I changed speakers in the cab to Warehouse Retro 30's later, I think you would prefer the stock Small Block speakers that you hear in this video. The clean channel is very good, especially for an EL34 based amp.
I was playing my same setup today through my Splawn 2x12 with Small Blocks and comparing with a Mesa 4x12 with V30's. Through the 2x12 i found it impossible to actually get a bad tone wherever the settings were - Gears 1,2, & 3 all sounded incredible! With the Mesa cab there was too much bottom end and too much boom and i couldn't get anything to sit right. Now planning on changing my live rig to the 2x12. Excellent video dude!
@recknala Excellent question! I am using the G-LAB to switch the gears as well as OD1/2. The Splawn footswitch only allows the Clean/OD, OD1/2 and Solo boost to be switched, but if you have a 4th relay(like what the G-LAB gives you,) you can also change from 1st to 2nd gear or 2nd to 3rd gear. Pretty nifty trick...
yo dude this is a fucking GREAT review! keeping the dials at midnight (noon whatever) is the best way to hear the true voicing of the amp. all diff styles of playing, this is totally making me want to buy this amp! keep up the good work
@hawg427 Thanks! The speakers in my cab are Splawn Small Blocks. They are voiced like the old GB's, but are rated at 55 watts, so the cab has 110 watt handling capacity. I use the 2x12 live most of the time, but I do have a matching second 2x12 if I want more girth. It sounds great, and I crank it pretty hard! I like the Marshall stuff too, I think this just has it's own thing, and I love working with such a great local(to me) company.
@mailman6161 The Rivera is a Pedal looper as well as a relay switcher. It allows me to have 5 preset buttons, and on each preset I can have up to 4 pedals on, and choose anything I would normally have to do with a footswitch. For example, Preset one is clean channel with delay. Preset 3 is Gear 1, Overdrive 2 with noise gate and delay.
@hawg427 They include the footswitch with the amp. I definitely think its needed. It will allow you switch between clean and dirty, Gears 1 and 2(or 2 and 3), overdrive 1 and 2 and cut the solo boost on and off.
@mailman6161 Thanks! Good question! I use the FX loop control when I'm playing alone AND live. It really give the amp a warmer top end, in my opinion. I also use a Rivera switcher with a 10db cut in the FX loop to taper it down even more. Its a VERY loud amp.
I use my Rivera RM-1 to save my presets. The fx loop volume doesn't seem to wear on them at all, but it won't give you the same results as an actual attenuator. It just makes it more useable at low volumes, it won't give you that sweet power tube saturation. As for the footswitch(as well as with an external switcher like mine,) if you set it in gear 1, it will switch between 1 and 2. If you set it in gear 3, it will switch between 2 and 3. Setting in 2 will not switch the gears.
@WuTangBoneThugs Thanks! The QR and Nitro are fairly similar, but the Nitro has a bit more pre-amp gain/saturation on tap, and is voiced to have more prominent low mids. The QR is more about the high mids, and also has the gear mode switch(which I think gives you a lot of versatility.) The Nitro would probably be considered the better amp for metal, but I use the QR for my band(and we play heavy stuff ) and it works awesome, it rips.
When I first got the cab, I put the mic about 1 inch away from the grill cloth about 1 inch away from the outside of the speaker. As I've broken the speakers in, the tone has gotten warmer, and I've moved the mic a little closer to the cone, its all about experimenting and taste. Hope that helps!
Hi Lucas, first of all great job demoing the amp...it sounds really nice. ..The amp is great. whoever says it's not hasn't got the slightest clue! The overtone complexity of Splawn's modified Marshall circuit is so good to the point where it's scary!!! ..the amp is one of the best "Marshall" modifications...which you can clearly hear if you go to the youtube video "the mod squad", where all the best modded amps in the USA are present and Splawn just dominates the show....and your playing is great too! Well done buddy!!!
@recknala The amp has 2 stereo inputs for the footswitch on the back from the factory, input A switches OD1/2 and the Solo boost. Input B switches clean/overdrive. BUT if you run a stereo cable into both of them, and have 4 relay switches, input B will also switch between gears. The RM-1 has 2 stereo relay outs, so 4 relays. 2 for input A and 2 for input B. Hope that made a little more sense...
In theory, absolutely. I haven't had the opportunity to really play a Street Rod, but as far as I know, it is a QR preamp with a lower power output stage. You should be able to get a sweet power tube saturation with considerably less decibels!
I've seen some splawn demos where the quick rod sounds a bit dry, but this sounds perfect! I guess how you dial in the tone in this amp makes a bigger difference than in most.
