagua I hoped that the movie would go for the innocent and wrongfully murdered Freddy, it would have been great. And especially if the real molester was part of the mob. Jagten with Mads Mikkelsen did something like that without the supernatural or personal revenge story two years later.
8:46 It's like he's an angry dad screaming at his kid, rather than a psychopathic killer about to kill someone. "A-ANSWER ME! IF I SEE YOU THINKING YOU CAN TURN BACK TIME, YOU'RE GROUNDED!!"
+Wrath's Attack Take MAME and Terrordrome (look at youtube),it's a 2D fighting game with all classics characters,Freddy,Jason,Ash,Chucky,leatherface....
I'm surprised you didn't bring up the glove. In this version it's nonsense. Teddy wasn't a killer so there's no reason for the glove to have ever existed, let alone it being such an integral part of him that he's wearing it after death. I don't think it's even established in any way other than seeing scratches on one of the kid's backs. So with the glove ruined and the motive ruined...I'd say Jackie Earl Haley was given an impossible task here.
The scene where Freddy kills that guy in the prison always annoyed me due to the fact that he shoved his hand through his body and when he dropped it showed nothing on his back
***** Yeah, it was typical of his luck in these things. Still, he did better than that artifact hunter guy they introduced later. As far as I can tell he just disappears into thin air and no one even talks about him anymore. :)
The big problem with the re-make of ANOES is that they vacuumed out all of the tension drama and suspense out of the story and followed the standard bullshit way that modern horror films treat the viewer as if they're stupid and spell everything out by including all sorts of extra shit about sleep science that didn't need to be there and telegraphing every single fucking scare. The whole child molester angle worked in the first one because they never outright stated it instead choosing to subtly suggest that there was something exceptionally deviant to what he did. At least they didn't try to jam stuff in from pt's 3/4/5 because that would have made the movie even more nonsensical.
With Freddy...I mean "Teddy" being a Gardner,I think that was a small nod to THE SIMPSONS TREEHOUSE OF HORRORS parody of him when Grounds Keeper Willy was Fred...I mean "Teddy"?
Teddy brother of the Freddy is like the Ghastly Grinner from "Are You Afraid of the Dark" trying hard to be just like his older creepier brother, the Joker.
In Social network, she at least tried to emote a little bit. Haven't seen the girl with the dragon tattoo remakes, but if her performance in this film was this uninspired and decidedly bland, then I'll pass 😕
What frustrates me more about Rooney Mara being the lead role of Nancy is that A) she comes from a very, very wealthy family. I have not seen her perform well enough in anything to make me believe her career wasn't bought for her. Her sister Kate is a much better actress. B) Rooney Mara said in an interview that immediately after the audition, she regretted auditioning because she knew she got the part and she didn't actually want it. Then why not step down and let another actress who might actually try / not suck at acting take the role? A better actor as the lead wouldn't have saved the movie by any means but it would have improved it to at least some degree
@@spatchmo6938 I don't mind if an actress came from a wealthy family as long as she can act which Rooney can act but I didn't like her in this movie...or any other movie she's in for some reason but she can act it's just that the movie is predictable and (in my own bias) wanted Kris(Katie Cassidy, another actress that came from a famous father but to be fair she was raised by her step-dad who is a doctor) to be the lead mai character because she was in Supernatural but I knew her Character would die because her name ain't Nancy.
13:49 She's not sleepwalking here, she's micro-napping. One of the ideas from the remake I actually thought was kinda cool. The sad part is...the only reason I know it's micro-napping is from a Fangoria article because the movie does such a piss-poor job of explaining it.
Micro-napping happens when you're awake multiple days. Your brain starts dozing off for a couple seconds at a time because it needs sleep. I've had it happen to me and it's usually so quick you don't notice other than a sudden jolt like you've just woken up, even though you're unaware you ever fell asleep.
There was definitely no need for the remake when the original still stands up well today. I really hope the fact this flopped spectacularly means they'll leave Freddy alone from now on.
I REALLY REALLY REALLY HATED Freddy's new face.... it looked like someone melted candle wax and CHEESE all over it! The old Freddy not only LOOKED scary, but also had a sense of a ZOMBIE DEAD look to his face! Here.... -_- I just don't really get into it. NOW YOU'RE PLAY'N WITH POWER! XD
I HATE CGI! Well, there ARE exceptions, like Shrek and the Pixar movies. Other than that, I miss the creativity people had to use in order to make a good horror film or just a good movie in general. One movie that comes to mind with AWESOME FREAKING CREATIVE AFFECTS, is The Thing (remake in 80's). ^_^
I would say Rorschach saw Nightmare on Elm Street and lost his mind while being in a cosplay dress he bought before because...He took watching movies a bit seriously.
