I read Aeron's words to Flowers at the end somewhat differently. He isn't just hoping for the release of death; He's trying to use his religion to give hope to another. It's a significant shift in Aeron's beliefs, from his single-minded and selfish fanaticism, to a more practical and inspirational leadership.
The most Jesus-like element of this chapter was that after being mentally and physically tortured for months, the formerly self-absorbed Aeron's first thought is to offer comfort and compassion to Falia Flowers.
Yeah, Preston didn't notice, but both times Aeron meets Falia he seems very concerned with her welfare. This is one of the few occasions where he does something positive.
@@mankytoes I agree, I found that part oddly moving and one of the little hints that there might be more than just blind religious zealotry to the Aeron character. I quite like him for some reason.
My guess as to why Cod both mocked the Drowned God and invoked his power is that old habits die hard. We see something similar with all of Stannis's followers who are supposed to be worshipers of Rholor, but use phrases like "the Mother's mercy". The Iron Born were raised with the religion of the Drowned God, and even Euron can't erase that amount of indoctrination in just a few months. If the Iron Born were to witness "proof" that the Drowned God was against Euron (a freak storm, a Kraken attacking Euron's ship, etc), I think they would abandon Euron.
Spiciest Meme Lord Alec patchface: looked Preston, sounded Preston, predicted the red wedding 2/3 preston Ghost of high heart, sounds Preston, saw balon die, pimps kisses out of lem 1/3 Preston Jinglesbell: looked Preston, sounded Preston, went full Preston died.... NEVER go full Preston
The phrase "Going full Preston" should become common parlance among fans as much as other ASOIAF-isms like "R+L=J" and "Frey Pies" and "Littlefingering" etc
ComradeSlice "Full PJ" is not even caring about Winds of Winter just the PJ review vids The battle of blood, chumming for crackens I'm tearing up right now
Holy fuck this is the best conclusion to any series you have done. I so see the battle of blood happening, and Krakens finally having a major role in the series. Good job, can't wait to your next series, whatever it may be.
"Then the towers by the sea, crumbling as the dark tide came sweeping over them, rising from the depths." Melisandre sees this in a vision in ADWD, and later states; "I saw towers by the sea, submerged beneath a black and bloody tide. That is where the heaviest blow will fall." Mel thinks it's Eastwatch, although she isn't entirely sure. But I'm certain it's the Battle of Blood she's seeing, and the towers by the sea is Three Towers, which Samwell draws attention to in his final or penultimate chapter of AFFC. I think Euron's plan is going to succeed and all of the Redwyne fleet and Hightower fleet will be completely destroyed. This battle may have the biggest death toll in the series so far.
Kraken tentacles coming out of the water to destroy a fleet of ships would be a fantastic scene. Then Euron can claim he have godlike powers for summoning them and the Iron Born would worship him.
I believe the Battle of Blood will actually be paralleled by yet a fourth battle: The Battle of Shit. You see, when we last left Dany she was shitting and drinking water and drinking water and shitting, before being come upon by a group of Dothraki. It is my belief that Dany will have been "chumming the sands", so to speak, of the Dothraki Sea using her diarrhea and that as the Dothraki approach Dany, their horses will sink into the hidden pools of her feces. When you mix fecal matter with sand it creates a kind of quicksand, "shitsand" if you will, and this will ultimately be the Dothraki's undoing. Thoughts?
Adam MacKenzie they could, but they wanted to see Dany's boobs so they had to wait for her clothes to burn and then it was too late to to anything (like strangle her for example)
You may have gone full Preston (and some people say to never go full Preston) but the image of a dragon-looking Euron screaming madly at the ocean as Krakens tear through the Tyrell fleet is too fucking awesome an image to pass up. Double points if he's singing "Hellfire" from Hunchback of Notre Dame. A slightly less crazy theory is he will do the Fair Isle tactic you said, but he's filling the ocean with blood to scare the enemy and to attract sharks to deal with everyone who's ship sinks/jumps overboard.
Only the Old Gods know how you can break all off this down & put together an analysis, breaking it down point by point. Nothing short of amazing! You are like an Archmaester of the entire saga of ASoIaF. BTW - enjoyed your pod cast with Red Team Review & look forward to more.
The burning of the castle and its towers on the isle of pigs parallels to the flames in the lighthouse of Oldtown, and the symbol of a burning tower is meaningful in Tarot, generally referring to the downfall of an institution or well-held belief.
Does anyone see this whole thing backfiring on Euron? Aeron starts being able to use his telepathic gift....controlling the warlocks along with himself...maybe they mind fuck Euron into killing himself or using a kraken to drag the ship under the water. I mean, Euron would love the idea of going to the drowned god's watery halls right? He thinks he will be brought back to life...and Euron is a godless man.
Could Euron be the Three-Eyed Crow? The Order of the Green hand pointed out that there are two times Bran asked if Bloodraven was the Three-Eyed Crow. The first time the Children corrected him and called him The Greenseer, the second time Bloodraven says "A.. crow? Aye, black of garb and black of blood" implying that he was a member of the Night's Watch but didn't really know what Bran was talking about. Thirdly, the Weirwood tree in Bran's dreams is presumably Bloodraven, but the Three Eyed Crow and Weirwood were once in a dream at the same time. I mean, Euron talks of flying dreams, and "crabs in my belly" could certainly be an addled mind mistaking dreams of his pain for reality. Aemon does the same thing after Marwen invades his mind. Is Euron's black eye made of dragonglass? A glass candle he awoke, glowing with a blood red light, that he uses to invade the dreams of others, luring Bran north to act as a catalyst for the Long Night. *Valyrian Tinfoil hat on* Euron and Quaithe are the same person.
I love this. Best theory hands down. In a way, I feel like your channel is so spot on that its almost like spoilers. Especially the Dornish conspiracy. I didnt get any of it by myself.
Blood in the water. I love it. I love these in depth analyses, you notice so much stuff that I don't notice when I read these things Preston. We love you!
