As a Lizardman main I do not find the race difficult. When I run into something I can't handle simply save scum back a few turns to reinterpret the great plan. Our Skink oracles are very wise
Well with how long tww is in development it would've been pretty sad if some race wouldn't be viable at least in some way. But everything is relative to each other...
I want to love Lizardmen, they are my thing thematically, they are not difficult but you suffer a LOT, settlement upgrades takes LONG Their units are niche, Skink Javelins are okay T0 units but I end up running them still Turn30 which is not so OKAY, I just make 4 armies of skinks instead of 2 armies of Saurus warriors (they are fricking expensive) cavalry? again bad and slow or expensive and okay, not cost effective at all Terradon riders are okay Salamander are very niche, they are targeted immedietly as usually its your first high priority target in AI eyes and their range sucks, low end archer can match them so they are toast Kroxigor are good but not fenomenal Dinos are cool again but low tiers are meh, you can just get another unit cheaper Aside from needing ANY kind of update, Imo their main problem is that they need thematics, basically no lord provides meaningfull buff to any unit, nor the heroes
Coast is just sad They neither have quality nor quantity for their armies to be usable outside of colosus doomstacks If their equipment is shitty at least they could get their old unit numbers back and maybe add a couple more models to their artillery so they could make up lack of quality with quantity Also Depth Guards just have not enough entities to justify their model count. Just compare them with skullreapers. Any artillery shot or magic will just decimate them. They should either boost their numbers to 80 or just give them a hp boost if theyre supposed to be low entity high tier infantry. There is just so much wrong with coast that even though i love their concept their campaign and armies are just so unfun that I cant even bother into playing them at all even though i would really want to.
Hm yeah.. such a fun concept and what a sad outcome. Maybe add some zombie norscans they are kinda pirates and there should be a lot of dead ones in the ocean. they could be your shielded tougher units Or even some undead high and dark elves dunno pls CA love for the VCoats
@parttimehero8640 imo the biggest offence is that the regular zombies are dual wielding Usually when a unit dual wields at least it gets some anti infantry bonus and maybe a little bit more weapon strength They would at least get some simmilar to greenskin treatment when they added a variant that is cheaper and only has one melee weapon while the current one could get get at least a little bit of anti infantry so its in line with other dual wield units
I think they could replace the Books of Nagash for Settra with the Elector Counts/Fealty mechanic. To make Settra focus on securing his empire Maybe even add all mechanics for Settra Prestige and Authority as well, The State troops could easily be replaced their is a lot of lore about the different kingdoms having a focus on some aspect or unit
My strategy with noctilus was to hold basically no territory outside of my whirlpool, and then upgrade the speed of his main army to the point where the AI could simply never actually catch me. I would just zoom away, and then pin ball across their settlements till they were so crippled and broke that they weren't worth my time. Simply put trying to play the way your intended to play Noctilus is almost total nonsense. Waging a ground war? Against elves? a faction that almost entirely is a hard counter to you? Why? I just literally sailed away to go kill the empire and bully norsca as soon as i could. Creative assembly loves this kind of thing btw... They throw the lizard men up against skaven so your punished with heavy ranged for using dinos, they throw the dwarves up against malekith so your punished at ranged for using armored infantry, they throw tomb kings against *khorne* so your chaff get blendered.
Oh goodness, N’Kari. He’s sinfully outdated in every way, but I tolerate him, somewhat, on Realms of Chaos. That Ulthuan start though, YIKES. The lack of casualty replenishment for Monogod Slaanesh takes center stage, even if you technically have the tools to deal with their roster. Their early game is just too strong at damage dealing, and given your fast units are all large with the exception of very very squishy indeed Chaos Furies, Lothern Sea Guard are a formidable threat.
Slaanesh casualty replenishment is a huge issue for me in the RoC and IE campaign and the reason I have never finished either. I found it especially aggravating if you are off conquering in unpleasant land on behalf of your vassal as you are encouraged to do. AIt that it is quicker to recruit a completely new army via global recruitment than for it to replenish after a brutal high casualty battle- even when you are in a region with an outpost.
@@Rambletripe1Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never finished a campaign as Monogod Slaanesh on either map, but the difference is that I don’t ragequit in the first 10 turns or so Realms of Chaos, but I DO, because of how hard the Ulthuan start is, in his Immortal Empires campaign.
