My daughter has busted my chin eyebrows and lip wide open, she will hit selfharm/hit me and throw toys at me but she has never bitten anyone. My tone of voice, kind actions and words do not help. Honestlly the claimer I am during the aggressive times the more she looses her mind. Oddly enough my daughter has never hurt another child, big or small, its only adults and mostly Papa and myself. We give positive praise every time she does anything good and she loves it. Then some days she hates positive reinforcement and only wants the negative. My other spectrum children are so sweet kind and loving I fee like a bad mommy this time around. I know I am not doing something right I don't know what it is though. I am buying your book today I need more guidance I can reread as many times as it takes for it to.sink in properly. Thank you
This is where I'm stuck because it sounds like my boy, he's 13 and bigger then me. When he's upset I calming talk and it inrages him, any strategy he learned for coping is out the window. We have had intervention for years and not much has changed.
That's exactly what I'm going through! The sweeter and calmer I am and less reactive I am to her, the worse her bad behaviors get! There is no "stay calm and don't react to it". I've tried that for a long time and she will continue to get more and more violent until I have to intervene. Whenever I praise her, she will immediately do something to try to negate the compliment. She doesn't like it when I tell her she's doing such a good job. 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
Dr. Barbera... So, I work with learning and developmentally challenged kids between the ages of 2 to 5. Some have been diagnosed with autism. One child in particular has been acting out aggressively out aggressively for the past month. I have been bit, punched, slapped, kicked, spit on and have had toys thrown up my head. He has also done the same to my coworkers and other classmates. The agency I work for implements a coddling approach in dealing with this behavior. We are prohibited from giving timeouts. The agency also prides themselves themselves on helping these children blossom into adults that lead enviable lives. Yet, his aggression aggression has greatly increased. Today, for example, he acted out more than 10 times. Obviously, the approach that the agency I work for isn't working. If nothing changes, nothing changes. This child in particular is diagnosed with autism. I personally feel that consequences need to be implemented. When this child grows up, if he is aggressive toward another, he's not going to be coddled and redirected... he's either going to jail or, God forbid, physically hurt or killed by the person he assaulted. How do you think I should handle this? Thanks in advance.
i am pretty against being reactive at all. We want to assess what is happening and PREVENT this problem behavior. My no more timeouts mini course would be really helpful for you and the organization
This video made me cry. My 5 year old DS has severe Autism. Teacher called today. DS has been aggressive and struggling at school. He is non verbal. I get beat up daily. We get services but seems not helpful. I'm struggling. Not getting any answers. Professionals are amazed at his severity. I'm lost. I'm glad I found you! Thank you.
Thank you for watching. I am sorry that things are escalating with your son. Have you watched my free workshops? . I hope they can help.
I wish we have one kike you here in Osaka. My son is now 18, we moved here 10 years ago and was looking for therapists. He went to a local special education school with multiple disabilities in a class. Now he’s 18 and had been aggressive the past 3 years, biting, hitting and banging hi head, self harming and others! I’m so stressed…
What about is aggression is entirely random? Sometimes baths calm, other times it causes flailing. Sometimes food calms, other times it causes flailing. Sometimes going outside calms, other times it causes flailing. Sometimes movies calm, other times it causes flailing. So there is absolutely nothing that never causes meltdowns or aggression. And by flailing I mean anything from arching back and falling backwards. Other behaviors are biting, ripping out caregivers hair, head butting, hitting child’s own head, or hitting head into walls or other objects. Sometimes he can’t sleep, sometimes he wakes up nice, other times wakes up aggressive. Sometimes won’t eat, other times won’t stop eating. Child is age 3 and entirely nonverbal. Also been diagnosed with AHDH. On medication for day and night but not working consistently. Caregivers are out of options. Medical professionals keep saying nothing is medically wrong, but none offer any solutions or relief for parents. Any ideas of what could be done?
It sounds like child needs a full assessment by a BCBA . All behavior has a function. Sometimes on and off behavior can be medical but there can be many factors like what happens before a behavior and what happens after. I talk about all this and more in my courses. They can help! check out
My non-verbal autistic son is only aggressive at school, he gets violent outbursts of throwing things and crying out in frustration but at home he doesn't have this behaviour.... I don't know what to do to help the IEP team because the behavior he displays at school is so different from his behavior at home. It's getting scary and dangerous because he's 12 now and another bigger and stronger. Thank you for this video. I'm going to watch the rest of them.
I have the same issue. Tomorrow I'm telling his team we need a bcba, I'm not signing until he gets qualified help. I'm too tired & burnt-out to homeschool him but since he's been aggressive now at school I had to pick up his work. It's hard to stay strong.
Great ideas. For parents and teachers, learning these are an ongoing process. I keep revisiting Mary's videos time and again. I really wish to show these to a large majority of ei professionals who have no clue in dealing with students with autism
I agree each child is unique and everyone has some abilities that they do well more than others. You have to work on your child's weaknesses through their strengths. My child was diagnosed at 34 months. We turned the TV off and the whole family doesn't use their phones for three hours a day is family time. We went to our next appointment they said she is fine. I'm not a doctor but try turning off the TV and spending true quality time with your child.
I appreciate the fact that you emphasize looking for medial reasons for aggressive behavior. I have found that, in our family, medical or physical reasons are almost always the cause of aggression or other serious negative behaviors. I plan to share this video with my subscribers.
I worked in a care home.all staff were bitten. Adult Clients had austism and staff had no training or support. Nothing to help them reduce aggression. Thanks for helping and advising. Tganks.
If we start from a place where all behavior is communication and look for the things that are leading to meltdowns, it is much easier to help children find ways to channel the big feelings they have. Anyone who is not able to verbalize what they need or want will be frustrated. I can't imagine what my autism journey would have been if, on top of all the other struggles (including severe bullying), I had not been able to tell someone what was happening. Understanding that a child with autism is a child is the framework my parents used with me and it meant that I was given ways to safely (for myself and those around me) let out the anger, frustration, and sadness that overwhelmed me at times. I have a grandson who is severely affected and he is nonverbal. His parents are my heroes because they continue to work with him patiently and lovingly to channel his feelings into positive actions whenever possible. He is so loving towards me, even when he is upset because I will be leaving to go home, (which he hates to have happen). I am one person on the autism spectrum and my grandson is one person on the same spectrum. We both deserve to live our best lives in our own ways. No child is exactly the same as another and that should be applauded.
I recently noticed my emotions and anxiety affect my son's mood and behavior and I myself as his mom am trying to be more aware of that around him so he doesn't feed off my emotions aside from whatever else is triggering him.
Thank you for this! I'm so happy that I've discovered your channel. As an elementary sub, I spend a great deal of time in the Special Ed classroom. I'm sooo tired of being abused! We get screamed at, hit, slapped, kicked, scratched, clawed, pinched, bitten and spit on. Additionally, we have a chronic eloper, and she can run FAST. I didn't sign up for any of this, and I'm tired. We're all so tired and discouraged. Thank you for being such a resource.
Starting my BCBA coursework now and it is so nice to hear your perspective. I fortunately haven't been hurt by a client either but I like working with kids with aggression because I feel like it I can help reduce it it makes a big difference for the family and their quality of life. But of course yes rule out a medical problem! That is so important for us to not practice beyond our scope. Glad you made this channel because I feel like BCBAs are so busy all the time so this is a great resource.
Thank you so much Dr. Barbera for sharing your wealth and knowledge of ABA with the world. I have a nine-year-old non-verbal son with autism and his aggression has spiked during COVID-19. I am on my way to becoming a BCBA as well and my ABA skills have definitely helped a lot. It is a unique time though with this pandemic but his ABA team and myself are doing all we can. Again, I admire and appreciate what you’re doing for the autism community!
Hello there! Autism mom of my 4yr old son and I’m glad I found this channel. I’m looking for videos to find ways to be more proactive in the home with him. Thank you for sharing
Ok I'll give it a try. I'm afraid if I don't get my 9 year old extremely aggressive child under control soon, he may end up killing me. And I am not exaggerating; I am literally covered in bruises and bites. I have everything to gain from trying this. I'll order it.
Thank you for watching and being candid. It can be so difficult. Do you have a BCBA working with you?? try googling verbal behavior bcba(insert your area) to find one near you. My free workshops may also help: . I recently did a podcast with a mom who has a child with severe autism, and this may also help
Thank you Dr. I have been working with DD/MI community for 10 years in supported employment. I recently began working with younger more acute cases. Thank you for your instruction. I will definitely subscribe. :)
I am so happy I found this programme. I am a grandma that has a grandson who is 11 years old with autism. He does not talk and is agressive at most times we don't even know how to deal with him. He bites pinches and screams in most cases. We took him to a special school with down syndrome and autistic children but it didn't help because he was left in the sand pit most of the time because he loves it more than all other activities. This situation was very frustrating and we took him out. Is there anything that we can do to ease off the situation?