Yes, I think it sounds great. I'll try to explain. First of all, "Marshall brown" and "EVH brown" are different. This amp is built to do the old EVH tone. Its easy to think it sounds too bright when you hear it by itself, but this way it will pop in a mix. Also keep in mind that these speakers were brand new, and had no wear in time. Furthermore, I didn't have the master volume up any higher than about 8:30. Mostly though, I think that is your opinion. Otherwise, why would it have 34 likes?
Yeah you sound fantastic...eddies brownsound was a highly modded marshall...lol...i picked up my splawn quick rod for a cool grand...love it dude it will do anything i want. Eddies sound changed so fast...that brownsound on the debut album was it tho...scotts quickrods get ya right there.
Man"..There are many great sounding amps to choose from these days, but after listening to tons of these YT vids, I think this amp is the Best of the breed of these Hot-Rod-Mod amps on the Market!
It has been a while since I have watched a splawn video (I have owned two, so I haven't had a reason to look), but this is by far the best demo I have seen. I really hope you have sent the link to Scott to put on his site.
Well, I haven't changed mine and I have played mine at A LOT of gigs. Its subjective, but IMO the tubes don't need be changed unless they stop working or they start sounding bad to your ears. As for the tubes, I would call Scott at Splawn's shop number(which you can find on their website,) and he can give you the exact matched set so your amp will not need to be biased. I use the loop volume control, because I use the loop, but I run that control wide open, with the channel volume @ about 9:00.
I've messed with some of the other tube models, yep. The KT88's don't so much sound different, its more of a feel thing. They also have considerably more headroom and low end attack. Very modern sounding, IMO. These are EL34B's in my amp, I haven't messed with the standard EL34's. The B's are very aggressive and tight, and really have the "brown" sound when you crank the power section. Hope that helps!
@Thepedalmaster Brother, let me tell you what, this amp has more bottom end than anyone would EVER need. I keep it set at 9:30 or 10:00 most of the time, even with a 2x12. This amp definitely has plenty of gain on tap, I doubt you'd need to boost it. It will do all of the above with no problem. It has a nice Serial FX loop with a pad switch if its too hot, and a bypass if you ever want to run in pure.
@kaptainzamatopf I'm using the relay switching on my G-Lab GSC footswitcher. Nifty little gadget, switches on and off my pedals AND my channels/boost/OD1-2 all at once!
Lucas thanks for a very nice demo !! I just put a deposit on my first Slawn.. a Quick Rod.. I am feeling great about purchasing this amp, and after checking out your nice demo I cant wait to start playing mine.. Good luck with all your musical projects... your too young to sound so good :) Keep up the fine playing and thanks for sharing..
I think you're hearing the amp in its newest format, with speakers not broken in. Try listening to one of my more recent videos, and I think you'll get the idea.
Awesome! I'd have to say the "brown" sound is like 98% in Ed's fingers, but you can get pretty close setting the Bass at about 10:00, the Mids at about 10:30 and the treble at about 1:00. I also like to use Gear 3 for the brown sound thing, with the gain set about 1:30-2:00. I think that can get you pretty close to the VH1 tones. Speakers are VERY important though, Ed was using really low wattage Greenbacks, and the Small Blocks get pretty close.
@bryceandcolesvids I don't own a Nitro, but I have played with them a bit. The Nitro seems to have more gain on tap, but the QR has more than you could ever use, really. The main difference is that the Nitro is a little more present in the low mids, its a bit more modern sounding, almost Rectifier-ish. Very cool amp as well, the QR is just more versatile IMO. I plan on adding a Nitro in later so I can run the two in stereo!
@WorldsJungleGym I should have added a few comments. First, the Gear 1 setting is actually a "hot rodded" plexi sound, so it has more preamp gain from the start. Second, this video was shot when the speakers in the cab were still brand new and super bitey, and the amp was at a very low volume. If you listen to one of my later videos with the amp, the tone is much warmer and more vintage. Thanks for the comment!
Cool. The speakers in my Egnater are what they call their Celestion "Elite 80's" which I was told are like the Celestion Lead 80's of the Old Days. The Splawn opens up my speakers 100% more than my Mesa Boogie Roadster Head. The cab sounded a tad Dark with that head. With all my settings at 12:00 except for Volume & Gain of course the Bass just HITS me in the chest. Reminds me of my old car audio BASS heavy days where the BAss would take the breath out of you.