Concerning Euron's amour: I think he wore it before (all his scaly amours are the same), but it was just to dark for Aeron to recognize it as Valyrian steel or he was too confused/weak to do so.
I love the 'full preston' moments. Yes we know that none of that will ever happen, but it's really cool to see how far you can theorize. Great job with the video :)
Good food for thought as always. Worth mentioning about the sneak tactics of Victarion at 12:00, reminded me of the Ironobrn (Euron) in the Sam chapter where he was told about how they dressed up as Tyroshi's to do a sneak attack and were only rumbled by a Tyroshi Captain who happened to be around and attempted to hail them
"The Battle of Blood" I love this and i actually want it to happen more than anything Martin would actually do for this upcoming battle. But it probably wont happen and i'll just get disappointed, fuck. A sea full of blood, krakens wreking the Redwyine fleet and all through the POV of a guy tied in the prow of a ship. This is too badass even for Marting.
Could you, at some point, make an in-depth video on the Dunk and Egg stories and what you think their significance is? Great job as always! Love this channel!
illiterateno2 I wouldn't be surprised if Preston covered all the pre-released chapters from TWoW, all the Dunk & Egg novellas, The Rogue Prince and The Princess & The Queen and still be done before we finally get TWoW.
I don't really mind the wait. It's fun to speculate. And Preston is doing a really good job with his videos. It's made me really appreciate the finished work. I say, the more of it we get to pick apart before TWoW comes out, the better.
A huge problem with the theory that Euron just stole that Valyrian armour is that Euron didn't actually take the Arbour, only small islands surrounding it, probably the fiefs of smaller vassals. The Redwynes may have a Valyrian armour, but their vassals and minor branches of the familly certainly don't. Besides, even if the Redwynes could pay "a kingdom", I'm pretty sure that Valyrian armours aren't for sale anymore, and if the Reds had a Valyrian armour, we would have heard about it by now, they would be bragging about it at every opportunity.
Ognjen Garić not necessarily. A Valerian armor suit could act as a trump card , especially at sea. Think about it you could even covertly swim to enemy boats and whoop ass once you get aboard. We haven't had any redwine POV so we can't be certain.
Ognjen Garić if anyone had valyrian armor it would be known like the house swords there's nothing like it it would be the prize of their house. no one has ever heard of valyrian armor
You'd think Paxter would have brought it with on his campaigns against Storm's End, the Greyjoy Rebellion and Dragonstone. If he had it, he's basically unnecessarily risked his life several times just to keep it a secret and if it was so useful that he could meaninglessly whoop ass with it, he wouldn't need to keep it a secret, on the contrary it'd even be a deterrent to fight him.
Small nitpick here. But the richest house in the Reach is definitley the Hightower's, not the Redwynes. There are plenty of passages in the book that heavily back this up. One I'll paraphrase, I don't even remember who's POV it was, but it was mentioned Lord Hightower and Oldtown could produce as many swords for Lord Tyrell if he called his banners as all the other houses in the Reach combined. So I doubt the armor was booty he picked up from the Redwynes. IMO the armor isn't westrosi in origin at all as any house who possessed a full suit of valerian steel armor would certainly show it off as the pride of their House. On another note, does anyone think this chapter might be related to one of the several images/dreams Dany has in the house of the undying? Specifically the prophesy about "A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly"
Damn, when you drew my attention the cog and all those non-military ships, my first thought was 'wildfire'. But the blood and kraken luring is so much more appealing - and it explains how Euron can pull off the strategy without destroying his own fleet, what he was doing with the warlocks, priests, Euron etc. Don't suppose any of those long ships are made of Weirwood...
What an awesome ending bro. Valyrian armor and scales and sexy pirates and naked chicks. I hope Euron doesn't throw Falia flowers overboard I would still hit that.
Wow dude, that might be incestuous, house summerchild of summerhall in the Mander have sent a daughter to be haindmaiden in Southshield before Robert's Rebellion. She could be Falia's mom. Is house Summerchield half-Targaryen and needs to keep the blood of the Queen in the North bloodline pure? Falia Summerchild the King Consort in the North.
He did wear it while taunting him in the dungeon and if the Redwines owned Valyerian armour I imagine someone might have seen it in the last ohhh forever
What about the Euron's flag and the association with bloodraven though? A red eye, crows, and a crown? Sounds very bloodraven to me... A one eyed, red eyed, royal bastard who joined the night's watch and used a crow as an avatar. But I think the wider question here is whether Euron is a player, or a pawn? We know that Euron is a player in the Game of Thrones, but what of Song, of the wider plot of ancient vengeance involving the Children and the White walkers? His knowledge of telepathy makes me think player, but the fact that his actions (which will most likely lead to splitting up the dragons into different human factions) fall so well into the Children's wider plans makes me wonder whether he is being used as well.
The Maester's ritual of being locked over night with three glass candles tasked with lighting them fits with this theory quite nicely. Are you all ready for Sam the Wizard...eh, the Telepath?
Hey Preston, huge fan here. Now about the prophesies, if we look at maggy the frog's younger more beautiful queen prophecy we see that it is incorrect. Maggy says that the ymbq will take from Cersei everything she holds dear, and we see Cersei lose 2 things dear to her; Jamie's love and Joffrey. The thing is that there is no person connected to both who also is younger then Cersei. If we start by looking at people connected to jaimies falling out of love we see Brienne, Catelyn and Qyburn. Now Brienne and Cat are both completly innocent in regards to joffreys murder, and Qyburn is older then Cersei. Now if Qyburn works for Doran Martell it might work, except that Doran is also older then Cersei. So if it is anyone who is the ymbq it has to be one of the sandsnakes, but I think they're innocent in Joffreys murder. Anyways thats my 2 cents.
That was a beautiful way to put it… If you have a friend who is rightfully angry enough to do something that jeopardizes their long term well being your duty as a friend is to pull them off the fight before they kill the guy they are fighting. This goes for the friend who is sucker punched and maybe has struck back in a reaction that feels like self defense as it does a friend who is the aggressor in the wrong, either way a true friend keeps them from killing the guy and going to prison.
