17:15 🤯Can you imagine it's about the same price as the Stratosphere Tower in Vegas???? The Needle in Vegas: "Monday - Thursday: $49 · Friday - Sunday: $59" (45€ to 55€). I prefer going to Le Puy du Fou !!!!! It's an amazing and unique park. Bravo!!! 😇👏🏼
N'attendez plus, franchissez le pas! :) C'est très abordable pourla qualité de ce parc, tant sur le prix des entrées que les gîtes du côté de Montaigu (par exemple) ; allez-y hors saison en septembre-octobre avant leur fermeture hivernale, c'est moins bondé et les shows sont rôdés ;) Prenez un pass 2 jours, sans pour autant loger sur place, et pour économiser préparez vos sandwichs, il y a plein de tables en extérieurs pour picniquer!
J'y suis allé avec ma famille, mes parents et ma soeur m'avaient fait la surprise pour mon anniversaire. C'était vraiment génial, je m'en souviendrai toute ma vie, j'étais comme un gosse devant chaque spectacle. Je crois qu'on a tous préféré les jeux du cirque, c'était vraiment immersif avec le public qui encourage les gladiateurs, on en a pris plein les yeux. On avait l'impression d'être dans le film Gladiator. Vous ne serez pas déçu, parce qu'ils mettent le paquet pour vous émerveiller, acteurs, cascadeurs, orchestres, animaux dressés, jeux de lumière, chorégraphie... Les restaurants sont très bons aussi, ils sont à thème et s'inspirent de plusieurs époques, on avait choisi une sorte de crêperie de style auberge médiévale pour le midi, un café style Belle Epoque années 30 pour le quatre heure, et un restaurant de style renaissance/17e siècle qui faisait du grillé au feu de bois le deuxième jour. Ce parc est un trésor national, faut le faire au moins une fois dans sa vie.
@@cowboybill.2433 moi, j’ai le même accent, les anglais ont des dizaines d’accents différents dans leurs petit pays pourquoi gommer le notre? Quand j’entends des français qui essaient de prononcer comme un anglophone il ressemble plus à des handicapés, à mâcher des syllabes qui s’envolent car incapable de prononcer ou prendre une voix qui n’est pas la leur, après c’est une question de perspective.
Nahhhh the fact that I literally live 5min away from the Puy du Fou and I never got the chance to visit it (but I still see the hot air balloon (?) with the eagles and the Cinéscénie from my room😅😭) but I'm still happy you went there 🙌
The closer you live from something, the less you go! I live in Normandy and I've never been to the Mont Saint Michel or even Giverny ... However, I've been to Disney World lol. I also have a friend from Marseille who has been to Disneyland more than me so, you know... And I've been to the Futuroscope more than Disney, which is only 2h from my house lol.
You must stay 3 days for all and enjoy the park. My list of the shows : 1- Vikings 2- Le mime et l'étoile 3- Les mousquetaires 4- Rome Le signe du triomphe 5- le dernier panache 6- le secret de la lance 7- le bal des oiseaux fantomes The best of the best = La CINESCENIE the accommodation in the park is fantastic and the diner show too. 3 days here is perfect.
Thank you so much!! We were thinking of going back this year, so I'll save your recommendations. We heard there's a new one or one that recently received an award this spring that we wanted to check out! 😁
Oh my gosh don’t tell me you have missed the nights shows « noces de feu » and even better « cinescenie »?!… missing cinescenie is like missing the final of a splendid firework. 😮
Also so funny you made the comparison to being like missing the fireworks. I also left Disney and universal before the fireworks shows 🙈😂 gotta go back to all of them now!
@@zootopian07 you are so kind!!! ❤️ We're hoping to go to the one in Spain so ill let them know you said that 😂 take care! Hope to see you on another adventure soon 😁
Well the whole point is the evening show. That’s where the entire concept began 50 years ago. The owner purchased that castle and decided to run eight performances of a reenactment and it became this entire phenomena. The analogy would be it’s more like going to Disney and only going to the eateries.
Vous n'avez pas fait beaucoup de spectacle. Je l'ai fait il y'a 2 ans, nous avons pu quasiment faire tout le parc en une journée, c'était un peu la course, il nous a manqué un spectacle. Il faut aussi voir la Cinéscénie, qui est le plus grand spectacle du monde en nocturne, juste magnifique. (fait avec quasiment que des bénévoles)
@@collinandmeredith n'hésitez pas à venir dans ma région, je suis à 30 minutes du Puy du Fou et je vous conseil de visiter Clisson, une petite ville unique à l'architecture italienne.
@@collinandmeredith si vous êtes intéressé, je peux vous indiquer les points très sympathique à voir dans la région et vous proposer un petit circuit pour votre prochain voyage
Really cool video! I've been there as a kid, I'd love to go again. Just a little feedback about the sound mixing: at some moments the music is a bit too loud when you're speaking.
Thank you so much for watching! We had an incredible time there, and can only imagine the magic for a kid. Also, thanks for the quality tip! We’ve been slowly upgrading equipment. Hopefully in the future the video and audio is smoother 😁
Wow! How did you decide which shows to see? The bird one, Nope just Nope!I loved seeing Max and 'meeting' his girlfriend. Max kinda threw me in the beginning, I didn't remember the thick accent. I am so glad you guys get to experience this type of thing. I don't think I would call it an amusement park though, unless there was another 'side' you didn't show. Hugs
Hahah the bird one was a little scary if you don't like birds! Max and the "french fries" (as we call them now lol) picked out the entire day. They've been every year so they knew which ones were the best to see based on that days schedule. We might have talked Max into using a thick French accent for the intro 😉 ❤️❤️
Having been 2 times to LE Puy du Fou (I was living not far amny years ago, I can only concur: it is amazin, and also ever expanding. So you can go there every year and see something new. Also, the park itself is awesome. Just going from one show to the other in such nice a setting (instead of all-concrrete) make a difference. Amnd last but not least: do plan to stay around for the night: the "cinéscénie" (the night show in front of the castle) is worth the trip on its own. It is also the type of experience you can share with anyone. Although best enjoyed if you know French of have a decent audio guide to your language. Much would be missed otherwise
They also created a Puy du Fou in Spain 2 years ago also going to Germany and soon to China, and soon in China and maybe one day in the United States, of course with the history of each country.
Wow. I was searching for theme parks in France and this came up- I had no idea. Questions for anyone who knows; Will someone who doesn't speak French be able to understand what they are seeing/experiencing? Can we see everything in one day?
Hi! We hope you enjoyed the video. 😁 For your first question-we know zero French, and we were able to understand (maybe not the nuances of the script, but it didn’t hinder our enjoyment). They also have English pamphlets at the entrance that give a synopsis. 👍 Sadly, you’re not able to see everything in one day. The park has too many shows. We packed our schedule and were only able to see the shows in the video, about half. If you can do two days, that would be ideal. 😁 Otherwise, you can find the schedule online and build out a lineup to maximize your day! Enjoy! You’re going to love it.
At last some foreigners who don't care about Paris and who enjoy France, DEEPLY and FOR REAL. @1:27 BTW Vikings were a thing in France too, I'm from Normandie, my ancestors (Normans) are their direct descendants. (Rollo 's story in "Vikings" tv show, first duc of Normandie in a way, you can visit his grave in Falaise town, where William the conqueror's castle stands still today) .
Because Paris is not part of real France ? 🙄 As far as I know, it’s in Paris the Revolution as began and if it’s weren’t for Parisians act of rebellion we would’ve still been in a puppet state Royal Authority like in England…
reminding that the genetic mix of the normans is not so different than the genetic of the people of France, like the genetic mix of the Bretons is not so different, even the belgians and the dutch except the frisians. The base remains gallic.
@@carthkaras6449 And Latin. Roman Empire did a lot here too. France has always being some kind of gens' pudding. Despite that, Vikings' influence on the culture (except for Normandie) hasn't been as strong as in GB. Franks didn't let that happen. William the conqueror was called "the bastard" at first cause he was the son of a second wife. Polygamy wasn't allowed in France's kingdom. 9 generation after Rollon, it was still a thing in Normandie. + the longship (Drakkar) built mastering. Franks didn't let that happen. Now Africa and middle east is taking over. What our ancestors fought against for centuries, our modern leaders destroyed it in a few decades.
@@guiguijol there are no genetic impact after a few centuries if the foreign population don't exceed 13%. Also, not so much "Latin" genetic too... People tend to forget that north Italian and South French are also of gallic origin.
Remark regarding what the French guy said at the beginning : Well Vikings do not originate from France, but they are part of our History too (well north and west mostly) - specially Normandy - dutchy of the north men called Normans, Viking that got lands and authorisation to stay under the crown - they learned french, and assimilate to French culture + their own. Like the Romans are not from France, they let a trace that made the History of France.
That is really well written. It seems the park takes elements / time periods of history that impacted the region, and then turn it into entertaining shows. Thank you so much for watching!
