My friend, you missed a few things on the Long Sword. The fade slash and how spirit slash from that is the fastest way to build meter. The focus attack with l2 and r1. The new charging r2 hits by holding the button for a level 1, 2 or 3 charged attack. The new r2 jumping spinning finisher that comes out after the 3rd level charge attack by pressing r2 again. That same jump spin finish becomes available at the end of an r2 combo when in red gauge. Sheathing in the air when the extra movement isn't enough from helm breaker etc. Great video though. Edit: Some of these, like the new combo finisher, do not work on the barrel. The previous hit has to connect with a monster, it seems. You can still see the finisher by holding r2 to level 3 charge, and hitting it again after release even on the barrel
longsword ult is too op, why is the TCS so low? just 25% more damage than the secondary hit? in mhw iceborne the TCS was approx. 4x stronger than the second charged hit.
Correction on the Lance that might be important for the dps: The reworked charged counter. As far as i know it doesnt auto block an attack. Rather if you let go of the charge there is a small guard point time window. IF you block an attack with that guard point you actually WONT do the charged thrust as seen at( 19:32 ) Instead you will do a douple thrust with a lot higher damage. (the damage also seems to depend on what charge level you are at when parrying the monster attack. There was one video were a guy did 126 (or rather 63+63) damage with it to our new frog Further more one thing to the new power guard. I havent played the game yet so icant 100% confirm it, but apperantly the follow up attacks from power guard do more damage the more ticks of damage you have blocked with power guard Also you can start the combo with a leaping thrust, which might be better than high thrust Conclusion If you think the monster will hit you at the end of you 3 poke combo, using the new charged counter and timing the guard point is probably your best dps option. IF it doesnt attack you then the combo in the video is better
Ive been testing Lance a lot because its my main: The timming of the parry on charge counter is tight and a little weird, but indeed gives you two hits with higher motion values, so its important to get used to it. But if the monster dont hit you you lose dps bc the triple thrust does more dmg. The power guard increased dmg I didnt notice, I’mma try that later. And you’re right, technically the higher dps combo is leaping thrust > sweep > mid > triple thrust, but is clunky to pull off and a little weird because they changed the amount of frames in most animations, the weapon feels more slow and heavy now.
Visual representations elevated this guide so much! All the other "Every Weapon Beginner's Guide" are disorienting with random gameplay footages and jumbled thoughts. It's clear that they wanted to be on top of the algorithm and rushed it out instead. Your video cleared things up so much!
With Gunlance you can follow up the Wyvern Full Blast with ANOTHER Wyvern Full Blast by pressing top or right face button. You can then immediately follow up with a Wyvern Fire. The glow-up gunlance deserved.
It has so many guard points and stuff now the game is actually a bit easier. and with manual aiming... I hope they introduce some real deal monsters. So far though, the monsters are solid
The fact that the spin is gone is pretty annoying since it was such a satisfying move. But playing notes that much faster and efficient really is a big quality of life improvement!
You left out the part where the bow can use arc shot which rains arrows on a enemy sticking them with tracker arrows then using focus fire hailstorm you can charge it to lockon to each tracker arrow doing massive damage in multiple areas, it also gets combo into a thousand dragon shot, The hail storm will also lock onto wounded parts as well, I played 3hours using the bow and it was very good for crowd control
I have yet to find a redeeming factor to it yet. even the charged kinsect mechanic feels... egh. I can't believe i'm saying this but i prefer having to collect the extracts instead of Get Red > clip kinsect through monster > have all 3 buffs.
@@LumpyCrumpets compared to sunbreak it's looking a lot weaker. sunbreak IG was peak, pinpoint attacks at any range to topple followed by hard hitting ground and pound. multiple ways to build out your bugstick, can focus on raw, element, status, powder, great tools for aerial or ground. This is 100% a step back. if you've never truly explored Sunbreak IG (specifically) i would encourage trying it out.
With the longsword you can hold R2 instead of pressing it 3 times to do a sick focus animation and go straight to the spinning slash and level up the meter
And you don’t need to build up the gauge to use it either, less damage and leaves you vulnerable but super useful if you don’t think you can’t get the full combo off in time or if you just want to build to red quickly They cooked with LS this time around, just constant, smooth, flowing combos
A video explaining everything you can do with a cb would be the length of this entire video. But yes, this is a new feature and it's nice. Also worth pointing out how easy it is to hit saed while using focus mode.
@Xhaustedx I like that they staged out saed with aed in the combo. Really brings the sns playstyle back into line with gen5 SA. It does really feel like they looked at all their weapons and said, ok how do we balance opportunity cost within each weapon and how will each weapon niche. CA now feels more flexible in the team comp than it used to.