Wow thats alot of gain your playing with. I've never had my Quick Rods gain much about noon. Still great sounding demo. Would sound much tighter and less buzzy without the gain knob so high. I'm playing Wolfetone's lower output pups too. I find the tone a little piercing.
@Thepedalmaster The Splawn is more right for my style, I much prefer it. Its not so chainsaw sounding in the top end. The Dual Rec was a little meaner sounding though.
Hey Lucas. I am planning on getting either the Nitro or QR and am wondering which will get me better modern sound and which has more gain? Thanks! Rock on!!!
@recknala I've never owned G12H Heritage's before, so I'm not totally sure. BUT, I do think the Small Blocks suit the Quick Rod to a "T." Also, I think the SB's make all of my other amps sound better. I like them so much, I can't use any other speakers now!
I just wanted to say that because of you, and your video that i have watched for the past month i will be buying a quickrod. They sound grait, break up nicely, and put something in there tone that makes me like them. Not really a marshall person, and everyone says this sounds just like a marshall but i disagree. Thanks again, and also: i like your band. Verry modern but with some clasic sounding influences in there (imo). Shay
At the end of the video you mentioned Pre-Sets, what are you using to save your pre-sets? I was using my Quick Rod by itself but like you said this thing will hurt you. I connected my Weber Mass 150 attenuator & that tamed the Beast real nice. Does the Effects Loop Vol. wear out your tubes as quick as an attenuator does? On the Footswitch, does it matter where the Gear selector is on the Amp as in Gear 1,2,3? Or is that really only if your not using the footswitch?
Sweet color combination. Your video has sold me hands down on a Quick Rod over the Marshall JCM2000 DSL I was going to get. I love the tone of the Greenback speakers and I was told unless you really go to 10 they would hold up to a 100W amp. My friend has a pair of Lynchback 50W speakers that are basically Greenbacks that can take more power :-) Do you use the 2x12 cab live? I wonder why Marshall can't get these tones out of their own amps? Fantastic video.
Hi Lucas, I've been talking to Drew about this amp. So many options to choose from :-) I've never had chicken head knobs, to they turn real easy (Too easy) or are the round ones better? The ones that look like Marshall knobs. I guess the chicken heads are easier to see right? How much extra was the Z-28 Tolex setup? Thanks man.
@hawg427 I like the Chicken Heads personally, because Its easier for me to notice when my settings have been bumped. I also dig the boutique vibe the Chicken Heads give the amp, very custom shop looking :P I don't think they move any easier than regular Marshall style knobs. My tolex wasn't any extra, because its a single, wide racing stripe. I think its only extra if you get the Z-28 double stripes like Drew has on his Nitro, and I believe that is $50.00 extra.
Lucas, Just got my Quick Rod the other day :-) Even with the Bass at 12:00 it thumps me in the chest going through my Egnater 2x12 Cab. To get that EVH "Brown Sound" what do you have your controls set to? Thank's Bro.
Not that one is better than the other. People have their opinions, trolls talk shit. I was on the fence between this and the Ecstasy. This is for me man, great demo.
yes I understand now. scott is making my quickrod this week and I cant wait to get it.In your opinion are the smallblocks better than g12h heritage greenbacks?
Hey Lucas still admiring this video and i love your tone.have you changed the tubes since you got it.mine is 18 months old just wondering if my tubes are gone(not really played that much and not very loud.Any suggestions and what tubes would you put in it? also do you use the volume control on the back to get a better tone or run it full power?thanks so much for your videos.i really appreciate them .Bert
Hey Lucas, great demo, awesome playing and stellar tone. What is your recommendation for mic placement when using a 57 with the small blocks. Distance, angle etc. thanks!
Its certainly manageable, but it won't sound nearly as good as if it has been cranked up a bit. I only use it for gigging and recording, I use a little 30 watt Vypyr for practice.
Excellent demo,great playing as well.When you play alone,do you run the amp normal,or do you control the volume with the effects volume control.Just curious how to get the best sound without breaking all of my windows.I have the same amp and cabinet.thanks Bert
I'm really impressed with the Quickrod and the Nitro especially (just from what I've seen and heard in these videos anyway). Only thing that concerns me is I have read more than once complaints from people who say they have trouble sitting well in the mix on stage. I understand this is a very foggy complaint and could mean alot of things or could just be that these people are clueless on how to dial them in correctly. So my question is...are there any Splawn owners on the thread here who could chime in with an opinion on this? EDIT: By the way...to the guy who is complaining that this amp sounds too bright...that's exactly what you WANT in most live situations. When there is a drummer and a bass player thumping away next to you any sound you make in the lower frequencies is going to be lost. In fact, when I got my Blackstar HT-50 Club head a couple years ago I thought, hmm I'm not sure I like this sort of inherent top end fizziness it has to it. That is, until I took it to a jam session. With the bass and drums pounding away it sounds GREAT. I can crank the treble and mids way down at home to please me for practicing but what sounds good at home to you is rarely going to work on stage. That's just how it is brother. Listen to Van Halen, they always sounded amazing. Notice how M. Anthony kept his bass frequencies way down on the 9th plane of Hell and EVH used that super bright brown sound?
