Update: -Amp Magic the raid on Deathbringer Saurfang (boss dmg is all physical) -Forgot to mention Sindragosa's room counts as outside as well for Lucky Rocket cluster. Also according to comments, for Professor Putricide on normal you just invis before the stun goes off, no timing needed.
For Proffessor on NH mode you can actuall go invis prior to the stun and it will not stun you aswell. The same applies for rogues, who use vanish. You can apparently vanish 1-2s before the stun goes out and don't need to time it perfectly.
Generally speaking when it comes to vanishing/smelding/invising effects you just need to be inside of stealth for these effects to not hit you. So yeah, the timing is quite generous. The only iffy thing is that on the fights where you typically ARE able to use vanish/smeld/invis to dodge these mechanics you also take periodic aura damage from the boss. Because of that you generally do want to time it as perfectly as you can. For Sindy's Frost Beacon timing for example you either just want a weakaura that tracks the debuff and shows decimal numbers which lets you use invis the moment the Frost Beacon debuff ticks down to 2.9 seconds, or when looking at the Blizzard debuff itself you just want to use it the moment your debuff ticks down to 2 seconds. Obviously don't try to invis sindy tomb in p3 yet since with current gear the raid needs your tomb to reset stacks. But later on in the tier you can easily invis it, and even want to do so, as people start using the zerg strat in p3.
@@QPoily @Lecriitch I get the Invis off on Professor transition but for p3 I am Ice Blocking and it is not working. I Ice block before he casts tear gas and then came out after everyone was stunned but was also stunned out of the Ice Block?
Hey @crateria, i have a question to the start of the bossfights. I pre pot wild magic and cast fireball (2 seconds bevor pull). Than Living Bomb followed by Mirror Images after that Kitchensink Macro with Berzerk (Troll) and all CD´s. I searched your Kitchensink Macro but I don´t find for FFB just for Arcane. Did you use Mirror Image inside the Kitchensink Macro, i think it doesn´t work well because of the Global CD? Your Mage video´s are the best. Wish for separate Boss videos for ICC in depth where you explain exactly what to do like the Ulduar Tips and Rankings guide. Greetz
For opener you ideally want to do it like this. Case 1 - Precasting is possible (be 35+ yds away from boss): 1) 4.5s before pull, use MI. 2) Immediately after, prepot and precast fireball. 3) Fireball w/ CDs. 4) Cast LB. The reason for 2 fireballs is that your 1st one should be in the air while pull timer is still going (LB would early pull). Goal is to have 1st fireball hit boss at 0s left on timer. Case 2 - Precasting is not possible: 1) 1.5s prepull, use MI. 2) Use potion. 3) Cast scorch (if assigned). 4) Cast LB. 5) Cast fireball w/ CDs. Also I only used kitchensink macro with Arcane, because Arcane used sappers to trigger Incanter's Absorption. I would also take the mana gem use out of your CDs macro as that was only included in there because of T7 set bonus.
Nice video, not sure in this version if this still works but during the 1.5 phase you should be able to target lich king and get some extra damage on him to before the enrage timer. Usually mages lb adds then go back focusing him. Eventually hunters and SP should be able to take care of the orbs. He could be un-targetable now and haven't made it this far myself. If it does work have your tank ready bc the aggro will be on you guys and a taunt will have to be used. I'll update my comment after my run tonight. GL everyone
I really don't understand the Saurfang / Blood Beasts Living Bomb thing. I'm hearing to put LB on Saurfang when LB explodes on adds, then delay by a cast or 2 so then LB can explode when they spawn. This whole sentence doesn't even make sense. You put LB on Saurfang when the timer for Blood Beasts is like 10-11 seconds, then Pyro the adds when they spawn and kill them, then do LB again on Saurfang. Or you do LB on Saurfang after you get the hot streak proc from Blood Beasts-timed LB? Someone explain please.
trying to search this but cant find anyone talking about it. for Hotstreak proccs and T10 2 piece, im trying to "save" the proc to keep 12% haste up as much as possible and by doing this i might loose a few procs becouse rng crits in the heat of the moment or you just send every HS proc the moment you get it?
