With the new hydrogen thrusters its more realistic, that "corrugated" "ribbed" structure of the bell nozzle in real life are actually tiny tubes that the cooler exhaust runs through to keep the bell nozzle from over heating. Its a active cooling system by using its own gases to maintain what it can handle. A Neat touch to detail :)
@@sadomor6179 he is sort of correct in that is also uses the turbo pumps exhaust to keep the bell housing cool. but the only one that I know that does that is the F1 engines on the Saturn V
I agree, and added spacecrete to pour into all those dents and craters that tend to form around a base. Just mix gravel and silicon and pour until it's flat across the top or flat enough
Another reason to dislike dlc, that texture keen put time and money into could have become an interesting part of the game. Concrete can provide a heavy but cheap and sturdy material for building factories and stations, but instead it provides nothing more than surface-level aesthetics.
Basically static grids need a 10x 100x mass and defense buff to resist raiding. Concrete weighing about 100,000kg per block would be a start. Man traps and Tesla coils would be nice also. Once you can wrap your cargo in extremely heavy armour and electrify it to electrocute Mr Grindy it might be safer..
I hope Keen listens and adds a control panel and cargo access to the assembler and refinery walkways, otherwise their only functionality is being able to walk thru them!
Why would you need that cargo access inside, I mean you don't carry like ores manually into big refinery? Cause late game you try to make ship autonomous as mush as possible.
Your direct demonstration of the new toggle/brake functionality is something none of the other reviewers bothered to do. Really glad to see you go the extra mile!
Once or twice a year I run a server and every time ships have been disconnected by someone pressing P, I just need to train them to set up the connectors properly now 😀
100% agree about the new assembler and refinery needing cargo ports on the upper levels. I have a 1 block gap between mine connecteded via a catwalk with stairs access so having ports there would make the setup a lot more convenient.
I'd be interested to see the removal of the left guard rail on the refinery at the top of the first set of stairs. Then you could add an assembler right there and be able to walk directly into it from the refinery. Also a mirrored model for both would be nice.
Now trust P.. P is not bad.. Good ol' Splitsie is going to have to change his mantra in future. (That new refinery is cool as heck, you can actually integrate it into a corridor and walk through it)
Looks like a good update, steel panels will be a game changer, essentially reskinned windows but useful none the less, I see floors, stairs, corners etc.
i think we only got now armor plates, hinges, small glass windows and a few others like that, because they didn t felt the performance couldn t cope before with an extensive use of blocks like that, and only now they reached that threshold performance
@@jh5kl the armor plates are literally just a few polygons bruh, they could've added this stuff looooooooong ago. nothing performance consuming. the hinges and small glass windows maybe yes
@@garrickstokes as long as it's not a combat ship. Still have to think about deformation damage. I get the same vibe from the new passage way blocks from the combat DLC. Now you'll have something in that space that can deform and transfer damage instead of an air gap that would have other wise been a hall or passage. [edit] We'll have to play with it a bit to weigh the pros and cons.
@@garrickstokes lol well it is SE and that's the route a lot of people end up going either as a shop or rover with a big mobile base coming under attack is just a matter of time. Unless your making something specifically for a pvp tournament or something.
@@defechan7486 ya and if you us the scrap mod (I WILL NOT SAY THE SAME as its a meme reference i want dead) you may need a refiner on the combat ships so when you grind down parts its not parts its scraped bits. and i am currently building a base that will need a scrap hole, because i have the screap mod and a weld plate mod so i can rip thigns appart this update REALLY is got my chickens plus I LOVE the new thruster skins, as it looks real and i love my industrial mega complex
Kanajashi, love how you take the long way to explain large grid magnetic landing gear instead of simple saying it looks like an electromagnet, keep being yourself & making the awesome content. Shout out from northern Alberta
There's always been a keybinding for "hand break" which is what "park" does. It's always been there. I don't know why more people don't use it. You don't have to >ever< hit "P" in a rover.
I have already used the armor panels on the previous DLC's passages to have a fully enclosed area without having a large block hanging off the bottom. Also.. I'm never using the landing gear block again! Those magnetic pads are exactly what I need to make landing gear that actually looks nice.
With the thrusters, that "corrugated" look mirrors how real thrusters look/work. The bell is formed from a series of small tubes that are used to cool the nozzle itself when in use by running the super-cooled liquid fuel through the body of the nozzle on its way back up the bell shape towards the actual burner. It's a pretty cool (HA!) method of heat transfer.
Refinery and assembler look like a missed opportunity, but the rest of the blocks look *really* snazzy. The real reason I'd get the DLC, however, it's the Big Red Button. Like, it's not even a choice xD
@@champion3433 Dude, I’m just mad that they called it “Heavy Industry” and didn’t add any more functionality to the game production-wise. It’s literally a blatant lie.
