The claim that he suffered from syphilis is apparently unfounded.
Well said! Of course, just because professional musicianship "demands more than it gives", this doesn't mean "better never to have been musical". This is a false dichotomy! Be musical, just perhaps not professionally so. I have several children and what a joy it is to use music to enrich our lives! They have all been tonal by 1 years old, and we love singing together about things we love (mostly Jesus ;-).
@Strefanasha But he said music, not musicality, or you say music is a bad thing in life, is not worth? And the phrase is poetry man, is an exaltation of music not a absolute argument.
And so am I! @@christopherellis2663 Yes, also 74. And learning - currently learning about Nietzsche as part of my philosophy degree; followed classical music for most of my life but still learning about that too.
I thought the impulse to search for "nietzsche music" was crazy. But to actually get as a result a collection of sonatas composed by him... man, what was in that food I ate?
I'm literally listening to this while I'm translating one of his books from the original language into Turkish. And I feel like I'm starting to feel him and to think like him. It basically gives me so much and makes my occupation a lot more pleasant.
This is so awesome. Listening to this makes Nietzsche so much more real for me as a real person that existed, instead of just this pile of ideas that you read about.
Nietzsche's music made me have a picture in my minds eye, where there was a picnic on a river bank. A fish would jump out of water here and there. Wild life would appear at random-including a bear, a few times. But, alas, the picnic needed to be packed up. And the long sought, melody of life, resumed.
This almost reminds me of something Zarathustra would experience on his journey, but deciding to break out of the enchanting moment, for there is still much work to be done and life must go on.
The task of understanding the thinker through the sound language that emerges from his own musical compositions allows us to investigate the spirit that hides the incomprehension of his writings. Nietzsche surprisingly complemented both languages by expressing those mysteries that the common man has wanted to conjecture from his philosophical works. His music is an opportunity to discover those secrets that he took silently to the grave during the last 10 years of his life...
Nietzsche invented the mysterious notation "pianissimo con baffi", referring to the nearly inaudible notes to be played with the tips of the moustache.
I imagine Nietzsche looking at us now with a large smile 😊 finally in the 21st century people start appreciating his music ❤❤ Come back with more music in your next recurrence
Thank you for uploading these pieces of piano music. They are tonal, suffused with romanticism, and very pleasant to listen to. To think that they were written by one of the giants of philosophical thought ever !
A lot of highly educated people hold Nietzsche in a high regard. His music is probably harshly criticized but he excelled in nearly everything that he did. Except maybe love :(
He fits so much into the music without it loosing complete order. It's a bit like listening to a stable bipolar person. But it's so raw, it describes life...
Interesting. There are moments of harmonic development, use of chromatic progression (mostly as passing tones), and usually very distinct all-too-distinct melodies. But what strikes me the most is how simple Nietzsche’s compositions are rhythmically. Little 2 against 3, use of triplets, doppio movimento, dotted rhythm, polyrhythms, etc. very simple rhythmically. Almost Apollonian.
I understand your point, one woud expect something more dionisyacan... However, there are other of his compositions that remind me his aristocratic feelings.
Kervin Isaac Sivira or if not more Dionysian than perhaps music that embodies the tension of appolinian and Dionysian. His solo piano music here is almost a musical equivalent of the plays of Euripides which Nietzsche criticized for their preponderance of the rational in emphasizing the chorus. One other point, my understanding is that Nietzsche composed music throughout his life beginning at a fairly young age. It would be interesting to see his musical development. I mention this because it seems to me that one of the hallmarks of a great composer is the spiritual development as reflected in the development of their works (Beethoven’s 1st symphony through to his ninth or Wagner’s Flying Dutchman through to Parsifal- there are a myriad of examples). I’m not saying Nietzsche is a composer on this scale, but it would be informative nonetheless to see what if any development there is in his own music over the years.
I find something nearer to the feelings evoked in his philosophy in this compositions. I agree with you he finally affirmed what he criticized. "Whoever fought with monsters..."
TeaParty1776 I found an excellent chronology at this site The links at the bottom of this site are pretty comprehensive and include Nietzsche’s demise into insanity as well.
@Arpice Music Dunno, I was quite a piece of shit a year ago... he did compose music and it was matter of 40 seconds to find out (even with rewriting his wrong spelled name)
A delightful set of miniature piano pieces. Simple and pure in form and function. Certainly not the best piano music there is, but easy to understand and digest and also easy for learning beginners. It has iffy moments but it also has some intriguing melodic nuggets that are worth exploring and refining. I think his music is just a search to find the essence, or whatever he was looking for and I believe it's quite clear that he had little regard for conventions or the general technical aspects of music.
