Great video Mark. Love the analysis and you can tell you've kept up with all the background noise like twitlonger and rumors that can provide some insight, while still basing your analysis on what facts you have.
Probably as interesting of a power rankings video as anyone could ask for. Great to see you putting out a video of power rankings before the season because comparing after the split is over is fun. Keep it up and good luck on the analyst desk!
I dont think bjerg will ever leave tsm unless he gets alot of money from another team, he retires or he gets replaced(never think its gonna happen though)
If you're curious for the last years Power Ranking : 1º - C9 2º - TSM 3º - Dignitas 4º - CLG 5º - TL 6º - P1 7º - IMT 8º - Flyquest (was still c9c) 9º - Echo Fox 10º - EnVyUs Trade Dig with IMT and it seems quite ok
Actually, I think 100 thieves roster looks like a bunch of players that used to be good and now are just there for the paycheck. I would put them 9th in my power rankings.
Mark, a few years ago I hated you but over the years you've won my respect and admiration. But today, you went over the top and you can now consider me a fan. Using T1's stream as a placeholder is fantastic. LOL
LCS Looking great this year.Unlike EU there are so many teams that are close to each other,where in EU there are 3-4 powerhouses (Fnatic,H2K,Misfits and UOL).This will be a great year to watch.
I see CLG as a wild card, Many dont see a good shot caller in that team now that Aphro is gone but if they find one in bio or reignover or someone else steps up and takes on what aphro did then that could make them a top 2 team. And if BIo and Stixxay can work well together as they are both rookies who previous duo partners were big time veterans who guided them
Really interesting video Mark! In my opinion, as a Dutch Lol player, Febiven might struggle at first dealing with harsher critique, but will in the end show up as one of the top mid laners. Being Dutch you don't really grow up being told what not to do, so without some balance of power, egoes might go unchecked, but it is without a doubt he has talent. So hyped for NA LCS, EU LCS is kinda dead anyway lol
marz great video!! for real great video! if its of any help, you lost me at clutch gaming was a lil boring, but when 100thieves came it was cool again til the end
Pretty close to my Predictions 1. TSM 2. Liquid 3. CLG 4. C9 5. Echo Fox 6. 100 Thieves 7. Clutch 8. FlyQuest 9. Optic 10. Golden Guardians I think top 4 is hard to argue with. 5th, 6th 7th teams order is debatable in order. And 8th, 9th, 10th hard to argue they will be above bottom 3 but the order is debatable.
NA best team to rep it at worlds IMO would be TOP LANE - IMPACT/HAUNTZER MID LANE - BJERG SUPPORT - AMPHROMOO ADC - DOUBLELIFT/IMAQTPIE JUNGLE - REIGNOVER NA best shot to win worlds right thur lol If you could choose a best 5 to represent NA who would you pick similar to mine?
I wish there were some pics of people being referenced here n there throughout the talk. I don't even know what Omar God looks like. That aside, really good coverage and reasoning for your teir list.
Why is it that Golden Guardians don't start Xpecial instead of Matt? It just seems like Xpecial would be a lot better in this specific scenario. Matt never had to carry a lane before except when Piglet went mid and we all saw how that went.
Alex Manole I think that you have good points, but at the same time I think that a stronger point could be made that Xpecial is more vocal as a player than Matt and would have much better synergy with the young Contractz who, in my opinion, has a way higher ceiling than Matt. Also, I think if they are wanting to invest in young talent, they should be working on Deftly more than Matt because Matt has already proven that he can be a support that you can throw on a tank and be fine.