The second I saw the magnetic panels I was like "STARCOM!" This is the Magna-Lock power in the cartoon! "MAGNA-LOCK ON!" EDIT: I am SOOO looking forward to using the Pertam Orbiter scenario as an easy start scenario. EDIT 2: Hyper-realistic piping on the thrusters! That looks HOT! EDIT 3: The new Large Cargo container looks like a vault! Something you'd see at a bank or hotel to store your valuables in! EDIT 4: The new large hydrogen tank looks like the kind of thing you'd store rocket fuel and oxidizer in. It's WAY cool! EDIT 5: The camo you're referring to is called "Dazzle Camo". EDIT 6: I would REALLY have appreciated some new stuff for the refinery and assembler. New animations, maybe a glowing bit in the refinery to show the ores being melted down, and perhaps a one-way door on the upper level for manual input of ores. Maybe even make that window in the false door, glow to emulate the hot fire inside as the refinery melts down the ores and removes the impurities to turn them into ingots. Give it a bit of a Satisfactory makeover, pun only half-intended.
OH MY GOD I hadn't made that connection! I love Starcom so glad to see it mentioned here and you're absolutely right these new plates are literally the "magna lock" hahaha
@@yakiyaki5043 Glad to see another Starcom fan. I'd be interested in recreating the vehicles of Starcom in SE. The Starmax bomber and Starwolf fighter, maybe even the Destroyer Probes from the episode Nantucket Sleighride. Maybe even recreate the intro! "All STARMAX and Starwolves... SCRAMBLE!"
31:50 The pattern you're thinking of is "Dazzle", though that's a lot more popular in the WWI era than WWII. In the USN for example only 5 of the 33 official camo schemes used in WWII were of the Dazzle type, and none of the few modern camo schemes use Dazzle.
The Royal Navy has painted HMS Tamar (P233) which is an offshore patrol boat in Razzle Dazzle www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=9K13n2vu&id=FBE7E8BA7A1498F68C0EE438687E39C6EDAD52E0&thid=OIP.9K13n2vuvAVsYXsZ4PTVCwHaE8&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.joint-forces.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2021%2f04%2fHMS-Tamar-dazzle-1.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.f4ad779f6beebc056c617b19e0f4d50b%3frik%3d4FKt7cY5fmg45A%26pid%3dImgRaw&exph=600&expw=900&q=hms+tamar&simid=608016749031863101&FORM=IRPRST&ck=33C01909D8BD786F767B4979EDCC7ACD&selectedIndex=67&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0
Fun Fact it was mentioned in the live stream there was a hint to the warfare 2 update within the heavy industry update, if you look at the industry of war poster you can see some new turrets in the background
Heh using the mag plates facing up on the ground with autolock as mag traps for enemy rovers. Sensors detecting enemy grids turn on auto lock and auto fire a pair of fixed mount rocket launchers. Glorious.
The new pipes are more than cosmetic; they're all airtight except for the pipe sorter. That's a game changer. No more being forced to use a conveyor junction if you want airtightness.
I agree that they should add the cargo ports and control panels on the but small grid pipes (plus the T junction pipe) would be awesome too in my opinion
I wonder. I bet you can "hide" connectors with those armor panels. Like, place panels over the connector ends, and slap that hazard paint on it. You'd have no visible connector, but I bet it works like a catwalk over a connector.
I totally agree with your ideas for the new Assembler and the new Refinery, the yellow rectangle on the second floor of the Refinery looks like it was MEANT to be Cargo Access, so what happened? Q. Does the 'new' Large Cargo Container hold the same amount? Does it have more HP? Q. What's the mechanical difference between the Assembler and the new version? Is it faster? Can the Refinery refine more than one type of Ore at a time? Does the new Hydrogen Tank hold more? Q. Can the Round pipes link with the Conveyor Tubes? Q. Can you place the Armored Plates(how many HP's do they add?) on another Armored Plate?
Completely agree they need to add access ports to the industrial assembler and refinery. Maybe add the bottom connection to the refinery back as well but definitely the personal access.
Awesome video, thanks 👍 Now I have to go and redesign almost everything I use! 😂 Just finished an asteroid mining arm with landing gear to lock the arms in place and now we have magnetic pads I can feel a MKIII coming on 😁
I would have loved it, if the new assembler had a controlpannel and 3 buttons where you wanted a cargoport. It already looks like a control interface, so make it one.
what I would love to see with the assembler and refinery is a moduler system instead of just a cargo port. Like how the two can take the three different upgrades based on what the player want, only on the two pannels mentioned give the player a choice of things like cargo, LCD (could be fun to use for showing what ore is being refined or what the crafting status of the assembler currently is) or my favorite posibility for an upgrade would be a mini first aid station that recharges hp, o2, and energy at the same rate as a survival kit but does not act as a respawn point, but only takes one medical component.
