The real takeaway from this is that many Linears are "close enough" to each other to not fret too much over it. No one is doing bleeding edge content that requires 100% optimal DPS outside of Contest modes, and even in those, that's not necessary either and is only used as a buffer when figuring out mechanics takes too much of the DPS window.
Translation: "Someone else, most likely a Hunter, will do the heavy lifting anyway so I do not want to bother optimizing. I want to be lazy and get carried through boss fights."
@@Sorastae Brother, you really out here assuming some wack ass stuff huh? The fact that the question being asked was already "Does any LFR outperform any other LFR damage wise" means we're in splitting hairs territory when the numbers come out like this. If you wanna jack off to your Celestial Nighthawk/Still hunt golden gun numbers, go off. But if you really think optimizing matters more than, I don't know, loot for completing on multiple characters (aka, the whole point of running a raid more than once a week), you might just want to log off for a bit.
Yeah, I like a lot of Llama's content but to be completely honest I'm not sure what the point is here. Wow, the BnS roll does slightly more damage than the Firing Line rolls? It does almost the same as the Precision Instrument burst LFR? Truly stunning. I guess Queenbreaker is good to see since that gun's been ignored for years, though. Just, on the whole, LFRs serve no purpose right now, aside from Euphony being one of the better special ammo damage options in the game. Less DPS than basically any other category of heavy, less efficient for other purposes than machine guns due to the damage being contained in fewer shots, and while Cataclysmic does have pretty impressive total damage its DPS is so far behind burst linears (which are in turn far behind the real top options) that it's hard to justify. This on top of losing even more damage because somebody's probably running Divinity because some bosses are hard to crit. I do not know how to solve this problem, however, because the justification for the original linear nerf is still correct: they were far too easy to use during TWQ, which meant it was hard to justify learning other things. "Oh why learn rockets you'll just blow yourself up" still makes me mad to this day (and I hear it to this day!)
Honestly the fact euphony does that much total without any sort of priming is really surprising to me. I am glad I got it on my first clear and it wasnt even contest mode
I got 2 on my first clear lol. Guaranteed one from contest and then I got lucky. Annoyed because the last time I got a raid exotic 1st run was last wish
Euphony does need priming tho, for the damage that was obtained, Llama need Spindle x25 which means he needed 25 threadling hits on enemies before damage started
If anyone remembers the disappointment that was the wild style double fire nightfall breech GL, it now gets reconstruction and bait / vorpal as of this episode. Undercurrent also now gets proximity and disorienting grenades
doomed partioner only takes one more shot to get precision instrument to full stacks, it used grant 3 stacks per burst, it is now 2 stacks per burst which is extremely good still, but if been hearing people spread miss info that it was gutted to one stack per burst, which isnt true
I really have to contest your total damage results for cata/scint. Using your reserve sizes and per-burst damage numbers, Scint is doing 44% more damage per-burst and Cata (with FTTC) has 94% more ammo so we should expect ~35% more total damage from Cata. Obviously not what your results were, which is concerning. The only advantageous behaviour Scint has is that it partially benefits from BnS on the proccing shot, but that only benefits scint ~2% extra damage (and because Cata shoots more per BnS window, compared to Cata that is closer to 1%). I did notice some issues on the partial clip of your cata testing, after the reload you prioritised BnS proccing over FTTC proccing which caused you to lose 2 ammo.That proc alone would have been ~6% more and put Cata back above Scint (albeit very marginally). I'm not going into stream archives to check but if you did this after every reload you lost 6 shots across the reserves which means you lost out on ~19% total damage. Finally it's not just adept mag that reduces reserves, any increase in your mag stat decreases total reserves for LFRs. If you just had backup mag instead of backup+mag boosting perk you would have had 20 reserves (you can push this to 21, but but the benefits are iffy) which would give an extra FTTC proc, and you would have 3 extra total shots resulting in ~9% extra damage on top of what I outlined above (This affects your Scint w/enhanced+adept mag as well but to a lesser degree). tldr you missed some fttc procs that penalise Cata's total, and suboptimal mag perks/mods combos favour Scint's total. If these were corrected Cata should still comfortably be ahead on total damage.
I do get that, it's a tricky toss up really, because on the one hand like you say it does promote build variety but it's a double edged sword because it can become fairly restricting and not fun/boring. Arc and Stasis week really highlighted this issue since there are basically no good Arc/Stasis options outside of a few like Acrius, plus the fact that Surges heavily impact the Speedrunning/Lowmanning community (I know this is like 1% of the playerbase but it's still valid IMO) What we have now is how it should be, though I wouldn't be opposed to a separate "Labs" mode where they add say weapon Overcharges for example, could be fun!