@@SL-ch0w. I'm the same way. My brain is very music oriented. I cannot read anything if there is music lol. Having hard time writing this comment listening to it.
هذه المقطوعات الموسيقية لنيتشة أعادتني بعشوائيتها للحالة التي هيمنت على رواية (قُبُلات نيتشة) للكاتب (لانس أولسن ) وترجمتهُ للعربية : نادين نصر الله ، حيث ان الجوّ العام لهذه الرواية يتشابه الى حد كبير مع جوّ المقطوعات ، اعتمد مؤلف رواية ( قبُلات نيتشة) في سرده ، على الأحلام والهلوسات والذكريات والمقطتفات من هنا وهناك لحياة نيتشة ، فكان هناك مقداراً من العشوائية المتوافقة مع قفزات الكاتب بين سنوات حياة الفيلسوف وما عايشهُ نيتشه من أحاسيس عميقة وانفعالات تجاه احداث حياته ، وذلك وفقا لتصور الكاتب عن هذه العشوائية والافكار التي قفزت في ذهن نيتشه خلال مراحل حياته خاصة مرحلة المرض العقلي والجسدي في آخر ١٠ سنوات من حياته. ورغم كل ما قيل عنه سلباً او ايجاباً ، انا أجده انسان جميل يحمل بداخله النقيضين المتكاملين لموسيقي كتب فلسفته بجمل موسيقية نافرة ، وكفيلسوف مرهف الحس حاول ان يُسلِّط الضَوء على ذلك الوجه الآخر للانسان الشاعريّ بداخله ، وأن يوجِدَ له حيزاً يشغلهُ في الخارج الواقعيّ امام الانسان الفيلسوف المُسيطر الداعي لفكرة الانسان الأعلى وإرادة القوّة .
Music can bring people together even if that person has already passed from this earth. It gives us a deeper understanding of a person than any words he wrote could ever convey. Through music we can share in anothers experience better than any other means!
WHAT THE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I indeed know Nietzsche and completely know that he composed music, too. But i never though that his musical talent can be such great! OMG, he is a true supermannnnn!
This music although at first playing sounds rather slow and dull, it definitely improves with listening, like all good music. All in all great music , the more one plays it, the more one appreciates.
In 1871, Nietzsche dedicated a piano piece to Richard Wagner's wife, Cosima Wagner, as a birthday gift. When Cosima performed Nietzsche's piece in public, Richard Wagner left the room during the performance. He was found next door, literally rolling on the floor laughing. Hard burn.
@@9aus and for the last 100 years, Wagner's best have been cued up anytime a cartoon mouse puts on a flight helmet and attacks the cat. Bet he loves that. does a bit, doesn't it? 😂 I didn't know he'd composed any music until about 20mins ago and I've got a bloody philosophy degree! Love his books, interesting to hear his music but think I'll give his Greatest Hits album a miss! Sounds like a patchwork quilt of other composers and strangely...automated?!
I think there's some good music here, considering he didn't specialize in music (i.e. considering this was a side-hobby). It's just a teensy bit clumsy in places, in terms of how the harmonies shift and change. The pieces seem a bit laboriously constructed, as though his technique isn't all that great and he's piecing things together in chunks, rather thinking of the whole compositions in one gulp (as it were). But there are some lovely melodies, subtle passages, etc. If he had specialized in music, I should think he would have become quite well known as a composer. It just goes to show you that geniuses do tend to be pretty good at anything they turn their hand to, and could probably make a name for themselves in whatever they concentrated most time on. There are many scientists, writers, thinkers, who can play musical instruments, or paint, or do photography, etc. or some combination; conversely, there are artists and musicians whose written thoughts are worthy of consideration too, actors who are also mathematicians or scientists, etc.
I believe, in my ignorance, that this "clumsy" way in which he wrote his music is similar to the way he wrote his thoughts, beeing always true to the pulsional sphere inside, that can be clumsy or seems like a bunch of chunks that build a totality, an affectivity. That, maybe, is the main point. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
This may have pleased the singer Jim Morrison . I understand that for a his birthday Jim Morrison requested the complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche. Perhaps someone is privileged to have his literary works and his musical compositions.