My brother is autistic I believe, he started out a nice boy then he became aggresive and expectant that my mom would do anything for him, he shouts loads now and also kicks and punches my mother, she ends up crying a lot now, hes only 8 and he has this sort of control over our family, I really dont know how this cycle will end. I have hope that he might become normal at 10 or 12
My brother (22 yrs) started this behavior since last 2 3 years. I am an introverted, not-to-good with people kind of guy. Facts.... Parents and me give less to no attention to him. We do scold him if he doesn't listen. His tantrums lasts for less time, but I'm afraid it will get worse if I don't do anything. He is smart enough to lie at times. Remedies (That I think will help).... Spending more time with him. Appreciating him more. Using little politics at times to win his trust. Reply if you think I need to do more or anything else... thank you
Hi there, I have a 9 yr old son with aggressive behavior. I ask him to use his words . If he wants something we work towards earning it using a token system. I also learned not to point out the negative behavior and praise his good actions and efforts. It is still a work in progress but these strategies have been very helpful. It is up and down so behaviors will diminish and come back every so often. ABA is very helpful . Also we have tried several strategies some work, some don’t. Taking data or keeping a journal is helpful for documentation of how often the behaviors occur.
@@asiyah9926 hi, my son has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He also has sensory issues and impulsive behaviors of biting, kicking, pinching, pulling hair and yelling words that don’t make sense. He also used to run away from me when we would go on community outings. It helps to give him a sensory toy like a fidget, or play dough to keep his fingers busy. He also loves to squeeze play dough. He has a hard rubber chew toy that helps with the biting. He displays these behaviors when it comes to non preferred activities such as doing homework. Using a token chart reward system has helped reduce the behaviors. At first, he couldn’t even stay seated for 5 minutes and he displayed those behaviors to seek negative attention. So I used the token chart and issued a point for staying seated for 5 minutes. Also checking in at every five minutes interval before giving the point, by asking: Did you stay in your seat? ✅ Did you keep your hands and feet to yourself? ✅ Did you keep your teeth in your mouth? ✅ (Because he was constantly biting me or the persons working with him) **You can adjust your rules according to your child’s behaviors** ✅✅✅= 🙂 We checked in every 5 minutes and issued a point if the answer was “yes” to complying to all three, and then gave him a happy face (3 check marks earns the token 😊). This can also be used for completing daily tasks. I learned this from the ABA services my child has been receiving. We still face challenges but I would not have known any of this without a diagnosis that was acquired through an evaluation. Which qualified him to receive the ABA therapy. Some strategies will work, some will not. Also keep in mind that if a certain behavior stops, it is likely to be replaced with a new behavior, but don’t give up. I hope this can be useful to you. I thought it was going to be impossible and I have been impressed with all the progress my child has made. He has come a long way.
Unfortunately, children don't magically grow out of behavioral problems. They just become stronger and more strategic at pushing your buttons. Your parents need to reach out for help asap and make the necessary changes in how they're handling him. Your brother might just have ODD. Some kids need more discipline and structure while others need more empathy and attention. He needs to be evaluated by a child psychiatrist so they can get to the root cause. I'm sorry for what you're going through. That must be tough on you as well. Just realized that it's been a year. Hope the situation has calmed down some.
Just discovered you , my son is 38 you have a lot of information that I do appreciate . I know you say you should get professional help , I think that’s unheard of . When my son was school age I ended up going through the fair hearing process in two counties in California won but got very little help . Adult programs are not capable of understanding autism . Thank you for your information .
Is there hope for my child who is 19? Extremely aggressive. But where I am one would diagnose her on the spectrum. But I know that's her issue. Sensory issues. Lack of eye contact. But perfect ACT score. Such a mismatch between emotions and intellect. I could use all the help I can get
thank you for the video Dr. Mary Barbera. my son 7 years old non - verbal autistic recently become aggressive with his mother sister and me. his teacher never compline about him when we asks if he is aggressive there. i'm not sure what is the problem. maybe because we recently changes his school (3 month ago. and he start aggressive since then.) thank you for your free workshops i would take a look. Thanks again.
I hope you like the free workshop and also look into medical issues as sometimes when there is a sudden behavior change it could be something like pain or sickness.
Can you do a video on neuro typical tribal aggression and how to cope bullying and nonsense hierarchical orders that serve no purposes other than stopping neuro typicals from killing each other
Thank you Mary, I work with children that have autism. I just subscribed to your UA-cam account. Your videos are very informative and are helping me a lot to be a better behavior technician. I work under a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Thank you for all you do to help others to understand Autism better!
My daughter hit puberty around age 9 and went very aggressive. Would lose control, try and hit us, smash objects she knew were dear to us etc. Wouldn’t go to bed, would follow us around the house demanding answers to her questions. Very draining. We started off taking the high road I.e not fighting back, trying to reason with her. But she never wanted to reason, she wanted to argue. This went on till she was 11 or 6th grade when she was getting quite strong. One night she refused to go to bed and staged one of her sit ins in our bedroom until her demands were met. I just thought, no, you don’t have the power here, and man handled her into her room. She tried coming out and I would put her back in. This carried on for an hour until we were both pretty exhausted and it was heart wrenching, to the point where she did give up, and hasn’t tried pulling that again. Then she went to high school and the hormones calmed down a bit and she’s relatively normal and lovely now! Her height accelerated over that 9-11 age so I knew it was hormonal, and she’s stopped growing now. But it was a really, really dark time for our family for two years. You just never knew when the next explosion was round the corner.
As an autistic person i have had violent behaviour ever since December 31st 2020 which was what started my violent behaviour and i want to stop it and i hope this video helps
So what do you do when you're 7 year old autistic daughter has been being aggressive for the last 3 months and you're trying to help figure it out but the school doesn't have any interest in helping your child seems like they only want to punish her. And you can't get any help anywhere, messages emails everything goes nowhere just waiting list and nothing. I don't know what to do anymore .
im genuienly gonna cry im so tired of my brother i dont wanna look after him while my parents are busy he makes me wanna cry dude i hate this im so tired of this. my parents attention has drastically shifted to my brother ever since he got diagnosed with moderate autism - they neglected me emotionally and physically. i hope he changes one day and sooner. i did my best to help my parents with his tantrums but i just cant do this anymore
Hi, the parents of the little girl Im mentioning don’t really seem to think there is anything they can do and are not too concerned... they also don’t like when I share resources with them and advice even though they want my help in her improvement. She will get mad and hit, kick, holler in your face, and push when being told what to do or asked something (generally midday-night). She has a fascination for throwing things at you and poking eyes. Telling her to stop only encourages it. When she gets mad she talks about hitting, kicking, ‘throwing you’, and not loving/liking you. This usually isn’t detected as anger to her parents though because she is sometimes smiling, or saying it in a funny voice, like they do when they tease. However I noticed she says these things when I do something she doesn’t like, so I have reason to think it is related to anger especially when her parents are saying something and she’ll turn to me and say “I need to throw her away” upsettly. How do I help this situation? I’m sorry for commenting so much, I just really care for my sister in law, and as long as I’m a caregiver I’m going to feel obliged to help her not regress. They have asked more of me than my job description when it comes to teaching and therapy and exercise and play... but i don’t know how to approach that either. Thank you.
If they don't want your input then it's tricky. Making sure you have a clear role in your job will be helpful. If you haven't watch
I am VERY EXCITED!! I just purchased the bundle!!!! Can't wait to start watching all the videos and CEUs. Thank you Dr. Barbera for sharing your expertise.
There are many many differences. ABA would be my recommendation. Learn more about my approach by checking out a free workshop
That is too bad you are dealing with that problem behavior but happy my video helped. Try checking out my free workshops too and sharing with his educators
I take care of a teenager nonverbal boy who is very autistic hes been attacking me and I am having a hard time figuring out the triggers and how to positively solve it besides running away from him and removing myself...its bad and I want to solve it and tell his mom but I dont know how..any suggestions? Anyone can answer this thanks 🙏❤
It sounds like lots may be going on here. I have workshops for parents and professionals which may help you get started with increasing language and reducing problem behavior.