@JustAJauneArc no it's stupid. Use what you want. It should come down to skill not being forced to use meta garbage. Meta ruins games and limits creativity because you're using the same thing as your favorite UA-camr
@@haramberoth117 the problem is metas aren't made by the devs, they're made by the players. When players find the meta, everything else becomes diminished by comparison. Why can't x do it as easily as y, why does a feel worse than b, etc. Meta will never leave, so long as people exist and play games they will have metas. What MATTERS is how healthy the meta is, and the options you have. When there's only one or two builds for your class WAY ABOVE the rest, it's a rough meta because everyone is forced to run the same shit. Even if that shit rotates to other shit, people just wanna play what they wanna play and want to make it great. The way D2 is, even with subclass 2.0, it needs more work. Truthfully they should spend more into empowering and strengthening each class and subclasses abilities because by doing so they reduce the necessity of running "the best" weapons. By baking more power into that and adding more mods, you let the players cook. The players WANT to cook, that's why metas are a thing. They just need to let us, honestly.
for anyone interested: ANTIBARRIER BREAKING DETAIN IS A COPE i just got damage numbers on the bubble with a fusion once for some reason, couldn't repeat since
For Bait n switch you can proc the two other weapons early. you have like 5 seconds to shoot your other guns so shoot them at the others enemies first then shoot the boss with the linear. However that would only save a few moments of time and probably wouldn't change much.
@@haramberoth117 not making anything boring. boring is sitting in the same activity youve done a hundred times for longer because you wanna use something different and quirky
The first engram i decrypted this week for this LFR got me enhanced battery, rewind rounds and firing line. Needless to say that my serious grind has ended. I can go back to farming wardens law.
I got Scintillation randomly with rewind and bait. I’m new coming back for TFS and I’m glad I didn’t dismantle when I got it lol. Still grinding for that thunder lord catalyst tho
idk if im doing the math wrong but i swear the dmg used to activate bait and switch was not subtracted from Scintillation so queenbreaker would end up doing more dmg obv not accounting for total dmg, def the best legendary linear tho
The damage numbers for sleeper are fairly good here, but as someone with 10 years of raiding experience when you add in other weapons alongside the legendary linears they FAR exceed sleeper
Your not doing total dmg with cataclysmic or any other with fourt time or triple tap .any time you have under 3 left in the mag reload it therefore procking fourth time 2 or 3 times more which is a total 6 more free shots .ie your very last 2 shots wouldve been 4 if you had reloaded the last 2
This makes me wonder what lends itself to better dps rotations/swaps and or what gots through ammo faster since the dps/dmg is about the same for most . Gotta find something to set th apart
Did you test the amount of reserves Scintillation gets any further? I keep seeing different things being said about magazine perks affecting the reserves in addition to the Backup Mag stuff but nothing seems definitive
Bro. I understand using bait and switch for it. But if you're okay with a situational roll, enhanced cornered, and enhanced surrounded would make this thing the goat for sure
My big thing is simply. It’s a really good linear. And it’s strand. I have a good solar. A good void. And now I have a good strand. So I can fit it into different types of builds. Or match different surges.
It would be interesting to see if it's worth hotswapping from Apotheosis to Swarmers once you get that initial dmg rotation out the way just for a little more oomf. I can imagine it's probably only a marginal increase though.
Would this be good to use pair with Euphony seeing as you're going to want to dump the Euphony with max stacks for the Strand Warlock build for even max total damage with a BnS Scintillation?
I never understood this… Rockets can deal a ton of ad clear, can be used for rotation, need no crits Nade launcher can deal a ton of ad clear, can be used for rotation, need no crits Linear fusions can’t deal ads, can’t be used for rotation, need crits Why do these deal the worst dps… like…
The strenght about Scintillation is that you never need to reload but during that damage phase that strenght doesnt really shine. Its like the worst place to test the damage, oryx would be much better
@@LlamaD2 Awe ): I had a lot of hope that they fixed a bunch of stuff in the TFS update, since I saw the pyramid in The Beyond on Europa finally has all its textures after... 4 years? of being in the game
Thoughts on autoloading holster vs rewind rounds? With ALH by the time you finish the mag, bait n switch is about finished making it a perfect time to reproc BnS while ALH reloads the weapon again.