i actually love that clumsy sound it has. im no music connoisseur by any means, and my ears are not used to this type of music, but even i can tell the sound is sloppy. and its so fitting to his whole personality and written works. he always had a taste for music even in a young age, but its only later in his life, when all of his life and being has been destroyed and remade over and over, that it has a more significant meaning for him. over time, words started to be stiff, simply not enough to express himself, so music was the singing of his voice. i think its beautiful, and cant help feeling deeply moved when hearing his compositions
j'aime bien ce que fait Nietzsche au piano, parmi les quelques paysages feutrés de douceur, cette certaine atonalité musicale fait partie de son charme... Jo Aitnanu
Übermensch is an unattainable ideal just like the perfect stoic, yet we call a stoic to whom lives a stoic Life. No doubt Nietzsche was an Übermensch in the moment he became aware of the idea
One could also possibly contemplate that at the moment of true self-realisation, true self-awareness, one becomes a true Mensch, a person of integrity & honour. As to the Übermensch, conceptually, it could tie
… it could tie with the notion of Advanced Human Being (AHB) with expanded brain, ie intellectual capacity as well as memory. There are a few of these AHBs around and so it is no longer a science fiction concept but an existing reality that can be potentially tied historically, philosophically & anthropologically with Nietzsche’s concept or a notion of an Übermensch. Perfection in itself must be unattainable as it is a concept as much as stoic or perfect stoic. Perfect stoic in itself is almost an oxymoron, I reckon. As to the notion and concept of Übermensch, the Nazzi propaganda had killed any chance of a sensible future debate amongst modern or even the most current philosophers, sociologists, linguists, perhaps with the exception of developmental psychologists with anthropologists related to the concept of the Advanced Human Being/s as conceptualised above. What do you think, smart, educated Listeners of Nietzsche’s compositions? Anna from London (& sometime or even often elsewhere)
The piano sounds terrible? The same color tone on every note. It is electric? Thank you for uploading, the playing however was very and beautiful. With a normal piano it would be more brilliant again.
Kant is best read w/an unfocused mind. Dont concentrate. Let your mind float downstream. As Kant said, “I have denied knowledge therefore, in order to make room for faith."
The starting piece is sublime as beautiful as a Chopin nocturne . This man is still to be discovered for the centuries to come . His posthumous friends are not yet totally disclosed.
"In that instance in which the imagining individual consciousness abstracts out of nature's manifold a notion of 'life' wherein music is negated absolutely there remains in the concept an arrangement which finds in virtue of form a negation by terms of logic which amounts to the determination of music's positive and essential value in the original concept of the manifold." - Hegel
He dedicado gran parte de mi vida a estudiar a Wilhem Friedrich Nietzsche; en 1984 leími Tesina sobre él; agradezco a UA-cam la posibilidad de escucharla y a Internet en general que nos brinde tanta información sobre Nietzsche y sobre tantísimas cosas; ojalá sepamos manejar la gran herramienta que supone la Digitalización, para hacer cosas grandes y no para destruirnos los seres humanos entre nosotros mismos
quoting from a letter Hans von Bulow sent him in reply after receiving one of Nietzsche's compositions:"But to the matter at hand: your Manfred-Meditation is the most extreme case of fantastic extravagance, the most unedifying and anti-musical instance of notes placed on music paper that I have come across in a long time. Several times I had to ask myself: is the whole thing a joke, and did you perhaps intend a parody of the so-called music of the future? Did you consciously flout all the rules of musical language, from the higher syntax to simple matters of correct notation? Apart from the psychological interest-your musical fever-product gives evidence, despite all the confusion, of an uncommonly distinguished spirit-your Meditation is from the musical standpoint the equivalent of a crime in the moral world. I could discover no trace of Apollonian elements, and as for the Dionysian, to be frank, I was reminded more of the morning after a bacchanalian orgy than of an orgy per se. If you really have a passionate urge to express yourself in musical language, it is indispensable that you acquire the rudiments of this language: giddily fantasizing on a remembered gluttony of Wagnerian sounds is no basis of production".
"as for the Dionysian, to be frank, I was reminded more of the morning after a bacchanalian orgy than of an orgy per se." This is the best musical burn I have ever come across.
He was intrigued me by reading just now. Felt like a bit of sad that my works of art is gradually losing a mile. And sometimes my critical thinking indeed does a disservice to a lot of things but sometimes they don’t. Some of my thoughts are fake and it’s ruined me and THE SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS. Gosh I’m perplexed rn......nonsense above
Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche.
Enjoy and comment your opinion about this album below. Brilliant CLassics
One of the good things he said
The claim that he suffered from syphilis is apparently unfounded.
I was astonished to know that he composed. Well done Brilliant, once again you've done it.
Well said! Of course, just because professional musicianship "demands more than it gives", this doesn't mean "better never to have been musical". This is a false dichotomy! Be musical, just perhaps not professionally so. I have several children and what a joy it is to use music to enrich our lives! They have all been tonal by 1 years old, and we love singing together about things we love (mostly Jesus ;-).