Feel like TSM in top 3 is the only guarantee for this season, the rest is like "well maybe they could be really good but maybe they'll flop" I think this power ranking is a really good evaluation of each team's skill floor which is usually the most accurate way to guess how the season will go :)
1) TSM: I'm a lot less hyped about this roster than a lot of people. G2 struggled a bit when they first got Zven/Mithy so I don't know if they're going to be strong straight out of the gate. And having replaced two fairly popular players in DL/BF, they're going to be expected to perform out of the gate. If they don't perform, they and TSM are going to get hard flamed. If they can recover from the flame, work out synergy, then they might have a chance to make a comeback and fight for 1st place in playoffs. If it was any other team than TSM I'd have a lot more faith in their ability to recover but playing for TSM and not performing is just an entirely different degree of pressure from fans. Plus, I don't know why and to be fair I don't really follow EULCS, but G2 has always had the image of the team that kind of slacks off in the regular season and pulls it together for playoffs. If Zven/Mithy show any of that at all, that's not going to sit well with Grindlord Bjergsen not to mention their fans. I think MikeYeung will at the very least be decent and a middle of the pack jungler who occasionally performs well (he's a rookie so I don't expect consistent highs from him). However, they did upgrade their coaching staff, which I think was the weakest part of their former roster. No shade to Parth, he did his best but its hard to be assertive and demand the respect required to lead a team when the owner of the org has 0 faith in your abilities as a coach and is constantly undermining you and inserting himself in rather than giving you an opportunity to do your job. Hopefully they got the new coach because Regi actual thinks he'll do well and will let the coach (yes I forgot his name) actually do his job. 2) TL: If Impact synergizes with the rest of the team well, I think they'll be fine. He's never been a super resource intensive top laner anyway and he's always been willing to sacrifice for the team so I see no reason why they wouldn't outside of personal differences. I am a little concerned about Olleh's support pool, but IMT might have just placed so much value on having him on play making supports to put him on the likes of Karma and stuff. The rest of the team has already proven to have some degree of success playing with each other so that should be fine. Honestly, as long as the coaching staff of this team is semi decent I think they'll perform 3) CLG: I just have no idea who on this team can shotcall/be a dominant voice. 4) C9: While they did downgrade the topside of the map, the bot/mid side is still the same so while I think they'll be worse than last year they won't do that poorly. I'd probably put them at third out of the gate but I just feel like whether or not they remain at third will more depend on if other other teams collapse/pull it together than on C9's improvements. 5-) Does anyone really care past top 4? I'm actually super not hyped about LCS this year. If LCK is any indication were going to have Fleet Footwork/Overheal/Targons farmfest bot lanes with a bunch of scaling shit in the other roles and end up with slow ass games with like 10 kills at 30 minutes. Sounds boring as shit
I think there's a misconception about the TSM roster change. People think Bio was kicked for communication, AND people are confused as to why TSM took Mikeyeung. #1 Regi said that it wasn't communication issues, it was that Sven and Bio had bad support-jungle synergy, while individually were very great players. They wanted mithy, took Zven with him, and now they HAD to kick Sven because of import spots. TSM didn't take Mikeyeung because they thought he was an upgrade, they took him because he was the best player available. What other NA jungler was available? The only option is Contractz, but we don't really know much about his situation and it seems(ed) like his current offer was just too much money to match. Edit: I bet you that TSM very highly considered taking Mithy keeping Sven and DL, so it would be Hauntzer Sven Bjerg DL Mithy as the roster, BUT who knows if Mithy said that he wants Zven with him or if Regi decided that this was not the roster he wanted.
You didnt watch EU regular split if you think POE was not a huge force to be reckoned with. He was one of the best if not the best mid, and the sole reason MSF even made it to playoffs.(and i dont like the guy as a player, but that is just not true)
I really don't see it happening. But i guess anything can happen. He wasn't by any means the best EU mid and he was on a better team. This is just put together with close to no thoughts and the midlaners overall in NA this year is better. And he is not among the best in NA. he has got more to prove. I'd say he might be top 5 mid at best, given i rank Optic gaming 10th. All opinions though.
I would swap EF and 100T, and maybe FlyQuest and GG as well. Fly is a roaming mid with nowhere to roam to. My most clear impression from the bottom 5 teams is that any one of them would've been dramatically improved with Froggen in their lineup, maybe even Clutch as well.
I'm surprised you didn't make the note that kayn actually coached rox tigers when they went to semi finals. I think kayn is going to be a huge positive for TL heading into NA regular season.
Only problem i see with him is communication issues, which is why i think he tended to "int" often. it can be solved. He can easily be a top 2 jungler in NA. He is worlds caliber when doing well, so yea i see people underrating him. C9 will do good and shine in playoffs and my guess is it's gonna be a C9 and TSM finals yet again ^^ haha.. maybe not but i see history eventually repeating itself in those regards. I'm not too sold on the TL hype and i rate C9 higher than TL
I really hope TSM doesn’t look past the NA splits and only focus on international. This season every team is stacked and it’s gonna be pretty difficult to secure a split
I need a new team to be a fan of. Was a fan of immortals since day 1 and now they are cut from the league. What Teams are you guys fans of and why? (plz no tsm)
i don't know about the order in those 3 last teams. Flyquest to me sounds like a clear last place and Optic have some potential and should place over golden guardians. I guess we will see soon enough. Will you and Scarra still stream after every lcs?
