While I disagree with the “trans” person, the fact that he partook in civil discourse instead of shouting and destroying as part of the group is very respectful to all and is how society should move forward. Just my opinion.
Nah you’re correct here. The trans person spoke eloquently got a point across, had an actual discussion of argument. I could sit down and have a discussion with someone like this.
Just turning up and listening to ideas contrary to his, and coming up there and having an intellectual conversation with Matt, makes him braver than 99% of people who come out as trans
@@FreddyPhatnutz-ue8yl nah man yall can do better than trump don't ya think? Not saying the left is better but trump isnt great either. Gotta bring someone in that holds logic and reason dear as well as truly caring about the american people. I don't know if that is even possible anymore politics are just crazy nowadays. Im canadian so i know lots about shitty leaders.
That’s like saying kudos for the person who says red is blue and blue is red… but did it in a calm matter… what is wrong with people now days??? Crazy people are crazy no matter how they go about saying the crazy shit they say!!!
@@jaredbaisden586 nah man, your attitude is what makes the western remain mostly intolerant. As Jordan Peterson said, and i fully agree with him, there are three ways of solving problems: you either become a tyrant, or a slave, or you negotiate. You can not agree with the person having different ideas from you, or him identifying as a trans, the fact that he stood up to have a respectful dialogue is what really worth the kudos. It doesn't matter who he is, but his willingness to make conversations less hysterical and more comprehensive.
@@Nyconbr the Trans man wasn't very comprehensible. He was all over the place going back and forth between I agree with you but not really and never answered Matt's questions and he spoke very loudly and emphatically to the point where it wasn't calm..
...yeah it's a damn shame the bar's set so low for discourse now that we have to congratulate someone for not conducting conversation in a ridiculous manner
Yes, but the bigger point is that it's all ultimately a waste of our time. There are only two genders. Everyone who is sane knows this, so it shouldn't be a topic of discussion in the first place. Why then, are we giving a platform to these severely deluded people ? They need private counseling, not a TV show.
Still the trans-guy lied first when saying he was practically correct on everything he claims, to then make a turnaround and disagrees with the absolut fundamental basics.
Wow, incredible. Someone that used their words to disagree instead of screaming like a child. And look how people respectfully listened without bullying them into submission.
because you only listen to or like trans people if we capitulate and agree with your bigotry that you base your eugenics off of (watch because I had even the gall to disagree with a transphobe I'm going to be told I'm yelling at you) we just want to live and be seen as people and cis people can't even give us that, more over, you are going to a fascist (Matt Walsh) for "reasonable debate" but given that he is a fascist, he doesn't know conversations, he only knows "murder minority and everyone that's not Aryan"
Yes, kudos to whoever this Matt person is. I never would have expected such a calm tone at a conservative event. I mean, obviously they lack critical thinking skills for the following reasons; A) referring to the topic as a left / right thing is absolutely ridiculous. It's a human thing. This is perhaps why... B) expecting views to be simple, black and white without shades of grey is both silly and naive. C) Most importantly, let's look at their argument of genetic anomalies. Would mankind simply dismiss a person born with one arm and try to ignore their existence or deny them their rights??? but at least they tried to have a discussion as opposed to just chanting catch phrases and promoting fear or hatred.
@@brianbenoit6883 A. Partially agree. B. agree C. Its not being dismissed, its acknowledged as a condition. You still have all human rights. But isnt it the same black and white simplistic thinking when you conclude a man is a woman once he feels he is one and dresses that way, as if you can just flip a switch? Personally if i dont notice someone is trans im going to obviously treat them as the gender i see them as and if I do I have no problem being respectful and treat them as I think what they feel like. I think this goes for 95% of decent people. But there are limits, any situation where this reasoning is not really fair or might pose a threat to others for example. Pretty simple actually.
The fact that this discussion is even taking place is mind blowing. What a waste of intellect to engage with these low IQ rejects. This is what happens when your mind softens, the lunatics come out of the woodwork. They were always there, they were simply dealt with correctly in the past.
Not only did he speak his mind honestly and calmly, but he put a target on his back simply for pursuing truth and arguing his position in a non confrontational way. I don’t give a fuck what side you’re on, we need more of that
So if you saw a pedophile "arguing his position in a non confrontational way", you would be happy? We do _not_ need more of this, we need the opposite. The world has allowed the alphabet mafia to make the rules for long enough, it's time to stop.
Agree. Yelling followed by head in sand never goes anywhere. It doesn't matter how many 3, 4, 5 syllable words you throw at trying to complicate gender classification .. there are only 2. Actual gender and the gender you want to identify as are 2 completely different things. Just like a when a 200kg 60 year old European bearded man wants to identify as a 40kg teen asian girl ... his age, gender, ethnicity, weight, etc do not change. I'm really amazed that the common ground can't be that ACTUAL GENDER and GENDER IDENTITY are simply different things. Think how much things like that would simplify the issue in women's sport for one!
I agree, that guy who thinks he is a woman has SOME common sense. But he is a VERY small minority. That being said, it's still gender dysphoria and needs to be addressed as such.
We got here by giving " Props" to wrong think to start with. It does not matter how respectful on the surface he seems to be, he is still demonstrably and scientifically wrong 100% and we need to as a society pound that fact in every single case because when we do they have absolutely no other means to argue their position that isn't completely seen by all as bullshit.
It's so relieving to watch people speak their thoughts and nobody is reacting to anyone's choice of words. It takes me back about 10 years, when people just tried to understand one another.
10 years? You must have lived on a different planet than I did 10 years ago, or maybe you were a kid 10 years ago and still had a measure of innocence about the world. But the reality is that the Left has always - and I mean ALWAYS - been unwilling to brook dissent and vicious in their attacks on free-speech and critical thought. The fact that one young man was able to be somewhat civil, is the exception. And I'd be willing to bet that he was that way because he's on his way to an epiphany.
And that's the whole point of leftists warping language, making it ambiguous, and re-defining words. So that people find it harder and harder to understand each other. The ones controlling the levers of power on the left are very interested in pitting people against each other.
@@juliancate7089 🤣 I was at university so was probably a bit sheltered or the people around me were uncharacteristically normal. In conclusion, both of your theories are most likely correct. I wish that young man all the best in their epiphany, and all of the best for everyone with this left rediculousness.
It’s not easy to stand up and share your argument respectfully in a room full of people that disagree with you. Props to that kid. And to Matt for commending the level of respect and civility that was given in the arguments raised. If we have respectful conversations and debates with people we strongly disagree with the world can only get better
All my respect to this person who showed up, didn’t shout or disrupt, listened to others viewpoints and then tried to get their point across in a potentially hostile (it wasn’t) environment, in a polite and civilised way. This is all we want, differing opinions being discussed so we can move forward. Kudos!
That's why I say I don't care for most far left people is because they present themselves ignorantly. I'd much rather watch a discussion of opposing sides talking with each other, than hearing screaming, getting mad, or just ignoring the question entirely. Don't get me wrong far right does this too, it's just not as often.
The problem for that individual is that by agreeing with Walsh the road goes into marginalized territory, whereas the leftist wild ones who screech to get attention have actually carved out an anti-marginalized position in society where even massive corporations and governments are at their beck and call. Does this person wish to be reasonable and facilitate social progress or does this person wish to wield power? That's the question.
I'm just gonna say it ok. It's not about trans or not trans. it's about a person. And person ability to handle situations. If I see a person on the street wearing green lipstick and have colored hair. I go directly to the LGBT route. But that's just a vision reference of the person. Who they are, what they know, if we bring up a conversation we see we both work in the same areas, have same restaurants taste, travel with family to similar resorts. Like... All this is ... all this actually is ... has nothing at all to do with trans. Coming from a trans woman. Trans = change identify and live your life as you have one life on earth. And hopefully find people that can accept that - and get to know you . Because if they do. All thereafter is - that you 1. a human 2. a normal citizen 3. someone who knows the moral obligations as a adult. I did a transition years ago. I worked for more then 10 years. I support my spouse. I know what being "adult" means. What you talking about isn't adulthood. This is about kids and their mental view of situations that I agree is out of control. So I applaud Matt for brining it up. The idea that you can visit a doctor and get pills if you say one "im trans" is absurdly wrong. It require a very long medical term interview with many specialists to in the long run come to ... or not come to the conclusion "Im trans" or maybe "Im insecure and waiting affirmation from others , now i do other things". I agree with Matt full-heartily. None should be "open to give kids medicine" cause it will make them wealthy. At first your require a long discussions with different doctors. This dialogue time is important? Why. Because they are there to assert your need but for yourself to assert who you are and what you currently doing, and actually how dangerous transgenderism is. As a person I also very none-verbal about trans. As trans for me was going from X > Y as identity. After that. It's no discussion I want to bring up. And everything youth are saying is "trans" today ... is completely false. It's more about genZ broken by smartphones, social media (which we know according to Facebook reports, Web2 impact, etc) is extremely dangerous to develop social skills. The trans thing is more of Youth - don't caring about their parents. Wanting to talk to other Youth online and finding things they as a new generation will see as important... or rather... they are just kids that needs spanking and someone to Say NO and help them learn about "adult life". Which is incredible accurate what Matt is teaching us. Love you Matt. Your documentaries are actually really good.
Thank you, Matt, for keeping it simple. That guy was throwing in so many confusing words. It was like he was trying to scramble the conversation to fit his narrative. That is the way people talk on the left. Sometimes they do this to sound super intelligent on a subject.
Honestly mad respect to this guy. Clearly stated his position, established common ground, and stated his disagreement with Matt in a rational way. You love to see it!
Yes, but let's not ignore the fact that his logical illness still attempts to attack self-evident truth by trying to make it seem more complicated than it actually is. He's no different from the rest of them, he's just brave and clever enough to try and argue against truth in a civil manner.
This is how you have a real conversation. You speak, you listen, you don’t shout, you don’t interrupt, you just share ideas and see which things you agree and disagree on.
Really respect the fact that this person refused to outright attack the Matt and was willing to think for themselves instead of doing what their organization sent them there to do. Willing to engage in conversation, and willing to consider other viewpoints. Even if one doesn't agree with this person, people can certainly learn a thing or two from their approach.
What a world we live in. I'm gay and even I'm shell shocked at the idea of the norm having to explain itself to the .001% of the population. We should care about the shit trans people go through, but wtf is up with the world that demands we play by their rules and treat them special. Out of the hierarchy of problems the world has, the trans community can take several seats and stfu!
As soon as he (questioner @ the mic) did, Matt easily engaged using the simplest examples, terms & concepts, to literally grind this young man to a complete halt! (Next question…)
That trans guy is exactly how everyone should be in that situation. Not screaming, not using vulgar language to get their way, just a normal, respectful argument between two people.
Generally, I would agree with you but there are some discourses that are poisonous. Matt Walsh is not respectful, his wolrdview is known to cause a higher su!c!de rate among trans people, specially teens. A discussion between a radical ideologue of transphobia and a trans person is not respectful in nature.
I am transgender and I AGREE with Matt Walsh 100%. I like how the trans person respected Matt, and they both were civil to each other. Need more trans ppl to speak up who don't have their heads up their rears.
I’m late but just throwing this out there. I personally don’t dispute that some people may be happier to identify differently or change their mannerisms and voice. Where most people will draw the line however is having to follow all these silly rules like their neo pronouns or arguing that trans women should compete with women. The sooner we come to that conclusion as a country the better.
I respect you, but I truly belive you need help, a good therapist and should stop using social media and also work on your self esteem. You probably have daddy issues but you warent around the good crowd in the needed moment of your life. It is easy to fool someone, but almost impossible to convince him or whatever you are that they have been fooled I wish you well sorry my english, i am a french guy
Actually there is an easy argument there. There are more sex defining chromosomes than XX and XY. We have things like XXX, XXY, X and Y. So even based of chromosomes alone it's still not a binary system.