I work with an adult with autism in the individuals home. Sometimes when I let him nap, he will wake up furious and grab for my hair. When this happens, he pulls as hard as he can and sometimes im scared he won’t let go. I’ve talked to his parents about it but haven’t found a great strategy to defend myself. Of course, now I don’t let him take naps, but im still afraid the aggression will come back at random. Any advice?
I have a behavior person and I get frustrated with and I lash out but I also been restrained and now I have to understand that I can’t have those behavior But other wise I love her
As a mom of a 4 year old son who is non verbal I can now more than ever see it's about understand them n the fact that he is expressing himself when he bites or acts up he doesn't express himself like other he has a disablity so I need to understand him I not the disabled person I here to take care of him he is my responsibility and my God gift.... Hopefully other can please understand there own children GOD BLESS N CARE FOR THESE SPECIAL ANGELS N THERE FAMILY'S 💕
Hi ma'am, thank you for sharing this information. Im glad I found your video. Im as Special Needs Education student and we're currently studying aggressive behaviour. This really helped. Salamat po :)
Very lenghty intro for sure. This family has tried a lot of different techniques/medicines with this very physically agressive teen but he keeps going back to aggression... hitting/biting/screaming/runing away! He does have speech problems (only capable of articulating basic sentences) but is very receptive capable He's now tall and strong thus increasingly more difficult to keep from hurting himself and/or others. He does have proffesional help as well as medical, ultimately none seem to help. Has someone successfully dealt with such an extreme case? Plz help!
Sometimes it can come down to skills. My courses may be able to teach skills that can help www. but ultimately you likely need someone local who specializes in this.
This is just basic shit every body says. "Unless you buy my stuff you can't have the answers! " Until you buy the book and lo and behold nothing to help in there either. This woman seems like a total scam.
She cannot give any solutions to this kid's problems since she is not the kid's BCBA. The kid needs to be evaluated first and then the BCBA plans a specific program for the kid based on the assessment. The problem is that many parents think that there is a magic formula for all the kids' problems and there is not. Each child is different .
@@robertaumpierres8366 exactly so what the point of implying you do have some kinda secret knowledge and "help" ? All parents look to people like her for help because we get lost. As a parent of a child on the spectrum, this is the same crap we here time and time again. It doesn't help and it's just useless and annoying. Don't list a video saying as much if this is all you have to say.
@@frickfrack7075 Why don't you take her courses then?The more knowledge you have, the better.You will be able to help your child if you study more about your child's condition.She cannot help you by just answering your question. I watch her videos and she seems to be a great professional.
my son has lvl 2 autism he is very intelligent and sweet not aggressive at all but when we go to a store and we tell him no on buying a toy he changes into a completely different kid and starts screaming at the top of his lunges hyperventilating and slapping me and hitting me in the face which is NOT LIKE HIM AT ALL i need help please what can i do, ive tried time out, ive tried taking away what he likes NOTHING HELPS , its like he cant help it , while he is doing it hes saying sorry like he knows what he is doing is wrong
Hi I would like to thank you for your sharing this information. My 28 month old has some serious aggression issues with tantrums. And he is non verbal. While he does say a word out of a blue moon nearly perfectly. It is nearly parroting what you said. But only 1 word and has only done it 2 times since he turned 2. He is not hearing impaired on the least and very engaginging with other kids but he does not get group play. He seems not to understand what others are doing in group play.
My child doesn't have autism but she suffers from extreme behavior disorders. she's been isolated from the other classmates since the 4th grade. And now she is a freshman in high school. This cannot be good for her development and her transition into adulthood. She's in a behavior program with the Arlington Texas School district called C.E.A.S.E She she want the chance to be able to interact with the other students and have normal classes and not be isolated to one classroom. I am at my wit's end with my child School district. Can you explain what my options are as my child's advocator?
This varies from state to state. I would reach out to local advocates. If you have an autism society near you they can likely put you in contact with an advocate.
Hi Eva We just went through the same for a half year, it was horrific. We had to pick him up several times from school, he was getting more and more aggressive from this Isolation! We were desperate. Now he was thrown from school, changing to a different special needs school. My Boy has ADHD and ASS with behaviour Problems. Please change school if possible
What about reducing aggression in adults with autism who have never knew or be taught how to deal with things in life? My husband has a lot of signs and gets really angry easily. I'm trying to help him notice what triggers him.
It can certainly be difficult if you cannot get the needed supports. Are you able to get a bcba?? All sates have mandates that say they must provide aba. I am not sure about the level of your child or how dangerous the aggression is, but my free workshops may help
Hello , what can I do to help my 5 y.o autistic son with behaviors in school . He does pretty well at home with behaviors but cannot sit through a full day of school with out behaviors . Such as a hard time transitioning, running away , saying “no” , shutting out . I’m not sure what to do . He’s only in the kindergarten and I’m just so afraid of what’s to come .
It would be good to send your school team to my free workshops as my courses will help them be able to teach him. Check it out here
What do you do when the aggression is learned behavior from the aggressive parents? The parents are not physically abusive, but the main parent (mother) has a disgnosed learning disability (fetal alcohol syndrome, adult now, 27 with 3 small kids under 6 and 1 more on the way), but was not a pproblem child, herself, was in a good home with proper parenting, but in teen years learned bad behavior/ways from her peers, and continues to learn those ways, from others - now screams, hollers at and somewhat ignores her children, doesn't provide proper discipline when needed. We don't have any issue from her towards us when we're talking to her and trying to help her, so we know she can do better, but the monent she is loosed with her kids, she just goes right back to the hollering, using nasty tones, being mean-spirited, spending time on facetime with her "friends" talking about drama and using foyl language in earshot of the children.... 😮💨 I'm just emotionally and physically spent, but I don't want her kids to be the ones to suffer bcuz she refuses to do better and I don't want them to be placed in someone else's home (not that the state would think it necessary to do so), where we don't know what's going on, but her middle child is the one diagnosed on the spectrum (4 y.o.), he's no longer in school/daycare bcuz of his behavioral problems, he acts out physically towards his older and younger brothers (6 & 1). We can get him together, but mom is inconsistent. I'm truly just exhausted.
I am really struggling with my 14 year old son. He was diagnosed with HFA last July and he gets aggressive when he doesn’t get his way. This is really exhausting for the whole family. How can I handle his anger??
That sounds tiring! We mostly want to work to prevent the behavior at first so that it doesn't escalate that way. You also likely need to call a bcba to come do an individualized assessment.
My 8 years old brother loves to throw things at me all day and it’s really frustrating. He does it and he laughs and grabs another thing to throw at me. It happens sometimes that he throws dangerous things at me when i am busy doing something.When he is angry he startes crying and screaming and breaking everything on his way and the first one he thinks of hitting and biting is me At night he gets stressed and starts screaming and doesn’t sleep until 3 am And in the morning when he gets up he’s always in a bad mood and starts the process all over again. I think he has digestive issues but we couldn’t diagnose him Hope we can find a solution for him 😢
I have a 2 year old baby cousin and he has autism. he pushes and hits alot and he bites me really hard. It’s abit overwhelming to look after him because i don’t know how to stop him doing this and he is non verbal too. he doesn’t understand when you talk to him
I am working in an autism centre where my one client age 7 years , she has eating problem and the. She throws , she is mute , when I force her to eat food she also throws it and when she is frustrated, so I don't get the point what should I do to stop her his behaviour she likes it when I say her go and pick it up so what should I do to stop it , and her parents also said she hit her little brother when we r not around or we don't pay attention 😢😢😢😢 plz help
Hello .. My child is 8 yrs old and he gets aggressive if I ask him to read and write.. I’m trying to develop interest in him to read and write but it is not working out . Can you suggest me any techniques to do this
It sounds like the demand is too high and reinforcement too low. We want to use a lot of strong reinforcement and very small demands to pair up the task with fun.
Is it possible to discuss with you how to find a positive discipline ABA specialist? My son is aggressive and I am really scared of putting him in the wrong place. I would love to have private coaching or what have you.
@@kathrynmcgarry309 it depends on the situation and yes we can do this out of the home . The goal while we are preventing is to build skills so that for example if they are throwing tantrums because they don’t want to leave places we may prevent it by giving highly preferred things to leave and then begin also using timers to support or visuals and maybe slowly extending when he gets the preferred item. I teach all this within my online course . Get a free workshop here
The key is prevention! When is she NOT crying? We want to increase whatever that looks like and really start to engage her + build his skills up. I can help you with this! Consider joining my 'Parents of School Age' course:
Turns out my 2.5 year old grandson has been biting scratching his babysitter and her children , he’s been through 2 babysitters in one month . He hasn’t had an evaluation yet he’s on a waiting list because of covid . He also doesn’t speak . I knew it was autism 😪
It can be challenging when they have no language and are in group settings. I have online courses that can help you and your son/daughter help your grandson. Check out a free workshop here
Apparently my 5 year old son only attacks everyone except his dad, my arms are scared with scratches, bites, bruises and bites, I don't know what to do. His dad laughs at me and says he never deals with that, I don't see how this is possible, my son attacks everyone I've known including peers at school. Am I a bad person to be around?