Plus Veist can often keep you topped off too. I'm curious about this as well because I feel like ALH should be able to keep up with there being some edge cases where Veist doesn't proc in which Rewind would be beneficial. Not to mention things like Enhanced Battery I don't believe affecting reserves but for whatever reason everything else does? I feel like the numbers won't be enough to make a case for either being better. In the end it just comes down to preference. I personally think that BnS, Veist, and being strand to pair with Quicksilver/Final Warning/Euphony and Unraveling rounds is the most important thing about this weapon. Cataphract will like be the overall pick for most DPS windows but it's always nice to have other options available for any encounters that may ask for it.
At 3 strand reserves it holds 24 ammo Backup mag, adept backup mag and ionized all decrease it to 23 Any combo that gets you to 7 in the mag decreases it to 22 Because of Bungie’s fucked up rounding enhanced battery increases reserves to 25
I do'nt know the difference between dps and total damage - and at this point I'm afraid to ask (I mean, there are two tests, how do they differ from each other?)
Dps is basically how fast you can put out damage. Total damage refers to how much damage your weapon over the course of time. A weapon might be able to put out a lot of damage quickly (like grenade launchers), but won’t do as much damage over the course of its whole reserves as something like whisper. Some bosses might want more dps like atrax, others you might want more total damage against a boss like golgoroth
I’m surprised Queenbreaker is keeping up with the other linears now. It might actually be a decent option for people who need an arc linear and don’t have anything else
I like how good euphony is but I am worried that I’m gonna struggle to get it because it’s a raid exotic. I’ve never really had bad luck with raid exotics, and it’s not going to be much of a problem now what we have triumphs and challenges that increase drop rate. I am worried because I’m a solo player. Salvation’s Edge doesn’t appear to be very friendly to LFGs, and my teaching run didn’t feel great. I am also worried that triumphs and challenges will be even more of slog, and Master will absolutely kick my ass. Here’s hoping my next run gives me the exotic. I’ve only ran the raid once.
Honestly the lfgs for salvation's have been getting better the past few weeks. We even got teams that dont have to call out the witness's attacks anymore and are just able to avoid them on their own.
Ye I got no idea what this entire comment section is talking about linears are beyond perfectly fine and thunder lord was always really good 💀 swords and snipers are only doing that good cause of the seasonal mods and edge transit is just really good, rockets are only good if your using other weapons in rotation
I think the testing has to be wrong in some capacity. Scintillation has a 30% damage boost and didn’t need to reload. How is it only doing 30k more damage than storm chaser which needed a reload and a 20% damage buff
[My bad this ended up being longer than I planned] BnS doesn't apply on the first bolt of the burst so only 2/3rds of the first shot is buffed. BnS also ran out on the second to the last shot, so the last shot had no extra damage on it. Both LFRs shot 9 rounds. So 7 shots of Scintillation were getting 30%, 1 shot only gets 2/3rds of its bolt buffed with BnS active, and the final shot had a 0% damage buff. So counting each bolt individually (1 shot x3 bolts) 4 of the bolts did 32,575 damage and 23 bolts did 42,347 damage totaling 1,104,281 Storm Chaser gets 20% on all 9 shots (27 bolts) doing 40,365 damage per bolt totaling 1,089,855. 14,426 more damage on the Scintillation roll. Rapid Hit gives reload and a scalar which can bring it's reload speed down to 1.40-1.49seconds which isn't all that different to the time it took him to activate BnS in the beginning of the Scintillation damage test. Also factoring in the 9-10k damage loss on some of the bolts from BnS running out (and the initial activating bolt). You could try to reproc BnS before it fully runs out but that'll likely end in a DPS loss for an encounter like this. All this to say: Theres so much to consider that even in a more controlled environment like this it's hard to say that one is objectively better. That said if there's this little of a difference in damage due to the amount of damage loss you can get with BnS on sa couple of your shots, I wonder how well a Rewind + Firing Line would do. It would basically be that same Storm Chaser but without needing that reload which might allow it one more shot putting it closer to 1,210,950 damage. Considering Scintillation and the raid sniper are the only weapons to be able to get that roll (rewind + firing)? It might be worth considering though BnS does have the added benefit of letting you do a BnS swap with Witherhoard. You could with Izy and Still Hunt but I feel like RLs and GLs are a bit better for that.
@@ROFLWAFFLELAWL4 there’s a lot of data that AFAIK that BNS DOES proc on the first shot, just not showing numbers. Healthbar testing shows this, partly why I’m saying the testing is wrong since he’s using endgame damage numbers which are notoriously buggy.