@Rusty Tiger bro you're the one who isn't facing the facts here We know for a fact that there are 6 biological karyotype sexes (that do not result in death to the fetus). What the other person said is true, so if you don't want to acknowledge it then you aren't "facing the facts"
@@MrIgottap Sure does set the stage of maturity within these residing groups. Almost reminds me of those family sitcoms where the kids are acting foolish and try to challenge their brow beaten parents. More individuals like the young trans person here shows a healthy environment that chases a solution instead of a dream. Even though he wasn't able to retort Michael's argument or substantiate his claims the mannerisms this person portrays is commendable.
@@JumpyWizardz I hear you. I was raised in a “if you’re not willing to help fix it, then quit your bitchin” type of home. Productive help with things was always welcome, listening to you whine and throwing temper tantrums, not so much.
It is so great to see people having an actual debate without screaming, cussing, talking over the other person, or spewing hate. If more people could debate like this, there wouldn't be so much animosity towards each other. I have to admit, I was waiting for it to be a scream fest like most other debates.
I know people like this guy. Reminds me of a proverb that says "A fool sees himself as wise." He's manipulative in trying to bring down Matt's defenses by saying he agrees with him. What he doesn't understand is that this debate technique doesn't work on smart people, because smart people aren't defensive. And they can spot false flattery as well as false agreement.
@@BroadHobbyProjects If someone wants to identify as a woman, just have respect and try to give them that. Negativity and hate doesn't help the situation.
why would you be impressed? He couldn’t even articulate his argument. “I disagree! because, taco tacos, and burritos, mix well, flip flop and turn around. hip hop tallywop.” It was like watching kamel harris speak about…anything. You’re left scratching your head and wondering how someone could spit out such a word salad for 5 min and not make one point or coherent sentence.
@@juliemunoz2762 Impressed by the courage. Standing up like that in front of an unsympathetic crowd and speaking civilly is impressive regardless of the content of his comments.
@@juliemunoz2762 He started off by admitting Matt was right. That’s pretty brave and good natured of him to do that off the bat. Even if he’s confused on transgenderism, give the guy time to process and see the truth. :)
@@juliemunoz2762 As someone who has spoken to a crowd who actively dislikes my point of view, yeah it's hard you can feel the derision in the room, now granted I think he should have practiced a bit more, but showing up and at least trying and doing so without screaming an yelling like a lunatic, is respect worthy, but you are correct, he likely should have organized his thoughts better.
Geez you can feel the anxiety, nervousness and passion is seen across this guy. I lot of respect for being able to stay on topic and civil. Something actually worth watching.
I absolutely agree. A lesser person would get offended, defensive, and lash out. He's not used to doing this and it's messing with his ability to present his arguments. Yet he still is handling himself properly. Well done.
@@taylormunson3605 exactly. Not easy to speak in front of a large crowd, then you know it's video recorded, and presenting your argument to Matt who whether you agree or disagree with his arguments, you know he makes excellent cases.
Imagine how uncomfortable that trans guy must have been in that room. Yet he kept his cool, presented his argument in a rational and respectful way. That in itself was beautiful.
No reason to feel uncomfortable maybe if he was doing this Infront of libs I could see him being way more uncomfortable they wouldn't let him speak most likely
@@AnrchyXRY never said that you did. Anyone is capable of making irrational arguments from emotion. What's your point what are you some liberal are you mad?
The sad part is that this person will most likely get torched by their own community, both for agreeing with Matt and having lost the debate dramatically, even though he had the guts to go to the debate and speak on it
Well it's not like he had any chance of winning the debate if he's wrong and Matt is well spoken. But yeah they always do that, either you're a mindless idiot like them or they will -99999 social credit you 😂
Since I read about Dave Chappelle’s friend and collaborator, a trans woman who committed suicide after being harassed by some members of the trans community for defending Dave, I’m really worried about the people like the person in this video. It’s really scary how far some activists can go if they feel someone from their community has “betrayed” them
There is no science supporting transsexuals. When I trained, it was Gender Dysphoria. Nothing has changed except people losing their minds and objectivity.
The conflation of intersex conditions with transgender identity muddles two distinct discussions. Intersex conditions are rare (about 1.7%), biological and pertain to anomalies in chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex characteristics. It's critical to understand that these conditions, which affect a very small percentage of the population, do not inherently challenge the binary understanding of sex. They are medical conditions requiring appropriate care and should not be politicized or leveraged to argue the fluidity of sex or gender on a broader scale. The appeal to intersex individuals in the context of transgender debates is often a red herring. The vast majority of people, including those who identify as transgender, do not have intersex conditions. Thus, policies and discussions around gender affirming care for transgender individuals should not be justified by the existence of intersex conditions. Gender affirming care, as it is currently discussed, predominantly addresses the desires and needs of individuals with gender dysphoria to transition from their biological sex to the gender with which they identify. The primary issue here is not about denying necessary medical care to anyone, but about ensuring that such care is appropriate, especially for minors. The critical distinction must be made between adults making informed decisions about their bodies and minors, who don't have the capacity to understand the long-term consequences of such interventions.
@Arvin ant I hold both liberal and conservative views about different topics. It's important that different RATIONAL viewpoints are discussed. The leftist today are insane and not liberal at all.
@Arvin ant I’m not certain you are on the left. There may be individual issues where you lean more liberal but looking at your examples, I’d say you are closer to center-right. MLK Jr was a Republican, and based upon his policies while in office, I don’t think JFK would be very welcome in the Democratic Party of 2022. Cheers!
ppl can have different opinions and views however when u try to take away rights based on those opinions and views it comes an issue and that goes for both sides, when a LGBTQ person tries to take the freedom of speech it comes an issue and when a conservative person tries to take away a queer person’s rights to get married, get a job, practice sports it also becomes an issue
I agree, and 30 years ago is 1990, if you just push it back to little more years back, a new state-of-the-art outcome to disagreement will pop up, which is called war.
It’s sad that we live in a world in which we are congratulating people for acting civilly. Back in the day, all college/university students behaved civilly. I mean, you have to go back pretty far - before the 1960s - but there was a time in which students WERE CIVIL. And they dressed nicely to go to class, etc. - it wasn’t crap like crass tee shirts, bad makeup, and Technicolor hair, even from the left. It was stuff like dresses for the ladies, and shirts, ties, and jackets for the men. People also displayed good manners. The hippie generation destroyed all that good stuff!
@@kat2562 you can't expect ppl to just change a major belief of theirs on the spot often ppl will discuss something and they will walk away disagreeing but something one of them says clicks in the other and they change their mind
@@kat2562 it actually pretty dumb not to respect it, the person is obviously open to hearing a viewpoint different from them whether a not it was long discussion. The person is going to go out to the world with open mind and the willingness to change their ideas when presented with facts. Putting yourself in uncomfortable situation is brave and commendable.
Trans people who agree, and believe that being trans is a medical condition are literally bullied into suicide now that America has politicized the condition so heavily. It's "get in lockstep, or else..." and it's vicious AF.
That dude is going places, he is brave enough to question himself and confront his views and be civil while doing it, he will eventually found the truth
If he survives. His community will outcast him for acting this way and he will find little alliance within this community. I guarantee in the next month, you will find articles or videos on shittoks about how this trans misrepresented the community and didnt go with his fellow MEN AND WOMEN together to attack Matt. He went by himself and ask 'respectful' questions and listened. Just watch. Hope he doesn't end his life trying to seek the truth.
@@j.w.matney8390 Totally. its not often you see someone in his position that can handle anything resembling a socratic discussion. Always good to see folks thinking for them selves. Often times its shutting down discussion by dismissing those who disagree as homophobic/racist etc to avoid challenging your own beliefs. Good stuff!
@@sanpol4399 As one should when faced with cognitive dissonance. Anecdotally, I believe it to be a healthy reaction. When what one genuinely believes to be a fundamental truth is challenged in a way that creates a cognitive dissonance, one should ponder on it, do some introspective thinking and spend more time researching into it. If he just immediately accepted his beliefs as falsehoods I would have to assume his words were merely an act for clout amongst those of us who simply want a rational discussion to take place, which does nothing to solve the crisis. I believe the resolution to this mental pandemic lies solely within honest introspection. I hope that this man went home and spent significant time considering Matt's rebuttals and further challenging his own beliefs.
@@Terry_Dactyl hard to do any of that when one operates purely on emotion, sort of like arguing with a woman which i equate to arguing with my cat, you just can't reason with them, once triggered all bets are off
It's tragic how something like this has become such a rare occurrence. Two people having a civil and respectful discussion despite disagreeing with each other and having very different perspectives.
It used to be called a civilised discussion, true it is rare these days. Because those that identify on the left side of the aisle are brainwashed and lack the intelligence to see through the conditioning they have experienced. There are two sexes, male and female and everything else is a variation of those two either by a biological dysfunction or a mental anomaly that is either caused by nature or by nurture.
@@billhamilton7524 In fairness, look at the Greek market 2000+ years ago. Discussion of even absurd topics are perfectly relevant and sometimes interesting. That doesn't mean all of it is meaningful, and certainly it should not set policy. This particular topic reminds me of Aristotle vs the Sophists, the latter of which we derived the term sophistry.
I think it happens a lot still, just behind closed doors. You see it less and less in the public space due to the power of social vidication certain groups now have. But these conversations do (and are) happening. There is still hope
id be more careful with the props. showing the most basic level of decency is not something that should be celebrated, and besides that he didnt have any real argument, just the same craziness as always.
You could here he is very nervous doing this, but he was brave enough to go against his community and tried to have a civil discussion. You don't have to always agree with eachother, but treating another with respect and allowing another to have a different opinion is the way to go. You will never get the whole population to 100% agree with you.
@@odin2130 yes, I actually watched it 2 times. Even though they didn't agree, he stayed civil. Exactly my point. My point was not that they agreed. Did you actually read my comment?
I think the trans guy knows Matt is correct, but he's battling cognitive dissonance right now. He might just reject some social norms, and that's okay!
He started well, but then he resorted to postmodernist bollocks, word salads to make it seem like he actually was making a valid point, which he really wasn't.
Matt and his audience call out "word salad" whenever someone doesn't stick to common parlance. It's almost like when you look into a topic there's a bunch of vocabulary to learn or something. But none of you like doing that very much, do you?
@@RolaiEckolo Oldest and saddest trick in oratory: losing an argument? Just platitudinize endlessly with all the most obscure, abstruse, post-modernist lexicon and then claim your opponent isn't sophisticated enough to understand your brilliant point. _OMG!! He hasn't even read Foucault!!!_
Perhaps some of them began engaging like this, but if anyone finds out they're wrong, and refuses to accept or take steps to accept that, they inevitably get irrational, and egoistic, with supporting emotions. Notice that while they had a civil discourse, it was unclear whether or not the trans guy realised his view was wrong. I hope he does, otherwise he has potential to become like other members of his community - irate and illogical - if he gets hurt enough.
Things used to be more like this but, aside from overall dumbing down of society, people that behaved more like this on certain topics were literally taken out. For example Malcolm X and George Lincoln Rockwell were both assassinated.
Dakota, -- Explain how these two, Matt and trans, moved forward rationally and together when they both still cling to their own beliefs. One can not cling to something and move forward at the same time. Even though it was a civil Q and A, with one stating facts and the other questioning the facts, NOTHING CHANGED.
But the point is not to make all people in the world unanonimously agree on a single worldview. It's to learn to live peacefully and respectfully together in spite of our differences. And such conversations are a step towards bringing a bit closer two "hostile" groups.
Nope. Males have never at any stage had female parts. Their parts may resemble female parts at some stage of development but these parts still have male dna which becomes clear when fully developed. A very green tomato resembles a green pea but it is still a tomato.
The issue is not that dramatic except in what our conversations has made up. As so many are trying to conjure up we have just two boys or girls from the womb. Now by the time you get to the tomb you have kissed a boy and you liked it and trans to a girl for his pleasure is another discussion but somewhere somehow we should put everything into perspective insted of exacerbating the issue.