They don't, the only thing I can think of is going to the website ahead of time and reading about each show or printing off the descriptions of the show so you can explain the basics to your son. We don't speak any french, so our friends had to translate a lot of it for us, and it was fine. The acting and entertainment is so great that you'll get the basic idea just by watching!
Puy du Fou in France and Europa Park in Germany... I recommend them to you, eyes closed. In France, every 2 years, you've got a very welknown street medival Festival in Dinan for several days, in Brittany. And in Carcassonne, South of France, they used the Castle for Robin Wood scenes with Kevin Costner. There are every years Festivals and shows, fireworks, in and around the castle's grounds. I have never been in Carcassonne as a french but I heard it is great.
@@collinandmeredith Parc Asterix, close to paris is good too, its a "regular" roller coster theme parc but way better than Disney for me and friends. :) I never been to Europa parc but i would like to go there, y heard its awsome. :))
Le Puy du fou est une grande fierté pour la Vendée et beaucoup de français, malheureusement la politisation de tout à travers les médias français (notamment d'extrême gauche) conduit à beaucoup de médisance sur ce parc, qui selon eux enjolivent l'histoire de France...on en revient toujours au même, une sorte de culture de la honte en France au lieu d'être fiers de notre richesse culturelle et historique. BTW, this park is awesome, if you come in France, forget Paris and visit Angers, Nantes, the Puy du Fou, The Futuroscope and the Dordogne Valley ;)
Les gens qui médisent sur le Puy du Fou, soit ils n'y sont jamais allés, soit c'est parce qu'ils ont l'esprit tordu. Allez y avec votre propre personnalité et tout ira très bien.
@@fontgombeenberry33 je suis d'accord avec vous dans le fond, mais force est de constater la propension de personnes se caractérisant elles-mêmes de gauche (le camp du bien^^) flagellant leur culture et leur histoire...à croire que l'auto détestation est un critère pour faire partie du chapitre 😅 Au travail je n'ose même plus parler de mes weekends au puy du fou (prochaine visite le 5 octobre au passage !🔥🤩😍), des anecdotes de l'histoire de France que j'avais apprises à l'école, ou manifester mon admiration de notre patrimoine, tant à chaque coup un collègue bien pensant se sent obligé de me rappeler l'héritage colonialiste ou suprématiste de la royauté/chrétienté française...par contre bizarrement les mêmes collègues adulent et adoubent les autres cultures et leur patrimoine. Ce constat est décevant, car on a la même nationalité et on vit côte à côte au quotidien, à croire que pour aller bien dans leur peau ils ont besoin de s'acharner sur quelque chose plutôt que d'apprécier leur environnement
Une expérience unique, malgré de grands partis pris avec la vraie Histoire. Les "Vikings" ne portaient pas de casques à cornes, par exemple. C'est un cliché qui a la vie dure.
Collin thought one of the worst historical inaccuracy was the viking ships coming up from the water...considering it submarines weren't invented. I thought it made for a great show :)
Si par grand partis pris avec la vraie Histoire, on entend Révisionnisme à la sauce Action Française aussi, c'est pas faux, après l'ambiance est sympa mais bon il y aurait mieux à faire et faut bien prendre ça en compte.
Horned helmets have existed, but not for recorded cases of combat. However, this could potentially have been the case, we don't know, we can't affirm one nor the other, only offer a vision of things.
... pour faire de bon citoyens il faut faire rêver les enfants ! Les casques sont tellement plus beaux avec des cornes ! Si vous tenez vraiment à l'authenticité alors il faut rajouter beaucoup de boue et d'odeurs. Les hommes de cette époque étaient sales, édentés, et cruels. La "vraie Histoire" ne ferait pas rêver les foules. J'habite à Carcassonne qui n'est jamais que le rêve de pierre sorti de l'imagination de M. Viollet Le Duc. La cité n'était plus qu'une enceinte crénelée largement effondrée assortie de quelques tours en ruine. Je le remercie tous les jours d'avoir recréé cette splendeur que le monde entier vient admirer. C'est aussi cet architecte de génie qui a "inventé" la flèche de Notre Dame.
12:21 that's not the colosseum its an amphitheatre just like the colosseum, but its a French/Gaulish style roman one as France was in the roman empire and the amphitheatre built were like this one, the show isn't representing the Roman history in Italy but generic Roman provincial city in roman Gaul (France) roman empire was massive part of French history founding many cities like Paris, loved the video though
@@collinandmeredith it is definitely a cool reenactment, It is only 4 hours north of me so I want to go visit soon, your video defiantly made it look worth going thx
French here 👋 this park is the best alternative when you don't like thrilling attractions like Asterix Park or Disneyland Paris ( my favorite place in the parc is the garden of jean de la fontaine , which for years was animated by animatronics !!)
People in the comments missing the point of the park, is about history yes, but also legends and stories that were told in that time periods, we all know a mermaid didn't give back arthur his sword but it's a legend, in the past catholicism was linked with everything, they even repopulated areas in the country saying a miracle happened, 😂😂😂 just enjoy the park
Hi Laura! Thank you so much for watching! We couldn’t agree more-it’s an entertainment park, and an incredible one at that. 😁 We hadn’t heard yet about the “miracle” of repopulation 😂That is too funny! We hope you enjoy the park, and enjoyed the video. 👍
Yes! We tried to go there this year, but it didn’t work out. We are very excited to visit it. Apparently , there are going to be new ones in the UK China and USA in the next few years!
Better than Broadway :-) click bait a little bit huh. Yes they are spectacular shows but you can’t compare a 20 minute five time a day Performance about a very specific time in French and Rohman history to a three hour Broadway play with intense dialogue for dozens of characters telling limitless stories are even than the same category
Thanks so much for watching! We actually do believe it’s better 😂 We’ve seen two broadway shows, and as far as entertainment value the intensity, we think this park wins! I only wish we were able to attend the long evening show too , apparently that is a special to behold. Hopefully, we both get to see more incredible shows in the future!
3:05: « to complete maps that had been drafted by captain cook », not really, Captain cook didn’t draft maps but only drafted English Maps based on Spanish Maps drafted since the 16th century. The entire Cook’s expeditions were based on Spanish maps Cook managed to put hands on. Something the English propaganda seems to forget, just like they seem to forget that their navigators had been formed in Spain and used Spanish invented tools for navigation.
ohh that's a hot topic! We are just now really getting into reading about English and Spanish expeditions in our free time! You seem pretty knowledgeable on the topic. Any book recommendations? Cook has been really interesting for us as we've traveled to a few places where he's highlighted as a great explorer, but want to learn more. Thanks for sharing the correction :)
This is a great place, for sure. But the locals keep saying they come back every year at least. I don't understand that. Once you've seen everything, there's no real reason to come back
Thank you for watching! Every year might be a lot. This was my second time, and the first was 5 years ago-that was long enough to forget some of the “wow” factor!
it's funny to see what foreign tourists think of this park. I live 10 minutes from Puy du Fou and the company I work for manufactures the structure of the Puy du Fou buildings, so I have unlimited access to the park. Puy du Fou is part of our lives since it keeps tourism going and gives lots of work to local businesses and the park for seasonal workers. small precision. the PDF is a theme park. These are fictionalized shows that aren't really historically accurate. it is only the reflection of the vision of the creator. Therefore, it should not be considered as a historical reenactment park but rather a spectacle park.
Well said. It’s a theme park for entertainment-not a well cited / documented history account. Your company does amazing work making the PDF buildings, they are phenomenal. 😁
Glad you enjoyed it. It would have been nice to have a word about the historic inacuracies in the shows. Some would even say it's mostly fairy tales with historical themes sprinkled on top. Did Mathilde say something about it ?
Thank you so much for watching! The inaccuracy was not mentioned, but given the nature of the amusement park, we thought it was understood the history would contain many inaccuracies for the sake of showmanship and entertainment. Hopefully nobody shows up expecting a textbook!
Disney c'est du carton pâte, des contes de fées, c'est américain. Je ne suis jamais allées à disneyland paris mais je suis allée plus de 10 fois au Puy du Fou !!! Je suis aussi allée à Efteling au Pays Bas !
Uh ? Captain Cook, an Englishman on a French ship? "In France, Louis XVI demanded to know why his nation was not engaging in such voyages of exploration, and a hasty search was made for a French Captain Cook. The man chosen for the role was Jean-François de Galaup, comte de La Pérouse."