The real takeaway from this is that many Linears are "close enough" to each other to not fret too much over it. No one is doing bleeding edge content that requires 100% optimal DPS outside of Contest modes, and even in those, that's not necessary either and is only used as a buffer when figuring out mechanics takes too much of the DPS window.
Translation: "Someone else, most likely a Hunter, will do the heavy lifting anyway so I do not want to bother optimizing. I want to be lazy and get carried through boss fights."
@@Sorastae Brother, you really out here assuming some wack ass stuff huh? The fact that the question being asked was already "Does any LFR outperform any other LFR damage wise" means we're in splitting hairs territory when the numbers come out like this.
If you wanna jack off to your Celestial Nighthawk/Still hunt golden gun numbers, go off. But if you really think optimizing matters more than, I don't know, loot for completing on multiple characters (aka, the whole point of running a raid more than once a week), you might just want to log off for a bit.
@@Sorastae Thanks for the Strawman; I needed another one for the fields.
@@Sorastae cmon man
It might be a king, but this king reigns over mid
Yeah, I like a lot of Llama's content but to be completely honest I'm not sure what the point is here. Wow, the BnS roll does slightly more damage than the Firing Line rolls? It does almost the same as the Precision Instrument burst LFR? Truly stunning. I guess Queenbreaker is good to see since that gun's been ignored for years, though.
Just, on the whole, LFRs serve no purpose right now, aside from Euphony being one of the better special ammo damage options in the game. Less DPS than basically any other category of heavy, less efficient for other purposes than machine guns due to the damage being contained in fewer shots, and while Cataclysmic does have pretty impressive total damage its DPS is so far behind burst linears (which are in turn far behind the real top options) that it's hard to justify. This on top of losing even more damage because somebody's probably running Divinity because some bosses are hard to crit.
I do not know how to solve this problem, however, because the justification for the original linear nerf is still correct: they were far too easy to use during TWQ, which meant it was hard to justify learning other things. "Oh why learn rockets you'll just blow yourself up" still makes me mad to this day (and I hear it to this day!)
@@life-destiny1196the point is to have hard numbers to point at. Just *knowing* isn't useful for people who aren't in tune with metas
@@life-destiny1196linears are pretty close to rockets actually they feel way stronger then they did a couple seasons ago.
The fact that thunder lord kept up while this guys whole channel is memeing it says a lot about this new gun
Don't get it then. Also don't cry when they buff LFR's and you didn't get it
Honestly the fact euphony does that much total without any sort of priming is really surprising to me. I am glad I got it on my first clear and it wasnt even contest mode
I got 2 on my first clear lol. Guaranteed one from contest and then I got lucky. Annoyed because the last time I got a raid exotic 1st run was last wish
Euphony does need priming tho, for the damage that was obtained, Llama need Spindle x25 which means he needed 25 threadling hits on enemies before damage started
9th run here no exotic
@@fletcherbarry2953 not sure if he did anything though, grapple melee, and full super implies he just shot it and stacked it up that way.
@@fletcherbarry2953 the Euphony clip just showed dps towards the end of the clip, so stacks will have been building beforehand
Stormchaser surprised me the most, despite not having a mag increasing or auto loading perk, it's able to hang on with the newer LFR's.
it does have alh, unless you mean in this test specifically
If anyone remembers the disappointment that was the wild style double fire nightfall breech GL, it now gets reconstruction and bait / vorpal as of this episode. Undercurrent also now gets proximity and disorienting grenades
100%, just pulled a reconstruction/vorpal roll that was carrying my teams in the GM boss room
Did I just hear that right? A wave frame GL with disorienting grenades
@@chrisbarnesbarnes8332 Yeah, but the wave has to hit them directly. It doesn’t feel as good as a normal gl with it.
@@chrisbarnesbarnes8332 yesterday's update literally just removed them because it was a bug 💀
Tbh all this taught me was that my crafted doomed petitioner is good enough, no need to farn for scintillation (at least for me)
You forgot about surges my friend
@@Maxtackk surges for only gms that matter
@@Maxtackkthat they’re gone..?
@@aslayerrrr In raids and dungeons. They're very much still a thing in GMs.
@@aslayerrrr master raids
doomed partioner only takes one more shot to get precision instrument to full stacks, it used grant 3 stacks per burst, it is now 2 stacks per burst which is extremely good still, but if been hearing people spread miss info that it was gutted to one stack per burst, which isnt true
I was not expecting Queenbreaker to be that good
Thunderlord made a feature 😱❤️
Queenbreaker’s bow really surprised me
Thanks for testing Llama. I appreciate these videos a lot.
