Swimisodes - Backstroke Swim Drill - 6 Kick Switch

  • Опубліковано 3 лют 2016
  • The Race Club #swimisodes World champion backstroker, Junya Koga demonstrates a backstroke swim drill that we practice at our swim camps (theraceclub.com/swim-camps/) also known as 6 Kick Switch, that will help you appreciate the importance of this extreme rotation from one side to the other. Developing a faster backstroke swim begins with learning to use fast, strong body rotation.The energy from this quick body turn couples with the force from the underwater pull, resulting in more distance per stroke. The rotation of the body to the side in backstroke also places the shoulder in a stronger mechanical position to generate a greater force during the pull.
    Using this backstroke swim drill at The Race Club, we also teach the swimmers to relax their hands and wrist on the recovery. This little known relaxation practice plays a big role in enabling the arm muscles to recover better for another strong underwater pull. In backstroke and in freestyle, many swimmers keep their hands and wrists stiff during the recovery and never give their arms a chance to recover enough for the next underwater pull. Doing so will quickly lead a swimmer to exhaustion.
    For both of these reasons, you should practice the fast backstroke swim drill to develop a more powerful and sustainable backstroke swim.
    Director/Editor: Richard Hall
    Producer: The Race Club
    Writer/Narrator: Gary Hall Sr
    Cinematographer: Frazier Nivens
    Live Sound: Gustavo Moller
    Jib Operator: Mikey Montoya (Jib and Co)
    Underwater Housing: AquaVideo
    Filmed at our training facility Founders Park Islamorada, FL MM87
    Swimmers of all ages and abilities come from all over the world to the Race Club swim camps to improve their swimming technique. Join us! theraceclub.com/swim-camps/
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  • @leesanghwa8175
    @leesanghwa8175 8 років тому +5