@Strefanasha But he said music, not musicality, or you say music is a bad thing in life, is not worth? And the phrase is poetry man, is an exaltation of music not a absolute argument.
Wow, the internet is awesome, I am 50 years old and just learned about Nietzsche's music. It's available. Amazing. Thank you.
I'm 74 and have indulged in music 🎶 for more than 60 years. There is always something else to learn
I couldn't have said it better.
And so am I! @@christopherellis2663 Yes, also 74. And learning - currently learning about Nietzsche as part of my philosophy degree; followed classical music for most of my life but still learning about that too.
Nothing better than the music of Nietzsche and the writings of Wagner...
ah yes, the anti-anti-semite and the anti-semite.
Ooh, I see what you did there.
Not even funny
I thought the impulse to search for "nietzsche music" was crazy. But to actually get as a result a collection of sonatas composed by him... man, what was in that food I ate?
Truth to be told, as a musician he was a very good philosopher.
@@elluciogm this is random but do you write? it seems from this comment that you have a wonderful narrative!
I think I am the only one who discovered Nietzsche as a composer before discovering him as a philosopher
I'll bet you're right about that so....what are your thoughts on "our" Friedrich as a composer and as a philosopher? Somewhat intense, wasn't he!
Yeah that's true, I discovered him as a psychologist first
100%, something really funny about this thought.
I'm literally listening to this while I'm translating one of his books from the original language into Turkish. And I feel like I'm starting to feel him and to think like him. It basically gives me so much and makes my occupation a lot more pleasant.
Nietzsche'nin hangi kitabını Türkçeye çeviriyorsunuz?
Which of his books are you translating?
Marry my
Just so long as you don't look like him!
@@yavuz16262 Ecce homo çevirisi doğu batı yayınlarındandan çıkmış.
This is so awesome. Listening to this makes Nietzsche so much more real for me as a real person that existed, instead of just this pile of ideas that you read about.
I can totally relate to that comment lol :P
He is not a person, he is dynamite
Would you like to extend your comment?
the ideas are also indicative of his personality too..
Reading Nietzsche is what made me feel he was human… too human.
Nietzsche's music made me have a picture in my minds eye, where there was a picnic on a river bank. A fish would jump out of water here and there. Wild life would appear at random-including a bear, a few times.
But, alas, the picnic needed to be packed up. And the long sought, melody of life, resumed.
This almost reminds me of something Zarathustra would experience on his journey, but deciding to break out of the enchanting moment, for there is still much work to be done and life must go on.
There was such a surprise when I discovered that Nietzsch had those beautiful piano pieces. Thank you for posting here
"they who dance are thought mad by those who hear not the music" Nietzsche
Nietzsche never said such crap, sorry
The task of understanding the thinker through the sound language that emerges from his own musical compositions allows us to investigate the spirit that hides the incomprehension of his writings. Nietzsche surprisingly complemented both languages by expressing those mysteries that the common man has wanted to conjecture from his philosophical works. His music is an opportunity to discover those secrets that he took silently to the grave during the last 10 years of his life...
This is exactly how I imagined Nietzsche's compositions to sound 😊
If only he'd tried his hand at a concept album or opera of Zarathustra
album?? lol
@@Gabe-qd4gz Yes, an album. It's a collective release of several pieces of music.
Nobody liked Nietzsches music at the time. Even people he was friends with said it was bad.
@@BlackMantisRed Oh that's sad!
Zarathustra? Isn’t the book kitschy enough? (And I would never characterize any other of his writing as kitsch…).
Nietzsche was an artist through and through
his music suck the pipe tho
"Without music life would be a mistake". -Friedrich Nietzche
I cannot express the gratitude I am feeling towards Jeroen van Veen. Friedrich is waltzing about now. Thank you, Brilliant Classics.
You are so welcome
Nietzsche invented the mysterious notation "pianissimo con baffi", referring to the nearly inaudible notes to be played with the tips of the moustache.
Damn you got me 😂
lmao, that's really good
really, Nietzsche is one of the most powerfull philosopher, his music is good to listen when clouds appears.
Neecha is a poet, not a philosopher.
do you know anything about philosophy? He is one of the most influential philosopher, dumb ass piece of shit
@@keithchan8356 He was a poet too you know...
@@adonaikrause9913 "Too" but not "only".
@@OsvaldoBayerista I choose my words carefully :)
I imagine Nietzsche looking at us now with a large smile 😊 finally in the 21st century people start appreciating his music ❤❤ Come back with more music in your next recurrence
I’ve been reading Nietzsche with my husband and our friend and this brings a really cool new dimension to that. 💥 beautiful.