Gunlance main here. Two important things you missed out on- can happen in that short amount of time, no hate bro - Gunlance shells do no longer consume sharpness - which was one the the worst downsides, also you have guard point when reloading. Which means, u block the attack and fill up ur shells, u see it when the shield glows white :) still, great video thx for your work ! 🤜🏼🤛🏼
One thing i noticed being a insect glaive main before, you no longer stay in the air if you hit a monster with the last attack of your triangle move while in midair, you just drop to the ground, which i don't like at all
Lovely video, Tera ❤! About 37:43 though,.... you can do 3 consecutive burst steps just like it was shown in LBG trailer Capcom put out. I managed to pull it off & showed it in my Beta Experience video. It was pretty tricky to perform 3 Burst Steps in a row. More often than not, I ended up sliding just like you did 😄 Just a little side note ☺️
36:01 and in case people didn’t notice, you can buff and heal yourself now with these ammos. Demon and Armor ammo actually stack with demon and armor powder, and might seed/pill and adamant seed/pill. Since most people forget about demon and armor ammo, they tend to not know that it stacks on top of your standard buffs. But since you can buff yourself, and there’s no limit to you ammo pouch outside of what you can use on your gun (in old games, you occasionally had access to more ammo types than you could physically carry at once… which was weird… and kinda dumb) there’s no reason to leave these buff ammos behind any more. As for now, I feel like it’s going to be a status machine now due to the changes to bow coatings. , i.e. the fact that coatings are infinite and just need to be recharged now. Poison bows may be really good. I liked it a lot so far. Edit: you can actually combo into a shorter charge up timed dragon piercer when doing the weird focus shot thing with the bow. Not sure how I did it yet tho 😂. I like new bow, not just constant dash dancing. Key word being *constant,* there’s still a good amount. Just not the only thing you’ll be doing, unlike World
Funny how everyone says that new players shouldn't use the Charge Blade, but when I first began to play, the Charge Blade was the only weapon I could use effectively...
Yea, I gravitated toward cb fairly easily when it first released forever years ago. But by then I had copious amounts of hours into mh. If it's someone's first mh ever I can understand the statement a bit more
@ProcyonDei. It’s not that they shouldn’t start with it. It’s that they should understand it’s more complicated than other weapons. 2 examples I use are Moistcritikal and Zal. Both used CB first in MHW. However, critikal didn’t bother practicing, threw himself in the deep end and eventually gave up because he didn’t practice and couldn’t use it properly. Zal on the other hand learned, practiced and has now played multiple mh games with CB. It’s just a matter of knowing what your getting into
@@saiyanhashira3445 Maybe it's because I play on PC with keyboard + mouse, but I didn't find the Charge Blade to be any more complicated than any of the other weapons, in fact I find the longsword to be more complicated in a way...
@@ExSoldier101 Switched to the Heavy Bowgun afterwards, mostly because I like to play support roles; it's less about being a HBG main, and more about being a Palico main, if that makes sense...
While I know that Charge Blade is the most complicated weapon in the game, leaving out the new AED follow up move, shortcut to charging the shield, and not showcasing Savage Axe mode is kind of a bummer. Those are the 3 biggest changes after the AED into SAED combo.
The thing about LBGs mine is that the amount of damage it does, and the amount of times it blows up, depends on the strength of the attack that detonates it, big massive monster hits will do much more damage, but also destroy it faster. You can also do chaser shots with O even without the rapid fire mode, good for shooting the last bullet if youre safe, like the bow, but also abusing high recoil for a free dodge! I hope the counter mine from iceborne comes back.
Bow also has its rain of arrows attack that, depending on charge level, leaves behind a bomb arrow. This can also be targeted by your focus shot. So getting arrows stuck in the monster with a wound open will lead to massive focus damage
For Dual Blades theres also a perfect dodge adding more stuff, Including a buff that will tick down as you dont do damage it seems. Gunlance, one other thing, when doing that Wrymstake sweep attack. You can do it twice in a row and follow it up with Wyrmstake cannon. All you have to do is input the Triangle+circle again, then for the cannon input as normal.
Hey you missed something with the Gunlance. You can follow up the wide Sweep full blast/ wyrmstake attack with another one by pressing circle + triangle again. This actually reloads automatically between the two and you can follow all this up with wyvern fire (which charges quicker than usual if used as a follow up in this combo). And for more fun, why not go straight into another wyvern fire
Dude as an unga bunga main, oh god I’m so hyped for the new charge and like, slinger move, that’s going to add a lot of mobility and make charging even faster. 12:59
Exactly the kind of video i was looking forward to from the beta, and so fast too! Now i just have to decide which two weapons to use between sword and shield, lance, and gunlance...
So with hunting horn when you are playing your songs you can do a hit in between each song and if you time it right when you flash red the hit will do more damage. During the echo button you can press any of the note up to three times and when attack with all but triangle you can flourish and add another note with having to do annoyed attack
You missed a new attack with the long sword: After an attack or roll, you can hold R2 to charge it, if you release R2 when it's fully charged and hit a monster with it you'll upgrade your gauge.
