Boogaloo Shrimp & Michael Jackson ブーガルー・シュリンプ&マイケル・ジャクソン

  • Опубліковано 19 жов 2024
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    Michael Chambers
    He credits his older brother with introducing him to his first "moonwalk" a move he would later perfect, and share with pop superstar Michael Jackson.
    【Interview - 27 September, 2009】
    So you know I started practising and the first person that I had seen do the so called moonwalk was my brother, I mean many people were attempting that particular underground step and my older brother came home and he started doing it, I was like wow! It just sparked my interest because it looked so much like an illusion.
    ボクは練習し始めたわけだけど、ボクがいわゆるムーンウォークというものをやっている人を初めて見たのが兄貴だったんだ。多くの人たちがそのアンダーグラウンドのスッテップをやろうとしていたんだけど、兄貴が家に帰って来て、それをやり始めたんだ。 『ワオ!』って感じで、いっぺんにボクの興味を引いた。だって、すごく幻想的だったから。
    I had my own version of the moon walk and I'd like to clear this up. Jeffery Daniels was able to reach a lot of people as a singer,
    he was also able to get the attention of Michael Jackson and introduced him to the moon walk.
    I and Popping Taco were able to show Michael Jackson a whole different version of how we expressed and conveyed our moves. My back slide, moon walk and popping were totally different and it helped Michael Jackson to be able to see a variety.
    We also know that he had worked with three kids from the “ghetto”
    this is documented on the Oprah Winfery interview he did along with certain books which made reference to these three kids from the ghetto. It wasn't cool at the time but I understood why he didn't name us. He was setting out to be the top dog and probably would have watered him down as professional if he said.
    ボクたちは彼が 『ゲットー』 の3人の子供たちと練習をしていたことを知っている。このゲットーの3人の子供たちについて言及している本に沿って、彼がオプラ・ウィンフリーのインタビューで言っていたことだよ。あの当時は気分が良くなかったけど、なぜ彼がボクたちの名前を言わなかったのかがわかったんだ。彼は最高の地位にいたし、もし言えば彼のプロフェッショナルとしての価値が下がってしまうからだったんだよ。
    We worked out and did routines with him but always at different times it was never all three of us, he always separated the sessions.
    I did realise that what he was learning from me was my animated style. How I made my self look like a toy, my ticking style along with my foot combination.
    For years I was always that anonymous guy that personally coached Michael Jackson that just didn’t get put down on paper, but everybody always used to wonder some body is teaching him personally.
    【Interview - August 20, 2008】
    I went from a backslide into a moonwalk and started doing a circle float. So that’s all I started working with him on.
    we just kept going over and over my way of moonwalking, my way of backsliding and he got it. He was like okay you can go home. He thought that I was just some kid and he could bring me from the streets and then throw me back out on the streets and be rid of me.
    ボクたちはボク流のムーンウォークとボク流のバックスライドを何度も何度も繰り返して、彼はそれを習得した。そしたら、『もう帰っていいよ』 っていう感じで、彼はボクのことを道端から連れて来て、道端に捨ててもいい子供みたいに思ってるかのように、ボクを追い払ったんだ。
    Matter of fact, my style is what he’s doing. You know the kicking, you know the floating. I mean you look at the broom dance, that’s all Michael Jackson. I mean that’s exactly what he learned.
    And the only bad thing about it was I was kinda disappointed that when Oprah Winfrey asked him who taught you the Moonwalk and when books came out and nobody ever mentioned my name. Nobody ever said anything about me. That kind of hindered my choreography credits as far as my credentials and also it kind of closed doors on me as an artist. Like I said I was honored that he utilized my style more than anybody.
    そして、唯一悪かったこと、がっかりしたことは、オプラ・ウィンフリーが彼に 『誰があなたにムーンウォークを教えたんですか』 と質問した時と、本が出版された時に、誰もボクの名前にふれなかったことなんだ。ボクのことについて誰も何も言わなかったんだ。ボクの認証情報にまで及ぶような、ボクの振付のクレジットが妨害された感じで、アーティストとしてのボクの前にあるドアが閉められたような感じだった。言ったように、ボクは彼がボクのスタイルを誰よりも活用したことを光栄に思っていたのに。