In every way we currently defined male and female we where all actually females from the begining. We did not look female, we where female. All human embryos start life as females, as do all embryos of mammals. It only when enough levels of androgens does the development to male start to happening. We are all females then some developed to male, but baseline is female. I'm very early stages of the fetus, it has not there own blood type or DNA. They share it with there mother and therefore female. Couple of weeks in to development we can start to detect there own DNA. At this point there is no present of a Y chromosome. It is only in later stage of development we can detect a Y chromosome. Sometime thing goes wrong during the development of the fetus. And there is no higher levels of androgens. So the fetus does not develop in to a male, just continue the normal development into a female. That called Swyer Syndrome. That is a person in every way, shape and form a female. Some cases they can even get pregnant and give birth. But still they have the XY chromosome. So yes. We all start as female and then some of us develop into males.
The trouble is they don't want to acknowledge that we're not talking about social navigation or personal experience. That has NOTHING to do with reality
I was a hard-core liberal growing up. I have a ton of friends from both sides. Getting older and having my own family and business I have changed alot of my views on politics. In fact I have become conservative in the last 6 years. I still have every one of my republican friends. All of my liberal friends have abandoned me. It was an eye opening experience.
Well, that should TELL you who your REAL friends are. Those that abandoned you over politics because they are so wrapped up in their feelings to a point where it clouds their good judgement which is typically the case amongst liberals were never really your friends to begin with. They were just your friends out of convenience so who needs them. You can ALWAYS make new friends if you try.
The young man fell apart trying to define “other” sex’s. Such a shame people have chosen to leave reality and refuse to find a way to live within it. Instead they force nonsensical thinking onto others. Very respectful conversation tho.
@@thek9conor Exactly! That biological anomaly is undeniable proof that anyone can be anything. Society needs to be purged of people who think otherwise.
It takes time to realize everything you've been taught in school about something is a lie. This guy is "trans" because he was encouraged to be it. Bribed or threatened even.
My heart goes out to that young man and all the young people like him. I don’t know what it’s like to feel.. whatever they feel. I don’t even know the word for it. But I pray they find the stable foundation of truth that was, is, and always will be so they can have peace and an abundant life of purpose.
Matt keeping a straight face and maintaining his composure in these interviews is the most impressive thing I’ve seen in journalism. Respect to the young individual . Speaking your mind in public is not easy. speaking your mind and actually going against your community even though for the right reasons is even harder. so respect 100 %
That's sad af. I've seen leftist investigative journalism interview people of all walks of life. Open my eyes to the humanity of drug addicts, homeless people, and immigrants. Not flipping out when you are opposed is such a low bar of standard to hold against your news source. Please think about this and don't just get angry.
As someone that grew up in NYC amongst liberals... most of the people I know are very smart and articulate. Up until recently, my recommendations on social media and youtube were of Jordan Keppler interviews and other content that showed uneducated, boisterous, uncivilized right leaning folks. I think the UA-cam algo then realized that I was anti-abortion and that I had more conservative leaning views (even tho I don't do politics, nor guns) and that's when I discovered Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Matt, etc. I seriously had no idea these folks even existed. In essence... you see what they want you to see. Or what they think you want to see. Anyway, just food for thought. cheers.
@@rg442 same for me I always thought I was "left" but I also hold a lot of views that the right has. I'm not American and I find the American politics of left vs right absolutely ridiculous. I now just see myself as myself and I have different opinions on different topic some are from the American's perspective "left leaning" and some of th are "right leaning". I don't think Americans should have only two options. It creates an us vs them mentality that I see a lot in these videos. Even this video I find that Matt comes off too strong and dismissive instead of giving the discussion a real chance.
nah you are in a bubble. there are plenty of left leaning people who are well worth having conversations with. don't let the twitter ranters radicalize you
Isn’t it crazy how we have all of these “transphobic” people in the comments treating the trans person in this video with the utmost respect? It’s because this person is being rational, calm and wants to engage in a productive conversation. We can all take away something from this video about discussion, no matter your side.
I guess having a conversation is a positive step. He wasn't any more rational, just the standard obfuscation. It wasn't ultimately productive. Just more polite than usual.
Finally a transgender person that can have a discussion with respect and not go into crazy mode. Hopefully the rest of the transgender population can do the same!
You know what, my father would have liked you for your great understanding about Gender and all that, also i am so excited seeing you focusing more on this topic and I really appreciate your honesty. My god bless you and keep it up, you are amazing man🙏🏻
Nah, to be honest, I think he thought he could make some kind of a solid argument against Walsh there. The mental gymnastics these people go through to try to justify their 'philosophy' as he puts it, is pretty insane. You can't win an argument that is about biological fact with philosophical talk about what a socially constructed gender is. That trans person might also be one of the _many_ who regret their choice. It might be pure desperation on display actually trying to justify something. And pretending biological sex 'is not binary because of how gender is a social construct' is just plain insane. No one is talking about sexual preference. And biological sex is not a preference. It's a fact.
@@PHeMoX I think he used a pretense of agreement as a tactic. Classic negotiating 101, first try to establish a bond over an intersection of agreement then try to move your opponent to agreeing with you where they previously had not. In this case the intersection of agreement was a false premise.
@@PHeMoX well said! I find his willingness to subject himself to a room full of people that probably strongly disagree with his "way of life" admirable, brave & wise... We all have something to teach & to learn from each other, but we miss opportunities because we can't agree on the basics! The facts of life are FACTS! My facts & your facts & this dudes FACTS are all the same FACTS! "The talk" about birds & bees my parents had with me is the same talk their parents had with them, I had with my kids & my kids will have with their kids. It's unfortunate that we'll have to pay a couple fortunes for private school tuition, to continue the traditions of the pledge of allegiance to the U.S's. flag, the Golden Rule & The FACTS of life being taught at home, by parents that decide when the time is right. God Bless 🕊🇺🇸
To the person debating Matt: Thank you for being so honest, intelligent and respectful. Matt is not a "phobe". The vast majority of people who do not see themselves as trans are not "phobes". We just won't allow for someone to force us to deny reality. We get some of you are really unhappy with the body you were born with, and we genuinely want you to achieve happiness. But unfortunately, somethings are just unchangeable. For EVERYONE. And forcing people to play pretend just to protect someone else's feelings and/or insecurities is not only dangerous, but also authoritarian. Personally, I have no problem referring to someone with the pronouns of the opposite sex, if that person asks me politely to do so and is reciprocally courteous to me (I won't do it if the person demands it). If that person is a friend, I will want to make that person feel happy when we are together. But I can't pretend a man is a woman, and vice versa. And I also can't pretend that personalities are the same as genders. It would be like preteding a wheelchair bound friend can walk. It would be ridiculous or even dangerous and hurtful on the long run. But that doesn't prevent me for caring a lot about that person, and doesn't impede our friendship in the slightest.
Whoa. Two grown ass adults from completely different sides of the political/cultural spectrum disagreeing, but being civil about it, and being coherent without screaming and pitching a fit. And what this dude had to say to Matt wasn’t just executed in a polite and mature manner, but you could actually understand what it was he was trying to say. There was no loss of brain cells or head scratching. Not sure who you are, but you’re a rare one. Props to you!
This might come as a surprise to you, but it‘s not that rare. Most of us are pretty civil. The right just likes to amplify the ones that aren‘t. Similarly, we like to watch angry irrational right-wingers. It‘s entertainment. That’s how social media works. It‘s not necessarily an accurate representation of everybody. Each side likes to laugh at the other side to make themselves feel superior. But at the end of the day, we’re all just human. I know there‘s this right-wing superiority rhetoric of being „more rational“. That‘s a fassade. I‘m looking forward to see how this fassade will hold up as the discussion continues.
No yelling, screaming, bickering here. Just a conversation where people can agree to disagree. More people need to be like this. Everybody else is about winning an argument, which they're actually not. They're just pushing an opposing view further into more opposition. This guy made his case and left it at that. Great video.
@@coffeepot3123 I'm afraid not. As the individual commenting said they were planning on protesting which usually ends up as a group of foolish people screaming out obnoxious chants and baseless critisism for 5 or to 10 minutes. It can involve physical violence as we've seen many cases as well. The rational is telling as was shown at Yale recently when a talk was going to be given on Free Speech and the Left decides to use "Their Free Speech" to stop others from talking about free speech ?
Brave of this person for agreeing with Matt on anything. They've opened themselves up to be attacked by their community for stepping out of line & being an independent thinker. Massive respect.
And for this the Trans community will probably execute him/her? As that person didn't deny truth and logic. The Trans people are just the same as any other extemist group and have even pulled some of the same stuff the NSDAP did.
@@mydogeatspuke True but my expectations of these people are so low that just being polite & disagreeing without screaming &or demonizing the opposition is pretty big.
@@mydogeatspuke They said they agree with him on a lot of the stuff he says except the conclusion which he comes to.... I don't get how you managed to misunderstand that
Not really. The questioner said a lot of things without making any sense. You can put a lot of words together in your mind that sound articulate, but actually make no sense when actually spoken. Most kindergarteners do this. Thats essentially what this guy did. This was more comparable to a parent discussing a difficult concept with a child than it was a debate.
@@AP-rt5rl Regardless if that trans person didn’t make sense while arguing, but at least he/she was calm and more than happy to have an actual debate with Matt Walsh without throwing a temper tantrum.
@@AP-rt5rl "Not really. The questioner said a lot of things without making any sense. You can put a lot of words together in your mind that sound articulate, but actually make no sense when actually spoken. Most kindergarteners do this. Thats essentially what this guy did. This was more comparable to a parent discussing a difficult concept with a child than it was a debate." no where in what you said that they were entitlted to their free speech and way of life lol
When has Walsh EVER not been calm and rational when dealing with someone who disagrees with him. He never has to resort to histrionics or screaming because he has the facts on his side.
@THEonionsack I agree. I was thinking the same thing. Matt is always very well spoken. He doesn't go off on a tyrant and he doesn't start screaming and throwing his arms around. I would say the person that commented hasn't watched much of Matt.
I respect this dude's viewpoint, even if I don't agree with him. He was a LOT more brave right here, at this moment, than when he came out as trans. We really shouldn't underplay that. This dude put himself in a position to be hated by EVERYONE, but stood up and had the discourse anyway. That really was brave.
Very fee people hate trans people. What they do not like is having the trans agenda pushed down their throat and their constant need for affirmation from people who are not trans. You do you, but do not expect me to congratulate you for whatever it is you are doing...
It doesn’t take a ton of bravery to engage in difficult discussion around reasonable, respectful groups of people, usually found on the conservative side of the aisle. Very different environment than the one Walsh experienced on Dr. Phil.
@@matt_h_27 Strongly disagree. Wheter a discussion is reasonable and respectful or not, it takes some serious cojones to stand in front of a group of people that see your ideological site as the enemy (which they kinda are to be honest), and still engage in a civil debate, not letting the pressure make you commit blunders and fallacies. You gotta hand respect to him.
Credit to Matt for not taking the false accolades and for seeing through the lies. He correctly pointed out that while this person said they agreed with him, in reality that was a lie. Truth matters no matter how much someone tries to butter you up or sound intelligent.
Yeah this is a tactic to try to get the other person to agree with you. "I agree with everything except what you conclude to" Well.. That is very unlikely to happen first off. Second is finding ways to complicate what was said so that you can make your point seem better in comparison.
My problem with the gender binary argument is there are actually more than XY and XX chromosomes. There's actually things like X, Y, XXX, and XXY chromosomes that scientifically prove that defining gender solely on chromosomes still leaves room for more genders. And my non-binary self still does not fully identify with my reproductive organs. It just isn't as simple as XY and XX.
