can you do one of a CO MANAGER asking a GRUNT ( hourly) to do them a favor *SEVERAL FAVORS* and the hourly says sure ... THEN when the hourly calls that FAVOR in ( months down the road) THE MANAGER loses their mind ( like its a ROBBERY/MUGGING at GUNPOINT )
I hate when they talk over you lol everytime I try to talk I would have a manger start talking EXACTLY when I started. I'd just stare at them until we had some awkward silence so I was positive I could speak... It never worked, they just.... Didn't understand I guess lol
I was doing 45 hours closing shifts everyday no weekends off and they would deny my request for time off that I would put 2-3 months in advance when they started doing that was the straw that broke the camel's back
I used to work at Safeway for over a year. Started the week that quarantine began in March 2020. I was constantly told that I was one of their best workers because 1. I always showed up to my shifts, and 2. I pretty much did everything they asked me, within or without reasonability. I didn’t even call out when I was coughing up a storm and had to be told to leave. (Turns out that I contracted COVID that week) The one time I ever called out was because I was super sick, but it was also my last week. I found out through some coworkers that ALL of the managers thought that I was being a lazy, good-for-nothing employee who just didn’t want to complete his final week of work. When I came back the next day STILL SICK, they were like, “Oh my goodness we’re so glad you’re okay! Glad to have you back!” Never wanted to throw hands at people twice my age so much before that moment
This right here is why I tell people you can be the company's best employee, get all the praise in the world, but god forbid you call out sick one time and they trash you behind closed doors. Managers are so two faced sometimes.
i worked there too. it was like a sweatshop in there. be on a ten hr shift and have to beg for a ten min break. finally on that break, in the bathroom, and they’re paging me overhead like i just up and went mia. two mins into my break, “your break is over, right? we need you back upfront.” our mandatory labor union did nothing but steal our money when we were already making below min wage. i could be happier busking on the damn subway. prob earn more $ too. def more respect.
@@boosqueezy2418 There no way you made below min wage especially with a collective bargaining agreement, and when they came up to you and ask you if your break was over two minutes into your break say no it's not and then tell them it's mandatory that you be left alone on your break or go somewhere were that can't reach you. Yes the UFCW has some issues but it's better than Walmart. Also it's a complex history and mostly Walmart's fault why retail grocery store supercenter jobs are not excellent middle-class jobs anymore.
Back when I worked at Walmart, I had my assistant manager cover my ass so I could call in sick for 7 days to take a trip to the Virgin Islands. This was when you could call in 3 days in a row and it would only count as 1 occurance. He walked out on the company a couple months later lmao. One of the coolest bosses I've ever had.
@0Z It is an automated call out system. You have the PPTO to avoid penalties or you take it on the chin. I will say this. Everyone badmouths WM, but I started accumulating PTO and PPTO day one and earn around 90 hours a year of both yearly. I have never worked at any other retail job or service sector job where you get that day 1. Most jobs make you work one year to earn a week of paid vacay if they even have paid vacay at all.
It’s sad to say that managers are really like that, you work your ass for them and it’s never enough. That’s why I stay away from retail jobs and focus more on small businesses
It’s kinda not their fault, they’ve got upper management chewing down their necks to perform to a certain standard. When daily goals don’t get met the manager on duty doesn’t get to say to his higher ups “well such and such just called out, we’ll do better next time”-no the uppers ain’t hearing it & they look at that manager like he/she has insufficient performance, period. Not that I side with this way of things, but I understand how it goes. The issue is when people unfit for management let the management pay increase cause them to jump at the opportunity, without fulling understanding what type of issues/situations/responsibilities come w/ it and they just assume their team is supposed to carry the load. Those type of managers deserve it.
Right.meanwhile I'll be seeing ppl get away w/ all kinds of crap. Calling out all the time not even showing up showing up late all the time bringing in their kids all the time staying on their phone all the time,,,, & the excuses. Like how many xs is ur kids close to dying per week
Never understood why some managers take shit so personal over call outs. They just afraid to actually get their lazy asses up out of their office chairs and actually have to slave away like the rest of us 🤣
Most managers have a lot of paper work to do. People calling out means they have to do their job and someone else’s job. I hated my managers at Walmart but I can understand why they would be frustrated
It depends sometimes they are lazy. But other times the workload becomes more than they would like when they weren't being lazy. You were hired because there was a need for you to be there. Without you there it becomes harder. Anyone would be unhappy doing more than they usually would.
I'm a supervisor and it sucks when people call out because I have my own list of things to do. And those things don't get done if I have to cover for someone else.
I once time worked at a furniture store that I had to ride ten miles in a pedal bike to get to. I showed up every day and rode back home. One day I was really sick and called in. I came in the next day and saw that my manager tried to write me up for calling in sick and tried to imply I was making it up. I never said anything but I wished I just quit on the spot right there in front of him. I was a fucking good employee who called in sick once and I was treated like I was lying about it. It is things like this that can make good employees leave their jobs and find employers who don't throw a hissy fit over crap like this.
Same exact thing happened to me I quit my job though cause It wasn't worth it to be disrespected by some Ahole who already had his mind made up about me
Yeah i got written up because this supervisor claimed that i called too late to call out. Another job i was on i got written up when this other employee lied on me said i was chilling in my car while everyone else was working. I even got mad and cursed at the manager.