you save the proc only if it isnt in jeopardy of being lost. If that's too difficult then just send the pyro because losing a hs proc is a larger dps loss than the gain from extending ptl uptime
thank you, becouse of our range i find it difficult to not lose a procc, traveltime and LB going out timing, have 2 bully mages in the guild who does more dmg then me even i got the GS on em xD trying to get better!@@Crateria
Hello @Crateria, I have a question, what is the Weakaura you use that track when your CD is up and pop in front of your screen for half of a second ? (like for your fire blast for exemple)
Doh! Yup this is something I was doing all PTR as well and still forgot. Repressed memories from having to single buff the raid I guess. Thank you for the reminder!
How important is the 3% damage from Arcane compared to playing fire mage without a retri paladin in a 10m raid? Been trying to figure out if I should go arcane for my 10m guild runs.
Good question, I would also like to know the answer. I’m topping the meters as fire but conscious I don’t bring much to the group besides cookies and a higher number by my name.
hi crateria, sorry to bother you but i'm in a big doubt right now ... If i have a hot streak proc when i'm middle casting fireball because my LB explodes, do i have to refresh LB before using my instant pyroblast ? Because its like 3 mount when this happening, i always use my instant pyroblast before refreshing the LB, but i'm parsing like 85, maybe 95 but it's rare and i'm sure i doing something wrong.. And other question.. now i have my 4 part, what is the best moment to use mirror image ? Actually i'm waiting 5-7 seconde after the fight begin for my trinkets proc but i'm not sure i'm doing well 😅 sorry to annoy you !
You only need to use the HS proc if its possible that it will be overwritten. I recommend tracking heating up with Fojji mage weakaura pack to know whether you have a crit banked. In general tho, its safer to send the HS proc and not sit on it if you aren't able to play without it being overwritten.
Always check my stream. I have nightbot commands in my title and discord that answer many of these questions, such as !tier10 which is "With T10 2pc, you want as many casts out of the proc as possible, thus you only want to use HS if your next cast would be without the haste proc, OR if the HS is in jeopardy of being lost/overwritten. For T10 4pc, standard CD min/maxing still applies, i.e. maximize your uses of MI, but still try and stack buffs where you can. If lust is at the beginning of a fight, still pre-pop MI over using MI with execute. However if 4 min fight with lust in middle, then use MI at start and then end of fight."
hi crateria, i had a question because i think i'm doing bad when Heroism is up on the raid. I reaply the living bomb but i think maybe it's better to just continue casting the whole time ? i like your videos they are very helpfull
Hey @Crateria, I'm sure it's a lot of work but a few weeks have gone by and was wondering if this guide will be getting an update? Currently, 5.6k Fire Mage and I'm struggling with parses in Normal lol. I feel it's due to a lot of the spread mechanics but just trying to get better. Haven't even seen LK yet. Thanks for the solid content!
can't update videos, just have to release a new one. Videos are a lot of work. Won't be doing a new one for a bit until I got some good data for a parse guide.
I’m doing 10man normal only with my buddies and my parses are all over the place. I think you have to consider a lot of the conditions, such as in 10man your more likely to get Unchained Magic on Sindragosa, or bone spike on Marrowgar, then you would in a 25. You’ll probably find yourself using defensive CDs more too, and the overall raid dps will be lower, causing fights to take longer and your dps to drop as time passes, causing a lower pass. Sometimes I hit 90s, but from our Sindragosa and Blood Queen last night I was in the 30s because I’m focusing on not wiping the raid over maximum dps.
Question, my alt is a mage and I can't figure out why or how other mages with lower gs out dps me every single raid. Driving me nuts. I'm fire ttw, and have crit at 46% with molten armor buff only. Is crit my problem? I'm gs 5900
You can join the discord and ask questions there, there's a great community there that can help. Also feel free to hop in the stream and ask questions there. I will start doing log reviews again soon, however, priority is given to supporters (and top supporters) of the channel.
Considering tier10 pieces alone, we lose a ton of spirit compared to t9. Most non-tier bis items also lack spirit in phase 4, so the value of SotM decreases quite a bit from phase 3.