Hey! We agree with you 100% this show is about Pérouse, who as we mentioned, is following in the footsteps of Captain Cook! Could you imagine if Cook was on a French ship 🤣
To be honest, the puy du fou look awesome but they do a lot of thing who are historicaly questionable. It's financed by a far right politicien to promote his view on history btw
There are no Victorian style houses in the park. It is a village in one of the many French architectural styles that is reconstituted (France has almost as many as regions). This one is more typical of the "Belle Epoque" (1900). It’s the same for Captain Cook, who never set foot on the boat you’re talking about. Anglo-Saxons, you must stop this arrogance and think that everything comes from you. (second degree) 😉♥
Thank you for watching! And for correcting our architecture. We never said captain cook was on this boat, but we do talk pretty fast so that part may have been missed. 😉
Just a quick reminder about Le Puy du Fou... it's a theater show about French Novel National History (aka the way France looked upon his history with glasses from the 19th century historians) always remind, it's a show which pretends to be historically accurate while it's not. It's like, idk, PPl from Pennsylvania reincarnating History with King Arthur as a Pilgrim Father... sounds fun but... meh, lol.
Ce n'est pas un roman national, le roman national (donc français, républicain), a longtemps véhiculer énormément de fausses informations sur le moyen âge, la renaissance, les temps modernes, etc... Et surtout c'est un roman qui se veut républicain et non pas royaliste, le roman national a notamment réutiliser l'image de Jeanne d'Arc pour des choses qui n'ont historiquement aucun lien, alors qu'elle est représentante de la royauté et du catholicisme français de son époque et de son contexte historique de guerre de territoire entre valois et plantagenets.
This theme park is really fantasic (and you missed the outdoor night show). But, as you insisted a lot on it, be aware that the historical narrative presented is highly contested (and politically oriented)
Comme il est dit dans de nombreux films... l'Histoire est écrite par les vainqueurs... ce sont donc les "vainqueurs" qui contestent l'Histoire du Puy du Fou !!!
@@AlfgardVicAenorDuFay Please, stop arguing. My message is not intended to defend one narrative or another. And especially stop arguing in french in the comments of an english-speaking video/channel.
Thank you! We'll have to add the night show next time we visit. We were careful to only present historical facts in our video but we agree that narrative of the park is very politically oriented.
@@collinandmeredith Don't want to hype too much the night show, but it's my best memory from it ! However, I don't know if there are any sessions in English. (also there is multiple night shows)
Great park but a lot of controversies here about the historical accuracy of lots of attractions. Especially the '" Guerres de Vendée" chapter, explaining the genocide of thousands of people from this area... that didn't happen (for some others).
@@jeromosan tu te fou de la gueule du monde, y'a pas consensus, t'as cru que c'était les années 40 ici mdr, pas consensus, sort de ta grotte frère, tah l'idée de vieux wallah
Something that has to be mentionned, is that this park calls itself "historical theme park", but has a very (and well known and claimed) alt right bias. Don't expect to truly learn something about french history, everything that is presented is heavily distorted. Yet, the shows are amazing. But it is always better to know it before to go.
La critique peut être ridicule quand elle émane d'un ignorant. Je suis sûre que vous êtes capable d'affirmer que Bach est ennuyeux et que Venise est surfaite. Avec une mentalité comme la votre, vous ne serez jamais heureux dans la vie.
@@madodomi5850 Merci pour votre maudite morale. Être heureux dans la vie ? Pas question pour moi. La vie est un enfer, quand je mourrai je serai libéré des chaînes de mes contemporains ahuris de bonheur.
According to french historians, most of the "historical" part there are at most exagerated, twisted, when not completly false. So please take this as what it is, an amusement park
L'Histoire "officielle" et ripouxblik'haine ? Je pourrais vous en apprendre sur les mensonges et la propagande que subissent les français depuis 260 ans !
Generally these people writing these reviews have not even read the scripts of the shows, which are accessible in pdf with a little searching. Each time I demonstrate that each show is placed in a historical context with references to real historical elements I get no response or counter argument. Yes, the shows are romanticized, but that’s the principle of a scripted show.Generally these people writing these reviews have not even read the scripts of the shows, which are accessible in pdf with a little searching. Each time I demonstrate that each show is placed in a historical context with references to real historical elements I get no response or counter argument. Yes, the shows are romanticized, but that’s the principle of a scripted show.
It's a nice attraction. I went a few times as a kid. However don't expect to learn anything real about France history. Nothing is historically accurate there.
Thank you so much for watching! The history is sure a bit inaccurate, but the magic of the art and performance is powerful. Hopefully, it inspires people to dive deeper into learning more accurate history!
Ce livre est une aberration dans le domaine historique et une démonstration de ce qu'il ne faut pas faire quand on est sensé êtres diplômés dans les domaines de la science de l'histoire. Ce n'est pas une réelle et profonde analyse de la réalité historique du parc, mais bien plus une sorte de "contre-attaque" politique. D'ailleurs certaines personnes ayant participé à l'écriture du livre se sont eux-mêmes confrontés entre eux après coup, car certaines de ces personnes menaient un vrai combat politique, et non pas un travail historique, alors que d'autres voulaient resté plus neutres autour du livre et du parc. Le livre comporte d'ailleurs également des erreurs historiques de la part des "historien" et "historiennes" ( je met des guillemets car des professionnels de l'histoire qui se respectent ne plogent pas dans de la politique, mais restent neutre dans leur travail d'écriture et de thèse), ce qui est assez cocasse et ironique quand le livre se veut être une critique de l'appropriation politique de l'histoire par le parc.
Shows are amazing but never forget it is christian oriented park mentioning in every show that christianism wins against other religions or invaders. They try to send political messages in their show.
Great performers vs terrible writing and Catholic gaslighting. I knew several people working the shows (hawking, pyrotechnics) and the general feeling was that they were very happy to have steady employment doing these high quality productions, yet also very embarrassed about the contents. Maybe it's less cringe when you're actually a Catholic even with the historical rewrite?
Quel mépris de l'histoire de France intimement liée à la religion catholique en général ! Et la "révolution" n'a pas apporté sa dose de gaslighting aussi? je pense que s'il s'agissait d'une autre Histoire liée à une autre religion que l'on à pas le droit de critiquer sur internet là on aurait droit à des louanges sans fin..
@@luluvillebois3516 Une religion que l'on a pas le droit de critiquer sur internet ? La religion des guirlandes et galettes sur la tête ? Parce que TOUTES les autres se font cracher dessus à longueur de journée !
Tu nous excuseras d’exister. C’est marrant avec les gauchistes comme vous ne pouvez jamais vous empêcher de pointer du doigt les gens qui ne sont pas comme vous. Vous savez personne ne vous oblige à y aller. Et pour info le catholicisme est en France depuis 2 millénaires et cette religion a fait ce qu’est ce pays aujourd’hui. Alors au lieu de décerner des brevets de validité vous pouvez zapper la vidéo et aller soigner votre névrose ailleurs.
I've wanted to go for ages, then my French husband and our French friends admitted to me why they haven't gone yet, because it's basically sponsored by monarchist far-right groups, at least that's how I understood it, lol, and that they only present France as the victors and never as perpetrators, so go, have fun, have an experience, but take everything with a grain of salt
@@-alim-3585 When u can be proud of Blaise Pascal or Louise Michel why do u want to to be proud of some inbred family. Learn a bit of history instead of being easily reactionary.
Thank you for watching! It’s an incredible entertainment experience , but yes, everything is with a grain of salt. Like a Mel Gibson movie! Entertaining, but inaccurate.
The shows are amazing there. Definitely ! Yes ! BUT (just a reminder) you mut be aware that it's not true history but a very catholic/christian oriented version of France History, with a lot of very controversial elements (every single show intend to demonstrate that there is only one legit religion in France). Once you know that : just enjoy !
non pas chaque spectacle, le bal des oiseaux fantôme ne fait pas référence à la religion, ni le mime et l'étoile, ni le mystère de la Pérouse, ni les chevaliers de la table ronde, ni les orgues de feu, les amoureux de Verdun n'en font quasiment pas mention non plus, tout comme les mousquetaires de Richelieu. Au final on peut compter 4 grands spectacles et une attraction déambulatoir avec uns des axes principaux sur la religion, c'est moins de la majorité des activités du parc.
the park is great but just so you know, the owner (Phillipe De Villier, former far right politician) is very criticized for "rewritting history". The show is great but it's like a Mel Gibson movie, it's a good show but it's historicaly boggus
WARNING: The "Puy du Fou" is absolutely NOT about history! The shows are Christian-oriented and NOT historically accurate at all. You can enjoy the show, but don't make the mistake of believing it's a historical park.
one thing you have to know, this park was built by french far right politician (Philippe de Villiers), history transcribed is distanced from reality to serve far right soft power
Pffff encore un gauchiste de merde ....arrêtez avec votre propagande...de Villiers est un homme très bien qui dit au moins des vérités, il n est pas d extrême droite déjà, c est juste un des rares hommes qui aiment la France, point barre ....allez retrouver votre wokisme , moi j en veux pas en tout cas 🤮fuck le gauchisme
C est quoi encore cette propagande de gauchiste 😂mais allez vous faire foutre avec votre wokisme...m Devillers est un des des rares hommes politiques qui aiment la France basta
Know that when you go to the puy du fou and then put a online advert, you are giving money to anti avortion mouvement, anti lgbtq movement and far right political groups The Puy du fou is fascist Disneyland.