Super sorry. I was an amazing boss. Honestly too amazing those that had me.. I was well respected. I walked out of the job because my district manager wrote me up for hiring homeless and distribution of food to the homeless when I had no freezer. Real talk.. I may have cried quitting but I'm happy 😅
@@katgotstackss When he said "dont worry about your points I'll take care of your points" I know dang well he isn't gonna take care of those points. Chris is FIRED, he's getting promoted to customer 🤣
This video had me crying laughing especially after the manager hung the phone up and started talking trash about his employee. He ought to be ashamed. "We don't give a damm bout yo family member!!" 🤣🤣😭😭😭✨✨✨
Bro!!! Omg my manager stay coming in late but leave before everyone else. It will be times we pull up late at the same time and she would get mad at me for being late.
Most managers are on a salary so it doesn't matter what time they come in or leave. They're getting what they sign up for no matter if they late for work or leave late. Vs hourly who can stay for more hours and see the difference on their check.
God I despise my manager. I came into work started wiping shit down and cleaning, went and cleaned their bathroom before my shift, was in a good mood and felt like working, and she screamed at me because I didn't have a headset. For gods sake lady I did extra work free of charge I get screamed at, I do work the right way when she asks she screams at me for not doing something else. Managers love to complain about their hours and how they can't keep people but then walk around treating people like shit.
I rarely call out but when I do I don't feel bad at all because no matter how hard I work I still get thrown under the bus if it makes management look better, so yeah they can figure it out.
Remember also: you don't get a notice when you're fired. Yet you're forced to give notice to "not burn bridges" when it's clear the bridge had gasoline on it anyway.
throwback to when walmart wanted me to work 30 hours a week when I was finishing up the school year and trying to pass everything while also packing up my house and getting ready to move accoss the country, and when I confronted my manager asking if there was anything he could do about it he told me to "try to tough it out." I put in my 2 weeks not long after that and immediately after said I had covid. I got a 2 week vacation and they paid me for the whole thing
I worked at Walmart for 4 weeks (two of them were my two week notice). They had me bring in carts in the afternoon. I followed the morning person. He was 'special'. So he didn't do anything. Everyday I come in the parking lot is full of carts and they are panicking for me to get going. week 2 I got the flu, legit. Called in sick. Manager wouldn't accept that. Transfered me to the store manager. She spent 10 talking me into comming in for "just a couple of hours". So I come in sweating and sick. Parking lot is full. I get it caught up, want to go home. Store manager is already gone. Wanting to go home = kicking a puppy to a Walmart manager: "When someone comes in they are expected to finish their shit unless it's an emergency". My response to that was '2 week notice'. After two weeks they still had me on the schedule for the following week. Night manager didn't even know I was quiting. I am pretty sure htey listed it as a no call no show termination. Walmart will go down as the worst job I ever had.
Resigned from my position as a supervisor at another retail chain. Handed in my keys to the head of security and notified them I wasn't coming in to work anymore because I quit. They registered me as a no call no show termination instead of just pushing through my resignation. Scumbags
I’m a TL and I can attest this is true. I experienced this when my dad and grandma passed a day apart. They give you bereavement but after that they expect you to be back at work , smiling etc. At the end of the day , it’s a business.
😂😂😂😂😂😂 Facts and the call be going longer THAN it needs to be. I hated working retail and calling out for sure! 🥴🥴💀💀💀💀💀 especially for closing shifts , they be PISSED.
I just applied to a cashier spot at Lowes and though they want to interview tomorrow...I've not scheduled it, lol. I'm wanting to work evenings after my current job, but I've been a cashier for Walmart and I have a feeling it'll be the same: every week, your shift is totally different. I work with the state and get pretty much the same benefits as a state employee. Between Memorial Day and a state holiday the week after, I have two weeks of three day weekends coming up. I would lose that by working for Lowes, lol. I think I'm going to just try to ride it out and ask for a raise at my annual review. Besides, I lost my Walmart job when issues with low iron kicked my ass (it hadn't been diagnosed then and without that diagnosis, Walmart wasn't having it with me nearly fainting several times and going home early). I'm worried that even with takibg a supplement now, I'll still encounter those same issues.
This exact scenario happened to me. My sister attempted suicide amd i called out to go to the hospital. The manager said it was fine and it will all work out. I was then fired because it was on july 3rd (critical buisness day) which gave me double points. Havent shopped at walmart in 3 years and never will again
This is accurate. My grandpa two years back was in hospice for throat cancer and I told them I couldn’t come in because I wanted to say my last words and my boss literally told me I was gonna get a write up if I didn’t come in. First time I said go ahead do it. She ended not when I told her I needed the following Monday off for the funeral. Never will forget that I was furious.
Bro, my manager told me straight to my face that I lied about my dad dying so I could get a week off of work. (I took a week off to spend his last days with him and go to the funeral) It took all the will power I had to not go to jail that day.
Nah if someone really pulled that on me then I’d quit. “If you really think so low of me that I’d fake my own father’s death to get a week off work then I have no reason to be here” type shit frfr.
Thats how it is man, managers hear excuses all the time from people that want to not go into work, they're gonna assume that you're lying unfortunately, they just don't care
Sorry to hear about your dad bro. I also had my boss ARGUE with me about foing to my grandmas funeral. It was complete bullshit. Shit had me heated. So I showed him the memorial cards we had made for her, and he deadass asked how long it took me to make the night before just to make it believable. It took all 3 of my siblings showing up and ripping his ass apart just so he would let me go.
@@ocean_punk1206 Them niggas at Amazon even more ruthless tf u mean 😭😭 they got people needing to SPRINT and time themselves to get shit delivered on time and not get fired. Pros and cons to everything I guess
@@JoeTheGreat08 Fr my job requires us to actually call in, I really don’t need my boss stressing me out bc he’s yelling over the phone. I just text and say I’m not gonna make it and put my phone on DND 😂 they call me 5+ times..
