The Best Worship Tones I've Heard from Helix - Reacting to YOUR Presets

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @john808welk
    @john808welk Рік тому +84

    Thanks mate! Chuck it in the folder if anyone wants it.

    • @rubbun
      @rubbun Рік тому +3

      Amazing tone! If in the preset drive folder, what's the name of the preset?

    • @joemiller9856
      @joemiller9856 Рік тому +1

      Sweet! 🎸❤️

    • @MartinTheMysterious
      @MartinTheMysterious Рік тому

      Sounds very nice! Do you share the preset?

    • @BoboFett
      @BoboFett Рік тому +1

      yessir! Thank you and God bless!

    • @jeffbateman2339
      @jeffbateman2339 Рік тому

      Yes, please share the patch!
      Are you using stock cabs or third party IR?

  • @ogmakefirefiregood
    @ogmakefirefiregood Рік тому +12

    As a worship team guitarist, it is harder than you think to dial in gain tones for church. You can really turn red in the face if you hit that button, and all of a sudden, you are Pantera. I use the Boss GX100. Have had great success with the "X Crunch" amp. The effects sound great also. Running 3 delays and 2 reverbs.

  • @andrewhively5191
    @andrewhively5191 Рік тому +8

    Great tone - would love to get this for my Helix. Thank you both!

  • @SC-gh6ve
    @SC-gh6ve Рік тому +1

    Can we all take a moment to appreciate the pure musicianship in the intro of this video?! The way he orchestrates the different parts into one piece is incredible. And his style is just 🔥🔥🔥

  • @ksharpe10
    @ksharpe10 Рік тому +4

    That TONE at about 9:50, that singing lead sound, boy that is your tone. NICE. That singing SOUND, Lots of Overtones/harmonics, as musical as I have heard any TUBE amp. and it is TODAY modeller/sampler of it. ASTOUNDING.

  • @kiwiramjet5625
    @kiwiramjet5625 Рік тому +3

    I love the “chirp” in that attack around 11:00! Very nice

  • @B.R.A.D.Berealaboutdestiny
    @B.R.A.D.Berealaboutdestiny Рік тому +1

    Johnny welk nice patch!!!!! Thank you for sharing.... Thanks JC for your collaboration with JW!

  • @azguitar62
    @azguitar62 Рік тому +9

    Sounds really good Johnny W, thanks for letting him share it. This is a great series John, much appreciated!

  • @jillianlynneswope
    @jillianlynneswope Рік тому +4

    Chuck it in the Folder! Sounds really good!

  • @mickyj8412
    @mickyj8412 10 місяців тому

    I've only read the title and I know this is great!

  • @chrismartin1734
    @chrismartin1734 Рік тому +12

    WE WANT THE PRESET! I've been recently getting into worship music and playing at church and would love to try it out! :)

  • @southpaw335
    @southpaw335 Рік тому +1

    That’s really nice - please do chuck it in the folder ! Also that white K-Line in the sunshine, nicely shot John.

  • @trebleboost7
    @trebleboost7 Рік тому +2

    Cool to see a patch that is not based on the typical Vox/Morgan/Matchless EL84 type amps (well except for cabs - I wish I had some physical Alnico Blues). Very cool indeed. So the simple delay allows for multi-tap? So much I need to learn about my new HX Stomp. Thanks for sharing this!

    • @billmurrell2576
      @billmurrell2576 Рік тому

      The Simple Delay (and quite a few others) has a Scale sets a second tap that is a percentage of the delay time. So if you set the time at 500ms and the scale at 75%, the second tap is at 375ms

  • @AlecBourneMidiMadScientist
    @AlecBourneMidiMadScientist Рік тому +1

    Ahh really sounds ace that !

  • @DrProgNerd
    @DrProgNerd Рік тому +1

    Great preset. Thanks, Johnny ....and John. I love these clips. Great tutorials.

  • @darrylv.5400
    @darrylv.5400 Рік тому

    I appreciate these videos. It's great to see and hear the practical with devices that I don't own yet. Helps me see how the interface is to operate and what tones are possible. Thanks John!

  • @tmuka
    @tmuka Рік тому +1

    Sounds great! Beautiful playing

  • @the5chord
    @the5chord Рік тому

    That blew me away!

  • @timelwell7002
    @timelwell7002 Рік тому

    Beautiful playing, great tones - especially the clean tones.

  • @AwayWithWordsMusic
    @AwayWithWordsMusic Рік тому

    John do you have a video you can point me to discussing your preferred string gauge and string height and perhaps comment on big high frets or low frets?

  • @cliffordcline7547
    @cliffordcline7547 Рік тому

    You make everything sound awesome!

  • @cliffordcline7547
    @cliffordcline7547 Рік тому

    I would definitely like to give it a try!

  • @cybersixx
    @cybersixx Рік тому

    thanks for the presets

  • @billmurrell2576
    @billmurrell2576 Рік тому

    Nice patches! I tend to avoid what I call the 'Bethel Wash', but I loved these...snagged them off Gumroad!