Mr. Jacobs, You seemed unsure as to how Stonehead knew the whereabouts and speed of the Redwyne and Hightower fleets. I have an idea as to how this may be. My theory follows as such: The Iron Born head to Pig Island and begin to raid. Upon coming to the keep on the island, they begin a siege of sorts. The inhabitants of the keep then send out ravens requesting for help. Their would-be rescuers, the Redwynes and the Hightowers, send ravens back letting them know that they are on their way and of their progress. The keep falls to the Iron-Born and they procure the letters that wrote to the former inhabitants of the keep they now hold. I hope that this perhaps sheds some light on the answer to your question. Any responses are welcome.
I love your ideas about the 'Battle of Blood' and I now feel more justified in hoping for Kraken-warging and/or a sea of sharks or something similar. Your analysis of the parellels of the upcoming battles of ice, fire and potentially blood in this installment makes me think that if Winds of Winter does develop in the way your suggest, GRRM would be setting up Euron and Stannis for an eventual battle confrontation as two well-matched commanders. I am now excitedly hoping that Stannis survives long enough to come up against Euron somehow. Additionally, the Full Preston has now superceeded the Frey Civil War as my favourite sex act.
One of the best videos of this channel. Great prediction, even if George does nothing else, you presented the facts and it wound make sense in a diabolic Euron way. The hype is real for Winds of Winter, growing stronger everyday!
I have a feeling the book series is not going to be done until I'm like 50 I'm 32 years old now I just have a feeling GRRM has so much stuff already written just not edited. But also I think he wrote himself into a corner and doesn't know how to properly write his way out of it. But who knows I love these series cheers.
Euron isn't an atheist, he whole heartedly believes he will become a god. Again he's not an atheist he believes in a god, that god just happens to be himself
Because I've listened to every one of this excellent podcast series, I now get automated UA-cam suggestions for videos by "preppers" (i.e. paranoid survivalist bunker-builders in the U.S.). Thanks for that, Preston!
From your speculation of a battle of the seas or a battle of blood the Greek myth of Skylla and Kharybdis come to mind. Ships and monsters. Or maybe a telepathically induced whirlwind in addition to Krakens?
I do love you Preston, but I would point out its not crazy to listen in one language and reply in another. A lot of my family are multilingual and just speak the language they're most comfortable in, regardless of what language the other person is speaking in. It has confused and upset a lot of people in the past, much to our amusement. Therefore I think it could happen here with the warlocks.
Oh wow what a great theory at the end, I figured Priest Blood had some power but the context you have given is quite something. Will be quite an experience for Aeron...
Wow, great ending and prediction. And perhaps Dorne is your most safest and valuable content? Anyway, i wanted an Alayne analysis, so sorry I can't be a patreon. Also, regarding "words are wind", this words appear in this configuration 0 times in AGOT and ACOK (Maester Cressen thinks "words are just wind"), 2 in ASOS, 8 in AFFC and 14 in ADWD. Apparently, GRRM's editor tried to cut back this words in ADWD but GRRM "was stubborn".
Crazy idea I have: The fact that the figurehead has no mouth is an obvious nod to the ship's name, The Silence, but it may also be a visual reference to a squid (or a kraken), whose mouth is located not under the eyes but between the legs.
Anyone else hoping for a ser Preston of house Jacob in some incarnation to appear in book or show? Think he's paid enough tin foil dues to have a mention by now?
Or some batshit crazy warlock who knocks back shade of the evening like Bobby B downed wine just rambling incoherently in some cell surrounded by scrolls and shit! I'd even settle for a little bird giving a report and saying "I might be wrong about half of this"
R Nickerson true Think grrm has put a fan or two in his books though iirc Be easy to have a junior member of house prestayn in bravos named yacob or something Don’t knock D&D they give hope to all underachievers that they can become multi millionaires by taking something great, rushing it, and making it shit
I'm dissapointed you didn't mention at all that the last scene was foretold in Dany's vision in the House of the Undying. I think it is a proof that in Planetos there is such a thing as seeing the future.
Perhaps (Dany's visions are all off). The corpse was standing on the prow smiling with bright eyes. Euron has only one bright eye. Aeron isn't standing nor smiling. With Victarion, I'm not sure about the brightness of his eyes andhe wouldn't have grey lips. Nothing things ever hits exactly, but, yes, things hint at the visions.
Preston Jacobs But consider this: grey lips smiling = Grey-joy; Aeron could get his lips grey due to all that seawater. He could smile because of feeling reunited with the Drowned God, feeling his impending death, using his telepatic gift conciously (I.e. warging into kraken) or it could be simply a grimace of pain due to leather tightening. He could have shing eyes due to tears, water or ecstasy.
Perhaps fits Victarion better. The grey-joy thing equally applies, he has both eyes, and if Euron has sentenced him to death by giving him the dragon binder horn to blow, then he's a dead man sailing, as it were. Even so, if you have to stretch the vision to fit the facts, I'm not sure that constitutes proof.
Actually this particular propecy is pretty specific and closely alludes to a situation that happens much later than the vision itself. I don't think those prophesies clearly show 100% objective insight of the future, but they are images that are close aproximation of emotions and situations that happened, happen or will happen on Planetos. It's all metaphoric. So I don't think for example that the scene with Rhaegar and Elia really happened that way, but I think it shows real emotions and thoughts that Rhaegar had. Maybe it also alludes that Dany is his daughter. The problem is that we never had a vision that is 100% bullshit in all of the series. If forsight in this particular fantasy series is all bullcrap, then there should be at least one vision that is all bullcrap. I don't recall any that was totally off about everything. Also all images/mental stimuli are procesed by the brains of the characters and then they describe them to the reader. They can be mistaken or interpret it badly, because in the most instances they have no fucking idea what they're looking at. Characters of GRRM story are full of flaws and errors. So their POVs are full of flaws and errors too. It doesn't mean that their experiences didn't happen or are inherently separate from reality. Hell, we can all here agree that people in ASoIaF can use telepathy, pyrokinesis, invade dreams of other people, read their minds or live despite many lethal wounds. It's a universe that is inhabited by living dead, fishmen, flying creatures made of fire and ice people that melt when pierced with a rock. Is seeing tidbits of the future, past and present that much different and that much improbable in such universe?