Any tips for a pre k student who gets aggressive when coloring work that needs to be done? Getting aggressive when going back into class after playground time? And getting aggressive when you redirect them to not do something?
My sons is 6, started bitting 3 . But trying kick angry outburst, find out that he was hungry or thristy but couldnt express, so every few hours making sure full. Also sometimes sleepy but him in bad also sometimes he just want go outside in play, so boredom he likes walk outside or play water so he need a lot walks everyday to release pen of energy, aggressive reduced significantly to almost nothing
I found this to be helpful, pay attention to signs of boredom, hungry, sleepiness, or thirsty 100cure. Play tickel game and run around house or yard to run off pen up engery plus walks , so everyday with them something they enjoy. Incase of my son non verbal be aware of need to drink eat. Sleep . Play . Or rest on bed without a nap , all this suggestions 100 💯 percent works, because i tried them, so aggression is next to none implemented these suggestions anyone need anymore suggestions feel free to ask
I believe the necessary ratio should be 1:1 when there is a history of aggression. But, that is impossible for most educational institutions. It's quite unfortunate that the individualized attention is more costly than most schools can afford.
As a mother to two sons on the spectrum; ages 8 and 5 I can relate to many of the comments. My youngest is extremely attached to me to the point of not wanting others near me or me enjoying my time with others, other than him. I can’t work much because his energy is too much for most to handle and I’m trying to find more patience to understand him (he’s non verbal). Can’t thank you enough for sharing all this info, come here often for guidance and assistance 🤍✨
Today is January 27, 2022 . I have been court appointed to a child that both bio parents are drug addicts. I have had full custody for 2 years now. When this child was able to walk. He developed a habit that I have not found a way to stop. I have 2 mini Aussie's. I desperately need ideas how to stop / break the habit of the child from kicking the dogs. He has a cousin on his bio mother side that has Server Autism I have recently found out. I have the child involved in our local HeadStart Program. The teachers and their mental health case worker have requested that I have a neurological brain scan on the child due to type of drugs both parents history & family health information. What are your thoughts. The child also had shown aggressive behaviors in his classroom. They have started using some Autism learning techniques with him. I feel lost due to I am in my 60's age range. I need some help to guidance 😕 🙏. I want to do the best for the child.
It sounds like there may be a lot going on but the good news is, regardless of diagnosis, I have techniques that can help you to teach him. Check out a free workshop here
My Grandson gets aggressive when he is told no, when the internet goes down and sometimes when given his medication. His sister gets aggressive when told no, asked to get up for school, he is non verbal/servere Granddaughter can talk, read, and spell. Both have beat up my daughter their!!
I have a five year old, we've not been diagnosed yet but ruled out everything else. Due to school holidays we're having major issues with pinching while clenching his teeth during a tantrum. We're trying to work on calm time, sugar free. Time outs im becoming black and blue in bruising - several incidents a day now and at a very low ebb. Any advice please?
That's so challenging. Can you call a bcba to work with you? The best thing you can do is prevent the behavior as much as possible. If I gave you a million dollars how could you stop it.
Just found your channel, great content keep up the good work. I have two year old twins, like chalk and cheese, now I have a better understanding of how to deal with one of my boys who has started showing signs of autism for a while now. So thanks for your help. Subbed 🇬🇧👍
@@arialjohnson8810 it sounds like he needs a lot more support there ! If you need an online community to support you then come join a free workshop
hi Mary i work in an afterschool club for elementary age kids we share a classroom hut which school uses throughout the day, an autistic child we care for experiences aggression moment with his support teachers so in turn when class is finished for the day, he and his other class mates with same issues, are taken back into main school building,and then we bring him back into the class hut and he's always angry and unconsole-able cos he is reminded of the bad times he had earlier, we are at a loss how to help him as the teachers don't engage with us on what made him angry at the every day is a bad day.wanting so much to turn this around for him hes 8.
My daughter has busted my chin eyebrows and lip wide open, she will hit selfharm/hit me and throw toys at me but she has never bitten anyone. My tone of voice, kind actions and words do not help. Honestlly the claimer I am during the aggressive times the more she looses her mind. Oddly enough my daughter has never hurt another child, big or small, its only adults and mostly Papa and myself. We give positive praise every time she does anything good and she loves it. Then some days she hates positive reinforcement and only wants the negative. My other spectrum children are so sweet kind and loving I fee like a bad mommy this time around. I know I am not doing something right I don't know what it is though. I am buying your book today I need more guidance I can reread as many times as it takes for it to.sink in properly. Thank you
That sounds really challenging. You may also want to contact a local behavior analyst.
My aggressive, severely autistic brother was put on Risperidone 5mg as a child. It stopped him from biting us. There is hope.
This is where I'm stuck because it sounds like my boy, he's 13 and bigger then me. When he's upset I calming talk and it inrages him, any strategy he learned for coping is out the window. We have had intervention for years and not much has changed.
That's exactly what I'm going through! The sweeter and calmer I am and less reactive I am to her, the worse her bad behaviors get! There is no "stay calm and don't react to it". I've tried that for a long time and she will continue to get more and more violent until I have to intervene. Whenever I praise her, she will immediately do something to try to negate the compliment. She doesn't like it when I tell her she's doing such a good job. 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
Dr. Barbera... So, I work with learning and developmentally challenged kids between the ages of 2 to 5. Some have been diagnosed with autism. One child in particular has been acting out aggressively out aggressively for the past month. I have been bit, punched, slapped, kicked, spit on and have had toys thrown up my head. He has also done the same to my coworkers and other classmates. The agency I work for implements a coddling approach in dealing with this behavior. We are prohibited from giving timeouts. The agency also prides themselves themselves on helping these children blossom into adults that lead enviable lives. Yet, his aggression aggression has greatly increased. Today, for example, he acted out more than 10 times. Obviously, the approach that the agency I work for isn't working. If nothing changes, nothing changes. This child in particular is diagnosed with autism. I personally feel that consequences need to be implemented. When this child grows up, if he is aggressive toward another, he's not going to be coddled and redirected... he's either going to jail or, God forbid, physically hurt or killed by the person he assaulted. How do you think I should handle this? Thanks in advance.
i am pretty against being reactive at all. We want to assess what is happening and PREVENT this problem behavior. My no more timeouts mini course would be really helpful for you and the organization
This video made me cry. My 5 year old DS has severe Autism. Teacher called today. DS has been aggressive and struggling at school. He is non verbal. I get beat up daily. We get services but seems not helpful. I'm struggling. Not getting any answers. Professionals are amazed at his severity. I'm lost. I'm glad I found you! Thank you.
Thank you for watching. I am sorry that things are escalating with your son. Have you watched my free workshops? . I hope they can help.
put him into a separate room until he calms down maybe
This sounds like my daughter.... your a strong mama❤️
Ugh same
I wish we have one kike you here in Osaka. My son is now 18, we moved here 10 years ago and was looking for therapists. He went to a local special education school with multiple disabilities in a class. Now he’s 18 and had been aggressive the past 3 years, biting, hitting and banging hi head, self harming and others! I’m so stressed…
What about is aggression is entirely random? Sometimes baths calm, other times it causes flailing. Sometimes food calms, other times it causes flailing. Sometimes going outside calms, other times it causes flailing. Sometimes movies calm, other times it causes flailing. So there is absolutely nothing that never causes meltdowns or aggression. And by flailing I mean anything from arching back and falling backwards. Other behaviors are biting, ripping out caregivers hair, head butting, hitting child’s own head, or hitting head into walls or other objects. Sometimes he can’t sleep, sometimes he wakes up nice, other times wakes up aggressive. Sometimes won’t eat, other times won’t stop eating. Child is age 3 and entirely nonverbal. Also been diagnosed with AHDH. On medication for day and night but not working consistently. Caregivers are out of options. Medical professionals keep saying nothing is medically wrong, but none offer any solutions or relief for parents. Any ideas of what could be done?