There's pushback on certain fights. Like I said I'm trusting Foolipe since I didn't play Arcane on PTR. Obviously if you're having threat issues then swap back to threat reduction imo.
I've been told by multiple fire mages to not use Scorch. But it ticks, so I use it. But any advice in general for fire mage? I've watched tons of Fire Mage videos, and my dps is low compared to our other fire mages. I have decent gear and all that, but I can't tell what I'm doing wrong. I certainly have the rotation down that this video showed.
What you're doing wrong is you're scorching lol. Just don't scorch if you have a warlock. Don't know what you mean by it "ticks" as sorch doesn't have a DoT.
a good weakaura will do wonders, make sure to always be casting and only move during GCDs or if absolutely necessary for a mechanic. blink is also crucial for any kind of movement, it must be bound to a hotkey easily accessible (mine is Z). All of your auxilary spells should be bound to a hotkey as well, you should never ever be clicking. I can't really give you any definitive advice without watching you play, but these are some general things I've seen other mages not do
@@nightstickjerry4361 From where did you get the info that scorch applies a DoT? Only DoT it could cause is an ignite if you crit, and it'll be a low ignite, rather cast fireball. There is 0 point to scorch if you have a warlock.
Check wowhead fire mage bis, you'll have options to look at pre-raid and all phases. Mainly check phase 3 and pre-raid lists and see what you can put together between the two
i've been having a lot of mana issues since icc, especially on 10m. besides mana crystal, evocation, judgement of wisdom, and replenishment, what am i missing? I'm running the new fire spec for icc and my spirit is about 800-900 fully raid buffed. Currently have 2 set icc 2 set togc
I go arcane in 10 man sometimes, like last night. Never went oom and I was high up in the meters. It's all about mana management. My stats aren't that great either compared to other mages from another guild I recently started raiding 25 man with for which I go fire.
Hey Crat! Will you make a vid explaining how to get that huge boatload of halloween candy and how to make it last a full real life year like you did? Or you just wanna tell me here, I'll keep it a secret, promise! :D
While you might do very few hundred more dps in FFB, you are griefing your raid by not being able to use Focus Magic on another raid member. This results in a raid dps loss, you are actually griefing. Additionally you have so much access to Hit gear since togc that there is no reason for you to play FFB over TTW.
In ulduar/phase2 they were about equal, with ffb being a lot better in a couple of fights (hodir, vezax) but not providing FM. By ToC/phase3 the standard TTW build is better by a bit plus can give FM. 50 crit raid buffed is easily obtainable as of phase 2 gear and crit is important but haste is just as if not more important
what's their evidence/source for that being better? Because they played on private server? I show in my p4 bis video comparisons of the specs using the best sim to date and configs that ppl can test themselves to back it up. FFB is not the play for a number of reasons I spell out there. Check that video out if you havent yet, cheers
@@burntfish123 it's not better BEFORE focus magic, it's only better WITH focus magic factored in for the raid dps. But still, no reason to grief the raid so you go fire TTW
-Amp Magic the raid on Deathbringer Saurfang (boss dmg is all physical)
-Forgot to mention Sindragosa's room counts as outside as well for Lucky Rocket cluster.
Also according to comments, for Professor Putricide on normal you just invis before the stun goes off, no timing needed.
For what bosses should we use flame cap instead of wild magic for pre pot?
@@gbbchen1070 none
any list for nibelung? like what bosses we should and shouldnt use it on
type !nibelung in my chat
I loveeee the Metroid Prime Background Music so much omgggg
18:15 that Facility 007 Golden Eye them put a grin on my face.
Truly can't parse without this guy I love this guy
For Proffessor on NH mode you can actuall go invis prior to the stun and it will not stun you aswell. The same applies for rogues, who use vanish. You can apparently vanish 1-2s before the stun goes out and don't need to time it perfectly.
Once you see Putricide cast Tear Gas you can pop your invis and it works. It's not as unforgiving as Icehowl.
Generally speaking when it comes to vanishing/smelding/invising effects you just need to be inside of stealth for these effects to not hit you. So yeah, the timing is quite generous. The only iffy thing is that on the fights where you typically ARE able to use vanish/smeld/invis to dodge these mechanics you also take periodic aura damage from the boss. Because of that you generally do want to time it as perfectly as you can.