So Euron repeatedly says that he doesn't believe in any of the gods, but apparently he does believe in prophecy, right? I mean, he keeps talking about how hes gonna birth a Kraken/Dragon saviour with Dany, how the long night will return, etc... Do you think thats just a show for the ironborn, or does he honestly believe it? He might still believe that he will fullfill some kind of prophecy. He seems to make use of telepathic powers, so he might be open to the idea that there is some power higher than himself. Earlier he commented on how the Ironborn are gonna feast on the long night, so maybe he believes that serving the powers of "evil" is going to bring him power? I just wonder if he thinks he's still serving some higher cause by going to war, just not a good one? What are your thoughts on this?
Max Scott Yes, your thoughts on the sample chapters is must see video. I don't agree with all your theories, but you have made my mind contemplate theories and/or characters motivations that wouldn't have happened if I didn't watch all your videos
Wouldn't it be thematic if just after Euron revealed he was outfitted in virtually impenetrable armor and about to magically destroy his enemies using his brother as a sacrifice that Aeron skinchanges a kraken and pulls the Silence into the sea?
Hi Preston, I got a request for you... can you make a video about a Order of the Green Hand. It seems that they will have a major role in sixth book according to G. Martin. They are somehow involved in murder of Tywin Lannister. In a cell of Rugen the jailkeeper, Qyburn found a coin of Garth Greenhand.
Talking to Bran about the weirwood database Blood raven says "it is beautiful beneath the sea but stay there too long and you will drown" so I get the feeling GRRM is pulling from Japanese works of Planetos being sentient and made up of all souls of the dead. The children of the forest can create earthquakes by being able to tap into this. (Kind of how pandora is alive and in tune with everything on its surface in the movie Avatar) I wonder if the wrights are stuck in a state of purgatory. I haven't thought it all through but it really feels this way to me
21:35 "So I go full Preston on this and I believe..." Thats like: Preston Jacobs activates his ultimate form!!! Or: Your Preston Jacobs evolves to full-Preston-mode Preston Jacobs!
House Jacobs. The most noble of all houses. They don't have an ancestral valyrian steel blade, but an ancestral hat of valyrian tinfoil.
Is that a tinfoil hat or a space helmet that they used to survive the radiation of the nuclear fallout after the long night. We will never know.
TheBaconPig valyrianfoil not tinfoil
A cap of Stannis if you please.
Haha, valyrian tinfoil
Brilliant, just brilliant!
I read Aeron's words to Flowers at the end somewhat differently. He isn't just hoping for the release of death; He's trying to use his religion to give hope to another. It's a significant shift in Aeron's beliefs, from his single-minded and selfish fanaticism, to a more practical and inspirational leadership.
The most Jesus-like element of this chapter was that after being mentally and physically tortured for months, the formerly self-absorbed Aeron's first thought is to offer comfort and compassion to Falia Flowers.
Yeah, Preston didn't notice, but both times Aeron meets Falia he seems very concerned with her welfare. This is one of the few occasions where he does something positive.
@@mankytoes I agree, I found that part oddly moving and one of the little hints that there might be more than just blind religious zealotry to the Aeron character. I quite like him for some reason.
@@mankytoes I'm pretty sure he's only ever decent to one woman and that's Falia
@@shinjinobrave they are both victims of his brother, that's probably why
I thought the same. It's got very strong "Today you will be with me in paradise" vibes.
Your Dorne videos are better than every scene of Dorne in the show. That's why we want more lol
100% correct opinion. Hey is that Dock Ellis in your avatar? 👍😁
True but it's not a high bar. What I do in the toilet is better than every Dorne scene in the show
introducing the valyrian steel armor to just say its some random loot Euron found recently is legit insane
My guess as to why Cod both mocked the Drowned God and invoked his power is that old habits die hard. We see something similar with all of Stannis's followers who are supposed to be worshipers of Rholor, but use phrases like "the Mother's mercy". The Iron Born were raised with the religion of the Drowned God, and even Euron can't erase that amount of indoctrination in just a few months. If the Iron Born were to witness "proof" that the Drowned God was against Euron (a freak storm, a Kraken attacking Euron's ship, etc), I think they would abandon Euron.
"Going full Preston"
I laughed audibly
Never go full Preston
Spiciest Meme Lord Alec patchface: looked Preston, sounded Preston, predicted the red wedding 2/3 preston
Ghost of high heart, sounds Preston, saw balon die, pimps kisses out of lem 1/3 Preston
Jinglesbell: looked Preston, sounded Preston, went full Preston died.... NEVER go full Preston
The phrase "Going full Preston" should become common parlance among fans as much as other ASOIAF-isms like "R+L=J" and "Frey Pies" and "Littlefingering" etc
"Full PJ" is not even caring about Winds of Winter just the PJ review vids
The battle of blood, chumming for crackens I'm tearing up right now
Holy fuck this is the best conclusion to any series you have done. I so see the battle of blood happening, and Krakens finally having a major role in the series. Good job, can't wait to your next series, whatever it may be.
Loras is obviously on Dragonstone training to become the Iron Fist to stop Euron.
and Lady Nym besides him
Kai Perillo maybe his iron fist is what really killed renly
Kai Perillo and yet, still sucks and overshadowed by hot sidekick chick.
Kai Perillo Euron will spring a surprise attack and take him from behind.
Jim Mozart ah!
"You know what it's like to be caught in the rear don't you?"
Yo! Red Oarsman savage!
lastEvergreen one way to get your oar red I suppose 🤔
lastEvergreen hahaha
It's funny until you realize he's making a joke about pedophillic incestuous rape.
