For anyone who sees this there was a very important detail for Marrowgar left out. If you just send your tanks out for bone storm then you are making it 50/50 that bonestorm goes to a tank vs the raid which is horrible odds (in the video he says most likely which is wrong). If you want to gaurantee that bone storm does not go into the raid then there needs to be 2 people out on each side instead of just 1 and then bone storm will miss the raid 100% of the time.
gotta be careful with dropping defile off platform, it has no z axis so if someone goes to the ledge where you dropped it it will grow. also if its a defile that goes out before valks and you waste your disengage then get picked up you are just dead
another note for fester should be just to have your h pals in melee. never risk them getting the vile gas, it's a death sentance the tiny bit of movement isnt too bad the maleable comes out slow you do have time to finish a cast and move over. we do this is 25m and in 10m have all healers in melee if you can, it was nearly impossible for us to kill it on 10m when I was standing out in range ( as h pal) cause if i ever got gassed everyone just dies pretty much.
You can have the H Pallies on a leg by themselves and melee go between legs meaning the H Pal leg is X/25 chance of being targetted. Means really high uptime on your H Pal's.
13:00 That doesn't work at all the extra healing done doesnt get transfered through beacon of light. Also there was some other missinformation in this video, but a decent guide to follow
Probably the Valk? Being as he said "don't slow the valk" I would assume. thats so it makes it back to over the platform in time before killing spree ends?
prot pala can stun every valk with holy wrath and hammer of justyice 2/2 talent specced = gg (any pala can holy wrath ofc) its what u use to do on warmane atleast valks was never a issue. but the defile was PPL jump when they run out off defile and that dupple ticked the defile there, no clue if its the same on this.
Okay, for example on Saurfang can we just put hands of protection on the target with mark and they hearthstone? Is it going to work if we do this for all of the marks?
the hunter thing is pretty minor, its just the splash from the glyph, it's not 40% more healing in total. The beacon healing that is shown here isn't even increased...
valithria doesn't get the bonus healing, it's clearly noticable when you see the numbers go out. however, glyph of holy light will splash for more from the pet to her
@murr395 The key aspect you might be overlooking is that the glyph derives its splash healing potency from a percentage of the healing the original target receives. Consequently, due to the pet receiving a 40% boost in healing, the splash healing also gains a 40% increase in potency.
Tried this - if the hunter is on kiting duty for zombies, it's just not worth it. BM with no pet absolutely sucks for damage when kiting compared to surv and the mana gets pretty rough as well. If your ret and shadow are going healer for that fight, you're also losing most sources of replenishment.
@@davidt5194 hunter shouldn't be your top source of damage for zombie anyway, ranged are assigned to it as target 3 after burning men and suppress. the assignment is for the hunter to kite the mob, nothing more.
@@SakeBonezo damage doesn’t matter. Especially on trash mobs that don’t have a lot of health. I used a worm and passive/stay managed it and still was 7th in damage.
has anyone tried the frost resistance LDW strat? I tried it in 10 man and after every frost bolt cast went through she'd then walk up and melee the tank
I strongly disagree with the killing spree tech for valkyr on LK. Not only is sitting on killing spree a considerable dps loss, the jump range is so small it's not really reliable to save your life.
For heroic progression, you're losing 1 or 2 KS's over a whole fight to hold for valkyr timings. At about 5% of your total damage if used on cooldown, missing 1 or 2 in a 13 minute fight is maybe a half a % dps loss for a CONSIDERABLE increase to survivability on what can be the most punishing mechanic for progression. As your raid gets more gear and can nuke the valks sure, but for H LK progression? You should absolutely be prioritizing survival over a small damage increase. As for it being reliable, it is if you don't slow the valks and time it properly which is quite easy to do. If a rogue is failing that then I don't know what to say other than you need to have a chat with thrm about their class knowledge.
it's literally a quick swap for the proc and swapping off, and Rets have the highest chance to proc PPMs out of 2h wielders. he's not advising to gut the Ret's damage.
1). Useful 2). Likely a bug, dont remember frostbolts ever being casted this much. Abuse while you can 3). Very nice 4). Divine intervention on marks is not actually that great if done later in the fight. The fight generates exponential blood power due to each mark giving power. So if you're going to D.I. you want to use it on the first 2 marks, then use bubbles and hands of sac on the following marks. TL:DR damage mitigation upfront helps more than later in the fight.
4) DI purpose is not to lower blood power, but to make sure marks wont die under 30%. If done right (reductions, hop, PW:S) you should kill him before 6th mark. If you DI first mark you lose dps and it might go off (3 min) before kill. Also the biggest screw up of blood power is getting hit by add.