Fr. I used to work at a company at the airport and anytime you needed to call out, the call went straight to a call center. You were never actually on the phone with a manager. Shit was sweet 🤣🤣
That's why leadership matters. If I had a supervisor that did all the paperwork fast and actually went out and helped out in every department they were knowledgeable at as best they can. You damn well know people in that person's team would rarely call out because they know their lead has their back.
I had a job where I put my 2 weeks notice In, the last week I texted my manager to let her know my last day was like that Sunday, end of the week, she replied “No sir I actually need you for next month” 💀😂
When I worked at Walmart my manager literally told me he didn’t believe my grandma died. Needless to say fists were nearly thrown and the next day was my last
Walmart changed their call-out system to an automated line a while ago, so as long as you got PPTO and you call-out, you're golden. Just don't call out during the weekend or an event.
@@AgentSmith911 It is only blackout days you get 2 occurrences. Like the OP said, if you have PPTO you are golden and can only receive one occurrence on a blackout day. Most blackout days are around major holidays on weekends.
Bro the laugh at 0:38 I can’t. That’s the funniest shit I ever heard and watching this gives me chills when I use to call out lmao they hit you with that when it’s over shit
This is so true. This is also why when I was a security supervisor I was respected by my officers because I showed them respect to get their respect. I never demanded it and when things like this happened I made every accommodation I could to help them out. My only rule to them was don’t do anything to get me yelled and I’ll leave you to what you need to do we were all old enough that they didn’t need me babysitting what they do
This right here is golden😭😭😭I can remember calling out of Walmart sooo much and still be employed lol it was amazing how big the facility was but yet they needed so much help all the time🤣🤣🤣 that was my first ever job too
As a former retail assistant manager, I can confirm this is true. We act nice on the phone, but secretly we're pissed because we know we're going to have to stay all day.
@@ser3994 A lot of retail managers are salaried, so they don't get more money for staying later. They are technically getting less per hour the long they stay.
@@blackrazor1 I wasn't on salary, but I hated that job as much as anyone else, I was technically a supervisor but was doing the job of an assistant, but not receiving as much pay. When there wasn't an assistant around, I was the only one managing. With that said, I can imagine the assistant managers would be doubly pissed for that reason. Edit, not to mention, when the employees wouldn't get things done the assistants and managers would yell at me. Retail is a food chain that eats it's own, the managers are often dicks because if they aren't and things don't get done they'll get shit canned as quickly as anyone else.
"The walmart family" That brings back memories 💀 I got fired for calling off too much. They had me effed up working every saturday and not approve my time off request 😭😭🤣🤣
Facts!! They got me working both Saturday and Sunday’s and throughout the week n when I go ask to change my schedule this fuck manager gives me bs smh like all he does is sit and eat lmao
The hospital I worked at had a separate dept to call out instead of speaking to the manager and they were not allowed to ask why. It was the best thing ever.
Had to call out one day because of my epilepsy (cuz, yknow, going into convulsions and vomiting/pissing/shitting yourself can be bad for business), and I got accused of "being afraid of keeping a commitment" and my manager went on to say "no one ever gets sick on their day off" (like he could even know that lmmfao). Obviously I quit not long after, $12.50/hr isn't enough for me to wanna endanger my health for some crusty old fuck and his gas station that he doesn't even manage. Folks, simply dont explain yourselves to these people. They don't care about you or your wellbeing, so just worry about putting everything back into number one cuz no one else is gonna do it for you.
i once called out on the fact that the governor declared it a emergency and not to drive on the roads cause of a snowstorm. i lived a hour away from work i called and the guy who picked uped was angry cause of all the callouts. he said he lived in my town and he made it i laughed and said i just aint coming in and hung up the phone.
My manager about lost his shit in start of covid when you got 7 days off fully paid and excused lol. I had been "exposed" like 3x in a month and had to quarantine lol.
Man I remember working for Walgreens from 2012-2016 and for a security company as an armed security guard from 2016-2017. Man I used to have mini panic attacks calling off of work. They used to make it so difficult with all the questions and the ultimatums. Used to have to work up to calling in. 😂😭 Now I work as a police officer and when you call in it’s literally no questions asked other than “what time do you want to burn? Comp or personal time?” Such a drastic change.
"call ricky... I know its his off day, but i dont give a DAYUM!!' lmfao then ther gonna guilt ricky thru those doors somehow. 2 FACED!! lmao this one hits home
Follow my Instagram LOVE YALL 🙏🏼
Lol you not lying 🤣 😂 fuck Walmart
About to get on there in July/August. But you already know we wit you out here in Az.
can you do one of a CO MANAGER asking a GRUNT ( hourly) to do them a favor *SEVERAL FAVORS* and the hourly says sure ...
THEN when the hourly calls that FAVOR in ( months down the road) THE MANAGER loses their mind
Been in management 15 years . This is facts !!
Dollar G used to call me fam. All lies.
“Oh your callin OUT”
Turning point for a manager with a shaky crew!😂🤣😅
Nah this fr accurate especially with when the crew understaffed or retarded. Looking like they lost they starting PG 😂
@26 Mic so let your videos speak for themselves instead of trying to poach off another creators followers.
Sure is a turning point. I use to work at Walmart years ago so I know exactly that's what the manager was thinking LMAO
Damn, best response I've seen thus far
@NC Protection Specialist this is youtube not school cry somewhere else
The talking over each other is too accurate 😂
Relatable asf, you can barely hear own thoughts.