It baffles me how thru the years the general consensus on this movie is that "if Freddy was innocent it would be better". Trying to make Freddy sympathetic in any way is missing the point, what made the original stand out in the sea of generic slashers is that he's a joyful and sadistic killer that gladly toys with his victims fears and sense of reality, trying to put him into the "righteous vengeful victim" role (an idea that was done to death anyway) is like a square peg in a round hole, he would be essentially another character and not Freddy Krueger, just like Rob Zombie's Halloween.
Kris is Tina, but named after Kristen from Dream Warriors. Jesse is Rod, but named after Jesse from Freddy's Revenge. Idk if any said this already, but...oh well.
Thank you so much for making this video. I watched all of the original ANoES movies (even New Nightmare), and was thinking of watching this. Since I'm a huge fan of the originals, I was typically very skeptical about the remake. My suspicions were confirmed. You saved my life from more cringe than it needs.
The lack of effort from behind the scenes just gets really blatant the more you watch this, it's such an ugly contrast to the original, this is EASILY my most despised horror classic remake, ugh x infinity
I think this is one of Phelous's best reviews. Gets a laugh from me anytime! The only thing I can think of as far as the name change is that 'Chris' has become more popular than 'Tina' as a nickname for 'Christina'. Maybe that's it? Still doesn't explain Nancy going from Thompson to Hallbrook (Halbrook?) though :p I guess the writer was bored...
The remake stated that they didn't "repress" the memories by themselves but because the parents made them undergo some hypno-theraphy or something like that...
That remake of the final scene... jesus christ, they are trying way too hard to one up the original in every way! This remake was so unnecessary and just ugh. I don't get how come it seems to be so difficult for Hollywood to produce anything clever, awesome and original anymore. It feels like big movies are all about explosions and jumpscares and everything is so loud and in your face all the time. Movies rarely do subtle or quiet moments which has the side effect of leaving the characters shallow and one dimensional and the writing is all over the place. On top of that everything is done with too much cgi and practical effects are seldom utilized even though combo of practical and cgi is way better than either alone.
+Just Another Guy Just be thankful they didn't try to take any cues from pts 3/4/5 and try to kill freddy by suddenly introducing Amanda Kruger and having her kill him by exposing him to ecstatic grace while his bones are burred in consecrated ground and the souls of his victims tear him apart.
+Just Another Guy honestly, with the jokes Phelous had made, it would've been an interesting parody. At least it would've worked better than what SELTZERBERG spews out.
i love Jackie Earl Haley as Freddy Krueger. Sure, he's not as good as Englund but he does give a fine, creepy performance and i find him menacing.,Even Englund himself said "the torch has been well passed". The worst thing about him is that he looks AWFUL!!!!
óli austfjörð His voice and acting were awesome! The rest was, and I know I'm repeating myself to the point that I look totally senile, but it was just so disappointing! At the time I was a massive NoES fan and sadly this film killed my enjoyment for this franchise. Early makes a good Freddy and nothing was his fault but last time I checked Krueger was also a jokester: he felt menacing but at the same time he loved terrorizing his victims and his expressions of joy were iconic! I know that towards the end of the series it felt more like a self parody and Freddy's character was flanderized but still... Freddy cracks jokes! Just not all the time like in the sixth movies (God this flick was dumb!) 😁
no, he really doesn't. most people fan girl over him and shit and I'm here like "he's so boring" and when he shouts it sounds like the "where is she" line in the dark knight.
Even though I've seen this review a few years before I played the game, I can't unhear Ruvik's voice coming out of Freddy. Wanna bet that Ruvik's backstory and association with dreams and the mind were intentional?
I could see a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street taken in a different direction working. What if they played on the fact that everyone has seen the original, so they make it appear as if Freddy is the one doing the kills, but it's left vague if Freddy's actually doing it? Like with Tina's death, we only see it from her dream's perspective, where she dreams someone stabbing her repeatedly. Her boyfriend is arrested for her death because he was sleeping with her when she died. In the case of why Tina didn't wake up, it could be established that she takes a powerful sleeping aid, which would also help build tension, since anyone who watched the original know that the teens die in their sleep. It's revealed that Tina's boyfriend received a text that Tina had been cheating on him right before Tina's time of death, implying that he killed her out of anger at finding that out. After this news comes out, he's found dead in his cell, hanged. It isn't until Nancy learns about Freddy and tells her friends about it that the killer in their dreams start to actually look like Freddy, and it could even be kind of interesting if as they learn more about him, he becomes more detailed. So for the sake of this, Nancy would have to learn about Freddy earlier, but if this hypothetical movie takes place in our modern day, a quick google search would do it. At this point, Nancy's friends do start to die in their dreams, but it'd be chalked up to stress and fear. Nightmare on Elm Street was based on a real life case where people died in their sleep. Nancy fights and seemingly beats Freddy in her dream, but it's a hollow victory when she learns the next morning that her boyfriend died. And after that happens, Nancy starts having nightmares about Freddy again.