I really have to contest your total damage results for cata/scint. Using your reserve sizes and per-burst damage numbers, Scint is doing 44% more damage per-burst and Cata (with FTTC) has 94% more ammo so we should expect ~35% more total damage from Cata. Obviously not what your results were, which is concerning. The only advantageous behaviour Scint has is that it partially benefits from BnS on the proccing shot, but that only benefits scint ~2% extra damage (and because Cata shoots more per BnS window, compared to Cata that is closer to 1%).
I did notice some issues on the partial clip of your cata testing, after the reload you prioritised BnS proccing over FTTC proccing which caused you to lose 2 ammo.That proc alone would have been ~6% more and put Cata back above Scint (albeit very marginally). I'm not going into stream archives to check but if you did this after every reload you lost 6 shots across the reserves which means you lost out on ~19% total damage.
Finally it's not just adept mag that reduces reserves, any increase in your mag stat decreases total reserves for LFRs. If you just had backup mag instead of backup+mag boosting perk you would have had 20 reserves (you can push this to 21, but but the benefits are iffy) which would give an extra FTTC proc, and you would have 3 extra total shots resulting in ~9% extra damage on top of what I outlined above (This affects your Scint w/enhanced+adept mag as well but to a lesser degree).
tldr you missed some fttc procs that penalise Cata's total, and suboptimal mag perks/mods combos favour Scint's total. If these were corrected Cata should still comfortably be ahead on total damage.
It would be great if you could compare microcosm to the LFRs as easy damage options for witness (for warlocks and titans).
Yeah haven't seen anyone do precise dmg testing with microcosm.
I feel like this was the point of surges in raids and dungeons. Make mini metas that could have you change your normal loadout every week.
I do get that, it's a tricky toss up really, because on the one hand like you say it does promote build variety but it's a double edged sword because it can become fairly restricting and not fun/boring.
Arc and Stasis week really highlighted this issue since there are basically no good Arc/Stasis options outside of a few like Acrius, plus the fact that Surges heavily impact the Speedrunning/Lowmanning community (I know this is like 1% of the playerbase but it's still valid IMO)
What we have now is how it should be, though I wouldn't be opposed to a separate "Labs" mode where they add say weapon Overcharges for example, could be fun!
@@LlamaD2 Agreed, they can just HAVE both options.
@JustAJauneArc no it's stupid. Use what you want. It should come down to skill not being forced to use meta garbage. Meta ruins games and limits creativity because you're using the same thing as your favorite UA-camr
@@haramberoth117 the problem is metas aren't made by the devs, they're made by the players. When players find the meta, everything else becomes diminished by comparison. Why can't x do it as easily as y, why does a feel worse than b, etc.
Meta will never leave, so long as people exist and play games they will have metas. What MATTERS is how healthy the meta is, and the options you have. When there's only one or two builds for your class WAY ABOVE the rest, it's a rough meta because everyone is forced to run the same shit. Even if that shit rotates to other shit, people just wanna play what they wanna play and want to make it great. The way D2 is, even with subclass 2.0, it needs more work.
Truthfully they should spend more into empowering and strengthening each class and subclasses abilities because by doing so they reduce the necessity of running "the best" weapons. By baking more power into that and adding more mods, you let the players cook.
The players WANT to cook, that's why metas are a thing. They just need to let us, honestly.
Honestly I’m just glad Queen Breaker is on the board even though it’s still not a top tier option lol
Ehh I feel like it’s definitely a sleeper pick since it has intrinsic unstoppable and has a ton of total damage
Niche, but great option for sustained precision damage.
7:03 oh no way! Great info
Makes me feel good, I got envious/rewind + bait and switch to match my envious/cascade + bait and switch shiny edge transit
for anyone interested:
i just got damage numbers on the bubble with a fusion once for some reason, couldn't repeat since
Maybe you had volatile or untangling rounds, that can break barriers too
You gotta test these with the set up they would be using so rush can show how much ahead it is from the rest
bros slowly becoming more and more accurate w final damage, the euphony having the most numbers and being on dot is crazy
For Bait n switch you can proc the two other weapons early. you have like 5 seconds to shoot your other guns so shoot them at the others enemies first then shoot the boss with the linear. However that would only save a few moments of time and probably wouldn't change much.
the thing is any situation where u would use a linear you would just use whisper or sleeper
Yeah like raids and dungeon’s sleeper and whisper are still gonna reign supreme.