Love your ideas about the assembler and refinery access. Yes, you do lose some connector ports, but that just requires you to re-engineer everything. It is Space Engineers after all. Thanks for the overview of the update.
You did forget the new pillar like block. Finally a new circle block that isn't wheels. Personally quite enjoy this update. But do agree that the new reskined refinery and assembler need user interactivity inside the decorative parts. Like seriously. But the new blocks and damn those new hydro thrusters. I've very exited for all this new stuff.
ty for the video, i hope keen watches and takes note regarding the assembler and refinery. those two are close to perfect but their faltering points really signifcantly affect build designs using the two.
Don't forgot the Cylindrical Column! Regarding the assembler/refinery access in the walkway, anyone who has followed the game long enough, knows that Keen is keen on dropping the ball with opportunities like that! It's almost like they don't play their own game?! Also, if you connect the new assembler's port to the new refinery, the catwalks line up! But, you cant walk freely between them, since they placed a railing in the way!
You do know you can access the inventory of a block from its control pannel too!? just gotta switch to the inventory tab. but i agree a hatch to access the inventroy right away would be way more convinient.
I honestly laughed a bit at how silly it was when you mentioned it's going to be so much nicer pushing P instead of 9 on your keyboard for a parking...when in fact 9 is closer to your left hand while it's on the keyboard as well as many of the other number buttons than P is....thus also making it ergonomically better to not use P......BUT I do like the Powering on and Off ordeal :D
tbh p is just a bit useful because i rarely have things were its got like a few connected points but now those are easier to make. i like simplicity on controls, and am not patient enough to do those big things, but i should with programable blocks...
is the new armor panels hit box still a full square like the catwalks and half blocks or is it the size of panel? now you can access the inventory from the catwalks on assembler and forge
I understand what you're saying about conveyor access to assembler and refinery but I would assume most people would have the outputs piped to storage containers anyway, I don't think I would ever withdraw things directly from the assembler or refineries myself.
And you can look inside the refinery through the control pad you just can't withdraw but why would you withdraw ingots? Surely they would go straight to assemblers anyway
I personally would use the red button as the vent the area button. Like the other 2 buttons are for using the airlock normally and the red 1 is for emergencies when you need to remove all the oxygen from an area.
it'd be nice to have a version of the stripe camo where the stripes angle the other way so you can get an arrow-like pattern (kinda like the ones on the back and front of British diesel shunters)
So.... Showcasing is GOOD, but I really wanted to know if they operated the same? Does the industrial refinery refine more than the old one? Do the new thrusters have ANY more power? Or are they all just reskins? Otherwise, Great job explaining!
So.. theoretically speaking, if you lacked DLC blocks.. You could add a merge block to the DLC stuff, merge the fancy refinery and assembler into your grid and then make a BP of it. That way you don't have to keep giving keen your coffee money for "reskins".
Hello Kanajashi, I am trying to use the build and repair mod it is not working it shows me blocks that need welding but it will not weld. Do you have a video where you go over the setup and usage of the Nanobots?
A few things to check. What's the BaR set to. Grind, weld, grind then weld, weld then grind, or grind if weld stuck? Is it set to walk mode(that grid only) or fly mode(all grids in area)? Doe you have the needed materials to build the stuff it's trying to build? If you hear it clicking then its lacking materials and you need to manufacture whatever is needed in the assembler.
I know this isn't the point but how easy would it be for modders to add in the necessary changes to assembler and refinery? Maybe even that bottom conveyor port for the refinery too.
I wonder if the "industry of War" poster has a preview. If you look behind the engineer in it don't those look like turrets? could be in the next pack. 5:38
paradox gaming virgins: *makes an update into a DLC that costs the same as the base game* Chads at Keen Software House: *make a DLC that makes already existing blocks more ascetically pleasing without it giving any advantages to the people with the DLC for only 3-4 dollars*
i love those pipes and shapes. But why don't the "update" the texture of the regular hydrogen thruster on the inside so it looks a bit more realistic? And as you said, some more Control and Conveyor access ports on the refinery and assembler would be great.
Lose two conveyor ports but also gain two additional upgrade ports on the assembler. I like that trade off frankly. Kinda wish they did something similar for the refinery.
since you have access to the control panel on the refinery i think you still can pull stuff out through the panel even though it doesnt make sense that you could
The industrial assembler has 8 upgrade ports. You missed the ones on the bottom. The regular has 6, so the industrial assembler has space for another full module, making it 25% more upgradable.
Industrial assembler needs built-in programmable block where you can choose between a few programs, like the one that maintains a certain amount of each component.