The start does kinda suck, but after many, many campaigns, you get the hang of it and it becomes very rewarding to take over the donut, key to success is to never auto resolve and to loot and occupy lots for the extra gold, to use later for suduction, and upgrading your capital. Also you have to move fast, take both cities turn one to complete the province, nkari takes capital, cult army takes the other, then use the cult army to bait ambushes for both high elf factions to the east, taking both provinces . From there rush lothern. Oh and use hero’s to damage walls, place your forces away from the damaged walls then use your speed to run over to them, makes sieges much easier.
Great vid. You'll address issues that the subreddit likes to just astroturf over and I appreciate that. I will say, while Norsca could use some fixes, their econ as it is works better than the dumpster fire of the Greenskin nerfs. I just played a 200 turn Throgg campaign, balancing out the chaos gifts for massive port income. Much like Coast though, they just don't have a reason to play a long game in landlocked areas.
As a lizardman player I like the jungle and I rely on that for defense, it limits movement, the underway is handy for some races but can be intercepted. The problems I face are so far dwarves are obnoxious, when you win a battle you lose due to attrition, one example are their flame throwers - better then ww2 tech, plus their economy is great. Khorne are a grindfest who don't need a economy. Other problem is weak army selection, two varieties of sauras and two of skinks is limiting. But the worse problem is every time CA improve the game they add a big monster, I've never seriously used trog's,ancient stegs, etc - a serious army bends to include one or two monsters max apart from stegadon stacks. Last problem is CA seem to ignore the story and lore, lizardman could be improved with a few things done for flavour.
I did actually like the idea of powerful research locked behind objectives. Could be done better but I liked getting things for taking certain settlements
Breaks my heart to see the Vamp Coast where they are but I can't even deny it. Hands down the coolest, freshest feeling faction at launch but now just dusty and outdated.
For Tomb kings I would do next thing: - every special pyramid give + one capacity for all units, heroes and armies + other bonuses, but every pyramid should cost more - every trade resource building should give special bonus (more attack, or more deff, or more speed...) - better building for money (not huge update but should be better) - mortuary cult special units: every LL should have different special units in mortuary cult, and it can be buy more times same units, for example: Khalida should have special archer unit with Armour-Piercing Damage and more range, and can be buy this unit from mortuary cult unlimited times - should have Necrotect lord, - new special mount for Necrotect hero - Necrotect hero should have three skill trees (can be chose only one): improve range units or improve melee inf and heroes, or improve monster units
Sorry gotta comment twice, i played vampire coast for the first time ever last week, (ive been playing TWW since the first one) One advice, use mods for coast, one mod increases vampire captain capacity by 1 for every port you own tier 1, also mod that gives vampire captain ranged attacks (or better ones, not sure if they have it by default) but both makes it more enjoyable so you can hero stack
Rada rada I love thay race how dare you even! In all cerealness Kislev is getting a rework, confirmed. Slaanesh is almost certainly next given the past 3 DLC and Chaos and maybe the actual point of this list is "top 5 factions that need a rework".
I think spamming artillery and heroes with Vampire Coast is a player trap imo. Have you tried a varied roster? I havn't really played them in tw3, but in tw2 after getting bored of High Elves I tried a few races and fell in love with the Vampire Coast on the battlefield after figuring out how to not suck with them. It takes skill and a varied roster, utilizing their different tactics all together. Where as most races can just afk and watch archers win the battle. In TW2, I had major success with this as my go to roster: Get 2-3 Gunnery Mobs, 2 Deck Gunners, 1 Cannon artillery, 2 of the flying gunnery units (rifles), 1 melee crab, 6 deckhand mobs (polearms), forgot their name but 1 zombie unit with the bombs (they do such ridiculous OP damage, only bring 1), 1 vampire lore hero, 2-3 flexable unit slots like pistol zombies for flanking / shooting down fleeing units, or a necrofex, or heroes etc. Couple tips: Also don't spread the polearms out as a front line, keep them blobed up, keep the crab behind them ready to move in, they go together and the crab takes less melee hits. Heal them all. Deploy the bomb unit super close in front of them, get some bombs off, then retreat them backwards into the blob, and circle around to flank with them. If you want to protect your guns from cavalry (doesnt work against flying monsters, you need deph guard for that), deploy 1 deckhand polearm, and 1 gunnery mob (pistols) beside your guns. The polearms take the charge and your pistols shoot the side/back of the cavalry. Even if they cycle charge, they will get deleted.