Thank you for uploading these pieces of piano music. They are tonal, suffused with romanticism, and very pleasant to listen to. To think that they were written by one of the giants of philosophical thought ever !
I listened to all of it and then replayed it...for that eternal recurrence effect....
Without mistakes life would be music.
Esteban Abad it actually makes a lot of sense to me
Florencia Delelli In many ways😁
Damn... That works. A lot...
or rather without music life would be a mistake? I think mistakes are part of real music.
Man, it is also true that without miatakes, music wouldn't be music
I don't give a shit about what experts can say about him, I just know it feels good.
The experts were wrong. He was a genius.
A lot of highly educated people hold Nietzsche in a high regard. His music is probably harshly criticized but he excelled in nearly everything that he did. Except maybe love :(
He fits so much into the music without it loosing complete order. It's a bit like listening to a stable bipolar person. But it's so raw, it describes life...
Very dionysiac
Mr. Nietzsche, thank you so much for the incredible music therapy !!!...
Interesting. There are moments of harmonic development, use of chromatic progression (mostly as passing tones), and usually very distinct all-too-distinct melodies. But what strikes me the most is how simple Nietzsche’s compositions are rhythmically. Little 2 against 3, use of triplets, doppio movimento, dotted rhythm, polyrhythms, etc. very simple rhythmically. Almost Apollonian.
I understand your point, one woud expect something more dionisyacan... However, there are other of his compositions that remind me his aristocratic feelings.
Kervin Isaac Sivira or if not more Dionysian than perhaps music that embodies the tension of appolinian and Dionysian. His solo piano music here is almost a musical equivalent of the plays of Euripides which Nietzsche criticized for their preponderance of the rational in emphasizing the chorus.
One other point, my understanding is that Nietzsche composed music throughout his life beginning at a fairly young age. It would be interesting to see his musical development. I mention this because it seems to me that one of the hallmarks of a great composer is the spiritual development as reflected in the development of their works (Beethoven’s 1st symphony through to his ninth or Wagner’s Flying Dutchman through to Parsifal- there are a myriad of examples). I’m not saying Nietzsche is a composer on this scale, but it would be informative nonetheless to see what if any development there is in his own music over the years.
I find something nearer to the feelings evoked in his philosophy in this compositions. I agree with you he finally affirmed what he criticized. "Whoever fought with monsters..."
Before or after he went bananas and his sister wrapped him in a sheet and displayed him for pay like a circus geek?
TeaParty1776 I found an excellent chronology at this site
The links at the bottom of this site are pretty comprehensive and include Nietzsche’s demise into insanity as well.
Wow I didnt know he also composed, thanks for uploading this
No, he did not. It's just the name of the song. It's like, on motive of Nietzsche
The truth is he is a musician
Rousseu also composed music. I'll see if I can find any of it on UA-cam...
@Arpice Music Dunno, I was quite a piece of shit a year ago... he did compose music and it was matter of 40 seconds to find out (even with rewriting his wrong spelled name)
What a prick did say that!?... He was musician, he did compose music even before writing most of his texts
A delightful set of miniature piano pieces. Simple and pure in form and function. Certainly not the best piano music there is, but easy to understand and digest and also easy for learning beginners. It has iffy moments but it also has some intriguing melodic nuggets that are worth exploring and refining. I think his music is just a search to find the essence, or whatever he was looking for and I believe it's quite clear that he had little regard for conventions or the general technical aspects of music.
I bet he'd be devastated to hear his work being criticized by a UA-cam comment in the distant future.
@@realCharAznable His distant future is also his distant past.
Столь переменчивая, местами экспрессивная, грубая и одновременно с этим умиротворяющая музыка, словно личность самого Фридриха Ницше...
This is amazing! Thanks for uploading, I'll be listening to this over and over again!
I bought this CD in about 1999 and uploaded it to my desktop. It's really difficult to have it in the background. It's music to think by.
It is music to FEEL and be with, not to think by.
Brilliant Classics, please more music of Nietzsche
Listening to this while reading thus spoke Zarathustra. Next level
Me too. It really accentuates the mood of his thoughts.
I have never managed to read or study with any tipe of music, I like to appeciate it on its own. Must be nice to can focus on both 🤔
@@SL-ch0w. I'm the same way. My brain is very music oriented. I cannot read anything if there is music lol. Having hard time writing this comment listening to it.
Ah shit that's quite an idea.
But what about the birth of tragedy?
Now listen thus spoke Zarathustra while reading also sprach Zarathustra
Listening while reading Kant
Yeah I'm *that* bad
Reading Plato with this in the background would be breaking the law!
asunhasdodeleuze *Reading the Bible with this music*
Actually reading Aristotle to this right now.
