If you think the world looks like this with Obama I don't even want to imagine the world if McCain got in. Chances are he'd die in his first term and then Sarah "I can see Russia from Alaska" Palin would become the President which is a horrifying thought. Atleast Obama can formulate a proper sentence when he speaks.
He is and so far... seems alright to me *Looks at shrubbery outside*
ah you forgot the 2 magazines in the mailboxes
dude this game came out on my birthday!!!! thats so cool!!!!
You can really see that it's an Oblivion engine.
you gotta use vats more and with the melee weapons... oh and the .32 pistol sucks use the 10mm or the hunting rifle (my favorite)
When your injured, I hate the heart beat. Never really liked the sound of heartbeats but awesome game overall.
Since we have nothing better to talk about in our countries.
If you think the world looks like this with Obama I don't even want to imagine the world if McCain got in. Chances are he'd die in his first term and then Sarah "I can see Russia from Alaska" Palin would become the President which is a horrifying thought. Atleast Obama can formulate a proper sentence when he speaks.
mine has never crashed and i have the crapiest computer so i find that hard to believe.
the mechanics of the character look exactly like oblivion. Laziness from Bethesda I guess...
lol we wouldn't really care if you did or not play runescape but yeah this game runs great on almost all 2003 bought systems.
Play the whole game then tell me if it is lazy...
awwosme but to bad i cant play on computer ill buy 360 but great game anyways right. good vid.
why not aim for head?!?!?
not to be mean but like giving all your skill points to every single skill is bad..
Meh I guess, I'm not a U.S citizen so I didnt have any idea, I guess I owe you an apology.
or wait... Do I? I like Obama.
lol views 777
This game looks stupid