this guy's videos always seem so overly negative. Sure some factions are better or worse, nothing is 100% fully balanced, but you've called races like kislev unplayable and terrible when in reality they are fine when i play their campaign. I think in part its due to the fact that these youtubers all play on legendary and are really competitive, but to the majority of players who play on normal or whatever the factions are fine imo
Yeah i definitely agree that he's overly negative, tho I do feel like if you compare a lot of races to top tiers like skaven and chorfs a lot of races are pretty crap. But yeah Costin can be really nitpicky
@silvarace Yeah like I said some factions are more or less stronger than others i agree, but these min-maxing uber competitive youtubers make it seem like the game is horribly unbalanced and unplayable. When I was new into WH3 these videos were really off-putting and almost made me not get the game. Luckily I didn't listen to them. My first campaign was ~150 turns with kislev. Yeah it was hard being new and having to manage the economy and being surrounded by enemies, but being hard doesn't mean the race is bad or unfun. That is kislevs role lorewise after all and honestly it if was to easy then what's the point imo. Part of the fun of these games is overcoming challenges
He's right about kislev though. I can't remember how many times I've seen all their factions getting wiped out, especially now that Arabal exists, the guy is an absolute beast.
@@Kruziik Game is very unbalanced, however in single player unbalanced does not mean bad, in fact a lot of fun can come from different factions being unbalanced in different things. I do think Kislev does suffer a bit with design however. Katarin and Konstaltyn are supposed to be rivals and have the entire support system to decide who will lead Kislev. But you dont really feel that playing, because (atleast playing kataring) you need to babysit Konstaltyn bedcause he always dies long before the confed mechanics gets used. On top of that her starting war is probably one of the hardest starting wars in the game, since its a long province, attrition is present and you have very low amount of recruitment slots. Overall I think the confed mechanic needs to be looked over or the characters buffed because its not fun to have a system built around something that wont get used unless you play in a way that (to me) doesnt make sense. When I play Kislev I want to feel as the bastion against chaos protecting the ungrateful southerners (bit like nightswatch in game of thrones). but I feel like I have to do so many other things than focus on chaos itself The hag and konstaltyn might be perfectly fine as is, I havent tried them yet. Sorry for potential spelling mistakes I made some guesses on their names
Legendary/Very Hard player here, just finished playing Kislev campaing's - Katharin in Realms of Chaos and Kostaltyn in Immortal empires and oh man, listening to that Kislev segment gave me a headache. It's like Coastin didn't even play Kislev past turn 15. Yeah they got weak BUILDING economy in EARLY GAME. But u know what they do good? Scale. First of all, Kislev has increased post battle loot income by a lot. I could get 6k from killing enemy army with just 6 units and that is more than enough to keep you running through the early stage. Market buildings in Praag, Kislev, Erengrad, as well as tradeable resource buildings increase all your main economy buildings income by a good bit. And on top of that, they decrease their global construction cost by up to around 25% i belive, same for recruitment costs. Improved invocation of Dazh can skyrocket your income. on around turn 50 after i popped it down my income blasted by 4k per turn. Futher, their settlement building have increased income, has access to more money scaling money buildings (Farms, Hallowed Wood and Haunted Forest from DLC). Whoever calls Kislev economically weak, must've not played them more than 15 turns, and it's same for all difficulties without settlement trade cheese.
I just recently got WH3. Played a lot of the first 2 and picked it up around New Years. Been playing like crazy. I did kislev for a very hard. I was not cheesing but found it very easy. It was actually my first both general and empires run. Just started up another after beating both. What I don't understand is how it can be claimed they have a bad economy. Like don't get me wrong, the image part you showed I would agree you have no money but who does that early? Their whole gimmick from my 2 games is you need to own whole areas and you need A LOT of land. Like your diplomatic integrity be damned, if land was available just take it. First of all, you get plenty of rep boosters with those you need to stay friendly with. So being vile when you can to get rich is fine. Like hello random dwarf with zero allies, inside my territory blocking one of my areas from being all mine... BYE. Like I would have areas with 4 villages just be farms, hallowed, and barrels. And they would all be boasting each other and by the time you get a couple of those and you have 30 cities and everything is boasting everything, you are making 100,000 a turn. I got the make 60,000 a turn achievement like 50 turns into my first run on them and it is very hard. Though I have played others in the series.