Yay let's limit and make destiny boring and everyone uses the same shit
@@haramberoth117 not making anything boring. boring is sitting in the same activity youve done a hundred times for longer because you wanna use something different and quirky
I have a roll with rewind and BnS and another with Rewind and firing line and was hoping this was gonna show both rolls.
Well the Firing Line one would behave almost identically to Stormchaser but just slightly better DPS
The first engram i decrypted this week for this LFR got me enhanced battery, rewind rounds and firing line.
Needless to say that my serious grind has ended. I can go back to farming wardens law.
I got Scintillation randomly with rewind and bait. I’m new coming back for TFS and I’m glad I didn’t dismantle when I got it lol. Still grinding for that thunder lord catalyst tho
What mag does it have? Cause if you also got enhanced mag then that’s a goated roll
Llama uploads are best uploads
L vid
idk if im doing the math wrong but i swear the dmg used to activate bait and switch was not subtracted from Scintillation so queenbreaker would end up doing more dmg obv not accounting for total dmg, def the best legendary linear tho
Worth getting a good roll, idc if linears are all close but that small edge in damage could make the difference
The damage numbers for sleeper are fairly good here, but as someone with 10 years of raiding experience when you add in other weapons alongside the legendary linears they FAR exceed sleeper
Imo you should have tested Surrounded Briars and Scintillation aswell
I did think about it but outside of Ir Yut Surrounded is so situational on a linear.
Nice, thanks for the video.
im suprised by how well queenbreaker did but that visual recoil kills it for me
i farmed a shit ton of rolls for this.
i hope its good
Your not doing total dmg with cataclysmic or any other with fourt time or triple tap .any time you have under 3 left in the mag reload it therefore procking fourth time 2 or 3 times more which is a total 6 more free shots .ie your very last 2 shots wouldve been 4 if you had reloaded the last 2
This makes me wonder what lends itself to better dps rotations/swaps and or what gots through ammo faster since the dps/dmg is about the same for most . Gotta find something to set th apart
I think the real question is:
"Is it cool?"
Did you test the amount of reserves Scintillation gets any further? I keep seeing different things being said about magazine perks affecting the reserves in addition to the Backup Mag stuff but nothing seems definitive
Bro. I understand using bait and switch for it. But if you're okay with a situational roll, enhanced cornered, and enhanced surrounded would make this thing the goat for sure
Yeah should be cracked on Ir Yut
My big thing is simply. It’s a really good linear. And it’s strand. I have a good solar. A good void. And now I have a good strand. So I can fit it into different types of builds. Or match different surges.
Thunderlord really is the LMG of all time
Is it best to run accelerated coils / adept charge time or ionized / backup mag?
I would go for Ionized with Charge Time
@@LlamaD2 do you know if accelerated / charge mw and adept charge all stack?
It’s strange that any mag increase reduces the overall reserve size…. But the increase doesn’t matter since you can fire all the reserves
So. Do not add ANY backup mag mods? Or can I still use regular back up mag
Regular Backup Mag is fine just don't use Adept Mag :)
I want to know about envious+burst, it's my fav roll I just want to know how it stacks up against the Rewind+Bait
I would like to see the dps over the whole mag
It would be interesting to see if it's worth hotswapping from Apotheosis to Swarmers once you get that initial dmg rotation out the way just for a little more oomf. I can imagine it's probably only a marginal increase though.
Just use a single melee to unravel
You don’t even need to swap to swarmers just throw a strand melee. It does the same thing
Oh boy I’m an idiot I completely forgot about that 😂
@@Gaffroninja sadly just because of that it makes swarmers useless for a dps situation
Please explain the adept back up mag / reserve impact 😊😅
Basically just don't use Adept Mag, it lowers your total reserve count (not good)
Llama help what do I run on Witness as Titan: Scintillation, Still Hunt / Last Wish Rocket, or Cloudstrike + Arc Rocket or GL? 🙏🏻
I'd still do Still Hunt + Apex with Recon EL
@@LlamaD2 Thank you boss, hard out here trying to find optimal rotations for Titan specifically on Witness.
What shader are you using on your scintillation
Calus's Selected
I feel cornered surrounded would be better, but it’s very situational
do we know the best battery and MW? i got one with charge time battery and charge time MW - and one with Ionized battery and reload MW.
I go for a bigger mag size and charge time masterwork
@@LlamaD2 charge time mw decrease damage, would it be better if you went with reload speed no?
Would this be good to use pair with Euphony seeing as you're going to want to dump the Euphony with max stacks for the Strand Warlock build for even max total damage with a BnS Scintillation?