Great vid. Really nice amp and guitar. Quick question though, do you know the differences between the quickrod and the nitro? I'd assume you took a look at both when considering a splawn
how are you going from OD1/gear (2) to OD2/gear (3) without touching your amp. (just your feet?) can this be done using your G-LAB presets without physically switching the gear switch on the amp?
You demo sounds bright, the way I want this amp to sound. But all other demos, including another one that you did, it sounds much warmer. Could the difference be the room you are playing in? Is the clean channel really any good? Engl is great at giving you great cleans, crunch, and lead, but they have their own voice not Marshall which is what I'm after.
Fuck it!! I"m selling ALL my amps and buying one of these. Played one at a music go round, and literally blown away!!.. Better than my 5150III or my DSL100! Has the PERFECT balance of everything! And the tones are Magic!
Aaron. Here is the deal. The amp is fine. In probably every meaningful way. Distortion/gain levels that one would want to hear live, are generally too much for recording. Even given that, this is not by any means a good recording of an amp. What you should be listening for, and it is here to be heard, is chord complexity with what can only be described as too much gain for most recordings. So the poster has done us a favor -pushing the thing a bit beyond what is normally prescribed for most recording applications. And even given this set of of variables, what note in particular can't you hear? What isn't cutting that the eq or onboard gain structure probably couldn't address?
This is my FAVORITE amp of all! I also love the Granger GnR amp!..All them other nice amps(fortin-cameron-friedman-etc...) are no Match for this quick Rod"..Not even close!!
I agree with you, somehow this guy makes a Splawn sound like a Boss Metal Pedal. Below is a link to a video showing what the Splawn sounds like with the speakers Splawn used to recommend, Avatar Traditional cab loaded with one Eminence Governor and one Man-O-War. /watch?v=tv-9nbLrweM
2010 QUICKROD FOR SALE- maybe ten hours on it (I have way too many amps) has black and red Z/28 stripe. Mint condition. Never left my smoke free home and always covered with a Splawn padded cover. Message me.
Sweet cant wait to get the splawn . I have little to nothing into my triple and I am trading to for a roadworn haha splawn and line 6 dl 4 . After I sell the dl4 I will have 20..00 into the splawn . No joke I bought a dual rec for 500 traded it for a prs so on and so forth.
I have a battery powered Marshall stack I modded with a 12v motorcycle battery and some 4" Hyundai car speakers that sounds awsome, would you trade even with me for that Splawn plus $40 ?
@kaptainzamatopf Sorry, 1.44 - Should have watched it and paid more attention! You've got alot more gain than i have in mine. Might need some new tubes maybe. This is a great video dude.
I changed speakers in the cab to Warehouse Retro 30's later, I think you would prefer the stock Small Block speakers that you hear in this video. The clean channel is very good, especially for an EL34 based amp.
I was playing my same setup today through my Splawn 2x12 with Small Blocks and comparing with a Mesa 4x12 with V30's. Through the 2x12 i found it impossible to actually get a bad tone wherever the settings were - Gears 1,2, & 3 all sounded incredible! With the Mesa cab there was too much bottom end and too much boom and i couldn't get anything to sit right. Now planning on changing my live rig to the 2x12. Excellent video dude!
@recknala Excellent question! I am using the G-LAB to switch the gears as well as OD1/2. The Splawn footswitch only allows the Clean/OD, OD1/2 and Solo boost to be switched, but if you have a 4th relay(like what the G-LAB gives you,) you can also change from 1st to 2nd gear or 2nd to 3rd gear. Pretty nifty trick...
yo dude this is a fucking GREAT review! keeping the dials at midnight (noon whatever) is the best way to hear the true voicing of the amp. all diff styles of playing, this is totally making me want to buy this amp! keep up the good work
@hawg427 Thanks! The speakers in my cab are Splawn Small Blocks. They are voiced like the old GB's, but are rated at 55 watts, so the cab has 110 watt handling capacity. I use the 2x12 live most of the time, but I do have a matching second 2x12 if I want more girth. It sounds great, and I crank it pretty hard! I like the Marshall stuff too, I think this just has it's own thing, and I love working with such a great local(to me) company.