It sounds like child needs a full assessment by a BCBA . All behavior has a function. Sometimes on and off behavior can be medical but there can be many factors like what happens before a behavior and what happens after. I talk about all this and more in my courses. They can help! check out
You just need to widen your understanding and develop your knowledge of how anyone neurodiverse experiences the world, it is you not us.
My non-verbal autistic son is only aggressive at school, he gets violent outbursts of throwing things and crying out in frustration but at home he doesn't have this behaviour.... I don't know what to do to help the IEP team because the behavior he displays at school is so different from his behavior at home. It's getting scary and dangerous because he's 12 now and another bigger and stronger. Thank you for this video. I'm going to watch the rest of them.
Thanks for watching.
This is my son! He’s verbal and he’s 5…only at school. He rarely cries at home but at school it’s an uphill battle 😢
I have the same issue. Tomorrow I'm telling his team we need a bcba, I'm not signing until he gets qualified help. I'm too tired & burnt-out to homeschool him but since he's been aggressive now at school I had to pick up his work. It's hard to stay strong.
@@scorpioroyalty6942risperdione helps a lot. Low dose
We are having the same problem with our 7 year old adhd son.
Great ideas. For parents and teachers, learning these are an ongoing process. I keep revisiting Mary's videos time and again. I really wish to show these to a large majority of ei professionals who have no clue in dealing with students with autism
Thank you so much for watching and sharing. I have a toddler workshop ei professionals may like as well
I agree each child is unique and everyone has some abilities that they do well more than others. You have to work on your child's weaknesses through their strengths. My child was diagnosed at 34 months. We turned the TV off and the whole family doesn't use their phones for three hours a day is family time. We went to our next appointment they said she is fine. I'm not a doctor but try turning off the TV and spending true quality time with your child.
I appreciate the fact that you emphasize looking for medial reasons for aggressive behavior. I have found that, in our family, medical or physical reasons are almost always the cause of aggression or other serious negative behaviors. I plan to share this video with my subscribers.
Thank you so much for sharing! It is a really important topic.
@Azim Premji That's fantastic!
I worked in a care home.all staff were bitten. Adult Clients had austism and staff had no training or support. Nothing to help them reduce aggression.
Thanks for helping and advising.
This is too bad
If we start from a place where all behavior is communication and look for the things that are leading to meltdowns, it is much easier to help children find ways to channel the big feelings they have. Anyone who is not able to verbalize what they need or want will be frustrated. I can't imagine what my autism journey would have been if, on top of all the other struggles (including severe bullying), I had not been able to tell someone what was happening. Understanding that a child with autism is a child is the framework my parents used with me and it meant that I was given ways to safely (for myself and those around me) let out the anger, frustration, and sadness that overwhelmed me at times. I have a grandson who is severely affected and he is nonverbal. His parents are my heroes because they continue to work with him patiently and lovingly to channel his feelings into positive actions whenever possible. He is so loving towards me, even when he is upset because I will be leaving to go home, (which he hates to have happen). I am one person on the autism spectrum and my grandson is one person on the same spectrum. We both deserve to live our best lives in our own ways. No child is exactly the same as another and that should be applauded.
I agree!
I recently noticed my emotions and anxiety affect my son's mood and behavior and I myself as his mom am trying to be more aware of that around him so he doesn't feed off my emotions aside from whatever else is triggering him.
It takes a really great mother to gain that self awareness
I am so grateful for you Mary, I am a newcomer to being an ABA therapist and I am so motivated to learn as much as I can!!!!!
That's great! Hope you can attend a free workshop:
Thank you for this! I'm so happy that I've discovered your channel. As an elementary sub, I spend a great deal of time in the Special Ed classroom. I'm sooo tired of being abused! We get screamed at, hit, slapped, kicked, scratched, clawed, pinched, bitten and spit on. Additionally, we have a chronic eloper, and she can run FAST. I didn't sign up for any of this, and I'm tired. We're all so tired and discouraged. Thank you for being such a resource.
So glad to bring hope. Keep going!
it's time to change professions, hon 👋
Starting my BCBA coursework now and it is so nice to hear your perspective. I fortunately haven't been hurt by a client either but I like working with kids with aggression because I feel like it I can help reduce it it makes a big difference for the family and their quality of life. But of course yes rule out a medical problem! That is so important for us to not practice beyond our scope. Glad you made this channel because I feel like BCBAs are so busy all the time so this is a great resource.
Thanks so much for watching. Congrats on starting your course work!
some therapist says -donot use any medicine. but medicine is necessary with therapy in some behavioural problems.
Thank you so much Dr. Barbera for sharing your wealth and knowledge of ABA with the world. I have a nine-year-old non-verbal son with autism and his aggression has spiked during COVID-19. I am on my way to becoming a BCBA as well and my ABA skills have definitely helped a lot. It is a unique time though with this pandemic but his ABA team and myself are doing all we can. Again, I admire and appreciate what you’re doing for the autism community!
Thanks so much for the great feedback. I appreciate it!
Our nine year old autistic non verbal son also started aggression once COVID started as well so far no luck.
Appreciate that you talk about assessment being important. The demand being too high or the rewards too low is very important! Thank you
Well said!
Hello there! Autism mom of my 4yr old son and I’m glad I found this channel. I’m looking for videos to find ways to be more proactive in the home with him. Thank you for sharing
Check for #droyalo
Ok I'll give it a try. I'm afraid if I don't get my 9 year old extremely aggressive child under control soon, he may end up killing me. And I am not exaggerating; I am literally covered in bruises and bites. I have everything to gain from trying this. I'll order it.
Thank you for watching and being candid. It can be so difficult. Do you have a BCBA working with you?? try googling verbal behavior bcba(insert your area) to find one near you. My free workshops may also help: . I recently did a podcast with a mom who has a child with severe autism, and this may also help
Did anything improve? Going through the same thing with my 20 mo for months now
This is the first video on the topic i've found that is productive. Phew! No PowerPoint slides just meaningful info. Thank you.
I'm so glad you found it helpful! Thank you for watching!
Thank you Dr. I have been working with DD/MI community for 10 years in supported employment. I recently began working with younger more acute cases. Thank you for your instruction. I will definitely subscribe. :)
Thanks for being here! I also have online courses. You can learn more here
Thank you so much, I though I was the only one going though this. Again THANK YOU
Glad I could help
You are not. I am as well
I am so happy I found this programme. I am a grandma that has a grandson who is 11 years old with autism. He does not talk and is agressive at most times we don't even know how to deal with him. He bites pinches and screams in most cases.
We took him to a special school with down syndrome and autistic children but it didn't help because he was left in the sand pit most of the time because he loves it more than all other activities. This situation was very frustrating and we took him out. Is there anything that we can do to ease off the situation?
my online courses can really help you. Check out a free workshop here
@@marybarbera Thank you for your response. I will check them and give you feedback. God bless your heart.
My brother is autistic I believe, he started out a nice boy then he became aggresive and expectant that my mom would do anything for him, he shouts loads now and also kicks and punches my mother, she ends up crying a lot now, hes only 8 and he has this sort of control over our family, I really dont know how this cycle will end. I have hope that he might become normal at 10 or 12
My brother (22 yrs) started this behavior since last 2 3 years. I am an introverted, not-to-good with people kind of guy.
Parents and me give less to no attention to him.
We do scold him if he doesn't listen.
His tantrums lasts for less time, but I'm afraid it will get worse if I don't do anything.
He is smart enough to lie at times.
Remedies (That I think will help)....
Spending more time with him.
Appreciating him more.
Using little politics at times to win his trust.
Reply if you think I need to do more or anything else... thank you
My son is the same and he is 9. I have no idea what to do.
Hi there, I have a 9 yr old son with aggressive behavior. I ask him to use his words . If he wants something we work towards earning it using a token system. I also learned not to point out the negative behavior and praise his good actions and efforts. It is still a work in progress but these strategies have been very helpful. It is up and down so behaviors will diminish and come back every so often. ABA is very helpful . Also we have tried several strategies some work, some don’t. Taking data or keeping a journal is helpful for documentation of how often the behaviors occur.