  • @lesteralfonsonarvaez7450
    @lesteralfonsonarvaez7450 11 місяців тому

    Hey John, I can't add the "Dynamic Hall Reverb". Why? Maybe the DSP? Please help me. Thanks for your Channel. GBY and regards from Germany!

  • @urklvt
    @urklvt Рік тому

    Superb tone!

  • @muurimc
    @muurimc Рік тому

    Sounds really good

  • @chrisparrott5158
    @chrisparrott5158 Рік тому +1

    I would definitely be interested in this being put in the folder.

  • @alvinmarcelino4711
    @alvinmarcelino4711 9 місяців тому

    Great tones! How can i get a copy of this preset? Thanks 🙏

  • @stratless
    @stratless Рік тому

    Love the backing track. Love the patches.

  • @stratless
    @stratless Рік тому

    Love the patch and the Backing Track!

  • @davidhumphries6371
    @davidhumphries6371 Рік тому

    Stellar!! Would definitely love to have a fiddle are with this preset if possible. Thank you 😁

    • @johnnathancordy
      @johnnathancordy  Рік тому +2

      I dropped Johnny's preset into the 3.5 folder with his permission!

    • @davidhumphries6371
      @davidhumphries6371 Рік тому

      @@johnnathancordy epic! Thank you

    • @boabglen
      @boabglen 9 місяців тому

      Under what name?​@@johnnathancordy

  • @shadowm3ld
    @shadowm3ld Рік тому +1

    Okay what song are you playing this time, JNC? Sounds good! P&W songs in major, haha. Love it

  • @javierloperena994
    @javierloperena994 6 місяців тому

    Yess i want this preset , how can i buy for helix floor

  • @slicksalmon6948
    @slicksalmon6948 10 місяців тому

    Great argument for buying gear - honey, I need it for church.

  • @jerber182
    @jerber182 Рік тому

    that tone would be sweet to have! if it's shared in the folder please let me know!

  • @RobbieDiMaccini
    @RobbieDiMaccini Рік тому +1

    Please it in the Folder

  • @pr0fessorMor
    @pr0fessorMor Рік тому

    Been watching your videos for a while... How can I get access to this magical folder? I'm happy to pay 😁

  • @ruvchbrevth
    @ruvchbrevth Рік тому

    Would LOVE to use this preset for church, how can we share our presets with you John?

    • @johnnathancordy
      @johnnathancordy  Рік тому

      Via email - mostly I'll pay closest attention to Patreon members or youtube channel members (I have to say thanks somehow!)

  • @raimondwamelink5208
    @raimondwamelink5208 Рік тому

    Pretty nice!

  • @topecaparida
    @topecaparida Рік тому

    This preset is sooooo soooo good..hope you can share this one

  • @ChristopherPruitt-l8d
    @ChristopherPruitt-l8d Рік тому

    I truly want to purchase your Helix patches. Other patches I have purchased, because I believed they were good (sucked). Any input from you would be greatly appreciated.

  • @brandonbrooks7636
    @brandonbrooks7636 Рік тому +1

    What folder are you all finding it in? I have a Google Drive Folder (JC Lead Patches) from a while back. But, I don't see it in there. It looks like that folder hasn't been updated since the 3.15 update.

    • @1717jaydog
      @1717jaydog Рік тому

      I'm seeing the same thing. Not sure how to get the updated patches. Did you figure it out?

  • @sixk82
    @sixk82 2 місяці тому

    Has this been added to the preset?

  • @JaelX17
    @JaelX17 Рік тому

    9:40 Not sure why but I'm getting some very Tom Quayle-ish vibes here. Sounds great all the same.

  • @perrysanford
    @perrysanford 4 місяці тому

    How do I get this preset for the Helix

  • @SemourDuncan
    @SemourDuncan 9 місяців тому

    Sounds good. Eitler it‘s the sound or the stuff you are playing: It immidatly let me think of @Lari Basilio playing. So if you Play in the Style of her with a Helix this could be a perfect Start.

  • @tommywallberg
    @tommywallberg Рік тому

    It would be interesting if you could try Headrush prime

  • @perrysanford
    @perrysanford 4 місяці тому

    How do we get this preset

  • @TheSkeeter1969
    @TheSkeeter1969 10 місяців тому

    Is that preset on custom tone Brother?

  • @DanielBrophyMusic
    @DanielBrophyMusic Рік тому

    Where do we try all these presets? Are they only in your paid packs? Thanks, sounds great!

  • @ole-bjrnaase3924
    @ole-bjrnaase3924 Рік тому

    How do I buy this preset?

  • @jorgevargas6794
    @jorgevargas6794 Рік тому

    Where can i get this patch?

  • @jasonkerr931
    @jasonkerr931 Рік тому

    This patch will work with HX Stomp XL correct?