If you need me I'll be in my jail cell.
@@mjolninja9358 Reading the Gospels would probably not be a criminal offense, Acts onwards however...
@@timbraid né
is that all you can comment? über manuk???
Bingo! Very clever :-)
What does this mean. I am german and I don't even get it.
@@dem4xed Nietzsche sprach in seinem Zarathustra vom Übermenschen, entsprechend sagt der User nun, dass das Übermusik sei.
"La vida sin música es sencillamente un error, una labor ímproba, un exilio". NZ
Without life, there would have ever been no Nietzsche
This is actually really good. I didn't realize he was a composer until I looked at his Wikipedia article, and it said it got mostly negative reviews.
هذه المقطوعات الموسيقية لنيتشة أعادتني بعشوائيتها للحالة التي هيمنت على رواية (قُبُلات نيتشة) للكاتب (لانس أولسن ) وترجمتهُ للعربية : نادين نصر الله ، حيث ان الجوّ العام لهذه الرواية يتشابه الى حد كبير مع جوّ المقطوعات ، اعتمد مؤلف رواية ( قبُلات نيتشة) في سرده ، على الأحلام والهلوسات والذكريات والمقطتفات من هنا وهناك لحياة نيتشة ، فكان هناك مقداراً من العشوائية المتوافقة مع قفزات الكاتب بين سنوات حياة الفيلسوف وما عايشهُ نيتشه من أحاسيس عميقة وانفعالات تجاه احداث حياته ، وذلك وفقا لتصور الكاتب عن هذه العشوائية والافكار التي قفزت في ذهن نيتشه خلال مراحل حياته خاصة مرحلة المرض العقلي والجسدي في آخر ١٠ سنوات من حياته.
ورغم كل ما قيل عنه سلباً او ايجاباً ، انا أجده انسان جميل يحمل بداخله النقيضين المتكاملين لموسيقي كتب فلسفته بجمل موسيقية نافرة ، وكفيلسوف مرهف الحس حاول ان يُسلِّط الضَوء على ذلك الوجه الآخر للانسان الشاعريّ بداخله ، وأن يوجِدَ له حيزاً يشغلهُ في الخارج الواقعيّ امام الانسان الفيلسوف المُسيطر الداعي لفكرة الانسان الأعلى وإرادة القوّة .
Music can bring people together even if that person has already passed from this earth. It gives us a deeper understanding of a person than any words he wrote could ever convey. Through music we can share in anothers experience better than any other means!
Such a genius it makes me emotional
Why have I never heard this pieces before? I really enjoyed ıt. Thanks Brilliant.
WHAT THE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I indeed know Nietzsche and completely know that he composed music, too. But i never though that his musical talent can be such great!
OMG, he is a true supermannnnn!
Nigga shut up
@@misha30663well said lmfao.. but Nietzsche is good tho
a forefather to übermensch
This music although at first playing sounds rather slow and dull, it definitely improves with listening, like all good music.
All in all great music , the more one plays it, the more one appreciates.
Listening this while reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra. It's remarkable. ❤️
Thanks for uploading!
it sounds like a neural network listened to mid-period beethoven piano sonatae and procedurally generated some pathos-free romantic music
Lol that's true: every part sounds "correct", but unstructured as a whole
This may be the greatest comment on this whole site.
In 1871, Nietzsche dedicated a piano piece to Richard Wagner's wife, Cosima Wagner, as a birthday gift.
When Cosima performed Nietzsche's piece in public, Richard Wagner left the room during the performance. He was found next door, literally rolling on the floor laughing. Hard burn.
@@9aus and for the last 100 years, Wagner's best have been cued up anytime a cartoon mouse puts on a flight helmet and attacks the cat. Bet he loves that. does a bit, doesn't it? 😂 I didn't know he'd composed any music until about 20mins ago and I've got a bloody philosophy degree! Love his books, interesting to hear his music but think I'll give his Greatest Hits album a miss! Sounds like a patchwork quilt of other composers and strangely...automated?!
I like this music so much. When I found the title I did wow@! And I enjoy this from time to time in my studio. Thank the composer and the sharer.
thank you Nietzsche for existing
Your welcome. I enjoyed it so much that I am going to come back and do it all over again.
@@milascave2 Amor fati !
If only he had stuck to music and left philosophy along. His music is gorgeous.
no philosophy is music
I think there's some good music here, considering he didn't specialize in music (i.e. considering this was a side-hobby). It's just a teensy bit clumsy in places, in terms of how the harmonies shift and change. The pieces seem a bit laboriously constructed, as though his technique isn't all that great and he's piecing things together in chunks, rather thinking of the whole compositions in one gulp (as it were). But there are some lovely melodies, subtle passages, etc.