Please dont make Norsca into WoC, it would flatten the world so much to have another WoC variant. They need a lot of work but they should imo further differentiate them from WoC, give them an option to stay neutral, need value from settlements that arent ports, and either an expanded system from monster hunts or an replacing parallel system (e.g. sacking specific ports all over the world for buffs to this and that)
"top five worst races: No5 Slaanesh" 20 seconds later "Slaanesh as a race is very well designed" You contradicted yourself 20 seconds in the video, might as well end the video there
They weren't number 5. They were a worthy mention. You should have ended your comment right there. He basically just pointed out weaknesses from their gameplay and not their literal design. It's a shitty campaign when you compare them to the majority of the roster
@@chriscoviello2500 Even if it's an "honourable mention" my point still stands. Saying a race is bad only to cancel yourself out 20 sec later is simply idiotic. Funny how instead of addressing that your response was "It wasn't top five though!". "He just pointed out weaknesses" so he tried justifying his view on why it's bad... After calling it good. Again... Contradiction
@@hercules2606hdhe said there well designed but suffer greatly gameplay wise from poor replenishment and bad auto resolve that limites their army options There is no contradiction you're just having a hard time understanding different parts of faction can have different levels of quality
@@darkomihajlovski3135 I legit spelled it out for you, calling a race bad for whatever reason then calling it good with some issues is s contradiction. But hey if you want to suck his ding dong because you like his videos even if it's a bad take, you're welcome
As a Lizardman main I do not find the race difficult. When I run into something I can't handle simply save scum back a few turns to reinterpret the great plan. Our Skink oracles are very wise
Well with how long tww is in development it would've been pretty sad if some race wouldn't be viable at least in some way. But everything is relative to each other...
This is the way
I want to love Lizardmen, they are my thing thematically, they are not difficult but you suffer a LOT, settlement upgrades takes LONG
Their units are niche, Skink Javelins are okay T0 units but I end up running them still Turn30 which is not so OKAY, I just make 4 armies of skinks instead of 2 armies of Saurus warriors (they are fricking expensive)
cavalry? again bad and slow or expensive and okay, not cost effective at all
Terradon riders are okay
Salamander are very niche, they are targeted immedietly as usually its your first high priority target in AI eyes and their range sucks, low end archer can match them so they are toast
Kroxigor are good but not fenomenal
Dinos are cool again but low tiers are meh, you can just get another unit cheaper
Aside from needing ANY kind of update, Imo their main problem is that they need thematics, basically no lord provides meaningfull buff to any unit, nor the heroes
Lore accurate lizardman gameplay.
region trading should absolutely not be removed, it is so needed if you wanna have any alliance without getting a headache about incomplete provinces
Yeah but CA should get the priorities of the AI strait and maybe add a "relocate" timer to limit the trading and lock it for a few turns
I agree, it shouldn't be removed. However it should definitely be balanced so it's not so stupendously easy to cheese the AI to death with it.
Coast is just sad
They neither have quality nor quantity for their armies to be usable outside of colosus doomstacks
If their equipment is shitty at least they could get their old unit numbers back and maybe add a couple more models to their artillery so they could make up lack of quality with quantity
Also Depth Guards just have not enough entities to justify their model count. Just compare them with skullreapers. Any artillery shot or magic will just decimate them. They should either boost their numbers to 80 or just give them a hp boost if theyre supposed to be low entity high tier infantry.
There is just so much wrong with coast that even though i love their concept their campaign and armies are just so unfun that I cant even bother into playing them at all even though i would really want to.
Hm yeah.. such a fun concept and what a sad outcome.
Maybe add some zombie norscans they are kinda pirates and there should be a lot of dead ones in the ocean. they could be your shielded tougher units
Or even some undead high and dark elves
dunno pls CA love for the VCoats
@parttimehero8640 imo the biggest offence is that the regular zombies are dual wielding
Usually when a unit dual wields at least it gets some anti infantry bonus and maybe a little bit more weapon strength
They would at least get some simmilar to greenskin treatment when they added a variant that is cheaper and only has one melee weapon while the current one could get get at least a little bit of anti infantry so its in line with other dual wield units
I think they could replace the Books of Nagash for Settra with the Elector Counts/Fealty mechanic. To make Settra focus on securing his empire
Maybe even add all mechanics for Settra Prestige and Authority as well, The State troops could easily be replaced their is a lot of lore about the different kingdoms having a focus on some aspect or unit
One thing kislev is supreme in is. Campaign music. No other race even comes close.