@@julianaragan7955 Except what you just mentioned doesn’t at all discredit the gender binary. The anomalies of XXX, X, XXY, etc are all genetic conditions, and are interlopers on the grand scheme of human physiology. Reality isn’t perfect, and these people existing doesn’t discredit a gender binary, but merely asserts that while human genetics exists in a binary scale, there are rare instances in which a condition developed that strays from the norm. Your argument would be the same as saying humans don’t have 10 fingers because a small statistical minority are born with 11, 9, or any other amount of fingers. It’s not wrong to say that humans have 10 fingers because it IS true from a macro (and quite frankly logical and pragmatic) standpoint. Yes there are minor exceptions but that should be expected in an imperfect world. That being said, in people with those rare conditions you mentioned, the VAST, VAST majority of them clearly belong in either the male or female category. In women with XXX chromosomes (also known as Trisomy X condition), women with X chromosomes (known as Turner syndrome), and men with XXY (or Klinefelter syndrome), among other variations, can suffer from a variety of conditions ranging from mild to sever, but rarely are they ever not categorizable in either binary, both visually and anatomically. Most only suffer from minor issues and can lead a completely normal life. That being said, even assuming what you asserted is true (that these genetic chromosome anomalies mean other genders exist), then you’d only be able to claim to be said “other” gender if you suffered from those conditions (which is again a tiny portion of the population). Non-binary, “self identification”, and how you “feel” are arguments for another time, but scientifically speaking, genetics definitely do support the notion of a gender binary.
that person did more for their community than anybody from his 'org' will ever do. just by doing what he did. his voice was so shaky too man, that took balls.
Exactly we need to protect our beautiful trans and queer family is by stopping racism, transphobia and cis dominated institutions. Only then can we live in harmony with our amazing trans comrades 😊
@@koroglurustem1722 Pretty sure thats a he, the sound he makes is definetly mans voice, abit effeminate but still male voice. Above choker you can most certainly see HIS adams apple. Not to mentions thats a mans physique. Manly jaw.. do we need more 🤣
i have so much respect for this guy. he came respectfully with a respectful disagreement, and came to participate in respectful conversation. this is amazing
Respect to this individual for standing up and having a debate. But to be fair.... This individual did not agree with anything the host was saying! It's a common tactic where you try to caress the hosts ego, and then lunge in for the attack. I would have much more respect if the said individual, had just admitted that he does not share any of the hosts views or standpoints. Instead the individual agrees with the host at first... Then when the host does not agree with the individual's points of view. The individual starts to pick holes in the hosts statements(which earlier this same individual was agreeing with the host. Peace out.✌️
@@johnnyace1300 I meant the trans person. A vast majority of people in the left wing act emotionally. This individual was composed and did not act out in any emotional manner. He was respectful unlike a majority of people from his side.
Wow, massive respect toward this trans person. Actual civil discourse and constructive deliberation. I don't think I've ever seen it before in my life from one of that crowd and someone who isn't of that crowd. I'm shocked, in a good way.
@Queen Nové well specifically for the community and it becoming so mainstream is that people like 'allys' take up a good chunk of the voices and turn it into a toxic mesh pit of screaming coined words like 'bigot' then doing a mic drop like they saved the world. The people apart of the community can be toxic Aswell don't get me wrong but I personally loved this trans person and I might be inclined to listen if the 'allys' and people turning trans for attention would just fuck off basically.
And from the left. Usually it boils down to: name calling, personality attacks, gathering a mob, getting physical sometimes. Matt has Proverbs 28:1 down. I respect his boldness from Yahweh so much. He's bold about truth and lies.
While I disagree with the “trans” person, the fact that he partook in civil discourse instead of shouting and destroying as part of the group is very respectful to all and is how society should move forward. Just my opinion.
Eloquently put. I 100% agree with you. 👏🏻
Nah you’re correct here. The trans person spoke eloquently got a point across, had an actual discussion of argument.
I could sit down and have a discussion with someone like this.
Dazzle 'em with B.S.
Just turning up and listening to ideas contrary to his, and coming up there and having an intellectual conversation with Matt, makes him braver than 99% of people who come out as trans
It makes him braver then 99% of people period.
Brave doesn't mean smart.
@@danger450 what a dumb thing to say
A person who spoke out righteously at events, etc. would be well received and likely gain notoriety and fortune.
Braver than most people period
If a man wants to pretend he's a woman, that's up to him, not me. If he wants me to pretend he's a woman, that's up to me, not him.
Well said 👏👏👏👏!!
If you want to let your freak flag fly, have at it. Just don't expect me to salute it.
Well now I know how to sum it up in two sentences. 👍
Exactly 💯
Absolutely correct.
This is what is so important. A civil conversation. It is so rare nowadays.
@@FreddyPhatnutz-ue8yl nah man yall can do better than trump don't ya think? Not saying the left is better but trump isnt great either. Gotta bring someone in that holds logic and reason dear as well as truly caring about the american people. I don't know if that is even possible anymore politics are just crazy nowadays. Im canadian so i know lots about shitty leaders.
@@joshdyer3270 sorry but trump was the better option. happy new year 2 month late response!
@@idk7251 the better option compared to who?
He was respectful and made his points without screaming like a child. Kudos to him for that.
That’s like saying kudos for the person who says red is blue and blue is red… but did it in a calm matter… what is wrong with people now days??? Crazy people are crazy no matter how they go about saying the crazy shit they say!!!
@@jaredbaisden586 nah man, your attitude is what makes the western remain mostly intolerant. As Jordan Peterson said, and i fully agree with him, there are three ways of solving problems: you either become a tyrant, or a slave, or you negotiate.
You can not agree with the person having different ideas from you, or him identifying as a trans, the fact that he stood up to have a respectful dialogue is what really worth the kudos. It doesn't matter who he is, but his willingness to make conversations less hysterical and more comprehensive.
Jared is correct.
It's setting the bar pretty low.
This kind of topic shouldn't even be a debate.
@@Nyconbr the Trans man wasn't very comprehensible. He was all over the place going back and forth between I agree with you but not really and never answered Matt's questions and he spoke very loudly and emphatically to the point where it wasn't calm..
...yeah it's a damn shame the bar's set so low for discourse now that we have to congratulate someone for not conducting conversation in a ridiculous manner
So amazing to watch 2 people who completely disagree actually have a civil conversation. It’s so rare to see today
Yes, but the bigger point is that it's all ultimately a waste of our time. There are only two genders. Everyone who is sane knows this, so it shouldn't be a topic of discussion in the first place. Why then, are we giving a platform to these severely deluded people ? They need private counseling, not a TV show.
Disagree where??? The guy literally agrees with 99% of Matt’s stance
Especially in this genre
Still the trans-guy lied first when saying he was practically correct on everything he claims, to then make a turnaround and disagrees with the absolut fundamental basics.
@@Alexander-rv8zs he only agrees with a few things they also disagree on a lot.
Wow, incredible. Someone that used their words to disagree instead of screaming like a child. And look how people respectfully listened without bullying them into submission.
because you only listen to or like trans people if we capitulate and agree with your bigotry that you base your eugenics off of (watch because I had even the gall to disagree with a transphobe I'm going to be told I'm yelling at you) we just want to live and be seen as people and cis people can't even give us that, more over, you are going to a fascist (Matt Walsh) for "reasonable debate" but given that he is a fascist, he doesn't know conversations, he only knows "murder minority and everyone that's not Aryan"
he still made absolutely no sense though
Yes, kudos to whoever this Matt person is. I never would have expected such a calm tone at a conservative event. I mean, obviously they lack critical thinking skills for the following reasons;
A) referring to the topic as a left / right thing is absolutely ridiculous. It's a human thing. This is perhaps why...
B) expecting views to be simple, black and white without shades of grey is both silly and naive.
C) Most importantly, let's look at their argument of genetic anomalies. Would mankind simply dismiss a person born with one arm and try to ignore their existence or deny them their rights???
but at least they tried to have a discussion as opposed to just chanting catch phrases and promoting fear or hatred.
@@brianbenoit6883 A. Partially agree. B. agree C. Its not being dismissed, its acknowledged as a condition. You still have all human rights. But isnt it the same black and white simplistic thinking when you conclude a man is a woman once he feels he is one and dresses that way, as if you can just flip a switch?
Personally if i dont notice someone is trans im going to obviously treat them as the gender i see them as and if I do I have no problem being respectful and treat them as I think what they feel like. I think this goes for 95% of decent people. But there are limits, any situation where this reasoning is not really fair or might pose a threat to others for example. Pretty simple actually.
The fact that this discussion is even taking place is mind blowing. What a waste of intellect to engage with these low IQ rejects.
This is what happens when your mind softens, the lunatics come out of the woodwork.
They were always there, they were simply dealt with correctly in the past.
It's very rare to see this calm argumentation.
No shouting
Pure dialogue
Hes not even trying to look Trans he looks like a weird German guy at best I want my money back
He argues like an angry 5th grader
no, it wasn't simply 'pure dialog'.
watch the violent body language.
Because he is inteligent male
Not only did he speak his mind honestly and calmly, but he put a target on his back simply for pursuing truth and arguing his position in a non confrontational way. I don’t give a fuck what side you’re on, we need more of that
Agreed. Civil discourse so both sides are served is the only way
So if you saw a pedophile "arguing his position in a non confrontational way", you would be happy? We do _not_ need more of this, we need the opposite. The world has allowed the alphabet mafia to make the rules for long enough, it's time to stop.
Wasn't anything clear or concise about the way he spoke.....he stuttered and jumbled his words in almost every sentence.
Props to the kid for being respectful, props to Matt for doing the same. This is how dialogues and conversations should carry out.
Agree. Yelling followed by head in sand never goes anywhere. It doesn't matter how many 3, 4, 5 syllable words you throw at trying to complicate gender classification .. there are only 2.
Actual gender and the gender you want to identify as are 2 completely different things. Just like a when a 200kg 60 year old European bearded man wants to identify as a 40kg teen asian girl ... his age, gender, ethnicity, weight, etc do not change.
I'm really amazed that the common ground can't be that ACTUAL GENDER and GENDER IDENTITY are simply different things. Think how much things like that would simplify the issue in women's sport for one!
Kids still a nutcase
I agree
I agree, that guy who thinks he is a woman has SOME common sense. But he is a VERY small minority. That being said, it's still gender dysphoria and needs to be addressed as such.
We got here by giving " Props" to wrong think to start with. It does not matter how respectful on the surface he seems to be, he is still demonstrably and scientifically wrong 100% and we need to as a society pound that fact in every single case because when we do they have absolutely no other means to argue their position that isn't completely seen by all as bullshit.
It's so relieving to watch people speak their thoughts and nobody is reacting to anyone's choice of words. It takes me back about 10 years, when people just tried to understand one another.
10 years? You must have lived on a different planet than I did 10 years ago, or maybe you were a kid 10 years ago and still had a measure of innocence about the world. But the reality is that the Left has always - and I mean ALWAYS - been unwilling to brook dissent and vicious in their attacks on free-speech and critical thought. The fact that one young man was able to be somewhat civil, is the exception. And I'd be willing to bet that he was that way because he's on his way to an epiphany.
And that's the whole point of leftists warping language, making it ambiguous, and re-defining words. So that people find it harder and harder to understand each other. The ones controlling the levers of power on the left are very interested in pitting people against each other.
What 2012 were you living in?
@@juliancate7089 🤣 I was at university so was probably a bit sheltered or the people around me were uncharacteristically normal. In conclusion, both of your theories are most likely correct. I wish that young man all the best in their epiphany, and all of the best for everyone with this left rediculousness.
@@thenson1Halo Yea, I agree. No regular person wins, but leftists haven't figured that out yet.
It’s not easy to stand up and share your argument respectfully in a room full of people that disagree with you. Props to that kid. And to Matt for commending the level of respect and civility that was given in the arguments raised. If we have respectful conversations and debates with people we strongly disagree with the world can only get better
Takes me back to the good old days when people knew how to debate respectfully.
back in the old days we had to argue about everything else but gender
World is Screw
I agree, good point.
@Amber heard What makes this a stupid topic? Just curious.
@Amber heard I personally think it's unnecessary and not worth our time, it's really there battle. And yes, our country/government is a mess I agree.
Love that someone didn't make themselves a victim and was able to have a real conversation. Props to both
Paid actor
@@SwaggerDolphin1 ok
@@SwaggerDolphin1 possibly but Matt still isn't wrong.
@@SwaggerDolphin1 your evidence being ?