Now it was established that Freddy can appear to someone in the waking world drifting in and out of conciousness Problem: In the Dead By Daylight Crossover Game a decade later.....
Actresses like the one who played Nancy need some very strict yet empowering director to really make them grow and improve. Unfortunately directors and producers are more willing to "give a shot" to someone who already shows potential, thus with most low tier horror movie actresses it creates a wicked circle and they rarely are given a chance and ordered to act better.
Apparently, the actress who played as Nancy in the remake hated acting in it, which probably explains her acting. Reminds me of Paul Rudd's emotionless acting in Halloween 6, and how Phelous pointed out that since then, Paul Rudd said the movie was crap.
You know, it's pretty sad that Groundskeeper Willie had better lines and dialogue in the Treehouse of horror segment that parodied Nightmare on Elm Street than the Freddie in the "official" remake of the original film.
That sketch was hilarious, especially the ending.
"Morire: to die. Morit: he, she, or it dies."
"Moris: *you die.* "
"Hahaha! You've mastered a dead tongue, but *can you handle a live one?* "
R.I.P. Wes Craven director of the Original Nightmare on Elm Street!
I heard that he hated the remake.
Oh my god seeing those 25-years old in a high school classroom is so jarring. The original cast at least looked like a plausible group of high schoolers
now I have "Teddy. Teddy. Brother of the Freddy." stuck in my head. Thanks
It's catchy, don't mock it
Ricki-Lynn Coulter Me too, IT'S AWESOME!!!😂😂😂
He stole it from NC "Melvin, Melvin, Brother of the Joker
And then there's "Feddy, Feddy, Brother of the Teddy!" to add to that.
I'll give credit for that for the "I was just petting him" line, that seemed very Freddy like.
The "guess who's coming for you" got a laugh out of me too.
Jackie Earl Hailey had good moments as Freddy, who's _not_ an easy character in the slasher genre.
The only one line I like from *this* Freddy was his knowledge of brain activity after death.
"Did you know... that once the heart's stopped beating, the brain can keep functioning for over 7 minutes? 😈 We've got 6 more minutes to play!"
@@sebastianemond5313 really? I seen a video of guy cutting out the heart of a dude while still alive and he seemed to die really fast.
@@sebastianemond5313 That one got me too
The new makeup design for Freddy's face does nothing for me. I know it is intended to be more realistic and it succeeds at that. The problem is, that kind of serious burn scars do not make a person look scary, but pitiable.
Crowley9 disagree, it looks freaky to me.
Makes him look like an alien
Music to eat Froot to Do you this version of Freddy Krueger is better than the original version?
+Jo Te I think they mean in the pathetic sense, not genuine pity or sympathy for Freddy.
I was literally thinking the same thing.
I admire the bold choice of the remake's lead actress to say all her lines while keeping her top and bottom lips as close together as possible for maximum mumbling. Seriously, give it a shot. It's exactly what she does.
The Simpsons Nightmare Treehouse episode of Nightmare on Elm Street was closer to a good remake then this.
+Realafah isn't it kind of interesting how The Simpsons version of Freddy and the remake version were both gardeners.
I think this movie used that Simpsons episode as inspiration or vice-versa.
+Realafah Hey, sometimes you never know where inspiration will be found.
Glad to "rake" your acquaintance.
You know a movie's bad when it steals the 'how's this for a wet dream?' joke from the *fourth* Nightmare movie...
I like the 4th one, too! It's actually my favourite of the sequels aside from New Nightmare. The concept is awesome, and Alice is kickass. I just think it was funny that out of all the Freddy one-liners they could've ripped off, they used that one.
The theme song! YESS! I love the fact that the singer (Tuesday Knight) finally released that as a single last year.
I never actually thought of the humour like that before. I think that's the case more early on, rather than in for example Freddy's Dead where he transports the kid into a video game and says "HEYYY YOU FORGOT THE POWER GLOVE!". It started off kinda creepy, but then just became a joke by the time New Nightmare happened.
@@jessica23claire Let me make it even worse. In that movie it actually WAS a wet dream until Freddy corrupted it. So not only did they steal a joke; but they sawed off any setup that would have made it even remotely funny or Fred-like.