My strategy with noctilus was to hold basically no territory outside of my whirlpool, and then upgrade the speed of his main army to the point where the AI could simply never actually catch me. I would just zoom away, and then pin ball across their settlements till they were so crippled and broke that they weren't worth my time. Simply put trying to play the way your intended to play Noctilus is almost total nonsense. Waging a ground war? Against elves? a faction that almost entirely is a hard counter to you? Why? I just literally sailed away to go kill the empire and bully norsca as soon as i could. Creative assembly loves this kind of thing btw... They throw the lizard men up against skaven so your punished with heavy ranged for using dinos, they throw the dwarves up against malekith so your punished at ranged for using armored infantry, they throw tomb kings against *khorne* so your chaff get blendered.
Oh goodness, N’Kari. He’s sinfully outdated in every way, but I tolerate him, somewhat, on Realms of Chaos.
That Ulthuan start though, YIKES. The lack of casualty replenishment for Monogod Slaanesh takes center stage, even if you technically have the tools to deal with their roster. Their early game is just too strong at damage dealing, and given your fast units are all large with the exception of very very squishy indeed Chaos Furies, Lothern Sea Guard are a formidable threat.
Slaanesh casualty replenishment is a huge issue for me in the RoC and IE campaign and the reason I have never finished either. I found it especially aggravating if you are off conquering in unpleasant land on behalf of your vassal as you are encouraged to do.
AIt that it is quicker to recruit a completely new army via global recruitment than for it to replenish after a brutal high casualty battle- even when you are in a region with an outpost.
@@Rambletripe1Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never finished a campaign as Monogod Slaanesh on either map, but the difference is that I don’t ragequit in the first 10 turns or so Realms of Chaos, but I DO, because of how hard the Ulthuan start is, in his Immortal Empires campaign.
The start does kinda suck, but after many, many campaigns, you get the hang of it and it becomes very rewarding to take over the donut, key to success is to never auto resolve and to loot and occupy lots for the extra gold, to use later for suduction, and upgrading your capital. Also you have to move fast, take both cities turn one to complete the province, nkari takes capital, cult army takes the other, then use the cult army to bait ambushes for both high elf factions to the east, taking both provinces . From there rush lothern. Oh and use hero’s to damage walls, place your forces away from the damaged walls then use your speed to run over to them, makes sieges much easier.
Assaulting high elf garrisons with an army specialized for open field battles is a nightmare
Great vid. You'll address issues that the subreddit likes to just astroturf over and I appreciate that.
I will say, while Norsca could use some fixes, their econ as it is works better than the dumpster fire of the Greenskin nerfs. I just played a 200 turn Throgg campaign, balancing out the chaos gifts for massive port income.
Much like Coast though, they just don't have a reason to play a long game in landlocked areas.
As a lizardman player I like the jungle and I rely on that for defense, it limits movement, the underway is handy for some races but can be intercepted.
The problems I face are so far dwarves are obnoxious, when you win a battle you lose due to attrition, one example are their flame throwers - better then ww2 tech, plus their economy is great. Khorne are a grindfest who don't need a economy.
Other problem is weak army selection, two varieties of sauras and two of skinks is limiting. But the worse problem is every time CA improve the game they add a big monster, I've never seriously used trog's,ancient stegs, etc - a serious army bends to include one or two monsters max apart from stegadon stacks.
Last problem is CA seem to ignore the story and lore, lizardman could be improved with a few things done for flavour.
Great video!
I did actually like the idea of powerful research locked behind objectives. Could be done better but I liked getting things for taking certain settlements
Breaks my heart to see the Vamp Coast where they are but I can't even deny it. Hands down the coolest, freshest feeling faction at launch but now just dusty and outdated.
For Tomb kings I would do next thing:
- every special pyramid give + one capacity for all units, heroes and armies + other bonuses, but every pyramid should cost more
- every trade resource building should give special bonus (more attack, or more deff, or more speed...)