@@robertogomez2932 my source? I made it the fuck up
All my respect to this person who showed up, didn’t shout or disrupt, listened to others viewpoints and then tried to get their point across in a potentially hostile (it wasn’t) environment, in a polite and civilised way. This is all we want, differing opinions being discussed so we can move forward. Kudos!
That's why I say I don't care for most far left people is because they present themselves ignorantly. I'd much rather watch a discussion of opposing sides talking with each other, than hearing screaming, getting mad, or just ignoring the question entirely. Don't get me wrong far right does this too, it's just not as often.
The problem for that individual is that by agreeing with Walsh the road goes into marginalized territory, whereas the leftist wild ones who screech to get attention have actually carved out an anti-marginalized position in society where even massive corporations and governments are at their beck and call. Does this person wish to be reasonable and facilitate social progress or does this person wish to wield power? That's the question.
I wear a collar with with a black ribbon = trans person. ?
I'm just gonna say it ok. It's not about trans or not trans. it's about a person. And person ability to handle situations.
If I see a person on the street wearing green lipstick and have colored hair. I go directly to the LGBT route. But that's just a vision reference of the person. Who they are, what they know, if we bring up a conversation we see we both work in the same areas, have same restaurants taste, travel with family to similar resorts. Like... All this is ... all this actually is ... has nothing at all to do with trans. Coming from a trans woman. Trans = change identify and live your life as you have one life on earth. And hopefully find people that can accept that - and get to know you . Because if they do. All thereafter is - that you 1. a human 2. a normal citizen 3. someone who knows the moral obligations as a adult.
I did a transition years ago. I worked for more then 10 years. I support my spouse. I know what being "adult" means. What you talking about isn't adulthood. This is about kids and their mental view of situations that I agree is out of control. So I applaud Matt for brining it up. The idea that you can visit a doctor and get pills if you say one "im trans" is absurdly wrong. It require a very long medical term interview with many specialists to in the long run come to ... or not come to the conclusion "Im trans" or maybe "Im insecure and waiting affirmation from others , now i do other things".
I agree with Matt full-heartily. None should be "open to give kids medicine" cause it will make them wealthy. At first your require a long discussions with different doctors. This dialogue time is important? Why. Because they are there to assert your need but for yourself to assert who you are and what you currently doing, and actually how dangerous transgenderism is.
As a person I also very none-verbal about trans. As trans for me was going from X > Y as identity. After that. It's no discussion I want to bring up. And everything youth are saying is "trans" today ... is completely false. It's more about genZ broken by smartphones, social media (which we know according to Facebook reports, Web2 impact, etc) is extremely dangerous to develop social skills. The trans thing is more of Youth - don't caring about their parents. Wanting to talk to other Youth online and finding things they as a new generation will see as important... or rather... they are just kids that needs spanking and someone to Say NO and help them learn about "adult life".
Which is incredible accurate what Matt is teaching us. Love you Matt. Your documentaries are actually really good.
@@Soldier_Beyond Yep. An idiot is an idiot. Dress it anyway you like it’s still an idiot.
Thank you, Matt, for keeping it simple. That guy was throwing in so many confusing words. It was like he was trying to scramble the conversation to fit his narrative. That is the way people talk on the left. Sometimes they do this to sound super intelligent on a subject.
He didn't use any words that a college educated person wouldn't understand.
Honestly mad respect to this guy. Clearly stated his position, established common ground, and stated his disagreement with Matt in a rational way. You love to see it!
We need to hear from more Leftists like him
Listening to insane people isn't productive.
He just wanted some attention
I wouldn't say he clearly stated anything. I have no idea what he was saying, and I think Matt is confused too
Yes, but let's not ignore the fact that his logical illness still attempts to attack self-evident truth by trying to make it seem more complicated than it actually is. He's no different from the rest of them, he's just brave and clever enough to try and argue against truth in a civil manner.
This is how you have a real conversation. You speak, you listen, you don’t shout, you don’t interrupt, you just share ideas and see which things you agree and disagree on.
What? No hissy fit? Lol
I just wish he would’ve brought an actual argument.
Now that's different...
Something so many people don't know how to do. Civil discourse.
Clean, precise and inarguable. Brilliant.
Sports must be fair, and let women compete against women, men against men and transgenders against transgenders.
Definitely wish all other people like this guy could have a conversation like a civil human being.
Yeah, sadly the only word most of them understand is reeeeeeeeeeeee
Leave the slave collar at home if respect for your words are to be taken seriously.I can't listen to a man wearing a sexual slave collar in public
Unfortunate Liberal Social Media destroying kids & teenagers minds with disturbing malignant ideas about be women's or men's after "2009"
Sorry, Bill Maher doesn't qualify as a civil human being. He doesn't even qualify as a human at all after the way he disrespected Stan Lee!
careful now...don't be using the wrong pro-noun.
Really respect the fact that this person refused to outright attack the Matt and was willing to think for themselves instead of doing what their organization sent them there to do. Willing to engage in conversation, and willing to consider other viewpoints. Even if one doesn't agree with this person, people can certainly learn a thing or two from their approach.
What a world we live in. I'm gay and even I'm shell shocked at the idea of the norm having to explain itself to the .001% of the population. We should care about the shit trans people go through, but wtf is up with the world that demands we play by their rules and treat them special. Out of the hierarchy of problems the world has, the trans community can take several seats and stfu!
I agreeee!!
Amazing we're at a point where acting like a normal person has become praiseworthy
The tactic was to get Matt with an "Aha moment". Drama Class Geeks are at play.
As soon as he (questioner @ the mic) did, Matt easily engaged using the simplest examples, terms & concepts, to literally grind this young man to a complete halt! (Next question…)
That trans guy is exactly how everyone should be in that situation. Not screaming, not using vulgar language to get their way, just a normal, respectful argument between two people.
Is that a trans guy, or a trans girl? It appears to be a guy. Just kind of dressed like a girl? I am so confused....
She is a trans woman
Generally, I would agree with you but there are some discourses that are poisonous. Matt Walsh is not respectful, his wolrdview is known to cause a higher su!c!de rate among trans people, specially teens. A discussion between a radical ideologue of transphobia and a trans person is not respectful in nature.
@@chrisscollick568 yeah now I’m just as confused 😭
@@heitoraguiar2351 oh my bad
I am transgender and I AGREE with Matt Walsh 100%. I like how the trans person respected Matt, and they both were civil to each other. Need more trans ppl to speak up who don't have their heads up their rears.
if you're trans how tf do you agree with him? stop being trans if you think matts speaking the truth
Yea right lol
I’m late but just throwing this out there. I personally don’t dispute that some people may be happier to identify differently or change their mannerisms and voice. Where most people will draw the line however is having to follow all these silly rules like their neo pronouns or arguing that trans women should compete with women. The sooner we come to that conclusion as a country the better.
@@Dbzguy1234567890 Amen, I'm with you brother!
I respect you, but I truly belive you need help, a good therapist and should stop using social media and also work on your self esteem. You probably have daddy issues but you warent around the good crowd in the needed moment of your life.
It is easy to fool someone, but almost impossible to convince him or whatever you are that they have been fooled
I wish you well
sorry my english, i am a french guy
I give ANYONE respect whose willing to engage in an honest discussion to find the truth.
Yes. Yet here we already know the “truth”. If the argument is more than one sex exists anyways.
Actually there is an easy argument there. There are more sex defining chromosomes than XX and XY. We have things like XXX, XXY, X and Y. So even based of chromosomes alone it's still not a binary system.
@Rusty Tiger Dude. Just look it up.
@Rusty Tiger 🤣🤣😂
@Rusty Tiger bro you're the one who isn't facing the facts here
We know for a fact that there are 6 biological karyotype sexes (that do not result in death to the fetus). What the other person said is true, so if you don't want to acknowledge it then you aren't "facing the facts"
I did not see this playing out like this... honestly it was kind of refreshing
That guy was quite articulate, yet somewhat confused.
I like the dude tbh, first trans person I've ever liked
First time I’ve seen a trans counter someone they don’t totally agree with respectfully.
@@MrIgottap Sure does set the stage of maturity within these residing groups.
Almost reminds me of those family sitcoms where the kids are acting foolish and try to challenge their brow beaten parents.
More individuals like the young trans person here shows a healthy environment that chases a solution instead of a dream.
Even though he wasn't able to retort Michael's argument or substantiate his claims the mannerisms this person portrays is commendable.
@@JumpyWizardz I hear you. I was raised in a “if you’re not willing to help fix it, then quit your bitchin” type of home. Productive help with things was always welcome, listening to you whine and throwing temper tantrums, not so much.
It is so great to see people having an actual debate without screaming, cussing, talking over the other person, or spewing hate. If more people could debate like this, there wouldn't be so much animosity towards each other. I have to admit, I was waiting for it to be a scream fest like most other debates.
The next step would be make sense when debating there point.
Well they are both white. Goes a long way.
I know people like this guy. Reminds me of a proverb that says "A fool sees himself as wise." He's manipulative in trying to bring down Matt's defenses by saying he agrees with him. What he doesn't understand is that this debate technique doesn't work on smart people, because smart people aren't defensive. And they can spot false flattery as well as false agreement.
@@Lawrence_Talbot What has that got to do with the discussion?
But what do call a person with XXY chromosomes and testicals that don’t produce sperm?
"A deformity or disease doesn't undermine the principle of what we're talking about or dealing with."
This person will now need more support than ever. Unfortunately the trans community will likely turn on him for having this conversation.
Zee/zer We can go on all day. It's male or female. Making words and pronouns up doesn't make them special it just makes them special needs.
@@lamelame1779 he
@@BroadHobbyProjects If someone wants to identify as a woman, just have respect and try to give them that. Negativity and hate doesn't help the situation.
@@mikeydoes no
To be able to voice dissent respectfully in a crowd that disagrees with you takes courage. I am impressed.
why would you be impressed? He couldn’t even articulate his argument. “I disagree! because, taco tacos, and burritos, mix well, flip flop and turn around. hip hop tallywop.”
It was like watching kamel harris speak about…anything. You’re left scratching your head and wondering how someone could spit out such a word salad for 5 min and not make one point or coherent sentence.
@@juliemunoz2762 Impressed by the courage. Standing up like that in front of an unsympathetic crowd and speaking civilly is impressive regardless of the content of his comments.
He started off by admitting Matt was right.
That’s pretty brave and good natured of him to do that off the bat. Even if he’s confused on transgenderism, give the guy time to process and see the truth. :)
@@juliemunoz2762 As someone who has spoken to a crowd who actively dislikes my point of view, yeah it's hard you can feel the derision in the room, now granted I think he should have practiced a bit more, but showing up and at least trying and doing so without screaming an yelling like a lunatic, is respect worthy, but you are correct, he likely should have organized his thoughts better.
I thought he reasonably conveyed the argument "Be reasonable, see it my way!"
I respect this person for having a conversation and not flying off the handle.
Respectfully, I don't think a lot of trans people do get that mad. I think it's just a loud minority. Every community has toxicity.
You can call your self a cow but that doesnt make you one.
My waist and hip.size says otherwise lol
Doja Cat would disagree
Donnie, you said it perfectly !!
My mother told me we all came from monkeys.
Nobody is calling themselves a cow.
Geez you can feel the anxiety, nervousness and passion is seen across this guy. I lot of respect for being able to stay on topic and civil. Something actually worth watching.
He really went into the lions' den to discuss it. Major props.
Yeah this guy's cool, Mature and civil
I absolutely agree. A lesser person would get offended, defensive, and lash out. He's not used to doing this and it's messing with his ability to present his arguments. Yet he still is handling himself properly. Well done.
Unfortunately the media will not show you the victims of this craze or fad that regret the transition.It’s gonna get real bad very shortly
@@taylormunson3605 exactly. Not easy to speak in front of a large crowd, then you know it's video recorded, and presenting your argument to Matt who whether you agree or disagree with his arguments, you know he makes excellent cases.
Imagine how uncomfortable that trans guy must have been in that room. Yet he kept his cool, presented his argument in a rational and respectful way. That in itself was beautiful.