Nice cosmetic changes on the assembler, refinery, and the hydrogen tank. 👍👍 Will you be able to toggle between the new designs and the originals, or is this totally replacing them?🤔
Last night they said there was an easter egg in the DLC about upcoming DLC and I just spotted it! Look at the guns in the Industry of war poster :-) Also the cammo pattern you mentioned is called Dazzle camo. The Hazard skin doesn't seem to line up when you use the new armour plates though :-( As somebody else pointed out you missed the new round columns.
@@iamaspaceman8533 They said there were going to be new types of ship guns released. Look at the guns in the backgroud of the poster, They are like nothing in the game so are probably the Easter egg.
@@iamaspaceman8533 In the stream they said warfare 2 will have new guns and new types of guns so we can only hope. I'm guessing it will be about 3 - 4months and we will find out :-)
Be sure to have more than 8 GB of RAM in your new PC. It makes a big difference to Space Engineers' performance. I don't know if getting 16 GB like I did is necessary, but definitely at least 12. Any old 3D video card will be adequate for SE, just not a 3D card or the integrated Intel on-chip video. Literally some decade old GTX can run it smoothly on medium settings. I'm still running my old GTX 760 without complaint in 1080p.
It's a shame you didn't make any mention whether any of those amazing Pipe Conveyors come in small size, my guess it's no. It's also a shame cause I think that the best feature of this dlc is in fact the new conveyors cause so far since game release the only conveyors we've had were these squares. I know you asked for a t-junction but if you also asked for new small grid conveyors it would be great.
With the new hydrogen thrusters its more realistic, that "corrugated" "ribbed" structure of the bell nozzle in real life are actually tiny tubes that the cooler exhaust runs through to keep the bell nozzle from over heating. Its a active cooling system by using its own gases to maintain what it can handle. A Neat touch to detail :)
Almost correct, actually cryogenic fuel/oxydiser runs through the nozzle pipes to keep it cool
@@sadomor6179 almost never oxidizer
@@sadomor6179 he is sort of correct in that is also uses the turbo pumps exhaust to keep the bell housing cool. but the only one that I know that does that is the F1 engines on the Saturn V
Looks like the injectors assembly from the F-1
Its a shame they didn't take the opportunity to introduce another use for gravel, a concrete block or something
I don't think they will ever add it because they already added a concrete skin in the wastelander dlc
I agree, and added spacecrete to pour into all those dents and craters that tend to form around a base. Just mix gravel and silicon and pour until it's flat across the top or flat enough
Another reason to dislike dlc, that texture keen put time and money into could have become an interesting part of the game. Concrete can provide a heavy but cheap and sturdy material for building factories and stations, but instead it provides nothing more than surface-level aesthetics.
Basically static grids need a 10x 100x mass and defense buff to resist raiding.
Concrete weighing about 100,000kg per block would be a start.
Man traps and Tesla coils would be nice also.
Once you can wrap your cargo in extremely heavy armour and electrify it to electrocute Mr Grindy it might be safer..
yes I wanna make a concrete Zamboni
I hope Keen listens and adds a control panel and cargo access to the assembler and refinery walkways, otherwise their only functionality is being able to walk thru them!
I mainly use the new refinery as a easy stairway to traverse different levels in my base.
Why would you need that cargo access inside, I mean you don't carry like ores manually into big refinery? Cause late game you try to make ship autonomous as mush as possible.
that would probably improve it too much when compared to the vanilla 😐
Keen doesnt listen, people have been asking for a radar block since 1.23 to no avail.
well they did, now you can access it from the catwalk
this is honestly the kind of update space engineers needs just pure quality of life
continue like that and se is gonna be awesome
Your direct demonstration of the new toggle/brake functionality is something none of the other reviewers bothered to do. Really glad to see you go the extra mile!
improving P and Y functionality after so many years of it being the accidental self-destruct button...
Once or twice a year I run a server and every time ships have been disconnected by someone pressing P, I just need to train them to set up the connectors properly now 😀
It's almost sad, I have to admit... like a big part of the experience not being there anymore xD
P stays bad
100% agree about the new assembler and refinery needing cargo ports on the upper levels. I have a 1 block gap between mine connecteded via a catwalk with stairs access so having ports there would make the setup a lot more convenient.
You can access the cargo from them
I'd be interested to see the removal of the left guard rail on the refinery at the top of the first set of stairs. Then you could add an assembler right there and be able to walk directly into it from the refinery. Also a mirrored model for both would be nice.
Now trust P.. P is not bad.. Good ol' Splitsie is going to have to change his mantra in future. (That new refinery is cool as heck, you can actually integrate it into a corridor and walk through it)
oh no, capac is gonna have a heart attack XD
Looks like a good update, steel panels will be a game changer, essentially reskinned windows but useful none the less, I see floors, stairs, corners etc.