Thank you so much for watching and for the education! When we went and filmed, we were unaware of the controversy of the park, but have a much better understanding now.
@@collinandmeredith it's not a feeling (such an american way to respond btw - in a funny way no worries). it's not a feeling, it's facts. the owner of the park is a well known far-right activist. also all historians agree that the parc is re-writing history to match a far-right vision of the french history.
which doesn't prevent them to make good shows i'm sure ! it's just weaponizing entertainmant for political goals and you must know it before going there (or before posting youtube video)
That makes sense, thank you for explaining! That is good to know before you go. They sure do make good shows-but hopefully people take the shows as a dramatization , and not as historical fact!
The CEO of Puy du Fou is the main investor in extreme politics in France. There is nothing historical in this Park, they were even sanctioned for negationism. Here, we hate this park, not for what it is, but for the political ideal it finances.
@@MC_Jean_RacletteSo for you potraying the vandean repression as a genocide is not teaching self-hatred ? Anyway what is important is to portray history with accuracy without twisting it with our point of view. From what I heard the Puy du fou don't do that.
@@ParlonsAstronomie Les colonnes infernales parcourant le pays et tuant aussi bien femmes et enfants, arrachant les arbres fruitier, brulant les récoltes, massacrant les troupeaux pour affamer la population vous appelez ça "répression vous"? Pour moi c'est une volonté évidente d'éradiquer une population. Soit un génocide.
@@MC_Jean_Raclette C'est vous qui êtes dans la haine de vous même, les délires de cuck de soumission ect... Nous affiliés pas à vos délires. Nous on est juste fier des trucs basés et on rappelle quand vous dites de la merde car on a peu bossé les sujets nous. Vraiment les droitards edgy ne pas chialer h24 challenge.
The strentgh of the park is the fact that they create new spectacles every few years or so, so you always have something new to discover
Somehow they continue to out-do themselves. It’s truly an art! Thank you for watching.
17:15 🤯Can you imagine it's about the same price as the Stratosphere Tower in Vegas????
The Needle in Vegas: "Monday - Thursday: $49 · Friday - Sunday: $59" (45€ to 55€).
I prefer going to Le Puy du Fou !!!!! It's an amazing and unique park. Bravo!!! 😇👏🏼
Thanks for watching! We couldn't agree more, we were excited by the price. Although we would like to see the stratosphere tower in Vegas someday too!
I live in France and I have wanted to visit the park since its creation. I hope one day I can go there
We hope you get to go too!! ❤️
@@collinandmeredith Thank you :)
N'attendez plus, franchissez le pas! :) C'est très abordable pourla qualité de ce parc, tant sur le prix des entrées que les gîtes du côté de Montaigu (par exemple) ; allez-y hors saison en septembre-octobre avant leur fermeture hivernale, c'est moins bondé et les shows sont rôdés ;) Prenez un pass 2 jours, sans pour autant loger sur place, et pour économiser préparez vos sandwichs, il y a plein de tables en extérieurs pour picniquer!
J'y suis allé avec ma famille, mes parents et ma soeur m'avaient fait la surprise pour mon anniversaire. C'était vraiment génial, je m'en souviendrai toute ma vie, j'étais comme un gosse devant chaque spectacle. Je crois qu'on a tous préféré les jeux du cirque, c'était vraiment immersif avec le public qui encourage les gladiateurs, on en a pris plein les yeux. On avait l'impression d'être dans le film Gladiator. Vous ne serez pas déçu, parce qu'ils mettent le paquet pour vous émerveiller, acteurs, cascadeurs, orchestres, animaux dressés, jeux de lumière, chorégraphie... Les restaurants sont très bons aussi, ils sont à thème et s'inspirent de plusieurs époques, on avait choisi une sorte de crêperie de style auberge médiévale pour le midi, un café style Belle Epoque années 30 pour le quatre heure, et un restaurant de style renaissance/17e siècle qui faisait du grillé au feu de bois le deuxième jour. Ce parc est un trésor national, faut le faire au moins une fois dans sa vie.
Vive la france
Some 110km up the road from us, we have been several times and will more. Amazing theme park.
That's so nice!! We're counting down the days until we can go back again!
My favorite theme park, I go every year! 😍 I'm glad you liked it!! 😀
I'm so jealous you go every year!! It was an incredible experience 😊
Hello from France. I love the french accent of Max and Justine. Happy you liked le puy du fou.
We loved it! And we love Max and Justine too :)
C'est l'accent que les américains veulent entendre....la c'est trop. Vidéo sponsorisée
Moi aussi je me demandais s’il ne le faisais pas exprès.C’est juste pas possible d’avoir un accent aussi pourri!🤣🤣🤣
Exactement ! On dirait une mise en scène !
@@cowboybill.2433 moi, j’ai le même accent, les anglais ont des dizaines d’accents différents dans leurs petit pays pourquoi gommer le notre? Quand j’entends des français qui essaient de prononcer comme un anglophone il ressemble plus à des handicapés, à mâcher des syllabes qui s’envolent car incapable de prononcer ou prendre une voix qui n’est pas la leur, après c’est une question de perspective.
Nahhhh the fact that I literally live 5min away from the Puy du Fou and I never got the chance to visit it (but I still see the hot air balloon (?) with the eagles and the Cinéscénie from my room😅😭) but I'm still happy you went there 🙌
Come with us next time!!! ❤️
The closer you live from something, the less you go! I live in Normandy and I've never been to the Mont Saint Michel or even Giverny ... However, I've been to Disney World lol. I also have a friend from Marseille who has been to Disneyland more than me so, you know... And I've been to the Futuroscope more than Disney, which is only 2h from my house lol.
I'm french and i love this theme park it's my favourite theme park!
It is such an amazing place! We are so grateful for our experience there. Thank you for watching!
“Making you question if your head is safe” 🤣
I love you people.
Hahah it was a real fear!! we love you ❤️
Been , seen and had an amazing time !!!! If you get the chance , go for it !!!!❤❤❤
That was really nice! Thanks for your appreciation for this untypical theme park ^^
Glad you enjoyed it!
Superbe vidéo, je suis français and the french accent is so exaggerated !
Merci! 😊 Yes, our friends were having fun that morning 😂.
So thick it hurt my ears lol
@@Drawing4RealMy ears are still bleeding,Actually !
How do you spell it : "Ex za gey ra tid"
You must stay 3 days for all and enjoy the park. My list of the shows :
1- Vikings
2- Le mime et l'étoile
3- Les mousquetaires
4- Rome Le signe du triomphe
5- le dernier panache
6- le secret de la lance
7- le bal des oiseaux fantomes
The best of the best = La CINESCENIE
the accommodation in the park is fantastic and the diner show too. 3 days here is perfect.
Thank you so much!! We were thinking of going back this year, so I'll save your recommendations. We heard there's a new one or one that recently received an award this spring that we wanted to check out! 😁
Great! For the CINESCENIE, I recommand you to book now, it could be sold out very soon. I hope you will enjoy it!
The new one is "Le mime et l'étoile" It's fantastic!
@@julienr9455 thanks! We can't wait!!
How can you forget the night show : Les Noces de Feu ????
Adding this to my bucket list!!
It's so worth it!! 😁
Looks amazing! Definitely will put that on the list for a visit. Shout out to pass the pigs. Best travel game ever!
Pass the pigs is the best!!! Yes you and Amy would love this place 🙂
"pass the pigs" !!! :D
My travelling/holliday game with my children/friends for 15 years
That makes me so happy!!! We love that game, it's perfect for traveling 😁
Oh my gosh don’t tell me you have missed the nights shows « noces de feu » and even better « cinescenie »?!… missing cinescenie is like missing the final of a splendid firework. 😮
I know!!!! We have to go back to see it 😭
Also so funny you made the comparison to being like missing the fireworks. I also left Disney and universal before the fireworks shows 🙈😂 gotta go back to all of them now!
@@zootopian07 you are so kind!!! ❤️ We're hoping to go to the one in Spain so ill let them know you said that 😂 take care! Hope to see you on another adventure soon 😁
Well the whole point is the evening show. That’s where the entire concept began 50 years ago. The owner purchased that castle and decided to run eight performances of a reenactment and it became this entire phenomena.
The analogy would be it’s more like going to Disney and only going to the eateries.
Vous n'avez pas fait beaucoup de spectacle. Je l'ai fait il y'a 2 ans, nous avons pu quasiment faire tout le parc en une journée, c'était un peu la course, il nous a manqué un spectacle.
Il faut aussi voir la Cinéscénie, qui est le plus grand spectacle du monde en nocturne, juste magnifique. (fait avec quasiment que des bénévoles)
Thanks so much for the recommendation! Trust us, we will return and we won't miss the night show! :)
@@collinandmeredith n'hésitez pas à venir dans ma région, je suis à 30 minutes du Puy du Fou et je vous conseil de visiter Clisson, une petite ville unique à l'architecture italienne.