- better building for money (not huge update but should be better)
- mortuary cult special units: every LL should have different special units in mortuary cult, and it can be buy more times same units,
for example: Khalida should have special archer unit with Armour-Piercing Damage and more range, and can be buy this unit from mortuary cult unlimited times
- should have Necrotect lord,
- new special mount for Necrotect hero
- Necrotect hero should have three skill trees (can be chose only one): improve range units or improve melee inf and heroes, or improve monster units
The issues with norsca have been present since wh1. I can't believe the sacking vs. raizing issue hasn't been fixed yet
Sorry gotta comment twice, i played vampire coast for the first time ever last week, (ive been playing TWW since the first one)
One advice, use mods for coast, one mod increases vampire captain capacity by 1 for every port you own tier 1, also mod that gives vampire captain ranged attacks (or better ones, not sure if they have it by default) but both makes it more enjoyable so you can hero stack
The more races they rework, the more u feel how bad some of the older races aged. Hopefully they rework all races to the standard of the last 2 dlcs.
Coast is really awful, needs a really good update!
pls "Horrors of the Sea" DLC with Vampire Coasts, Norsca and dunno Cathay sea dragon
Rada rada I love thay race how dare you even! In all cerealness Kislev is getting a rework, confirmed. Slaanesh is almost certainly next given the past 3 DLC and Chaos and maybe the actual point of this list is "top 5 factions that need a rework".
I think spamming artillery and heroes with Vampire Coast is a player trap imo. Have you tried a varied roster? I havn't really played them in tw3, but in tw2 after getting bored of High Elves I tried a few races and fell in love with the Vampire Coast on the battlefield after figuring out how to not suck with them. It takes skill and a varied roster, utilizing their different tactics all together. Where as most races can just afk and watch archers win the battle.
In TW2, I had major success with this as my go to roster:
Get 2-3 Gunnery Mobs, 2 Deck Gunners, 1 Cannon artillery, 2 of the flying gunnery units (rifles), 1 melee crab, 6 deckhand mobs (polearms), forgot their name but 1 zombie unit with the bombs (they do such ridiculous OP damage, only bring 1), 1 vampire lore hero, 2-3 flexable unit slots like pistol zombies for flanking / shooting down fleeing units, or a necrofex, or heroes etc.
Couple tips:
Also don't spread the polearms out as a front line, keep them blobed up, keep the crab behind them ready to move in, they go together and the crab takes less melee hits. Heal them all. Deploy the bomb unit super close in front of them, get some bombs off, then retreat them backwards into the blob, and circle around to flank with them.
If you want to protect your guns from cavalry (doesnt work against flying monsters, you need deph guard for that), deploy 1 deckhand polearm, and 1 gunnery mob (pistols) beside your guns. The polearms take the charge and your pistols shoot the side/back of the cavalry. Even if they cycle charge, they will get deleted.
Why don't you put your theory to the test?
Also every faction can 1-2 out of each of their units lol
Bretonia also should be in the list... They are outdated so much!!!
dud, where are you from?
this guy's videos always seem so overly negative. Sure some factions are better or worse, nothing is 100% fully balanced, but you've called races like kislev unplayable and terrible when in reality they are fine when i play their campaign. I think in part its due to the fact that these youtubers all play on legendary and are really competitive, but to the majority of players who play on normal or whatever the factions are fine imo
Yeah i definitely agree that he's overly negative, tho I do feel like if you compare a lot of races to top tiers like skaven and chorfs a lot of races are pretty crap. But yeah Costin can be really nitpicky
@silvarace Yeah like I said some factions are more or less stronger than others i agree, but these min-maxing uber competitive youtubers make it seem like the game is horribly unbalanced and unplayable. When I was new into WH3 these videos were really off-putting and almost made me not get the game. Luckily I didn't listen to them.
My first campaign was ~150 turns with kislev. Yeah it was hard being new and having to manage the economy and being surrounded by enemies, but being hard doesn't mean the race is bad or unfun. That is kislevs role lorewise after all and honestly it if was to easy then what's the point imo. Part of the fun of these games is overcoming challenges
He's right about kislev though.
I can't remember how many times I've seen all their factions getting wiped out, especially now that Arabal exists, the guy is an absolute beast.
@@Kruziik Game is very unbalanced, however in single player unbalanced does not mean bad, in fact a lot of fun can come from different factions being unbalanced in different things. I do think Kislev does suffer a bit with design however. Katarin and Konstaltyn are supposed to be rivals and have the entire support system to decide who will lead Kislev. But you dont really feel that playing, because (atleast playing kataring) you need to babysit Konstaltyn bedcause he always dies long before the confed mechanics gets used. On top of that her starting war is probably one of the hardest starting wars in the game, since its a long province, attrition is present and you have very low amount of recruitment slots.