“You know exactly aaaaa exactly exactly” I was dying on that one I seen that so many times 🤣🤣🤣
Pin point!
I hate when they talk over you lol everytime I try to talk I would have a manger start talking EXACTLY when I started. I'd just stare at them until we had some awkward silence so I was positive I could speak... It never worked, they just.... Didn't understand I guess lol
We're all slaves to the elite now brother.
i was working 55-60 hours a week in retail and still living in an old hooptie car. those jobs are soul-crushing.
What was your hourly rate?
@@blessingmansallay4559he said retail so not much
I got out!! I made it out!
I was doing 45 hours closing shifts everyday no weekends off and they would deny my request for time off that I would put 2-3 months in advance when they started doing that was the straw that broke the camel's back
I used to work at Safeway for over a year. Started the week that quarantine began in March 2020. I was constantly told that I was one of their best workers because 1. I always showed up to my shifts, and 2. I pretty much did everything they asked me, within or without reasonability. I didn’t even call out when I was coughing up a storm and had to be told to leave. (Turns out that I contracted COVID that week) The one time I ever called out was because I was super sick, but it was also my last week. I found out through some coworkers that ALL of the managers thought that I was being a lazy, good-for-nothing employee who just didn’t want to complete his final week of work. When I came back the next day STILL SICK, they were like, “Oh my goodness we’re so glad you’re okay! Glad to have you back!” Never wanted to throw hands at people twice my age so much before that moment
This right here is why I tell people you can be the company's best employee, get all the praise in the world, but god forbid you call out sick one time and they trash you behind closed doors. Managers are so two faced sometimes.
i worked there too. it was like a sweatshop in there. be on a ten hr shift and have to beg for a ten min break. finally on that break, in the bathroom, and they’re paging me overhead like i just up and went mia. two mins into my break, “your break is over, right? we need you back upfront.” our mandatory labor union did nothing but steal our money when we were already making below min wage. i could be happier busking on the damn subway. prob earn more $ too. def more respect.
Company’s don’t care if we sick at all smh
I dunno...those co-workers actually sound more suss to me, lol. Maybe your hard work was making them look bad.
@@boosqueezy2418 There no way you made below min wage especially with a collective bargaining agreement, and when they came up to you and ask you if your break was over two minutes into your break say no it's not and then tell them it's mandatory that you be left alone on your break or go somewhere were that can't reach you. Yes the UFCW has some issues but it's better than Walmart. Also it's a complex history and mostly Walmart's fault why retail grocery store supercenter jobs are not excellent middle-class jobs anymore.
Don't trust any job that calls you their "family" 🤣
FACTS! It’s straight up manipulation
That's a fact.
If they say family it's a red flag
Thats code word for “your personal business, is all of our personal business”
I'd shoot right back at them and say "this isn't the 'Fast and Furious' movies."
“What time is the visitation over?” , “So your calling to say your coming in afterwards?” 😂😂
What you need like 2-3 hrs? xD
BRO I woke up and threw up blood, went to the hospital at 9am, and received a text at 2pm "Hey bud, you think you'll be in to close?"
@@jack8580 😂😂 that text is to accurate!!!
“Goddamn I gotta do everybody job!”
Homie about to sit back and talk that lazy boy gossip😂💯
@26 Mic Then dont advertise yourself on his vids its pathetic
@@Senor_Penor that wack channel does it on every skit comedian's comment section... pathetic
@26 Mic give up bro
@26 Mic sad bro really sad
Back when I worked at Walmart, I had my assistant manager cover my ass so I could call in sick for 7 days to take a trip to the Virgin Islands. This was when you could call in 3 days in a row and it would only count as 1 occurance. He walked out on the company a couple months later lmao. One of the coolest bosses I've ever had.
Ahh yes the rolling occurrence, some places only allow that once and then after each occurrence counts an independent each time.
It’s the batteries hanging out the back for me 😂
I never bothered to tell them why I'm calling out because no matter the reason they would still hold it against you lmao
Facts! Just tell them you can't make it, apologize and give them a time you will return. THAT IS ALL they get!
@@jhause9404 my mofuggin g, thats dem dam fax.
Why talk to someone just deal with the AI and hang up shows on their screen you called. Not a requirement to talk to anyone.
@@jhause9404• Facts; I just said I’m not coming in today an hang up before they can ask me questions
@0Z It is an automated call out system. You have the PPTO to avoid penalties or you take it on the chin. I will say this. Everyone badmouths WM, but I started accumulating PTO and PPTO day one and earn around 90 hours a year of both yearly. I have never worked at any other retail job or service sector job where you get that day 1. Most jobs make you work one year to earn a week of paid vacay if they even have paid vacay at all.
Let's not forget in three days Chris will find out he's off the schedule
just happened to me today at walmart. turned in all my shit and told them to just fire me
@@clstx I love that you said Walmart 😂😂😂
@@clstx don’t tell them fire you just quit it looks better
@@clstx working at Wal-Mart until you're forced to quit is a right of passage now 🤣 don't stress over it too much
@@98dansby unemployment
"My family member in the hospital" "WE DONT GIVE A DAMNN" LMAOOOO
Dawg I busted out laughing when he said that😂😂
He almost said FUCK. But I guess he has a little audience 😂😂
This part had me crying 😂😂😂
When They Realized They Needed The Workers They Took For Granted
You don't work at Walmart, do you?
They never realize they needed the workers they took for granted.