Cool hidden feature of the LS that you didn't mention, but I discovered during the beta that if you continuously land Spirit attacks while on red gauge, you can actually gain back some meter. You can almost indefinitely maintain red gauge this way.
With all 3 extracts on insect glaive, you can do a new ascending tornado slash (probably not the actual name of the move, idk the move names) after the charged descending slash. This sends you upward in a tornado at the cost of all of your extracts. The move can be followed up with an aerial focus strike, which will give all 3 extracts back if it hits a wound on the monster. An excellent combo with this is: get a red extract and begin charging your descending slash. While it's charging, vault into the air and do the forward helicopter slash, then do a downard thrust and let go of the charge upon landing to do your descending slash. Then do the ascending tornado move directly into an aerial focus strike. Simplified: get red extract > start charging > vault > forward helicopter > downard thrust > release charge > tornado > aerial focus strike This is probably the highest damaging combo possible for insect glaive, and it ends with you still having all 3 extracts, along with a chance of toppling the monster due to the wound break.
It feels different for sure, I’m testing a lot of the changes in the last 7 hours and im still not sure if it’s actually better. Im used to playing Lance as a psycho, hiper agressive and fast, and the weapon feels way slower now, but it seems to hit harder tho.
Interestingly if you have the HH as your secondary weapon in solo hunts you can buff yourself and switch to another weapon and maintain the attack boost for example.
I had a ton of work when the Monster Hunter Beta was out so I only got to try the Insect Glaive and Bow, i'm so sad I missed out on playing a lot of these weapon types. Now i gotta wait :'(
I feel like he left out some things on Swaxe. Unless it was intentionally left out as to not go into so much detail. When the sword is amped you deal bonus phial damage. That cab be elemental or provide some support like poison or exhaust. Then there is the big finisher where you stab your sword into the monster latch on and smash the button to deal a crap ton of damage and apply your phial effects, the move also kick you back into to axe mode while your sword mode cools down. Very well couldn't show it based on the barrel target dummy though.
You missed something with the bow if you use volley shot it drops exploding arrows and you can target them with the focus shot most of the time u can land anything from 2 to 6 arrows and then adding the 3 focus shot per lock on it and get high dps but then you can fallow up with a second volley to restock while you focus shot to make dps even higher
He either left out some crucial info out for some weapons or he never figured it out in the first place for example - gunlance: you can wyrmstake twice in one combo now. Longsword: you can roll to cancel helmbreaker after in case the monster isnt in range anymore. You cn hold R2 to charge the roundhouse slash and immediately get a gauge. Just a couple things i noticed
Switch axe function that was missed, holding down elemental discharge when fully charged will attach you to the monster instead of leaving you sitting on the ground hoping they don’t move away
That's called Zero Sum Discharge. It was in World and Rise too, it's just that now they changed the input for it so it doesn't replace the grounded discharge, since that attack has a new follow up now. Really though you mostly are gonna use the grounded discharge during knockdowns.
@20:23 If the guard thrust is anything like world or rise then it does NOT block during the attack, this is a really huge misconception about this attack, all it does is have a very short vulnerability window. It's very easy to time this attack so that you get hit during it on purpose to prove it.
He forgot on longsword you can now just hold right trigger to charge the gauge by going into a stance, then at max gauge you can release to go straight into spirit roundslash, granting a charge level on successful hit.
I think the GS charge combo damage ratio got changed. I compared it worlds using the buster sword I on the training post with no skills and armor. I get the values, 50, 103, 201(+17 for first tcs hit) level 3 charge attacks in total 371. As in the video for wilds, 134, 147, 169(13) in total 463.