Sadly, you are wrong about this, Fishbro. Damage done from mark of the fallen champion doesn't generate blood power. It did in the original version of the game, but not in this version. The way it currently works is that for every 2500 damage done from either rune of blood, blood beasts, blood nova or boiling blood, he'll generate 1 blood power. These abilities also deal more damage based on his current blood power levels. So aside from him gaining blood power faster as his blood power levels increase, there is no other exponential scaling here
His greasy like that in diablo too its not even his secrets he yoink them from nota, i dont even wanna give him that comment but its worth just so he knows his greasy
If you don't turn it off, the cleave will hit the purple orbs and you will get threat. They are attracted to the last person that damaged them AT ALL, so you don't want to hit them at all.
/this guy has been making videos for like 4 years and still cant get "actually/actual" out of his vocab every second sentence lol. ACTUALLY BRO? REALLY?
@8:47 you can use snake trap as a hunter aswell.
For anyone who sees this there was a very important detail for Marrowgar left out. If you just send your tanks out for bone storm then you are making it 50/50 that bonestorm goes to a tank vs the raid which is horrible odds (in the video he says most likely which is wrong). If you want to gaurantee that bone storm does not go into the raid then there needs to be 2 people out on each side instead of just 1 and then bone storm will miss the raid 100% of the time.
Which Weak aura is used to count the Stacks while moving on the Blood Coucil and casting on Sindragosa ?
Need it please
13:05 information: the healing of beacon is NOT increased. just the healing-splash from the glyph of holy light !
Beacon of light healing numbers on wowlogs would beg to differ with this and you could have easily cross referenced this before commenting.
@@d1vin1ty pretty interesting thing to comment for somebody that is wrong and could have easily cross referenced wowlogs before commenting
@@d1vin1ty I've tried it myself. Holy Light's don't get 40% increased healing on Valithria. It's only the splashes.
0:04 I did this today, my 10m group now thinks I know what I'm doing. THOSE FOOLS
gotta be careful with dropping defile off platform, it has no z axis so if someone goes to the ledge where you dropped it it will grow. also if its a defile that goes out before valks and you waste your disengage then get picked up you are just dead
In professor, as a hunter, you can use your snake trap for avoiding taking much damage on green ooze.
Thats an smart tactic to do ! If all hunters and warlocks send their pets to attack green ooze will it make it so you dont have to stack anymore?
another note for fester should be just to have your h pals in melee. never risk them getting the vile gas, it's a death sentance the tiny bit of movement isnt too bad the maleable comes out slow you do have time to finish a cast and move over. we do this is 25m and in 10m have all healers in melee if you can, it was nearly impossible for us to kill it on 10m when I was standing out in range ( as h pal) cause if i ever got gassed everyone just dies pretty much.
You can have the H Pallies on a leg by themselves and melee go between legs meaning the H Pal leg is X/25 chance of being targetted. Means really high uptime on your H Pal's.
Didn't see the earthshaker coming back, used to own with that in AB spinning flags
It has some use on heroic spine of Deathwing in the far future as well, if you have a bear or DK kiting the bloods.
13:00 That doesn't work at all the extra healing done doesnt get transfered through beacon of light. Also there was some other missinformation in this video, but a decent guide to follow
Really great tips thank you very much !
What do you target with killing spree to get back onto the platform?
Probably the Valk? Being as he said "don't slow the valk" I would assume. thats so it makes it back to over the platform in time before killing spree ends?
Or a digrat if a friend place it down for you.@@zStC1
prot pala can stun every valk with holy wrath and hammer of justyice 2/2 talent specced = gg (any pala can holy wrath ofc) its what u use to do on warmane atleast valks was never a issue. but the defile was PPL jump when they run out off defile and that dupple ticked the defile there, no clue if its the same on this.
Okay, for example on Saurfang can we just put hands of protection on the target with mark and they hearthstone? Is it going to work if we do this for all of the marks?
Good video, man. Some stuff I didn't know
How much frost resi is need for dk tank @ lady dethwhisper ?
this, joardee and crateria (since i play mage) always help me so much with this encounters, tyvm guys!
How is your camera moved out so much and how do I get the arrow above plater?
Great content as always! Big thanks for the tips! What consumes are those yellow drinks and poison buff ?
Good tips. Also one for lootship is macoring the rocket pack to your abilities with an @player macro, it does insane damage.
Does that mean that the jetpack does damage when you land?
@@sebtizzlethat means every time you cast an ability it casts it which deals aoe dmg
do you know what is the WA for tracking trinkets ?
i do
Hey bud, what's your wa for the arrow on threat?
iis there any link for the council of blood server tick weakaura?