@mailman6161 The Rivera is a Pedal looper as well as a relay switcher. It allows me to have 5 preset buttons, and on each preset I can have up to 4 pedals on, and choose anything I would normally have to do with a footswitch. For example, Preset one is clean channel with delay. Preset 3 is Gear 1, Overdrive 2 with noise gate and delay.
@hawg427 They include the footswitch with the amp. I definitely think its needed. It will allow you switch between clean and dirty, Gears 1 and 2(or 2 and 3), overdrive 1 and 2 and cut the solo boost on and off.
Fantastic playing and an excellent demo. This video had a lot to do with me just ordering a Quickrod.
Great sound. Great playing. No discussions.
@mailman6161 Thanks! Good question! I use the FX loop control when I'm playing alone AND live. It really give the amp a warmer top end, in my opinion. I also use a Rivera switcher with a 10db cut in the FX loop to taper it down even more. Its a VERY loud amp.
I use my Rivera RM-1 to save my presets. The fx loop volume doesn't seem to wear on them at all, but it won't give you the same results as an actual attenuator. It just makes it more useable at low volumes, it won't give you that sweet power tube saturation. As for the footswitch(as well as with an external switcher like mine,) if you set it in gear 1, it will switch between 1 and 2. If you set it in gear 3, it will switch between 2 and 3. Setting in 2 will not switch the gears.
I'm seriously considering trading in my mesa for one of these. Great review and really great playing.
I can't wait! I get my Splawn this weekend. Great Demo- With and without FX. Def does not sound like a toy.
@WuTangBoneThugs Thanks! The QR and Nitro are fairly similar, but the Nitro has a bit more pre-amp gain/saturation on tap, and is voiced to have more prominent low mids. The QR is more about the high mids, and also has the gear mode switch(which I think gives you a lot of versatility.) The Nitro would probably be considered the better amp for metal, but I use the QR for my band(and we play heavy stuff ) and it works awesome, it rips.
When I first got the cab, I put the mic about 1 inch away from the grill cloth about 1 inch away from the outside of the speaker. As I've broken the speakers in, the tone has gotten warmer, and I've moved the mic a little closer to the cone, its all about experimenting and taste. Hope that helps!
Hi Lucas, first of all great job demoing the amp...it sounds really nice. ..The amp is great. whoever says it's not hasn't got the slightest clue! The overtone complexity of Splawn's modified Marshall circuit is so good to the point where it's scary!!! ..the amp is one of the best "Marshall" modifications...which you can clearly hear if you go to the youtube video "the mod squad", where all the best modded amps in the USA are present and Splawn just dominates the show....and your playing is great too! Well done buddy!!!
@recknala The amp has 2 stereo inputs for the footswitch on the back from the factory, input A switches OD1/2 and the Solo boost. Input B switches clean/overdrive. BUT if you run a stereo cable into both of them, and have 4 relay switches, input B will also switch between gears. The RM-1 has 2 stereo relay outs, so 4 relays. 2 for input A and 2 for input B. Hope that made a little more sense...
In theory, absolutely. I haven't had the opportunity to really play a Street Rod, but as far as I know, it is a QR preamp with a lower power output stage. You should be able to get a sweet power tube saturation with considerably less decibels!
@thebibleisalltrue Thanks! Yes, it is a 2011. One of the first ones really, I got it in early February.
I've seen some splawn demos where the quick rod sounds a bit dry, but this sounds perfect! I guess how you dial in the tone in this amp makes a bigger difference than in most.
Yes, I think it sounds great. I'll try to explain. First of all, "Marshall brown" and "EVH brown" are different. This amp is built to do the old EVH tone. Its easy to think it sounds too bright when you hear it by itself, but this way it will pop in a mix. Also keep in mind that these speakers were brand new, and had no wear in time. Furthermore, I didn't have the master volume up any higher than about 8:30. Mostly though, I think that is your opinion. Otherwise, why would it have 34 likes?
Yeah you sound fantastic...eddies brownsound was a highly modded marshall...lol...i picked up my splawn quick rod for a cool grand...love it dude it will do anything i want. Eddies sound changed so fast...that brownsound on the debut album was it tho...scotts quickrods get ya right there.
Thanks for this demo man! Too many amp demos videos do computer processing. For once, thanks for giving an honest sound!
Stock pickups here, its a Custom 24 with HFS Bridge pickup and Vintage Bass neck pickup.