thanks for showing the bow, i was once thinking that tracer can be ignored so that aim level don't drop but now that you showed me damage can increase from having tracer on, i guess tracer will be pretty much indispensable, it's like a power coating on top of power coating, though i doubt we will always use the charging sidestep x3 + dragon piercer combo since dragon piercer still makes you immobile although just for a quick sec, it is still not that safe but who knows, maybe it will be good after release or after OBT, thank you tho
Also just from a bow main who tested a lot of stuff, for your combo you should end with thousand dragon instead since the dragon piercer bugs out and misses out on a lot of potential dmg
It ain't dead, but I don't think you want to see the monster I had become. Get all 3 extracts, then start changing your descending thrust on the groundz then vault (yes, you need to somehow press X while holding R2 and O) then go into rising spiral slash, and if you are lucky enough to get all three extracts loop into another descending thrust. We no longer zip through the skies or hit the monster mid air but aerial is def a *big* part of IG now
@@Ederick1936you can just hop on Seikret, jump off and deal a better aerial damage with other weapons no need to put many button no need to collect extract you can hop then jump at anytime anywhere
@@Anarkyfloyd yeah not really no. combo with average damage (not focusing strongly on weakspots) hits for about 300ish (it's hard to say just how much becaus eit hits a wide area, you get some weekspot hits, some not). that's more than the GS gets on it's final hit for TCS (at about 140 to 170). compare this to a full GS combo and it's about 300 compared to a full TCS at 470ish, with way less commitment involved. add in wounds and you can match or outdamage (in the beta) a full TCS combo from greatsword hitting the head (popping 3 wounds will do about 180) you aren't going to get that from jumping off Seikret
To all glaive users out there, I will say this I have mained the glaive since Monster Hunter generations and never really touched another weapon until 3 months ago on Rise. Although Rise has the best attacks for air combat, Wilds basically turned into the ground glaive with minimal air combat capabilities (as far as the beta goes). I won't say much because a lot was covered in the vid, but the glaive is still good if you learn how to chain combos from air to ground and ground to air. This game gave glaive very powerful ground attacks. The extract mechanics are a lot better conpared to previous games. However, if air vaulting is your main bread and butter and you can't play glaive right without it, then you are best off trying out different dps weapons that offer amazing ground dps like dual blades I am sad that one of the main features of the glaive got nerfed, but it is still great without it. i was able to clap all the available monsters in the beta without issue. I wonder is the kinsect powder blast will return, because in rise it is so op
Classic Charge Blade. Requires a whole video for itself. Seriously though the new charge blade is very very fun and versatile, lots more opportunity for combos
For long sword you did miss something, the samurai stance that lets you get 1 bar if hit ex. If you're white bar if that hits then you will get yellow after
There's a couple editing mistakes don't hate me guys
considering how fast that video got out. Everything is forgiven :-D I thank you sir!
I hate u
My friend, you missed a few things on the Long Sword. The fade slash and how spirit slash from that is the fastest way to build meter. The focus attack with l2 and r1. The new charging r2 hits by holding the button for a level 1, 2 or 3 charged attack. The new r2 jumping spinning finisher that comes out after the 3rd level charge attack by pressing r2 again. That same jump spin finish becomes available at the end of an r2 combo when in red gauge. Sheathing in the air when the extra movement isn't enough from helm breaker etc.
Great video though.
Edit: Some of these, like the new combo finisher, do not work on the barrel. The previous hit has to connect with a monster, it seems. You can still see the finisher by holding r2 to level 3 charge, and hitting it again after release even on the barrel
longsword ult is too op, why is the TCS so low? just 25% more damage than the secondary hit? in mhw iceborne the TCS was approx. 4x stronger than the second charged hit.
It's REALLY STUPID that the training barrel is only in the Prologue and not in the rest of the demo.
Haven’t watched it yet, but because of nice time stamps you are getting a “like”
Bravo sir.
Mad respect for Tera, grinding what must've been around 8 hours straight to put this put so fast. Huge W bossman
Correction on the Lance that might be important for the dps:
The reworked charged counter. As far as i know it doesnt auto block an attack. Rather if you let go of the charge there is a small guard point time window. IF you block an attack with that guard point you actually WONT do the charged thrust as seen at( 19:32 )
Instead you will do a douple thrust with a lot higher damage. (the damage also seems to depend on what charge level you are at when parrying the monster attack. There was one video were a guy did 126 (or rather 63+63) damage with it to our new frog
Further more one thing to the new power guard. I havent played the game yet so icant 100% confirm it, but apperantly the follow up attacks from power guard do more damage the more ticks of damage you have blocked with power guard
Also you can start the combo with a leaping thrust, which might be better than high thrust
If you think the monster will hit you at the end of you 3 poke combo, using the new charged counter and timing the guard point is probably your best dps option. IF it doesnt attack you then the combo in the video is better
Ive been testing Lance a lot because its my main: The timming of the parry on charge counter is tight and a little weird, but indeed gives you two hits with higher motion values, so its important to get used to it. But if the monster dont hit you you lose dps bc the triple thrust does more dmg.
The power guard increased dmg I didnt notice, I’mma try that later.
And you’re right, technically the higher dps combo is leaping thrust > sweep > mid > triple thrust, but is clunky to pull off and a little weird because they changed the amount of frames in most animations, the weapon feels more slow and heavy now.
@@Afrofreestyle Cool thanks for the more detailed descibtion. Sadly i dont own a PS5....Hello darkness my old friend
He also didnt mention advancing guard and ik its still there cuz u can see it at top right
Visual representations elevated this guide so much! All the other "Every Weapon Beginner's Guide" are disorienting with random gameplay footages and jumbled thoughts. It's clear that they wanted to be on top of the algorithm and rushed it out instead. Your video cleared things up so much!
With Gunlance you can follow up the Wyvern Full Blast with ANOTHER Wyvern Full Blast by pressing top or right face button. You can then immediately follow up with a Wyvern Fire. The glow-up gunlance deserved.