I know it is old but seal of justice works well for stunning valks too and isn't on the normal stuns dr either
thanks sarthe cant wait to get those 99s!!!!
wasn't the valithria pet trick fixed before launch?
whats the gcd on mousepointer?
the hunter thing is pretty minor, its just the splash from the glyph, it's not 40% more healing in total.
The beacon healing that is shown here isn't even increased...
4% increased healing is still significant when pushing 20k+ HPS. (10% is splashed, increased by 40%)
valithria doesn't get the bonus healing, it's clearly noticable when you see the numbers go out. however, glyph of holy light will splash for more from the pet to her
isn't that a contradiction? you say she doesn't get bonus healing, but then say it will splash for more
@@L3thalBows The Beacon of Light redirected heals do not benefit from Blood of the Rhino, but the splash heal granted by the glyph does
@@julienmailhot4466 exactly
And the Glyph heal double dips on the stacks, so at 30 stacks the Glyph heal will be half as much as Beacon.
The key aspect you might be overlooking is that the glyph derives its splash healing potency from a percentage of the healing the original target receives. Consequently, due to the pet receiving a 40% boost in healing, the splash healing also gains a 40% increase in potency.
You can have the hunter in Valithria go BM as well for the spirit bond pet as well. 10% more from healing for a whopping 50% increased healing.
AND the mage buff that increase healing recived so on so forth, even demo lock with spirit gear and demon armor was a thing.
Tried this - if the hunter is on kiting duty for zombies, it's just not worth it. BM with no pet absolutely sucks for damage when kiting compared to surv and the mana gets pretty rough as well. If your ret and shadow are going healer for that fight, you're also losing most sources of replenishment.
@@davidt5194 hunter shouldn't be your top source of damage for zombie anyway, ranged are assigned to it as target 3 after burning men and suppress. the assignment is for the hunter to kite the mob, nothing more.
or, hey, do not tank your damage for an entire fight to get... 10% healing...
@@SakeBonezo damage doesn’t matter. Especially on trash mobs that don’t have a lot of health. I used a worm and passive/stay managed it and still was 7th in damage.
So many SECRET tips for ALL of these ICC BOSSES!!!!!
Sarthe how many years you played WOTLK in Warmane?
Can anyone pls tell me how do you BITE the other player on Blood Queen, what do you have to do?
You should get an action bar where you press 1 and it will bite but I just have a macro that is /cast Vampiric Bite that I hit when it's my turn
@@kvetcherkit so u click on target and do the macro?
@@overing07 use the action bar that pops up. if you're using some awful UI that interferes with that, yes just do /cast Vampiric Bite
you also need to stand behind the target you are biting
What is your weakaura.
What weakaura bundle is everyone using for ICC tems?
has anyone tried the frost resistance LDW strat? I tried it in 10 man and after every frost bolt cast went through she'd then walk up and melee the tank
Only 25
Tried it last night - the soaker got splatted really quickly.
where to find the shadow prison council server tick weakaura ? guess its in a big iccpack=?
I love you. Thank you!
I strongly disagree with the killing spree tech for valkyr on LK. Not only is sitting on killing spree a considerable dps loss, the jump range is so small it's not really reliable to save your life.
He did say only hunters/locks were really reliable for that
For heroic progression, you're losing 1 or 2 KS's over a whole fight to hold for valkyr timings. At about 5% of your total damage if used on cooldown, missing 1 or 2 in a 13 minute fight is maybe a half a % dps loss for a CONSIDERABLE increase to survivability on what can be the most punishing mechanic for progression.
As your raid gets more gear and can nuke the valks sure, but for H LK progression? You should absolutely be prioritizing survival over a small damage increase. As for it being reliable, it is if you don't slow the valks and time it properly which is quite easy to do. If a rogue is failing that then I don't know what to say other than you need to have a chat with thrm about their class knowledge.
We need a bulleted list of all of this 😅. Maybe Ill just make one haha
You talked about dropping the defile off the platform at the start but never went over it at the end.
u get defile, u jump out of platform and disengage/tp.
Parsing guide soon? :)
Need the WA for the server tick please
Thanks broskii
dw, Sarthe failed the disengage on to platform 4/5 times
That can be failed?? It's so easy lol
Swapping to resistance flask?
Why didn't we do that in TOC 🤦🏼♂️
We tested Blood of the Rhino on PTR and I'm 99.999% that it did not work. It did not appear to work with Beacon'ed heals
The extra healing is only applied to the splash on glyph of holy light. Thats the only heal being increased with this strat
as a rogue player i dont want to use the gunship trick in case i get banned, feels like its exploiting a bug.