If he had specialized in music, I should think he would have become quite well known as a composer.
It just goes to show you that geniuses do tend to be pretty good at anything they turn their hand to, and could probably make a name for themselves in whatever they concentrated most time on. There are many scientists, writers, thinkers, who can play musical instruments, or paint, or do photography, etc. or some combination; conversely, there are artists and musicians whose written thoughts are worthy of consideration too, actors who are also mathematicians or scientists, etc.
I believe, in my ignorance, that this "clumsy" way in which he wrote his music is similar to the way he wrote his thoughts, beeing always true to the pulsional sphere inside, that can be clumsy or seems like a bunch of chunks that build a totality, an affectivity. That, maybe, is the main point. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
This may have pleased the singer Jim Morrison . I understand that for a his birthday Jim Morrison requested the complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche. Perhaps someone is privileged to have his literary works and his musical compositions.
Excellent comment. Thank you
dog walkers who were philosophers or farmers who were clowns or chickens that were pigs or apples that were crowns
i actually love that clumsy sound it has. im no music connoisseur by any means, and my ears are not used to this type of music, but even i can tell the sound is sloppy. and its so fitting to his whole personality and written works. he always had a taste for music even in a young age, but its only later in his life, when all of his life and being has been destroyed and remade over and over, that it has a more significant meaning for him. over time, words started to be stiff, simply not enough to express himself, so music was the singing of his voice. i think its beautiful, and cant help feeling deeply moved when hearing his compositions
It reminds me of "Gesänge der Frühe" by R. Schumann with a minimalistic touch à la Eric Satie... Genius, visionary and polymath
What a genius!
This music is a kaleidoscope of styles, including Wagner. Nietzsche's foray into music surprises me; One of the weirdest things I've heard.
I do some stuffs like him, i call it YWV , lesten to YWV 005 , is mine greatest piece actually.
Pliss check it in mine Channel
Thank you for the music of Nietzsche. A complement when I will read his literature.
a philosopher and a musician ! what a marvel
Enjoyed immensely! Lots of talent.
this compilation is executed so well!
It's more beautiful than I would have initially imagined.
I concur, Antonio. Wouldn't have expected this from FN.
From the most romantic soul who ever lived besides Chopin lol ?
9 people are jealous and following slave morality.
张弛 lol
Yeah reich... They just know crap muzik when zey hear itz.
j'aime bien ce que fait Nietzsche au piano, parmi les quelques paysages feutrés de douceur, cette certaine atonalité musicale fait partie de son charme... Jo Aitnanu
He was a true Übermensch. His Philosophy and his music are both Fantastic 🥺❤
He himself claims that he is not an übermensch
Übermensch is an unattainable ideal just like the perfect stoic, yet we call a stoic to whom lives a stoic Life. No doubt Nietzsche was an Übermensch in the moment he became aware of the idea
No. He was a decadent
One could also possibly contemplate that at the moment of true self-realisation, true self-awareness, one becomes a true Mensch, a person of integrity & honour.
As to the Übermensch, conceptually, it could tie
… it could tie with the notion of Advanced Human Being (AHB) with expanded brain, ie intellectual capacity as well as memory. There are a few of these AHBs around and so it is no longer a science fiction concept but an existing reality that can be potentially tied historically, philosophically & anthropologically with Nietzsche’s concept or a notion of an Übermensch. Perfection in itself must be unattainable as it is a concept as much as stoic or perfect stoic. Perfect stoic in itself is almost an oxymoron, I reckon.
As to the notion and concept of Übermensch, the Nazzi propaganda had killed any chance of a sensible future debate amongst modern or even the most current philosophers, sociologists, linguists, perhaps with the exception of developmental psychologists with anthropologists related to the concept of the Advanced Human Being/s as conceptualised above.
What do you think, smart, educated Listeners of Nietzsche’s compositions? Anna from London (& sometime or even often elsewhere)
Without nietzsche, there would be no moustache
The piano sounds terrible? The same color tone on every note. It is electric? Thank you for uploading, the playing however was very and beautiful. With a normal piano it would be more brilliant again.
it is wonderful, as everything Nietzsche has created
I am so confused. Like I stumbled upon an alternate universe. Never knew Nietzsche was also a composer.
If you stare long enough into the backboard, the backboard stares back into you.
thank u
Durant molts anys m´ha acompanyat el teu pensament i ara la teva música. Gràcies!
Without mistakes, life would be Nietzsche.