Is heavy armor panel skinned vehicles now viable?
i was so done when they added the new armor plates, i wanted these for at least 5 god damn years.
Plates are really a gamechanger for small ships, gonna be some cool micro builds
i think we only got now armor plates, hinges, small glass windows and a few others like that, because they didn t felt the performance couldn t cope before with an extensive use of blocks like that, and only now they reached that threshold performance
@@jh5kl the armor plates are literally just a few polygons bruh, they could've added this stuff looooooooong ago. nothing performance consuming. the hinges and small glass windows maybe yes
I've got to see the new assembler and refinery put together in various ways to make a compact engineering department.
Having a refinery you can walk through is a game changer for compact large grid ships!
Makes me so happy 😁
@@garrickstokes as long as it's not a combat ship. Still have to think about deformation damage. I get the same vibe from the new passage way blocks from the combat DLC. Now you'll have something in that space that can deform and transfer damage instead of an air gap that would have other wise been a hall or passage. [edit] We'll have to play with it a bit to weigh the pros and cons.
@@defechan7486 Why would you have a refinery in a combat ship?
@@garrickstokes lol well it is SE and that's the route a lot of people end up going either as a shop or rover with a big mobile base coming under attack is just a matter of time. Unless your making something specifically for a pvp tournament or something.
@@defechan7486 ya and if you us the scrap mod (I WILL NOT SAY THE SAME as its a meme reference i want dead) you may need a refiner on the combat ships so when you grind down parts its not parts its scraped bits. and i am currently building a base that will need a scrap hole, because i have the screap mod and a weld plate mod so i can rip thigns appart this update REALLY is got my chickens plus I LOVE the new thruster skins, as it looks real and i love my industrial mega complex
Kanajashi, love how you take the long way to explain large grid magnetic landing gear instead of simple saying it looks like an electromagnet, keep being yourself & making the awesome content.
Shout out from northern Alberta
There's always been a keybinding for "hand break" which is what "park" does. It's always been there. I don't know why more people don't use it. You don't have to >ever< hit "P" in a rover.
You can use the armour panels to replace the grate ramp on the Mastadon.
holy crap i did not think about rotor doors yet with the armor plates. that just made them 200% cooler XD
@@oerwout10 make em automated with a sensor too, would be awesome.
@@oerwout10 yup
I have already used the armor panels on the previous DLC's passages to have a fully enclosed area without having a large block hanging off the bottom. Also.. I'm never using the landing gear block again! Those magnetic pads are exactly what I need to make landing gear that actually looks nice.
Unlike others you actually showcased the new features, not just the blocks 👍
With the thrusters, that "corrugated" look mirrors how real thrusters look/work. The bell is formed from a series of small tubes that are used to cool the nozzle itself when in use by running the super-cooled liquid fuel through the body of the nozzle on its way back up the bell shape towards the actual burner. It's a pretty cool (HA!) method of heat transfer.
Refinery and assembler look like a missed opportunity, but the rest of the blocks look *really* snazzy.
The real reason I'd get the DLC, however, it's the Big Red Button. Like, it's not even a choice xD
Big red button: start timer blocks for self destruct
@@samuraidriver4x4 as it should have always been
@@samuraidriver4x4 or as its got 3 buttons a eleivator.
SE really is a game of nigh infinite self improvement...
This update was a waste of time. We didn’t get Heavy Industry. Not even close. All we got was Heavy Reskins behind a paywall.
@@nikolaibardin-siekawitch1802 And I'm even curious if the reskins cost the same or are cheaper than the default counterparts...
@@Azura.3297 They just look different. Keen would never make a reskin better than its vanilla counterpart
@@nikolaibardin-siekawitch1802 oh nooo a 6$ dlc. Breaking the bank.
@@champion3433 Dude, I’m just mad that they called it “Heavy Industry” and didn’t add any more functionality to the game production-wise. It’s literally a blatant lie.
The second I saw the magnetic panels I was like "STARCOM!"
This is the Magna-Lock power in the cartoon! "MAGNA-LOCK ON!"
EDIT: I am SOOO looking forward to using the Pertam Orbiter scenario as an easy start scenario.
EDIT 2: Hyper-realistic piping on the thrusters! That looks HOT!
EDIT 3: The new Large Cargo container looks like a vault! Something you'd see at a bank or hotel to store your valuables in!
EDIT 4: The new large hydrogen tank looks like the kind of thing you'd store rocket fuel and oxidizer in. It's WAY cool!
EDIT 5: The camo you're referring to is called "Dazzle Camo".
EDIT 6: I would REALLY have appreciated some new stuff for the refinery and assembler. New animations, maybe a glowing bit in the refinery to show the ores being melted down, and perhaps a one-way door on the upper level for manual input of ores.