Man"..There are many great sounding amps to choose from these days, but after listening to tons of these YT vids, I think this amp is the Best of the breed of these Hot-Rod-Mod amps on the Market!
I am really digging this amp & love that they're American made. Great demo man!!
It has been a while since I have watched a splawn video (I have owned two, so I haven't had a reason to look), but this is by far the best demo I have seen. I really hope you have sent the link to Scott to put on his site.
Well, I haven't changed mine and I have played mine at A LOT of gigs. Its subjective, but IMO the tubes don't need be changed unless they stop working or they start sounding bad to your ears. As for the tubes, I would call Scott at Splawn's shop number(which you can find on their website,) and he can give you the exact matched set so your amp will not need to be biased. I use the loop volume control, because I use the loop, but I run that control wide open, with the channel volume @ about 9:00.
I've messed with some of the other tube models, yep. The KT88's don't so much sound different, its more of a feel thing. They also have considerably more headroom and low end attack. Very modern sounding, IMO. These are EL34B's in my amp, I haven't messed with the standard EL34's. The B's are very aggressive and tight, and really have the "brown" sound when you crank the power section. Hope that helps!
@Thepedalmaster Brother, let me tell you what, this amp has more bottom end than anyone would EVER need. I keep it set at 9:30 or 10:00 most of the time, even with a 2x12. This amp definitely has plenty of gain on tap, I doubt you'd need to boost it. It will do all of the above with no problem. It has a nice Serial FX loop with a pad switch if its too hot, and a bypass if you ever want to run in pure.
@kaptainzamatopf I'm using the relay switching on my G-Lab GSC footswitcher. Nifty little gadget, switches on and off my pedals AND my channels/boost/OD1-2 all at once!
Thank you so much for getting back to me.
Lucas thanks for a very nice demo !!
I just put a deposit on my first Slawn.. a Quick Rod..
I am feeling great about purchasing this amp,
and after checking out your nice demo I cant wait to start playing mine..
Good luck with all your musical projects... your too young to sound so good :)
Keep up the fine playing and thanks for sharing..
I think you're hearing the amp in its newest format, with speakers not broken in. Try listening to one of my more recent videos, and I think you'll get the idea.
Awesome! I'd have to say the "brown" sound is like 98% in Ed's fingers, but you can get pretty close setting the Bass at about 10:00, the Mids at about 10:30 and the treble at about 1:00. I also like to use Gear 3 for the brown sound thing, with the gain set about 1:30-2:00. I think that can get you pretty close to the VH1 tones. Speakers are VERY important though, Ed was using really low wattage Greenbacks, and the Small Blocks get pretty close.
wow that is bad ass !!!! Beautiful PRS too! Good shreading bro....
@bryceandcolesvids I don't own a Nitro, but I have played with them a bit. The Nitro seems to have more gain on tap, but the QR has more than you could ever use, really. The main difference is that the Nitro is a little more present in the low mids, its a bit more modern sounding, almost Rectifier-ish. Very cool amp as well, the QR is just more versatile IMO. I plan on adding a Nitro in later so I can run the two in stereo!
It's a great amp and your video is excellent.
@WorldsJungleGym I should have added a few comments. First, the Gear 1 setting is actually a "hot rodded" plexi sound, so it has more preamp gain from the start. Second, this video was shot when the speakers in the cab were still brand new and super bitey, and the amp was at a very low volume. If you listen to one of my later videos with the amp, the tone is much warmer and more vintage. Thanks for the comment!
Excellent review, mate.
Love the overdrive channels on this amp.
Cool. The speakers in my Egnater are what they call their Celestion "Elite 80's" which I was told are like the Celestion Lead 80's of the Old Days. The Splawn opens up my speakers 100% more than my Mesa Boogie Roadster Head. The cab sounded a tad Dark with that head. With all my settings at 12:00 except for Volume & Gain of course the Bass just HITS me in the chest. Reminds me of my old car audio BASS heavy days where the BAss would take the breath out of you.
Wow thats alot of gain your playing with. I've never had my Quick Rods gain much about noon. Still great sounding demo. Would sound much tighter and less buzzy without the gain knob so high. I'm playing Wolfetone's lower output pups too. I find the tone a little piercing.
Thumbs up for Wolfetones.
@Thepedalmaster The Splawn is more right for my style, I much prefer it. Its not so chainsaw sounding in the top end. The Dual Rec was a little meaner sounding though.
Are the Marshall like faceplate and knobs the newer or older model? I notice yours has the chicken head knobs....very cool video! Thanks!