@@princesssookeh omg noooooooo! I hate ittttt! Btw please tell me your name is a reference to True Blood
The remake /might/ have worked better if Freddy wasn't so damn serious the entire time; I get that they were going for 1984-Nightmare-esque Freddy, but even then the character had a certain joy in him. The original Freddy cackled when his victims were afraid, he grinned when he got the chance to chase them/show that their efforts to hurt him were futile by hurting himself. It was a big game to him then, and his enjoyment of the "game" showed how he was completely unable to be reasoned with. The remake Freddy was far more bitter, angry, and serious, and didn't show much enjoyment for what he was doing at all.
perhaps if the movie had gone with the 'he was innocent' plotpoint they seemed to be going for initially, the angry bitter Freddy could've worked a little better too.
Exactly. The more Serious Freddy still loved the shit out of what he did despite it not being very pleasant. This joyful relishing of the victims' misery would be emphasized in the sequels Freddy's Revenge and Dream Warriors, where by the time he successfully possess Jesse in the former, he's delivering witty snarks, causing mayhem, and basically being enjoying his reign of terror in the real world.
Freddy Krueger is the kind of man who knows he's the best at being a serial killer, and enjoys his work and his reputation. Remake Freddy is just bitter and emo.
This movie needed more Clancy Brown. He has the power to make even a mediocre movie seem pretty good.
Also a great Lex Luthor
The man even managed to make a god damn David Cage game seem interesting
@@KeyBladeMaster-Dan Despite David Cage actively trying to ruin both his and Bryan's performances.
I know right
If only because I can't watch his scenes and not see Mr. Krabs instead.
The whole point of Freddy's makeup is that he died mid-burn. He never healed at all. So, when the special effects guy bases the makeup off real burn victims, it kinda misses the entire point and honestly makes it seem like you're calling real injuries monstrous.
That's what I thought.
Good point!
They are
I don’t particularly think even burn victims think their burns aren’t monstrous
This movie could have worked if Freddy was innocent but after being killed he came back and killed the parents who wrongfully accused him.
+slayertakim1 Exactly! Hell, after that line about "did you ever find the cave?", you'd almost think that was _exactly what they were going for_, right?!
well he killed the children instead of the parents because it would hurt the parents more then actually killing them.
That would make more sense. I would explain the screaming, and then also encompass the whole going after the kids thing....kind of like that short "There's a Man in the Woods"
That's exactly what I thought they were going for, yeah.
I think that idea was already used by someone that's why they ddint use it here
Kudos to the special effects people for making Freddy look more like a real burn victim, but there's just no replacing Robert Englund in the role.
That's because this wasn't Freddy. He was TEDDY! TEDDY! BROTHER OF THE FREDDY!!!
Two things:
"Why are you screamin'? I ain't even cut ya yet." is a really good line.
And I think this movie would have been stronger if it turned out that Teddy was innocent.
I agree on both accounts
And the one he showed his backstory to was the one who got the others to agree to lie
It would've made more sense. As it is Teddy has no plausible "revenge" scenario. It still wouldn't explain the glove though. Teddy wasn't a killer so there's no reason for it to exist.
@@zmbdog mistaken identity.
The glove belonged to a different killer and when he ran to the building, he found it and the parents thought he was the killer as well
@@juanitabrown8931 He had it before that, he scratched Nancy on the back with it.
The only good thing about this movie is that it's a reason to add Freddy Krueger to Mortal Kombat's roster.
Also made getting Freddy claws for Halloween a lot easier because the old ones were more expensive.
I actually got 2, one plastic and one made with real metal.
Now I can kill ninjas while screaming "YOU FORGOT THE POWER GLOVE!!!"
The only reason I liked that is I get to kick my least favorite slasher character's ass all across the realms as Scorpion
This is why I prefer the 2009 remake of Friday the 13th over the 2010 remake of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" Because it actually felt like it was trying to be its' own thing without having to draw comparisons to the original movies. Plus, ot was quite refreshing to see a totally different version of Jason Vorhees where he was already back from the dead and actually witnessed his mother being killed. Where as this remake was just trying to make a mockery of the original Nightmare on Elm Street movies.
I dunno, 09 Jason felt like it could've been another sequel in the original series if they hadn't called it a reboot to begin with.
The way they summarized the original first film within a couple of minutes was pretty cheap imo. And he wasn't actually undead in the remake, the synopsis explains that a "young" Jason witnessed his mothers beheading by the last surviving camp councilor. Although i don't know how that works since the entire reason for his Mothers vengeance was because he'd drowned, i mean i can sort of understand that from his point of view his Mother was murdered in cold blood but it still seems silly considering it's a supposed re-imagining of the first four movies and that's the best they could come up with. They apparently wanted to create a version of Jason who you could sympathize with, but i didn't get that sense at all. And worse still, it was an r rating yet lacked any real gore or violence, which is what the Nmos remake had at least so i'll give it that. I think it's when you go mainstream with horror, is when the censor boards tend to really piss all over it.