For Sindy's Frost Beacon timing for example you either just want a weakaura that tracks the debuff and shows decimal numbers which lets you use invis the moment the Frost Beacon debuff ticks down to 2.9 seconds, or when looking at the Blizzard debuff itself you just want to use it the moment your debuff ticks down to 2 seconds.
Obviously don't try to invis sindy tomb in p3 yet since with current gear the raid needs your tomb to reset stacks. But later on in the tier you can easily invis it, and even want to do so, as people start using the zerg strat in p3.
@@QPoily @Lecriitch I get the Invis off on Professor transition but for p3 I am Ice Blocking and it is not working. I Ice block before he casts tear gas and then came out after everyone was stunned but was also stunned out of the Ice Block?
Big ups, thanks a ton Crat and good luck on the race this week!
Hey @crateria, i have a question to the start of the bossfights. I pre pot wild magic and cast fireball (2 seconds bevor pull). Than Living Bomb followed by Mirror Images after that Kitchensink Macro with Berzerk (Troll) and all CD´s. I searched your Kitchensink Macro but I don´t find for FFB just for Arcane. Did you use Mirror Image inside the Kitchensink Macro, i think it doesn´t work well because of the Global CD?
Your Mage video´s are the best. Wish for separate Boss videos for ICC in depth where you explain exactly what to do like the Ulduar Tips and Rankings guide.
For opener you ideally want to do it like this.
Case 1 - Precasting is possible (be 35+ yds away from boss):
1) 4.5s before pull, use MI.
2) Immediately after, prepot and precast fireball. 3) Fireball w/ CDs.
4) Cast LB.
The reason for 2 fireballs is that your 1st one should be in the air while pull timer is still going (LB would early pull). Goal is to have 1st fireball hit boss at 0s left on timer.
Case 2 - Precasting is not possible:
1) 1.5s prepull, use MI.
2) Use potion.
3) Cast scorch (if assigned).
4) Cast LB.
5) Cast fireball w/ CDs.
Also I only used kitchensink macro with Arcane, because Arcane used sappers to trigger Incanter's Absorption. I would also take the mana gem use out of your CDs macro as that was only included in there because of T7 set bonus.
Also yes no real point to have mirror image in a macro since it requires a GCD.
Thank you :) @@Crateria
@@Crateria top reply, top youtuber 💯
First of all, great Video!
Can someone tell me, how the addon for the life plates of targets is called?
Are you using Metroid Sountrack as background Music ? Pog
Nice video, not sure in this version if this still works but during the 1.5 phase you should be able to target lich king and get some extra damage on him to before the enrage timer. Usually mages lb adds then go back focusing him. Eventually hunters and SP should be able to take care of the orbs. He could be un-targetable now and haven't made it this far myself. If it does work have your tank ready bc the aggro will be on you guys and a taunt will have to be used. I'll update my comment after my run tonight. GL everyone
I really don't understand the Saurfang / Blood Beasts Living Bomb thing. I'm hearing to put LB on Saurfang when LB explodes on adds, then delay by a cast or 2 so then LB can explode when they spawn. This whole sentence doesn't even make sense.
You put LB on Saurfang when the timer for Blood Beasts is like 10-11 seconds, then Pyro the adds when they spawn and kill them, then do LB again on Saurfang. Or you do LB on Saurfang after you get the hot streak proc from Blood Beasts-timed LB? Someone explain please.
pre-raid bis where?
Anyone know the addon he's using for the little circle around his cursor? Or is it a WA?
what is this wonderful background music in builds part?
Super Metroid - Norfair Ancient Ruins Area and Metroid Prime - Phendrana Drifts (Deep)
Thank you for this blessing!
Blink + Cone of Cold is hella useful for suppressors on dreamwalker
can nova them also, i do both. although the fight is such a meme that you could basically afk and it wouldn't matter
What addon/wa is showing enemy nameplates no matter how far away you are, as well as letting you track LB via the icon above their head?