Shit made me Lol!
@@CABRALFAN27 Nope, even then it's still funny. Not because pedoplila is good but because it's a fucking joke.
"Then the towers by the sea, crumbling as the dark tide came sweeping over them, rising from the depths." Melisandre sees this in a vision in ADWD, and later states; "I saw towers by the sea, submerged beneath a black and bloody tide. That is where the heaviest blow will fall." Mel thinks it's Eastwatch, although she isn't entirely sure. But I'm certain it's the Battle of Blood she's seeing, and the towers by the sea is Three Towers, which Samwell draws attention to in his final or penultimate chapter of AFFC. I think Euron's plan is going to succeed and all of the Redwyne fleet and Hightower fleet will be completely destroyed. This battle may have the biggest death toll in the series so far.
The Priest Moqorro saw in his flames a black eyed man with ten arms in a sea of blood, really sounds like this story!
Kraken tentacles coming out of the water to destroy a fleet of ships would be a fantastic scene.
Then Euron can claim he have godlike powers for summoning them and the Iron Born would worship him.
I believe the Battle of Blood will actually be paralleled by yet a fourth battle: The Battle of Shit. You see, when we last left Dany she was shitting and drinking water and drinking water and shitting, before being come upon by a group of Dothraki. It is my belief that Dany will have been "chumming the sands", so to speak, of the Dothraki Sea using her diarrhea and that as the Dothraki approach Dany, their horses will sink into the hidden pools of her feces. When you mix fecal matter with sand it creates a kind of quicksand, "shitsand" if you will, and this will ultimately be the Dothraki's undoing. Thoughts?
Person Brown better than the 'Dany burning all the Khals while they sit watching scene'
Jure Pičulin you mean a dozen strong Dothraki cant kick down a wooden wall that is on fire scene.
Adam MacKenzie they could, but they wanted to see Dany's boobs so they had to wait for her clothes to burn and then it was too late to to anything (like strangle her for example)
Yeh but you know they'll cut it from the show.
Person Brown And the smell of shit will attract Drogon who will then rape everything
leather shrinks and cuts the skin
which is a problem with veins at the wrists
so it definitely can be deadly
Kids... Never go full Preston
You may have gone full Preston (and some people say to never go full Preston) but the image of a dragon-looking Euron screaming madly at the ocean as Krakens tear through the Tyrell fleet is too fucking awesome an image to pass up.
Double points if he's singing "Hellfire" from Hunchback of Notre Dame.
A slightly less crazy theory is he will do the Fair Isle tactic you said, but he's filling the ocean with blood to scare the enemy and to attract sharks to deal with everyone who's ship sinks/jumps overboard.
manband20 were about to hit full 'magic' in our story. Some might say full Preston = ahead of the curb
At first I was like, but hell fire is about assault.....and then I was like, oh nevermind it's Euron
aeron singing to the krakens: "allways look on the bright side of life"
"Full Preston"
Always go full Preston. Awesome series, dude. Awesome analysis. Awesome theory. Battle of Blood, I love it.
Only the Old Gods know how you can break all off this down & put together an analysis, breaking it down point by point. Nothing short of amazing! You are like an Archmaester of the entire saga of ASoIaF.
BTW - enjoyed your pod cast with Red Team Review & look forward to more.
The burning of the castle and its towers on the isle of pigs parallels to the flames in the lighthouse of Oldtown, and the symbol of a burning tower is meaningful in Tarot, generally referring to the downfall of an institution or well-held belief.
Nathan Ware that's pretty cool symbolism, good catch!
As close to the jojo reference as martin ever got.
Nathan Ware Or a signal to the other Ironborn.
Azor Ahai was born amidst salt and smoke they say. Fire makes smoke and Aeron tastes salt. He will be reborn!
@@davidbodor1762 Ah, Aeron Ahai. I can feel it 🦑
Does anyone see this whole thing backfiring on Euron? Aeron starts being able to use his telepathic gift....controlling the warlocks along with himself...maybe they mind fuck Euron into killing himself or using a kraken to drag the ship under the water. I mean, Euron would love the idea of going to the drowned god's watery halls right? He thinks he will be brought back to life...and Euron is a godless man.
Could Euron be the Three-Eyed Crow?
The Order of the Green hand pointed out that there are two times Bran asked if Bloodraven was the Three-Eyed Crow. The first time the Children corrected him and called him The Greenseer, the second time Bloodraven says "A.. crow? Aye, black of garb and black of blood" implying that he was a member of the Night's Watch but didn't really know what Bran was talking about. Thirdly, the Weirwood tree in Bran's dreams is presumably Bloodraven, but the Three Eyed Crow and Weirwood were once in a dream at the same time.
I mean, Euron talks of flying dreams, and "crabs in my belly" could certainly be an addled mind mistaking dreams of his pain for reality. Aemon does the same thing after Marwen invades his mind. Is Euron's black eye made of dragonglass? A glass candle he awoke, glowing with a blood red light, that he uses to invade the dreams of others, luring Bran north to act as a catalyst for the Long Night.
*Valyrian Tinfoil hat on*
Euron and Quaithe are the same person.
Lord Preston of House Jacobs, we salute you! Thank you for being you. Looking forward to the next analysis.
I love this. Best theory hands down. In a way, I feel like your channel is so spot on that its almost like spoilers. Especially the Dornish conspiracy. I didnt get any of it by myself.
I've really liked this prepping for winter series. Great job Preston
The Eye of Euron sounds very similar to the Eye of Sauron.
AgentXA564 Sansa+Euron=Sauron and that is how the books will end.
Sauron was a Targaryen all this time the show fans were right all this time.
More likely Cersei + Euron = Ceuron (almost Sauron)
Blood in the water. I love it. I love these in depth analyses, you notice so much stuff that I don't notice when I read these things Preston. We love you!
love your work Preston. Best videos on UA-cam.
Yep, you went full Preston on this.
We love you for it.