@@Lava91point0 It's rated R because of a few......boobs
Esther Keeler Yeah because people are pussies
I really have a serious love/hate relationship with modern horror movies from big studios. I've found that indie horrors and original shorts #CryptTV4TheWin are the best.
"Teddy, Teddy, brother of the Freddy"
He made it a lot more funny than meven brother of the joker i gees it was a jab at Doug Walker since him and phelous don't get a long
The movie? Not scary at all. The Phelous in the mirror? Scared the piss outta me.
Subtlety is the best way to scare people.
@@dragonempress8367 yeah he knows how to scare people 😅
When I heard that theme I thought of Freddy trying to teach his little brother Teddy how to be scary but he ends up failing. One day he will be good at it.
The whole "did you even find the cave?" moment seems to be implying that maybe Freddy was innocent of the original crime, which also provides some context for the earlier scene where the still-alive Freddy seemed so panicked and confused when the angry mob comes to kill him.
So kind of a shame the idea immediately gets thrown out the window when they find the room the next scene. It's not even long enough for it to serve as a proper misdirection. Almost makes me wonder if they were originally going with the idea and the script got partially rewritten at some point.
Maybe for fear of the possibly outrage due to portraying the idea of child molestation being "kids lying" or "kids misremembering or making out things"... if there was another character being the REAL molester, could maybe work.
julioagua they could’ve made the principal the molestor. As for why Teddy didn’t dispose of the Principal we could say even Teddy didn’t know who the guilty party was
@@julioagua I hoped that the movie would go for the innocent and wrongfully murdered Freddy, it would have been great. And especially if the real molester was part of the mob. Jagten with Mads Mikkelsen did something like that without the supernatural or personal revenge story two years later.
@@skibot9974 Freddy could have killed the kids and the mob one by one to frighten the molester and then deliver him/her a gruesome revenge.
Did anyone notice the Phelous in the mirror at 4:26? I just saw it when rewatching this and it gave me a bit of a surprise haha!
8:46 It's like he's an angry dad screaming at his kid, rather than a psychopathic killer about to kill someone.
"Whoops, sorry. I just find a funeral so boring." XD
I actually like the way he says "Your girlfriend's here. I'll be right back."
And this is the Freddy they use in Mortal Kombat 9.
Wrath's Attack Honestly it bugs me he didn't return for MK X.
Wrath's Attack I just wanted to see Freddy in MK X, that's all.
Wrath's Attack Remake, original, I don't care, I just want to see Freddy fight Jason in video game form. It's a very simple request I'm asking XP
+Wrath's Attack Take MAME and Terrordrome (look at youtube),it's a 2D fighting game with all classics characters,Freddy,Jason,Ash,Chucky,leatherface....
+Gat the Man Hopefully they use good Freddy in MKX, because they used FVJ Jason and Ghost from P2. I know it isn't confirmed but HOPEFULLY!!!
I'm surprised you didn't bring up the glove. In this version it's nonsense. Teddy wasn't a killer so there's no reason for the glove to have ever existed, let alone it being such an integral part of him that he's wearing it after death. I don't think it's even established in any way other than seeing scratches on one of the kid's backs. So with the glove ruined and the motive ruined...I'd say Jackie Earl Haley was given an impossible task here.
A friend of mine recommended me to check out this video, so I did and subscribed.
4:25 What's with the creepy mirror reflection?
+Connor Wood I noticed that too What the?
+Connor Wood WHAT THE HECK?
+Connor Wood
According to Jacob's Ladder Phelous's death catching up to him.
I noticed that to. Kinda creepy. Maybe it ghost! No but, seriously nightmare fuel.
I don’t see anything but Freddy when I tap that time code
Groundskeeper Willie was as scarier Freddy Krueger than Teddy here.
The scene where Freddy kills that guy in the prison always annoyed me due to the fact that he shoved his hand through his body and when he dropped it showed nothing on his back
I guess Teddy's arm just materialized in his guts and tore out of his chest like a Chestburster.
Dreigonix Nah, probably a continuity error...
At least the follow up scene where the cell mate claims he didn’t do it is hilarious.
Damn it Clancy brown this the second phelous review I've seen you in
Great actor, quite an unusual resume.
What a waste of Clancy Brown.
***** Yeah, he was in the "Sleepy Hollow" TV series and they killed him off before the end of the first episode. Horror is not for him.
***** Yeah, it was typical of his luck in these things. Still, he did better than that artifact hunter guy they introduced later.
As far as I can tell he just disappears into thin air and no one even talks about him anymore. :)
+Niall Hagan He's better as a voice actor if you ask me. I mean much like how Johnathon Frakes is David Xanatos, Clancy Brown IS Lex Luthor.