    00:00:01,640 --> 00:00:10,040
    All right. So the next drill we're gonna do, which is again to help you get body rotation, we call it 6 kick 1 stroke drill with a stop at the top.
    좋아요. 이제 몸통 돌리기를 향상시키기 위한, 이번 훈련은 꼭대기에서 잠시 멈추면서 하는 "한 번 저으며 여섯 번 차기"(6 kick 1 stroke)라고 합니다.
    00:00:10,040 --> 00:00:12,640
    It's very similar to the one we use in freestyle.
    자유형에서 하는 것과 매우 비슷합니다.
    00:00:12,840 --> 00:00:13,840
    What you're gonna go is,
    이렇게 하지요.
    00:00:13,840 --> 00:00:19,160
    6 kicks on your side, one hand over your head, the other at your side, shoulder vertical.
    한 팔은 머리 위로, 반대 팔은 옆에 붙이고, 어깨는 수직인 상태에서, 모로 세운 상태에서 여섯 번 찹니다.
    00:00:19,220 --> 00:00:22,180
    Then you're gonna take one-stroke up here.
    그런 후에 팔을 위로 돌려 여기에.
    00:00:22,200 --> 00:00:27,260
    And when you take the stroke, you're gonna stop at the top, with your wrist relaxed.
    즉 팔을 돌릴 때, 손목에 긴장을 풀고, 꼭대기에서 멈춥니다.
    00:00:27,480 --> 00:00:32,000
    And then you're gonna continue on entering with the little finger at the shoulder.
    그런 다음 다시 돌려 새끼손가락이 어깨 위쪽에서 물에 들어가게 합니다.
    00:00:32,240 --> 00:00:34,320
    So, 6 kicks here on your side.
    그리하여, 여기에 모로 세워서 여섯 번 차고.
    00:00:34,580 --> 00:00:36,960
    Come up. Stop. Relax.
    위로 돌리고.멈추고. 긴장을 풉니다.
    00:00:37,000 --> 00:00:39,100
    And then go over to the other side, ok?
    그러고 나서 반대쪽으로 넘어갑니다, 아시겠죠?
    00:00:39,100 --> 00:00:44,420
    So, make a stop at 12 o'clock, to make sure your hand and wrist are loose and relaxed, all right?
    즉, 열두 시에 멈추어서, 반드시 손과 손목이 느슨하고 긴장을 풀어야 합니다, 아시겠죠?
    00:00:47,800 --> 00:00:55,320
    One of the little known secrets of great swimmers is learning to relax the hand and wrist on the recovery of the backstroke and freestyle.
    위대한 선수들의 비결들 중, 자유형과 배영에서 팔을 되돌리면서 손과 손목 긴장을 푸는 법을 습득하는 것은 잘 알려져 있지 않습니다.
    00:00:55,760 --> 00:01:05,680
    The ability of the swimmer to relax the hand and wrist as the arm swings over the water for the next stroke enables the arm muscles to recover more for the next underwater pull.
    다음 젓기를 위해 물 위로 팔을 빙 돌리면서 손과 손목의 긴장을 풀 수 있게 되면, 팔 근육을 더 잘 회복하여 다음 물 속 젓기를 수행할 수 있게 됩니다.
    00:01:06,000 --> 00:01:12,120
    It's also what makes the faster swimmers look as if they're not working hard while swimming so fast.
    또한 그렇게 빨리 헤엄치면서도 별로 힘들지 않은 것처럼 보이는 이유이기도 합니다.
    00:01:12,580 --> 00:01:22,340
    World champion backstroker Junya Koga demonstrates how this drill is done with fins enabling him to relax his entire arm during the recovery phase.
    배영 세계 챔피언인 준야 코가(古賀淳也, Koga Junya)가 물갈퀴를 차고서, 어떻게 이 훈련을 통해 되돌리는 단계에서 팔 전체의 긴장을 풀 수 있게 되는지 본때를 보여주고 있습니다.
    00:01:23,120 --> 00:01:30,340
    The other important lesson to learn from this drill is to rotate the body from one side to the other while swimming backstroke.
    이 훈련을 하면서 습득해야 하는 또 한가지 중요한 것은 배영을 하는 동안 한 쪽에서 다른 쪽으로 몸통을 돌리는 기술입니다.
    00:01:30,860 --> 00:01:34,900
    There are two very good reasons for rotating your body in backstroke.
    배영에서 몸통을 돌려야 하는 꽤 설득력 있는 두 가지 이유가 있습니다.
    00:01:35,320 --> 00:01:45,240
    First, by initiating the underwater pull from your side, rather than staying on your back, the arm is in a more favorable bio-mechanical position for stronger pull.
    첫번째로, 편평하게 누워있기 보다, 몸을 모로 세워 옆에서 물 속 젓기를 시작하는 것이, 강하게 젓기 위해서는, 생체역학 측면에서 더 유리합니다.
    00:01:45,580 --> 00:01:51,300
    In other words, the less we extend the arm backwards for the pull, the more strength we have.
    즉, 팔을 등쪽으로 더 멀리 뻗지 않을수록, 더 강한 힘으로 저을 수 있습니다.
    00:01:51,820 --> 00:01:56,900
    By rotating to the side, we reduce the backward extension of the arm at the shoulder.
    몸통을 돌려 모로 세움으로써, 어깨에서 팔을 등쪽으로 덜 뻗게 됩니다.
    00:01:57,540 --> 00:02:06,760
    The second reason, that body rotation is important, is that the counter rotation of the body, that occurs during the underwater pull, creates a coupling motion.
    몸통 돌리기가 중요한 두 번째 이유는, 물 속에서 팔을 젓는 동안 발생하는 역회전이 "짝을 이루는 움직임"을 만들어낸다는 것입니다.
    00:02:07,100 --> 00:02:16,200
    In backstroke and freestyle, the rotating body and the recovering arm are both coupling motions that can play an important role in developing a faster swim.
    배영과 자유형에서, 몸통이 돌아가는 움직임과 되돌리는 팔의 움직임이 짝을 이루면서, 더 빨리 헤엄치는 것을 배우는 데 있어 중요한 구실을 하게 됩니다.
    00:02:18,820 --> 00:02:20,080
    And that was excellent.
    잘 했습니다.
    00:02:20,080 --> 00:02:23,100
    It's so important to keep the hand relax on the recovery.
    팔을 되돌리면서 쭉 손의 긴장을 푸는 것이 굉장히 중요합니다.
    00:02:23,100 --> 00:02:26,660