@@preventiondechets1767that sounds beautiful! I saved it to my map for our next trip to France, thank you!!
@@collinandmeredith si vous êtes intéressé, je peux vous indiquer les points très sympathique à voir dans la région et vous proposer un petit circuit pour votre prochain voyage
Yes please!! That would be so nice of you. @@preventiondechets1767
Le denier spectacle "le mime et l etoile " est extraordinaire
Next time we hope to see that show!! This park is extraordinary
You must do the cinescenie. Its really the thing to do. Its at night and impressive. Its the history of the Vendee. Its epic.
Thanks!! We're hoping to get to go back this fall. The night shows are high on our list now!
Wow! I must go!!
Yesss 💯
Vikings are not French, but they are part of French history. Gladiators too, Gaul was part of the Roman Empire.
There is such a unique history in France. Each region has been shaped by so many events. Thank you for watching our video, we hope you enjoyed it!
They are part of French history.
Please open an history book man
@@NormandieDiexAie De quoi tu parles ?
@@collinandmeredithvikings are our ancestors in Normandie....they créate this land
Really cool video! I've been there as a kid, I'd love to go again.
Just a little feedback about the sound mixing: at some moments the music is a bit too loud when you're speaking.
Thanks so much for the tip :) we've tried to improve on it so hopefully the newer videos are better! Thanks for watching!!
Thank you so much for watching! We had an incredible time there, and can only imagine the magic for a kid. Also, thanks for the quality tip! We’ve been slowly upgrading equipment. Hopefully in the future the video and audio is smoother 😁
Wow! How did you decide which shows to see? The bird one, Nope just Nope!I loved seeing Max and 'meeting' his girlfriend. Max kinda threw me in the beginning, I didn't remember the thick accent. I am so glad you guys get to experience this type of thing. I don't think I would call it an amusement park though, unless there was another 'side' you didn't show. Hugs
Hahah the bird one was a little scary if you don't like birds! Max and the "french fries" (as we call them now lol) picked out the entire day. They've been every year so they knew which ones were the best to see based on that days schedule. We might have talked Max into using a thick French accent for the intro 😉
France, they know how to live
They do a pretty good job at it! Thanks for watching. 😁
@@collinandmeredith great content. I hope for more France videos
Us too! Because that means we get to go back 😂🥰
Great video thanks!
Thanks so much for watching 😁❤️
Having been 2 times to LE Puy du Fou (I was living not far amny years ago, I can only concur: it is amazin, and also ever expanding. So you can go there every year and see something new. Also, the park itself is awesome. Just going from one show to the other in such nice a setting (instead of all-concrrete) make a difference.
Amnd last but not least: do plan to stay around for the night: the "cinéscénie" (the night show in front of the castle) is worth the trip on its own.
It is also the type of experience you can share with anyone. Although best enjoyed if you know French of have a decent audio guide to your language. Much would be missed otherwise
It was so helpful to have our friends there to translate! We have to go back for this night show!!
Best thème Park in the world for décades
we see why!!
Just up the road from us.. you need 2 Days to do all of the park! Well worth every penny you spend. Amazing place
Definitely agree! Next time I'd like to spend the night and spend two full days exploring!
@@collinandmeredith yes and do the night show.. but you need to book long time in advance...
@@steve-thomas ah thanks for the heads up! We'll do it when we book flights to see our friends then.
I'm french and I think I have to go there someday,I love medieval times and pirates ❤.
@@HPGot21oh you would love it!!! I wish we spoke French so we could appreciate it even more!
The best UA-cam channel ever
Nice shirt Collin.
@@marki7275 he wears it very proudly now!!!
@collinandmeredith it's comfortable and fits nicely.
Bonjour, j'ai cru comprendre dans la vidéo que Mathilde est historienne. Que pense t-elle des libertés que prend le parc avec l'Histoire ?
They also created a Puy du Fou in Spain 2 years ago also going to Germany and soon to China, and soon in China and maybe one day in the United States, of course with the history of each country.
That's incredible! The actors and actresses did such a great job in France, we can't wait to see the other ones.
Wow. I was searching for theme parks in France and this came up- I had no idea. Questions for anyone who knows; Will someone who doesn't speak French be able to understand what they are seeing/experiencing? Can we see everything in one day?
Hi! We hope you enjoyed the video. 😁
For your first question-we know zero French, and we were able to understand (maybe not the nuances of the script, but it didn’t hinder our enjoyment). They also have English pamphlets at the entrance that give a synopsis. 👍
Sadly, you’re not able to see everything in one day. The park has too many shows. We packed our schedule and were only able to see the shows in the video, about half. If you can do two days, that would be ideal. 😁 Otherwise, you can find the schedule online and build out a lineup to maximize your day!
Enjoy! You’re going to love it.
At last some foreigners who don't care about Paris and who enjoy France, DEEPLY and FOR REAL.
@1:27 BTW Vikings were a thing in France too, I'm from Normandie, my ancestors (Normans) are their direct descendants. (Rollo 's story in "Vikings" tv show, first duc of Normandie in a way, you can visit his grave in Falaise town, where William the conqueror's castle stands still today) .
Because Paris is not part of real France ? 🙄
As far as I know, it’s in Paris the Revolution as began and if it’s weren’t for Parisians act of rebellion we would’ve still been in a puppet state Royal Authority like in England…
This anti paris bullshit again 🙄 even when its not about Paris you HAVE TO mention instead of just appreciating the content
reminding that the genetic mix of the normans is not so different than the genetic of the people of France, like the genetic mix of the Bretons is not so different, even the belgians and the dutch except the frisians. The base remains gallic.
@@carthkaras6449 And Latin. Roman Empire did a lot here too.
France has always being some kind of gens' pudding.
Despite that, Vikings' influence on the culture (except for Normandie) hasn't been as strong as in GB.
Franks didn't let that happen.
William the conqueror was called "the bastard" at first cause he was the son of a second wife. Polygamy wasn't allowed in France's kingdom. 9 generation after Rollon, it was still a thing in Normandie. + the longship (Drakkar) built mastering.
Franks didn't let that happen.
Now Africa and middle east is taking over. What our ancestors fought against for centuries, our modern leaders destroyed it in a few decades.
@@guiguijol there are no genetic impact after a few centuries if the foreign population don't exceed 13%. Also, not so much "Latin" genetic too... People tend to forget that north Italian and South French are also of gallic origin.
Remark regarding what the French guy said at the beginning : Well Vikings do not originate from France, but they are part of our History too (well north and west mostly) - specially Normandy - dutchy of the north men called Normans, Viking that got lands and authorisation to stay under the crown - they learned french, and assimilate to French culture + their own. Like the Romans are not from France, they let a trace that made the History of France.
That is really well written. It seems the park takes elements / time periods of history that impacted the region, and then turn it into entertaining shows.
Thank you so much for watching!
J'ai visité ce parc deux fois. Content que vous ayez aimé !
We're already excited to go again!!
Question, do they give you anything to translate into English, I know a little french but would be good for my son
They don't, the only thing I can think of is going to the website ahead of time and reading about each show or printing off the descriptions of the show so you can explain the basics to your son. We don't speak any french, so our friends had to translate a lot of it for us, and it was fine. The acting and entertainment is so great that you'll get the basic idea just by watching!
They do have an audio translator available for individuals given at the entry at the park i think.
@@alexisbelfer7881 thank you! @kellynavarromontes7244
Le fréro Max c'est un cliché ambulant sur l'accent des français quand ils parlent anglais 🤣
He made us smile, thats for sure!!
Y a pas de cliché c'est une réalité 😭 j ai le même accent 😂
Puy du Fou in France and Europa Park in Germany... I recommend them to you, eyes closed.
In France, every 2 years, you've got a very welknown street medival Festival in Dinan for several days, in Brittany.
And in Carcassonne, South of France, they used the Castle for Robin Wood scenes with Kevin Costner.
There are every years Festivals and shows, fireworks, in and around the castle's grounds.
I have never been in Carcassonne as a french but I heard it is great.
thank you!! :) We love recommendations!
@@collinandmeredith Parc Asterix, close to paris is good too, its a "regular" roller coster theme parc but way better than Disney for me and friends. :) I never been to Europa parc but i would like to go there, y heard its awsome. :))
Awesome, thank you!!
Le Puy du fou est une grande fierté pour la Vendée et beaucoup de français, malheureusement la politisation de tout à travers les médias français (notamment d'extrême gauche) conduit à beaucoup de médisance sur ce parc, qui selon eux enjolivent l'histoire de France...on en revient toujours au même, une sorte de culture de la honte en France au lieu d'être fiers de notre richesse culturelle et historique. BTW, this park is awesome, if you come in France, forget Paris and visit Angers, Nantes, the Puy du Fou, The Futuroscope and the Dordogne Valley ;)
Thanks so much for your recommendations. We can't wait to go back to France - so much left to see!