Maybe even make that window in the false door, glow to emulate the hot fire inside as the refinery melts down the ores and removes the impurities to turn them into ingots.
Give it a bit of a Satisfactory makeover, pun only half-intended.
OH MY GOD I hadn't made that connection! I love Starcom so glad to see it mentioned here and you're absolutely right these new plates are literally the "magna lock" hahaha
@@yakiyaki5043 Glad to see another Starcom fan.
I'd be interested in recreating the vehicles of Starcom in SE.
The Starmax bomber and Starwolf fighter, maybe even the Destroyer Probes from the episode Nantucket Sleighride.
Maybe even recreate the intro!
"All STARMAX and Starwolves... SCRAMBLE!"
31:50 The pattern you're thinking of is "Dazzle", though that's a lot more popular in the WWI era than WWII. In the USN for example only 5 of the 33 official camo schemes used in WWII were of the Dazzle type, and none of the few modern camo schemes use Dazzle.
The Royal Navy has painted HMS Tamar (P233) which is an offshore patrol boat in Razzle Dazzle
@@DieyoungDiefast That's less a Dazzle scheme than a counter-shade scheme
Adding the railing on the second level of the refinery is a shame. Otherwise I’d plug the assembler into the side to access both from the same stairs.
Fun Fact it was mentioned in the live stream there was a hint to the warfare 2 update within the heavy industry update, if you look at the industry of war poster you can see some new turrets in the background
At least you can hide ports with magnets now.
I'd use the armour panels more often I think. Either way is better than a piston end though!
Heh using the mag plates facing up on the ground with autolock as mag traps for enemy rovers. Sensors detecting enemy grids turn on auto lock and auto fire a pair of fixed mount rocket launchers. Glorious.
That's brilliant. Does it work?
Couldn't they add the inventory access to those recessed areas of the new assembler and refinery blocks in an update?
The new pipes are more than cosmetic; they're all airtight except for the pipe sorter. That's a game changer. No more being forced to use a conveyor junction if you want airtightness.
I agree that they should add the cargo ports and control panels on the but small grid pipes (plus the T junction pipe) would be awesome too in my opinion
I wonder. I bet you can "hide" connectors with those armor panels. Like, place panels over the connector ends, and slap that hazard paint on it. You'd have no visible connector, but I bet it works like a catwalk over a connector.
I totally agree with your ideas for the new Assembler and the new Refinery, the yellow rectangle on the second floor of the Refinery looks like it was MEANT to be Cargo Access, so what happened?
Q. Does the 'new' Large Cargo Container hold the same amount? Does it have more HP?
Q. What's the mechanical difference between the Assembler and the new version? Is it faster? Can the Refinery refine more than one type of Ore at a time? Does the new Hydrogen Tank hold more?
Q. Can the Round pipes link with the Conveyor Tubes?
Q. Can you place the Armored Plates(how many HP's do they add?) on another Armored Plate?
Finally a reason to start a new play-though. This will utterly change the look and feel of ships and bases.
This was a great look into this dlc - very prompt too. Thank you
Completely agree they need to add access ports to the industrial assembler and refinery. Maybe add the bottom connection to the refinery back as well but definitely the personal access.
Awesome video, thanks 👍
Now I have to go and redesign almost everything I use! 😂
Just finished an asteroid mining arm with landing gear to lock the arms in place and now we have magnetic pads I can feel a MKIII coming on 😁
I would have loved it, if the new assembler had a controlpannel and 3 buttons where you wanted a cargoport. It already looks like a control interface, so make it one.
what I would love to see with the assembler and refinery is a moduler system instead of just a cargo port. Like how the two can take the three different upgrades based on what the player want, only on the two pannels mentioned give the player a choice of things like cargo, LCD (could be fun to use for showing what ore is being refined or what the crafting status of the assembler currently is) or my favorite posibility for an upgrade would be a mini first aid station that recharges hp, o2, and energy at the same rate as a survival kit but does not act as a respawn point, but only takes one medical component.
Love your ideas about the assembler and refinery access. Yes, you do lose some connector ports, but that just requires you to re-engineer everything. It is Space Engineers after all. Thanks for the overview of the update.
You did forget the new pillar like block.
Finally a new circle block that isn't wheels.
Personally quite enjoy this update. But do agree that the new reskined refinery and assembler need user interactivity inside the decorative parts. Like seriously.
But the new blocks and damn those new hydro thrusters.
I've very exited for all this new stuff.
ty for the video, i hope keen watches and takes note regarding the assembler and refinery. those two are close to perfect but their faltering points really signifcantly affect build designs using the two.