I think it is threat plates and advancedsettings for increased range
@Crateria, please share addon / wa
@@Blizna101 the WA is called "debuff above nameplates"
trying to search this but cant find anyone talking about it. for Hotstreak proccs and T10 2 piece, im trying to "save" the proc to keep 12% haste up as much as possible and by doing this i might loose a few procs becouse rng crits in the heat of the moment or you just send every HS proc the moment you get it?
you save the proc only if it isnt in jeopardy of being lost. If that's too difficult then just send the pyro because losing a hs proc is a larger dps loss than the gain from extending ptl uptime
thank you, becouse of our range i find it difficult to not lose a procc, traveltime and LB going out timing, have 2 bully mages in the guild who does more dmg then me even i got the GS on em xD trying to get better!@@Crateria
What do u use for weak auras new to fire mage and would like the help on LB cooldown
what music is playing on 17:01 on Lana'thel? thanks
castlevania symphony of the night bloody tears
thanks for the video, appreciate it
Hello @Crateria, I have a question, what is the Weakaura you use that track when your CD is up and pop in front of your screen for half of a second ? (like for your fire blast for exemple)
addon doom cooldown pulse
thank you 🤩
@crateria u forgot to mention amp damg on saurfang
Doh! Yup this is something I was doing all PTR as well and still forgot. Repressed memories from having to single buff the raid I guess. Thank you for the reminder!
Hah ye i feel ya. I Think there is a reminder in The Fujii pack, But not everyone is going to be using that Ofc 😊
Hello @Crateria
I have a question on the ttw talent,
Is it Worth to put 1/2 on burning soul and have 2/3 student of the Mind ?
Nice video keep it up
3% spirit is nothing, you will get like ~15 spirit.. 7-8 crit rating? and will get pushback that will affect your dps alot more then 15 spirit
How important is the 3% damage from Arcane compared to playing fire mage without a retri paladin in a 10m raid? Been trying to figure out if I should go arcane for my 10m guild runs.
Good question, I would also like to know the answer. I’m topping the meters as fire but conscious I don’t bring much to the group besides cookies and a higher number by my name.
@@Gmaxx39 All raids need at least one pumper 😉
For Lady Deathwhisper do you have a WA for spellstealing? Or does DBM have that already?
I would like to know as well!
fojji t10 raid pack wa tells u to spellsteal and my nameplates show spellstealable buffs thru nameplates
Pro Gamer Tip: Use Your Eyes, Fucko
Thanks Crat!
What weak aura are you using to make the hot streak show on the UI when it comes up?
You can get Spell Activation Overlay.
hi crateria, sorry to bother you but i'm in a big doubt right now ... If i have a hot streak proc when i'm middle casting fireball because my LB explodes, do i have to refresh LB before using my instant pyroblast ? Because its like 3 mount when this happening, i always use my instant pyroblast before refreshing the LB, but i'm parsing like 85, maybe 95 but it's rare and i'm sure i doing something wrong..
And other question.. now i have my 4 part, what is the best moment to use mirror image ? Actually i'm waiting 5-7 seconde after the fight begin for my trinkets proc but i'm not sure i'm doing well 😅 sorry to annoy you !
You only need to use the HS proc if its possible that it will be overwritten. I recommend tracking heating up with Fojji mage weakaura pack to know whether you have a crit banked. In general tho, its safer to send the HS proc and not sit on it if you aren't able to play without it being overwritten.
for 4pc, in general, I recommend pre popping MI before combat starts
Always check my stream. I have nightbot commands in my title and discord that answer many of these questions, such as !tier10 which is "With T10 2pc, you want as many casts out of the proc as possible, thus you only want to use HS if your next cast would be without the haste proc, OR if the HS is in jeopardy of being lost/overwritten. For T10 4pc, standard CD min/maxing still applies, i.e. maximize your uses of MI, but still try and stack buffs where you can. If lust is at the beginning of a fight, still pre-pop MI over using MI with execute. However if 4 min fight with lust in middle, then use MI at start and then end of fight."
@@Crateria ty vm for responding, i'l try your advice in raid tonight
Thanks Crat!!
What are thos raid frames in the bottom right corner of your ui?
Hello! what is the addon that shows the boss hp with K ( 504k for example)
How do you get the “far away” enemy nameplates? I just use the standard but it lacks on deathwisper etc when adds are further away?