Les gens qui médisent sur le Puy du Fou, soit ils n'y sont jamais allés, soit c'est parce qu'ils ont l'esprit tordu. Allez y avec votre propre personnalité et tout ira très bien.
Je suis de gauche et j'aime
@@TheFaruk2 On peut être de gauche et aimer l'histoire de son pays. De toutes façons, droite/gauche ça ne veut plus dire grand chose actuellement.
@@fontgombeenberry33 je suis d'accord avec vous dans le fond, mais force est de constater la propension de personnes se caractérisant elles-mêmes de gauche (le camp du bien^^) flagellant leur culture et leur histoire...à croire que l'auto détestation est un critère pour faire partie du chapitre 😅
Au travail je n'ose même plus parler de mes weekends au puy du fou (prochaine visite le 5 octobre au passage !🔥🤩😍), des anecdotes de l'histoire de France que j'avais apprises à l'école, ou manifester mon admiration de notre patrimoine, tant à chaque coup un collègue bien pensant se sent obligé de me rappeler l'héritage colonialiste ou suprématiste de la royauté/chrétienté française...par contre bizarrement les mêmes collègues adulent et adoubent les autres cultures et leur patrimoine.
Ce constat est décevant, car on a la même nationalité et on vit côte à côte au quotidien, à croire que pour aller bien dans leur peau ils ont besoin de s'acharner sur quelque chose plutôt que d'apprécier leur environnement
Wonderful ! But you didn't go to the "Cinéscénie" ? It is the BEST SHOW of Le Puy du Fou ! By far ! Seriously ! You HAVE to go back !!!!
We have to go back!!!
Angers c'est ma ville
We ❤️ angers!!! We made a whole video about our week in your incredible town! 😁
MERCI du fond de mon ❤La France n'est pas politique et j'espere restera grace a vous une belle experience .
Merci de votre passage
Aww thanks so much for watching. We loved France and our time there. We can't wait to come back and see your beautiful country again❤️🇫🇷
Une expérience unique, malgré de grands partis pris avec la vraie Histoire. Les "Vikings" ne portaient pas de casques à cornes, par exemple. C'est un cliché qui a la vie dure.
Collin thought one of the worst historical inaccuracy was the viking ships coming up from the water...considering it submarines weren't invented. I thought it made for a great show :)
Si par grand partis pris avec la vraie Histoire, on entend Révisionnisme à la sauce Action Française aussi, c'est pas faux, après l'ambiance est sympa mais bon il y aurait mieux à faire et faut bien prendre ça en compte.
Horned helmets have existed, but not for recorded cases of combat. However, this could potentially have been the case, we don't know, we can't affirm one nor the other, only offer a vision of things.
... pour faire de bon citoyens il faut faire rêver les enfants ! Les casques sont tellement plus beaux avec des cornes ! Si vous tenez vraiment à l'authenticité alors il faut rajouter beaucoup de boue et d'odeurs. Les hommes de cette époque étaient sales, édentés, et cruels. La "vraie Histoire" ne ferait pas rêver les foules. J'habite à Carcassonne qui n'est jamais que le rêve de pierre sorti de l'imagination de M. Viollet Le Duc. La cité n'était plus qu'une enceinte crénelée largement effondrée assortie de quelques tours en ruine. Je le remercie tous les jours d'avoir recréé cette splendeur que le monde entier vient admirer. C'est aussi cet architecte de génie qui a "inventé" la flèche de Notre Dame.
You should either have a gimble or shoot at 60 frames per second if you move the camera often. Otherwise it is jittery and hard to watch.
Thank you!!
12:21 that's not the colosseum its an amphitheatre just like the colosseum, but its a French/Gaulish style roman one as France was in the roman empire and the amphitheatre built were like this one, the show isn't representing the Roman history in Italy but generic Roman provincial city in roman Gaul (France) roman empire was massive part of French history founding many cities like Paris, loved the video though
Thank you so much for watching and for the historical correction! 👍 This show was our favorite of the day.
@@collinandmeredith it is definitely a cool reenactment, It is only 4 hours north of me so I want to go visit soon, your video defiantly made it look worth going thx
French here 👋 this park is the best alternative when you don't like thrilling attractions like Asterix Park or Disneyland Paris ( my favorite place in the parc is the garden of jean de la fontaine , which for years was animated by animatronics !!)
yes I agree!! It opened my eyes to theme parks being more than just about the rides!
People in the comments missing the point of the park, is about history yes, but also legends and stories that were told in that time periods, we all know a mermaid didn't give back arthur his sword but it's a legend, in the past catholicism was linked with everything, they even repopulated areas in the country saying a miracle happened, 😂😂😂 just enjoy the park
Hi Laura! Thank you so much for watching! We couldn’t agree more-it’s an entertainment park, and an incredible one at that. 😁
We hadn’t heard yet about the “miracle” of repopulation 😂That is too funny!
We hope you enjoy the park, and enjoyed the video. 👍
Max your accent is epic
Hahah thank you for saying that. He was sad everyone was making fun of it when we were having fun ❤️😂
@@collinandmeredith I'm french 100% but I sound kinda Brit when I speak English. This is level 0 of efforts 🤣
He's a talented man hahaha 😂
Just for the record, I don’t actually speak English that way but thank you for acknowledging my talent for ruining accents 😂
@@Frenchfriesandco legend
You’re so pretty!!
Okay twin, I see you 😜😘
there's one in spain and peple say it's very cool
Yes! We tried to go there this year, but it didn’t work out. We are very excited to visit it. Apparently , there are going to be new ones in the UK China and USA in the next few years!
Better than Broadway :-) click bait a little bit huh. Yes they are spectacular shows but you can’t compare a 20 minute five time a day Performance about a very specific time in French and Rohman history to a three hour Broadway play with intense dialogue for dozens of characters telling limitless stories are even than the same category
Thanks so much for watching! We actually do believe it’s better 😂 We’ve seen two broadway shows, and as far as entertainment value the intensity, we think this park wins! I only wish we were able to attend the long evening show too , apparently that is a special to behold. Hopefully, we both get to see more incredible shows in the future!
Must be good
Omg max your accent is crrrrrrézi 🤣
His “southern drawl” is even better!
Hey I live like a 30 min ride from there
Let’s go together next time we are in town!
3:05: « to complete maps that had been drafted by captain cook », not really, Captain cook didn’t draft maps but only drafted English Maps based on Spanish Maps drafted since the 16th century. The entire Cook’s expeditions were based on Spanish maps Cook managed to put hands on.
Something the English propaganda seems to forget, just like they seem to forget that their navigators had been formed in Spain and used Spanish invented tools for navigation.
ohh that's a hot topic! We are just now really getting into reading about English and Spanish expeditions in our free time! You seem pretty knowledgeable on the topic. Any book recommendations? Cook has been really interesting for us as we've traveled to a few places where he's highlighted as a great explorer, but want to learn more. Thanks for sharing the correction :)
This is a great place, for sure. But the locals keep saying they come back every year at least. I don't understand that. Once you've seen everything, there's no real reason to come back
Thank you for watching! Every year might be a lot. This was my second time, and the first was 5 years ago-that was long enough to forget some of the “wow” factor!
it's funny to see what foreign tourists think of this park. I live 10 minutes from Puy du Fou and the company I work for manufactures the structure of the Puy du Fou buildings, so I have unlimited access to the park. Puy du Fou is part of our lives since it keeps tourism going and gives lots of work to local businesses and the park for seasonal workers.
small precision. the PDF is a theme park. These are fictionalized shows that aren't really historically accurate. it is only the reflection of the vision of the creator. Therefore, it should not be considered as a historical reenactment park but rather a spectacle park.
Well said. It’s a theme park for entertainment-not a well cited / documented history account.
Your company does amazing work making the PDF buildings, they are phenomenal. 😁
Glad you enjoyed it. It would have been nice to have a word about the historic inacuracies in the shows. Some would even say it's mostly fairy tales with historical themes sprinkled on top. Did Mathilde say something about it ?
Thank you so much for watching! The inaccuracy was not mentioned, but given the nature of the amusement park, we thought it was understood the history would contain many inaccuracies for the sake of showmanship and entertainment. Hopefully nobody shows up expecting a textbook!
I think you said that Le Puy du Fou was the most visited park but in fact Disneyland Paris has twice has much visitor, so no ^^
Yup... unfortunately, people like trash shows. Imagine going to France and ending up at Disneyland. 🤦♂
They did not say “the most visited”…They only mentioned that it was the best/#1 with the most awards…
Disney c'est du carton pâte, des contes de fées, c'est américain. Je ne suis jamais allées à disneyland paris mais je suis allée plus de 10 fois au Puy du Fou !!! Je suis aussi allée à Efteling au Pays Bas !