TL reminds me of the card game chicago, everytime they don't get anything good they just throw it into the scrap pile and get 5 new cards. Hopefully they'll get something good soon so they can get some points and have a chance on winning the game.
tbh even, as a c9 fan, i think c9's offseason moves were absolutely horrid and i completely agree with you Mark, even though inside I feel so triggered
Pat Zhang huh el contracto was good but i am sure and i really hope sven will do fine. Top lane want reaally really bad. Licorice is i remeber correclty got shit on by Lorlo. Yes you read right Lorlo, possibily the S7 worst top laner
Hey this is bit of an unrelated question, but I'd like to know if you would be open to doing more Overwatch content in the near future? I liked the video on the spectator issues earlier but not sure how into Overwatch esports you are.
I feel like Mark is underestimating Golden Guardians a lot. I feel like they should be seventh, moving everyone above them down one. The rest of the list is pretty solid, but as a biased C9 fan I feel they should be 3rd over CLG.
looking at TL roster for 2k18 I expect them to finish number 1. Doublelift is a fucking insane and he is being paired with Olleh who I think is one of if not thee best support in NA, on top of that you have a veteran jungler and RELIABLE solo laners who might not be a Huni or a Faker or Soren for that matter but they do what they are supposed to, and in this meta that is something to be heralded.
Optic should be higher up, i mean PoE, solo carried Misfits some game in EuLcs, there's no reason why he shouldnt be able to carry optic in a couple of games
MarkZ i love your content and how you present, but i would personally upgraded lights and cleaned your surrondings leaving only the laptop and monitor. I would also place the microphone closer and bring in a breathing filter for that nice clean sound. I know this is expensive but it would increase the quality of the already great content! No hate, all love.
What happened to GSW Rockets Cavs? I'm kinda glad they are not here, suspecting something got changed (I haven't been keeping up with NA LCS)... Would've kinda wrecked the LCS having a bunch of NBA teams in an esports competition?... Also, I hate it how the LCS is turning into a money-only team, so teams like Immortals aren't in the LCS because they aren't as wealthy, although their roster was one of the best.
The owners of those NBA teams do own three of the new lcs teams GSW owning golden guardians. I mix up the other but the cav and rockets own the 100T and clutch gaming.
and like every season , people expect c9 to be that bad and they end up being the best team NA(internationnal performances prove that ) .. CRY more at worlds #TSMFUNS
I've waited for you vid :D. Funny, my top 4 was TL then TSM, and c9 then CLG. TL other TSM : TL seems pretty stable, and i think all players are almost at a certain level here, whereas i can't trust Mike right now. I do think he's highly over rated, and a bad jgl can't be forgotten. C9 other CLG : C9's possible problem is top. Put him on maokai, it's done. I think sven can fit perfectly if he has someone that communicates as a sup. Their bot trio is just insane, and unmatched by teams but tsm/tl. CLG tho could have a huge communication issue, i don't see their bot trio as strong as c9's
0:40 TSM
2:35 TL
4:45 CLG
6:47 C9
9:52 Clutch Gaming
12:15 100 Thieves
14:25 Echo Fox
16:30 FlyQuest
18:26 Golden Guardians
20:22 OpTic Gaming
Ben Gentry ty
this man needs more upvotes
echo fox should be much highere and golden guardians the worst
lol putting Echo Fox so low. I ranked them nr 1. I'm literally god!!
Did no one notice he has a human geodude playing on the tv in the beginning?
You wanna explain that background footage?
SKT T1 Kappa
Are you trying to say that you use his stream as fapping material?
Tyler1 in the background lol
lol ya
Great video Mark. Love the analysis and you can tell you've kept up with all the background noise like twitlonger and rumors that can provide some insight, while still basing your analysis on what facts you have.
Probably as interesting of a power rankings video as anyone could ask for. Great to see you putting out a video of power rankings before the season because comparing after the split is over is fun. Keep it up and good luck on the analyst desk!
I love the breakdown. It’s like watching ESPN preview. I love details. Gets me hyped. Keep it up!!
I honestly support TSM for Bjerg. Wherever he goes I’ll go, no matter where the hype is around.
Archton i feel bad for him, hes always performing well, literally every game, but some players on his team fuck it up for him
FJG 93 yeah but he doesn’t show to complain about it and that’s what I love about his character.
