Theta Healing

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • has over 100 articles and videos covering all aspects of the theory and practice of hypnosis.


  • @natalieg94602
    @natalieg94602 14 років тому +3

    I can't believe that people are so negative towards theta from watching this video. This may not be the best example of theta but I know that it works since I've used it to heal myself and many others. I've also healed electronics several times. If you take a class and experience it for yourself you will know how powerful it is!!

  • @PCARSON2005
    @PCARSON2005 14 років тому +1

    There are two sides to every story and I am glad that you share your points and experiences, but please note that I did not comment out of personal disappointment or out of malice; I just want to invite people to THInk twice before investing themselves in TH. I doubt you would speak so highly of TH if you saw what really goes on.

  • @natalieg94602
    @natalieg94602 14 років тому +1

    To respond to 2clevR, I'm not fooled by anything. I've taken the beginning and advanced class of theta, I'm also a reiki master and vortex healer. If you really knew about any kind of healing then you wouldn't be saying any of that. I'm not sure why you are so angry about something you don't understand but hopefully one day you will open your mind. AND most of the healings I've done have been permanent, not short lived. It is all the divine but yes belief is also a big part of it.

  • @artistswish
    @artistswish 14 років тому +1

    If you have tried Theta Healing and it didn't work for you, it is very possible that the healing wasn't complete, or that it wasn't in your best interest to be healed- and if you don't understand the last statement it is clear that you haven't experienced Theta in the real sense before.
    Don't knock it till you try it!

  • @9thaspect9
    @9thaspect9 14 років тому

    Its about natural ability we are born with, we can all learn to play a few songs on a guitar but to make a guitar talk and touch people at the deepest level requires a natural ability that cant be bought or trained. The same applies to healing.

  • @sirtinycreep
    @sirtinycreep 14 років тому

    I find this lady very relaxing.

  • @zeppovendetta
    @zeppovendetta 15 років тому

    What an intriguing debate!

  • @deeptrancenow
    @deeptrancenow 12 років тому +1

    I don't know what kind of theta healing is supposed to be demonstrated in this video, but that man, playing the role of the client, is neither in "theta" state, nor in hypnosis.

  • @artistswish
    @artistswish 14 років тому

    Theta Healing has changed my life, and I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to convince you that something is real when it isn't- after all, you're not paying for my time! I hope you understand my intention was for you to not judge until you know for sure. take it easy

  • @kaisersoce07
    @kaisersoce07 14 років тому

    @natalieg94602: Please don't make a statement like "most of the healings I've done have been permanent, not short lived." Because the only way you'd be able to confirm this is is you were to do constant "checkups" on your clients for the rest of their lives. Which we both know you're not doing. Just because they don't come back doesn't mean what you did stuck. And what about the ones that were NOT permanent? Why weren't they? Did they not BELIEVE enough? So much for instant healings.

  • @PCARSON2005
    @PCARSON2005 14 років тому

    MuscleBound46 - Lindsey's disclosure regarding her personal life is relevant and appropriate, and aspects of her personal life were already made public by Vianna Stibal who falsely claims in great detail to have healed Lindsey's young son of a serious condition. Vianna currently uses that claim to publicly promote TH. Lindsey is not the only person to speak out against TH, and she has chosen to share aspects of her personal life in order to illustrate to others that TH lacks credibility.

  • @PCARSON2005
    @PCARSON2005 14 років тому

    You suggest that TH did not heal me, either because I abandoned the process prematurely or because it was not in my best interests to be healed. That is a typical TH attitude; if it doesn't work blame the client. However, I was not suffering from any disease, and I had studied and practised TH diligently before reaching my conclusions. I suspect that the (unspecified) life changes you speak of are the function of your own desire and intention to get better, rather than the result of TH.

  • @dela131313
    @dela131313 16 років тому

    Is good to see how it's done in practice.

  • @kaisersoce07
    @kaisersoce07 14 років тому

    I love the title of this: "hypnosisexpert". Which begs the question, which is it? Hypnosis or theta healing? Hypnosis or theta healing? Hypnosis = theta healing? or Theta Healing = Hypnosis. Seriously, watch how this woman LEADS this dude through the whole experience. She's telling him what to experience. "your fingers will stay together" "your fingers will fall apart" "Your tension is draining away" It's call hypnotic trance people. No "theta" involved. Power of suggestion..

  • @PCARSON2005
    @PCARSON2005 14 років тому

    @natalieg94602 I do not think that eliminating a toothache or warding off a cold is significant, as similar and more substantial results are reported all the time through other modalities such as Reiki and EFT, or from interventions such as fasting or through administering chemical solutions such as MMS (sodium chlorite) or H2O2. It is recalled that TH claims to have instantly cured thousands of cases of cancer and other serious conditions (i.e., not merely toothaches and colds).