@@AlfgardVicAenorDuFay Whats Efeling like? Is it worth visiting?
@@JCT963 Oh ok, my bad then.
We unmasked you Max by forcing your French accent😂
So much lol
hahah you should hear his southern drawl :) lol
How my god ! What a awfull accent. Il le fait exprès c’est pas possible ! And even the sister !
L’accent français est vraiment horrible !
I'm french but the french accent at 1:20 is killing me
Poor Max was just having a fun time. You should hear his “southern” accent! 😂
Qui leur dit ?😅
Oh, we know. Thanks for watching!
Pinaise,Cet accent français à deux balles!C’est franchement abusé!
plus qu'abusé
Un accent à couper au couteau !
You should hear his cowboy accent :) haha. Thanks for watching!
@@collinandmeredith you’re welcome anytime,My friend!Even though I’m French,I’m trying to sound « American » whenever I speak English.
@@cowboybill.2433 haha our french friends told me (Meredith) I have a very classic American accent. You can copy mine 😂
Is it a choice to exagerate the French accent ?
Haha yes definitely, all in good fun with some friends!
Why are you running ?
Thank you for watching! We are running to make it to the next show by the time it begins 😁big workout!
1:14 Max, you put too much effort into your French accent.
He did that as a favor to us! Hope you enjoyed it. 😁
Uh ? Captain Cook, an Englishman on a French ship?
"In France, Louis XVI demanded to know why his nation was not engaging in such voyages of exploration, and a hasty search was made for a French Captain Cook. The man chosen for the role was Jean-François de Galaup, comte de La Pérouse."
Hey! We agree with you 100% this show is about Pérouse, who as we mentioned, is following in the footsteps of Captain Cook! Could you imagine if Cook was on a French ship 🤣
Explosions at the time of the Vikings? For real?
Canon powder was create in 9th century, viking invasion begin in 889 in franxe so why not.
But powder was exported in europe during 14th century....😊
@@aimdeka7023 I guess you answered your own question
To be honest, the puy du fou look awesome but they do a lot of thing who are historicaly questionable.
It's financed by a far right politicien to promote his view on history btw
@@Eldiran1 And an idiot far right political at that.
The guy somehow missed that his elder son was raping his little brother.
@@Eldiran1 Ouarfffff, j'aurai été étonnée qu'aucun gauchiste ne vienne poser sa petite crotte politique, hein !
There are no Victorian style houses in the park. It is a village in one of the many French architectural styles that is reconstituted (France has almost as many as regions). This one is more typical of the "Belle Epoque" (1900). It’s the same for Captain Cook, who never set foot on the boat you’re talking about. Anglo-Saxons, you must stop this arrogance and think that everything comes from you. (second degree) 😉♥
Thank you for watching! And for correcting our architecture. We never said captain cook was on this boat, but we do talk pretty fast so that part may have been missed. 😉
@@collinandmeredith 👍😉❤️
Just a quick reminder about Le Puy du Fou... it's a theater show about French Novel National History (aka the way France looked upon his history with glasses from the 19th century historians) always remind, it's a show which pretends to be historically accurate while it's not. It's like, idk, PPl from Pennsylvania reincarnating History with King Arthur as a Pilgrim Father... sounds fun but... meh, lol.
Good reminder! Thanks for sharing!
Ce n'est pas un roman national, le roman national (donc français, républicain), a longtemps véhiculer énormément de fausses informations sur le moyen âge, la renaissance, les temps modernes, etc... Et surtout c'est un roman qui se veut républicain et non pas royaliste, le roman national a notamment réutiliser l'image de Jeanne d'Arc pour des choses qui n'ont historiquement aucun lien, alors qu'elle est représentante de la royauté et du catholicisme français de son époque et de son contexte historique de guerre de territoire entre valois et plantagenets.
This theme park is really fantasic (and you missed the outdoor night show).
But, as you insisted a lot on it, be aware that the historical narrative presented is highly contested (and politically oriented)
Comme il est dit dans de nombreux films... l'Histoire est écrite par les vainqueurs... ce sont donc les "vainqueurs" qui contestent l'Histoire du Puy du Fou !!!
@@AlfgardVicAenorDuFay Please, stop arguing. My message is not intended to defend one narrative or another.
And especially stop arguing in french in the comments of an english-speaking video/channel.
Thank you! We'll have to add the night show next time we visit. We were careful to only present historical facts in our video but we agree that narrative of the park is very politically oriented.
@@collinandmeredith Don't want to hype too much the night show, but it's my best memory from it ! However, I don't know if there are any sessions in English. (also there is multiple night shows)
Great park but a lot of controversies here about the historical accuracy of lots of attractions. Especially the '" Guerres de Vendée" chapter, explaining the genocide of thousands of people from this area... that didn't happen (for some others).
How about the Vikings, straight outta Lord of the Rings 🤣
Le génocide en Vendée a vraiment existé. Comme les "mariages vendéens".
thanks for sharing! There's a definitely a lot of controversy around this park!
@@Marius-jg6sl Oui enfin il n'y a pas consensus la-dessus. C'est pour ça que je parle de controverse.
@@jeromosan tu te fou de la gueule du monde, y'a pas consensus, t'as cru que c'était les années 40 ici mdr, pas consensus, sort de ta grotte frère, tah l'idée de vieux wallah
Something that has to be mentionned, is that this park calls itself "historical theme park", but has a very (and well known and claimed) alt right bias. Don't expect to truly learn something about french history, everything that is presented is heavily distorted. Yet, the shows are amazing. But it is always better to know it before to go.
Thank you so much for watching and for the education! It is an incredible park for entertainment!
Chiale batard
You need a camera stabilizer. Your video gave me a little vertigo. I have to stop watching.
Thanks for the feedback! We sadly had our stabilizer turned off this day :( We're still pretty new at filming!
Have you been paid by puy du fou for the vidéo with extravagantes reactions and this french accent cinéma of max and Justine?
Haha no we didn't get paid to make this. We were just having fun with our friends ❤️
collin wht is this you hanging around with this type of..
wonderful friends? :)
@@collinandmeredith who said wounderful..
merde max faut travailler l accent anglais !
You should hear his “southern” accent 😂 it’s legendary
Alors ,premierement on a le droit de critiquer la revolution francaise ,on a le droit d etre catholique ,on a le droit d etre de droite .
Thank you for watching! For us, it’s all about the entertainment 👍
Created by Philippe de Villiers also called, " Le fou du puy " un mariole celui là !!! Rien dans la tronche, un bon businessman quoi !!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
La critique peut être ridicule quand elle émane d'un ignorant. Je suis sûre que vous êtes capable d'affirmer que Bach est ennuyeux et que Venise est surfaite. Avec une mentalité comme la votre, vous ne serez jamais heureux dans la vie.
Thank you so much for watching! We hope you enjoyed our visit. 😁
@@madodomi5850 Merci pour votre maudite morale. Être heureux dans la vie ? Pas question pour moi. La vie est un enfer, quand je mourrai je serai libéré des chaînes de mes contemporains ahuris de bonheur.
@@williamthelast1 Dommage pour vous car vous n'en avez qu'une, de vie ......
According to french historians, most of the "historical" part there are at most exagerated, twisted, when not completly false.
So please take this as what it is, an amusement park
L'Histoire "officielle" et ripouxblik'haine ? Je pourrais vous en apprendre sur les mensonges et la propagande que subissent les français depuis 260 ans !
agreed! Thanks for watching!!
Generally these people writing these reviews have not even read the scripts of the shows, which are accessible in pdf with a little searching. Each time I demonstrate that each show is placed in a historical context with references to real historical elements I get no response or counter argument. Yes, the shows are romanticized, but that’s the principle of a scripted show.Generally these people writing these reviews have not even read the scripts of the shows, which are accessible in pdf with a little searching. Each time I demonstrate that each show is placed in a historical context with references to real historical elements I get no response or counter argument. Yes, the shows are romanticized, but that’s the principle of a scripted show.
It's a nice attraction. I went a few times as a kid. However don't expect to learn anything real about France history. Nothing is historically accurate there.
Thank you so much for watching! The history is sure a bit inaccurate, but the magic of the art and performance is powerful. Hopefully, it inspires people to dive deeper into learning more accurate history!
J'espere que t'as aussi ecrit ca sous les video du Parc Asterix fils de pute
Read " le puy du faux " and u will no longer want to go there
After all the comments we've gotten about this park I am interested in reading this. Thank you for sharing and watching our video!
Ce livre est une aberration dans le domaine historique et une démonstration de ce qu'il ne faut pas faire quand on est sensé êtres diplômés dans les domaines de la science de l'histoire. Ce n'est pas une réelle et profonde analyse de la réalité historique du parc, mais bien plus une sorte de "contre-attaque" politique.