No reason to feel uncomfortable maybe if he was doing this Infront of libs I could see him being way more uncomfortable they wouldn't let him speak most likely
@@ninjanunch27 The fact you think that only the left is capable of irrational argument from emotion is a problem
@@mariachrzski18 Nah. She’s a he.
@@AnrchyXRY never said that you did. Anyone is capable of making irrational arguments from emotion. What's your point what are you some liberal are you mad?
@@AnrchyXRY she identifies as a trans woman, so please respect that
The sad part is that this person will most likely get torched by their own community, both for agreeing with Matt and having lost the debate dramatically, even though he had the guts to go to the debate and speak on it
That is true, but its also sad that people on both "sides" ignore the science behind people being trans.
Well it's not like he had any chance of winning the debate if he's wrong and Matt is well spoken. But yeah they always do that, either you're a mindless idiot like them or they will -99999 social credit you 😂
Since I read about Dave Chappelle’s friend and collaborator, a trans woman who committed suicide after being harassed by some members of the trans community for defending Dave, I’m really worried about the people like the person in this video. It’s really scary how far some activists can go if they feel someone from their community has “betrayed” them
There is no science supporting transsexuals. When I trained, it was Gender Dysphoria. Nothing has changed except people losing their minds and objectivity.
@@patrickbertlein4626 Because it's more psychology than science.
The conflation of intersex conditions with transgender identity muddles two distinct discussions. Intersex conditions are rare (about 1.7%), biological and pertain to anomalies in chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex characteristics. It's critical to understand that these conditions, which affect a very small percentage of the population, do not inherently challenge the binary understanding of sex. They are medical conditions requiring appropriate care and should not be politicized or leveraged to argue the fluidity of sex or gender on a broader scale.
The appeal to intersex individuals in the context of transgender debates is often a red herring. The vast majority of people, including those who identify as transgender, do not have intersex conditions. Thus, policies and discussions around gender affirming care for transgender individuals should not be justified by the existence of intersex conditions.
Gender affirming care, as it is currently discussed, predominantly addresses the desires and needs of individuals with gender dysphoria to transition from their biological sex to the gender with which they identify. The primary issue here is not about denying necessary medical care to anyone, but about ensuring that such care is appropriate, especially for minors. The critical distinction must be made between adults making informed decisions about their bodies and minors, who don't have the capacity to understand the long-term consequences of such interventions.
That guy was really respectful to Matt
Still a nut job
I agree on both counts. About the guy and about the respect.
I disagree. He/she thought that Matt was dumb enough to believe they agreed with Matt. It is a common tactic to sway someone.
stop the nice comments. Guys wearing a dog collar and fishnets
He's a leftist, but at least a rare one who wanted to have a civil discussion.
@Arvin ant *reaches for my Flammenwerfer* humanity need some old fashion help
If he stays on that path, he won't be on the left for much longer.
@Arvin ant I hold both liberal and conservative views about different topics. It's important that different RATIONAL viewpoints are discussed. The leftist today are insane and not liberal at all.
@@aliasrose im Conservative Republican nationalist.
@Arvin ant I’m not certain you are on the left. There may be individual issues where you lean more liberal but looking at your examples, I’d say you are closer to center-right. MLK Jr was a Republican, and based upon his policies while in office, I don’t think JFK would be very welcome in the Democratic Party of 2022. Cheers!
Holy shit, two adults that can disagree, state their ideas and leave the conversation on a civil note.
Welcome to America! 😅
@@samuelsosa9570 america aint all that dawg. americans fight over anything
You cannot force other people to agree with you as what you think you are. You can be anything and it’s ok to keep it to yourself.
You can't be anything ...can you identify as a dog ? Tree?
It was normal for people to disagree in a conversation 30 years ago. This is not amazing. This is suppose to be the normal kind of conversation
ppl can have different opinions and views however when u try to take away rights based on those opinions and views it comes an issue and that goes for both sides, when a LGBTQ person tries to take the freedom of speech it comes an issue and when a conservative person tries to take away a queer person’s rights to get married, get a job, practice sports it also becomes an issue
@@Ajwad99 ... that's not what I was talking about at all. I was focusing on conversation with disagreement, not about rights.
I agree, and 30 years ago is 1990, if you just push it back to little more years back, a new state-of-the-art outcome to disagreement will pop up, which is called war.
@@bishhsasspusi2904 Very funny but very untrue.
Kudos to the young person. He is on opposite side but can discuss it civilly.
Don’t u mean it?! They are not a man.
It’s sad that we live in a world in which we are congratulating people for acting civilly. Back in the day, all college/university students behaved civilly. I mean, you have to go back pretty far - before the 1960s - but there was a time in which students WERE CIVIL. And they dressed nicely to go to class, etc. - it wasn’t crap like crass tee shirts, bad makeup, and Technicolor hair, even from the left. It was stuff like dresses for the ladies, and shirts, ties, and jackets for the men. People also displayed good manners. The hippie generation destroyed all that good stuff!
Yes it’s refreshing, for a change.
@@timmay2k, he is a man. If you are going to use "they" as a singular pronoun, you should at least use it with a singular verb.
As long as people say sides instead of unite, then we will always be separated.
Mad respect for being able to stand up in a room full of people with opposite viewpoints and try to make a case for your beliefs.
Its a stupid thing to respect lol, no one here is changing their views; nobody ever changes their views in a debate. It's all just a giant circlejerk
@@kat2562 you can't expect ppl to just change a major belief of theirs on the spot often ppl will discuss something and they will walk away disagreeing but something one of them says clicks in the other and they change their mind
@@michaelwarner7311 No they don't
@@kat2562 they don't what? Change their mind lol so no one changes their mind now
@@kat2562 it actually pretty dumb not to respect it, the person is obviously open to hearing a viewpoint different from them whether a not it was long discussion. The person is going to go out to the world with open mind and the willingness to change their ideas when presented with facts. Putting yourself in uncomfortable situation is brave and commendable.
This is how the conversations on this need to happen. Rational and calm.
Nice to FINALLY see civil discourse! Bravo to the young man--he was obviously nervous, but did a wonderful job speaking civilly and intelligently!
Glad that person was there and participated. We need more people like them to engage in a civil manner.
Trans people who agree, and believe that being trans is a medical condition are literally bullied into suicide now that America has politicized the condition so heavily. It's "get in lockstep, or else..." and it's vicious AF.
That dude is going places, he is brave enough to question himself and confront his views and be civil while doing it, he will eventually found the truth
If he survives. His community will outcast him for acting this way and he will find little alliance within this community. I guarantee in the next month, you will find articles or videos on shittoks about how this trans misrepresented the community and didnt go with his fellow MEN AND WOMEN together to attack Matt. He went by himself and ask 'respectful' questions and listened. Just watch. Hope he doesn't end his life trying to seek the truth.
I can respect this young man for respectfully disagreeing with Matt.
@@j.w.matney8390 Totally. its not often you see someone in his position that can handle anything resembling a socratic discussion. Always good to see folks thinking for them selves. Often times its shutting down discussion by dismissing those who disagree as homophobic/racist etc to avoid challenging your own beliefs. Good stuff!
@@GameN3rdz thanks for the correction, English is my second language
I'm not a psychologist, much less a psychiatrist. I don't have to have this patience.
I really thought this guy was going to lose it at any second but he kept it together and actually had a conversation 👍🏻
This kid is a plant.
You can see at some point he realises almost everything he believes is wrong and most people when they realise that resort to anger but this guy didnt
but he struggled.
@@sanpol4399 As one should when faced with cognitive dissonance. Anecdotally, I believe it to be a healthy reaction. When what one genuinely believes to be a fundamental truth is challenged in a way that creates a cognitive dissonance, one should ponder on it, do some introspective thinking and spend more time researching into it. If he just immediately accepted his beliefs as falsehoods I would have to assume his words were merely an act for clout amongst those of us who simply want a rational discussion to take place, which does nothing to solve the crisis. I believe the resolution to this mental pandemic lies solely within honest introspection. I hope that this man went home and spent significant time considering Matt's rebuttals and further challenging his own beliefs.
@@Terry_Dactyl hard to do any of that when one operates purely on emotion, sort of like arguing with a woman which i equate to arguing with my cat, you just can't reason with them, once triggered all bets are off
It's tragic how something like this has become such a rare occurrence. Two people having a civil and respectful discussion despite disagreeing with each other and having very different perspectives.
It used to be called a civilised discussion, true it is rare these days. Because those that identify on the left side of the aisle are brainwashed and lack the intelligence to see through the conditioning they have experienced. There are two sexes, male and female and everything else is a variation of those two either by a biological dysfunction or a mental anomaly that is either caused by nature or by nurture.
Indeed. The people who's controlling the narrative are the loud crap flingers and not the sane intelligent people.
funny I was kinda thinking how tragic it is we are discussing this nonsense ,,
@@billhamilton7524 In fairness, look at the Greek market 2000+ years ago. Discussion of even absurd topics are perfectly relevant and sometimes interesting. That doesn't mean all of it is meaningful, and certainly it should not set policy. This particular topic reminds me of Aristotle vs the Sophists, the latter of which we derived the term sophistry.
I think it happens a lot still, just behind closed doors. You see it less and less in the public space due to the power of social vidication certain groups now have.
But these conversations do (and are) happening. There is still hope
Wow, a Trans Person who doesn't automatically hate you for having a different opinion or an idea that conflicts with theirs.
How can he hate you? He was someone's brother yesterday.
There are a lot. Problem is the leftist activists are all total psychopaths.
You'll probably find the majority of trans people won't default to hate. Just a very vocal minority
@@RonJeremysJapsEye Sadly, that’s the vocal minority the dems are listening to.
About time someone from the community admitted that the use of these pronouns is ridiculous.
Gotta give the pro trans dude some respect, he remained civil and the two of them having a calm debate. It’s rare but welcomed.
Knowledgeable by book equal knowledge by living and listening. Be who you are.
id be more careful with the props. showing the most basic level of decency is not something that should be celebrated, and besides that he didnt have any real argument, just the same craziness as always.
@@pmkaboo2446 Are you a transgender and why
Debate about what?!
so yo think this is dude or trans?
You could here he is very nervous doing this, but he was brave enough to go against his community and tried to have a civil discussion. You don't have to always agree with eachother, but treating another with respect and allowing another to have a different opinion is the way to go. You will never get the whole population to 100% agree with you.
Most likely because his community or at least the trans activist will cancel him or get him fired -_-;;
Hear not here. 😉
@@kennyscalendar I know, autocorrect...
Did you actually listen to what he said or just sat there nodding your head, liking the fact the he wasnt screaming his nonsense?
@@odin2130 yes, I actually watched it 2 times. Even though they didn't agree, he stayed civil. Exactly my point. My point was not that they agreed. Did you actually read my comment?
Hats off to that mad lad holding the mic for 8mins straight.
@@mariachrzski18 That's a guy holding the microphone.
Yup. Shout out to all the silent heroes out there
@@fwMMVII No. At 0:51 she said she's a woman.
@@mariachrzski18 The guy next to him is holding the microphone, bro.
This is how society evolves! Two people who disagree but are able to have a civil discussion together. I love to see it!
That man is confused, but I'm impressed that he came and actually listened and debated. Respect.
Of course he's confused, did you see what color nail polish he was wearing?
Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s faking (not accusing Walsh of planting him there , more likely the guy decided to do this on his own)
@@anthonya2349 how about just the fact he’s wearing nail polish at all… color seems irrelevant, but I get your point 😂
Yes, that man is confused, but he got the spirit. 😂
Look how much progress is made in a conversation when people have their emotions in check👏
If only our Government could do this.
meaning the maturity to be able to take in and consider and respond, not wildly reject and REACT and not take in anything at all!
Amen to that!!!
I wouldnt call that pogress
I think the trans guy knows Matt is correct, but he's battling cognitive dissonance right now. He might just reject some social norms, and that's okay!
He started well, but then he resorted to postmodernist bollocks, word salads to make it seem like he actually was making a valid point, which he really wasn't.
@@purplehaze8557 word salads!!