The new 1x1 small grid panels plus the new paint in yellow is going to be perfect caution tape
the large magnetic plate (dlc version) looks like might be able to absorb shocks. Probably not but its cool either way.
its gonna eat a beating but nothing better than proably standard landing gear
The new merge block works with homing missile scripts. I'm having a blast designing micro missiles!
Great point on the new assembler needing a control panel and lcd panel.
Looking forward to see you and Splitsie play and build with it!
Don't forgot the Cylindrical Column!
Regarding the assembler/refinery access in the walkway, anyone who has followed the game long enough, knows that Keen is keen on dropping the ball with opportunities like that! It's almost like they don't play their own game?! Also, if you connect the new assembler's port to the new refinery, the catwalks line up! But, you cant walk freely between them, since they placed a railing in the way!
You do know you can access the inventory of a block from its control pannel too!? just gotta switch to the inventory tab. but i agree a hatch to access the inventroy right away would be way more convinient.
Dazzle camouflage! I have a friend who has a t-shirt with it, and it's very odd to try and focus on.
I honestly laughed a bit at how silly it was when you mentioned it's going to be so much nicer pushing P instead of 9 on your keyboard for a parking...when in fact 9 is closer to your left hand while it's on the keyboard as well as many of the other number buttons than P is....thus also making it ergonomically better to not use P......BUT I do like the Powering on and Off ordeal :D
tbh p is just a bit useful because i rarely have things were its got like a few connected points but now those are easier to make. i like simplicity on controls, and am not patient enough to do those big things, but i should with programable blocks...
I would 100% use the pipes for my lines intended to transfer gasses and liquids like Hydrogen and Oxygen. Would help visually with organization.
The new assembler would look good if the top area was glass and sealed with a 3D printing animation when in use.
is the new armor panels hit box still a full square like the catwalks and half blocks or is it the size of panel?
now you can access the inventory from the catwalks on assembler and forge
I understand what you're saying about conveyor access to assembler and refinery but I would assume most people would have the outputs piped to storage containers anyway, I don't think I would ever withdraw things directly from the assembler or refineries myself.
And you can look inside the refinery through the control pad you just can't withdraw but why would you withdraw ingots? Surely they would go straight to assemblers anyway
I personally would use the red button as the vent the area button. Like the other 2 buttons are for using the airlock normally and the red 1 is for emergencies when you need to remove all the oxygen from an area.
31:48 Yeah, I can see the camouflage pattern, the shape hiding one.
Space Engineers I feel will have a good future if and when current bugs are fixed and more dlc comes out. I feel some DLC should be free
it'd be nice to have a version of the stripe camo where the stripes angle the other way so you can get an arrow-like pattern (kinda like the ones on the back and front of British diesel shunters)
Be nice to be able to change the colour of the stripes so, for instance, you could have orange stripes on a yellow background.
#17:22 "if this bit here was cargo access" What about an addressable LCD screen? That would be even more useful and give purpose to going up there
So.... Showcasing is GOOD, but I really wanted to know if they operated the same? Does the industrial refinery refine more than the old one? Do the new thrusters have ANY more power? Or are they all just reskins? Otherwise, Great job explaining!
im curious about the mountian thing you built with the big tower and everything and the base you were building in the mountain what happened to that
So.. theoretically speaking, if you lacked DLC blocks.. You could add a merge block to the DLC stuff, merge the fancy refinery and assembler into your grid and then make a BP of it.
That way you don't have to keep giving keen your coffee money for "reskins".
Hello Kanajashi, I am trying to use the build and repair mod it is not working it shows me blocks that need welding but it will not weld. Do you have a video where you go over the setup and usage of the Nanobots?
A few things to check.
What's the BaR set to. Grind, weld, grind then weld, weld then grind, or grind if weld stuck?
Is it set to walk mode(that grid only) or fly mode(all grids in area)?
Doe you have the needed materials to build the stuff it's trying to build?
If you hear it clicking then its lacking materials and you need to manufacture whatever is needed in the assembler.
I just want a jetpack that can auto-orient itself in a gravity field.
The panels would make for much better ramps as long as they're sturdy enough.
I know this isn't the point but how easy would it be for modders to add in the necessary changes to assembler and refinery? Maybe even that bottom conveyor port for the refinery too.
magnetic plates lovely, now that flat bed can lock down anything you put on it without having to play tetris with landing gear.
Please use build vision and buildinfo mods to show us the new blocks specs and values, the DLC H2 thruster is 1 block bigger but is more powerful ?
I wonder if the "industry of War" poster has a preview. If you look behind the engineer in it don't those look like turrets? could be in the next pack. 5:38
I agree to the mods on that assembler. It needs cargo access and control panel in the hole. It would be so much more usefull that way
Are there any small grid equivalents to the new cargo and tank looks?