You can change the nameplate cvar to 41 yds. I use advanced interface options addons to do so, but there's multiple ways.
How is torment the weak good if you cant slow raid bosses?
hi crateria, i had a question because i think i'm doing bad when Heroism is up on the raid. I reaply the living bomb but i think maybe it's better to just continue casting the whole time ? i like your videos they are very helpfull
nah you want to keep doing the rotation during heroism, you're doing it right
@@Crateria thanks bro
Been a while man!
Hey @Crateria, I'm sure it's a lot of work but a few weeks have gone by and was wondering if this guide will be getting an update? Currently, 5.6k Fire Mage and I'm struggling with parses in Normal lol. I feel it's due to a lot of the spread mechanics but just trying to get better. Haven't even seen LK yet. Thanks for the solid content!
can't update videos, just have to release a new one. Videos are a lot of work. Won't be doing a new one for a bit until I got some good data for a parse guide.
@@Crateria thanks man and totally understand. I'm just trying to do better with my parses.
I’m doing 10man normal only with my buddies and my parses are all over the place. I think you have to consider a lot of the conditions, such as in 10man your more likely to get Unchained Magic on Sindragosa, or bone spike on Marrowgar, then you would in a 25. You’ll probably find yourself using defensive CDs more too, and the overall raid dps will be lower, causing fights to take longer and your dps to drop as time passes, causing a lower pass. Sometimes I hit 90s, but from our Sindragosa and Blood Queen last night I was in the 30s because I’m focusing on not wiping the raid over maximum dps.
You're the man!
When did flame throwing work for FFB, this recent patch? if that's the case, killer. Appreciate all your vids Crateria.
you use flamethrowing as ffb for lb and pyro range
Yo boys what’s the de curse add on
as always very helpful to us pleb mages.
thnx for the video , still wonder why u didnt try to blink on the bonus clip tho XDD triggers me
what do you suggest, spees pot as pre or if no BL and wild magic with BL?
Depends on your gear, have to sim which is best. For me potion of speed sims 41 dps ahead even with lust.
Question, my alt is a mage and I can't figure out why or how other mages with lower gs out dps me every single raid. Driving me nuts. I'm fire ttw, and have crit at 46% with molten armor buff only. Is crit my problem? I'm gs 5900
You can join the discord and ask questions there, there's a great community there that can help. Also feel free to hop in the stream and ask questions there. I will start doing log reviews again soon, however, priority is given to supporters (and top supporters) of the channel.
wait AE has more range mid air? i didnt know that
personally, i think arc barrage is garbo
Are you maintaining glyph of blast wave even though you are no longer speced into it?
I only use it on ffb spec
fwiw i slapped on frost ward glyph over bw. ive gotten it to reflect a hanful of random things (lady deathwhisper fb volleys most often)
What a fuckin dumb question - “do you keep a glyph for an ability you don’t have,” for fucks sake you can’t make this shit up 😂
Is this Metroid soundtrack???
there is some metroid yes :)
Could it be worth going 3 points in student of the mind for spirit instead of burning soul?
for an overall ICC spec I would not recommend that
Considering tier10 pieces alone, we lose a ton of spirit compared to t9. Most non-tier bis items also lack spirit in phase 4, so the value of SotM decreases quite a bit from phase 3.
Does jumping in place on Council add shadow precision
You will gain stacks from jumping, yes.
3 points into improved AM missles on the arcane spec? better than sublety?
There's pushback on certain fights. Like I said I'm trusting Foolipe since I didn't play Arcane on PTR. Obviously if you're having threat issues then swap back to threat reduction imo.
arcane is pretty low threat already, especially compared to fire so you really don't need full threat reduction imo
I've been told by multiple fire mages to not use Scorch. But it ticks, so I use it. But any advice in general for fire mage? I've watched tons of Fire Mage videos, and my dps is low compared to our other fire mages. I have decent gear and all that, but I can't tell what I'm doing wrong. I certainly have the rotation down that this video showed.