Don't fret grasshopper. He's getting there. It takes time. He's being debrainwashed and recognizing his indoctrinations. 😀
Matt and his audience call out "word salad" whenever someone doesn't stick to common parlance. It's almost like when you look into a topic there's a bunch of vocabulary to learn or something. But none of you like doing that very much, do you?
@@RolaiEckolo Oldest and saddest trick in oratory: losing an argument? Just platitudinize endlessly with all the most obscure, abstruse, post-modernist lexicon and then claim your opponent isn't sophisticated enough to understand your brilliant point. _OMG!! He hasn't even read Foucault!!!_
Fair enough … it takes balls to stand up to Matt Walsh.
If all TQ+ people engaged in a conversations like this, they could actually accomplish something benefitical for themselves.
Perhaps some of them began engaging like this, but if anyone finds out they're wrong, and refuses to accept or take steps to accept that, they inevitably get irrational, and egoistic, with supporting emotions.
Notice that while they had a civil discourse, it was unclear whether or not the trans guy realised his view was wrong. I hope he does, otherwise he has potential to become like other members of his community - irate and illogical - if he gets hurt enough.
Honestly, it’s not most LGBTQ people, it’s activists and lobbyists with vast resources to try and change societal norms.
Yeah, might even be beneficial :-)
all of this seems to be staged..
How he said he agreed then disagreed with everything what did this accomplish other than confusing everyone
Holy Shit… why can’t we have more people like this absolute respect for this. This is how we move forward rationally and together
Things used to be more like this but, aside from overall dumbing down of society, people that behaved more like this on certain topics were literally taken out. For example Malcolm X and George Lincoln Rockwell were both assassinated.
because most people who engage like this on the left get shunned or worse
Dakota, -- Explain how these two, Matt and trans, moved forward rationally and together when they both still cling to their own beliefs. One can not cling to something and move forward at the same time. Even though it was a civil Q and A, with one stating facts and the other questioning the facts, NOTHING CHANGED.
But the point is not to make all people in the world unanonimously agree on a single worldview. It's to learn to live peacefully and respectfully together in spite of our differences. And such conversations are a step towards bringing a bit closer two "hostile" groups.
Into madness.
Nope. Males have never at any stage had female parts. Their parts may resemble female parts at some stage of development but these parts still have male dna which becomes clear when fully developed. A very green tomato resembles a green pea but it is still a tomato.
The issue is not that dramatic except in what our conversations has made up. As so many are trying to conjure up we have just two boys or girls from the womb. Now by the time you get to the tomb you have kissed a boy and you liked it and trans to a girl for his pleasure is another discussion but somewhere somehow we should put everything into perspective insted of exacerbating the issue.
@@peanut2us . if he cant like you the way you are then its better to stay away from him...
In every way we currently defined male and female we where all actually females from the begining. We did not look female, we where female. All human embryos start life as females, as do all embryos of mammals. It only when enough levels of androgens does the development to male start to happening. We are all females then some developed to male, but baseline is female.
I'm very early stages of the fetus, it has not there own blood type or DNA. They share it with there mother and therefore female.
Couple of weeks in to development we can start to detect there own DNA. At this point there is no present of a Y chromosome. It is only in later stage of development we can detect a Y chromosome.
Sometime thing goes wrong during the development of the fetus. And there is no higher levels of androgens. So the fetus does not develop in to a male, just continue the normal development into a female. That called Swyer Syndrome. That is a person in every way, shape and form a female. Some cases they can even get pregnant and give birth. But still they have the XY chromosome.
So yes. We all start as female and then some of us develop into males.
I like to put up signage for orange trees and label them apple trees. Fooled everyone so far obviously, makes great orange coloured apple juice
@@TheRobinL ive read that some bullshit. You are intreperting it wrong and misleading.
The trouble is they don't want to acknowledge that we're not talking about social navigation or personal experience. That has NOTHING to do with reality
I was a hard-core liberal growing up. I have a ton of friends from both sides. Getting older and having my own family and business I have changed alot of my views on politics. In fact I have become conservative in the last 6 years. I still have every one of my republican friends. All of my liberal friends have abandoned me. It was an eye opening experience.
Jay, I'm curious. What were the main points of contention for your lefty friends??
@@dRoscoAZ TDS
Same here. I feel this experience is common to humanity the world over.
Well, that should TELL you who your REAL friends are. Those that abandoned you over politics because they are so wrapped up in their feelings to a point where it clouds their good judgement which is typically the case amongst liberals were never really your friends to begin with. They were just your friends out of convenience so who needs them. You can ALWAYS make new friends if you try.
The left has walked away from me.
The young man fell apart trying to define “other” sex’s. Such a shame people have chosen to leave reality and refuse to find a way to live within it. Instead they force nonsensical thinking onto others. Very respectful conversation tho.
That was a beautiful moment.
That young man fell apart on life. lol.
People are born with both sex organs every day.
@@thek9conor Exactly! That biological anomaly is undeniable proof that anyone can be anything. Society needs to be purged of people who think otherwise.
It takes time to realize everything you've been taught in school about something is a lie. This guy is "trans" because he was encouraged to be it. Bribed or threatened even.
My heart goes out to that young man and all the young people like him. I don’t know what it’s like to feel.. whatever they feel. I don’t even know the word for it. But I pray they find the stable foundation of truth that was, is, and always will be so they can have peace and an abundant life of purpose.
Same. I honestly feel so bad for them. I can't imagine feeling like in in the wrong body.
Nicely said. And empathetic.
Aw, that was really sweet!
Well said, that is my prayer for them also.
They’re lost
At least the man was talking and listening; not shouting and blocking out the answer.
Matt keeping a straight face and maintaining his composure in these interviews is the most impressive thing I’ve seen in journalism. Respect to the young individual . Speaking your mind in public is not easy. speaking your mind and actually going against your community even though for the right reasons is even harder. so respect 100 %
Its becsuse he doesn't operate on feelings, like none of us should...
That's sad af. I've seen leftist investigative journalism interview people of all walks of life. Open my eyes to the humanity of drug addicts, homeless people, and immigrants. Not flipping out when you are opposed is such a low bar of standard to hold against your news source. Please think about this and don't just get angry.
@@beyondthefirmament726 me when im a robot
@@beyondthefirmament726 like wtf lol
@@caseylane9162 Only those with understanding won't be confused of what was spoken.
How can "transexual" exist without biological sexes? Don't you need to be a biological sex in order to be a transexual or a cisgender?
Actually, there is man, there is woman, and there is mutant.
Shhh don't say that. remember it's brave and beautiful 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No asking questions
What's cis gender?
@@christine3938 If you do be prepared to be called names.
@@tea4223 a mutant would happen in nature not under a knife or with drugs.
Big up to this guy for holding a conversation without feelings and bias...
Absolutely. It’s this kind of discourse that our country needs.
@Jordan ----- Copy & paste ad nauseam.
Absolutely! The art of debate has seemingly been lost. A breath of fresh air and right on to the trans dude
or logic
Yeah I'm so tired of the "i feel..." arguments their side brings to the table all the time, it won't bring the debate anywhere
Sunglasses inside…total narcissist, loves the sound of his own voice…imagine having to listen to this every day
This dude was pretty civil and alright to me lmao😂😂😂
Bro you are too biased... Biological guys act like that too
Articulate, well spoken, and willing to engage in give and take. how refreshing. You almost never see that on the left.
Didn’t think leftists were capable of that.
As someone that grew up in NYC amongst liberals... most of the people I know are very smart and articulate. Up until recently, my recommendations on social media and youtube were of Jordan Keppler interviews and other content that showed uneducated, boisterous, uncivilized right leaning folks. I think the UA-cam algo then realized that I was anti-abortion and that I had more conservative leaning views (even tho I don't do politics, nor guns) and that's when I discovered Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Matt, etc. I seriously had no idea these folks even existed.
In essence... you see what they want you to see. Or what they think you want to see. Anyway, just food for thought.
@@rg442 same for me I always thought I was "left" but I also hold a lot of views that the right has. I'm not American and I find the American politics of left vs right absolutely ridiculous. I now just see myself as myself and I have different opinions on different topic some are from the American's perspective "left leaning" and some of th are "right leaning". I don't think Americans should have only two options. It creates an us vs them mentality that I see a lot in these videos. Even this video I find that Matt comes off too strong and dismissive instead of giving the discussion a real chance.
nah you are in a bubble. there are plenty of left leaning people who are well worth having conversations with. don't let the twitter ranters radicalize you
@@Gogetta80 yeah, if people could stop basing their concepts off of social media, UA-cam, and the like that'd be great...
Isn’t it crazy how we have all of these “transphobic” people in the comments treating the trans person in this video with the utmost respect? It’s because this person is being rational, calm and wants to engage in a productive conversation. We can all take away something from this video about discussion, no matter your side.
He's still totally crazy though
I don't care what adults call themselves as long as they leave the children alone. Oh and stay out of children's bathrooms.
@@DNSMLT agreed
I guess having a conversation is a positive step. He wasn't any more rational, just the standard obfuscation. It wasn't ultimately productive. Just more polite than usual.
He's a weirdo.
Finally a transgender person that can have a discussion with respect and not go into crazy mode. Hopefully the rest of the transgender population can do the same!
Buck Angel and Blair White are also very common sense transgenders.
That’s if they don’t take him out first.
I'm trying haha, people call me transphobe, mainly people who haven't ever met any trans people at all
He’s a dude pretending to be a chick…he’s already in crazy mode….
You know what, my father would have liked you for your great understanding about Gender and all that, also i am so excited seeing you focusing more on this topic and I really appreciate your honesty. My god bless you and keep it up, you are amazing man🙏🏻
I concluded that this person's ability & willingness to listen to someone he doesn't agree with will serve him well in all aspects of life.
Yeah, I was surprised by this person saying all that. Matt I think was taken a back a bit, I would have been a bit skeptical to "its a trap!"
Nah, to be honest, I think he thought he could make some kind of a solid argument against Walsh there. The mental gymnastics these people go through to try to justify their 'philosophy' as he puts it, is pretty insane. You can't win an argument that is about biological fact with philosophical talk about what a socially constructed gender is. That trans person might also be one of the _many_ who regret their choice. It might be pure desperation on display actually trying to justify something. And pretending biological sex 'is not binary because of how gender is a social construct' is just plain insane. No one is talking about sexual preference. And biological sex is not a preference. It's a fact.
@@PHeMoX I think he used a pretense of agreement as a tactic. Classic negotiating 101, first try to establish a bond over an intersection of agreement then try to move your opponent to agreeing with you where they previously had not. In this case the intersection of agreement was a false premise.
@@Janetsfear Exactly my impression also!
@@PHeMoX well said!
I find his willingness to subject himself to a room full of people that probably strongly disagree with his "way of life" admirable, brave & wise...
We all have something to teach & to learn from each other, but we miss opportunities because we can't agree on the basics!
The facts of life are FACTS!
My facts & your facts & this dudes FACTS are all the same FACTS! "The talk" about birds & bees my parents had with me is the same talk their parents had with them, I had with my kids & my kids will have with their kids. It's unfortunate that we'll have to pay a couple fortunes for private school tuition, to continue the traditions of the pledge of allegiance to the U.S's. flag, the Golden Rule &
The FACTS of life being taught at home, by parents that decide when the time is right.
God Bless
To the person debating Matt: Thank you for being so honest, intelligent and respectful.
Matt is not a "phobe". The vast majority of people who do not see themselves as trans are not "phobes". We just won't allow for someone to force us to deny reality.
We get some of you are really unhappy with the body you were born with, and we genuinely want you to achieve happiness. But unfortunately, somethings are just unchangeable. For EVERYONE. And forcing people to play pretend just to protect someone else's feelings and/or insecurities is not only dangerous, but also authoritarian.
Personally, I have no problem referring to someone with the pronouns of the opposite sex, if that person asks me politely to do so and is reciprocally courteous to me (I won't do it if the person demands it). If that person is a friend, I will want to make that person feel happy when we are together. But I can't pretend a man is a woman, and vice versa. And I also can't pretend that personalities are the same as genders.