So glad i grew up with this:
old hydrogen tank and cargo containers
But damn this is cooler: new ones
paradox gaming virgins: *makes an update into a DLC that costs the same as the base game*
Chads at Keen Software House: *make a DLC that makes already existing blocks more ascetically pleasing without it giving any advantages to the people with the DLC for only 3-4 dollars*
i love those pipes and shapes. But why don't the "update" the texture of the regular hydrogen thruster on the inside so it looks a bit more realistic? And as you said, some more Control and Conveyor access ports on the refinery and assembler would be great.
Lose two conveyor ports but also gain two additional upgrade ports on the assembler.
I like that trade off frankly. Kinda wish they did something similar for the refinery.
There are still 4 upgrade ports, it's mainly 2x the size
Good overview. You missed the pillar block. I have no idea how to use the large magnetic pad
and a huge amount of new music in the ingame jukebox
Do they fix bugs on DLCs? Cause the warning/stripe texture is wrong (the stripes don't line up) for the flat armour pannels :(
Wowowowowow can’t wait to play. I think I’ll start with the new scenario it’s fun to build off other designs anyways. Can’t wait!
The WWII Camo pattern you were thinking of was called "Dazzle"
@kanajashi What are the chances that Keen watches this and will tweak the DLC? I would also like the same changes that you mentioned.
Well they did add some of the stuff he requested after the last update... so very possible they at least watch it.
since you have access to the control panel on the refinery i think you still can pull stuff out through the panel even though it doesnt make sense that you could
The industrial assembler has 8 upgrade ports. You missed the ones on the bottom.
The regular has 6, so the industrial assembler has space for another full module, making it 25% more upgradable.
Regular has 8 as well. The side ports are also upgrade slots.
Industrial assembler needs built-in programmable block where you can choose between a few programs, like the one that maintains a certain amount of each component.
I wish you could use the wheel suspension for landing gears using the new magnetic grid
5:46 foreshadowing the railgun in the poster
I’m watching this at 3:30 in the morning so the fact that my brain made that connection is beyond science
Did they ever change the things like the ladder functionality and the useless dead end refiner?
Nice cosmetic changes on the assembler, refinery, and the hydrogen tank. 👍👍 Will you be able to toggle between the new designs and the originals, or is this totally replacing them?🤔
Noone used those upgrade slots on the assembler anyway unless they were cramming an emergency assembler into a small large grid ship. no real loss
Last night they said there was an easter egg in the DLC about upcoming DLC and I just spotted it! Look at the guns in the Industry of war poster :-)
Also the cammo pattern you mentioned is called Dazzle camo. The Hazard skin doesn't seem to line up when you use the new armour plates though :-(
As somebody else pointed out you missed the new round columns.
What’s the Easter egg in the poster I’m missing it
@@iamaspaceman8533 They said there were going to be new types of ship guns released. Look at the guns in the backgroud of the poster, They are like nothing in the game so are probably the Easter egg.
@@TheMrShinagami ahh I see thank you if they do add more guns I hope they will be more like Cannons then Machine guns
@@iamaspaceman8533 In the stream they said warfare 2 will have new guns and new types of guns so we can only hope. I'm guessing it will be about 3 - 4months and we will find out :-)
this update makes me want to get space engineers even more but i have to wait until i make my new PC because my laptop no way, no how can handle it.
Be sure to have more than 8 GB of RAM in your new PC. It makes a big difference to Space Engineers' performance. I don't know if getting 16 GB like I did is necessary, but definitely at least 12.
Any old 3D video card will be adequate for SE, just not a 3D card or the integrated Intel on-chip video. Literally some decade old GTX can run it smoothly on medium settings. I'm still running my old GTX 760 without complaint in 1080p.
Great video, really informative and perfect ideas for improvement.
haven t they added also a whole new bunch of music to the ingame jukebox?
I think with the new refinery and assembler we can build good looking machine rooms for space ships
8:46 how did you teleported charecter to camera?
Ctrl + space, teleports your character and the grid they are piloting to where the spectator camera is sitting.
@@zack464 thank you very much
I would like the piping from the thruster as a decoration block.
Blue with stripes = Warning: something cool ahead
Nice overview. I'm sold already :)
"razzle dazzle" is that camo pattern btw
I remember my first was future just for the single button because usually I use button panels for just one thing
It's a shame you didn't make any mention whether any of those amazing Pipe Conveyors come in small size, my guess it's no. It's also a shame cause I think that the best feature of this dlc is in fact the new conveyors cause so far since game release the only conveyors we've had were these squares. I know you asked for a t-junction but if you also asked for new small grid conveyors it would be great.
if i got this thing, i'd probably build a robotech repair bay... pity there's no holographic art display tech.
Those new hydrogen engines are longer which means they are vacuum optimized engines.....and they have no turbo fuel pumps