It’s sad to say that managers are really like that, you work your ass for them and it’s never enough. That’s why I stay away from retail jobs and focus more on small businesses
It’s kinda not their fault, they’ve got upper management chewing down their necks to perform to a certain standard. When daily goals don’t get met the manager on duty doesn’t get to say to his higher ups “well such and such just called out, we’ll do better next time”-no the uppers ain’t hearing it & they look at that manager like he/she has insufficient performance, period.
Not that I side with this way of things, but I understand how it goes. The issue is when people unfit for management let the management pay increase cause them to jump at the opportunity, without fulling understanding what type of issues/situations/responsibilities come w/ it and they just assume their team is supposed to carry the load. Those type of managers deserve it.
I'm grateful my ex boss wasn't like this. He understood and he actually helped us all
Right.meanwhile I'll be seeing ppl get away w/ all kinds of crap. Calling out all the time not even showing up showing up late all the time bringing in their kids all the time staying on their phone all the time,,,, & the excuses. Like how many xs is ur kids close to dying per week
Never understood why some managers take shit so personal over call outs. They just afraid to actually get their lazy asses up out of their office chairs and actually have to slave away like the rest of us 🤣
Dude I would stress so hard over that shit
Lmao bruh I remember hyping myself up to make that call out rather it was legit or not now it's just see y'all when I see y'all
Most managers have a lot of paper work to do. People calling out means they have to do their job and someone else’s job. I hated my managers at Walmart but I can understand why they would be frustrated
It depends sometimes they are lazy. But other times the workload becomes more than they would like when they weren't being lazy. You were hired because there was a need for you to be there. Without you there it becomes harder. Anyone would be unhappy doing more than they usually would.
I'm a supervisor and it sucks when people call out because I have my own list of things to do. And those things don't get done if I have to cover for someone else.
I once time worked at a furniture store that I had to ride ten miles in a pedal bike to get to. I showed up every day and rode back home. One day I was really sick and called in. I came in the next day and saw that my manager tried to write me up for calling in sick and tried to imply I was making it up. I never said anything but I wished I just quit on the spot right there in front of him. I was a fucking good employee who called in sick once and I was treated like I was lying about it. It is things like this that can make good employees leave their jobs and find employers who don't throw a hissy fit over crap like this.
Same exact thing happened to me I quit my job though cause It wasn't worth it to be disrespected by some Ahole who already had his mind made up about me
Yeah i got written up because this supervisor claimed that i called too late to call out. Another job i was on i got written up when this other employee lied on me said i was chilling in my car while everyone else was working. I even got mad and cursed at the manager.
Super sorry. I was an amazing boss. Honestly too amazing those that had me.. I was well respected. I walked out of the job because my district manager wrote me up for hiring homeless and distribution of food to the homeless when I had no freezer. Real talk.. I may have cried quitting but I'm happy 😅
chris felt like a free man for those next 3 days as soon as he hung up the phone
Damn right! Best feeling ever! Lol knowing you’re off and not in trouble lol
He said he aint got no points left so🤣 he better be enjoying them 3 days bc when he come back … HE GONEEEE ✂️
For a fact!!!
@@katgotstackss When he said "dont worry about your points I'll take care of your points" I know dang well he isn't gonna take care of those points. Chris is FIRED, he's getting promoted to customer 🤣
@@MP-rf8vg that's when Chris can sue 🤣
The man said "Two? Three hours?" 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣
😂😂 “oh you need bout 2 or 3 days off”
LMFAOOOO at how he immediately changed when he hung up 😂😂😂😂
This video had me crying laughing especially after the manager hung the phone up and started talking trash about his employee. He ought to be ashamed. "We don't give a damm bout yo family member!!" 🤣🤣😭😭😭✨✨✨
Another thing I hate is when the manager ask you to stay but you see them leaving on time
Bro!!! Omg my manager stay coming in late but leave before everyone else. It will be times we pull up late at the same time and she would get mad at me for being late.
My mgr will leave 4 hrs early. Her shift could be 8-4 and she’ll be out at 12.
Most managers are on a salary so it doesn't matter what time they come in or leave. They're getting what they sign up for no matter if they late for work or leave late. Vs hourly who can stay for more hours and see the difference on their check.
@@anim3z4u this.
God I despise my manager. I came into work started wiping shit down and cleaning, went and cleaned their bathroom before my shift, was in a good mood and felt like working, and she screamed at me because I didn't have a headset. For gods sake lady I did extra work free of charge I get screamed at, I do work the right way when she asks she screams at me for not doing something else. Managers love to complain about their hours and how they can't keep people but then walk around treating people like shit.
I rarely call out but when I do I don't feel bad at all because no matter how hard I work I still get thrown under the bus if it makes management look better, so yeah they can figure it out.
Right they wanna give us a hard time when we give them ahead notice while other employees just don’t show and are average
Remember also: you don't get a notice when you're fired.
Yet you're forced to give notice to "not burn bridges" when it's clear the bridge had gasoline on it anyway.
You could be like “my brother got shot and he’s in the ICU”
Manager: how much PTO you have?
"Where did he get shot? Like, a vital area, or just the arm? What caliber round? Only a .22? You need the whole day for .22?
@@_-James-_ 😫🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i needed this laugh
is the that like a flesh wound im sorry im sure he will be just fine but do you really need the whole day off?
@@_-James-_ 🤣🤣🤣
throwback to when walmart wanted me to work 30 hours a week when I was finishing up the school year and trying to pass everything while also packing up my house and getting ready to move accoss the country, and when I confronted my manager asking if there was anything he could do about it he told me to "try to tough it out." I put in my 2 weeks not long after that and immediately after said I had covid. I got a 2 week vacation and they paid me for the whole thing
As soon as a Walmart manager says "I'll take care of those points for you" You're done for
What are the points they’re talking about? It sounds like old school games with lives, and if you lose all your lives it’s game over.