The comprehensiveness of your analysis is extraordinary
Concerning Euron's amour: I think he wore it before (all his scaly amours are the same), but it was just to dark for Aeron to recognize it as Valyrian steel or he was too confused/weak to do so.
I love the 'full preston' moments. Yes we know that none of that will ever happen, but it's really cool to see how far you can theorize. Great job with the video :)
Good food for thought as always. Worth mentioning about the sneak tactics of Victarion at 12:00, reminded me of the Ironobrn (Euron) in the Sam chapter where he was told about how they dressed up as Tyroshi's to do a sneak attack and were only rumbled by a Tyroshi Captain who happened to be around and attempted to hail them
"The Battle of Blood" I love this and i actually want it to happen more than anything Martin would actually do for this upcoming battle. But it probably wont happen and i'll just get disappointed, fuck. A sea full of blood, krakens wreking the Redwyine fleet and all through the POV of a guy tied in the prow of a ship. This is too badass even for Marting.
It is literally what is going to happen.
2 ravens and 1 red eye. Sounds an awful lot like Bran and Bloodraven. Euron is a time traveling Bran who is a time traveling Bloodraven confirmed?
Could you, at some point, make an in-depth video on the Dunk and Egg stories and what you think their significance is?
Great job as always! Love this channel!
illiterateno2 I wouldn't be surprised if Preston covered all the pre-released chapters from TWoW, all the Dunk & Egg novellas, The Rogue Prince and The Princess & The Queen and still be done before we finally get TWoW.
I don't really mind the wait. It's fun to speculate. And Preston is doing a really good job with his videos. It's made me really appreciate the finished work. I say, the more of it we get to pick apart before TWoW comes out, the better.
illiterateno2 - seconded
That theory at the end! I fucking love you Preston!
A huge problem with the theory that Euron just stole that Valyrian armour is that Euron didn't actually take the Arbour, only small islands surrounding it, probably the fiefs of smaller vassals. The Redwynes may have a Valyrian armour, but their vassals and minor branches of the familly certainly don't. Besides, even if the Redwynes could pay "a kingdom", I'm pretty sure that Valyrian armours aren't for sale anymore, and if the Reds had a Valyrian armour, we would have heard about it by now, they would be bragging about it at every opportunity.
Ognjen Garić not necessarily. A Valerian armor suit could act as a trump card , especially at sea.
Think about it you could even covertly swim to enemy boats and whoop ass once you get aboard. We haven't had any redwine POV so we can't be certain.
Vberg56 Maybe, but they probably couldn't keep it a secret. Besides all of the aforementioned arguments stand(vassals, too expensive, not for sale)
Ognjen Garić if anyone had valyrian armor it would be known like the house swords there's nothing like it it would be the prize of their house. no one has ever heard of valyrian armor
Roger Sampeur Exactly.
You'd think Paxter would have brought it with on his campaigns against Storm's End, the Greyjoy Rebellion and Dragonstone. If he had it, he's basically unnecessarily risked his life several times just to keep it a secret and if it was so useful that he could meaninglessly whoop ass with it, he wouldn't need to keep it a secret, on the contrary it'd even be a deterrent to fight him.
Small nitpick here. But the richest house in the Reach is definitley the Hightower's, not the Redwynes. There are plenty of passages in the book that heavily back this up. One I'll paraphrase, I don't even remember who's POV it was, but it was mentioned Lord Hightower and Oldtown could produce as many swords for Lord Tyrell if he called his banners as all the other houses in the Reach combined. So I doubt the armor was booty he picked up from the Redwynes. IMO the armor isn't westrosi in origin at all as any house who possessed a full suit of valerian steel armor would certainly show it off as the pride of their House. On another note, does anyone think this chapter might be related to one of the several images/dreams Dany has in the house of the undying? Specifically the prophesy about "A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly"
Great analysis! Never expected there to be this much information in the chapter
I waited a day to have the perfect moment to watch this.
Thanks Preston! Love you :)
Damn, when you drew my attention the cog and all those non-military ships, my first thought was 'wildfire'. But the blood and kraken luring is so much more appealing - and it explains how Euron can pull off the strategy without destroying his own fleet, what he was doing with the warlocks, priests, Euron etc. Don't suppose any of those long ships are made of Weirwood...
What an awesome ending bro. Valyrian armor and scales and sexy pirates and naked chicks. I hope Euron doesn't throw Falia flowers overboard I would still hit that.
Wow dude, that might be incestuous, house summerchild of summerhall in the Mander have sent a daughter to be haindmaiden in Southshield before Robert's Rebellion. She could be Falia's mom.
Is house Summerchield half-Targaryen and needs to keep the blood of the Queen in the North bloodline pure?
Falia Summerchild the King Consort in the North.
Chad Summerchild murderrrrrr
All aboard the murrrderrrrr ship
I fucking hate you, Chad...
Chad Summerchild All hail the Queen in the North
He did wear it while taunting him in the dungeon and if the Redwines owned Valyerian armour I imagine someone might have seen it in the last ohhh forever
Preston King!
Preston! Preston! Preston King!
Preston king! Preston king! Preston king!
Chicken Man I'll vote for him if he rides in on a kraken
Vberg56 the two legged sort or the 10 legged sort? Also, Preston King.
Preston King!
What about the Euron's flag and the association with bloodraven though? A red eye, crows, and a crown? Sounds very bloodraven to me... A one eyed, red eyed, royal bastard who joined the night's watch and used a crow as an avatar.
But I think the wider question here is whether Euron is a player, or a pawn?
We know that Euron is a player in the Game of Thrones, but what of Song, of the wider plot of ancient vengeance involving the Children and the White walkers? His knowledge of telepathy makes me think player, but the fact that his actions (which will most likely lead to splitting up the dragons into different human factions) fall so well into the Children's wider plans makes me wonder whether he is being used as well.
I really should sleep. But there is a new Preston Jacobs video. I know my priorities.