What about the fragment that reloads your gun on a freeze proc? Wouldn’t that make fire and forget to more dps?
Briars Contempt?
Glad i been farming this one got all the best rolls
could you try rewind rounds with surrounded
Rewind bait is what I have with liquid coils
have u tried the cartesian coordinates ?
I'll take it being the best unsituational legendary linear fusion. It was worth the grind.
Y’all should be damage testing the witness that’s why we’re all here
How much does a needle and thread take or Reed's grief?
I love mine with envious and bait n switch
I never understood this…
Rockets can deal a ton of ad clear, can be used for rotation, need no crits
Nade launcher can deal a ton of ad clear, can be used for rotation, need no crits
Linear fusions can’t deal ads, can’t be used for rotation, need crits
Why do these deal the worst dps… like…
because some encounters linears are best. def not picking these over apex or edge transit 90% of the time
@@ChadBro1985 all im saying is lineares can only deal dps and need to crit, that’s why they should be the best at dps
Sleeper is slept on
The strenght about Scintillation is that you never need to reload but during that damage phase that strenght doesnt really shine. Its like the worst place to test the damage, oryx would be much better
where Whisper blows it out of the water by way over 25%, so not even surges can save it.
Hold up. Did someone say Anti Barrier can break detain?
They finally fixed it? XD
I don't think this was true sadly, a mere fluke :/
@@LlamaD2 Awe ):
I had a lot of hope that they fixed a bunch of stuff in the TFS update, since I saw the pyramid in The Beyond on Europa finally has all its textures after... 4 years? of being in the game
I would redo damage with a charge time masterwork and adept charge time mod
Thoughts on autoloading holster vs rewind rounds? With ALH by the time you finish the mag, bait n switch is about finished making it a perfect time to reproc BnS while ALH reloads the weapon again.
Plus Veist can often keep you topped off too. I'm curious about this as well because I feel like ALH should be able to keep up with there being some edge cases where Veist doesn't proc in which Rewind would be beneficial. Not to mention things like Enhanced Battery I don't believe affecting reserves but for whatever reason everything else does?
I feel like the numbers won't be enough to make a case for either being better. In the end it just comes down to preference. I personally think that BnS, Veist, and being strand to pair with Quicksilver/Final Warning/Euphony and Unraveling rounds is the most important thing about this weapon. Cataphract will like be the overall pick for most DPS windows but it's always nice to have other options available for any encounters that may ask for it.
@@ROFLWAFFLELAWL4 true agreed
Yeah true this sounds good as well!
I wish you has a good roll of the saint 14 one, dont remember the name but it can get some interesting rolls, demo b&S clown b&S
No surrounded + cornered?
Does normal backup mag reduce reserves too or just adept backup mag?
I think normal too
At 3 strand reserves it holds 24 ammo
Backup mag, adept backup mag and ionized all decrease it to 23
Any combo that gets you to 7 in the mag decreases it to 22
Because of Bungie’s fucked up rounding enhanced battery increases reserves to 25
Annoyingly it depends on the gun and there's no consistent rule you can follow so you just have to check it yourself
I do'nt know the difference between dps and total damage - and at this point I'm afraid to ask (I mean, there are two tests, how do they differ from each other?)
Dps is basically how fast you can put out damage. Total damage refers to how much damage your weapon over the course of time. A weapon might be able to put out a lot of damage quickly (like grenade launchers), but won’t do as much damage over the course of its whole reserves as something like whisper. Some bosses might want more dps like atrax, others you might want more total damage against a boss like golgoroth
I’m surprised Queenbreaker is keeping up with the other linears now. It might actually be a decent option for people who need an arc linear and don’t have anything else
it's also getting a rework soon, so it might become even better
i lost my channel points at the T-Lord bet 😭
Yeahhh lets go llama uploaded
Neat weapon, i got both of the "best" rolls (cornered/surrounded and rewind/bns)
Same i literally just keep like 90% of my rolls til someone makes a video about the good rolls
No Suspectum 4FR?
At 7:57 how did you got 25 stack? Without super??
Just kept blasting!
Yooooooo what roll you got on that doomed petitioner. You should be having 12 in that mag not 9?
You beat Aztecross to it😅, he was about to do a damage test too
I like how good euphony is but I am worried that I’m gonna struggle to get it because it’s a raid exotic. I’ve never really had bad luck with raid exotics, and it’s not going to be much of a problem now what we have triumphs and challenges that increase drop rate. I am worried because I’m a solo player. Salvation’s Edge doesn’t appear to be very friendly to LFGs, and my teaching run didn’t feel great. I am also worried that triumphs and challenges will be even more of slog, and Master will absolutely kick my ass.