Hey Lucas. I am planning on getting either the Nitro or QR and am wondering which will get me better modern sound and which has more gain? Thanks! Rock on!!!
@recknala I've never owned G12H Heritage's before, so I'm not totally sure. BUT, I do think the Small Blocks suit the Quick Rod to a "T." Also, I think the SB's make all of my other amps sound better. I like them so much, I can't use any other speakers now!
I just wanted to say that because of you, and your video that i have watched for the past month i will be buying a quickrod. They sound grait, break up nicely, and put something in there tone that makes me like them. Not really a marshall person, and everyone says this sounds just like a marshall but i disagree.
Thanks again, and also: i like your band. Verry modern but with some clasic sounding influences in there (imo).
At the end of the video you mentioned Pre-Sets, what are you using to save your pre-sets? I was using my Quick Rod by itself but like you said this thing will hurt you. I connected my Weber Mass 150 attenuator & that tamed the Beast real nice. Does the Effects Loop Vol. wear out your tubes as quick as an attenuator does? On the Footswitch, does it matter where the Gear selector is on the Amp as in Gear 1,2,3? Or is that really only if your not using the footswitch?
Sweet color combination. Your video has sold me hands down on a Quick Rod over the Marshall JCM2000 DSL I was going to get. I love the tone of the Greenback speakers and I was told unless you really go to 10 they would hold up to a 100W amp. My friend has a pair of Lynchback 50W speakers that are basically Greenbacks that can take more power :-) Do you use the 2x12 cab live? I wonder why Marshall can't get these tones out of their own amps?
Fantastic video.
Hey Lucas,thanks for your response,just curious what the rivera switcher you use to control the amp with is.Is it an attuenator(rock crusher) Bert
Hi Lucas, I've been talking to Drew about this amp. So many options to choose from :-) I've never had chicken head knobs, to they turn real easy (Too easy) or are the round ones better? The ones that look like Marshall knobs. I guess the chicken heads are easier to see right?
How much extra was the Z-28 Tolex setup? Thanks man.
@hawg427 I like the Chicken Heads personally, because Its easier for me to notice when my settings have been bumped. I also dig the boutique vibe the Chicken Heads give the amp, very custom shop looking :P I don't think they move any easier than regular Marshall style knobs. My tolex wasn't any extra, because its a single, wide racing stripe. I think its only extra if you get the Z-28 double stripes like Drew has on his Nitro, and I believe that is $50.00 extra.
Lucas, Just got my Quick Rod the other day :-) Even with the Bass at 12:00 it thumps me in the chest going through my Egnater 2x12 Cab. To get that EVH "Brown Sound" what do you have your controls set to? Thank's Bro.
Not that one is better than the other. People have their opinions, trolls talk shit. I was on the fence between this and the Ecstasy. This is for me man, great demo.
@hawg427 Mine is the "Nitro" style headshell.
How old is your QR? The newer ones have more gain, plus the PRS pickups are relatively hot.
great job! awesome amp!!!!
yes I understand now. scott is making my quickrod this week and I cant wait to get it.In your opinion are the smallblocks better than g12h heritage greenbacks?
Hey Lucas still admiring this video and i love your tone.have you changed the tubes since you got it.mine is 18 months old just wondering if my tubes are gone(not really played that much and not very loud.Any suggestions and what tubes would you put in it? also do you use the volume control on the back to get a better tone or run it full power?thanks so much for your videos.i really appreciate them .Bert
Hey Lucas, great demo, awesome playing and stellar tone. What is your recommendation for mic placement when using a 57 with the small blocks. Distance, angle etc. thanks!
Nice rhythm playing.
Its certainly manageable, but it won't sound nearly as good as if it has been cranked up a bit. I only use it for gigging and recording, I use a little 30 watt Vypyr for practice.
Excellent demo,great playing as well.When you play alone,do you run the amp normal,or do you control the volume with the effects volume control.Just curious how to get the best sound without breaking all of my windows.I have the same amp and cabinet.thanks Bert
I'm really impressed with the Quickrod and the Nitro especially (just from what I've seen and heard in these videos anyway). Only thing that concerns me is I have read more than once complaints from people who say they have trouble sitting well in the mix on stage. I understand this is a very foggy complaint and could mean alot of things or could just be that these people are clueless on how to dial them in correctly.
So my question is...are there any Splawn owners on the thread here who could chime in with an opinion on this?