Brilliant theory of the Krakens! That will be wicked to read
Blattle of blood. I love it! Great analysisPreston
The Maester's ritual of being locked over night with three glass candles tasked with lighting them fits with this theory quite nicely. Are you all ready for Sam the Wizard...eh, the Telepath?
Hey Preston, huge fan here. Now about the prophesies, if we look at maggy the frog's younger more beautiful queen prophecy we see that it is incorrect. Maggy says that the ymbq will take from Cersei everything she holds dear, and we see Cersei lose 2 things dear to her; Jamie's love and Joffrey. The thing is that there is no person connected to both who also is younger then Cersei. If we start by looking at people connected to jaimies falling out of love we see Brienne, Catelyn and Qyburn. Now Brienne and Cat are both completly innocent in regards to joffreys murder, and Qyburn is older then Cersei. Now if Qyburn works for Doran Martell it might work, except that Doran is also older then Cersei. So if it is anyone who is the ymbq it has to be one of the sandsnakes, but I think they're innocent in Joffreys murder. Anyways thats my 2 cents.
you did a Fantastic Job! I am glad I found your Channel my good sir
Wow some awesome and complex battles are coming. Great series
You're good, Preston. Really good. Damn, awesome predictions.
That was a beautiful way to put it… If you have a friend who is rightfully angry enough to do something that jeopardizes their long term well being your duty as a friend is to pull them off the fight before they kill the guy they are fighting. This goes for the friend who is sucker punched and maybe has struck back in a reaction that feels like self defense as it does a friend who is the aggressor in the wrong, either way a true friend keeps them from killing the guy and going to prison.
Licking his lips and tasting salt may also mean Aeron is crying, knowing he is doomed to death and his religion can't save him.
loving these videos man, keep em coming!
Mr. Jacobs, You seemed unsure as to how Stonehead knew the whereabouts and speed of the Redwyne and Hightower fleets. I have an idea as to how this may be. My theory follows as such: The Iron Born head to Pig Island and begin to raid. Upon coming to the keep on the island, they begin a siege of sorts. The inhabitants of the keep then send out ravens requesting for help. Their would-be rescuers, the Redwynes and the Hightowers, send ravens back letting them know that they are on their way and of their progress. The keep falls to the Iron-Born and they procure the letters that wrote to the former inhabitants of the keep they now hold.
I hope that this perhaps sheds some light on the answer to your question.
Any responses are welcome.
I love your ideas about the 'Battle of Blood' and I now feel more justified in hoping for Kraken-warging and/or a sea of sharks or something similar. Your analysis of the parellels of the upcoming battles of ice, fire and potentially blood in this installment makes me think that if Winds of Winter does develop in the way your suggest, GRRM would be setting up Euron and Stannis for an eventual battle confrontation as two well-matched commanders. I am now excitedly hoping that Stannis survives long enough to come up against Euron somehow.
Additionally, the Full Preston has now superceeded the Frey Civil War as my favourite sex act.
One of the best videos of this channel. Great prediction, even if George does nothing else, you presented the facts and it wound make sense in a diabolic Euron way.
The hype is real for Winds of Winter, growing stronger everyday!
I have a feeling the book series is not going to be done until I'm like 50 I'm 32 years old now I just have a feeling GRRM has so much stuff already written just not edited. But also I think he wrote himself into a corner and doesn't know how to properly write his way out of it. But who knows I love these series cheers.
Euron isn't an atheist, he whole heartedly believes he will become a god. Again he's not an atheist he believes in a god, that god just happens to be himself
You're my absolute favorite youtuber.
Because I've listened to every one of this excellent podcast series, I now get automated UA-cam suggestions for videos by "preppers" (i.e. paranoid survivalist bunker-builders in the U.S.). Thanks for that, Preston!
From your speculation of a battle of the seas or a battle of blood the Greek myth of Skylla and Kharybdis come to mind. Ships and monsters. Or maybe a telepathically induced whirlwind in addition to Krakens?
Welcome to Goodbrother House of the Goodbrooder can I take m' lorder
"The evil unblinking eye of SAURON" bahaaahahaaaha.! tha was so sudden .. it was awesome!
as always Preston went above and beyond expectations with this series.
10:10 - Not only the Eye of Sauron, from the Lord of the Rings, but also the Red Eye from the Crimson King, from the Dark Tower series.
I do love you Preston, but I would point out its not crazy to listen in one language and reply in another. A lot of my family are multilingual and just speak the language they're most comfortable in, regardless of what language the other person is speaking in. It has confused and upset a lot of people in the past, much to our amusement. Therefore I think it could happen here with the warlocks.
Oh wow what a great theory at the end, I figured Priest Blood had some power but the context you have given is quite something. Will be quite an experience for Aeron...
Or perhaps Aeron and the warlocks are being manipulated into warging these krakens?
Wow, great ending and prediction. And perhaps Dorne is your most safest and valuable content? Anyway, i wanted an Alayne analysis, so sorry I can't be a patreon.
Also, regarding "words are wind", this words appear in this configuration 0 times in AGOT and ACOK (Maester Cressen thinks "words are just wind"), 2 in ASOS, 8 in AFFC and 14 in ADWD. Apparently, GRRM's editor tried to cut back this words in ADWD but GRRM "was stubborn".
This is he best thing that's ever happened to me
Crazy idea I have: The fact that the figurehead has no mouth is an obvious nod to the ship's name, The Silence, but it may also be a visual reference to a squid (or a kraken), whose mouth is located not under the eyes but between the legs.
And we are back :D
Anyone else hoping for a ser Preston of house Jacob in some incarnation to appear in book or show? Think he's paid enough tin foil dues to have a mention by now?
THAT would be awesome!
marlon thomas a crazy visionary in the house of black and white who preaches treachery in the sands of dorne and that crows are speaking with him
Or some batshit crazy warlock who knocks back shade of the evening like Bobby B downed wine just rambling incoherently in some cell surrounded by scrolls and shit!