I dont think bjerg will ever leave tsm unless he gets alot of money from another team, he retires or he gets replaced(never think its gonna happen though)
Looks like you’re a TL fan now buddy
You are by far my favourite/favorite league of legends content provider and one of the best if not the best at what you do
one mistake , huni is the best individual top laner in NA not hauntzer
One hour he said Kappa
Lol its fine I enjoy the NA LCS and OfflineTV content thanks Mark
If you're curious for the last years Power Ranking :
1º - C9
2º - TSM
3º - Dignitas
4º - CLG
5º - TL
6º - P1
7º - IMT
8º - Flyquest (was still c9c)
9º - Echo Fox
10º - EnVyUs
Trade Dig with IMT and it seems quite ok
Optic seems really low on this list... I don't think they'll be THAT bad
Someone has to be lowest..
Would've put them above GGs at least
Everyone but Poe was on the lowest teams last split, and not even the good ones on their teams.
Jonny Bamberg you're saying Poe isnt as good as some ppl think 😊?
S. S. A. Exactly
This next split is going to be really interesting with all the new teams and rosters
I'm all caught up and ready for lcs to start thanks mark.
Honestly 100 thieves roster looks nasty. I think if they click they could be top 3
just hope that meteos wouldn't int
Actually, I think 100 thieves roster looks like a bunch of players that used to be good and now are just there for the paycheck. I would put them 9th in my power rankings.
Very hit or miss type of team. Could be top 3, but also might not even make playoffs
Prob not top three but maybe top 4-6 if they play alright as there are other good teams (TSM, TL, C9, CLG)
I've waited so long for this
This did not age well
I've missed you
Senpai noticed you
Mark, a few years ago I hated you but over the years you've won my respect and admiration. But today, you went over the top and you can now consider me a fan. Using T1's stream as a placeholder is fantastic. LOL
Oh and your analysis is spot on too (imho).
If c9 would have signed huni
Only if contratz didn't leave...
CrassKewer if they would have signed rush...
If only it turns out they're fine
So I was almost right. My top 4 is in top 5. 100 thieves above TSM. Still proud of my rankings, GG.
100 thieves are my favorite team so far, Cody is such a good player
Glad to see CG is in the top half of the rankings. I agree with your rankings from top to bottom.
LCS Looking great this year.Unlike EU there are so many teams that are close to each other,where in EU there are 3-4 powerhouses (Fnatic,H2K,Misfits and UOL).This will be a great year to watch.
Adrian Dardoch huni lmao this will be aggressive
MISSED MY FAVOURITE cynical boi. good to have ya back
I see CLG as a wild card, Many dont see a good shot caller in that team now that Aphro is gone but if they find one in bio or reignover or someone else steps up and takes on what aphro did then that could make them a top 2 team. And if BIo and Stixxay can work well together as they are both rookies who previous duo partners were big time veterans who guided them
I think you may have over-estimated Cloud 9's bottom half of the map, but we'll see! Great video.
Really interesting video Mark! In my opinion, as a Dutch Lol player, Febiven might struggle at first dealing with harsher critique, but will in the end show up as one of the top mid laners. Being Dutch you don't really grow up being told what not to do, so without some balance of power, egoes might go unchecked, but it is without a doubt he has talent. So hyped for NA LCS, EU LCS is kinda dead anyway lol
The idea that Huni isnt going to make playoffs just seems absurd. And 100T is going to stomp Clutch.
In order of placement. Echo Fox, TSM, Team Liquid, C9.
echo fox can do well, but they have some crazy personalities etc. on their team, I like their talent, but i' not too sold
marz great video!! for real great video!
if its of any help, you lost me at clutch gaming was a lil boring, but when 100thieves came it was cool again til the end
Good shit Mark, love the content
Pretty close to my Predictions
1. TSM
2. Liquid
3. CLG
4. C9
5. Echo Fox
6. 100 Thieves
7. Clutch
8. FlyQuest
9. Optic
10. Golden Guardians
I think top 4 is hard to argue with. 5th, 6th 7th teams order is debatable in order. And 8th, 9th, 10th hard to argue they will be above bottom 3 but the order is debatable.
"There are more Shernfire things going on in the other teams" 14:19 Great Roast
NA best team to rep it at worlds IMO would be
NA best shot to win worlds right thur lol If you could choose a best 5 to represent NA who would you pick similar to mine?