  • @artistswish
    @artistswish 14 років тому

    I understand where you are coming from, and realise that there are two sides to the story... although people such as lindsey4truth has put up a website about Theta being a scam I don't think anyone has a right to say that they know "what really goes on" if they haven't actually experienced it.

  • @PCARSON2005
    @PCARSON2005 14 років тому

    bobbilott3 - from what I have read Vianna does not in any sense whatsoever "help and support" Lindsey's children; her "help and support" was instead extended to Josh when he cheated on Lindsey and abandoned their children. Vianna is a con-artist who cannot even heal her own runny nose, so it is hardly surprising that Lindsey does not call upon her to "heal" her children. Lindsey speaks out of her extensive personal experience with TH, so that people can decide for themselves.

  • @artistswish
    @artistswish 14 років тому

    Theta Healing only uses the energy of unconditional love, and doesnt accredit certain people with the capabilities to use this technique-so by criticising Vianna you are obviously missing the point. There is no such thing as a 'bad side' to unconditional love.I have experienced it, and it will always work for people who truly believe in the power of love.

  • @natalieg94602
    @natalieg94602 14 років тому

    I do believe she healed her leg. I have done things that I had no idea I was capable of. As for her runny nose, there are certain illnesses that we wrote into our life path to experience that cannot be changed. You can lesson the severity of it with healings though.

  • @PCARSON2005
    @PCARSON2005 14 років тому

    Lindsey4truth writes a blog based on her intimate knowledge of TH, and of the people behind it. She is a good person with a deep faith in God, and is the sole provider of her 4 young children (who are also Vianna's grandchildren). Her blog is a forum where people can contemplate and comment upon the credibility of TH. She does not force her opinion on anyone, and she is motivated by a sense of decency and by a desire to help others. Why do you attack her and accuse her of acting out of "hurt"?

  • @PCARSON2005
    @PCARSON2005 14 років тому

    artistswish - thank you for your comments but I am certified by Vianna in TH, and I know through my own careful scrutiny of her many claims that so many things do not add up. It is clear that Vianna exaggerates her claims in order to sell and promote TH, and that people (Vianna and many of her TH instructors included) do not achieve the kind of results she speaks of. I know of many people once closely associated with TH who do not share your opinion or your experiences.

  • @artistswish
    @artistswish 14 років тому

    This includes medicine and science, natural remedies and all spiritual forms of healing. I'm sure you wouldn't lose respect for the medical field and create a website about how the medical world is fake just because it wasn't successful on someone, regardless of the fact that whilst doctors usually pin failure to science and Theta recognizes that every individual has a purpose that will not be fulfilled if the healing takes place.

  • @sparklelight
    @sparklelight 15 років тому

    Thanks for the kind sharing

  • @robiemsdarkable
    @robiemsdarkable 11 років тому

    actually it works,last year i went to a session and the man didn't ask me for money!

  • @9thaspect9
    @9thaspect9 14 років тому

    I dont see any difference between any of the healing modalities, too, techniques, rituals e.t.c. What i do see is the ability to channel healing of the person giving the healing.
    Healing is a natural gift and cannot be bought or trained in any way, yes everyone can heal to some degree but to take on the role of a healer is to me destined.

  • @Etuin
    @Etuin 12 років тому


  • @natalieg94602
    @natalieg94602 14 років тому

    I don't know what practitioners you are going to but I don't know anyone who makes more money than a doctor. Besides every single time I went to a "trained professional" they couldn't heal me with drugs that only masque the symptoms and cause other problems. I've had to find cures naturally for myself that actually worked.

  • @PCARSON2005
    @PCARSON2005 14 років тому

    MuscleBound46 - "so do everyone here a favor and show us evidence which supports your claims beyond an irrevocable doubt." - actually I think it is Vianna who needs to present some evidence to support her many claims. In 15 years she has failed to present any evidence to show that ThetaHealing works, or that it achieves the conscious theta state of which she speaks. There is no good reason for this continued lack evidence if TH works as she says it does.

  • @artistswish
    @artistswish 14 років тому

    So stop criticising because you are hurt- instead just accept that some things aren't up to you, and respect Theta Healing as it respects your view.

  • @menderfire9
    @menderfire9 15 років тому

    As much as I love Jesus, these energy healings work whether you believe in them or not. Just like gravity or electricity, you don't have to believe that apples fall downward out of trees instead of up, they just do! And you don't have to believe that a fresh battery will run your digital camera, it just does. Laws are laws, they work for the believer or the non believer alike. Jesus gives you the serenity prayer, the will give love, to go on, to help others and to comfort & be comforted.