EDIT: By the way...to the guy who is complaining that this amp sounds too bright...that's exactly what you WANT in most live situations. When there is a drummer and a bass player thumping away next to you any sound you make in the lower frequencies is going to be lost. In fact, when I got my Blackstar HT-50 Club head a couple years ago I thought, hmm I'm not sure I like this sort of inherent top end fizziness it has to it. That is, until I took it to a jam session. With the bass and drums pounding away it sounds GREAT. I can crank the treble and mids way down at home to please me for practicing but what sounds good at home to you is rarely going to work on stage. That's just how it is brother. Listen to Van Halen, they always sounded amazing. Notice how M. Anthony kept his bass frequencies way down on the 9th plane of Hell and EVH used that super bright brown sound?
Great vid. Really nice amp and guitar. Quick question though, do you know the differences between the quickrod and the nitro? I'd assume you took a look at both when considering a splawn
how are you going from OD1/gear (2) to OD2/gear (3) without touching your amp. (just your feet?) can this be done using your G-LAB presets without physically switching the gear switch on the amp?
Is a foot switch really needed? Some amps they are to hit the extra OD channel, like on Blackstar. But then they include it. LOL
Sounds great! Are you still using Splawn amps?
@vhalen101 Thanks much!
You demo sounds bright, the way I want this amp to sound. But all other demos, including another one that you did, it sounds much warmer. Could the difference be the room you are playing in? Is the clean channel really any good? Engl is great at giving you great cleans, crunch, and lead, but they have their own voice not Marshall which is what I'm after.
Lucas, What Style headshell is your Splawn?
@JayDeeSG Its a Boss DD-3
Fuck it!! I"m selling ALL my amps and buying one of these. Played one at a music go round, and literally blown away!!.. Better than my 5150III or my DSL100! Has the PERFECT balance of everything! And the tones are Magic!
Aaron. Here is the deal. The amp is fine. In probably every meaningful way. Distortion/gain levels that one would want to hear live, are generally too much for recording. Even given that, this is not by any means a good recording of an amp. What you should be listening for, and it is here to be heard, is chord complexity with what can only be described as too much gain for most recordings. So the poster has done us a favor -pushing the thing a bit beyond what is normally prescribed for most recording applications. And even given this set of of variables, what note in particular can't you hear? What isn't cutting that the eq or onboard gain structure probably couldn't address?
So what do you like more the dual rec or splawn ? I have the option to trade my triple rec for a splawn .
This is my FAVORITE amp of all! I also love the Granger GnR amp!..All them other nice amps(fortin-cameron-friedman-etc...) are no Match for this quick Rod"..Not even close!!
how does that wire into the amp/gear switch. I still dont get it?
What tubes are you using in your quickrod please?
man this is awesome!
Holy shit! Gear 3 sounds amazing!
Yep, but they are vintage 1989.
Dude, not to sound stupid but how are you changing channels on your presets without changing your amp?
I just came here from a Soldano SLO video, this one sounds like the attack of the killer bees!
Now, that's an AMP! I own a Splawn. There's nothing close unless you spend at least 4500 on just the head alone.
Can it sound like a Plexi like Gary Moore's Still Got the Blues?
Haa" I caught that buddy"..You were playing xanadu by "Rush" at the begining..
Damn this sounds nice
Are your pickups stock? 22 or 24?
The ultimate hot rodded marshall=SPLAWN!
@lucasf89 Nice - I'll look it up! Cheers!!
Another thing is the Mesa has a crappy fx loop and I just bought a g system and it probably won't work with it .
I agree with you, somehow this guy makes a Splawn sound like a Boss Metal Pedal. Below is a link to a video showing what the Splawn sounds like with the speakers Splawn used to recommend, Avatar Traditional cab loaded with one Eminence Governor and one Man-O-War.
i can't find 10:30 with a knob. I got 10 or 10 1/2 but no 10:30.
2010 QUICKROD FOR SALE- maybe ten hours on it (I have way too many amps) has black and red Z/28 stripe. Mint condition. Never left my smoke free home and always covered with a Splawn padded cover. Message me.
Sweet cant wait to get the splawn . I have little to nothing into my triple and I am trading to for a roadworn haha splawn and line 6 dl 4 . After I sell the dl4 I will have 20..00 into the splawn . No joke I bought a dual rec for 500 traded it for a prs so on and so forth.
I have a battery powered Marshall stack I modded with a 12v motorcycle battery and some 4" Hyundai car speakers that sounds awsome, would you trade even with me for that Splawn plus $40 ?
@kaptainzamatopf Sorry, 1.44 - Should have watched it and paid more attention! You've got alot more gain than i have in mine. Might need some new tubes maybe. This is a great video dude.
Oh OK. Thank's.