@@callsignfatbeard2637 It's attendance points or occurrences as they're called
@@kameronbarger2052 attendance points? They got gold stickers, too?
@@callsignfatbeard2637you misunderstanding. Points are bad. You get 4 and your are terminated. Youu get a point if you miss a scheduled shift.
@@zacharyperea3624 got it, thank you. This was a good answer.
I worked at Walmart for 4 weeks (two of them were my two week notice). They had me bring in carts in the afternoon. I followed the morning person. He was 'special'. So he didn't do anything. Everyday I come in the parking lot is full of carts and they are panicking for me to get going. week 2 I got the flu, legit. Called in sick. Manager wouldn't accept that. Transfered me to the store manager. She spent 10 talking me into comming in for "just a couple of hours". So I come in sweating and sick. Parking lot is full. I get it caught up, want to go home. Store manager is already gone. Wanting to go home = kicking a puppy to a Walmart manager: "When someone comes in they are expected to finish their shit unless it's an emergency". My response to that was '2 week notice'. After two weeks they still had me on the schedule for the following week. Night manager didn't even know I was quiting. I am pretty sure htey listed it as a no call no show termination. Walmart will go down as the worst job I ever had.
btw this was in 1994.
Boy if those 1994 Walmart managers could have known what 26 years in the future would look like
I worked at Walmart too and I just stopped showing up bc that shit was ass I was a door greeter most boring job I’ve ever had
Resigned from my position as a supervisor at another retail chain. Handed in my keys to the head of security and notified them I wasn't coming in to work anymore because I quit.
They registered me as a no call no show termination instead of just pushing through my resignation. Scumbags
You sound hella lazy like dude all you did was push carts 😂
warm meal, after long day of work and some of these iconic comedic sketches gets me every time. 😂
Relatable asf
Exactly what I’m doin rn
Batteries came out and he still talking lol🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Love it!!!!
😄😄😄 I just noticed that too after you said it
I’m fortunate enough that all my managers have actually been really kind and anytime I’ve been a manager myself I’m sure to extend that same kindness
I’m a TL and I can attest this is true. I experienced this when my dad and grandma passed a day apart. They give you bereavement but after that they expect you to be back at work , smiling etc. At the end of the day , it’s a business.
😂😂😂😂😂😂 Facts and the call be going longer THAN it needs to be. I hated working retail and calling out for sure! 🥴🥴💀💀💀💀💀 especially for closing shifts , they be PISSED.
Lmao 🤣
I called out once an hour before my shift started lol manager was fucking pissed
I just applied to a cashier spot at Lowes and though they want to interview tomorrow...I've not scheduled it, lol. I'm wanting to work evenings after my current job, but I've been a cashier for Walmart and I have a feeling it'll be the same: every week, your shift is totally different. I work with the state and get pretty much the same benefits as a state employee. Between Memorial Day and a state holiday the week after, I have two weeks of three day weekends coming up. I would lose that by working for Lowes, lol. I think I'm going to just try to ride it out and ask for a raise at my annual review. Besides, I lost my Walmart job when issues with low iron kicked my ass (it hadn't been diagnosed then and without that diagnosis, Walmart wasn't having it with me nearly fainting several times and going home early). I'm worried that even with takibg a supplement now, I'll still encounter those same issues.
@@BewareTheLilyOfTheValley awww that sucks, I wish you best of luck though. 🤞🏽
Yup, straight facts. Also gotta include the 10-20 minutes you spent just tryna hype yourself up to make the call.
And what Ricky about to do is see that the job is calling and ignore it 😆
I know it!!!🤣🤣
It transitions to another sketch. This can be a movie.
damn riggt
Then come in the first day back making sure to keep a straight face when he says he didn't see the 7 missed calls. Speaking from experience 😂
@@_-James-_ LMAOOOOOO that was dead ass me 🤣🤣🤣
You do everybody’s job and you ain’t even stand up from the chair💀💀
@26 Mic lol I already follow you bro
I'm saying, shit don't add up lmao
@@Cub__ “The math ain’t mathing” 😆
That's exactly how they be though 🤣🤣🤣
Exactly! 🤣🤣🤣 That's how those delusional managers are though.
This exact scenario happened to me. My sister attempted suicide amd i called out to go to the hospital. The manager said it was fine and it will all work out. I was then fired because it was on july 3rd (critical buisness day) which gave me double points. Havent shopped at walmart in 3 years and never will again
JFC that's terrible. I hope your sister recovered.
I knew a guy that worked in the outdoorsection who got fired for calling out on black friday. His dad passed the night prior.
Im sorry that happened
These managers have no soul
This is accurate. My grandpa two years back was in hospice for throat cancer and I told them I couldn’t come in because I wanted to say my last words and my boss literally told me I was gonna get a write up if I didn’t come in. First time I said go ahead do it. She ended not when I told her I needed the following Monday off for the funeral. Never will forget that I was furious.
I'm sorry that happened to u. Some people could be so heartless. Sorry for ur loss. 👑🌹💕❤️💕❤️
My man calls the work phone the "personal line" 💀
no wonder why they never pick up 😂
Bro, my manager told me straight to my face that I lied about my dad dying so I could get a week off of work. (I took a week off to spend his last days with him and go to the funeral) It took all the will power I had to not go to jail that day.
I woulda shot my manager then and there lol
I honestly give you props for not sending dude to the shadow realm, that would boil me
Nah if someone really pulled that on me then I’d quit. “If you really think so low of me that I’d fake my own father’s death to get a week off work then I have no reason to be here” type shit frfr.