You can also get to sweep really fast by doing the sidestep shelling directly into the sweep
Looking at all these moveset changes is filling with me so much hype
I was just about to say this because he wasn’t finishing the combo
It has so many guard points and stuff now the game is actually a bit easier. and with manual aiming... I hope they introduce some real deal monsters. So far though, the monsters are solid
The fact that doing the bubble also allows for 3 strings to be stored is also a big plus for uptime while hunting. This is pretty great changes
The fact that the spin is gone is pretty annoying since it was such a satisfying move. But playing notes that much faster and efficient really is a big quality of life improvement!
[Everyone Dooted in respect]
I just miss directional encores man…
You left out the part where the bow can use arc shot which rains arrows on a enemy sticking them with tracker arrows then using focus fire hailstorm you can charge it to lockon to each tracker arrow doing massive damage in multiple areas, it also gets combo into a thousand dragon shot,
The hail storm will also lock onto wounded parts as well,
I played 3hours using the bow and it was very good for crowd control
Each tracker? Do you mean we can have trackers up on multiple monsters at a time?
@@treydaniel3719multiple trackers on a monster* yes
@@gulagmerchant8356 you can't have multiple trackers in a single monster, it will override after you shot the second one
You can with the volley fire.. and you can continously pop them if you spamm the volley
@ finally someone who plays the game hahahaha
Lowkey feel like insect glaive got nerfed
I agree. The red buff attacks are now locked behind the triple buff
It might be weaker but it looks way more fun now, I'll probably is it primarily once the pc beta comes out
I have yet to find a redeeming factor to it yet. even the charged kinsect mechanic feels... egh. I can't believe i'm saying this but i prefer having to collect the extracts instead of Get Red > clip kinsect through monster > have all 3 buffs.
@@LumpyCrumpets compared to sunbreak it's looking a lot weaker. sunbreak IG was peak, pinpoint attacks at any range to topple followed by hard hitting ground and pound. multiple ways to build out your bugstick, can focus on raw, element, status, powder, great tools for aerial or ground. This is 100% a step back. if you've never truly explored Sunbreak IG (specifically) i would encourage trying it out.
Sns too 😢
The giant fucking saxophone just directly inserted hunting horn into my weapon rotation
“PRETTY FLASHY” yelled Uzui after he saw the dual blade combos
Guys Tera worked his ass off on this video! Drop a LIKE 😳
With the longsword you can hold R2 instead of pressing it 3 times to do a sick focus animation and go straight to the spinning slash and level up the meter
And you don’t need to build up the gauge to use it either, less damage and leaves you vulnerable but super useful if you don’t think you can’t get the full combo off in time or if you just want to build to red quickly
They cooked with LS this time around, just constant, smooth, flowing combos
That new hunting horn dance at the beginning is hilarious, such an adorable little jig
Tera, your timing couldn't be better!!! Loved the vid man, phenomenal work. Your guides have made me the ultimate hunter
You missed the best part of the lance you can perfect guard after every attack with no end lag
for CB after loading phials you can hold O to immediately put the phials into shield
It's also a pretty long guard point.
@@joshua41175oh lord
A video explaining everything you can do with a cb would be the length of this entire video. But yes, this is a new feature and it's nice. Also worth pointing out how easy it is to hit saed while using focus mode.
@Xhaustedx I like that they staged out saed with aed in the combo. Really brings the sns playstyle back into line with gen5 SA. It does really feel like they looked at all their weapons and said, ok how do we balance opportunity cost within each weapon and how will each weapon niche. CA now feels more flexible in the team comp than it used to.
This may be the best MH Wilds video Defendo has ever seen!
This is a pretty good video. Best explanation out here
thanks to your sns guide i was able to beat rey dau on my first try, ty Tera
So hyped for this, I'm so glad they kept the rise LS mechanics and kept ISS to feel like world.
The weapon feels absolutely incredible now
this video got me hyped for wilds when i didnt really care before. The SnS' new charged chop is sick
Gunlance main here. Two important things you missed out on- can happen in that short amount of time, no hate bro - Gunlance shells do no longer consume sharpness - which was one the the worst downsides, also you have guard point when reloading. Which means, u block the attack and fill up ur shells, u see it when the shield glows white :) still, great video thx for your work ! 🤜🏼🤛🏼
One thing i noticed being a insect glaive main before, you no longer stay in the air if you hit a monster with the last attack of your triangle move while in midair, you just drop to the ground, which i don't like at all
This is the way I would play glaive in worlds and rise and I can not for the life of me figure out how to do it in this game, super weird
Lovely video, Tera ❤! About 37:43 though,.... you can do 3 consecutive burst steps just like it was shown in LBG trailer Capcom put out. I managed to pull it off & showed it in my Beta Experience video. It was pretty tricky to perform 3 Burst Steps in a row. More often than not, I ended up sliding just like you did 😄 Just a little side note ☺️
08:43 the plunging thrust is also in MH: Rise :3
World as well. It was the wall jump attack. Absolutely busted.