Underestimating the HAI factor! A BIG MISTAKE
I wish there were some pics of people being referenced here n there throughout the talk.
I don't even know what Omar God looks like. That aside, really good coverage and reasoning for your teir list.
Great video, really enjoyed it!
Ayeeee he is back let's gooo
Love the vid and the content was on point, I was wondering doe, if you and ur housemates could upload more on offline TV.
Why is it that Golden Guardians don't start Xpecial instead of Matt? It just seems like Xpecial would be a lot better in this specific scenario. Matt never had to carry a lane before except when Piglet went mid and we all saw how that went.
Pro- Gall Xpecial is older, they want to train younger players like Matt.I believe if they will struggle they will start Xpecial.
Alex Manole I think that you have good points, but at the same time I think that a stronger point could be made that Xpecial is more vocal as a player than Matt and would have much better synergy with the young Contractz who, in my opinion, has a way higher ceiling than Matt. Also, I think if they are wanting to invest in young talent, they should be working on Deftly more than Matt because Matt has already proven that he can be a support that you can throw on a tank and be fine.
Feel like TSM in top 3 is the only guarantee for this season, the rest is like "well maybe they could be really good but maybe they'll flop" I think this power ranking is a really good evaluation of each team's skill floor which is usually the most accurate way to guess how the season will go :)
It's the battle of the EU mid laners this year!
Thumbs up for the Tyler1 footage. Good to see u back
1) TSM: I'm a lot less hyped about this roster than a lot of people. G2 struggled a bit when they first got Zven/Mithy so I don't know if they're going to be strong straight out of the gate. And having replaced two fairly popular players in DL/BF, they're going to be expected to perform out of the gate. If they don't perform, they and TSM are going to get hard flamed. If they can recover from the flame, work out synergy, then they might have a chance to make a comeback and fight for 1st place in playoffs. If it was any other team than TSM I'd have a lot more faith in their ability to recover but playing for TSM and not performing is just an entirely different degree of pressure from fans.
Plus, I don't know why and to be fair I don't really follow EULCS, but G2 has always had the image of the team that kind of slacks off in the regular season and pulls it together for playoffs. If Zven/Mithy show any of that at all, that's not going to sit well with Grindlord Bjergsen not to mention their fans.
I think MikeYeung will at the very least be decent and a middle of the pack jungler who occasionally performs well (he's a rookie so I don't expect consistent highs from him).
However, they did upgrade their coaching staff, which I think was the weakest part of their former roster. No shade to Parth, he did his best but its hard to be assertive and demand the respect required to lead a team when the owner of the org has 0 faith in your abilities as a coach and is constantly undermining you and inserting himself in rather than giving you an opportunity to do your job. Hopefully they got the new coach because Regi actual thinks he'll do well and will let the coach (yes I forgot his name) actually do his job.
2) TL: If Impact synergizes with the rest of the team well, I think they'll be fine. He's never been a super resource intensive top laner anyway and he's always been willing to sacrifice for the team so I see no reason why they wouldn't outside of personal differences. I am a little concerned about Olleh's support pool, but IMT might have just placed so much value on having him on play making supports to put him on the likes of Karma and stuff. The rest of the team has already proven to have some degree of success playing with each other so that should be fine. Honestly, as long as the coaching staff of this team is semi decent I think they'll perform
3) CLG: I just have no idea who on this team can shotcall/be a dominant voice.
4) C9: While they did downgrade the topside of the map, the bot/mid side is still the same so while I think they'll be worse than last year they won't do that poorly. I'd probably put them at third out of the gate but I just feel like whether or not they remain at third will more depend on if other other teams collapse/pull it together than on C9's improvements.
5-) Does anyone really care past top 4?
I'm actually super not hyped about LCS this year. If LCK is any indication were going to have Fleet Footwork/Overheal/Targons farmfest bot lanes with a bunch of scaling shit in the other roles and end up with slow ass games with like 10 kills at 30 minutes. Sounds boring as shit
I think there's a misconception about the TSM roster change. People think Bio was kicked for communication, AND people are confused as to why TSM took Mikeyeung. #1 Regi said that it wasn't communication issues, it was that Sven and Bio had bad support-jungle synergy, while individually were very great players. They wanted mithy, took Zven with him, and now they HAD to kick Sven because of import spots. TSM didn't take Mikeyeung because they thought he was an upgrade, they took him because he was the best player available. What other NA jungler was available? The only option is Contractz, but we don't really know much about his situation and it seems(ed) like his current offer was just too much money to match.