Webshooters1 He IS good as Lex but he's also done well with some of his live action roles too.
the part where phelous was in the wall looked more real than the actual CGI
I love Jackie Earl Haley. I love the original Nightmare film. This movie was one of the most disappointing things that ever happened to me.
Yeah, what was with the weird "sexy" pedo scenes? Wrong kind of creepy right there.
And all I could hear was Rorschach lol!!!
Putrid Bile Agreed! I wanted to love this movie so much!
The big problem with the re-make of ANOES is that they vacuumed out all of the tension drama and suspense out of the story and followed the standard bullshit way that modern horror films treat the viewer as if they're stupid and spell everything out by including all sorts of extra shit about sleep science that didn't need to be there and telegraphing every single fucking scare.
The whole child molester angle worked in the first one because they never outright stated it instead choosing to subtly suggest that there was something exceptionally deviant to what he did.
At least they didn't try to jam stuff in from pt's 3/4/5 because that would have made the movie even more nonsensical.
With Freddy...I mean "Teddy" being a Gardner,I think that was a small nod to THE SIMPSONS TREEHOUSE OF HORRORS parody of him when Grounds Keeper Willy was Fred...I mean "Teddy"?
The "wet dream" was used in NOES 4 and done MUCH BETTER.
yes it was.
Totally agree. Renny Harlin actually did a good job with that one.
Teddy brother of the Freddy is like the Ghastly Grinner from "Are You Afraid of the Dark" trying hard to be just like his older creepier brother, the Joker.
Apparently Rooney Mara hated working on this film so much that it almost made her quit acting. Seriously.
shame she didn't quit
In Social network, she at least tried to emote a little bit. Haven't seen the girl with the dragon tattoo remakes, but if her performance in this film was this uninspired and decidedly bland, then I'll pass 😕
What frustrates me more about Rooney Mara being the lead role of Nancy is that A) she comes from a very, very wealthy family. I have not seen her perform well enough in anything to make me believe her career wasn't bought for her. Her sister Kate is a much better actress. B) Rooney Mara said in an interview that immediately after the audition, she regretted auditioning because she knew she got the part and she didn't actually want it. Then why not step down and let another actress who might actually try / not suck at acting take the role? A better actor as the lead wouldn't have saved the movie by any means but it would have improved it to at least some degree
@@spatchmo6938 I don't mind if an actress came from a wealthy family as long as she can act which Rooney can act but I didn't like her in this movie...or any other movie she's in for some reason but she can act it's just that the movie is predictable and (in my own bias) wanted Kris(Katie Cassidy, another actress that came from a famous father but to be fair she was raised by her step-dad who is a doctor) to be the lead mai character because she was in Supernatural but I knew her Character would die because her name ain't Nancy.
She barely acted in this film.
She just hit marks and read lines
13:49 She's not sleepwalking here, she's micro-napping. One of the ideas from the remake I actually thought was kinda cool. The sad part is...the only reason I know it's micro-napping is from a Fangoria article because the movie does such a piss-poor job of explaining it.
Micro-napping happens when you're awake multiple days. Your brain starts dozing off for a couple seconds at a time because it needs sleep. I've had it happen to me and it's usually so quick you don't notice other than a sudden jolt like you've just woken up, even though you're unaware you ever fell asleep.
Your moments with Lupa are just both funny and adorable. :D
Also, Phelous spotted at 4:26 at the mirror. xD
Gosh thanks for pointing that out🤣
The return of the high ghost!
Seriously I love that ghost he always looks like he's having a good time
Freddy looks a lot like a well done Tom Waits in this one
There was definitely no need for the remake when the original still stands up well today. I really hope the fact this flopped spectacularly means they'll leave Freddy alone from now on.
I REALLY REALLY REALLY HATED Freddy's new face.... it looked like someone melted candle wax and CHEESE all over it! The old Freddy not only LOOKED scary, but also had a sense of a ZOMBIE DEAD look to his face! Here.... -_- I just don't really get into it. NOW YOU'RE PLAY'N WITH POWER! XD
I HATE CGI! Well, there ARE exceptions, like Shrek and the Pixar movies. Other than that, I miss the creativity people had to use in order to make a good horror film or just a good movie in general. One movie that comes to mind with AWESOME FREAKING CREATIVE AFFECTS, is The Thing (remake in 80's). ^_^
What a Lame Freddy. That face is so plain looking and intimidating along with the voice and personalty
I don't watch horror movies but even I know that Elm's Street was a well made film. My ideal is if something isn't broken, don't fix it!
I just want to re-dub Spongebob clips with Clancy Brown's quotes from this film. XD
do you think they decided Freddy Krueger was the groundskeeper at their school as an homage to Groundskeeper Willie in that one Treehouse for Horror?
