Bought one for my daughter and she learned to ride in 1 hr, we bought a cheap huffy and she never took to it, but we gave up after a couple of hrs. This bike she picked it up really fast
So glad to hear you are re-homing your manufacturing! You and Mark Cuban are making a great change to make and integrate your business. I had stopped watching Shark Tank because they were focusing too much on offshoring the core business of most of the businesses they invested in which was not bringing much hope to the future of the US economy. I hope this is the start of a new trend... China is/has become a significant issue regarding their empowerment and marketplace dominant -- we need to wake up and take care of each other in this country or more towns will shrivel up due to lack of gainful employment.
Bought one for my daughter and she learned to ride in 1 hr, we bought a cheap huffy and she never took to it, but we gave up after a couple of hrs. This bike she picked it up really fast
So glad to hear you are re-homing your manufacturing! You and Mark Cuban are making a great change to make and integrate your business. I had stopped watching Shark Tank because they were focusing too much on offshoring the core business of most of the businesses they invested in which was not bringing much hope to the future of the US economy. I hope this is the start of a new trend... China is/has become a significant issue regarding their empowerment and marketplace dominant -- we need to wake up and take care of each other in this country or more towns will shrivel up due to lack of gainful employment.
Thanks guys , so proud to see made in the USA again
Congratulations on your success. Looks like a great bike! Hard work and perseverance really do pay off! Best wishes for your future success.
Much appreciated!
Just bought one for my son!