In Sarthe we trust!
Why in the world would you put Earthshaker on a Ret instead of a Fury warrior’s OH?
i think because offhands have 25% miss chance where as main hands have only 8% miss chance
@@aarkayrohit638 Negative. With heroic strike spam offhand becomes 100% hit chance. Must be something to do with seals helping it proc more or w/e
it's literally a quick swap for the proc and swapping off, and Rets have the highest chance to proc PPMs out of 2h wielders. he's not advising to gut the Ret's damage.
bro what happened to your haircut? :D
1). Useful
2). Likely a bug, dont remember frostbolts ever being casted this much. Abuse while you can
3). Very nice
4). Divine intervention on marks is not actually that great if done later in the fight. The fight generates exponential blood power due to each mark giving power. So if you're going to D.I. you want to use it on the first 2 marks, then use bubbles and hands of sac on the following marks.
TL:DR damage mitigation upfront helps more than later in the fight.
4) DI purpose is not to lower blood power, but to make sure marks wont die under 30%. If done right (reductions, hop, PW:S) you should kill him before 6th mark. If you DI first mark you lose dps and it might go off (3 min) before kill. Also the biggest screw up of blood power is getting hit by add.
Sadly, you are wrong about this, Fishbro. Damage done from mark of the fallen champion doesn't generate blood power. It did in the original version of the game, but not in this version.
The way it currently works is that for every 2500 damage done from either rune of blood, blood beasts, blood nova or boiling blood, he'll generate 1 blood power. These abilities also deal more damage based on his current blood power levels. So aside from him gaining blood power faster as his blood power levels increase, there is no other exponential scaling here
^ this
2.) not a bug, LDW prio casts frostbolt unless interrupted or silenced
Snake trap op on green ooze
Secret tips and mans just made a UA-cam video 🤣
His greasy like that in diablo too its not even his secrets he yoink them from nota, i dont even wanna give him that comment but its worth just so he knows his greasy
Yeah because it’s just simple knowledge. My dude has to get views on shit any decent player should’ve known for a while.
@@_K.K_it's just a click bait title, chill out
Sarthe coolest wow youtuber, fuck all these other wow UA-camrs
In blood council, why do you need to turn off cleave? Demo player here.
If you don't turn it off, the cleave will hit the purple orbs and you will get threat. They are attracted to the last person that damaged them AT ALL, so you don't want to hit them at all.
@@wixman666 Got it! Thanks!
The Dark Nucleus can't be AoE'd. FG cleave, Starfall, Living Bomb, etc are all safe to use on Keleseth
@@CrixGuides looking at logs, my pet 100% cleaved the dark nucleus yesterday
Saurfsng, instead of di they can just hearth with a bop. And they still get loot. Tested this week.
Do you also get extra loot if you alt f4 during the hearth? I feel like you're trolling
It does work lol. Not a troll.
yes but make sure u don't open the chest before you summon the guy
That's no more secrets
The trick of distract doesn't work, the mage of the ship say inmune to it 😅
You are explaining the standard mechanics >.> Btw idk if on retail it works but you can curse on tongue on bpc and sindra for vortex and blistering
sarthe such a g
How much frost-resist is full frost resist?
Could find any logs with this strat. can you linke one pls.
No you ain't, Cpoppa is
Might be time to upgrade past the stove view. And his apartment is
tf you talking about, he has 1 box and some shoes on the floor... really are a clown
Swapping flask with frost resist gear is a big meme. You don't cross the 10% threshold + you sacrifice pure stamina.. GG
He meant the rest of the raid, not the tanks. Tank already has FR on.
@@CoachJohnMcGuirk Oh, thanks
Look at the 50000 gargoyles from those filthy UHDKs. Disgusting
How do you take your content seriously when your very first "secret tip" is to not stand in fire...
that is the depth of Marrowgar's encounter. if you have the secret Marrowgar tech, please share.
@@Xohslol then don't claim to have a secret tip for every encounter
@@mcbaggins12 video is titled secret TIPS for each boss. you're that pressed that tip for Marrowgar isn't a secret. get a life
Valithiria Hunter cheese is patched
"secrets" of a raid completed 15 years ago
yup, nothing has changed in 15 years, no need to see anything for the dad guilds that havent been on p servers XD
being teachable is how we improve.
Intervene works on valkyries. You need someone to pick you up tho
/this guy has been making videos for like 4 years and still cant get "actually/actual" out of his vocab every second sentence lol. ACTUALLY BRO? REALLY?
Hunter pet healing