@@asiyah9926 hi, my son has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He also has sensory issues and impulsive behaviors of biting, kicking, pinching, pulling hair and yelling words that don’t make sense. He also used to run away from me when we would go on community outings. It helps to give him a sensory toy like a fidget, or play dough to keep his fingers busy. He also loves to squeeze play dough. He has a hard rubber chew toy that helps with the biting. He displays these behaviors when it comes to non preferred activities such as doing homework. Using a token chart reward system has helped reduce the behaviors. At first, he couldn’t even stay seated for 5 minutes and he displayed those behaviors to seek negative attention. So I used the token chart and issued a point for staying seated for 5 minutes. Also checking in at every five minutes interval before giving the point, by asking:
Did you stay in your seat? ✅
Did you keep your hands and feet to yourself? ✅
Did you keep your teeth in your mouth? ✅ (Because he was constantly biting me or the persons working with him)
**You can adjust your rules according to your child’s behaviors**
✅✅✅= 🙂
We checked in every 5 minutes and issued a point if the answer was “yes” to complying to all three, and then gave him a happy face (3 check marks earns the token 😊). This can also be used for completing daily tasks. I learned this from the ABA services my child has been receiving. We still face challenges but I would not have known any of this without a diagnosis that was acquired through an evaluation. Which qualified him to receive the ABA therapy. Some strategies will work, some will not. Also keep in mind that if a certain behavior stops, it is likely to be replaced with a new behavior, but don’t give up. I hope this can be useful to you. I thought it was going to be impossible and I have been impressed with all the progress my child has made. He has come a long way.
Unfortunately, children don't magically grow out of behavioral problems. They just become stronger and more strategic at pushing your buttons. Your parents need to reach out for help asap and make the necessary changes in how they're handling him. Your brother might just have ODD. Some kids need more discipline and structure while others need more empathy and attention. He needs to be evaluated by a child psychiatrist so they can get to the root cause. I'm sorry for what you're going through. That must be tough on you as well.
Just realized that it's been a year. Hope the situation has calmed down some.
this is great I help teach kids like this and without this channel I don't no where I would be
I'm so happy it was helpful. If you like these videos you would love my online courses. Here is a free workshop
Just discovered you , my son is 38 you have a lot of information that I do appreciate . I know you say you should get professional help , I think that’s unheard of . When my son was school age I ended up going through the fair hearing process in two counties in California won but got very little help . Adult programs are not capable of understanding autism . Thank you for your information .
There are BCBAs who specialize in adult services. Google BCBA adult services (your area)
Thank you. Your videos help me with my son and his 6 year old son who is autistic and non verbal.
So happy to hear it! I also have online courses. Learn more here
Is there hope for my child who is 19?
Extremely aggressive. But where I am one would diagnose her on the spectrum. But I know that's her issue. Sensory issues. Lack of eye contact. But perfect ACT score. Such a mismatch between emotions and intellect. I could use all the help I can get
thank you for the video Dr. Mary Barbera. my son 7 years old non - verbal autistic recently become aggressive with his mother sister and me. his teacher never compline about him when we asks if he is aggressive there. i'm not sure what is the problem. maybe because we recently changes his school (3 month ago. and he start aggressive since then.) thank you for your free workshops i would take a look. Thanks again.
I hope you like the free workshop and also look into medical issues as sometimes when there is a sudden behavior change it could be something like pain or sickness.
Can you do a video on neuro typical tribal aggression and how to cope bullying and nonsense hierarchical orders that serve no purposes other than stopping neuro typicals from killing each other
It’s been four years ..since your comment, but what do you mean ‘tribal’ aggression?
Thank you Mary, I work with children that have autism. I just subscribed to your UA-cam account. Your videos are very informative and are helping me a lot to be a better behavior technician. I work under a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Thank you for all you do to help others to understand Autism better!
Thank you for watching and following!! Have you watched my free video workshops? they could help in your professional life
Yes, I watched the free video workshop today. It was a great help for me very informative!
can you please give me your email i need a little bit of help with my brother i hope you read this and can help me
Thank you ma’am my time didn’t go to waste I appreciated it 🙂
You’re welcome 😊
My daughter hit puberty around age 9 and went very aggressive. Would lose control, try and hit us, smash objects she knew were dear to us etc. Wouldn’t go to bed, would follow us around the house demanding answers to her questions. Very draining. We started off taking the high road I.e not fighting back, trying to reason with her. But she never wanted to reason, she wanted to argue. This went on till she was 11 or 6th grade when she was getting quite strong. One night she refused to go to bed and staged one of her sit ins in our bedroom until her demands were met. I just thought, no, you don’t have the power here, and man handled her into her room. She tried coming out and I would put her back in. This carried on for an hour until we were both pretty exhausted and it was heart wrenching, to the point where she did give up, and hasn’t tried pulling that again. Then she went to high school and the hormones calmed down a bit and she’s relatively normal and lovely now! Her height accelerated over that 9-11 age so I knew it was hormonal, and she’s stopped growing now. But it was a really, really dark time for our family for two years. You just never knew when the next explosion was round the corner.
That sounds tough. Free workshop to start helping your child:
Contact a pediatric psychiatrist and get risperidone. It helps a lot and low dose. Behavior therapy doesn’t help this kind of aggression.
@@TheBebe2214 Thanks. She’s 13 now and quite different, in a good way.
My 20 yr old daughter has just started working with a 9 yr old boy. I have sent your link to her.
Sending love from AUSTRALIA xx
Thank you for sharing!
Hi I’m so happy I finally found something helpful I have 6 year old autistic son I’m really interested to do ur course
I hope you can join me. Have you taken a free workshop??
Love your disclaimer, thanks 😊
You’re welcome 😊
As an autistic person i have had violent behaviour ever since December 31st 2020 which was what started my violent behaviour and i want to stop it and i hope this video helps
I hope so too! You can also join a course to try other strategies:
I love how clearly you explain topics. Your videos have given me such a great understanding and sense of relief in dealing with autism.
Thank you so much for the great feedback!
So what do you do when you're 7 year old autistic daughter has been being aggressive for the last 3 months and you're trying to help figure it out but the school doesn't have any interest in helping your child seems like they only want to punish her. And you can't get any help anywhere, messages emails everything goes nowhere just waiting list and nothing. I don't know what to do anymore .
Join a free workshop today:
im genuienly gonna cry im so tired of my brother i dont wanna look after him while my parents are busy he makes me wanna cry dude i hate this im so tired of this. my parents attention has drastically shifted to my brother ever since he got diagnosed with moderate autism - they neglected me emotionally and physically. i hope he changes one day and sooner. i did my best to help my parents with his tantrums but i just cant do this anymore
It can be tough for siblings. I have a blog that talks about that:
Hi, the parents of the little girl Im mentioning don’t really seem to think there is anything they can do and are not too concerned... they also don’t like when I share resources with them and advice even though they want my help in her improvement. She will get mad and hit, kick, holler in your face, and push when being told what to do or asked something (generally midday-night). She has a fascination for throwing things at you and poking eyes. Telling her to stop only encourages it. When she gets mad she talks about hitting, kicking, ‘throwing you’, and not loving/liking you. This usually isn’t detected as anger to her parents though because she is sometimes smiling, or saying it in a funny voice, like they do when they tease. However I noticed she says these things when I do something she doesn’t like, so I have reason to think it is related to anger especially when her parents are saying something and she’ll turn to me and say “I need to throw her away” upsettly. How do I help this situation? I’m sorry for commenting so much, I just really care for my sister in law, and as long as I’m a caregiver I’m going to feel obliged to help her not regress. They have asked more of me than my job description when it comes to teaching and therapy and exercise and play... but i don’t know how to approach that either. Thank you.
If they don't want your input then it's tricky. Making sure you have a clear role in your job will be helpful. If you haven't watch
Am here to learn. Trying to see how to decrease aggression & talking back from my child. 🤓
Thanks for sharing your expertise!
Thanks for listening.
I am VERY EXCITED!! I just purchased the bundle!!!! Can't wait to start watching all the videos and CEUs. Thank you Dr. Barbera for sharing your expertise.
Thank you for signing up and watching .
My son jjst attacked me today . Im starting aba next week thank u Mary just bought your book cant wait 2 read
I'm so sorry to hear that this happened. My book will help. If you're ever looking for more resources, visit
Thank you so much for all the information 😊
You are welcome
what is difference between son rise programme and ABA therapy? which one is best therapy for autism?
There are many many differences. ABA would be my recommendation. Learn more about my approach by checking out a free workshop
My autistic son charlie has been very aggressive lately,so im going to discuss the topics in this video with his teacher tomorrow!
That is too bad you are dealing with that problem behavior but happy my video helped. Try checking out my free workshops too and sharing with his educators
Is the 3 step guide free ?
Yes! Click on the link in the comments and there will be a 3 step guide there.
I take care of a teenager nonverbal boy who is very autistic hes been attacking me and I am having a hard time figuring out the triggers and how to positively solve it besides running away from him and removing myself...its bad and I want to solve it and tell his mom but I dont know how..any suggestions? Anyone can answer this thanks 🙏❤
It sounds like lots may be going on here. I have workshops for parents and professionals which may help you get started with increasing language and reducing problem behavior.