    Even though there's only a few tenths of a second, you don't want to be stiff.
    비록 영점 몇(0.x) 초간 이더라도, 뻣뻣해서는 안됩니다.
    00:02:26,660 --> 00:02:30,180
    You want to keep the hand, especially the wrist relax through.
    되돌리는 내내 손과 특히 손목의 긴장을 풀고 있어야 합니다.
    00:02:30,400 --> 00:02:34,300
    So now we're going to do that same drill, 6 kicks on your side.
    이제 똑같은 부분훈련을 하는데요, 모로 세워 여섯번 차기(6 kicks on your side).
    00:02:34,720 --> 00:02:36,920
    But this time, we're not going to stop here at the top.
    이번에는, 여기 꼭대기에서 멈추지 않습니다.
    00:02:36,920 --> 00:02:38,820
    We're gonna go right to the other side.
    곧바로 반대쪽으로 돌립니다.
    00:02:38,860 --> 00:02:40,660
    6 kicks on this side.
    이 쪽으로 세워서 여섯 번 차고.
    00:02:40,720 --> 00:02:41,680
    Coming through.
    쭉 되돌려서.
    00:02:41,680 --> 00:02:46,620
    Getting over on your side, making sure that we get vertical every time when 6 kicks here.
    모로 세울 때에, 확실하게 수직이 되도록 하여 여섯 번 차십시요.
    00:02:46,700 --> 00:02:50,340
    But keeping that wrist loose and relax as we go over.
    하지만 되돌리는 손목은 느슨하게 쭉 긴장을 풀고 있어야 합니다.
    00:02:50,340 --> 00:02:54,780
    You can go fast. But you still have to relax the hand as you go over. OK?
    빨리 해도 됩니다. 하지만 그럴 때도 되돌리는 손의 긴장은 풀고 있어야 합니다. 아시겠죠?
    00:02:54,820 --> 00:02:56,740
    6 kick 1 stroke drill.
    한 번 젓기에 여섯 번 차기 훈련.
    00:02:58,980 --> 00:03:05,820
    While body rotation is extremely important for backstroke, it's the speed of the body rotation that's most crucial.
    배영에서 몸통 돌리기가 아주 중요합니다만서도, 결정적으로 중요한 것은 몸통을 돌리는 속도입니다.
    00:03:06,060 --> 00:03:15,360
    The faster you can rotate your body back to the other side for the next pull, the more power you add to the pull, and the further down the pull you go.
    몸통을 다음 젓기를 위해 다시 반대 쪽으로 더 빨리 돌릴 수록, 더 강한 힘으로 젓게 되고, 더 길게(깊이 ?) 저을 수 있게 됩니다.
    00:03:15,760 --> 00:03:19,360
    Of course there's a price for this extra power and speed.
    물론 더 강한 힘과 빠른 속도에는 댓가가 있습니다.
    00:03:19,600 --> 00:03:22,720
    To rotate the body quickly takes great core strength.
    몸통을 빨리 돌리려면 코어(core, 복부-엉덩이-허리 근육)가 아주 강해야 합니다.
    00:03:22,960 --> 00:03:27,820
    And to continue rotating aggressively throughout the race requires tremendous fitness.
    또한 경기 내내 활발하게 몸통 돌리기를 계속하려면 체력이 엄청나게 좋아야 합니다.
    00:03:28,060 --> 00:03:35,020
    When Junya enters his little finger in the water from his side, his hand is directly above the shoulder not his head.
    준야(淳也)가 몸통을 세워 새끼손가락을 물에 집어넣을 때, 손은 머리가 아니라 어깨의 곧바로 위에 있습니다.
    00:03:35,240 --> 00:03:44,000
    Once he begins a pulling motion, his hand turns quickly to push backward, and remains relatively near the surface throughout the entire motion.
    젓는 동작을 시작하면, 손을 재빨리 틀어 뒤로 밀어내며, 손은 움직이는 내내 상대적으로 수면 가까이 머무르게 됩니다.
    00:03:44,360 --> 00:03:50,100
    He never allows the arm to straighten, or the hand to drop too deeply into the water.
    팔을 뻗어서 밀거나, 손을 물 속 깊이 과하게 떨구지 않습니다.
    00:03:50,100 --> 00:03:58,540
    He keeps the hand pushing backward with a bent elbow, to maintain the maximum out of propulsion, with the least amount of frontal drag.
    팔꿈치를 구부려 손을 뒤로 밀어냄으로써, 앞방향 저항을 최소화하면서, 추진력을 최대로 유지할 수 있습니다.
    00:03:59,140 --> 00:04:03,220
    Practice the 6 kick 1 stroke backstroke drill with fins on,
    물갈퀴를 끼고 한 번 젓기에 여섯 번 차는 배영 훈련을 하십시요,
    00:04:03,220 --> 00:04:06,180
    to relax your hand and wrist during the recovery,
    팔을 되돌리면서 손과 손목의 긴장을 푸는 법을 익히게 되고,
    00:04:06,180 --> 00:04:10,820
    and to develop a strong body rotation for a faster back stroke swim.
    몸통을 강하게 돌리는 법을 숙달하게 되어 더 빠른 배영을 할 수 있게 될 것입니다.

  • @RK-lu7vn
    @RK-lu7vn Рік тому +1

    Good video

  • @olgailina90
    @olgailina90 8 років тому

    thanks! precious work you do !

  • @mrs.juliojones6816
    @mrs.juliojones6816 8 років тому

    awesome thank you for the tips I'm training for a triathlon it will be perfect.

  • @damienmooney3342
    @damienmooney3342 5 років тому

    3:44... 'he never allows the arm to straighten'
    Are you referring to the catch or release or recovery? Thanks

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  5 років тому +1

      The pulling motion requires significant bend in the elbow until the very end of the pull. Junya pushes water backward rather than 'pulling water'. You can find a great video of him (and many other videos) on land replicating this motion in Lane 3 of our subscription service. theraceclub.com

  • @jennapaule1332
    @jennapaule1332 7 років тому

    whos watching in july?