It would be like preteding a wheelchair bound friend can walk. It would be ridiculous or even dangerous and hurtful on the long run. But that doesn't prevent me for caring a lot about that person, and doesn't impede our friendship in the slightest.
Intelligent? The *man* believes there are more than two genders.
@@DarrinSK love the Star Trek TNG reference. You won comment of the day.
Well said!
Very well stated!!!
There are... FOUR... LIGHTS!
Whoa. Two grown ass adults from completely different sides of the political/cultural spectrum disagreeing, but being civil about it, and being coherent without screaming and pitching a fit. And what this dude had to say to Matt wasn’t just executed in a polite and mature manner, but you could actually understand what it was he was trying to say. There was no loss of brain cells or head scratching. Not sure who you are, but you’re a rare one. Props to you!
Grown MEN 😂
@@drezwider grown biological people, with male as their sex.
@Zaraki Kenpachi naw those are dudes. When they were born they had/have different plumbing then their mothers 😂😂
This might come as a surprise to you, but it‘s not that rare. Most of us are pretty civil. The right just likes to amplify the ones that aren‘t. Similarly, we like to watch angry irrational right-wingers. It‘s entertainment. That’s how social media works. It‘s not necessarily an accurate representation of everybody. Each side likes to laugh at the other side to make themselves feel superior. But at the end of the day, we’re all just human. I know there‘s this right-wing superiority rhetoric of being „more rational“. That‘s a fassade. I‘m looking forward to see how this fassade will hold up as the discussion continues.
Trying to sound so smart ended up sounding unintelligent.
No yelling, screaming, bickering here. Just a conversation where people can agree to disagree. More people need to be like this. Everybody else is about winning an argument, which they're actually not. They're just pushing an opposing view further into more opposition. This guy made his case and left it at that. Great video.
Well , that was an anomaly . Someone that actually engaged in civil discourse instead of the typical display of unfounded malicious slander.
It won't happen again
"Unfounded malicious slander" are we talking about conservatives now?.
@@coffeepot3123 I'm afraid not. As the individual commenting said they were planning on protesting which usually ends up as a group of foolish people screaming out obnoxious chants and baseless critisism for 5 or to 10 minutes. It can involve physical violence as we've seen many cases as well.
The rational is telling as was shown at Yale recently when a talk was going to be given on Free Speech and the Left decides to use "Their Free Speech" to stop others from talking about free speech ?
Brave of this person for agreeing with Matt on anything. They've opened themselves up to be attacked by their community for stepping out of line & being an independent thinker. Massive respect.
And for this the Trans community will probably execute him/her? As that person didn't deny truth and logic. The Trans people are just the same as any other extemist group and have even pulled some of the same stuff the NSDAP did.
Much agreed
I mean "they" immediately clarified that they don't actually agree at all after claiming to completely agree, though.
@@mydogeatspuke True but my expectations of these people are so low that just being polite & disagreeing without screaming &or demonizing the opposition is pretty big.
@@mydogeatspuke They said they agree with him on a lot of the stuff he says except the conclusion which he comes to.... I don't get how you managed to misunderstand that
dude's out in public with a legit dog collar on....
People on the left and on the right, take note. THIS is what a rational conversation/debate looks like
Amen, but the shame is their are too many leftist loons that only think their opinions matter.
Not really. The questioner said a lot of things without making any sense. You can put a lot of words together in your mind that sound articulate, but actually make no sense when actually spoken. Most kindergarteners do this. Thats essentially what this guy did. This was more comparable to a parent discussing a difficult concept with a child than it was a debate.
@@AP-rt5rl Regardless if that trans person didn’t make sense while arguing, but at least he/she was calm and more than happy to have an actual debate with Matt Walsh without throwing a temper tantrum.
@@Rudolf215 I said they were entitled to their free speech and way of life. Please re read my comment.
@@AP-rt5rl "Not really. The questioner said a lot of things without making any sense. You can put a lot of words together in your mind that sound articulate, but actually make no sense when actually spoken. Most kindergarteners do this. Thats essentially what this guy did. This was more comparable to a parent discussing a difficult concept with a child than it was a debate." no where in what you said that they were entitlted to their free speech and way of life lol
most calm and normal conversation matt has ever had with a person who disagrees with him
I know, it was awesome listening to both sides actually have a decent conversation
Facts, just like dave chappelle. He talked about his transgender friend.
When has Walsh EVER not been calm and rational when dealing with someone who disagrees with him. He never has to resort to histrionics or screaming because he has the facts on his side.
He seemed ready to blow
@THEonionsack I agree. I was thinking the same thing. Matt is always very well spoken. He doesn't go off on a tyrant and he doesn't start screaming and throwing his arms around. I would say the person that commented hasn't watched much of Matt.
I respect this dude's viewpoint, even if I don't agree with him. He was a LOT more brave right here, at this moment, than when he came out as trans. We really shouldn't underplay that. This dude put himself in a position to be hated by EVERYONE, but stood up and had the discourse anyway. That really was brave.
Very fee people hate trans people. What they do not like is having the trans agenda pushed down their throat and their constant need for affirmation from people who are not trans. You do you, but do not expect me to congratulate you for whatever it is you are doing...
It doesn’t take a ton of bravery to engage in difficult discussion around reasonable, respectful groups of people, usually found on the conservative side of the aisle. Very different environment than the one Walsh experienced on Dr. Phil.
@@matt_h_27 Strongly disagree. Wheter a discussion is reasonable and respectful or not, it takes some serious cojones to stand in front of a group of people that see your ideological site as the enemy (which they kinda are to be honest), and still engage in a civil debate, not letting the pressure make you commit blunders and fallacies. You gotta hand respect to him.
I think that’s a girl
@@matt_h_27 I see you've never had a conversation with Christians as a non christian.
These guys are so confused and wont be happy untill everyone is as confused as they are.
Not being able to define simple terms that have been around for ALL of history is where they lose me ngl
Credit to Matt for not taking the false accolades and for seeing through the lies. He correctly pointed out that while this person said they agreed with him, in reality that was a lie. Truth matters no matter how much someone tries to butter you up or sound intelligent.
Yeah this is a tactic to try to get the other person to agree with you. "I agree with everything except what you conclude to" Well.. That is very unlikely to happen first off. Second is finding ways to complicate what was said so that you can make your point seem better in comparison.
@@abilityup6734 Which is exactly why Matt simplifies the conversation and the regressives want to obfuscate everything.
Thank you, glad to see I'm not the only one who can see through the nonsense.
My problem with the gender binary argument is there are actually more than XY and XX chromosomes. There's actually things like X, Y, XXX, and XXY chromosomes that scientifically prove that defining gender solely on chromosomes still leaves room for more genders. And my non-binary self still does not fully identify with my reproductive organs. It just isn't as simple as XY and XX.
@@julianaragan7955 Except what you just mentioned doesn’t at all discredit the gender binary.
The anomalies of XXX, X, XXY, etc are all genetic conditions, and are interlopers on the grand scheme of human physiology. Reality isn’t perfect, and these people existing doesn’t discredit a gender binary, but merely asserts that while human genetics exists in a binary scale, there are rare instances in which a condition developed that strays from the norm.
Your argument would be the same as saying humans don’t have 10 fingers because a small statistical minority are born with 11, 9, or any other amount of fingers. It’s not wrong to say that humans have 10 fingers because it IS true from a macro (and quite frankly logical and pragmatic) standpoint. Yes there are minor exceptions but that should be expected in an imperfect world.
That being said, in people with those rare conditions you mentioned, the VAST, VAST majority of them clearly belong in either the male or female category.
In women with XXX chromosomes (also known as Trisomy X condition), women with X chromosomes (known as Turner syndrome), and men with XXY (or Klinefelter syndrome), among other variations, can suffer from a variety of conditions ranging from mild to sever, but rarely are they ever not categorizable in either binary, both visually and anatomically. Most only suffer from minor issues and can lead a completely normal life.
That being said, even assuming what you asserted is true (that these genetic chromosome anomalies mean other genders exist), then you’d only be able to claim to be said “other” gender if you suffered from those conditions (which is again a tiny portion of the population).
Non-binary, “self identification”, and how you “feel” are arguments for another time, but scientifically speaking, genetics definitely do support the notion of a gender binary.
Props to that guy for keeping the discussion respectful and actually listening ...rare example but a welcome one.
that person did more for their community than anybody from his 'org' will ever do. just by doing what he did. his voice was so shaky too man, that took balls.
Exactly we need to protect our beautiful trans and queer family is by stopping racism, transphobia and cis dominated institutions. Only then can we live in harmony with our amazing trans comrades 😊
@@adrianb8446 Most cis-dominated institutions are pro-lgbt, so that doesn't make much sense.
@@adrianb8446 Stop this. You are just making a fool of yourself.
@@adrianb8446 do you realize how rediculous you sound?🤡
@@ronjones-6977 fr
He started saying a whole bunch of nothing at the end
He kept his emotions intact, respectfully and that makes a great dialogue
He / her 🙄 who gives a FUCK
@@koroglurustem1722 it most certainly was a he
@@koroglurustem1722 Pretty sure thats a he, the sound he makes is definetly mans voice, abit effeminate but still male voice. Above choker you can most certainly see HIS adams apple. Not to mentions thats a mans physique. Manly jaw.. do we need more 🤣
i have so much respect for this guy. he came respectfully with a respectful disagreement, and came to participate in respectful conversation. this is amazing
Virtue Signaling FAIL
Are you talking about the host or the thing in the glasses?
Respect to this individual for standing up and having a debate. But to be fair.... This individual did not agree with anything the host was saying! It's a common tactic where you try to caress the hosts ego, and then lunge in for the attack. I would have much more respect if the said individual, had just admitted that he does not share any of the hosts views or standpoints. Instead the individual agrees with the host at first... Then when the host does not agree with the individual's points of view. The individual starts to pick holes in the hosts statements(which earlier this same individual was agreeing with the host.
Peace out.✌️
@@djpickmix6670 💯 agreed! 'round these parts we call that LYING. Nothing whatsoever to be respected.
@@tamitribbiani7907 Weren't they both wearing glasses?
Great to hear two people of different views having a calm debate
I had no idea that was going to happen!!🎉
This is rare to see someone from that side be composed and respectful. Respect to this individual.
i completely disagree, i find the right side to be so unemotional that it speaks against their own beliefs
@@johnnyace1300 I meant the trans person. A vast majority of people in the left wing act emotionally. This individual was composed and did not act out in any emotional manner. He was respectful unlike a majority of people from his side.
And yet made absolutely no sense
@@hasfananono no sense at all
He sound like a babbling fool. There are only 2 sexes period
Wow, massive respect toward this trans person. Actual civil discourse and constructive deliberation. I don't think I've ever seen it before in my life from one of that crowd and someone who isn't of that crowd. I'm shocked, in a good way.
Not that Walsh deserves it.
You mean this man right?
@@odin2130 lol yes
This trans person isn't trans, he was born a male. This was already debunked.
@Queen Nové well specifically for the community and it becoming so mainstream is that people like 'allys' take up a good chunk of the voices and turn it into a toxic mesh pit of screaming coined words like 'bigot' then doing a mic drop like they saved the world. The people apart of the community can be toxic Aswell don't get me wrong but I personally loved this trans person and I might be inclined to listen if the 'allys' and people turning trans for attention would just fuck off basically.
So true this how you carry yourself as a human being. No yelling or screaming just simply respectful.
And from the left. Usually it boils down to: name calling, personality attacks, gathering a mob, getting physical sometimes. Matt has Proverbs 28:1 down. I respect his boldness from Yahweh so much. He's bold about truth and lies.
Agreed. So rare on the left
He respectfully shut himself down by having no actual argument against Matt
He's actually using the same type of tone and inflection as Matt's critics, it's just that he's saying what you want to hear.
@@karenbrown6348 The right isn‘t exactly fluent in calm discourse either.
I would dread to think what the world would be like if we didn't have people like Matt Walsh standing up for normality..