Love you Mary! Happy Mother's Day!💐💗
Thanks so much
I work with an adult with autism in the individuals home. Sometimes when I let him nap, he will wake up furious and grab for my hair. When this happens, he pulls as hard as he can and sometimes im scared he won’t let go. I’ve talked to his parents about it but haven’t found a great strategy to defend myself. Of course, now I don’t let him take naps, but im still afraid the aggression will come back at random. Any advice?
It is best to contact a local behavior analyst!
I have a behavior person and I get frustrated with and I lash out but I also been restrained and now I have to understand that I can’t have those behavior
But other wise I love her
Hope this helps:
As a mom of a 4 year old son who is non verbal I can now more than ever see it's about understand them n the fact that he is expressing himself when he bites or acts up he doesn't express himself like other he has a disablity so I need to understand him I not the disabled person I here to take care of him he is my responsibility and my God gift.... Hopefully other can please understand there own children
Thank you for sharing !
Going to check this out sounds good. My grandson has started hitting, ticking and pulling hair. Its hard to watch.
That is really hard.
I'm in north idaho. My son became aggressive at 17. He's now 21 in 3 mo. I'm at my wits end. Lots if therapy. Tired of being injured
Sorry to hear that. You can join a course to start helping your son:
Psychiatrist can help
Thank you so much for your help 🙏
Happy to help
Hi ma'am, thank you for sharing this information. Im glad I found your video. Im as Special Needs Education student and we're currently studying aggressive behaviour. This really helped. Salamat po :)
Thank you!
Thanks alot for guidance
You're welcome 😊
Thank you ma'am for this wonderfull motivation speech😍
My pleasure 😊
Very lenghty intro for sure.
This family has tried a lot of different techniques/medicines with this very physically agressive teen but he keeps going back to aggression... hitting/biting/screaming/runing away! He does have speech problems (only capable of articulating basic sentences) but is very receptive capable
He's now tall and strong thus increasingly more difficult to keep from hurting himself and/or others. He does have proffesional help as well as medical, ultimately none seem to help.
Has someone successfully dealt with such an extreme case? Plz help!
Sometimes it can come down to skills. My courses may be able to teach skills that can help www. but ultimately you likely need someone local who specializes in this.
This is just basic shit every body says. "Unless you buy my stuff you can't have the answers! " Until you buy the book and lo and behold nothing to help in there either. This woman seems like a total scam.
She cannot give any solutions to this kid's problems since she is not the kid's BCBA. The kid needs to be evaluated first and then the BCBA plans a specific program for the kid based on the assessment. The problem is that many parents think that there is a magic formula for all the kids' problems and there is not. Each child is different .
@@robertaumpierres8366 exactly so what the point of implying you do have some kinda secret knowledge and "help" ? All parents look to people like her for help because we get lost. As a parent of a child on the spectrum, this is the same crap we here time and time again. It doesn't help and it's just useless and annoying. Don't list a video saying as much if this is all you have to say.
@@frickfrack7075 Why don't you take her courses then?The more knowledge you have, the better.You will be able to help your child if you study more about your child's condition.She cannot help you by just answering your question. I watch her videos and she seems to be a great professional.
my son has lvl 2 autism he is very intelligent and sweet not aggressive at all but when we go to a store and we tell him no on buying a toy he changes into a completely different kid and starts screaming at the top of his lunges hyperventilating and slapping me and hitting me in the face which is NOT LIKE HIM AT ALL i need help please what can i do, ive tried time out, ive tried taking away what he likes NOTHING HELPS , its like he cant help it , while he is doing it hes saying sorry like he knows what he is doing is wrong
Yes it can be challenging! I have a ton of tips that can help! Sign up for a free workshop here to get started
Hi I would like to thank you for your sharing this information. My 28 month old has some serious aggression issues with tantrums. And he is non verbal. While he does say a word out of a blue moon nearly perfectly. It is nearly parroting what you said. But only 1 word and has only done it 2 times since he turned 2. He is not hearing impaired on the least and very engaginging with other kids but he does not get group play. He seems not to understand what others are doing in group play.
That sounds very challenging!! I created free workshops for families in your situation. I hope my free workshops can help
Jon Boll Are you real? And are you serious?
My child doesn't have autism but she suffers from extreme behavior disorders. she's been isolated from the other classmates since the 4th grade. And now she is a freshman in high school. This cannot be good for her development and her transition into adulthood. She's in a behavior program with the Arlington Texas School district called C.E.A.S.E
She she want the chance to be able to interact with the other students and have normal classes and not be isolated to one classroom. I am at my wit's end with my child School district. Can you explain what my options are as my child's advocator?
This varies from state to state. I would reach out to local advocates. If you have an autism society near you they can likely put you in contact with an advocate.
Hi Eva
We just went through the same for a half year, it was horrific. We had to pick him up several times from school, he was getting more and more aggressive from this Isolation! We were desperate. Now he was thrown from school, changing to a different special needs school. My Boy has ADHD and ASS with behaviour Problems. Please change school if possible
I like this. For every negative you need 8 positive.
very helpful. thank you
I'm so happy you found this helpful! If you're ever looking for more resources, visit
I really appreciate your channel
So nice of you!
What about reducing aggression in adults with autism who have never knew or be taught how to deal with things in life? My husband has a lot of signs and gets really angry easily. I'm trying to help him notice what triggers him.
It would be best to search for a psychologist or behavior analyst in your area to help support this.
Can’t serch for my 16 years old son hi is now so aggressive nobodies help, my Insurance Fidelis with Medicaid What do I have to do
Many can't afford this option!
What do you recommend to someone who is on Medicaid, which doesn't cover all the professionals that you mentioned in your video?
It can certainly be difficult if you cannot get the needed supports. Are you able to get a bcba?? All sates have mandates that say they must provide aba. I am not sure about the level of your child or how dangerous the aggression is, but my free workshops may help
I am in Texas and you can not afford ABA if you do not have private insurance. My kid is going to see a Developmental Pediatician on Thursday.
Hello , what can I do to help my 5 y.o autistic son with behaviors in school . He does pretty well at home with behaviors but cannot sit through a full day of school with out behaviors . Such as a hard time transitioning, running away , saying “no” , shutting out . I’m not sure what to do . He’s only in the kindergarten and I’m just so afraid of what’s to come .
It would be good to send your school team to my free workshops as my courses will help them be able to teach him. Check it out here
What do you do when the aggression is learned behavior from the aggressive parents? The parents are not physically abusive, but the main parent (mother) has a disgnosed learning disability (fetal alcohol syndrome, adult now, 27 with 3 small kids under 6 and 1 more on the way), but was not a pproblem child, herself, was in a good home with proper parenting, but in teen years learned bad behavior/ways from her peers, and continues to learn those ways, from others - now screams, hollers at and somewhat ignores her children, doesn't provide proper discipline when needed. We don't have any issue from her towards us when we're talking to her and trying to help her, so we know she can do better, but the monent she is loosed with her kids, she just goes right back to the hollering, using nasty tones, being mean-spirited, spending time on facetime with her "friends" talking about drama and using foyl language in earshot of the children.... 😮💨 I'm just emotionally and physically spent, but I don't want her kids to be the ones to suffer bcuz she refuses to do better and I don't want them to be placed in someone else's home (not that the state would think it necessary to do so), where we don't know what's going on, but her middle child is the one diagnosed on the spectrum (4 y.o.), he's no longer in school/daycare bcuz of his behavioral problems, he acts out physically towards his older and younger brothers (6 & 1). We can get him together, but mom is inconsistent. I'm truly just exhausted.
I have been working with kids for decades and has never gotten hurt
That's great!
I am really struggling with my 14 year old son. He was diagnosed with HFA last July and he gets aggressive when he doesn’t get his way. This is really exhausting for the whole family.
How can I handle his anger??
That sounds tiring! We mostly want to work to prevent the behavior at first so that it doesn't escalate that way. You also likely need to call a bcba to come do an individualized assessment.
@@marybarbera Thank you! Yes, I will look into that!
Thank you. I have only been punched and bitten once in the years I have worked with the students. Head off the problem before it escalates🤗
Very true ! Thank you for watching .
What did you do?
How do you head it off ?
My 8 years old brother loves to throw things at me all day and it’s really frustrating. He does it and he laughs and grabs another thing to throw at me. It happens sometimes that he throws dangerous things at me when i am busy doing something.When he is angry he startes crying and screaming and breaking everything on his way and the first one he thinks of hitting and biting is me
At night he gets stressed and starts screaming and doesn’t sleep until 3 am
And in the morning when he gets up he’s always in a bad mood and starts the process all over again.