D'ailleurs certaines personnes ayant participé à l'écriture du livre se sont eux-mêmes confrontés entre eux après coup, car certaines de ces personnes menaient un vrai combat politique, et non pas un travail historique, alors que d'autres voulaient resté plus neutres autour du livre et du parc.
Le livre comporte d'ailleurs également des erreurs historiques de la part des "historien" et "historiennes" ( je met des guillemets car des professionnels de l'histoire qui se respectent ne plogent pas dans de la politique, mais restent neutre dans leur travail d'écriture et de thèse), ce qui est assez cocasse et ironique quand le livre se veut être une critique de l'appropriation politique de l'histoire par le parc.
ce livre est inutile , on vas dans un parc pour s'amuser avant tout et le puys du you y arrive parfaitement
Shows are amazing but never forget it is christian oriented park mentioning in every show that christianism wins against other religions or invaders. They try to send political messages in their show.
Thank you so much for watching! We agree, those themes are apparent …but the shows are so intense
Great performers vs terrible writing and Catholic gaslighting. I knew several people working the shows (hawking, pyrotechnics) and the general feeling was that they were very happy to have steady employment doing these high quality productions, yet also very embarrassed about the contents. Maybe it's less cringe when you're actually a Catholic even with the historical rewrite?
Quel mépris de l'histoire de France intimement liée à la religion catholique en général ! Et la "révolution" n'a pas apporté sa dose de gaslighting aussi? je pense que s'il s'agissait d'une autre Histoire liée à une autre religion que l'on à pas le droit de critiquer sur internet là on aurait droit à des louanges sans fin..
@@luluvillebois3516 Une religion que l'on a pas le droit de critiquer sur internet ? La religion des guirlandes et galettes sur la tête ? Parce que TOUTES les autres se font cracher dessus à longueur de journée !
Well i’m not religious but we can’t deny the religious past of France.
It's about french history, how are you supposed to do it without catholicism?
Tu nous excuseras d’exister. C’est marrant avec les gauchistes comme vous ne pouvez jamais vous empêcher de pointer du doigt les gens qui ne sont pas comme vous. Vous savez personne ne vous oblige à y aller. Et pour info le catholicisme est en France depuis 2 millénaires et cette religion a fait ce qu’est ce pays aujourd’hui. Alors au lieu de décerner des brevets de validité vous pouvez zapper la vidéo et aller soigner votre névrose ailleurs.
This park is kinda problematic because the founder is a revisionist and he supports the far right......
Thanks for watching! We chose to focus on the pure entertainment of the park, and its development of the arts
I've wanted to go for ages, then my French husband and our French friends admitted to me why they haven't gone yet, because it's basically sponsored by monarchist far-right groups, at least that's how I understood it, lol, and that they only present France as the victors and never as perpetrators, so go, have fun, have an experience, but take everything with a grain of salt
Like every country around the world. But for some people, only french people can’t be proud about their history.
@@-alim-3585 When u can be proud of Blaise Pascal or Louise Michel why do u want to to be proud of some inbred family.
Learn a bit of history instead of being easily reactionary.
Thank you for watching! It’s an incredible entertainment experience , but yes, everything is with a grain of salt. Like a Mel Gibson movie! Entertaining, but inaccurate.
The shows are amazing there. Definitely ! Yes ! BUT (just a reminder) you mut be aware that it's not true history but a very catholic/christian oriented version of France History, with a lot of very controversial elements (every single show intend to demonstrate that there is only one legit religion in France). Once you know that : just enjoy !
Thanks for watching and sharing!! I agree, it's important to know that going into the park!
non pas chaque spectacle, le bal des oiseaux fantôme ne fait pas référence à la religion, ni le mime et l'étoile, ni le mystère de la Pérouse, ni les chevaliers de la table ronde, ni les orgues de feu, les amoureux de Verdun n'en font quasiment pas mention non plus, tout comme les mousquetaires de Richelieu. Au final on peut compter 4 grands spectacles et une attraction déambulatoir avec uns des axes principaux sur la religion, c'est moins de la majorité des activités du parc.
It is a far-right theme park. It is a far-right storytelling of France theme park
Thank you so much for watching! We are learning about the controversy about this park. The shows are pretty amazing though
The show is amazing. Period. Speaking of fascism about it is so narrow minded and stupid, by the way anachronic
@@fredenpark4385 What about the nazi shows? Were they great too?
@@fredenpark4385 Do you know about propaganda?
Uh.. second sentence and a Godwin point ..damn you seem to be a holy champ!
Just so you know : its also, a far right /royalist "attraction" that "revisits" history in the most fallacious way.
I wouldn't put a foot in it
Thank you so much for watching! We approached it like a movie: entertaining but not too educational.
C'est dommage car le parc fait plus de 2 millons d'entrées chaque années, vous ratez quelques choses.
@@tbfrstudio5416 non je crois que je rate rien, j'aime bien ne pas rencontrer de faf, surtout 2 millions de faf... non merci.
the park is great but just so you know, the owner (Phillipe De Villier, former far right politician) is very criticized for "rewritting history". The show is great but it's like a Mel Gibson movie, it's a good show but it's historicaly boggus
That's a great comparison, we thought so too! Lots of showmanship, which makes for a great day of entertainment.
C'est sur que c'est pas Boyard et Panot qui ont créés le parc...😅😅😅
@@ludovic7439on est d’accord
WARNING: The "Puy du Fou" is absolutely NOT about history! The shows are Christian-oriented and NOT historically accurate at all. You can enjoy the show, but don't make the mistake of believing it's a historical park.
Thank you for watching our video! Hopefully people can enjoy the shows for what they are, and have the thoughtfulness to learn the actual history
La France est et restera Chrétienne. 🇫🇷✝️
one thing you have to know, this park was built by french far right politician (Philippe de Villiers), history transcribed is distanced from reality to serve far right soft power
Pffff encore un gauchiste de merde ....arrêtez avec votre propagande...de Villiers est un homme très bien qui dit au moins des vérités, il n est pas d extrême droite déjà, c est juste un des rares hommes qui aiment la France, point barre ....allez retrouver votre wokisme , moi j en veux pas en tout cas 🤮fuck le gauchisme
C est quoi encore cette propagande de gauchiste 😂mais allez vous faire foutre avec votre wokisme...m Devillers est un des des rares hommes politiques qui aiment la France basta
Thanks for sharing! Its a good thing to keep in mind when visiting!
Know that when you go to the puy du fou and then put a online advert, you are giving money to anti avortion mouvement, anti lgbtq movement and far right political groups
The Puy du fou is fascist Disneyland.
Anti abortion movements*
Thank you so much for watching and for the education! When we went and filmed, we were unaware of the controversy of the park, but have a much better understanding now.
Le Pen helped fund this park. If it was in Germany it would be the 1930s...
Thank you for watching!
oh yay ! dysney-land for french fascists !
Thank you so much for watching! We are sorry you feel this way about the park
@@collinandmeredith it's not a feeling (such an american way to respond btw - in a funny way no worries). it's not a feeling, it's facts. the owner of the park is a well known far-right activist. also all historians agree that the parc is re-writing history to match a far-right vision of the french history.
which doesn't prevent them to make good shows i'm sure ! it's just weaponizing entertainmant for political goals and you must know it before going there (or before posting youtube video)
That makes sense, thank you for explaining! That is good to know before you go. They sure do make good shows-but hopefully people take the shows as a dramatization , and not as historical fact!
Chiale batard
The CEO of Puy du Fou is the main investor in extreme politics in France.
There is nothing historical in this Park, they were even sanctioned for negationism.
Here, we hate this park, not for what it is, but for the political ideal it finances.
Thank you for watching our video. We were unaware of the controversy over the origin of the park, we were just there for entertainment
@@collinandmeredithThere is no controversy, he is just a frustrated leftist
Well Puy du Fou is a far right park more than anything else. Would you enjoy your time in a park build by a guy from the NPD ?
Ouarfffff, j'aurai été étonnée qu'aucun gauchiste ne vienne poser sa petite crotte politique, hein !
Average leftist comment, "if it doesn't teach self-hatred, then you shouldn't enjoy it".
@@MC_Jean_RacletteSo for you potraying the vandean repression as a genocide is not teaching self-hatred ?
Anyway what is important is to portray history with accuracy without twisting it with our point of view. From what I heard the Puy du fou don't do that.
@@ParlonsAstronomie Les colonnes infernales parcourant le pays et tuant aussi bien femmes et enfants, arrachant les arbres fruitier, brulant les récoltes, massacrant les troupeaux pour affamer la population vous appelez ça "répression vous"? Pour moi c'est une volonté évidente d'éradiquer une population. Soit un génocide.
@@MC_Jean_Raclette C'est vous qui êtes dans la haine de vous même, les délires de cuck de soumission ect... Nous affiliés pas à vos délires.
Nous on est juste fier des trucs basés et on rappelle quand vous dites de la merde car on a peu bossé les sujets nous.
Vraiment les droitards edgy ne pas chialer h24 challenge.