  • @sproggdaddy
    @sproggdaddy 14 років тому

    @IsabellaInc i agree with you! :)

  • @fabiolima4060
    @fabiolima4060 15 років тому

    Why r u mixing the concepts of energetic/prana/qi etc. with hypnosis?

  • @kaisersoce07
    @kaisersoce07 14 років тому

    my gas tank is a little empty at the moment. I wonder if I just use some theta I'll be able to fill my empty gas tank with gas? And not even have to pay for it?? Awesome!

  • @PCARSON2005
    @PCARSON2005 14 років тому

    @natalieg94602 I am curious - what physical conditions (if any) have you cured with ThetaHealing?

  • @Kuroneko822
    @Kuroneko822 16 років тому

    I don't understand this method.

  • @federico33
    @federico33 15 років тому

    what she mean when she say THETA HEALING?
    Why THETA?

  • @jalexander192
    @jalexander192 13 років тому

    genius, Theta is a brainwave pattern you experience during relaxation and hypnosis. Hypnosis and healing are basicly the same thing. Most problems start in the head. and effect the body.

  • @9thaspect9
    @9thaspect9 14 років тому

    Healing is healing
    This is just another technique or tool like the hundredas out there.

    @CAJUNTWINSMOM 13 років тому

    @kaisersoce07 or is it sexpert? o_0

  • @PCARSON2005
    @PCARSON2005 14 років тому

    MuscleBound46 - I hope you are okay as you seem manic and unstable. When Lindsey said "there IS a bad side to unconditional love" she was clearly referring to the way the concept of unconditional love is used by some as an excuse to absolve themselves and others of personal responsibility. I can see no contradiction in any of Lindsey's comments, and the whole purpose of her blog "thetahealing revealed" is to help people do their "own research..." before investing themselves in ThetaHealing.

  • @artistswish
    @artistswish 14 років тому

    It sounds to me like you are being extremely skeptical about something you are not enitrely knowlegeable about. If you haven't yet tried Theta Healing, I wouldn't rely on 'critical websites', or any other sources for that matter, but my own experience of it.

  • @9thaspect9
    @9thaspect9 14 років тому

    Vianna would wouldnt she :-)

  • @artistswish
    @artistswish 14 років тому

    P.S. apologies for the incredibly long comment(s)! lol

  • @Vegeta379
    @Vegeta379 15 років тому

    its the theta vibration of your brain. We've got alpha, beta....

  • @BigJimmyJack
    @BigJimmyJack 16 років тому

    What are you waiting for? Go and see a Theta healer now!

  • @Shahbaaz90
    @Shahbaaz90 15 років тому

    theta rulz

  • @menderfire9
    @menderfire9 15 років тому

    For those of U who haven't been in the world very long, haven't studied the vast variety of healing modalities, religions, or the cosmos for very long, done little with your lives in the way of healing your own inner anger, shortcomings & shortsightedness but still insist that you know more than great scholars, philosophers & scientists I suggest that you stop & remember that 100 years ago people said a lot of things were bunk, but here we are 2009 proving them wrong! U 2 could B wrong my child!

  • @Aanthanur
    @Aanthanur 14 років тому

    Reported for Dangerous content.

  • @SuperSmartthinker
    @SuperSmartthinker 14 років тому

    Muscles: There is evidence to support the claims made that thetahealing is unreal. Look around, do your own research. You'll find all the truth you need, unless you're one of the faithful (blind) followers of Vianna. Perhaps you don't care what the truth is! That is your choice.

  • @decoman100
    @decoman100 15 років тому

    jesus said all things are posible to he or she who believes is all to do with belief and faith .......thats how jesus did all his miracles ........JUST BELIEVE IN HIM ...

  • @NormacHC
    @NormacHC 12 років тому

    Hope this woman can provide evidence for her snake oil.

  • @PCARSON2005
    @PCARSON2005 14 років тому

    You make TH sound like a cult - oh wait it is a cult. Vianna is the founder and leader of TH so how can I be "missing the point"? You should take a look at the submissions used in her application for federal registration of ThetaHealing as a trademark (and the various lawsuits she brings) and you will see that she DOES "accredit certain people with capabilities to use this technique". If you are a TH Master your comments could cause prejudice to Vianna's trademark application.

  • @Voiderify
    @Voiderify 13 років тому

    All quite interesting, but this video proves absolutely nothing.

  • @menderfire9
    @menderfire9 15 років тому

    gold hoard, your loss.

  • @HS74AB9
    @HS74AB9 16 років тому

    you're married ???

  • @matimaui
    @matimaui 14 років тому