Ty needed this. The weapons have changed a lot
36:01 and in case people didn’t notice, you can buff and heal yourself now with these ammos.
Demon and Armor ammo actually stack with demon and armor powder, and might seed/pill and adamant seed/pill. Since most people forget about demon and armor ammo, they tend to not know that it stacks on top of your standard buffs. But since you can buff yourself, and there’s no limit to you ammo pouch outside of what you can use on your gun (in old games, you occasionally had access to more ammo types than you could physically carry at once… which was weird… and kinda dumb) there’s no reason to leave these buff ammos behind any more.
As for now, I feel like it’s going to be a status machine now due to the changes to bow coatings. , i.e. the fact that coatings are infinite and just need to be recharged now. Poison bows may be really good. I liked it a lot so far.
Edit: you can actually combo into a shorter charge up timed dragon piercer when doing the weird focus shot thing with the bow. Not sure how I did it yet tho 😂. I like new bow, not just constant dash dancing. Key word being *constant,* there’s still a good amount. Just not the only thing you’ll be doing, unlike World
Funny how everyone says that new players shouldn't use the Charge Blade, but when I first began to play, the Charge Blade was the only weapon I could use effectively...
Yea, I gravitated toward cb fairly easily when it first released forever years ago. But by then I had copious amounts of hours into mh. If it's someone's first mh ever I can understand the statement a bit more
@ProcyonDei. It’s not that they shouldn’t start with it. It’s that they should understand it’s more complicated than other weapons. 2 examples I use are Moistcritikal and Zal. Both used CB first in MHW. However, critikal didn’t bother practicing, threw himself in the deep end and eventually gave up because he didn’t practice and couldn’t use it properly. Zal on the other hand learned, practiced and has now played multiple mh games with CB. It’s just a matter of knowing what your getting into
@@saiyanhashira3445 Maybe it's because I play on PC with keyboard + mouse, but I didn't find the Charge Blade to be any more complicated than any of the other weapons, in fact I find the longsword to be more complicated in a way...
@@ExSoldier101 Switched to the Heavy Bowgun afterwards, mostly because I like to play support roles; it's less about being a HBG main, and more about being a Palico main, if that makes sense...
This may be the best MH Wilds video I've ever seen!
I'm only watching him for 2-3 months and already know he has everyone's back.
Underated G.O.A.T
Missed to say "the WILDEST" cus its MH WILDS, so WILD = WILDEST haha....get it?
@@itsjan_Got it
While I know that Charge Blade is the most complicated weapon in the game, leaving out the new AED follow up move, shortcut to charging the shield, and not showcasing Savage Axe mode is kind of a bummer. Those are the 3 biggest changes after the AED into SAED combo.
i’m in love with cb this game . vet here 😂
Love it, awesome video
good video mate, with HH i found out triangle + circle is considered a flourish so the input you used for offset melody is a lot easier to do. 🤓
Can we all take the time to thank him for teaching others when he could be enjoying this amazing game! ❤️🙏🏾
As of this post I haven't hunted my first beta monster XD
I’m glad you got the vid out so you can finally enjoy it 😂
The thing about LBGs mine is that the amount of damage it does, and the amount of times it blows up, depends on the strength of the attack that detonates it, big massive monster hits will do much more damage, but also destroy it faster. You can also do chaser shots with O even without the rapid fire mode, good for shooting the last bullet if youre safe, like the bow, but also abusing high recoil for a free dodge!
I hope the counter mine from iceborne comes back.
Bow also has its rain of arrows attack that, depending on charge level, leaves behind a bomb arrow. This can also be targeted by your focus shot. So getting arrows stuck in the monster with a wound open will lead to massive focus damage
For Dual Blades theres also a perfect dodge adding more stuff, Including a buff that will tick down as you dont do damage it seems.
Gunlance, one other thing, when doing that Wrymstake sweep attack. You can do it twice in a row and follow it up with Wyrmstake cannon. All you have to do is input the Triangle+circle again, then for the cannon input as normal.
Hey you missed something with the Gunlance. You can follow up the wide Sweep full blast/ wyrmstake attack with another one by pressing circle + triangle again. This actually reloads automatically between the two and you can follow all this up with wyvern fire (which charges quicker than usual if used as a follow up in this combo). And for more fun, why not go straight into another wyvern fire
Dude as an unga bunga main, oh god I’m so hyped for the new charge and like, slinger move, that’s going to add a lot of mobility and make charging even faster. 12:59
Anyone ever notice that when you have a shield, your hunter is left-handed, but otherwise is right-handed.
Maybe a Zelda reference?