I think he has digestive issues but we couldn’t diagnose him
Hope we can find a solution for him 😢
That sounds really challenging. Tell your parents to watch this and perhaps look for a local bcba.
@@marybarbera Thanks 🙏
Less sugar and more natural foods and u will be amaze how he will change.
I have a 2 year old baby cousin and he has autism. he pushes and hits alot and he bites me really hard. It’s abit overwhelming to look after him because i don’t know how to stop him doing this and he is non verbal too. he doesn’t understand when you talk to him
That is challenging for sure. Think about ways you can prevent it and stick with that! sometimes joining him in what he likes can help.
Thank you and appreciate a lot from India 🇮🇳
Thank you for that intro ! As a BT I agree
You bet!
I am working in an autism centre where my one client age 7 years , she has eating problem and the. She throws , she is mute , when I force her to eat food she also throws it and when she is frustrated, so I don't get the point what should I do to stop her his behaviour she likes it when I say her go and pick it up so what should I do to stop it , and her parents also said she hit her little brother when we r not around or we don't pay attention 😢😢😢😢 plz help
And what home environment should we provide her to stop these behaviours
Thank you🙏💙
No problem 😊
Hello .. My child is 8 yrs old and he gets aggressive if I ask him to read and write.. I’m trying to develop interest in him to read and write but it is not working out . Can you suggest me any techniques to do this
It sounds like the demand is too high and reinforcement too low. We want to use a lot of strong reinforcement and very small demands to pair up the task with fun.
Is it possible to discuss with you how to find a positive discipline ABA specialist? My son is aggressive and I am really scared of putting him in the wrong place. I would love to have private coaching or what have you.
Thanks for sharing! I would suggest joining a course to help:
@Tiana Malcom nonsense
Why doesn’t she say how that will occur? How to stop the behavior
We need to assess when it is happening and start with preventing it before how to react to it. Learn more here
Would this translate to out of the home? When they're adults how do we prevent it from happening?@@marybarbera
@@kathrynmcgarry309 it depends on the situation and yes we can do this out of the home . The goal while we are preventing is to build skills so that for example if they are throwing tantrums because they don’t want to leave places we may prevent it by giving highly preferred things to leave and then begin also using timers to support or visuals and maybe slowly extending when he gets the preferred item. I teach all this within my online course . Get a free workshop here
My daughter is always crying when we try to make her repeat words she will say it with crying tone and dont want to repeat it
The key is prevention! When is she NOT crying? We want to increase whatever that looks like and really start to engage her + build his skills up. I can help you with this! Consider joining my 'Parents of School Age' course:
Turns out my 2.5 year old grandson has been biting scratching his babysitter and her children , he’s been through 2 babysitters in one month . He hasn’t had an evaluation yet he’s on a waiting list because of covid . He also doesn’t speak . I knew it was autism 😪
It can be challenging when they have no language and are in group settings. I have online courses that can help you and your son/daughter help your grandson. Check out a free workshop here
Before your intro I subscribed instantly !!!
Thank you so much .
Apparently my 5 year old son only attacks everyone except his dad, my arms are scared with scratches, bites, bruises and bites, I don't know what to do. His dad laughs at me and says he never deals with that, I don't see how this is possible, my son attacks everyone I've known including peers at school. Am I a bad person to be around?
Please don’t take it personally..
@@mattbgrass I’m trying not to :(
Aggression is very hard. It sounds like it is quite serious. Contacting a bcba locally will be helpful.
@@marybarbera it is, it’s also difficult because he’s profoundly deaf so it’s hard for him to communicate his wants and needs
Any tips for a pre k student who gets aggressive when coloring work that needs to be done? Getting aggressive when going back into class after playground time? And getting aggressive when you redirect them to not do something?
Look into PDA.
My sons is 6, started bitting 3 . But trying kick angry outburst, find out that he was hungry or thristy but couldnt express, so every few hours making sure full. Also sometimes sleepy but him in bad also sometimes he just want go outside in play, so boredom he likes walk outside or play water so he need a lot walks everyday to release pen of energy, aggressive reduced significantly to almost nothing
You can join our courses to get the best help:
I found this to be helpful, pay attention to signs of boredom, hungry, sleepiness, or thirsty 100cure. Play tickel game and run around house or yard to run off pen up engery plus walks , so everyday with them something they enjoy. Incase of my son non verbal be aware of need to drink eat. Sleep . Play . Or rest on bed without a nap , all this suggestions 100 💯 percent works, because i tried them, so aggression is next to none implemented these suggestions anyone need anymore suggestions feel free to ask
Thank you for this video. I just subscribed
Thank you for watching. I have more information on my free video workshops here
I believe the necessary ratio should be 1:1 when there is a history of aggression. But, that is impossible for most educational institutions. It's quite unfortunate that the individualized attention is more costly than most schools can afford.
I agree. It is unfortunate and extra support would definately prevent problem behaviors!
How do you work or handle a growing up and is becoming very aggressive and non verbal. He is very agressive and his mothers safety is at stake
It is best to consult a BCBA locally to assess and make a plan.
As a mother to two sons on the spectrum; ages 8 and 5 I can relate to many of the comments. My youngest is extremely attached to me to the point of not wanting others near me or me enjoying my time with others, other than him.
I can’t work much because his energy is too much for most to handle and I’m trying to find more patience to understand him (he’s non verbal).
Can’t thank you enough for sharing all this info, come here often for guidance and assistance 🤍✨
Thank you so much for watching and for sharing your experience here.
Today is January 27, 2022 . I have been court appointed to a child that both bio parents are drug addicts. I have had full custody for 2 years now. When this child was able to walk. He developed a habit that I have not found a way to stop. I have 2 mini Aussie's. I desperately need ideas how to stop / break the habit of the child from kicking the dogs. He has a cousin on his bio mother side that has Server Autism I have recently found out. I have the child involved in our local HeadStart Program. The teachers and their mental health case worker have requested that I have a neurological brain scan on the child due to type of drugs both parents history & family health information. What are your thoughts. The child also had shown aggressive behaviors in his classroom. They have started using some Autism learning techniques with him. I feel lost due to I am in my 60's age range. I need some help to guidance 😕 🙏. I want to do the best for the child.
It sounds like there may be a lot going on but the good news is, regardless of diagnosis, I have techniques that can help you to teach him. Check out a free workshop here
My Grandson gets aggressive when he is told no, when the internet goes down and sometimes when given his medication. His sister gets aggressive when told no, asked to get up for school, he is non verbal/servere Granddaughter can talk, read, and spell. Both have beat up my daughter their!!
That sounds really tricky. You likely will want to work with a local behavior analyst to find preventative strategies or teach skills to help him.
Thank you!
Thank you for this information
Thank you! i appreciate you watching.
I have a five year old, we've not been diagnosed yet but ruled out everything else. Due to school holidays we're having major issues with pinching while clenching his teeth during a tantrum. We're trying to work on calm time, sugar free. Time outs im becoming black and blue in bruising - several incidents a day now and at a very low ebb. Any advice please?
That's so challenging. Can you call a bcba to work with you? The best thing you can do is prevent the behavior as much as possible. If I gave you a million dollars how could you stop it.
8 yr old boy sitting at desk overturns desk. No antecedent. What do you do? Have him pick up desk? Take to aggression chart and talk? Child is verbal
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Just found your channel, great content keep up the good work. I have two year old twins, like chalk and cheese, now I have a better understanding of how to deal with one of my boys who has started showing signs of autism for a while now. So thanks for your help. Subbed 🇬🇧👍
Thank you very much!
My child has autism and my kids school continues to write him up and suspend him. Now they are trying to expell him and he's 5 years old.
@@arialjohnson8810 it sounds like he needs a lot more support there ! If you need an online community to support you then come join a free workshop
hi Mary i work in an afterschool club for elementary age kids we share a classroom hut which school uses throughout the day, an autistic child we care for experiences aggression moment with his support teachers so in turn when class is finished for the day, he and his other class mates with same issues, are taken back into main school building,and then we bring him back into the class hut and he's always angry and unconsole-able cos he is reminded of the bad times he had earlier, we are at a loss how to help him as the teachers don't engage with us on what made him angry at the every day is a bad day.wanting so much to turn this around for him hes 8.
That is very upsetting. The best way is to pair the place up with fun...but that will be challenging if there is such negativity.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!
You're welcome! Thank you for watching.