Edit: I bet you that TSM very highly considered taking Mithy keeping Sven and DL, so it would be Hauntzer Sven Bjerg DL Mithy as the roster, BUT who knows if Mithy said that he wants Zven with him or if Regi decided that this was not the roster he wanted.
I don't think it was bad getting zven though, he is really fucking good. and ofc the synergy in the bot would allready be there
You didnt watch EU regular split if you think POE was not a huge force to be reckoned with. He was one of the best if not the best mid, and the sole reason MSF even made it to playoffs.(and i dont like the guy as a player, but that is just not true)
he was/is a force to be reckoned with, but i don't see him being the top echelon of mids this season. specially not with this team
Then he should not be making this list, He will be at least top 4 by all accounts.
I really don't see it happening. But i guess anything can happen. He wasn't by any means the best EU mid and he was on a better team. This is just put together with close to no thoughts and the midlaners overall in NA this year is better. And he is not among the best in NA. he has got more to prove. I'd say he might be top 5 mid at best, given i rank Optic gaming 10th. All opinions though.
You are a bit delusional arent u :)
He was the second best mid behind perkz
The thumbnail rankings and also tyler1 in background? Good shit mark lmao
I love you mark
Psyrek I love your profile picture
Wendy thank you 😊
Loved your analysis
I would swap EF and 100T, and maybe FlyQuest and GG as well. Fly is a roaming mid with nowhere to roam to.
My most clear impression from the bottom 5 teams is that any one of them would've been dramatically improved with Froggen in their lineup, maybe even Clutch as well.
Can you do a NA CS 2018 Power Ranking? I think it would be interesting to see your thoughts on the academy teams.
I'm surprised you didn't make the note that kayn actually coached rox tigers when they went to semi finals. I think kayn is going to be a huge positive for TL heading into NA regular season.
I honestly think Sven is an upgrade from contractz.
Only problem i see with him is communication issues, which is why i think he tended to "int" often. it can be solved. He can easily be a top 2 jungler in NA. He is worlds caliber when doing well, so yea i see people underrating him. C9 will do good and shine in playoffs and my guess is it's gonna be a C9 and TSM finals yet again ^^ haha.. maybe not but i see history eventually repeating itself in those regards. I'm not too sold on the TL hype and i rate C9 higher than TL
I really hope TSM doesn’t look past the NA splits and only focus on international. This season every team is stacked and it’s gonna be pretty difficult to secure a split
I need a new team to be a fan of. Was a fan of immortals since day 1 and now they are cut from the league.
What Teams are you guys fans of and why? (plz no tsm)
Sam E join the Echo Fox fan base
I was thinking about it. I like rick fox and huni, but not to sure about the rest of the team...
Why no tsm? They've proven to be domestic gods. But outside of that, TL is the way to go. Huuuuuge potential this coming split
but no international experience
I'd reccomend tsm just for the hype they have this split
If mike yeung becomes a passive ward bot then the tsm rumors are true and that is tsm neuters their junglers.
FKKKK IM SO HYPE FOR THIS LCS, Also someone know why Froggen is not in Echo Fox? And what's he doing?
how you know that biofrost was kiccked out of tsm because of lack comunication?
i don't know about the order in those 3 last teams. Flyquest to me sounds like a clear last place and Optic have some potential and should place over golden guardians. I guess we will see soon enough. Will you and Scarra still stream after every lcs?
Last time I was this early Mark still had a chance at a music career
c9 will go to works again. Don't worry folks.
TL reminds me of the card game chicago, everytime they don't get anything good they just throw it into the scrap pile and get 5 new cards. Hopefully they'll get something good soon so they can get some points and have a chance on winning the game.
+TheeMarkZ What can you say about TSM recruiting Kadeem Alford the Greatest Player in LoL History ever?
tbh even, as a c9 fan, i think c9's offseason moves were absolutely horrid and i completely agree with you Mark, even though inside I feel so triggered
Pat Zhang huh el contracto was good but i am sure and i really hope sven will do fine. Top lane want reaally really bad. Licorice is i remeber correclty got shit on by Lorlo. Yes you read right Lorlo, possibily the S7 worst top laner
Soul Immoral um?...