Ya need more power to stop an attack of a powerful foe than to stab that bastard in the eye
Insect glaive favours the left hand
Found an amazing guid ch before launch 🙌🙌🙌
I was looking for some monster hunter wilds info and came across you. I saw monster hunter, I saw Mori Calliope merch....instant subscriberinos.
Every other main: "Holy crap we get new ways to attack!"
Lance mains: "Poke -> Poke -> Poke. Take it or leave it."
The Heavy Bowgun in this demo looks like something out of Mad Max
"I'm assuming that people watching the hunting horn section of this video is already a hunting horn main"
I feel called out..... to real
Exactly the kind of video i was looking forward to from the beta, and so fast too!
Now i just have to decide which two weapons to use between sword and shield, lance, and gunlance...
Great vid! can you make a compilation of 14 weapons mount finisher?😊
Thank you for making this guide! And for having Rumbleverse music in the video🥹🥹
Bow looking great!
On Sword and Shield when pressing Triangle you can move left or right with the right stick while slashing to move around your target
Is camp 13 where I can find the practice barrel? Is that the only place to practice combos in the beta?
Hammer, lance, and gunlance got some meaty upgrades for sure
So with hunting horn when you are playing your songs you can do a hit in between each song and if you time it right when you flash red the hit will do more damage. During the echo button you can press any of the note up to three times and when attack with all but triangle you can flourish and add another note with having to do annoyed attack
You missed a new attack with the long sword:
After an attack or roll, you can hold R2 to charge it, if you release R2 when it's fully charged and hit a monster with it you'll upgrade your gauge.
Damn man heavy bowgun's chaingun attack is making me want to main it alongside with Hammer.
Cool hidden feature of the LS that you didn't mention, but I discovered during the beta that if you continuously land Spirit attacks while on red gauge, you can actually gain back some meter. You can almost indefinitely maintain red gauge this way.
That sf6 music with the convo video crack me up bro lol
With all 3 extracts on insect glaive, you can do a new ascending tornado slash (probably not the actual name of the move, idk the move names) after the charged descending slash. This sends you upward in a tornado at the cost of all of your extracts. The move can be followed up with an aerial focus strike, which will give all 3 extracts back if it hits a wound on the monster.
An excellent combo with this is: get a red extract and begin charging your descending slash. While it's charging, vault into the air and do the forward helicopter slash, then do a downard thrust and let go of the charge upon landing to do your descending slash. Then do the ascending tornado move directly into an aerial focus strike.
Simplified: get red extract > start charging > vault > forward helicopter > downard thrust > release charge > tornado > aerial focus strike
This is probably the highest damaging combo possible for insect glaive, and it ends with you still having all 3 extracts, along with a chance of toppling the monster due to the wound break.
Omg i was thinking on sns but the duals looks soo sweet!
Mighty charge slam on the Hammer going to be the perfect wake up for a sleeping monster
the street fighter bg music gave me training area ptsd and made me listen carefully to the whole vid
I hope there's a new arnor skill that increases the volume of my hunting horn. 🎷
Lance just got better, so happy with the new changes. Can't wait to join the beta
It feels different for sure, I’m testing a lot of the changes in the last 7 hours and im still not sure if it’s actually better. Im used to playing Lance as a psycho, hiper agressive and fast, and the weapon feels way slower now, but it seems to hit harder tho.
Interestingly if you have the HH as your secondary weapon in solo hunts you can buff yourself and switch to another weapon and maintain the attack boost for example.
All weapons except hammer feel so different and amazing ❤❤
I think I'm most impressed by that barrels durability
My like for the Showcase of SNS😍😍
for gunlance if you full charge your shelling, you get half of a wyvern fire back. Pretty nice, but not sure if optimal
I had a ton of work when the Monster Hunter Beta was out so I only got to try the Insect Glaive and Bow, i'm so sad I missed out on playing a lot of these weapon types. Now i gotta wait :'(
Ah, yes, the world ending weapon, Sword and Shield, gets a slight glow up, not that it needed it. The hunts will be glorious.
really good video
Loving the Gunlance in the beta.
I feel like he left out some things on Swaxe. Unless it was intentionally left out as to not go into so much detail. When the sword is amped you deal bonus phial damage. That cab be elemental or provide some support like poison or exhaust. Then there is the big finisher where you stab your sword into the monster latch on and smash the button to deal a crap ton of damage and apply your phial effects, the move also kick you back into to axe mode while your sword mode cools down. Very well couldn't show it based on the barrel target dummy though.
There are a couple counter moves too according to a pop up, but idk how to find them (assuming they’re mid combo?)
You missed something with the bow if you use volley shot it drops exploding arrows and you can target them with the focus shot most of the time u can land anything from 2 to 6 arrows and then adding the 3 focus shot per lock on it and get high dps but then you can fallow up with a second volley to restock while you focus shot to make dps even higher
He either left out some crucial info out for some weapons or he never figured it out in the first place for example - gunlance: you can wyrmstake twice in one combo now. Longsword: you can roll to cancel helmbreaker after in case the monster isnt in range anymore. You cn hold R2 to charge the roundhouse slash and immediately get a gauge.