I know what u mean I have good gear but my dps is still low compare to some mages
What you're doing wrong is you're scorching lol. Just don't scorch if you have a warlock. Don't know what you mean by it "ticks" as sorch doesn't have a DoT.
a good weakaura will do wonders, make sure to always be casting and only move during GCDs or if absolutely necessary for a mechanic. blink is also crucial for any kind of movement, it must be bound to a hotkey easily accessible (mine is Z). All of your auxilary spells should be bound to a hotkey as well, you should never ever be clicking.
I can't really give you any definitive advice without watching you play, but these are some general things I've seen other mages not do
@EliasOwnage95 id like to know more, I'm always eager to be better at my class. But scorch does apply a DoT, so why not use it?
@@nightstickjerry4361 From where did you get the info that scorch applies a DoT? Only DoT it could cause is an ignite if you crit, and it'll be a low ignite, rather cast fireball. There is 0 point to scorch if you have a warlock.
Pre-ICC bis list for Fire Mage please!
Wowhead has it
Check wowhead fire mage bis, you'll have options to look at pre-raid and all phases. Mainly check phase 3 and pre-raid lists and see what you can put together between the two
Can someone give me some tips to get better with mage ttw i feel like i do no dps and i do not Know What im doing wrong
Thx for the content as always crat! I can't find Fojji's t10 though, how does one acquire it?
you buy it
It's paid or someone gives you a leak link to it
Sir Crateria pls update you WA link, i need that wa trinket and back proc
what does the rotation look like for the ICC Fire TTW
i've been having a lot of mana issues since icc, especially on 10m. besides mana crystal, evocation, judgement of wisdom, and replenishment, what am i missing? I'm running the new fire spec for icc and my spirit is about 800-900 fully raid buffed. Currently have 2 set icc 2 set togc
additionally, as ffb, i never go oom no mater how hard i try
Its mana management you shouldnt run out of mana at all even on HLK with proper mana management
please elaborate 😂@@Leeroyboopin
Me and you buddy, I also go oom in my 10m guild runs. Probably because I'm carrying damage and long fight durations.
I go arcane in 10 man sometimes, like last night. Never went oom and I was high up in the meters. It's all about mana management. My stats aren't that great either compared to other mages from another guild I recently started raiding 25 man with for which I go fire.
Big youtubers (10 mln + subs) cam edit video without taking it down. Its niche feature
Hey Crat! Will you make a vid explaining how to get that huge boatload of halloween candy and how to make it last a full real life year like you did? Or you just wanna tell me here, I'll keep it a secret, promise! :D
crat the goat!!! - slinky703 :D
Don't use Arcane Barrage
Heard from a friend that played wotlk for years on private that FFB is bis till you get 6,1 gs or 50% crit,what do you think?
While you might do very few hundred more dps in FFB, you are griefing your raid by not being able to use Focus Magic on another raid member. This results in a raid dps loss, you are actually griefing. Additionally you have so much access to Hit gear since togc that there is no reason for you to play FFB over TTW.
With raid buffs, im sitting well above 50% crit at 5.4k gs in ToC gear going into phase 4. You shouldnt need 6.1k to achieve 50% crit
In ulduar/phase2 they were about equal, with ffb being a lot better in a couple of fights (hodir, vezax) but not providing FM. By ToC/phase3 the standard TTW build is better by a bit plus can give FM. 50 crit raid buffed is easily obtainable as of phase 2 gear and crit is important but haste is just as if not more important
what's their evidence/source for that being better? Because they played on private server? I show in my p4 bis video comparisons of the specs using the best sim to date and configs that ppl can test themselves to back it up. FFB is not the play for a number of reasons I spell out there.
Check that video out if you havent yet, cheers
@@burntfish123 it's not better BEFORE focus magic, it's only better WITH focus magic factored in for the raid dps. But still, no reason to grief the raid so you go fire TTW
Great video, but your mic is clipping the whole time.
Promo sm
Press fireball and you can beat this 15 year old expansion
The best expansion of whole wow history tho
burning soul useless. spend half time shielded and tanks should just not be shit kek
any extra tips for blood queen parsing? i feel like im doing fuckin great but then at the end of the night its my one grey/green of the raid night 🫠
bite dmg is normalized on rankings, play as if you don't have it if going for ranking and ask to be bit last