Overall I think the confed mechanic needs to be looked over or the characters buffed because its not fun to have a system built around something that wont get used unless you play in a way that (to me) doesnt make sense. When I play Kislev I want to feel as the bastion against chaos protecting the ungrateful southerners (bit like nightswatch in game of thrones). but I feel like I have to do so many other things than focus on chaos itself
The hag and konstaltyn might be perfectly fine as is, I havent tried them yet. Sorry for potential spelling mistakes I made some guesses on their names
Legendary/Very Hard player here, just finished playing Kislev campaing's - Katharin in Realms of Chaos and Kostaltyn in Immortal empires and oh man, listening to that Kislev segment gave me a headache. It's like Coastin didn't even play Kislev past turn 15. Yeah they got weak BUILDING economy in EARLY GAME. But u know what they do good? Scale. First of all, Kislev has increased post battle loot income by a lot. I could get 6k from killing enemy army with just 6 units and that is more than enough to keep you running through the early stage. Market buildings in Praag, Kislev, Erengrad, as well as tradeable resource buildings increase all your main economy buildings income by a good bit. And on top of that, they decrease their global construction cost by up to around 25% i belive, same for recruitment costs. Improved invocation of Dazh can skyrocket your income. on around turn 50 after i popped it down my income blasted by 4k per turn. Futher, their settlement building have increased income, has access to more money scaling money buildings (Farms, Hallowed Wood and Haunted Forest from DLC). Whoever calls Kislev economically weak, must've not played them more than 15 turns, and it's same for all difficulties without settlement trade cheese.
Why is it so… Pink…?
That whole Ulthuan looks like Teletubbies just crap all over it…
I’ll not buy it… I think it’s better to sticjk with WH2
I just recently got WH3. Played a lot of the first 2 and picked it up around New Years. Been playing like crazy. I did kislev for a very hard. I was not cheesing but found it very easy. It was actually my first both general and empires run. Just started up another after beating both.
What I don't understand is how it can be claimed they have a bad economy. Like don't get me wrong, the image part you showed I would agree you have no money but who does that early? Their whole gimmick from my 2 games is you need to own whole areas and you need A LOT of land. Like your diplomatic integrity be damned, if land was available just take it. First of all, you get plenty of rep boosters with those you need to stay friendly with. So being vile when you can to get rich is fine. Like hello random dwarf with zero allies, inside my territory blocking one of my areas from being all mine... BYE. Like I would have areas with 4 villages just be farms, hallowed, and barrels. And they would all be boasting each other and by the time you get a couple of those and you have 30 cities and everything is boasting everything, you are making 100,000 a turn. I got the make 60,000 a turn achievement like 50 turns into my first run on them and it is very hard. Though I have played others in the series.
Please dont make Norsca into WoC, it would flatten the world so much to have another WoC variant. They need a lot of work but they should imo further differentiate them from WoC, give them an option to stay neutral, need value from settlements that arent ports, and either an expanded system from monster hunts or an replacing parallel system (e.g. sacking specific ports all over the world for buffs to this and that)
"top five worst races: No5 Slaanesh"
20 seconds later "Slaanesh as a race is very well designed"
You contradicted yourself 20 seconds in the video, might as well end the video there
They weren't number 5. They were a worthy mention. You should have ended your comment right there.
He basically just pointed out weaknesses from their gameplay and not their literal design. It's a shitty campaign when you compare them to the majority of the roster
Listening comprehension is a challenge for some.
@@chriscoviello2500 Even if it's an "honourable mention" my point still stands. Saying a race is bad only to cancel yourself out 20 sec later is simply idiotic. Funny how instead of addressing that your response was "It wasn't top five though!". "He just pointed out weaknesses" so he tried justifying his view on why it's bad... After calling it good. Again... Contradiction
@@hercules2606hdhe said there well designed but suffer greatly gameplay wise from poor replenishment and bad auto resolve that limites their army options
There is no contradiction you're just having a hard time understanding different parts of faction can have different levels of quality
@@darkomihajlovski3135 I legit spelled it out for you, calling a race bad for whatever reason then calling it good with some issues is s contradiction. But hey if you want to suck his ding dong because you like his videos even if it's a bad take, you're welcome