I'd even settle for a little bird giving a report and saying "I might be wrong about half of this"
R Nickerson true
Think grrm has put a fan or two in his books though iirc
Be easy to have a junior member of house prestayn in bravos named yacob or something
Don’t knock D&D they give hope to all underachievers that they can become multi millionaires by taking something great, rushing it, and making it shit
I'm dissapointed you didn't mention at all that the last scene was foretold in Dany's vision in the House of the Undying. I think it is a proof that in Planetos there is such a thing as seeing the future.
Perhaps (Dany's visions are all off). The corpse was standing on the prow smiling with bright eyes. Euron has only one bright eye. Aeron isn't standing nor smiling. With Victarion, I'm not sure about the brightness of his eyes andhe wouldn't have grey lips. Nothing things ever hits exactly, but, yes, things hint at the visions.
Preston Jacobs But consider this: grey lips smiling = Grey-joy; Aeron could get his lips grey due to all that seawater. He could smile because of feeling reunited with the Drowned God, feeling his impending death, using his telepatic gift conciously (I.e. warging into kraken) or it could be simply a grimace of pain due to leather tightening. He could have shing eyes due to tears, water or ecstasy.
Perhaps fits Victarion better. The grey-joy thing equally applies, he has both eyes, and if Euron has sentenced him to death by giving him the dragon binder horn to blow, then he's a dead man sailing, as it were. Even so, if you have to stretch the vision to fit the facts, I'm not sure that constitutes proof.
That's the problem with prophecy, Gew. If you can make anything fit, then it's bound to come true.
Actually this particular propecy is pretty specific and closely alludes to a situation that happens much later than the vision itself. I don't think those prophesies clearly show 100% objective insight of the future, but they are images that are close aproximation of emotions and situations that happened, happen or will happen on Planetos. It's all metaphoric. So I don't think for example that the scene with Rhaegar and Elia really happened that way, but I think it shows real emotions and thoughts that Rhaegar had. Maybe it also alludes that Dany is his daughter.
The problem is that we never had a vision that is 100% bullshit in all of the series. If forsight in this particular fantasy series is all bullcrap, then there should be at least one vision that is all bullcrap. I don't recall any that was totally off about everything.
Also all images/mental stimuli are procesed by the brains of the characters and then they describe them to the reader. They can be mistaken or interpret it badly, because in the most instances they have no fucking idea what they're looking at. Characters of GRRM story are full of flaws and errors. So their POVs are full of flaws and errors too. It doesn't mean that their experiences didn't happen or are inherently separate from reality.
Hell, we can all here agree that people in ASoIaF can use telepathy, pyrokinesis, invade dreams of other people, read their minds or live despite many lethal wounds. It's a universe that is inhabited by living dead, fishmen, flying creatures made of fire and ice people that melt when pierced with a rock. Is seeing tidbits of the future, past and present that much different and that much improbable in such universe?
So Euron repeatedly says that he doesn't believe in any of the gods, but apparently he does believe in prophecy, right? I mean, he keeps talking about how hes gonna birth a Kraken/Dragon saviour with Dany, how the long night will return, etc...
Do you think thats just a show for the ironborn, or does he honestly believe it? He might still believe that he will fullfill some kind of prophecy. He seems to make use of telepathic powers, so he might be open to the idea that there is some power higher than himself.
Earlier he commented on how the Ironborn are gonna feast on the long night, so maybe he believes that serving the powers of "evil" is going to bring him power? I just wonder if he thinks he's still serving some higher cause by going to war, just not a good one?
What are your thoughts on this?
Hey Preston, which sample chapter are you doing next? Awesome work as always dude. By the way, who is your LEAST favorite character?
Max Scott Yes, your thoughts on the sample chapters is must see video. I don't agree with all your theories, but you have made my mind contemplate theories and/or characters motivations that wouldn't have happened if I didn't watch all your videos
He is doing Aryana
well if you had watched the video to the end you would know that he said that he's doing Arienne next :D
Max Scott Lil'finga' is tryna kill sweet robbin', so probably lil' wayne, uh I mean lil' finga'
There is more lore in this one video than the entire seasons 6-8 combined
love these preston
Going Full Preston hahaha that's awesome!
You never go full Preston... Preston
Thanks Preston!!:) Can't wait for Ariana chapters:))
Love the theory at the end.
Wouldn't it be thematic if just after Euron revealed he was outfitted in virtually impenetrable armor and about to magically destroy his enemies using his brother as a sacrifice that Aeron skinchanges a kraken and pulls the Silence into the sea?
A "Battle Of Blood". Wow, that is really horrifying. I have wondered what was going to happen to the mighty Redwyne fleet...Thanks, Preston. I think.
Your videos are the best!!
The only hesitation I have is: if the Krakens pull down the ships then Euron can't use them to build his fleet larger.
Hi Preston, I got a request for you... can you make a video about a Order of the Green Hand. It seems that they will have a major role in sixth book according to G. Martin. They are somehow involved in murder of Tywin Lannister. In a cell of Rugen the jailkeeper, Qyburn found a coin of Garth Greenhand.
Dead Man Song I'll 2nd that.
God, this was so good.
Happy about Arianne :)
Talking to Bran about the weirwood database Blood raven says "it is beautiful beneath the sea but stay there too long and you will drown" so I get the feeling GRRM is pulling from Japanese works of Planetos being sentient and made up of all souls of the dead. The children of the forest can create earthquakes by being able to tap into this. (Kind of how pandora is alive and in tune with everything on its surface in the movie Avatar) I wonder if the wrights are stuck in a state of purgatory. I haven't thought it all through but it really feels this way to me
I like your Nicean creed like prayer at the end. Quite cheeky
FULL PRESTON! This is awesome.
21:35 "So I go full Preston on this and I believe..."
Thats like: Preston Jacobs activates his ultimate form!!!
Or: Your Preston Jacobs evolves to full-Preston-mode Preston Jacobs!
This is the best theory yet!
Shrinking leather bindings around his head were how Boethius was executed. So I call them deadly.