Thats how it is man, managers hear excuses all the time from people that want to not go into work, they're gonna assume that you're lying unfortunately, they just don't care
Sorry to hear about your dad bro. I also had my boss ARGUE with me about foing to my grandmas funeral. It was complete bullshit. Shit had me heated. So I showed him the memorial cards we had made for her, and he deadass asked how long it took me to make the night before just to make it believable. It took all 3 of my siblings showing up and ripping his ass apart just so he would let me go.
Words can't describe how much Jeff the manager means to me 😅😅
@@Jeff__M your names Jeff AND you're a manager?? You're definitely part of the family now lmao
Jeff was my worst manager ever
Lmao same😂😂😂😂
Is every manager name Jeff?😂😂
I died when he picked the walkie back up and the 2 batteries were missing laying on the table 😂😂
Bro I’m dying I’ve watched this like 20 times even showed it to my manager hahaha!!! Love it bro. Me all day!!! 🤣🤣🤣
My mom never understood why I never wanted to work at Walmart or Amazon. These managers lowkey demented.
Amazon is modern day slave labor. Never work there.
It's what happens when you're stuck in a dead end job with no real life skills. You start to power trip on kids
You don't have to call anyone to get off at amazon though
@@ocean_punk1206 Them niggas at Amazon even more ruthless tf u mean 😭😭 they got people needing to SPRINT and time themselves to get shit delivered on time and not get fired. Pros and cons to everything I guess
@@gloriasmith1134 facts
Lmao Everytime old people talk at work i picture one of your videos they be like what you laughing at 😂 I be smiling like “nothing” 😂
@26 Mic i already told you before it’s lame bro
@26 Mic L clout chaser
I'm so glad I don't actually have to talk to a actual person when I call out
Right? We just texted. Half the time never even got a response. It was beautiful
I email.. then fall back to sleep.. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@JoeTheGreat08 Fr my job requires us to actually call in, I really don’t need my boss stressing me out bc he’s yelling over the phone. I just text and say I’m not gonna make it and put my phone on DND 😂 they call me 5+ times..
This is why I am so grateful I work at home and my manager is in an entire different state.
Fr. I used to work at a company at the airport and anytime you needed to call out, the call went straight to a call center. You were never actually on the phone with a manager. Shit was sweet 🤣🤣
I used to work at Walmart and this is so accurate it triggered PTSD! But then I remembered I don't work there anymore so it made me die of laughter!!!
That's why leadership matters. If I had a supervisor that did all the paperwork fast and actually went out and helped out in every department they were knowledgeable at as best they can. You damn well know people in that person's team would rarely call out because they know their lead has their back.
I had a job where I put my 2 weeks notice In, the last week I texted my manager to let her know my last day was like that Sunday, end of the week, she replied “No sir I actually need you for next month” 💀😂
Wtf??? Like your suppose to just say “ok your right, I’ll still work next month” 😂😂😂
fuck the two week notice at that point
You should say yeah ok no problem. Just don’t show up. Ignore the phone calls if they call. They can’t do anything to you anyway.
On the real for real....brah you be way too accurate 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
"everybody in the Walmart family knows you don't take care of your kids buddy!" IM CRACKING UP. he had to throw the buddy in there too lmaoo
2:51 took me out 😂. This man is too funny
When I worked at Walmart my manager literally told me he didn’t believe my grandma died. Needless to say fists were nearly thrown and the next day was my last
What did he say after? he's a heartless SOB for that
Walmart changed their call-out system to an automated line a while ago, so as long as you got PPTO and you call-out, you're golden. Just don't call out during the weekend or an event.
Yea or you get two occurrences which is BS
Even if its a weekend ppto is golden
If you got ppto you can call out for an event day the day after you missed and they cant do shit lol.
So we're not supposed to get sick or have family members go to the hospital during the weekends, right lol
@@AgentSmith911 It is only blackout days you get 2 occurrences. Like the OP said, if you have PPTO you are golden and can only receive one occurrence on a blackout day. Most blackout days are around major holidays on weekends.
Walmart family 💀💀💀 stop with this family bs we just coworkers bruh
Facts 😂😂
Slang for a job that expects you to put them over everything else
Buddy make sure to let Jeff hear them tears falling too 💀🤣🤣
Gotta sell it 😂
How managers be when all the workers got turnt up for Superbowl .. and no one wants to come in
“We don’t give a damn if your family member is in the hospital” lol 😂
Dawg the fact you ain’t famous yet is crazy gang keep that pressure coming you up next
Ima tap in with you
Thanks so much
Bro he verified. That's all he needs
We don’t give a DAYUMMM!😂😂
My job now has an automated call out system, I love it 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Him hitting the desk when the employee said he needed 3 days off! And your Walmart family comes second!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💯”I know it’s his off day. I don’t give a damn!” 😂That was beyond hilarious!
Bro the laugh at 0:38 I can’t. That’s the funniest shit I ever heard and watching this gives me chills when I use to call out lmao they hit you with that when it’s over shit
Not me seeing this on the first day I've called out of work 😂 Boss didn't even reply to my text 🥴
When work calls me on my day off I do not answer lmfao 😂
Right 😂😂😂😂✨✨✨
It’s the WIG for me 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 kills me every time😂🤣😂
Almost every company acts like this even if someone died in your family
This is so true. This is also why when I was a security supervisor I was respected by my officers because I showed them respect to get their respect. I never demanded it and when things like this happened I made every accommodation I could to help them out. My only rule to them was don’t do anything to get me yelled and I’ll leave you to what you need to do we were all old enough that they didn’t need me babysitting what they do
I'm a Manager of a gas station...I felt this one in my soul...after he hung up the phone I might have said this script word for word
This right here is golden😭😭😭I can remember calling out of Walmart sooo much and still be employed lol it was amazing how big the facility was but yet they needed so much help all the time🤣🤣🤣 that was my first ever job too
As a former retail assistant manager, I can confirm this is true. We act nice on the phone, but secretly we're pissed because we know we're going to have to stay all day.