I would say Rorschach saw Nightmare on Elm Street and lost his mind while being in a cosplay dress he bought before because...He took watching movies a bit seriously.
4:27 Phelous is stalking Phelous
Brother of the Freddy!
Haha so GOOD!!! I actually had one of those plastic Freddy gloves she had. AWESOME Review! You guys did Such a GREAT JOB!
It baffles me how thru the years the general consensus on this movie is that "if Freddy was innocent it would be better".
Trying to make Freddy sympathetic in any way is missing the point, what made the original stand out in the sea of generic slashers is that he's a joyful and sadistic killer that gladly toys with his victims fears and sense of reality, trying to put him into the "righteous vengeful victim" role (an idea that was done to death anyway) is like a square peg in a round hole, he would be essentially another character and not Freddy Krueger, just like Rob Zombie's Halloween.
Finally found Phelous! Missed this guy since he left Channel Awesome.
4:26 AWESOME How you edited your face in the mirror too! Great Work!!!
The actor who plays Freddy here actually auditioned for Freddy in the original Nightmare On Elm Street.
11:27 - 11:29 yeah he was teaching them garding he was teaching them how to get plowed! hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahah
Waaaait is that dad Clancy Brown? Can't believe they dragged him into this...
Swift Nimblefoot Mr Krabs needed the money dontcha know
"The money is always right!"
aw man, they dragged clancy brown into this didn't they? *ding*
Clancy: I'm getting paid for this right micheal bay and warner bros.
Micheal Bay and Warner Bros: not now while i'm counting me money
There can be only ONE Freddy Krueger, agh gah gah. He was also in Highlander.
I just saw this remake yesterday. I laughed uncontrollably all the way through.
Kris is Tina, but named after Kristen from Dream Warriors. Jesse is Rod, but named after Jesse from Freddy's Revenge. Idk if any said this already, but...oh well.
I thought Chris was just short for "Christina" (like how Tina is short for "Christina", derp)
Thank you so much for making this video.
I watched all of the original ANoES movies (even New Nightmare), and was thinking of watching this. Since I'm a huge fan of the originals, I was typically very skeptical about the remake. My suspicions were confirmed. You saved my life from more cringe than it needs.
This has become one of my favorite review videos
The lack of effort from behind the scenes just gets really blatant the more you watch this, it's such an ugly contrast to the original, this is EASILY my most despised horror classic remake, ugh x infinity
I think this is one of Phelous's best reviews. Gets a laugh from me anytime!
The only thing I can think of as far as the name change is that 'Chris' has become more popular than 'Tina' as a nickname for 'Christina'. Maybe that's it? Still doesn't explain Nancy going from Thompson to Hallbrook (Halbrook?) though :p I guess the writer was bored...
The remake stated that they didn't "repress" the memories by themselves but because the parents made them undergo some hypno-theraphy or something like that...
Dean, what do you think you’re doing? We’re supposed to be investing Freddy!
Robert Englund will always be the best Freddy Krueger
That remake of the final scene... jesus christ, they are trying way too hard to one up the original in every way! This remake was so unnecessary and just ugh. I don't get how come it seems to be so difficult for Hollywood to produce anything clever, awesome and original anymore. It feels like big movies are all about explosions and jumpscares and everything is so loud and in your face all the time. Movies rarely do subtle or quiet moments which has the side effect of leaving the characters shallow and one dimensional and the writing is all over the place. On top of that everything is done with too much cgi and practical effects are seldom utilized even though combo of practical and cgi is way better than either alone.
+Just Another Guy
Just be thankful they didn't try to take any cues from pts 3/4/5 and try to kill freddy by suddenly introducing Amanda Kruger and having her kill him by exposing him to ecstatic grace while his bones are burred in consecrated ground and the souls of his victims tear him apart.
+Just Another Guy honestly, with the jokes Phelous had made, it would've been an interesting parody. At least it would've worked better than what SELTZERBERG spews out.
Watch Children of the Corn remake. It's worth of watching.
i love Jackie Earl Haley as Freddy Krueger. Sure, he's not as good as Englund but he does give a fine, creepy performance and i find him menacing.,Even Englund himself said "the torch has been well passed". The worst thing about him is that he looks AWFUL!!!!
óli austfjörð His voice and acting were awesome! The rest was, and I know I'm repeating myself to the point that I look totally senile, but it was just so disappointing!
At the time I was a massive NoES fan and sadly this film killed my enjoyment for this franchise. Early makes a good Freddy and nothing was his fault but last time I checked Krueger was also a jokester: he felt menacing but at the same time he loved terrorizing his victims and his expressions of joy were iconic! I know that towards the end of the series it felt more like a self parody and Freddy's character was flanderized but still... Freddy cracks jokes!