Here’s hoping my next run gives me the exotic. I’ve only ran the raid once.
Honestly the lfgs for salvation's have been getting better the past few weeks. We even got teams that dont have to call out the witness's attacks anymore and are just able to avoid them on their own.
@@jenarickman9215Verity concerns me the most not gonna lie
Witness is very lfg friendly, 3-4 people don’t have to do anything but kill adds and stay alive
What about scintillation + firing line
First drop adept envious bait and switch
9:20 what shader did you put on your Scintillation
Its the shader from the very first raid in destiny 2. Where you kill calus cant recall its name lol
It's double loot yall. I got rewind rounds and bns on my first run. Now is the time if you want better chances of getting the roll you want.
Not to mention you get a second peek in the 3rd column. I got envious+auto loading
You didn’t test Line in the Sand. It’s Precision like Cataclysmic, it has B&S but no TT or FTTC so the total is probably much lower.
Wait what about briars contempt?
No "Right, hello guys..." ??!?? 😓
Next video!
Voids weapons could be crazy with expanding abyss this season!
Why not test different roles for it like firing line or surrounded, also not having briars which was the best previously is kinda strange
Is it better than apex for dps?
One mid-season tweak and Linears could be undisputed top tier again. I used to not care about them but that was before Euphony dropped for me 😂.
Tu as oublié le mepris de briar c’est dommage sinon merci 👍🏾
No Briars contempt?
Ye I got no idea what this entire comment section is talking about linears are beyond perfectly fine and thunder lord was always really good 💀 swords and snipers are only doing that good cause of the seasonal mods and edge transit is just really good, rockets are only good if your using other weapons in rotation
I think the testing has to be wrong in some capacity. Scintillation has a 30% damage boost and didn’t need to reload. How is it only doing 30k more damage than storm chaser which needed a reload and a 20% damage buff
Time to proc bait helps any non bait weapons
So doesnt that mean it would be better if he tested it with firing line?@@snipey8623
[My bad this ended up being longer than I planned]
BnS doesn't apply on the first bolt of the burst so only 2/3rds of the first shot is buffed. BnS also ran out on the second to the last shot, so the last shot had no extra damage on it.
Both LFRs shot 9 rounds.
So 7 shots of Scintillation were getting 30%, 1 shot only gets 2/3rds of its bolt buffed with BnS active, and the final shot had a 0% damage buff. So counting each bolt individually (1 shot x3 bolts) 4 of the bolts did 32,575 damage and 23 bolts did 42,347 damage totaling 1,104,281
Storm Chaser gets 20% on all 9 shots (27 bolts) doing 40,365 damage per bolt totaling 1,089,855.
14,426 more damage on the Scintillation roll. Rapid Hit gives reload and a scalar which can bring it's reload speed down to 1.40-1.49seconds which isn't all that different to the time it took him to activate BnS in the beginning of the Scintillation damage test.
Also factoring in the 9-10k damage loss on some of the bolts from BnS running out (and the initial activating bolt).
You could try to reproc BnS before it fully runs out but that'll likely end in a DPS loss for an encounter like this.
All this to say: Theres so much to consider that even in a more controlled environment like this it's hard to say that one is objectively better.
That said if there's this little of a difference in damage due to the amount of damage loss you can get with BnS on sa couple of your shots, I wonder how well a Rewind + Firing Line would do. It would basically be that same Storm Chaser but without needing that reload which might allow it one more shot putting it closer to 1,210,950 damage.
Considering Scintillation and the raid sniper are the only weapons to be able to get that roll (rewind + firing)? It might be worth considering though BnS does have the added benefit of letting you do a BnS swap with Witherhoard. You could with Izy and Still Hunt but I feel like RLs and GLs are a bit better for that.
@@ROFLWAFFLELAWL4 there’s a lot of data that AFAIK that BNS DOES proc on the first shot, just not showing numbers. Healthbar testing shows this, partly why I’m saying the testing is wrong since he’s using endgame damage numbers which are notoriously buggy.
real takeaway is that thunderlord is the best dps and total in the game by miles
No briar's contempt?!
Surrounded is not practical to use in 99% of dps phases, even more so after the well nerf
@@killclip6449 Focused Fury.
@@killclip6449 mine has enhanced rewind rounds focused fury and pumps heaps of damage