It’s managers like you that ruined my senior year of high school
Wouldn’t that mean more money on your paycheck? Actually just curious
@@ser3994 A lot of retail managers are salaried, so they don't get more money for staying later. They are technically getting less per hour the long they stay.
@@blackrazor1 I wasn't on salary, but I hated that job as much as anyone else, I was technically a supervisor but was doing the job of an assistant, but not receiving as much pay. When there wasn't an assistant around, I was the only one managing. With that said, I can imagine the assistant managers would be doubly pissed for that reason.
Edit, not to mention, when the employees wouldn't get things done the assistants and managers would yell at me. Retail is a food chain that eats it's own, the managers are often dicks because if they aren't and things don't get done they'll get shit canned as quickly as anyone else.
Bruh that's what you signed up for 🤣
I once told my boss I had severe explosive diarrhoea, and he still asked me to come in for work. Bosses are something else lmao.
"There's bathrooms here at work"
Been there done that
“I’m injured it may take a few weeks to recover”
Manager: “Take as much time as you need”
*2 days later*
“When do you think you would be coming back?”
When he slammed the table, he hesitated first then beat that shit 😂😂😂😂😂
This I what I love about Boeing. If we need to call out, we call an automated line and don't have to talk to no one. It's amazing.
I’m a manager and I approve this message.
"The walmart family" That brings back memories 💀 I got fired for calling off too much. They had me effed up working every saturday and not approve my time off request 😭😭🤣🤣
Maybe do your job you agreed to do?
@@Oso63 Damn, they can't have one weekend day off? Geez.
Facts!! They got me working both Saturday and Sunday’s and throughout the week n when I go ask to change my schedule this fuck manager gives me bs smh like all he does is sit and eat lmao
Rogelio a boot licker..
The hospital I worked at had a separate dept to call out instead of speaking to the manager and they were not allowed to ask why. It was the best thing ever.
Dont forget the rubberbands around the walkie talkie to keep the batteries in place 🤣
facts 😂
Had to call out one day because of my epilepsy (cuz, yknow, going into convulsions and vomiting/pissing/shitting yourself can be bad for business), and I got accused of "being afraid of keeping a commitment" and my manager went on to say "no one ever gets sick on their day off" (like he could even know that lmmfao). Obviously I quit not long after, $12.50/hr isn't enough for me to wanna endanger my health for some crusty old fuck and his gas station that he doesn't even manage.
Folks, simply dont explain yourselves to these people. They don't care about you or your wellbeing, so just worry about putting everything back into number one cuz no one else is gonna do it for you.
😂 0:30 my name is Ricky
The wig! I just CAN NOT
“Your going to to need 2-3 hours?” Lol not days but hours 😂😭🤣
i once called out on the fact that the governor declared it a emergency and not to drive on the roads cause of a snowstorm. i lived a hour away from work i called and the guy who picked uped was angry cause of all the callouts. he said he lived in my town and he made it i laughed and said i just aint coming in and hung up the phone.
It wasn’t until I started working at Walmart that I understood why that place is called the land of losers, so glad I got out of that circus
The chuckle the manager does is priceless
I use to work for Walmart, so I can confidently say that this is 100% accurate.
My manager about lost his shit in start of covid when you got 7 days off fully paid and excused lol. I had been "exposed" like 3x in a month and had to quarantine lol.
I took three Covid leaves, 2 weeks each time 😂😂😂😂😂
@D W Loool ik but I didn’t care . Fully paid vacation
Hell our federal job shut down for 2 months with pay. God is good.
Lol 😂 I know that’s exactly what my job manager be like when I missed
That wig and that accent gets me everytime 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
When they hate on the hardest worker ... Then they fire him... Then a Month later they need help.
That’s why I like to be a really good worker (if management is cool) they are really easy with you when it comes to calling out and stuff 👍
Man I remember working for Walgreens from 2012-2016 and for a security company as an armed security guard from 2016-2017. Man I used to have mini panic attacks calling off of work. They used to make it so difficult with all the questions and the ultimatums. Used to have to work up to calling in. 😂😭 Now I work as a police officer and when you call in it’s literally no questions asked other than “what time do you want to burn? Comp or personal time?” Such a drastic change.
I’m over here laughing my butt off. Your so accurate
“WE DON’T GIVE A D*** CHRIS !!” A year later I’m still watching this just to crack up at that part 🤣😂😂‼️
"I'll take care of your points for you..." ain't we all heard that before. 😂🤣😂
Ahhh the good old Hospital Trick😂😂 I like to go with the " yea I just threw up 3 times and feeling really sick" works all the time😂
until they think its because you drink to much and have you come in anyway lol tried that once and got forced to come in sick at one of my old jobs
They know it's a lie, but yeah it still works
I don't give a DAMN!! 😂😂😂
"call ricky... I know its his off day, but i dont give a DAYUM!!' lmfao then ther gonna guilt ricky thru those doors somehow. 2 FACED!! lmao this one hits home
Usually, when a manager asks me to come in on my day off, I always say "I can't... I'm drunk"
Oh no 😂😂😂😂✨✨✨