Just not all the time like in the sixth movies (God this flick was dumb!) 😁
no, he really doesn't. most people fan girl over him and shit and I'm here like "he's so boring" and when he shouts it sounds like the "where is she" line in the dark knight.
@@Chamiliaticawful comment
If only Freddy actually had a brother.
Even though I've seen this review a few years before I played the game, I can't unhear Ruvik's voice coming out of Freddy. Wanna bet that Ruvik's backstory and association with dreams and the mind were intentional?
12:57 Now get out of me office, i'm counting money! ARGH-GUH-GUH-GUH-GUH-GUH!!!!!
I've never heard of a person who was mad about a child molester being burned to death.
Is it bad that I just now realized "Saluf" is Phelous backwards?
Yes. Yes it is.
"How's this for a wet dream" it's a callback to Nightmare on Elm steet 4, when Joey dies
9:04, 16:57 Hey! You forgot the Power Glove!
I appreciate the spooky Phelan in the mirror. Nice touch!
Michael Bay was one of the producers of this remake. Yes, THAT Michael Bay. That would explain a LOT…
I took a street sign nap once it's not very comfortable a comfy chair or bed nap is much better
At 16:29-"Geez, you're like an evil Jean Simmons...correction, you're like Jean Simmons!" If any of you get this joke, you have my respect
I could see a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street taken in a different direction working. What if they played on the fact that everyone has seen the original, so they make it appear as if Freddy is the one doing the kills, but it's left vague if Freddy's actually doing it?
Like with Tina's death, we only see it from her dream's perspective, where she dreams someone stabbing her repeatedly. Her boyfriend is arrested for her death because he was sleeping with her when she died. In the case of why Tina didn't wake up, it could be established that she takes a powerful sleeping aid, which would also help build tension, since anyone who watched the original know that the teens die in their sleep.
It's revealed that Tina's boyfriend received a text that Tina had been cheating on him right before Tina's time of death, implying that he killed her out of anger at finding that out. After this news comes out, he's found dead in his cell, hanged.
It isn't until Nancy learns about Freddy and tells her friends about it that the killer in their dreams start to actually look like Freddy, and it could even be kind of interesting if as they learn more about him, he becomes more detailed. So for the sake of this, Nancy would have to learn about Freddy earlier, but if this hypothetical movie takes place in our modern day, a quick google search would do it.
At this point, Nancy's friends do start to die in their dreams, but it'd be chalked up to stress and fear. Nightmare on Elm Street was based on a real life case where people died in their sleep. Nancy fights and seemingly beats Freddy in her dream, but it's a hollow victory when she learns the next morning that her boyfriend died. And after that happens, Nancy starts having nightmares about Freddy again.
You should review Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare too. "You forgot the Power Glove!!"
Oh my god Freddy was sooooooo high in that movie!
I'll get ya, my pretty, and your little soul TOO!!!
Wow. You're making Nightmare Feddy look intimidating.
I love phelan and allison cross overs.
This duo needs a come back
Now it was established that Freddy can appear to someone in the waking world drifting in and out of conciousness
Problem: In the Dead By Daylight Crossover Game a decade later.....
What's with the double Phelous at 4:27
That's just video lag. That mirror Phelous hasn't caught up in time with our real time Phelous that's talking :)
He puts that in almost all these reviews and sneaks it in
I love that he loves Supernatural!!!!
Freddy sounds likes he's coughing when he's laughing
Actresses like the one who played Nancy need some very strict yet empowering director to really make them grow and improve. Unfortunately directors and producers are more willing to "give a shot" to someone who already shows potential, thus with most low tier horror movie actresses it creates a wicked circle and they rarely are given a chance and ordered to act better.
"How's this for a wet dream?" Was a line from the 4th movie, shit they can't even stay consistent with which movie they're ripping off
Sara Katherine remaking.
HOw dare you kill the man who heartlessly molested my friends!
This movie brings to mind a VERY important question in film...Why remake something nearly perfect?
15:55... Interesting way to get around copyright nazis
Weirdly, the joke turns out better almost every time he does that.
Apparently, the actress who played as Nancy in the remake hated acting in it, which probably explains her acting. Reminds me of Paul Rudd's emotionless acting in Halloween 6, and how Phelous pointed out that since then, Paul Rudd said the movie was crap.
Dammit Rooney Mara, you're better than this!
So is Katie Cassidy. :-/
Rooney Mara really isn't better than that, she's overrated IMO. Katie Cassidy however is life itself and should be cherished forever.
In fact, she stated in an interview that after she starred in the movie it almost made her quit acting all together!
7 years later, i still laugh anytime Sam Winchester unexpectedly pops up with "Dean, what do you think you're doing?"
Phelous does a better Freddy voice than the remake actor!
This is my favorite video you did