  • @azguitar62
    @azguitar62 Рік тому

    Hey John, how can I share my preset for your review?

  • @hectorvader4436
    @hectorvader4436 Рік тому

    We want the preset!!!

  • @Mighty559_
    @Mighty559_ Рік тому

    How do I get this patch?

  • @armandomartinez1149
    @armandomartinez1149 Рік тому

    Where can i get those presets?

  • @eugenedaly
    @eugenedaly Рік тому +1

    I'm curious not being familiar with the genre - what makes this a "worship tone" rather than just a great preset that can be used in any application/setting??

    • @ValWillKay
      @ValWillKay Рік тому

      It's designed to be used in a church band, playing worship music

    • @eugenedaly
      @eugenedaly Рік тому +1

      @@ValWillKay thanks I'd gathered that my question is whats specific about "worship" rather than any other style? a preset is a preset right? what if anything defines "worship" other than its played in a church??

    • @ValWillKay
      @ValWillKay Рік тому

      @@eugenedaly if you're asking what kind of tones are commonly used in Worship music, it's usually clean to medium "transparent" overdrive, lots of delay and reverb into a ac30 style amp. The idea is usually to create a "wall of sound"

    • @Wound3rd
      @Wound3rd Рік тому +1

      To be honest, I don't know if this would be ideal for a lot of Praise & Worship. It's much less a "guitar hero" genre and more of an atmospheric thing. Think Edge/U2, dotted 8th delays and super washy reverb swells. It's a different mindset of getting "me" out of the way and making God the focal point so you won't see lots of solos in many settings. Some churches are more "old school" in their approach but even as a guitarist who has done that, these days I tend to prefer a less bombastic, more textural approach.

  • @armandomartinez1149
    @armandomartinez1149 Рік тому

    I can't add the Reverb for some reason. Any Ideas?

    • @bryantmedina7780
      @bryantmedina7780 Рік тому

      I’ve also had this problem

    • @lesteralfonsonarvaez7450
      @lesteralfonsonarvaez7450 11 місяців тому

      Me too, but I think the problem is the DSP on the Helix Stomp because it's not enough for working when you have a lot parameters in use.

  • @nigelsmith721
    @nigelsmith721 Рік тому

    What is a worship tone?

  • @macleod41069
    @macleod41069 11 місяців тому

    What do you worship?

  • @jltrem
    @jltrem Рік тому

    Are worship tones ones that God likes and if so, how can you tell He likes them?

  • @stevecharles8526
    @stevecharles8526 Рік тому

    Hi John. Which folder will you put this in? I looked and don’t see it.

    • @johnnathancordy
      @johnnathancordy  Рік тому +1

      It's not my preset - it is Johnny Welk's! But he allowed me to drop it in 3.5

    • @stevecharles8526
      @stevecharles8526 Рік тому

      Affirmative. Thank you!

    • @danielrodgerson
      @danielrodgerson Рік тому

      @@johnnathancordy I just purchased the Helix bundle from your site but I do not see any preset called Moar Meds. Is it called anything else? Also, is there a google drive that gets updated? Thanks

    • @danielrodgerson
      @danielrodgerson Рік тому

      Sorry, I see the link on your webpage for the google drive. The downloaded folder did not have the Moar Mids preset in it just FYI

    • @somethingrc
      @somethingrc Рік тому

      @@johnnathancordy - Paid for these today, not seeing a 3.5 folder - via paypal.

  • @B.R.A.D.Berealaboutdestiny
    @B.R.A.D.Berealaboutdestiny Рік тому

    Does anyone know if this has been chucked into the folder?

  • @dominicgriego6073
    @dominicgriego6073 Рік тому +1

    i followed this build to a T but it sounds WAAAAAY too overdriven, like a Van Halen track

  • @43.NguyenNgocThang-eu6pu
    @43.NguyenNgocThang-eu6pu 4 місяці тому


  • @jng1226
    @jng1226 Рік тому

    What makes a "worship" tone? I grew up Catholic and we only had horrible folky acoustic guitar accompaniment at some of the masses and organ music everywhere else.

  • @Deep_Jimpact
    @Deep_Jimpact Рік тому

    Very dry

  • @RELcproductions
    @RELcproductions Рік тому

    I miss the ampero 2 videos🥲
    Awesome idea for future videos 📹 👏

    • @johnnathancordy
      @johnnathancordy  Рік тому

      I have an Ampero video that I need to make probably tomorrow

  • @SaxyCalzone
    @SaxyCalzone Рік тому +1

    What makes something a worship tone? Is it just any tone used for worship?

    • @bksmith82
      @bksmith82 Рік тому +2

      Yeah, it's just a common tone used in popular Christian music. Kind of like a Classic Rock tone, Jazz tone, Blues Tone, etc..

  • @VictorVectorMusic
    @VictorVectorMusic Рік тому +1

    Theres no such thing as 'worship' tones. Make a joyous sound is all you need to do.