I do tend to think we tend to do mae geri to death too much. More time needs to be spent for more technically difficult kicks like yoko keomi or ura mawashi for example. Having said that, Ueki Sensei is in his mid 70s and probably might only be limited to mae geri right now unfortunately
Sensei Ueki, R.i.p.....
Must be very frustrating to go as a black belt to a seminar with a grand master, just to do some tsukis and mae-geris.
Oossergio karate
I do tend to think we tend to do mae geri to death too much. More time needs to be spent for more technically difficult kicks like yoko keomi or ura mawashi for example. Having said that, Ueki Sensei is in his mid 70s and probably might only be limited to mae geri right now unfortunately