Just a couple things i noticed
Switch axe function that was missed, holding down elemental discharge when fully charged will attach you to the monster instead of leaving you sitting on the ground hoping they don’t move away
That's called Zero Sum Discharge. It was in World and Rise too, it's just that now they changed the input for it so it doesn't replace the grounded discharge, since that attack has a new follow up now.
Really though you mostly are gonna use the grounded discharge during knockdowns.
@20:23 If the guard thrust is anything like world or rise then it does NOT block during the attack, this is a really huge misconception about this attack, all it does is have a very short vulnerability window. It's very easy to time this attack so that you get hit during it on purpose to prove it.
He forgot on longsword you can now just hold right trigger to charge the gauge by going into a stance, then at max gauge you can release to go straight into spirit roundslash, granting a charge level on successful hit.
About Bow, you can throw the parabolic shot (hold R2 and then circle) for a juicy amount of markers raining over the monster. God bless the rain-bow😂
I think the GS charge combo damage ratio got changed. I compared it worlds using the buster sword I on the training post with no skills and armor. I get the values, 50, 103, 201(+17 for first tcs hit) level 3 charge attacks in total 371. As in the video for wilds, 134, 147, 169(13) in total 463.
Imma boutta have a field day with this new insect glaive
I like how if you hold RT with longsword it'll charge and do a spirit roundslash
This Game is gonna be goated
Can't wait to play every 13 weapons when the game release
Hammer is so fluid now
thanks for showing the bow, i was once thinking that tracer can be ignored so that aim level don't drop but now that you showed me damage can increase from having tracer on, i guess tracer will be pretty much indispensable, it's like a power coating on top of power coating, though i doubt we will always use the charging sidestep x3 + dragon piercer combo since dragon piercer still makes you immobile although just for a quick sec, it is still not that safe but who knows, maybe it will be good after release or after OBT, thank you tho
Also just from a bow main who tested a lot of stuff, for your combo you should end with thousand dragon instead since the dragon piercer bugs out and misses out on a lot of potential dmg
Thank you ~!!
Anytime :)
The death of aerial IG is a tragedy
I am sad too, thats why I'll go back to playing World as it will ALWAYS be the BEST MH Game ever don't care what any other human has to say!
It ain't dead, but I don't think you want to see the monster I had become. Get all 3 extracts, then start changing your descending thrust on the groundz then vault (yes, you need to somehow press X while holding R2 and O) then go into rising spiral slash, and if you are lucky enough to get all three extracts loop into another descending thrust. We no longer zip through the skies or hit the monster mid air but aerial is def a *big* part of IG now
@@Ederick1936you can just hop on Seikret, jump off and deal a better aerial damage with other weapons no need to put many button no need to collect extract you can hop then jump at anytime anywhere
Amen man😔😔
@@Anarkyfloyd yeah not really no. combo with average damage (not focusing strongly on weakspots) hits for about 300ish (it's hard to say just how much becaus eit hits a wide area, you get some weekspot hits, some not). that's more than the GS gets on it's final hit for TCS (at about 140 to 170). compare this to a full GS combo and it's about 300 compared to a full TCS at 470ish, with way less commitment involved.
add in wounds and you can match or outdamage (in the beta) a full TCS combo from greatsword hitting the head (popping 3 wounds will do about 180)
you aren't going to get that from jumping off Seikret
To all glaive users out there, I will say this
I have mained the glaive since Monster Hunter generations and never really touched another weapon until 3 months ago on Rise. Although Rise has the best attacks for air combat, Wilds basically turned into the ground glaive with minimal air combat capabilities (as far as the beta goes).
I won't say much because a lot was covered in the vid, but the glaive is still good if you learn how to chain combos from air to ground and ground to air. This game gave glaive very powerful ground attacks. The extract mechanics are a lot better conpared to previous games. However, if air vaulting is your main bread and butter and you can't play glaive right without it, then you are best off trying out different dps weapons that offer amazing ground dps like dual blades
I am sad that one of the main features of the glaive got nerfed, but it is still great without it. i was able to clap all the available monsters in the beta without issue. I wonder is the kinsect powder blast will return, because in rise it is so op
I always find it difficult when choosing between the Lbg and the Hbg so I guess it’ll just come down to the weapon designs 😅
the longsword is crazy
Classic Charge Blade. Requires a whole video for itself. Seriously though the new charge blade is very very fun and versatile, lots more opportunity for combos
Ive been playing all night, now im at work, so we research and wait
For long sword you did miss something, the samurai stance that lets you get 1 bar if hit ex. If you're white bar if that hits then you will get yellow after
For sns if you press r2 and triangle you do a slide attack btw
Greatsword staying similar to what it was in MHW ❤