M Inertia hehe xd expectations were low this time he stomped on lourlo. His smile at the end of day 2 made my day. C9 Top 3 for sure this split
Hey this is bit of an unrelated question, but I'd like to know if you would be open to doing more Overwatch content in the near future? I liked the video on the spectator issues earlier but not sure how into Overwatch esports you are.
I can't wait to see Fenix in LCS again
lol this was filmed like 3 hours ago
Mark can't wait to see you cast again :)
Please join the analysis desk again in 2018, it's always the best with you there :)
I think if meteos/ryu don't work out; if 100T can grab ablazeolive from tsm they would be pretty solid. Especially once ABO can get some experience.
I feel like Mark is underestimating Golden Guardians a lot. I feel like they should be seventh, moving everyone above them down one. The rest of the list is pretty solid, but as a biased C9 fan I feel they should be 3rd over CLG.
Clutch Gaming Roster's names can make the acronym "F.L.A.S.H" 100Thieves is "S.C.R.A.M"
looking at TL roster for 2k18 I expect them to finish number 1. Doublelift is a fucking insane and he is being paired with Olleh who I think is one of if not thee best support in NA, on top of that you have a veteran jungler and RELIABLE solo laners who might not be a Huni or a Faker or Soren for that matter but they do what they are supposed to, and in this meta that is something to be heralded.
Optic should be higher up, i mean PoE, solo carried Misfits some game in EuLcs, there's no reason why he shouldnt be able to carry optic in a couple of games
MarkZ i love your content and how you present, but i would personally upgraded lights and cleaned your surrondings leaving only the laptop and monitor.
I would also place the microphone closer and bring in a breathing filter for that nice clean sound. I know this is expensive but it would increase the quality of the already great content!
No hate, all love.
19:51 shoutout to the double tp
Havent heard of this "gsen" midlaner
Hey MarkZ are you by any chance coaching Delta Fox?
4:56 how do you know
I feel like this split is going to be the closest in a while... I don't see any particularly awful teams, only some sketchy ones
What happened to GSW Rockets Cavs? I'm kinda glad they are not here, suspecting something got changed (I haven't been keeping up with NA LCS)... Would've kinda wrecked the LCS having a bunch of NBA teams in an esports competition?... Also, I hate it how the LCS is turning into a money-only team, so teams like Immortals aren't in the LCS because they aren't as wealthy, although their roster was one of the best.
The owners of those NBA teams do own three of the new lcs teams GSW owning golden guardians. I mix up the other but the cav and rockets own the 100T and clutch gaming.
ah thanks, I think cavs is with 100T
Froggen isn't starting for Echo Fox anymore?
When he said Licorice struggle in the challenger series final but the second c9 game he was 7/0 lol
The stats are from Gamepedia, not esportswikis.
and like every season , people expect c9 to be that bad and they end up being the best team NA(internationnal performances prove that ) .. CRY more at worlds #TSMFUNS
You should have started with the 10 team, more suspense to see who is number 1. Personal opinion idk if I’m the majority
I've waited for you vid :D.
Funny, my top 4 was TL then TSM, and c9 then CLG.
TL other TSM : TL seems pretty stable, and i think all players are almost at a certain level here, whereas i can't trust Mike right now. I do think he's highly over rated, and a bad jgl can't be forgotten.
C9 other CLG : C9's possible problem is top. Put him on maokai, it's done. I think sven can fit perfectly if he has someone that communicates as a sup. Their bot trio is just insane, and unmatched by teams but tsm/tl. CLG tho could have a huge communication issue, i don't see their bot trio as strong as c9's
100T will smash mark my words.
This new Echo Fox reminds me of Azubu Blaze Roster, think they have potential
Optik will perform Better, i mean.... they got PoE. Also im asking myself, who in Eu was a better Mid ?? Perkz, Maybe Caps, and thats it....
Mid Knight umm febiven??
Jonathan Singh nah, i dont think Febiven was as good as Poe... last split
C9 will surprise everybody. Especially SVENSKEREN. No more walking ward for him as aggresive junglers fit with Jensen.
Isn't residency status no longer based on years and based on green card status?
Will you do the blame game for the fresh week of LCS Mark?
Also. How do you have Golden Guardians so low? I don't understand it. They have a good roster. I think they will finish anywhere from 3rd-6th
kodey tignor ? Their roster is clearly the weakest on paper
Any opinions on the EU LCS aside from EU LUL?
I still think dropping Contractz for Svenskeren was a mistake, but we'll see.