That first song got to me. Very well composed and well done
I love listen to music to concentrate. Especially when it's Nietzsche's music, and I'm working on Kant. 👉
HAHAHAH Nice one.
Pretty ironic :)
Besaß Kant nicht ein kleines Cembalo? Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn er auch komponiert hätte.
Kant is best read w/an unfocused mind. Dont concentrate. Let your mind float downstream. As Kant said, “I have denied knowledge therefore, in order to make room for faith."
@@Y_B099because he hated kant and his "drivel" lol.
He was a brave man. Thank you sir. :)
Es ist wichtiger Das, was eine Musik anregt, als Das, was sie ausspricht
Beautiful music.
The starting piece is sublime as beautiful as a Chopin nocturne . This man is still to be discovered for the centuries to come . His posthumous friends are not yet totally disclosed.
"In that instance in which the imagining individual consciousness abstracts out of nature's manifold a notion of 'life' wherein music is negated absolutely there remains in the concept an arrangement which finds in virtue of form a negation by terms of logic which amounts to the determination of music's positive and essential value in the original concept of the manifold." - Hegel
Listening to the music that Nietzsche's mind produced is like being so close to him that we could smell him.
Wow! I didn't expect such a profound music. Just great...
Interesting recording, thanks for sharing!
Hmm.... interesting.
Thank you so much, for shared this work.
Life is music and silence is the lack of it.
Beautifully played - from one composer to another!
Music like this makes the Eternal Recurrence look attractive.
Oh Beautiful Music ..of a GREAT and Unknow COMPOSER!
He dedicado gran parte de mi vida a estudiar a Wilhem Friedrich Nietzsche; en 1984 leími Tesina sobre él; agradezco a UA-cam la posibilidad de escucharla y a Internet en general que nos brinde tanta información sobre Nietzsche y sobre tantísimas cosas; ojalá sepamos manejar la gran herramienta que supone la Digitalización, para hacer cosas grandes y no para destruirnos los seres humanos entre nosotros mismos
quoting from a letter Hans von Bulow sent him in reply after receiving one of Nietzsche's compositions:"But to the matter at hand: your Manfred-Meditation is the most extreme case of fantastic extravagance, the most unedifying and anti-musical instance of notes placed on music paper that I have come across in a long time. Several times I had to ask myself: is the whole thing a joke, and did you perhaps intend a parody of the so-called music of the future? Did you consciously flout all the rules of musical language, from the higher syntax to simple matters of correct notation? Apart from the psychological interest-your musical fever-product gives evidence, despite all the confusion, of an uncommonly distinguished spirit-your Meditation is from the musical standpoint the equivalent of a crime in the moral world. I could discover no trace of Apollonian elements, and as for the Dionysian, to be frank, I was reminded more of the morning after a bacchanalian orgy than of an orgy per se. If you really have a passionate urge to express yourself in musical language, it is indispensable that you acquire the rudiments of this language: giddily fantasizing on a remembered gluttony of Wagnerian sounds is no basis of production".
"as for the Dionysian, to be frank, I was reminded more of the morning after a bacchanalian orgy than of an orgy per se."
This is the best musical burn I have ever come across.
"giddily fantasizing on a remembered gluttony of Wagnerian sounds is no basis of production" -- Hilarious!
This Bülow was a dwarf kicking at the shin of a giant!
legandary burn
That's nitpicking
아름다운 피아노 연주곡 잘 들었습니다~감사합니다~🎵🎹🌿🍀☘🌹🌹☘🍀🌿❤❤
0:55 , For some reason I really love this harmony
Сверхчеловек, безмерно восхищаюсь им
Cada vez que la escucho, me hace comprender sus palabras acerca de que la vida sin música es un error.
This composition is in tune with his " Thus Spoke Zarathustra," he did not think like anyone or talk like anyone !
i love jeroen van veen. so nice. thankyou~ Nietzsche is my favorite philosopher!
Great!!! Thank you
The real music is the universe, not this, and Nietzsche would be the first to agree.
Kinda feel ya on that.
I had no idea that Nietzsche ever composed any music?! What in the world? Nice music though!
Who is here in 2024 mildly enjoying this?
Here in 2025 lol
He was intrigued me by reading just now. Felt like a bit of sad that my works of art is gradually losing a mile. And sometimes my critical thinking indeed does a disservice to a lot of things but sometimes they don’t. Some of my thoughts are fake and it’s ruined me and THE SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS. Gosh I’m perplexed rn......nonsense above
One of Hitler's lesser crimes was to estrange Nietzsche from so many decent people. I never heard his compositions but I am enjoying them.
It's more interesting than I thought it would be.
Nietzsche as a composer.. What the..
Well.. Okay😂